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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
THE OMAITA DAILY" BEE : FIUDAV , SEPTEMBER 1 , 1809. j Special Pictures of the 1st Nebraska Raising "Old Olory" at Fort Santn Ctnx , Kndronc Inlands , including the late Colonel Stotsenberg , Camp Mesa , the Hospital Reproduced from an llluitratlon in " Ou to Manila pital and the fighting line of the illustrations taken a complete roster regiment , at the time by showing promotions , etc , White the Douglas , A Book war correspond In order to give all the ent of the San to be friends Francisco Examiner Pre of the First Nebraska an opportunity of hav iner , served ing a complete and correct history of the regi for ment The Omaha Bee has at great expense placed this beautiful future The Old Hell nt Snmnre , Zadrone book within their reach no coupon required order quick as we Islands. Cast in zdSo. refer Reproduced from an illustration . In have only a limited number. "Ou to Muullo. " ence. sale at the Circulation department The Bee Sent prepaid to any address upon receipt of the price * the First American Flap ; Raised Over Manila , Address , Omaha . . History Department Bee. Reduced from n Illustration In " On to IdaaUa. " ALL A MATTER OF PITCHERS Orth is Invincible for Quakers While Taylor is Easily Found. TAILENDERS HOLD LEADERS UNTIL FIFTH ColonclN Holly Too Lute In the Gume and I.uulHVlllu Will Ho Abandoned IIM mi Unprofitable llano Hall Toivn. 1'lilluilclplilii , 1)l Cincinnati , 2. " \VunlilutCtoii , 7 | Jjoulnvllle , U. JlrooUlyn , 1) | Clrveluml , ! i. Chicueu , R | Jlootoii , 1 ! . 1'ltlNbiirtc , 8 | JVeiv York , 7. St. Louis , 5) ) Iliiltliuore , U. CINCINNATI , Aug. 31. Orth was Invin- clblo after the first Inning today , while Taylor was hit hard throughout the gomo. Delohanty'a and Cross' Holding wore fea tured. Attendance. 1,533. Score : CINCINNATI. u.n.o.A.n. 11.1I.O.A.E. Wonrhle , of 1 it 2 0 2 Thomajt , cf.ttlOO Corooran , us 1 0 3 B 0 Cross , ua. . Belbucti , If. , 00403 Dolfh'ty , If. 2 3 Z 0 0 JJckU > y , . 0 0 12 ' 1 1 Clilles. rf. . . 13100 IJIIx-rrd , 3b 0 1 3 B 0 l.aildnr. 3b. . 1 2 2 5 0 Mol'luw , 2b , 0 0 1 2 0 McFarl'U , c , 1 2 1 0 0 Heybold , rf. 0 1 0 0 0 IVilati , 2i > . . . "Wood , c 00110 Coockcl , Ib. 0 0 12 1 0 Taylor , p. . . 0 1 1 0 0 Orth. p 13110 Total * . .3 62714 B Totala . . a 15 27 14 1 Cincinnati 2 0000000 0-2 Philadelphia 0 11130003-0 Earned runs' Cincinnati. 1 ; Philadelphia , 7 , Two-baso liltu : Lauder , McFarland , Dolan , Orth. Flrut base on balls : OB Tay lor , 2 ; Orlli , 2. Time : 2:03. : Umplreo : OiinBllo-uml Dwycr. Ilrooklyii , D | Clcvclmiil , : t. BROOKLYN , Aug. 31 , The Clevelands forced the Brooklyns to play nn up-hill rame for flvo Innings today , but after that it was a runaway affair. With the bases full In the thlid , Sullivan hit for a double , bringing In all the runs scored by Cleve land during the game. The game wiw called In the ninth on account of dark ness. Attendance , 1,100 , Score : TntuU . .3 8 : < 12 2 Totnli 9 H 25 14 B Ono out In ninth when game . Cleveland 0 0300000 0-3 Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 2 3 2 1 * -9 llarned runs ; Cleveland , 1 ; Brooklyn. 3. Three-base hit : Hughes. Two.base hits : Bulllvan. Daly , Dahlen. Farrell. First base on error * : Cleveland , 4 : Brooklyn , 2. Left on bases ; Cleveland , 8 ; Brooklyn , S. Struck out : By Hughcu , 4 ; by Schmidt , 1 , Sacri fice hit : Casey. Stolen bases : Dowd , llarloy , Lockheed , Kelley , 2 , Baus on balls ; 'Off HughCH , 3 ; off Schmidt , 2. Double play ; Kellgy to Dahlen to Cusoy. Jilt by pitched ball : By Hughw , 1 , Wild pitch ; Bchmldt , 1. Time : 2W. Umplies : Hnydor and McGurr. Wnklilnirlnn , T ) I.oulNvllle , ( I. . LOUISVILIJB. Aug. 31. The Colonels ' 'rallied in the ninth , but their errors hrul < [ riven Washington a lend they could not ' overcome. The bane bull season In Louis ville will close on Saturday. The remak ing sixteen gurnet scheduled for this city Jiave been tran ferr < tl. President Dreyfus datum the club hns been losing 5200 a day and the strain i more than th direct ? care to stand. Attendance , 300. Si rt * natted for Dowllnjr In the ninth innlnp , .IxwlBvllle . , , . , . . .S 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S-6 ' ; ( Washington 0 0 0 2 S 0 0 2 1-7 turned runs ; Louisville , 3 , 'Washington , 2. Stolen bases : Clarke , 2 ; Hey , Leach , Roaoh. Two-bane hits : Powers , O'Brien , Padden. Three-base hits : Wills. First base on balls : Qft McFarand , 1. Struck out : By Dowllnj ? , 2 ; by McFarland , 3. Double play : Padden to McQann ; Wagner to Powers. Jilt by pitched ball ! Clarke , Houcli. Left on bases : Louisville , 1 ; Washington. 4. Time : 1:55. : Umpires : Gu.ftn.ey and Latham. I'lttnbiiric , 8j 3Vc\v Yorlr , 7. PITTSBURG , Aug. 31. It looks like New York's game , when with olx hits , five runs were scored ; but In the fourth Plttsburg. with live hltH equaled this , and had the game well In hand after that. Attend ance , 1,500. Score : 1'lTTSBtniO. NEW YORK. H.H.O.A.E Il.H.O.A.K. Beaum't , of 1 2 4 10 Vanll'n , cf. 1 2 2 0 0 Wlll'ms , 3b. 2 2 1 1 0 T. O'li'n , If. 0 0 0 0 0 McCttrt'y , If 1 2 3 1 0 Doyle , Ib. . . 12920 Donovan , rf 2 2 0 0 0 Gleaeon , 2U 1 1 6 5 0 Ely , B 22322 Foster , rf. . . 12000 Fox , Ib 01820 Wilson , c. . . 12610 Bohrlver , c. . 0 2 B 1 0 Martin , 3b. . 0 I 0 1 0 J. O'B'n. Sb 0 0 2 3 0 Hardesty , 0 1 1 7 0 TannolilU , p 0 1100 Hc-ymour , p. 2 3 1 2 0 Totals . . 8 H 27 11 2 Totals . . 7 14 24 18 0 Plttsburjj 0 0051002 * -8 New York 5 0010000 1 7 Earned runs : Pittsburgh , C ; New York , 3. Two-base hits : Donovan , Doyle , Poster. Three-base hits : Williams , McCarthy. Home run : Foster. Stolen baws : Ely to Tannehlll to Wilson. Double plays : Fox to Tannehlll , Ely to Fox , McCarthy to Ely , ITardesty to Gleaaon to Doyle , Hard- psty to Doyle to Wilson , Gleason to Doyle. First Imco on balls : On Tannehlll , 2 ; off Seymour , 3. Hit by pitched ball : Fox , Martin. Struck out : By Tannehlll , 3 ; by Seymour , H. Wild pitch : Seymour. Time : 2:00. Umpires : Swartwood and Hunt. St. Iii u I M , Cf Iliiltlinoro , : i. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 31. The Perfectos won today by bunching their hits in the second Inning. Young was Invincible after the llrst Inning and the Orioles were at his mercy. Attendance , 1,500. Score : ST. LOUIS. BALTIMOnE. Il.H.O.A.K ll.H.O.A.n. Donlln , cf. . . 01200 Harris , 3b. . 1 1 0 1 0 ChlMs. ! b. . . 0 1 1 4 0 Holinen , 1C. . 0 0 2 0 0 HeldTlck , rfO 0 4 0 1 Uemont , 2b , 2 1 3 4 0 Ilurkctt , If. 0 1 1 0 0 Hrodle , cf. . . 00200 Soli'k'B't , Ib 1 1 11 1 1 Kolster , 00131 Orlger , c. . . . 1 0 2 0 0 Shockanl , rf 0 2 1 0 0 Clown , Sb , . . . CYUImm , Ib , 0 0 > 2 1 1 Wallace , ea. 0 2 3 2 1 frnUli , 0 03300 Yuung , p , . . . 10240 Mcdln'ly , p 0 0 0 3 1 Koblnson , , Totals . .5 8 27 12 4 TolnlH . .38 U 12 3 Batted for McGlnnlty In the ninth , St. Louis 04000001 5 Baltlnvote 20000001 0-3 Earned runs : St Louis , 2 ; Baltimore , } . Two-base hits : Harris , Wallace , Sacrlllco hit : .McQInnlty. Double plays : Chiles to Wallace lo Schreckeneoat ; Demont to C'rls- ham. nit by pitched ball : Crlger First base on balls : Off Young , 1 : oft McGInnlty. 3. Passed ball : Smith. Struck out : By Young , 1 ; by McG'nnlty. 1. Stolen base : Sheckard. Time : 1:45 : , Umpires ; Mannaa- eau und Connolly , OIllCIIKO , Fi | IIONtOII , 2 , CHICAGO. Aug. 31. The Orphans downed the Champions today In the seventh inning. When Willis passed two men to llrst and was hit for four consecutive singles. The Holding was clean throughout , many brll- llcnt plays being made on both sides. At tendance , 750. Score : fHlCACO. IJQSTON. K.n.O.A.I.I n.H O.A E. Ityiui , If. . . 1100 0 Humllt'n. cf 0 l 300 Merles , rf . " 0000 Tenney , Ib. , 0 0 0 0 Wolv'tn , Sb 113 1 U > Mif , us. 0 3 S 0 I-annf , vf. 3 4 0 0 Utah ) , rf. 1 300 nverltt , ll > 1 13 1 0 Collins , 31) 1 S 1 0 Connor , 2b 133 0 , Duffy , If. 0 1 0 0 234 ' 'b. 0 1 4 0 Cliunc * . c , 00000 Ulnrke , c , 0 0 2 2 0 Urmahue , c 00200 Willis , p. 00020 Grimtli , p. . Totals . .2 7 24 12 0 Totals . . 5 10 27 Chicago . 0 00000 * -6 Boston . , . 0 10000 0-2 Earned runs ; Chicago , 2 ; Boston , l , Left on bases ; Chicago. 7 , Hoston , 3 , Two-baae hit : Stan ! Bacrince 1-lts : Everltt , Duffy. Stolen base ; I. tinge. Double plays ; Magoon to Everltt. Connor to Magoon to Everltt ; Long to Tenney. Struck out ; By Grimth , 1 ; by Willis , 2. First base on balls ; Off Wlllla ; 4. lilt by pitched ball : Wolverton. Tlrnu : 1:55 : , Umpires ; O'Oay and McDonald. bUtixllnv of tli TruiiiM , Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Brooklyn , . . , . 112 7 3U .679 Boxton . 114 71 41 .623 Philadelphia . 117 72 33 .615 Baltimore . Ill C6 45 .595 St , Louis , . ,113 C5 53 .C51 Cincinnati . . , , . . -113 62 Gl .543 Chicago . 118 69 67 .509 Plttsburg . 1 67 63 .496 Louisville . 113 60 63 .442 New York. . 113 CO 63 .443 Washington 113 40 73 .334 Cleveland 118 19 09 .161 Games for today : New York at Pitts- burs , Brooklyn at Cleveland , Philadelphia at Cincinnati , Washington at Louisville , Boston at Chicago , Baltimore at St. Louis. 3IALV13R.X HASH UALI , TOUIIXAMKNT. Flrnt Game in "Won by Itiiiidulpli and Second Gume by Tabor. MALVERN , la , , Aug. 31. ( Special Tele gram. ) A base ball tournament Is In prog ress here. The results today were as fol lows : First game : RANDOLPH. I MALVDRN. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Wilkinson , p.2 2 2 4 1 Mulholl'd , Bs.O 4221 Johnson , B3..1 1 0 1 0 O. Masters , cl 0 3 3 0 Clark , cf . 0 2100 F. M'h'l'd , ID 2 2 0 0 Thomas , Zb..l 1 1 1 1 W.M'h'l'd. cf2 1 4 0 0 Gates , c . 1 2 10 0 2 , Perdue , 3b..O 2220 Flomlnjf , 3b..3 221 2 Qrlm , 2b . 1 1101 Ilrldires , rf..O 120 II P. Masters , p.O 0 2 2 0 TV. J'son , lf..l 1000 McCurdy , rt.O 0000 Shaffer , lb..l 1 S 0 1 R a , Ib . 0 0 U 0 1 Totals . . . .10 13 25 7 Totals . 7 10 27 9 3 Home run : Wilkinson. Three-base hits : II. Mulholland. Perdue , G. Johnson. Bat teries : Randolph , Wilkinson and Gates ; Malvern , R. Matters and G , Masters. Base on balls : Oft Wilkinson , 3 ; off Masters. 0. Struck out : By Wilkinson , 8 ; by Masters , 3. Umpire : D. Huffaker. Second game : Three-base hltn : Weatherhead. Wllmot. Double play : Hall to Weatherhead to Laird. Struck out : Weatherhead , 8 ; Steele , 11. Bases on balls : Steele , 4 ; Weatherhead , 2. Umpire : Huffnker. IIIiicH Shut Out Grand UiipldM. KANSAS CITY. Aug. Sl.-The Blues shut out Grand Haplds today In the last game on the home grounds. In the fifth Inning with two men out and the base full Gear smashed the ball for a home run. Schmidt hold the visitors to two chance hits. Score : R..H.E. Kansas Oty ! . . . .0 0005002 1-8 9 3 Grand Itapld . , ,0 0000000 0-0 2 2 Batteries : Kansas City , Schmidt and Wilson ; Grand Haplds , lllsley and Mc- Cauley. StnndiiiK of the Tellium. Played. Won. Lost. P.C , Indianapolis 1W CS 40 .630 Mlnneai > olla 114 71 43 .623 Grand Haplds . . . .114 68 56 .509 Detroit Ill 60 65 .603 .St. Paul 113 63 CO .469 Milwaukee 108 43 CO .414 Buffalo , . . .114 47 67 .412 Kansas City 112 48 CO ,411 SoIiIliTH Will I'luy Hall. The Thurnton Rifles are booming the First Regiment-Young Men's Christian Associa tion base ball game. The Thurstons have charge of the advance ticket sale and tickets may be secured ut the armory and from members of the company. Lieutenant Phil Russell Is rapidly getting the mem bers of the First regiment team started for Omaha. A number of the players stopped oft at their hornea. but will be here In time to uhow the local team how the national game was played 10,000 miles away from home , Beahr and McKell , members of Com pany L and players on the First's team , are looking well and are anxious to have a go with their old friends anil team mates. Mc- Kcll formerly played with the Young Men's Christian association teams , both bdse ball and foot ball. Beahr used to be considered thct fastest ICO yards man In Omaha and he hati a good record as a base ball player. Slnco hcuhas had experience catching and dodging cannon balls iind pullets hot from the Filipino gum ) he ought to be good nnd hard and hav < ) a great batting eye. Every body ought to turn out and help swell the attendance and funds Young Men's Chris tlan association tlckws will not be honored at this game , 1'nninm OrraU Want n ( iiiinc , The Poatum Cereals want to play a game with the Hamilton base ball team of Coun cil Bluffs Sunday morning or Monday after , noon. They can address the manager of the challenging team , Fred Wachtcr , care of Peycke Brother * . Denver Giilfn , it : ) OolumlniN , H. COLUMBUS. Nob. , Aug. 31. ( Special Telegram , ) The Denver Gulfs defeated the Columbus ball team here this after- moon by a score of 23 to 8 , Th home team was elmply outclassed and unable to cope with the visitors. However , they managed to flnd the ball twice for a home run. Batteries : Columbus , Lohr , Mahaf- fey and Thomas ? Gulfs , Clausen , New- rneyer , Simmons and Richards. Umpire : Stoney of Superior. The Gulfs play to morrow at Fremont. DIRECTLY LEADS ALL THE WAY Tweutr-Flve-Tjiou aiiil-Dollnr Piir In Gift to the Winner , AVhoNc ItimU in JS'ever In Hunger. DUBUQUE. la. , Aug. 31. A large crowd was disappointed at Nutwood park track today It gathered with the expectation of seeing a great scramble between four great pacers for the special purse of J25.000. The race was a gift to Directly , who was never In danger from beginning to end. The best heat was turned In 2:07. : This was the first one. The other two were turned In 2:03V4 : Bnd 2OSi : , respectively In the first heat Directly went out at the quarter and led all the way except for a moment drawing I up to the half , where Ananias stuck his ( nose In front. Coming down the stretch I Ananias was a close secona , tut broke and fell back to the last. In the second Directly was in the front all the. way. Ananias had second place to the head of the stretch , where Park came I out and took the place a lengtih behind Directly. Directly took thP deciding heat by two lengths. Borough Park had second money cinched and laid back and finished easy in third , place. It took two heats to decide the 2:07 : pace , postponed from yesterday. Gales Noyes went to the. front at the quarter in the first and won easily In 2OG : } . In the second Toler gave Noyes a run for his money from the hall To the wire. Both drivers urged their charges hard and came down the stretch and under the wire BO close to a dead heat that the Judges were a long time in giving Noyes first place and the race. Toler took second mone" . The deciding heat was won In 2:07U. : Nine starters lined up for the 2:18 : trot. In the first , heat of the four necessary to decide on a winner Ellert led to the quarter , where ho was headed bAegon Star and Jack D. who led the procession to the three- quarters pole. Jack was coming to the front fast when ho broke and fell back to third place. I Thomas C went out in front at the quar- I tor in the second heat ana led all the way. Aegon Star and Ashbrook finished second and third , but were sut back to the tallend for running. Aegon Star and Thomas C put up a pretty ' contrst in the third heat. They were on even teims to the head of the stretch. Star finished a nose In front on a break and Thomas C was given llrst piace. The fourth heat wa.i won easily by Thomas C. Aegon Star took second money and Ellert third. Tommy Brltton had an easy victory In the 2:10 : trot. The other three formed as follows : Little Edgar , Caracalla and Pear- ' llrie C , This was the oraer In which they reeled off three heats. Weather hot and track fast. 'FINAL IIOU.M ) I.V WOMEN'S TI3NMS. \ -fl a nil fllo.Vtt'or AVI11 Con front 3IIHMI-H llimkH mill \eely , CHICAGO , Aug. 31. After winning an In teresting match of doubles from Miss Fuller and Miss Delany at the Women's Western Championship tournament at Ken wood Country TennlH club today , Miss Atkinson and Mls-s Craven were defeated In thw semi-final round by Mlsa NeeJ and Miss McAteer. Jn their first match , MIt > n Craven and Miss Atkinson played in ex cellent form and won In straight sets. The superior network of their opponenta was too much for them in their second match , however , and they succeeded in winning but four rames In two sets. In the ilnal round for doubles tomorrow Mis * Neel and Mian McAtecr will have as their opponents Mlna Bunks and M'.tH Neely. In the single matches Miss McAteer de feated Miss Parker and Mis * Neely had an ( . any time with Miss Ba ks , Summaries ; Doubles ; Second round Miss 'Atkinson and MlHt Craven defeated M'.ss Fuller und Miss Delany , C-2 , C-2. Miss McAteer and M'.KS Neal defeated Mlba Pennine-ton and Miss. Lee , C-0. 6-2. Semi-final round MIso Neely and Miss Banks dufoated MUs Parker und Miss -Ohampllii , C-4 , 1-G 0-1. Mlsa Neoly and Mlsu McAteer defeated Miss Atkinson and Miss Graven , 6-1 , 6-4. Singles : Seml-flnnis Miss McAteer de feated Mlsa Parker , 4-6 , C-4 , 7-5. Mlsa Neely defeated Miss Bonks , 6-1 , 6-1. Inillitiiu MtiXTN oil Slrlkf. BRAZIL , Ind. , Aug. 31. The 300 miners In the Diamond mine of the Keeler Coal company went on strike today. They claimed that the company would not ullow i them to use powder purchased of any other Btoru than that of the company. The miners 1 contended that they can save 60 cents and each ken of powder , POINTER PACES SPEEDY MILE New Track Eecord of Two Minutes Plat Scored at Charter Oak. BEST TIME IS MADE IN THE LAST QUARTER Two Iluimliifir Horned IlriiiK the Pacer Down the Stretch Without Slip or IlrcaU , Dave MoLary HoldingRclnn. . HARTFORD , Conn. , Aug. 31. The fca- turo of the day at Charter Oak park was Star Pointer's great mile , which was in two minutes flat , without slip or break , beating tbo track record made by the same horse lost season , 2OOV& : . Dave McLary drove Pointer and he was aided by two running horscfi , one going to the half and both com ing down the stretch either side of the pacer. The time by quarters was : 0:30 : , 1:00 : , 1:30 : , 2:00. : There was Intense excitement during the progress of the 2:17 trot , In which Letau S was favorite early In the day 25 to 15 and later before the race started 25 to 38 for the Hold. The change In the odds looked euoplclous and there was a great amount of money up. Dollade Wllkcs and Letah S had each a heat In Wednesday's contest and Letah S took the first of the heats to day. In the fourth heat , however , there was trouble brewing. Kennedy , driving Letali S , did not score her to the pole and the word was given with the mare well In the rear. She broke In the first turn and inado the mlle In fifth place , Kennedy com plained ' that bo was fouled , but the Judges took' him off tbo seat and put Gecrs up in the fifth heat. The veteran drove her to second In the fifth beat and In the sixth took the race , although Speers , behind Pilot , was fined { 25 for not driving the heat to win , Dollade Wllkes bad two heats. Billy Andrews took the 2:30 : pace , going the first mile In 2064 ; , Conrey being the only horse that had any business with him , The consolation for all horses below second end place In the Charter Oak stake of Mon day was won by Rubber In three straight lieata with little difficulty. Precision wat > second and Senator L third. The Abbott hail a good thing In the free- for-all , out-traveling the small Hold , John Nolan , Kagle Flannngan and Monterey , with ease. John Nolan made a big bid , but was able to make only second , Geers driving The Abbott at pleasure. J B D , blk. B. ( M. M. Norton of Chicago ) , beat his record of 2:12 : to road wagon , mak ing the mile In 211 ; % . W. J , Andrews , the driver , was fined $100 for not starting John R , Gentry In the two- ininuto race Wednesday. bHAMUOCK'S 3IAI.VWA1I , M3T.S WHI.L. Cnnvii * IN Tented to hiitiNfnetloii < if Captain liognrtli , NEW YORK , Aug. 31. For Just fifteen minutes the yacht Shamrock had Its maln- i ball sot today. The Bull ! a beauty , with Us cloths running the regular way from i head to foot and a hlirh peak to it. Soon after breakfast the Hhamrock's crew "turned to. " They stretched the foot of mainsail along the boom , then hauled the clew out and made It fast. There are eight een hoops on the mast. These were , next sized on and after the foot ot the nail had been fastened to the traveler the head of It waa laced to the gaff and at 12:15 : the big naJl was hoisted. It remained up Just long enough to satisfy Captain Hogarth that It needed no alterations. Then It was lowered and carefully covered by the crew. It will not be hoisted aguin , according to David Barry , Sir Thomas Llpton's repre sentative. until the arrival of Will Fife , the yacht's designer. He in due tomorrow on the Campania with the Shamrock's owneh The latter will not be taken off the steamer at quarantine , lie will come to the city and go to the Fifth Avenue hotel , The bteam yacht Erfn will go down the bay to meet Its owner Uid the Shamrock may be towed to Sandy Hook to meet him. The steamer. It is said , will reach quaran tine before dark. RYAN WINS IN TWENTY ROUNDS Moflfatt in OuicInHNCil and Receives Severe I'uiiliiunient Kcrwlii AVIiiH from Seller * . DUBUQUE , la. . Aug. 31. Tommy Ryan was Riven the decision over Jack Moffatt at the end o a twenty-round bout here to night. Ryan had his opponent goingIn the thirteenth round and could have , easily put him out. He let down , however , and made no attempt to end the fight. Ryan did not show a mark , while Moffatt's nose and mouth bled freely and his breast and neck wore well skinned from the constant Jab bing he received. The 0,000 spectators were dlsRUsled because Ryan did not extend hlm- 4 self. Up to the thirteenth-round the. men gave a pretty exhibition and Ryan had all the best of It. I In the preliminary bour between George ' Kerwln of Chicago and James Sellers ( colored - | ored ) of Mnrshalltown , la. , Hellers' seconds threw up the spong * t ttoe end of the sev enth round. It wan a r.dlculotis exhibition. Kerwln. as a ring freak , met his match and the epectators enjoyed their antics hugely. EVENTS O\ THE IIUXXI.VG TIIACKS. Intriguer , AKnliixt Odiln of Fifty to One , AViiiN 1111 Harlem Truck. , CHICAGO , Aug. 31. Intriguer , a 50 to 1 shot , won the fourth race at Harlem today , a mlle selling race. The principal event from a racing standpoint came In the fifth I race , a four-horse contest. In which were Crocket , Bishop Reed , Mlzpah and Carnero. Bishop R jed took the lead and was three lengths ahead until the far turn , when there was a general closing up , Rounding Into the Btretch , there was a brief struggle , all being heads apart , except Mlzpah , wjjo was hopelessly beaten. Crocket won by a length. Weather clear , track fast. Sum maries : First race Five furlongs , selling : Satnn won , GuB " ! e Fay second , In Debt third. Time : l0iy. ; . Second race Mlle and n sixteenth , selling ; Barataria won , Han Light second , Simon D , third. Time : 1:48 : % . Th'rd race Four anil one-half furlongs : Silver Fizz won. Oconeo second , Krta d'Or third , lime : 0RB. : Fourth race Mile , soiling : Intriguer won , Golden Rod second. Fin Tnn third. Time : 1:42. 1:42.Fifth race Mlle : Crocket won. Bishop Reed second , Carnero third. Time : 1:40. : Sixth race Six furlongn , selling : Bertha Nell won , Montgomery second , Canova third. Time ; 1:13 : % . NEW YORK. Aug. 31. Summaries : First race Six furlongs , belling ; Jinks won , Satin Slipper second , Peace third , Time : 1:11 : 4-5 , Second rare Mile and a furlong : Azn- oena won , Muskadlne second , Tragedian third. Time ; 1:54 : 3-5. Third race Six furlongs. Partridge stakes : Water King won , Shoreham second end , Potruchlo third. Time : 1:15. : Fourth race Mile and three-sixteenths. The Reapers : Klnley Mack won , Martlman second. Ills Lordship third. Time ; 202 ; 2-5 , Fifth race Five furlong : Olea won , Llngt-rle second , Linda S. third. Time : 1-02 Sixth race Mile and a sixteenth. Helling ; Rare Perfume won , Maximo Gomez second , Handcuff third , lime ; 1:48 : 2-6. BUFFALO , Aug. 31. Summaries : First rare Seven furlongs ; Sprlngwells won , By George Becond'Hapaburg third , ' Second race Four and a half furlongs : Grumble won. Sim Mahone second , Mono- ghan third. Time : 0:56. : . Third race Six furlongs : Our Genius won , Diana second , Kathle Alay third. Time ; 1:16 : % . BELIEVES IT WAS MURDER Winifred MoAuliffe of Denver Says Sister's Death Waa Hot Accidental. CAME TO TAKE BODY HOME TO PARENTS Ynnnir Woman Emlurca the Journey Fairly Well Until City Depot in Ilciiuheii , When She in Over come by Grief. The body of Lizzie McAullffc. found deaden on Park avenue early Tuesday morning , wet taken on the midnight train to Denver , where her parents live. It was accom panied by a slater , Winifred McAullffe , who reached the city yesterday morning. Winifred McAulltto left Denver a few hours alter Coroner Swanson's telegram was re ceived announcing her sister's mysterious death. Miss McAullffe bore the journey well until this city nas reached. When the brakuman shouted "Omaha" at the car door the young woman broke down completely and had to bo assisted to a street car by station attendants , She first called at the homo of a friend , Mrs. Thoreso Gurtle. and the two wea ? 10 the coroner's to arrangd to take the dead girl's body home. Miss McAullffo believes her sister Llzzlo was murdered. She dd | not know that Lizzie received attention from men and said that she was engaged to a young man In British Columbia. They were to have been married this fall. James Mptt , who lives at Thirty-eighth and W streets , South Omaha , Informed the police that Llzzlo McAullffo was employed as a domestic at his homo six weeke , hav ing given up the place August 14 , Ho said Lizriu was accustomed to receive calls from a young man whose description corresponds exactly with that of "Steve , " with whom she v.ent drivlpg tbo night of her death. Mr : Mott said Llzzlo told him her caller'i name was Adamo and that she was ac quainted with htm In Sioux Falls , The Inquest to review the circumstances of Ltzzlo McAullffc's mysterious death and If possible determine the cause resulted jn the Jury's recommendation that "Stovo , " the | young woman's companion the night of her death , bo apprehended and held on the charge of murder. The finding of the Jury wag that Lizzie McAullffe came to her death the evening of August 28 or the morning of August 20 by being thrown from a buggy j while In the company ot n man known us I "Stove , " la t name not learned. The flnd'ng ' closed wltli the recommendation of the nmn'i apprehension , A Principal AVItiit-HB Ulcu , Frank Karschnor , a hack driver , one of the principal witnesses for the prosecutlun In the cnso of Charlcd Moore , charged with the murder of "Johnnie" DeMollns two months ago , died Wednesday. AppondlcUu was the cause ot death. A Woman's Home Duties do not tend to make her strong and vigorous with "nerves of steel , " but the contrary , for there frequently come shattered nerves and broken down health. She is then advised to take some kind of tonic to brace hemp. There Is no tonic ( Malt Extract or other kind ) that can compare with a non-intoxicant. Received First Honors at Trans-fllssisslppI nnd International Exposition , 1898 , Remember the full name , BLATZ n ALT-VI VINE. AH Druggists. Prepared by VAL BLATZ BREWING CO. , Milwaukee , U. S , A. Omaha Branch : 1412 Douglas St. Tel. 1081.