SPECJALJOTLGES AilvrMlaenientii for those column * Trill lie tnUeit tinlll Jtt m. for Ihc evrnlnic edition mill until SH.'IO p. in. fur mornlnir anil Similnx editions. llntr * , 1 l-"c n wont flrftt lnnertlon | Ic n tvoril tliorrnftrr. Nntlilnii tuUcii tnr lean lmn a..c fur the flrat | II T- tlon. Thme nilrcrtlncmcntii must lie run ctiriMPCtitlvrlr * AdvertlftcrH , liy re-cincntlng n ntini- licrcil < ! hccU , ciui Imvc nnmTcrn nil- drcMNPil to n iiiiinlirrcMl Irttrr In enrc if TIic Ilc. . AiiHiTcrH no mill rented vnll lie ilcllviTcil on prcnentntlon of the clieik only. WA.VrED-SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A 401 A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one plenso call up the Remington typewriter ofllce , 1019 Farnam St. , telephone 1573. A 102 WANTED , situation by bartender In Coun cil Blurts , la. , or Omaha ; G years' experli enco In llrst-class house. Address F IS , Uec. A-74S C * _ tt'ANTEIJ MAM3 HUM' . WANTED , Wo have steady work for a few peed hustlers of peed habits nnd appear ance. G. F. Adams Co. , 1019 Howard St. B 103 GOOD Dalesmen , salary or com. 1118 N. 16. B 10 1 CANVASSERS wanted every whom ; big money. Wrlto H'ome Comfort Sad Tron Co. , Omaha. B-M310 A27 * WANTED , nn experienced dry poods' bill clerk ; none but exporlcnccd men need ap ply ! glvev experience , ace nnd references. . Co. St. Rlchardson-Roberts-Bryno D. O. , Joseph , Mo. B-M517 8 "WANTED , an experienced dry Roods hill clnrk : state experience , references , salary expected , etc. . and address Smith , McCord Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. B-M642 B WANTED , by a loonlng concern , a man for land examiner having some experience In farm loan business. State nee , experlcnco and salary desired. Address F 31. Bee. B-M637 10 WANTED , two good plumbers. IT. II. Gaffay , 1200 O St. , Lincoln , Neb. B-M63I C _ SALESMAN wanted , $300 per month ; Bells to merchants. Long & Hardman , Kiel hotel , Council Bluffs. B M614 S * WANTED , men to manage offices. DCS Molncs nnd Sioux City , for mercantile company ; established 1576 ; must have ref erences and $150 ; position permanent. Ad dress F 37 , Bee. B M663 6 * WANTED , salesmen for high-class food products ; wq offer n. splendid opportu nity for hard workers ; give your experl cnco fully. E 55 , Bee. . B-AI65G 7 * CMEN to learn barber trade ; only eight weeks required ; special Inducements for applicants from a distance ; wages Sat urdays ; places for 600 ; complete outfit of tools presented ; positions guaranteed ; catslorua mailed free. IMoler Barber Col lege , Ohlcago , 111. B MC62 10 WANTED , two first-class carpenters with families to live In houses and have per manent Jobs. S. D. Mercer , 206 Ramge block. B-ai65S 6 TRAVELING nKlesnmn wanted by estab lished ! house ; no technical knowledge nec essary , tail simply all around hustler of good aprrvirnnce and address ; first class line ; liberal contract ; entire time re quired ; references. Box 127 , Detroit , Mich. B-CS2 6 WANTED , sample distributors everywhere , position permanent ; reference required ; enclose ptamp for particulars. Rust Nit Polish CO. , .Milwaukee , Wis. B-CS7 C GOVERNMENT positions ; don't prepare for any civil sen-Ice or census examination without seeing our catalogue of Informa tion ; sent free. Columbian Correspond ence College , Washington , D. C. J B-CS4 6 * _ _ _ WANTED , a man to represent us In Ne- ibraska ; permanent position ; $150 per month over expenses guaranteed. ] ntl-31G Dearborn St. , Chicago. B 653 6 * TRAVELING salesman ; man of ability who has or Is now selling calenders and adver tising specialties : state where , traveled ; with the right man we will make a liberal contract nnd offer an especially attractive lino. Address In. confidence , Kern. Co. , Chicago , III. B-CS5 6 WANTED , reliable agents to sell three patented necessities ; exclusive territory ; work very profitable , pleasant nnd hon orable. Lock Box CSC , Canal Dover. Ohio. G * ACTIVE man to appoint agents for the Musical Keyograph , { 75.00 a. . month nnd expenses ; rmnll security required ; state rights nsslgned. Address Musical ICeyo- jrrapli Co. , 1031 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia , B-C72 6 * Pa. - _ XiEATRN to draw by mall for newspapers , magazines , books ; highly profitable ; prac tical Instruction by fiuccossful newspaper artists ; eafaHoguo free. Correspondence School of Illustrating , 114 W. 34th St. , Now York. B-673 G * WANTED , traveling1 fnlesmen for our wholesale seed department. Apply for terms , with references , L. L. Mav & Co. , St. Paul , Minn. B-718 6 WANTED , mhn to distribute catalogues and collect ; 13.00 a day. Address A. II. Mon roe , 321 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. B74 6 * WANTED , reliable men to solicit business for us ; we nro In the speculative grain com. business ; we have one ngent who began working for us a year ngo nnd has made nn average of over $700.00 a month for the pafit fix months ; yon can do Just us -well , no capital required. Write for particulars , references , etc. Address F 42 , cr this onice. B-G75 G WANTED Men to Bell best gasoline lamp nindo ; 100-cnndle power ; 20 hours for 2c. Big money. Write quick. Studebakcr G. L. Co. , Kansas City , Mo. B ENGINEERS nnd firemen , Hend 25c for 24- page pamphlet , rontnlnlng list of ques tions asked by examining board of en gineers. Geo. A. Roller , bookseller , St. Louis , Mo. Mention this paper. B WANTED everywhere , hustlers to tack signs , distribute circulars , samples , etc. ; no canvasslnc ; good pay. Sun Advortis'ing Bureau , Chicago. B 732 G WANTED , a few first-clans solicitors to work wmong the farmers , " Our men are making $10 a day. Work permanent. Spe cial Inducements to hall men , Call Mon day or address 726 N. Y. Life bldg. B-M730 6 * _ WANTED , bass voice for choir. Best of Instruction given In exchange for services ' Address F 43. Bee. B-M727 7 * _ , AVANTED-KEMALE 111:1,1' . WANTED , 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 405 _ _ WANTED , ten experienced chocalate dip pers. Balduff , 1520 Furnam. C M573 7 BIG pay for ladles or gentlemen traveling and appointing local ugenta , F. L. . 209 Bouth 20th. C MGOO S WANTED , young lady stenographer ; High school graduate preferred. Address F 30 Bee , c C20 WANTED , 6 experienced practical nurses over 30 years of ago. Flat 9 , 3rd floor. DavJdge Block. C < J69-7 WANTED , , ten smart , energetic iiuslness women over 30 years of age. to travel nnd call upon teachers and nurses and show charts and 'books on Illustrated Hygiene Flat 9 , 3rd floor. Davldge Block. Cor. of ISth & Farnnm. C 70-7 * WANTED , ladles' to sell Iris Blossom ; cures all female diseases , Instant relief works like magic ; J30 profit on every BO sales ; business grows rapidly when once started. Irla Remedy Co. . Knglewood. III. C-6706 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XiADY AGENTS everywhere to soil Com plexion Face Beautlfler , positive , euro , Im mediate results and cure. Samples to ap ply nnd demonstrate , free. Mine. Rlhault , 120 Elsa Bldff. , Cincinnati , O , C 691 6 LADJ1JS make $5 dally wiling our Shirt Waist end bklrt Supporter ; agents wanted everywhere : send ptamp for outfit. Steph- cnson , 49 West 19th St. , New York. C * COMPETENT girl for general housework ; bring Rood reference. Apartment No. 1 , "The Wlnonu , " Bo. With and Dewey nve. C-735 6 WANTED PEMALE HELP. BOYLES' SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Prepares stenographers for high grade po sitions ; many calls go unfilled for lack of operators to send out. The standard maintained by this college places It In the front rank of shorthand colleges In the land. A commercial department will be added to this excellent school the first Monday In September. B o Building. B-6S7 6 CANVASSERS. ladles preferred. for "Thurston nines" ( Co. L. First Nebarska ) souvenir , historical and Illustrated. Quick seller. Farrish & Miner , Merchants'hotel. WANTED , young lady for ofllce work ; nuist bo a stenographer and willing to make herself generally useful ; quickness , cor rectness nnd willingness essential ; good position nnd permanent ; stnte references nnd salary expected. Address F 49 , Bee. C (49 6 * iALESLADY wanted , only flrst-clays need npply. F. M. Schadoll & Co. C M.5S WANTED , competent second girl. Mr C. N. Dlotz , 428 S. 35th St. C 754 6 WANTED , good variety actress to travel with good , respectable company ; must be good singer anil dancer ; write terms , abil ity and experience to I. Kaspa'rek. Rey nolds , Nob' C-M7697- FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St. D 406 ALWAYS moving household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. . 1511 % Farnam. Tel. 15S9. D 107 HOUSES , stores , He mis. Paxton block. D 403 FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city , The O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam street. D 409 SIX-ROOM modern fiat 1112 S. llth.D D 618 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street. D 111 MAGGARD'S van&storage. 117 N 15. Tel 1496. D 412 FURNISHED house central. 2009 California. D 416 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D 117 FOR RENT , MS South 2Sth St. . 10 rooms , modern , good repair. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 So. 14th St. D-M719 2402 POPPLETON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern , large yard and barn , $30. The Byron ' Ilewl Co. D-413 MODERN 7-room house , 1009 N. 29th St. , $20. 603 Bee. D 1906 FOR RENT , 8-room furnished house , with modern conveniences , near Brownell hall. JOHN W. UOBBINS , 1802 FARNAM ST. D M946 LARGE fine residence , 10 rooms , entirely modern , porcelain bath , In perfect con dition , large grounds , good barn. In best part of Walnut Hill , rent $33.00 per month. 2227 N. 20th St. , store , $7.00 ; tour-room flat , upstairs , $ S ; city water. 3317 Cumlng , 8 rooms , $20. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. * 8-ROOM modern , 1817 Capltc-1 ave. , $45.00 ; 8-room modern , small barn , 4216 Farnam ; others. Rlngwalt Bros. , Barker Block. D M5S5 FOR RENT , a magnificent hotel cafe ; a great snap and you must be In a hurry. George P. Bemls , Paxton Block.D D M566 7 FOR RENT , 10-room modern brick. 1031 south 30th ave. , hard wood floors and finish. D-M633 FOR RENT , 3316 Burt St. , large , fine resi dence , nine rooms , entirely modern , hot water heat ; range In kitchen ; large yard with shade trees. Will rent this house tea a satisfactory tenant for $25.00 per month. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Doug las sts. D M643 FOR RENT , cottage , 5 rooms ; 1321 S. 33d st , D G4S 6 * FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage , city water , gas. shade trees. 1502 N. 20th st. No chll- PART of 10-rOom. all modern house. In/- eluding parlors , close In , $20.00. J. H. Sher wood. 423 N. Y. Life. D 764 G 10-ROOM , all modern , detached house , close In , Just vacated. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D 763 6 FOR RENT , furnished house. 9 rooms , per fect condition , large grounds. 706 So. 29th ave. D 734 6 * 9-ROOM house , modern. 4012 Cumlng. 10-r. house , modern , 118 S. 19th. 8-r. house , modern , 572 S. 28th. 7-r. house , modern , 2G02 Decatur. 7-r. bouse , 4024 Nicholas ? t. 10-r. house , 2 < ith and Woolworth. 5-r. house , 2924 S. 17th t. R. C. PETBRS & CO. 'Phono 898. D 746 6 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. THE Bachelor's hotel , 2006 Farnam street : double south room , suitable for man and wife. E 630 A9 2112 CASS ST. , nlcoly furnished rooms In private family ; modern house ; cheap ; ref erence required. E M337 7 FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary's. E-M567 10 * PLEASANT room , near exposition , to man and wife , or woman. 2101 Miami st.M631 E -M631 6 * FURNISHED room for rent with private family , electric light , bath , etc. . reason able. Apply 409 N\25th St. E 650 6 * 3 NICE rooms , housekeeping. 1112 So. llth , E 667 NICELY furnished room , modern conveni ences , on car line , near Hanscom park ; private family. F 47 , Bee. E 761 6 MODERN rooms , housekeeping ( for two ) . 614 North 19th. B-M723 7 * FURNISHED ROOM , with or without board , private family. 2406 , St. Mary's av. E 744 G * NICELY furnished room : can do light housekeeping If desire. 619 S. 25th av. _ E 745 6 * FURNISHED room , modern. 513 N. 22nd. _ FUIIMSIIED 11OOMS AND HOARD. ELEGANT rooms & board. 1908 Capitol ave. F 418 NICELY furnished room with breakfast ; n < ; ar Hariscom park ; modern house. Address - dress C 13. . Bee. F 419 ELEGANT room with board. 1909 Capitol ATC. F56 6' THE Mcrrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodse. FM59 - ROOM and board , modern , 1618 Harney. F M591 Sept. 1 NICELY furnished front room , private fam ily , 702 S. 29th St. F-602 6 ROOMS with breakfast for four gentlemen In private family. 2716 Charles , F-M747 7 NICE rooms : homo cooking ; central. 1B12 Davenport. F M742 Sept. B FOR H13XT UNFUUXISIIBn IIOOMS. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms , newly papered , up stairs. 2226 So. 12th. G 421 5 UNFURNISHED chambers for house keeping to man und wife. 319 N. 17th. G 890 3 UNFURNISHED rooms. > , i-mlnute walk from P. O. , newly papered , baths , modern : will rent one or all ; good for olllcesor Bleeping apartments ; n snap. Come at once. Gylmer , 1605 Dodge st , G M633 6 FOR RENT , four to six unfurnished rooms , modern , very desirable , AddrcF" F 39 , Bee ofllce. G-633 6 3 ROOMS for 'house ' keeping , first floor , city water. COS S ISth. G-T40 t FOR niiXT STORKS AM ) OKFICKS. FOR RENT , store In first-class location , rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Pe.ers : & Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground fioor. H e. Jlulldlng. I-2S7 SMALL "store. 222 North 13th. I-M729 S * AJENT.H WANTED. AGENTS for only dime door holder , quick seller , sample mailed , secure territory now. Barrett , 1312 Filbert St. , i'niladelphla. J 8'is t > * AGENTS , local , general , state managers ; "Substitute for Silverware ; " $10 Invested brings $115 profits ; regular cyclone of a seller ; drop everything ; write today. " ' : Mfg. Co. . St. Louis , Mo. J79 6' AGENTS wanted , ladles and gentlemen ; the greatest seller ever offerde to the public you can make from $3.00 to $15.CO per day. Mo. Supply Co. , 2122 lyocust St. , St. Ixjul * . Mo. J-4J77 6 AGENTS wanted , to travel or locally , fast selling specialties ; spare or all time ; ex perience unnecessary ; cash paid weekly. Thom'.is ' W. Bowman & Son , Nurserymen , Rochester. N. Y. _ J-C93 6 AGENTS wanted for "The t/.fe of Admiral Dewey nnd Battles In Philippines , ' ' by Officer Young of the Olympla ; GO ) pages , beautiful book ; Illustrated ; only $1.50 ; exclusive territory ; 1ilg profits guaran teed ; outfit free ; act quick. National Pub. Co. , B nnd 6 Washington St. , Chicago. J 697 6 * AGENTS , greatest fun maker , money maker nnd advertising novelty out ; prnc- tlcnl ; patriotic ; writes red , white nnd clue ; bonanza to agents nnd fakers ; price 10 cents , stamps. Electric Pencil Co. . 161 LnSallo St. . Chicago. J-720 G _ AGDNTS , beat gasoline gas lamp , best terms ; retails $5.00 , polished brass ; hun dred candle light , cent a day. Standard Lamp Co. . Chicago. J-721 6 * _ MUST have agents nt once to rell Sash Locks nnd Donr Holders ; sample Snsh Lock free for 2c stamp ; Immense. ; better than weights : burglar proof ; $10 a day ; write quick. Address Brohatd & Co. , Dept. 42 , Philadelphia , Pa. J AGENTS , quick sales nnd big profits guar anteed. Men or women make J5 a day selling our celebrated flavoring powders. BMter and chenner than Hqu'.d extracts Bold In stores. Ono to eight flavors sold In every house , ijnsy to handle. Write for particulars and exclusive territory. W. H. Balrd & Co. , 7 East End , Pitts- burg , Pa. J AGENTS to handle our high-grade per fumes ; our plan wins ; large profits ; terms reasonable. Lefller & Co. , St. Louts , Mo. J LADY AGENTS WANTED , to sell Mme. Yales Health Remedies and Natural Beautlflers ; Intelligent ladles can make all the way from $25 to $50 a week or more ; all depends on the person ; pos sibilities unlimited. Address at once. Mine. M. Yale , 1S9 Michigan Ave. , Chicago. J IF YOU want to make J1.500 a year work for us. Our leather suspenders sell them selves ; cannot wear out ; attractive assort ment ; exclusive territory ; samples free conditionally. J. S. Berry Mfg. Co. , A 393 , Cincinnati. O. J-696 6 * _ PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit 'cray ons. ' Try washable enamellnes ; no glass.- don't rub ; cheap. FAMILY PORTRAIT Co. , Chicago. _ J-693 6 * ODD FELLOWS everywhere , to visit the fraternity for an official nnd authoritative work ; $50 per month guaranteed. "Man ager , " 1503 Manhattan BldgChicago. . J-G9I 6 * _ RELIABLE , Industrious hustlers for dis trict agents ; big Inducements to right par ties for Sioux City , DCS Molnes , Council Bluffs nnd several other cities In Iowa ; also n few towns In Nebraska. Write for particulars. John II , Bowman , Mgr. , A. U. Life Ins. Co. , Iowa and Nebraska. R. 101. Bee Building. Omo.ha. . Neb. J 755 6 AVAIVTED TO IIBNT. PARTIES having furnished hotel or res taurant to rent wll find the right party by addressing box 201 , Gretna , Neb. K M6G1 S WAJNTBD , centrally located , south front room , furnished , with good board , for man. and wife. F 41 , Bee. K-699 6- WIANTED , furnished. 9 or 10-room house , close In. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. K-7G3 6 WANTED , a nice large furnished room for light housekeeping. Addres-s F 44 , Bee. K-753 6' _ _ _ _ _ _ STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 903- 910 Jones , , general storage and forwarding. WASTED TO BUY. 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston Fumlturw Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tel. 2233. N 125 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N426 N-426 WILL pay cash for 1 or 2 acres with small houso. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. N-654 _ WANTED , DOGS ; two or three Great Dane dogs ; must be good size nnd gentle ; must also be. cheap. Address Len Shields , Red Oak , lowu. N-M610 6 REAL estate wanted , from one lot to an acre , In Wllcox's addition ; must be cheap. F 35 , Bee. N M632 6 * WIANTED , a number of mechanical and electrical moving figures , p'.e-ces and nov elties for window displays ; new"or second 'hand : only high clans , novel nnd attrac tive features desired. Blxby Willis , 1111 Walnut St. , Kansas City , U. S. A. N-fiSO G WANTED , second-hand safe , good size ; state Inside dimensions and pflce ; must be cheap. Address F 45 , Bee office. N-M716 II _ WAVE client who would buy double house or H double house , east of 26th st. J. H. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. N-7G2 G BICYCLE , a good , second-hand gentleman's Wheel for cash. Address F 61 , Bee. N-M7C7 _ FOR SALE FURNITURE. SEE our 2nd-hnnd furniture , stoves ; lowest prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. 0 127 FOR 8AI < E HORSES AND VEHICLES. OLD buggies taken in trade on new vehicles Andersen Buggy Top Co. , IB & Davenport. FOR SALE , a fancy horse and phaeton. H. C. Shears , 203 N. Y. Life Bldg.p . p 700 6 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FLAO poles : sawdust ; onoapcst and best hog fence , 901 Douglas. Tel. 45S. Q 429 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & ilcConnoll Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. St.Q 130 FOR SALE , patent for Nebraska , big mon ey. Address A , Bee olllce , Council Bluffs. Q-431 HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St. St.Q432 B. HAAS. Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 ; plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , real- dence , wedding and grave decoration1 * ; orders by mail or express promptly lined. Q 433 FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief , Q 434 3D-HAND safe cheap. Deright , 1116 Farnam Q 435 \VIIY get second grade bicycles when you can get high grade Crescents for $33 cash. Flesoher , 1622 Capitol Ave Q 436 THOSE Wonderful Douglas shoes , $2,50 nnd J3.60. Fisher , Park Ave , and Leavcnworth. Q-625 A9 9AFES , buy. soil , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-437 INDIAN relics ; mounted gameheadn. 1116 Faruam. O-M695 A13 CASH register , nearly new , cheap , lllfl Farnam. Q-MSC8 ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Council Bluffs. Q-M311 FOR SALE M1SC UI.L.VXEOt'S. ' $ is5.00 WILL buy good Ivers & Pond piano ; cost $375.00 ; two years' time. F 6 , Bee. Q 214 FOR SALE , cheap , honvy wrapping paper , good for batten or laying under carpet * . Omaha Bee press room , Q 271 200 WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheap ! Diamond Loan Office , 1315 Douglas. Q M615 Sept. 2 FOR SALE , fine St. Bernard pup , two months old ; reasonable. Address or call 2105 Avenue A. Council Bluffs. Q MP55 FOR SAI/E , Buffalo County National Bank fixtures cheap. Address J. G. lx > we , Kearney. Nob. Q 717 6 GOOD second-hand gasoline engine nnd wagon scale for sale cheap ; only used six months. Address A 9. Bee. Q FOR SALE , fresh cow "and calf. Bicycle taken ID part payment. 2133 Spauldlng. Q-737 6 * FOR SALE , flno Jersey cow. 161S Harney. Q M7C3 S MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhand furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. . 1406-10 Dodge. R-433 FOR RDNT , a good barn. 1902 Cass St. R-159 NEW YORK building , Bluff tract , Greater America Exposition , Crelghton hall and Mornnd's ncademy ; social functions , con ventions , etc. G15 AS SNOW-CHURCH CO. . law nnd collections , 506 Karbach blojk. Tel , S95. R M531 CLAIRVOYANTS. TODAY SUNDAY-ls positively the last day that . .MME. GYLMER can bo con- sutted until further notice. This cclc- lirated life reader will positively leave for Utah Monday , Aug. 7 , on Important busi ness for one of Omaha's prc-mlnent busi ness men , and will bo absent for several days. However , duo notice will bo given of her return. If you hnve not had n , reading from 'MME. ' , GYLMER see her today. All twho have appointments nro urgently requested to call today. MME. GYLMHR , Omaha's favorlto life reader. Parlors of palmlstry , 1605 Dodge , So. side I * . O. See her today between 10 nnd 4 o'clock. S 751 G MME. GYLMER , genuine pnlmlst , 1605 Dodge S M477 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th.S . S 439 'MRS. ' DR. MOSS , Known from coast to coast ns 'the ' greatest clairvoyant and spiritual medium who has ever been in the United States , has been astonishing the people of Omaha for the. last few weeks. The lady is very remark able In many ways. Her manner Im presses all who see her that ehe Is the highest typo of a lady and her ability to read llfo convinces them that she is the greatest clairvoyant that they have ever seen. As a prognostlcator she is also very famous and her predictions have always "come to pass. " She can teOl any one what their vocation is , what they are adapted to , whether or not they will bo successful In love affairs , business , etc. Regarding marriages , divorces , Infidelity of husband or wife , lost or stolen articles , she can actually give accurate informa tion. Don't fall to see Dr. Moss if you are sick ; t-ha can tell you Just what the trouble Is and this information Is the most valuable of any you can receive. Hours , 9 to 7:30. : Partors , 1704 Capitol avenue. S-753 6 MRS. DR. HART , the famous medium , palmist nnd card reader , has arrived in Omaha nnd Is located at 1707 Cass st ( near 17th. Honest and reliable ndvlco on all affairs of life. Business , love or money matters. Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee. Card readings , 25c. Hours 9 a. m. to 0 p. m. S 733 6 MASSAGE AND BATHS. JMRS. BE.HRY , UATHS , MASSAGE. PARLORS BEST equipped In city. Porce lain tub : lady attendants. 119 N. 16th , opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. T-iM2S6 A26 * BESSIE DECAMO , thermal baths , mas sage. 1615 Howard , 3d floor , room 1. T M32S 7 DR. MALMQUIST , massage , baths , 110 Bee Bldg. T73 All' MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths T 915 A17 MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118V4 North 15th. T G05 S * ELITE parlors. 2025 Farnam , upstairs , llrst- class baths , massage and magnetic treat ment ; lady atetendants. T MS09 29 * EGYPTIAN treatment , elegant massage baths. Beatrice Harlow , 1701 Leavenworth street. T M609 9 PERSONAL. M. MONHEIT , leading chiropodist , treats all ailments of the feet , both for ladles and gentlemen. Ladles' ihalrdresalng. hair goods ai.d toilet preparations. Electric treatments on scalp , face , hands or feet ; 20 years experience , 10 yearp in Omaha ; the best equipped establishment in the city. 1516 Farnam St. Take elevator ; id floor U-G66 PRIVAT E hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17. U 440 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous hair removed by electricity. Room 12 , Frenzer block. U 141 RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. C214 Seward. Tel. 2233. U-958 A19 VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bee Bldg. U-442 THE best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at Louis Flescher's ; prices low , 1622 Cap. ave. TJ-444 OMAHA Phonograph parlor , 319 N. IGth St. , cor. Chicago ; phonographs , records , sup plies. U M478 A6 DR. NELSON , dentist , room 9. Crelghton blk. , 15th and Douglas. Tel. 1940. U-M969 A20 SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; no electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4 , Withnell block. U 315 RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of rupture without pain or detention from business. Send for circulars. Empire Runturo Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U M561 A31 HOWELL'S LltIo"AntlBllIous Pills. CuTe Biliousness , Dizziness , Indigestion , Sick Headaches , Constipation , Torpid Liver and all derangements of stomach and bowels. Being entirely vegetable , they operate without disturbance to system , diet or oc cupation. For sale by nil druggists. Howell's Antl-Kawf cures cough. U-577-A31 * - - _ SNOW , CHURCH CO. , law and collections. 606 Karbach block. Tel. 8D5. U M529 ATTRACTIVE , well-bred lady of wealth quite alone , will marry gentleman appro- rlatlng love nnd kindness. Trustworthy , 1297 Lexington Ave. , New York.U701 U-701 G WIDOWER , 4S , unencumbered , wort'h ' $350.- 000 , no bad habits , seeks true , affectionate wife. Mr. Garner , 13S Bast CO St. . New York City. U 703 G' ATTRACTIVE , well-bred lady , unencum bered , Independently wealthy , will marry gentleman appreciating devotion and kind ness. "Sunshine , " 3126 Forest Ave. . Chi- cagx > , III. U-702 6 DR. AGNRS V. SWETL/ANDBpecial / dls- casea of women and obstetrics. Room SOI , Bee Bldg , 3d floor. U 701 6 WHY remain single when so many want to marry ? Send 2c for list and particulars. Mutual Exchange , Kansas City , Mo. U FREE , success In life can only be obtained through Influence ; will send absolutely free a 100-page .book . which explains nil the secrets of hypnotism , personal magne tism nnd magnetic healing ; -tells how to cure diseases and bad habits ; enables you to win and hold the love and respect of oth-rs : ; anybody can learn in a few day * ; we guarantee success ; write today. Ad dress National Publishing Co , , Dept. 207 , Barry Building , Rochester. N. Y. U SUPERFLOU8 hair , wnrts and moles permanently - manently rmnvcd by electricity ; consul tation free and confidential ; all work guar anteed. Miss Allendcr , 1613 Douglas. U-M72S 7 * _ HOTELS , TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4.00 per week : gag , steam heat and baths. Ninth aad Farcun Su , U7 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan oh first-class Improved city property or lor building purposes. Payne- Harder Co. , N. Y. Lite. W446 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Pnxtou Blk. W-147 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 bo. 16th , W-44S $100 TO $2,000. F. D. Wead , 16th & Douglas. W-449 $1,000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith < fc Co. . 1320 Fnrnam. W 450 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers , wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. W-431 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 152 LOAN'S. Potter-Shales Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-434 PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. J. H. Sherwood. 42,1 N. Y. Lift. W-455 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam W 150 WANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. \V-457 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In lown , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. . 315 N.i , L. AV-43S MORTGAGES , Wallace , 314 Brown Block. W-439 6. BH > 6 Per ct- loans In Omaha. So. Omaha. W. H. Thomas , 503 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1613. W 460 5 PER CENT : also private funds. Chas. B. Williamson. W-M660 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker blk X 161 LOANS MADE TO 'SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per- sbnal note without Indorsement or secur ity ; ptrlcMy confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES : before borrowing see us , as you will find It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax. Msr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , Kith and Far nam Sts. Telephone 2295. X 462 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. : payments un known to friends. Bergers' Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam , upMalrs. X 464 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13. X-465 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posi tions , on their own name without en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Can repay In easy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jen nings , Mgr. , suite 625-526 N. Y. Life Bldg. X-696 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? IT'S EASY TO GET AND EASY TO PAY. For high-class salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible firms , without mortgage or security of any kind except their own names. Strictly confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. . Room 601 , Bee Bldg. X M696 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con cerns upon their own names , without se curity ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 706 , N. Y. Life Bldg. X-463 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 SOUTH 16TH STREET.XCG6 X-CG6 LOANS ON SALARIES TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN permanently engaged with responsible con cerns upon their own names without se curity : no Inquiries made of their em ployers : applications treated confidential. The BIG BUSINESS we do demonstrates where to go for advances at VERY LOW EST .RATES ; repayments made in agree able instalments either weekly or monthly to suit convenience of borrower. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAID Persons momentarily embarrassed who de- slro above everything else to avoid pub licity are the class we especially desire to serve. serve.OUR LOANS ARE CONFINED TO SALARIED EMPLOYES. You can deal with us quickly and satis factorily. It will be to your advantage to call'at our offloe be-fore borrowing clse- Where < AMERICAN LOAN CO. . Room 801 , Bee bide. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE- IP YOU ARE A SALARIED EMPLOYE holding a permanent position we will loan you any amount your situation will Justify without endorser , mortgage or security of any kind other than your name. The fact of your holding a position Is sufficient guarantee to us that you will carry out any agreement Into which you may en ter with us . YOU CAN REPAY IN EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY WIL BE maintained In all our transactions with you , and you will receive the same cour teous consideration that Is accorded your employer at his bank. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , C. E Jennings , manager , suite 525-526 New York Llfo bldg. nUSINESS CHANCES. INVEST $200 , securing large weekly Income Safe , conservative proposition. 2d suc cessful year. Statistics free H. Grlflln , 1180 Broadway , New York. Y M234 A24 AN experienced caterer with cash ( no one to buy out ) can have the Brunswick Hotel Cafe. Write , giving references , capital , etc. , John II. Pierce , landlord , Omahn Y-M280 9 SNOW-CHURCH CO. . law andTcollectlons 00 Karbach block. Tel. S95. Y 557 FOR SALE , hardware stock In thriving south-central county seat with , one com petitor ; object in selling , have other busi ness which claims my attention. Address F 28. Bee. Y-M616 9 A TWO story frame factory building with engine- and boiler , built to carry moving machinery , for sale or lease ; special in ducements. C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 912 and 913 N. Y. LIFE , TEL. 314. ' Y-705 6 * FOR SALE , a paying drug store in a town of 600 , southeastern Nebraslfa ; only store. In town ; clean stock , iisy terms ; good reason for celling. Address F 33 , Bee.Y Y- NOTICE , Investors and speculators , cbn you guess ? Good guessers can make money In our .new . guesalng contest , em bracing one of the most Interesting topics of the day ; the best guessers can trade In BO shares of stock on the New York Block Exchange , 5,000 bushels of wheat on the Chicago Board of Trade , or 100 ibalea of cotton on the New York Cotton Exchange , and wo will furnish the money ; It costs you nothing ; we also manage "The Investors' Fund , " which pays profits twice a month to subscribers ; write for full particulars and conditions , gent free. c. E. Mackey & Co. , Bankers , 29 Broadway , New York. Y LT3ARN a profession that brings happiness , health , popularity , riches , hynotlsm , per sonal magnetism , magnetic healing taught by professional operator ; all secrets given ; diseases treated by mail ; handsome maga zine , circulars , testimonials , free Hllliaa , 218 LaSalle St. , Chicago. Y 710 G FOR iSALE. general etock of dry goods , boota and shoes and groceries ; no fixtures : cheap ; rent In one of the best towns of B.&OO inhabitants in southwestern Iowa ; mock in fine condition , amounting be tween $6OuO to $7,000 ; reason * for selling , too much outside business. Address F la. Bee office. Y 700 fi FOR SALE , only drug store in small town Otoe county , Nebraska ; stock all new ; doing a good business ; invoice about Jl..OO ; flno place for young man. F 38 , care Bee. Y-703 C t WANTED , location for hardware store ; where competition Is needed preferred ; will buy Email stock , U necessary. Ad- drcea F 40 , Bea. Y 707 6' HUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTORS nnd speculator * ; 20 to W per cent monthly Is what wo realize on nil capital placed with us , nre your Idle funds Invested to the best of ; 'vanlnKc1 If not write for our descriptive P " Pn'f ' * nnd statements ; wo operate the Miest > In exIstence - Investment pan most up-to-date Istence hlRhest referenda furnished. The ; Gulf-Pacific Trust. IS3 Dearborn St..Uil- cap _ . _ BUSINESS snap , grot-cry nnd * ! < > { > " ! ' bined ; maklmp money ; lei buI'dlnRs ' , ground , feed suMe ; excellent location ; es tablished trade ; Investigate. J.J. . I row e , 3409 West Uroadwny. Council Bluffs. WANT man'wit'h $2,000.00 to start In manu facturing business with mo : trade iwrtu established ; goods used by everybody ami big money made from the start ; " gate. Address F 60. Be\ _ \ < J > b 6T L6TS iirTl7e v7ry he-art of Umn. O. one of the best cldes In the stnte ; tlieM lots nro selling for $ WO cash each ; wll exchange nil of them for western clear residence , fnrm or hotel properly ; this la a bargain : we Invite Investigation. Ve have n 105-ncre highly Improved farm good building ? , elosto town. Inrnted ot L. S. & M. S. and N. Y. C. & ST. U K H. S. , In Erie Co. . Ohio. A beautiful horn ? Will exchange It for hotel realty , If KOO < property , or farm here In the we.t or rest- Western "lintel" Brokers , R. 101 , Bee Build ing , Omahn , Neb. _ \ a > 6 6 * FOR 8A LB or trade. City Hotel. Onnwa lown. " \-Mi2b FOR SALE , nil or one-half of the best drug store In the city. Cheap If sold nt once. Address F 40 , Bee. Yt-731 6 * nOOO.OO YEARLY Income on JSOO.Ort Invest ment. Address F K. Bee. Y M770 7 * van EXCHANGE. DENVER , Colo. . 7 brick buildings ; rental $70.00 per month , for Omaha property or good land. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. K-M191 FIRST-CLASS upright piano for lot ; nil or part payment. Address D 29 , Beo. 55 278 AS * WANTED , building lot ; horse to trade ; first mortgage , horse nnd carriage , west ern land. Address F 29 , Bee. 52-CU613 6 MOST : , stocks. $9.000 , $10,000 , $12,000 nnd $15,000 for Rale or trade for good clcnr land. Some good farms In Iowa to trade for mdse. W. H. Sublettc , Nebraska Clt > , Neb. Z-lll 6 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of thorn ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE 866 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.RE979 RE-979 HOUSES , lots farms , lands , loans ; also Hro insurance. Bcmls , Paxton blk. RE 172 HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estats , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-601 YOUR CHANCE. 8-room house , modern , $3.200. 7-room house , modern , $3,500. 9-room house , modern , $4,000. Others. $5,000 , $6.000 , $7,000 and $10,000. All In Hnnscom Place. Two pleasant homes , West Farnam , cheap. Bargains In any part of the city. M. J. Kennard & Son. 310-11 Brown Block. RE-S53 FOR SALE or trade , 320 acres good valley land In Hooker county , Nebraska , six miles from railroad. Address J. J. Steen , 2423 Blnney St. , Omaha , Neb. RE-M921 A15 * SNOW , CHURCH CO. . law and collections. G06 Karbaoh block. Tel. 895. RE M52S FOR SALE or rent , a largo store building with hall over It ; a largo dwelling house and two lots ; buildings in good location and in good repair ; a splendid opening for a merchant wanting toicome to the prosperous county of Burt. Write George Watson , Craig , Nebraska , before this opening Is lost. RE M617 9 LIST your property with mo. I have' the buyers. H. M. Christie , South Omaha , RE MG29 Oct. 3 IF South Omaha real estate you want < o buy or sell communicate with O'Nell's Real Estate Agency. RE M62S FOR $2,500 northwest corner llth and Cns- telar , 66x132 two houses ; if sold inside of one week , as the owner wants to leave the city ; Insurance $2,000 ; mortgage $2,100 ; cash $400. Inquire 915 Jackson St. RE-6477 * SNAP in real estate ; money to loan. L. L. John Co. , 314 S. 16th street. RE M659 FOR SALE , one of the finest inside homes In city : large lot , 0xl27 feet ; fine lawn ; largo shade treas and grape vines ; fur nace , gas. porcelain bath tub , Italian marble bowl , syphon Jet , closets , hot water boiler connected with furnace , laundry , range and kitchen range ; ten rooms besides laundry and bath rooms ; bargain if sold at once ; price , $8,000. half cash , balance 5H per cent , or $7,500. all cash ; no trades considered. Inquire 106 N. 15th street. RE M657 6 THE IFALF was never told. But you can buy that fine lot near Poppleton nve. . on Georgia avo. , for $1,750 , worth $2,500. I have more real snaps In flno houses thfln anybody. Call Telephone 1S92. Lymau Water-man , KJ2 N. Y. Life. RE 733 6 FINELY finished 8-room home , modern In every detail , electric light , gas , laundry , barn , lot 78x140 ; one of the best bargains In Omaha : owner leaving city. 3711 N. 18th , half block south of Manderwon street. RE M733 & 'BEMIS1 BARGAINS. 8 largo lots , 24th st. and Ames ave. , for $2,500. Snap. What will you give for fi6x32 ! ft. S. W. cor Rth and Leavenworth sts.7 Mnke nn offer. Will sell you lots 32d nnd Burt sts. nt your own price ; also lots 29th and Decatur sts. Try it by rn'iklng ' offer. Come In nnd look over our list of bargains In houses nnd lots any and every part of the city. Look nt this for a snap ! 20th nnd Farnam sts. , nt $100 per front ft. You can own your home by buying ono of our $150 lots nt 21th and Fort sts. Come In nnd make an offer on the thrro best lots in South Omnh'i. ' fronting east on 2ith st. , half mile north of new post- office. G per cent money to Joan on gllt-edgo real estate security. Also write fire and tornado Insurance. BEMIS. Telephone ESS. Paxton Block. RE-7C6 G SARPY county fnrm , only $29.75 per aero ; 16 per cent net Investments , Omaha nnd South Omnha ; fine stone quarry ncnr Weeping Wnter ; SO acrfs three miles from South Omnhii , $50 per acre ; flno livery and dray btitiness. South Omnhii , snnp ; lot nnd fi-room house , close In , $100. Knap ; 14-room houso. full lot , near 40th and Cum lng .only $2.500 , easy payments ; houses and lots on installment plan. S. Hnwver , 1512 Davenport st. RE 741 6 * " WYMAN-SHRIVER CO. NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. ONE ACRE Sightly location , with we-ll-ar ranged G-noin cottage , well , force pump , cistern nnd pump , barn for fi horses , ntalls double-planked , 2 box stalls , room for 2 carriages and loft for 8 ton's hay. shed for 2 cows or horses and 3 coal bins , chicken house for several hundred chick ens , fenced ; various kinds of fruit : Im provements nre In excellent condition ; four miles from pogtofllce ; $1.050. $ W.oo Four-room cottage , city water in house ; 22d St. , near Olnrk. $1.001.00 $ cash .payment , balance on time , for 7-room dwelling and bath , In addition to good basement and cellar , hot nnd cold ( waiter , gas , well papered throughout ; price , $3SW. $650.00 Three-room cottage near 22d and Grace KU. KU.WVMANSHRIVBR CO. , Now York Life Bldg. RE-771 6 WOODMAN & BAY. BARGAINS , Room 2S , Barker Block. Opposite. High school , ten-room house and full lot , five minutes' walk from postofflce. 'Make an offer. 2Sth ave , , near Farnam st. , ten-room house nnd two cottages , $1,600 ; pays 12 per cent on $3,000. ffith ave. and Jones t. , corner , 132x124 , $1,100 , on your own terms. Cemetery lot In Prospect Hill , cheap ; the only ono for sale. Houses to rent , mortgage loans , fire Insur ance. Pension agents. RE M760 12 FOR SALE , cheap , caul front lot , 1208 So. 10th St. . near wholesale dlmrlit and depots. Apply 1111 Vlnton St. RE-712 13 * COMFORTABLE cottage. 8 room , very slchtly nnd 4n ( rood condition , located at 2311 Charles St. RE KOIl SALE REAL ESTATK. R. C , PETKRS , < t CO. . 1702 Fnrnam Street , Bee Building. DWELLING HOUSES. No. SS7 1323 So. 31st , 9 rooms , with alrov * all modern , permanent sidewalk , * , , . ; paved street , spccl.il taxes all paid in ' lot 50x142 ; price , $4000. " No , SSS 3121 Hurt M. , 6 rooms , city water house , sewer connection , property in cr rei .ilr ; only $1,300 , easy terms. No. 1032 503 So. 33d si , , ono 7-room renting for $10 per mo. and one 4- house renting for $5.0o per mo. ; lot Wiw 1 > blkw. south of Farnnm only 4 st. A t > * bargain at $1,750. No. S5 4-room 'house ' nnd good barn , 0-fvJ lot. only $700. No. 031 3140 Mason st. , 7 rooms , bath. pas. barn , 50-foot lot , arphalt paved at. , perma. nent sidewalk. No. 70.V.4 2603 Decntttr St. , 7 rooms , all : n > ' . . crn , south and cnst front , 2 blks , from 111 line , ono block from school ; price , i v $2.500. Owner will tnke var.int lot as IM-I payment. No. PO 2S13 North 19lh nve. . S rooms , l < vi. hot nnd cold wnter , cost owner under fir . closure over $3,000 ; can cell this propony for $1,600 , No. 1102-1311 So. 29th st. . 9 room ? , nil mtvl- crn , lot 60x150 ; price , $4,750. No. 9SS J30 South 35th nve. . 8 rooms , n.i . modern , oak finish downstairs ; only $1 s < x ) . VACANT PROPERTY. No. 215 S7 feet , cast front , on 39th St. . room of Dodge , st. , one of the llt-est building lots on the street ; price , $5,700. No. 7SI 100 feet on the Northwest corner of 39th nnd Dodge sts. , adjoining Mr. Charles H. Pickcn's residence , asphalt paved s : . price , $7,000. No. 1172-100 feet , east front , on 37th nt . lee feet south of Farnam St. ; price. $7,6 . No. 1100 West front lot on Park avo. . north of Mason st , , line shade nnd shrubbery No. 013 This Is nn ncre tract adjoining Mr CtidUhy's residence on the west , aspluit paved street on north and west , n. very beautiful residence silo. Lot 2 , blk. 32 , South Omaha , only $600. North front , on farnam at. , near 39th at. , only $ lSOO. lSOO.R. R. C. PETERS , t CO. , 1702 Farnnm Street , Bee Building. RE-724 S DWELLING HOUSES. Modern 10-room house and barn and corner lot , 60 by 140 ; faces cant on best street In Hnnscom Place , within one block of park , ( both streets paved with nsphalt ; prir < \ $6,000 ; easy terms. This Is a good oppor tunity to secure a choice homo at a de cided bargain. S-room house and east front lot on Lowe avcnuo near the Joslyn nnd Oftutt resi dences : rented for $336 per year ; location unexcelled ; price only $3,300. Ono 7-room and ono 5-room house , doubls barn , and large corner lot on 32d ave , near Hanscom park and new boulevard. This property Is very cheap and Is a snap for some ono. Inquire for price. $4,000. 9-room modern , Hnnocom Plac . J900 , 5-room ibrlck house. Emmet street , VACANT LOTS. 50 feet , corner 30th and Marcy , $1,200. 33 feet , on 21st street , $ COO. Ki feet , on West Cumlng street , $450. DO feet on West Farnam street , $250. FARiMS. Wo have Just been given the sole agency , at an attractive price , for a finely Im proved Douglas county farm. This farm Is under a high etaito of cultivation oJi l the. owner has the best of reasons for selling. The price will not be publishVd , but full particulars will be furnished at this ofllce. JOHN W. 'ROBBINS , 1802 FARNAM ST. RE 722 6 FOR SALE. 10-room house In western part of city , larg * corner lot , v ry attractive , cast front , $2,850.00. 6-room house , 2Sth and Pacific streets , full lot , $1,600.00. Five houses nnd largo lot near depot , rent ing for $600.00 per year , $3,100.00. 6-room house , largo barn , newly painted , northwest corner 35th and Howard streets , $1.800.00. Full lot , 42nd and Farnam streets , on paved street , $500.00. Two flno building lots In western part of city , for both , $700.00. Lot on Franklin street , near Military road , $350.00. GEORGE AND COMPANY , 1601 Fnrnam St. RE-M753 8 NEB. farm land to exchange for houses , 10- room modern 'house. ' So. Omaha , Riiap ; lot on Tarnam for $250 , cash. L. L. John son Co. , 314 So. 15th. RE 715 6 FOR SALE , the flno residence property nt 1306 Georgia Avo. , lot 50x150 , fronting east , with corftly modern built house of 10 rooms : Inrgo lawn , trees , etc. : small barn ; price J7.200. Apply II. J. Windsor , 1624 Capitol Ave. RE-719 6 LOST. LOST , lady's gold watch and neck ohaln In South Omaha ; reward. Bert Anderson , 922 N. 22d street. LostMG64 6 ST. BERNARD dbg with sore on onn side ; reward. 2306 So. 10th St. Lost-471-7' LOST , smnll gold and enamel pin , between Library nnd 25th nnd Hnrney. Return to PuWlo Llbrury reward. Lost 713 C * ESTRAYED or stolen on or about July 31 , 1SD9 , from the premises of Wm. Hopper , near 'Elkhorn , .Neb. , 8 > he.ad of oattlf. ns fdllows : 7 of whloh were marked with a cut in the back of right car ; one c-ow red ( brlndle color , no Tnark. nbout 1o have n. calf and has but throe good tpols ; 7 marked cattle consist cif 3 heifers m yrs. old , 0 steers about 2 yrs. old , 2 stecra about 3 yrs. old ; suitable reward will ! > given for any Information leinllnir to re covery of cattle. Wm. ( Hopper , Elkhorn , Neb. Ixst-72 : < LOST , Thursday , July 27 , small Spitz female dog ; color , brownish white ; clipped only on the back. Liberal reward for Its ro. turn or for Information lending to its r - covery. E. W. B. , 4320 Franklin st. LOST , seal wntch charm , nt Exposition. Return to Colorado Gold Mine , exposition , nnd receive liberal reward. Ixist 772 G TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1.00 per month' . The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , JUS Farnam St. Telephone 1231. 473 WE RENT nnd soil the best typewriter * made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha , United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 I nr- niiin. ' 74 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1619 F.irnam. 475 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfoldcr and cuts tlm finest Btencll ; RCO exhibit Liberal Arm hide. . Greater Amerloa Exposition , lei. 22,9. , J. S. Stewart , Hperl.il Agent , 31S > .i 8 , Flf. teenth Btjcet , Omnha. T76 TYPEWRITERS , nccondhand. lllfi F.-irrmm. MANUSCRIPTS and all kinds of copying at low rate. Room 101 , Bee building. 757 0 MEHICAI/ . jADIES. harmless monthly regulator ; cannot - not fall. Mrs. H. Rowan , Milwaukee , Win , , ADIE8. old Dr Heirs Cotton Root Plll . the host ; safe , reliable ; take no other. Hend 4o stnniii for particular * . Dr. Bell , Box 718 , St. Louis , Mo. MM6 A 25 * 5R 'MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought hnpplnetiH to hundreds of nnxloiis \ women ; have never had n ( tingle failure : longest cases relieved In ! wo to five days without fall ; no pain , no danegr. no Inter ference with work : by mall fir oltlce , $2 ; all lettf-rs truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 1G7 Dearborn Ht. . room 614 , Chicago , 111. 711 12' _ LADIES , Chlchestcr's Engllxh Pennyroyal jilllH are Ihc beat ; fiafo , reliable ; take no other ; gend 4c , stamps , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mai : . At drugKlHts. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia. Pa. _ NICKEI , I'LATINO. /VLL / kinds plating. Om Platln : Co.Bce bid ?