Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    OMAHA DATlTir BEE ; TUESDAY , AUGUST 15 , 1809.
VFheat Develops Into a Strong Ball Market
and Closes at an Advance.
' ,
- - -
Ilrllllnnt Corn 1'ronprrt Cannen n
Klin illof Decline Onln I'rnrdc-
nll > - nt n StnndKtlll-1'ro-
CHICAGO. Aug. 14. Wheat today do-
Vclopod Into a strong bull market and closed
at nn advance of Ic over Snturduy. The
continual falling oft In primary receipts nnd
generally disappointing spring wheat
threshing returns caused free covering and
Id ought oiitslJo support to the market ,
Coarse grains were utterly Indifferent lethe
the wheat Htrcngth and closed a shade
lower for nearly all options. Lard declined
i'/iftCc , but other products rr.ndo little
change , >
Considerable Irregularity was shown by
wheat during the morning , though prices
nt all times were above Saturday's closing
quotations. An opening advance of
at Liverpool and a still further ndvancu at
1'30 made the opening hero strong , Septem
ber starting at 71Hc , an advance of He.
There wan ttomo disposition shown to realize
at the advance and the market wavered for
n. short time , September celling nt 71Vic , but
the strength of the foreign markets and
acme poor threshing reports from the north-
ucst gave confidence to the bulls and all
offerings were readily absorbed , September
cidvanclns to 71Hc. A period of comparative
easiness followed. Outside selling orders
came In In Insufllcl&nt quantities to depress
prices , the decline being rendered easy by
the ( favorable foreign crop news. A feix-
lure of this was the announcement that
Htmsla , In spite of the famine reports ,
would have ome wheat for export. The
tnarkot declined to 71Vtc for September and ,
though rallies were frequent , the tendency
until after noon , was lower. During the
afternoon , however , the market developed
marked strength. 1'rlmary receipts for the.
Ilrnt tlmo In months showed a decrease
from a year ago. The figures were G5G.OOO
bu. , compared with SC3.000 bu. last year.
The visible supply , which was not expected
to show any material change , decreased SGO-
000 bu. The general tenor of northwest har
n vesting reports was disappointing , some re
turns being decidedly unfavorable. The
weather In the northwest was favorable and
the cash demand hero was poor , but this
did not discount the effect of the crop pros-
jieotH and In the last hour a strong buying
movement net In , which carried prices
Hteadlly upward. Minneapolis and Duluth
receipts were 231 cars , against 271 last week
and 314 a year ago. Chicago receipts were
64 cars. Atlantic port clearances of wheat
and flour aggregated 314,000 bu. September
advanced to 71672c and closed strongat
Corn was barely steady. The brilliant
crop iprospocts caused eome selling , but
Bympathy with wheat , small country offer
ings and a good cash Inquiry supported the
market ) nnd declines were Inconsequential.
iJlecolptB were 33S cars September ranged
from 300300ic to 30T31c and closed a
nhado lower at 30ic. December closed Ho
lower at 2Sc.
During most of the session oats was
practically nt a standstill and the range
was barely He. There was a good demand
for cash , however , nnd the visible showed n
dc-crcase of 624,000 bu. Heavy estimated re
ceipts for tomorrow caused some easiness
In the speculative market late In the day.
Today's receipts were 444 cars. September
ranged from l'Jc to WJJc and closed a shade
higher at 13ic. December closed a shade
lower at 19c.
Provisions were quiet nnd Irregular. The
market was strong early on the sharp ad
vance In hogs prices. Declines followed on
rather free selling by a prominent packer ,
but In the afternoon the market was
steadied by the advance In wheat. The
close was easy for pork nnd lard and
steady for ribs. At the close September
i > ork was unchanged nt $8.30 , September
lard 2&53c lower at J3.20Sr3.22V6 and Sep
tember ribs a shudo higher at J5.05.
Estimated receipts Tuesday : "Wheat , 116
cirH' : corn , 4G5 cars ; oats , 600 cars ; hogs ,
1S.OOO head.
Leading futures ranged at follows :
Articles Open. High. Lavt. Close. Satr'dy ,
71Wa 71K-72 70M
7th-77 ) 7UM 77.4 , 7GH
30M-31 . ( 30 lOMfl'i
SOW 2 > t
I Oh 10M
Dec..I IVHWl
Wuy. . . | -'IK -'W U1U
Pork. |
Sept . . B37K HS7K 822K 830 830
Oct. . . . 845 830 83/H
tnnl. HOB'W
Sent. . . 525 B 27M B20 625
Oct. . . B32K 52S 630
Sept. . . JilO HOB COS fiOS
Oct . . . 515 C 15 fi 10 B 07
No. 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOURteady : winter patents , J3.455J )
8.55 ; straights , J3.OOU3.25 ; spring specials ,
Jt.10 ; spring patents. J3.30fi3.60 ; straights ,
f2.70if3.10 ; bakers. J2.20412.50.
WHBAT- . 2 spring , C0@70c ; No. 2 red ,
CORN No. 2 , 31c : No. 2 yellow. 32o.
OATS No. 2 , 21r(21Uc ( ; No. 2 white. 24)4c ;
No. 3 white , 22'.i ' < ri-:3V-c ,
RYE No. 2. . 63Mi- .
BARLEY No. 2 , 32'.i03Sc.
SKIJDS No. 1 llaxweed. J1.01 ; northwest ,
fI.03V& ; southwest , SLOT ; September , J1.06V4 ;
October , J1.C5H ; December , Jl.Ofi i. Timothy.
A\igust. J2.55 ; September , J2.45 ; October ,
J2.4o. Prime timothy seed , J2.6082.66.
t'lovor , contract grade , J6.40.
I'ltOVlSIONS Mesa pork , per bbl. , J7.504i )
S.30. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J5.1005.25. Short
r'ba sides ( loose ) , Jl.50if5.15. Dry salted
ehouldors ( boxed ) , J5.5oao.C2V4. Short clear
tildes ( boxed ) . J5.30ff5.35.
WHISICY-Dlstlllers' finished goods , per
gal. . J1.26 !
BUGAHS-Cut loaf , unchanged.
Following are the receipts and shipments :
Articles. Receipts , Shipments.
Flour , 'bbls ' . 12,000 8000
Wheat , bu . 49.000 4,000
Corn , bu . , . 22,000 490,000
Oats , bu . 41S.OOO 555.000
3lye . bu . 2 00) 1,000
Hurley , bu . 19,000 2,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ler market was llrm ; creameries , 13VMfl9Hc ;
dairies , Office. Cheese , llrm at 9Vi610c.
ODggu , firm ; fresh. 12V4c. Dressed poultry ,
uteady ; turkeys , 8' ' ; j/9c ; chickens ,
duck ? , SfrBc.
( luolntlonn for th Day on Vnrloun
NI3W YORK , Aug. 14-FLOUR-Recelpts ,
24,657 bbls , ; exports , 6,843 bbls , ; Mies , 7,100
bblu. Market fairly active , llrm nnd higher ,
wlijUT jiatonts , J3.C5ij3.ttO ; winter straights ,
J3.35ft3.45 ; JllniifHota patents , J3.75ff4,00 ;
Jllnnesota bakers , J3.03if3.15 ; Minnesota
strnightH , J3,35irJ.4 > ; Mlnnesuta extras. J2.15
ffi2. ! > 0 ; .Minnesota low grades. J2.POii2.40. Rye
Hour , Hteady ; good to fair , J2.9vS3.10 ; choice
to fancy. J.U54f'3.30.
CORNM15-AL Dull ; yellow western , 72 ©
73o ; city. 74c ; Brandywlno. J2.KKfi2.20.
UYE-HFlnn : No. 2 western , WX1. f. o. b. ,
nlloat , spot ; state rye , 660 , c , 1 , f. , New York
car lots.
BARLEY Quiet ; feeding , 37H03S&C , c. I
{ . . Buffalo ; malting , 4Si/t5c , delivered at
New York.
BARLEY 'MALT Dull ; western , 6Sf < G3c.
WHl'XVT Receipts , 1SS.750 bu. ; exports ,
141,262 bu. ; sales , 2.400,000 bu. futures ; 40,000
l > u-.B' ' > ? t.-Spotjstrong ; ; No. TjVic. f.
ndvancu. A SL-Uiack under realizing fol
low id at midday , but the afternoon wit-
nefcsul u second active advance , based on
u liberal decrease In visible supply tlgures ,
covering , Htrong late cables and a sharp rise
nt St. Lnuls ; closed strong nt IKfilUu ad
vance ; iMay closed at fi'Ma ; Heptembpr , 7C',4
Cf77Sf. closing at 77ii ! ; ; December , 79&79&C ,
closing ut 79c ,
CORN ReculplH. 21C.450 bu , ; exports , 169-
10S bu. ; gales. 16,000 bu , futures ; 20i,000 ) bu.
spot. Mpot , Htuady ; No. 2 , 3SVio , f. o , b. ,
utloat ; JIUo In elevator. Options opened
llrm at c advance , with wheat , and ruled
pleady nil day. Shorts covered on higher
cables find light offerings ; cloved steady
nnd unchanged ; December , 3lifl31ic. ( COB. |
white , SJo ; on track , mixed western. 26a2Sc ;
< -n track , white western , :6'xi3lc ; on trut-K ,
while state , 20&34e. Options neglected ,
HAY Firm ; shipping , 60jjCOc ; good to
choice. 75 < fiSOe.
HOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice
ISM crpp. tljfTc : 1897 , llfillc ; 1S9S , lMT17c ; Pa
clllo coaat , crop , Cj(7c ( ; 1S37 , HQ13c ;
HIDlffS Steady : Galveston. 20 to 25 Ibs.
36H 17c. Texas , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , 12V4613o ;
California. 21 to 25 Ibs. . ISiic ,
L13ATH'1JR Firm ; hemlock hole. Buenos
Ayres , light to heavyweights , 21f22c ; acids.
rKOVI610Na-Bcef , quiet ; family , JJ.50 ;
hcof hams , 27.00fln.60 ; packet , f9.60010.CO ;
illy extra India mess , Jl4.00i1500. Cut
men IB. quiet , pickled bollles , J6.OOQti.25 ,
plrkled hnms , JlO.OOf/10.60. I ard , easy ; west *
ern steamed closed at J5.S5 ; city , J5.20 ; Au
gust , J5.65 ; refined steady. Pork , steady ;
me s , JS.75fj9.50 ; short clear , J1025flll.75
Bt'TTER-Strong ; factory , 13H15c ; Imita
tion crenmery , 13 15c ; state dairy , 14o ;
creamery , Ifi'ifJSOc.
CHEr E-QulPt , large , white , 9V4S c ;
small , white , MiDUc ; large , colored , 9y9 > io ;
small , colored , iM10c. .
EGGS Firm ; state nnd Pennsylvania , 16
l9c ; western ungrnded , lUJ14c.
POTATOES Nominal ; fair to prime , J1.60
1.76 ; fancy , $2.0002.25.
TALLOW Steady ; city , 44c ? ; country ,
H1CE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4H ®
FREIGHTS Quiet ! cotton by steam , 16c ,
nominal ; grain by stenm , 2Uo.
PIG IRON Firm ; southern , J17.60S20.60 ;
northern , JlS.OOii21.o6.
Conilltlon of Trnclc nnil Unotntlonn
on Slnplinnd Fancy Produce.
EGGS-Good stock , lO c.
BUTTER Common lo fair. Iigi2c ; choice ,
13014c ; separator , 18@19c ; gathered cream
ery , 16Jfl7c.
POULTRY-Hens , live , 8c ; spring chickens -
ons , Ilu12c ( ; old nnd staggy rooster * ,
live , 3 < 6'Mc ; ducks and geese , live , 66c ;
turkeys , live , 8c.
PIOEONS-Llvo , p r do * . , 75c31.00.
VEALS-Cholco. 9c.
WATERMELONS Southern , crated for
CUCUMBERS-Per doz. , 1201BC.
CELERY-Per doz. . 30 35c.
BLUEBERRIES-Pcr 16-qt. ca e , Jl-BO ®
'PLUMS California , per crate , Jl.35fll.60.
APPLES-Per bbl. , J1.7&32.2S.
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
per bunch , J SOSS.TS ; medium-sized
bunches , J2.00@-2.25.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7',4c ; No. 2
green hides , 6&c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9o :
No. 2 united hides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8
to 12 ll s. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 tt 15
Ibs. , Sc.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2tfc ; rough tallow , H4c ;
white graasc , 2l4jj3c ( , yellow and brown
grease , lH02Vic.
SHEEP I'El/TS-Green salted , each , 16 ®
75c ; green saltei shwrhifrs ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry sneanngs ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. 6c : dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. , actual weight. 3040 ; dry flint , Colorado -
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4BCc ; dry flint. Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3 J4c.
St. * Grnlii nnil Provlxlonn.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 14. WHEAT Stronger ;
No. 2 red. cash , elevator , 72c ; track , 71 % ®
73V4c ; September , 7274C asked ; December ,
76'fec ; Mny , 7S4c ; No. 2 hard , 69V4 < & 70c
CORlN Stronger ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track ,
32c ; September , 30&c ; December , 27c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 casli. 21c ; track , 22c ;
September , 20'ic : No. 2 white , 28V4c.
HYIS- Strong ; 65c to arrive.
FLOUR Hold higher but dull ; patents ,
J3.4G03.55 ; straights , J3.1500.25 ; clears , ! .76@
' ,
SE DS Prime , timothy , J2.60 , to arrive ;
flax , higher at J1.02V4.
OORNMEAL Steady at J1.7501.SO.
BRAN Steady ; sacked , east track , 55c.
HAY Steady ; timothy , J6.00Q7.25 ; prairie ,
WHISKY Steadsat J1.26.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , TSWc ;
springs , lOlflOHc ; turkeys , Sc ; springs , 14c ;
ducks , 5f56c ; geese , 606i4c.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery , 1619c ;
dairy. l.Til6c.
EGGS Firm :
PROVISIONS Pork , stendy at J9.00. Lnrd ,
easy ; prime steam. J5.07H ; choice , J5.12ii.
Bacon , boxed shoulders ami extra shorts ,
J5.75 ; clear ribs , J5.87V4 ; clear sides. ? B.OO.
Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $5.12 % ; ex
tra shorts , J5.25 ; clear ribs , J3.371clear ;
sides , $5.60.
RECEIPTS Flour. 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , S9-
000 Ini. : corn , 148.000 .bu. ; oate , , 42,000 bu.
Hn MEiNTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
13,000 bu. ; corn. 15.000 bu. ' . Sals , 14,000 bu.
KM 11 NII n City Rriiln nnil I'rorlnlonn.
tember. 65c ; December , 67Hc ; cash , No , 2
hard , 6IVic ; No. 3 , filiifjGSUc ; No. 2 red ,
6SK-o : No. 8 , 64fC6c ; receipts. 248 cars.
COHN-September , 27c ; December , 24Hc ;
sh. No. 2 mixed , 29c ; No. 2 white , 20tfc ;
AOATSNo. . 2 white. 22H < 523Vc.
RYE-NO. 2 , eic.
HAY-Cholce timothy , J7.50 ; choice prnlrle ,
BUTTER Crenmery. 17 4c ; dairy. 14c.
KGGS Higher ; freah Missouri and Kan
sas stock , firsts , lOc. oases returned
RECEIPTS Wheat. 148,800 bu. ; corn , 40-
300 1m. ; oats. 13,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , l.SOO bu. ; corn , 17-
600 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
Liverpool Grnlii nn l Provlnlonn.
Bacon , Cumberland cut , firm at 36c. Short
ribs , firm at 32s ; long clear middles , light ,
firm at 32s ; long clear middles , heavy , firm
at 31 M ; clear bellies , 31s Cd
CHEESE American , finest white , firm at
46s fid ; colored , firm at 47s 6d.
WHEAT-Spot. No , 2 red western winter ,
firm ( it 5s Sd ; No. 1 red , northern , spring ,
6s Vfed. Futures , firm ; September , 5s lOHd :
December , 6s irjid.
CORN Spot , American mixed , new , nrm
at 3a Slid ; American mixed , old , nrm at Xs
4Ud. Futures , steady ; September , 3s 4'/.d ;
October , 3 < 458d.
TALLOW Australia , In London , firm at
253 3d.
Cliieliinntl Mnrkct.
WHEAT Firmer ; No. 2 red , 68 069c.
CORN Dull and easy ; No. 2 mixed. 33i4c.
OATS Stronger : No , 2 mixed , 22'Xc
RYE Steady ; No. 2 , 66c. '
PROVISIONS-Lnrd , quiet at J3.1005.12V. .
Bulk meats , firm at J5.33. Bacon , llrm a't
WHISKY Stendy nt Jl.26.
KGOS-9C. ,
firnln In Store nnil Aflont.
. . . YORK. Aug. 14. The statement of
the visible supply of Braln In store and
alloat on Saturday. August 12 , as compiled
by the New York Produce exchnnge , Is as
follows :
Wheat , 36,056.000 bu. ; decrease. 7S6.WX ) bu.
S ° V" ' ci8 ? 0 , bu' : decrease. 158.000 bu.
Oats , 3.887.000 bu. : decrease. 264,000 bu.
Rye , 652.000 bu. ; decrease , 21,000 liu.
Barley , 33S,000 bu. ; decrease , 68,000 bu.
MlnncniinllH AVIiont nnil Flour.
In store : No. 1 northern. August , 71c ;
September. C9c ; Decemlier , 7Wlc ; Mas73Mc
On track ; No. 1 hard , 72 < ic ; No , 1 northern ,
7UJo ; No. B northern , 70c.
FLOUR-nrst patents , J3.7B03S5 ; second
r.atents , ; llrst clevir , J2.COJj2.70.
BRAN-In bulk , J9.76010.00.
Toloilo .
TOLEDO , O. . Aug. 14.-\vaiEAT-Hlgher ;
No. 2 cash , 72ftc : September , 73'4c.
CORi.V Dull ; No , 3 mixed , 33V-C.
pATS-DuU and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 20Uc.
IlYE-ipull and higher : No. 2 cash , 64'Jc
SHEDS-Clover , higher nnd firm ; prime
cnbh. J4.07V4 ; October , J1.60 asked.
IMillnilcInlilii ProiliK-f .
K rm nnd higher ; fancy western creamery ,
19mi20c ; fnncy western prints , 22c.
Kaas Firm ; fresh , nearby , 15u ; frrsh
western , 15c : fresh southwestern , 14c ; fresh
SOlllllPMl. 12013C ,
CHEESIS-Steady ,
Mllivnukee firalii' AlarUot.
Flrmer : No. 1 northern , 71O74o ; No. 2
northern. 72fi72c. .
RYE No. 1 , 64&c.
BARLEY-Oulet ; No. C. 40Hc ; sample , 30 %
Dulutli Wheat Mnrkrt.
DULUTH , Aug. 14.-WHBAT No 1 hard.
cash. TSo ; September. 73iic : December. 73Wc :
No. 1 northern , cash. TJHc ; Beptember.
TlUc : December. 72Wc ; No. 2 northern , 63Uc ;
No. 3 spring , < 3lc. '
iiKln llutltT Mnrkrt.
ELGIN. III. , Aug. 14-BUTTKR-Flrm nt
SOc ; offerings , 90 tubs ; uale , 40 tubs , nt
t'odoi' Miirkrl.
NEW YORK. Aug. 14 COFFEE-Optlons
niiict at unchanged prices to 6 points de-
nllno , nnd ruled xceptlonally fiat , with nb-
jolutely IIQ tfpeculatlon und local Interests
fairly well evened up. Buying wns checked
by iinsatl'factory European cable. } und con-
fnucil heavy rtcelpts In Brazil. Current low
price * checked selling. Closed quiet , net
unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales 6.260
bacs , Including September , JUO ; October ,
J4.4S ; November , JI.60 ; Dectmber nd Janu
ary , J490 ; February , J5.00 ; Mnrch , JJ.06'31
6.10. Spot coffee , Rio , dull nnd nominal. No.
7 , Invoice , 5 c ; No. 7 , Jobbing , 6 c ; mild ,
quiet , barely stendy ; Cordova , 7',4011o.
3Inrkct Stnr < n Off Trlth Sonierrhnt of n
Itlinli , lint Decline * .
NBW YORK , Aug. H.-The stock mar
ket started off with somewhat of nn open
ing rush. Stock exchange trndera nnd small
outside following Imd apparently come to
the conclusion that Saturday's bank state
ment Indicated that nil vexed problems In
the money market had been settled nnd
that ea.e nnd abundance of funds were
now at hnnd , The first sharp advance In
stocks , however , demonstrated that the
pressure of some heavy selling would have
to be encountered on any general upward
movement. The markel thereafter lapsed
Into the spotty condition , which hns been
Its recent characteristic. A. small number
of stocks showed very marked strength , but
the usually nctlvu nnd prominent stocks
lay practically dormant throughout the
session nnd showed a sagging tendency
which the strength In special Instances had
no effect toward counteracting. Tennes
see Coal and Iron advanced by ccnsatlonal
leaps an extreme 6)i points , giving color
do prevalent rumors of a corner In the
ntock. The tone was feverish below the
high level nnd the net gain wns 3 % .
The announcement of the settlement of
the smelters' strike In Colorado enhanced
the prices of quite a number of stocks , In
cluding American Smelting , which Is most
directly affected , Colorado Fuel. Denver &
Rio Grande stocks nnd Colorado Southern
ntocks. Gains in the group ranged from
1V4 In Denver & Rio Grande to 5U In Colorado
rado Fuel preferred. The smelting stocks
rose 3 % and 2)4 respectively. The railroad
stocks to sTiow strength were compara-
lively few. The Chicago Great Western
debentures started downward nftor their
notable rise on Saturday and are nearly 2
points off on the day , but ths preferred
"A" stock Is up over 2 points and the pre
ferred "B" stock over a point. Besides
these there are notable gains In the Pitts-
burg , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis
stocks , Louisville , Kansas & Texaa pre
ferred , the Minneapolis , St. Paul & Saulto
SI. Marie slocks , Cleveland , Lorralno &
Wheeling1 preferred : New York , Chicago &
Bt. LouJs stocks and some of the low priced
railroad stocks.
Confidence over the money situation had
a relapse , the conviction growing that the
Saturday bank statement may not be a
fair rellectlon of Saturday conditions In
the market. Uneasiness In Franco and ad
vancing money In London and Berlin ,
threatening- some pressure of liquidation
from those quarters should this country's
credits be called home. Whatever ease Is
manifest in the money market Is realized
to be due to the quietude of speculative
markets the world over and conservative
heads In the financial world are Inclined
to frown upon nn outbreak of speculation.
The closing of the market was active , but
extremely Irregular. 1'MOple's Gae mounted
above 122 on the announcement of the ac
quisition of the Pullman Gas company ,
while other stocks1 'tended downwards.
Not changes are mixed.
The 'bond ' market showed increased ac
tivity , Kansas & Texas seconds leading- .
Prices are higher. Total salus , par value ,
$2,581,000. United States 3s and new 4s ad-
vuncexl Vt and the old 4s , registered , and ,
the 6s Wj In the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London 1
financial cablegram says : The tone of the
markets hero waa generally bolter today
till the Labor ! Incident In Hennes became
u dlsturblnc factor. Consols are gelng bet
ter , closing steady. Americans opened llrm
on the bank statement , though little was
done In them till New York opened. The
close wns at the top. Delivers and Louls-
vllles were features. Contango were 6 ;
on St. Paul a shade lower. Tlntos were 45U
on Purls weakness. Spanish 4s were 69 % .
The bank boughl 100UOO gold In bars and
92,000 In German coin , and 6,000 arrived
from Portugal.
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the New York
exchange today :
Valley . . . z Amer. Tin Plate. . ' 4
Illinois Centml , . . .114 i do pfd . M
Iowa Central . 13 .Amer. Tobacco . . . .IIT
do Dtd . 66 I do pfd . ui
K. C. , P. & O. . . . 13V4 Ana. Jlln. Co . DVi
L. E. & W . SlVfc Uroolclyn R. T . lli
do pfd . 79 | Colo. F. & I . Clsi
Iike Shore . 201H Con. Trtbncco . 47 4
Louis. & NUBh . 76H do pfd . 85V4
Manhattan L , . 11791 Federal Steel . CG %
Met. St. Hy . M6 | do pfd . S !
Mexican Central . . . 16 iG | n. Electric . 123'i
M. & t. L. . 66 : Gluco * Susar . . . . 67 > i
do pfd 06 % ' do ] > fd . 1 (
Mo. Pacific * 5 i Int. Paper . 42
Mtiblle & Ohio -U'a do pfd . 78
Mo , . K. A T . 1 % Laclede Ga * 78C7U
dod pfd d . 33 % Nnl. Biscuit 4714
N. J. Central . 117H do pM . 10m
I K. T. Central . ISSJi Nat. I ad . 33H ,
Nor. & West . Sl ? ilo pfd . im ,
do pfd . 71 iNat. Slcel . C5 i
Nor. Pacific . M'4 do pfd . SS
do pfd . 77 > If. f. Air Brake . .193
Out & Wst . K % Nor. Amer . 12'.i
Om Hy. & N . 43H Pncino Coasrt . 142
I do pfd . 7C l do Int pfd . bC
Pennsylvania . lliC'/J do 2d pfd . ( S
i Heading v : . 22 Pdclflc Mall . 4ft ,
to thn ultnatlon In the TrnnsviuU
an < l the unsntlofactory stnto of Internal Rf-
fairs of France.
FRANKFORT , Auc. 14. Buslnws was
dull on the bourse to < lny.
VIHNNA , AUK. 14. On the bourse hero
today prices were wenk.
1'A'RIS ' , Aug. 14. 'Prices on the bourse
today opened undecided , Subsequently un
favorable advices from London produced
dullness nnd stagnation , aovernment se
curities , notably Spanish 4s , re-noted , Kaf-
flrs were weak on outside selling orders.
Three per cent rentes. f S74a ! for the no-
count. KxclmnRe on Ix > ndon , 25f 2 < ic for
chocks. Spanish 4s , CO.S2H.
llonton Stock Iliinlntlonn.
BOSTON , AUK. H.-Call loans , 3i4ff4ii per
cent ; time loans. 4fi5 j > tr cent. Clonlnc
prices for slocks , bonds nnd mining
shares :
A. , T. & B. F Ifl * Unlpn I'ncino 4IS
" " ' ' " Went ff
Amer. Sugar . . . "iin * .lo pfd 113
do pfd io Adventure i
Hell Telephone 34,1 Allourz Mill , Co. . . . 7l >
Doston & Albany . .250 Atlantic M
Boston HlevntMl , .ios lltwlon ft. Mont KS
I > o ton & Maine . , ] < I5 Hutte & Ho < on. . . . " 7
C. . H. & Q. Cnlntiift & Hecla . .Mo
Fltohbiliv T fd 119 Centennial JOV
Clcn. Klcttrlo in > i Franklin lOfc ,
do pfd , . . .140 Oxcrola 90
Foteral Steel ertjj Parrot WH
ilo pfij 82U Qulncy liifi
Mexican Central . . is > l S. P. Copper Ill
Midi. Tlrn i > hone . .KM Tamarack 2i >
Old Colony 206 \Vlnona 11V ,
Old Dominion . . . . 87JJ \VoUrrlnen 474
Ilubber joi Utah 4 U
I'Oiidon Stock Mnrkct.
ff H4 Pm. . Closing :
ConBols , money . . .105 J N7"frCentrar . . . . . .14S
. do account . . .lasu-lt Pennsylvania 70U
I SHLadlan p mo 100 % lloadlnp 11
I Er.w , - , ; 14 ( Union Patlflo pfd. . 70K
do i t PW . . , , , . , , sg Atchison "IS ,
I IIHnoli Central . . . .11714 Ixiulii. & Nn * 77'4
c. 'r. , PM nW Qrand Tnmk SH
St. Paul
oommgn..lM lAnncomla liti
atONE\-KMU per cent. -
? { dlscount In the open market
, .
ivir i in.
Ltri in111" ' . 3l 3'i Per cent ; three
, 311-i6@3
i per cent.
Ilnnk CIcnrlnuH
; , J' ' - . -earnKS , ,899.&SS ;
nces , $978,333. Money , 4@ti per cent.
exchange , 20c discount bid , par
crucATJO , AUK. 14. Clearings '
,1,53s oil. Now' York '
MTTT r exchange. J4.S404 87
nFstr AIErjlM1IA' Au- " . -
' AuClearings ? 3T-
GllS3aj balances
, 11,707,432.
Condition of the Trcnntiry.
n S III TON | Au < TToday's state.
. i ? .Condition of the treasury
' 'balancom ' ° S6'C73 :
Cotton . .Market.
Bhlpments , 463
Bleady ; sales , COO bales ; ordinary , 313-lCc :
Kood ordinary , 46-lCc ; low middling 6c :
nildallnff , 6T c ; coed middling1 , C5-lCc : mld-
' ' '' ' 6c ! receJpts , 1,326 bales ; stock ,
Jci4 bales , Ftilurea quiet and steady Au-
Kust , $5.72 bm ; Soptember. ? 5.C9gc.71 ; Oclo-
ber , Ja.72gc.73 ; November , $5.7G < iT6.77 ; De
cember , $5.8105.82 ; January , $3.85 6 S6 ; Feb-
l b S1 * * * ' APr" '
vV'S ' ?
tember , Jo.77 : Oclober , J3.37 ; Nwember , J6. ! ;
S ! BSS'i.u 6- Jaj ! I7. . : ! February ; '
, $6.18 ; April , J6.21 ; May , $ fl.24 ,
June , JO.C7. Today's cotton market had a
general donrnward incline , althouch at one
time about 10 points above the closing- prices
of Saturday. Throughout the session the
market was Irregular nnd at all times nc-
tlve. The character of the trading , how
ever , was not progressive and parties who
have been building long Interests found
their holdings to bo 'toppling ' and a cons -
s derable part of 'the ' efforts of the profes
sional element was directed toward under
mining this class of holdings. But bulls
were numerous and parties were trying to
absorb the offerings , endeavoring to check
the decline. The main swings of the mar
ket were as folo-ws : The opening call
started at a decline of 3 points and llnished
at an advance of 5 to 7 points or , ay of
8 .to . 10 points on Saturday's figures. This
upward movement was due to the fact that
the English market had not declined to
match the loss -Mere. Saturday , while no rains
were reported fxom the southwest and pri
vate advices , wore particularly bad from
Louisiana , .Mississippi and Texas. Other
sections also sent " In very bad reports.
Later , howovar"there was a period of active
liquidation , ifollowlpp rumors of reductions
In Texas and elsewhere. The market was
very sensitive and prompt to respond to a
feeling that looked like a breaking up of
droyth through the. southwest. The llnal
phase of today's market was bearish on
the expectation of weak oat > l s tomorrow
morning. The close was barely steady at a
net loss of 9 to 10 points.
LIVERPOOL , Augr. 14.-COTTON-fipot ,
moderate demand ; American mlddllnr fair ,
4 d ; good middling , 3 13-lCd ; middling ,
3l-6d ; low middling , 3jd ; good ordinary ,
3C-16d ; ordinary , 3d. Sales of the day were
10,000 bales , of which DOO balea were for
speculation and export and Included 9,300
bales American. OJo receipts. Futures
opened and closad quiet ; American mid
dling , 1. m. c. , August , 331-G4d. buyers ; Au
gust-September. 3 29-64S3 30-C4d , buyers ; Sep.
tembor-October , 36wtS 29-C4d , sailers ; Oc
tober-November , 327-C4d , sellers ; Novenvber-
Decoinber , 3 25-G4ST3 2 < i-84dv sellers ; Decem
ber-January , J 25-64 3 I < WHd , eellers ; Janu
ary-February , 3 25-0100 K-C4d , Boilers ; Feb
ruary-March. B2C-8W , sellers ; March-April ,
3 26-Clf3 27&ld , buyers ; April-May. 327-64 ®
32S-fi4d. sellers , Muy-June , 3es-04d , buyers ;
June-July , 329-dd , sellers.
Oil Market.
LONDON , Aujr. 14. OILS-Llnseed , Calcutta -
cutta , spot , 3Ss 9d : linseed oil , 21s 3d. Tur
pentine , spirits. 3fis Cd.
NEW i'OIUC , Aug. 14. OILS Petro
leum , quiet but lirm ; rellned New
York , J7.SO ; Philadelphia and Bal
timore , J7.7B ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , In
bulk , J5.25. Rosin , steady ; strained , common
to peed , J1.301.3214. Turpentine , firm at
E0'/fc(861c. ( Cottonseed oil , dull and barely
steady ; prime crude , nominal ; prime crude ,
f. o. b. mills , 17CF18c : prime summer yellow ,
2C'/4c ; off summer yellow , 25',4c.
LIVERPOOL , Aug. 14.-OILS-Cottonseed
oil , Hull refined , nominal. Turpentine uplr-
Its , strong at 37s. Rosin , common , steady
at 4s. Petroleum , rellned , G4B. } Linseed oil ,
f is ml.
OIL CITY , Aug. 14.-OILS-Credlt bal-
nnocH , Jl 27certificated. . J1.27H bid : ship
ments , 123.493 bbls. ; average , 88,992 bbls. ;
runs , 87,270 bbls. ; average , 82,8" bbls.
Mctiil Mnrkft.
ST. LOUIS Aug. 14. METALS-Lead ,
steady : J4.55ff4.57H. Spelter , dull , J5.65.
NEW YORK , Aug. a-METALS-There
was very little movement In prices on the
Metnl exchange today. Iron and tin alone
displayed positive strong qualities , News
from domestic points nf production lacked
Influential Klgntllcanco. The Metal Exchange
quotes pig Iron at J16.00 < gi5.25. Lake copper.
undtuingcd at { 18.50. Tin , quiet , with (31.05
bid and $31.25 asked. Lead , steady , with
$4.00 bid and $4.65 nsked. Spelter , quiet at
$5,75. The brokers' price for lead is $4.35 ,
and for copper 418.58.
! Vevr York. Dry fionrt * Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK. Aug. 14. The week opens
with an Improved general demand In the
cotton goods market and business all
around shows an IncreaHe. Tim tone la
strong In all staple varieties and occasional
advances of > 4c per yard rejxirted In four-
ynrd brown sheetings and low grade
bleached cottons. AVlde print yarn gray
goods are tending upward. Regular pr'nt
cloths very llrm , Prints nnd ginghams
firm , with full average sales. Fancy
worsteds for men's wear In good request
and very llrm.
IXJNDON , Aug. 14. SUGAR Beet sugar ,
lAinrimt. 10s G d.
easier ; lower to sell : fair refining , 4c ; cen-
trlfuiriil , Dfi test , 4 0-lCc ; raw sugar , steady ,
Steady : no open kettle : centrifugal yel
lows , 4MJ4Tic ; seconds , 2HS > Hio , Molasses ,
dull ; centrifugal ,
Ciillfornlii Dried FriiUn ,
DHIED innUITS-Qulet. Evaporated ap-
tiles , common 7Hc ; prime wire truv. SVJW
SUc : choice , Sftese ; fQncy , 9\ito9c. \ Prunes ,
3UifSc ( , as to blze and quality , Apricots ,
Royal , "c : Moor park , 1416c. Peaches , unpeeled -
peeled , '
\Vnnl aiurlirt ,
ST. IX3UIS. Aug. 14.-WOOL Steady to
nrm : medium erados , 14 19ic ; light line ,
; heavy line , ICVfl 16c ; tub washed ,
Sull ivKli IlecrulU for Third Cnrnlrj-
SAN FUANCIBCO , Aug. 14. The United
States transport St. Paul sailed from tbla
port today with Manila as its ultimate
destination. The St. Paul proceeds first
with recruits for the Third cavalry to Se
attle , where the main portion of the regi
ment Is to be taken aboard. From tbcro
the transport goes to Dutch Harbor , after
which NagagaU will be mdae ,
Moderato Receipts , as Usual on the Pint
Daj of the Week.
Cuttle .Market Active nnd I.'nllr Ntenilr
lloK" Sell lU-uillly nt nn Advance
of Five to Ten Contn Slin-p lit
Same .Notches an l.nnt AVccU ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 14.
receipts were ;
_ „ , , Cattle. Hogs. Sheen ,
Oniclal today 3.TO1 2,148 1.C91
Ono week OKO 4.i5S.1 6,012 6794
Two weeks ago 2.07B 2.278 3.305
Ihrec weeks ago . . . . . . . . 3,361 4MO 2ft5 !
Avernfro price paid for hojta for the last
several days with comparisons :
Aus. 1. .
AUR. 2. .
AUK. 3. .
AUT. ( 4. .
AUR. 5. .
AUK. 6. .
AUK. 7. .
AUK. 8.
AUK. . .
AUK. 10.
AUK. 11.
AUK. 12. I
AUff. 13.
AUS. 14.
Indlcatcu Sunday.
CATTIjE Today's cattle receipts were none
no larco as a week ORO , but they were larger
than the average has been of late on a
Monday. The most of the cattle In the
yards were westerns , but there wus a
sprinkling of cornfed steers. The market as
a. whole was not much changed , as com
pared with the close of last week , so far
as prices were concerned.
At the opening the market was a llttlo
slow on cornfed cattle and buyers' first bids
were generally lower , but there w s u
pretty fair demand and later on everything
changed hands. The good , heavy cattle
were fully steady , but anything not well
finished and especially the light cattle were
11 little easier.
Oows and heifers were In good demand
nnd the market was just about Hteady on
that kind. The offerings were somewhal
larger than on some days , but they did not
appear any too large and the yards were
cleared In good season. Other kinds of
butchers' stock also sold just about steady.
There were quite a good many western
cowa and heifers among the receipts , as will
be noted from the sales below.
Stockers and feeders were In good de
mand , speculators all being active buyers ,
while there was also a good country de
mand. The market on feeding cattle could
hardly bo quoted otherwise than steady.
There were , however , cases where It was
Impossible to get quite much for cattle
us the same kind brought last week , but
on the other hand there were some sales
that looked strong , BO thai the average WHS
fully steady. The most of the cattle that
would come under the head of feeders
changed hands In good season.
The demand for range beef was good , and
while there were a good many cattle In
the yards , packers all seemed to want J-UP-
plles and they were out looking for them
us soon as the cattle were ready in enow.
The markel was acllve and fully steady. 01
even a llltle strong. Representative M ! S :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
G. . S46 4 25 18..1241 475 22..1007 570
1..1010 4 25 40..1180 5 30 13..1209 BOO
15. . S60 4 35 17..10S2 5 Go
43..1192 4 80 1. . 960 6 EG 35..1326 6 65
22..11C3 665
1..10SO 225 11. . 812 3 25 3. . 8SG 3 50
3. . 943 2 60 11..1010 3 25 2. . 810 3 GO
1..3010 250 1..1020 3 25 1..1000 3 50
2. .790 2 85 1..1050 325 2..1170 3 GT
4..1000 300 1..1160 325 1..1140 3 75
4..1070 3 00 31. . 967 3 BO 6..1KOG 4 75
1..1050 300 16. . 954 3 60
720 2 35 1..10SO 300 7. . 903 370
900 300 3. . 893 325 17. . 412 4 00
13. . 819 3 50 6. . 072 4 60
1..1220 275 1..1440 3 30 1..11EO 3 30
1..1420 3 00
1..15GO 4 6
" " ' ' " " " " '
Z. . 720 2 35
1. . 630 2 60
1. . CCO 3 25
1. . 810 3 GO
4. . 893 3 7G
1. . 910 3 75
23. . 61 4 So
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 bull 1420 300 1 steer 1010 4 25
4 feedera. . 9S3 3 75 114 feeders. . 983 4 60
1 f coder. . . 910 4 Ri 24 feedars.1031 4 V )
3 cows 10S3 3 10 2 cows 30 2 65
1 bull 1240 3 16 2 cows 1100 3 75
4 feeders..1040 360 46 feeder.1023 ! ) 4 35
1 bun. . . , . .1530 320 7 cows 1143 375
20 cows. . . .1003 325 44 feeders..1187 4 W
11 cowa. . . . 9S7 3 00
Ibull. . . . , .1220 325 Ibull 94 $ 440
Ibull. . . . , . 920 360 17 feeders. . 938 440
2 cows. . . . .930 325 2 cows 1130 325
Icow. . . . , .1040 3 60
J. D. Suggs Wyo.
1 eteor 10SO 4 30 23 feedero..10(5 ( 4 60
1 steer 1GW 4 30 C8 feeders. . S79 4 35
1 cow 10(0 ( 3 30 39 eteer . . . .1230 4 55
10 cows 914 3 30 48 cows SCil 3 70
4 Bteers..1010 4 30 3 cows 960 3 25
2 steers..1215 4 30 68 calves. . . 261 6 50
4 bulls UC3 3 35 25 feeders. . 674 4 CO
23 heifers. . 654 3 95
Joseph and A Harper Wyo.
Icow 1310 300 4 cows 1062 3EO
Icow 850 3 10 1 cow 1100 4 00
Icow 12CO 310 1 steer 1070 4 00
Icow 1070 3 50 5 steers..1148 4 60
P. Surrena Wyo.
1 steer 1110 375 16 feedars.,1183 4 50
2 feeders..1036 375 40 feeders..1108 450
ConnorH Bros. S. D.
6 bulls 1446 300 1 steer 1120 4 35
Scows 940 3 20 129 steers..112S 4 35
i 75 cows 1077 4 00
, Jones S. D.
1 feeder..1100 275 17 feeders.,1093 430
SCOWB 979 3 30
Collins & S. Wyo.
10 cows 1017 3 45
Riclmrt Ariz.
Icow 1010 2 SO 1 steer. . . . 690 276
Icow 1170 300 SSsteors. . . 732 375
Icow 12SO 300
S. H. Berbers Wyo.
13 cows 1105 275 27 cows 1043 360
Icow 1150 300
H. C. Snyder Wyo.
Icow 610 345 7cows..1031 345
The Nebrnka-Wyomlnfr L. S. Co. Wyo.
3steers. . , . 9SO 390 19 steers..1174 460
The Tollnnd Cattle Co. Wyo.
82 steers..1131 4 SO 134 steers..1131 4 45
G. A. Kcellno & Son Wyo.
SO steers. . , . 1185 4 60 145 steers..1345 4 DO
50 steers..1336 4 90
6 cows 1058 3 90 24 steers..1252 4 70
19 steers , .1211 4 65 64 steers..1361 4 95
2 cows. . 1005 3 25 11 steers..lift ? 4 60
6 cows. , . . 1005 3 < n 28 steers.,1217 4 70
S steers..1111 4 25 16 steers..1211 4 70
18 steers. , . .1277 4 76
B. B. Brooks & Co , Wyo ,
25 feeders. . 977 485 32 feeders. . 678 600
43Bteers..ll38 4 70
W. F. McFarland-Wyo.
66 feeders. . 838 4 65
B. B , Brooks Wyo.
25 cows 1105 4 15 21 feeders. . 976 4 CO
J. Whlttaker Wyo.
4 cows 050 300 32 cows 972 365
The Shledley Cattle Co , South Dakota.
68 heifers. . 1034 425 1(3 ( heifers. . 1029 425
D. H. Shultz-Neb.
1 slap 1340 275 20 stecra.M.lOSO 415
11 cows 1120 320 30 feeders. . 777 430
F. M. Currle-Neb ,
02 feeders. . 813 435 26 feeders. . 9S3 345
1 feeder..1220 350 iC feeders. . 993 460
11 heifers. . 797 3 60 3d feeders..1017 4 43
Johnson & Davis South Dakota ,
57 feeders. . 908 4 45
E. P. Meyers Nebraska.
1 Btac 1130 405 1 feeder..1270 460
1 feeder. . . MO 4 05 23 feeders..1048 4 60
1 feeder. . . 870 460 45 feeders..1069 460
J. F. ICIrkpiilrlck Wyoming
Scows 1006 325 2 feeders. . 800 375
59 cows 1000 365 GO feeders. . 973 450
2 feeders..1.000 375 2 feeders. . 830 460
Nat Baker Wyoming.
1 feeder..1.000 360 28 cows 970 3 SO
1 feeder. . . 960 CO 1 feeder. . . 7SO 4 55
1 feeder. . , 690 3 60 23 feeders. . S2S 4 65
j slat ; 870 3 SO 32 feeders. . 916 4 65
HOGS Today's receipts of hogs were only
about one-third ns large as a week ago ,
twenty-llve cars being reported In , as
against seventy-two u week ago. Today's
run. however , was not much below Mon
day's average.
The market was active at an advance of
&Q10a and everything changed handt * at an
early hour. Buyers evidently wanted them
and they were not long In wiping out the
few loads on rale. A good load of light
hogu sold at M.50with the most of the
light mixed loads going at JI.45. Heavy
mixed loads brought J4.40j4.42'fe. a part of
a load of rough heavy sons sold at H.Z'i'A
and some grassy skips at M-30.
It will be noted from the table of average
prices above that the week opens with the
market 5o higher than it waa at the open
ing of last week and only a rlmde lower
than the high day , August 6. Hepresenta-
llve Bales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av Bh , Pr.
77 178 2&0 4 30 125 256 240 4 42K
23..i.2C2 49 4 JT'.j 72 230 0 4 43&
SHEEP All tola there were seven lends
of sheep reported In the yards , but three of
them wore consigned direct to n packer nnd
not offered for wile. The remaining four
loads consisted of Wyoming mixed stuff ,
nbout a third of them being ewe.1' and
wethers nnd two-thirds yearlings. They
brought J3.9-\ which looked like a goo l
strong market , In splto of the fnct that
Chicago reported the market thcro as 10 ®
20c lower ,
quotations : Prime native wether * . $4.00 < tji
4.2 ; good to choice grn. s wethers , M.75fi3.85 :
fair to good grara wfthers , M.603.76j good
to choice grass pwes > , J3.60If3.75 ; good
to cnolco spring lambs , * 5.76fi .2S ; fair to
good spring lnmh . W.OOfTS.75 ; common
prlng lambs , J4.005T4.60 ; feeder wethers.
S3. Soft 3.60.
No. . Av. Pr.
\\yomlng OWCH nnd wethers. 93 $3 95
Chlcnuo IJVP Stock.
CHICAGO , Aug. 14. CATTLE There wns
nn active general tlemnlid for cattle today
nnd with n moderate supply prices were
firm for choice lots and steady for others.
Good lo fancy cattle sold at J5.GOHfi.45 : com
moner grades , tl.MVif } .65 ; stockiM-s and feed
ers. tt.f4.S5 ; bulls , cows and heifers , J2.00
53.GOj Texas stecre , J3.75fio.30 ; calves , J4.M
I & 7.1G.
HOGS Receipts of hogs wore consider
ably tindecx | > eetatlons nnd there , wns the
liveliest kind of n demand , prices advancing
10fi'15c. ' Heavy hogs sold at J4.15iT-l.90i
mixed lots , J4.5oT4.90 : lights , $ l,60iT4.9G ; pigs ,
J3.GOJH.R5 ; culls , J2.255f4.10.
8IIEEP Liberal offerings of sheep nnd
lambs caused n wenker market In spite of n
good demand , sheep selling off lOo nnd
Iambs from 15o to Wks. Sheep sold nt J2.CW
S.OO for culls up to J4.oO4.75 for choice
wethers ; lambs sold nt J3.GOjN.60 for com
mon grndos up to SLSMifttA for choicer lots.
Rl'X'EIPTS-Cnttlc , 18,000 hewd ; hogs , 22-
000 head ; sheep , 23,000 head.
\ew York Live Stock.
( xlpts , G , I9 head ; 69 cars on sale ; steers
steady ; bulls nnd cows. 10JJ20c higher ;
about nil sold ; steers , S4.60ti.UO : oxen and
allies , W.60fG.3 > ; bulls , J2.60ii3.SO ; choice fat
bulls , J4.001i4.S5 ; cows , J1.75JT4.15. Cables
quote Liverpool higher at Il iffl2 ic : re
frigerator beef nt lOttc ; shipments , noim ;
tomorrow , 650 head cattle and 3,500 quarters
CALVES Receipts. 3.S25 head ; active nnd
Co higher ; veals. J5.00S7.75 ; culls , JI.GO ; but
termilks , J3.62HS4.12VJ ; yearlings nnd grass-
cr * . J2.60S3.GO.
BIIEl'IP AND LAM S Tlocelpts , 17.325
head ; CO cars on sale ; sheep , slow but
steady ; lambs , active at Saturday's prices ;
uhet'p , J2.75JT'.t.CO : oxtrn , S4.75 : culls , J2.60 ;
lambs , J5.0007.30 ; culls , J3.GOt4.60.
HOGS 'Receipts , 8,689 head ; 3 cars on sale ;
nrm nt J4.90ff5.15.
St. I.onU Live Stork.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 14 CATTLE Receipts.
6,600 head , including 4,600 head Tcxans ; mar
ket strong for natives , with Tcxnns easier
on best stocks and generally lOc lower on
others ; fair to fancy native shipping nnd
export steers , T4.7GS6.15 ; dressed beef steers ,
J3.60iTG.50 ; steers , under 1,000 Ihs. , J4.OOfiG.2-5 ;
cows nnd heifers , $2.2504.65 ; canners , J1.60W
2.76 ; bulls , J2.00ff3.75 ; Texas and Indian
steers , J3.25jj4.G5 ; cows and heifers , J2.GW
HOGS Receipts. 3,700 head ; market 6T10c
higher ; pigs and lights. S4.COQ4.75 ; packers ,
J4.70IN.SO ; .butchers , J4.70S4.S5.
SHEEP Receipts , 1,600 head ; native mut
tons , JX75iT4.10 ; , J3.30g3.60 ; lambs ,
St. .lopii-iih Llvr Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo , , Aug. 14. ( Spe-
olnl. ) The Journal quotas :
CATTLE Receipts. 1,700 head. Including
400 quarantines ; nothing good ; market ac
tive and stendy. Native * , J4.75fT5.GO ; Texas
nnd we terns , J3.506.60 ? ; cows nnd heifers ,
J2.3506.25 ; bulls nnd stncs , J2.a5Jf4.75 ; yenr-
llngH and cnlves. J4.00 > Q6.25 ; stockera and
feeders , J3.504.75 ; Texas veals , JI.75S5.50 ;
native veals , Jo.50@7.00.
HOGS Receipts , 1,300 head ; no lights of
fered : market lOc higher. Heavy and med
ium. $4.42UQ'4.55 : light * . J4.45W4.C6 ; pigs , J4.25
04.50 : bulk of salcsl Jl.4504.60.
SHEEP Receipts , 600 head. Market
Stoolc in
( Following are the receipts nt the three
principal western markets for August 21 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . 3.901 2.14S l,6fll
Chicago . 18.000 22,000 23.000
St. Louis . 10.100 3,700 1,600
Totals . 23.001 27,845 26,191
Ilrniiinntn of Went Inillnii Hiirrlcnnc
Striken JnckNonvlIlc Sovt-ro Storm
T lit Sinuiiiiah.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Aug. 14. Rem
nants of the West Indian hurricane struck
here early this morning , bringing with It n
very high wind and ralu. The velocity of the
wind was about forty miles an hour. No
dcinnso of any Importance was clone hero
and none Is reported from St. Augustine ,
Pablo Beach or any of Hie seaside resorts.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Aug. 14. There has
been a downpour of rain here today and the
wind has been blowing In gusls. At Tybec ,
on the coast , It Is now blowing about forty
miles an hour. There has been iso danugo
done here , and none Is reported rrom Hruns-
wlck or Intermodule points along the coast. i
"Went " After tlir AVronjc Mali.
LONDON , Ky. , Aug. 14. Last night '
Charley Jones was shot and Instantly killed :
by Cam Williams nl Kant Bprnstadt. Jones
was formerly deputy town marshal and wont
whllo Intoxicated to the homo of A. Wil
liams and drove him and his friends Into
the yard. Williams surrendered nnd Is In
the Jail here.
KrleK rli inl In Srnximi.
CHICAGO , Aug. 14. The Krlogerlmnd of
North America convened today. President
Joseph Schlcnker delivered his annual ad
dress. Various reports , showing the pros
perous condition of the bund , were read.
Officers will be elected tomorrow. Adjourn
ment win probably be taken Wednesday.
Wronir Sinn In Arrr tcd.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Aug. 14. The man
arrested by focal detectives Iwo weeks ago ,
suspecled of being James V. Dunham , the
sextuple murderer of Santa Clara founty.
California , waa Identltled this morning as
Chris NethcrHeld of Warren , O. Ho will
) e released from cuslody.
Governor Di-cIliicK to Interfere.
COLUMBUS , O. , Aug. 14. Governor Dush-
nell has declined to Interfere In the case
of Brunok Klrves , the Dayton man under
sentence to be electrocuted for having
killed hla daughter. Klrves Is to bo eroclro-
cuted Thursday night.
Mrx. IlotUIn Neuiiren a Stny.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 14. Judge Car
roll Cook Inday granted fifteen days' further
stay of execution to Mrs. Cordelia Botkln ,
he convicted murderess of Mrs. John P.
Dunning. The bill of exceptions In the case
ms been Hied , but not yet Retired.
One I.lfr IN ION | .
71LUKF. Cal. , Aug. 14. The hotel at
ruscan Springs , near hero , has been do-
troyed by fire. One life was lost and the
financial loss will be lu the neighborhood
of $40,000.
ItiirliiHT ( ifiir nf NliiimrorU ArrlveN ,
NRW YOHK. Aug. 14 , The steamer Fur-
nessla , which arrived today from Glasgow.
> roughl Ihe racing spars and rlg-gltif ; and
gear of Sir Thomas Llpton'a yacht 8ham-
ock ,
SlKS (
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wr | * to Cblctfd nd Htw Tork.
C rr JpoDdintn Jabo A , W rr n A O
Read The Bee
Hero Is Where
You Will Find it in
Principal Cities.
Jnmtm M. Uodnrd.
rcimbnlt Homo NCTTN Stand *
Public Mbrnrr-
Vfnilom * llot l
BoBtoa lrciiB Club , 14 Bo rrrth ftt ,
O a0Me ) Hotel NCVTH Itnnd.
Wtn , Shloldi.
Xnrrurd L'n/vcr ltr I > tbr urr.
E. A. Loran , 312Vent 104k M.
Cheyenne Cliib.
Auditorium Annex Ncrr * Stmnd.
Auditorium Hotel fifrrm Biuid.
Ornnd 1'nclnc Hotel Nm-rrm tin.aH.
Oreitt Northern Hotel ! eT Btuid.
Pnlmer llouirMOTTB 9t nd.
oHtomno New * Stand , No. SIT
barn Street.
Aanoolnled Adrerttier' * Olab ,
tVeddell Hdaae.
The Hollenden.
Oomiuerclnl Trnler
Miuonlo Temple.
Printer * Home.
Ilrorrn Hotel Xeirn Stand.
Hnmlltnn A Kendrlok , OOfl-OH tTth lit ,
JIuLnln , Pitt A Co. , 8.1S Sixteenth St.
Pratt Mercnntllo Co. . 151T Loi7lm r St.
aiie Ctntloner Co. , 16th IUM ! iMnxenmm
Wlnddor Hotel Nc-vru Stand.
Jacob * , /took Iilnntl Dunn * .
V. M. O. A. ncntlliiir Iloom. | f
Wlta A Dennett , 214 TV. Superior ttt ,
U. B. A. Hendlnic llooia
Inslnterru llntol nendluir Room.
Honolulu Hotel Ilontllna Room.
W. A. Bio ore , Oth nvcuua uid & ! ! lit
Ocleoa Public Ubrary.
averse Oilman.
C. -Weaver Jt Oo.
IT. O. llovlnur.
L. D. Cooper & Co. , O2O Central
Itolinrt nclil. 1O22 McGee at.
Coated . < onne Xcmi Stand.
JIlMsonrl Itcitubllcan Club , O9O
more Ave.
Public Library.
Htclcneckcr Cltrnr Co. , OtU and Walnut
onpo Ie I * . O.
KnllTVnr V. M. C. A. , room 3T Unioa
Depot , Kannna City , Mo.
Public Library.
Y. 91. C. A. Heading Hoora.
XV. S. EdniUtoii , 112.1 o Street , Deltr *
ery Agent.
Oliver A Ilnlnco , 10U S. Snrlnff St.
F. II. Iluiincoui , 422 S. Main St.
Chnrlei A. CillllK'n American
a Cockupur St. , Trafalgar Sa < B. W.
And r civ F. Scbonn , Cor. Paente Am
Kiianu and Encolta Streets.
Publlo Library.
\Veat Hotel Nevrii Stand.
Cooper U ill on Ulirary.
jriflli Avenue Hotel Neirn Stand.
Firtb Avenue Hotel Hn < llnnr nooate
ISiniilre Hotel.
llroonie Street I lbrnry.
Hollniiil llonio- Heading : Hoonk.
Hoffinnn Houne ,
Imperial lintel Nerrs Stund.
Mueliaiilcn' nnd TrnJurs' Fre Llbrarr <
No. IS Kaitt Sixteenth Street.
Vrcmm Clubr 12Ou au St. I
WetmIiiN < er Hotel Heudln * TO
AVlndKor Hotel Itcmllnar KO M.
Y. 91. C. A. , 2id : Street u 4tb
W. IVebb , 2105V < ultIn 1a
W. G. Kind.
No iv York Hernlil Iteadln
Ave , de 1'Opern.
Tlion. Cook & Soum , t AT * . d l' * er .
Zovre t Geiitroni.
IV. D. Jnni > , 21)1 Alder St
Portland Hotel JVerr * Stand.
llercantlle Library.
I'nbllo Llbrnrr.
l-oblle Library.
Hot t
Honta Ana Fre * I'nbllo
L. P. Hainniel , Lroenca
Salt I.nUe .VCTT O * .
Publlo Library.
Eimtern New * Co. , 1I1U l-
A. T. Lniidberir.
George F. Ward ,
oarre KOB Hotel \c r
> Iondaniln Hotel .Vr-rrn
Hotel Vendome New *
Coniviix it KiilukrrbiicUvr.
Public Library.
Gc-rald Flliiclblion , 700 r th Bl.
noy Allen , 921 Center St.
Y. II. O. A. Ileudlnv IlooM.
Jolin AV. Oraliam 72U-7M lUTerclA.
Oraadorf' * New * Stand , Til Kdmoad
trret ,
Junction Nnvr * Staad. DO1
Y. U. C , A. Heading IloOM ,
I'rtn * Club.
Wlndior Hotel.
B. J. Jett , H0 ( ! Ollt ft.
Planter * ' Hotel X rr *
I'ubllu Library
Wlllard' * Hotel New * SlanC.
ArllnBtnii llolnl.
onal Ubrary.