Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Davl * sells glass.
Moore's food kllto worms and fattens.
Flro escapes for buildings at Blxby'a.
Budwelicr beer. L. Uoscnfeldt. nsent.
Mrs. Van Order and family arc visiting
In Illinois.
1 . A. Dovlno left last evening on n
business trip to Chicago.
Attorney John M. Galvln left yesterday for
a pleasure trip to Colorado.
0. B. Jacqucmln & Co. , Jewelers and op
ticians. 27 South Main street.
W. C. Estep , undertaker. 28 Pearl street.
Telephones , office , 0" ; residence , 33.
Miss Ousplo flronewcg left yesterday for
Jllncola for a two weeks' vacation.
Get your work done at the popular Engle
laundry , 724 Broadway. 'Phono 157.
F. J. Iloagland of Little Sioux Is In the
city for a short visit with his parents.
C. D , Parmalco and family have returned
from n month's visit In Newport , N. H.
Miss Winifred llcsley has gone to Creston -
ton for n two weeks' visit with friends.
Kov. Myron C. Waddcll , pastor of the
Broadway Methodist church , returned homo
Mr. and . .Mrs. C. M. Scott and daughter ,
Claudia , are visiting relatives and friends
In Nebraska City.
( Mrs. Margaret Miller arrived , yesterday
from Chicago on a visit to her son and
daughter , Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller.
Mrs. S. W. Reynolds and Miss Nellie Bar
rett have returned from a six weeks' visit
with friends In Chicago and southern Mich
The body of the fate Mrs. J. Orayblll , who
died Friday at St. Bernard's hospital , -will
be sent to Yorkshire , la. , this murnlug for
When the family of Chief of Police Blxby
went to get supper last evening they dis
covered some ono had been to the Ice chest
and robbed the contents.
S. 0. .Mum ma has gone to Georgetown ,
Colo. , to Join his wlfo. They will spend two
wcoks nt Idaho Springs , iManltou and Den
ver before returning homo.
Louie , the 2-ycar-old son of Clirht Sorcn-
ecn , 217 Harrison street , dlpil yesterday
morning. The funeral will be held Ibis
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the resilience
and burial will be In Falrvlew cemetery.
Officer Claar has demanded an Investiga
tion of the charge mu < Io that he used his
club too freely whllo arresting William
Llnehiin Frldny night. The matter of holdIng -
Ing on Investigation lies with the mayor
and It Is understod that he will grant the
officer's request.
The entertainment Friday night nt the Do-
liany theater for the benefit of Company L ,
Fifty-first Iowa volunteers , netted $31.
This will form the nucleus of a fund that
is being raised to be used when the soldier
boys reach San Francisco on their return
from the Philippines.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Estclla
Barker , -wife of William Barker. 1012 Seventh
avenue , was held yesterday afternoon from
the fumiry residence. The services were
conducted by Hov. George 13dwnrd Walk ,
rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church. In
terment was in Falrvlew cemo'ery.
W. II , Bell wlir have a hparlns this mornIng -
Ing In police court on the charge of being
drunk and disturbing the peace Saturday
night. Bell , It Is charged , went to the
house of his father-in-law , L. Dunlup. on
Eolith First street , where his wife Is staying ,
and commenced to abuse her. Wh n re
monstrated with , he attempted to clear out
the house and was only prevented by the
arrival of an officer , who placed him under
N. T. Plumbing company. Tel. 2SO.
Scientific optician. "Vollmas. 05 Br'dway.
\Velsbach burners at Blxby's. Tel. 193.
Domestic outwa&hcs cheap soaps.
Science of Governing Cltlrn.
The following invitation bos been re
ceived by Mayor Jennings and the mem
bers of tbo city council to attend the con
vention of the League of American Mu
nicipalities to be hold at Syracuse. N. Y , ,
next month :
The executive committee of the League of
'American Municipalities take this means of
extending to you a cordial Invitation to at
tend and participate in the deliberations of
tbo third annual convention of tbo league , to
be heM at Syracuse , N. Y. , September 19 to
22 , Inclusive. It is our desire to have every
progressive municipality tn the United
States and Canada represented at this con
vention ( by three or more delegates ) , which
promises to bo the most important gather
ing of city officials ever held In the woild.
Your presence will enable you to exchange
4 Ideas and experiences with these holding
positions similar to yours In other cities ,
and will afford you an opportunity to wit
ness all the latest and best appliances and
materials used in municipal work. Tnls
convention will bo composed of pracMcaf
mon , those who have had actual experience
in municipal work and understand Cf/ndl-
tlons that must bo met in the solution of
the various problems Involved in the ad
ministration of civic affairs.
'Mayor ' Jennings is strongly In favor of the
City being represented at this convention ,
but I * doubtful If tbo financial condition of
tbo city will permit of an appropriation for
nuch a purpose. Ho is hopeful that one or
more of tbo aldermen may bo Induced to take
the trip at their own expense.
I y 1'rloen.
Monday wo will sell all wash day goods
at 15 per cent discount.
Clothespins , n dozen , 1 cent.
Blueing , the bottle , 6 cents.
Clothesline's , 8 cents ,
Clothes baskets , -IB cents.
Wash tubs , 49 ccntu.
Wash boilers , 70 cents.
Wringers. 1.75.
Wash machines , $2.50.
Twelve bars Diamond 0 soap , 25 cents.
Fourth Street and Broadway.
O. Younkerman & Co. , grape Tjaskett , bar-
/ols , and all fruit packages.
Domestic soap Is full weight.
Dentil of Minn AlfCiilloutfh.
Mlu Hattlo McCulIough , fged 17 years ,
died yesterday morning at St. Bernard's
hospital of consumption. She had been
elck about one month. Miss McCulIough
was an orphan and leaves two brothers nnd
n elater. One brother is a resident of
Onawa , la , , and tbo other of Little Sioux ,
the ilBter , Mrs , John Chrlsmon , living nt
Missouri Valley. She was for several years
a pupil of the Washington Avenue school ,
tut was obliged to glvo up. her studies on
account of falling health. She was also a
nloco of Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Watts , 366 North
First otreet , from whose residence tha
funeral will foe held tomorrow morning at
D45 ; o'clock. The body will bo taken to
Missouri Valley for Interment.
Avoid Lassitude
U i ; tlin AVOIIM ) FAMOI'S
Unity , Ilrnlii nml Nerve Ton In.
Portraits and endorsements sent postpaid ,
[ MA1UANI & CO. . nV 15th 8t. , New York.
Kor Cavli or l.unueu Uu.
B. II. HU13AI-I3 , t CO. ,
f Pearl Street , Coaucll UlaH * .
Western Iowa Averss to Transporting ths
Fifty-First to DCS Moinos.
Will Prnlmlily He So-
llcltril from tlir Kiitlrc Sliilc
UclcRatCH Wilt lie Scut tu
the Cnultnl City.
A canvass of the question among the rela
tives and friends of the members of Com
pany L , Fifty-first Iowa , shows that they
are strongly opposed to the plan proposed
of bringing back the regiment In a body to
Des Molncs. They arc , however , all In favor
of having the regiment brought back In Its
entirety to the stnto If It can bo possibly
accomplished , but feel that to take the men
to DCS Molncs would bo causing unneces
sary delay In reaching their homes. A
majority of the people of this city would
like very much to have the boys come home
In a 'body that the people may In some man
ner show their appreciation of their bravery
on the battlefields In the Philippines , but
there Is a general feeling that to bring
them to Council Bluffs would bo the best
plan. This city Is the home of onT > com
pany , and the remainder of the regiment
could reach homo direct from here. To take
the regiment to Des Molnes would be doub
ling the trip across the state , for all of the
companies except companies A and H. and
would delay the boys from two to three
days In reaching their homes.
Emmet Tlnley of the advisory 'board ' of
the Woman's Sanitary Relief commission
says that one or more members of the
board will attend the conference to be held
at Des Molnes tomorrow for the purpose of
seeing If some plan cannot be devised where
by the regiment may be brought back to
the state In a hody.
The members of the board .who attend
the conference will bo Instructed to oppose
the plan to take the regiment to DCS Molnes
and urge the advisability of bringing It
only as far as this city , where It could bo
welcomed by Governor Shaw and the state
Co t of TrntiNportliiK Troops.
The cost of bringing the regiment back
In n body IB | estimated at about $40,000 , and
It Is generally agreed that as the state funds
cannot bo used for the purpose there may bo
Bomo difficulty In raising this amount of
money. To raise this sum In the eleven
towns having companies In the regiment it
Is believed would bo Impracticable and that
the only way to carry out the plan would be
to solicit subscriptions from tlio entire state.
This scheme of raising the money needed to
bring the boys back will bo urged at the
meeting tomorrow In Des Molncs by the
representatives from this city.
It 'has not yet been definitely decided who
will go from here , but It Is believed that
Freeman need , clerk of the district court ,
will attend for ono and Attorney Tlnley will
also possibly go.
The feeling of the people of this city that
the regiment should be brought back to
Council Bluffs te shared by ttoo people gen
erally of southwest Iowa. The papers of
this section of the state have taken the
matter up 'and It now looks as If the plan
carries at all Council Bluffs will liavo the
honor and pleasure of welcoming the Fifty-
first home.
Davis sells paint.
Prizes go with Domestic soap.
Dr. FrcilcrlcU Smith Thomas Dlc nt
IIIM Home onSouth Eighth.
Dr. Frederick Smith Thomas died yes
terday morning at his home , 127 South
Eighth street , after two weeks' Illness ,
aged G3 years. A wife and three daughters ,
Ethyl , Edyth and Evelyn , are left to mourn
his loss. The arrangements for the funeral
have not yet been completed , as two of the
daughters , the Misses Ethyl and Edyth , are
away from homo spending their vacations
In California. They have been telegraphed
to and are to reach hero some time Tues
Dr. F. S. Thomas was born in New York
In 1845. During the civil war ho served In
Company A , Ono Hundred and Thirty-sev
enth Illinois volunteer Infantry as a private
until nearly the close of the war. After
this ho began the study of medicine under
the preceptorshlp of Dr. Colin G. Strong ,
now of San Francisco , with whom he r
malned for four years. He graduated at
the State university of Iowa at Keokuk ,
now known as the College of Physicians
and SUrgeons , February 21 , 1870.
Ho Borvcd as coroner of this county from
1S73 to 1875 and also served on the School
Boardvof Canton for several years. Among
the positions ho has bold are : Presldenl
of the Council Bluffs Medical society , sec
retary of the Medical Society of the Missouri
Valley , a roombernhlp In the Iowa State
Medical society and the American Medical
association. He haa been professor ol
diseased of the mind In the Omaha State
Medical college , president of the Board of
Examining Surgeons of Pensions of Council
Dluflfl and medical director of tbo National
Fraternal association of this city. Ho was
also a member lor several years of the
Board of Insanity Commissioners and was
uurgeon for the Rock Island railway at this
Ho was a member of the Grand Army ol
the Republic and served as medical director
of the State department In 1889. He wai
a member of the Masonic fraternity , the
Chapter and the Scottish rite , the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows and the
Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Domestic soap is the purest made.
Lowest prices. ea y terms. The best and
largest stock of pianos at Swansou Music
company , Masonic Temple.
While Iloiim- . O. I ) , firocerjr.
Beat California fruits , Foweet prlcea , full
weight and measure guaranteed.
Sugar , 18 pounds , Jl.
Clotheslines , each 5 cents.
Eggs , 10 cents a dozen.
Fruit jars , 30 cents ,
Best California peaches , $1 crate.
Spring chicken , 25 cents and 30 cents.
Fourth Street and Broadway.
FRANK PETKRSON. Proprietor. '
Domestic soap soM by all grocers.
Jfew Depot AwnltN Occupant.
Now that tbo new freight depot of the
Omaha Bridge & Terminal Railway com
pany at Ninth street and Broadway is com
pleted conaHerablo speculation Is being In
dulged in by local railroad men as. to who
will occupy It. For some time past It has
been reported that as soon as the depot was
completed It would be used by the Omaha
& SU Louts , but owing to the Unsettled
condition of the affairs of the road no move
has been made in that direction. In some
quarters It Is believed that the Missouri
PaclPd , which at present hauls considerable
freight from tbla tide of the river to it *
depot at Webster street In Omaha , will use
the depot and transfer Its freight , consist
ing chiefly of agricultural Implements ,
across the river by the Terminal' * bridge
and cars. The depot Is a. most commodious
ono and Is by far the best of any In this
city. The location Is considered excellent
and connection cari bo mode with any road
In the city.
Domestic eoap whitens your clothes.
ln\rn City Mnn lln \o Ambition to
lip it Pnrty Sacrifice.
DBS M01NES. la , . Aug. 13. ( Special. ) It
la now considered among the possibilities
that only one name will bo presented for the
nomination for governor at the democratic
convention on Wednesday. Judge Martin J.
Wade of Iowa City does not want to bo
considered In connection with the nomination ,
according to the Iowa City Press , his homo
democraUc paper. That paper , after refer
ring to the mention of Judge Wade's name
Bays : "It is understood ttie judge will not
consider the proposition , as ho prefers to re
main on the bench , where ho has almost a
full term to serve , and the more as hU
tastes are for the law , rather than for such a
position as governor , "
From the beginning , the advocates of Judge
WadoVs nomination have ndmUteO tholr un
certainty whether he would allow them to
present his name. The expression In his
home paper Is taken to represent his personal
wishes , and to Indicate that he will not
allow his friends to use his name.
Two counties yesterday gave Cato Sells
their support. They are Scott and Muscatlne.
On the other hand , Webster county's con
vention at Fort Dodge Instructed for Bashor.
Iowa county Instructed for Wade condltlotf-
ally , the condition being that ho will allow
the UKO of hl name and will stand on the
Chicago platform.
Identifying tlir llnlij' .
LE MARS. la. . Aug. 13. ( Special. ) The
management of tbo Windsor hotel in this
city has received a letter which may read
to the Identification of the woman who reg
istered at the Windsor hotel Saturday as
Mrs. C. N. Clarke , mid loft sorao time In the
night , deserting a few weeks' old Infant.
The letter is written by Chris Hagc , pro
prietor of the Queen Clty.hotel at Volln , S.
D. Ho says he noticed in the papers the
account of the baby being deserted In Le-
Mars , and from thu description given of
the woman and her actions has come to
thn conclusion that she is the Fame woman
who came to his hotel April 24 and regis
tered as Mrs. G. W. Smith of Sioux City.
She claimed she was married to a traveling
man from Chlcaso , who was on the road for
a wholesale drug store. A baby boy was
born to her July 2 at this hotel , and Mr.
lingo says she left with the baby on Au
gust 4. Mr. Hage concludes his letter by
saying that the hotel people had nn Ink
ling that all was not exactly right , ami
that he Is prebty certain Mrs. Smith nt
Volln and Mrs. Clarke at LoMars are one
and the same. Ho adds that If some articles
of the infant's clothing were sent It could
probably be identified , as all Mrs. Smith's
baby clothes were made at this hotel. Some
of the Infant's clothes were sent to Mr.
Hago In answer to his request.
Peptiliiir Cnn k In Conrt.
IOWA FALLS , Ta. , Aug. 13. ( Special. )
Hardln county legal talent has Junt been re
tained In a peculiar suit that will come up
In the Grundy county district court at the
Bext terra. It comes from Cloves , where a
church society owned a cemetery In which
lots were only deeded to members. The
member in question was expelled from the
church several years ago and up to that ,
time had not used the lot for burial of any
of tols family. Ho later deeded the prop
erty to his son who sought to use it , but
was refused , claiming that the lot was the
property of the church , and as a result of
the dispute the courts will be asked to settle
the point.
Shenandonh Meii Re-EiiIUt.
SHBNANDOA , la. , Aug. 13. ( Special. )
The dispatches state that flve members of
Company E have re-enlisted In one of the
now regiments General Otis Is forming.
Four of them are privates and the other ,
Lieutenant James O. Ross , is first lieu
tenant of the company at present. He is
a resident of this place and 30 years of
ago. He had been a. member of the guard
for o number of years prior to the break
ing out of the war. At the time of his en
listment In Des Molnes he was a sergeant.
His parents live herd.
Pollccninn Acoiiurn Mayor.
BURLINGTON , la. . AuE. 13. ( Special
Telegram. ) All Burlington gambling houses
have been closed on Information filed by
Police Officer Collins. Collins charges tint
the camblers 'have ' been paying a monthly
sum into the hands of Mayor Naumann for
the privilege of runnlnc. He was refused
a certain coveted appointment on the force
by the mayor and this Is his retaliation.
Iowa Novn NotcH.
A large creamery is being Installed at
Norway Is to have waterworks and a
new city half.
Polk has the largest railway mileage of
any county In th state.
There Is talk at Sioux City of holdlns a
horse show in connection with the races
this fall.
The Latter Day Saints will heM their
annual convention at Runnels , commencing
August 24 and lasting ton dayr
Burglars entered the store of H E. Bould
at Dallas Center and removed about thirty-
five pairs of shoes. No cluo.
The Atchlson , Topeka , Santa re railroad
has purchased twenty acres of valuabl'o coal
lands in Marion county , and may run its lines to them ,
A farmer living near Cedar Falls paid $ c,9
an acre for twenty-five acres of land adJoining -
Joining his farm , which he wanted Just "to
square out his farm. "
New London , a town on the Burlington
mil way east of Mount Pleasant , has a new
dally paper called the Moon , It professes
n ehlno for all day anil night.
The Charles City Intotllgeicer states that
the only symptom of calamity visible In its
vicinity is the possibility that crrpa may
suffer because of a scarcity of men to har
vest them.
According to the figures recurod by Sec
retary Green of the state horticultural1 de
partment the yield of fruit In the state this
year will be but a percentage of the average
crop. The showing of fall apples IB C1.5
per cent ; for winter apples , 31.5 ; for Ameri
can plums , 55 ; for grapes , IS.5 of the Uf.ual
Miss Mabelle Warier Moorea Chtrles
City girl , has been chosen to understudy
MUs Alice Nielsen , the opentlo singer She
secured the engagement througn Wli | J.
Davis of Chicago , tbo of Jt-tElo
Bartlett Davis , who happened to hear her
sing. .Miss Moore Is said to bn alniogr. a
counterpart of Miss Nielsen. She was born
and raised la Charles City.
According to a report made to the board
of control , 1,026 persons were fed in : he has.
pltar for the insane at Mount Pleaxant ( Hir
ing the week ended August 7. The total
cost of the food was } S59.6S , The average
cost per person for the week was JO.S379.
The average cost per person per day nna
JO.197. The average cost per person per
meal was $0.0399. Yet It la declared that
every Inmate was well fed.
The contractor who carries tbo United
States mall on the star routes running out
of Carroll has a Job that he .voMl'l HKc to
relinquish. He Is now paying nut for Hip
more than be gets from the government for
his work , but Is obliged to fulfill his con
tract , being under heavy bonds , "During
the hard times , " explains the Carroll Her
ald , "this work was done so low that it is
now Impossible to get men to carry the
malt at former prices. Labor finds oiher
employment , and at fair prices , and men
will not work tot half pay. For this rea
son contractors with the government wlir
be gtruck heavy on some of these routva. '
Iowa Democrats Have Three Candidates for
the Gubernatorial Nomination.
It IN Ilrllrroil ( lint the ClilcnRO 1'lnt-
form AVII1 He Knilnrncil , liut Xot
UnniilnintiM } Ilrjnn to
Sucnk Tucntlny.
DBS MOINRS , AUR. 13. Everybody IB nt
si'a icgnrdlng fho ticket and platform of the
democratic ptnto convention , which meets
hero Wednesday. Only the head of the
ticket has been talked of so far as yet , and
for it three names ere mentioned as can
Hev. II. H. Dasher of Waterloo Is at pres
ent the favorite , as ho Is known to be right
on the 1G to 1 slilo of the silver question.
Onto Soils of Vlnton , who will be temporary
chairman , is also being pushed by his
friends for governor , but ho does not want
It and the tone of his speech will have
much to do with his success as a candi
date , as yet no one knows Just exactly what
his views will bo.
Judge iM. J. Wade of Iowa City has also
been brought out In the last few days as
a gubernatorial candidate , but apparently
has little show of success , as his posi
tion on the main Issue Is doubtful.
For the rest of the ticket absolutely no
names have been mentioned. It Is believed
the Chicago platform and Uryan will be en
dorsed , but not unanimously , as there will
bo several contesting delegations from vari
ous counties and both sides will maka n light
for the ascendency. The platform will bo
antl-lmpcrlal and anti-trust. There arc no
state Issues on which to make a success
ful campaign.
W. J. Bryan will speak hero Tuesday
evening , when nil the delegates arc ex
pected to bo In the city.
Kent Gctn tlic Nomination.
HUMBOL.DT , la. , Aug. 13. ( Special. )
Colonel A. J. Kent of Holto Is the nominee
of the Humboldt-Pocahonlas representative
convention , after two days' session. H was
ono of the most remarkable convention
fights of the year , and the Pocahontos men
won because they were determined to win ,
and would not be led astray from the can-
dldato for whom they "were Instructed.
Striker * Carry Their 1'nliit.
QUAItUY , la. , Aug. 13. ( Special. ) The
Btrlko Inaugurated hero Friday by the la
borers on the railroad was settled by the
contractors granting the advance asked by
the mon , who returned to work this mornIng -
Ing at the rate of $2 per day.
Come Jiint In Time to Save Utnli
Cattlemen from UH-
SALT LAKE , Aug. 13. ( Special. ) "The
recent rains lu southern Utah have Insured
the grass and been of incalculable benefit
to the cattle industry , " said Bishop H. S
Jollcy of Kane county. Bishop Jollcy has
Just returned from Kansas City and Omaha.
Ho Is one of the largest cattle owners of
Utah and has spent a month in examining
thu ranges of the westernCountry and in
vestigating the cattle markets.
"When I left homo about a month ago
the condition of the grass on the ranges of
Utah was such that it was the conclusion
of cattle owners that stock would have to
be shipped out and feeding grounds secured
elsewhere. But on reaching here this after
noon I have received advices that the rains
have revived the grass and that the ranges
will bo covered with plenty of excellent
feed , so that now It will not be necessary
to ship any cattle out of the tate on that
"My trip was taken for the purpose of
looking up 'feeding ' grounds for several thou
sand head of stock. In Montana I found
the ranges were dry and the grass poor ,
but over the boundary line of Canada , In
the Alberta territory , the feed was very
fine. That Is a crcat cattle country nnd
the stockmen are doing very fine. It Is one
of the best sections 1 'have ' ever seen and
Is destined to 'become ' n great Etockraislng
and agricultural country. There are quite
a number of Utah people up there , all doing
"I also visited the states of Missouri , Kan
sas and Nebraska. The crops In nil of
thorn are bin. especially the corn , which
will. It Is claimed , average sixty bushels to
the aero In all of those states. Nebraska
ind Kansas have had big corn crops before ,
but never one to approach the present one ,
"Tho cattle market Is strong nnd firm ,
and big 'prices are being'obtained. . . There
Is a. big demand for feeders and both the
Kansas City and Omaha markets are good
ones. I believe the former to bo the best
for big , heavy feeders , whllo for the lighter ,
smaller stock Is more In demand In Kansas
and brings better prices In that market
than any other. I expect to ship about
0,000 head of stock to those two markets/ "
Kpvrorth AHNcmlily nt Huron ,
HURON , S. D. , Aug. 13. ( Special. ) Fri
day was ono of the best days of the State
Epworth assembly ; the temperature was
not as hot as fin previous days and the
crowd wan much larger , the attendance
being about 2,000. The devotional exercises
In the early morning was conducted by
Rev. J. B. DIbble of Arlington , after which
Rev. Donald McLaln gave an Interesting talk
on the work nnd teachings of the "liberty"
department. ( Miss Minnie Calfeo took clmrgo
of the "Junior workshop" and with a multi
tude of children spent a happy and profit
able hour. An address on "Literature" by
Rov. Mr. Swlckard waa , ono of the best
features of the day. The preachers' Insti
tute , wlilch Is held each afternoon , was con
ducted by Dr , Brensen of Garrett Biblical
Institute and tow men have the faculty of
both entertaining and Instructing an audi
ence as has ho.
Friday evening the Immense tent was
thronged with people anxious to enjoy the
evening's program. A song service under
the direction of 1'rcif. Excell , during which
weveral numbers were given by the Univer
sity ladles' quartet of Mitchell and the
Northwestern Unlverelty male quartet of
Evanston , occupied the first hour. Then
ca'mo a lecture by Dr. C. B. Mitchell of Min
neapolis entitled "Under the Midnight Sun. "
XIMV llrlilue at Dale Creek.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Aug. 13. ( Special. )
Three miles west of Sherman , Wyo , , on the
west slope of the "dome of the continent , "
on tlio line of the Union Pacific railroad , Is
Dale Creek bridge , an immense Iron structure
spanning the deep gorge through the granlto
rocks and at the bottom of which Hews
Dale creek , ono of the famous trout streams
of the Rockies. During the last twelve
months there have been any number of
rumors afloat about this bridge being unsafe
and that It would bo abandoned or the gorge
filled In with dirt and rock. It Is now stated ,
and by ono high in authority on the Union
Pacific , tbat tbo company has decided that
they cannot get around the Dale creek gorse ,
anil Instead of abandoning the bridge and
building another Hno between Cheyenne and
Larmnle , the old bridge will bo replaced with
a larger and stronger structure. The new
bridge will ba built up under the old struct
ure and trafllo will not be delayed at all , It
be about slxteto feet wade , elx feet wider
than the bridge now In use , nnd will bo built
ipon the most approved plan * In bridge
architecture and of the strongest nd best
material obtainable. It Is expected that the
irldgo will not bo completed before the raid-
llo of next summer.
ItccmltK for the Tnlrty-Konrth.
CHAMBEllUUN , S. D. , Aug. 13. ( Special
Telegram. ) Lieutenant Cushman A. Rico of
the new Thirty-fourth regiment left hero
this morning for Centervlllc. He had three
applicants for enlistment here , two of whom
were accepted. They were Hess Robinson
of Irvlngton. la. , and Herman J. Hanncr
of Beaver Dam , WIs. The latter served
In Porto Rico and was mustered out sev
eral months ago.
Quick Revenue of Solomon Uiilnter ,
n Well Known Cltlsctt of
ItcnilliiK. 1'n.
READING. Pa. , Aug. 13. Solomon Qulnlor ,
a well known citizen and former railroad
employe , shot and Instantly killed his wife ,
Annie , aged 48 years , and her paramour , Ed
ward II. Kltzmlllcr , aged 28 , at an early hour
thl morning. Qulnter suspected that his
wlfo waa unfaithful nnd , Tying In wait for
several hours , he caught the couple In a com
promising position. Ho sent two bullets Into
his wife's brain and an Instant later turned
the weapon on Kltzmlllcr. Qulnter sur
rendered to the authorities nnd was com
mitted to prison. Qulntpr and his wlfo had
frequent quarrels regarding the wife's mls-
Governor Ilrndlcy DOCK Xot llellcvc
Any Threat * AVoro Mml < -
AVlllluni .1. llryiin.
FRANKFORT , Ky. , Aug. 13. Governor
Bradley , discussing the interview with Con
gressman A. S. Berry of Newport , In which
the latter declared Bryan mlsht be shot If
ho persists In coming to the state in the
Interest of Goohel. said : "I cannot think
Mr. Berry made the statement attributed
to him. lu any event , such a statement
is on Insult to Kentucky and wholly without
foundation or excuse. Mr. Bryan would bo
In no more danger In Kentucky than In any
other state In the country. " Ex-Senator
Blackburn also discredits the statement.
French .Schooner I'niiohoto Stiilin.
LONDON , Aug. 13. The French schooner
Pauoboto was sunk In collision today oft
Lowestoft by the steamer Hercules and flvo
persons were drowned. The steamer res
cued the remainder of the crew.
Loonl Ilccoril.
CMATIA. Aug. 13. Omaha record of
temperature and precipitation compared
with the corresponding day of the last
three years :
1833. ISIS. ISiTT. 1S96.
Mpxlmum tempcraturo . . SO S2 S6 S2
hMinlmum temperature . . < U K" 66 GS
Average temperature . . . . 72 72 7C , 75
Precipitation 00 .06 .58 .09
Ilecord of temperature and precipita
tion at Omaha for this day and slnco
March 1 , 1SD9 :
Normal for the day 75
Deficiency for the day .1
Accumulated deficiency since March 1 270
Normal rainfall for the day 11 Inch
Deficiency for the day 11 Inch
Total rainfall silica March 1..19.7 ! ) Inchei
Deficiency slnco March 1 1.01 inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1S9S. . . . 1.37 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , 1897. . . 7.39 Inches
ItciiortH from Statloim nt S p. in.
Omaha , clear
North Platte , part cloudy
Salt Lake , clear
Cheyenne , clear ,
Rapid City , clear
Huron , cloudy ,
Wllliston , part cloudy . . . .
Chicago , part cloudy , Cfi
St. Louis , cloudy
St. Paul , part cloudy
Davenport , part cloudy . . . .
Helena , cloudy
Kansas City , piri ( cloudy ,
Havre , part cloudy ,
Bismarck , clomly ,
Galveston , clear
T Indicates tracp of precipitation.
Local Forecast
Mrs. Morris' Letter to
' * "I have talceii eight bottles of Lydia
E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound
with gratifying results. I had been
married four years and had two chil
dren. I was all run down , had falling
of womb with all its distressing symp
toms. I had doctored with a good
physician , but I derived very little good
from his treatment. After taking a
few bottles of your medicine , I was
able to do my work and nurse my seven-
months'-old babe. I recommend your
medicine to every wife and mother.
Had I time , I could write much more
in its praise. J bid you God's speed in
your good work. " Mus. L. A. MORRIS ,
menced the use of your remedies I waa
very bad off. Every two weeks I was
troubled withflowingspellswhich made
me very weak. I had two of the best
doctors , but they did not seem to help
me."They Bald my trouble was caused
from weakness nnd was nothing to
worry about. Ifclttiredallthetimejhad
no ambition. I was growing worse all
the time un til I began the use of Lydla B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. _ lam
now able to help about the house , nnd
am much improved in health. " MRS.
. . .CONSULT. . .
Searles & Searlcs
Specialists In
Nervous , Chronics
Private Diseases
We guarantee to cure all casei curable of
Catanlt , All IHteutci of the Nun , Throat , ( 'tint ,
Stoinath , JJour/j / and Uvir ; llydrocelc , Vnrl-
toctle , Sviiliilli , Gonorrhoea ,
Nervous Debllltu Arie
Middle Aota anil Glit Men.
Blood and Skin { ! , ' : $ ? : ;
mors , Tetter , Kczema , and lllofxl I'olsou , tlior
out'lily cleansed from the BjrMcm ; also Wrak >
ncsgol Oryaui , luUarnuiatlon , Kuptures.l'iles ,
Patsinnh Throat , I/un s , 1/lier , DyipepsU
Uuldl I II and all bowel and Moinacli Iruulilri
I arlloc ( ! ivc" carrful and tpeclal attenllol
Lulllbo fur all their many allmeuli ,
WRITE your troubles , If out of the city.
Thoubandk cured at huuie by correspondence *
Dr. Searles & Searles. 119 S. HihSt , , Omaha ,
sold In 5 nml 10 ceut packages. Jnst
think of that I A meal for n man 5 cents ;
feast for n family 10 cents. Keep a
supply in the bouse for nil occasions ) .
' k your grocer for a 5 or 10 cent
package. Avoid imitations. Made
ouly by
ZTntlonRl HUenlt Company.
For a pleasant chauco of diet
Utnjer Wnyfer
( O Cents. 5 Cents. M
John 0. Woodward & Co. , S . M
vvemiwuBiiii Efliiifary jkademy
' OoyorninriitnuporvltOoK. PM [ rptmuliiitonnto unldiuttrii. Prcpnrntlon for UnlverMllivi ,
y H' &
FOR YOUNC1 WOMEN ANli OIRI.S. Modern and profin-mlve. I'ropnrntorr nd colIcK
, initslc. , olncutlon DaUnrtu , culture. nnnuul
rmir pi art ( pliyslcal Klftylirtli session buclut
Sopt. 7 , 1SSJ9. Send forllliistriitodCHt.iloKiio. HIHAM 1) . GHOVE9. President.
Best Dining Car Service ,
MothcrNS MothcrnlIothcrn ! !
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over fltty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teething
with perfect success. It soothes the child ,
softens the gums , allays all pain , cures
wind colic and Is the be t r mcdy for
Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part
of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" and take no
other kind. 2.1 cents a bottle.
Tlili eltnatnre la
on oierj bottle :
John Duncan's Sons , Agent * , New York
204 , 200 , 208. 210 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Itntes , Jl.OO per day , 76 rooms. First-class
In every respect. Motor line to all depots ,
I ocal agency lor the celebrated St. Louis
A. B. C. beer , First-class liar.
g The Bee
g Represents the West
Mail it
to your friends ,
Flneb equipped with Studio. Gymnasium.
Swimming Tank. Selontllle t'ookitiK ; Ilooma
and Laboratory. IIOSMCSSIHR : nil the com
forts ami clt > suiplt' of n llrsl-cluM * * home ,
with n bfautllul dining room , superior tublo
and service ; stltnatcd In DUO of the moat
i iIollRlitful suburb * of Huston , within easy
ai'i'fss to the Inst conci-itx , * anil
other advantages of n large nn $ refined
city. emplovliiK n largo ami competent
board of Instructors.
Send i-.irly for catalogue. Students nrn
now registering for next fall. Choice ol
room is in the order of nnpHcattan. Address
C. C. IIIIAUDO.V , Principal.
Were Intruded to He Strong , Healthy
nnrt VlKornuN I21c.otrle.lty Supplied
l y Dr. Ilcmtctt's Hlectrlo Belt I
the Grcntcat Iloou Known for
AVenk 1'enple InilnrNril by Pliysl-
rlmiK nml llccoiumcndail hy JO , 000
Curcil I'ntlrntii.
| Electricity Is the ono great remedy for
j fhe Ills of men and women that may bo
relied upon it cannot fail failure Is im
possible. All weaknesses and Loss oi
Vital Force comes from n lack of EIee-
trlcity In the system. To bo well this Vital
and Nerve Force must be supplied that IB
| what my Electric Belt IR for to supply this
ibsent Force and Vigor. Electricity as ap
plied through thn medium of my Belt Is
'ho only remedy that will do for you what
Is claimed for It. It goes directly to tha
lent of the weakness. Try it and you will
not bo dlRnppointcd. It will far exceed your
fondest hopes. It will euro you quickly.
pleasantly and permanuutly. It will glvo
roil satisfaction from the beginning. It en
larges and hardens all the muscles of tha
body. It cures nervous prostration and loss
at brain power.
Dr , Bennett's ' Electric Belt
Is no experiment. Weaknesses of men and
women vanish before its potent flamo. It
will make men and women of all agea
Itrong and vigorous. It haa ooft , silken
chamols-c o v o r ed
p o nge electrodes
that cannot burn
and blister as do
the bare metal clec-
trodea used on all
other makes of
Belts. My o 1 o c-
trodes alone cost
more to manufac
ture thao the on-
tlro belt of the old.
ntylo makuH. Ther *
are poor countcr-
feltn of my elec
trodes out. Do not
ba inlaled. Take a
counterfeit bank
note to the bonk
nnd the teller will
stamp it "no good. " The public will alamo
counterfeits of meritorious articles "DO
good. "
The prices of my Electric Belts are only
about half what is asked for the old-styl *
kind that burn , and I m sure they ar
within the financial reach of all the afflicted.
I guarantee my Bolt to euro Sexual Impotency -
toncy , Lost Manhood , Vnrlcocele , Sperma
torrhoea and all Sexual Weaknesses in
either sex ; restore shrunken or Undeveloped
Organs and Vitality ; cure Kidney , Liver and
Bladder Troubles ; Rheumatism in any form.
Chronic Constipation , Nervous and General
Doblllty. Dyspepsia , all Komnlo Complaints ,
otc.Call or write today. I will i nd you rar
Book About Electricity , symptom blanka
and testimonials free for the asking. Hy
Electrical Suspensory for the cure of tbo TB-
rloui weaknesses of men IB free to
purchaser of one of mr belli.
Dr. Bennett
Iloomc XO and 21 Doualai Illooky
maliaj N bjr.x.10tl n DodBje titnetmj
LOANS on Improved farms In Iowa nnd in
Bklo city property In Council Bluff at
lowest ratts.
Farms for Hale In Iowa :
bO or 118 acres ono and one-half miles from
GlrrnvooJ , Mills county , la. , ? C5 per acre ;
Kood orchard.
1W ucrcs In Crawford county , $15 per acre.
M acres five miles from Council Bluffs. JM
per ucru. A bargain for a line fruit farmer
or for cultivation.
280 acres In Harrison county , { 10 pr acre. A
fine stock farm. Oood linprovniicnts.
City residence and ImslmtiH property for
sale that will pay from 10 to 20 per cent
grow on Investment from rents.
200 acres In I'ottawattamlo coun'.y , JI5 per
aero. Good improvements ,
For rent :
No. 3JO Avo. F , 7 rooms , J20.
No. 294th ave. . 8 rooms , $23.
No. 018 Union sL , f > rooms , 110 ,
No. 1730 Illk-li t. , 6 rooms , IS.
Flut 221 8. 7th nt. . modern , JW.
LIM your property with us for sale or rent ,
Flro and tornado Insurance. Lowest ratei.
Ko. 1KJ South Main Street.
Council UluffH. la.
% . . U'clfphona 312.