DATT/V A V. Atr < ; i'S'P SPECIAL NOTICES Aili < Ttnrnicitin. ( or tlicno column * Mill lie Inkrii iindl 12 tn. fur tlio xrnliiK cillduii unil unlit Hi.'KI 1 > . m. fur inoriiliiK mill "Sniulny edition" . Ilnlm , 1 1-iio n irortl flrnt ln crtlonj lu 11nril thcrrnftcr. Nothing tnkcii for Ifi4 < lintv 'Me. for- the llmt Inner * tlon. Tin-He nilvcrtlneiiicntN niimt lie run coiiftccutivcl ) , A < HertlcrN , iiy rofincMliiR n iiiiiu- livrcil check , enii have niiNtver * nil- ilrrnncil to n iinint > ercd Icttrr In cnrc of The Hee. Aimvrcru o nililrcmieil it nil he ilallS Orcil on nruHcntntlon of the check onlr- WA.vriiu SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N . 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , position * piocurcd. A 401 A STENOtfllAPinJK. When ydii 'wont one plonso call up the Remington typewriter omcc , 1618 Farnam'gr.,4 telephone 1573 , A 403 WANTUU-MALU 1IKM- . WANTED , Wo Have steady Work for a few Rood htistlem of tfood habits and appear- aneo. C. F. Acluma Qo. , 1619 Howard St. GCOD salesmen , salary or com. 1118 N. 1 * . B 40 CANVASSERS wanted ; big money. Wrtle Home i Co. . Omahd WANTBD , l > y n Mnnlng concern , a man for land examinee having some experience In farm Joan buslnfl" * . Htnte age , experience and salary desired . Address t " . . . ? % . . . . r. ; of. B-M637 10 WANTED , slv moulders , no strike on. Apply St. Paul Foundry , Bt. Paul , J1' ' ' " " . D iSo 9 MEN to learn barber trade ; only eight works rciinlred ; special Inducements for applicants from a distance ; wnge * 'But- urduys ; places for BOO ; complete oiitllt of tooli prMtrttcdr ttosltlonB guarar'e < j ; rataloiiun mailed free. Moler Barber Col- Otilcago , 111. B-MC62 10 * BRICIC yard men wanted. WHhnoll Bros. & Bmith Co. 22d nnd Hickory St. ; wages are rMOW'Wttel-s. > 1.W ! wheelers , 1.7o truckcwi$1 0 BltovclcrH. D 778 9 * GOORuRapaf hanger and painter to do work vcir round and rent house down. town. 36 U. S. Natl | Bk. .BUlff. D-M733 9 FORTY team = nt Armour's/ South Omaha. Will pay J3.23 per day. Van Court & Wlnn. r MA" , * * ; B SOti'8 ' WANTED cvcrywherp , hustler-j to signs , distribute clrculais , samples , etc. No oanyaflBl k ; Koo.1 pay. , Bun , Aclvertls- luff Buf au , Chicago. B MS10 9 * WANTBD. two trootl Talesmen nt once for city work. Address K1 if. Bee. V 9 WANTEDlyouns man. Jiving with parentn preferrea , for light porter Work nnd otMce assistant : hottrH In onice generally long ; city references rcnulredr give full particu lars an < Jwifre ! r dcfllrcfl. 'Addresf < P 5 , Bee omcc. U M817 9 nrst-clnsa. thprpughly compe tent shoe enlesmnn of lame experience. One who speaks liohemlnn proferred. "Nono otherp need apply. Call between S nnd 10 a. m. nn l between R and 8:30 : p. m. Ak for superintendent. People's Furni ture & Carjpet , Co. B MS20 10 WANTBD , experienced shoemen In shipping department of wholesale rubber. boo.t and Mioft nd , . mackintosh bouse. State age and B'vo Tofcrcnces. Address F CO Bee. B MS3111 DO YOU wanl'Mo" trawl ? Do you ? . I1R21 Pnrnnm money Invevtfgntc.F. . / , 1R21 jnv 1. ! l"i , . , B-MS24 ( 15 * WANTED , good girl for fewlenal house- work , 1024 Pojk : ava. , C M773 8 WANTBD , a frlrjor..woman for housework In the country. Apply 2215 Hurt street , Omaha , " ? jrcr"E" C 775 8 * WANTED ? girl for 'general housework. Mrs. Robert Hunter , 1807 Lathrftp. ' sii - C 783 9 * A PIRfeT-CJjASS tflpl .for 'general house work ; email family ; brlnff ttifdrcnies. S23 N. 17th St. , „ , . r . .C-M79210 OOOD'-ftirl ' wanted- , family of two. Call Bt'Bchrader's drusr store , Zlth and Sew- ard. C M816 9 " --"l"OIt RENT 1 HOUSES. Benowa & Co , , 106 N. 15th St. D m AtiWAYS movlm ? household Roods and pianos. Omaha Van & StorageCo. . . l. > lHi Fnrnam. Tel. 15C9. D 407 HOUSES , stores , Bemls. Paxton block. . . . . . . . i t * ' D < 08 FOR KENT , houseo , In all parts of qlty. The O. F. Davis Co. , JB05"Farnam ritreot. D 409 BIX-HOOM mod.crn Hat 1112 8. llth. D-618 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brenpan-jLoye Co , , 219 South 16th street. MAGQAHD'S Van&stornge. 117 N 15. Tel HOe ! FURNISHED house central , 2009 California. D 418 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Paynefc60i N. Y. Llftf. 'Phone , 1016 FOR RENT , 5C8 Bouth S8th St. . 10 rooms , modern , gxiod repulr. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 SOJL 14th 8U D-M719 2402 POPPLETON AVE , , 10 rooms , modern , largo yard tfnd- barn , J30. The Byron Reed Co. ' D13 MODERN 7-roVm house , 1009 N. 29th Bt , , J20. 603 Bee. k D M908 FOR RENT. 8-rootn furnished house , with modern convenience * , near Brownell hall , JOHN W. ROBIJINB , ISM FARNAM ST. D-M916 LARGE line residence. 10 rooms , entirely modern , porcelain bath. In perfect con dition , large ffrmindi , Bpod barn , In best part of Walnut-Hill , rent 133.00 per month. S227 N. 20th St. . store. J7.00 ; Jour-room flat , upatiilrJ-Sj city wnter. 3217 Cumlng , 8 rooms , $20. Omaha Loan t'.Trust Co. , 16th nnd Doiurlas. t , , i J. . . S-ROOM modern. . 1517 papltol ave. , $15.00 ; 8-ronm motiern , small barn. 4216 Fnrnam ; others. Ringwalt Bros , , Barker Block. D M6S5 FOR RENT , 10-room modern brick. 1031 south .SOtb ave.i hardwood floors and " ' ' TJ-MC33 6-ROOM cottncc , furnUhed or unfurnished ; modern , 802 8. 80th. D-S04 14 TOR Rn.TF.a.maRnltlcent. . hotel cafe ; n great snapt and .you mu t bbrln a hurry , Oeorgo 1''IIenIs ) , Pax on block. * JJ * * MB1S Ju % UOOMH. THE Bachelor' " hotel , J006 Farnatn street , double uoutllTOoni , kUitable for man and wife. E30 A9 FUJINIBHUD rooms ; housekeeping. 2023 St. Mary'i. E-MM7 10' ' 3 NICE rooms , houitkeeplng. So. llth. t . l -y E 67 MODERN rooms , housekeeping ( for two ) . 614 NoVth 19th , B-M7I.9 10- 003 S. 25th ave. ; board If desired.K802 K-802 Sep. 1 UOOMS AND 1IOAIID. ' KLEGANT rooms & bbard , 1WS.Capitol avo. NICELY furnUhed room with breakfast ; n"ar llanBoqin .park ; modern house. Ad- dreaa C 13. i o. ' . . -419 THE Merriam family hotel , Sath and Dodco , F-M&9j ROOM , and Uwrd. modern. 1618 Horney. ' F-rM591 fiept , 1 MME , Ixe. baths , massage parlor , 302 N. it. F-779 S NICE rooms ; liome cookingcentral. ; . 1513 Davenport. F Ii742 Sept. i * nOOMS AMI IIOAnU. NICELY furnished front room , private turn- lly. 703 8 , 29th St. lT-801 14 * 'URNISHHD room * with or without boarder or for light housekeeping , 120 South 3 > th ntrcot. F M790 10' roil HUNT uMmiixisnr.ii UOOMS UNFURNISHED chambers for house keeping to man unJ wife. 319 N. 17tn. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms , > { -mlnuto walk from P. O.i newly papered , bathn , modern ; will rent ono or nil ; good for otllcea or sleeping apartments ; n. snap. Come at once. Gylmcr. 1605 Dodge st. O Mi9t 10 KOIl Itf'AT-SToniJH AND OFFICES. FOIl KENT , Rtore In first-clans rent reasonable. Apply K , C. Powers Co. , ground tloor Bee uldg. I 2M roil RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , ctc.j splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply , c. Peters & Co. , ground floof , Bee- building. 1-267 WANTED TO IlittT , GENTLEMAN to room and board In private family. Omaha , or Bouth Omaha , Address F 58 , Dee. K-M79910 * WANTED , to rent 4 or 5 unfurnished rooms near High school , modern conveniences. F 65 , Bee. K-M815 11 * nODM nnrt board" wanted wltji private fain lly by gentleman ; references exchanged. Address F 62 , Bee. K-MS26 9 8TOIIAOB. PACIFIC Storage ntid Warehouse Co.i SOS 910 Jones , general storagp and forwarding. i 423 WANTED TO ; BUY.M 2ND-TIAND furniture bought & exchanKed. Boston Furnlturo Co. , 1414 Dad go.1 Tel. 2233. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or email quantities. Chicago Fur nlturo Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel 2020. . N 428 WILL pay cash for 1 or 2 acres with small house. J. H. Sherwood , .423 N. Y. Life. N CM WANTED , second-hand sate , good size ; state inside dimensions and pflco ; mu bo cheap. Address F 45 , Bee Onlce. N-M716 U rou 8KB our 2nd-hand furniture , ' stoves ; lowest prices , Boston Furniture Qo , , 1414Dodge. . O 12i FOR SALU iionsns AXD'EiucLi& , OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles Andersen Buggy Top Co , , IB & Davenport. P 42S , FOE SALE , good horse and surrey , . , , to gether or separate , cheap. F 63. Bee. . . P 782 9 * FOIl SALK MISCELLANEOUS. FLAGpoles : sawdust ; cheapest and best hog fence. 901 Douglas. Tel. 45S. Q J CUTTERS of drug prices. . Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. ' ' " Q430 FOR SALTS , patent for Nebraska , big mon ey. Address A , Bee office , Council Bluffs. Q-431 HOG , poultry , lawn and Held fencing ; nit wire. Wire Works , 1017 Howard St. St.Q433 B. HAAS , Florist. ISIS Vlnton St. Tel. 7'6 ; plants , cUt flowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or exprestf promptly lllled , Q 43J FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S tot C cents -at druggists. _ One gives relief ; 't , Q 434 3D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnapi I ' < 3- 3 WHY get'secondmtdcTJIcyclCs ) .wneh. you can get high grada'Crescents fbr $33 cash. FlesoherI1622 ; Capitol AVe. * Q 43ff THOSE Wonderful Douglas shod ) , ' $2.50 and $3.60. Fisher , Park Ave. pnd Leavenworth , ' - Q-625 A9 SAFES , buy ; sell , exchange , ill s. 13th St. Q 437 INDIAN relics ; mounted gamchcada. JUG Farnam. Q MG95 A12 CASH register , nearly new , cheap , lllti Farnnm. Q MS68 ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Council Bluffs. . Q-M311 $185.00 WILD buy good Ivers & Pond piano ; cost J37B.OO ; two years' time. F 6 , Bee. Q 214 FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper , good for batten or laying under carpets. Omaha Bee prura'room , . Q 271 200 WATCHES left In pawn for .sale , cheap. Diamond Loan Ofllce , 1315 Douglas. Q-M615 Sept. 3 $050 $ BABY GRAND Hordmnn piano , slightly used , good as new , at a great bargain , F 67 , Beo. Q 807 14 FOR SALE , n. gilt-edge first mortgage ( or $4,000 on Instdo Improved property 'worth ' $15,000 , bearing Interest at 6 per cent per annum , nayaible ; saml-annually. No broker - er . Address F 01. Tlee. Q-MS23 8 9IISOI2M.AMSOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhand furniture and stoves , oia at lowest prlcej , carload lots or leas. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1405-10 Dodge. ' H-43S FOR RBNT , a good burn. 1902 Cass 8,1. R-15D NEW YORK building , Bluff tract , Greater America Exposition , Crelghton hall and MornmVs academy ; social functions , con ventions , etc. 615 AS SNOW-CHURCH CO. , law nd collection * , SCO Karbnch block. Tel S85. R M531 CLAIRVOYANTS. . QYLMER , genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge * MRS. FRITZ , clalrvpyant , 817 N. 10th.H . H 433 MRS. DR. MOSS , the greatest prognostl- cntor of the age , Is uncqualed as a life reader and clairvoyant ; see her and be convinced of her wonderful power. 1704 Oapltol Ave , 8-7779' MRS. DR. HART , the famous medium , palmist and card reader , haft arrived In Omaha ; pome and teit her wonderful powers : cords 25c ; satisfaction or no feo. Parlor 1707 Cass St. ; hours 9 a.m. to 9p.ra. B-S058' PROF. CICERO has reduced the price of hU life reading * to GOo for this week only. To accommodate people living out of the city I will answer aa many questions as you wish to ask for 60o. Send name , ago and d te of birth. Parlors 213 No. 18th ot , , near CupUolave. . S MS08 10 MRS. DR. HART , famous MEDIUM PALMIST ; cards,1 i5c. 1707 Cass t. 8-M813 9 MASSAOi : AND MATHS. MRS. unnnY , BATHS. MASSAGE PARLORS BUST equlimed In city. Porcelain - lain tub ; l dy attendants. 119 > f. I6h. ( opp. P , O. , 2nd Hoor. T MJS8 AZ6 DR. MALMQUIST. massage , baths , 110 Ueo Bldg , T73 All * MM 13. AMES , R. 2 , 607 8.13 ; massage baths ' T-815 A17 ' MME , SMITH , room 2 , 11SH North 15th. T-r-0058 * KLITE parlors , 202J Kurnam , upstairs , flrat- class batha , masiago and maenetlo treat ment ; lady itetendants. T MSOO 25 * EGYPTIAN treatment , elegant massage baths. Beatrice Hdrlow , 1701 Lraventvortt ) street , T Mfi09 8 BB 8IH DECAMO , thermal baths , massare 1(15 Howard , Sd floor , room 1.rr rr * * ort * * > T-M7SS 17 P13HSO.VAL. PRIVAT H hospital for ladles before & dur- inp conHncmont ; bublej adopted. 1138 N 17. U-440 p itso.\At. . M. MONHE1T , leading cfifropodlst. treats all aliments of fct , both Indies & gentlemen. Ladles' hnlrflre'nlnjr , hair KOO.H ft tollel prepftrnUons. Treatments on scalp , face , hands or feet ; 20 years experience , 10 years In Omaha ; best equipped establishment In city. 1616 Farnam ; take elevwtor ; 2nd floor. U-668 RITTER hospital ; confinement cases tnken ; babies adopteJ ' 11 Seward. Tel. 2233. U D5S A19 RUPTURE CURED. We cure nil forms of rupture without pain or detention from business. Send for cimilars. Empire Rupture Cur , D32 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-M661AJ1 * DR. ROY , chlropiMllst ; corns , hupcriluoim hair femoved by electricity. Room 12 , Frenzor block. U 441 VIAVI Is woman's way to health , ? 6 Bee Bldg. U-442 MAGAZINES , nH kinds , 2 for 5c ; nny date. Drop me a postal. J. M , , 703 S. 17th St. U-MSOO 9 TUB best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at Louis FIcschcr's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. nvc , ,4 " U-444 DRt NELSON , ( iontint , room .9 , Crelghton blk , , 16th and Douglas. Tel. 1910. ' U-M969 A20 _ 1IOWELL'S LTtio"Antl.Blllous Pills. Cure Biliousness. DUzlncss , IndlgcMlon , Sick Headaches/Consttpa.tlon' , torpid Liver and all 'derangempnts of stomach and bowels. Being entirely vegetable , they operate Without disturbance to system , diet or oc cupation. For" sale by nil druggists , Howell'a Antl-Kawf cures cough. U-677-A31 * SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; no .electricity ; no > Instrument used. Room 4 , Wlthnell block. U-343 SNOW.'Cntmcn CO. , law arid collections. 608 Karbach block. Tel. 8KS. U MS29 MUNUY TO LOAA-lllJAl , KSTATU. MONEY to loan on llrst-class Improved city property or for building purposes , Paytio- Harder Co. , N. Y. Life. W-Slii 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk. W-447 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha , real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 So. 16th. W-448 $100 TO $2.000. $ F. D. Wend , 16th & Douglas. W 149 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 450 BROKERS , promoter ! > , mortgage dealers , wanting- eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 s. 16th , Omaha. ' W-453 LOANS , Potter-Sholea Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-454 PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. 'Life. W-455 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnnm W-458 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Faroom St. , Bee Bldg- . W-457 WRITE'ua if you want a loan on your farm in lowu , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 316 N.Y.L. W 458 MORTGAGES , " Wallace , 314 Brown Block. W 459 5 , 6V4 , C per ct. loans In Omaha , So. Omaha. W. II. tThomos , 603 lit Nat. Bk. Tel. 1618. 5 PER CENTalso ; private funds. Chas , E. Williamson ! , , .W-M660 6 PER , CUNT money on or before 6 years on Nebraska landM and Omaha real es tate. W. B. Mclkle , 401 S. IBth-at. MONEY TO LOAX CHATTBIiS. MONEY Ioa e4 on- ' pianos , furniture , horses , ccnvs , jewelry.'Duff Green , R,8 , Barker blk - * X 461 LOXN8 'MADE 'STO SALARIED PEOPLE holding- permanent posltlott * fen their per sonal note without Indpjcsement or , secur ity ; atrlddy confidential/and at' ONK-HALF THE USUAL RATES : before borrowing see us , as you will find It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company m Omaha. F. AV. Truax , Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg16th and Far nam Sta. , Telephone ? fflC. X-462 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Barkers' J oan Ban * , 1416'Farnam , Upstairs. X 484 MdNEY loaned bn plan6s , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cowe.etc. C. F. Keod , 319 8.13. X 465 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posi tions , on their own name without en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind Can repay In eaiy weekly or monthly payments , Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jen nings , Mgr. , suite 623-628 N. Y. Life Bldg DO YOU NEnsDnMONEY7 AND EASY TO PAY. For high-class salaried people holding permanent position * with responsible lirms , without mortgage or security of any kind except their own names. Strictly confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. . Room 601 , Bee Bldg. X-MC98 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con cerns upon their own names , -without se curity ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 700 N. Y. Life Bldg. X 163 'MONISY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 308 SOUTIL ISTH STREET. STREET.X 008 IIUSINICSS CHAXCKS. INVEST J200. securing large weekly Income Safe , conservative proposition. 2d sue ccssful year. Statistics free. H , Grlflln 1180 Broadway , New , York. Y M2J4 AZ4 AN experienced caterer with cash ( no ono to buy out ) can have the Brunswick Hole Cafe , Wrlto , giving- reference * , capital etc. , John H. Fierce , landlord , Omaha. Y-M2SO 9 SNOW-CHURCH CO. . law and collootlona SOSlCarbach block. . Tel. i95. . Y-iffT FOR SALE , hardware stock In thrlvlni south-central county seat , with one com petltor ; object In selling , hove other busl ness which claims my attention. Address F 28 , Bee , Y-M816 B FOR BALE or trade , City Hotel , Onawa Iowa. ' Y M726 FOR SALE , for cash , furniture and lease of a S3-room hotel doing a good businens the only hotel In the town ; write or cal on C. W. Hatfield , Cedar "Rapids. Neb. . < T 784 9 FOR BALE , a peed , well equipped Btarcl factory located at Superior. Neb. ; build Ing and apparatus new and In good condl tlon. Inquire lock box 18 , Superior , Neb FOR SALE or trade , City Hotel , Onawa IOWB. Y-M72 16 FOR SALE. a. paying drug etore In a town of 600 ; southeastern Nebraska ; only store In town ; clean stock , easy terms : good reason for Belling- , Address F 33 , Hee , Y-M81 * 0 ELECTRIC machines that pay 100 p r cen annually on small Investment , with ex elusive territory. Write National Wee trio company , Detroit , Mich. Y MS11 9 * FOR BENT , a magnificent hotel cafe ; a preot wnap and you must be in a hurry < 3forgo P , Bemls , Paxton block. f Y-M81916 FOIl DENVEIt. Colo. . 7 brick buildings ; rental $70.00 per monin , for Omaha property or good land. J , N , Frenzer , opp. old P. O. Z-M191 FIRST-CLASS uprlkht piano for lot ; all o part payment. Address D 29 , Bee. Z-278 AS * WANTED , to trade SO acrei of land clea In McCook Co. , Neb. , and cash for a 7 o S-roocn modern cottage or house. Address P. O Box 4S5 , City. Z-M781 10 von n\ciiAM n. "Oil EXCHANGE , We have n nice rcM1- dcncc In Colorado Springs , Colo. , to trade for n residence In Omaha , or for nn < , tnbllshcd burtnef" ? ! whut have you to offer ? OHN W ROUBINS , 1S02 I-'ARNAM ST. / 7SO roil SAM : niJAi < USTATIJ. iAVE jou some lots to sell ? Now It the tlmo to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to dUpoic of them. The Uee reaches the people who ha\e the money , Hi ; 566 CASH CUSTOMERS KOR FARM LAND. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. St.RE979 IOUSES. lots farms , lands , loans ; also lire Insurance. Ueml ? , Paxton bik. RE 472 YOUR CHANCE. . room house , modern , w,200. room houee , modern , { 3,600. room house , modern , $1,000. Others , K.OOO , > 0,000 , 7.000. arid J10.000. All In Hnncoom Place. Two pleasant homeii , West Farnam , cheap. Inrgalns In any part of the city. M. J. Kennard & Son , 10-11 Brown Block. RK-K > 3 FOR SALE or trade , 320 ncru ( rood valley land In Hooker county. Nebra kn , six miles from railroad. Address J J. stecn , 2453 Blnney St. , Omaha , Neb , RE-Mtlil A1S GREAT barg-aln ; 5 acres adjoining- city , } 876. HickB Real Estate Co. , 325 Bonnl Trade. RE-803 S IENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estati , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. UE-flOl FOR SALE or rent , n large store bulldlnc with hall over It ; a large dwelling house and two lots ; buildings in good location and In good repair ; a splendid opening for a merchant wanting to come td the prosperous county of Burl. Write GeOrnd WntJx > n , Craig , Nebraska , before this opening Is lost. RE-M617 9 MST your property with me. I have the buyers. H. M. Christie , South Omnha. RE-M629 Oct. 3 IF South Omaha real estate you want to buy or sell communicate with O'Nell'S Real Estate Agency. RE Mb2S WOODMAN & BAY , BARGAINS , Room M. Barker Block. Opposite Hlffh xchool , ten-room house and full lot , five minutes' walk from poatonice , Make on offer. 2Sth ave. , near Farnam st. , ten-room house and two cottages , J1.800 ; pays 13 per cent on $3,000. S5th ave. and Jonen Bt , , corner , 132x124 , $1,109 , on your own terms. Cemetery lot In Prospect Hill , chcnpi the only one for Bale. Houses to rent , mortgage loans , fire Insur ance. Pension agents. RE M7GO 12 FOR SALE , cheap , east front lot. 120S So. 10th St. . near wholesale diMrlt-t nnd depots. Apply 1411 Vlnton St. RE 712 13 * SNOW. CHURCH CO. . law and collections. 606 Karbach block. Tel. SD5. RE M528 SNAPS in real estate : money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE M6S9 FOR BALE , two ( rood G-room houses to bo moved ; can Boll line corner lot Just aorosc the street for J300 ; have nlfo fine east front Jot 26th nnd Maple streets , J230. worth (500 ; also have 2 good houses with 1 acre of ground , bnrng and all other outbulld- Injrs , plenty of fruit , oil gtics for J400 ! call today. Lyman Waterman , N. Y. Life. Tel. 1S92. RE-797 3' FINELY finished 8-room home , modern In every detail , electric light , pns , laundry , barn , lot 78x140 ; one of the best bargains In Omaha ; owner leaving city. 3711 N , 18th , half block south of Manderson street. RE-M809 U FOR SALE , "bargain " ; 5-room house near 8th and Bancroft sts. ; peed home for any ono working in South Omaha. S300.PO. George & Company , 1001 Farnam st.RE RE MR22 12 L.O8T , ESTRAYED or stolen on or ahout July 31 , 1809 , from the pre-nlsea of Wm. Hopper , near Elkhorn , Neb. , 8 bead of cattle , as follows : 7 of which were- marked with a cut In the.toaek of righUcar ; one cow red torlndle color , no markj > about lo have a. calf1 and has but- three ffood teotss T marked1 cattle consltt o-PB1 - heifers' 1H yrs. old , 3 steers About 3 yrsiold , 2 steers about S yrs. old ; , suitably reward will be given for anylnforrnatlpn leading to re covery of cattle. Wm. Hopper , Elkhorn , Neb. . Lost 72,1 TYPEWniTETlS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. J4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , Ifi2o Farnam St. Telephone 1284. 473 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far nam. 47 * REMINGTON Standard typewriter and nup- plies. 1G19 Farnam. 476 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manffolder and cuta the finest Btencll : see exhibit Liberal JVrts bldf. , Greater America Exposition. .Tel. 22i9 J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 318'4 S , Fif teenth sticot , Omaha. 776 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam MCM A12 3II3DICAL. LADIES free , harmless monthly regulators cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , Milwaukee WIs. M960 A 20 LADIES , old Dr Bell's Cotton Root Plllc the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other. Bend 4o Btamp for particulars. Dr. Bell Box 718 , St. Louis , Mo. M25 A26- DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a single failure longest cases relieved In two to five dnys without fail ; no pain , no dnnegr , no Inter ference with work : by mall or ofllce , r 2 nil letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. room 614 , Chicago , III. 714 12 MCKEI , ALL kinds plating. Om Plating Co.Bce bldg 479 IIOT10LH. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths Ninth and Farnam Sts. 487 FISHING HKSOIITS. BASS and cropple fishing Is now at its best , The Lanfcdon hotel offers superior accommodations to fishermen and trim Blent gUCBtH. Reasonable rates. Frank F Vogt. Langdon , Mo , M512 A29 HIOYCI.KH , NEW wheels , $13.50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , $ up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bloycleco 477 SEE Louis Flescher for bicycle repairing enameling and sundries. 1G22 Capitol Ave ' 78 ANDRAU bicycles , $20. 1116 Farnam.M69S M69S 12 SHORTHAND AND TYPKWIUTJNp , A.'C.TatTsant's School. " 717 NTY. Life. AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas 4S9 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal Dee Bldg. 490 OSTKOI'ATIIY. JOHNSON qSTEOPATIIIC INSTITUTE 615 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. ladles' department , Old E. Johnson Osteopathlct , manager , M SS8 M. E. DONOHUE. D O. . of Still school Klrksvllle , Mo. , 601 Paxton blk , Tel. 1367 492 LAUNDRY , OMAHA STHAM LAUNDRYV city towe supply ; shirts , 8c ; collars , 2c ; cuffs , 4c underwear , 6c. 1755 Leavenworth. Tel. 617 M4C5 8epl4 TICKET onoicuns , CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H Phllbln , new locations 1309 and 1005 Far nam. Eat. UC $ . Utmber Q , T. B. Assn. 41-100 THE under.'lpneil having succeeded to the busine" of the late C , p , Belndorff. Archi tect hns removed from hl former olllce to 4tt lire Imllil'nn nnd will continue th6 buslne i of nrchltects nnd superintendent. I'atromice ot the public and Mr llcln- ilorff former rmlomer * resp.'ctfully fo- llcltetl It. W. Baker. A D. Baker M .W , Sepl KFP'URSON Square Loan OHlec. 418 N. 16. 4S1 7AGL1. I.onn Ofllce. rollihlc. acromtnodnt- Inp , all business confidential 1301 Douglas. Al'CTlOV ' 1X12 stinoy , two elegant blnok horses live nnd slv years old. and coc 1 hnrncM. nlso one Victoria Will be old to hlRheBt bidder at 1317 Douclnw t. . Thursdnv. Au- KiiBt,10. nt 2 o'clock , Will sell at private snle previous to date of Auction. Frr par- I tli'iilnrs cnll fit 1303 Douglas st J Ponndn- bore , Atictlnn ° er. .M S2 .1Q * THl'.MC I'ACTOIIY. SKH OUR trunk trnvcllntr bnffs , Milt cn oV Trunks repaired Omaha Trunk factory , 1200 Fnrnam. flM ASS iiovsi : AIOVIH. : W. COY , located at 1710 St Mary's Ave. 480 sinnw.M.Ks. ARTIFICIAL stone and brick sidewalks. A. R. Heel , 2G22 Burt street. Mfif.0 . AU * ABSTRACTS OP TITI.H. HARRIS Abstract Co. , 123 Bee Building.4S3 4S3 STAMMI3IIINU AMI STUTTBUINO. CURED. Julia Vnughan , 420 Rnmgc Bldp ; BIATTHB5S IIKNVATI.\O. M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cumlng. Tol. 1331. 4S6 IN families. Miss Sturdy , 2218 Davenport. M-497 A28' ATTOUMiYS. W. F. WAPP1CH. attorney. 505 Urown Blk. 012 A9 IIYOIKMC MASSAGE , electricity , hydrothcrapy , grnd- uatca Battle Creek , Mich. , sanitarium ; references ; ladles only. Phone 21UD. 707 A12 > WATIJR K "STANDARD" In Machinery Hall , .expo . , grounds , or room 6 , Board of Trade bids. M796 Sep-7 HAILWAV TISin CAHD. BURLINGTON i MIS- Bourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Olllces , N.V. . Corner Trnth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Farnnm „ _ . Street. Telephone. 2&0. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook n. V40 am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Coiu- rado , Utah , California..a. 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln , BUck Hllli. Montana & Pucet . Sound a 4:25 : p m a S:00 : pm Lincoln Local .1 7:00 : pm alO:33 : am Lincoln Fast Mall a 8:00 : pm alO:3S : am Denver. Colorado , Utah & California a 6:30 : am a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bluffs Rai'.road "Tie } Burling- toi. Route" Ticket OMiea , 1602 Faruam Street. Tele- phOne. 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex..tt 930 ! am & 5:40 : pm Kansas City Night Ex.alO16 ; pm a :30 : am St. Louis Fiver JOT St. , Joieph ana St. Louts..a 4:55 : pm all15 ; am a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ft : Qulncy Railroad "Tha nurllneton Route" Ticket OIIlcc , 1602 Farnam St. Tel. 230. Depot'Tenth & Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive , cage Bpe- a 6:40 : am Chicago Vestlbulcd Ex..a 6OS : pm a SOS : am Chicago Express a 8:30 : am a 4:0i : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : am Pacific Junction Local..alO:45 : uin a BH5 pm Fast Mall u : us pm a Dallr. FltEMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rail road "Tho Northwestern Line' ' Ofniral omcei United States National Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Ofllco , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. E61. Depot , 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458. Leavo. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:09 : pra a 6:00 : pm Wyoi.ilng , Casper and Douglas . . . . . . . .d 3:00 : pm d SlOO pm Hastings. York , David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Vcrdlsro and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont Local c 7:30 : am ft Dally , b Dally except Sunday , o Sun day only , d Dally except Saturday. 7IIICAOO A. NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tel- phone , Leave. Arrive. Dayllg Chicago Spe- cial . a 1:40 : am allS5 : pm Mo , Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneap olis . . a 5:60 : ana all:00 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City. . a 7:45 : am a 4:25 : pm Carroll Local , . b 5:25 : pin 1)10:10 : mn Eastern Express , Des Moines , Marshalltown , redo.- Rapids and Chicago cage . . . . . . . . . . . all:05 : am a 4:08 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and Kant . . . . . . a 4:65 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Ma/1 / , Chicago to Omaha . . . , , , . . , 1 : < 5 Pm Northern Exrresi . a 6:25 : pm a 8:40 : am Omaha-Chicago Special , a / : pm a 8:15 : am Fast Mall . KM a Dally , b Dallv xc Dt Sunday. m jOHICAGO. iST. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway -"The WortVi. western Line" Line"General OIHcea. Nebraska Dlvl- 18tl Leav9 > Arrlve' Twin City Express ( for ' Hloux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis ) . a 6:00 : am Omaha Passenger . a 7:01 : era v Blair. Emerson. Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlns- ton and Bloomfleld.b 1:00 : pm bl2lO : nm No. t. Twin City L'1'd..a 6:65 : pm P No 1. Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Da-lly. b Dally except Sunday. CITY & PACIFIC Railroad-"Th * Northwestern - western Line" General Omoi. United states National Bank Building , 8. W. Corner Twelfth _ , , and Farnam Street * . Ticket Unioe , 1401 Farnam Street. Telei piiuiie , 6t > i Depot , Tenth and Mason 8tr U. Telephone , t23. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City. Mankato & Bt. Paul , Minneapolis..a 6:69 : am a 8:40 : am fit. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux City.a 625 ; pm all:00 : Sioux City Local. a 745 ; i am a 406 pm OMAHA & BT. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route" Ticket Of. tlce , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Tele phone , 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. . . Lo U Cannon Ball Exp sea a 4:60 : pm a 8:32 : ara Kansas City and Qulncy Locai a 6:60 : am a tS9 : pm e Dallf. RAILWAY T1M OARDi CNtON PAOtKlC-"THBoVKIt. land lloiite" Ottcrftl pmce < i , N , n. Cor , Ninth < imt rurnnm Ptret . Cltv Ticket omee , 1S02 Frtrnnm Street Telephone , 3\R. \ Depot , Tenth and Maion Streets. Telephone. 6J9. l ? ave. Arrive. "The Overland LlmtlAV for Utah. Idaho , Men- tana , Cnllfornla , Oregon gen nndVAshlnston points a S:40 : am a 4:36 : pm Thi > ColoMdo Sne.Mtl foi- Denver nnd nU Colorado points nll:65 : pm n 6:30 : nm Pnclllo Kxproas for Denver , Salt Ix ki\ Paclilc Coant nnd nil wcitcrn points . . . , , . . , b 4:2o : pm n 6:30 : am Lincoln , iieiitrlcc and StromsbUrg Express . .b 4:25 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont. Columbus , Nor- i folk. Grand Island unit ) North Plntte a 4:23 : pm b : . " " > pm 1 rolumbuf Local . . . . . . . .b 7W : fin b 9:30 : pm i North rintte 1/ocnl n IMpm : South Omnha Local l'nw < . Loaves , 8:20 : n. m ; 7.00 n. m , ; . 10:10 : a , m. ; .1:05 : p. m. Arrives , 0:45 : a. m. ; 3:16 : p. m. ; 5:2" : , p , m , ; fi l > . tn. Council iJlufTH Ixx-al Leaves , 5iO : a. u m , 11:30 : a , m. , 3Q3 : p. m ! 4:05 : p. im p tn ; 830 ! p in , 7530 p. in ; 935 ! p. m , 1:00 : p tn ; 11:50 : p , m. a Daily b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-General otllces nnd Ticket Ofllce * Southeast Cor ner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone , iw. Depot. 15th and Wobater Bts. Telephone , 1438. . „ . . Leave. Arrive. 3t. Louts-Khnias A Neb. Ltmltirt a 3:00 : pm a : SS pm 1C. C. St. L. Express..a 9:60 : pm a 6:00 : am S'ebratkx Local vie. Wecplnr Water , o BDO : pm b 8:43 : am a Dal y. b Dally except Sundojr. CHICAGO , M1LAUlCEE & Sf. Paul Railway City Ticket Office. 1601 Farnum Btr6et. Telephone , 2S4. DC- pot , Tenth and Mason SUs Tc Ifphone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago tlmlt d l x.ta 5 , R pm a 8:20 : am ? hlcaso & Omaha Kx.bll:00 : am b 3:61 : pm 3loux City & Des Moines Express bll:00 : am b 3:59 : pra a Dully , b Dxllv cxccJJt Sunday. a Dally. CHICAGO. ROCK 1SL- Great " and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl ! Rock Island and Route. " City Tick , at Ofllco , 1323 Farnam "Joule Street. Telephone , 4 . . Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets , Telephone , 629. _ Leave. Arrive. Dei Motties Local . .a 7:05 : nm bll:25 : am Chlc&go Expf xs bllslo am a 8:10 : am Chicago Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm a 1:25 : pm St. Paul Font Express..a 5:00 : pm bll:25 : am Lincoln. Colorado Spgi. . . Dcnv r , Pueblo and West . .alSOpm ; a :25 : pm DPS Molnts. Rock isl and nnu t. hlcago a 7:2r : pm a 6:35 : pm Colorado < Texas Flycr.a 6:40 : pm u 8:00 : am a Dally , b Dallv except Sunday. A B A S II RAILROAD- Tlck t omce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , S92. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C23. Leave , Arrive. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 4:50 : pm a 8:3 : ! am a Dallv. rosTorricn NOTIOB. ( Should be rqad dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week endlnpr Au gust 12 , 1698 , will close ( PROMPTLY In nil cnes ) at thn General PostoIIlce nn follows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. TrmiH-Atlnnilr Itlnlln. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m , ( sUpplcmenta 9 n. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. B. Bt. Louis * , via Southampton ( letters tot Ireland must be directed per St. Louis" ) ; at 9 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Teutonic * , via Quecn town ; at 10:80 : A. m. for BELGIUM direct , per s. . Wcsterland ( letters must bo directed "perVenternlftnd" ) . IHURSDAY-'At 1 a. m. for EUROPE , per s.a. . AiiRUflto Victoria * , via Cherbourg- , Southampton and Hamburg. SATUROAY-At'G a. m. for EUROPE , per . a. Campania * , via QlieenMown ( letters for Fiance , Switzerland , Italy. Spain , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt nnd British In dia miist be. directed "per Campania" ) ; at 7 n. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per B. s. I > -Champagne * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per La Champagne" ) ; at 8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , . . - per B. Spnnrn- - dam , via. Rotterdam ( letters must be di rected "per Spuarndnin" ) ; at 9 a. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Aller ( letters must bo. directed "per Aller" ) ; at 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per H. s. Anohorla ( letters must be directed "per Anchoria" ) . Printed matter , etc. German steamers salllntf on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. . for Germany , and specially addressed printed matter , etc , , for nner pnrtu ol Eu-opc. American and White Star steam ers on Wednesdays. German "learners on Thursdays , and Cunard , Ficncn nnd Ger man flteamcm on Saturdays take printed matter , etc. . for all countries for which they nre advertised to carry maii. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic malls namei * above addi tional supplementary malls BPS opened on the ulers of the American. English French and German steamers , and renmlr open until wKhln ten minutes of the hour of galling of bteamer. JlnlU for South and Central Amorlcii ' WEDNESDAY At 3:30 : a. m. ( supplement ary 10:30 : a. m. ) for CENTRAL AMER ICA ( except Costa Rlcn ) ana SOUTH PA CIFIC POr.TS. per s. B. Advance , via Colon ( Icttoru for Guntomnm muirt be di rected "per Advance" ) ; at 1030 | u. m , for OPORTO RICO , per U. S. Transport , via San Juan ; at 11 a _ m. for GRENADA ami TRINIDAD , per s. n. Irrawnddv ; nt 1 p m. tor CUBA , CAMPECHE , TABAPCO YUCATAN nnd CHIAPAS , per * . . * . Vlg- llancla. vJa Havana , and Progress ( letters for other parts of ( Mexico must bo di rected "per Vlgllanela" ) ; 1 p. m , ( HUP- plementary 1:30 : p , m , ) for NASSAU , per . B. Antllla. THURSDAY At 11 a. m. for BRAZIL dj rect , per H. n. Llvorno , via Peinambuco and Rio do Janeiro ( letters for North Brazl nnd La Plain countries must bo dlrectcj "per Llvorno" ) ; nt 1 pi m. for PORTt RICO , per H. B. Arkadla , via Ban Juan ; a I n. m. for DEMERARA direct , per s. H Uller ; at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA , per ( learner from Ifo-Uon. FRIDAY At 1 P. m' , for JAMAICA , per s , B Jason ( letters must be directed "DC JnHon"k ) SATURDAY At 10 a. rx. ( supplementary ? &Ak ? &x & $ tenz GENA , pgr , B. Adirondack ( letters fo Costa Hlca must bo directed "per Adlron dock" ) ; at 10 n m , ( supplementary 10K : a. m. ) for ItAITI and SANTA MARTHA per s. B. Anile ? ; at 2 p , m , for NEW FOUNDLAND direct , per p. s. Silvia ; a II a. m. for UUBA , per B , s. Mexico , via Havana ( letters must be directed "pe Mexico" ) ; at 11 n , mi , ( supplementary 11:30 a. m. ) CURACAO , a so VIJNE UELA. SAVANILLA and CART1IA GENA , via Curncao , per . s. Hlldur : n 12 m. for OIBNFUEGOS , TRINIDAD MANHANILLO nnd SANTIAGO , per H , it Ilsunsteln ( letttra mum bo directed "pe Ilsensteln- ' ) , Bfalln for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , closj a this office dally at 8:30 : p , m. ( connecting close here every Monday , Wednesday nnd Saturday ) . Malls for.MUjuelon. by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close at this ofllce dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fin , , and thence by steamer , close M this office dally ( except Monday ) nt " a. m , ( ths connecting closes nre on Sunday , Wedncn- day and Friday , Malls for Cuba , by rl ! to Miami , Flo. , nnd thtnca by iteamer , close at this olllce evarv Monday , Tues day nnd Saturday at * ; ; 30 c. m. ( the con necting closes nre on Tuesday ana Saturday - day ) . Malls for Mexico' City , uvorland , unless npeclally addressed for despatch by steamer , clom at this ninct dully at 1:30 : a. m. and 1:30 : p , m. * Malla tor Costa Rica , Bellzi. Puerto Cqrtcz and Guate mala bv rail to New Orleans , nnd thence by steamer , slate at thl office dally a 8:00 : p. m. Connecting clones here Sun days and luekdays for Ooiln Rica , and Mondays for 'ifillze , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala 'Regictercd mall rloiea at 6 p m previous day. . Registered mull closes at 8 p , nv sephnd day before. Tritliifrl'nulllu * , Malls for China , Japan and Hawaii , per . a. Hong Konff Maru ( from San Franelhco ) , close hero dally up to August * * 12th at 8:30 : p m , Mails for China and Japan , per P. 9. Empreeu of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , clone hero dally up to Augunt " 15th at 6:30 : p , m , MaUaor Hawaii , per * . . AuMralla ( from Bun Francisco ) , close here dally up to August " 18th at 6:30 : p. in , Mails for Australia ( except Wcit Aus tralia ) , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , per a. B. Uiowera ( from Vancouver ) . < .lnn * here ( Continued. ) dally after August Hit nmt tip to Au u t ISth nt fiW : p. in. Mallo for the HoclMjf Islands , r > < Pr ship Onllleo ( from S n Fran- rl'co ) . cio hero dally tip lo August * 26th nt 6.3rt p in. Malls for fhlnn nnd Japan. lxr ; s s. Tncoma ( from Tn vnia ) , clo o here dally up to August 31rt nt flW : p , m. Malls for Australia ( except thooo for West Auntrnlla , which nre for warded via Europe ) , New /.calami , Hawaii. FIJI nnd Sninoan Islnad ! , per . s. Alnmoda ( Trom San Frnncli o ) . lo hero dully after Auguot * * lSth nnd up , to September " 1st Bt : SO \ \ . m. or on nay of arrival of B. a. Cnmpnnla. which will probably arrive September " 1st. 'rant-Pacific mails rq forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closIng - Ing Is arranRed on the. presumption ef tbolr uninterrupted overland transit , ReelMored mail closts at 6 p. m. pr - VAN COTT , Postmnittr. oMoilIre New York , N. Y , , August 4 , 1599 , ilS OF STARS THIS MONTH. iiino Otlirr ThlnR * ilint Cnn Ho Nre * In the Skim Ilnrlnic Anttntl , There ro two featurca for which Aujurl distinguished one Ihe dog < 1ay and thl olhot1 the first of the derloof falling iUn , relates the New York Times. As wo look up Into the heaven * < o find .articular stats there ftro certain tint * con nected with the prominent one * , tbe n me.d law , as wo popularly caU them , that ld ll is In dlsllngulnhlng them trom otbtri. These dcllcnto tints c n of courno convty ta us out n very Imperfect Idea of their "real coloring. In passing from our latitude , .yrUli ts peculiar meteorological condition ! , to thi Impld reslons of the tropics , the color * ol he stars are accentuated , nnd the ekjr be comes a veritable cn > k t ft , precious gcmi , \ntarcj , Pollux , Aldebarnn , UctelfiUcs * and ho planet Mam shine Hkc rubles , I'olarls , ho North Star , Cupella , Ca tor , ArctUrus xnd Procyon are veritable celestial topntcr. , whllo Slrlus , Vega and Altalr * re dlnmomU of the first water , eclipsing all other ! by heir dazzling wblteqciiR. The RpcoJ of the tun lu AiiRU.it Incresics materially ns the time for reaching th equinox approaches , nnd wo find that at ho month's cloao nine nnd one-halt de grees of northern declination liavo dlnap- The ilntcnsc heat of the month Is greatly modified by the Icnglhetilng nights , which are gradually taking unto themselves many mlnutos from the light of day. The August moon U uqw on thq 4Ui , reaches the phase of first quarter on the 14th , Is full on the 20th , and passes Into last quarter ou the 27th. It occults Mercury on the 7th , and wo would have a charming plcturo to gaze tipon lit 'twcro not /or / the fact ot the planet's Invisibility on that ofi- caslon. Almost all of the conjunctions bo- twcen moon and planets lake 'place this month between the new and the till ! moou , so that wo have the majority of the wan derers ns evening stars. A notable exception ( o this distribution of the planets Is found in Neptune , "which la t\\lco In conjunction with Uio moon , once on the 2d and again on the 20th. We rnUt EO many pleasant tableaux In not being able to BCO this magnificent planet , whose approaches preaches to the moOn are , for this month nt Icaet , closer than almost all th other plnnotB , Venus Is now rising only three-quarters of an hour ahead of the sun , and her lazjncst In this particular Is greatly to her discredit , as the nearer she sets to the un the dljn- mer grows her disk , and shortly she $111 be abut entirely from view * However , sha will not ( be out of sl ht very lone , And when once wo get her as an ovenlrig star we shall have the pleasure , of h r company for the remainder of the year , from the time of sun-setting until the planpt herself'hldi ' her fair face behind the llne , of the west ern horizon. Mercury la at present nn evening star , but having swung ns far to , the eastward 'as the line hat iethers him tn-tho ) u i-.ptrm ) U him tq do ; he Is now bound thtf'othfrr way , > and Teaching bis point oririfirlor conjunc tion with 'the sun on the 19th , ho Joins the company ofrtnb morning1 Jtarfl ab'd reronlns' the'ro the rest of iho monin. Wo sometime ! complain of. the heat of tbo sun ; .but what Is our luminary compared -with tbo dazzling furnace ot Mercury ? It , Is aa it ten suns together darted tholr rays on our heads at. noontime. So that If any Mercurlan dropi down upon tis he'd fancy himself In the Arctic even were he to ftrlng up In Central Africa or hottest Asia , Mars cornea to our meridian In the middle of the afternoon , eomo thrco hours or so after { be sun. , lte If In the constellation of the Lion. Unfortu nately ho Is very smalt at present and1 hi * size diminishes dally , but hl clear , steady light etlll admits of his bolne distinguished In the setting of brilliants surrounding film. Jupiter's approach to th min can be noticed very easily now , far wo find him at eunsct further nnd ( further down la the western side of the heavens. Wo shall hold onto him , however , until November , as ho docs not cease to be an evening- star until his conjunction , with the BUD on th JStb of that month. . ' , . ' Uranus reachc * thn position of quadrature with the sun on the 27th , and still ranks among the evening stars. Ho It in the con stellation of the Scorpion , and comei to his highest point on our meridian shortly after 7 o'clock In the evening- . Saturn and the moon ftro in fairly' ' closa' ' proximity on the 16th. This will really ta the most plcturtrjquo of the monthly con junctions , and It Is unfortunate that the planet Is not na largo and BO brilliant a we sometimes have It. "DOC" JOII.-VSO.VH Tola the iKimrnnt Fnrnicr the M n- Injf of the Ward 'IiumltfrnnU. "There used to bo an eccentric , old char acter In our neighborhood , " ald a plantar , reported In the Now Orleans Tlmcg-Dcrao- crat , "who wont by the- name of 'Doo' Johnson. 1lo has never been forty mile * from the settlement In his life and wei 'barely nblo to read and write , bat ha1 "was naturally a sort of Jack ot All trade * and' eomohow or other ho acquired a tremon eli * reputation for sagacity. Whenever art argil- ' mcnt arosb , among the country folks , 'poo/ / Johnson Was pretty certain to bo called In to decide It and as bo would rather have died than to liavo admitted Ignorancfr .on any subject oonie of hit itatementi ot tact were amazing In the extreme. One day 4 farmer In Iho vicinity received a letter from his son who had moved , up toIaw.a , saying , among other things , that the corn crop Trail looking badly and the country was being qvcrrun by immigrants. The /tet / wot'4 ' stumped tbo old man and After puzzling ( a vain over Us moaning lie happened lo ee 'Doc' and called him In , Johnton linew fro * the peculiar warmth of his'greeting : thtt bo was going to be asked to eolva som * knotty problem and at once assumed hi * wisest air. ' "Doc , " ' said the farmer , pointIng - Ing ( o the mysterious passage In the letter , ' 'what ' In thunder does that boy mean by Immigrants ? What are they like anyhow ) ' Johnson spelled through the paragraph add , noting the reference to the bad corn crop , began rapidly to put two and two together. 'Immigrants ) ' Ti exclaimed , to gain tlm4 , 'Why , I thought everybody knowed watt they was ! ' 'Air they critters7' ' aiked thft farmer , curiously. 'They Is , ' replied 'Doc/ 'a kind of or cross between a 'ponutn ' add A ooon and I'll tell you what ) ' he added Ira- pre ilvely , 'they're Just almply death da corn. ' " Power of ( lie I'rrmi , Philadelphia North American ; "You didn't print what I had to eay to you about the * Philippines , " said the famous man. "No , " replied the reporter , "I did that , t.0 save you , YoU would have changed your mind and denied it today. " "Hut I haven't changed my mind. " "I know. That's because your weren't printed. " Oce Minute CoXigh Cure quiexiy cure * ob- ' ntlnato cummer coughs and cold * , "I con sider It a moit worvlerful medicine qo'ck ' end eafe. " W. W. * wrton , Maynew , WU