Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Weak Oablei and an Absence of Cash
Demand Braaks Wheat Badly.
Pnn Dull Spccnlndvclr on a Narrow
Jtnngo of I'rlccn 1'rovliilon *
Knlrly Active , lint AVcnk
Corn Stcmlj- .
CHICAGO. Aug. IS. Weak cables , ab-
lonco of cash demand and good spring
tvhcat crop prospects broke wheat badly to-
flay , sending the September prlco down
lo from yesterday , while deferred futures
were even -weaker. Coarse grains were
weak with wheat , corn declining Vtc and
oats HSVic ; provisions declined DQ7i4c.
Wheat opened at a sharp decline , Septem
ber at THifi/rlVic , compared with yesterday's
closing prlco of 71c. A further small de-
cllno took place In the next hour , but sell
ing , though continuous , was not especially
heavy during the morning and Intermittent
covering Bumced to cause a number o
Btnall rallies. The main factor was the
weakness of Liverpool. That market not
only Ignored the advance here yesterday ,
but showed an early decline of U < 1. which
was Increased to V4d before the day was
over. A good many bad threshing reports
were received from the northwest , but not-
xvlthstandlng estimates on the spring
wheat crop , put the total at 197,000,000 bush
els for the three big wheat states. As the
government estimate was but 163,000,000
bushel * , this had a good deal of effect. weather wa also reported In the
wheat belt and this made Hellers of the
northwest crowd. The decline was rcn-
tlercd the moro easy from the fact that
during the recent advance shorts had gen
erally covered and bulls loaded up and In
consequence attempts to liquidate were at
tended with Homo difficulty. This fact ,
however , was not driven home on the big
holder * until late In the afternoon.
The prlco meanwhile gradually declined
to 70c. Late In the session new bear fac
tors presented themselves In the shape or
a. poor cash demand here and an equally
poor export demand at the seaboard. The
continued apathy of the foreigners Is hav
ing more and more affect on the local mar
ket. An aggressive bear movement was
Btnrtcd with clipped fractions off the price
rapidly until 70Vfc for September had been
reached , when liquidation dropped off to a ,
considerable extent. Bradstreet's report
showed a visible decrease of I,5o2,000 bush
els , but even these largo figures had little
effect. .Minneapolis . and Duluth reported re
ceipts of 203 cars , compared with 199 last
week and 245 a year ago. Chicago receipts
were ninety-live cars , four of contract
crado. Total primary receipts amounted to
$12,000 $ bushels , against 653,000 bushels. At
lantic port clearances of wheat and flour
amounted to 2 o,000 bushels. There was
lomo selling by room traders on expectation
of lower cables tomorrow. September ral
lied to 701ic and closed with sellers at
Corn showed some steadiness early ,
though opening lower with wheat. A good
demand for September from shippers against
Bales of cash for Immediate shipment
supported the market. The cash business
was reported around 00,000 bushels and the
Beaboard reported seventy loads taken for
export. Crop prospects were very favorable
and cables lower. The market broke readily
when wheat showed extreme weakness ,
prices for all options declining. Receipts
were 457 cars. September ranged from 30c
to 30c and closed Vic lower at 30V c.
Oats was dull speculatlvelywith a nar
row range of prices. Prices In the main
tended toward a lower level. In sympathy
with other grain markets. Elevator people
were sellers. The cash demand was poor.
Heavy receipts 657 cars had some effect.
September ranged from 19V4c to 19 aQ19iC
nnd closed VMWic lower at 19V4Ifl9c. (
Provisions were fairly active and weak.
There was extensive September liquidation ,
mostly by longs , whllo October ribs were
pold heavily. The demand was largely
from shorts nnd buying from that class of
traders caused some reaction from the bet
tom. At the close September pork was So
Jower at $ S.2o. September lard 5Q7V4c lower
nt $5.15 nnd September ribs 7ic lower at
Estimated receipts for Wednesday :
Wlheat. SO cars ; corn , 260 cars ; oats , 270 cars ;
hogs , 25,000 head.
Leading futurea rangtd fti tollOTTi :
Articles upon. High. Law. Cjose. Mo"dy.
70U 70 } < 71H
74)4 )
70 7M 76U 77K
VSH9U raw 23V *
20M 20M 29H3H
ISWffiH 10K
1DH 19K
M1& 21H9X 2Ui X
825 827W B22K 835 830
836 8S74 8 27 ! 8i2Vt : 8 as
910 9 SB 037K
520 620 615 615
C27X 527M
640 035 6 i5
B02H G02U 407K 497 605
607K 610 602H 510
4S7H 485 485
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , J3.45 ®
B.B5 ; straights , J3.XXg'3.25 ( ; spring specials ,
11.10 ; spring patents , $3.30@3.GO ; straights ,
J2.7t > i3.10 ; bakers , J3.20T2.50. (
AMHEAT- . 3 spring , 69@70 c ; No. 2
red , 71fiT2'/ic.
CORN No. 2 , 31 4c ; No. 2 yellow. 32c.
OATS No. 3 , 21 j2mo : No. 2 white , 2
Wo : No. 3 white , 22Vi TC3i4c.
JlYE-MNo. S , 634i&63ic.
BAttLEY-No. ( 2. SG J lie.
( SEEDS No. 1 llajcseod , J1.03V4 : northwest ,
J1.01V4 ; southwest , J1.03V4 : September , tl.Ol1 :
October , 11.03V4 : December , $1.01. Prime
( timothy seed , $2.05. Clover , contract grade ,
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J7.BO ®
8.25. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . ? 5,0u@5.20. Short
ribs Bides ( loose ) , $5.05510.20. Dry Baited
nhouIdcTB ( boxed ) . J5.nOijG.KV4. Short clear
eldcs ( boxed ) , $5.40(06.60. (
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
eal. . J1.2G.
SUGARS Cut loaf , unchanged.
Following are the receipts and shipments :
Articles. Receipts. Shipments ,
( Flour , bbls 18,000 0,000
"Wheat , bu 40,000 39,000
Corn , tU ) 303,000 361,000
Outs , 1)U 559,000 649,000
aiye , bu S.OOO
Baricy , bu 00,000 7,000
On the Produce exchange today the but-
ttcr market was firm ; creameries , I5020c ;
dairies , 12V4S > 17c. Cheese , lirm at D'/WHOc.
[ Eggs , firm : fresh , 12Hc. Dressed poultry ,
etcady ; turkeys , SviG'Jc ; chickens , 9Hijllc ;
ducks , SQOc.
QuntntloiiB ( or till ) liny ou VnrloiiH
NEW YORK , Aug. 15. FLOUR Itecelpta.
28,005 bbls , : exports , 8,521 bbls. ; sale * , 6,000
bbls. ; market easier in tone , but not quotably -
ably lower , as holders refused to name con
cessions In spite of wheat's Hharp break ;
winter patents , $3.65 ( 3.90 ; winter straights ,
J3.35fi3.45 ; Mlntu-BOta patents , $3.75y4.00 ;
Minnesota bakurs , $3,035(3,15 ; Minnesota
etratghts , $3.35 < 03.45 : Minnesota extrau $2.45
CW.&Oj Minnesota low grades , $2,301(2.40. ( llye
llour , steady ; good to fair , $2.9033.10 ; choice
to fancy. $3.1503.30.
COR'NMEAL ' Dull ; yellow western. 72 ®
73o ; city , 74c ; Brandywlno , $2.10Q2.20.
nYE-tFIrm : No. 2 western , MIC. f. o. b. ,
nlloat , spot ; atnte rye , 660 , c. 1. f , , New York
car lots.
BATH-BY Quiet ; feeding. CT/zffasyic , c , I.
f. , lUitfalo ; malting , 4SQ55c , delivered at
New York.
nAUI EY MALT Dull : western. 6S5T65c.
WHEAT Receipts. S4,660bu.j exports , 39-
936 bu. : sales , 2,000,000 bu. futures , 25G.OCK ) bu.
spot. Spot , easy ; No. 2 rod. 70c f. o , b.
alloat spot ; No. 1 northern , Duluth , 78o f.
o. b. alloat spot ; No. 1 hard , Duluth , 81o
f. o. b. ulloat spot ; No , 2 red , 75\4o elevator.
OptioiiH opened weak at ? 4o decline In re-
tipoivso to unexpected weak cables and line
northwest weather news. Continued weak
ness and declines later in the day were at
tended by selling for both accounts and
disappointed export developments. Cloucd
weak at lTlio net decline ; May. SWi ®
811-lGc ; closed , SOWc ; September. 'SfejnGHc ;
closed , 75Ho ; December , 77Tbli/7911-ltic ;
closed , TTTic.
CORN Receipts. 113,100 bu. ; exports , 262-
433 bu. : sales , 60,000 bu. futures. SOO.OOO bu.
ei > ot. Spot , easy ; No. t , S&o f. o. b. alloat ;
86o elevator. Options opened easy at Uc
decline under perfect crop conditions , which
with the break In wlieat affected prices oil
day , notwithstanding big clearances and
export business : closed weak USHo net
decline ; September. 36H036Hc : closed , 3Sc ;
December. 3H34Hc : closed , SIVzC ,
OATS Rftcefptu , 137,200 bu. : exports , 875
bu. Spot , dull : No. S. 26U127o : No. 3. 26c ;
No. 3 white , 28o ; No. 3 white , ! 6Ue ; track ,
mixed western. 2662Sc ; track.mte west
ern , 2CQ34c , Options dull and easy.
HAY Klnn ; shipping , KKjUOej good to
cliolre. 76/QSOo.
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice ,
| SW crop. % 7c ; 16J7 , llfllJc ; W KfilTc ; Pa-
cinc.coast , 189 crop , 607e ; 1897 , ll@13c ; 1S93 ,
HIDES Steady : Onlveston , 20 to 25 It * . ,
16HM"c ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , 12MS13c ;
California , 21 to 25 Ibs. , l $ 4c.
LEATHER Firm ; hemlock sole. Buenos
Ayre.i. light to heavyweights. 21022o ; acids ,
21457 22 * 4c
i'RO ISIONS Href , steady ; family , $9.60
fill.OO ; packet , $3. ZofllO.OO. Cut meats ,
steady ; pickled hams , $10.60011.00. Lard ,
easier : western steamed closed nt $5.60 ;
city , $5.15 ; August closed nt $5.60 nominal ;
refined , easy : continent , $5.75. I'ork , steady ;
mo- ' . $ S.7S'ij9.50 : short clear , $10.2.W11.75.
I1UTTEU Irregular ; creamery , I7@21c.
CHEESE Firm ; largo white , 8X40 ; small
white , 9c : largo colored , 9)4o ! small col
ored. 4fjlOc. .
EdS Strong ; state nnd Pennsylvania , 16
018c ; western ungraded , ll@14Ho at mark.
POTATOES Nominal ; fair to prime , $1.60
01.75 : fancy , $2.00fl2.25.
TAMX > W Steady ; city , 4 ic ; country ,
licE Firm ; domestic , fnlr to extra ,
74c. !
74c.FREIOHTSQulet : cotton by steam , 16c ,
nominal : grain by steam. 2Hc.
PIO IRON Firm : southern. $17.60320.50 ;
northern , $18.00321.00.
Condition of Trnilr mill Quotation *
mi Simile nnil Knncy Produce.
EGOS Good stock at 10l4011c.
BUTTER Common to fair , 12c ; choice ,
14ftl6c ; separator , 20c ; gathered creamery ,
POULTRY Hens , live , So ; spring chick
ens , 11012C , old nnd staggy roosters ,
live , 3H05c : ducks and geese , live , 636c ;
turkeys , live , 8c.
PIGEONS Live , per doz. , 75c(3$1.00. ( $
VEALS-Cholco , 9c.
WATEUMELO'NS-Southern ' , crated for
shipment , 1631Sc.
POTATOES New , 30Q35C per bu
CnJCU'MUERS-Per ' doz. , 12S15C ,
CELERY-Per doz. , 30@35c.
BbUBBDRRIES-Per IC-qt. case , $1.60 ®
' '
'p'LUJIS-Callfornla , per crate , $1.3S1.60.
APPLES-Per bbl. , $2.0032.25.
ORANGES Mexican oranges , $4.50@3.00.
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy , $4.254.60 ;
choice California , $3.764.00 ; Messina , fancy ,
BANANAS Choice , crated , largo stock ,
per bunch , $2.50Q2.75 ( ; medium-sized
bunches , $2.oiKf2.25. !
"HIDES " No. 1 green hides. 7Hc ; No. 3
green hides , 6c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ;
No. 2 salted hides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , S
to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Iba. ,
TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , 'No. ' 2 , 2Vic ; rough tallow , 1' c ;
white grease , 2&B3c ( ; yellow and brown ,
grease , UfrfKJUc.
SHEBP PELTS Green salted , each. 15 ®
Too ; green salted shearings ( short woolcd
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 60 ; dry
Hint , Kansas nnd 'Nebraska ' butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4Q5c : dry flint ,
Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. , actual weight , 3@lc ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4Jf3c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight ,
St. Louln Cirnlii niul l > rovlnlonn.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 15. WHEAT Lower ;
No. 2 red cash , elevator , 7171Vic ; track ,
71V2@72Wc ; September , 70c ; ; December ,
73Uc ; May , 77Uc ; No. 2 hard , 6D369V4c ; re
ceipts. 82,825 bushels.
CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash. 31c ; track , 32c ;
September. 30c ; December. 26V4026c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 cash , 20i < s ; track.
Siytc ; September , 20Vic ; No. B white , 2SV4c.
iRYE Firm nt 55c.
FLOUR Dull and easier but not quotably
SEEDS Timothy , firm at $2.302 40 for
ordinary and $2.55 for prime ; flax , lower at
CORNMEAL Steady at $1.75@1.80.
OJRA.N Firm ; sacked , east track , 55c.
HAY Firm for toest grades ; timothy , $8.00
(312.00 ( ; prairie , $ G.OOtS.OO.
WHISICi. ' Steady at $1.26.
IRON COTTON TIES-Steady at $1.15.
BAGGING Quiet at egfiftc.
CMETALiS Lead , easier at $4.65. Spelter ,
lower at $5.60.
POULTRY Easier ; chickens. 7@7 c ;
youngs , 9V { ? 10c ; turkeys , Sc ; young , 14c ;
duckB. 5V456c ; geese , 6i8 < iV4c.
BUTTER Higher ; creamery , 17@21c ;
dairy , 1317c.
EGGS Higher at lie.
'PROVISIONS Pork , weak at $9.00. Lard ,
lower : prime steam , $5.03 ; choice , $ o.07H-
Dry salt moats , quiet ; boxed shoulders ,
$5.12 % ; extra shorts , $5.25 ; clear ribs , $5.37 4 :
clear sides. $5.50. Bacon , steady ; boxed
shoulders and extra shorts , $5.75 ; clear ribs ,
$5.8714 : clear sides $6.00.
'RECEIPTS ' Flour. 3,000 bbls. : wheat , 83-
000 bu. ; corn , 86,000 bu. ; oats , 32,000 bu.
SHIPQIENTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
14,000 bu. ; corn , 83,000 bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu.
Climtgrcfi In Available Suppllcn.
NEW YORK , Aug. 15.-Sepclal cable and
telegraphic dispatches to Bradstreet's show
the following changes In available supplies
as compared with last account :
WHEAT United States and Canada , east
of Rockies , decrease , 652.000 bu. Liverpool
Corn Trade News : Afloat for and in
Europe , decrease , DOO.OW bu. Total supply ,
decrease , 1,552,000 bu.
CORN 'United ' States and Canada , east of
Rockies , decrease. 1,120,000 bu.
OATS TJnltcd States and Canada , east of
\Rbckles , decrease , 397,000 bu.
Among the. more Important Increases re
ported to Bradstreet's not given In the
ofllclal supply statement nro those of 246-
000 IDU. at Chicago private elevators and 183-
000 bu. at Burlington.
The principal decreases are those of 265-
000 bu , at 'Manitoba ' storage points and 63-
000 bu. at Coteau , Quebec. The aggregate
stock of wheat held ait Portland , Ore. , and
Tacomai and Seattle , Wash. , decreased 3,000
bu. last week.
iiA City Crnln nnil Provision * .
tember , 63c ; December. G5T6c ; cash , No. 2
hard , 64c : No. 3 , 60H ® 3c ; No. 2 red , 67c ;
No. 3. 6I5T66c ; receipts , 70 cars.
CORN September , 27&c ; December , 23c ;
cash , No. 2 mixed , 29c ; No. 2 white , 2Vi@ ! )
29 > ,4c : No. 3 , 2Sc.
OATS No. 2 white. 22Wfff 3VSc.
HAY Choice timothy , $7.60 ; choice prairie ,
BUTTER Creamery , 19c ; dairy , 14c.
EGGS Yesterday's advance was followed
by a stronger feeling today ; receipts equal
to demand ; another advance anticipated ;
fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , lOc ,
cases returned ,
'RECEIPTS ' Wheat , 42,000 bu. ; corn , 15,600
bu. : oats. 6.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 34,000 pu. ; corn , 13-
600 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu ,
Liverpool Ornlii nnil Provision * .
LIVERPOOL. Aug. 15. WHEAT-Spot ,
firm ; No. 1 California , 6s V4d-36s l d ; No. 2
red western , winter. 5slOd. Futures , steady ;
September , 5s9d ; December , 6s ll'id.
PROVISIONS Bacon , short clear backs ,
flrm at 30.- ) : clear bellies , 35s , Lard , Ameri
can rellned , dull at 2Ss3d ; prime western ,
27s 6d. Shoulders , firm ; square , 29s Cd.
CHEESE American finest , flrm ; white ,
47s ; colored , 4Ss.
CORN Futures , steady ; September , 3s 4d ;
October. 3s 4 } d : November. 3s4id ,
FLOU.RSt. . Louis fancy winter , flrm at
7s 6d.
Cliicliiimtl MitrUrt.
WHEAT Firmer ; No. 2 red , 68U069e.
CORN Dull nnd easy ; No. 2 mixed , 33V4o.
OATS Stronger : No , 2 mixed , 22&C.
RYE-Steady ; No. S , 66c.
PROVISIONS-Lard , quiet at $5.10(3'5.12W. (
Bulk meatsllrm at $5.35. Bacon , flrm at
WHISKY Steady at $1.26.
BUTTER Steady.
CHEESE Steady.
1'hllnilfliililn Proiliice Mnrlcet ,
Flrmer and 3c higher ; fancy western ,
EGGS Firm : fresh nearby , 15c : fresh
western , 15c ; fresh uouthweetern , 14cj fresh
Bputhern. l"i(13c.
CHEESE Firm and Ic higher ; New York
full cream , fancy , new , lOc : New York full
cream , fair to choice , 909&c ; Ohio flats ,
fancy , 9Uc ; Ohio Hats , fair to good , 84 ! < Q9c.
Toledo MiirUet.
TOLEDO , O. . Aug. 15 , WHEAT Lower
and active ; No. 2 cash , 71c ; September ,
COWN-Dull and lower : No. 2 mixed , 32V4c.
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
RYE Firm and higher ; No. 2 cash , 66Vc.
SEEDS Clover , dull : prime cash , $1.10
asked ; October , $4,60 asked.
Mliiiifiuioll * Wheat ; .n.l Flour.
store , No. 1 northern. August. 69V4c ; Sep
tember , 69HS6 Vc : December , 69Ho ; May ,
" 2Hc. On track , No , 1 hard. 70 c : No. 1
northern , 69ic : No. 2 northern , Oic.
FLOUR-Flrat patents , $3.7533.85 : second
patents. $ .155fi3.Go ; llrst clears , $2.5032.60.
Dnlulli Wheiit Murkpt.
DULUTH , Aug. 15. WHEAT No. 1 hard
cabh. 73 > 4cj September , 71Hc ; December ,
; No. 1 northern caah , 7Dtic ; September ,
69V4c : December , "O' c ; No. 2 northern , 66'ic ;
No. 3 spring , & 3'4c.
vc Crnlti . Inrket.
Easier : No. 1 northern , 73V4o ; No. 2 north
ern , 71Hc.
RYE Lower ; No. 1 , &lc.
BARLEYtendy ; No. 2 , 41c ; sample , S3
Hear ninnont In In Evidence on th
\iMr York Mitrkrl.
NEW YORK , Aug. 16. The bear clement
was In evidence nil day today In the stock
market and came off with flying colors.
They made a vigorous attack In the mornIng -
Ing and by 2 o'clock seemed to have ex
hausted their efforts , The average level of
prices , Including the majority of standard
stocks , rose at that time to the best prices
of the day In sympathy with the sensational ,
advance of American Tobacco , In the last
half hour of the trading the bears concentrated - '
trated a vigorous aseault upon the Brooklyn I
Transit. They drew that stock down an I
extreme 6V4 to 10S',4 and effectually broke
the market , successfully overriding nil ef
forts to support values ,
The Industrial specialties suffered most
severely and the reaction In the railroads
reached a point In only a few case ? . A few
of the railroad stocks which had shown
early strength succeeded In retaining not
gains. In the list of Industrials outside of
the tobacco stocks not a single stock of Im
portance retained any net gain.
American Steel and Wire was tinder pres
sure early In the day on account of disap
pointment over a published statement pur
porting to give the financial condition and
the earnings of the company , but the stock
had recovered all but % c of the early IOFS
when It was attacked again nnd fell with
Brooklyn Transit to the low point of the
day , 3Helow last night. All the iron and
steel stocks were affected In sympathy and
Tennessee Coal dropped an extreme 3',4 and
closed at last night's prlco , after having
been 2U above In the morning. People's
Gas also showed keen sympathy with
Brooklyn Transit nnd lost nn extreme 2 % .
Sugar was a sufferer and was knocked
down 314 points.
The volume of sales at the low point was
small except for Brooklyn Transit and
Steel and Wlro and there was a quick and
violent rally in Susnr , People's Gas nnd
Tennessee Coal on a rush to cover by the
shorts. Brooklyn Transit's net loss is 4 %
and Steel nnd Wire 3 points. Manhattan
was very weak In sympathy with Transit
In the early dealings , but It had rallied
quite strongly and loses l i net. The most
conspicuous movement of the day was that
of American Tobacco. The stock reacted
14 before the late raid on Brooklyn Tran
sit , but moved up strongly In the very face
fif the bear raid to near the top llgurcs.
The day's takings of the stock were on nn
enormous scale and Its net gain Is 6 points.
The Continental Tobacco stocks were strong
In sympathy.
There was a notable upward movement
In the Iowa Central stocks on talk of heavy
earnings. They show gains of 1 and 2 % ,
respectively. Colorado Midland prfeerred Is
up nearly a point. There was a period of
strength also for Kansas & Texas preferred
and Southern and Central Paclflc , but their
gains were almost wiped out In the late
decline. The boldness of the bears was due
to conviction that since the market refused
to go up yesterday on the much Improved
conditions of the local money market noth
ing else Is In sight likely to give an upward
Impetus to prices. The recent activity In
various pools which have taken on heavy
lines of various stocks In spite of the gen
eral apathy of the market also made the
market vulnerable to determined attack.
A jump In the Berlin discount today of'z
per cent and the hardening tendency of
London discounts had a depressing effect.
There was a holiday on the Paris bourse ,
but the course of events In France arouses
anxiety In the financial world. Call money
worked easier In New York , but there is
Btlll a belief that the money thus placed
will be needed soon In other channels. The
creation of a largo short Interest , of course ,
has strengthened the technical condition of
the stock market. There was heavy real
izing In Kansas & Texas seconds , Kansas
City , Pittsburg & Gulf flrsts after erratic
variations closed 2 per cent higher. Prlco
changes generally were small and Irregu
lar. Total 5-iles , par value , $2,801,000.
Government bonds were unchanged.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The markets
here were better In tone today. Investment
stocks Improved , the stock exchange read
ing the morning Transvaal news favorably.
Business , however , was exceptionally small ,
the holiday In Paris Increasing the stagna
tion. Spanish 4s were 59V4 ; tlntos. 45 ; Ana
condas , 1194 ; Americans were Idle and
drooping except Loulsvllles ; Caandlan Pa
cifies dropped sharply , the market expect
ing a 5 per cent dividend. The bank did a
large business In short bills at 3 5 , the bank
rate minimum. An advance is expected on
Thursday. The bank bought 121,000 gold
in bars and 59,000 In German coin.
The following arc the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the New York
1 exchange today :
Dnntnii Slock Quointlonn.
BOSTON , Aug. 15. Call loans , SKffUi per
cent : tlmo loans , 4Q5 per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds and mining
shares :
LONDON , Aug. 15. American securities
were dull and weaker In most cases today ,
following the decline In Canadian securities.
The closing was dull. Gold at Buenos
Ayres. 129.60. The amount of bullion taken
Into the Bank of England on balance today
was 180,000 ; Spanish 4s closed at 59'i.
FRANKFORT , Aug. 15.-There was an
all-round dullness on the bourse today ow
ing to apprehensions In regard to money.
Local shares received a setback.
MADRID. Aug. 15. The weekly statement
of the Bank of Spain showa the following
changes : Sliver In hand. Increase. 3S7.000
pesetas ; notes In circulation , decrease , 29-
000 pesetas ; gold in hand , unchanged.
BERLIN , Aut. 15. On the bourse today
private discount was 1 4 harder , owing to
the withdrawal of a large amount of dally
money. Business was irregular. Interna-
Konalft were maintained ; Argentines were
dull on the advance In the gold premium ;
Americans were also dull ; Canadian Paclllcs
weakened on unsatisfactory dlv.dtnd re
ports nnd locals were weak on rcal'zatlons.
At the close there was a rally , the news
from the Transvaal being of a more en
couraging character.
\CMV York Money Mnrkct.
NEW YORK Aug. 15.-MONEY-On call ,
steady at 214173 per cent ; last loan , at 3
per cent.
per cent.
actual bulne.s In bankers' bills at $1.863) )
4.S6V1 for demand nnd at $4.$2'47 ' > 4.S2Ji for
sixty days ; posted rates. $ I.S34CT4.SI ? and
JI.S7ffN.87l4 ; commercial bills , $1.8U4.
SILVBR-Ccrtlflcatcs , 604361Hc ! ; bar ,
BONDS Government bonds , steady ; ntate
bonds , Inactive ; railroad -bonds. Irregular.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds :
London Stock Mnrlcct.
LONDON , Aug. 15. 1 p. m. Clewing :
Consols , money. . 103 11-10 IN. Y. Central . I42i !
Consols , account. . . .10tt ! ] Pent ( > j'l\-anla . JTO'i
Ciinadlnn Pavllio . . 90 Illendlnp . IHs
Erie . 18ftU. , P. ptd . 73" " ,
do 1st pfil . SS'.ii Atchl.-on . ZW
Illinois Central . . . ,117i4L.3ulsvllle . 78U
No. Paclllo r > rd . SO'llGrand ' Trunk . . . . . . . 8
St. Paul , common. .135 [ Anaconda . 11 %
iMONBY-2'A per cent.
The rate o discount In the open market
for both short and three-months' bills Is
3i per cent.
llniilc Clenrliica.
'NEW ' YORK , Aup. 15.-ClearlnBS , J178-
053.905 : balances , ? 9,476,9SS. . . . . . .
„ „
CHICAGO , AUR. 15. Clearings , $18,659,4.6 ;
balances , J2,352.7&1. New York cxchanije ,
35c discount. Sterling exchange , $4.S14 8 ,4.
BOSTON. AUK. lo.-Clcarlngs , $21,512,9ib ;
( balances. J2/1CS.C9S.
BALTIMORE , Aug. 15.-Clearlngs , $3.3oS.-
472 ; balances , J504.C01.
PHILADEUI'HIA , Aug. 15.-ClearlnB9 ,
J15,229C59 ; balances , J2.376.4S6. , . , „ , . . . .
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 15.-Clearlngs , J4.18,20j . ;
balances , ? 478,0o7. Money , steady , with a
good demand at 47 per cent , mostly at
&S . Exchange on New York , quiet at lOo
Condition of the Trcnnnry.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 15. Today's state
ment of 'tho ' condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash "balance " , $273,667,702 ;
gold reserve , ? 24C.465,265.
Cotton . .Market.
Steady ; sales , 1,750 bales ; ordinary. 3 13-lf c ,
good ordinary , 45-16c ; low middling , oc ;
middling , 6c ; good middling. 6 5-16c ; mid
dling fair , tiic ; receipts , 693 bales ; stock.
133.373 bales. Futures steady ; August. to.5G
bid ; September , I5.5 55.55 ; October , tS.CW
6.57 ; November , $5.C005.GL ; December , So.6o@
5M ; January , J3.69B5.70 ; February. W.73fl >
5.75 ; March. J5.77Q5.79 ; April , Ja.SlQS.83 ;
g. OTTON-Steady ;
middling , 6 15-16c ; sales , 1,650 bales ; re
ceipts. 172 bales ; shipments , 176 bales ; stock ,
NBWavOUK. Aug. 15. COTTON-Futures
closed steady : August. $5.05 ; September ,
J5.06 ; October.J5.S5r November , $5.90 ; De
cember , J5.941 ; January , J5.93 : February , J6.01 ;
March , J6.05r'Aprll , J6.0S ; May , $6.12 ; June ,
LIVERPOOL-,1' . 15. COTTON Spot ,
dull ; prices lower ; American middling fair ,
41-lGd ; gaod middling , 3d : middling , 3 < 4d ;
low middling , 354d ; good ordinary , 3Hd ; good
ordinary , 2 15-16d. The sales of the day were
702 tiales , of wfclch COO bales were for specu
lation and export and included 6,300
bales American. Receipts , 1,000 bales , , In
cluding 900 bales American. Futures opened
easy and closed quiet tout steady ; American
middling , I. m. c. , August , 3 27-6403 2S-64d ,
buyers ; August-September , 3 2C-64fi 3 27-64d ,
buyers ; September-October , 3 25-C4@3 26-64d ,
sellers ; October-November , 324-64d. sellers ;
November-December , December-January ,
January-February , 3 22-6103 23-C4d , sellers ;
February-MYiroh. 323-64d , sellers ; March-
Aprll , 3 23-C103 3i-64d , buyers : April-May ,
324-C4d , buyers ; May-June , 325-64d , sellers ;
June-July. S 25-6408 26-64d. buyers.
NEW YORK , Aug. 15. COTTON More
pacific conditions prevailed at the cotton
exchange today , yet the market was still
very active. Nellt's cotton crop report ,
forecasting the possibility of a 12,000.000-bale
crop , produced' ' some effect on the local
market through Its Influence on the cables ,
which declined 303' d at Liverpool. The
Liverpool decline was ascribed by private
cable chiefly to Nelll's circular. The mar
ket opened steady , with a decline of from
C to 8 points. Prices , however , were soon
back again to yesterday's closing figures
on buying for Wall street account and cov
ering on a large scale. The effects of Nelli's
estimate -were felt -when this demand sub
sided and the market again turned weak
and prices fell away sharply. The govern
ment chart failed to indicate any sign of
rain In the southwest and Texas reports
continue bad. Despite this general outside
support \vas .withdrawn and for the re
mainder of the session local sentiment was
exceedingly nervous. At one time In the
afternoon the net decline was a matter of
12R14 points , due principally to liquidation
following the appearance of outside selling
orders. The market was finally steady ,
with a net decline of 10@13 points.
Metal Market.
( NEW YORK , Aug. 15. METALS Tin
itook a sudden upturn in the local market
today on a reappearance of liberal buyers
and stiffening of views of holders. The
news from Europe did' ' not average up dif
ferently from anticipations , nor was news
from producing points at home other than
expected. Spelter ruled Irregular and a
shade lower. At the close the Metal ex
change called pig Iron warrants unchanged
with $15.00 bid and $15.50 asked : lake cop
per. unchanged at $18.oO ; tin , firmer with
$31.35 told nnd J31.50 asked ; lead , quiet with
$4.60 bid and $4.65 asked ; spelter , easy at
$5.70. The brokers' prlco for lead Is , $1.35
and for copper $18.60.
ColToc Market.
NEW YORK , Aug. 15.-COFFEE Options
opened unchanged , steady and , ndvanrlnsr
5 points on covering , ruled nerveless and
uninteresting. Speculative Interest on nil
sides was dormant. Sellers were held In
restraint by current low prices and buyers
toy large receipts , unfavorable cables nnd
apathy In 'tho ' spot department. Closed
barely steady , unchanged to 5 points lower.
Sales , 12,600 bags , Including August , $4.40 ;
December , $4.65 ; January. $4.95 ; February ,
$4.95 ; .March. . $5,00f( ( ( ; April , $5.10 ; May.
$5.15. Spot coffee , Rio , dull and easy ; mild ,
barely steady.
_ _ _
New York llry ttoixl * Market.
INEW YORK , Aug. 15. The demand for
staple cottons was -well sustained on home
account , but buying for export quiet.
Brown sheetings and drills In favored ex
port brands occasionally 'Ac to > , lc higher ;
stocks bare nnd mills well sold ahead ,
Bleached cottons also generally well sold ,
with average demand , prices tending
agalnrt buyers ; denims are becoming scarce
and prices are firm ; print cloths unchanged ;
prints nnd ginghams , average business ;
good business In men's -wear , woolen and
worstol fancy fabrics ,
Oil Murker.
LIVERPOOL , Aug. 15. OILS Turpentine
spirits strong at 378 6d : linseed oil , 23s 3d.
NEW YORK , Aug. 15.-OIL8-Cottonseed ,
quiet ; rosin , llrm ; turpentine , firm et MV4
OIL OITY , Aug. 15. OILS Credit bal
ances. $1.27 ; certificates , $1.27 % bid for cash ;
shipments. 90.7S3 bbls. ; averatre. 86.758 bbls. ;
runs. 1S3.332 tools. ; average. 82.760 bbls.
( LONDON , Aug. 15. OILS Calcutta lin
seed. spot , SSslOHd : linseed , 21 3d ; rosin ,
American strained , 4s 3d. _
Sugar Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 16. SUGAR-Raw.
weak ; fair retlnlng , 3 15-16c ; centrifugal. 98
test. 4Hc : molasses sugar , 3 13-lGc. Refined ,
about steady.
Steady ; no open kettle ; centrifugal , yellows ,
JW 4 4c ; seconds , 2V44 ic.
MOLASSES Dull , centrifugal , C@Hc.
LONDON. Aug. 15.-SUGAR-.Raw. Mus
covado , 11s 3d ; centrifugal , 12s Gd ; beet
sugar , August , 10s 3d.
Ojrnfed Steers Sell Oomldarably Lower , with
Market Slow.
Henry NORM Slow nnil Lower Fccrtorit
nnil Mont Everything lint Drnnn
WcHternn Sell Ltnver Liuiilin
In Good Dcntnnd.
Receipts were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 3,901 2,148 1,691
Official Tuesday 5,277 'J.317 6.U14
Thus far this week 9,178 li.lffi 6,705
Same days last week. . . . 7,773 15.311 12.CS7
Same days week before. . 4.S57 10,418 4.C91
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry 1
O. & St. U Hy . .
Mo. Pacific Ry 4 2
Union Pac. System. . . 42 IS 16
C. & N. W. Ry 1
P. , 13. & M. V. R. R. . 43 41
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. 8 11
n. & .M. R. R. R SI 3S 2
C. . n. & Q. Ry . .
X. C. & St. J 16
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , B. S 5
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , W. . . 4 2
Total receipts . . . .211 123 20 13
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co. . . SSI 259
G. II. Hammond Co. . . . . 225 KIT , 395
Swift and Company. . . . C76 992 1,050
Cudahy Packing Co..1 , . 677 301 609
Armour & Co 1,149 S77 260
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . 391
Swift nnd Comp'y , K. C. 44
Swift and Co. , country. 1,651
Vansant & Co. 201
J. ti. Carey 32
L/obman & Co 219
Benton & Underwood. . . 310
Huston & Co 134
Livingstone & Schaller. . 177
L. F. Husz 124
Other buyers „ . 35S 8S2
Held over 200
Totals 6,231 9,319 5,000
CATTLE Prime cornfed steers sold at
steady prices this morning , some going as
high as $6. Anything In the way of cornfed
cattle that was not prime was not only
slow , but lOITlSe lower. If they were
pretty good but not prime they may In some
cases have sold within S lOc of yesterday's
market. Common kinds were rotten. The
cause for the drop In values was apparently
the largo run and lower prices at all mar
ket points. At this point the offerings of
cornfed steers was the largest In a good
many days.
There appeared to be an active demand
for range beef steers and the market on
that kind was fairly active and steady.
The offerings were quite large , but none
too large to supply the demand , the most
of the cattle changing hands In good season.
There were probably twenty or twenty-
flve loads of cows and heifers In the yards ,
practically all westerns , and the market on
that kind was also slow. Some of the cattle
did not come In until late , so that they were
not ready to show very early and buyers
were backward about getting down to busi
ness. The most desirable kinds sold about
steady end buyers claimed that they were
all steady , but In spots the market was
There were quite a good many etockers
nnd feeders In the yards , especially lighter
or thin cattle , and In addition to the fresh
receipts there were a good many cattle in
the hands of speculators. Good heavy
feeders , and , In fact , the most desirable of
the offerings , sold at about yesterday's
prices , but the market was lOc lower on
the general run of light cattle and ! n some
cases 15c lower. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . S004 00 20. . 9S4 $5 25 23..1076 $5 40
3. . 800 4 15 24..1071 625 45..1230 6 45
1..1000 4 50 21..1122 5 30 17..1149 6 50
39. . 930 D 05 41..1167 5 30 38..1500 5 G5
46..1191 6 10 22..1099 5 35 24..1293 685
31..1009 6 20 CO..1264 5 40 38..1282 600
2. . 900 4 75 C3..1222 5 33 40..1166 6 50
23..1027 5 10 11..11CO 5 35 32..1131 5 GO
20. . 1238 520 23..1116 635 25..1028 5 65
32..1113 520 36..1132 5 40 G..12GS 6 00
1..1060. 5 45 119..1295 5 45 79..1295 555
70. . 79S 3 SO
1. . 660 2 35 1..1120 3 35 1. . 970 365
1..1090 B75 4..1050 375 1..1430 4 10
4. . S56 2 75 1..10CO 3 25 1..1070 365
1..1000 3 00 3. . 916 3 40 3..1183 4 00
2..1160 325 4..1062 350
1. . 00 2 75 2. . 725 300 2. . 780 3 40
1. . 880 275 1. . 790 300 6. . 700 3 50
1. . 910 3 00 1. . 860 3 10 3. . 733 3 65
1. . 460 3 25 1. . 870 3 50 4. . 975 3 55
1. . 700 3 30 1. . 760 350 1. . 650 3 75
2..1035 335 2..1025 340 1. . 930 360
3. . 235 523 1. . 150 600 2. . 100 6 00
1. . 630 4 00
7. . 783 3 50 31. . 772 4 20 15. . 539 4 40
3. . 690 3 75 32. . 745 4 20 24. . 769 4 40
1. . 830 4 15 7. . 793 4 25 15. . 539 4 40
81. . 7S3 4 20 25. . 860 4 30 18. . 669 4 60
3. . 916 3 60 5. . 744 4 00
No. Av. Pr. iNo. Av. Pr.
2 cows. . .1175 $3 10 3 heifers. . . S33 $3 65
3 cows. . . 960 3 40 5 heifers. . . 742 3 65
35 cows. . .1026 340 Icow 1450 4 00
1 cow. . . .1011 3 40 81 feeders. . 938 4 65
1 cow. . . .1050 3 25 1 feeder. . . 710 3 50
2 cows. . 835 325 1 feeder. . . 710 355
Icow 1020 3 25 12 cows 960 3 50
2 bulls 705 3 30 4 cows 1067 350
1 feeder. . . 770 3 40 1 feeder. . SCO 3 55
2 cows. . . 1125 3 50 1 feeder. . . 850 3 60
3 cows. . . 003 3 60 2 feeders. . 915 3 75
1 cow. . . . 700 2 00 4 feeders. . SG5 4 20
3 cows. . . 830 2 85 4 feeders. . 512 430
3 bulls. . . 1285 3 30
Icow 1010 300 10 cows..1020 375
3 cows 1116 300 7 cows 9S9 375
Ibull 1500 310 2 feeders. . 1100 400
2COWB 895 350 2 COWS 893 425
Istag 1230 355 21 feeders..1154 430
Icow 1030 375 28 feeders..1110 445
4 cows 995 375 8 steers..1335 4 CO
1 feeder..1260 300 69 feeders. . 724 410
Scows 815 310 27 feeders. . 803 410
66 feeders. . 919 330 C9 feeders. . S75 410
Scows 1006 350 60 feeders. . 894 410
1 heifer. . . . 760 3 60
Western Ranches S. D.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
33 etr. Tex.1341 $4 60 179 str. Tex.1131 $4 60
F. Carroll-S. D.
9 heifers. . . 623 370 11 feeders. . 663 465
W. L. Tillotfon-Wyo ,
21 cows. , . . 1050 390 69 steers..1239 465
1GO steers. . . 1300 4 90
8 cows 921 325
T. N. Matthews-Wyo.
4 cows 1062 400. . 2 steers..1095 435
1 steer 1230 433 * 5 steers. . . . 1084 435
Pratt & Ferris Wyo.
192 steers..1263 4 90
W. D. Watklns-Neb.
4 cows. . . . . 905 325 41 cows 973 365
4 cows 817 3 35 45 feeders. . 09 4 00
H. E. Slcklcr Wyo.
2 cows 10G5 325 1 steer 1360 400
HCOWB 1039 375 32 steers.1257 475
C. B. Stroud-Wyo.
4 cows 1077 375 10 feeders. . 995 450
1 feeder. . . SSO 400 31 feeders , . 1102 460
2feedere..llOO 400
Q. P. Loveland Nob.
Icow 1100 275 1 cow.1120 340
Icow 10SO 300 3 COWH 1006 340
14 feeders , . 757 3 30 2 feeders , . 700 3 75
Icow 1070 340 62 feeders. . COS 455
R , M. Moran.
2 heifers. . . 910 300 1 heifer. . . . 960 345
4 cows 1010 345 3 cows 10SO 345
4COWB 932 345 16 heifers. . . i95 345
P. A. Coffey Neb.
17 heifers. . . 807 365 65 feeders. . I6 420
15 feeders. . 7SS 4 20
Fweeney Bros , Neb ,
Icow 930 300 2 cows 813 345
Scows 10S2 330 ISc. and h. S57 345
C. W. Strode Wyo.
BCOWB 1080 3 fco 26 feeders..1203 465
18 feeders..1008 4 65
Conps & Pfelffer Wyo.
15 cows 1076 380 31 feeders.1104 460
A. L. Wllley Wyo ,
13 feeders..1136 400 35 feeders.,1210 476
Lake Tomb Cattle Co. S. D.
50 cows 967 4 15
A. D. Seltz S. D.
22COWB 1025 385
Day & Creswell S. D.
1 heifer. . . . 870 460 23 helfcrs..lOOO 490
SheMley Cattle Co. S. D.
6 helfers..1034 3 75 61 heifers. . . 9 4 2S
40 heifers..1034 4 25
Mrs. M. C , Ford-S. D ,
1 cow. . . . . . 910 415 Icow 10SO 415
1 COW..1000 415 Icow. . . . , , 970 415
Icow. . , , . . 910 415 Icow 1000 415
Icow $20 415 Scows 930 415
Icow 1040 415 12COW8 1051 415
HOGS-The market opened with good light
and light mixed hoga In good demand at
an advance of about 6c. Such hogs as
would please the light hog buyers gold
early , but the demand for that kind was
limited and orders were soon Illled. A few
right good light loads averaging right
around 200 poundi brought t . Good
light mixed loads sold At $4.74431.50. and n.
few medium weights that were smooth nnd
nice brought $4.W > .
Heavy packers were slow , and It was late
before very much business was done In
that line. The packers were receiving ad-
vlcM of n weak market In Chicago on
packing hogs and In consequence they were
very bearish and were unwilling to put on
anything , whllo sellers wore all a-klng an
advance over yesterday's prices.
The heaviest packers wanted to buy heavy
mixed hogs that brought $ I.4017 < .4214 yester
day at $4.40 today , and they bought a good
share of them at that price In the end.
The big heavy packing hogs they wanted
at $4.35j4.37H. and as sellers were unwilling
to drop'b-elow tht $4.40 mark the trade was
very slow and draggy , especially toward
the last. Representative sale.1 :
SHEEP Receipts were liberal this morn
ing and the demand fair. Lambs especially
were In good demand nnd the market was
steady on that kind of stuff. There was one
four-load bunch of good Utah lambs which
brought $6.10 , with seventy-live head out
at $4.00.
Sheep were stow and a llttlo easier owing
to the reported lower market at Chicago.
Quotations : Prime native wethers , $4.00 ®
4.25 ; good to choice grass wethers. $3.6503.80 :
fair to good gra'S wethers. $1.500-3.75 ; good
to choice grass ewes. $3.50fT3.70 ; good to
choice spring Iamb ? . $5.7506.25 ; fair to good
spring lambs , $5.0035.75 ; common spring
lambs , $4.00n4.50 ; feeder wethers , $3.5003.60.
Representative Bales :
No. Av. Pr.
2 Utah eweg , cull 100 $275
9S Utah ewes 98 275
291 Utah ewes 100 335
436 Idaho wethers 101 375
395 Idaho wothors 107 375
223 Idaho wethers 102 375
369 native wethers and yrlgs. . . . 97 3 75
330 native yearlings 69 4 00
65 Utah lambs 87 400
123 feeder lambs..1 52 4 25
93 Utah lambs 64 610
528 Utah lambs 87 6 10
360 grass wethers , natives 101 375
100 grass wethers , natives 91 370
Chlcnco Live Stock.
CHICAGO , Aug. 15. CATTLE-ThR re
cent advance of prices of cattle has re
sulted In great Increased offerings nnd to
day's market was easier for this reason
The demand was only fairly active. Good
to choice ( beeves brought $5.60 ® < 5.45 : comr
moner grades. $4.6005.55 ; stockers and feed
ers , $3.600'4.S5 ; Inills , cows and heifers , $2.00
05.35 ; Texas steers , $3.75515.30 : calves , for
which the demand was good , $4.0007.16.
HOGS The offerings of hogs were again
too light ; demand ; good droves sold G010c
higher. The late market was somewhat
easier. Heavy hogs sold at $4.2004.95 ; mixed
lots. $4.5053:4.9714 : : light , $4.6005.00 ; pigs , $3.60
© 4.85 ; culls. S2.25S4.10.
SHEEP The supply of sheep and lambs
was In excess of the demand and prices
declined 1015c. Sheep sold at $2.0004.50 for
inferior to choice lots of natives , western
range sheep selling at $3.500'I.OO. Lambs
sold at $3.50 6.75.
RECEIPTS Cattle. 6,000 head ; hogs , 13,000
head ; sheep , 15,000 head.
ICniiinH City Live Stork.
ceipts , 13,500 natives , 1,700 Texans ; desirable
stock active and steady ; a few bunches of
common feeders a shade lower : heavy na
tive steers , $5.20045.10 ; light weights , $5.05 ®
5.95 ; stockers and feeders. $3.6005.15 ; butcher
cows and heifers , $3.20575.35 ; canners , $2.60 ®
3.20 : western steers , $3.7506.00 ; Texans , $3.80
@ 4.25.
irOGS Receipts. 10.200 head ; market
opened lOc higher and closed quiet ; gain
partly lost ; heavy. $4.6004.70 ; mixed. $1.45 ®
4.70 : light. $4.600-1.75.
SHEEP Receipts , 7,200 head ; desirable
lots active and steady ; lambs , $4.7506,75 ;
yearlings , $4.0004.25 : stockers and feeders ,
$3.104.25 ; culls , $2.7503.25.
New York Live Stock.
NEW YORK , Aug. 16. BEEVES-Re-
celp-ts , 592 head : no trade of Importance :
feeling firm ; cables llrm ; exports , 650 head
cattle and 6,340 quarters of beef : tomorrow ,
445 head cattle , 3,708 quarters beef and 30
head sheep ,
CALVES Receipts. 113 head ; steady ; all
sold ; veals. $5.0007.75 ; buttermilks and fed
calves $4.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 6,062
head : 18 cars on sale ; sheep dull ; lambs
opened active and firm and closed easy :
3 cars unsold : sheep , $3.0004.60 ; lambs , $5.00
@ 7.00 ; no choice here : culls , $4.60.
HOGS Receipts , 3,437 head : 1H cars on
sale ; market firm at $5.0005.15 ; choice light
hogs , $4.25.
St. Louln Live .Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 15 , CATTLE Receipts ,
3,300 head ; market steady to strong : ship
ping nnd export steers $4.G00 < UO : dressed
beef steers , $4.0005.60 ; eteers , under 1.000
Ibs , $3.6006.00 ; stockers and feeders. S1.00
05.00 ; cows and heifers. $4 2504.85 ; Ti .as
and Indian steers , $3.fXVfNSO ; cow and
HOGS Receipts , 6.700 head ; market WJlOc
higher : pigs and lights , $4.750I. 5 ; packers ,
$4.70CT4.S5 ; butchers , $4,8004.95.
© HE > BP Receipts , 2,600 head : market
steady ; native muttons , $3.6004.25 ; lambi > ,
St. JONPiili Live Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Aug. 16. ( Special. )
The Journal quotes : . _ , , . ,
CATTLE 'Receipts ' , 2,300 head , Including
300 head In quarantine ; active and steady ;
natives , $1,7506.00 ; Texas and westerns ,
$3.C506.00 ; cows and heifers , $2.3505.20 ;
stackers and 'feeders. $3.6005.25 ,
1IOGS Receipts , 3.900 head ; market nc-
* lvo and BfrlOc higher : heavy and medium.
$4W > 3'I.C5 ' ; light. J4.6504.75 ; pigs , $4,400 > I.C6 ;
bulk of mles , $4.5004.60.
SHI9E-P 'Receipts ' , 2,100 head ; market oo-
tlve and steady.
Stock III
Following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets for August 16 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . 5,277 9.317 6.014
Chicago . S.OTX ) 13,000 15,000
Kansas City . . . . . . 15,200 10.200 7.200
si ; LOUIS . . . . . : : ; . 3,300 5,700 2.500
Totals . 28,777 38,217 29,711
MaiielicHtcr Cloth * null Falirlt ! * .
MANCHESTER , Aug. IS.-Cloths quiet ,
but hard to sell unless nt concessions.
Yarns firm , with a fair demand.
yRR.pmn.Eya co/
OMAHA I1 . uncoui hta
JAMES E. BOYD & 00 , ,
Telephone 1030 , Omaha , Neb
Dlrft win * to Cblcaco an < JJiw Terk.
Ccrrupwidcatii Jubn A. Wurtu * o
"Vlioti Traveling
Read The Bee v
Here Is Where
You Will Find it in tha
Principal Cities.
James M. Goilnrit.
Klmbnll Homo Notts Stand.
Public Library.
Vontlomc Hotel
Boston Press Clnl > , 14 Uosrrorlh ft >
Qeneioo Hotel New * . Slnnd.
TVtn , Shield * .
Klarvnrd IJu/rcmHy Library.
K. A. Locan , 21U Went 10th .
Cheyenne Clnb.
Audltorlam Annex Ncrr * Stand.
Auditorium Hotel Ncvi-s Bund.
Grnml Pacific Hotel N.TTS stand.
( Jrput Northern Hotel Tfcvr * Stand.
Palmer House Xevra Stand.
PoHtnfllGo New * Stniul. No. 31T Dea *
barn Street.
Associated Advertiser' * Clnb , Palme *
tVeddell Home.
The HoIIcnden.
Commercial Traveler * '
Bliuonlo Temple.
Printer * ' Home.
nroirn Hotel NOTTS Stand.
Ilitnillton .t Kcnilrlck , 000-018 ITth .
SIuLnlii , JMtt A Co. , 8,13 Sixteenth St.
Prntt Mercnnttlo Co. . 151T Larimer St.
The Stationer Co. , 15th and LawrenM
Street * .
Windsor Hotel New * Stand.
Hose * . Jaoohii , Rook Inland Depots
V. U. C. A. lleudluff Room.
Wtt A Bennett , i14 AV. Snpe lo Bft.
H. . JL. HeacUnar Hoom
Inalatarru Hotel neadlns IlooiB.
Bonolala Hotel Reading ROOBU
W. A. Uonre , OtU avenue nd Maim nt ,
Wclena Pnblio Library.
Qeorce Gibson.
C. H. TVeYCr A Co.
F. C. Dorlnv.
1 > . D. Cooper A Co. , O20 Central AT4b
Robert Held. 1OS2 BIcGee It.
Cootca uone NOTTS Stand.
Ul ourl Repablloaa Clnb , DOB Baltt *
more Ave.
Public Librarr.
Rlckseaker Clear Co. , Otb and \Vnlnnt
_ oppolte P. O.
BallrritT Y. 11. C , A. , room 87 Cniow
Depot , Kama * City , Mo.
Public Librarr.
Y. M. O. A. HeadingRoom. .
" " "
\V. S. Edmlston , 1123 O .Street , Dellw
fff Agent.
Oliver A IIalne , 100 S. Spring 81 ,
F. D. Hanicoin , 422 S. Main St.
Charles A. GIlllK' * American Exchange
3 Cocksy u.r St. , Trafalgar So. . , S. W.
Andrew F. Schon * , Cor. Puente <
Espana and Esoolta Street * *
Pabllo Library.
Weflt Uotcl NCITS Stand.
Oooper Union Llbrarjr.
Fifth Avenne Hotel NeiTB StedA.
Fifth Avenue Hotel ReadtnB Ro
Cuiplre Hotel.
Ilroome Street Library.
Holland House Readlnir BOOBB.
IIotTiuaii Honsc.
Imperial Hotel Nevr * Stand.
Mechniilon * and Trader * ' Free )
No. 18 Kast Sixteenth Street. | 1
Press Club , 12O Nassau St. V ,
Westminster Hotel Reading eTI nii /
TVlndsor Hotel Reading RoctJH.
Y. M. C. A. , 23d Street * 4th Aveaac ,
W.Vebb , 2405 Waabiadaej
W. O. Kind.
nevr York Herald Readln *
Ave. de 1'Opera.
The * . Cook A Sane , 1 AT * . ! >
Zarre A Qestrom.
W. D. Jones , 201 Alder 8t
Portland Hotel Nevr * Stand.
Uaroantllc Llbrarjr.
Pnblio Llbrarjr.
Pnblln Library.
Hotel Itaglaterra Rea luw
Santa Ana Free Public Library.
L. F. Hmnmol , Lyceum
Salt Luke Nevr * O * .
Public Library.
Eactern NOT * Co. , 310 l-
A. T , LnndberK.
George F. Ward.
Oa.rrett on Hotel Netr * ItaeveV
Mondnmln Hotel IVevr * Stand.
Hotel Veiidome New * Staneli
Coiiway it Knickerbocker ,
Public Library.
Gerald Fltiglbbon , TOO r * urtli ,
Roy Allen , UU1 Center St.
Y. M. O. A. Reading RoeM.
John W. Graham 723-TM SUTenleX
Avenue. ,
Uraadovr' * New * Stand , Til K4moa4
Junction Nevr * Stand , 501 MM * * * M
Y. U. C. A. Reading lloeu ,
Prei * Clnb.
Windsor Hotel.
D. J , Jett , 800 Olll fft.
Planter * ' Hotel X r * St * * * .
Pnblio Library ,
Wlllard1 * Hotel KCTT * Itanet ,
Arlington Hotel.
OongrevilonoJ Library.
IlilTK * Home.
Agrlanltnrnl Depavttueut Library ,
Republican National Coiamlttea ,