THE OMAHA DAII/JT BEE : WED ESDAT , AUGUST 9 , 1899. I COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Sharp Drop in the Foreign Markets Fasbei Wheat to a New Low LeteL SCATTERED SELLING BY THE NORTHWES1 Corn In Steadied l > r Good Shipping In < qnlry Out * Clone Irrrjiulnr nnd Lovrer Provision * Decline ( cline Sharply. CHICAGO , Aug. 8. The weak cash lion and a sharp drop In foreign market ! pushed wheat to n. new low level today , September closing weak at ? 4iHc declln < from yesterday. Com was steadied bj good shipping Inquiry and closed slight ! ) higher. Oats closed Irregular , a ehad < lower to V4o higher. Provisions declined Bharply , closing I'/lSISHc lower. Opening prices for September whea.1 showed a decline of V49Vio from yesterday , etartlng at 6SK3 8U < : , and that proved to be the hlirh jMjint of the day. Interest In th iimrkut , which ha been slack rfor several days , was , It possible , even duller than yes terday and 'the market for the greater parl of Uvo sesnlon kept within a ranga of } c The weakness at the start was due to a docltno at Liverpool of % ! since Friday , This was double the dccluic. In the local niarkot slnco that day and , coupled with the continued absence of foreign Inquiry tot American wheat , kept prices on the. dawn Bivule during most of 'tho day. It was ap parently the prevailing opinion that It was a hopeless task to attempt to bull the xr.nrket while there Is so little demand foi wheat abroad nnd what Httlo .buying . was dene was against puts , to which price ( CSU ( gfiSHc ) the market declined shortly aftei the opening. There was scattered sellingby the northwest and by local commission houses , * ut outside Interest was slack. Sep. itember longr wt'fo Inclined to transfer their deals from that month to December and buying of the Utter agalnat sales of Sep tember had a tendency 'to ' widen the spread between 'those mondhs to the advantage oi the carriers. Broomhall's llcures of the European vlslblo Indicated a large increase end was a bearish feature of the mornlnu'e trading. Bradstreet's flgurea , however , I ehowed a decroaa * of 1,207,000 bu. and for a time this steadied the market , causing a rally In September , which'toad In the meantime - ' time declined to 6S } c , to about CSHQ63- , but no substantial support was forthcoming J and prices soon sagged again. New York reported export sales of 10 boatloads. Not . tmshel 'was placed from here. Northwest receipts were 199 cars , against 296 last week and 49 a year ago. Chicago receipts were 116 cars , 12 of contract grade , Atlantic port clearances amounted to 370,000 bu. A BHgthtly better feeling developed near the I close , s'horts being fair buyers at the bottom tom , and the market rallied slightly , closing t. 6SV&4SHC. Corn was fully as dull as wheat , but nuch steadier. The market was weak at the start , partly In sympathy with wheat nd on the favorable crop conditions , but the strong cash situation sustained prices. There was vigorous soiling of September at times and the more distant futures Bhowed the most strength. .Receipts . were liberal , 662 cars , but Indications were for a lighter movement , as country acceptances ( have been light for eome time. September ranged from 30',4'3COi'c to 30c and prices closed a ahado higher at 30ic. . OM were dull and Irregular. The feature of trade was the demand for May , which was shturp enough to result In a % c tid- vnnco In that option. The cash demand iwaa excellent , 160,000 bu. being worked here. Hecelpts wer i large , 538 cars. September ehowed eomo sympathetic weakness with "Whent. It ranged from MHOM'/frc to 19hc nnd closed a. { ftiade lower at 19'/4619'4c. ! Provisions were Mgh throughout the ses- elon. 'Packers ' were < re sellers , apparently on the 'belief ' In a freer hog movement , and cubstontlal oupport iwns lacking. The mar ket tended eteitullly downward nnd was de cidedly weak at the close. At the close September pork was 12Hc lower at 18.35 , Beptembar lard lOc lower at J5.27& and Sep tember ribs Vfco lower at $5.02 # . Estimated receipts Wednesday : Wheat , 07 cars ; corn , 320 cara ; oat , 230 cars ; hogs , 28,000 h ad. Leading futuroi ranged as follow * : Articles Oman High. lw. Close. Yest'dy 'Wheat. Soot. . , 68H 89 Dec. . . . 71 71H TOM May . . ' 74M 74H Cora. Sept.i. 30 30K3U Doc. . . . * May . . 20.4 JBM 29H 2 > t Oats. Bent. . . 19H IflMaM loo. . . . 19HJ J < May. . . $ J 21 M Porlt. Sept . . 840 840 8 an 847M Oct. . . . 841 846 885 840 867K Lard. Sept. . . 630 B25 S37W Oct. . . 640 040 630 6S2M Bibs. Sept. . . 607M 510 BOO 6024 E10 Oct . . . 610 CIO 60S 807X S16 No. 2. Cash quotations wera as follows : FLOUR Quiet and steady ; patents , $3,45 ® B.55 ; straights , $3.0033.10 : clears , J2.801(3.10 ; eprlng specials. $4.00 : hard patfnts , $360 ® 8.60 ; soft patents , $3.SO@3.40 ; straights , $3.tW ( U3.10 ; bakers , $2.402.60. WHEAT No. 3 spring , 636Sc ; No. 2 red , C9K5yiOc , OORN-No. 1 , KG ; No. 2 yellow. 32Kc. OATS-NO , a , 2ocov4c ; NO. 3 white , - " IlYE-No. 2. 53c. J1ARLI3Y No. 2 , 34@35c. 'SEEDS ' Flax , No. 1 , 99o ; cash , northwest , ll.02 i ; cash , southwest , 99 ; August , 97 c ; October , 97o ; December , 97c. Timothy , prime. $2.40 ; August , $2.47 % ; September , $2.40 ; October , $2.40. Clover , contract grade , PROVISIONS-OIesa pork , per bbl. , 87.60 (58.35. ( Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.10 (5.25. ( Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $4.SOifS.:5. : Dry salted shoulders ( tooxeil ) , $5.505,62i4. Short clear oldos ( boxed ) , $6.40Q5.45. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per pal. , $1.26. SUGARS Cut loaf , $6.02 ; granulated , $5.60. Following are the receipts and shipments : Articles. Receipts. Shipments , Flour , bbls 17,000 8,000 "Wheat , bu 73,000 4,000 Corn , bu 357,000 397,000 Oats , bu 587,000 463,000 Tlye. bu 1,000 [ Barley , bu 21,000 6,000 On the Produce exchange today the but- < er market was flrm ; creameries , 13V4@lSc ; dairies , 12ig > 16c. Cheese , firm at 9 10c ERKB , Jlrm ; fresh. 12'/4c. Dnssed poultry , flrm ; turkeye , 8 ® Hc ; dhlckens , 9@i2Uc ; ducks , S@9c. NEW YOIIK GKMSHAL MAUICET. Qaotntloni for the Dny on Various Comiuodttlri. NETW YORJC , Aug , 8. FOAOUR Receipt * , C7.30S bbls , ; exports , 20,000 bbls. ; sales , 6,500 * Jbl , ; rnarkot moderately active , but ah'ade , easier , ( Minnesota patent * , $3.60-33.80 ; winter streJghts , $3.303.40 ; winter ex tras , $3.40Q5.80j Minnesota , bakers' , $3.50 ® 3.10 ; low grades , r..30S2.40. Ry flour , jnao- tlvo ; eoo < l to fulr , $2.90 ( < l.lO ; choice to ( fancy , $3.1533.30. CORNMUAL-Qulet ; yellow western , 72 ® 73o ; city , 74o : Brandywlne , $3.10(52.20. ( RYK Weaker ; No. 2 western , 691ic f. o. b. afloat , spot. BARLEY Firm ; feeding , 37Hff38o c. 1. r- Buffalo ; maltlnr. 4SSS7c."U"0" BARLEY MALT Quiet ; western 6S5T65c , WHEAT-Reoe Pts7ll9,6sb bu exports. : 484 bu. ; aales. 1,260,000 bu. futures : 208.000 bu. epot. Spot steady ; No , 2 red , 75c f. o , b. euloat , Bpot ; No. 1 northern , Duluth , 76Wo * . o. b. nnoat , spot ; No. 1 hard , Dululh , V9Jo f. o. b. anoat to arrive ; So. 3 red TOic. elevator. Options opened weak at o decline. Influenced by a break In Liverpool quotations. Except for a midday rally on m unexpected decrease In world's stocks Hhey ruled heavy all day under selling caused by flne crop news and continued CORN Receipts. 430,950 bu. ; exports. 361.- 762 bu. ; sales. 25,000 ton. futures , 52S.OOO bu , enot. Spot firmer ; No , 2 , 37Jc f. o , b , afloat- 3t > T4c , elevator. Options opened easy at Vto decline with Tvheat , but rallied on He-lit ' tDocembor. 34H034 ! c ; closed , oic. OATS-Recelpts. 228,900 bu. ; exports , 10. . 025 bu. ; sales. J10.000 bu. Spot quiet. On- tlons dull and easy , HAY Firm ; shipping , 60Q60c ; good to choice , 76Jf90c. HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice 1896 crop. We : 1637. llffUc ; 1S9S , 16@17o Pai olHo coast , 16M crop , 6Q7c ; 1897 , IKiilJc : Ibss ' 16C17C. HIDES Firm ; Galveston , 20 to 22 Ibs ' 16W0-17c ; Texas dry , 24 to SO Ibs. , U ,0' : California. 21 to 25 Ibs. , IS c. ' LEATHER Firm ; hemlock sole. Buenos 'Ayres , light to heavyweights , 21G c ; acids BlV4J22Uc. WOOL Firm ; domestic fleece , 19f24c ; , . PROVISIONS-Beef. quiet ; family , $9.6ftil' ' 10.SO ; extra mess. $9 ; beef hams. $27.00 ® S.tO ; pickled , $9.50310.00 : city extra , India aess , $ H.CO3'16.CO. Cut meau , steady ; pickled bellies , $6.0037.50 ; pickled shoulders $6' pickled hams , JlO.OOalO.73. Lird , easy western steamed , $5,72V4 ; August closed a J. > .72Vi , nominal ; renned , steady ; continent $5.5 ; South America , $6.50 ! compound. $5 Pork , steady ; mess. $9.5029.75 ; short clear til.76 : family. Jll.tWjlZ.OO. BUTTER Hecelpts , 10,146 pkgs. ; marke' ' firm ; western creamery , 15V4W16'/4c ; westert factory , . lig-14iio. CIIliliSE Receipts , 4,309 pkgs. : quiet large , white. 9U3V&c ! : small , white. 9Hc large , colored. 9UQ9iic : small , colored , 9V4 - KGOS Hecelpts. 10.616 pkgs. ; nrm ; west ern , ungraded , 10Q13V4O at mark. TALLOW Firm : city ( $2 per package ) 4Hc ; country ( packnge free ) . 4Hc. OILS-Pctroleum. llrm ; rcllncd New Tork $7.SO ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , J7.76 Philadelphia and Baltimore , In bulk. $5.26 Rosin , steady ; strained , common to good $1.30n.32',4. POTATOES-Qulet ; fair to prime. Jl.OOffl 1.50 ; fancy , $1.7602.23 ; southern , sweets , $3. & © 4.00. RICE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4HS 7Uc. FREIGHTS Quiet : cotton by steam , 15c nominal ; grain by steam , 2V4c. PIO lUON-FIrm ; southern , J17.EOS20.M northern , $18.00021.00. OMAHA RK.Vnit.AL MAIIKCT. Condition of Trmlc nnd Unotntlom on Slniilo niiil Knncr Produce. EGGS Good stock , lie. BUTTKU Common to fair. Iigi2c ; choice 13@14c ; separator , ISSlSc ; gathered cream' cry , 16S17c. POULTRY Hens , live , 8c ; Bprlng chick' ens , 12@13c ; o'd ' and staggy roosters live , 3Hfl5c ; ducks and geese , live , SS6c ; turkeys , live , 8c. PIOEONB-Llve , per doz. , 76c < g11lOO. VEALS-ChoIco , 9c. VEGETABLES. WATERMELONS Southern , crated foi nhlpment , 17ffl8c. ( CANTALOUPE Per basket. 6070c. TOMATOES Per 4-basket crate , 60@70c. POTATOES New pota'.oes. 30Q40c per bu CUCUMBERS-per doz. , 30c. CELERY Per doz. , 15c. FRUITS. BLUEBERRIES-Per 16-qt. case. 11.75. PLUMS-Callfornla. per crate , fc.36@1.40 , CALIFORNIA PEACHES Freestone , $1 0501.10. APPLES-Per bbl. , $2.002.5. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California Valenclas , $5.00. LEMONS California fancy , $4.2594.50 : Messina , fancy , J5.00S5.2S. BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock. per bunch , J2.60Q2.76 ; medium-sized bunches , J2.00S2.J5. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7 o ; No. S green hides , 6V4c ; No. 1 salted hides , 8V4c ; No. 2 salted hides , 7&c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , 10c ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. TallowNo. . 1 , 3V4c ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough.ta.llow. lc ; white graase , 2'/4Q3c ; yellow and brown grease , 1V&B2V4C , SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each. 15(5 ( 75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , lac ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each. Be ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@6c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3@4c ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4Jj6c ; dry flint. Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3Sj > 4c. St. Lou I * Grain nnd Provisions. ST. I.OUIS , Aug. 8. WHEAT-Strong : No. 2 red. cash , elevator , 67c ; track , 6SV4 < fi70c : September , 6SH5J6Sic ; December. 71Vfcc ; May , 75c ; No. 2 hard , 674@6Sc } : re. celpts. 90,211 bushels. CORN Strong ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track , 3U4c ; September , 30Vi@30c ; December. 27c ; May , 2Sc. OATS-Strong ; No. 2 casn , 22Uc ; track , 23c ; September , 19c ; December , 20c ; May , 21c ; No. 2 white , 2S&C. RYE Qulot ; 55c. FLAXSEED Higher ; 94 < g95c. PROVISIONS Pork , flrm ; J9.25. Lard , lower ; primp steam , J5.15 : choice , J5.20. FLOUR Dull , unchanged. SEEDS New prime timothy , $3.25ff2.40. CORNMS3AL-$1.75@1.SO. BRAN Steady ; sacked , east track , 65 ® 6oJ c. WAY Timothy steady , $7.503-12.00 ; prairie , flrm , $6.09 < gs.00. WHISKYSteady. . $1.26. COTTON TIES $1.15. - . POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 77UC ; young , ! OS'iOV6o ; turkeys , 9o ; young , 15c ; ducks , SWigfic ; geese , 6&6 < Ac. BUTTER Higher ; creamery , 160 > 19c ; dairy. 12@16c. EGG'S Firmer : 9 < c. DRY SALT MEATS Boxed shoulders and extra short clear , $5.25 ; ctear ribs , J5.37H ; clear sides , $5.60. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $5.75 ; xtra shorts and clear ribs , $5.87U@ 6.00 ; clear Mes. J6.12V4. RECEIPTS Flour , 6,000 bbls. : wheat , 90- 000 bu. ; corn , 98,000 bu. ; oats , 26,000. SHIPMENTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. : wheat. 9,000 bu. ; corn , 112,000 ( bu. ; oatB , 14,000. In Available Snppllca. NEW YORK , Aug. 8. Special cable and telegraphic advices to Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies as compared cwibh the last account : Wheat , United States and Canada , east Rockies ( Liverpool Corn Trade News ) , In crease , 533,000 bu. ; afloat for and in Eu rope , decrease , 1,800,000 bu. ; total supply , decrease , 1,207,000 bu. Corn , United Stotes and Canada , east of Rockies , decrease , 1,780,000 bu. Oata , Untied States and Canada , cast of Rockies , Increase , 994,000 bu. Among the more Important Increases re ported to Bradstreet's not given In the offl- clal visible supply statement are thos of 311,000 at Chicago private elevators , 96,000 at Louisville and' ' 50,000 ( at Fort Worth. The principal decreases are those of 410.- 000 bu. at Manitoba storage points , 100,000 bu. at northwestern interior elevators and 1- 107,000 bu. at Ogdcnsburg. The aggregate stock of wheat held at Portland , Ore. , and Tacoma and Seattle de creased 218,000 last week. KminnH City Grain nnd Provision ! . KANSAS CITY , Aug. 8.-WHEAT-JSep- > tember. 61c ; December. 61Hc ; cash , No. 2 cash , No. 2 mixed. 2SQ28&C ; No. 2 white , 2SV4c ; No. 3 , 27V4 < rj27 c. OATS-NO. 2 white , is RYE No. 2 , 49S50c. HAY Choice timothy , $7.00 ; choice prairie , $6.00 6.25. BUTTER Creamery , 17c ; dairy , 14c. EGGS There was an uneven feeling In the egg market today. Yesterdny's ad vance was due. principally to higher mar kets east and many dealers did not believe It was Justified. Arrivals are liberal , but the movement Is only fair. Fresh Missouri and Kansas stocks , firsts , 9o , cases re turned. RECEIPTS-Wheat. 64,800 bu , ; corn. 10- 400 bu. ; oats. 5,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 484,000 bu. ; corn. 18,200 bu. ; oa < 3 , E.OOO 'bu. ' Liverpool Grain and I'rovlnlon * . LIVERPOOL , Aug. S.-'PiROVISIONS ' Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Ibs , , flrm at 32s. Lard. American rollned , In palls , steady at 2Ss6d ; prime western , In tlercos , steady at 27s ( M. PEAS Canadian , Bs9d. BUTTER-Flnest United States. 90s ; good United States. 6S * . CHEESE American finest white , firm at 45s Gd. WHEAT Spot , No. 2 red western , -winter , steady at 6s 7d ; No. 1 red northern , spring , steady at 5s lid. Futures closed steady , September. 6s8'Ad ' ; December , 6s9V4d. CORN Spot , American mixed , new , quiet at 3s 3id ; American mixed , old , quiet at 3 * 4Vid , Futures , quiet ; September , 3s3d ; October , 3s6d ; Novsmber. 3s 4VJd , Receipts of wheat during the. last three daya , 93,000 centals , Including 37,000 centals American. Receipts of American corn dur ing last Uhreo days , 85,300 centals. Weather line. Toledo MurUet. TOLEDO. O. , Augr , 8. WHEAT Lower and active ; No. 2 cash , 69V4c ; September , 70c. CORN Actlvo and steady ; No , 2 mixed , > OATS Dull : No. 2 mixed. 20c bid. RYE-Unchanged ; No * 2 cash , 64c. SEEDS Clover , dull and steady ; prime cash , 3.75 ; October , $1.25 bid. Mliincnpoll * Wheat ami Flour. MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 8. WHEAT-Close In store : No. 1 northern , August , FLOUR First patents. J3.COJJ3.70 ; second patents. $3.503.60 ; tlrst clear , $2.6032.0) . BHAN-ln bulk , $9.75010.00. MllwaiiUce Grain Miirlcet , MILWAUKEE. Aug. 8. WHEAT Steady ; No , 1 northern , 71Hc ; No. 2 north ern. 70c. RYE-Hlglier ; No. 1. 53HQC3 ic. BARLEY Firm ; No. 2 , 4 < Xkc ; sample , 36 llulutli IVhrnt Mnrlcet. DULUTH , Aug. 8 WHEAT-No. I hard. cash. 71ic : Seixtember. 71c ; December , 70c ; No. 1 northern , cash , B9Uc ; September. 68c ; December. G9c ; May. 72o : No. 3 northern , spring , C5o ; No. 3 epring , G2V4c. ColTve JliirUct. NEW YORK. Aug. 8.-COFFEE-Opton ! * opened quiet at unchanged prices and ad vanced 6 points on covering , with sellers scarce , owing to higher Rio and Samoa markets. Buying was ctoeckM by unsatis. factory < Europe&n account * , continued heavy receipts , also absence of Interest Ir epot coffee and tower .Dutch ales , ClO8 < ; quiet and not unchanged. Sales , 6,250 bags Including September , $1.45 : October , $4.50 Novembpr , $4.56 ; March , $5.10 ; May , $510 Spot coffee , dull ; mild , quiet , MovnsinxTs OK STOCKS AND IJOMJS Stock Mnrkft In Dull nnd Drlfti. Aim- Irnnly Within n Nnrrotr TlniiKO. NEW YORK , Aug. 8. The stock markel was a dull affair for the greater part oi today , drifting within a narrow range Some strength was shown by a few lEOhitcd stocks throughout the day under lnfluenc < which was not disclosed by any published news. This persistent strength In some * pots seemed to arouse the apprehension ! of the bears In the lost , hour of the mar ket. ket.Tho manner Jn which prices wern marked up in the late dealings Indicated n. good deal of a scramble by the shorts to covei their contracts and ( awakened more appear ance of animation and strength than has been seen in the market for some time , The higher prices for Americans made Ir London were without much effect and thcj were for the most part nominal and Lon don sold from 12,000 to 15,000 shares here after the opening. Strength kept cropping out at new points as the day progressed. There was curly strength in Anaconda and a fe.w of the specialties , but a perloo of reaction followed under realizing In To bacco and Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf , Then the Minneapolis & St. Louis stocks rose 6H and 3'i points respectively. There was a late movement in the coalers , which lifted them from 1 to 2\4 \ points with a notable effect on the whole. Stocks show ing notable gains were Consolidated Gns , 4H points , and Pacific Coast second pre ferred , 254 points , Tennessee Coal , Colorado Fuel , People's Gas , Brooklyn TranMt , Steel and Wire , American 1/lnseed Oil preferred and a few less prominent stocks advanced a point. A very strong upwiard movement In Sugar from 169VJ , to I62 i was the decisive Inilu- ehce in the late strength of the market , which closed active and strong at net gains In nearly all cases. The tone of the money market was called rather easier , thounh rates wore not quotably changed. The hardening tendency of London discounts still continued , but the money rate at Ber lin was a fraction lower and sterling ex change there advanced , showing relaxa tion of the tension at that point , notwith standing that the Bank of England con tinues to make demands upon Berlin for gold. Sterling exchange here continued Its downward course and confidence grows that gold will come from abroad If on emergency hero demands It , The free ofterlnsr of funds from outside sources In the New York money market In creases the belief that small demands will be made upon Now York for money to move the crops. There were late reports of weakness In the London market for sil ver on account of Importations from Chili. Kansas City , Plttsburff Gulf firsts reacted In sympathy with the stock. Otherwise changes were email and mixed. Total Bales , par value , $1,320,000. United States bonds unchanged on , bid quotations. Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram : The markets here were Idle today , except for Westrallans. Most of the Jobbers are prolonging their holidays. Americans opened lowered and were dead all the day , though New York attempted to galvanize them. The close was weak all round. The following are the closing quotation ] for the leading stocks on th New York exchange today : IVerr York Money Market. NEW YORK , Aug. 8.-JMONEY-On call , slc-ady at 3@4 per cent ; last loan , at 3Vi PPRCIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4@4 % ies oont STERLING EXCHANGE-Easy. with no- tual business In bankers' WUs at $4.8oKlffl-S' ' for demand nnd at $4.S2Ug4.S2U for Mxtv dnvs ; posted rates. $4.83 4.84 and $1.87@ 4.87 : commercial bills. $4.81Vt. SILVER Certincates. 60H61c ; bar , COVic , MEXICAN DOLLARS-48C. BONDS Government bonds , steady : state bonds. Inactive ; railroad bonds , irregular. The following are the closing quotations on bonds : Forrluii Flnunrlnl. LONDON. Aug , S. American securities opened depressed on lower quotations from New York and prices remained down , with nothing doing , the market totIngobedient o 'the ' lead of Wall street. Trading was Ight. Close , steady , with nothing doing. Amount of bullion taken into the Bank of England on balance .today , 183,000. Gold at Buenos Ayres , 119.70. Spanish 4s , 60.C5. The statement of the Board of Trade for the month of July dhows increases of 4.032,30) In imports and 3,106,100 in ex torts. ( BERLIN , Aug. 8. On the bourse today private discount wna H easier. Prices wen ilrm but inactlvts owing to t > ho me seme * * of the nttendwice. American s&ftirltlet were harder. Northern Pacific preferred advanced in conflcquMico of the appreciation of 'tho common stock. Local shares wer good , especially Iron , Exchange on Lon don , 20 marks 60V4 pfgs. ftv checks. FRANKFORT , Aug. 8. There ivns arbi trage demand for Spanish 4s and Italian se curities on thebour o today. American ? were TnaltTtalnwl and oWior sdares were strong. PARIS , Aug , S 'Prices continued firm or the bourse today , rentes advancing. Subse quently , however , a few realizations caused a slight decline. Rentes and Spanish 4s , de spite the dullness , closed steady. New York MlnliiK ( liintntlonn. NEW YORK , Aug. S.-The followlnf are the closing quotations for mlnlnj shares : Cliolor 32 Ontario . fifO frown l' > int 21 Ophtr . 130 Con. Cal. & Va. 2M Plymouth DcidwooJ ei ( .nlcksllvcr Oould & Currle. . . . 45 do. Did . 0 Halo & Norcross. . . . Js Sierra . M Hometak & 00 Standard . . . 250 Iron silver EO Union Con . . . . . 35 Mexican , m Yellow Jackdt . 32 London Money Mnrket. LONDON , Aug. 8. 1. p. m. Closings Consols , for money 103 1 N. Y Central 142M Conwls. for ec't..l03i Pennsylvania . . . , , , , 70 BAU aiLVEn-Qulet at 27 > id per ounce. SIDNEY T\vo per cent. Tflio rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3H03H per cent and for three-months' bills 3HS3i per cent. llnnk ClcnrliiKN. CHICAGO , Aug. 8. Clearings , $20.070,377 : balances , 2,013,000. New York exchange , 25o discount. Sterling exchange , $4.SIQ-4.8.i4. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 8. Clearings , $5,614,879 ; balances , $003,565. Jloney , 156 per cent , New York exchange , CSc discount bid , lOc discount nsKed. NEW YOHK. Aug. S.-Clearlngs , $174,379- 031 ; balances , $ S,10S,322. BOSTON , Aug. 8. Clearings , $22,039,068 ; balances , { 1.7CS.5SS BALTIMOHE , Aug. 8. Clearings , $32E5S- 457 ; balances , $3,059,572. PHIL.ADELPHIA. Aug. 8. Clearings , $15,956,819 ; balances , $1,911,928. Condition of the Trcnunry. WASHINGTON , Aug. S. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $273,309,616 ; gold reserve , $2ll,3S2,40l. Cotton Market. NEW YORK , Aug. 8.-CGTTON-The cc-tton market opened steady , with prices unchanged to 1 point higher ; Immediately comenced to improve and maintained a generally firm undertone 'throughout the session , with occasional Intervals of partial reaction , under liquidation , following very diverse advices from the growing crop. At the strongest interval 'the advance was 65i7 points. The business was better than for some time. Shorts were tiho principal buy ers. They -were afraid of the government crop report , duo from Washington Thurs day. Cables wcro better and a few foreign buying orders appeared. The market also received support by private cables asserting that actual needs wouW force Manchester ilnto the Liverpool market continuously. This , together wltth a maintained bull crop news , started up an Investment buying. The market was finally steady at a net ad vance of 4556 'points. ' LIVERPOOL , Aug. 8. COTTON-Spot , fair demand and prices higher ; American middling fair , 331-32d ; good middling , 321- S2d ; middling31132d ; low mldollng , 37-32d ; good ordinary , 31-333 ; ordinary , 2E7-32d. Sales of the day were 10.000 bales , of whlcih 3,000 were for speculation and export and Included 9,700 bales American. Receipts , b',000 bales , including SCO bales American. Futures opened quiet and closed llrm. American middling , 1. m. c. , August , 322-64 ® 323-64d , buyers ; August-September , 3 21-644J ) 322-64d , buyers ; September-October , 320-64 ® 321-61d , sellers ; October-November , 319-64d , buyera ; November-December , 3 18-C4d , buy ers ; December-January , 318-64d , value ; January-February , 318-64d , buyers ; Febru ary-March , 3 18-640319-64d , buyers ; March- April. 319-610a 20-64d , sellers ; April-May , 320-64d , buyers ; iMay-June , 321-C4d , sellers ; June-July. 3 21-G4S3 22-64d , buyers. ST. LOUIS , Aug. S.-COTTON-Un- changed ; middling , 6 40 ; sales , 2,100 bales ; receipts , 18 bales ; shipments , 452 bales ; stock , 68,833 bales. NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 8.-COTTON Steady ; sail s , 1,200/bales ; ordinary , 311-16c ; good ordinary , 43-16c ; low middling , 4c ; middling , 6c ; good-middling , 65-16c ; mid dling , fair , G5icrntolpts ; , 40 bales ; stock , 187,838 bales. Futures quiet and steady. Wo61 Market. BOSTON , Aug. 8. WOOL-The wool mar ket holds nrm in all departments , although /t'he sales do not foot up so many as those. of the 1'ast ' few -weeks. There Is no weak ness apparent and buyers are forced to pay lull prices. For gx5od lines of fine medium and line territory wools 50 cents Is the general - oral price for scoured goods , although dealers have asked more- and got It for this class. Fleece wools are flrm for this class. For XX and above 35c Is being puld. Australian , -wools are well cleaned up and buyera have great difficulty in securing any at any price. Following ere the quotations of the leading descriptions : Ohio and Penn sylvania fleeces , X and above , 2Si29cj ( XX land XX nnd albove , 31032c ; Delaine , 33c ; No. 1 combing , 3S333c ; No. 2 combing , 3l < j32ci Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. , X , Michigan , 239 21c ; 'No. ' 1 Michigan , combing , 30331c ; No. 2 Michigan cc-mblnjr , 2 fl30c ; No. 1 Illinois combing , SOgsic ; No. 2 Illinois combing , 23gflOc ; X New York , New Hampshire and Vermont , 23 < g24c ; No. 1 New York. New Hninnshlre and Vermont , 2324c ; Delaine Michigan , 30c : unwashed medium , Ken- Lucky and Indiana , quarter-blood combing , 23S2lc ; three-elghths-blood combing , 24i25c ; Missouri quarter-blood combing. 21f'22c : three-eighths blood combing , 22Q23c ; Braid combing , 19JJ20c ; Lake and Georgia , 21 < fr22c. Territorial wools : Montana nnd Dakota line , medium and flne , 16&18c ; scoured , E0@ E2c ; staple , B5g57c ; Utah , Wyoming , flne , medium nnd flne , 165 } ISc ; scoured , 5uc ; sta ple , & 3@K > c ; Idaho flne , medium nnd flne , 1 < f7c ; scoured , & 0fi ; > 2c. A .strallrin scoured basis , combing superfine , S0082c ; good , 78@ fcOc ; average , 7577c. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 8.-WOOL-Steady and unchanged. Mctiil Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. METALS Th * fea ture of the metal market was the. unsettled character of the tin department , with the exchange price at the close nominally $32.00 , against tSl.OOgsi.BS yesterday. Lake cop per closed firm at $18.50. Pig iron ruled steady nnd closed at $14.7515.25 for No. 2 warrants. Lead closed at $1.55gi4.60 , after ruling steady. Spelter was also steady , closing at yesterday's figures , $6.00. The brokers' price for lead Is $1,33 and for cop per $18.75. ST. LOUIS. Aus. 8. METALS-Lead. steady at $1.52 > ' ! J4.55 ; spelter , strong at $5.75. Phllnilrliililii Proilncc Market. PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 8. BUTTETC Firm ; fancy western creamery , 18 190 ; western prints. 21c. EGGS Firm nnd higher ; fresh nearby , lM4c ; fresh southwestern , 13' ' c ; fresh eUJtli- ern. lOftlle. CHEESE Easier ; New York full cream , fancy. 9fi9Hc ; ' New York full cream , fair to choice , & ; ( flOVJc ; Ohio flats , fancy , 8c ; Ohio flats , fair to good. 808V4c. % York Ur > - Giioiln Mnrket. NEW YORK , Aug. 8.-DRY GOOD6- Mttrket somewhat fjuleter today 1n cotton goods , mall orders proving lighter than usual. Brown cottons very llrm In both heavy and lightweights. Bleached muslins steady , with fair sales , Print clotds some- v.nat higher. 'Prints ' were In moderate re quest. Amertain WooJen company advanced clay worsteds &c for 16 nnd IS ounce. Good business doing In men's wear woolens and worsteds. Simnr Mnrket , NEW YORK. Aug. 8.-SUGAR-Raw. flrm ; fair refining , 4c bid ; centrifugal , 96 test , 49-16o bid ; molasses sugar , 3T > c bid. Refined firmer. NEW OIlLElANS S.-SUGAR-Mar- , Aug. - - - ket steady ; open kettle , % @ lo-16c : centri fugal , yellows , 4 ? S4Tic ; seconds , SHJMiic. Molasses , dull ; centrifugal , 6Q14c. I Oil 'Mnrkrt. LIVERPOOL , Aug. 8. OII < S Turpentine pplrlts. strong at 36s. NEW YORK , Aug. S.-OILS-Coittonseed , dull ; petroleum , llrm ; rosin , llrm : turpen tine , strong at 49HQ50C. LONDON. Aug , 8-OILS-Linfeed. 20s ; turpentine spirits , 36s , Cnllfornln Drleil Fruit * . NEW YORK. Aug. 8.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUJ l 3-Steady Evaporated ap- pies , common , 6V4fi7'/ ; prime wire tray. S l JSV4c ; choice , S fiOc ; fancy. ytfiV&r. . Prunes. SVJQSc. Apricots. Royal , 14c : Moor park , Hgioc. Peachea , unpeeled " ' Silver nee * to Kurojie. NEW YORK , Aug. 8. The steamer St. Louis , sailing for Europe tomorrow , will carry 280,000 ounces of silver , Mniichrtvr Cloth * nnd Fabric * . MANCHESTER , Aug. 8. Cloths and yarns , quiet but eteudy. Holiday feeling etlll prevails OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKEr Sheep and Hog Marketi Slow and Yer Draggj All Homing , GRASS BEEF STEERS SCARCE FOR THE DA Cornfcd Cnttlc Actlre nnd Pnllr 10 Higher Thnn Mondnj Hog * Open Mcndr to Strong , lint Cloin Wank nnd Lovrer. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 8. Receipts were : _ _ , . Cattle. Hogs. Sheei Odlclal Monday 4.&S3 6,042 6,7 ! Oincfal Tuesday 3,190 10,247 6,2 ! Thus far this week , 7J73 Vs,2S9 12ol ] Same days last week. . . . 4,847 10,146 4,6 ! Sjme days week before. , 6.0C3 16,043 4,5 Sumo three weeks ago. . 5,257 11,320 6,3 : Average price paid for hogi tor thft Itu several daya with comparisons : The offlclnl number of cars of sloe ! brought In today by each road was : C. , M. & St. P. Ry , O. & St. L. Ry. . . . . . 2 Missouri Paclflc Ry 12 3 Union Pacific System. . . . 21 3J F. , E. & M. V. R. R. . . It 4S ' u.1 a & : it. ; ; . . : : . . : : : ; K C. , B. & Q. , Hy 4 C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , E 2 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , W 5 Total receipts 110 144 2 The disposition of the day's receipts wa : ao follows , eaoh buyer purchasing the. num ber of head indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co . 66 1,396 56 G H. Hammond Ool . 274 1,701 'Swift ' ami Company . 245 2,444 5 Cudahy Packing Co . 473 1,790 Armour & Co . 323 2,338 Cudd'hy ' , from K. C . 154 Swift , from country R. Becker & Dcgan . 124 Yanoant & Co . izu Lobman & Co . 195 Benton & Underwood . 32 Huston < fc Co . 76 Livingstone & Schaller. . . . 61 Hamilton & Rothschild. . 437 L. F. Husz. . . . . . , . . us McVickor & Co . 7.1 144 Civnes Brothers . 313 Other buyers . 354 72 " ' Held over . . . "T 206 251 Total 3,225 10,262 5.301 CATTLE-Tpday's cattle trade was en. tlrelyto 'the liking of sellers. Every klnc of cattle was In good demand and buyen were out early and were not long In olear Ing the yards of evarything in sight. Prices were strong all around , the market actlvt and entirely satisfactory. lesterday buyers got a good many gras ; beef steers , but no cornfeds to amount t < anything , so that today they were out earlj looking for corn cattle to kill with th ( grissors. The result was that cornfed cat tle were not only active , -but as a rule lOc higher. Buyers claimed that the qualitj was nothing very extra , but the most ol them sold at $5.50@ > 5.65 just the same , wltfc a $5.i5 top. Without doubt the market to day was ait the highest point reached sc far on cornfed stesrs this eeason. There were no grass beef steers here today - day ito amount to anything : . The feeling , however , was good and without doubt any thing desirable of that description would have brought good , strong prices. The supply of cows and heifers was very small today and the few loads offered broug-ht good , strong prices. Yesterday the market on cony . tuff , owing to the large receipts , was a. little low , but today they put on a littles Which made the market good and strong as compared with lat week. There were a few good cornfed cows and heifers that sold at $4.50 , and another buncli of pretty fair stuff that brought $4.00. The most of the offerings were grassDra and not very good. Bulls and stags brought peed steady prices. Stockers and feeders were In active de mand and changed hands at good , strong prices. 'Speculators ' were- the principal buy ers and though they had quite a good many rattle on hand carried over from the day before , everyone aeemed to anticipate a food country demand and were ready to buy more. The most of the cattle in first hands sold early. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. 1. . 460 WOO 37..1079 $5 15 42..1128$550 3. . 646 4 15 18..1060 6 20 14..1148 6 55 2. . 835 425 120..1156 530 12..1160 565 1..1010 425 1..1070 530 21. .1326 565 1. . 750 440 5..1246 535 40..1296 565 2..1190 440 43..1174 640 46..1296 565 1..1130 475 B3..1136 550 66..1249 565 17. . 892 493 44..1253 550 40..1406 675 STEERS-TEXAS. 102. 804 403 B0..1067 485 STEERS ANb HEIFERS. 8. . 430 3 65 22. . 775 4 70 COWS. 2. . 965 2 00 B. . 8SO 3 25 1..1Z20 3 70 1. . 940 2 00 1..1230 325 2. .1110 375 1. . 600 2 00 2. .1140 3 25 2. .1133 4 00 1. .910 2 25 1..1100 3 2o 1..1010 4 00 1. . 690 2 25 1..1050 325 19. .1006 400 9. .1013 2 55 4. .1100 3 30 3..12JO 4 10 8. . 958 2 65 1. . 910 3 50 1..1320 4 25 3. ,1033 2 65 1..1100 3 50 1. . 810 2 75 1. . 830 3 50 1. .1020 3 00 9. . 1013 3 55 1. ,960 3 20 St. . 917 3 56 HEIFERS. .461 4 00 2. . 1020 3 85 3. .1050 385 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1. 680 3 00 2. . 690 3 35 19.1030 BULLS. 1..1450 2 90 1..1100 325 1. . 670 376 1. . 930 3 10 1..1400 350 1 , . 650 3 75 1..1490 3 20 1. . 890 3 50 1..1290 4 00 1. , 210 600 2..1305 425 STOOKERS AND FEEDERS. 1..1050 4 00 30. . 820 4 50 5. . 914 4 00 10. . 528 4 55 18..1014 4 06 19. . 872 65 30. . 789 4 20 27.1103 60 2 , 950 4 20 25 , . 911 60 6 , 951 4 30 19 , , , 852 FO 31. 873 4 40 35 , . , 660 70 0. 785 4 40 14 , , 761 4 75 6. 903 4 40 48 , , 01 4 85 25. 868 1 40 6. 531 4 60 31. 948 4 50 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. fo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 bull 870 $3 20 64 feeders. . 972 $4 65 1 COW 730 3 25 26 steers.,1079 4 60 2 cows OC5 3 60 2 colves. . . 160 5 25 2 feeders. , 972 3 65 3 calves. . . 166 6 CO 3 feeders , . OSS 4 40 T. W. Campbell. 6 steers.,1079 4 60 Hampton & Goodwin. Itoull 1520 3 37V4 6 feeders. . 36 105 1 oow 1000 3 40 22 feeders. . 918 1 W WYOMING. W. J. Kelley. 1 calf 150 3 00 2 cows 715 2 40 1 feeder. . . 850 3 00 7 cows 847 2 40 1 cow 8SO 3 CO 4 feeders. . 870 4 15 1 bull.,1560 340 2 calves. . . 110 4 CO 0 heifers , . 666 3 ES 122 calves. . , 195 5 0 MINNESOTA. B. Depue. 13 feeders , . 792 4 05 05UTAH. UTAH. W. L. White. 2 heifers. . 612 3 60 164 feeders. , 767 1 35 HOGS Today's hog market was a good example of what the sellers do not like. Of ourso the few who happened to be lucky nough were all right , but as n general hlng the market was far from satisfactory , t opened with a few loads felling at steady o strong prices , but before half of the hogs md changed hands It slumped , The large. > ackers wanted to buy their hoga at $4,30 ® .35. Salesmen , on the other hand , all wanted he morning prices , thit is , $ .35-34.40. - Then : ame one of those disagreeable deadlocks i-hen neither elde Is willing to slve In. Uuy. TS bought an easy > eat on the fence and he market came almost to a standstill. < ow and then a load would change hands , mt the hogs went very slowly toward the tcales. This state of affairs continued all he forenoon , the close being very slow and veak. The sales riven below will show where the iog sold , the high sales being the early iaes. ! It will be noted from the tablt of iverace prices that the market aj a whol * a little lower than yesterday. Repn sentatlve wiles : No. Av Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 10 m . . . $4 25 60 352 . . . 1 30 77 2CO 120 1 T R5 25S SO 1 32W 73 243 80 4 32V 76 2SS 1GO 4 32 > 68 300 . . . 1 45 2S7 1JO 4 . 63 315 . . . 4 33 66 247 . . . 435 E ) 302 160 71 187 160 435 72 JS1 40 69 2SO 120 435 68 227 160 4 37H 77 270 . . . 435 63 257 120 4374 59 242 40 4 35 87 245 160 4 35 61 211 200 4 35 61 273 200 4374 67 288 SO 435 66 2S9 40 4374 78 209 . . . 435 87 220 160 4374 56 379 SO 435 72 264 160 4374 70 274 100 435 64 243 120 4 374 43 358 . . . 435 73 249 } > 0 4 34 73 274 160 435 68 262 . . . 4374 62 296 80 433 49 264 . . . 4374 69 272 SO 435 89 218 40 4374 35 259 SO 1 35 86 210 SO 4374 ,45 , 269 . . . 435 60 253 SO 440 l"2 205 40 4 3S 78 222 120 440 65 243 . . . 435 74 205 . . . 440 4 2S4 80 4 35 SO 2.12 . . . 4 40 69 266 240 433 72 222 . . . 440 S2 227 40 435 75 237 . . . 440 SO 226 120 435 78 203 . . . 440 67 25S SO 435 91 216 120 440 66 233 . . . 4 3S 69 23S . . . 440 66 256 40 435 S2 252 120 440 S2 219 SO 135 84 2C1 80 4 40 65 264 40 435 SO 262 ICO 440 69 262 SO 435 63 192 . . . 440 M 304 1W 435 51 305 160 440 74 155 10 433 73 203 SO 4 40 79 M M 435 62 242 . . . 440 78 2 l SO 433 SO 209 . . . 440 38 215 80 135 33 297 SO 440 1S5 215 160 435 C5 220 < ! 440 74 23S SO 435 9 ? 193 SO 440 76 263 120 4.15 65 260 120 440 48 332 SO 435 76 262 SO 440 7 2S9 120 435 79 250 160 440 62 272 40 435 81 212 200 440 76 228 . . . 435 63 258 40 440 99 212 120 4374 74 205 . . . 440 93 21S . . . 4374 80 209 . . . 440 70. 212 . . . 4 37',4 73 JO ! ) XO 4 in fi4 223 SO 4 7I4 74 227 SO 4 3 7'4 N 242 SO 4 37 i _ _ . 72 22S SO 4 37H 65 212 160 4 424 78 3J5 80 4374 SO 221 . . . 4424 76 262 SO 4 374 79 216 . . . 4 424 69..i..256 . . . 4374 99 219 . . . 4424 SO 220 120 4374 S6 221 . . . 4424 Rl 24S 40 4374 104 2M 120 4 424 7S 256 SO 4374 ! 249 80 4424 10 214 SO 4 374 WAGON LOTS PIGS. 3 153 . . . 430 5 214 . . . 435 9 267 SO 4324 2 2GO . . . 135 3 260 . . . 435 SHEEP The best way to understand th condition of the sheep market at this poln Is to read the most discouraging reports sen out from Chicago since Friday of last wee nnd note the slump In prices at that polnl Shee-p that were forwarded from here sol' ' In Chicago way below what was bid fo them here and this market has been hlghe hlght along than Chicago. This week , how ever , the receipts at this point have bee : larger and buyers have demanded a con cession to correspond with the decline a Chicago. S llers. as a matter of course , hav -been slow to take off so much at one tim nnd the result has been a very slow markel This morning it seemed that buyera wer determined to wait until sellers got thel ideas down before trying very hard to d business nnd In consequence very little trad Ing took place before midday. It will b noted that quotations are way lower thai last week. Quotations : Prims native wethers , $3.503 4,10 ; good to choice grass wethors , $3.805 4.00 ; fair to good grass wethers , $3.60S3.SO good to choice grass owes. $3.6093.75 : gocx to choice spring lambs. $5.2555.50 ; fair ti good spring lambs , $5.00 < 36.25 ; commoi spring lambs , $4.0034.50 * ; feeder wethers No. Av. Pr. 8 native Tambs , culls . 83 $3 00 40 Wyoming ewes . 93 350 6 native ewes . 103 350 12 Wyoming ewes . 103 3 63 22-t Wyoming ewes . 93 3 75 4S native yearlings . 97 4 35 41 native lambs . 61 500 14 native lambs . 6 500 21 Wyoming lambs . 53 525 601 western feeders . 81 375 SOS western yearlings . 90 3 90 S03 ewes and wethers . 104 3 85 540 ewes and wethers . 102 3 85 104 ewes and wethers . 101 3 90 839 ewes and iwet'hers ' . SS 400 31 yearlings . 83 400 ChlcnRO Live Stock. CHICAGO , Auff. 8. CATTLE The de mand for cattle today was better than I ; usual on Tuesday and prices were flrm foi neirly aJl classes. Good 'to fancy cattl < sold at $5.40 < 3'6.10 , common grades bringing $4.BOJ6.35.Stackers and feeders bronchi $3.254.SO ; bulls , cows and heifers. $2.25 < S 5.10 ; Texas steers , $3.90S4.50 ; calves. J4.0053 7.10. Calves wcro Jn active demand. HOGS Offerings of hogs were large , but the demand was good and prices ruled steady. Heavy hogs sold at $4.00SM.65 ; mixed lots , $4.354.75 ; light , $4.60@l,65 ; pigs , $36064.75 ; culls. $2.00 < g:4.00. : SHEEP Offerelngs of sheep and lambp were somewhat light and with an active demand prices took an upward turn. Sheer sold at $2.25 * 3.25 for culls , to $4.6034.75 foi good to chloce wethers. Lambs sold al $3.50 4,25 for culls , up to J6.4O3 .50 for choice grades. RECHTPTS-Cattle. 2,600 head ; hogs , 21- 000 head ; sheep. 10,000 head. St. Joneph llvc Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSE-PiH , Mo. , Aug. 8. ( Spe cial. ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts , 1,600 head. Market strong to lOc higher on natives : quaran tines weak. Natives , $4.C55 0 ; Texas and westerns , $3.65J5.50 ; cows and heifers , $2 35y 4.95 ; quarantine nteerB , $3.S5 < § ) .15 : quaran tine cows , $3.15 ; bulls and stnjrn , $2.3554.75 ; yearlings and calves , $4.25 5.25 ; stackers and feeder * , $3.60@4.C5 ; vea/ls , $5.507.00. HOGS Receipts , 6,500 head. Market steady to easy on light , heavy 5c lower. Heavy and medium , $4.4054.50 ; light , $4.400 4.65 : pis > . $4.254.40 ; bulk of sales , $4.403 4.47W. SHBEP Receipts , 600 head. Mostly to packers. Market steady. KanmiH City Lire Stock. KANSAS CITY , Aur. . CATTIVE Re ceipts , 6,600 head natives , 2,150 head Tex- nns. Market steady. Native vnd western cattle met with quick sales at prices about unchanged. Heavy steers , $5.40gc.75 : light , Jl.60ti6.70 ; Mockers and feeders. $370 4.80 ; butcher cows and heifers , $3.25'SC.OO : canners - ners , $2.50S3.25 ; western steers , $3.90Q .25 ; Tcxans. $3.35 < Ji4.16. HOGS Receipts , 9,000 head. Light active and strong ; packing grades slow , 5c lower , Heavy , $4.4054.50 ; mixed , $4.35 .60 ; light , H.46t7l.65 : pigs , $4.354.45. SHEEP Receipts , 3,100 head. Market strong and active. Lambs , $5.0006.85 ; mut tons , $4 OOS'4.40 : ( dockers and feeders , $3.00 ® 5.S5 ; culls , $2.0053.00. St. Lou In LiveSloolc. . ST. LOUIS , Aug. 8.-CATTLE Receipts , ! ,700 head , Including 1,200 Texan . Market strong. Fair to fancy native shipping and sxport Hteers , J4.75Q5.90 ; dressed beef ptoers. t4.40gs.75 ; steers , under 1,000 poundH , $3.850 i.50 : stockers and feeders , $3.35 6.00 ; cows ind holfers , $2.2o < 8 > 4.8S ; bullp , J2.60Q3.50 ; Tex- ins and Indian steers , $3.7&5-4.90 ; cows and heifers , $2.6053.35. HOGS Receipts , 6,500 head. Market steady. Pigs and lights , $4.713:4.80 : ; packers , | 4.ffi4.76 ; butchers' . $4,7084.80. SHEEP Receipts , 2,000 head. Market steady to strong ; native muttons , $3.50g4.00 ; ambs , J4.KvffG.15 ; slockers. $2.0033.66 ; culls ind bucks , $1.7 4.00. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. BEEVES-Re- : eptc ! , SE5 head ; nothing doing ; feeling steady ; no late cablea ; exports , 60 head ,3'ttle and 6.500 quarters of beef ; tomorrow , ilO head cattle and 4,455 quarters beef , CALVES-Rccelpts , 190 head ; nteady ; i-enls , $5.0097.00 ; grassers and buttermilks , 81IEKP AND LAMBS 'Receipts ' , 5,640 teud ; steady for both sheep and lambs : two : ars lambti unsold ; sheep , $1.2504.50 ; choice ive < thera , $5.00 ; lambs , $5.00S7.00 ; culls , $4,00 § 4,45. HOGS Receipts , 1,625 head ; no sales be- tore change , Steak In Mich * . Following are the receipts at thft four principal western markets for August 8 : Cattle. Hces. Sheen 5maha 3,190 10,247 5.2-33 'hlcago 2,600 21,000 10.001 Kansas City 8,750 9.000 3.100 5t , Louis 3,900 6,800 2,000 Totals 18,340 47,0lf 20,393 RRPEHMEYaCOt BRANCH CKAHA nto. uncoLfl tit a. JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , I'elcphone 1O30. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , 3RAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OP TRADE. DlM't wr to Cbluico * nd N w Tcrk. Jokn Ju Warrui Jb n * . iVhen Traveling . Read The Bee y Hero Is Where You Will Find it in Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MONT. Jame * SI. Oodnrd. ATLANTA. QA. Klmbnll Home Nem Stand. BOSTON , Public Llbrnry. Ve-nilome Hotel Boston l re Clnli , 14 Boirrorth BUFFALO. Oeaeiee Uotel NCTT * ftund. BUTTB. Wm. Shield * . CAMBRIDGE , MASS. darrard L'nArerilty Library. CHEYENNE. K. A. Loran , U1U Weit ICth . Oheyenuo Club. CHICAGO. Andltvrlnm Anuex N TT > Stand. Auilltnrlnm Hotel M > TB Snail. Grand Pacific Hotel ? ( - tanA. Oreat Xorthea-n Hotel Ttt-rrm Staad. Palmer llouao NCTT * Stand. PoilofllccBIT * Stand , Ko. I1T barn Street. Aieoclntcd Adrvrtlier'D Clwb , FalM Ilouie. CLEVELAND. W.ddell Home. fhe Hollenden. Commercial TrreireleiV lliuonlo Temple. COLORADO SPRINGS. Printer * ' Home. DENVER. nrovrn Hotel \crr Stand. Hamilton A Ivendrlck , 000-Olt Ifih C McLnlii , Pitt A Co. , sns SixteeBtfc W. Pratt Mercantile Co. . 1B17 t rlm r It The Stationer Co. , 15th and Lirre 0 * ) W'lndaor Uotel .Nerr * Stand. DES MOINES. Moe Jaoob , nock Inland Dcyoi. Y. M. O. A. Itcadlner Ilaom. r DULUTH , MINN. Wlt * Dennett , U14V. . SnperUr ft , FORT SMITH , ARK. K. . A. lieadlnK Iloom ' HAVANA , CUBA. Inclaterra Hotel Rending nova * HONOLULU , H. I. n n lnln Hot l neadln ; nova * . HELENA. W. A. Moore , Oth renm * Kc > t It , Uelena Pnbllo Library. HOT SPRINGS , S.'O. ' Qeorc * Glbion. HOT SPRINGS. 4RK. O. n. "Wca-Te * A Co. F. O. Dorlnff. KM D. Oeopcr Jb Co. , OSO Ccittna AT KANSAS CITY. Hubert Beld. 1O8S MaO e it. Ooaten * uon e N TT 9tva4 A Mlonrl nepublloAB Ol k , MB Bnltk mofe Ave. Public Library. niokiecker Clear Co. , th aad W l t _ oppolte P. O. Hallrrar Y. SI. O. A. . r * a 8T Vaioij Depot , Ka a Cltr , Mo. rubllo Library. LEXINGTON , KY. T. M. O. A. Reading Room. LINCOLN. W. S. EdmUton , 1123 O Btrvvt , DllT cry Aaent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver A Halnei , 100 8. Hprln . P. D. Han com , 422 S. Main St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Oharle * .V. OllllK' * American Bxoka E ) a Oookipnr St. , Trafalorar B . ( a. W. MANILA , P. I. Andrew F. Bchon * , Cor. Pnent * d and Ecolta ( Ureet * . MINNEAPOLIS. Pabllo Library. We t Uotel Kts-wrm Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper Union Library. Fifth ArenTie Hotel New Stand Fifth Avenne Hotel ReadlnB U Empire Hotel. Ilroome Street Library. Holland Hon c Reading HOOB * . tloffnian Uoue. Imperial Hotel Ne-rr * Stand. BIcclinnio * ' and Trader * ' Fre * No. IS Kat Sixteenth Street. \ I'rca * Clnb , 12O Na * an HI. 'W ' * tmlnter Hotel Iteadlna 1Vlnd * r Hotel Reafllnv Ilo B. Y. 31. O. A. , 23d Street OGDBM. TV. TVebb , 2405 TVuhl'aVt AT * . W. O. Kind. PARIS , FRANCE. Rvr York Herald Readlnv RM.JLI. Are. d. 1'Opera. ' Tho. . Cook A Son * , 1 AT * . PONCE , PORTO RICO. Zorre OL Ueitrom. PORTLAND , ORB. W. D. Jenee , 391 Alder St Portland Hotel New * Stand. PHILADELPHIA. Ueroantil * Library. SACRAMENTO. Pablto Library. SAN FRANCISCO , P bll * Library. BAU JUAN , PORTO RICH. SANTA ANA , GAL. Santa Ana Vree Public SALT LAKE CITY. L. r. Haniael , Ly e Salt Lake Mevra O * . Pabllo Library. i SEATTL8 Baitern New * Co. , 310 ! - PttM A. T , LnndberkT. Georce F. Ward. SIOUX CITY. OnrretUon Hotel A'eir * > tak4. Sloiulaniln Hotel Nevr * Stand. Hotel Vendome Nevr * Staa l Courray & Knlokerbock r < Pablle Library. Gerald Klt Blbbon , TOO r * rtk ) It. Roy Allen , 321 Center St. Y. M. C. A. llendln ; Ho OH , SPOKANE. John TV , Graham 72H-TM Ivcrddt. Avenue. ST. JOSEPH. OrandoTT1 * New * Stand , T t treet. Junction New * Stand , BOl M nd Y , II. C. A. Readln * ROOM. ST PAUL , MIRN. l're * Clnb. % Vlndor Hotel. ST. IOUI9 D. J. Jett , 800 Olll f . Planter * ' Hotel NOTT * t nt , Pabllo Library. WASHINGTON , D , . \Vlllard' * Hotel New * Bland. -toB Hotel. * * * loual LJlirary. Haae. Avridnltaral DcyavtutrQt Library. Uevnblloau Natlunal