'THE OMAHA DAILY JJJS.E : WEDNESDAY , AUC3UST 115 , 18051. SPECIAL NOTICES for < lic o column * will Itc ( nkcn until 12 tn. for tlio rilltlun nnit until 8ii : ( ) ] . 111. ( or in ci ml UK mill Stuiiliix ( Millions. Ilntc j I l-2e -mini llrxt Insertion ) lu 11 oril thereafter. Nothing tnkrn for It MM tlinii Ur.c ( or the llrnt lim r- tlon. Tlicne nilvcrtlflciitcntn muni lie run coiificcutlvcl- . Ailt rrtlxoraiy rr < jiie tllia n miiil- licrvit clirclv , cnn ; Jinv.c amnrcm ml- ( IrfHMi-il to n iiiinilicrvil .lottcr In cnro of The lice. Antvrr o ndUrpNNcil uiill lie ilcllvrreil. on prcncntntlou of the check Only. W A.VTIS IJ SIT I ) ATI O K S. OMAHA.Kmplpyjiiont Bureau , 119 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A STENOORAPhKR. AVhen you want ono plcaso cull tip the Remington typewriter olllce , 1C19 Farnarri St. , telephone 1673. A 402 WASTED MAMS AVANTKD , AVp have 'steadywork for a few good hustlers of peed hab'lts nnd appear- ance. C. P. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St. B-403 GOOD B.-ilesmcrt , . salary or com. 111S N. 16. , . . 13 401 CANVASBIiMtS wanted evcrywlicro ; bg ! money.-"AVMto Home Comfort Sad Iron Co. * A27 * . Omaha. B-M310 A COMPANY having n large trade In lubrl catlngtoUs. throughout Nebraska desires thn services of nn experienced salesman ; salary only ; rcferenecs required. Address Box F 61 , care Omaha Bee. B MSIO 23 * "WANTKD , at once , flint-class coatmakcr. steady Job all year round 'to peed reliable man ; mu.if lie an A No. 1 man : will pay city prices. It. F. Holtz , Wayne. Neb. , , B M991 AA'ANTHD. reliable ? man : compciiBatlon J18 per week ; reference required. Address Olobo Company723 Chestnut St. . Phila delphia. Pa. . , . B M146 17' AVANTJin ; 'good s.t6reotyper for mlscellane ous WO K. Jacob North & Co. , Lincoln. " > ' 13 M148 17 AVANTI3D , 6 to 8 molders ; steady work coed pay : noshop .trouble. St. Pau Foundry Co. , St. Paul , iMlnn. B-M151 17 AVANTIib. two experienced portrait agents ; good pay ; country work ; rig furnished ; expenses advanced. Address Modern Art Co. , Hastings. Neb. B 1140 IS * WANTED , thirty brickyard men. Krltten brink BroH. ( ,30th and A streets. South Omaha. . B M139 17 * L imiCK TEAMS WANTED-Qood wages. Wlthnell Bro ; & Smith Co. , South 22d and Hlolcotyit B 153-17 * i- FEMALE HELP. WANTED , 200 girls. 152t ' Dodge. Tel. 876. . . . C 105 A HIGH school girl can earn .man's wages HeKlnft the 'IThurston. Rifles" Souvenirs , Raber , printer , basement 'N. ' Y. Life Bldg , C 003 IS * WANTEDArt houfcclteeper- ; : widow about 33 preferred. Apply 1712 N , 27th . C-133 1C * INTEJL'LKSKNT , ' middle-aged women for useful , profltablQ business. Call between 11 and 5. Mrs.'E. E. AHeh , T23 N. Y. Life C-M137 Sept. 14 * WANTED , comedian nnd otibrette for force comedy' repertoire ; also good spe clalty people thnt can piny parts. Ad dreijS , Lqck Byy.28 , City. C 142 15 * GOOD girl for general housework. TI , ' 'Nestor ' , ' 1231'Park Wild ave. C 15C-17 * WANTED , younp girl. German preferred that understands cooking ; ; good position 1705 Manderson St. , between 8 and ' o'clock a. m. , - , . C 16715 * ( WANTED Girl /for general housework dv wages. ,501 So. 35th et. C 164-17 WANTED , plrl for general housework small -family. : references .required. Cal 3771 iWelbster st. „ C M172 17 * FOIl KENT HOUSES. HOUSES. Benewa' & Co. , 108 N. 15th St. ALWAYS moving household goods an pianos. . Omaha van & , Stprage Co. , 1511U Parnam. Tel. 16G9. D 407 HOUSES , stores , Bemls , Paxton block. D 408 FOR RENT , houses in all parts of city , > The O. F , Davis Co. , 1605 Farnnm street. D-409 BIX-ROOM modern flat 1112 S. llth. iv > u . ' D tig HOUSES ( or rent | n all parts of the city , Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th street. D 111 MAGGARD'S van&storage , 117 N 15. Tel 1496. ' ' - . ' ' D ' 412 FURNISHED house central. . 2009 California i - D 416 " ' CHOICE 'houses , cottage's , stores. Henry B. Payne ; C01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D 417 FOR RENT , 668 South 2Sth St. . 10 rooms modern , good repair. Ottie Byron Ree < Co. , 212 So. 14th St. D M719 2402 POPB.LETON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern lai'go ' yard and barn , . $30. The Byror Reed Qo. D 413 MODERN 7.-room .house , 1009 N , 29th St J20. 605 Bee. D M908 S-HOOM modern , 1817 Capitol ave. , 'J45.00 8-room modern , small barn , 4216 Farnnm others. Hingwalt Bros. , Barker Block , i * > ' ' * D M6S5 FOR RENT , . 10-room. modern brick 103 south 30th nvc : . hard wood floors' nn < finish. D M63S 3 ROOMS , 701'S. 17th"Ave. Inquire upstairs D-SSO-Sop.-S * NINE ROOM..brick house , modern. In goo rpalr , 2707 Fornam. Apply at 2709. D-1CO-15 * MODERN house ; .near parkt 1500 S. 2Sth. > D-M160 TEN-ROOM brick ? gas , bath , furnace , oa llnUh. 'SOoraapltol nve. D-131 20 * 3 BUPKRB suites In Brtmswlck Hotel , no. ready for .permanent gucsu at very lov rates. Ht < o If It Is not rhfuper for you a Brunswick than keeping , .house. No' management , J , II , Pierce , proprietor. D-W6 16 FOR 'RENT ' , furnished liouso , nlno rooms Inquire 1921 Ixicust st. D--M1S5 20 * FOR , BENT. 3-roqm cottage for 6.00 pei month. 1407 south 16th st- Inquire of Jos Goldsmith. D M181 17 * C217 N , 20TH ST atoro , J7.00 ; four-room flat , upstnlrs. JS.OO ; fllywater , 934 N. 25th nve. 9-room nouse , all modern , $77,50. Omaha Ivoun and Trust Co , , 16th and Dounlae. D-M152 FOU IIKNT Fim\ismn HOUMS. FURNISJiKDrooms ; housekeeping. 2623 * BK Mary's. * . E-M5S7 10 3 NICE rooms , housekeeping. 1112 So. llth , (03 8. 25th ave ; board If desired. ' ' ' : * ' ' E-S02 Sep. 7 FURNI8HRD 'rooms ; housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary's. . p .E Mi57 20 * THE BACHKl/ORS. family hotel : best * 160 a day liouao in the state. Take Harney or Farnam street < ; ar. E M86I > SUPKRB suite * In Brunswick Hbtel , now ready for -permanent gut-sits at low ratex ; new management , J , 11 , I'lcrco , proprietor. E-90718 THE BACHEX > ft3 , family hotel ; best ti.SO a day houie In the state ; take Hurney and Farnam Bt , oara. - E S6I iLY .furnltJifd.JVQma . vlth. or without rd 18J Caf 'si EtlW SO * rritMsiuu ROOMS AND UOAHII. ELEQANT rooms & board. 1903 Capitol uvo. F tlS i-tiiMsiiin IIOOMS AMI IIOAHU. THE Mcrrlnm family hotel , 25th and t odee. K-M592 ROOM nnd board , modern , 1618 Harney. F-M591 Sept 1 MME , I > ; e , baths , massage parlor , 302 N. 16. 1'4-779S6 * NICE rooms ; home cooking ; central. 1512 Davenport. F M742 Sept. 5 * DIOS1RABLE , furnished , southeast front room , private family , 702 So. 2 th St. F 157-19 * ni\T t'M'iiuMsunn UOO.M.H. UNFURNISHED chambers for house keeping to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. G-KM ) IX unfurnished and one furnished room. South l th st. G 130 16 * KOU IlKXT STOllES AM ) OFFICES. 'OR ' RENT , store In Ilrst-clafs location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. 'OR ' RKNT. a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply H. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor , Bco Building. 1-267 'HREE-STORY ' and basement store build ing , No. 1315 Howard utroet. W. H. Thomas , First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1 871 17 SMALL store , 222 North 13th. I-159-1D * AGHXTS WAXTHI ) . iVANTED , reliable agents evcry\yhere to take orders Tor our Immense lino' Of me dium-priced , genuine , made to order cloth ing ; no capital required ; otitllt free ; splen did chance for active men ; write to us at once for territory and particulars. Eagle Tailoring Co. , 212 lo C16 Franklin St. . Cli cage , 111. J-M174 16 * WAXTED TO HUNT. WANTED , to rent , 1.000 square feet storage room. A. Hospe , 1513 Douglas st. K-M171 18 STORAGE. ACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S- 810 Jones , general storage and forwarding , 423 WANTED TO I1UY. 2ND-IIAND furniture bought & exchanged , Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodgo. Tel. 2233. N 125 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , -etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N426 N-426 A HOUSE and lot for about Jl.GOO ; give complete description , location and price of property m llrst letter , or no notice will bo taken of It. Address G 19. Bee. N-1G6 17 * WANTED , large quantities of young rab bits. Address Hagenback's AVlld Animal Show , Exposition. N 165 21 1 HAVE cash customers for cheap houses and lots. Want them quick. Waterman , 822 New York Life 'Bldg. ' Telephone 1S92. 'N ' M1S2 17 * FOIl SALE FURNITURE. BTOVES. STOVES and furniture bought and Bold ; best "prices made ; see us before you deal. Nob. Furniture Co. , 1419 Dodge , O-879 Oct-10 FOH SALE HORSES AXD VEHICLES OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & pavenport , P 423 FOIL SALE 3I1SCELLANEOUS. FLAU poles ; sawdust ; cheapest and best hog fence. 901 Douglaa. Tel. 45S. Q 123 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. . 1613 Dodge St , . HOG , poultry , lawn and Held fencing ; al wire. Wire Works , 1C17 Howard St. St.Q432 B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations orders by mall or express promptly filled Q 433 FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for C cents a druggists. Ono gives relief. Q 134 2D-HAND safe cheap. Delight , 1116 Farnair Q-435 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St Q-437 CASH register , nearly new , cheap. HI Farnam. Q MS68 ICE ( or sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros. Council Bluffs. Q-M311 T.185.00 WILL buy good Ivers & Pond piano cost $375.00 ; two years' time. F 6 , Bee. ' Q-2U FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper good for batten or laying under carpets Omalia. Be press room. Q 271 200 WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheap. Diamond Loan Office , 1315 Douglas. Q M615 Sept. COMPLETE plate glass store front at 32 : N. 10th ; must be sold at once. Q 477 INDIAN relics ; mounted gameheads. Ill Farnarn. Q M985 FOR SALE 22 head flno fresh cows ; cal afternoon , Jester's yard , 25th and Burt. Q-161-17 * MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhand furniture nnd stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or leaf. Chicago Furniture Co , . 1406-10 Dodge. R 43S SNOW-CHURCH CO. , Inv and collections 606 Karbach block. Tel. S95. il M531 BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low est prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 141 Dodge. R-427 CLAIRVOYANTS. FREI3 TEST ! FREE TEST ! Good news for all. 80 suru am I of m powers of telling the past , present an future 1 will give a 'few free tests to al who wUti a reading ; skeptics Invited Sf-er , phrenologist , astrologlst , palmist I'rof , Elmer Hall. Known from ocean t ocean UH the White Mahatma ; asking n question ? , he tells name of your futun husband or wife ; whether tno one yoi love Is true or false. Seventh son and na the power of any two mediums ; tells yoi what your trouble In ; every hidden mys Ury revealed ; when you will marry , what Is needed for suc3et > u In business love , marriage , speculation , changes , dl vnrce , losicn , wills , pensions , etc. Thou sands of my patrons have been madi tuippy that 1 have never seen. Stamp In BUI-CD prompt answer. Private parlor , 161 Chicago Bt. 8-155 15 * 11 ME. aYLMER , genuine palmist , 1605Dodgi 8-M477 A MOST GENEROUS OFFER FOR ONI. WEEK. Commencing. Wednesday , Augusl 16. and' ending Wednesday , August 23. PROF. CICERO , the world renowned Piilmlst and astrologer , will give FULI LIFE READINGS neatly typewritten fo : Jl. Remember this Is a regular $5 read lug and everybody should take udvantagi of this extraordinary offer. This Is post lively the- last opportunity you will hav to consult -this gifted palmist nt Uie-s prlce . To accommodate those outside tli city Prof. Cicero will answer by mall o. many questions as you wish to ask , Sf > n < M cents ( In stumps ) with name ami dat < of birth < o Prof. Cicero , CIS N , ISth st. near Capitol ave. Satisfaction guaranteec or money refunded. B MltW 16 * MASSAGIC AM ) I1ATIIS. MRS. BRRRY. BATHS. MASSAGE PARLOUS BEBT equipped In city. poVce. lain tub : lady attendants. 119 N. 16th opp. P. O , , 2nd floor. T M2S6 A26 * ' MME. AMES , R. 2 , EOT 8.13 ; massage baths T S15 A17 * ELITE pdrloia. 2025 Farnam , upstairs , rtrst clas baths , ma * nge and magnetic treat ment ; lady atetendants. T MS09 29 * BESSIE DEOAMO. thermal baths , massare , 1615 Howard. 3d floor , room 1.T T M78S 17 * MME. SMITH , room J. US' ' * North ISth. MAS.1AGIJ AND OATHS. EGYPTIAN treatment ; elegant massage baths , Beatrice Harlow , 1701 Leaven- worth st. T MS3 16 * PERSONAL. PRIVAT E hospital for lailles before & dur ing confinement : babies adopted. 113 * N 17. U-410 RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms * of rupture without pain or detention from business. Send for clrciilars. Empire Rupture Curs , 932 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha. Neb. U M.VU A31 * M. MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , treats all ailments of f"et , both ladlw & gentlemen. Ladles' halrdrecslng , hair goods & toilet preparations. Treatments on scalp , ( ace , hands or feet ; SO years experience , 10 years In Omaha : best 'quipped establishment In city. 1516 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor. U-666 IJTTEIl hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopter "i ! Soward. Tel. 22M. U-C 5S A19 R. RO\ , chiropodist ; corns , tuiicrlluoun hair removedby electricity. Room 12 , Frenzer block. U 441 VJ.AJVI ls woman's way to health. 346 Bee Bldg. U 112 DR. NRLSON. dentist , room 9. Crclghton blk. , loth and Douglas. Tel. 1340. U-MD69 A20 IOWEL.L'd lJlie Antl-n'lllous PUls. Cure Biliousness , Dizziness , Indigestion , Sick Headaches , Constipation , 'lorpld Liver and all derangements of stomach and bowels. Being entirely vegetable , they operate without disturbance to system , diet or oc- fjipnton. For sale by all druggists. ' Howell's Antl-Kawf curcn cough. U-677-A31 * - - SUPERFLUOUS hnlr Instantly removed ; no electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4 , Wlthnell block. U 313 SNOW , .CHURCH CO. , law and collections. 60d Karbach block. Tel. S5. U M529 OMAHA Phonograph parlor. 319 N. ICth st. cor- , Chicago ; phonographs , records , sup Plies. IT MS90 MONEY TO LOAN UEAL I3STATI& MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purpose * . Paytio- llurder Co. , N. Y. Life. W 44ii PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk. W 447 MONE1 to loan on Improved Omohu real estate. Brenuan-Love Co. , 219 So. 16th. W-44S (100 ( TO J2.0UO. F. D. Wead , 16th & Douglas. W 449 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved clly " "operty and farms. AV. Farnam Smith Co. . 1320 Karnam. AV 150 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers , wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. AV 451 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. Omaha. W 452 LOANS. Potter-Bholes Co. . 210 N. Y. Life. W-454 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam W 156 WANTED , city and. farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1703 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 457 WRITE ua If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L. W-45S MORTGAGES , Wallace. 314 Brown Block. W 159 6 , M4 , 6 p'er ct. loans In Omaha , So. Omaha. W. H. Thomas , 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1648. W 460 5 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chas. E. Williamson. W 11660 6 PER CENT money on or before 5 years on Nebraska lands and Omaha real es tate. W. B. Melkle , 401 S. 15th st. W M774 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Horses , cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker blk X 461 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without Indorsement orsecur ity ; trlcUy confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; before borrowing see us , as you will find It greatly to your advantage ; wo are tha oldest , largest and only 'Incorporated loan company In OmaJia. F. W. Truax , Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg. . 16th and Far nam Sts. Telephone 2295. X 462 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Bergera' Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 464 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cowa , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13 X 465 HONEY loaned salaried people holding- per munent position with responsible con cerns upon their own names , without se curity ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 706 , N. Y. Life Bldg. X 463 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posi tions , on their own nama without en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Can repay In easy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit co _ C. E. Jen nings , Mgr. , suite 525-526 N. Y. Life Bldg. A. * * V.MJ MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 SOUTH 16TH STREET.XC68 X-C68 TO SALARIED PEOPLE MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATES WITHOUT SECURITY , PRIVATELY. QUICKLY. TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS. Loans returned In easy weekly or monthly payments 'to ' suit convenience , of Iwrrower. No Inquiries of their employer or friends ; everything guaranteed confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. , ROOM 601 BEE BUILDING. X-ail77 I1USINE8S CHANCES. $200 INVESTED secures $50 weekly Income Safe , conservative proposition. Second successful year. Prospectus free. H Grlilln , 1180 Broadway , New York. Y M234 A24 SNOW-CHURCH CO. . law and collections. E03 Karbach block. Tel. S95. Y-657 FOR SALE or trade , City Hotel , Onawa. Iowa. Y M726 FOR SALE , furniture and lease of large rooming house ; money maker ; sickness. G 4 , Bee. Y 128 16' WANTED , a good doctor for a good loca tlon ; country town. Address P 63 , Bee. Y MS41 16 FOR RENT , 60-barrel water power mill In HrBt class condition ; good trade and run ning every day , In southwest Nebraska. F Bee. * 67 , Y-846-16 FOR SALE , small stock crockery and glassware In good location and doing a good business ; for sale cheap. Address 1318 Farnam. Y M154 16 FOR SALE Drug stock , Invoice about $2.000. will Bell nt a bargain ; will take real ] estate as part payment. Address O 18 , Bee , Y-1C3-18 * ELECTRIC machines that pay 100 per cent nnnually on email Investment , with ex clusive territory. AVrite National Electric Company , Dc.trolt , Mich. Y Ml7t J6 * FOR SALE , a paying drug store. In a town of 500 , eoutneasternNebraska ; only store In town ; clean stock : easy terms : good reason for selling. Address F 33 , Bee. Y-M175 16 * "NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. ' $1W $ Invested 4 > y my "safe method" In grain or stock * * has paid $1,000 profit In 30 lays ; references furnished ; write for par ticulars. Richard Oliver , banker and broker , Chicago Block Exchange , Chicago Y-M173 16 * FOIl EXCHANGE. WHAT have you to trade for 160-ucres clear land In good wheat growing country clear and good title ; all tuxea paid ; cash value , $7.00 per acre , Thl Is not Improved. ' but Mirroundcd by cultivated farms. Would take savings bank certificates atf part pay ment. Address , with full particular ! , o 1 , . Bee office. 2-M653 20 1 FOII I\CHAMI : , 'YOt'NO men , our catalogue explain * hovf w teach bnrber tmde In two months nnd place you In position to earn 160 monthly : special Inducements to applicants from distance ; mailed free. Molcr Barber Col lege. Chicago , III. " 9. MSJ3 IS * FOU SAI.K IlK.tL lySTATIi. 10-ROOM housrR02 South 35th t. , 66x124 ft. ; flrst-cla. s condition ; J2.SOO. 6-room cottage , large lot , corner , 33th and Howard sts. , $ lsoi. Cheapest property In the south part city 5-room house nnd lot , all far $275. lx > t on Georgia nve. . hear IVwIllc. $1SOO. Lnt on 2Sth street , near Pacific , east front , $1.000. 'nil ' lot west part city , choice building loca- t6n ! ; $375. GEORGE AND COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. RE-M100 16 'OR SALE , CIO acres of land , worth $ per acre ; will sell for $21 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. 14th st. st.RE M997 F South Omaha real estate you want to buy or sell communicate with O'Nrll's Real Estate Agency. RE M62S BNOW. CHURCH CO. . law anil collc-otlons. 6 Karhaeh block. Tel. 893. RE M52S SNAPS'in real estate ; money to lonn , L. L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RB 'MCoS FOR SALE , host residence site In Omaha , 150x127 feet , southwest corner 2Cth st. and Popplcton av. ; both streets im'fd ; nil regular and ( special taxes paid to date ; make offer. Address F 66 , The Bee. RE M843 Sept 9 * IIAVIS you some lols to sell ? Now la the Urns to dispose'of them : let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money , RE 868 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND. The Byron Heed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.RE RE 979 HOUSES , lots farms , liuirts , loans ; also flro Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 473 YOUR CHANCE. K-room house , modern , $2,200. 7-rodm house , modern , $3.500. 9-room house , modern , $4.000. Others , Jo.OOO. $6,000. $7.000 and $10,000. All In Hansrom Place. Two' pleasant homes , West Farnam , cheap. Bargains In any part of the city. M. J. Konnard & Son , 310-11 Brown.Block. RE-533 IENRY B. PA TNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDQ. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. . RE-MI FOR SALE or trade. 320 acres g-ood valley land In Hooker county. Nebraska , six miles from railroad. Address J. .1. Steen , 2423 Blnney St. , Omaha , Neb , RE-M921 A18 * LIST your property with me. I have the buyers. H. M. Christie. South Omaha. RE-M629 Oct. 3 9-ROOM modern house. Inquire 524 8. 26th Ave. RE-904-Sep.-ll * 160-ACRE farm In Clay county. Iowa , 100 ncres under plow , no buildings ; price , $3.000 ; might take $1,500 to $2,000 in resi dence or business property or live stock : ibalance can remain on farm. What have you ? Box 45 , Avon , South Dakota. .HE-M138 16 * FOR real estate bargains teleohone 1892 , RE-M1S3 IS * FOR real estate bargains telephone 1S92. RE M164 18 * FINELY finished S-room home , modern In every detail , electrlo light , gas , laundry , barn , lot 78x140 ; ono of the best bargains In Omaha : owner leaving city. 3711 N. ISth , halt block south of Mardrunnstrict. . RE-MM9 19 TYPEWRITERS.- TYPEWRITERS for rent.J4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . 162S Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. 473 WE RENT .and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Stipply Co. , 161S Far nam. * 474 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sun- plies. 1619 Farnam. ; * 475 THE Oliver TypewrUer.JvvIslble writing , heaviest manlfolder nnUi/uta ; the finest stencil ; see exhibit Liberal Art * bide. . Greater America Exposition.'Tel. . 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 3iS % S. Fif teenth street , Omaha. T76 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam. M-991 MEDICAL. LADIES free , harmless monthly regulators ; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , Milwaukee , WIs. M960 A 20 * LADIES , old Dr Bell's Cotton Root Pills , the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other. Send 4c stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell , Box 718 , St. Louis , Mo. MS5 A25 * DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to five days without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work ; by mall or office. J2 ; all letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , room 614 , Chicago , III. 977 19 * OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON OSTEOPATHIC INSTITUTE 616 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson. D , O. ladles' department. Old E , Johnson Osteopathlst , manager. M 5S6 II"E"7 DONOTIUE , D O. . of Still sohool Klrksvllle , Mo. , Col Paxton blk. Tel. 1367 , 492 ARCHITECTS. TIIE undersigned having succeeded to the business of the late C. F. Belndorff , archi tect , have removed from his former office to 422 Bee building and will continue tha business of architects and superintendent. Patronage of the public and Mr. Beln- ' dorff's former customers respectfully Ilclted. R. W. Baker , A. D. Baker. M SflB Sepl T-OIl SALE FAII SIS. FARMS near So. Omaha and Lincoln for sale. J. T. Clarke , Board of Trade. Omaha. " 670 Befl-lO NICKEL PLATING. ALL kinds plating. Om Plating CoBee bldg 479 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths .Ninth and Farnam SU. 4J7 TICKET mtOKRHH. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H. Phllbln. new locations 1309 and 1GQ3 Far nam. Est. 1889. Member G , T. B , Assn. 11-100 FISHING ItESORTS. BASS and croppte fishing Is now at its best. The Langdon hotel otters superior accommodations to fishermen and tran sient guests. Reasonable rates. Frank F , Vout. Lansdon , Mo. MM ! A29 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING , A. C. Van Banl's School. 717 N. y.Llf . 4 3 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & ' Douglas 4S9 BOYLE'S school : court reporter principal Bee Bldjr. 490 IIICYCLE9. ANDRAE bicycles , $20. 1116 Farnam. . . . _ _ - _ M990 " AIISTRACTS OF TITLE. HARRIS Abstract Co. , 123 Bee Building. 403 LAItXnilY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , 8c ; collars , 2c : cults , 4c ; underwear , 6c. 1759 Leavenworth. Tel. SU M465 Scpll MATTRESS IlEIVOVATING. M. 8. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumin ? , Tel , 1331. 456 LOST. LOST , pocketbook containing street rail- wny. bridge line , Phlllplno VIlHqe pnsfi R aivl Y. At. C. A. oard. Suitable reward will 'be ' paid to tinder by returning to Barton iMIIlnrd , Mllliml lintel. * lx > sl M17S 17 F PARTY who picked up silver watch In the closet of 4th floor of Hen building Snt- tirday , August 12 , will return Mime to roofn 4W ho will be rewarded ; valued as nil heirloom. Lost M16S 17 .OST. small buy mare , wclchs about POO. Notify S. F. Oilman. 1017 N. 17lh st. Ln ; t-MlS6 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Mlw Sturdy , 2216 Davenport. M-497 AE9 * Tlll'NIC FACTORY. i SEE OUR trunk traveling bogs , suit eo.cs. ! Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1J09 Farnam. 993 A26 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan , 430 Ramgc Bldg. WATER FILTEItS. 'STANDARD" In Machinery Hall. expo , grounds , or room 6 , Board of Trade bldtj. M79fl Sep-7 PAWNIIROKEIIS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllce , 418 N. 16 , 481 EAGLE Lonn Orfloo. reliable , accommodat ing ; all buslnes * contldentlal. 1301 Douglas. 4S3 MAGNETIC HF.ALING. MR. AND MRS. A. GILLET. Wcltmor sys tem , 24th and Cunilng ; entrance on 24th , 13523 * EXl'EHT ACCOUNTANTS. JOHN B , SMITH , consulting and expert ac countant , 1304 Farnam street. , M179 20 * HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , located at 1716 Si. Mary's Ave.4SO 4SO HAILWAY TID1F. FREMONT , KLKIIORN & Missouri A'wlley Rail road "The Northwestern Line" General Otllces. United States National Bank Bldg. . Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam StreetH , Ticket office. HOI Farnam Street. Telephone , 5G1. Depot , 15th and AVebBter Streets. Telephone , H5S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Dcndwood , Hot Springs a .1:00 : pm a 6:00 : pm AVyomlng , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm Hastings , York. David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Seward b 3:00 : pm b 8:00 : pin Norfolk , Verdlgre anil Fremont , . . , b 7:30 am blO:2G : am Lincoln , AVahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am 1)10:15 ) : am Froniant Ivocal c 7:30 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only , d Dally except Saturday. jCHICAOO & .NORTH- western Railway "Tha Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 561. Depot , Tenth _ und Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . a 0:40 : am aii:56 pm Carroll Local . b 5:26 : pm blO:10 : ama Eastern Express. Des Molnes , Mar.ihalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage . all -.03 am a 4:05 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East . a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fa t Mall , Chicago to . Omaha . > . a 2:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a-7:2J : pm a 8:15-ain : Fust Mail . 8:30'am : a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Otllces. Nebraska Divi sion , loth and Webster Sts. City Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Sti . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City. St. Paul & Mlnneaiiolls ) a 6:00 am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : pm Blulr , Ernerson. Slbux City , Ponca , Hartlng- ton and Bloomtiold..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : pm No. 2 Twin City L'fd..a 6:55 : pm No , 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a. Dally , b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General OlHoes , United States National Bank Building , S.V. . Corner Twelfth and Farnam Street * . Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele phone , 661. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. U29. Leave. Arrive. Bloux City. Mankato St. St. Paul , Minneapolis..a. 6AO am a 8:40 am fit. . Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux City.a 6:23 : pm all:00 pm Bloux City Local a 7:45 : am a 4:30 : pm a Dally. BURLINGTON & MI8- sourl River Rutlroad "The "Burlington' Route" General Offices , N. AV. Corner Tenth and Far nam Stre ta. Ticket Office. 1503 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 310. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pin Lincoln , Denver. Cole rado. Utah. Californiaa 4:25 pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln , Black Hills. Montnna & Puget Sound a. 4:25 : pm a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Llnooln Fust Mall , a 3:00 : pm alO:35 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a 6:30 : am a Dally. KANSAS CITY , 8t. Jo seph Sc Council Bluffs Ralroad-"Ttie ! Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Fanam Street , Telc- phonf. 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310.Leave Leave , Arrive , Kansas City Day Ex . . .a 9:30 : am a 6:45 : pm Kansas City Night Ex.alO16 ; rm a 6:30 : am Bt. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St , Louisa 4:55 : pm all:15 am a Dally. ij CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets. Tele phnntt , 310. Leave , Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec- cm ! a 6:40 : am Chicago Vestlbuled Exa 6.05 pm a SOG : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : ama Pacific Junction Local.alO:45 : am Fast Mall , a 2:45 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ROCK 1SL- und & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et Ofllce , 132.1 Farnam Street , Telephone. 423. Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone , 629 , * Leave. Arrive. Des Molnes Local , . . , a 7OG : am bll:35 : am Chicago Express bll:15 : am a 8:10 : am Chicago Fast Express .a 5:00 : pm a 1:25 : pm St. Paul Fast Express , a 5:09 : pm bll:35 : um Line-oil ! , Colorado Spgs. . .Denver , Pueblo und West ul:30pm : a 4:25 : pm Dea Molnes. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 6:35 : pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 6w : pm a 9UO : am a. Dally b Dally except Sunday. WA BASH RAILROAD- Tlcket Ofllce , 1415 Farnam Street , Telephone. 192. De pot , Tenth and Mason atrcetn. Telpehone , 629. Leave. Arrive. St. lxul ) "Canon Ball" KxpreeB , , a 1:50 : pm a 8:35 : am a Dally , ' RAILWAY TIMM CARD. UNION PACIFIC-"THUOVKR- land Route" Oorrral Offices , N , E. Cor. Ninth nnd rnrnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllc * . 1303 Farnarn Street. Telephone. 316. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 629. . , _ . _ Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Llmltesl" for Utah , Idaho , Men- tana , California , Oregon gen and Washington I'olntt . a S:40 : am a 4:34 : pm Thn Colorado Spel.il for Denver and all Colorado points . alt:5S : pm a 6:50 : am Pacific Express for Denver , Salt Lnke , Pacific Coaat and nil western points . b 4:25 : pm ft 6:30 : am ; Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromsburg Express . .b 4:25 : pm b 1:20 : pm i Fremont , Columbus. Nor folk , Grand Island nnd North Pintle n 4:2.1 : pm b 4:11 pm Columbus * Local b 7:30 i m b 9:30 : pin North Pintle Local a 1:20 : pm South Omaha laical Pass. Leaves. ( ! :20 : a. m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 10:10 : n. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. Arrives , 10:45 : a. m. ; 3:15 : p. m , ; 5:2,1 : p. m. ; C p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , Rii : > n. in. 6:40 : n in. ; 0:50 : a. m. ; 7:3.1 : a. in. ; 9:30 : a. m. li 10:45 : n. m' 1:33 p. m.j 2:15 : p. m.4:51 ; : p. m , B:23 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; 8:5J : p. in. ; 10:30 : p. m. . Arrives , 6:20 : n. m. ; 7:20 : u. m. ; 8:15 : n , m. 8:1.1 : n. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. ; 4:05 : p. m. fi:55 f : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m ; 7:30 : p. m. ; 9:35 : p m. . . 11:00 1 : p. m ; 11:53 : p. m , 1 a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. I ! I CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE , < i ' [ St. Paul Railway-City Ticket Oillce. 1501 FArnnm ! | Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot - j pot , Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex n & : ll pm a 8:20 : am Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm Sioux City fs Des Molnes Express bll:00 : nm b 3:55 : pm a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Ofllces and Ticket Ofllces Southeast Cor ner 141M and Douglas Sts. Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th and Webster Sets. Telephone 1438. Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-nnKsas & Neb , Limited a 3:00 : pm ai2f : 5 pin 1C. C.-St. L , Express..a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via \Veoplngv AVatcr b 5:00 : pm n 6:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOIJIS RAILroad - road Omaha , Knnsns City & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket of fice , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 29.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball ' Express a 4:50 : pnl a S.15 : am Kansas City nnd Qulncy Local i a 6:50 : am a 9:35 : pm < i Dally. I'OSTOFFICE NOTICE. ( Should be read dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mails fof the week eliding August 19. 1S . will close ( promptly In all cases ) at ho general iKistolflce as follows : ParcelK lost malls close one hour earlier than clos- ng time shown below. Trnim-Atlaiillu Mull * . AVEDNESDAY At 7 a. supplementary ( 9 n. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. a. St. Paul * , via Southampton ; nt 9 a. m. ( supplement ary 10:30 : a. in. ) for EUROPI3 , per s. s. Germanic * , via Queenstown , at 10:30 : a. m. , for Belgium direct , per s. s. Kensington ( letters must be directed "per Kensing ton" ) . SATURDAY At 7 n. in. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND ITALY. SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , pi > r s. s. La Bretagne * . via Havre ( letters for other parts of * Europe must be directed "per La Bretngne" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Rotterdam" ) ; at 10 . a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. n. I Furne.isla , via Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per Furne sla" ) ; nt 11 a. m. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Umbrla * . via Queenstown ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Hekla ( letters must be directed "pur. Hekla" ) . Printed Matter , _ etc. German steamers on Tuesdays take printed matte'r , otc. . for Germany and specially ad * dressed printed matter , civ. , for other § arts " of Europe. American and White tar" steamers on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German steamers on Satur days tnke printed mntter , etc. , for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mnli. After the closing of the supprementary trans-Atlantic malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , English , French and German steamers , and n1- maln open until within ten minute * of the hour of galling steamers. . AVEDNESDAY-At 9:30 : n. m. ( supple mentary 10:30 : a , m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. s. Fi nance , via Colon ( lettory for Guatemala must be directed "p T Finance" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. for PORTO RICO , per United States transport ; at 12:30 : p. m. ( supple mentary 1 p. m. ) for BT. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and AVINDWARD ISLANDS , per B. H. Pretoria at 1 p. m. for CUBA , via Havana , also CAMPECHE. YUCATAN , TABASCO and CHIAPAS ! via Progreso , per s. . H. Seguranca ( letters for other parts of Mexico muxt be di rected "per Segurancu" ) . THURSDAY At 1 p. in. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU , GUANTANAMO und Santiago , per a. s. Saratogo ; at a p. in. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Bos ton. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for PORTO RICO , per a. B. Evelyn , via Ponce. SATURDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEAV- FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Carthaginian , from Philadelphia ; at 10 a. m. for NEAV- FOUNDLAND , per s. H. Orinoco ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for BER MUDA , per s. a. TrlnHad ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JARIA1CA. SAVANILLA , CAR- THAUKNA and GREYTOAVN , per s. s. Alene ( letters for Costa Rica must be dl reeled "per Alone" ) ; at 10 a. in. for BRA y.Ut dlre-t. per H. a. Buffon , via Peram- ! huco. Bnhla and Rio de Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil and La Plutu countries neotlng closes are on Tuesday and Satur day ) . Mails for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer , close at thin olllce dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : J > . m. "Malls " for Costa Rico , Belize , Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala" , by rail to New Orleans , and thence by Hteamer , close at this oillco dally at 3.00 n. m. , connecting closes here Sundays and Tuefldayo for Costa Rica , nnd Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala. Registered mail closes at 6 p. > m. previous day. "Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. necond day before. TrauN-PnvlfU ; Mil 11 * . Afatls for China and , Japan , per a. s , Em press of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , clone here dally up to August " 15th at 6:30 : n , m. Malls for Hawaii , per s. e , Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to August * * J8th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except AVest Australia ) , Ha waii und FIJI Islands , per a , e. MIoweru ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after August * * 1th and up to August "ISth at 6:30 : p. in. Malls for China , Japan und Hawaii , per s. s. China ( from San Fran cisco ) , close here dally up < o August " 20th at 6:39 : p , in. Malls for the Society Jal amis , per shli ) Galilee ( from San Kran Cisco ) , close here dally up to August must be directed "per Buffon" ) : at 10:30 : a. m. for HAITI , per s , e. Prln * Wlllem IV , , via Port au Prince ( letttis for Cura cao , Venezuela , Trinidad , BrUlHh and 1 Hitcli Qulana must be directed "per Prlns AVIII m IV" ) ; at 11 a. m , for CUBA , per n. e. Havana , via Havana ( letters must bo directed "per Havana" ) : at 1 p. m. for NUEV1TAS , GIBARA , VITA and BARA- COA , per a. s. Ella. SUNDAY At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUKLON , per steamer from North Sydney , Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , close at this oillco dally at 8:30 : p , m , ( connecting close here every Monday , Wednesday and Saturday. Mulls for Mhjuelon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close nt -t-hls ofllce dally at 8:30 : p. m , Malls fur Cuba , by rail lo Port Tampa , Fla. , and thence by steamer , close at this of fice dully ( except Monday ) at * 7 a. m , ( the connecting closes ure on Sunday , Wednes day and Friday. Malls for Cubo. by rail to Miami. Flo. , and thence by steamer , close at Mils otllce every Monday. Tues day and Saturday at " 2:30 : a. m. . the con- " 20th at 6:30 : p , m. Malls for China and Japan , per s. . Tacoma ( from Tucoma ) . close here dally up to August "iilst at 6:30 : p. in. Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia , which are for warded via Europe ) , New Zealand , Ha waii , FIJI and Samoan Island * , per s , . Alamcda ( from San Franclhco ) , clo p. here dally after August " 18th and up lo Sep tember " 1st at 6:30 : p. m. or on day of arrival of . . Campania , which will prob ably arrive September "Int. Trans-Pacific mills are forwarded to port AOT1CIJ. ( Continued. ) of salting dally and the schedule of clos ing In arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. "Registered mall closer at p. m. previous day. I'ORNEUl'S VAN COTT. Postmaster. Po.ilolhoe , New York. N. Y. , August 11. 1R9S. soox nr.t'AJii : IMSTS : , Tnmc AiilmnU lin < O.nlokly rrnfp Into AVIIil llrnfttn. Th" r.Mlon tb.v ordlua-y domestic animals , such ns lioraeJ , cats , dogs , etc. , may multiply so numerously us to become wrlous pests- nay . , that In certain parts of the world they have already done so la sttflUMcntly striking to lend exceptional Interest to a bulletin on the subject that will be Included In the forth coming year book of the Department of Agriculture. It appears that In some of the western sln'M wild horses Imvp become a positive nuisance , and In 1S97 Nevada parsed n law permitting them to he ? hot. Recent reports from Washington likewise are to the effect that "eayiisi-s" In that reRlon arc coMldcred of so II tie value thnt they ore killed and used as l-a'.t for p honing wolves and coyotes. In 1 this connection It Is worth mentioning that t tti some portions ot Aiutrnlla wild houses | , have multlplliul to such an extent na to consume < he grapa needed for sheep and other animals nnd hunters have been cm- ployed to shoot them. Where cats hove run wild on Isolated Isl ands their work can bo more accurately ap preciated. For example , on Sable Island , oil the coast of Nova Scotia , they were Intro duced about 1SOO and rapidly exterminated ho rnhblls , which had been In possession for at least half a century. In one of the har bors of Kcrguclcn land , a barren and dmo- late bit of antarctic terra flrmn to the southeast - east of thu Capo of Rood Hope , ca's1 , escaped from ships , have mmlc theniGcrves at homo on a little Island known as Cat Island , which has been long used for a wintering place for sealers. Hero Ihey live In holes In the ground , preying upon sra birds and their young , and arc snhl to have developed ouch extraordinary ferocity Ihnt It Is almost 1m- pcslblo to tame them even when captured young. 'IRS have run wild In some of the south ern states on certain Islands , where , as on the Oalapngcs , they were originally Intro duced to furnish food for crews of vessels In need of fresh meat. They were Imported Into New Zealand by Captain Cook about 1770 ami , soon becoming wild , Increased tex : x remarkable degree. A century Inter wild pigs were EO abundant In the flax thickets of the province of Tnranakl , on the North Island , that a hunter could shoot fifty In a single day. In ono case 25,000 wild pigs are snld to have been killed there by three hunters In less than two years. Sheep ami gonta when numerous are llablo to cause widespread Injury , particularly In forested regions. An Instructive example of the damage done by goats Is afforded by Bt. Helena , which is a mountainous Island scarcely fifty square miles In extent , Its hlgluat summits reaching an elevation of 2.700 feet. At tbo time of Its discovery , about the beginning of the sixteenth cen tury , It Is said to have been covered by dense forest ; today it Is described as a rocky desert. This change has been largely brought about by goate , first Introduced by the Portuguese In 1513 , and which multiplied so fast that In seventy-five ycnre they ex isted by thousands. Browsing on the young trees and shrubs they rapidly brought about the destruction of the vegetation which pro tected the steep elopes. AVlth the dlsappear- anco of the undergrowth began the washing of the soil by tropical rains and the de struction of the forest. The common rabbits of Europe were orig inally Introduced Into Australia for purposes of sport. They spread over the country like a scourge. "So rapidly did they mtlltlply tbat In 1879 legislative action for < thclr deetruStlon was 'begun la South Australia and the example was soon followed by New South AVnlea , New Zealand , Queensland and Tas mania. At the present time their range In Australia is probably equal lu area to that of our three la'rgcEt states Texas , California nnd Montana. Millions of dollars have been spent for bounties , for poisons and In various other methods of destruction ; thousands of miles of rabbit-proof fences have been built and hundreds of schemes for destroying the animals ! have been suggested , but nothing has ' yet been found that will effectually ex terminate the pest. Natural enemies , such os cats nnd other 'carnivorous animals , have boon introduced and In certain parts of New Zealand at least have become almost aa mu-cb of a pest as the rabbits they were Intended kill. In 1887 no less than 19.182.53J rabbits were destroyed In New South AVales alone , but despite , the efforts of the government nnd private land owners the rabbits seem to bo still Increas ing. In ithe meantime a great Industry has grown up In the export of rabbit eklns. For -tho last five years New Zealand baa been shipping an average of about 15,000,000 per annum and since 1873 has exported moro than 200,000,000. Recently canning rabbit meat for export to European markets U as suming larger proportions and gives promloo of developing Jnto an Important industry. Sable island , off the coast of Nova Scotia , Ehas Buffered from eovcral plagues of rats , and It Is said that the first superintendent of the Debt elation and his men were at one time threatened with starvation owing to the Inroads tnado on their stores by rats. The common lirown rat , otherwise known as the wharf rat or Norway rat , Is of Asi atic origin and. until 200 years ago was un known In Europe or America. In the autumn of 1727 largo numbers of this species en tered Europe toy awlmmlng ocroes the Volga , and , gaining a foothold lu the province of ( Astrakhan , In eastern Russia , spread west ward over central 'Europe. Five years latdr they reached England by vessels from West ern India. They arrived on the oautern shores of the United States about 1775 , and by 18G5 were abundant at several points on tha Pacificcoast. . The black rat was the common house rat of Europe In the middle ages and was introduced Into the , new world about 1544 , or more than 200 years earlier than the brown rat. In Porto Itlco and aome other islands the black rat has taken to liv ing In the crowns of cocoanut trees , lo which latter it does grcnt damage by biting off the unripe nuts , upon which It fe di. Similarly , tbo rats In Jamaica are salt ] to have been driven to the trees by the mon goose , which -wan Introduced in 1872 for tbo purpose of destroying theee peitB of the sugar-cane , 'Nina ' were Imported , four raalo nnd live female , and they Increased with such rapidity that soon they * bad spread io nil part * of the Island , oven to ibe tops bf tbo highest mountains. Aa rat killer * tbojr urpasaed expectation ! ! , but , ai the zodent * diminished , they took to attacking other anlmalu , Including young pigs , kids , Iambi , kittens , puppies , poultry , grouiid-neitlnff game birds , lizards , snakes , frogs and land crabu , Also they ate- bananas , pineapples , young corn , sweet potatoes and cocoanute. Thua before long tbo mongoose proved It self a nuisance fur worse tban tbe enemy li wax Intended to combat. In various parts of tbe world domeatlo uogg run wild and have become serious pests , devouring sheep and In otber ways making themselves a uuUance. On tba OalapaKOs Island * they have helped largely lo exterminate the gigantic tortolece natlvs to that group , making a habit ofwaiting for the eggs to hatch and then devouring tVa ( > eby turtle * . llvnl Ou ( of uii InoreuHu In III * PriiHlon A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes , "Seeing tbe advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Ilemedy I am reminded that as a loldler tn Mexico In ' 47 and ' 48 I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an increase In my pension , for on every renewal a dose of it restores me. ' It la unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and U plcajanl Ud cafe to take.