TUB CWIAHA DAILY BEEt STTXDAY , AITGXrST fl , 1890. o 50c RESERVED SEAT to BOYD'S ' New Theater Absolutely Free. \ / < MONDAY'S ' BARGAINS AT "THE PEOPLE'S ' STORE" will Live in Local History Everything in Summerwear must be moved at v once We need all the room we can get tor New Depts , to open ahout Aug. 15th , TEARING DOWN "ALTERATION JALEJN FULL BLAST , Between Hundreds of Eager Customers , Carpenters Tearing Down and Thousands of Cases of all kinds of Merchan dise coming In we have our hands full Mercantile Sa gacity Prompts the Disposal of it at any Price , so that we have cut deep into Former Prices Making this the Grandest Bargain Monday ever held in this city , BALDUFF'S ' PURE FRUIT PHOSPHATES , ICE COLD , I CENT 75c Shirt Waists I9c-l5 Summer Organdie Dresses $4.98-$5 $ Elegant r - - - Trimmed Mid-Summer Hats $ l,98-l,50 Men's ' Silk Front Shirts 49c $6 Irish Linen Inserted Skirts $1,49 I5o Wash Percales 5c $2,50 Elegant Tan Oxfords 98c. Boyd's theater tickets given away absolutely free to any pur chaser of one dollar or more on our second floor tomorrow. These tickets entitle the holder to a first class reserved Beat at Boyd's Theater during the balance of season by the celebrated - brated "Woodward stock company. The best seats sell ; for 50c each and entitle you to any seat in the house. , This is an exceptional chance for you to see a first class show by a first class company in a first class seat absolutely free of cost. Summer Dresses Less Than Cost to Manufacture $15 Organdy Dresses $4,98. $15 ladles' summer organdlo dresses , hand- aomcly trimmed , actual value $15. ECO our 16lh street window ; 385 In this lot , all marked In plain figures ; your pick $ -1.98. Lot No. 2 Are 100 of the finest Imported copies of summer organdy dresses ever ehown Inthis city ; they must bo seen to ibe appreciated ; actual value arc $25 to $30 , all go at $0.08. A SHIRT AVAIST SACRIFICE. You know our main shirt waist depart ment on the second floor belongs to our fur department. Wo must have that room for furs , which arc already coming In , hence this deep cut on every waist in our depart ment. Three big lots. Lot No. 1 1,000 beautiful detachable shirt waists , all colors , all sizes , In percales , full fronts , laundered , mostly all samples , not ono worth less than 50c , 75c and $1.00 , all go In one big lot for 25c. Lot No. 2 850 elegant Imported percale waists , new back and sleeves , full fronts , with tucks , all shades and sizes ; some of thcso waists sold as high as $1.75 ; all go to morrow at 49c. Lot No. 3 350 all sample shirt waists In extra One white lawn ; 2 rows of fine In- eortton ; actual value $2.00 and $2.50 , all go at fi9c. GENERAL CLEAN-UP ON WASH GOODS. Every yard of our beautiful percale wash goods that was 15c and 20c yard , tomorrow Cc ; all our elegant wash madras P. K's Battlso and lapped , that was 25c and 35c yard , go at 9c. HANDKERCHIEFS AT LESS THAN COST. We have thousands of handkerchiefs to choose from , embracing every style , size , fabric , pattern , finish that you ever heard of , worth from 12ic to $1.00 ; all go at 5c , JOc , 15e , lOc , 25o and 59c. SUMMER HATS FINAL REDUCTIONS. The summer millinery season is practi cally over from the dry goods roan's point of view. Rut wo have five or six hundred hnts left In ntock that wo have decided to lot go tomorrow at the following below cost prices : 5 dozen double brim white mllan Milan , worth $3.00 each , all go at 75c each. Ladles' trimmed walking .hats . , former jirlco $2.00 ; any of them go nt 69c. Wo still have about 300 mixed braid sail ors worth $1.50 each ; prlco for this sale , JDo. JDo.Children's Children's hats , prettily trimmed In chiffon andflowers , , worth $1.50 ; your choice , 49c. Take your choice nf any of our trlramcd hats ranging from $2.00 to $5,00 , for OBo. Any of our trimmed hats ranging from $6.00 to $9.00 , go t $1.98. Your choice of uny of the hata In our pattern rooms , hata worth from $3,00 to $15.00 ; nt $4.98. MEN'S SUMMER FURNISHINGS MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM. ITc llslo thread half hose , lOc , (00 summer underwear , 25c , 7Gc men's inadras ahlrta , 2ic. Jl.OO negligee percale shirts , 19 : . $ UO silk puff front shlrta , C9c. JJ.DO illk bosom front shlrta , 69c. $1.50 men's niackluaw straw bats , 69c. SACRIFICING MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. 5c plain muslin comet covers , 9c , 26c lace embroidered night gowns , 69o. $1GO tucked und embroidered night gowut 89c. _ J5o lace Inserted drawers , 59c. 6,000 TAILOR-MADE SKIRTS LESS THAN COST. Every skirt In our house must bo closed out this week , BO matter what the loss might be. Two good reasons ; Wo need the room ; wu won't carry over stock. The wlso people get first pick. These skirts are ( on bargain tables In thirteen big lots In plain figures. Lot No. 1 250 elegant all white welt jilquo eklrts , full length , all sizes , large bom , umbrella cut , worth every cent of $2.00 , extra special Thursday C5e. Lot No , 2 200 beautiful extra heavy white welt plquo ladles' skirts , full 1V4 yards In width , nicely trimmed with blue plpelns button back tailor made , worth $4.00 , extra special Thusrday 9Sc. Lot No. 3 112 handsome plain flnlest grade linen ladies' skirts , full width and length , button back , latest cut , worth $3.50 , tomor row 'OSc. Lot No , 4 25 white pique trimmed skirts , with latest flara cut'thoroughly tailor made , large , wldo hem , actual value $3.50 , tomor row OSc. Lot No. 5 30 samples In white welt pique skirts. This lot Is nicely trimmed pique skirts. None worth less than $3.50 and $4.50 , all go In tomorrow's sale at $1.24. Lot No. 6 Consists of 30 all white welt plquo fancy dress tailored skirts , latest cut and effects , all sizes , not one worth less than $3.50 to $5.00 ; one big lot , your pick $1.24. Lot No. 7 120 of the finest Imported all linen skirts shown In this city , with a full run of linen Insertion , latest cut , large hem , actual value $5.00 , tomorrow $1.49. Lot No. 8 37 beautiful heavy welt pique dress skirts , In blue , pink and reds , ele gantly trimmed with lace Insertion , man tailored throughout , each ono a perfect dream and can't be bought anywhere for less than $6,00 , your pick tomorrow $1.89. Lot No. 9 40 elegant , heavy welt white plquo skirls , trimmed with blue , bias folds , largo hem , all sizes , worth $6.50 ; tomor row $2.24. Lot No. 10 25 extra fancy heavy welt pique skirts , elegantly trimmed with 4 rows embroidery Insertion , two inches wide , big values $6.00 ; tomorrow $1.89. Lot No. 11 15 copies of pattern white welt plquo tunlo effect skirts with embroidery Insertion , not one worth less than $7.00 and $10.00 ; to close quick , $2.49. LINEN SUITS BELOW COST TOMOR ROW. Lot No. 12 85 elegant two-pleco linen suits , nicely trimmed with blue denim , tailor made , $6.00 values ; tomorrow $1.98. Lot No. 13 75 beautiful ladies' two-pleco suits , all samples ( no two alike ) , elegantly trimmed , finest Imported linen , not one sold loss than $7,50 to $10.00 ; tomorrow $2.98. SAMPLE LOTS OF SHOES RATHER THAN MOVE THEM SELLING OUT WAY BELOW COST. Infants' soft soles , worth 50c ; sale price , JOC , A big lot of slippers and oxfords on bar gain table , worth $1.00 , closing price , 49c. All broken lots of oxfords that formerly sold up to $2.50 , now 98c , Women's high lace shoes that were $2,00 cut to OSc. Women's high lace shoes that were $2.50 now $1.39. All the real high grade lace and button shoe * , latest styles , that sold up to $3.50 , now $1.08. Misses' all solid dongola lace shoes , former price $1,50. now OSc. $7 , $ S AND $10 TAFFETA SIL'K WAISTS , $3.98 , Wo place on sale tomorrow over 900 of the most beautiful silk waists evar shown In this city ( no two alike ) , all now 1899 effects , full fronts , all shades and all sizes , the above prices are actual values , go at $3.98 $ and $4.98. LADIES' FINE NECKWARB CUT TO PIECES. 2Gc beautiful stock collars , 5c. 50o Net Wlnsor ties. lOc. 75o silk fancy bow ties , 30c. 2So all ullk olub ties nt Oc. $1.50 silk collari , with tics , 79c. Every ladles' tlo In our department go at halt their original value. LADIES' DRESSING SACQUES AT YOUR OWN PRICE. $1.50 ladlea' lawn eacqueg at OSc , $2.00 $ ladles fine white aacques go at $1,19 , $2.50 ladles' trimmed white sacques go at $1.59. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. 25c boxes Buttermilk toilet soap , Oc. lOo bottles Sewing Machine oil 3e. 60 pkg. Brass Head plan , Ic pkg. lOo ball , all colors , crochet cotton , 3c. S5o bottles Woodward's perfumery , 19c. , 25e Bristol Ivory Handle tooth bruab , lOc. The People's Furniture & Carpet Co. , "The People's Store , " 16th and Farnam Sis , MORE KA1N AXI ) MORE JICD Weather Olerk Induces People to Remain Away from thd Exposition. FEATURES STRICKEN OFF THE PROGRAM AUendnncc Hnmllput of Anr SndirHny Since thr flute * \Vrrr Thrown Oiiru lo the I'lihllc. SUNDAY. 3 p. m. Godfrey's British band at the Auditorium. 6 p. m , Indian band nt the Government building. i 7 p. m. Godfrey's British band at the Grcnd I'laza. MONDAY. It n. m. Indian band nt the Colonial building. 230 ; p. m. Godfrey's British band at the Government building. 3:30 : p.m. . Running races , Indian pony races and bucking bronchos at the ilace Course ( no extra charge ) . 7 p. m. Godfrey's British kind nnd In dian band nt the Grand Plaza In a grand military musical spectacle entitled "San Juan of the Army QuadrHlM , " specially Hrrangod for the Greater America Exposl- tlon Tjy Lieutenant Dan Godfrey. The entire - tire production will be presented toward the close of 'the ' evening concert on the I'laza nnd will bo participated In by the following : Godfrey's British band , Adel- mann and his band , 'the Indian baml under James Dovlne , the Veteran Drum corps under J. O. Sloan , composed exclusively of veteran drum majors ; four companies of American soldiers In full uniform , small arms , ammunition , cannon and Hags. TUKSDAY. 2:30 : i > . m. Godfrey's British toand nt the Government building. 3:30 : p. m. Ulryclc rnces nnd Indian band at the Race Course ( no extra charge ) . 7 p. m , Godfrey's British band nt the Urn ml Plnea. 5:45 p. m. Pain's Battle of Manila with grand fireworks. 9:30 : p. m.Modcrn \ Woodmen o America reception nt Fraternity building. WEDNESDAY INDIAN FESTIVAL AND CHILDREN'S DAY. All children under 15 years of ngo nd- milled free. 10 n. m. Indian parade with Indian band through the city. 2:30 : p. m. Godfrey's British band nt the A lull tori u m. 3:30 : p. m. Indian pony races , Indian test rnces , Indian games n < i holdup of Uia "Overland Mall" at the Race Course ( no extra charge ) . 7 p. m. Godfrey's British band at the Grand Plaza. Plaza.THURSDAY. THURSDAY. 2:30 : p. m. Godfrey's British band nt the Government building. 3:30 : p. m. Harness and running races. In dian pony races and cowboy attractions , with Indian band , at the Race Course ( no extra charge ) . 7 p. in. Godfrey's British band at the Grand Plaza. FRIDAY VENETIAN CARNIVAL. 2:30 : p. m. Godfrey's 'British band at the Government building. 3:30 : p. m. Bicycle1 races nnd Indian band at the Race Oourao ( no extra charge ) . 7 p. m. Venetian Carnival. Godfrey's British band on "Olympln , Indian band and Hawaiian Double quartet , aquatic fire works , etc. 9 p. m. Woodmen of the World reception at fraternity building. SATURDAY. 2:30 : p. m. Godfrey's British band at the Government building. 3:30 : p. m. Harness < xnd running races , In dian pony races nnd cowboy attractions at the Race Course , ( no extra charge ) . 7 p. m. Godfrey's British band at the Grand Plaza. S:45 p. in. Pain's Battle of Manila with grand llreworks. 9 p. m. Krntcrmil Union of America re ception at Fraternity building. While It did not rain yesterday , all day lone the 'Weather ' had a Ihreatenlnc aspect. A party of editors , accompanied by their wives , representing the Trade Press asso ciation of Chicago , visited the exposition during the forenoon and toured the build ings and grounds. At noon they lunched at the Philippine restaurant , the guests of the exposition , where speeches were de livered by President Miller and others. After the 'meal the members of the party posed for a group photograph , after which they resumed their tour of the exposition. Races 'were scheduled for the afternoon , but owing to the heavy rains this feature was declared off. The same course was pur sued with reference to the band concerts of the mornlnc and afternoon. On account of the weather , no attempt was made to remove the Indians to the Bluff tract , nur did the concessionaires do a thing In the way of opening their doors , though at a few places private audiences were given the visiting editors that they might have an Idea of some of the amuse ment features of the show. The ambulance of the Emergency hospital was about the only thine on the exposition grounds that did a good business during the dav. This vehicle was kept on the gen n largo portion of the time , responding to calls from persons who had contracted severe colds durlnc the damp spell of weather or had met with minor accidents that required medical attendance. " ? MIDWAY City Ailmliilfltrndnii Turn * Out In Force to Do Iln Duty AIUOIIK the FronliM. The hospitable ( Midway acldoms shows more hospitality to a company of special guests than It did Saturday night to the members of the city council and other mem bers of the city administration. Nor doe the Midway often entertain people more appre ciative of Its manifold delights , The fun began early and ended early , sometime before breakfast , to the beat of everyone's recollec tion , though no one who was In at the finish can remember very clcarty how or where the end came. The officials were under the guidance of Councilman Karr , who represented the direc tory of the exposition , and be showed a sur prising familiarity with llfo us It Is lived by the cosmopolitans of the noisy street. He had informed the heats at the various stop ping places that his party would number 110 , but ho had no difficulty In smoothing the way for ICO , to which number the party bad swelled before Iho evening was half over. To narrate In detail what happened would be to present auch a thririlng tale that the newsboys would desert their yellow-backed novels and sit down to rend the paper they should be carrying to anxious readers. But It cannot bo kept n secret that Mayor Moores was with difficulty restrained from showing the crowd that he could rldo the donkey In Hagenback'ti If ho wanted to , nor that the diving show pleased Stuht so much ho tried to buy the whole outfit and move it down to Ninth and Homer streets for the benefit of the people who have to walk half a mile for their water , The only unhappy Incident of the evening occurred when President Rlngbam Invited one of the Indians to con sider himself a member of the council. The Indian drew himself up proudly , turned his hack on the crowd and sent his squaw for a war club. There was nothing for the cha grined councltmen to do 'but ' overcome their mortification by casting themselves Into the excitement of the Cuban village. About the time the street lamps and el root cars went off duty the tour of official duty was ended and the mainsprings of the municipality wended their several ways home wearily , but still ilnglng , Worrlen ISxio IUou Some days ago it was discovered that parties were catching the flsh from the La goon , of which there are thousands of line crapplea , basi , perch and carp. The guards were ordered to arre.it all parties caught In the act of catching the flab. For a short time after the Issuance of the order It was thought that the poaching had been dis continued , but now the exposition managers discover that the flihlng Is being continued and that nightly large numbers of fish are belcg taken out of the Lagoon with both Drex L , Sfiooman Attracts attention wherever he goes so do the shoes he sells for he knows how to save money then the comfort he gives you you can look In vain for It elsewhere no other place shows so many welted soled oxfords for ladles and there Is comfort In a welted sole the extension of a welt sole not only protects the uppers , but they prevent the foot from becoming hot and tired- all styles of toe tans or black no other shoe will give you as much solid comfort when you do the exposition this summer. Drexel Shoe Co. , Omaha' * Up-to-date Shoe Uomae , 1410 FARNAM STREET. Most Smokers Do At least we llud all those that have ever smoked the. little D-ccut Barrister cigar always buy H It Is just as good as the Barrister of 10 cents same to bacco same wrapper , only smaller and yet Just largo enough to give a good , satisfactory smoke All live cigar dealers sell the Llttlo Barrister < ind you should Insist upon getting H Wo are the distributing agents and would bo ghul to 1111 all box orders. Wtti. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. THE BARRISTER AGENT , 1404 Douglas. hooks and nets. Whether the guards sco these parties , or don't care , Is a thing that la annoying the managers. SCRM3S Al.OXtt THK MIDWAY. City OniclnlH See the Aiiinnrntcnt I'en- tnrcii of the I5xi > i > nltloii. The city officials were on the Midway last night and every exposition visitor was owaro of the fact. These city officials wcro not loud , yet they had all kinds of fun nnd did not start fop their homes until the lights wcro turned off at midnight. Most of the city officials went out to the grounds on the Sherman avenue car line and consequently they got off at the east gate and the first place that they struck for was the Sod House , where they dined with Mrs. Bowser. Having satisfied the cravings of the Inner man they started out on their tour , having been Joined by their associates , who journeyed to the grounds by some other route. The first stop that the aggregation made was at the Wnragraph , where the members saw the marching columns and the fight between the American and Spanish vessels in the harbor of Manila. Next they wont across the street and1 after listening to the spieler for a few moments went inside the Hawaiian village , where they were enter tained by the dancing girls and the members of the double quartet , all of whom appeared in native costume. Drilling back , the party went through the Moorish palace nnd studied biblical history by gazing upon statues of men and women who lived prior to the Christian era. Then they took a look at the Passion Play and struck out for the Streets of Cairo , where Colonel Nlncl had promised a real wedding with Assam Mohammad and iMIss Zarlfa Harrcnn as the contracting par ties. Assam being sick the nuptials had to be postponed , but nevertheless a battle of confetti was put on for the benefit of the distinguished visitors , who threw the bits of colored paper about with much gusto nnd snap as though they were a lot of college boys. Before leaving the place they all , took a camel ride and then wont back to the Ger man village , where they shook hands with the fat man nnd partook of another lunch. Retracing their steps the members of the party went down the street nnd dropped in on the Naiads In the Fountain. The Illusion pleased the men who draw their salary from the city and after seeing all they could and wondering how the show was operated they struck out for the West "Midway. " Having crossed the viaduct the rounders broke for the Giant See-Saw and filling one of the cars started skywards , going after what they termed a touch of "high life. " Not dcElring to give one place aH of their patronage , the Chutes cafe was the next place visited , where another lunch and the accompanying liquids were bolted down. An other start was made and the entire party landed at the Beauty Congress , where thfiy jollied the girls and praised their good loolfs and then got out , only to go Into another place , which was the deep sea diving pavil ion. There the members of the party watched the work of raising vessels and praised the show , A ride on the Merry-Go-Round was next In order and onto the horses , camels , donkeya and other animals the sedate gcn- tlomen bounded. They swung around the ilrcle a few times , settling their numerous lunches , and then left for the Scenic Rail way , where for half an hour they shot up and down the hills and around the curves until they were dizzy. Having had a swift tlmo the members of the party felt the neceeslty of another lunch and to the Philippine cafe they went , where there was more eating. After It was finished they went to the Artists' Studio and critically examined the work of paint ing the nude , which , by the way , proved to bo a very agreeable pastime. Wanting to see something more exciting , the city law makers stopped Inside Hagenback's and watched the trainers put their lions and tlgeiB through an exhibition. Having seen enough of this , all 'hands ' went to the flro- works and occupied reserved seats while they gazed upon the battle between the American and Spanish fleets jn Manila bay. The hour was getting late and some of the officials wanted to go home , A vote wan taken and by a big majority It was decided to see more of the -Midway and at It they went. They started In on Hobson Sinking the Mcrrlmac and followed the course of the vessel us It worked its way Into the mouth of the harbor at Santiago , They remained until after the explosion and then , being In a warlike mood , they crossed the street and looked at the panorama of the battle of Lookout Mountain , after which they re traced their steps and took a trip through the tunnels and caverns of Darkness and Dawn , meeting the good and bad spirits. Wanting to see something funny , the Old Plantation was visited , where the member * of the party compelled the colored people to enact the camp meeting sketch a couple of times and the Cakewalk a half a dozen. Port of the party wanted to see the Marionettes nettes and all went along. They laughed nt the little figures and made them dance and dance again and again. Not having seen enough , Lunette was visited , where the city councllraen and others marvelled at the young woman moving through the air with out any visible support. At the Cuban Vil lage Valentino was Interviewed and the theater was attended , and then another lunch was swallowed at Sctilltz , and just as the guards were closing the gates the party clipped through and caught the last car for down town. A new feature ha been added to the Kast Midway that Is attracting a great deal of attention. It Is the Hungarian Gypsy en campment of Gypsy fortune tellers , repre sented by eight beautiful Romanics of various nations. They are the most famous fortune-tellers of their class In the United States and hnvo been gathered from all parts of the country to grace the village. Their readings ore but 25 cents and the camp Is crowded all the time. Notwithstanding the bad weather of the last week the attendance at Hagenback's animal show on the Midway has been such as to gratify the management , considering the small number of people who were on the grounds during the rainy days. But then everybody who visits the exposition al ways takes In Hagenhaek's. A big feature will bo Introduced this week In the shape of the celebrated orang-outang , catured less than n year ago In the Island of Borneo. This famous beast has hardly yet been tamed and furnishes an endless amount of entertainment for all who sec him. TIIIIOW T1II2IU iiminniiss AS inn. Slonx Inillnnn DlNplny n Grcnt Kond- iicnn for llunitltul Treatment. When the Sioux Indians first nrrlved nt the exposition they fought shy of the Emer gency hospital , but now they are taking to it like a lot of ducks to a puddle of muddy water. No matter how slight the ailment or the accident , the Indian goes to the hos pital , and he invariably rides in the ambu lance instead of walking. Yesterday the Indians made a great run on the hospital and during the day there were no less than twenty of them in the wards. However , none of them were suf fering from injuries or sickness that de manded detention , nnd after being treated were hauled back to their camp. The pre vailing ailment was cholera morbus , resultIng - Ing from eating watermelon and peaches , of which they are all exceedingly fond. Then again there were any quantity of rusty nails which penetrated their bare feet and gave them considerable pain. Since the rain the Indians have laid aside their buckskin foot gear and have tramped around the grounds In their bare feet. Yesterday they found any number of nails with the pointed ends sticking up and In about every Instance they went against these and came out of the conflicts , disfigured , but still In the ring. Toilny'o Mnnlcnl I'ronrnin. Following Is the musical program for to day at the exposition : Godfrey's British 'band ' , afternoon pro gram , 3 o'clock , at the Auditorium : Overture Poet and Peasant Suppe Selection I Pagllaccl Leoncavallo ( a ) Spring Song ( Mcndelspohn ) , ( b ) Banco of The Hours , La Glocondo. , 1'onchello Flute Solo Bel Rngglo Rossini * Ir. Redfern. Suite (1) Morning , (2) Death of Asn , Cl ) Anttrn's Dance , (1) ) Dance of , Imps ( GrclR ) Peer Gynt Funeral March of a Marionette Gounod Cornet Solo Dear Heart Mattel Mr. Kettlewell. Allegretto Moderate Unfinished Sym phony Schubert Selection lolantho Sullivan Evening program , 7 o'clock , Grand Plaza : March Royal Jlunt Werner Overture Semlramtdo Iloaslnl Selection Tannhnuser Wagner \VsJtz-Tanz Jubllfintcn Fnhrbach Cornet Solo There Is a Green Hill Kur Away Gounod Mr. Kettlewell. March Krelgsruf Saro Selection I i Clgalo Andrau Waltz Doctrlncn Strauss Ooromitlon March Meyerbeer Here Seeking A riit < tlniin , George Schlosser , one of the leading news paper men of South Dakota , located at Sioux Falls , Is at the exposition trying to arrange for attractions for a otreet fair and carnival of sports that will bo held In his homo town September 12 to IB , In addition to the fair , he says that there will ho pa rades , blcyclo racing , balloon ascensions and scores of other features , Ten bands are scheduled to appear In the parade. The Llpton Ceylon tea booth , near the Auditorium , has become so popular for family lunching parties that a lot of now chairs and tables have had to be put in. Olrln Ilniit-i ) 111 Snloon , Flora Darling and Irene Hall , young women of prepossessing appearance nnd tasteful dress , seemed sadly out of place when brought behind the screen at the police station for registration on the charge of dis orderly conduct , The officer who mndo the arrest stated that the young women were principals In a scene of wild disorder in Houston's saloon , 1120 Farnam street. They gave an exhibition of skirt dancing and high kicking that filled the saloon with spectators in no time , the policeman said , and to make the disturbance worse the bartender ducked the dancers with the spray from seltzer bottles. At the station the Hall girl was found to be drenched to the skin from the bath. SI i Hi Wnnl I'ulltlcn , The Sixth Ward Republican club held a well lattendcd meeting last night. All the old officers were re-elected , the list being as follows : President , R. B. Carter ; vlco president , J. E. Wolcott ; secretary , V. C , Craig : treasurer , William Askwlth. County Commissioner Ostrom made a proposition to the club to the effect that his name be placed on the ticket before the county convention and Messrs , Deyreuth , Wolcott and Fink select the delegUlon , W , H. Elborn. candidate for county commis sioner , accepted this proposition. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia be cause Its Ingredients are such that It can't help doing o. "The public can refy upon U at A mafcter reinrdy for all disorders sirUioK from Imperfect digestion. " James M. Thomas , M. D , In American Journal of Health , N. V. . Bifocals-Talk No , 47- Bifocal lenses are made with upper parts for distance and the lower parts for raiding nnd sewing. They arc no longer split In halves , but consist of n complete1 crescent cemented to It. They tire- put together so neatly that the dividing Hue. ! scarcely perecpUble. Kor persons who require different lenses there Is nothing so perfectly ad apted. They stive the trouble nnd In convenience of currying two pairs of glasses. They nave the bother of chang ing glasses a hundred times a day , They are always before the eyes and always ready for any work. I prescribe nnd sell n , great many of these lenses nnd will bo glad at any time to show you their advantages. No charge for consultation , J. C. Hutesoii , Manufacturing Optician , 1520 notiRln * St. Knilntti , Cnmrrni nnd Supplier. Onmhu , If You Go Away or If you fltn.v at homo liats you must wear It tlou't make any dlflferenco what Is your proforcnco n derby a fedora a cap or a straw Mr. Frederick Hatter Is the man you wnut to BCC HO'H a hatter of lonp experience nnd when you get u hat from him you can depend upon the style being right and the quality the best that the money you pay ean buy Ooarso braid straw lints ? 1.50 up. Wo close at 0 o'clock p. m. Saturday. FREDERICK The Hatter , The Lending lint Mnn of the West. 120 South 15th Street , Hundreds of Families- arc In need of n piano Hundreds of families can easily sp.iro ? , " > .00 from their monthly earnings and thus supply themselves and their children with a piano , but they feel they cannot spare more To such persons this special Au gust sale of iiO good pianos at factory prices on ? 5.00 monthly payments will appeal most strongly , and It should uot be missed. A. HOSPE , We eelehrate oar 25th basinet * itmmt * vcrmnrr Oct. 23rd , 1806. Music and Ait 1513 Douglas. A $25.00 ( ? ) Watch for $8.98. Every human being has nt least ono grain of Bcnse , and if they would use that ono grain to think with they must realize that the above assertion Is ( to put it mild ) very far from the truth. Yet you see such as sertions in advertisements every day , but NEVER In COPLEY'S. He never gives 87',4 per cent off every article in his stock , never gives the greatest cash clearing sale of the j century ( after upending Sunday morning marking his goods up ) BUT HE GIVES 100 CENTS WORTH of MERCHANDISE for $1 , RESERVING A LIVINO PROFIT FOR HIMSELF. A call at Copley's to compare prices Is < the , best way to convince yourself of this fact. Hetiry Copley Wares of Gold nnd Silver , 215 So Kith Street. I'axtun Block. Special Watch Examiner U. P. Ry. Chief Watch Inspector O. K. C. & E , Ry and 0. & St. L. Ry. PAVING DISTRICT BONDS SOLD Cleveland Firm OfTrrn a Premium at AliiuiNt Three Per Cent for Tin-ill. City Treasurer Edwards yesterday after noon sold $24GOO worth of district street im provement bonds to Denlson , Prior & Co. of Cleveland for $25,225 nnd accrued Interest to date of delivery. The premium Is equal to a price of $102.06 on the 'bonds ' nnd re duces the face rate of Interest. 4 per cent , to about 3 > per cent. The bids submitted were as follows , all Including besides tba sum mentioned accrued interest to dote cf delivery : Denlson , Prior & Co. . Cleveland $25,225 Omaha National bank 21701 O. jr. White & Co. . by Philip Potter. . 21715 S. A. Kean , Chicago 21,843 The Grant Paving company offered to pay par and accrued Intercut , and take the bonds as payments on contracts for curbing. Vnmlrrvoort on Trial. The trial of Percy Vandcrvoort , who is charged with having attempted an assault upon Leonora Reed , was begun In police court Saturday afternoon. The occurrence Is alleged to have taken place In Rlvervlew park July 17. Miss Rerd testified that young Vnndervoort attempted to asoault her and Matron Tledeman told of the bruited condition of the girl's neck when she was brought Into the station. LOCAL BREVITIES , Phil Frenzer , a railroad fireman , was ar rested Saturday rflght charged with the theft of $10 from S. D. Casad. Sheriff Trompen of Lincoln wants the po llco to keep a weather eye out for Fred Nel son , about 16 years of age. who U accused of stealing a blcyclo and $10 In cash , Sheridan Dlngman , n blacksmith , entered II , E. McCormli'k's restaurant , at C20 South Thirteenth street , Saturday night and as saulted the proprietor. He was taken Into custody. George A. Swan , 1120 Capitol avenue , reports - ports that while he and Lvdla Swan were In the city jail Friday some one entered bla house and took therefrom a suit of clothes of the value of $10 , Entrance wa made through a window , Fred Nulxon , the Lincoln lad who vtolc a blcyclo Thursday , was arrested Saturday night by Detectives Donohuo and Heltfold when he applied at the express office for the wheel. Nelson rode the wheel from Lincoln to Ashland , where bo shipped It to this city , naming himself as consignee. The detectives recovered the wheel1. Sidney Undo , 615 South Sixteenth street , was run over Saturday afternoon by a team drawing a covered wagon at Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. Llndo was riding a wheel at the time and did not see the team approaching preaching , Ho was thrown to the pavement and his head was quite severely cut. He was taken to the police station. The Board of Education has been waiting for some time for a favorable turn In the coal market , HO that the supply for the com ing year coufd be laid In , but the situation has been growing worse Instead of better and it is probable the board will wait no longer. Bids will doubtless bo called for at the meeting Monday nlebt. Nothing more important than the usual accumulation of bills and claims was con sidered by the Board of County Commission' era al Us regular meeting , The only docu- Kodaks that's all It costa to take your Kodak Into tbo Exposition grounds this year Such a popu lar price is sure to bring many amateurs and their kodaks- Bo wo have fltted up a booth In .the Manufactures building and keep a complete lot of photo graphic supplies -which wo will offer at down town prices. THE ALOE & PEMFOLD CO. , Amattur rhftogrmphU SuppUft. 1408 Farnam. OMAHA OPPOSITE PAZTON HOTEL. ment aside from the regular routine was a communication from the state auditor elvlng the distribution of the annuaf leVv for state taxes as previously printed In The Hoe. On Wednesday evening next , at the Thurs- ton Rifles' armory , the Ladles' auxiliary Will give an entertainment to the friends of Company L , First Nebraska regiment. The program will consist of dancing , refresh ments , etc. A handsome silk quilt , made by the ladles , wllf be rafllod. All the frlcndf of Company L an ; requested to be present. Nels Larsen , working at the Metr. brewery , has sworn out a complaint in police court charging that Will Cox assaulted him. Lar sen says that ho was going after n can of beer Friday when Cox jumped out nnd tried to take It from him. Larson would not lot go of the prize , so Cox took a swift uppercut at him and landed In the left eve. Larson's eye Is badly dlscolered and ho wants re venge. Peter Proclplo was discharged In police court Friday afternoon , ns the judga held that there was not evidence sulllclcnt to con vict him of stealing $145 from Toncv Pow- eir. Proclplo proved that ho had brought $550 with him from Iowa. Powell was positive itive- that a certain $20 bill In the pllo was his , but ho had no marks to Identify It with , Word was sent from Storm Lake , la , , vouch ing for the good character of the accused , The case of L. A. Wylcy , charged with having used loud and obscene language , has been continued for ono week In pollen court , Wylcy claims that ho was having a friendly scuffle with bis wlfo and resented the in trusion of the police , Sergeant Hayes , ona of the men who assisted In making the ar rest , says that ho heard the woman calf for the police nnd ho went In to answer to her cry. The Wylcys live at 1615 Dav enport street. AVhcu T. Kckslrora went to work Thurs day at Bloom's planing mill , on Grant street , between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth , he hung hit ) vest on a peg above the work bench. Some time during the day a watch was stolen from the pocket of the vest. De tectives Donobtio and Heltfold found Iho person who committed the theft. Ho wan a 16-year-old lad named Lawrence Schroder , The boy solil the tlmepleco to H pawnbroker , from whom the defective reclaimed It , KIDM5V TIIODIIM : . The Mot I'revnliMil , IniiK 'rnn * and Jlrcrptlve DUenxc , TU on mi n dn Iliivr It niul Don't Knuvr It. Pains and aches come from exccts of urlo acid In the blood , due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble CHUBCM quick or unsteady heart bratK und ; nnh : i emi feel as though they had heart trouble , because the heart Is overworking to p > inii | the thick , kidney.poisoned blood through the veins and arteries. Soreness or uncomfortable feeling In the hack Indicates kidney trouble of ao mnntl Importance , The passing of scanty or profuse quanti ties of urine Is a warning nf kidney trouble. If you want to feel wll you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kldniiys. The famous new discovery , Dr. Klliner'u Swamp-Root , Is the true specific for kidney , bladder and urinary troubles. It ha cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases after all other efforts have failed. Sold on Its merits by all drugglnta In fifty-cent and one dollar slzcti , A sumplo bottle cant free by mail to any . ' .d-lruHH , Also a book telling nil about Swamp-Root and Its wonderful cures. When wrlilne , address Dr. Kilmer & Co , , Illnghamton , N Y. , and mention that you read tlila offer In the Omaha Sunday Uce.