Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1899, Editorial, Page 16, Image 16

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modern mercenary.if
( Copyright , 1WD. Iouhlc < lny & McCliiro Co. )
SjimiM | ut I'rd'pilltiir Olmplrra.
Mnamiu , n. lltllo dually In Kuropp , which
hnn tnalnlnlnpd Its Independence because of
thn JcnlotlilcK of the large surrounding
rountrlc-s , sccmH nbont to be swallowed up.
Onrmnny Is represented nt Upvonde , the
rnpltol , by the Mirowd statrsman , liaron
von Klmtir. Knglnmri Inlluerire Is Htrong
nnd Mnlor C'oiiiiicllor'H presence means
murh. Franco nnd Ilu wln are nNo playing
. thii diplomatic RMHIP. At thp time the Mory
opens John Hallywood , a young Englishj j
man , who hns nerved seven years In tno
Mn.wnu front IT cavalry , IH about to resign .
Ms commission , when Solpdorf , the chnn- |
cpllor nnd "mnn of the hour,1' sends for ,
him nnd makes him n Gentleman of the
Guard , tlallywood meets Valerie Selpdorf ,
the olKinroltor'H daughter. The OPiitlemen
of the Ouard objeet to the appointment of
thn Kngllxhmmi , Unzlar , a lender nnd a
suitor for Valerie's h.ind. arranges for tno
affair of honor Involved , mlwps his shot ,
nnd , with his companions , Is overcome by
the manly bearing of Ilallywood. The
guests tit the palace hall overwhelm the
young Englishman with congratulations ,
Counter Sngan takes a great Interest in
ItAllywood and Invltra him to Castle Sngan
with a party. Von Klmur plots with Selp-
dorf In behalf of Oermany to disband the
Ouard. At the oastle Valerie offends the
duke. Sagan , fearlnc that the % vomcn will
npoll the plot , wishes to cause the death
of Valerlo and his wife. Von Elmur will
not consent because he wishes to marry
Valerie , and still believes ho can carry out
Ms plan with Selpdorf. Meantime , the
Guards , Unzlar , Collendorp and Hollywood ,
miiMt ho disposed of. Von Klmur , Unzlar
nnd Hallywood woo Valerie. Countrss
Sngnn foresees the danger of the young
Kngllhhmnn and warns h < m. Collendorp rc-
fu e < to bo n traitor to ho Uuko and Is
murdered by i'agan in the presence of Von
Th duke retired to hln room at an early
hour under the plea of weariness. He wan ,
ns a matter of fact , worn out by the flood
of fears nndnxletlcs that Valerie's one
recklcws sentence had let loose upon him.
So long wais It since he had placed these
weightier matters of diplomacy and govern
ment In other hamla that the renewed eonse
of responsibility nnd the Imminent need for
action Eccmod to bo crushing In his brain.
Hut the Instinct of solf-presorvatlon , backed
by the ono kingly attrlbuto left him love
of hlu country strengthened him to at
tempt n final effort to , combat the overpow
ering odds which ho felt rather than know
to bo against bin ?
Tossed and iharrled by a hundred terri
fying though IB , the eelf-enfecblcd creature
broke at length Into that dreadful crying ,
the scanty , painful tears , the aching sobs ,
which Is tbo weeping of ago or of an ex
hausted constitution.
When the paroxysm was over ho lay back
in hia bed. absolutely drained of strength
andpf all power to think longer. Whether
ho dozed or not he scarcely Know , but after
an Interval ho seemed to awake nrs If from
Bleep , with bis thoughts once more under
Unzlar nnd Hollywood , with two troopers ,
watched In the guardroom , through which
lay the only approach to his sleeping cham
ber. Unzlar , could Unzlar bo trusted ?
Ho had heard something of Unzlar and that
handsome vixen of Selpdorf's. Then Collen
dorp ah , there was no doubt there ! Dark
and resentful , his poverty and his prldo
were the bywordn of the barracks ; ho , what
ever the temptation , would never fall from
There remained Tlallywood. He , too ,
was to bo depended upon , the duke decided
quickly , though for no special reason but
that ho had taken some vague fancy to the
Englishman's bronzed race and swinging
stride. Yet Simon was powerful and un
scrupulous ; how could this handful of men
oppose him ?
Ho sprang up In his bed as the door
opened and a man stood on the threshold.
"Sire , there Is treason ! Collondorp has
boon murdered. "
"Is It you , Unzlar ? " The duke's voice
came strangely from his pillows. "Send for
the whole escort of the cuard from their
quarters. "
"Impossible , slro ! The corridors are held
by Count Sngan's men. Mlle Selpdorf has
brought the news. "
"What ! You told mo not two hours ago
she wns engaged to Von Elmur. She Is the
price of Solpdorf's treason. "
Unzlar stepped nearer.
"Mile. Selpdorf has already risked her life
to warn us that wo are In danger. I'd utako
my soul she Is loyal. "
"Good , Indeed , Anthony ! I'd sooner have
your honor than your soul. But so , In the
name of the Virgin , and slnco the corridors
are closed to the men or my guard , send
the girl for 'Major ' Counsellor. 6ho can
but die ! "
Unzlar saluted and hurried back to the
nnteroom where Valeric and Ilallywood were
waiting. In spite of l-ls personal horror at
the thought of her danger , he was well
aware that only by Valerie's aid could they
hope to roach Counsellor.
Valerlo listened to the duke's order , then ,
wrapping the lace as before about her head ,
turned to Ilallywood. lie accompanied her
through the guard room nnd some little way
along "tho " passage. It seemed as If he could
not let her go forth on this perilous en
"Kor God's sake , take care of yourself ! "
ho said. "If anything were to happen to
you ! "
The prolonged excitement of events , the
frciisn of responsibility and danger , the ex
altation of such u moment must have ro-
nctcd on Valerlo. Whether prompted by
eomo .Instinct of coquetry , or betrayed Into
ft touch of real feeling , or perhaps moved
by the knowledge that death stood close
bcsldo them both , ulio drew her hand from
his rm nnd raising her face asked in her
soft volco :
"Do you remember what you said to ma
once on the night of the palnco ball ? "
Ho eaw the deep eyes upturned to his ,
though their meaning Jn that dim place ho
could not bo euro of , hut a rush of quick
memories catno over him ,
"Yes. "
She gave a llttlo excited laugh.
"Then expect mo ! " she said , and she waa
When Valerlo returned to Mmo. de
Sngim , half an hour later , she was still
white and breathless , Isolde , In a fever
of Impatient terror , raught her by the arm.
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' oar d by . C. DeWItt ACo. . Cblcaoo.
"Where is he ? When is ho coming ?
Valerie "
Valerie made a supreme effort to control
"Ho Is on guard. "
"Yes , I know. I know ! But he Is com
ing ? "
"It Impossible ! Ho could not leave
his highness. Isolde , you would not wish
U ! "
"What does anything matter unless It's
found out ? " cried Isolde , giving In her ad
herence to a common creed. "Did you
glvo him all my message ? Did you make
him understand ? Then , when all efso
failed , you asked him for the cigarette case ?
That would remind him " Mme. de Began
spoke In growing agitation.
Valerie looked into her wild eyes' .
"I forgot that , " she admitted.
Isoldo shook the arm she heM.
"You have killed him ! Valerlo , you have
been jealous of me , and by your jealousy
you have killed him ! Had you spoken as
I told you ho would be. hero now and eafe !
As it is he Is lost ! " she flung herself down
among the cushions.
Her slender bands were clenched , her
turquoise eyes stared 'Wide and 'blind ' from
her whlto face. She seemed to hofd her
breath , as If waiting for the Inevitable blow
to fall. Valerie , greatly moved , knelt down
beside her.
"What does it matter if iwc die tonight
or a month hence ? " Isolde spoke in a low
volco ; her heart had unconsciously been
gathering up bitterness against Valerlo , and
she had no longer the strength to conceal
it under this unbearable strain. "Valerie ,
you have stooped to meanness you who
have so scorned meanness In others. You
know long ago what Uallywood's love waste
to me. Amongst all who pretend to love
me there Is not one like him , not ono ! Ho
would bo always kind and true. I think
these are English qualities , for In another
way there is Major Counsellor " the weary
volco broke off here as if too tired for more.
It was well Counsellor never heard that
llttlo expression of opinion concerning him
self ; it might have proved the thorn in a
somewhat callous diplomatic memory.
"You have betrayed mo ! You ! " eho repeated -
peated , with a bitter laugh ; then , springing
up , fiho ran toward the epot where her sables
lay heaped upon the floor , just as Valorlo
bad dropped thorn from her shoulders.
"It may bo too late , but I can go myself.
I will save him if I can ! "
Valerlo wrapped the cloak around her.
"Isolde , I will go with you. "
"You ! " Isolde turned with a startling
look of dlsllko and suspicion. "No , I hate
you and I choose to go nlone ! "
Valerlo drew back and Mme. de Sagan
passed by her and flung wide the door. As
she did BO a confused noise could be heard
nnd the two women stood listening whllo a
distant hubbub of voices rose louder , then
a plutol shot followed by others echoed down
the passages.
"Ho Is dead ! By your fault ! "
Isoldo turned upon Valerie with a wild
gesture , as if Eho would have struck her.
Valerlo drew back.
"If you really loved him , Isolde , you
would rather ho was there with hie honor
than bore without It , " she uald.
Tlip Snoril of Unxlnr.
The castle of Sagan may bo roughly di
vided into three Irregular parts. The man-
nive old keep dominates all , standing high
and kick against the skyline ; then the va
ried cluster of buildings Immediately around
Us foot contain the principal reception ami
living rooms and lowest of all tbo court
yards , kitchen , stnblea nnd offices. To the
right of the keep a wing , curved like the
fluke of an anchor , elopes down to a lower
level. This portion U fairly modern and
arranged for the housing of guests , The
countess" own apartments were situated
at the junction of this wing with the mulu
building , whllo the quarters assigned by an
cient custom to the USD of the reigning duke
during his visits to Sagan occupies the
whole upper floor of an old and bulky an
nex that juta out from the base of the Kcup.
The passage leading to this uanox
branched from the head of the grand stair
case. Upon the landing rows of heavily
armed men were gathering noiselessly.
As Elmur and Sagan etood together waitIng -
Ing at the mouth of the duke's corridor the
count turned to his companion.
"Have you proposals ready to lay before
bis hlghnws7' he demanded , |
"In form , " returned Klmur , touching
hlb pocket. I
"That U well , ( or you are about to pre 1
sent them. The duke lies practically in
my power at this moment , " Count Simon
continued grimly. "Gustavo Is a coward.
The way to his presence lies open and I
think you will agree with mo that his high
ness of Maasau will consent to moat things
rather than look the fear of death In the
eyes ! "
"There muat be no violence , " Elmur be
gan."That shall be exactly as I choose , " Sagan
swore with an oath. "IJy the good God we
can't afford scruples tonight ! "
After a short Interval ho went on.
"Onco wo have Gustavo's .word , we nro
safe , lie Is too proud to onn that he gave
it unwilling ! } ' . Besides , so long ns wo
win forward."U
your conscience so ticklish , baron ? "
"Politics have their exigencies nnd nro
Inevitably rigorous , my lord. " answered
Elmur slowly. "To bo successful means
absolution. In the political courts where
our actions will bo judged they make no
provision for failure. Success Is recognized
and mercifully considered , whllo failure ,
my lord , not bring in any sense politic , falls
to the level of ordinary crlmo and Is Judged
by the standard applied to ordinary crime.
Thus you .will sec that I risk as much In my
place as you risk In yours. " Perhaps this
was os near an approach < to a threat ae had
over been uttered In the cars of the fierce
f.ld count With a violent movement ho
stepped forward.
"U Is quite Impossible , my lord , " repeated
Ilallywood without moving.
"You force me to extreme measures. " cried
Pagan. "Ilcmovo this mnn , " ho ordered ,
"ns quietly as may bo. Wo must not afarm
his highness. "
There waft a clatter of arms as Sagan'a
followers advanced. The foremost of them
ran In upon Ilallywood , the swords met ,
Kaltywood's sleeve wns ripped from wrist to
elbow , but his sword blade passed through
his opponent's shoulder. The mnn sank
down into a sitting posture , coughing oddly ;
his head dropped forward.
' 'Shoot them down ! " shouted Sngnn , but
the words were still on his lips when thp
door behind John Rnllywood slowly opened
and a figure stood bosldo him.
Its appearance checked the rising struggle ,
for the flguro was that of the grand
duke of Maasau. Ho was wrapped In his
hooded robe of green velvet , and the five
points of the golden star of Maasau blazed
upon his breast.
"Cousin , I would speak with you , but
these fools stopped me , " exclaimed Sagan.
The duke turned bis shadowed face and
spoke to Ilallywood in n low voice.
"Ills highness begs you , my lord , to with
draw your men , " said Ilallywood aloud ,
Sagan , scowling , ordered his men to the
further end of the long room. Meantime
Ilallywood , with evident unwillingness ,
I pulled away a portion of the barricade.
Through this the duke advanced with n
"There Is no hindrance In our path that
cannot be cut through with a sword , and ,
by my soul , ifwe find one I will cut It ! "
Then , looking around , he gave the word to
advance , and entered the darkness of the
A 'turn ( brought them in sight of Un-
zlar's tall flguro , standing- sword in hand
on the lowest stop of the flight that led
up to the embrasure covering the door leadIng -
Ing tp the royal apartments.
Count Simon pushed Elmur ahead of him
while he fell book to whisper a few words to
the man immediately behind ; then ho took
precedence once more.
"I request an audience of hs ( highness ,
Lieutenant Unzlar. " ho said.
"Pontalnly , my lord , if you -will give me
the password of the nlcht , " replied Unzlar
Sagnn's answer was the countersign he
had given to his own following In the oAstlo.
Unzlar shook his head.
"You cannot pass , my lord. "
"Wtat not see my guest and cousin in
my own house ? "
"HIa highness gave orders that none
should be 'allowed to enter .without . giving
the countersign chosen by himself. "
Sagan considered a moment or two.
"True , I had forcotten. Como hero ,
Unzlar ; your trooper there has long care ; I
must apeak with you. Stand back , men ! "
ho said rouchly. "Baron von Elmur , pray
remain , and you. Hern , " addressing the man
behind. Unzlar still stood uoon the step.
"Come hero ! I tell you , man , I must see
the duke tonight at once , " continued Sagan ,
approaching Unzlar. "What the dovll are
you afraid of ? " Unzlar stepped down ns
the count pulled him confidentially nearer
to himself nnd toward the narrow entry.
But whllo the count whispered a hand sud
denly darted over his shoulder and seized
Unzlar by the throat , at the same moment
when a well directed kick from Sagan , de
livered cunningly behind the knees , brought
the young man to the ground. Ho lunged
nt Sagan as ho fell with his sword , then It
was knocked from his hand ns his assail
ants swarmed over him , but not before he
had fired his revolver Into Horn's body. The
man fell across him , but Unzlar , again
swinging clear , rose on his elbow and sent
A second shot Into the fnco nearest him.
Meantime the trooper at the door was mak
ing n gallant fight , but the odds wore
too great. The struggle was eoon over ,
the trooper's dead body flung aside , and
Unzlar , frantic and helpless , was tied hand
and foot nnd reft upon the bloody flooring
of the outer pasago while the count's people
ple forced the door.
This was a matter of some difficulty , but
it was presently accomplished. Tbo besieg
ing party pushed through'into the guard
room , which seemed brilliantly lit In com
parison with the gloom outside.
Most of the furnltue and the screen had
been utilized by Ilallywood to moke a barri
cade in front of tbo duke's ante-room , A
slnglo trooper with his musket leveled knelt
behind It.
Sagun , who held a handkerchief to bis
cheek , spoke loudly.
"Do you see who I am ? Cfear the way ! "
At this Ilallywood stepped into view from
behind the screen.
"Tbo man acts under orders from his high
ness , my lord , " be said.
Sagaii stared at Ilallywood with haughty
"It la of the utmost Importance that I
nhould see his highness at once. Inform his
highness that I urgently beg to bo granted
en interview. "
"With pleasure , my lord , " returned Ilally
wood formally , "If you will bo good enough
to give me the password , without which it
is quite impossible for any one to have on
audience tonight. Our orders were very dis
tinct on that point. "
' 'Ills highness could not foresee that I"
the count dwelt upon the pronoun Imperi
ously "should desire one , Stand back , Cap-
tain Rarlynood ! I must pass and am will-
IDE to take the reiponslblllty. "
stately deliberation and walked slowly up
to the count.
With a sudden hoarse shout of triumph
Sagan flung his great arms about the duke's
"By St. Anthony , Gustave , no man shall
stop our conversation now ! "
The duke made no attempt to release him
self from the rough hug that held him pris
oner. 'He merely raised his hood with one ,
hand , so that Sagan , his coarse mouth still
wide in laughter , could stare into the coun
tenance not four Inches from his own.
Consternation and fury swept over the
count's features. Prom under the hood a
red , challenging face , a big white moustache
and shaggy-browed , humorous eyes met his
gaze. The sight held him gaping. But only
for a second. Then ho whipped out his
"An English plot , toy heaven ! "
"But " Ilallywood was quicker still. A sharp
knock on the count's wrist sent the bullet
into the celling.
"Have a care , my lord , " Counsellor said
authoritatively. "You cannot do ns you will
oven In this lonely and remote room in your
lonely castle of Sagan , slnco England and"
with a low bow toward Elmur "Germany
are looking on. "
Sagan still threatened Counsellor v/lth
the revolver.
"Can you see any reason why I should not
kill you as a traitor to my country at this
moment , Major Counsellor , ? " he shouted.
"Only one , my lord. Russia also , In the
person of M. Bllvlnskl , knows where I am
and is awaiting my return to arrange for
our Journey to Ilevondo which wo propose
to make in each other's company , " replied
Counsellor , pointedly.
Sagan burst into his habitual storm of
"Your nation has well been called per
fidious , 'Major ' Counsellor , A stab In the
back "
"Why , no , my lord , said Counsellor ;
"our greatest vice Is admittedly that wo are
always well in front ! "
"Come , baron , have you nothing to say to
this ? " Sagan asked , ready to spring at his
friends In his torment of baffled rage.
"Nothing , my lord. You will remember
I am hero tonight entirely at your request. "
Sagan's laugh wan not altogether a pleas
ant ono.
"Put it how you like , mon&leur , I should
not have been hero , either , but for you ! "
Elmur stood with folded arms. To stoop
to recriminations before the common enemy !
The cause was lost for tbo moment , but
there was the future and In that future the
fool who figured as his ally should become
hlH Blavo ! Germany bad , after all , gained
something in gaining tbo knowledge of
British designs afoot.
"Then his highness refuses to see me , al
though ho can glvo audience to you ? " the
count at length broke the silence.
"On the contrary , my lord , he looks for
ward to the pleasure of meeting you to
morrow. That is the raresage with which
I nm charged. Captain Rallywood , his
highness wishes Lieutenant Unzlar to at
tend him , "
Count Simon made a sign to his men and
a moment later Unzlar stalked into tlio
room , maddened by the outrage put upon
"My sword. Count Sagan , " he said ,
"Your sword ! Is it lout ? " returned the
count , with an angry sneer. "In my day
it was not the custom of the guard to lose
their swords. "
"When I saw It last it was sticking in
your cheek , my lord , " eald. the young man
with studied Insolence , pointing to a bleed-
ins cut on the count's face.
One of the men , coming forward , laid the
sword upon the top of the barricade. Unzlsr
grasped it and thrust it back into the
"It was lost by treachery ! " he flung out.
"And I leave it to these gentlemen to say
where th shame lies. "
With that he leaped the barricade and
passed Into the duke's room.
In Diplomatic Hrlntlottn.
U was late on the followlnc morning be
fore the cnstlo wns awake. It almost
seemed as If the guests had waited for the
appearance of the reassuring daylight before
they ventured from their rooms. Four huge
fires roared in the four great chimneys
around the vast hall where the breakfast wns
In progress.
Sagan , In his weather-stained hunting Milt
And leggings , stood at the upper window
overlooking the courtyard , where the hunts
men and igaunt dogs , the famous Sagan boarhounds -
hounds were already collected , in anticipa
tion of the boar hunt arranged to take place
on that day. The sky had cleared , but the
tsa raged and howled alter its perennial
custom about the castle.
Mme. do Sagan , entering later , cast a ner
vous slnnco at the grim red face and bull-
neck and then felt Into n laughing conversa
tion with the people round her , although
her heart felt cold. She was far from being
a bravo woman , although she joined so gaily
In the merry talk passing from side to
sldo ; but her marvelous self-control was
no more than the self-control common to
women of her social standing. It Is a
secondary stren = th , not Innntc , but ac
quired , of which the finest instance is a mat
ter of history and was -witnessed within th
walls of the Conclergerle during the Reign
of Terror , where men and women unflinch
ingly carried on a hollow semblance of the
old joyous comedy of life till they mounted
laughing Into the tumbrils.
Although nothing was known about the
events of the previous night except by
those who took part in them , a sense of
excitement pervaded the party. The
strained relations existing between the duke
and his ipoEslblo successor gave rise to nn
amount of vague expectation and conjecture.
Anything might happen with such danger
ous elements present In the atmcephere.
Therefore , when allywood , booted and
spurred , passed up the hall , his entrance
attracted every eye. Ho walked straight up
to the count at his distant "window , and ,
saluting , spoke for perhaps a minute in a
low voice.
At the first sentence Sagan swung round ,
his lowering face growing darker ns he
listened. Then , advancing to the head of
the table prepared for the entertainment of
the duke , he called the attention of all
present by striking it loudly with the
riding-whip ho carried.
An instant hush settled upon the room.
Sagan glared around into the waiting eyes
and in the pause the tsa ibroko in a crash
upon the castle front with the pebble-shift
ing sound of a breaker.
"I have to beg the favor of your at
tention for a moment , " the count's words
rang out. "Captain Hollywood reports that
on officer of his highness' guard Is missing
Captain Collondorp. Inquiries have been
made , > but he cannot be found. It seems
that ho was last seen leaving tbo billiard
room. If any ono in the hall can give us
further information will they bo good
enough to do so ? "
Valerie raised her eyes to Rallywood , who
stood behind the count. As he met them
the young man's stern face softened sud
M. Dllvlnskl , who happened to bo sitting
beside her , caught the exchange of looks ,
and for a moment was puzzled. Sclpdorf'a
daughter ? Well , well , the English are a
wonderful people , ho said to himself. Neither
subtle nor gifted , but lucky. Lucky enough
to glvo the devil odds and beat him ! Hero
was Selpdorf laying his ptans deeply und
with consummate skill , whllo this pretty ,
clever daughter of his was ready to give
him away because a heavy dragoon of the
favored race nmlled nt her across a .break
fast table. Pah ! The ways of providence
nro Inscrutable It remains for mortal men
to do what they may to turn them Into
more convenient channels.
Then there was Counsellor , whose
political Importance could not be denied. Yet
ho did the bluff thing bluffly nnd said the
obvious thing obviously , and blundered on
from one great city to another , 'but ' blun
dered triumphantly ! Still there were com
pensations. The good God had given the
Russian craft and a silent tongue , and a
facility for telling a He seasonably.
Elmur was by a fraction of a second too
late to see what the Russian had Been.
Valerlo was very white , but she was talking
Indifferently to M. Bllvinskl , with her eyes
fixed upon her plate. It was some time before -
fore she eeomcd to grow conclous of Elmur's
gaze ; a slight fleck of color showed and paled
In her cheeks , and then at fength her long
lashes fluttered up and tbo German per
ceived In the darkness of her eyes a trace
of unshed tears.
"Mademoiselle , you are tired , " he eald
with solicitude.
' 'Ves , " she answered smiling. "Hut we
are going back to Revonde In a day or two ,
and then I will wipe out the remembrance
of everything that has happened at Sagan
from my mind forever ! "
Elmur was about to reply when Bagan
spoke again ,
"No one appears to have beard or seen
anything of Captain Collendorp. We will
have the dogs out , Captain Rallywood , Pray
ten hit highness that in the course of an
hour or two we hope to be able to tell him
where our man has got to. His absence U
doubtless duo to some trifling cause. "
As Ilnllywood retired Sagan cast a com
prehensive glance around the tables and
noted Counsellor's absence with A sinister .
satisfaction. I
All the morning ho hnd been speculating
upon the course Counsellor would pursue
after the rencontre of the previous nltht.
Most likely disappear from the castle. Ho
would not dare to brazen It out. Sngan
argued that the British envoy could not bo
very sum of his position yot. What had |
ho proposed to the duke ? And how hnd
the duke answered him ? Whnt nas to bo
the result of the visit , or would there bo
any ? Sclpdorf hpld the duke's confidence.
Ho must checkmate England and openly
throw his Influence Into the German scale.
No half courses could any longer avail In
Hero his reflections were Interrupted , for
Counsellor's big burly flguro wns bending
over Mme. do Snpan's chair , before he ac
cepted the seat at her sldo with the assured
mnnner of n favored guest.
Even the Russian attache blinked. Ah ,
these islanders ! What next ?
As an immediate result Count Sngan wns
forced to accept the situation thrust upon
"Have you slept well , major ? " he Inquired
sardonically , "No bad dreams , ch ? "
"I dream seldom nnd 1 mnkp It a point
in the morning to forget bad dreams It 1
have had any , " replied Counsellor , with a
good-humored raising of his big pycbiows.
"That is wise , " said Sagan , "for dreams
and schemes of the night rarely have solid
foundations. "
"So they say , my lord ; but I do not trouble
mysdf about these things. A man of my
ago is forced to consecrate his 'best ' energies
to his digestion. "
The duke had decided upon returning to
Revondo during the forenoon , but most of
the guests were to remain for the projected
boar hunt. The hunting party had already
started when Bllvlnskl and Counsellor drove
out of the castle courtyard on their way to
the nearest railway station , which lay
under the mountains some miles away.
The tsa had blown the snow into heavy
drifts , leaving the roads nnd other exposed
places bare and almost clean-swept. Near
the station they passed a squadron of the
guard , sent by Wnjlenloup to escort the duke
back to the capital.
The pair In the carriage tnlked. little , but
when the jingling of accoutrements had
died away Bllvlnskl said , in an emotionless
tone :
"You met with Count Sagan last night ,
then In your dreams ? "
"Yes , or Duke Gustavo would have been
over the border by this morning. "
"Ah ! "
"And history goes to prove that reigning
sovereigns are fragile ware they cannot bo
borrowed without danger. "
"You allude to Bulgaria ? " Bllvlnskl
asked promptly , with oil air of genial inter
"Why , for the sake of argument , Alex-
dor cnn stand ns a case In point. "
"If I say If wo borrowed him , wo also
returned him. "
Counsellor's reply was characteristic and
justified his companion's opinion of his race.
"Damaged so they say. "
Bllvlnskl considered the dreary landscape.
"We must not believe all wo hear. In
diplomatic relations , my friend , ethics cease
to exist. Diplomacy Is , after all , a simple
game oven elementary a magnificent bcg-
gar-my-nelghbor , which wo continue to play
Into eternity. "
"But there are rules even in beggar-my-
nelghbor , " said Counsellor.
Bllvlnskl kicked the rug softly from his
feet as the carriage drew up.
"Ono rule , only one , " he remarked ; "Brit
ain loves to feign the Pharisee. Wo smile
we others because we understand that
her rule nnd ours Is , after all , the same
self-interest. "
"If that be the case , we come back to the
law of the beast , " said Counsellor.
The Russian put his gloved hand upon the
opened door and looked back over his
shoulder at Counsellor.
"Always , my dear friend , by very many
turnings but always. "
Under ( lie PlncH.
It was a day that would .be dark an hour
before its time. Rallywood rode out under
the gate at the castle of Sagan as the last
trooper clattered down the rocky roadway
in the rear of the duke's carriage , for upon
the arrival of the saundron from Rovondo
he had received orders to remain behind , the
search for Collendorp having so far proved
unsuccessful ,
Rallywood rode slowly down the shoulder
of the mountain spur. Under the gray light
of the afternoon the limitless swamps
stretching to the sky line looked cold and
naked under their drifted snow. From the
sky big with storm overhead to the scanty
grass that showed by the wayside blackened
by the rigors of the winter the wbolo aspect
of the frontier was ominous and forbidding.
Before ho plunged into the lower ravines
/lallywood turned to look back at tbo angry
towers of Sagan. Ho was thinking of Col
lendorp. Under their shadow that lonely and
reckless life had come to Its close. Why or
by "whoso hand might never be made clear ,
but Rallywood's mind hnd worked down to
'the conviction that the count might bo nblo
to tell the story.
Well , it was good to know that Collendorp
had not died in vain ; Indirectly , but none
the less surely , his death had brought about
the defeat of Sacan's plot.
Then ho rode away Into the heart of the
winter woods , where the branches groaned
and thrashed under the driving wind.
Through gloomy nnd pine-choked gorges he
wound his way to the riverside , for ho had
decided that If Collendorp had met his death
In the river his body would in tlmo bo
beached near Kofn Ford.
Between Ilallywood and the ford the Kofn
widened out Into a big bay-like reach , upon
thn further shore of which the trees gath
ered thickly , their bare branches overhang
ing the water. On the nearer sldo ragged-
header ] pines stood in sparse groups and
amongst their lofty , upright stems Rally-
iwood presently became aware that a strange
Gcono was in progress.
A small party of people were moving about
the low-lying ground where the snow still
rested , On that bleak site nt the foot of an
outstanding plno two or three men with
plcka and shovels were hurriedly digging In
the frost-bound earth , Close bcsldo them
what looked like a long military cloak flung
at full length lay upon the ground.
The meaning of the incident was manifest.
The clouding sky , the river , the broken
pine trees were looking on at a lonely
funeral , darkened by a suggestion of fur-
tlvrnces and haste.
Rallywood put spurs to his horse nnd
galloped down toward the burial party.
Another rider coming nt full speed across
the open sheered off to Intercept him. It
was easy to recognize Sagan by his bulk
and the Imperious gesture of the hand with
which ho signaled to the younger man to
stop. But Rallywood rode the harder. There
was a shout from Sagan and the men ran
toward the black object on the snow , and by
the time itallynood reached them the dead
body wa already laid In Its grave.
At the same moment Sagan on the other
side of the grave pulled up his big horse
on its haunches. The foresters stood rigid ,
waiting on the count's wishes. He looked
over their heads at Rnllywood.
"Collemlorp has been found , " he tiald
with his moat Burly bearing.
Rallywood glanced dawn into the shal
low grave ; a lump of frosty earth slipped
From the rugged heap above and settled into
a crevice of the cloak that covered Collen
"My men are burying him. "
"By your orders , my lord ? "
"By my orders. Can you suggest a bet
ter uis to make of a dead man ? "
"No. my lor.l , but A better manner of
burial. "
"Dismount nml see ft r yourself „
Rallywood swung off the w < ldlr. * Mv'
ing his horse to one of the forester * stooped
and threw back the covering from the dona
mnn's face and breast. Ills AmA florco
eyes stared upward , his we * hair was ai- .
ready frozen to his brow ami a blnsk wound I
piped open nt his throat. Rnllywood gnzo.t
at the hnrsh featurrs. which , but for their
livid color , wore little altered by death.
The tM moaned across the rl\cr and n few
large flakes of snow came floating down.
"Arc you mllrfled now ? "
Rallywood stood up anil faced the count.
"How itl < l ho die ? "
"You can BCO that. Suicide as plain ns a
knife ran write It. "
"I do not think BO. " said Hollywood
The coimt'fl horse plunged under the
punlMiliiR spurs.
"Captain Hnllyuood , may 1 ask whnt you
hope to enln by making a scandal In the
guard ? " ho nPkrd.
"Justice , perhaps , Collendorp hnd no
renr.on to take his life , my lord. "
"You will not Hnd many to agree with
you. The mnn wns always Ill-rondltlnncd.
Ho hnd dc'bts nnd the pride of the dovll.
Ills nlTnlra vnmo to nn Impossible pass , I
conclude. In any case n mnn hns a right
to his own srcrots. "
"Yes , hU > affairs came to nn ttnposslblo
pa s. perhaps. For the rest , this foems tome
mo 1cm Ilko Collenilorp's secret tlun the
secret of some other man. " Hnllywood met
the red eyes full of smoldering wrath.
"Pardon me , my lord , but In the name of
the guard , I pfolcst agnlnst the burial of
Captain Collendorp In this place. "
"I have given my oiderc. " answered ,
Sngan. The guard must consider their repu
tation. We have had too many scandals al
ready and no one will thnnk you for drag
ging a fresh ono Into Rovondo for publics
illhcusslon. "
Sngnn wns amazed nt his own modera
tion In arguing the question at all , Ho
looked to see It lutvo Its due effect upon the
Englishman. But Rnllywood stood un
moved and stubborn hrsldo the grave.
"We have murder here ! " The words fell
like nn accusation.
Hollywood's eyes were alight now.
It took little penetration In plcturo
how Collendorp hnd met his death. Round
the grave Sngan's horse with Its heavy
smoking quartern trampled nnd fretted under
the remorseless curb. The count could boar
no more opposition. Ills fury overcame him.
Roaring an oath ho slashed nt Rallywood
with his riding whip.
"By St. Anthony , sir , you forget there la
room In that grave for two. " ho shouted.
You try me too far your Infernal officiousness -
ness go ! It Is useless to oppose my wishes
here. " Which -was obvious. The foresters ,
lltho and strong as panthers , waited only
the orders of their master. They needed
but a word and would as lief have burled
two dead men na ono In the gnivo under the
torn pines. You may find the same typo In
the mountains of Austria , where a poaching
affray means n vendetta nnd the gnmo lawa
are framed on corresponding principles.
"I see I cnn do nothing now , " said Rally-
wood , remounting in his leisurely way. "The
gunrd must deal with itho affair. "
But Sagan had another word to say to
"And I , also , Cnptain Rnllywood , shall
know how to deal with you. Do not forget
that ! Your conduct cannot bo overlooked.
You will flnd ithat inMaasai \ wo nro still
able to got rid of those who cater for a cheap
notoriety. We shall know how to deal with
you ! I am the colonel of this guard. Are
you aware that It Is in my power to break
you ? Aye , like that ! " Ho smashed his
riding whip across his knees as ho spoke ,
and , flinging away the pieces , ho added :
"vAnd , by the powers above us , I will ! "
Ilallywood saluted and rode away. At
once the foresters fell to work feverishly to
fill In the earth over Collcmlorp's body.
Once more through the falling snow
Rallywood looked back. Sagan's great horse
stood across the low mound of the finished
( To bo Continued. )
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