Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Butler County Democrats and Popnlhta Each
After the Largest Slice.
Gnrflehl and Hovrnnl County I'opnllnt *
Select DclcKatc * to Varlou * Con
vention * Other State
1'olltlcnt New * ,
DAVID CITY , Neb , . Aug. 14. ( Special. )
Fusion politics In Butler county are at
fever heat. The action of the populists In
their convention Saturday In endorsing A.
M. Walling for district Judge does not meet
the approval of the bellwethers ot the
democratic wing of the fusion crowd nnd It
begins to look llko there would be no fusion
on ttio county ticket this tall. The action
of the democrats endorsing Matt Miller for
district Judge seems to meet the approval
of the entire fusion gang. A lively scrap
is looked for In the Judicial convention next
tinrflcld County I'opnlltti.
BURWELL , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
At the populist county convention held here
Saturday the following ticket was nomi
nated : County clerk. S. M. Tunnlecllff ;
treasurer , S. H. Powolt ; sheriff , F. M. Key ;
county superintendent , R. Bodyfleld ; dele
gates to the state convention , W. W. Hem-
melt , C. W. Hennlch and W. J. Sly ; to the
congressional convention , M. Crane , T. G.
Hcmmwtt nnd A. C. Alger ; to the Judicial
convention , J. J. Connolly , T. G. Hemmett
nnd E. Eheler. All delegates are unln-
Howard County TopuIUt * .
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Aug.14.JTho populist
county convention organized In Court House
hall Saturday afternoon by selecting Peter
Kbhcsen for president nnd J. T. Parker for
secretory , and proceeded to elect delegates
to the various conventions. The convention
Instructed for S. A. Holcomb lor suproma
Judge and J. R. Thompson and Frank J.
Taylor , district Judges for this Judicial dis
trict. The democratic delegates go unln-
Independent Party nt O ccoln.
OSCEOLA , Nob. , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) The
Independent party 4fl first in the field with Its
nominations for county officers this year , nnd
at Its county convention , held last Saturday ,
they put up the following ticket : County
clerk , W. 0. Johnson ; treasurer , Keene Lud-
don ; sheriff , Andy Nuqulst ; superintend
ent , George Hurst ; county commissioner , J.
W. Crozlcr ; clerk of courts , William Camp
bell ; Judge , Fred Ball ; surveyor , O. W.
Barnes ; coroner , W. F. Kopncr.
Delegates to the state convention : J. H.
Coleman , F. A. Johnson , J. C. Raho , H. A.
Eyeatone , A. J. Johaneofl , J. C. Fey , E. W.
Smith , August Fickle , Charles Moberg , J. A.
Loudermllch , E. A. Vincent , A. D. Dover ,
J. E. Holt , J. R. Williams.
J. H. Coleman was elected by the conven
tion as a member of the state central com
Delegates to the Judicial convention at
David City , August 16 : E. A. Walrath , H.
M. Powers , E. E. Stanton , John Tongue , C.
H. Warner , O. W. Barnes , James Gilbert ,
Tom Beard , Tom Branlgan , John Flllman ,
Matt Stcrup , Henry Roelle , W. B. Jones , W.
N. Stewart , H. H. Hewitt.
E. A. Walrath Was elected as n member
of the Judicial central committee , and the
convention Instructed the delegates for Hon.
M. A. Mills for district Judge.
York County ropnllti. (
YORK , Neb. . Aug. 14. ( Special. ) The
populist county convention concluded its
business yesterday attcrnoon , after a rather
interesting struggle over the instructions
glven thp Delegates o hedlstrlot , , , conven
tion. 'Judge ' Edward Bates , one ot tho. pres
ent district Judges , for years an Important
factor In the politics of this judicial and con
gressional district , asked for and finally se
cured Instructions , therefore Charles P. Gil
bert , who was recently given a bunch of dele ,
gates by the democratic county convention ,
will have to struggle along without the aid
of York county populists. Gilbert , who Is
junior member of the law firm of Gilbert
Bros. , the eenlor being our present lieu
tenant governor , will probably receive the
aid and support of the free silver repub
licans , as his brother 13 of that part of the
triple alliance , and it was thought that the
populists would also endorse him , but Bates
was a trifle too much for him. The friends
of each are now making every preparation
for a hard fight at the district convention
and the battle will bo bitter and long drawn.
Meanwhile the republicans are softly repeat
ing something to the effect that In certain
cases honest men get their duo , and are con
fidently waiting for the fall election to give
UB another republican Judge in this district.
Democrat * Meet nt Orel.
OUD , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) The
democrats held their county convention at
the court house this afternoon and elected
W. P. Everlnglm of North Loup chairman
nnd H. M. Davis of Ord. secretary. Delegates -
gates to the state , congressional and Judicial
conventions were elected and n county cen
tral commltteeo of five was chosen to confer
with the populists in regard to fusion , the
result of which arrangement Is to 'be ' rati
fied later by another convention.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special Tel
egram. ) The democrats and populists each
lield 'their county convention in this city
today. The conventions were not hold jointly ,
tut were called to order at the same hour.
* After organizing the populists laid on their
, oara until the democrats had put up an en
tire ticket ; then a committee was sent to
the p'opullst camp announcing the ticket and
: - - ; ' the several candidates were endorsed in
f * J order. They are as follows and with two ex-
Convincing Proof ,
The Average Omaha Citizen Must
Accept the Following Proof ,
The treat Sir Isaac Newton , one of the
most profound reoaouers the world ever
produced , once cut a large hole In a board
fence to allow a favorite cat access to two
gardens , and cut a smaller hole to allow
her kitten to follow her. The weakness
manifested In Sir Isaac's action was due to
wont of thought. Any reader who men
tally debates the proof offered here about
Dean's Kidney Pills and arrives at any
other conclusion than that stated In this
citizen's statement Is as abort of reason
ing powers aa the philosopher when ho
turned carpenter.
Mr. William II. Molken , Carpenter , of 2621
Lake strest , says ; "During the twelve
yeata I bad attacks ot kidney complaint I
took lots of medicine , but received little
if any benefit. I even went to Colorado
Springs thinking the mineral water and
mountain air might help me. Two years
made little difference In my physical condi
tion and I returned oast. Sometimes I was
laid up and suffered the most excruciating
pain Imaginable. Now I don't want it
understood that I am radically cured , but
of this I am certain , tbat Doan's Kidney
Pills , procured at Kubn & Co.'a drug store ,
corner 15th and Douglas streets , gradually
relieved me of aching until it finally disap
peared. "
Doan's Kidney Pills for Bale by all dear-
era. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-
Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N , Y. , sole agents for
the U. S.
Hemember tbe name Dean's and take
no substitute.
options are the present Incumbents :
Sheriff , J. C. Byrnes , treasurer , J. O.
Bccher ; clerk , O. W. Phillips ; clerk district
court , C. M. Grunthcr ; county Judge , T. D.
Bach convention nlto named delegates to
ho judicial convention which Is to be holt )
n tbla city August 21. While the democratic
delegates were not Instructed , they are a
mil tor C. C. Hollcnbeck of Fremont for
district judge.
York. Friend ) fJrncvn , Fairmont nnd
Oilier I'lncen VlwUcil Yenteritnr.
YORK. Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) ttaln
continued to fall steadily yesterday and last
night and the people are rejoicing over the
outlook for com , which Is now reported
'better than It has been In yean. As usual
he farmers wore moro scared than hurt and
a few million gallons ot rain has washed
their fears away. Small grain Is turning
> ut much bettor than was expected and It
s now certain that too much fall wheat
was plowed under last spring.
OBNCVA , Nob. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
ttoro rain fell yesterday , making In all one-
quarter of an Inch. This U the first rain
worth speaking of slnco July 3. It Is hoped
t Is not too late to help the corn.
FUIEND , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) For
.ho twenty-four hours ending lost evening
ono and seven-eighths Inches ot water has
'alien. This figures three and Rcvon-elghUis
nches within five days past.
FAIRMONT , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
Two Inches of rain has -fallen bore la the
ast forty-eight hours , putting the ground In
fine shape for fall plowing.
LEIGH , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) An
electrical storm , accompanied by a high
wind and a heavy rain , passed over this
section Saturday evening doing considerable
damage. The wind blew down many stacks
and the rain soaked the grain GO that It wll
bo several days before threshing and stackIng -
Ing can be resumed. During tbo storm
lightning struck a stack ot wheat on the
[ arm of Henry Meyers , south of town , set
ting It on fire , but by prompt action the
loss was confined to the ono stack. Light
ning OBO killed a. cow tor Ntc Clausen ,
north ot town. Both parties are Insured.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
The recent heavy rains have damaged the
small grain badly. Ninety per cent of the
wheat and oats Is still In the shock and Is
sprouting. Farmers fear that It the wet
weather continues all of the nmall grain
will bo lost. '
GRESHAM , Nob. , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) A
furious rain nnd hall storm , accompanied
by wind , passed over this vicinity this
afternoon. Hailstones about as large as wal
nuts fell for fifteen minutes. North side
windows arc rlddlod , store fronts broken.
Including heavy plate glass. Reports from
the country are conflicting , 'but ' all agree
that corn In the hall belt , which was nbout
four miles wldo , Is badly damaged and some
fields completely ruined. The wind leaned
and broke much of the corn In some locali
ties and the damage will bo bard to esti
mate. Rain fell In torrents for about thirty
minutes , during which time over two Inches
of water fell.
NORTH LOUP , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
Rain Saturday and Sunday Improved the
prospects for a fair corn crop very much.
Some hall accompanied the rain Saturday ,
but being small and without wind did no
damage\ .
EDGAR , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) The
weather In this section has been extremely
tot and dry for about four weeks past and
corn has suffered badly from the effects of
the drouth , many farmers fcarlnc that the
crop would bo nearly if not quite a total
failure. But the drouth was broken last
evening by a rainfall of a little more than
half an Inch. The rain was preceded by
a violent -wind that drove people Into their
caves and cellars and did considerable damage -
ago to trees.
PLAINVIEW , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
A heavy rain fell here yesterday. It was
not needed , however. The Indications are
that nothing'cx'copt frost' ' will prevent a big
crop of corn In 'Plerco county.
CLAY CENTER , Nob. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
Yesterday a very severe wind storm visited
this place , coming from the southwest. It
carried clouds of dust through tbo air and
for a while looked very bad , gradually
changing toward dhe north , when a heavy
rain fell. A number of windmill towers
were blown down. The farm residence of
Jay Campbell , close to town , lost all of
Its chimneys and all the shingles from tbo
roof. The rain cornea too late to make a
corn crop In this locality.
HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
A soaking rain of nearly two inches visited
this section Saturday" night and Sunday and
the corn crop is placed beyond danger from
drouth. It Is claimed tbat there are many
fiords hereabouts which will yield seventy-
five bushels to the acre.
Commencement Week nt Fremont.
FREMONT , Nob. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
This week Is commencement week at the
Fremont Normal echool. Yesterday morn
ing the baccalaureate sermon to the mem-
T > ers of the graduating classes was deliv
ered at the new chapel by Rev. Frank Jones
of the Chrlotlan church. This Is the first
time the room has 'been used. It Is a pleas
ant , well lighted and ventilated room , oc
cupying nearly all the second story of the
new addition to tbo main school building ,
nnd will eeat 1,000 people. Yesterday mornIng -
Ing it was filled with the members of the
graduating classca and their friends ,
students and people from the city. Yester
day afternoon a joint meeting of the
Young Men's and Young Women's Christian
associations was held in the same room and
addresses delivered by members ot tbo
faculty and others. This evening a musical
recital by the graduating class In the musi
cal department will , be given. Tomorrow
evening the graduating class In the elocu
tion department will speak. Wednesday Is
alumni day. There will be reunions of
several of the classes and in the evening
a meeting will bo held In the now chapel.
Tbe commencement exercises will be held
Thursday evening.
Street Fair Next Month.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
The . .xrk of pushing the Hastings street
fair , which Is to be held from September IS
to 23 , has been moving rlcht along with
ease and success. Over $10.000 in cash
prizes for sporting events has been the
means of the various committees getting
first-class entries. During that week Hast
ings will bo ono large , beautiful boquet of
buntlne , flacs and flowers. Booths of all
kinds will adorn the streets and free enter
tainments will be on for every hour ot the
day and half the night.
lleut MiidileuH a > , < * nriner ,
HUMBOLDT , Neb , , Aur. 14. ( Special , )
Theodore Atwood , a young farmer living
near town , created considerable excltemen ;
about bla borne"on Thtmday last by chas
ing bis wife and hired man from the bouse
with a shotgun , threatening to kill them.
They secured assistance , but upon return
ing to tbe bouse Atwood could not be fouud ,
and not until Saturday was be located in a
patch of cano some distance away. He
could give no explanation for nU strange
conduct other than tbe effects of becom
ing overheated.
Colorado Potato Ilcetlm N'umeroun ,
FRIEND , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) Tbe
people in this vicinity have been congratu
lating themselves because of the absence ot
the Colorado potato beetle during the last
season , but for the last few days they have
appeared In great numbers and have fallen
on tomato vlnea , cleaning them up and then
taUlng the fruit. Sidewalks are covered
with millions of them , apparently traveling
la quest of something edible.
A pure whiskey agrees with auy food , in
fact aids digestion. It tones the stomach ,
Increases tbe flow of the gastric juices and
co promotes strength and flesh. A pure
whiskey like Harper Whlikey.
Auditor Hefuses to Honor Vouchers for
Money Advanced Stato.
Lincoln CoopcrnRC Comimnr Will
Then Ho Sited for Aliened llnlnncc
Due Stnto SniMiOHCiI Ilc-
Ncrtcr ,
LINCOLN , Aug. 14. ( Special. ) The claim
of Mrs. A. M. Davis of this city for $1,175 ,
money advanced to the Society of the Home
for the Friendless for officers' salaries , and
the claims of Mrs. F. W. Williams for $249.01
for salary and money advanced , were re
jected this afternoon by State Auditor
Cornell. These claims were filed with the
auditor last week after the decision of the
Board of Public Lands and Buildings , which
was to the effect that all claims of officers
of the Institution who served while It was
under the direction of the Society should bo
audited by the auditor and not by the board.
The claim ot Mrs. Davis Is for reimburse
ment for money belonging to the estate ot
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Hendley , advanced for the
payment of the salaries of superintendent
and physician of the home. Mrs. Hendley , It
Is asserted by Mrs. Davis , bequeather her
031Ate to the society for use In maintaining
the home. When the auditor refused to pay
the salaries ot the officers ot the Institution
she advanced the amount named In her
voucher. It was the contention of those In
charge of the home that the society was a
private corporation and had full control1.
The legislature of 1897 made an appropria
tion for the salaries of the officers and em
ployee , but because of > the refusal of the of
ficials then In charge to give up their places
to persona appointed by Governor Holcomb
none of their claims were paid. The claims
of a number of merchants In Lincoln who
furnished supplies to the society have since
been approved by the auditor , but the secre
tary of state still holds thorn back , assert
ing that ho has not had tlmo to consider
In the voucher on file In" the auditor's office ,
and which has been rejected , Mrs. Davis
states that she made payments to officers of
the Homo as follows : Dr. W. M. Knapo ,
physician , $160 ; Mrs. Williams , superintend
ent , tbrco payments of $225 each ; Mrs. A. D.
Slaughter , superintendent , $25 ; Dr. Knapp ,
physician , $175. All of these payments were
mailo between December , 1897 , and Novem
ber , 1898. The claim of Mrs. Williams is for
balance of $275 salary due , $60.11 for post
age , telegraph and telephone charges , and
$13.90 for school supplies , and Includes the
period from June 31 , 1897 , to June 31 , 1898.
Mrs. Davis , In a petition in support of her
voucher , states that while Mrs. Hendley be
queathed her estate to the Society for the
Homo for the Friendless , she did not intend
that any portion of the money should go to
pay salaries already provided lor by the
Last Chnnce for Welch.
The Board of Public Lands and Buildings
today gave M. D. Welch of the Lincoln
Cooperage company another opportunity to
settle his balance with the state , and falling
to do this the attorney general was again
instructed to bring suit for the recovery of
the balance due the state. Similar Instruc
tions were given the attorney general two
weeks ago , but Mr. Welch asked for time to
submit a counter claim or sctoff , which ho
then claimed amounted to $400. At that time
ho made an oral statement to the board ,
asking that that amount bo deducted from
the state's claim , one of his reasons for ask
ing for this concession being that a portion
of the convicts' time at the penitentiary was
spent every Tday in bathing , while they
should have beep working' for' he"companyi
Mr. Welch now owes the state considerably
over $4,000 for convict Tabor. In his written
counter claim filed with the board today he
asked for a reduction of $2,400. This was
considered a preposterous proposition by the
members of the board and suit was ordered
commenced at once.
The Sidney Loan and Building association
of Sidney , Neb. , was chartered this after
noon by the State Banking Board. The capi
tal stock of the association is $200,000 , and
its directors are A. Pease , J. Y. Mclntosb ,
Matt Dougherty , C. W. Wright , A. Orane-
man , Charles C.allahan , Mac Radcllffe and
C. W. Alkens.
The monthly report of the First regiment
for July was received at the adjutant gen
eral's office today. It contains the informa
tion that J. M. Crannlck , who was reported
in the last field return as a deserter , was reinstated
instated July 1 , at Manila. Crannick was a
member of Company K , but his name does
not appear on the muster rolls. Worthlng-
ton 0. Stoicy of Holdrcge , Company H , is
reported as having deserted before the regi
ment left Manila. A board of survey made
this finding on board the Hancock.
IleNfier VlnltN Olierllii.
Acting Chancellor Charles E. Bcssey of
the State university left this afternoon for
Oberlln , O. , for a stay of a few days , after
which ho will go to Columbus , where ho will
deliver addresses before about ten different
scientific : and educational societies. Among
these are the American Microscopical so
ciety , the Botanical Society of America and
the Society for the Promotion of Agricul
tural Sciences. The following week ho will
address the American Society for the Ad
vancement of Science , the Botanical club
and tbo Geological Society of America.
The authorities of the university feel
highly gratified over their success In Induc
ing Prof. E. C. Burnett of the South Dakota
Agricultural college to accept the chair ot
animal husbandry in the Nebraska Institu
tion. This will bo a new department at thu
university. Prof. Burnett stands at the head
of bis profession and Is considered one of
the foremost educators In the west. He first
became acquainted with the university about
a year ago , when ho delivered an address
before the State Stock Breeders' association ,
Tbo Board of Regents tendered him a
proposition to come to Nebraska several
months ago , but the offer was refused , Al
the last meeting of the board another
proposition was made , which has been ac
cepted by Prof , Burnett. In establishing this
new department the Board of Regents fell
Justified In contracting a slight debt.
Deputy Insurance Commissioner Bryant
all afternoon beard arguments In the case
against the Indiana State Insurance com
pany , which , It Is alleged , Is doing on Ille
gal business by Issuing policies at a special
or reduced premium rate.
The Board of Public Lands and Buildings
has appointed James Roonoy superintendent
of construction of the new cold storage
house for the Hastings asylum. Plans for
the new ecbool building at Nebraska City
were opened by the board , but as all cailtc' '
for too expensive a building they were re
The body of Fred A. Young , the tele
graph operator , who \\as drowned in Sail
creek yesterday , has not been recovered
The creek has been dragged several miles
below the point where ho Is supposed to
have cone down but no trace of him was
I.lKhtnlni ; Strlkm 11 linrii.
HUMBOLDT. Neb. , Aug. H. ( Special. )
During Saturday night's storm lightning
struck the new barn of J , O. Sbroyer nortf
of this city and completely consumed it
with a quantity of hay. The barn -was a
fine one , completed only a short time since
and was unprotected by Insurance.
Kniiil Cute-Ill nt IIimtliiK" .
HASTINGS , Neb. , Aug. 14. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Conrad Kammerzett , who wa
working in Klose & Polenskl's clay pit , was i
accidentally killed this morning by tbo i
ave-ln of a bank. The hoary rain of yes-
crday had loosened n. twenty-foot bank ,
which Mr. Kammortett was working be
neath this morning , when without any war
ning the entire bank garo way and < burled
ilm beneath several tons of clay. The
uncral will bo held tomorrow afternoon.
Ailmlrnl IlrliiK * Thin Plenonnt Clr-
cumiitniicc to Hie Attention ot
the JVnvr Department.
WASHINGTON , Aue. 14. The Navy de-
mrtmcnt today received the following let-
or from Admiral Dewcy :
PIA , TRIESTE. Austria , Aug. 1 , 189D. Sir :
. .caving Trieste today I deslro to brine to
ho attention of the department the uniform
courtesy and kind feeling shown not only
to mo but to the ship and Its whole per *
sonnet as representing our country by the
officials and people of Trieste and Austria.
The Austrian minister of marine arrived
rom Vienna to welcome us officially and
remained several days awaiting us , but was
obliged by his duties to return before our
arrival. The naval , military and civil au
thorities stationed here have been most cor
"Tho people also have exhibited a most
friendly feeling toward our nation nnd have
visited the ship In large numbers. It Is cs-
Imated 40,000 pcoplo attended the funeral
ot Rask , the electrician , who died hero.
They showed many marks ot sympathy.
"Naval Constructor Carps , who visited
.ho dockyards ot Pola , was shown every
courtesy there and also at the naval and
irlvate shipyards of Trieste. I have the
icnor to bo , very respectfully ,
"Admiral U. S. N. "
tiBecRtH Advlnnhllttr of Dock Yard In
Orient > SimnUh Ilnlln rtnlnrrt.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 14. Naval
'onstructor ' Richmond Pearson Hobson was
Seard from by the Navy department today
for the first tlmo at any length since he
was assigned to duty > ln charge of the
Spanish ships raised from Manila harbor ,
and now undergoing repairs at Hong Kong.
( Its report Is unusually interesting , dealing
In general questions , such as the need of a
large dockyard in the Orient , the Increasing
shipping at Manila , and the prospect that it
will succeed Hong Kong as the emporium
of the east , the value of Chinese labor
In all branches ot Industry , etc.
He also says the three Spanish ships
which are completed will "bo worth to the
government about $610,000 , and he contem
plates trying to raise three more Spanish
vessels now at the bottom of Manila bay.
The letter Is addressed to Rear Admiral
Hldhborn , chief of the Bureau of Construc
tion , and Is dated at Hong Kong , July 17.
Ho says :
'In compliance with the bureau's direc
tions I Inclose a special report on the rais
ing and repairing ot the Spanish veisela
sunk in Manila bay.
'Tho thrco vessels under reconstruction ,
the Isla do Cuba , Isla de Luzon and Don
Juan de Austria , are at about equal stages
of completion , which I estimate to be about
SO per cent compared -with the vessels fitted
out ready for sea. The batteries and elec
tric plant which have not arrived , will
doubtless be the last Items. I estimate that
the tlmo of complotlqn will be about six
weeks after the arrival of the armament
and electric plant.
'I estimate the value , of these vessels
when completed , exclusive of armament , to
bo about as follows :
"Isla do Cuba : Hull , fittings and outfit ,
$140,000 ; machinery , $75,000 ; total , $215,000.
"Isla do Luzon : Hull , etc. , $150,000 ;
machinery , $75,000 ; total , $215,000.
'Don Juan do Austria : . , Hull , etc. ,
$125,000 ; machinery , 355OQOfttota ; ! , $180,000.
"Total estimated value of all three , ves
sels , $610,000. " „ , , ! , ; „ ,
Ho then shows < that the raising and re
fitting have cost about $304,000 , making a
net gain to the government on the three'
vessels of $306,000. He gives the credit for
this result to Naval Constructor Capps , who
made the contracts.
Expert Send * 5tntlntlcn on the Damage
\VroiiRlit by Flood * .
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. Mr. E. 8.
Holmes , Jr. . an expert of itho statistical
bureau for the Department of Agriculture ,
has Just completed a report to Chief Statis
tician Hyde of that department embodying
the results of a tour of the rtood devastated
region of Texas and making a careful esti
mate of the damage done , the aggregate of
which ho places at $7.414,000.
The report states that the greatest damage -
ago done was in ( McLennan Falls , Milan ,
Robertson , Brazes , Burleson , Washington ,
Waller , Austin , Fort Bend and BrazorU
counties. The number of farms submerged
Is estimated at 8,100 , with a total area ot
about 1,380,000 acres. Of this area at the
time of the flood there were about 503,000
acres under cultivation , 339,000 acres belne
In cotton , 124,400 acres In corn , 10,800 acres
In sugar cano and 28,600 acres In other crops ,
with a total production la eight equivalent
to about $7,950,000.
Although nearly 90 per cent of the total
loss occurred In the destruction of or Injury
to growing crops , the damage to farm prop
erly nnd the losses of live etock , etc. , amount
to $844,000. The land itself la damaged by
washing and gulleylng to the extent of over
$200,000 , but of this loss about one-balf is
estimated as offset by the increased future
productiveness resulting- from , the alluvial
deposit left by the flood.
Mr. Holmes says that the crecs ! effect
of the flood upon this year's cropi It diffi
cult to estimate. While the crops over a
very large area were practically destroyed ,
the effect of the rains on the upland crops
will be highly beneficial and ehould , be
thinks , result In a largo Increase in yield
throughout the entire central Dart ot the
Survivor * of the Civil War Renteiu-
lierpil by the General Government.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. ( Special. )
Western pensions were granted today as
follows :
Issue of August 1 , 1899 :
Nebraska : Original Henry Davis , Sliver
Greek , $6. Increase Samuel Baker , Alns-
worth , $6 to $8 ; Ole Vlkoren , Holdrege , $6
to $10.
Iowa : Original Daniel L. Potter , Bel-
mend , $6 ; William Rathbun. Correctlonvllle ,
$8 ; Anthony Bstel , Marshnfltown , $8 ; Kben-
ezer P. Day , Muscatlne , $ $ . Restoration
and Increase Abraham Goodman , dead , Sil
ver City , $8 to $17. Restoration and Re-
ifaue Charles L. Dorson , Bentonsport , $6.
Increase Nelson A. Gray , Red Ok , $8 to
$10. Orlglnaf Widows , etc. Mary L. Maul-
son , Delhi , $12 ; .Anna Goodman , Silver
City , $8 ; Sarah A , Andrews , Camanche , $8.
South Dakota : Original Charles Victor ,
Deadwood , $6. Increase Levl Townaend ,
Crcsbard , $16 to $17 ; William H. Gould , Hot
Springs , $ C to $8.
Storm Center 'MovliiB North ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. The weather
bureau Issues the following bulletin : Storm
center moving north off Jacksonville , Fla.
In Its future course the storm will not be of
unusual severity , although northeast gales
with rain will prevail along the south At
lantic coast this afternoon and tonight , and
along the middle Atlantic and couth New
England coasts Tuesday ,
Mitchell Rentier * Declilon ,
WASHINGTON , AUK. 14. Assistant Con
troller of the Currency Mitchell has rendered
a decision In which he holds that the long-
establlshed rule of paying to duly authorized
attorneys the amount of their fees as pre
scribed by treasury regulation In back pay ,
bounty and other cases of pensions of persons
at any time attached to the army or naval
service shall remain undisturbed ; In all
other cases the full amount of the claim
successfully prosecuted against the govern
ment must be paid to the claimant and not
to th Attorney.
Slteii to n - Selected for Public Ilnllil-
ItiRR nt Illnlr nnd Norfolk.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Assistant Secretary Taylor ot the
Treasury department returned to the city
tonight. .Mr. Taylor will take up ot once the
question of selecting sites for public build
ings at Blair and Norfolk. Neb. Special
Agent McDowell has completed his report
on the examination ot sites at both places.
Orders will probably bo made this week.
The First National bank ot Lincoln was
today approved as reserve agent for the fol
lowing Nebraska national banks : National
Bank ot Ashland and First National banks of
Auburn , Broken Bow. Lexington , Ord , and
of Sheridan , Wyo. ; also the Park National
bank ot Cleveland , O. . for the First Na
tional bank of Council Bluds , la. ; the West
ern National bank of Now York for the First
National bank ot Mnquokota , In.
The comptroller ot the currency has been
advleod of the election of Chris Mueller as
vice president of the First National bank of
Davenport , la. , In place ot John L. Dow.
Acting Assistant Surgeon Albert P. Fltr.-
fllmmons , now at Tccumsch , Neb. , has been
ordered to proceed to San Francisco and re
port to General Shatter for duty. Privates
Herman Manhelm and Archie C. Samuel ,
Fort Ntobraro , have been ordered to Manila
for duty.
Wnr Ship * Arc All niftht.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. The Navy de-
partmcnt hns been greatly relieved by a dis
patch from Captain Longneckcr , who com
mands the cruiser Now Orleans , now at
San Domingo City , referring to his vessel
and the Machlas. The dispatch glVM defi
nite assurance that all 1s well with the two
chips. It alio states that quiet prevails In
San Domingo , at least at those points which
can be reached by the war ships , as the
Machlas has been patrolling along the
shores for some distance. The two vessels
will proceed to St. Thomas to coal.
To Fifth ! American Competition.
WASHINGTON. AUK. 14. The State de
partment has received a report from Louis
Stern , United States commercial aeent at
Hamburg , Germany , telling ot agitation In
Industrial circles throughout Germany over
the enormous development ot the industries
of the United States. Ho says several meet
ings of representative industrial branches
have taken place in Germany of late to
discuss this constant extension of Amer
ican exports and adds that a strong fight
will be made against American competition.
Dcvrcy Home Fund Growing.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. The contribu
tions to the Dewey home so far amount
to $18,550. Encouraging reports are arriv
ing at the department from several largo
cities where popular subscriptions have
been opened and It is expected that the fund
will be materially dncreased before the ad
miral's arrival.
Dividend ! for Broken Hank * .
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. The comptroller
of the currency has declared dividends In
favor of the creditors of Insolvent national
banks as follows : Five per cent , the First
National bank of Helena , Mont. ; 2.2 pe.r
cent , the Keystone National bank ot Su
perior , West Superior , Wls.
Nearly AH Reach Maximum.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. There have been
enlisted for the ten regiments for the Phil
ippine islands 13,010 men , leaving but eighty
more to make the regiments complete. It
has been determined to send 400 recruits
of those raised to the Philippines for the
Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh regiments.
Letter of Congratulation.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. Secretary Gage
has sent to Lieutenant Gushing , in command
of the revenue cutter Rush , a letter of con
gratulation on bis success In towing the cutter -
] ' ter Nunlvak from San Francisco to the
mouth of the Yukon river , a distance of
about 4,200 miles.
Firm Carrie * Off Contract.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. Leach & Son of
Chicago * , who bid' $177,759 , were the lowest
bidders for the construction except heating
and ventilating apparatus and electric work ,
of the hospital building for the United
States Immigrant station at Ellis Island ,
Now York.
Count Defense * for Caledonia.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. The French
government is about to expend several mlN
llon francs on the coast defenses of New
Caledonia , according to a report to the State
department from our commercial agent there ,
Mr. Wolff. The work has already com
Yellow Fever Under Control.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. Surgeon Gen
eral Wyman today received the following
telegram from Surgeon VIckery in regard
to the yellow fever at the Hampton , Va. ,
Soldiers' Home : "All indications favorable ;
disinfection of quarters going on. "
Cruller * ' 'Movement * Chronicled.
( WASHINGTON , ( Aug. 14. The cruiser
Princeton has arrived at Shanghai , the Essex
at Plymouth. The 'Montgomery has left
Montevideo for Rio , the Coltl has sailed from
New York lor Manila and will call at Bris
Another Victim of Hurricane.
WASHINGTON , AUE. 14. General Davis
reports from San Juan , Porto Rico , the death
of Harry J. Barker , Troop C , Fifth cavalry ,
who died August 11 from injuries received
la .the hurricane.
Spain' * Ureateit Need.
Mr. A. P. Allvla of Barcelona , Spain ,
spends his winters at Alken , 8. C. Weak
nerves bad caused severe pains In the back
of his head. On using Electric Bitters ,
America's greatest blood and nerve remedy ,
all pain soon left him. Ho says this grand
medicine is what his country needs. All
America knows that it cures liver and kid
ney trouble , purifies the blood , tones up tbo
stomach , strengthens the nerves , puts vim ,
vigor and new life into every muscle , nerve
and organ ot the body. If weak , tired or
alllne you need it. Every bottle guaranteed ;
only 50 cents. Sold by Kubn & Co. , drug
Antl-Roycottcr * ISiiKnHre Couimcl ,
CLEVELAND , 0. . Aug. 14 The business
men's anti-boycott committee , which was
appointed as a result of the meeting held
the other day , met today and decided to
hire lawyers to prosecute merchants nnd
others who violate the civil rights law in
compliance with the demands of the boy-
cotters. They also agreed to hire detectives
to hunt down and arrest dynamiters who
have been placing explosives under tttrect
cars. The business men have pledged a
fund of $10,000 to meet the expense of the
crusade against the violators of tbo law.
Delegate * to Trut Conference ,
JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , Aug. 14. Gov
ernor Stephens today named the following
persons to represent Missouri at the con
ference on combinations and trusts to be
held In Chicago : Senator F. II. Cock-
rell , Joseph A. H. Graham , Alex G. Cochran ,
ex-Governor D , R. Francis , F , W. Lehman ,
Emll Pretorcoue , John A. Hackaday , L. A.
Vorls , Attorney General E , C. Crow , K , C ,
Fuller , Frank P. Sebrce , F , C. Farrar ,
John 8. Haynes , L. E. Cotty and Marsh Ar
All for John
STEUBENVILLE , 0. , Aug. 14. The Mc
Lean forces triumphed over the Lentz men
In today's democratic county conventions.
H. H. McFadden , reader of the Lentz forces ,
was defeated for delegate by one vote and
the McLean men elected all state delegates.
Failure In Clilunnrn.
CHICAGO , Aug. 14. William M. Jones , a
merchant , filed a petition In bankruptcy in
the United States district court today ,
scheduling liabilities of $91,520 and no as-
South Dakota' * Senntor Characterlie *
Our "CIvllUliiB" War In Phil
ippine * n * n Sham ,
CHICAGO , ( Aug. 14. "This government
hould recall every soldier In the Philippine
stands , apologize to the world for the er
ror we have made and then turn the Island
over to a native government. "
United Stated Senator R. F. Pcltlcrow < f
South Dakota , who was in Chicago today
on his way from the cast to his homo in
Sioux Falls , gave the foregoing as the only
course , in his opinion , to pursue In the
Orient. Senator Pcttlgrew said :
"This 'civilizing war' talk Is all a sham.
Any people can maintain as good a govern
ment as they have n. right to have and you
cannot give them a better one. "
All weak place * in your system effectually
clawed cgalnst disease by DoWltt's Ltttlo
flarly Risers. They cleanse the bowels ,
promptly cure chronic constipation , regulate
he liver and fill you with new fife and
vigor. Small , pleasant , sure : never gripe.
Fair Tnemdny , but Thttiidrrxtorm *
Will Likely Have the Call
WASHINGTON , lAug. 14. Forecast for
Tuesday and Wednesday :
Nebraska Fair Tuesday ; Wednesday
probable showers , thunderstorms and cooler ;
southerly winds.
Iowa Fair Tuesday and Wednesday ;
warmer Tuesday ; southerly winds.
Missouri Generally fair Tuesday and
Wednesday ; warmer Tuesday In northern
portion ; easterly , shitting to southerly ,
North Dakota Probably showers nnd
thunderstorms and cooler Tuesday ; Wednes
day fair , cooler ; southerly -winds.
South Dakota Probably showers and
thunderstorms Tuesday , cooler In western
portion ; Wednesday fair , cooler In eastern
portion ; southerly -winds.
Wyoming Fair Tuesday , cooler In north
west portion ; Wednesday fair , cooler in
southeast portion ; southwest winds.
OMAHA , Aug. 14. Omaha record ot tem-
> eraturo and precipitation , compared with
; he corresponding day of the lost three
years :
1599.189S. 1897. 1S9B.
Maximum temperature , 7S $9 81 S7
Minimum temperature ,65 , C7 C > 3 6fi
Average temperature . . . . 74 7f.
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Record of temperature nnd precipita
tion nt Omaha for this day and slnco
March 1 , 1S99 :
formal for the day 74
Deficiency for the day 2
Accumulated deficiency slnco March 1..27S
S'ormal rainfall for the day 11 Inch
Deficiency for the dnv 11 Inch
Total rainfall since ( March 1 20.23 Inches
Deficiency since ( March 1 74 Inch
deficiency for cor. period , 1SOS. . . . 1.4S Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , 1S97. . . . 7.50 inches
Report * from Station * at 8 p. m.
clear .00
North Platte. clear .00
Salt Lake , clear .00
Cheyenne , clear .00
Knpld City , partly cloudy .00
Huron , clear .00
Wllllston , clear .00
Chicago , partly cloudy. . . . . .00T
St. Louis , cloudy T
St. Paul , clear .00
Davenport , partly cloudy. . .00T
Kansas City , cloudy T
Havre , partly cloudy .00
Bismarck , cloudy . .00T
Galveaton. partly cloudy . T
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
See Fac-Slmllo Wrapper Below.
Very amoll and otsy
to take as uffor.
. . .CONSULT. . .
Searlcs d Searles
Specialists In
Nervous , Chronics
Private Diseases
Of Men anil TFomcn.
We guarantee to cure nil caari curable of
Catarrh. Alt JJ\ttaiei \ of the Kott , Throat , Client ,
StnmatJi , nnireli nntl IM'cr ; lli/drocclc , Vnri *
cucde , SvpMtli , ( Jonurrhi'ca ,
Nervous Debilltu
Middle Aycd and Old Men.
RlnrvH snri < iHn UUeates , Sore * , Spots ,
DlOOll anil OKI ! ! Pimple * , ScroluU , Tu
mors , Tetter , Kcienia , and Illood I'olson , thor
oughly cleansed from the ( Tdeni ; also Wealt >
ness of Oru am , Inflammation , Kupturen , I'tlcs ,
ri tulaclc.
Throat , Lungs , Liver , I > y pepsU
andallb < melandstomacutrout > ! ei.
Clveu careful and special attention
/or all their many allmcnu.
WRITE your troubles , If out of the city ,
Tboukandk cured at home by correspondence ,
Dr. Searles L Searles. 119 S , 14th St. , Omaha.
Magnet Pile Killer
ASK OH WRITE : Andrew Klowlt , Oma
ha. Neb. ; Albert Branson Council Bluffs ,
la. ; H. B. McCoy , Denver , Colo. ; K. W. Ben-
on , TaJlapoosa , Oa , ; M , T. Mom , Chicago ,
Amos L. Jackinan , Omaha , , N b. ; J. C.
Eauley , Dumorrt , Colo. ; Frank Hall. David
City , Nfc'J. ; James Davis , Omaha , Neb j A.
Kins. Princeton , III , ; Pearson Beaty , fairfax -
fax , Ohio. Kor tale at druuglsts.
$ I.OO Per Box , Guaranteed.
Tap , tuji nil dny nt Hie
machine until the head
throbs vfith every top. And
when the machine Mops
for the day the throb
bing still goes on.
More thntt any
other clnss of
women the largo
nnny of women
clerks needs to
closely vr.itch the health of the organs
peculiarly womanly. 1'or the general
health will lw disturbed jnst in proportion
tion ns the local health of the delicate ,
womanly organs is disordered. With
irregularities there will conic pains in the
head , the back or side , tmtt cn nnd gen
eral misery. The happiness of the future
life of the wife nnd mother may be en
tirely ruined by neglect of the health at
this critical period.
Women confined in offices , shut out
from necessary exercise will find a faith
ful friend in Dr. Tierce's Mivotitc Pre
scription. It so regulates the womanly
functions and so strengthens the delicate
organs that pain from these causes will
be absolutely done a\\ny with nnd future
hcnltli be perfectly assured.
There is no opium , cocaine
or other narcotic in
"Favorite Prescrip
tion. " Neither docs
it contain alcohol ,
whisky or other intox
" I win no weak I did not
hnvc breath tornlk across
mv room , " write * Ml i
lolbcll .Miller , of New
ProUdencc , Cnllowny Co. , Ky " My period * oc
curred toooftcn niul the hcinnrrli Rc onld l > e
prolonged nml tlielo or blood \ cry excc l\e. I
also had spdMvlilclt the doctor siud ucrc fnlnt *
Ing fits. 1 could not tell when tlicy were coming
on but they left me very \vcnl ; . My slomacij
would crninn until I could not Mrnlclilen. ThU
would last Tor several hours. I Old not R.iln
strength from one monthly period to another ;
very went and nervom nil the time.
advised by n kind friend to try Dr. Tierce's
vorite 1'rcnctlptlon , which 1 did nnd before I hnil
taken two twltlc * or It I could work fill tiny. I
look In nil li bottles of the 1'nrorite Prescrip
tion * nnd about five battle * or Ur Plcrcc'.i Pel
lets. I tmed no other medicine. I bnve never
had n return of tills troutile 'luce , nnd never
can praise Dr. riercc's medicines enough , for I
know they saved lay life. "
Thev nre as much like COATED
ELECTRIC1TV as science can make
them. Uncli one produces ns much
nerve-building suustancr ns Is con
tained in the amount of food a mnn
consumes in a week. This is why
they have cured thousands of cases
of nervous diseases , such ns Debil
ity , Dizziness , InsomniaVarlcocelc ,
etc. Tlieycimbleymitothlnkclear-
ly by developing brain matter ; force
healthy circulation , cure indiges
tion , nnd impart bounding vlRor to
the whole system. AU weakening
nnd tissue-destroying drains ami
losses permanently cured. Delay
may mean Insanity , Consumption
and Death.
Price. Jipcrbor ; six boxes ( with
Iron-clad guarantee to cure or re
fund money ) , $ s. Book containing
- positive Droof. frer. Addresn . . _
Kulin & Co. or New .Economical Drus
Co. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Vitality , hcnltli , strength nnd vigor nro
the four Blblo requirements for Happi
ness. If you lack these requirements , I
will give them to you. Remember that
healthy , viperous men nnd women are al
ways Happy. Go thou nnd be likewise.
There are no diseases that will make you
moro unhappy and miserable that will
cause you moro Buffering than Kldnoy
d 1 8 o a s e s.
First eymp-
toma are
pains lit the
back , bloat
ing ot the
feet or limbs ,
or bloating ,
under the
eyes It you
have any of
these symp
toms and
should take
a B'everc cold
i n f 1 nmma-
tlon of the
renal c o
IT o H t J o n
very 11 a bio
to result ,
and If nou
treated In
the b e K 1 li
ning Brlglit's
Disease Is
sure to fol
low. You
should take
tlmo by the
forelock nnd
begin treat
ment with
my Belt us
soon ns the
very first symptoms nppear. Its generous
and oven current of Electricity will quick
ly nnd permanently cure you. Electricity
Is Life It Is the Nerve nnd Vital Force of
every human being. Drugs will do you
no good nnd will ruin your stomach. You
probably know that
Dr. Bennett's ' Electric Belt
will cure any nnd nil forms of Kidney
Troubles. That terrible burnlnp pain In
your back will leave within nn hour after
the first application. Mind , I do not H.iy
you will be cured within nn hour but I
do say the pain will leave.
Is there any drug that you have ever
tried that will Htop the pain ? My Belt
will entirely euro you but of course that
will tnl o longer. It IB not Inconvenient
It is a pleasure to wear ; It produces a. ile-
llghttul sensation ; It Is not n continual
source of expense , The only expense Is
Che * 5. J7 or J10 you puy when you flret
buy It nnd then nbout 7Bo a yc-ar for re
newals no other Hell can 1)0 renewed nt
nny price. HOB soft , silken , chumols-cov-
cred Bpongo electrodes Unit cannot burn
nnd bllBter ns do the bare metul electrpdesi
used on nil other belts.
I cuurnntee It to euro Boxuul Impotency ,
Lost Mnnhood , Varlcocelc , Spermator
rhoea ; restore Shrunken or Undeveloped
Organs and I OBI Vitality : euro Kldnoy ,
Liver and Illa ldi > r Troubles , Rheumatism
In any form , Constitution , Dyupepula , nil
Female CoinplulntH , etc.
My Klectrirnl Suspensory for the perma
nent euro of the vnrlouH wcakneBses of men.
is FHEH to vcry mule purchaser of one ,
of my Helta. < ? nll upon or write nio today
sacredly confidential get symptom blanks
and advlco without coat. Bold only Uy
Dr. Bennett Company ,
Room * SO nnd SI Wonjiln Illnnk ,
Outfitia , tieltr. , JOlfc and Dailire
$5.00 A
Trciti til Terms el
22 Yuri Experience.
MKUIl'il , Treatment
combinedVarlcocclc ,
Stricture , Sypullli , foa o ( Vltror and Vitality ,
CUIIKKOlIAIUXTKi : ! ) . CUaruci low. IIOMK
TKCiTMK.XT. JlooUContullallon and Kiam.
Inatloii Free , Hours,8 a , m. to6 ; 7to8p , m.
Suudar,9to 12 I' . O. 110x766. Office , N. K.
Cor. HtU aod I'aruam Strcctb , OM AU A. NIU.