Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1899, Editorial, Page 18, Image 18

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AdvcrtlNcntcntn ( or tlicnc column *
Mill be Inlicn until 12 in. for tiie
cvunlnit rilltliin anil until SiIJO p. ui.
for mo ml n ic nuil 3miclny edition * ,
Uiitcn , 1 l-'o n nunl Jlmt lnnertloii |
3c a % T < > nt tlicrc-Mtlvr. NnlhliiK tiikeii
for lexi tluiii - . " , ( or t'io ' ( IrNt liitcr-
llon. TlicHo nilvcrtlncinciitM muni bo
run cotiKcontlvcly.
AiU ordxcr.i , liy rciiir ( liiR n tinm-
tiercd direl. , < ; nn linvc nnitircrn ail-
clrcHHril to n niiiiiliercil letter lu cnro
of TIio live. AnnvrcrH no luldrcnucil
mill lie delivered on vrcntiitntloii of
tliu clicclc only. '
OMAHA Employment Bureau. 119 N. 16. Tel.
am. Help furnished , positions procured.
A 101
A , ' 1 UNOGRAPHER. When you want one
pi'-itso cnll up the Remington typewriter
ofllce , 1C19 Farnam St , , telephone 1573.
AN EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants a
ntntill sot of hooks to keep evenings. Ad-
' ( IfoBS O GG , lloo. A 530-27 *
'CLO'1'HINO salesman , stock keeper and
window trimmer wants first-class place
ut once ; good references ; country pre
ferred. A-C31 27'
1 A HJ3L1AIJLE and Industrious man wants
permanent employment ; middle aged ,
need habits ; Rood pay Oy week or month ;
icfurcnce given If required. Call on or
wrlto address 223J Seward St. , Omaha. Neb.
A 622 27 *
by attending that most popular and rue-
ccssful school ,
Catalogue and full Information furnished
on application.
Student : ) who desire it assisted to positions
to earn board while attending.
( WANTED , We have steady work for a few
( rood hustlers of good habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St.
B 103
CIOOD Dalesmen , salary or com. 1118 N. 18.
CANVASSERS wanted everywhere ; big
money. AVrlto Homo Comfort Sad Iron
Co. . Omaha. B-M310 A27 *
MAN wanted. Hlxenbaugh , BOO Ware block.
WANTED * -Twenty first-class stone cutters
nt Helena , Mont. : $5 for nlno hours. Ap
ply Montana Building Co. B 401-
ilVANTED-SIx solicitors , Indies or gentle
men. Geo. W. Beatty , Midland Hotel.
B-390-27 *
tYOU CAN travel and make big money.
Ask Frank. 3S21 Farnam. B 141 29 *
WANTED , at once , a good all-round'black-
smlth. one that cnn work In wood pre
ferred. Address W. A. Swelgard. Sharps-
bur r , Taylor Co. . la. B M4CO 23'
( WANTED , first-class experienced silk
sal * mnn for head of Bilk department ;
non but such as have had years of ex
perience and flvst-da'M references need
ixpply. Ro-iton Store. Oinahu , J. L. Bran-
dels & Soni , proprietors. B M49'5 27
[ WANTED , ilrat-class experienced shipping
cl" > rk ono vho has had experience In a
rctull dry goods more. Boston Store ,
J. L. Brundels & SoiuCproprlptors.
B-M491 27
( WANTED , good paying and permanent
position can toe secured by experienced and
competent traveling specialty salesman ,
with old , established live stock remedy
nnd food concern. Address Jos. Haas , V.
S. , Indianapolis , Ind. References required.
B 497-27
[ WANTED , party to handle our line of
Indies' waists and ladles' muslin under
wear In connection with other lines.
Sohwarz & Wild , 715 N. llth St. . St. Louis ,
JFo. B-M510 27 *
[ WANTED , A good printer who Is an ex
pert cornet plaver , at once ; good job.
Wrlto to Lock Box 313 , Obcrlln , Kan.
B M503 27 *
MORE advertising distributers , also coffee
salesmen ; salary. Triumph Information
Co. , Dalits , Tex. B MSOfi 2S *
BATVBSAtliN wanted to sell our goods. Big
pay. Address The _ GlobeCo. . , .Lock Box
313. Charlotte , Mich. B-57G 27 *
fWANTED , reliable men to represent largo
cigar manufacturer. Splendid oppor
tunity to right parlies. II. 15. Franklin &
Co. , 48-4S Michigan avo. , Chicago.
B-3I575 30 *
( WANTED , reliable men to solicit business
for UB ; we are In the speculative grain
commission business. Wo have one agent
" . ho begun working fpr us a year ago and
Jiac matlfl an nvcrair * of over $700 a month
for the pnt six months. You can do just
r.s well. You can work up a good ) bus
iness without Interfering with vour
jprescnt work ; no capital required. Wrlto
for particulars , references , etc. Y 67 , care
of this ofllce. B-571 27 *
.EALKSMKN o sell 'Mackintoshes. ' Swatch
Fnmpl s SxlS Inches showing assortment
of 60 styles sent prepaid to good mm.
AVato'iiroof guarantee given. Mackin
toshes from $ ! .15 iipward. Write for ex
clusive turrltory. Inter-State Rubber Co. ,
221 5th Ave. . Chicago , III. B-573 27 *
tWANTED. chicken pickers < dry pickers
preferred. Apply at Swift nud Company ,
youth Omaha. 13 MC94 28
WANTED , experienced riding saddle hands.
( Meyer , Bannerman & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
B 593 27
( WANTED , an experienced and capable
.sewing machine man of good address. Wo
"have " a good opening for n competent man.
No peddling. Addicts with referents
nnd experience , II 2 , Beo. B M592 30
WANTED , men to make $10 a day at fairs ,
picnics , etc. ; new amusement attraction ;
write for circular. Jonas N. Bell & Co. ,
CSO Lake , Chicago , B-677 27 *
you SALE , established branch office In
Omaha representing old company ; present
manager promoted ; references and $500 re-
quired. Address G 61 , Boo. B 537-27 *
WANTED , man by an old established con
cern to represent us , $150 a month over
expenses guaranteed ; permanent position ;
chAtiiie for advancement , 1611-315 Denr-
boin St. , Chicago. IB 536-27 *
TRAVELING man , position permanent , $60
per month and expenses ; references re-
( tulrod. Clark & Co. , 231 S , 4th St. , Phila
delphia , Pa , U-535-27 *
WANTED , four doctors to travel on salary ;
call Tuesday morning at JG15 Kyner Ave.
B-C34-27 *
WANTED , a salesman to represent a tea
anil coffee house. 1321 Capitol Ave.
B-G33-27 *
for any civil service or examina
tion without seeing our catalogue of In
formation ; sent free. Columbian Cor-
. , rcspondonre College , Washington , D. C.
. B-532-C7 *
WANTED , three bookkeepers , four steno
graphers nnd three shipping clerks ; answer
quick. Southern Business Exchange , Galveston -
veston , Texas , B 531-27 *
WANTED , man to travel ; good pay to the
right party. 632 Paxton building.
B Mfilfi 2S *
WANTED , competent advertising sollcltoT
for > \ekly newspaper ; salary payable
every week ; references. 437 Paxton block.
B-6U 27 *
WANTED , advanca agent for lecturer ;
live , honest , well appearing man with ex >
purlence canvasilng , Address with test ) .
ti it. ns , ucH v ; *
WANTED , Iron workers at Omaha Safe
nnd Iron Works , 610 South llth street.
B-MC24 23 *
nni.1 * .
INTELLIGDNT. middle-aged women for
us'iful. profitable business. Call between
11 and S. M.S. C. E , Allen. 723 N. Y. Life.
C-M1S7 Sept. li *
WANTED , 200 glrlsT 1C2I Dodge. Tel. 876.
GIRti for general housework. 2610 Popple-
ton Ave. C 453 29 *
WANTED , a Rood girl for general house
work ; no cooking , 2211 Hownrd ,
C-1H37 27 *
CHAMBERMAID wanted at once ; must be
clean nnd come well recommended. Ap
ply at the Creche. C 471 26 *
WANTED , a bright middle-aged woman
who will devote All her time to a good
paying business ; a fine opening for the
right party. Address G 60 , Bee.CM483
C-M483 27
WANTED , experienced lady fir mall order
department In dry good ? store ; one using
typewriter preferred. Inquire at Boston
Store , J. L. lirandels & Sons , proprietors.
C-M495 27
WANTED , five first-claw , thorough , ex
perienced cloak nnd suit salesladies ; must
nave large experience ; state where and
how long employed ; good salary to com
petent people. Address G 63 , Bee.
C-SU18 23
WANTED , girl to assist with light house
work ; 3 only In family. Mrs. C. M.
Eaton , 1621 Plnkney at. C-JM516 27 *
WANTED , nt Union Depot hotel , two ex-
pcrlenced dlnlngroom girls , C M515 27 *
GIRL for general housework. 4129 L.ifny-
ette ave. C-M313 2S
WANTED , an experienced girl for second
work. Apply on Monday at 1721 Daven
port St. C-M604 27 *
WA'NTED. ' competent girl for general
housework In family of two. Call 515 3.
23lh Ave. C-C-2S 23
GIRL ; general housework. 2020 St. Mary's
Ave. C 527
WOMEN to do plain sewing nt home , $1.60
per day ; four months' work guaranteed ;
send stamped addressed envelope for par
ticulars. II. W. Ilutton & Co. . Philadel
phia , Pa. C-579 27 *
LADIES to embroider for us at home ;
send addressed envelope tor sample ,
terms , etc. Empire Embroidery Works ,
134 Liberty St. , N. Y. C 378 27 *
WANTED at once , a good cook nnd
laundress ; small famllv ; must have good
reference. Apply at 2301 Davenport s ( ,
C 596
GIRL wanted. Apply 2222 Miami. C-G95
WANTED , girl for general housework. Apply -
ply 1924 Corby St. C-M539-29 *
WANTED , German lady willing to take
care of 3-year-old boy at times , especially
ovcnlngs ; prefer one In the neighborhood.
Inquire D04 So. 20th St. C-533-27 *
WANTED , housekeeper , middle aged lady
preferred ; no small children. Jas. Peterson
Neb. C M540-S-9 *
son , Marquett , - -
WANTED , an experienced girl to do second
work In family of tiir e. 2240 Landon
Court , near St. Mary's nnd 24th st.C .
C M637
WANTED , girl for general housework for
two months. Apply 3010 Mason st.C63227
WANTED , girl for general housework.
Call at once. 2539 California st.
C-317 27 *
WANTED , a good , competent girl for gen
eral housework. Address 639 Park avp.
C-G29 29 *
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St.
D 406
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 15ll'4
Farnam. Tel. 1559. D 407'
HOUSES , stores , Bemls. Paxton block.
FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street. '
D 409
SIX-ROOM modern Hat 1112 S. llth.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street.
MAGGARD'S van&storage. 117 N15. Tel 1496.
D 413
CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry
B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. ' .Phono , 1016.
D 417
FOR RENT , 668 South 2Sth St. , 10 rooms
modern , good repair. The Byron Reed
Co. , 212 So. 14th St. D M719
2402 POPPLETON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern ,
largo yard and barn , $30. The Byron
Reed Co. D 413
MODERN 7-room house , 1009 N. 29th St. .
$20. COS Bee. D M90G
FOR RENT , 10-room modern crick. 1031
south 30th ave. , hard wood floors and
finish. D M633
WHY. certainly , save coal , gas. water and
servant worries by having a home In the
Brunswick hotel , heart of the cllv.
D M420 Sep21
FINE residence , choice location , 11 rooms ,
nil modern ; excellent stable. Bemls , Paxton -
ton block. D-M227
3 ROOMS. 701 S. 17th Ave. Inquire upstairs.
D S30-Sep.-S *
FURNITURE and leasehold of 10-room all-
modern house , only 4 blocks from N. Y.
Life bldg. , entirely filled with good room
ers and boarders , for sale at a bargain
price. Sea Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life.
EIGHT-ROOM house , modern , newly pa
pered , walking distance , $26.50.
Nine-room house , modern , walking distance ,
lino. $30.00.
An elegant 12-room furnished house for $60.
Only one of the fine apartments in the
Normandlc , $50.00.
Call and sec us.
Payne-Harder Co. , first floor N. Y. Life.
D 399 27
FOR RENT , six-room cottage. Enquire 842
South ISth street. D M 455
FOR RENT. 10-room houseat 813 WorthIngton -
Ington Place ; all modern conveniences. In
cluding electric light , etc. ; neighborhood
unexcelled ; one block from Farnam car.
Apply 11. J. Windsor , 1624 Capitol Ave.
D M520 28
B-ROOM cottage , furnished ; modern , Sep
tember 1. 80J Bo. 30th St. D U5-2S"
FURNISHED house , eight rooms , steam
heat , modern Improvements , 4170 Cass. cheap
to good tenant. D 623 27 *
PRETTY , cozy cottage , beautiful lawn ;
hall , parlor , sitting room , 'bay window ,
two bed rooms , two closets , dining room ,
kitchen , pantry , cemented cellar , filtered
cistern and city water , Leaveniworth
motor , one block ; only $15.00. 914 S. 40th.
D-642-27 *
FOR RENT , a new 6-room house , modern.
2715 Chicago St. , inquire 323 N. 37th St.
D M543-S2 *
10-ROOM modern house , furniture for sale ;
close to entrance to Exposition ; 6-room
house 3 blocks Business , $15.00 ; also 9-room
all modern flat near Hanscom park , $18.00.
Waterman , S22 N , Y. Life. Telephone 92.
NICE 6-room modern cottage , $20.00 , In-
quit e 2710 Parker st , D 597
9-ROOM house , modern , newly papered ,
S-room house , modern , ready Oct. 1st. 309
N. 23d st.
C-room house , modern , except gas , 2211
Webster st ,
H. C. PETERS & CO. , Bee Bldg.
D-fiOl 27
TWO S-room modern houses near Hanscom
piu-k ; just vacated : $2S 00 and $30.00. J , H.
Sherwood , 423 N. V. Life. D-611 27
10-ROOM modern house and large barn ,
near Hami'om park , $30.00. J , H. Sher
wood. 423 N. Y Life. D-612 27
015 Recs St. , 4 rooms , city water. $8.
5-room modern cottage , nicely furnished ,
piano , year's lease if desired ; only $22.
7-room modern houic , fine repair , close to
car in Dundee ; only $15.
7-room modern house , Walnut Hill , $2250 ,
S-room modern house , Walnut Hill , $21.50.
7 and 9-room , all modern houses , easy
walking distance , for $25 and J27.CO.
309 N , 25th st. , 10-room , all modern house ;
will paper to suit tenant , for $30.
1312 S. 27th at , S room , i.trlctly all modern ,
with new plumbing , porcelain bath , new
furnace , new gas fixtures , newly painted
and every room newly papered ; all for $20.
Water tax paid by ouners on each house.
FOR HUNT iiousns.
TWO 10-room modern houses , ctosts In ,
$1500 nnd $40.00. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N.
Y. Life. D-613 27
.HOUSES , 9th and Pierce. Part of 9-rooni
house. Several good rooming nousesfor
isnle. Houses and lots sold on Install
ment. 1512 Davenport. D M609 29
CHOICE 9-r. terrace , e. front , near The
'Merrlam ' , 122 S. 25th St. , $35.
6-r. house , llth & Cnstcllar , city water , $14.
4-r. lioiise , 422 Cedar , trees , only $1.
Inquire 3G U , S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
FOR RENT , six-room , modern house , fur
nished , corner 22d and I , South Omaha.
D-C2527 *
THE BACHELORS , family hotel ; best $1.60
a day house in the state ; take Harney and
Farnam st. cars. E SGI
FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2G2J
St. Mary's. E 2 ! > 3 1 *
CLEAN beds , 60o week and up. 710 S. 14th.
3 NICE rooms , housekeeping. 1112 So. llth.
609 S. 25th ave ; board If desired.
THE BRUNSWICK , with new furniture
nnd new management , is the most de-
slrablo place in this city. E-M419 Scp21
ROOMS , with or without board. 1512 Daven
port. E-M742 SeptS *
NICE rooms for rent. 314 South 26th st.
E M489 S21 *
FURNISHED ROOMS , private family. 2003
Burt E-M1S5 2S *
DESIRABLE front alcove room In quiet
family to one or two gentlemen. 2303
Douglas. E M507 27 *
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping ;
man and wife ; rent taken In board. 319
N. 17th. E-D2G
FOR RENT , furnished alcove suite , also a
smaller room In private family. 317 So.
2Gth St. E-64G-27 *
NICELY furnished room , modern ; two In
family ; reasonable. 160G North 17th St.
E-543-27 *
FOR RENT , front room , furnished , two
gentlemen ; no other roomers. C03fl Far
nam Terrace. E 544-27 *
FOR RENT , modern furnished rooms , at
1327 Douglas st. E-631 27 *
NICELY furnished room in private family.
SIS S. 19th. E 623 27
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 620 No.
19th. E-C57 27
F-LEGANT roomi & board. 1903 Capitol av
F 11 ?
THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge.
ROOM and board , modern , 1618 Hnrney. -
F M591 Sept. 1
PLEASANT rooms with good board. 2206
Douglas. F M357 27 *
DESIRABLE , furnished , southeast front
room , private family. 702 So. 29th st.
F M411 27 *
BACK parlor for two gentlemen with first-
class .board. 1722 Dodge. F M503 31 *
PRIVATE family would like couple to
boaid for the winter ; no other roomera.
Address H S , Bee. F 603 27 *
THREE unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping ; no children. 2GOS Pierce St.
G 547-27 *
THREE unfurnished rooms for light house-
kecplng , 602 S. 19th. G M642 29 *
FOR RENT , store in first-class location ;
rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 266
FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid
vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor , Bee
Building. 1 267
AT SOUTH OMAHA , several new stores
Just btlng completed ; excellent openings
for dry goods , clothing , Doots , shoes and
other lines. Inquire C. A. Van Wasmer ,
24th and M. South Omaha. 1 288 276
SMALL store , 222 North 13th. 1-521 30 *
BUILD'G , $7.50 up. 12th and Farnam.
J COS 27
SEVERAL first-class stores from $10 to $30.
Furnished barber shop , with 3 chairs and
2 baths , heater and everything ; only $10.
1 631 31
WANTED , agents to sell Doctors Conger
and Crane's ( private ) book for women ;
Just out ; everybody will buy it. American
Publishing House , Chicago. J M503 2S *
GENEALOGICAL map of Ireland , showing
the family names ; price 20c. James
Sheely , publisher , 5 Murray st. . New
York. J M513 23 *
AGENTS wanted , kitchen necessity ; no-
greasy stoves ; rattling seller ; freight
paid ; free samples ; big commission.
Kitchen Specialty Co. , Reading , Pa.
J-5SS 27
WANTED , agents to represent the largest
fraternal , sick and accident benefit asso
ciation in America ; up-to-date plan ; top
renewal contracts ; choice territory.
American Benevolent association , Union
Trust bldg. , St. Louis , Mo. J-587 27 *
AGENTS wanted , specialties that are Al ;
uclllng rapidly , profits large ; secure
agency at once ; $3 an hour made. Handy
Things Co. , Chicago. J 5SG 27 *
AGENTS , brilliant gasoline gas lamp ; $2 to
$5 profits each lamp. Brilliant Gag Lamp
Co. . 48 Clark St. , Chicago. J-5S5 27 *
AGENTS , for the best and cheapest gaso
line lamps ; big profits ; quick sales ; per
fect In appearance and Illumination ; we
manufacture our' own lamps. Acme
Vapor Lamp Co. , 19 S. Jefferson , Chicago.
J-5S1 27 *
WANTED , general agents for high grade
total adding Cash Register , 30 styles ,
Address Navy Cash Register Co , , Chi
cago. J-6S3 27 *
AGENTS , entirely new saloon
great time and money saver ; quick BellcT
with big profits ; It is worthy your whole
attention. Address 1112 Monadnock , Chicago
cage , J-5S2 27 *
AGENTS , best gasoline gas lamp ; best
terms ; retails $5 ; polished brass ; hundred-
candle light ; 1 cent a day. Standard
Lamp Co. , Chicago. J 5SO 27 *
AGENTS WANTED , fhen and women , good
address , to travel and appoint agents ;
salary $75 month ; expenses ; rapid advance.
ment ; unusually brilliant opportunity ,
Address with references , Butler & Algor ,
New Haven , Conn. J
AGENTS for a neat , fast selling little
device In cities ; no canvassing. Address
Dr. Swan , Beaver Dam , WIs. J 548-27 *
YANKEE Pump Governors make the hard
est pump work as easy as the easiest :
windmills turn the lightest breeze and
fits all pumps ; wanted , state managers
with little money and business ability ; can
clear $500 per month , Bane Manufactur
ing Co. , 65 Washington St. , Chicago. 111.
J-619-27 *
AGENTS wanted , jumping beans , whole
sale only ; 1,000 , $10 ; 600. $ i ! ; 250. $3 50 ; 100.
$1.50 ; retail , 5c ; drummers , agents nnd
street men' I3e line. Samples , 12. 25c ;
3. lOc. J , B. Co. . Dppt. 170,557 Greenwich
street , New York City . J 556 27 *
COUNTY representatives wanted > y on
Ohio corporation In a new nnd attractive
business , no competition , no bond , no risk ;
a broad field , very deeirable and profit
able : exclusive territory. Addresa 65 At
las Bank bldg. , Cincinnati , O. J 555 27 *
AGENTS , quick sales nnd big profit * guar
nntted ; men or women make $5 a day Bell-
Ins our celebrated flavoring powders ; bet
ter and cheaper than liquid extracts cold
in stores ; one to eight flavors sold in every
house ; easy to handle ; write for particu
lar * and exclusive territory. W. H. Balrd
& Co. , 7 East End , Pittaburg , Pa , J
PORTRAIT ngcnts everywhere quit 'cray-
onr * Try washable onameUnes ; no gloss ;
ilon't rub ; cheap. Family Portrait Co. ,
Chicago. J-5G3 27 *
GENERAL nnd local ngents-"Rend in
Dark" name plates , signs nnd numbers ;
camples free. Right Supply Co. , Chicago.
J 538 27 *
AOEN'TS In every county to sell "Family
Memorials , " good profits and steady Work.
Addresi Campbell & Co. , 376 Lowell St. ,
Elgin. III. J-531 27 *
MEN nnd women wanted everywhere to
teach chemical oil portrait painting ; any
child cnn learn ; $25 per wr-ck cns'ly mide ;
send lOc for full Instruction' . SnnUi Portrait
trait nnd Frame Co. , 1311 Main St. . Knn-
sas City , Mo. J-550 27 *
KISSING bug , greatest mechanical novelty
ever Invented ; fool ? everybody ; fun for
men , women nnd children ; 6,000 sold In
one day. Sample lOc. Special prices to
nccnts. llegal MTg. Co. , 703 Penn Ave. ,
Plttsburg , Pa. J-554 27 *
MUST have ngcnts nt once to rell Sash
Locks nnd Door Holders ; sample Snsh
Lock free for 2c stamp ; Immense- ; better
thnn weights ; burglar proof ; $10 a day ;
write quick. Addresn Brohard & Co. ,
Dept. 42 , Philadelphia , Pa. J
AGENTS make. $10 dally selling Neely's
thrilling photographs of nctunl battle
scenes "Fighting In the Philippines , " ICO
vivid half-tono photographs from Mnnlln ;
6x8 In. "Our New Possessions , " the best
collection of ICO photographs of the Dewey
Islands , Porto Rico and Cuba. Outfit of
cither album , Including complete copy
free , for 12 cents coin or stamps ; both
Albums for 20 cents. Order quick , avoid
ing unnecessary correspondence ; money
refunded If not satisfactory ; albums must
bo seen to ho appreciated , Six million
.books Issued yearly. Catalogue free.
Authors' manuscripts promptly examined.
F. Tennyson Necly. Publisher. 2C9 Wnbash
Av. , Chicago ; 114 Fifth Av. , New York.
Ynles Health Remedies nnd Natuml
lleviutlflers ; Intelligent ladles can make
all the way from $25 to $30 n week or
more ; al' depends on the person ; pos
sibilities tinl'mlted. Address nt once. Mmo.
M. Yale. 189 Michigan AVP. . Chlfayo. J
WA'NTED. ' by married gentleman , board
and room In private family ; state loca
tion and terms. II 1 , Bee. K 553 27 *
WANTED , room and board In private
family reasonable ; state full particulars.
G 62 , Bee. K 557 27 *
AT ONCE , 3 or 4 unfurnished modern
rooms for light housekeeping. II 3. Bee.
K-M621 27 *
BY man and wife , unfurnished room with
board ; private family mcfcrred ; must be
modern and reasonable ; convenient to-
( business. H 15 , Bee. K 650 27 *
WANTED , nn S-room , modern house , good
location. No children. II 8 , Bee ,
1C630 29 *
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 903-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
2ND-IIAND furniture bought & exchanged.
Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tel. 2238.
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N426
1,000 BASE BURNERS and other stoves
wanted. Don't sell before seeing Joe 1s.-
vine. Drop a catd and a man will call.
Highest market price guaranteed. 304 N.
16th , cor. Davenport. N JI263 Sep. 18
WANTED , 10 horses , weight ono thousand
to eleven hundred pounds , city broke and
only.onea used to delivery wagons. Bring
horses to barn on 17th St. , opp. Boyd's
theater. People's Store. N 629 27
WANTED , a boy's bicycle for cash. Ad
dress H 14 , Bee. N 649 27 *
HOUSES to move ; also 2d hand bldg. ma
terial. 36 U. S. Nat. Bank bldg.
N M607 29
STOVES. STOVES and furniture bought
and sold ; best prices made ; see us before
you deal. Nob. Furniture Co. , 1419 Dodge ,
O 879 Oct-10
FURNITURE of an 8-room house ; rent
optional. G 65. Bee. O 559 27 *
OLD buggies taken in trade on new vehicles
Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport
P 42S
TWO ponies for sale , 4 years old. 2617 Decatur -
catur street. P 622 27 *
FOR SALE , good family horse * is also
good rider. Address H 11 , Bee.P
P M633 29 *
FLAG poles ; sawdust ; cheapest and best
hog fence. 901 Douglas. Tel. 45S. Q 129
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.
St.Q 430
HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all
wire. Wire Works , 1817 Howard St.
FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 tents at
druggists. One gives relief. Q 434
2D-HAND eafe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam
SAFES , buy , soil , exchange. 114 S. 13th St.
Q 437
CASH register , nearly new , cheap , lliu
Farnam. Q MSGS
ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros. .
Council Bluffs. Q-M311
B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 77B-
plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations ;
orders by mall or express promptly nued.
Q 43J
FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper ,
good for batten or laying under carpets.
Omuha Bee press room. Q 271
INDIAN relics ; mounted gameheads. 1116
Farnara. Q M9S5
200 WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheap.
Diamond Loan Ofllce , 1315 Douglas.
Q M616 Sept. 2
MUST sell Hordman piano ; make offer ;
time or cash. G 20 , Bee. Q 214
NEW wheels. $13.60 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , $5
up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle
Co. Q-M4C5
FOR SALEr-On account of driving our ma
chinery entirely by electric motors , large
assortment of wood and Iron pulleys , belt
ing , shafting , hangers and head blocks ,
four friction clutches , one exhaust fan ,
ono Crane elevator , one hoisting crane ,
etc. Bemls Omaha Bag Co , Q M477 31
2 JERSEY Ilolsto'n family grade cows ,
"fresh" with heifer calveu , rich milkers.
Turner , 3C07 Center. Q-524 27 *
GOOD second-hand gasoline engine and
wagon scale for sale cheap ; only used six
months. Address A 69 , Bee. Q
ROLL TOP oillce desk for sale cheap , 511
Karbach block , Q-G46 27 *
BANDMASTERS ; The Greater America
Exposition larch for bands , 60c. Send at
onco. II , F , L. Eckermann , 1601 Park ave.
Q-598 27
THREE good , first-class mortgage form
loans for sale , $400 , $800 , 5100. Room 1 ,
Continental block. Q M599 62
FOR SALE to move , two small houses. J ,
H. Parrotte , ICth and Dodge. Q-62S 27
BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low
est prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414
Dodge. R-4J7
NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhand furniture
and stoves sold at lowest prices , carload
lots or leas. Chicago Furniture Co. . 1406-10
Dodge. R-43S
CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ;
excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H.
Phllbln. new locations 1309 and I'M Far
nam. Bit. 1819. Member Q. T. B , Assn.
PALMIST , hns Just returned from the
west , where she hns been on very Im
portant business for one of Omnlm'a
most prominent bus-Incsa men , It l use
less to say that Mine. Gylmer met with
succes ? , for nil who know her are nwnro
that this wonderful lady's power would
enable her to achieve success In any
thing she might undertnke. Mme ,
Gylmer'a reputntlon Is established
throughout the whole country ns the
greatest palmist nnd life render. There Is
not a day that she does not receive let
ters from nil parts of the country requestIng -
Ing mlvlcc on Important matters of nil
kinds. If nny one vho sees till * nrllcle Is
skeptical nnd does not believe thnt every
word Is absolutely true they will kindly
call on Mme. Gylmer nnd If she fnlln to
convince them thnt she Is genuine she
will not 2lmrgo ono cent for the rending.
Who can oftor anything fairer ? Mme.
Gylmer Ir positively recognized a the
leader in her profession , nnd three yoara
In Omaha ought to convince nny one that
she Is no "fake. "
Sim cnn give Invaluable Inductions on all
pftnlrs , be It love , mnrrlngo divorce , lost
artlcics , tauslnegi , ctolen property .my
nnd nil dliilciiltlcs she cnn re.iovo. Don't
fall to see her. Parlors of Palmistry
IWB Dodge , south Mda new V. O. Hours.
! ) tu 7:30 : ; Sunday , 13 to 4. S-'SG ' 27
MME. GYLMER , genuine palmst,1605 ! Dodge
SPECIAL OFFER extended until Wednes-
dny , August SOth. Only four days more
to get life readings nt 26c nnd 50c.
Prof. Clecro , the World's Greatest Palmist
nnd Clairvoyant , guarantees to read every
Incident of your life , past , present nnd
futute. . Gives full name nnd description
of the ono you will marry , when nnd
where you will meet , etc. Locntes lost
friends or burled trensures , causes a
speedy and happy marriage with the ono
you love. He will tell you how to be suc
cessful In business , speculation , Invest
ments , lawsuits , love , mnrrlngo nnd di
vorce. No matter what your trouble may
bo ho will guide , you to success nnd happi
ness or charge you nothing. Speculators
In stocks or wheat should not fall to con
sult this gifted medium before Investing.
Hundreds have made money from his nd-
vlco nnd counsel. Why not you ? LIFE
Send nnmei address , age and date of
hlrth. Any questions nnswcred thnt you
mnyv'sli to nsk. Pnrlors1 , 213 N. ISth st. ,
ncnr Capitol ave. Hours , 9 to 9 dnlly.11 }
business confidential. S 633 27 *
MME. PALMER , the distinguished clair
voyant nnd spiritual medium , whoso
powers of advice , wisdom and prophecy
nave made her the talk of the country , is
now In OMAHA. She gives reliable nm
Important advice on nil nfTnlrs of lite
Call nnd be convinced that the past , pres
ent and future can bo told. Sittings prl-
yntoand strictly confidential. Parlors
1C23 Dodge. S-G39 27 *
. . , MRS. DR. MOSS ,
the celebrated spiritual medium and clair
voyant , has returned. She will hold con
sultations dally on all affairs of life. She
CAa ? ° , Eltlvcly te" TI1E PAST , PRESENT
AND FUTURE and nny one seeking ad
vice regarding LOVE , business , Invest
ment , marriage , divorce. Inlldellty of hus
band or wife , lost or stolen articles
longevity , future happiness or flnancln
nffalrs should not put oft seeing this won
derful lady , the most GIFTED clairvoy
ant who Is known to the American people.
DR. MOSS' rank as a prognostlcator has
never as yet been .attained by nny one.
She stands today without an equal. Dr.
Moss Is recognized throughout the United
States the highest type of a Indy and
her generous disposition and charitable
nature makes friends qf all whom she be
comes acquainted with. All these things
taken. Into con. ldeiatlon , one cannot help
but arrive at .the conclusion that DR.
5IOSS. the GREATEST life reader whoever
over visited Omaha , Is worthy of patron-
< ago. Don't fall to consult her If you are
in trouble. She. can help you. She can
drive away .the . difficulties and make you
feel like a new person. Remember the
number , 1704 Capitol ave. S GI7 27 *
Good news for nil. So sure am I of my
power of telling the past , present and
future I will give a few free tests to all
who wish a reading ; skeptics Invited.
Seer , phrenologist , astrologlst , palmist ,
Prof. Elmer Hnll. Known from ocean to
ocean as the White Mahatma ; asklng no
questions , ho tells name of your future
husband or wlfo ; whether the one you
Jove Is true or false. Seventh son and
has the power of any two mediums ; tells
you what your trouble Is ; every hidden
mystery revealed ; when you will marry ;
what to necdcdi for success In bu&lness ,
love , marriages , speculation , changes , di
vorce , losses , wills , pensions , etc. Thou
sands of my patrons have been made
happy that I have never seen. Stamp In
sures prompt answer. Private parlor , 1G15
Chicago st. S 492 26 *
MRS. DR. HAIRT , the wonderful Chicago
clairvoyant nnd palmist , has been aston
ishing Omaha people during the short
time she han been In the city. Her power
Is simply remarkable and she Is creating
a great sensation , because she can tell
the exact truth regarding all affairs con
cerning the person Tvho applies for a read-
Ing. There Is nothing too mysterious for
her to solve and any Information required
she can readily gi e. She is positively
capable of reading the PAST , present
and future accurately. Her advice is al
ways beneficial. Don't fall to see her. If
you have not aa yet Investigated palm
istry she will undoubtedly convince you
that she can read life correctly. Parlors ,
1603 Cass st. S-C59 27 *
( Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain
tub ; lady attendants. 113 N. 16th , opp. P.
O. , 2nd floor. T M648 62G *
ELITE parlors , 2025 Fnrnnm , upstairs , first-
class baths , massage and magnetic treat
ment ; lady atetendants. T MS09 29 *
MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas
sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend
ants ; Ist-class patronage solicited. 1615
Howard , 3rd floor. T M230 Sep 17
MME. AMES , R. 2 , f07 S. 13 ; manage baths.
. 17 *
BEATRICE HARLOW. elegant massage ,
tub baths , Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav-
enworth. T M207 27 *
MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118H North 15th.
T 451-29 *
MME. Lee , baths , massage parlor. 302 N. 16.
T 779 S6 *
M. MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , treats all
ailments of feQt , both ladles & gentlemen.
Ladles' halrdresslng , hair goods & toilet
preparations. Treatments on scalp , face ,
hands or feet ; 20 years experience , lO years
in Omaha ; best equipped establishment in
city. 1516 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor.
DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous
hair removed by electricity. Room 12 ,
Frenzer block. U 441
PRIVAT E hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17.
U 440
SUPERFLUOUS hair instantly removed ; no
electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4 ,
Wlthnell block. U 345
VIAVI la woman's way to health. 846 Bee
Bldg. u-442
HOWELL'8 Lltle Antl-Blllous Pills. Cure
Biliousness , Dizziness , Indigestion , Sick
Headaches , Constipation , 'lorpld Liver and
all derangements of stomach and bowels.
Being entirely vegetable , they operate
without disturbance to eystem , diet or oc
cupation. For bale by all druggists ,
Howell's Antl-Kawf cures cough.
U-577-A31 *
RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of
rupture without pain or detention from
business. Send for circulars. Empire
Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Bldg , ,
Omaha , Neb. U-M681 A31 *
RESPECTABLE young lady would make
the acquaintance of honorable gentleman
with good business prospects ; object ,
matrimony. G 45 , Bee. U 358 27 *
WANTED , Midway and other attractions
for Street Carnival , Sept. 14 , 15 , 16. M. J.
Halne , secretary , Fort Dodge , lu.
U-M410 29 *
EVERYBODY Interested In phonographs
and talking machlney send address to
Omaha Phone , Co. , 319 No. leth. Hear
something to your advantage. Names and
address must reach us by Sept. 15.
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles per
manently removed fay electricity ; consul
tation free and confidential ; all work
guaranteed , iltss Allender , 1613 Douglas.
U-M512 2S *
FOR RENT. $5 per month , upright Knabe
piano in first class-condition. Address 1510
Howard St. , or telephone 45B. U 562-27 *
tHNNETH , have not received a line ; write
again ; we are anxious about you. G. A.
B. , Frwnont , Neb , U-MG55 29"
WEALTHY gentleman with prosperous
business and good character , will mnkc
home hnppy to kind wife. "Admiral , "
3126 Forest Ave. , Chicago , III. U-660-27 *
REFINED , wealthy widow , 43 but lonely
seeks loving husband's companionship ,
Irs. Wood , care Knospe , 2103 Vllet 8t , ,
Milwaukee. U-565-27 *
AM 55 , wealthy , but lonely ; will make home
hnpplest spot on earth to appreciative
wife. Mr. Grant , 2SS W. 70th St. , Now
York. U-5GI-C7 *
A VBHY wealthy unlncumbcrcd widow ,
(40) , harassed by legal difficulties , seeks
Immediate marriage. Mrs. Harris , 762
Lex Ave. , N. Y. C. U-563-27 *
LADIES , your bust enlarged six Inches ;
failure Impossible ; harmless ; $100 cash
guarantee ; proof free. Leonnrd Medicine
Co. , Knnsna City , Knn. U Ml-27'
ACCOMPLISHED , very pretty young
widow , 23 , nobic minded , affectionate ,
worth $60,000 , desires to remarry , Bennett ,
33 Avenue A , New York. U 5S3 21 *
FEMAL1NE cures nil fcmnle troubles ; six
specialties ; they never fall. Mrs. J. B.
Webster , stnto agent , 1711 N. 21th st.
U-634 27 *
WANTED , refined homo for n little 4-year-
old boy , where there nre. no other chil
dren , In vicinity of Snored Heart dny
school , 27th st. nnd St. Mnry's nve. Address -
dress H 12 , Bee. U-611
WILL marry you. Whole United States to
select from ; lists , three months , 10 cents.
Iho Hymen. Auburndnle , WIs. U
LOVELY women nnd honorable men want
to marry ; mnny rich : lists ( descriptions' ,
residences ) , 2c. Mutual Exchange , Kansas
FRENCH nrt from life ; rare , scarce nnd
curious books ; photos , cards , etc. ; 25c for
samples and Illustrated catalogue. Sylva
Novelty Co. , Jcnklntown , Pa. U 560-27 *
MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city
property or tor building purjiostis. Payuo-
Harder Co. . N. Y. Life. W-410
5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk.
W 117
MONEY to loan on Improved O mail a real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 So. 16th.
W 44S
$100 TO $2,000. F. D. Wead. iGln & Douglas.
W 149
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved clt >
property and farms. W. Farnam Smltt
At Co. , 1320 l-'nrnam. W 450
BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers ,
wanting eastern money should write tot
circular. Investors' Directory. New York ,
AV 451
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ,
219 S. IGth , Omaha. W 453
LOANS , Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Llfo.
6 per cent loons. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam
W 453
WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702
Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 457
WRITE UB If you want a loan on your farm
in Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L.
W 458
MORTGAGES , Wallace , 314 Brown Block.
W 159
6 , BV > , 6 per ot. loans In Omaha , So. Omaha.
W. H. Thomas , 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1GIS.
W 460
jf PER CENT : also private funds. Chas.
E. Williamson. W M5CO
6 PER CENT money on or before 5 years
on Nebraska lands nnd Omaha real es
tate. W. B. Molkle , 401 S. 15th st.
W M774
EASTERN money to loan on Al security at
low rates. AV. H. Russell , loans , real
estate nnd insurance , 616 N. Y. Life.
W M4S1 23
WANTED , several flrst applications for
loans , $800 to $2COO. W. H. Russell , loans
and Investments , 616 N. Y. Life.AV
AV M4S2 31
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible con
cerns upon their own named , without se
curity ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 700 ,
N. Y. Life Bldg. X 463
confidentially , holding permanent posi
tions , on their own name without en
dorser , mortgage or security of any kind.
Can repay in easy weekly or monthly
payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jen
nings , Mgr. . aulte'625-528 N. Y. Life Bldg.
X 696
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13 '
X 4C5
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un
known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank ,
1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 464
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Horses ,
cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker blk
X 461
holding permanent positions on their per
sonal note without Indorsement or secur
ity , strictly confidential , nnd at
before borrowing &ee us , as you will find
It greatly to your advantage ; wo are the
oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan
company In Omaha. F. AV. Truax , Mgr. ,
119 Board of Trade Bldg. , 16th nnd Far-
nam Bts. Telephone 2290. X 463
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un
known to friends. Bergers' Loan Bank ,
141G Farnam. upstairs. X 464
Loans returnee in easy weekly or monthly
layments u > suit convenience of borrower.
No Inquiries of their employer or friends ;
everything guaranteed confidential.
holding a permanent position wo will loan
you nny amount your situation will Justify
without endorser , mortgage or security of
nny kind other than your name. The fact
of your holding a position Is sufficient
guarantee to us that you will carry out
nny agreement into which you may en
ter with m .
maintained In nil our transactions with
you , nnd you will receive the snme cour
teous consideration that Is accorded your
employer nt his bank.
OMAHA CREDIT CO. , C. E Jennings ,
manager , suite 625-526 New York Llfo bldj. .
permanently engaged with responsible con.
corns upon their own 'names without se
curity ; no Inquiries made of their em
ployers : application ! ) treated confidential ,
The BIG BUSINESS we do demonstrates
where to go for advances at VERY LOW
EST RATES ; repayments made In agree
able Instalments either weekly or monthly
to suit convenience of borrower.
'ersons momentarily embarrassed who de-
wlro above everything else to avoid pub
licity are the class we especially desire to
You can deal with us quickly and satis
factorily. It will bs to your advantage to
call at our oillce before borrowing else-
Room 001 , Bee bldg.
? OR BALK or trade. City Hotel , Onawa ,
Iowa. Y M720
New Snow-Church Co. haa become
eutabllxhed In Its offices , fifth floor Kar
bach Blk. , with facilities to promote Its
collection department to the best In
terests of Ita patrons. Call and see us on
collection business ; prompt attention as
sured. 'Phone 695 , W , H. Qreen.Preeldent.
THE Snow-Church Co. buys nnd nelli r il
estnt \ rents houses nnd give particular
attention to collections. Office 6th floor
Karbach Blk. AV. II. Green , President.
Y 213-19
IF YOU nre n caterer nnrt wnnt to make
money you loose the chnnco of a life
time If you miss the Brunswick Cnfe. .
INVEST $ < S,500 to start new business ; will
net $18,000 yearly. Address . Nee.
FOR SALE , paid-up concession for soft
drinks , lunch , Ice cream. In four building * .
Address John McClosky , International
hall. Expo , grounds , Omaha. Y M4SS S7 *
BUSINESS snap , grocery and naloon com
bined ; making1 money ; nHoi building- ' ,
ground , feed stable ; excellent location ; es
tablished trndc ; Investigate. J. J. Crowe ,
3109 Weflt Broadway , Council Bluffs.
WANTED , capable man with $2,000 cash to
carry stock of goods And mnnngo branch
business ; $160 per month nnd expenses ;
nlso extra pcrce-ntngo ; permanent position ;
references required. Henry > crnon , ,
Boyco Bldg.'Chlcngo. ' Y-590 27 *
DON'T lose , but buy n certlficnte In "Tho
Investors' Fund" nnd draw n semi
monthly income. It is the only snfo plnn
ever offered for trading with modern to
capital In stocks , wheat or cotton. Wrlto
for particulars , sent free. C. E. Btnckcy
& Co. , 29 Broadway , Now York. Y
LIGHT , established Mfg. plant for sale.
Inquire of II. M. Hnrford. No. 6 N. Y.
Llfo Bldg. Y-W7-27 *
TOR SALE , pnrtaor's half Interest In printIng -
Ing ofilco ; good business , net piollt * for
year will more than pay for oillce : part
. ' Neb Y-tr 2 27 *
time. Box 329 , Lincj'n. >
ICO ACRES Improved , extensive rtock
ranges , good stone quarry , for country
'hotel ' or merchandise. II10 , Bee.Z
Z 635 27 *
CHOICE ncro property nnd city lots in
prosperous Missouri town to exchange
for Omnho. lots or house nnd lot ; will as-
aumo 4ncumbrnncc or pay cash differ
ence. Address H C , Bee. Z 614 27 *
FOR SALE or exchange. Block of general
merchandise for Improved farm ; stock
will invoice about $3,600 ; well located and
doing a good business. Address S. C.
Harper , Kearney , Neb. Z 054 27 *
FINE 11-room residence , 100 feet front , on
Park avenue. AVII1 exchange equity for
other property. II 4 , Beo. Z 31627 29
FINE carriage , team nnd hnrness to ex
change for real estate. K 24 , Beo.
Z-M623 29
R. C. PETDRS & CO. .
1702 Farnam St. ,
Boo Bldg.
No. 1227 Is a 7-room house at 2018 Pierce
st. , within walking distance. Bath , hot
and cold water , gas , barn newly painted
and In good repair. Price , $2,700.00.
No. 931 7-rooms1. modern except furnace ,
barn , asphalt-paved street and stone
sidewalk. No. 3140 Mnson it. Big liar-
No. 883 No. 3421 Burt Bt. , 6 rooms , city
water , sewer connection , good repair.
Make offer.
No. 1203 6-room house , with bath , hot and
cold water ; 2211 AVebster st. Only $2,200.00.
No. 90rooms , bat1n etc. Only $1,500.00.
No. 35 4-room house , No. 1412 N. 19th st.
Only $1,100.00.
No. 1228-4 lots' In AV ndsor Place extension ,
near 35th and Center Bt. AVIH bo sold
very cheap.
No. 1112 100 feet east front on 37th st. . Just
south of Farnam.
No. 1190 West front on Park ave. . north of
Mason st. A bargain.
Lot In Arlington ndd. for $125.
Lot In Orchard Hill for $200.
Lot 28th nnd E st. , South Omaha. $600.
88or front on t. , cornet
40 feet east front on 39th , bet. Farnam and
Dodge , asphalt paved st. Will be sold at
a bargain. .
R. C. PETERS & CO. ,
1702 Farnam St. ,
Bee Bldg.
RE-603 27
wel1 Iocate < 1-
$2,500 up-to-date mlllnery stock , dolnc flno
business for house and lot In Omaha.
House and lot near Hanscom park to ex
change for small place north and receive
19-acro fruit farm 7 miles out.
15-acre fruit farm B miles out.
40 acres 4 miles out ; 20 acres 4 miles out ; Z
. .
I have several cheap homes$650 to $1,000. \ -
Vacant lots. $75 to $400. well located , near
car lines. In flno modern homes I am
First Floor , New York Lifer Building.
84it7fn6c ° $ iour.beat.bara'ns ' In the S. B.
? . rt SLthJ.i.cU ? ? ' r" > nt'n * south on bate
et. , near 10th et ; nine rooms , gas , bath.
" ' t-elasa Improvements
Slf1" fefwer > ,
propertjr worth about $3,50o !
Price M l&O
! ; ? ! ? Jt ? < to la.a , , * ° od house that cost
5oltt J,000 bulld' In the < " Is a
email three-room
- house about 66x132-
Branlte paving , all paid for. This prop
erty was foreclosed under a $5.000 mort-
? p. ? 2d &now ° "e A for the low sum
of $2GjO. Wo
, recommend it as an Invest
AJit.orl N. 22nd St. , In Patrick's Saratoga
vicinity" ' cheapest lot In that
East front on S. 28th et , . seven rooms with
path , closet , hot and cold water , furnace ,
clectrio light and gas , natural shade ,
pretty cotfage , nearly now , $3,600.
We have many other decided bargains , be-
aides Bomls Park. RE 601 27
COMFORTABLE cottage , 8 rooms , very
glghtly and In good condition , located at
2811 Charlea St. HB _
CIS N , Y. Life. 'Jlione 1291.
6-room cottage , lot 30x140 , 1518 No , 18th ,
E-room house and barn ; nice home , paving
2 B8too
0 rooms , modern , 3219 Poppleton , $2,800.
Vacant lot , 19th and Locust , $360.
_ ' _ RE C2Q 27
MY EQUITY in 8-room. 2-story hous : 3
lots , large barn , city water and cistern.
N. AV. part of city , at nearly your own
price. Come quick. Addresa H 9 , Bee.
RE-119 27 *
MODERN cottage , desirable location , west
part city , corner lot , $2.600.
10-room , modern house , 602 S. 35th at , . lot
66x124 , barn , $2,800. '
C-room house , south and east front , at 35th
and Howard uts , ; barn , large lot ; $1,600
Desirable building lots west part city , $375
Fine lot on Franklin St. , one. hair block
Military road and car line. $350.
1601 Farnam St.
KB-JU618 29
_ _ _ _ _
FARM , SO acres , cultivated , 1V4 miles from
Peru , Nemaha Co. ; bargain. Minnie C.
Chapman , 2422 Charles. RE MG36 23 *
AVOODMAN & HAY , Insurance , surety
lionds , rentals , mortgage loan * ranches ,
farms , city property. 28 Uarker block.
RE-643 27
FOR BALE , .75-foot corner , with 40-room
hotel and ( wo stores In South Omaha :
will bring good Income to Invjator ; price
J3OCiO. J , A. Lovgren , 812 N , Y. Lifs bid * .
JUS10 gi