Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1899, Page 8, Image 28

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    OMAHA ILJUUSTHATED ME. August 0 , 1800.
See our exhibit of Gold Medal
At the Greater America
I , 2 , 3 and 5-lb Boxes , 6Oo Ib.
You pay thooxpross.
1520 Fnrnam St. Oniiiha.
For wedding presents
line nrt stationery
watches diamonds out
glass everything that Is
now anil up to data , visit
N. R. Cor. 16th and Famnm , Omihn ,
Shoe facts
for Men.
Pay a fnlr price for a
good shoo and you are
$2.50 and $3.GO a-o
the prices for every
body. Not tco h'gh
not tco low. The cele
are made In all 1 a ti
ers nil styles and all
colors of > tuns and nro
$ .1.00 and $ G.OO value3
ycur choice of any
Bhoo In stock
$2.50 & $3.50
Regent Shoe Co.
205 South 15th , Omaha.
WrUi > for IlliiNtnited Cntnluuue.
THE quality of all oui
work is of the best
that is to be obtained and
it the result of n combi
nation of Brains , Skilled
Workmen and a finely
Equipped Plant. The
price Is always | ust right.
sample of our press work.
1609 Howard St. OMAHA.
r-r UetnClly llu.lneu Collne , Qulncy , llll
Uncle Sam's Porto
Rican Coffee iields
( Continued from Seventh Pago. )
iclght of your waist. I BOO thorn ovory-
vhero and have done not a llttlo coffco hull-
ng myself oy experimenting with thorn.
AiuniiK tlic ColTnc Sortcrn ,
After the coffco has been dried and cleaned
t must be graded. In some of the factories
his is done by machinery , the coffee being
un over wire screens with meshes of differ
ent sizes. The llttlo round beans which
orm the very best of the product , and
vhlch look Just llko Mocha coffee , drop into
one bag. The largest of the flat-sided beans
go into another and other grades into other
Machines , however , do not take out the
> ad grains. This must bo done by the coffco
sorters. In every largo Porto Ilican factory
you find women picking over the coffco
grains nnd separating the good .from the
> ad. In the smaller factories the picking
s done sitting on the floor before a low box
covered -with cloth. In the larger ones there
are long tables cut up into llttlo boxes by
nany partitions and before each box a Porto
llcan clrl sits with a pile of green coffee
> oans before her. She picks these over nnd
over , handling coffee from sunrise until sun-
volved by contact with the pulley , driving
a grinding wheel to act on Ita surface nnd
For use inweighing ice a now pair of
tongs Is fitted with double cylinders , con
taining celled springs , which are com
pressed by the weight of the cake to move
sliding indicators over the graduations cut
on the cylinders.
Telephones nro to be fitted with n sani
tary guard to protect the user from Inhaling
microbes from the mouthpiece , the guard
being of the proper shape to fit the interior
of the transmitter and lap over the edges ,
making It easily removable for cleansing.
A Now York .woman . has patented a bl-
cycle attachment for repelling the attacks
of dogs consisting of n perforated box con
taining pepper or other substance , with n
bulb on the handle bar to force nlr through
a tube Into the box to discharge the pe'p-
Cheese can bo accurately cut by a new
apparatus , patented toy a woman , having a
round base , on which the chceso rests , with
a semi-circular plato at the top , having a
flange 'With a series of vertical silts to guldo
the knife and divide the chceso into eeg-
In order to ascertain , .without . the neces
sity of opening it , whether any mall has
been placed In n letter box a pivoted signal
rod Is attached to the slide of the box , with
During my stay in Porto Rico 1 visited
factories where hundreds of itheso girls were
sorting coffee. I made nome photographs of
them at work , much to the amusement of
all. They are black-eyed , brown-skinned
maidens with eyes as laughing as the Italian
coffco Dickers of Brazil. Not a few show
signs of negro blood and some arc quite
black. They sing as they work and are evi
dently not dissatisfied with their condition.
Their wases are on the averaco less than
25 cents n day.
At the Coflec 1'ortM.
The transportation of the coffee to the
seaports is ono of the most Important fac
tors In the Industry. Much of the coffco
land Is far in the interior , with mountain
ranges between It and the- places of ship
ment. Some of It Is along the military
road. This is shipped upon bullcck carts-
great two-wheeled , affairs drawn by four or
Ivo yokes of oxen and carrying enormous
The coffco in the other mountain regions
is taken to the coast upon ponies , about
200 pounds being packed on the back of
each animal. Often you will see a long
Illo of these little ponies thus loaded crawlIng -
Ing up and down the mountain road. Some
times an owner elts on the top of his pony
and flogs him along the way.
The packs nro often roughly put on so
that they rub the skin from the backs of
the ponies nnd when the loads nro removed
great raw sore patches are to ho seen. Ono
of our army olllcors , who Is In charge nt
the coffee port of Yauco , endeavored to
prevent this cruelty. Ho took the packs
off the beasts nnd fined each driver of a
sere horse $5 , putting 1ia ! horse in the
pound until cured. This created n great
sensation among the farmers and after n
tow days the coffee ceased to come In. The
business of Yauco fell off and the mer
chants complained that the olTlcsr was
hurting the town. Upon investigation It
, vns discovered that the planters were ship
ping their coffee to the port of Aroclbo on
the north coast. The olllcor at Yauco wrote
to Aroclbo and tried to stop this. Ho also
mode a complaint to General Henry , who
was then in charge , but his complaint was
not noticed and ho was forced to allow the
cruelty to go on.
At present coffco id brought in this way
to all the ports. It Is there consigned to
the largo coffee dealers , who ship It to the
markets of Europe.
Some Late Inventions
Haras are smoked and marked at the same
time by a western man's device , consisting
of a truck with a bed ofwire netting , with
letters formed In the tvlro to Imprint them
selves on the meat while It is smoking.
For accurately truing the pulleye of ma
chinery a newly patented macblno has a
abaft on which the pulley is mounted , with
a friction wheel eot in a frame , to bo re-
n projection en the lid which swings the
signal into a vertical position as so n as the
lid is opened.
For exercising the tympanum of the ear
an apparatus has 'been ' patented by a
Pennsylvanlnn , having a pump to force
air into and exhaust it from the oar , with
tubes fitted with tips to enter the ear , an
adjustable relief valve regulating the pres
sure cf the pump.
Ordinary shears can bo ma'do to cut but
tonholes by a now attachment , in which a
sheath slips over ono blade to hold a short
cutting blade , having a sharp point at the
rear which punctures the cloth and allows
the free blade to cut 'the hole to the desired
Their Silent
"Seated opposite mo in a St. Charles
avenue street car the other day. " said u
gentleman who lives in the neighborhood
of Tulnno university , to the Times-Demo
crat , "was a middleneedwoman nnd a
chubby-faced man of perhaps 27 or 28. They
were neatly but rather poorly dressed , and
were holding several largo bundles.
Presently I hoard the man make a queer
chuckling sound , and glancing up I saw
that ho was convulsed with laushter. The
woman was evidently amused , too , and was
trying in vain to keep her face straight.
She had prim , severe features , and her thin
lips twisted so strangely that I couldn't
help staring at her. Then I looked around
to sco what the deuce they 'wore laughing
at , but I failed to discern anything especial y
funny dn the car , and finally gave It up
In a few moments I glanced across again ,
just In time to catch the queer couple In
another paroxysm of silent mirth. They
seemed n little confused under my scrutiny ,
and that suggested the uncomfortable Idea
that they were laughing at me. I took off
my hat , glanced nt my clothes and couldn't
discover anything unusual about my np-
pcaranco , but nt the same tlmo the thlm ;
began to got on mv nerves , nnd when It
was repeated five or six times I became as
nervous as a cot iln a strange garret. Dur
ing nil that while the couple had not ex
changed a single word. They simply sat
there , alternately Staring into space and
shaking with laughter. It was a most un
canny performance , nnd I was Immensely re
lieved when they got off. That evening I
was narrating my experience to n neighbor
nnd ho immediately solved the mystery. 'I
kno-w those people well , ' ho said. 'They are
deaf mutes nnd cousins. Whenever they nro
together they bold hands nnd gossip nwny to
beat the band , all by the motion of their
fingers. You didn't notice it , but they un
doubtedly had hold of ono another's hands
on the car. They weren't laughing at you ,
poor tilings , they were merely exchanging
neighborhood email talk and probably tell
ing a few funny stories. ' "
Photo by Rtnchart.
A. Hospo's 1G13 Douglas street musical Instrument and sheet music department.
Special attention given to furnishing complete band outfits.
The Greater America Official Souvenir Spoon.
The manufacture and sale of the official Souvenir Spoon Is solely in the hands
of Geo. W. Ryan & Co. Sterling Sliver Five O'clock Teas , $1.00. Five O'clock Teas ,
engraved bowl , $1.60. Tea size , $1.50. Tea size , engraved bowl , $2.00. For sale by
all jewelers. Dealers supplied at wholesale prices.
Jewelers Omaha G60i W. & CO. l09 South 10th St.
ri > HE watch case is made of IHmetallte Goldiiic finely engraved : looks exactly
I llko a Solid Gold Case and will last a lifetime. The movement Is one of the
1 beat manufactured , warranted correct timekeeper , stem winder , guaranteed for
flvo years. We tire iiuumfitcturerN of HlKli Crude ClKnrn , and In order
to quickly Introduce our Intent clKiirH , wo give one watch free with your flrst or-
ier of CO cigars at price of $3.98. No money required until you have examined the
ioo < ls. To order -ivntcli mid clKiirw , send us your address stating nearest Ex
press Ofllco and wo will send you free of charge a Gentleman's or Lady's "Watch as
above described and BO cigars ; If you will promise us that you will examine the
? oods , and If found las represented , pay Express Agent $3.98 and express charges and
tlie cigars and watch are yours. If you want to take advantage of our offer ,
order lit oiicej we will ship cigars and watch' promptly. If you send $3.38 with
order will enclose'as an extra present a Gentleman's or Lady's Watch Chain
free and will fill order without delay. Full satisfaction guaranteed.
H , GARFIELD MANUFACTURING 00 , , 78 & 80 Dearborn St. , Chicago ,
Whiskey bearing Ihe name "Schweyer" Is guarantee of the best none so delicious money can hardly buy lit equal
Wo nro the only Distillers in America shipping Pennsyl
vania i'uro Bye to consumers direct , Bear this in mind.
trod th
t > iprn.e ick At our and 1 SCHWEYER'S PURE 8 YEAR OLD $
at oner. The prime old whiskey prescribed for Express
medicinal and general use. Prepaid
Never li > s than 8 years old , most of it 10 and
13 years old u lien first bottled. Sold direct to
the consumer from our distillery at the
low prloo of $ for four full quarts tlmt
cannot bo bought elsewhere for less than $0.00 ,
. . _ Wo also offer our SEVEN YEAR
$3.00 for four ( till quarts. This la thofinr-st ? yonrolrtryo F r
nil Wo luliMlcmi'tiV fmvo you over ilrmik and cannot bo dupiicatod for loss than $ Tj.OO. f Prepaid
Iirolltanmlirimr- WorofertoanyOoramorclnl Aconcv. Dapkor KxprosBfinmpnnyln United Stales.
pure whlHlioy Address all orders lo Warehouse BP 609,611 , 613 W. 12th St. . CHICAGO.
\\lllinutadultor- niton. OnlPrs for Ariz. , Coi.pal.IdahoMont. . Now MOX..NBV. , Ore. , Utah. Wash. , W
imiHtrnlirnr U < | imrUfrolulit prepaid , orrllo for pitrtlnilnra hofnrn rotnll
n three lned kVlur nluih dnr > bluuli lufi.d
y out. Stuffed with fin. t"w .nd Fu"t of t irliiw In
. , .
- - vi. TIL .Ltciio I rCV HIT pillow , with wide
neuiiued Iwrder , ilmwn In Illutln
lion , TliU , In addition to Hie low
pflco of the niucli.t \ m wonrteriilter
lliis luxuriuui courli an > l rioHii
Illlow Mill It icnt FltKK un
thirty daja' trial to all InleuJliu
I'urrhaieri who will itnd ui their
freight aldrcii and glte ui lallifacl
err refereiirei at to their r | H > nil.
l.lfllv. After thirty daji remit ui
* ia. ? & , l ( fltltlled the coucli
rclnrn iIuVii ' . , ' . , . ' . " . ' . " . . ' „ " "V " . " - JLI alone li worth evert cent of ( ju ,
ouihtii ai .11 V.rlJt. iii , ' ' 'r"1'Uo , ' "or < thantliti Id ho\r our l IIef In the quality aud i rice of
fall and wli > Ur r.ul lju. ? Jl $ X "u , * M > , t.l . , d HUI MC.U , ur M.
P. LO UlS -
8CHULTZE-8 SONS. I05I-IO33 Milwaukee Ave. . CHICAGO. ILL.