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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1899)
IV ] THJTO OMAHA DATLT BEE : flATTTBDAY , 8EPT1OIBER 2 , 189IK SITU ; MION IS NOW SERIOUS I Frospeou of Complete Disruption of Western Passenger Association. VOMAHA AND BURLINGTON DISSATISFIED "tWIthdrnvml of MllnanUrc Ilne from Ainnclntloii Kriivrn Them at a IMnadvantaKc on Clilonn < i- Mliiurupolln Affairs In the Western Passenger associ ation are in n chaotic state and a break away from the association of lines which ore present members Is expcctod at any time. Such action will bo the direct result M the withdrawal1 of the Milwaukee. H was ftt first believed that the action of the Milwaukee would cauBo the three line * Vhich have persisted In remaining outside the association to como to tlmo and apply for membership Immediately , but thls has not as yet been done , nor Is thorn prospect of its being brought nbout In the Immediate future for the reason that the outside lines demand more than the association fcols lUolt able to grant. Ever slnco the Milwaukee withdrew there lias boon much curiosity as to what action the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Oranha and the Burlington lines would take. These roads nro In the flcM for business between Minneapolis nnd Chicago just as actively as Is the Milwaukee and they aver that the Milwaukee was not suffering more than they becnUBO of the persistent refusal of the Chicago Great Western , Minneapolis ft St. Louis and Wisconsin Contra ! to join the as sociation. BUt slnco It has taken the ini tiative nnd gone Into the field for business "without fear or favor" the Omaha nnd Burlington roads realize that they nro In ratbor an unenviable position , with four of their competitors engaged In a rate war , and they necessarily kept In the back ground , unable to enter Into the competi tion because of their membership In the association. The first authentic statement regarding the attitude of the Omaha road regarding the present status of affairs In the Wcotorn Passenger association comes from nn official of the passenger department and It Is con strued to mean that but a short time will olnpso before the Omaha will free It self from the association. This official Is quoted as saying : "Tho withdrawal of the Milwaukee leaves only the Omaha and the Burlington In the association of the Chicago lines having con nections in St. Paul and Minneapolis nnd intormedlnto territory. There is no pros pect at present that a reorganization will bo effected. A proposition has been made to the lines which caused the break to reorganize , but they have demanded more than tbo lined of the association see fit to give. Tills makes tho' situation serious , 03 there Is no doubt that unless the Mll- waukoe nnd the other thrco lines now out can bo persuaded to accept a compromise and rejoin the association It will go to the wall. An effort Is being made to pre- florvo tbo association and secure a satisfac tory adjustment of difficulties In a reorgan ization. The prospect of success Is remote. "The Chlcago-St. Paul lines would been on comparatively the same baala If nil were out of the organization , and the benefit gained to our road and the Burlington by remaining in under the present situation Is Insignificant. No action has been taken yet , but the present state of affairs cannot continue long. Either the roads' now out must rejoin the association or it will be come n thing of the past. The Milwaukee would probably ro-ontor if the other roads would take the same action nnd abide by agreements. Past experience does not jus tify the assumption that they would. " COMMITTEE COMPLETES ITS WORK. TrannmlMMnnrl Railroad Ofllclaln Rec- oiunienil I'liinx to Other LlnoN. ( Alter a session lasting for two days , the tfransmlssourl committee of the Western Passenger association concluded Its sessions nt the Mlllard hotel Friday nfternoon nnd the representatives of the roads belonging to the association ifrom abroad left for their hornet. The principal matter under discussion by the committee was tto question of military rates. Tronemlssourl roads are vitally In terested In this. The movement of the sev eral new regiments now being formed will naturally affect thorn , as the soldiers must be transported over their ronda to the Pa- clflo coast preparatory to ombafrklng for Manila. Owing to the fnct that a few west ern roads were not represented , the com mittee was unable to como to any definite conclusion , All of the members of the asso ciation present agreed that the best plan that could be adopted would be on the basis of an equitable distribution of the business nnd a uniform rato. Such n proposition was agreed upon , but before It can become oper ative It must receive the sanction of the Missouri Pacific , Rio Grande Western , Col orado Midland nnd the other roada which failed to have representatives present nt the meeting. Consequently , the result of the mooting of the committee goes to nil the 'western roads In the form of a recommenda tion , the nature of which was not divulged , ibecause it has not yet been definitely adopted by nil of the llnca which would enter lnte > competition for the military trafllc. It Is the general opinion , however , that the plan of the committee -will bo endorsed by every ACTS GENTLY ON THE KIDNEYS , LIVER AND BOWELS fiTANSES THE 5YSTEM EFFECTUALLY DlSjE oSSB ES H4B.TUAL . PERMANENT ! * BVf THE StMVINE-MAMTD jot SAU KU ww wn > " w ruwinL i wntern road , nnd the movement of the eoldler trains will not precipitate a war between the iBreral competltlv * linos. Another matter which WM taken up by the committee and goes to the unrepresented lines In the form of a recommendation has relation to the adoption of a clock ticket on certain Montana points. It seems thnt there has been nn extraordinary amount of ncalp- Ing on Montana business , nnd the commutes believed that the establishment of the clock ticket would put a stop to this. Such a ticket hae not only the usual day limit , but the passage of the holder Is confined to cer tain hours , the limit being punched on the ticket and rendering It void after the ex piration of the hour noted. Promotion for Junior IIIIIn. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Sept. 1. Today James N. Hill , oldest son of President J. J. Hill , became third vlcn president of the Great Northern Railroad company , a position lately created. Lotrts W. Hill , another eon , became vlco president of the Enetern rail- woy of Minnesota. The tltlo of general manager Is not attached to that of the now office of third vice president , although J. N , | Hill will perform most of the functions of p , general manager. llnllrvny N'oJm mill Pcrnonnln. W , A. Deuel , superintendent of the Union 1'n.clflo at Denver , has returned to his homo after a brief business visit here. J. M. Campbell of the Uurllngton pas senger department has returned after a pleasant vacation spent at northern summer resorts and in Canada. Q. P. Campbell , ono of the rate men nt the Union Pacific headquarters , has tnlcen a ton days' vacation and. left with his wife for a visit In Chicago and Indiana points. ti. M. Allen , assistant general pcsscnger agent of the Hock Island , left for his home nt Chicago yesterday , having been In at tendance upon the meeting of Transmlssourl lines In this city. Irritating stings , bites , scratches , vounds nnd cuts soothed nnd healed by DeWltt's Witch Hnzol Salve a sure and safe applica tion for tortured flesh. Beware of counter- felts. FUSIONISTS SELECT JUDGES Tripartite Convention * Meet Toilny to Put Up a Judicial Ticket In the Fourth District. The district Judicial conventions of the vnrlous fusion parties are scheduled to moot In Omaha at 2 o'clock this after noon. The democrats will meet In Osthoff'e hall on North Sixteenth street , the populists nt Crounse hall at Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue and the silver republicans at the Peter Cooper club headquarters at 1517 Howard street. According tex the program that has beeix agreed on by the leaders of the parties , the democrats are to have four places on the ticket , the populists two and the silver re publicans ono. The silver republicans have practically agreed on Jatnce W. Carr as their candidate. The Omaha populists sup port George Mogney and Martin L&ngdon , while Hurt county hts a populist candidate In the person of H , H. Bowes of Tokamatu The democrats have quite a number of candi dates , few of whom are making any vigor ous effort to secure a nomination. Carl Wright and J. K. English ore said to be reasonably sure of places on the ticket and Judge Ferguson and Judge Doano arc also favorably mentioned. Very Lorrent Rate * to Philadelphia and New York nnd return via The Northwestern Line , September 1 , 2 and 3. Choice of routes , Stop-overs. Throe .limited rtalua dally. Now city office , 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam. The "Northwestern Line" Is the Official line for the Nebraska O. A. n. and W. C. R. Special train leaves Omaha U. P. depot 4:66 : p. m. September 2 nnd runs through to Philadelphia without change. These accommodations are open to the public. IteopenliiR of DlntlUcrr. The Willow Springs distillery has again opened and It Is stated , will bo run nt full capacity. Contracts have been made for the feeding of about 2,000 head of cattle in connection with the plant. During the two years that the distillery has been erased a number of Improvements have been made. It Is snld that the distillery trust to con trol the output of the distilleries of the I country will have no effect on the Willow Springs plant. Ducklcn'M Arnlcu Solve. The best safve In the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures plies , or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. For sale by Kubn & Co. Announcement * . The regular theatrical season of 1899-90 will be opened at Boyd's theater this evenIng - Ing with a performance of Rosonthal's three- net farce comedy "Brown's In Town. " It comes to this city with flattering recom mendations from the eastern press. J. P. Cooke & Co. , rubber stamp manufac turers , removed to 1113 Farnam St. Tel. 1465. Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , Is selling a Havlland bread nnd butter set , | 3. Darwin's theory verified In Ham. Jr. , the orangoutang at Hagenback's. Poitiil Note * . Advices received by Chief Clerk Shearer of the railway mall service announce the appointment of 8. P. Taft as superintendent of the Seventh division , with headquarters at St. Louis. Frank D. Norton , who has been acting as superintendent , has boon assigned to duty as assistant superin tendent , the changes to go into effect at once , Superintendent L. L. Troy of the Sixth division passed through Omaha yesterday on hU way from Chicago to the Black Hills. Ho Is accompanied by bis family and will take a few days outing In the hills country. A stop of a day or two will be made here on the return along about Sep tember 13. Mortality StutUtlcK. The following births and deaths have been reported to the ofllco of the health commis sioner during the last forty-eight hours ; Births Lewes Tool , 809 North Seven teenth street , boy ; Edward Cox , Fort Btreet. girl ; Edward Rombauer , 3S06 Boward street , girl ; Caspar Wennlnghotf , 2615 South Twenty-sixth street , boy. Deaths Elizabeth Hoffman , 2020 South Seventeenth street , 22 year * ; Alice Boland , 2000 North Twentieth street , 6 rears ; Llizle MoAullffe , 1818 Davenport street , 19 years ; Frank Kartchnor , 40 years ; Mrs. Oeorga Spreokols , 419 South Twentieth , street , 36 years , llulldlnur PermltH. The following building permits have bera liaued by the city building Inspector ; John N , Brown , 1420 Dodge street , brick store and flats , $8,500 ; A. P , Bennett , 2017 Ohio etroot , frame dwelling , $1,600 ; Phoebe Hopper , Z420 Bancroft street , addition , $160 ; O. W. Nordell , nmnls pork , frame dwelling , $1,000 ; J. H. McDowell , Twenty-ninth nnd Dewey avenue , frame dwelling , $1,700 ; W. Newton , Worthington street , frame dwelling , $2,600. ainohlnlitu Oat on Htrllro. PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 1. Expert m - chtniaU and their belp n to the number ol 160 , cunploy d at Cramp's shipyards , vrenl out on strike today. The m n demand a nine-hour day and the reinstatement of dis charged employes. The entire work * will be oloiBd down tonight and remain closed until September 11. Tbe only reason given for the ehut-down In tbat the firm deelrei that the visiting Grand Army veteran * hall have a full opportunity next week to vHlt tbt works. CRIED OVER SPILLED MILK Hey Sh dH Tcnrn llronnne of Over turned launch Poll nnd \ < > t on Aeronnt of DOKN Illc > When Judge Gordon announced In police court ycF'crdny that he was ready for the hearing In the case of tha State of Ne braska ngalost n dog a whole neighborhood trooped Into the bailiwick marked out for witnessed to testify. Annlo Hoonoy's bull dog , "Den , " wn said to have bitten Charlei Drlffcorn'a 7-year-old boy Charlie nnd the whole case hinged on the question whether the boy cried over npllled milk or a dog bite. The neighborhood was evenly divided as to the cause of the tears. Borne substantiated the statement of the Hooncy girl , who said eho looked out of the window the morning of August 18 and saw Charlie with a pall of milk In one hand and a sunflower stalk In the other shaking It through the picket fence to madden the dog. The canine jumped for the gate and the child ran for a place of safety , but In doing ao ho stumbled over the rnlla of a track and spilled the contents of his pall. The dog was caught before getting outside the yard , Its owner said , and did not go near the boy , who cried becauao of the loss of the milk. Little Charlie Drlffcorn was the only one who could testify that he had been bitten. le eald ho was passing Mrs. Hooney'a house it Ninth and Cumlng streets and the dog capcd out at him , knocking him down nnd > ltlng him on the face nnd leg. Ho was un able to show teeth marks , but said "the pain of the bites made him cry. The judge de cided to continue the case for two weeks , tending the good behavior of the canine. It Snvcil Illii HMI.J- . "I take great pleasure In recommending Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy to the people of this vicinity , " says Mr. J. H. Doak.1 Williams , Oregon. "When my baby was terribly sick with the diar rhoeae wore unable to cure him with the doctor's assistance. As a last resort wo .rled Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea remedy , and I nm happy to say received Immediate relief nnd a complete cure. " Very Lorreiit Ilntcn to Philadelphia and New Tork nnd return via The Northwestern Line , September 1 , 2 and 3. Choice of routes , Stop-overs. Three limited trains dally. New city office , 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam. The "Northwestern Line" Is the Official line for the Nebraska G. A. R. and W. C. n. Special train leaves Omaha U. P. depot 4:65 : p. m. September 2 and runs through to Philadelphia without change. These accommodations are open to the public. Tlironpfh Colorado. The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad , with Its numerous branches penetrating the Rockies , 1ms two distinct nnd separate lines across the mountains. Tickets reading via the "Scenic Lln-e" between Denver nnd 3rand Junction , ln connection with the Rio Grande Western Ry. between Grand Junction and Ogden , ore available over the Denver & Rio Grande either Tla its main line through Leadvllle and Glenwood Springs or via the line over Marshall Pass nnd through the Black Canon. Tourists to and from Salt Lake City , Ogden or San Francisco will find It to their advantage to have their tickets read In both directions via "The Scenic Line of the World , " thus jelng able to use ono of the above routes going nnd the other returning. Write S. [ C. Hooper , G. P. & T. A. , Denver , Colo. , for Illustrated pamphlet. ( Notice. The Hungarian society will hold religious services far the coming Jewish holldaya at the new Metropolitan hall , Twenty-second nnd Harney streets , commencing Monday evening , September 4 , 1899. Tickets on sale by the committee. A. BROWN. President. O. SINGER. Secretary. Announcement. I wish to announce to the people of Omaha nnd vicinity that It is my Intention o continue the undertaking business so long conducted by my husband , the late M. 0. Maul , at 1417 Farnam street , and to ask rom the public a continuance of the patron age heretofore given the establishment. Re spectfully , MRS. M. O. MAUL. LOW IIATKS 11AST. Via RocU Inland Ronte. September 1 , 2 and 3. Philadelphia and return , $31.20. New York and return , $33.20. Choice of routes. Special through train leaves Omaha Saturday , September 2. For 'ull Information call at City Ticket office , 1323 Farnam street. Try the Her Grand hotel cafes. Own from i a. m. until 12 p. m. Three cafes on first floor and one grill room. Turkish and elec trical baths. Ladles' day , Tuesdays. To Clear Oat the Street Stand * . The city council held a short special meet ing yesterday to pass the salary appro priation ordinance for the month. An ordi nance was introduced amending the present ordinance regulating street wagons , peanut stands , candy stands , fruit carts and the 1 like. The new measure proposes to prbhlblt them from standing on tht > streets within n dlntrkt bounded by Cumlng , LtAvenworth. Tenth nnd Twentieth ntreeti. It was re ferred to th commit too on lire , wnter and police , Bee Ham , jr. , fit Hagonback's. l.O\V IIATHS HAST. Niierlnl IjxcnrnlnnN Vln the Ccittrnl , "Mnitnrn Knll * Hnnlc. " To Philadelphia and return , $16.45 ! Sept tombcr 1st to 4th Inclusive. To Now Tork and return , $18.4& ; Septem ber 1st to 4th Inclusive. To Scronton , Pa. , nnd return , $16,46 ; Sep tember 1st to 4th Inclusive. To Detroit nnd return , $7.76 ; September 6th to 7th Inclusive. To Detroit nnd return , $7.75 ; September ICth to 17th Inclusive. On tickets to Philadelphia , New York or Scranton and return , atop-over allowed nt Niagara Falls , For detailed Information apply to H. H. Morley , Sw. P. A. , Kansas City , or any coupon ticket agent. SP13CIAL EXCURSIONS Vln the WnlinHli Ilnllronil. Chicago to Toronto and return , August 2 ( ! to 29. 112.40. Chicago to Philadelphia and return , Sep tember 1 , 2 and 3 , $16.46. Chicago to Now York and return , Septem ber 1 , 2 and 3 , $18.45. Chicago to Detroit and return , September 16 and 17 , $7.76. For further particulars In regard to routes , stopovers , etc. , cell on or write O. N Clayton , N. W. P. Agt. , room 606 Karbach Dtk. , Omnhn. Neb. 1M\V 11AT1SS TO THE BAST. Via the Milwaukee Line. On September 1 , 2 and 3 the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul railway will sell round trip tickets Omaha to New York and return and Omaha to Philadelphia and return at extremely low rates. Moro liberal condi tions than over before offered. For full In formation address or call nt 1604 Fnrnnm street. F. A. NASH , General Western Agent. MlHNonrl Pacific Railway. Low Round Trip Rates. To Philadelphia , and New York. September 1. 2 and 3. The next homeseekers' excursion leaves Omaha to points south , southeast and south west Tuesday , September 6. For full Information mation call nt company ofllce , southeast corner Fourteenth and Douclas. Rene Ilabean Corpn * Cane. The Antonio Rose habeas corpus case come UD tor hearing again yesterday before Judge Baker , but a continuance was taken until Tuesday forenoon on application of the attorneys for Rose. The prisoner will meantime remain In the custody of the sheriff. Deputy Sheriff Barry of Cleve land is here with requisition papers to take Rose back to Ohio , and will have to await the result of this hearing. All weak places m your system effectually 'closed against disease by DeWitt's Little arly Risers. They cleanse the bowels , promptly cure chronic constipation , regulaU the liver and Oil you with new life and vigor. Small , pleasant sure : never gripe. Hard coal , $8.60 per ton , September de livery. R. M. McClelland & Co. , 2S06 Cum lng street. LAST CALL The Few Summer Goods We Have Left'Will be Slaught ered at theiollowing prices : Men's -Crash Suits * 75o Linen Pants . i . 39o Boys and Mon'a.caps , large lot to pick from 15 ° Light Weight Under wear. 15e Working Shirts 15o Men's Wool Cheviot Pants. 48o Men's Wool Ch'eriot Suits. 81.08 Never Before and . Possibly Never Again Will You Get Goods rte Cheap. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. , CAPITOL AVE. , NEAR I6TH STREET. , Cloie to Bennett' * . We Close Saturday at 6 p , m , O H MAKE MONEY By taking advantage of the Burlington Route's cheap rates to Denver on September 6 , 7 and 8. Round trip tickets will be cold for $10.00 , a little more than one fare. Tlcketa good to return any time until Septem ber 30. The best train for Denver leaves the Burlington Station , Omaha , at 4:25 : p. m. , arriving in Denver the next morning at 7:10 : o'clock. Attached to this train U one of the finest dining cars on the conti nent Ticket ODlcp Burlington Stntlon noa Fnrnum St. , lUtli and Mimou Sin. , Telephone 200. Telephone aiO , DENVER TRAINS DAILY. . Leave Omaha 4.25 P.m. Today Arrive Denver 7.35 a.m. Tomorrow. Leave Omaha | | .55 Tonight Arrive Denver 2.55 p.m.Tomorrow. BUFFET 8MOKINO AND LIBRARY CARSt PALACE SLEEPING CARS DINING CARS , Meals a la Carto. CHAIR OARH. $19.00 For the Round Trip to Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Sept. 6th-7th.8th , Good for Return Until Sept. 30th. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1302 Farnam St. Teleohoni 316 BICYCllE LIGHTJTHAT FAILED ! Pollen Court Vrrnlnn or n Fopnlnr Rtorr Makm Ilio Rncctntnm Smile. niohnrd H. Black's nppoaranco In police court to answer to the charge of violating he lamp ordinance was the occasion for n ow choice bits of judicial repartee. Black stepped to the desk In charge of the court officer. "Mr. Black , " asked the Judge , glancing at the complaint , "what have you o say for yourself ? " ' "Well , It's llko this , your honor , " explained the cj-clor , "I was wheeling along thinking of weightier matters nnd didn't know the amp had gene out until pinched by the ( > olleeman. " An "um" of Incredulity pref aced the ccmrt's response. "I cannot understand how In this enlightened com munity you can expect me to bellevo such n flimsy version of 'the light that failed. ' It won't go down. I will enlighten you to this extent , lighten you the sum of $2 and coats , and nm sorry 1 cannot make U any lighter. " Black counted out the change nnd lit out whllo the spectators smiled. Surcmli. J.luo "Wildfire. You can't keep n good thing down. News of It travels fast. When things nro "tho best" thsy become "the best selling. " Abra ham Hare , a leading druggist of Belleville , O. , writes1 "Electric Bitters nro the best selling bitters I have yet handled In my 20 yenrs' experience. " You know why ? Most diseases begin In disorders of stomach , liver , kidneys , bowels , blood and nerves. Electric Dltters tones up the stomach , regu. latcs the liver , kidneys and bowels , purifies the blood , strengthens the nerves , hence cures multitudes of maladies. U builds up the entire system. Puts new life nnd vigor Into nny weak , sickly , run-down man or woman. Only 60 cents. Sold by Kuhn & Co. , druggists ; guarnnteed. Dr. Shepnrd Hay Pover. 312 N. Y. Life. 75c Saturday we will place 011 sale the balance of our sum mer's stock in ladies' wrappers consisting of lawns , percales and prints , that sold from $1.25 to $2.2B , at the extremely low prlco of 75c. Come early and got first choice. : SCOfIELD CIOAK&SUITGO. 1510 Douglas St. Take each night one only of SHERMAN'S RHUBARB LIVER PILLS , which nr the one pill made that can be taken to move the bowels WITHOUT the risk of CONBE- QUENT CONSTIPATION. Regarding Rhu barb , the active principle of which Is the chief ingredient In this pill , the following Is .found on page 1379 of 1894 edition of The National Dispensary : "THE GENTLE ACTION of Rhiibarb renders It one of the BEST REMEDIES FOR CONSTIPATION. " SHERMAN'S RHUBARB LIVER PILLS are purely vegetable , and contain in addition to Rhubarb a combination of Ingredients which have a stimulating effect on the liver and excite the bowels to natural and healthy action. THEY DO NOT GRIPE. Price. 25 cents. Sold by < - Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , , 1G13 DODGE ST. . OMAHA , NEB. Middle of Block. By mail upon receipt of price. NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN. Also complete line of CASES. . 91.00 to 91.70 ItIII- BOOKS . 7Cc to 91.50. CARD CASKS . 7CC TO fl.BO COIN PURSES . IOC UP. J. A. FILLER & CO. , Cut Price Druggists , COP. 14th and Douglas Sto. Another $10.00 Cash Prize to the woman who secures between Sept. 1st and 16th the greatest number of Whllo Russian soap wrappeis. No wrappers turned In before Sept. 1st nor after 2 o'clock p. m , Sept. 15tli will be counted In this $10 contest , but each and every wrapper , no matter when turned In , will count In the grand prize contest ending Dec , 20th , 1693 , when the woman having the greatest num ber of WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP WRAPPERS to her credit will receive as a present a $250.00 Aliiskn sealskin Jacket made to meas ure , There will also bo nine additional prizes , Two valued at $25 each and seven of $10 cash e ch , These contests open only to the women of Nebraska and the city ol Council Bluffs , la. Bring or send all wrappers to Jas. S. Kirk & Co. , 306 8. 12th St. , Omaha. I/lllle A , Rngatz , Columbus , Neb , , had the greatest number of White Russian soap wrapperu up to noon , Aug , 81 , and receives the JIO cosh prize , TEETH EZTKACTED 25 CENTi PAINLESS DR. MASON. BXT81CTIOK DENTIST 4tb Floor Brotrn Blk. , lith and Doujlti Gold Alloy Filling $1.OO Cold Filling $1.OO and up Gel $ Crowns $5.OO SetTeetb$5.00 Btst Teeth S7.5O / OJrV JlP ? ? ? xS ! f EXTRA ! JUm .im _ A. .m. jML. JL. L J * - - * - w fall Fall Clothing 'Clothing Sco that ffarnam St. Window. No store nny- where is more AVieoly ready for its friends , the public than this , and we were never so splendidly equip ped for a great fall business with a magnificent stock oi goods a perfect system and a competent army of men to wait upon you knowing your needs and your ability to provide for them knowing that the present season promises good returns for worthy preparations we have prepared with lavish hand to give you the choice clothing of the world , and to render the great service you will require of us. There is no difficulty in making good looking clotliing fine clothing , any amount of it and there is no difficulty in keeping the prices down , with trade as active as 'tis hero , Years of extra ordinary experience have taught us how to org anize for the biggest retail clothing business in the west. Todau Vf ® draw the curtain that" you nmy get your first glimpse of the new things in Men's and Boys' ' Fall Clothing we think it the grandest showing of the good things in up-to-date clothing Omaha has over gazed upon , and we want your ideas and your criticism. Clothing Clothing Store Store Clothes Clothes for for Women , Women , Special showing of one Thursday ' Thursday thousand dozen men's new neckties today they are Sept. only Sept. 35c. 7th , . 7th , For best tie in the house. 1899. Monday is Labor Day , this 1899 , store will be closed Great Altera PIANOS tion Sale of Being compelled to lay new flooring throughout our entire building we mutt dispose of our Immense stock of STEINWAY , VOSE & SONS , EMERSON , IVER8 & POND , A. B. CHASE , PACKARD and 17 other standard makes of pianos without delay. . Buy now and save from $100 to $150 on high grade Instruments. $500 pianos for $360. ' $450 planoa for $300. $400 pianos for $275. $350 pianos for $250. 3 sample planes , fancy cases , worth dou ble the amount now going at $148 , $169 , $187. 1 Emeraon square , rosewood case , $35. 1 dulld & Co. , square , round corners , $45. Other square pianos and organs from $25 upward. Every Instrument ful ly warranted. N w Instruments for rent , tune d , repaired , moved , stored and exchanged. Laweit rates. Telephone 1C25. We sell now planoa on $5.00 pay mento every day In the year. Write for catalogues , prices and terms. Schmoller & Mueller Largest Piano House In the West , 1313 Farnam Street , We have hefircl of him Our ad man went treat and north to hunt a cool place. You have also hoard of Krtig Cabinet After a hot day's work on these hot streets you go home tired , Need refreshing , so does the tired housekeeper Telephone 420 as'us- ual. Same result. Every body refreshed , FHHI ) KHUfl IIHIIWIVO CO. , Tel. 420. 1007 Jackson Street NAME OF SWIFT On Lard , on Ham , on Bacon is a guarantee of purity. Swift and Company , Chicago , KOIIBUH City , Omuhu , St , Louis , St Josepl ) , St. Paul , nAV AS > ieac , PAY Hjoutell8t rk TBEES. Outfit oUohitolf freo. VMBUU tettUlc , HI A HANDSOME SUIT OF THREE ROOMS- on the second floor looking out the grand court of THE BUILDING Hardwood floonu w&ll * Jut reSeoof ated , electric light , uteam bett , all night elevator service You o&n'l find a handsomer office la Omaha. R. C. PETERS , RENTAL , ACENTS.-BEE BUiLPINO. Howell's J