Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Heary Northwest Arrivals Used to Force the
Wheat Market Down ,
tlorn WenU for fcn < emii > r , Hut
for December OnlH nt n S
I'rovlMon MnrUct Weak
and Dull.
CHICAGO , Aug. 28. A Iwxivy Increase
in the arrivals of now wheat In the northwest -
west was tnken ndvantnso of by elovalor
people nnd professional benrt ) today to
force wheat down and the mnrkct closed
wcnk nt about He decline , September corn
was weak on renewed liquidation nnd
clo-cd < ! io lower. Moro distant futures
closed about Ho lower. Oats declined HO
for December , but closed unchanged for
September. Provisions closed unchanged
to 7 > io hlgiicr.
For a good part ot the morning whcni
vwin fairly llrm nt a alight advance In
prices. I/.vorpool ehowfd but a small openIng -
Ing decllno and moro than recovered this
before the close there. A moro Important
consideration was the email world's ship
ment * and moro particularly these from
JlusHa , whoso largo exports last week
were an Important factor In causing a
downward turn to the market. Russia this
weak reported shipment * of 499.000 bu. , tlio
total world's shipments being 6.739,000 bu.
Northwest receipts wore somewhat larger ,
but not enough so to bearlahly affect the
market. Minneapolis and Duluth reported
arrivals of 380 cars , against 327 last week
nnd 6S2 a year ago. Chicago receipts were
116 cars , 23 cara of contract grade. Shorta
Wtro the best buyers * nt the opening.
Northwest and ether oulsldo markers wcr
wcxikcir than this and some pressure was
put on the market by professional ? and
elevator people for this reason , which
caused a temporary docllno. September
opened Wiio higher at 70o and de
clined to 70 c. December opened % 0'Ao
higher at 72i73c nnd eased off to 72- % ; $
72'/4c. The decline was slopped by the an
nouncement that Hie visible supply hod de
creased 1,517,000 bu. nnd the slackening in
the Boiling i > r asiiro coming at a time
when Shorts were covering , prices ad
vanced again , September gelling lo 70 % ®
71c nnd December lo 73c.
Tht-so proved Iho high polnln of the day.
A period of comparative Inactivity followed ,
but before noon the market turned de
cidedly weak on the reporlcd arrival of
EDO'cnrn of now wheat at Dululh and by
much moro favorable threshing returns
from the northwest. Elevator people and
professional boars were not Blow to take ad
vantage ot this and pounded the mar-1
Hot persistently from then unlll the end
of the session. December 'finally declined
to 71c and September to 70c. There was
a tendency on the part of shorts to cover
nt these llKures nnd a slight rally occurred ,
but the cash market here was poor. At
lantic port clearances amounted to 268,000
, bu. Total primary receipts were 779,000 bu. ,
compared with 1,281,000 bu. last year. New
York put the export engagements at 70
loads. September closed at 70@70Ho and
December at 72c bid.
Corn was weak ifor September , but steady
for December at > J May. There was' scat
tered liquidation of September all day ,
but most of the selling wa done by elevator
vator firms , which was taken to to Indi
cate heavy country offerings. Corn reports
continued favorable. Receipts were1 619
cars. September ranged from 30031c to
31319Jc and closed 4c lower at 31c sellers ,
December closed HO lower at 23 0.
The "speculative market for oats was al
most at a stands-till. The market was a
llttlo eanler. In sympathy with corn , but
trade waa too small to admit of material
changes in values. Offerings were freer
I from the country and most of the selling
In the speculative market came from the
outsldo and from elevator people. The
cash demand was tnmo. Receipts were 519
cars. September ranged from 20@20Hc and
closed unchanged at 2020Uc. December
closed HO lower at 19Hc.
Th-o market for provisions was weak but
dull. Receipts of hogs were moderate and
largo decreases In stocks were reported ,
particularly of rlba , which led the flrmneBS
in the speculative market. Packers were
good buyers of laxd and rlba. At the close
September pork was unchanged at $8.25 ,
September lard 71/4c. higher at $5.26 and Sep.
tember ribs 7o higher at $5.20.
Estimated receipts for Thursday : Wheat ,
170 cars ; corn , 810 cara ; oats , 740 cars ; hogs ,
17,000 head.
Leading futures ranged aa follows :
Articles upon. Illnrh. Low. OIOBO. Yes'd'y
70W 70M 70 70 a > i
72M-73 7H 71M 78 72W
76K 71J4 7B
SIM SON-31 81
28 * 9&
29M0H 2UH
20M 20 20 a > <
826 830 895 825 835
88S 832 H3B 8S2M
Ofii 0 01 ! Hi UBS 000 USB
617 826 B17M
625 B25 B2S
8i2K B47H 645
Gift 620 BIB 820
617H S2B B17K BUS Bi $
400 4 OS
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
KLOUU Firm : winter patents , $3.503.60 ;
straights , J3,203.30 : spring specials , H.20 ;
spring patents , $3.40 3.70 ; straights , J2.80 ®
3.20 ; baiters , J1.90@2.CO.
WHEAT No. 3 aprlnff , G769'/io ; No. 2
red , 73V4.
CORN No. 2 , 32S32&0 ; No. 2 yellow ,
OATS-NO. 2. 2i2ic ; NO. 2 white. 22 % ®
23c ; No. 3 white. 21U@23o.
RYE No. 2 , Me.
BAIII BY No , 2 , 350VJOC ,
SEEDS-Flax : Cash , northwest , JUS ;
cash southwest , $1.17 ; September. 1.0SV4 ;
October , * 1. < HV4 ; December , J1.04V4. Timothy :
August , $2.45 ; September , $2.40 ; October ,
J2.40 : timothy seed , prime , $2.35(82.40. (
PROVISIONS-Mess pork , per hbl. , J7.E5QI
S.30. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $5.07 . 5.20. Short
ribs Bides ( loose ) , $4.9oW > .25. Dry salted
ahiouldors ( boxed ) , $5.50@5.e2Vfc. Short clear
eldes ( boxed ) . $5.50tf5.CO.
WHISKY Dlstlllow' finished goods , p&r
gal. . $1.20.
SUOAUS Cut loaf , $0.02 ; granulated , rs.GO.
Following nro the receipts and shipments :
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 14,000 16,000
Wheat , bu . 68,000 80,000
Corn , bu . DM,000 244,000
Oats , bu . CT7.000 $22,000
Rye. bu . 9,000 .
Hurley , toil . 31,000 2,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady creameries. 16O20o ;
dairies , ISG'rTc. ' Cheese , llrm , at O&Q'lOUc. '
H , steady , fresh , 12V c. Dressed poultry ,
steady ; turkeys , o ; chickens , 910c ;
ducks , 808c.
( lun < n < lniiH of the- nay on Variant *
Coiniuoilltli-N ,
NEW YORK , Aug. 23. FLOUR-Recelpts ,
13,631 bbls. ; exports , 16,317 bbls.j weak and
Inactive , w'.th spring patents Bo to lOo in
buyers' favor ; Minnesota patents , $3.85 ® >
4.00 ; winter patents , $3.603.DO ; winter
utralghto , $3.2503,40 ; winter extras , $2.45 ®
2.60 ; winter low grade * , $2,2503.40 ; Minnesota
seta patents , $3.ST4T4.05 ; Mlnnt > oota bakers ,
$3.053.25 , Hyo flour , firm ; good to prime ,
$3lf.03.25 : choice to fancy , $3.203.25.
CORNMRAL Dull : yellow w < twn , 72 ®
73o ; city. 745T76o ; Urandywlne. $2.1502.25.
RY13 No , 3 western , 61ic , f. o. b , , afloat ,
nAULUY-Stoady ; feeding. 3Si < Sf40y.tC. o.
I. f , , Uuffulo.
WHHAT Receipts. 248.000 bu. : exports.
R3.934 bu. Spot. w ik ; No , 2 rut. 7Cc , f. o.
b , . ulloat , npot ; No , 1 northern. Duluth ,
79TJo. f. o. b. , nlloot , to arrive ( old ) ; No. 1
hard , Dululh , 82 ? c. to arrive ; No. 2 red ,
TOic , elevator. Options opened firm at y o
advance on higher cables. Then weakness
and active declines worn InlliionceU by
heavy liquidation and reports that now
wheat wa arriving freely at Duluth. The
oloso was steady , In uplte of heavy export
rumora , at WfAa not decline. Hay. SO'/ic ,
cloned nt E0u ; September. 745(74 1-ltic ,
clotted at 74Uc ; December , 77 S-lk3 ( > 7S 9-lCc.
closed at 77c.
CORN Receipts , 231.876 bu.i exports , 90-
823 bu. Spot , weak ; No. 2 , 39Uc , f , o , b. ,
afloat , and SSic , elevator , Options opened
e load y at unchanged prices and eased on
wh ! ( wheat durint' tha day , being influ
enced as well by bearish crop news. Closed
easy nt a partial > , io net docllno. Hay
olosf-d at S5V&c ; Aueust clox'd at 3S ! o ; Sep
tember. U7ic ,
OA'ra-Hecelpts. 205,100 1)U. ; exports , 90-
F.W bu. ; sales , 130,000 bu. Bpot. qulot ; No.
Z , 2Co ; No. 3 , 25V Oj No. 3 white , SSo : No. a
white. 27c ; track mixed western , 2CjJ28c ;
track white , 26'/Sff33c. , Options , qulot.
cpmuiou to clioloa ,
188 orop , 8jJ7o | 1HTI crop , notnlnaJt W * orop.
10flCc ; PAC'tto connt , tt 8 orop. * 8 0i 1 9S
orop , ICSTlGUc.
HAY Firm ; sMpi/InK , SfrgCGc : Rood to
choice , 76JTS7Hc.
H1DKS Steady ; Onlvcoton , to 25 Ibs. ,
LEATHER Quiet nnd te.idy ! hemlock
sole , Buenos Ayrvs , llg'ht to hoivywolKhtd ,
Zl"4ffKlHe ! acid , 22172340.
1'HOVIsroNS Beef , qulot ; fnmlly. M.SOSJ
11.00 ; moss $0.00 ; beef hnms , $27.0028 0 ;
packet , $9.J6 10.00 ; city , extra India mesa ,
$14.00 ir > .50. Out moats , qutot ; plcklod bcl-
lion. J0.00ff7.25 ; irfcklml shoulders , $ < 3.0 > 3a.lZV4 ;
pickled hams , HO.CWflO.SO. Lord , nominal ;
wwitorn steamed clo ( > d at K'.BS ! olty , steady
at $5.16 ; reflned , steady ; contlnont , $5.80 ;
South American , $6.25 ; compound , $5.00.
Pork , dull ; moss , $8.73T9.60 : nhort dear ,
$10.23011.75 ; family , $10.00311.00.
UUTTEIt RoceJpts , 11,303 pkR9. ; dull but
steady ; western crenmory 17@21o ; factory ,
CHEESE Receipts. 9,938 pkgs. ; flrtn ;
lance , white nnd colored , 10H ° : small , colored -
orod , lOHCfllo : Email , white , 10HQ10c.
KaaS Receipts , 10,620 pkgs. ; flrm ; state
and Pennsylvania , 17SI'18c , loss oft ; western
ungraded , at mark , 12lBc ,
POTATOES Quiet ; fair to primo. $1.003) )
1.25 ; fancy white , $1.6031.CS ; southern
RWOtts , $1.001,25.
TALLOW Steady ; city , 4 4Q > 4io ; spot ,
H1CE Dull ; domestic , fair to extra ,
7Uo ; Japanese , 446ic. !
MOLASSES Dull ; New Orleans open
kettle , good to choice , 32036c.
FREIGHTS Dull ; cotton , by steam , SOc ;
grain , by s'tcum , 243d.
Condlilon t Trndc ntul Quotiitloim on
fltnplc nnil Fnnoy Produce.
EGGS Good stock at ll c.
DUTTER Common to fair , lie ; choice- ,
14015c ; separator , 20c ; gathered creamery ,
POULTRY Hens , live , WSo ; spring
chickens , lOc ; old and. ttfcgy rooitor * , live ,
3Hc ; ducka and gceo , live , 5Go ; turkeyn ,
plGBONS Llve , per doz. , 76cn.OO.
VEALS Choice. 9c.
WATERMELONS-Good stock , crated for
shipments , 1517a
CANTALOUPE Per doz. , crated , 40COo ,
TOMATOES Per 4-banket crate , 3QK40C.
POTATOES New , 250300 Der bu.
CUCUMBERB-Per doz. , ' 1016c.
CELERY Per dnz. . 30035C.
SWEET POTATOES-Pcr bbl. . $ J.OO2.25.
BLUEBERRIES Per IS-qt. caao , $1.CO ®
PLUMS California , per crate , $1.351.CO.
APPLES Per bbl. , $2.00.
GRAPES Natives , SSftSOo per basket ;
California , $1.401.75.
LEMONS California fancy , 4. 1504. 50 ;
choice California , $3.7504.00 ; Mcsalna , fancy.
i $5.0005.25.
| I ! BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock.
1 per bunch , $2.500)2.75 ) ; medium-sized
I bunches , $2.00@2.2& .
[ | HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7&c ; No. a
1 green hides , 6V4c ; No. 1 salted hides , o :
. No. 2 salted hides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8
I ! to 12 Ibs. , 10c ; No. 2 veal col ! , 12 to 15 Ib9. ,
TALLOW , GREASE. ETC. Tallow , No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; rough tallow , lo ;
white grease , 2Viti3c ; yellow and brown
grease , l&ic. .
SHEEP Piii rS-Grean wiUed , each , 16 ®
75c ; gre n saltrd Bhearlngs ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@ c ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. , actual weight , 3@4c ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool polls , per lb. , actual
weight , 45c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual welgnt. 3@ > 4c.
St. Lou In Grain nnd ProvIMoim.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 28. WHEAT Lower
and weak ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , 70 % ®
70V4c ; track , 7070V4c ; September. 69H0ft > Hc :
December. 7272c ; May , 76Hc ; No. 2
hard , 6869Vic ; receipts , 108,005 bushels.
CORN Lower and weak ; 'No. 2 cash ,
30&c ; track , 31032c ; September , 30430c ;
December , 20c ; May , 28c.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , 22c ; track.
22H022o ; September , 21Vio ; May , 22Vic ;
No. 2 white , 27c. '
RYE Firm at 57tfc.
FLOUR Easier to lower : patenls , $3.40 ®
3.55 : straights , $3.1003.20 ; clear , $2.75@3 00.
SEEDS Timothy seed , flrm at $2.50 for
prime , $2.15B.26 for poor. Flaxseed , nomr
CORNMBAL Steady at $1.7501.80.
BRAN Firm ; sacked lots , east track ,
llAY-Steady ; timothy , $7.0010.00 ; pralne ,
WinSKY-Qteady at $1.26.
IRON COTTONTIES Steady at $1.15.
BAGOING Steady at 60iCc.
METALS Load , steady at $4.B2U@4.65.
Spelter , dull at $5.4006.50.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 7c old. 9o
young ; turkeys , 7Hc old , lOc young ; ducks ,
6064c < ; geese , 606 0.
BUTTER-Flrm ; creamery , 17021c ; dairy ,
KQGS Easier nt 12c.
PROVISIONS Dry Salt Meats Steady ;
boxed shoulders , $5.25 ; shorts , $5.374 } ; clear
ribs , $5.60 ; clear sides. $5.C2H. Bacon , steady ;
boxed shoulders , $5.50 ; extra shorts , $5.87 % ;
clear ribs , $6.00 ; clear sides , $8.25.
J1 ? ? 111 5-1 011O00 bbls- : wheat ,
10S.OOO bu. ; corn , 1CS.OOO bu. ; oats. 58,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Btour. 8,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
2,000 bu. ; corn , 57,000 bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu.
city Grain nnil ProvUlomi.
7CANSAS CITY , Aug. 28. WHEAT-Sep-
tomber , C3c ; December , 63'4c ; cash No. 2
hard. GaTrfGc ; No. 3 , 61@C3V4c ; No. 2 red
70c : No. 3 , 65C9c ; receipts , 326 oars ,
CO UN September , 27sc ; December , 14Ac ;
cash No. 2 mixed , 28i2DHc ; No. 2 white ,
29Uc ; No. 3 , 28c.
OATS-NO. 2 white , 220230.
BYE No. 2 , 63c.
IIAY Choice timothy. $7.60 ; Choice
prairie , $5.7506.00.
BUTTER3roameryL 1719c ; dairy. 15c.
EGGS Firm : fresh Missouri and Kansas
stock , flrate , llc , oases returned.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 15,600 bu. ; corn , 22,500
bu. : oats , 23,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wh eat , 27.000 bu. ; corn. 14-
900 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
Liverpool drain and ProvUlom.
Bacon , Cumberland cut , dull , SSs ; short rlba ,
dull , 32a ; long clear middles , light , dull , S2s
6d ; long clear mlddlsa , heavy , dull 32s ;
short clear backs , dull , 30s. Shoulders ,
square , dull , 28s 6d. Lard , prime western
In 'tierces ' , steady , 27 6d ,
CHEESE American finest white , flrm , 60s
6d : American flnejrt , colored , flrm. Bis Cd.
WHEAT-Spot flrm. Fulures , sleady ;
September. 5s lOSgd ; December , &s llUd.
CORN Futures , steady ; October , 3s Bd ;
November. 3s 6 4d.
TALLOW Australian in London , flrm ,
25s 3d.
VlHlbln Hmiiiljof fJrnln.
NETW YORK , Aug. 23 , The following
etntompnl of the visible supply of grain
In store and afloat on Saturday. August 26 ,
fts compiled by the Now York Produce ex
change , Is as follows :
Wheat. 34.CW.OOO bu. : decrease. 1,382,000 bu.
Corn , 6,970,00ii bu. ; decrease , 913.000 bu.
Oatu , 4,807.000 bu. ; Increase , 7CS.OOO bu ,
Rye. EM.OOO 1)U. ) ; decrease , 87.001 bu.
liarley , 331,000 bu. ; decrease , 72,000 bu.
MIltllcnimllN AVhrut and Flonr.
Close : In Btoro , No , 1 northern , Auiaiut ,
K > f ; Sojttembor , 67Hu ; December , 6SH T-6SHc ;
May , TlVto : new August , 6So , On track , No.
1 hard , old , C3o : now , C8o ; No. 1 north-
RITI. old. OSfic ; No , 2 northern , old , C7o' ;
new , 65T a.
l IyOUR Mr.-rt ivatento , $3.7003.80 ; second
palents , $3.600-3.60 ; flrat cldar , $2K > 32.CO ,
HHAN iii bulk , $ io.ooiarx ) .
TOLEDO , O. . Auir. CS. WaiBAT-Lower ;
No. 2 canli , 70V4c ; September , 70c ; Decem-
lior. 74'4c ,
CORN Active : No. 2 mixed , cash , 31c
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 21c.
UYB-Qulet : No , 2 cash , Wic ,
OIjOVKRSEED Active , easy ; prime cash.
$4.9214 ; October , $4.47'.i.
teR Or : il n Murket.
, Aug. 28. WHEAT
Lower ; No. 1 northern , 71H073o ; Ko. 2
northern. 63W < &lOV4e.
RYE-Steady ; No. 1 , 64Hc.
HARLEY-FIrm ; No , 2 , 41042 0 ; sample ,
Ilulutli AVIii-iit MiirUot.
DULUTH. Aug. 2S. WHRAT No. 1 hard ,
cash , 71c ; Beptember , TlHo : Dooembcr ,
71Hcj No. 1 northern , cash , 87T o ; Septem
ber , CS lo ; December , 69oj Hay. 72o : No.
2 northern , CGTlc ; No. 3 spring , CSTic.
Mftal MurUrt.
slight itiffening- the spelter department
constituted the only feature of the day
locally. The ofher metals were unusually
qulot , without the ollghlest departure In
quotationB from the iigures current late last
week. The news Ixnth from the west and
abroad contained nothing of a stimulating
nature tor buyers or sellera. Al the close
the'Melal tufchange called pig iron warrants
unchanged , at $15.50 bid and $16.00 asked.
Lake copper , unchanged , at $18.60. Tin , very
quiet , with $13.X > bid and $31.75 asked. Lead ,
quiet , with il.GO bid , K ' , i oskud. bpcltcr a.
rtiful * firmer , with $ fi.W bid and tS.W fc k d.
Thn broker § ' price for l wl 1 $ * . 8AJ for
copper $18.50.
U n .Mnrkrtl KnllliiK OT of In-
tcrcit In Itnll Tnr ? ( < > ok .
NEW YORK , Aug. 8. There wa a
marked falling off of Interest In the roll-
way Mocks loday compared with that pre
vailing last woek. Interest shifted Into the
Industrial specialties and a number of these
wore marked up In a feverish and irregular
manner. The general Hot wa maintained
with difficulty and a slight flurry In call
money In the last hour carried prices \Vllh
the few exceptions of strength below lost
night's level. In the final hardening move
ment on covering by shorts om& of the
spcclaltloa and a few obscure railroad
stocks rose anew to the top level. This
made the closing of thn market firm In
tone , but the majority ot standard stocks
show not loasoa.
An Influential factor In Mie hesitating and
doubtful tone of speculation was tiho renewed -
nowed anxiety over the money market out
look caused iby Saturday's -bank state-menl.
Call money was qulto stlflly held at 8 per
cent all day ana was marked above thnt In
the last hour , possibly not without manipu
lation , but the fact remains that the pres
ent low Binge of surplus reserves of the.
New York clearing house banks ke pa the
financial world keenly observant and In a
somewhat uneasy frame of mind. Pro
fessions of confidence thait the west Is
amply provided with funds lo finance the
coming crop movement wlthoul calling on
New York do nol avail altogether In the
face of the condition of the local banks ,
neither does the suggestion that the local
trust companies have largo available funds
which do not figure In clearing house
banking reserves , although bofh of MICRO
explanations have undoubted force. The
buying for London account which has
eervoa to sustain some Btooka recently wa
missed. There were upward movement * of
Importance today in the tobacco stocks ,
Manhattan , Metropolitan Streel railway.
Sugar , and < omo of the Iron and atool
stocka , the latter Under the Influence of B.
declaration of the first dividend on the
Rcijubllo Stool preferred of 1 % per cent ,
called quarterly. American Express jumped
10 points over Saturday's prlcea.
On the other hand Ihcro waa weakns in
International Paper , Colorado Fuel , Brook
lyn Transit , Tonnens e Cool and a few oilier
specialties. In th railway llsl the only
stocks to show any marked demand were
Southern Railway preferred and Kansas
& Texas preferred. The Chicago Great
Western Issues showed wide changes , but
wore rather feverish at the close. There
were , gains In Mobile & .O'hlo. . Hacking
Valley preferred , Omaha , Northwestern ,
New York Central- and St. Louis second
preferred. There were notable gains In a
group of high priced stocks , Including
Lackawonna , St. Paul preferred. Northwest
preferred , Wclls-Fargo , and Pullman. New
Haven and Omaha preferred were bid with
out sales , the lattter 10 points.
Kansas & Texas preferred seconds 354
higher on the day. Otherwise there waa no
notoJble feature In Iho bond market. Total
sales , par value , $3M2,000. United States ,
4s , news , advanced H In the , bid price.
Commercial Advertiser's London financial
cablegram. The markets hero were dull to
day on Mr. Chamberlain's determined
Tranavaal speech and the report of friction
with Russia In China. Consols fell % , but
afterward recovered most of their losses ,
Americans were dull early , 'but ' New York
bought Union Paciflo and Atchlaons heavily ,
causing a good close. Spanish 4s were 68 ? ;
Tintos , 44 % : Anacondna , 1111-16. The bank
toought 192,000 gold In bars. Discounts
were steady but Idle. Call money was un-
londable late In the day.
The following arc the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the Novr York
exchange today :
Atdhteon SMS So. Railway pfd. . . . 6GV4
do pfd < % Toxaa & Pacific. . . . 21V4
BalOmore & Ohio. . . W- % Union Pn.clflo V4
Cunadl&n Pacific. . . WH do pfd 7yi )
Can. Southern 54 Wabaah 774
Central Pacific . . . . Wi do pM 23H
Ohm. & Ohio 29 \V. & L. B. HVi
C. a. W IMi do M pfd „ 38
C. , B. & . Q 1M',4 Wls. Central 18H
Chi , , Ind. 4 I * 9 % Adams Express . . . .1U
do pfd * * * * * 40 Amcr. KxDreaa . . . .1M
OKI. & B. Ill 87 Unltni Statee EO
Ohl. & N.V " ' Wclla Farso 130
c. , n. i. & P An ar. Cot. Oil 44H
a. c. , c. & et. L. 67v ; do pfd 81
Colo. Southern & ? Amor. Malting . . . .16
do 1st pfd 47 % dd pfd . . ' . 67
do 2d ptd 17H Am r. S. & H ' /4
Del , & Hudson . . . .124 do pfd 91
Del. , I * & "W. 176 Amer. Spirits 6 %
D. & RQ 53 % do pfd - . K
do rrfrt . . . . . . . . . . 77 i Amer. Steel Hoop. . S3
Brie W do pM 84
do 1st p&l SS % Amer. S. & W 67 %
Gt. Nor. pfd 107 do pfd mi
HockJnK Coal 17 AITVOT. Tin Plate. . . 43H
Hocking Valley . „ . 2SH do pfd 90Vi
Illinois Central _ . .11M4 Amer.u Tobaxxn . . . .131
Iowa Central ll'/4 'do pfd 14
do ptd COii Anaconda Mia. Co. . S7V4
K. c. . P. & a n Brooklyn R. T IW
i > . E. & w a Co > lo. F. & I W
do pfd SO Oon. Tobacco 49i
Lake Shore ! 01H do pfd 10C %
Louis & Nash 82M. Federol Steel BD'A
Manhattan L , 1U do pM 82
net. et. ny a w ( Jen. Electric 123
Mexican Ortrtral . . . 14T1 Glucose Sugar 6-tU
M. & St. L 77H do pfd 100
do pfd 97 % International 1'aptn38
Missouri Pacific . . . 43 % do pfd 77
Moblla & Ohio MVi Jjiclede das W'i
Mo. , K. & T M Ntut. BlECUlt „ 4T.4
d pM 43 do pfd 85 %
N. J. Central 11SH Nat. Lead 31 %
N. Y. Central 138 % do pfd . - HOVi
Norfolk & "West. . . . 35 % Xat. Steel K %
do pfd 72 % do pfd 98U
Nor. Pacific 66 % N. Y. Air Brake..165
do jrfd 77i Nor. American . . . . 12H
Ontario & West 27 Pacific Coast 464
Ore. Ry. & Nav. . . . 48 do lot pfd K
da pM 7 * fo Zd pfd 63
Paclrtc Mall 47tf
Reading People's OILS 120
do 1st pfd 6174 Pressed Sltel Car. . 66i
do 2.1 pfd C3 % do pM c9
n. a. w 97 Pull. Pal. Car. 1E8
die pfd . Srt Stand , n. & T 8 %
S. L. & B. F . 1174 Sugar „ . . .15474
do Int pM . 71 % do pfd 119
do d pfd . 37 % T nn. Coal & Iron. 96 %
S. L. S.V. . . W4 U. B. Leather 10
do pfd . 38Vt do pfd 76H
St. Paul . tWi U. S. Rubber 4BU
do pfd . 1TT54 do pfd 115 ii
St. P. A 0 . 115 Western Union . . . . 8SVi
Southern Pacific. . . . SSH P. , C. , O. & St. L. . 77 %
Southern ItaJlway. . 12TJ
New Yorlc Money MarU/t.
NEW YORK. AUE. 28. MONEY On cell ,
steady , at % @ per cent ; last loan , at a
per cent ; prime mercantile paper , * Vi@6 per
SH/VBR Steady , with actual
business In bankers' bills at $4.8 HiJN.86 % for
demand , and ait $4.83 iS4.8SV4 Cor Jlxty days :
posted rates , J4.4 and $4.87 % ; commercial
bills. ? 4.S21i.
SII/VEH CertincatM , COQWHc ; bar ,
C39-16c : Mexican dollars , 48c.
BONDS Government ( bonds , firm ; state
bonds , Inactive ; railroad 'bonds ' , strong.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds ;
Ottered. * lHd.
! ! iiwtui ( Stuck QiiotntloiiH.
HOBTON , AUK. 28-Call loniiB. Sfi'4 per
cent ; tlmo loans , 4Q5 per cent , CloalinT
prices for stocks , bonds and mining
IX > NDON , Aug. S3. American securities ,
after a dull opening- , were steadier and late
In the day firmed up. The market was In-
fiotlve , but closed flrm. The amount of
tiull'jon taken into the Banlr'of Kntrland
on balance today waa 192 000. Hpanlth 4s
closed at B6i. Gold premium at Buenos
Ayres. 1M.60.
HBHIJ1N. Aug. SS. Exchange on London ,
20 marks 47ij pfg. for checks ,
VI13NNA , Auff. 3S. The Transvaal Bitu-
ntlon had a dnprcsnlnjf effect today on
bourn * trnnt&ctlons ,
FUANKTOHT , Au r. M.-On the bourco
todny buslncsH wan ( lull , Tlie transactions
were chltfly realizations.
MADRID , Aug. 28-dold wnB quoted today
at 33.06.
nUBNOS AYUES.AUB. 2S.-Today's gold
quotation WAR 136.00.
York MlnliiR ( luotntlonn.
N13W YORK , Aupr. 2S.-Tha followlnff
ro the closing quotations for mlnlnc
Mharcs :
Cliollu- a ) OntftTlo 8
Crown Point . , . . . , , . 39 Ophlr 100
Oon , , CM. A. V&.1G6 I'lnnoilth . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DeAdwood CO Quicksilver 200
OoOld & Currl 34 do pfd Sii
Hale A NorcToss. . . r ? Sierra Nevada 70
HonwtBke WOO PtamLar.l 26
Iron Stiver . , , , . . . . . CO Union Cunmlldftted. 22
Mexlc&n U Yellwv Jacket 27
London StnoU Qnotntlmi * .
_ JLONDON , Aug. 2S. 4 p. m. Closing :
Consols , money..IfC 13-15 N. Y. Central . 1424 !
do account..105ll.lg Pennsyh-nnia . CSV !
Canadian Pacific. . . 994
Brie 14 % 1'nlrm IMclfio i > fd. . . S2V4
do 1st tlfd 40 AMhtson . . . . . < 23ft
llllnoh ) CentnU . , . .119 Unilsvllle . S4H
Nor. Padflo pfd. . . . M Orand Trunk . . . . . . . * H
BU Pnul common. ,137 4 Anaconda . 11H
BAR BHjVEIV-27 7-16d.
MONEY 1 % per Cpent.
The rate , of discount ln.tho open markol
for short bills. 3U per cent ; for three
months' Wlls , 3Hif < J B-16 per cent.
11 mile
N13\V YORK , Aup. ZS.-Cloarlngs , $83,595-
977 ; balances , 5Ds,7C6.
HO3TON. Aup. 23. Clearings , JH.870,337 ;
balances , $1,164.714.
BA1/TIA10UB , Aug. 28-OlearlriBg , $2,305-
127 ; balances , S4R5.1CT.
PHILADBLPll'IA , Aug. 2S.-Clcarlnga ,
J10,064SOO ; balances , 1,935,039.
HT. LOUIS , Aug. 2S. Clearings , W.903.2CS ;
balanc-ee , 1646,202. Aloney , steady at 47 per
cent , mostly at B6 per cent. Now York
exchange , SOc discount bid , ZOo discount
on Berlin Ilonrno T ull.
BERLIN , Aug. 23. BllfllneHH on the bourse
today was dull during tha early part of Jhe
day , transactions being checked by the unfavorable -
favorable Impression created by the speech
delivered at Birmingham on Saturday by
Mr. JoRoph Chamberlain , British secretary
of stalft for the colonies , nnd dearer settle
ment money. On realization price's de
clined loward the close /f Ihe day. Money
was easier and there wns a parllal recovery.
On the Pnrtn Bnnrnd.
PARIS , Aug. 28. On the bourse today
prices were Inanimate , except for rentes ,
Which Improved on covering purchases. For
eigners were Irregular. Hlo Tintos Im
proved with the advance in copper. Kafllrs
were depressed owing to the speech deliv
ered by the British secretary of stale for
the colonies , Mr. Joseph Chamberlain , at
Birmingham , on Saturday , but the fall was
Declare n Quarterly Dividend.
NEW YORK , Aug. 28. The directors of
the Republic Iron and Steel company have
declared the first quarterly dividend of 1 %
per cent on Us preferred stock , payable
October 1.
Condition of the Trennnry.
WASHINGTON , Aug. JS. Today's state
ment of the treasury shows : Available
cash balance , $280,252,023 ; gold reserve ,
Cotton ainrlcet.
ited demand , prices favorable lo buyers.
American middling , 3 9-16c. The sales of
the day were 6,000 , of which BOO were for
speculation and export , and Included 5,400
1 American. Receipts , 1,400. all American.
' Futures opened steady and closed quiet , at
, the decline. American middling , 1. m. c. ,
! August , 3 30-64(33 ( 314 buyers ; August-
' September , 3 29-64ff3 ( 30-C4d buyers ; Septem-
1 ber-Octo-ber , 3 27-6403 2S-G4d buyers ; Octo
ber-November , S 26-64d buyers ; November-
December , January-February , 3 25-64d buy
ers ; Fdbruary-March , 3 26-64@3 26-64d buy
ers ; March-April , 3 264d buyers ; AH1-
May , 3 27-G4d ; May-June. 3 27-61 ®
3 2S-64d sellers ; June-July , 3 28-Cld buyers.
NEW YORK , Aug. 28.-COTTON The
market for cotton futures after opening
easy at a decline of 6 points , worked within
a narrow ntnge of changes. For a time
business was ve-ty active with liquidation
the principal feature , following unsatis
factory cable accounts , small sales of spot
cotton In Liverpool being In particular a
disappointing feature. The weakness was
Increased by claims of .bountiful . rain In
the southwest * Ofllclal forecasts failed to
Indicate any 'general break In the south
west drought while the weather statistics
confined theuaetual rainfall In Texas to a
little more th n' ' ono Inch at Houston and
Longvlow andftha scattering showers else
where. Following these Indications the
market made .feeble rallies , but the upwttrd
movement was ( held In check by the un
usually large , receipts In the south. An easy
feeling existed In the afternoon , on a scat
tered demand which came chiefly from local
shorts. The last few mlnutea wllne3 < ied a
sharp upturn on a sudden scramble of less
reliant shorts to cover started by an almost
total absence of covering. The cloeo was
flrm. with prices 2@3 points not lower.
Steady ; sales , 1.700 bales ; ordinary , * c ; good
ordinary. 4c ; low middling , 53-16c ; mid
dling , 516-16c ; good middling , 66-lGc ; mid
dling fair , 6c ; receipts , 3,033 bales , stock.
131,336 bales. Futures , steady ; August. $5.73 ;
September , $5.71f5.73 ( ; November , $5.77i5.79 ;
December , $5.S3C.S4 ; January , $5.8Sf5.S9 ( ;
February , $5.92 .94 ; March , $5.9C@5.97 ; April ,
$6.016.02 ; May , $6.040C.OC.
changed ; middling , Gc ; sales , none ; re
ceipts , 100 baJes ; shipments , 826 bales ; stock ,
05,878 bales.
Oil Mnrltct.
LIVERPOOL , Aug. 28. OILS Turpentlno
spirits , steady , 34s 6d.
LONDON. Aug. 28. OILSCalcuttaJln -
seed , spat , 39s 9d ; linseed oil , 21s 9d ; turpen
tine spirits , 33s 4Mrd.
NEW YORK , Aug. 28. OILS-Cottonaeed
oil , easy ; petroleum , steady ; rosin , quiet ;
turpentine , easy , 47X7Hc.
OIL CITY , Aug. 28.-OILS-Credlt bal
ances , $1.27 ; certificates , closed offered at
$1.281,4 ; shipments. 25th to 27th , 183,537 bbls. ;
average , 81,880 bbls. ; runs , 25th to 27th , 208-
701 bbls. ; average , 84,263 bbls. >
Coffee Murket.
NEW YORK. Aug. 28.-COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady at unchanged prices to a de
cline of 5 points and ruled active , with
local parties In control. September notices
were Issued in large quantities , but fell into
good hand& . Heavy receipts checked buy
ing and caused a barely steady undertc-no.
Closed steady , unchanged , to B points lower.
Sales , 30,600 bags , Including September $1.30 ;
October , $4.40 ; November , $4.45 ; December ,
$4,80 ; May , $5.16 : June , $5.20 ; July. $5.25. Spot
coffee. Rio , dull and nominal. Mild , quiet ,
l > ut about steady ,
Snirnr Murket.
Steady ; centrifugal yellow , 4'/iiJf45ic ; seconds
ends , 2i \ < S\a Molasses , dull ; centrifu
gal , C < ni4c.
NEW YORK , Aug. 28.-.SUCSAR-Rnw ,
steady , with London and Increased domand.
Fair refining , 3 10-16c ; centrifugal , 98-tefit ,
4Ho bid ; molasses , sugar , 3 13-lCc. Rcllnud ,
( inlet and easy ,
Dry Oooilu Marki't.
More business doing in staple cottons nnd
demand for prints Improving , Strong tone
in brown , bleached and roarsn colored oot-
itons. Further advances being reported and
" the New York prlues being ntlj.1 upward.
"White goods strong nnd tending upward.
Firm market In woolens nnd worsteds.
California Drlvil Frnl < .
DRIED PRUlTS-Qulot ; evaporated n
'Pics ' , common. 7Wie ; prime wire trav , SU ®
XUc ; cholco , K % 9o ; fancy , 9Q9',4c. ' Prune.- ,
SU TSc , Apricots , lloyn ] , ] 4o : Mcor Purk ,
Peaches , , unpeeled ,
Huttur Mnrkft.
ELGIN , 111. , AUK , 2S.-BUiTTER-Offer-
ngB , 131 tula , welling at 21o ; ottlclal mar
ket ( Irm at 20c ,
Wool Market ,
ST. J OUIS , Aug. SS..WOOrKJrm , with
good dtrmund for upper grades ; qulot for
lower quall'tlcs ' ,
Aniitliiir ICviitiiukr liV-uil
I OUISVILLE. Ky. , Aug. 2g. A special
to the Tlmt-a from Ixindon , Ky , , bays ; News
has been received hero confirming a report
that a pitched battle took place Saturday
evening between James Hayes and his three
sons on ono side and Senator William Clarke
and Sherman Leadford on tbe other on tha
streets of McKee , Jackson county. Olarl.o
recolved three iiUtoI wounds anJ his ronJI-
tlon Is critical ; Young Hnyca was shot in
the breast and will die. fil'ter fooling o ;
long standing between the t-vo families ,
which are tbe moat wealthy in Jacksou
county , caused the B hooting.
Kanmi * Mliierit on a Strike.
LEAVBNWORTH , Kan. , Aug. 28. Three
hundred miners declined to go to work In
the Loavenworth Coal company's shaft this
morning , refusing an advance of 10 cents a
ton for mining ecreened lump coal. The
men want the advance to be on unscreened
coal. A committee of strikers will wait on
the Home and Riverside miners , numbering
tOO men , and request them to quit work.
Light Receipts as Uiual on the First Day of
tha Week.
llojtfl Active nt Mttlc Stronger Priced
Sheep Active and lOo to IBo ltlK > icr
Iiiiintin Unit nnd IAMTCT 1C111-
liiK Cnttle Generally Steady.
Receipts were :
Cattle. Hog . Shs > P.
Official today 4,004 2.4C3 3,628
Olio week ago 7.5S 3,129 8,329
Two weeks ago. , . . . 3,901 2.H8 1,691
Thrco weeks ago 4.6S3 6,042 6,7st
Average prlco paid for hoga for the last
several days with comparisons :
| 18)9.1S ! ) | S.1S97.1898.1896.UM.U93. | | | | |
Aug. 1. . 4 19 3 79 2 77 n 01
Aug. 2. . 4 20 3 74 5 10
Aug. 3. . 4 33 3 67 347 b 21
AUgr. 4. . 4 43 3 64 3 67 2 SG ' '
Aug. 6. . 3 71 3 ttl 2 'i'si
Aug. 0. . 3 43 3 02
Aug. 7. . 4 3S 3 of 2 92 4 65
AU ? . 8. . 437 3 81 2 76 4 601 4 83 4 61
Aug. 9. . 4 32 3 67 3 49 4 4 ' ' " 4 9U
Aug. 10. 4 28 3 67 3 M 276 467 5 W
Aug. 11. 4 23 377 3 61 2 SO 475
Aug. 12. 4 33 3 85 3 66 2 80 4 CO
Aug. 13. 3 74 3 C4 274
Aug. 14. 443 * 3 68 2 S3 4 77
Aug. 16. 4 44 3 75 2 S2 496
Aug. 16. 4 32 3 87 370 611
Aug. 17. 4 3S 2 74 8 71 2 84 6 01
Au * . 18. 4 47 3 66 3 61 1 477
Aug. 19. 4 50 3 67 373 2 88 4J6
Aug. 20. 3 75 1 7 ( 2 78 504
Aug. 21. 4 42 3 71 2 S3 6 10 6 01
Aug. 22. 4 42 3 09 2 79 6 OT
Aug. 23. 441 3 74 3 82 ' 4 64
Aug. 2 . 4 42 I 81 3 79 2 68 4 M
Aug. 25. 4 40 3 73 3 81 279 5 19
Aug. 26. 4 38 3 72 391 2 76 6 ID
Aug. 27. * 3 70 402 2 75 521
Aug.2S. 531 5 02
_ J4pj _ 3 97 > 2 SO
Indicate * Sunday.
The ofllclal number of cars of Block
brought In today by each road was :
C. , M. & St. P. Uy 1
Mo. Pac. Ry 2
Union Pacific System. . .13 4 12
C. & N. W. Hy 1
P. , K. & .M. V. II. n. . . . 51 10
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry . . 2 5
B. & M. R. R. R 93 8
C. , B. & Q. Ry 2
C. , H. I. & P. Ry. , east. 2 2
Cripples and driven In. . . 11 104
Total receipts 166 35 14 18
The disposition of the day's receipts wua
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co , . . 82 . . . . . . . .
G. II. Hammond Co. . 210 021 4
Swift and Company. . 883 C60 . . . .
Cudahy Packing Co. .231 DOS . . . .
Armour & Company . 744 632 1,131
S. and Co. , country . . . . r,613
H. Becker & Degan. . . . 3S
Vansant & Co 8
L > obman & Co 309
McCreary & Clark 4
Benton & Underwood. . 161
Huston & Co 43
Livingston & Schaller. 259
Hamilton & Rothschild 331)
L. F. HUSH 19
Other buyers 334
Held over 100 . . . . 800
Totals 3,751 2,725 3,548
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very
much smaller than a week ago , as will be
noted from the table at head of column.
However , there were probably not far from
sixty loads of grass beef steers , eight to ten
loads of cornfed steers and thirty to forty
loads of cows. The balance of the receipts
consisted of feeders.
The market on cattle that would do for
'beef did not show much change as com
pared with the close of last week , cornfed
steers were In good demand and the few
hero sold early at steady prices , but , as
will be noted from the sales below , the-re
was nothing very good here , the most of the
offerings consisting of only fairish cattle.
Local packers all wanted supplies and de
sirable gross beef steers were In very fair
request at fully steady prices , but Uie mar
ket Is 1520c lower than a week ago. The
most of the beef steers of all kinds sold In
good season.
, The supply of cows and heifers was. some
what larger than usual of late and the
market was rather slow In consequence and
a little lower. Still buyers wanted sup
plies , though the feeling1 among them was
rather bearish , and In the end about every
thing was cleared up.
The feeder trade opened early and active
and the most of the desirable cattle that
would come under that head changed hands
early In the morning. The market was fully
steady and In spots strong on the most
attractive kinds. Some big strings of cattle
that were aboiu the same kind as were here
a week ago brought the same price , showIng -
Ing that there has been little change on
the good quality feeders. Some cattle that
did not seem to find as much favor In the
eyes of buyers were not quite so active and
toward the close were a little slow. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2..1660 * 3 40 40.,1212 $5 35 22..1079 J5 40
38..1069 510
36..1365 COO
! KJO 2 75 2..1030 S16
831 280 1..1130 315 1..10-0 350
850 8 00
890 3 40
240 5 75 1. . 200 6 25 3. . 130 6 28
, 210 6 00
6C9 3 75 8. . 692 3 90 1. . 680 4 00
708 3 60 17. . 669 3 75
2..1040 4 25 64..1002 425
1. . 670 2 60 1. . 745 3 00 17. . 771 3 23
1..1310 325 1..1780 4 lO
Ibull , . . , . .1070 3 25 2 heifers. 9S5 3 70
Ibull. . . , . .1580 3 25 7 heifers. . 814 4 00
2 bulls. . , . .1055 3 55 3 feeders. . 4 10
Western Ranches S. D.
21 steers. . .1203 430 84 steers..1264 4 00
21 steers. , . .1201 430
T. J. Bryan Wyo.
45 cows . 1063 3 60 37 steers. . . .1211 4 15
31 steers , . . .1212 4 15 42 steers. . . .1206 4 15
31 steers. . . .1217 4 16 38 steers , . . .1201 415
40 steers. . . .1192 4 la 22 steers , L.1302 460
43 steers. . . .1280 4 50
Kecllna Bros. Wyo.
1 Btoer . 1240 445 1 steer . 1190 445
1 steer . 13)0 ) 445 1 steer . 1070 445
E. P. Meyers.-Neb.
1 c w . 1010 300 2 feeders. . 1035 365
20 cows . 939 345 31 steers. . . .1059 445
Louis Shaw Wyo.
15 feeders. , 1120 J4 60
Ccows . 1003 3 40
J. N. Whitney Wyo.
18 feeders. . 710 440 20 feeders. . 1156 460
0 cows . 003 3 30
Wyoming Oattle Co. Wyo.
C'J feeders. . 1327 4 50
14 cows . 1013 3 CO
Johnson & . Nelson Wyo.
19 steers. . . .1374 4 t5
William Hennan Wyo.
25 feeders. . 973 4 60 17 feeders. . 953 4 50
Wulfjen & Son Wyo.
23 steers. . . .1240 4 20
G. A. Keollne & Son-Wyo.
8 steers. . . .12S3 4 60
J. B. Kendrlcks Wyo.
65 * Steers. . . .1281 4 60
360 231i dfera..ll40 420
Icow 840 335 18 Steers. . , .1188 420
Bcows 994 300 1 steer 1680 460
33COWS 1040 360 1 steer 10&0 460
1 Btoer . 1300 420 21 itoer < i. ,1240 465
iBteer . 1290 420 47 steers. . 1279 465
31 heifers. .1123 415 4 hullH . 1342 285
William Reynolds Neb.
30 feeders. . 677 4 CO
Johnson & Nelson Wyo ,
10 feeders , . SCO 440 11 feeders. . 987 445
Frank Carroll 9. D.
17 feeders. , 993 4 3C 18 feeders. . 1163 435
The Denver Live Stock Co. Neb ,
1 cow . 760 2 00 2 cows . 880 3 10
1 cow . WO 2 40 22 COWS. . . . , 906 3 10
Scows . 10CO 260 1 feeder. , . 7eO 400
George P. Moorhead Vfyo.
12 feeders. , 13t > 4 25 1 cow..1130 3 90
1 bull 1600 4 25 2 cowa 1295 3 SO
1 bull. . . . .1330 4 25 1 heifer..1150 4 25
1 bull. . . . .1410 3 00 2 helfM-s.,1290 4 25
30 steers. . , .1130 3 95 42 steers..1098 3 95
30 steers. , 395 45Bteer . . . .1003 3 95
U Blears. . ; .Tl 36 395 1 steer 1200 460
T. J. Bryan Wyo.
i Btag 13W SCO H cowa 1130 420
Wm. Ileynolds-Wyo.
1 cow , . 870 2 75 2 bulls 1100 3 35
1 cow. . SCO 2 75 1 heifer. . . 600 3 60
3 cows , 910 2 75 Shelters. , GS3 3 85
2S cows. ' 960 3 35 Iculf 310 4 76
M. B. Hose Nob.
llmll 13GO 315 1G feeders. . 683 4 35
2 bulls 1260 335 35 feeders. , 904 4 35
2 feeders , . 825 3 60
Geo. Goodrich S. D.
37 steers , . . . 773 340 25 feeders , S63 435
James C , Shaw Wyo.
lox 1650 3 23 17 cows 990 3 35
litag 1040 360 1 steer 820 4 00
Icow 870 3 00 32 steers.1101 4 00
1 cow , 810 3 10 31 steers..1116 4 00
Ibull 1430 325 19 feeders , , 1056 4 40
W. J. Roger * Wyo.
1 feeder. . . CCO 3 20 3 steers..1223 i 23 425 18 fcttlcrs. . U 4 3T
Qltmon Cattle Co , Wyo.
S hrtf r . . 996 S K 1 feeder..10M 4 W
15 feeder.1002 400 64 fooler.Uf6 455
130 f derfl.lP92 4 6C 69 feeder.lift ) 4 BS
Q. do F. Hamilton Wyw.
S steers. . . . 970 4 3S 9 cows 930 3 B5
7 teorn..llM 4 35 2 cows..1070 2 7T
8 cow 1107 S 65 3 cows 1100 3 ( T.
1 cow 630 3 S6 1 cow lv ( ) 3 $5
Scows 1090 3 Co 45 cows. . . . .1041 3 & >
9 cows 11SO S fi5 6 Biters..1180 ,4 W )
69 cow . . . . ,10t > 9 8 fiS 2 8tera.I21S 460
1 steer 1310 450 9 Hteora..l2G3 460
1 steer 1240 4 M 1 fltoer 1100 4 CO
2 steers..11CC 460 7 steers.1314 440
1 steer 1130 460 3 steers..1273 440
1 Btccr 12M 460 36 Btoers.l042 VOO
5 steers..1186 4 60 18 Mecrs. . . . 25 4 25
2 steers..1215 4 60 133 steers,1230 4 60
2 bulls 14 % 275 26 steers..1410 410
Frank Bcnton Wyo.
Scows 89S 2 75 1 cow 7f S 20
37 cowi & 9S 3 20 11 feeders..1043 4 37Vi
1 stn * UCO 2 75
B. D. Armstrong Wyo.
1 stag 1210 3 90 23 steers..1121 4 15
3 heifer.1153 420 18 feeders. . 1305 440
Franklin L. S. Co. S. D.
17 cows 1016 360 8 tcers..11.11 385
6Hteers..l294 37o 101 stoers. . , . 1225 420
37 steer . . . .1200 4 20
15. Burnett Wyo.
14cow8..10H 395 31 feeders'.1171 440
Simmons & D. Neb.
Ibull 1610 275 2 cows lOTw 360
6 cows SOI 275 13 cows 1149 360
Scows 1093 300 3 cows 1170 375
1 cow 1000 3 00 68 feeders. . 1 > 92 4 25
2 bull ? 1375 315 61 feeders. . 9SO 425
40 cows 9S5 3 20 64 feeders..1003 4 25
10 feeders. . SS2 360 1 stag 750 360
W. T. Wolf Wyo.
93 steers..1058 3 SO
Tolland Cattle Co. Wyo.
70feeders..liiO 4 35
HOGS Today's receipts of hogs sold nt
prices that were a shade higher and the
market was active at the advance , so that
everything changed hands early In the
morning. Heavy hours sold largely at $4.3214 $
04.85 , heavy mixed principally at J4.8S ( H.40.
light mixed at M.4034.60 and some right good
or choice light at J4.60. It will be noted
from the sales that there Is a wide range
In prices on the light and medium weight
loads , due to the fact that the choice light
hogs are wanted and will bring the top of
the market and loads containing n goodly
proportion of that kind of hogs will bring
good prices. At the same time trashy light
hogs are poor selltTs and loads made up of
medium weight and light sklppy hogs ,
though the average of the load may t > o
light , will have to sell pretty well toward
the bottom.
It will bo noted from the table of average
age- prices that the week opens with hogs
selling not far from where they were ono
or two wteks ago Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Tr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
? < WO 13) M 32U 7 ! M . . . 440
9 307 . . . 4 i H 67 241 . . . 4 40
70 23 M 4 32H 23 40 440
65 32 ] SO 4 3 : < i ? . . . . . . . . 80 4 40
47 318 80 4 32U SS 3S . . . 4 40
0) ) SU 160 4 % 7 272 200 4 40
M 2S8 80 4 SS ( SS 240 40 440
M 263 40 4 36 4 213 MO 4 4JV4
M 234 2SO 4 SS 31 209 . . . 4 42V >
67 8 120 4 35 91 217 M 4 K
53 377 140 435 tfl 232 fO 4 45
67 90 ICO 4 36 109 149 40 4 45
(2 277 120 4 35 M 214 40 4 45
M 309 IflO 4 37H 16 232 120 4 43
70 2 80 4 37V4 70 2.10 80 4 47H
M 3X > 120 440 M 231 . . . 4 47H
12 231 . . . 4 40 1C 1 . . . 4 CO
M 201 161) 440 M 203 . . . 4 M',4
39 211 . . . 440 74 203 40 4 CO
70 DH . . . 4 40
1 220 . . . 250 4 226 . . . 440
U 2S5 . . . 3 S2 > 4 2 215 . . . 4 4 ° A
6 3fS 80 4 20 4 13S . . . 4 40
4 240 160 4 20 1 330 . . . 4 40
1 360 . . . 430 4 215 . . . 440
4 370 . . . 430 8 1S3 . . . 4 4U
4 333 . . . 4 SO
SHEEP There was a pretty light run
here today , fourteen cars being reported
In , as against thirty-three a week ago and
seven two weeks ago. Six carp , however ,
wore consigned direct to Swift & Co. , and '
were not offered for sale. Of the eight :
cars on sale five were western wethers and 1
three were Iambs.
The demand for killing sheep was very
good and as there were so fww here buyers
had to settle for them and the market was ,
10@15c higher than last week , and more
than that when compared with the early !
part of lait week. Buyers were not long
an clearing the pens of the few to bo had.
The situation as regards lambs was en-
tlreJy different. The market at this point
on Iambs has been way out of line with
other markets and buyers seemed deter
mined to get prices down somewhere near
whore they were at other selling points or
leave them alone. The result was a slow
and lower market.
The demand for feeding sheep , as noted
at the close of last week , Is very active
and anything that would come under that
head could be depended upon to bring sat
isfactory prices. Orders to buy are way in
excess of the supply.
Quotations : -Prime - native wethers , S4.00
iVA25' ' . ? oed to choice grass wethers. J3.80 ®
3.90 ; fair to good grass wethers. J3.653.75 ;
good to choice grass ewer , J3.40@3.50 ; fair
to good grass ewes , $3.0053.35 ; good to
choice spring lambs , J5.20ffr5.40 ; fair to
good spring Iambs. J5.0XSB.20 ( ; common
JPriS ? . Ial"bs , $4.004.50 ; feeder wethers ,
J3.60gs.75. Representative sales :
No. Ay pr _
, * Utah ewes and wethers. . . . 100'J3 90
1,131 Utah ewes and wethers , . . . 113 3 90
Clilcnuo Live , Stock.
CHICAGO , Aug. 28.-CATTLE-There was
a. good demand for the. better class of cattle
today on firm prices , but common grades
were slow and weak. Good to choice cattle
sold at J5.COfM.GO : oomrminer i mria at
J3.90@5.6G ; stackers and feeders , } S.254.90 :
bullB , cows and heifers at J2.00SS.25. Texas
steers at $3.30(2 ( .25 and calves at J4 00@7.J5.
HOGS Choice droves of hogs were
strong , with high coarse packers slow and
weak. There was a good demand for the
rather small offerings. Heavy hogs sold at
J4.00JT4 75 ; mixed lots at J4.30Q4.80. and light
at J4.40S-4.5. Pigs brought JS.eOO .CO and
culls at $2.00@3.95.
SHEEJP Sheep were steady with a peed
general demand and prime lambs sold at
unchanged prices , but ordinary lambs were
lOftlSc lower. Shee-n brought J2 OOfrS.OO for
culls , up to J4.25@4.50 for good native weth
ers. Western range sheep brought J3.50 ®
4.16. Lambs sold at J3.50ff4.00 for ordinary ,
up do JS.756.85 for choice lots.
RECEIPTS-Cattle. 20,000 head ; hogs ,
26,000 head ; sheep , 17,000 head ,
Xew Yorli 1,1-rn Stock.
ceipts , 4,150 head ; good steers opened firm ;
others steady ; closed easier on Chicago ad
vices ; bulls and cows 10g15c ! lower ; three
cars cattla unsold ; steers , J4.60JM.OO : etock-
ers , J4.00 : bulls , J2.5003.60 ; cows , J1.SOJH.10 :
western helfera , * 4.60 < f7G.10. Cables quote live
cattle Blow at ll'/WfUye ; tops , 12Wc ; re
frigerator beef , lower at 8 4c per lb. ; ex
ports 'tomorrow ' , C30 cattle , SG sheep and 7,211
quarters of beeif.
CALVES Receipts , 3,030 head ; firm to 60
higher ; 200 head unsold ; veals , J4.607.50 ;
Erasers and buttermilks. J2.62V4B'3.60.
SHEEP AND LA'MBS ' Rwjelpts , 7,767
head ; sheep firm to a shade higher ex
cept for common ; lambs 2G &Oc higher ; 2
cars unsold : sheep , J2.tOtt4.23 ; export wnth-
ers. J1.23O4.60 ; culls , J2.00 ; lambs , J4.26Q < 1.25 ;
culls , J3.0ftff4.00.
HOGS Receipts , 9,246 head ; Blow and will
sell lower ,
Ht. I.iinlM Mvc Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Auwr. 2S-CATT-LK Receipts ,
3.SOO head , Including 2,200 head Texann.
Market teady ; native shipping nnd exiwrt
steers , * 4,76i0i .25 ; dressed beef , J4. 25 0.75 ;
Btoers under 1.000 pounds , $3.60JjC.S5 : stockers
and feeders , J2.7fi4r6.00 ; cows and heJftrs ,
J2.40&6.25 ; canners , J1.60QZ.75 ; bulls , JS/.Od ?
4.00 , Texans nnd Indian steers , JS.OOtftTjj
cows and heifers , J2.60 < fj3.76.
HOGS Receipts , 3,100 'head. ' Market , 5iiJ10c
better. Pigs and lights. J4.754.85 ; puckers ,
Jl.Max.SO ; butchers , Jl.TSJH.SS.
SHEEP Receipts , COO head. [ Market
strong ; native muttons. J3.75fH.25 ; lambs.
J4.6V&M.CO ( ; Htoektrs , J3.00S3.C5 ; culls and
bucks , J1.65fl3.00 ,
Kt , Jouopti < - S Ionic.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Aug. 2S.-(8po- (
clal. ) The Journal quotes ) :
CATTLK-Recelpts. 2,200 head , including
1,000 head quarantines ; nutlveH tftrong :
others weak ; natives , { 4,6505.85 ; 'j'exnna and
wostcTns. J3.655J6.K > ; cnwri and hflfers , $2 00
( ff4.7S ; tjtockers and fenders , J3.50 < Jj4.S5 ; your-
llnps and culves , J4.0W56.00 ; bulls and KtugD ,
J2.WN.75 ; vealH , J4.50fj'7.00. '
HOGS Receipts. 2,200 .head ; steady to
( ia y ; no HghtH : heavy nnd medium , 14.60 ®
4.80 ; lights , quotable at K.Kfj4.70 : pigs , $1,43
@I.C5 : bulk of Bales , * 4.E2i4&4.67 % .
SHEEP Reoeipts , 2,300 head ; market n < v
itlvo and steady ; demand strong for all
kinds ,
HtoL'k In
Following are the receipts at < he four
principal western markets for August 2i :
Cattle. Hogs , ghue
Omaha . . . 4,001 2.409
Chicago . 'JO.OOO 26.000 17.000
Kansas City . 9,000 4.500 3.CCO
St. Louis , . , . 6,00) 3,100 GOO
Totals . sgow Sjoc
ICnnmiM Oltr Mvo Htouk.
ceipts , 6,300 head natives , 3 , CM head Tex
ans ; market steady for good ; shade lower
for poor grades ; heavy weight native ttteers ,
{ 5.4566.90 ; light weights , J3.1666.75 ; stockers
< ind feeders. tl.16Qo.10i butchers' COWH nnd
heifers , J3.107iO.00 ; canners , J3.KKn3.10 ; west
ern ftteers. Jt.OOiH.Go ; Texans. J3.00@-f.0n.
HOGS Receipts. 4,450 head ; market active
and steady to 5a higher ; heavy and mixed ,
J4.60SJ4.60 ; lights , fl.60ff-l.77tt ; pigs , J4.65 ®
BlfBBP Recolpte , 3,660 head : market ac-
. storkers nnd feeilern. J3.2o74.10j
cuJls , j2 ,
H Ifh rroiiieM Mcnr
ttA.WLtNS , Wyo. , Aug. 28. ( Special. ) P.
A. Luckflel.1 nml J. M. Rumsey of this jitnco
have had men working f n n mineral prospect
In Uio hills north of horn for several weeks.
Bcvcml dnyo ago Mr. lAiekflcld pent A rj > r < t
men of ere founil In the prospect to D. nvc *
for analysis. He was greatly surprised to
receive a rvlurn showing thnt It ran $71C a
ton In gold. The ore Is frwvmlltlng nnd
tliQ lead Is three feet wide. Mcssr * . buck-
Hold nnd Humsey decline to dlvulpc thn exact
location of the nnd. They arc now nendlnrt
100 pounds of the ere to Denver for a iiilU
Thev arena much like COATED
ELECTRICITY us science can make
them. Koch one produces BS much
nerve-building subntnncnns Is con
tained in the amount of food n man
cniiMttncs In n wcelc. This Is why
they hnve cured thousands of cases
of nervous diseases , such BS Debil
ity , Dizziness , Insomnia , Virlcocele ,
etc. They enable you to think clear
ly by developing brain matter ; force
healthy circulation , cure Indiges
tion , and Impart bounding vigor to
the whole system. All weakening
_ and tlssue-ilcMrovlnjt drains and
losses permanently enrol. Delay
may mean Insanity , Consumption
and Death.
8 Price , $ | pcrboi ; sir boxes ( with
Iron-clad guarantee to cure or re
fund money ) , $5. Book containing
posltlx-e nroof. tree. Addrev
Kor Kile toy Kuhn t Co. , or Waldron
Is sold under positive Written Ctinrantoa
by authorized neentft only , lo euro Weak Memory ,
DIzzlnosB , Wakcfulnesn , Fits. Hysteria , Quick'
ncsH , Nlirlit Losses , Kvll Dreams. Lnck ot Confi
dence , NcrvounneBH , La&Bltudo. nil Urnlnn , Youth
ful Errors , or Excessive UBU of Tobacco , Opium
Liquor , which lends to Misery , Consumption
Insanity and Death , At store or by mall , 71 a , box !
six for ts ; with written guarantee to
euro or refund nionoy. Sample pack
age , containing tlvo days' trontinont , with
luu Instructions , 25 cents. Ono nninplu only sold
to each person. At store or by mall ,
= g"Red Label Spe-
ciul Extra Strength.
Kor Impntoncy , Loss of ,
Power , Lost Manhood ,
Sterility or Biirroneis , ;
llahox ; six for 85 , with
written Rtiprantoo !
. 'to euro In SO days. At ;
store or by mail.
, Dillon Drug Co. , Sole
lOth and fFaruam , Oniuliu , Neb.
When others fail consult
° P
We guarantee to euro nil cases curable of
SEXUALLY. cured for llfo.
Nightly Emissions , Lo&t Manhood , Hydrocele
Verlcocelc , Gonorrhea , Glcot , Syphilis , Strlot-
nre , Piles , Fistula and Hectal Ulcers and \ -
AH Private Diseases
and Disorder * of Men.
Consultation free Call on or address
HP so. nth St. OHAHA.
You know Jos , 8. Kirk & Co. give , away )
110 cash August 81 , to the woman itcurlnj
the greatest number of White Rtualun
Soap Wrappers.
Bend them or bring them to 303 South 12U1
street , Omaha.
These wrappers will also count in the
grand contest closing December 20.
ASK OR WRITE : Andrew Klowlt , Oma
ha , Neb. ; Albert Branson , Council Rlultu ,
la. ; R. B. McCoy , Denver , Colo. ; F. W , Ben.
Hon , Tullapouba , OH , ; AI. T , Moai , Chicago ,
Amos L Jackman , Omaha , Neb , ; J. C ,
E-asley , Duniont , Colo. ; Frank Hall , DavliJ
City , Neh , ; James Davis , Omaha , Neb , : A ,
Ring , Princeton , 111. ; Pearson Beaty , Fair *
fax , Ohio. For oalo at
SI.OO Per Box. Guaranteed.
Telephone 1030 , Omaliu ,
Dlro-t wire * la i.'lilcuco and .1t\r York.
CorrMPondrnUi Jabn X. VVarrtr. JL Cc.
Ti-lculioiin Ilina.
llooui , N' . Y , I < lf lllilsr. , Oiunlia , ftv
Grain , Provisions , Stocks.