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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1899)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 0 , 1800 * OMMRCIAL AND FINANCIAL Provision Markat Has the Front of the Btago on 'Ghango. \VHEAT \ SUFFERS FROM LACK OF INTEREST ' - to I Hot 'Corn In ntroncc O-nrlnu rr ( l AVentlier Itoportn niirt Are Doroloy CHICAGO , Sept. l.-TUo proTislon market had the front ot the taffo on 'change to day. Reports of yellow fever in the south brought ft flood of liquidation In meat prod ucts and resulted in doollrow of 2HQ Oo. ! Corn and oat were strong , corn on the dry , " 8iot wcctthor. Com closed HO higher and wet * % @Jio higher. Wheat suffered from Jack of interest and closed HO lower for but unchanged for Septerabcr. most prominent feature ot the day's traalon In wheat was the extreme dullness of trading and to this more than anything contained in the news wna due Uie slight decline Triilch marked Uie close In the lead- ins apecuAatlYO option. The market waa a nhado lower at the Wart in. both September and Deoembor , the Tonult of lower quotations from Liverpool. There waa , however , little ftelllng of cense quence. Deliveries on September contracts wore heavy , Armour putting out about 750- .009 bu. . but Uilfl bad api > arently been dla- Icountol by traders , for It had little effect 'and buying orders fur Sei > temiber wera In tlK > hand of several commission , houses. December opened a shndo lower at 714C ami old at 718'n$4O. September opened a , ehtwle lower at WViW&c. The market hold at about those prices for some time , with but UtUo trading either way. A short } > ortod of comparative strength followed , the market , reversing the usual order of things , following the lend of coarse grains , which showed considerable strength. But before noon the lack ot Intorw t had. turned prices downward , , It WH mofltly a scalpers' market after What time , and based ciuefly on putn and 'calls. ' Bears did Uttlo until longs got loaclfd mp , but after that 'they ' put prownire on the ( market at Intervals and succowlud In ehak- | lng out long wheat In omo quantities and ! < : aii9 a a slow decline in prices. There was not much export Inquiry and the local u h business was slow , "This affected the specu lative market to some extent. Northwest receipts continued to Increase. Minneapolis Wind Duluth roix > rtod 6fS cars , ngaliiflt 209 Uoat week and 946 a year ORO. Chicago re- [ celirts were140 cars , 5 of contract grade , TTotal primary receipts were 82-1,000 bushels , compared with 1,147,000 bushels a year ago. Atlantic port clearances ot wheat and flour aggregated 470,000 bushels. New York put the export engagemcata at 20 loads. The demand for September kept that option , firmer than deferred futures. It advanced to TOtfc , then declined to 9V4o and elon il imcluinacd at 68c , December declined to 71'4c and closed He lower at 71 @ 71o. Corn was firm and sllffhtly higher all day. { Continued dry , hot weather was reported | ln tha mont Important corn producing states land fenr of damage made the market Imlo- flvendont of wheat. Tlioro were no deliveries 4n September contracts and the cash and 'foxport demand was goo < l , all ot which Ciolped In the firmness. Receipts were 693 icaro. December ranged from 2SVsO to 2SiW l25T4c and closed He hlshor at 2S4c , Septem- rber olosod HO higher at 31c. Oota w re hlflrhor all-around , September loapeclally developing strenKtli. Short were tiTOCxl buyers of that commodity and prices ittdvanoed materially. Tliero was a dlaposl- nlon1 to buy September and sell December .nd Slay and some of the elevator people m-epa good buyers. The shipping demand was good and thare were no deliveries ot IBoptombcr. The atreng'th of corn affected kxvts considerably. Receipts were 4ff7 cars. BJocombar ranged from IWi lSTSo to 20c and 'closed ' HJTWc hlffher at 19ii/20c. September clo3 l wir a hlg-her at 20Uc. Provisions were decidedly active and , woak. Olllciol conflrmatlon of the reported fbreaklnjr out of yellow fever at Key West cawed liquklatloR from all quarters and ( flattened out prices of pork and ribs. Lard did not suCer so much. Lower hog : prices contributed to the weakness. Packers were moderate sellers. At the close October pork "was 22&o lower at $8.02 % , October lard 5c iflower at $5.20SC.22Vand October ribs 10Q1 12'Sc lower at $5.10aC.12 % . Similar declines j-wcre recorded in September. Estimated * receipts Saturday : Wheat , 125 icara ; cofri , U50 cars ; oats , 443 cars ; hogs : 12- 003 head. ' Loading futures ranged as follows : ( ArllcleB upeu. Yos'd'y ! . ' I Sept. . . OliJ , eon Di'O. . . . 721J * May . . 74J ; Torn. Popt. . . : u Dee. . . . May . . Oats. Hopt. . . 20 20 19W-20 Dno. . . . 10M-20 ' 10 H Wuy. . . a'ut i Port. Sept . . 810 792W Oct. . . . 820 H'JO BUI ) B O''H Jon. . . . 0 5'JM 8.H7H 040 I.urd. boot. . . 617H 620 r.20 Oct. . . D20 r . .1 Jan. . . . BS7H 54'JH , Blbu. Puyt. . . E 10 COO 615 Oct , , . C17H C 20 B 10 b 1-JH S -JOM Jim. . . . 4l)7 ) 4 UU 497M No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUli Firm ; winter patents , 3.50@3.60 ; .Btralght , $3.2003.30 ; spring speoiaU. $4.20 ; spring1 patents. $3.40513.70 ; straights , $2.80 ® 8.20 ; bakfrs , $1.9002.00. ' WHEAT No. 3 , 6970c : No. 2 red , CORN No. 2 , SIVsc ; No. 2 yellow , \E2\iiC. \ \ OATS No. 2. 21U021c : No. 2 white , 23 ® C3c : No. 3 white , 22@ ) V&o. RYE No. 2. 63c. HARLEY No. 2 , 35ff40o. SEEDS No. 1 tiaxseed , $1.17 ; northwest , rJ1.20 ; prime timothy seed , $2.302.S3 ; clover , contract grade. $6.40iJ)7.00. ? ) ' PROVISIONS-Mesa pork , per bbl. , $7.30 ® .05. Lard , per JOO Ibs. , $5.07',4 < ? 5.20. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $4.S5 5.20. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . f5. & > SG.C2 % ; short clear leldes ( boxva ) , $5.45J35.55. ' 'VHISICY DIat41lers' Ilnlshed goods , per Eal. . $1.22. BtKJARS-UnchanBed. Following are the receipts and shlpmonts : Receipts.Shipments. 'Flour , bbls 13,000 10,000 AS'iheat. bu 84,000 40,000 .Corn . , bu E03.000 401,000 Oats , bu , 609.000 361.000 Rye , ibu , 7,000 1,000 { Barley , bu 32.000 1,000 On the Produce exchange today the butter .jnurket was steady ; creameries , 16fi20c ; dairies , l-14Fri7c. Cheese , ilrm , S liflO'/ic. ' Ecta , firm ; fresh , HViBlSo. Dreiaed poul try , firm : turkey * , OSiiOc ; chickens , 8ij94c } ; uprlngs , lOWjC. N11W YOltIC r.lCMullAL , 3IAIIICET. I Clttotnttonn of tlio Puy on VurioiiH Couimoilltleii. NEW YORK , Sept. FLQUR Receipts , 119,340 bbls.j exports , 20,407 bbls , W ak and dull. Minnesota patents , J3.SOff4.00. Jllnne- jBOta bal ori' , $2.lfciS3.10 ; winter straights , ' RY10 Firmer ; No , 2 weatern , 019iQG2o t , a. b , nfloat upot , ( IJAULl'JY Quiet ; foodlnf , SO'/iffJlo c. I , f. Huffalo. WH12AT JtocelptB , 133,078 bu. : esporta. l 9,01l , bu. Spot easy ; Np , 3 red , 74c , f , o , 'b ' , afloat spot ; No , 1 northern Duluth , WiiP f , o. It , afloat to arrive ; No , 1 hard , Puluth , 81"iio to an'lvo ; No , 'J red , 7iio , ele Yutor , Options opened easy ut uni'hiinscd lirloes , w > ? ak oable , bis northwest receipts und heavy B ptemb r deliveries uotlng as 'the chief Bellini ; nuHlvua ; after u slight jitldday rally on iiredlctions of northwest ehowarv , local unloading Impelled a second decline which left the market weak at Mtl'/in t loss. May , 7Hl3kOo ! | closed , .79Uoi t Httptember. ISHlftlS'.iiO ' ! clobeU , 73U01 Deoem- ' b&r , 7il"iW76U < J : oliKMd , TtlHo. CORN Receipts , 91,31" Im.j exports , 123.WO bti. Spot nPin ; NO , 2 , BiiT o f. o , b , afloat , 87T&a tilevator , Options nteurly , finnly -lield. Closed firm , U" t advance , May , ,35UQS5 % ! closed , SS o | September , 3T'iij fB7'io | cloned , 31Uo | December , [ clauid. 35'4o , OATS lleorintB , 323.000 bu. | .66,611 bu , Spot qiltotl No. 2 white , 3T'io. f Op Id ) us inaoUva , IIOI'B Biill | ( ttata , common to pholco , JW rep , l&'Toi it > W crop , nominal j 1SDS crop , lloaiBoi I'atrino 6oast , 1638 orop , 4QBo1B9S \ crop , ; 6iiJ6Uo , HAV u'lrmt Biitpplntr , BOJ65c | good to cliolcu , 7 ! > i | 87140. . HIDka-Stoady ! Qalveston , SO to So Ibs. , ItUa , and Bteadxj hemlock ) tgltt to htavywiilgUta , 3 c qul family , $950 ® 'imck'ef ' terfl6 $ } dtV , e tra' ji'dfa nie i 'tl4.003U 6. Cuf incuts , nuleti nlcklcd bel- I Jles. fi.flAal.SBj ptckled hrtild/a/ / / MilaUlod batiifl , flf ) OOiflo.Sfl. Lard , nominal : . .c * unej cjuajd j { JKj olty , steady fln 9 , pUady ; ci ' . " ! IM.J"t \ Bouth Ametitan , JB.J5 ; comlxiunil , | 5.09. 1'ork , diilli mc s , JS.rr.ilS.EO , ehorl clcnr , tl02.CrlI75i fntnily. JIO.OOftll.00. ,920 nrm ! tre'5t rn erenmery , 17O31P ! fnotory. ISHtflflc. rilEKSE Receipts , 2,800 pkcs.i atronc ; Invto nnd ptrmll , White , llc | large and ehiall , eMor d. IHio. EGGB Rpcelptfl , 14,775 Phcs.l flrmj treat- ern. uuRrntled , hi mark , 12'ilIlsHc , l'OTAT01CH-Qiil ( t ! fMr to prime. J1.001JI l.ES ; fancy white , J1.W1J1.CG ; dotithern dwsetsWffl.K. \ . TALLOW Steailr ; city , 44Moi npot , HlCia-Dull ; domesMo , fair to extra. 7Uc ; Jfvpnnene , 4 fio. MOLABSES Dull : Now Orleans open kettle , rood to choice , 32yJc. rUHiailTS-Dtilli cotton , by Bteftm , 30o ; grain , by steam , 2i3cl , OMAHA ( JK.\KU.\I , MAIIKRT. ConillUon of Trndo nn T Qnotntlnnn on Slnplc nnd Pnnoy I'roilnoc. KOCIS-Oocxl Block at 13o. , BUTTBR-Common to tzlr , HWc : choice , iJUl"0 ! separator , 20c ; gathered creamery , JQM 13C. POULTRY-Hons , live , 70Sc ; spring rhlckons , lOc ; old and stoRgy roostcra , live , SHS'loj duckg and gceso , live , 6OOu ; turkeys , live. So. I'lOEONS Wvo , ner doz. . 73c , VBAl > 3-ChoIce , 9a. . WATERirELONS Good stock , crated for shipments. ie 16c. CANTALOUPE-Per doz. , crated , 33040C. a'OXIAlXE3 Per orate. 2M30c. POTAlXEti New , 25fldOc per bu. CEU ERY Per doz. , 3uS35c. SWEET POTATOES-Per bW. , $2.0032.25. FRUITS. BUUEBBRIUES-Per 10-qt. cose. $1.50. PLUJIH Cnllfomta , per crate , $1.33fll.GO. CALITORNIA PBAbirfiB-B'recSumo - , M . > c ; clliifra. S6-390C. - APPLES Per bbl. , $2. . . TROPICAL FRUITS. , fancy , $4.2Giff4.CO ; California , $3.7554.00 ; Messina , fancy , crated , large stock , . $2.501T2.75 ; medium-sized bunohcs , I1ID123 , TAL.LOW , E1X3. HIDES No. 1 preen hlde , 7l4o : No. 2 Brccn hide * . CHo : No. 1 salted hide * , ' Be ; No. 2 viJted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 tb 12 lb . . lOc ; No. 2 v&il cnlf , 12 to 1C Hw. , 8c. TALLOW. GR13ASI3. ETC.-Tallow. No. 1. 3a ; tallow , No. 2 , 2 o ; rough tollow. IHo ; white grease , 2iJ3o ; yellow and brown grease , ' Nt. Lotiln Cm li niul 1'roTlnloiis. ST. LOUIS , Sept. l.-Closo : WHEAT iS Sf ' No21rc < 1 Mshi elevator , 69c ; track , iOSj704c ! ; September , CSc ; December , 71 % ' & ) ! J&c-iMuy ! > ' 5l' ! No2 hard , 69c ; receipts , iJiUlAl DU i t CORN Higher ; No. 2 cash. 30c : track , 31c ; September , 30Kc ; December , 27o ; May , OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 cash , 2l to ; track , 22 ® 22 4c ; September , 21c ; May , 22c ; No. 2 white. 27c. RYE Nominal , C3c. METALS-Lead. steady , $1.5214 ; spelter , nominal. $5.40. POUnJ TllYTweak : c Ickens. 708o ; tur- kevs. SfilOc ; durks , 6V40 c. BUTTER Quiet ; creamery , 17@21o ; dairy. EGGS Lower , . i1V2Hn nchanscdl but nothlnp dono. SEEDS Timothy , llrmor , $2.002.20 for ordinary. J2.40 for prime. Flaxseed , lower , 5 oH'"o < ftendy : timothy , $7.00g > 10.00 ; pralrlo , CORNMEAL Ste < uly , $1.75@1.SO.k kX ( > 0- IRON COTTONTIES-Qulet , $1,15. TWINE Hemp , quiet , 9c. BAGGING Quiet , CSfec , PROVISIONS-Pork. weak , $9. Lard , lower ; prime steam , Jo.CG ; choice , $5.10. Dry salt meats , firmer and better : boxed ehoul- Sfrjf , ? 5- ? ° : e ra shorts , $5.BO ; clear ribs , $ S.G24 ! ; clear aides , $5.75. Bacon , better and llrm ; boxed shoulders $3.75 ; extra shorts. $0 ; clear ribft. $ G.12i4 ; clear B/des / , $6.25. RECEIPTS-Flour , G.OOO bbls. ; wheat , 81- 000 bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; oats. 37,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls. ; wheat , 16,000 bu. ; corn , 113,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. iiN Clt > - Gntln nnil 1'rovlnlonn. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 1. WHEAT December. 65c ; cash. No. 2 hard. COc ; No. 3 , eiHfcCSWc ; No. 2 red , 71c ; No. 3 , 63 > 4 < S-G9c : re ceipts. 193 cars. CORN December. 24c ; cash , No. 2 mixed. 29o ; No. 2 white , 20c ; No. 3 , OATS No. 2 white , 2123Uc. RYE-NO , 2. 63c. HAY Choice timothy , $7.25 < g < 7.50 ; choice Dralrle , $5.5006.00. i BUTTER Creamery , 1719c ; dairy 15c. EGGS Firm ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , UHo dozen , cases returned RECEIPTS-Wheat , 115,000 bu. ; corn , 11.700 bu. ; oats , 9.000. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 33.600 bu. ; corn , 3,900 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. Stock * In Stora at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 1. Following are the mocks of bre.-ulKtuffs and provisions In Liverpool : Flour , 130,000 sacks ; wheat. 2,399.- 000 centals ; corn , 1,102.000 dentals ; bacon 20iOO boxes ; hams , 3.700 boxes ; shoulders ! in42 bixes : butter. J9'300 Packages ; cheese , 49.MO boxes ; lard , prime weatern steam , 41- 500 tierces ; other kinds , 2,570 tierces. Following are the stocks of wheat and corn in store ( railway and canal depots not included ) : Wheat , 19,911 centals ; corn , 1,200.- 000 centals. MliineauollH 'Wheat and Flour. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 1. WHEAT S.180' i" Btore : No. 1 northern , September , CGHc : December. 68U © 8Wc ; May. 71 < 371Hc old September , GSc. On track : No. 1 hard old , COSic ; new , 68Uc ; No. 1 northern , old C9 4o ; new , 67Jc ; No. 2 northern , old , 67V.c new , CSiJc. FLOTJR-Sales yesterday , 33,000 bbls. ; llrst patents , $3.cryg < 1.7u ; second patents , $3.45fl3.65- llrst clear. $2.BO2.GO. 1 BRA'N ' Unchanged. Liverpool nritlii mill I'rovlnloiiM. LIVERPOOL , Sept. l.-ClosIng : PROVIS IONS Hams , short cut , 14 to 16 pounds , dull , 4Gs ; bacon , long , light , 30 to 35 pounds , C2n ; long , heavy , 35 to 40'pounds , 31s. WHEAT-Spot No. 2 , red western wdn- ter , dull. 5i 4 < 1. Futures ; steady ; Septem- b r. 5s 9Hd ; October , 5a ll'4d. I3UTTER-Flrm. EGGS Steady. World's A'iHlblc .Suiiply of Cotton. NEW ORLEANS , Sept. Secretary Hes- ter'6 statement of the world's visible sup ply of cotton nhows a total of 2,607,945 bales , against 2,662,083 bales last week , 2,046.477 last vear and 1,339.701 year before last. Of this , the total of American cotton Is 1,972,945 bules. against 2,003,9 3 bales last week. 1,434- 477 last year and 7G9.3G1 year before last. Tolrilo Market , TOLEDO. O. , Sept. 1. WHEAT Active , steady ; No , 2 cash , G9ic ; December , 7WT73 ic. CORN-HIgher ; No. 2 mixed , 33c. OATS-Stondy ; No. 2 m'.xed , 21c. RYE Nominal ; No. 2 caih , K > , jc. SEEDS Clover , active ; prime cash , $4,70 ; October , $4.80. I'hlliiileliililii 1'roducc JInrlcet. PHILADELPHIA , Sept. l.nUTTER- Unelmnged ; western creamery , 20'i3ic < western prints , 21c. EGGS Firm , good demand ; fresh nearby. lG' o : fresh \yestern , 10140 : fresh southwest ern. IBa ; fresh southern , 12iS'13c. ' OHE10SK Firm , demand moderate .1Ill\viuilcci > MILWAUKEE , Sept. -WHEAT - Steady ; No. 1 northern , 71072Hc ; No. 2 northern , CO > if < a Jt. ' , RYIO I-lrmcr ; No. 1 , w/o. HAnLlflY IHrtn ! No , 2 , W42o ! DnlntJiVheul .Mark < - ( . DULOTH , Swt. l.-WIIEAT-No. 1 hard cash , 70c ; fluutfmber , 70Ho ; Decemhcr , 70 o ; No , 1 northern oash , Cfe'io : September , CSo ; December , GSTta ; May. T2'iQ | No. 3 northern , 03Hai No. 3 spring , OlUu , 01. . ' STOCKS AND llOMJb. IJrrortu of Ui Hulls < o 1,1ft Uii OKI "VtliiilerlilltH rullH , NHW YORIC , Sept , 1 , The feature ef to- day's market was the vigorous efforts of the bulls about midday to lift the market out of Its listless and heavy conditions by a sharp advance In the Ya.nderbl"s' The ef forts miscarried and Invited such a flood of realizing that , prices sold off < o tha Jow- eut point roday , which was In many cases as muoi as $1 pr t > hare below laat night's level. The bears had a hand In the decline. but Jho domain } from shorts to cover was light and rallies ) n tha genera ) ] | st were fit small proportions. The movement of rail roads generally through the morning were exceedingly sinalj ellfier way except In a few Individual cases. Chicago. & Eastern Jlllnols was pushed up owr 9 points above p4r , tmt relapsed nearly 3 poliita. The rnovemen of the specialties In the first hour was Q. good deal mixed. Consolidated Gas and Tenifeseee Coal s ioot. inyr up' 1 nolnta. lint the tobacco stocks , Brooklyn Transit and Sugar were heavy in { one. Only a JItlle before noon Oamha anc' Northwecicrn were , pushed up on a rwya of the old story of the absorption of ( hi formef by ( he latter. About the sajce time the appearance of the Now York Cenlra ) annial report showed In detail the rather economies etTrct d by the consolldo- I tlon of thft.t great systcmi. The rMult was n I rise of I points In Om.iha. 3 % Liv Northwest ern and nearly S uolnts in ffcAYOik Cen tral. A number of other VaniUrbllu sjm- ) > n.thlz d to Uie extent ot ti point and Uie Union 1'aoino tttncka irera bid up a point , Rlylna color to Uie ruraot that ( he much- Ulkeil-of unnscontlnaiitai consolidation WAS aliout lo be perfected. Tne very heavy blocks of Union 1'noUlo Blocks comlnp out on tlir rise and the detection by the boars of gcHlmj for long account brought a dtstcr- mined raid nnd n. realizing movcmont all alone the line. The gains which had been nxttndcd on the market. In some cns&s to nenrly a. iwln , wcro wlpexl out and the gonsral level of the market fell below last night. Brooklyn Transit dropping J polntn. Central 1'flclilc lost 1'.4. The market was very listless dur ing the last hour nn < l closed generally easy at an ftvcrnpo decline. London nant higher prices and. bought here to a moderate ex tent , but this eupport was without avail to sustain the market , The fear of an n- favomblo bnnk statement was a heavy weight on the market. The Now York clearing houic banks have lout heavily during the week , both on the Interior move ment and to the stib-traaaury. Shipments on balancn to the Interior to the extent of nearly W.WO.OOO can be traced. The fltato- monts of the sub-treasury during the wock show that institution to have absorbed on account of Internal revenue and customs payments and deposits for shipment to the Interior * omcthlng like JS.800,000 , after al lowing for payment of J700.000 on account of draftn from the San Francisco mint. Some allowance Is to be made for receipts in gold at assay oIHces which are credited to the banks , but there Is apparent loss of cash of nearly fB.000,000. Tnere H no evi dence of any sufficient reduction of deposit UabUttlcs by contraction of loans to offset this fall in cash resources. There was not much doing In the bond market today , but prices were firmly held. Total Bales , par value , $1,680,000. United States government bonds unchanged on bid quotations , The Commercial Advertisers London financial cablegram sayn : The morkets hero were heavy today , the Transvanl situation being regarded as more acute. The. attend ance was slim. Americans firm , but New York sold , causing a sag till the close ; they were a shade harder In the ntreot. The weakest spots were Erles and Atchlson pre ferred. Business wns meager. Spanish 4s COVi. It la understood that the coupon will be reduced only % per cent and the ex pectation is that the October coupon will be paid in full. TIntos were 4513-10. The dividend. It IB expected , will bo 30s , making the yield at the present price 8 per cent. Anacondas wcro 11 % . The bnnk bought 87,000 gold in bars and 20,000 was taken for South America. Money was In good de mand. The bank has been borrowing. India is holding oft from silver. Copper statistics for the fortnight show stocks decrease , 174 ; supplies decrease , 324. The following are the closing quotations for tha leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Tfrvr York Money Mnrltct. NEW YORK. Sept. 1. MONBY-On call , steady , at 33VS p r cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ; prims mercantile paper , 4iJB per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady , with actual buvlness In bankers' bills at J4.86 © 4.86'i for demand , and at $4.83(34.83'i ( ' for sixty days ; posted rates , J4.848J4.SG < 3 > 4.87 } ; commercial bills , $4.82. SILVER Certificates , 68 > M060c ; bar , E9c ; Mexican dollars , 47c. BONDS Government bonds , steady ; state bonds , strong ; railroad bonds' , firm. The following are the closing quotations on bonds : nnrttoit Stock QiiotatiuiiN , BOSTON , Sept. 1. Call loans , Z HV , per cent ; time loans. 4QG per cent. Closing | prices for stacks , bonds and mining shares ; l'"iircleu Klnnuelul , PARIS , Bent. J. Business on the bourse today oponea animated , with Jlrm prices , but subsequently sJack'iica and prices dosed otoady. Spanicti 4 * were la active- demaiid on the announcement of'the coupon payment. Portneuesa waa steady. Rio 'Tlntoa advanced In expectation of 4 good trtftilsUcal report and on the hardening1 of copper. Kaffirs weft dull , but had an up ward 'tenaencj- London purchasea. Three per cent rentes. 100 francs PU ? centime for the account. SpniilNl 44 closed at 61flu. I1HRL1N. Sept , 1On the bourse today International securities wore /inn / , Spanish 4s loading on the report that the coupon of September 1 would be Iwvld Irt full. Turks hardened , owing to the o.xpectntlon ° { io conversion of the 5 per cent custom loan. Argentine * A\erp weak on the rise Irv tlio i.ilo ot the gold jiremiunii Locals were ' "FrtAN tVoRT , Sept. l.-On the bourse to- lid } pi luce were Inactive. Spanish 4s ) nd- v.t'iTd Americans wcro steady. L'.iNDOiN. ' Sept. 1. American securities u [ i-iitd dull on the lower overnight prices from New York. Later there wns u partsJl recovery , but the market wns unsettled and Inclined to follow New York. The final tone wns easy. Spanish 4a closed at GO1 . The amount of bullion taken into the Hank of England today was 07,000. Gold at Iluenos Ayros. 135. , , BUENOS ATRE9 , Sept. l.-Tho gold Quotation today was 13G.SO , Jfew York niliihiff lno it oiii. ( NEW YORIC , Sept. t-Tho following are the closing quotations for mining shares : lliuiU Clem-Inn" . CHICAGO. Sept. 1. Clenrinps , J20.292.677 : balances. J2.SC2.44D. New York excluuiKe , B5o discount , Sterling exclmiiKe , $4.84@4.STV3. , NEW YOHK. Sept. 1. Clearings , J151- 652.502 ; balances , $8.240,727. BOSTON. Sept. 1. Clearings , $17,531,811 , ; bnlaliws , $2,144,1)33. ) HALT1MOHE , Sept. l.-ClenrlnRS. 12- 713,015 ; balances. J425.GS7. PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 1. Clearings , $16,168,600 ; balances , J2.4S0.374. ST. LOUIS , Sept. l.-Clenrinfrs. J4B99,075 ; balances. J427.8C6. Money , steady. 437 per cent , chiefly at &B6 per cent. New York exchange" , 7Cc discount bid , COc dJscuont asked. Condition of ( lie Trennurr. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Avnllalile cash balance , J279.352.872 : Kold reserve , J218,757,971. " Cotton Mnrkot. NI3W ORLEANS , Sept. l.OTTON Spot , steady ; quotations revised. Sales , 2,900 bales ; ordinary , 4c ; good ordinary , 4V4c ; low middling , G 3-lGc : middling , G 13-16c ; , good middling , CHc ; middlliiB fair , 6V4c. Receipts , 140 bales ; stock , 12C.405 bales. Futures steady ; September , JC.E7 bid ; October , $ u.70Tj5.71 ; January , J5.75g5.76 ; February , J3.79U5.SS ; March , J3.S25.84 ; April , Jo.SG ® 6.87 ; May , JG.90G5.92. ST. LOUIS , Sept , 1. COTTON Steady ; middling , 6 15-lCc Sales , 425 bales ; receipts , 112 bales ; shipments , 391 bales ; stock. 64,527 bales. NEW YORlt , Sept. 1. COTTON The speculative movement In cotton future * was not so active today , ye.t a very comfortable business was transacted at a higher ran o of prices. The market opened quiet , with prices 2ST4 points higher on buying , chiefly bv shorts , following1 the Liverpool cables , which were better than ex pected. A further improvement WIIB noticed soon after the call , when nell- .ng ' set In , owing to rumors of good rains In central Texas , whllo receipts at the ports were also bearish factors. The shorta were Inclined to take profits and after most of the early Improvement had been lost there was a renewed upward movement on continued covering , with the trading level at noon , 2f3 points higher than the closing figures ot the previous day , with some evidence of renewed outside buying. Trading was generally , however , confined to local operations , with a more or less dis position to "even up" In anticipation of Monday's holiday. In the afternoon the market was decidedly flrm on per sistent covering by room shorts and exceptionally light offerings. The clos was steady , at a net gain of G@8 points. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 1. COTTON Spot moderate demand , . -prices unchanged. American middling , 3 15-32d. The sales of the day were 7,060 bales , of which BOO were for speculation and export , and Included 6.COO American. Receipts , none. Futures opened quiet and closed very qUlet , at the advance. American middling , 1. m. c. , September , 3 2 < J-fllS3 27-4d .sellers ; Septem ber-October , 3 24-G4@3 25-64d sellers. ; Octo ber-November , November-December , 3 22-64 ( ffS 23-64d buyers ; December-January , Janu- ary-Febrtiary , fl 21-G4Q3 22-64d sellers ; Feb ruary-March , 3 22164d sellers ; March-April , 3 22-6403 23-64d sellers : April-May. 3 23-64d buyers ; May-Jum > 3.23-G43 24-6Id buyers ; June-July , ' 3 > 2 B4 < gS 25-G4d sellers ; July- August , 3 2& > G4a ilBlij-ers. " " NEW YORK. Sept. l.-COTTON Futures closed steady ; September , JS.69 ; October , $5.88 ; November-'S5.93 ; December , J5.93 ; Jan uary , J6.04 ; March , JG.ll ; April , J6.14 ; May , J6.1S : June , $0.23. ' - ' Oil Mnrkct. LIVERPOOL , Sept. I. OILS Cottonseed , Il'ull rellned , September and October , " steady , ICs 3d. - , , LONDON , Sept. 1. OILS Calcutta Un seed , spot ' 39s 6dJ ; linseed , 21s 6d ; turpentine spirits. 34s'lOHd. ' ' NEW YORK , Sept. 1. OILS Petroleum , strong ; refined New York , $3.25 ; Philadel phia and Baltimore. $8.20 ; same in bulk , $3.70. Cottonseed , dull and barely steady for both prompt and forward delivery , with prices nominally a shade lower. Rosin , steady. Turpentine , steady. BREMEN , Sept , 1. OILS Petroleum , 7 marks SO pfgs. TOLEDO , Sept. 1 OILS North Lima , OSc ; South Lima and Indiana , 93c. OIL CITY , Sept. 1. OILS Credit bal ances , $1.35 : certificates clo > d J1.35H for cash ; no Bales ; shipments , 74,387 bbls. ; aver age , 83,371 bbls. ; runs , 108,455 bblB. ; average , 87,399 bbls ANTWERP , Sept. 1. OILS Petroleum , 19f 50c , paid and sellers. Metal Market. NEW YORK , Sept. 1. METALS The leading features of Interest today In metals were Hpelter and tin , these metals advanc ing decidedly on pressing demand from nearly all quarters and favorable news from the English market. Lead ruled quiet. The other departments were slow and un changed. At the close the exchange called pig Iron warrants unchanged at $16.00 ; lake copper , unchanged at J18.50 ; tin , firmer at $31.70 bid and $32.00 asked ; lead , unchanged at J4.CO bid and J4.62V4 asked ; spelter , firmer at $5.50 bid and $5.60 asked. The brokers' orlce for lead Is $4.35 and for copper 418.50. Wool Mnrkct. BOSTON. Sept. 1. The Commercial Bulle tin tomorrow will say pf the wool market : The market is slightly less active. Prices , however , are still held on the same basis that has now prevailed for three weeks. It must be remembered that the sales of wool In this market to.dato. are more than double those of a year ago. The first rush for new woolen cloths Is over and prices are now 5 per cent higher than at the opening. Now over 80,000 bales of fine. wools will be offered at the London auction sales which open Tuesday and an advance In quotations Is confidently expected. Coffee .Market. NEW YORK , Sept. l.-COFFEE-Optlons opened steady at unchanged prices and ad vanced 5 polnta'on ' some positions on cov ering early In the day ; later the market turned easier In the absence of outside sup port. Receipts were heavy , but offset by Increased deliveries ; closed steady , net un changed to 10 pcltus lower ; sales , 14,250 bags. Including September , J4.36 ; October , $4.40 ® 4.45 ; November , $4.15 ; December , $4.70 ; Jan uary , $1.75 ; April , $4.95 ; May , $5.00 ; July , 15.05. Spot , Rio , dull and nominal ; mild , quiet. Dry ( lOotlN Market. NEW YORK , Sept. 1. DRY GOODS-Cot- ton goods market without material change today. Demand for stuplo lines Btlll In ex cess of auppllea and tone strong. No fur ther advance * In prices. Print cloths Irreg ular for regular , but still In demand fur wide , Wide nhectiiigs strong. Cc4ton flannels and blankets bold up to end of , year. Denims , plaids , tlckw and other ' coarse colored goods very Jlrm. Linens belling linn tit full prices , Burlaps strong , but not quotably higher. California Dried Krultx. NRW YORK , Ser.t , 1 , CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITa-Bteady , Evaporated ap ples , common , Vie ; prime wire tray , SUtf W.-c ; choice. SftfWc : fancy , 9fi3'ijO ' , Prunes. 3'8c. ( AprlcoiB , Royal , J4c : Moor Park , 14 Peachea , unpeeled , 8S/UHQ , Market. NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 1.-SU0AII Steady ) centrifuyrul , yellow , 4U < m4 ° ; BCC- ends. SliSNUo. . , , _ , . 'MOLABSKS-Dulll centrifugal , 6S14o. Clotha null Yarn * . MANCHESTER , Sept , l.-CSoths and yarns qulit and hard to sell unless at con cessions , To Sell IMuiiKcr ( liUiiU' * Cattle , BJIPORIA , Kan , Sept. 1. The district court has ordered Lea Wright a d A , U Morrison , receivers of 3,000 cattle owned formerly by Plunger Grant 0 , Olllott , to sen thecn during September In Kansas City , for the benefit of the creditors , and to deposit tlio proceed ! of the Kale in Einporla , Leav- cnworth and Topcka bank * . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Rooelpta as tisnil Toward the Last of the Weak , EVERYTHING TAKEN REASONABLY EARLY Cnttlc Sell nt About tlie Pnnip Flptnrm nn Thnrndny Shccii niirt Intiitin Un- IltiHn Slifirr n I > nrno ; tnr tJie T - nn-n , SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. L Receipts were ! Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oinctal Monday 4,001 : ,4t < 8 3.&ZS Oltlcial Tuesday B.110 6,430 , & ,03 Olflclal Wednesday 4,271 Mil 8,423 Olticlal Thursday 8,135 6U15 Olllolul Friday 2,352 , 4,290 Thus far thin week..19,172 JS.S19 0,901 Same days lait week.,23,519 S7.393 18tl ( > 6 Same dnys week before,18,010 26,207 9,137 Same three wo lts ago..15,109 85.0JS 28.559 Average price pnld for hogs for Uie last several dnys with comparisons : Aug. yo. I S 76 | J 70 t 19 7661 S 04) ) * AUg. 21. 4 4Z { 3 75 2 S5 * * > * i ? 5 9i AUK. 22. 44 ? 3 00 2 79 4 3D 6 OS 6 OT Aug. 23. 41 3 74 | 3 S3 4 39 & 12 4 M AUK. 24. 42 S 81 ! S 79 2 63 4 30 6 14 4 91 Aug. B5. 40 S 73 3 81 2 79 621 5 1 Aug. 20 , SS 3 72 391 276 4 32 * 6 Ih Aug. 27. t sjq 4 02 275 4 21 5 24 Aug. 23. 40 3 97 2 80 4 26 5 31 6 M Aug. 29. 48 S 70 2 84 4 22 6 36 5 IS A\lg. SO. 40 3 72 391 4 21 6 42 611 Aug. 31. 26 S 63 3 99 2 81 4 20 6 45 5 12 Sept. 1. 20 3 61 3 93 , 277 663 6 27 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclat number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was ; Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C. . M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 6 3 O. & St. L. Ry 1 Mo. Pacific Ry 4 Union Pae. System. . . . 10 13 18 3 C. & N. W. Hy 1 1 F. . E. & M. V. H. R. . 6 19 1 C. , Bt. 1' . , M. & O. Ry. 7 7 IJ. & M. R. R. R 7 10 C. , B. A Q. Ry S K. C. & St. J 40 C. . R. I. & P. Ry. , E. 1 Total receipts 81 61 18 4 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 20 702 G. H. Hammond Co . . . 100 1,031 , Swift and Company . . . IWi D71 2,634 Cudahy Packing Co 2 < VJ 419 Armour & Co . 45 969 Cudnhy P. Co. , K. C. . . . 830 Swift and Company , from country . SO $30 Yansant & Co . 61 J. L. Carey . 22 & Co . 82 Benton & Underwood. . . . 80 Huston & Co t Hamilton & Rothschild. . 18 L. . F. Husz 146 Other buyers 1S1 1,064 Held over 300 400 300 Totals B.262 6,048 6,147 CATTLE RecolptB of cattle were very light and about a third of the arrivals were direct to packers , not being offered on the market. With so few cattle hero it seemed a good deal like a Saturday's market. As It was , there were hardly enough of any one kind to create much enthusiasm in the market. Buyers were out early , however , nnd about everything changed hands in a very short time. A * to prices , there was not much change In the general market. Beat Btera were in good demand and brought steady prices , but there wan noth ing cholc in the yards to put a top on the market , an will bo noted from the sales below. Only a very few loads of cows and _ heif ers and some odds and ends were offered on the market , the most of them on the common order. The market did not show much change. Bulls , stags , calves , etc. , were Just about steady. It always nuppens as the week draws to a close that the scramble for feeders lets up ; and thora was no exception to the rule today. Speculators did not appear very anxious about buying and were not out as early and when they did thow up It was apparent from their actions that they were , determined to get the , cattle worth the pioney or let them , alone. The result waa that anything but th very best kinds were slow'sale. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. 1320286 40..1011 $4 90 10..1174 $5 45 2. 815 350 21. . 940 500 1..1350 575 2. 835 3 65 44..1223 525 51..1163 675 16. 840 4 00 21..1143 6 25 41..1243 5 SO 2. 825 4 26 2..1130 635 16..1137 685 3. 1043 485 60..1079 640 1..1400 600 14. 944 3 75 20..1311 6 60 COWS. 1. 750 100 3. . 850 2 Co 4. . 952 315 1. 750 1 GO 2. . 9GG 2 75 9. . 9S7 3 15 1. 660 1 50 1. . 970 2 73 1..1230 3 25 1. 860 2 00 2..1015 290 1..1000 325 1. 1060 2 25 3. . 890 3 00 1..1300 3 40 1. 930 225 1. . 970 300 6..1200 350 1.i 720 225 1. . 850 300 1..1020 350 i ] 1040 235 .2. . 8SO 300 10..1076 350 2. 920 2 50 1..1160 300 1..800 350 1. 800 260 1. . 930 300 4..1112 360 6. 1028 2 60 1. . 810 3 00 ' 1..1040 3 60 1. 1070 2 60 16. . 922 3 00 1..1010 3 60 HEIFERS. 7. 902 3 30 11. . S8fl 4 00 19. . 6S2 4 50 1. 650 3 35 2. . 970 4 00 8. . 341 4 65 4. 897 3 46 1. . 460 4 25 8. . 695 5 00 2. 605 3 65 2..1010 4 25 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1. 580 260 29. . 878 330 2..885 375 1060 825 1..1270 330 8. . 568 375 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. No. Av , Pr. No , Av. Pr. J. W. Rlggs Wyo. 1 eteor 30 | 3 60 5 Btoora..l21S $3 90 20 htetrs. . . . 877 3 50 B. E. Johnson Neb , 2 cows 1070 S 10 1 cow 9SO 353 4 oows 1213 3 20 18 feeders. . S89 4 fcJ 2 cowa 1050 3 25 M. J. Gray Idaho , 19 feeders.,1001 4 45 62 feeders. , 034 4 K2 % HOQS Today's market was unevenly lower en all kindr. As compared with voBterday mornlrm a good many hoge sold 10o lower , ot'hers ' not quite BO much off , Compared with the close yesterday tha mar ket was u shade to So lower , On an aver age It was Sfirt' o lower than yesterday's average , as Bliown by the 'sales. There were , however , fnwcr good light hogs hero toclav and more sklppy stuff. Packers com plained that the quality of the hogs of all wcltfhts was very poor , Some pretty fair light hogs sold at J4.3o , light mixed at J4.22',4f/r-l.27'(4. ( / Heavy packing hogs brought $1.05fH.lo ( , and some choice butcher weights $4.25 , At the close ycHter- dav the heavy packings brought $ UOff4.16 mostly , which was a Uttlo better than the market today , au wll Ibe noted from the BjleH below , Whllo the trade was not very active to day , sellers realized from the reports com ing from other market points that they could not lie any better and accordingly they sold out as a rule In good season , Rrp. resentatlve sales ; 4M , m 410 dee oo a , . .2 % 410 4 05 3. . .220 410 405 8. . ,42t > 4 10 ,232 . . 4 05 8.H13EP Receipts of shesp were liberal today , there being lehtp n fresh loadd of all kinds reported In. The mot of them w ro on gale. The market did not show much ehangu and the demand for aU klndfl tvos reasonably good. Valufs , however , are not KPttlnc nny better BJid thft tendency of the market In easier If anything. A bunch of thn lambs that have been Felling at 14.75 brought $1.65 tod'y , but they were the clean-up of the lot. so that they were not much , if any , lower than yesterday. Other lots Mid t just the same figures as yester day.The The dMnand for feeding itock continues good and anything ilvMrnbic of that descrip tion soil ; readily. Some feodlns owes brought JMO todny. Quotntions : i'rlme natlvo vreUicrs , J4.00W i 25 ; good to choice grass wethrrs , J3 f-OJf a.POair ; to good grass wethers. I3.03Q'3.75 ; good to choice grass owea , $3.4 ( > y3.jO ( : fair to good grans ewes , Kl.OOCf3.3o ; good to choice nprlng lamb * . J5.0W4.20 ; fair to good uprlng lambs J4,90ll5,00 ; common Bprlng lambs , J4.OOff4.BO ; feeder wothors , J3.7608.Si. Repre sentative Pales : No. Av. Pr. 303 California ewes nnd lambs. . . . S7 J2 10 28 wethers . . . 100 3 CO 101 California lambs , fpoders . . . 47 3 CO 241 Colorado wethers . P3 S SO " western wethers. . . , . SO 390 l,02Ti western wethers . ) 390 7S wootern lamb . 66 4 C5 Ifevr Vork l.trc Stock. NEW YORK , Sept. l.-RKBVES-Re- eeipta , 10,515 heaxl ; steers , 15c higher ; bulls nnd cows steady ; natlvo steers , J5.OiXB6.SO ! tops , JG.CG ; Tcxnnn , H.f > 0 ; bulls , J2.50jj3.40 ; cows , Jlf > Oi33.M > . CablcH quote : American cattle nt llUigUUo per Ib. nnd refrigerator beef nt 8c t > er H > . ; shipments , 30 hcail sheep ; tomorrow , GSG head cattle , 75 head sheep and 5,276 , quarters of beef , CALVES Receipts , 332 head ; vcnls steady : grangers lower ; veals , J5.0Krs.OO ( ; 'tops ' , Js.25 ; grns3ers and buttcrmllkH , J3.00 ® 'sirBEl > AND L-AMBS-Recelpts , 8.77S head ; better demand , prices no higher ; sheep , J2.45i4.2G ; export grades , W.75. Lambs , J4.00iff6.00 ; Canada lambs. J5.12H ® 6.75. 6.75.IIOO8 IIOO8 Receipts. 1,321 head ; SS head on sale ; steady. KO Live Stock. CHICAGO. Sept. 1. CATTLE Today's light supply of cattle was well taken at steady prices ; good to choice beeven sold at J5.7W.65 ; commoner lots at J1.10iO.C5 ( ; stockers and feeders brought .25ifl,30 ; bulls , cows and heifers , J2.00fi1i.25 ; Texas steers. J3.3iXjM.30 ; calves , t4.507.2G. IIOOS Trade In hogs was fair at a further reduction In prices of BglOc ; heavy hoes sold at JS.WJN.CO ; mixed lots at J1.20W 4.CO : light , J4.2S04.70 ; pigs brought J3.40jN.40 ; culls. J2.00.U5. SHEEP There wae a good demand for sheep and lambs at strong prices ; sheep sold at $2.0 ! > J4.50 , rangers being J3.003T4.25 ; lambs sold at from J3.nO to J6.00 , with a few prime lots bringing JC.25. RECEIPTS Cattle , 2,000 head ; hogs , 16,000 head ; sheep , 6,000 head. Kntinnn City l.lve Stock. KANSAS CITY , Sept. l.-CATTLE Re ceipts , 2,800 natives , 1,000 Texans. With the exception of a few bunches of common na tive stcojs trade today was very satisfac tory and prices ruled steady , with choice Texans a shade higher ; heavy native steers , J5.75@fi.15 ; ng-ht weights , J4.SOftfi.05 ; stockers and feeders , J4.00S2C.50 ; butcher cows and heifers. $3.00(56.00 ( ; oanners , J2.4CKJT3.00 ; west- lorn steers , $4. < XKSG. 3 : Toxans. $3.40 3.9S. I HOGS Receipts , 6,070 bead ; light supply 1 of common quality ; best grades steady , oth ers 60 lower ; heavy , $4.304.47V4 ; mixed , $4.26 < fr .42H ; light , $4.404.65. SHEEP Receipts , 3,050 head ; moderate supply of good westerns that sold quickly at Arm prices ; lambs , J4.2frSC.10 ; muttons , J3.7C5J3.M ; stackers and feeders , J3.10 < 8 > 4.00 ; culls. $2.60(33.10. ( St. Lnnln ITC Stock. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 1. CATTLE-Recelpts , BOO haad : market steady to strong ; jiattve shipping and export steers , J4.7o6.20 ; dressed beef steers. $4.50@6.75 ; Bteers under 1,000 pounds , J3.50ZfO.23 ; stockers and feed ers. J2.754.90 ; canners , $1,5002.25 ; bulls , J2.50 ( JM.OO ; Texas and Indian stcera , J3.OOiT4.CS ; cows and heifers. J2.30 < T3.70. HOGS Receipts , 200 head ; market strong ; native muttons , J3.75ff4.20 ; lambs , $4.0096.75 ; stockers , J3.00@3.60 ; culls nnd bucks , J1.65 ® 2,75. Stuck in Slight. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for September 1 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha , . . . . 2,352 4,296 42 Chicago 2,000 16,000 , , 6,000 Kansas City . , ' . . . . " 3,800 6,0705 3,030 St. Louis * . . . 500 3,100' 200 Totals 8,652 2S,46 14,212 A. OnOBSOME LOVE CHARM. Flenb of a Wliltc Mnn AV1I1 Help the African Snltor. A new peril seems to threaten white men In South Africa. They are In danger of being' cut Into love charms and used to Increase the marriage rate among the natives , says the New York Presg. The flesh of a European Is considered by the black Inhabitants of Natal as a charm powerful enough to compel the , love of any unwilling maiden. When a young black man lovea a maiden and his love IB not reciprocated he goes to a witch doctor ! and asks for a love philter. Other philters of , a milder potency having been tried and the , maiden still remaining obdurate and refusIng - I ' Ing to love her black suitor , the witch doctor , as a last resort , prescribes the flesh of a white man. Murders committed for the possession of the coveted white fleah , whllo not common , occur from time to time. News has been re ceived from Natal of the hanging at Harding of a witch doctor and his pupil for the murder of a farmer named Kay. The farmer was dragged from his bed at'nlght and , after being stabbed several times with an assegai , his throat was cut and his body left on the veldt. Part of the dead man's neck was cut away , and subsequently found In the witch doetor'a bag , with other "medicines. " The "head devil" In the murder was a witch doctor named Umtonl. With him was asso ciated his pupil , Slbalwcnl. Slbalwenl had not yet taken his degree as a witch doctor , but was stuydlng under Um- tani , who considered him a promising pupil. The two men were helped In the murder by two men who seem to have been simply em ployes of Umtani's college of medicine. These two men received life sentences. When Um- tani and his pupil wcro hanged eighty natlro chiefs and headmen were assembled in order I they might gee the execution and eproad I the news of It abroad among the natives , 1 The natives have had an Idea that when ono I of them has been arrrested for a similar ' crime ho has not been killed , but simply sent' ' to aoma far-off place , where ho eventually' ' died. The recent execution wrui Intended as an object lesson. Recently a little chlia , j | which was stolen from ll parents In tli Barbcrton district of Natal , Is supposed to have been taken by the natives for the same purpose as that for which they murdered Kay , Umtanl , the doctor , who was some thing of a South African Charles Peace , con- ' fcesod to other murders which had not boon brought to light , Including the Chief Um- ehweshwe's Bister , His face was In keeping I with his character crafty and cruel to a de- ! greo. His pupil , Slbalwenl , also bad n re- ' pulslvo face , while the other two men , domf ! and Umbonwn , who received life sentences , have a ploabantcr appearance. | A police trooper , who discovered Kay's body lying In the moonlight , was no unnerved by the ghastly sight It presented , with gaping wounds and clad only in a shirt , that lie was unable to ileep or eat for some tlmu ' after , and at night awakened his comrades with screams , I'ntln-rlr I'rldr , Chicago Post : "How's my daughter get ting on with her music ? " asked Mr. Cumrox as he eat down and pulled bis trousers up over hia kneee , so as not to epoll the creases. ' 'All she needs Is patience , " said the teacher. "Then she's < dl right. If there's anything eho possesses , it'a patience , She'a be n elx wceke looking all over the ( ilano with both hands lor "The Lost Chord * and I'm willing to 'uot bank stock agalnei chewing : cum she won't quli till ehe finds It , " Tlie Mitklnir of tlio Mail , Detroit Journal i "And finally , " ho urged , proudly , "I am , a eelf-mado man1'1 The liuautitul girl whose hand he Bought it ) marriage regarded him nth. { scorn , "You cuuuct deceive tnel" she exclaimed , "Ton were mnde by A irustlVJmt would you be , I nsk you 1n nil cnndor , hut for Pen * ( solldfttcd Tics' Kcct ? " Ho qtmllcd under her necuslng Rlunce , nnfl after n few commonplace remarks , left her , forever , I'dlntnl 1'nrrtKrnttlin. When you hear a mnn pay ' 'busln ! t i bvslncss" ho has Just cheated somebody. If you vnluo n man's friendship never 'K , ngreo with him when ho cnllo himself n fool. It Is walor to hurry a small boy off on an crrnnd thnn it Is to mnlso htm hasten back. Some people worry becmiti they nfo deep In debt nnd others worry bocnuso they can't get in deeper. A innn imagines ho hns perfect control over hla wife when ho wnntn her to do something Mint she wants to do , Some men are eo busy telling what thsy would do it they had nn opportunity thn the opportunity pas-ses by unobserved. When others fail consult SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. NERVOUS CHRON15 & op MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to cure all cases curable of WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Nightly Emission ? , Lost Manhood , Hydrocelo Vcrleoc lc , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syphilis , Strlot- nrc , Piles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers and All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men. STRICTURE AND GLEET Consultation f reo Cull on or address DR. SEARLES & SEARLES , 119 So. nth St. OHAHA. Neb'K BUFFET LIBRARY OARS Best Dining Oar Service , IS WEALTH DR. E. C. WEST. NERVE AND DRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL , AIL OTHERS IMITATIONS. 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MECTniCITV and nimiCAI , Treatment - i * jicombined. . Varltocelc , Stricture , Syphilis , I < ouBuf Vif or auU Vitality. Il , ? , S ? IlA TIRD' : Clnrsrra low. IIOJII5 TRKViMCNi. Hook , ConsiiUui ; < m and Exam. lii.iti.nil > rot * . Uoiirs.8i.iii.ioC ; ; VtoUp m. iida ! . : .9 to 12 P O. l-n-OM , . Omrc , ? ( . K. ' - H ' - ! < , t K-m. roGlrr. . f.Or.JAIINil ! . Purely vegetable , mild and reliable Reg ulate the Liver and Digestive organs. The safest and boat medicine In the world for tli of all dUordcrs of the Stomach , Uvtr , Bowels , Kldnsys , niadder , N.ervous DIs- eaaeB. Loss of Apppllto , Headache , Consti pation. Costly&ness. Indigestion , Hllllouii- ? ? " ' x'0 r. Inllummation f tlio IJowela. I1 lea. and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. PRHKICCT DIGESTION will bo accomplished by taking HAD WAY'S Sick Headache , Foul fltonmch. 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