Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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    TJlJiJ OMAHA DAILY 13K12 : VIII DAT , ATJOr.ST , 1890.
\dtrrllAPMlPtifn for UIMO column *
vlll tic tnkrti iintll 1U in. for HIP
rtMiliiK cillllull mill unlit HlJIO 1' ' . i" .
for inornliiK nnil Iniiilny i-illllon * .
Itnton , I l-iiu it mini IIrut lnnortlon |
1 < < it Miiril IhiTcnfliT. > ntliliiK Inkcit
fur lea * limn 2Sc fop the fir * ! InaPr-
Iliin. Ilipxc mlt crlldPinonln nniftt lie
run cMiiiNPUtillt fly ,
Ail orllncrw , It ) rPciiipnlliiK n mi lit-
liorcil olipck , mil hnc n turner * ntl-
V ilrpNKpil lo n iniiiilicriMl iPllPf In I'nrp
of Tlip lire.nnMrm HO nililrrprt
nll lie ilclltprpil on prcNontiitlou of
HIP check unlj.
OMAHA Employment Rttrpmi , 119 N 16 Tel.
1112. lit- ! ] ) furnished , positions procured.
A 401
A STENOGRAPHER. When jou want one
plcuso mil up the Remington typewriter
ofllcc , 1C19 Tarnam 81 , telephone 15T3.
\.vrnn M1,1 : HII.P.
WANH HD , Wo Imvp steady work for n few
Rood hustlers of ffood habits nnd appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. . 1619 Howard Bt
15 101
GOOD salesmen , salary or com. 1111 * * . W.
CANVASSERS wanted evcrj where ; b'K '
money. Write Home Comfort Snil Iron
Co. . Oman i. U-M310 AIT'
WANTED , loenl and eeneral agents to sell
soaps , U. S. Soup Co. , Ottumwn. la.
WANTED , nn experienced dry Kooilw bill
clerltj nine but experienced men need ap
ply : Klvev experience , IIKC nnd references.
Rlchnrdson-Robertn-Bryne D. n. Co. St.
Joseph , Mo. D MG17 8
WANTED , n Rood tailor. Call or nddre-
\ \ ' . J. McKopzlc , Merchant Tnllor , Alma ,
Neb. H-.M611 6 *
MOIIE ndvertlfdng distributors : K'PO ' to
bacco salesmen. Biilnry Triumph Infor-
mntlon Co. , Dallas. Texas H M61I 5 *
WANTED , an experienced dry poods bill
clerk ; state experience , references , salary
expectPd , rtP. . nnd address Smith. McCord
Dry Goods Co. , Kansas Cltj , Mo
, . H-MSI26
WAN'PEP , by a leaning concern , n mnn for
land examiner having some experience In
fnrm loin business. State n e experience
nnd salary desired. Address r 31 Hep.
B-M017 10
WANTED , two good plumber * H. H.
GafTny , 1200 O St , Lincoln , NebBM63I
B-M63I C *
WANTED n first-class barber , reasonable
wages Address Stiles & Pembrook. Har
vard , Nebraska H-MWO I *
SALESMAiN wnntpd { TOO pnr month ; sells
to merchants. I > eng & Hardman Kiel
hotel , Council Bluffs B MM4 S *
"LIFE of Dewey" ° cls | IIUo hot enkp.s Sep
S H. Qfeffsr , n. 10S. Paxton hotel , at 1 00
today. n3 ! 3
WANTED , , general aRCiit ; salary nnd com-
inlslon S. n OrPfrtr. H. 10S , P.ixton liod-l ,
this afternoon nt 2 00 B I6 3 *
w i vrnn ri.MAM3
WANTED200 girls. 1G2I Dodge. Tel. STB
C 103
WANTED ten experienced chocnlnto dip
pers Hiilduff , 1520 Farnam. C M5T3 7
BIO pay for ladles or gentlemen traveling
nnd appointing local agents. F. L , 209
South 20th. C-MCOOS *
GIRL for general housework. Cass nnd
3.M Sts. C-COS 3 *
WANTED , a good girl for general house
work. Inquire.115 North 2-Sth btreet.
WANTED , thoroughly competent nnd largo
experienced woman to take entire charge
of ii dairy lunch restaurant in n largo
department store : state age , experience
and salary wanted. Address F 31. lice.
WANTI7D , > otmg Imlv stenographer : High
school graduate preferred. Address F " > 0 ,
Rep. C-G20
HOUSES. Bencwa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos Omaha. Van Sc Storage Co . 1511V4
Farnam. Tel. 1503. D 107
HOUSES , Btoiest , IJcmls. Paxton block.
D ( OS
FOR , RENT , houses In all parts of city.
The O. F. Duvls Co. , 1505 Farnam street.
FOR RENT , strictly modern flat in Da\ldgo
Rldg. . opposite city hall.
John W. Itobblns. 1S02 Farnam street.
' ' * D 110
SIX-ROOM modern flat 1112 S. llth.
HOUSES for rout In nil parta of the city
Brennan-Lo\o Co. , 21D South 10th street.
MAOOARD'S van&Btorngo. 117 N 15 , Tel 1196
D 412
FURNISHED house central. 2003 California
D 416
CHOICE houses , cottnpet , stores Henry
B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016
FOR RENT. 56S South 28th St. , 10 rooms ,
modern , gvmd repair. The Byron Reed
Co. , 212 So Mth St. D-M719
240J POPPLETON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern ,
largo yard nnd barn , J30. The Byron
Rewl Co. D-413
7-room housa. 1003 N. 23th St. ,
J20 C05 Bee. D IJI900
FOR RENT. 8-room furnished house , with
modern conveniences , near Brownell hall.
LAROU line residence. 10 rooms. Piitircly
modern , porcelain bath. In perfect con
dition , largo grounds , good barn , In best
p.irl of Walnut 11)11 ) , rent $ JoOO per month
! . ! 27 N. 20th St. , store , J700 ; four-room flat ,
upstalrH f ; fltv wntcr.
Omaha. Loan & Trust Co , , 16th and Dousrlns ,
FOR HUNT. 2563 Woolworth Ave. Inquire
nt corner house. D 513 3 *
S-ROOM modern , 1S17 Cnpltol nve . $15 00
8-room modern , small barn. 4216 Farnam
otheis. Rlnpwnlt Bros. . Barker Blot'k
' " " D M5S5
I'OR RENT , a magnlllcent hotel cafe ;
ureat wmp and you mimt bo In a hurry
Cleorgo P. Bemis , Pnxton Block.D
D M566 7
PART of 10-room , all modern houso. In
eluding parlors , clone In JJOOO. J. H
SherwW 42J N Y. Life. D-623 4
10-ROOM , nil modern , delm-hed house , elos.
In Just victtitnl. J" . H. ' Sherwood , 421 N
Y. Life. . D-C24 4
IFOR RKNT. ift-room modern brick , 103
south 30the. . , hard , wood floors nm
llnlsh. ' D-M633
FOR RUNT. 3.116 Butt Bt , large , tine res !
dcnee , nine rooms , entirely modern , ho
water heat , range In kitchen : large yan
with bhndo trees Will rent this houwe tea
a satisfactory tenant for 500 per month
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th nnd Doug
las sts D-1.M6H
roil unvr-rtiiiMsiinn ROOMS.
THE Bachelor's hotel , 20.16 Farnuni street
double south room , suitable for man un
wife. E-630 A3
tll2 CABS ST. . nicely furnished rooms I. .
private family : modern house ; cheap ; reference
erenco required , -M3J7 7
FOR RENT , four cozy rooms. UUh , nicely
furnished , complete for housekeeping
reasonable , 2301 Leavenworth Kt.
6UITE of 2 furnished rooms for light house
keeping , only n few blocks from postoflice
NV , Cor. ITtli and Webster. Ix > w rent.
E M2G2 4
1'1'RNIHHHD rooms ; housekeeping.
8t , Mary's , - 10 *
I'LEASANT room , near exposition , to nu
and wife , or woman. 2101 Miami hi
rtiiMsiiin : IIOOMS AMI no inn.
LLKOA.VT rooms & board. 10u3 Cnpltol a\e.
NICELY furnished room with breakfast ,
nir Hnrrtoom park , modern houp. Ad-
rtrera C 13. Bee F-U3
FRONT room with nlcoxr , with nil modern
conveniences. 212 8 25th St. F-429
SflTU rooms , furnished or unfurnished.
Utopia , 1721 Daven | > ort St. F-6S1
ROOMS nnd board. 316 So. 26th St. . .
r M3W-5
E1 EOANT room with bo.ird. 19" Cnnltol
Ave. r-wi C *
THE Merrlam family hotel , Mth nnd Dodge.
ROOM and board , modern , 1618 Ilnrncy
T-M591 Hept 1
NICELY furnlxhed front room , private fnm-
lly T02 S. 23th St. r-fiO:6
2 UNFURNISHED rooms , newly pappr d ,
up stairs. Z22G Bo. 12th. O M3G3
E UNFURNISIinD chnmbtrs for house-
kecplne to man and wire. 319 " '
3 fNFI'RNlSHnD rooms. H-mlnuto walk
from P O , newly papered , biths modern ,
will rent orto or nil , good for otllces or
sleeping iipirtmenta , n snap , t'ome nt
once Q > lmer , 1605 Dodge st a M6T3 6 *
roil nnisT STOUCS A.\D orricns ,
FOR RENT , store In flr t-cla B location :
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co , g.ound floor Bee Bldg. 1 256
FOR RENT , a ground floor ofllco , specially
suitable fcr real stnto , etc. ; Hplendld
vault , bull' for uio of city treasurer. Ap
ply II. C. Pcteia 4 : Co. , ground floor , Bee
Building. I-2G7
ONE largo fine ofllco of two rooms to rent
In the Continental block ; will put In con
dition tn suit tenant.
16th & Douglas Sts.
MALL store. 2.2 North 13th. 1-421 5
vcnvrs AV\NTIIJ.
.OBNTS wanted , Jumping Beans Whole-
silo only : l.OOi ) , J10 ; 500 , $6 : 2.V ) , J.150 , 100
$1 GO. Retail , uc Drummers , agents nnd
Htrept men'H summer side line. Samples.
12 , 2T.c , 1. lOf J H Co. . Dept It r 7
Greenwich st , Now York clt > J MG S 4
DBSIC room In offlco wnnted , good loea-
tlon , ground floor preferred , rent tnusl be
reasonable. Address F 3' , Bee ofllce.
K airac \ *
ACIFIC Storajre nnd Warehouse Co. , 90S-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged.
Bosto : . Furniture Co. , H14 Dodge. Ttl. 2233.
, LL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In Urge or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.
. , . _ y cash . _ . _
house. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y Life.
N 651
VANTED. DOGS ; two or three Great Dane
dogs : must be good "Ize nnd gentle ; must
nlso bo cheap. Address Len Shields. Red
Oak , Iowa. N-MG10 0 *
IEAL estate wanted , from one lot to an
acre , in WIlcox's addition ; must bo cheap.
-F 35 , Bee. N-M612 C *
> EB our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest
prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge.
< "OR SALE , for cash , furniture nnd trade
of a 33-room hotel doing a good business :
the onlv hotel In the town ; write or call
on C. W. Hatfleld , Cedar Rapids , Neb
O M59i 4 *
OLD bugglek taken In trade on now vehicles.
Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport.
STANDARD bred bay mare. 7 years , IS
linnds , sound and gPnUe , drives single or
double , speedy. II. B. Ircy , 15th & Dodge
Sts. P COS 4
'LAG POLES : sawdust ; cheapest nnd best
hog fence. D01 Douglas. Tel. 458. Q 169
2UTTERS of drug prices Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge Bt.
Q 153
FOR sale , patent/or Nebraska ; big money ;
Address A , Bee ofllcc , Council Bluffs.
3O , poultry , lawn nnd field fencing ; all
wire. Wire Works , 1017 Howard St.
B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 770 ;
plants , cut flowers , bonnets , hall , resi
dence , wedding nnd grave decorations ;
orders by mull or express promptly filled.
FOR SALE ten R-1-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at
druggist * . One gives relief. Q 152
ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Fnrnam.
WHY get second grnde bicycles when you
can get high grade Crescents for } 3J cash.
Fleschcr , 1622 Cap. Ave. Q-153
THOSE Wonderful Douglas Shoes. J2 50 and
{ 3 00. FlJher , Park Ave. & Leavenworth.
BAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St.
INDIAN relics ; mounted gamehoads. 1116
Farnam. Q-M603 A12
CASH register , nearly now , cheap. 1116
Farnam. Q MS68
11R5 00 WILL buy good Ivers & Pond piano.
Cost J375.00 ; two > ears' time. F 6 , Bee.
FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper ,
good for button or laying under cm pets.
Omaha Boo press room Q 271
ICE for tinlo In ear lots. Gilbert Bros , ,
Council Bluffs. Q M3U
FOR SALE , 50 II. P. toller. 40 H. P engine ,
steam pump , tank , heater nnd pipe ,
Chenp Recs Printing Co. , lO.h and Ilnr-
ney streettt , Omaha. Q MC1S 5
.IX ) WATCHES left in pawn for sale cheap ,
Diamond Loan Olllce , 1315 Douglas
Q M61R Sept. 2
NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furniture
and stoves sold at lowest prices , carload
lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co , , 1406-10
Dodge R-160
FOR RENT , a eoud barn. 1502 Cass
NEW YORK building , Bluff tract , Greater
America Exposition , Crelghton hail and
Morand's Academy , hoclal functions ,
convention' , etc. 6)5 ) A3
SNOW-CHURCH CO. , law nnd collections ,
60J Karbach block. Tel. * 95. jl M531
MME QYLMER , cenulno palmist , IBM
Dodge. S-M477
MRS. FOITZ.clalrvoyant , 817 N. 16th.
MRS. F. DORSEY , life reading , 102S N. 21st
B-957 A3 *
MRS. DR. MOSS , the greatest prognoall-
cater of the age. Is unequaled as a life
reader nnd clairvoyant : ece her und be
convinced of. her wonderful power. 1701
Capitol ave , S-JU5S3 4
PROF , CICEIIO. palmUt. SIS N 18th. near
Capitol a\P Test his wonderful ability
a a palmUt this , week for 2Jc. S WO 3 * I
PARLORS BEST equipped in city. Porce
lain tub ; Indy attendants. 119 N. 16th , ,
opp. P O. , 2nd floor. T-MJV5 A26 *
BESSIE DECAMO , thermal bAthi , mas
sage. 16I5 Howard , 3d floor , room 1.
T-M3.-S 7 *
DR. MALMQUIST , massage , baths , UO
Bee BldK , T-673-A11 *
MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; maxsage bMhs.
EL1T 3 parlors , 2025 Ftirnnm. upotnlf. lot-
cla B baths , mnswiKc & magnetic treat
ment , lady attendants T 3T8 Ale *
ME SMITH , room 2. HS'4 North 15th
T-605 S
OYPTIAN trenlmpnt , elegant mns nKO
baths. Beatrice Harlow , 1701 Leavenworth
strict. T MG09 0
1M2USONA1. .
'RIVATE ' hospital for ladles before A dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17.
| R ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous
hair removed by electricity. Room 12 ,
Frcnzer block U-164
R iITTER hospital , conflnement cases tnken ;
babies adopted. 2214 Sewnrd Tel 5203
U-95S A19
IAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Bes
Bldg. U-171
ilONHEIT , lender In hnlr goods , toilet prep
arations. Paxton blk. Farnam st. entrance.
'HE ' best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at
Louis Flcscher's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Ave ,
U 169
1ONHBIT , chiropodist , hairdresser. 1615
Farnnm U 167
MAHA Phonograph parlor. 319 N. 16th st ,
cor Chicago , phonographs , records , sup
plies. U-M47S AS
DR. NELSON , dentist , room 9 , CrelRhton
block , 15th and Douglas. TH. 1910
U MSC9 Aug. 20
t'PERFLUOUB hnlr Instantly removed , nn
electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4 ,
Wlthnell block U-SI5
UJPTURE CURED We cure all form * of
i upturn without pain or detention from
business Send for circulars Empire
Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Bldg ,
Omaha , Neb. U M501 All *
lOWHLL'S Lltle Anti-Bilious Pills Cure
n'.llousneps , Dizziness , Indigestion Sick
Headnchtu , Constipation , Torpid Liver1 and
nil dpmngem"ats of stomach and bowels
Being entirely vegetable , they operate
without disturbance to system , dipt or oc-
< upat'on For sale bj all druggists ,
Howell's Antt-Kawf cures cough
U-5TT-A31 *
- -
NOW. CHt'RcTOxwand collections.
60ii Karbach block. Tel. i . U-M329
tlONEY to loan on first-class Improved city
property or for building purposes. Pu > ne-
Haider Co. , N. Y. Life. W 110
PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk.
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 So. IGtli.
W 44S
100 TO ' . ' ,000. F. D. Wcad , 16th & Douglas.
1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city
pioperty nnd farms.V. . rnrnam Smith
A : Co , 1320 1 nrnam. \V 130
BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers ,
wanting eastern money should write for
circular. Imestors' Dlrectorj , New York.
MONEY to loun on Nebraska nnd Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lo\e Co. ,
219 S. 10th , Omaha. \V 132
l > OANS , Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life.
W 431
PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. J. 1
Sherwood , 42J N. Y. Life. W 435
G per cent loana. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam
WANTED , city and farm loans ; nlso bonds
nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 170.2
Fnrnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 457
WRITE us If ymi want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pny
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L.
W 43S
MORTGAGES , Wallace , 314 Brown Block.
W 439
5. 5'4 , fi per ct. loans in Omaha. So. Omaha ,
W. H. Thomas , 503 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1613 ,
5 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chns
E. Williamson. W MB60
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ,
cows , jewelry. Dult Green , R. S , Barker blk
X 1G1
holding permanent positions on their per
sonal note without Indorsement or secur-
Itv " , strictly confidential , nnd at
before borrowing see us , as you will find
it greatly to jour advantage ; we nre the
oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan
company In Omaha. F. W. Truax , Msr.
119 Board of Trade Bldg. , 10th and Far
nam Sts. Telephone 22 . X-462
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un
known to fi lends. Berbers' Loan Bank
1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 461
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , COWH , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13
X 165
You cnn , pny the money back in any
amount you wish and at nny time.
Each payment BO made lessens the LOB I
of parrying the loan.
confidentially , holding permanent pc l
tlons , on their own name without en
dorser , mortgage or Bccurity oC any kind
Can repay In easy weekly or monthly
payments. Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jen
nlngs , Mgr , , eulte 623-52S N. Y. Life Bldg
X C96
For hlgh-oUiBB salaried people
holding permanent positions
with responsible firms ,
without mortgage
or security of any kind
except their own names.
Strictly confidential.
Room C01 , Bee Bldg.
X M696
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible concerns
corns upon their own names , without se
ourlty ; r ay payment * . Tolman , R. 70o
N. Y Life Bldg. X 463
INVEST $200 , securing large weekly Income
Safe , conservative proposition , sd sue
ccssful year. Statistics free. H. Griffin
11SO Broadway , Now York Y MJSt AJ4 *
AN experienced caterer with cash ( no on
to buy out ) cnn have the Brunswick Hole
Cafe Write , giving references , capita
etc. , John H. Pierce , landlord , Omaha.
Y-M2&0 9
SNOW-CHURCH CO. . law and collections
608 Karbach block , Tel. M5. Y 607
I'OR SALE , hardware stock In thrlvln
south-central county seat , with one com
petltor : object In selling , hae other bual
ness which claims my attention Addres
F 28. Bee. Y-M616 9
DENVER , Colo. . 7 brick buildings ; renta
$70.00 per month , for Omaha property o
good land , J. N Frenrer , opp , old P O.
FIRST-CLASB upright piano for lot ; all o
part payment , Addretj D 29 , Bee.
2-27SAS *
roil sAii-un\i. * : sriTn.
! AVB jo < l ome lota to sell ? Now Is th1
limn to dispose of them ; let the people
know that \cu wnnt to dlspc e of them
The Bee reaches the people who hn\ * the
money RE $66
OMPORTABLE pottage. S rooms , very
slKntl > nnd in good tondltlon , lornted nt
Mil Chr.rlM street RE-471
Real Estate , Rental * , Loans , Insurance.
UK-Ill A3'
room house , modern , H.IOO.
room hoife , modern , J1.500. jf
room house , modern , Jl.OOO.
( hero , W.COO , JG.OiX ) . $7,000 and $10000.
-ll In IInn com Place ,
" "wo plei ant homes. West Farnam , cheap1.
lnrgalnn In any part of the city ,
f. .1 Kennnnl & Son.
0-11 Brown Block. RE-ir,3
XR SALE or trade. 320 acrp good valley
land In Hooker county , NNiraoka , six
miles from railroad. Address J. J. Stecn ,
2123 Blnney St , Omaha , Neb.
RI1-M921 A1S
The Byron Reed Co , 212 S. llth St.RE9T9
IOUSES , lots farms , lands , loans , also llro
insurance. lie-mis , Paxton blk RE 472
'OR ' SALE , lot 4 , blk 10. Shull's 2d add ,
No 15U S 26th St . s roams , modern , hot
water heat , barn : $3,000. Charles itittelle ,
attorney , 1500 Dodge St. RE M303 3
'OR $2,600 northwest corner llth nnd Ca -
tellnr. 60x132 , two houses ; If old InMdo of
one. week , as the owner wants to lonve
the city , insurance $2,000 ; mortgage $2,100 ;
cash $400. Inquire 915 Jackson St.
RE-552 3 *
COUNTZE PLACE. 9-rooni modern house ,
Illnney street , pavement paid for. price ,
$1100. No. I will not tnkp $1,000 and jou
will not rend this ad but Just 3 times.
J. ; Ol'oson , 5W 1st Nail. BankUEtSOa
NOW CHURCH CO law and collections.
WO Knrlvich block. Tel 8 < f . RE M528
OR SALE or rent , a large store building
with hull over It ; n largu dwelling house
nnd two lots ; buildings In good location
nnd In good repair , a splendid opening
for a merchant wanting to come to the
prosperous county of Burt Write George
Wat on. Craig , Nebraska , before this
opening Is lost RE-MG17 9
VANTED. building lot ; horse to trade ;
first mortgage , horse nnd can Inge , west
ern land Address F 29 , Bee.
RE-M613 G *
< * INBLY finished 8-room home , modern In
every de-tail , electric light , gas. laundry ,
barn , lot 78x140 ; rino of the best bargains
In Omaha , owner leaving clU 3T11 N.
ISth , half block south of QIander on st.
RE-M635 B'
.iIST your property with me I have the
buyers. H. iM. Christie , South Omaha.
RE MG2t Oct. 3
F South Omaha real estate you 'vsant lo
buy or sell communicate with O'Nell's
Real Estate Agency. RE MG2S
BUNCH of ke > s front of Burlington depot
or on Hartley street car last Tuesday.
Return for reward to 505 City Hall.
Lost-G2fl 3
DIAMOND Mick Pin. 1 % karat , lost between
14th nnd Douglas and Bovd'- opera house ;
$25 reward if left at 2216 N St. , So. Omitha ,
Lost-G23 3'
L.OST , Mason's pin , finder please return for
reward lo Marks Bros. Saddlery Co.
.Lost C27 5' '
LOST , "mall Mexican dog ( no hair ) ; re-
iward for information or return to corner
18th and Lake. Lost MG41 4 *
jOST , purse containing about Jll In cnsli , 2
checks , etc. , in 24th st. car golnc south at
9 a. m. . Aug. 3. ; return to nm.
TYPEWRITERS for rent , J4.00 per month.
The SmithPremierTypewriter Co. , 1623
Farnam St. Telephont" 12S4. 473
WE RENT and sell the best typewriters
made : largest stock of supplies In Omaha
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Fjir-
nam. 474
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup
plies. 1619 Farnam. 475
THE Oliver Typewriter , x'lslble writing
heaviest manlfolder nnd cuts tha finest
stencil : see exhibit Liberal Arts bldjr. .
Greater America. Exposition. Tel. 2279
J. S. Stewart. Special Agent , 318 % S. Fif
teenth etieet , Omaha. TTG
TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnnm
M694 A12
LADIES , harmless monthly regulator ; can
not fail. Mrs. B. Rowan , Milwaukee , WIs
M9GO A20 *
LADIES , old Dr Bell's Cotton Root Pill ?
the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other
Send 4o stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell
Box 718 , St. Louis , Mo. M256 A25
Inter has brought happiness to hundreds of
anxious women ; have never had a single
failure ; longest cases relieved In two to
five days without fall : no pain ; no danger
no Interference with work ; l > y mall or of
fice , $2 ; all lotte-rt ) tiuthfully nnswered
The Mansfield Remedy Co . 167 Dearborn
street , room 614 , Chicago , 111. 385 AS *
HO , yo fishermen , go to Langdon , Mo. , for
bass and cropple ; stop at Adams house ,
$1,25 a , day , $5 00 a week , Including boats
431 A4
BASS nnd cropple flahlng is now nt Iti
best , The Lnngdon hotel offers superlo
accommodations to fishermen and tran
slent guests. Reasonable rates. Frank F
Vogt , Langdon. Mo. M512 A29
NEW wheels , $13.50 tip ; 2nd-hand wheels , $
up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Blcyclec
SEE Louis Flesoher for blejcln repairing
enameling and sundries , 1C ± 2 Capitol Ave
ANDRAE bicycles , $20. 1116 Farnam.M09313
A. C. Van Sant'a School. 717 N. Y. Life.4S8
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 10th & Douglas
BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal
Bee Bldg , 490
CIS N , Y. Lite Bldg , Alice Johnson. D. O.
ladles' department Old E. Johnson
OsteopathIM , manager M 580
M" "bT DONOHUE. D O . of Still iciioo
Klrksvllle , Mo. , 601 Paxton blk. Tel , ] S67
THE undersigned having succeeded to th
business of the late C. F. Bclndorff , urclil
tect. has removed from Ills former olilc
to 422 Bee building and will continue th
business of architects and huperlntendent
Patromige of the public and Mr , Belli
dorff's former cimtomers respectfully to
llclted. R. W. Baker , A D Baker.
M-595 Bepl
supply ; shirts , Kc ; collar * , 2c : cuffs , 4c
underwear , Gc. 175 ? Iea\enworth Tel M
M4ig BspU
CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ;
excursion tickets bought and Bold. p. ] t.
Philbln. new location * 1309 and 1G03 Fnr
nam. Est , ISS'J. Member G. T. U. Assn.
W. T. WAPPICH , attorney , 605 Brown Blk ,
t > 3 ! A3
IASSAUE plpctrlrlt > Imlrothcrap ) grad-
tmt < s Bnttlp Creek , Mich sanitarium
references , Indies onlj. Phone Jl1"
707 A12"
TIII MC ru'Tom.
EE Ol'R trunk trave'lnc ' hnir . < ult ca os
Tni'iks rpp-ilred Omaha Trunk fnrtorj ,
J209 rnrnam yis AJtj
RV the Henderson Hotel , board and room
$ ( W per week. gns. stpnm heat and baths
Ninth aid Parnnm Sts. 4S7
V. COY. located nt 1716 St Marj s Ae4VJ
VRTIFICIAL stonft and brick sidewalks
A II. Heel , 1622 Burt street.
M650 All *
EFFERSON Square Loan Olllce , 41S N. 16.
.2AGLK Loan Olllce. rolliblo nccnmmodni-
Ing ; nil business confidential. l"0l Doiiglns
VLL kinds plating Om Plating Co .B e bldg
! Y Joonph E Phillips , 2511 Corbv St
Omnlia , best of city tef rences given
102 A3
LVRRIS Abstract Co , 423 Bee Building
( S3
: URED Julia Vatlghan , 430 Ramge Hldg
M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 C'umlng. Tel. 13J1.
IN families. Mls > Sturd } , 2216 Davenport.
M 437 A23
( Should bo read dally by all Interested , ns
changes may occur at any time. )
I-orelgn malls for the week ending
? . " 8 ! ? ' ' " 9 > ° V.fiHpMPTi.vIn nil
PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour
arller than closing time shown below
TriiiiH-Atlimtlc Mull * .
SATURDAY-At 5 a. m. for EUROPE
. s Ltrurla *
. via Queenslown ( Iptli-rs
for Ftante , Switzerland , Italy Sn Un
Portugal. Turkey. Epypt and BrltlM In !
din must be directedper Etruila"
) ; .a
7 n. m. for FRANCE. SWITJilJRIVjr
La Tout-nine * '
, v'a , Havre ( lettori for
other " Parts ot Europe must ba directed
"per La ToliraLne" ) ; at S a in far
NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s Mais-
dam , via Rotterdam ( letters
must bo ( II-
NOIUVAY direct , per s.'s. Norge ( letters
must ba directed "per NorKe' ) .
Printed mnttcr. etc. Get man steamers
sallinc on Tuesdays take j.rlp.ted inn tier
etj. . for Germany , and pcclnllv addresspii
iirlnted matter , etc. , for . .tjier partfc of
nu-ope. American and AVhlte Star steamers -
ors on Wednesdays , German = tcamers
Thursdays , nnd Cunnrd , Fipncn and Ger
man steamers on Saturdajs take printed
matter , etc. . for all countries foi \\hlej
\ \ " " "
they nre advertised to carry mall
After the closingof the suop enlentnry
transatlantic- malls names nbove addi
tional supplementary malls nr opened
tlio piers of the American , English
French and German steamers , and remain
open until wi.hln ten minutes of the hour
of sailing o steamer
Mulls for South nnd Central America ,
Went Indies. Hit-
SATURDAY At G a. m. for BRAZIL nnd
buca , Bahla and Ro ! do Janeiro , per s. s
Hevcllus ( letters for North Brazil must be
< 1 reeled "per Hevcllus" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( sun-
Idementary 10.TO n. m. ) for BERMUDA
per s. s. Trinidad ; at 10 n. m. ( sunple-
imentnrv 10:30 : a. m ) for FORlTrftvn
per s e
Altai ( letters for Costa Rica must bp
i1ir.c to.d Per -Altai" ) ; nt 10:30 : n. m. for
HAITI , per s. s. Pi Ins \Vlllem II ( letters
for Curacno , Venezuela , Trinidad , British
vind Dutch Guiana must be directed "p r
' " ° r
. . -
FOUNDLAND direct , per B. s. Orinoco , nt
31 a. m. for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD ,
per p. s. Irrawaddj : at 11 a m. ( supple
mentary 11:30 : a. m ) for PORTO RICO , via
H , s Caracas ; nt 11 n in. for CUBA , per
s. Havana , via Havana ( le-ttprs must
re. $ } ffTlA "npr Havami" ) ; nt 12 m for
per . H. Marnnhense , nt 1 p m for
nml UARACOA. ppr s. s Olindn.
, 8'30 " " ' for ST I'lERHIS
MIQUELON , per steamer from North
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , and thence bv steamer , elos nt
this ofllco dally at 8:30 : p. m ( connecting
close here every Momliv , Wednesday and
Saturday ) . Malls for MlqUclon , by rail to
Boston , and thence by steamer , close at
this oinco dally at 8:30 : p m. Malls for
Cuba , by rail to Port Tampi , Fla. , nnd
thence by steamer , close nt this ofllco
dally ( except Monday ) nt * 7 a. m ( th ?
connecting clones are on Sunday Wednes
day nnd Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail
to Miami. Fla. . nnd thence by steamer.
close nt this olllce every Monday , Tues
day and Saturday nt 3i ( n. m ( the con
necting closes are on Tuesday ann Satur
day ) , Malls for Mexico City , uverland ,
unless specially addressed for despatch
by steamer , closat this of.icp dally at
2-30 a. m. nnd 2:30 : p m * Mnls ! for Costa
Rlra , Belize , Puerto Cortez nnd Guate
mala bv rnll to NPW Orleans , nnc thence
by atenmcr , olose at this ofllce dallv at
8:00 : p. m Connecting Hoses h r < > Sun
days nnd lueddnys for Coslu Rica , and
Mondays for 'iellre , Puerto Cortez nnd
Guatemala 'Registered mall elnscs at <
p. m. previous day "Registered mail
closes at 6 p. m second day before ,
TriinN-PiipllIci Mull" .
Malls for Chlnn nnd Japan nor . a Rlojur
Mnru ( from Seattle ) , close- here dallv up
to August 3d at 8'Tj p m MallB for China
Japan nnd Hawaii , per H. H Gaelic ( from
Kan Francisco ) , close here dally up to
August * * 4th at 6:10 : p m Malls for Aus
tralia. ( except those for Went Aus
tralia , which nro forwarded via Europe )
New Zealand Hawaii , FIJI anil Samonn
Islands per s s Moana from San Fran
cisco ) , close hero dally after July * ' 2l8t
nnd to August * * 4th nt 6:30
up : p. m , on
day of arrival of B s , Campanln , which
will probably arrive August * * 4th Malls
for China nnd Japan , per H. s. Empress
of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here
daily up lo August * 16th at 6:10 : p m
Malls for Hawaii , per s s. Australia
( from San Franclaco ) , close here dully up
to August 18th nt 0:30 : p , m Mails for
Australia ( except West Australia ) , Hawaii
nnd FIJI Inlands , per s s Mlnw era ( from
Vnncouvei ) , close hero dallj after August
Mlh nnd up to < Augut > t ISth at 6 30 p m
Mails for the Society Islands , per ship
Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , clo e here
dally up to August "jetli ( it 6 30 p m
Malls for China and Jnpan , per H
Taroma ( from Tacoma ) close hero dally
up to August " 31st nt 6:30 : p m
Trans-Paciflp malls are forwarded lo port
of sailing dally and the schedule of clos.
Inc IB arranged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit
Reulstcred mall closes at 6 p m pre
vious dav
Poatofllco New York , N Y , July 2 ? 1SS5
Omaha , Neb. July 22 , isjfl A number of
cavalry hews nre wanted by the United
Htutt-H , fourteen two to fifteen one high ,
five to se\en years old , gentle nnd perfectly
tractable and otherwlto conformable to
cavalry specifications and subject to In
spection at place of purchase on line of
l&llroad Purlieu having horses to sell will
tuivlse this otllce of number , approximate
( lute and railroad station where- they may
be ceen , nna an officer will be sent to ex-
utnlro tlU'ni and if accepted , make pur
chase. Full dmcr'Dtlon of animals will be
srnt on ni'ti' to the undersigned F.
II. JIA'UJAWAV , Ctiipr Oiiurtermuxter
J > 2Kvr223 ! Aug3-l M
Bourl River RallroAd
"Tho Burlington Routs"
General Ofllccs , N , W
Corner Tenth and r r-
naui Streets. Tick * !
LUIlce. 1503 Fnrnnm
Street. Telephone , S.V ) .
I Depot , Trnth and M on Htrecta. Tele-
phone 310. *
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook . . .a V40 am a 7.40 pm
Lincoln , Den\er. Colorado
rado , Utah , California. A 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm
Lincoln BU.k lints.
Montana APuget
Sound . . a 4 25 p m n 3M : pm
Lincoln Ixicnl , i 7:00 : pm alO:3J : am
t Incoln Fast MaM . . u 3 00 pm alOJ5 : am
Denver , Colorado , Utah
& California. * < 30 am
n Dally
rcph .t Council BluiTs
Ra''road ' "Tho BlirllnR-
toi , Route" Tlrkot Olllce
15C2 Fnrn-im Street. Tele
phone , 260. Depot , Tenth
nnd Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas IK. 9.30 .un 5:40
City Day u a : pm
Kansas Clt > NUht KnlO.15 pm u fi JO Qlll
St Louis Fiver for St.
Josepti una St. Loul . . .a 4. 5 pm all:15 : am
a Dally
, t Qulnuy Railroad "Tho
Biiu'nc'dii ' Route Tliket
onlce , If02 Farnam St.
Tel 250. Depot. Tenth &
Mason Streets , Telt-
pliano , 310.
_ Leave. ArrUc.
cugo Bpe-
cial . * , . .u 6:40 : am
Chicago Vestlbu'cd Et .a G M pm ft f OS am
Chicago Express , . . > 9:30 : am a 4OT : > pm
Chlcnco & St , L. Ex . . .a 7:45 : pm n < t:03 : nm
Pacific Junction Local..alO.15 am a & 15 tun
'nst Mall u 2M5 pm
a Da Mr.
ft Missouri Va'liy ' Rail
road "The Northwestcri
Line" OenTal OHlcea
United Slates National
Bank Bldg , Southwest
Corner Twelfth and Par-
nam Streets. Ticket Olllce. HOI Fnrnam
Street , Telephone Ml. Depot , 15th nnd
Webster Streets Telephone , 1453.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hill * . Deadwood.
Hot Springs n 3:00 : pm a C:00 : pm
Wvo ling , Ca per and
Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm
Hastings , York , David
City , Superior , Geneva
Exeter and Seward . . .b 3:00 : pm b 6'00 pm
Morfolk Vcrdlgre nnd
Fremont b 7:30 : am blOJ5 : am
Lincoln Wnhoo nnd
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am
Fremont Locnl c 7:30 : nm
u Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun
day only , d Dully except Snturduy.
western Railway "Tht
Northwestern Line"
City Ticket OfTlce , 1401
Fnrnam Street. Tele
phone , 5C1. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tel
ephone , K3
Leave. Arrive.
Dayllg' Chicago Spe
cial a 6:40 : am nll:53 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux Cltv ,
St. Paul & Minneap
olis a 6:50 : arn nll.OO pm
Mo Valley , Sioux City..a. 7:45 : nre a 4Z5 : pm
Carrel : Local b 5:2i : pm blO:10 : am
liastprn Express , Des
Mciiies Marshalltown ,
Coda- Rapids and Chl-
cj'eo . . . . . . all:03am : a 4.05 pm
Atlantic Flyer , Chicago
and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm
Fast Mall , Chicago to
Omaha a 2:45 : pm
Norlhein Exi rrss a 5:25 : pm n 8:40 : am
Omaha-Chicago apeclal.a.ul pm a 8:15 : nm
Fast Mall
8:45 :
aOallv. _ b Dallv xp ot Runilny
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway-"The Northwestern -
western Line" General
Ofllces Nebraska Divi
sion , ISth and Webster
Sta. City Ticket Olilc * .
Farnam St. Telephone , 561. Depot 15th
awl Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( for
Sioux City , St. Paul &
Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am
Omaha 1'nssenger a 7:03 :
Blair , Emerson , Sioux
City , Ponca , Hartlng-
ton and Bloomfleld..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : Dm
No. 2 , Twin City L't'd..a 6:55 : i pm
No 1. Omaha Limited. . . a D:00 :
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.a
Railroad "Tho North
western Line" Geno-al
Offlcss. United States
National Bank Building ,
S. W. Porner Twelfth
and Farnam Streets ,
oilice , 1401 Farnarn Street. Tele-
, . . . . > ii Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone. 029.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Mankato &
St. Paul , Minneapolis..a B:50 : am a 8:40 : am
Bt. Paul. Minneapolis ,
Mankato & Sioux Clty..n 6:25 : pm all:00 : pm
Bloux City Local a 7:45 : am a 4:25 : pm
land Route" General Olllc.cs ,
N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam
Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 130i
Farnam Street. Telephone ,
31C Depot , Tenth and Mat > an
Streets. Telephone , C29.
" " ' "
Leave. Arrlva.
"Tnt > Overlard Limited
for Utah , it'aho , Mon
tana. California , Ore-
uou aiu1 Washlncton
po'.nts a 8aO : am a 4:45 : pm
The Colorado Special
for t-anvei and all
Colorado 1)01111.1 all.55 pm a CMC ara
Paclhu iJxiir sa fo-
Denvei , Salt L& .e.
Pacific Coast and all
western . olnts b 4:35 pm a C:40 : am
Lincoln Beatrice and
Stromsbury L1xpM . . .b 4:35 : pm b2:20 ! : pm
Fremont , Columbus , Nor
folk Grand Inland and
North 1'iatte a 4:35 : pm b 4:45pm :
Columbus Local b 5:30 : pm b2.20 pm
North Platte Local. . . . a , 0:15 : pm
South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6lo : u ,
m. ; 7:00 : a. m. , 10:10 : a , in. ; 3:05 : p , m. Arrive * ,
10.45 a. in. ; 3.IS p. m , ; 4:15 : p. m. ; 6 p , m.
Council Bluffs Local Lenvss. .55 a , m. ;
6:40 : a. m. ' I 0 a. m. ; 7.40 a. a. , b 10:45 : a.
m , , 12 20 p. in. , 2.15 p. m. ; 4:35 : p. in. ; 4:55 : p.
6.25 p. m 6S5 : p. m. ; 6:20 : p. m.j 8:20 : p.
m. ; 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , 6:35 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a.
in. ; ,15 a. m. ; 8.15 a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3-.UG p.
m , ; 4:05 : p. m. ; 5:15 : p. m ; 6:30 : p. m. ; 6.65 p.
m. ; 6.30 p n : . SSi : p. m. ; 11:00 : p. m. ; 11:55 :
. m.
a Dally , b .Dally exctot Sunday.
and & Pacific Kalltoad
"The Gicat Rock Island -
and Route. " City Tick.
ct Olllce , 1323lfarnam
Btreet. Telephone , 4JS
Depot. Tenth a Munon
Streets. Telephone , 629
v - - Leave. Airlvo.
Den Monies Local . a 7:05 : nm bIlUi : nm
Chk-SBO Express . bll:15 : am n Sio : nm
Chicago Fast Express .a 5.0U pm a 1:25 : un
St. Paul Fabt Expre s..a 6.00 pm bll:25 : m
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. .
Den\er , Pueblo and
, West . . . . . . . . . aUSOpm a 4:25 : pm
Des Molnts , Rock fs- : "
and aim < . hlcugo . a 7:25 : pm a 6J5 : pm
Colorado c Texas F'yer.n 6MO pm u 9.00 am
a Dally , b Daily except Sunday.
PORT Railroad-Omaha. Kun-
Ban City & Eastern RuJJ.
ARTHUR oad. VTnp , 1'ort Arthur
- Ticket Ofllce.
ROUTE , 1415 Farnam Street Tel-
ephone. 32. , Depot Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
Leave. Arrive.
St. LoJg Cannon Ball
Exp ess . a 4:50 : pm a 8:15 : ara
Kansas City and Qulncy
Locai . a 6.50 am a 8:39 : pm
r nal.v
fit. Paul Railway city
Ticket Ofllce. J504 Farnam
BtrceL ) Teltphone. DB-
K. ° \ - Te"th and Mason St *
elephone , C28.
_ . . , Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex..a 5 IS pm a 8.20 am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bU90 ; am b 1:6 : } pm
Bloux City & Deb Molnes
Kxpreus . . . . . . . . . . . bll.OO am b 3:63 : pm
u Dolly , b Dally exccut Sunday ,
a Dally
road General Offices am
Ticket Offices Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douelas sts
Telephone , 104. Depot , 1611
and Webster Sts. Telephone
. . , - „ , . . Leave. Arrive.
Bt. Louis-Kansai &
Neb. Llmlt-rt a J.OO pm alSS : pm
K U. Bl , L. Express . .a 9.60 pm a 6:00 : an
Nebraiki Local Vie
Weeplnf Water. . . . . . .b 6:00 : pm b 9:45 : ara
a Dal y. b Dally except Sunday.
w A n A B fi HAILROA'D"
Ticket Ofllce , 1415 Farnam
Btreet. Telephone , K92. Do
pot , Tenth ami Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
61. Lculs "Canon Ball"
Exprem . . , , , . , , , , , , , , , , 4:60 : pra a JU : ara
a DalU.
OF TIII : nn vzos.
AMiltf ( Jlrl \\lin ItlnUp.l llpf MM In
* n\r tiilnrril 1'oiiplo.
The heroine of the Hrnios river flood * In
TPIs Mls Ida drav th br vo slrl whet
t > \ \ ocloen \ ncgrofg fiom being wAPhCi ) oft
an Island anil drowned , sdj-d the St l oul *
1V ) I-Dispatch. She forced A host three
tulles ] through the pcrllou * . torrents and
, reached ( the knoll on which thpie hapless
iblniks ' ! hnd been drhen , took them infely
birk tn the mainland and gnve them ihcltcr
i on hrr father's farm ,
! The Gray fnrm lie * about six mllrs from
HnlleyUlle. on the west side of the HMZ B
.ther the rlxcr to the en t Is a
' plecp nf rising RrotinJ called Hopkins' Knoll ,
'named ' after n man who used to h\e n
' houoe on the tcp of Itbut moved awnj
i fnioeir , ago because Hot > klns mid the
'country ' was certain to be swept away sojno
day by a Hood , which would drown e\cry-
thing nlUo within 100 miles of the terrible
rl\er He moved to higher climes nnd left
Hopkins' Knoll deserted , n ul some trampi
completed the desolation of the plnci a few
months Inter bj setting fire to the house and
burning the top of thn knoll smooth.
Between Hopkins' Knoll ntld the home ol
Mi Orn.v the heroine of the floods. Is n dls-
tHiiro of three miles On thtf afternoon of
July 6. when the fur > of the mistily Itriuns
wns renehliiR lt height. Miss Orny ntood In
the iloor of the fnrm hou e. wntchltiB the
hnxoe of wrrck ami water floating by like n
\nst sheet of earth's surface MldliiR out of
place , with all Its human freight MoiimlcrltiK
upon It The Orn > s wpie secure on their
le\atcd domain , 'but ' could not rest for the
wftil tragedj nature was enacting Jmt out-
lilp their door The flood wni pftsulng within
quarter of n mile of their vantage ground ,
hree of the Oia > boS were a ny on ro'lef
xpeilltlum , and Ma , the only daughter , wa
t home , alone with her ngcJ father nnd
lother , who were po\\erlrw > to aid any one.
Suddenly thn girl's \olce drew the old poole -
le ftotn a window at the other end of the
onset with the ery. "Hopkins' knoll la
10\\dotl with people , and the fixer IB wash-
tig them away ! " The old people hurried to
lie door and peered through the field
which the Rlrl nxcltcdly held out to
hem H was true enough. The Knoll was
ll\o with dark objects which were easily
nndu out to bo human beings , with hero
nd there a different shape , which told of
he fortune of some horse or cow in trlk-
this point of temporary refuge In Its
wcei > down the lelcntlcas ctirront.
Ida ( Irnj Is a sturdy girl of 18. Slid has
lert , bright e > cs and a Hrm mouth , which
ell > ou now how she must lm\o looked when
ho Idea of navlnff those belcagucrel
N retches on Hopkins' knoll first flnsheJ
tcross her ml ml. Without going bask for
icr hat , she HUI out through the garden
ind niailo for the river.
The Gray bo > s are fond of bontlng and
iho knew she would be likely to find n beater
or two at the water's edge. They always
lad an assortment at hand. The three test
ones were gone when she got there , but she
'omul one that might answer her purpose.
: t was a large , ancient affair , with an ab
sence of oarlocks and nn air of Incomplete-
less In general which would have dctorrcJ
he girl from venturing out In It under or
dinary circumstances ; but these ere not
ordinary circumstances , nnd the fact that It
was nny kind of a boat nt all was too for-
unate ft reality to bo questioned. She
Iragged the heavy oars out from the bottom
of the craft , untied the rope , sprang In nnd
pushed off.
It was a precarious undertaking for nny
two men : for this one slip of a girl It was
lesnerato. The knoll was more than two
nlles away and a current was running
tronq between It and the little boat. Luck-
ly the boat had started from a point some
listance above the knoll nnd could afford to
Irlft down a little In tbo struggle across.
But more luckily jet , there was unusual
strength In those young arms that piled th
oars and a fine determination In the heart
of the girl who was staking her life against
the floods to B.IVO a swarm of strange black
men.Many ( times she narrowly escaped being
run dawn by a pleco of wreckage. Once a
louse nearly swamned her. She Imagined
that , as It passed within six feet of her , ahw
saw n white face nt one of the windows.
The body of a cow bumped against the stern
of tbo boat , whirling It around , The
luckless beast went on down the floodway.
Its sufferlns already over , but Its carcass
still nt the disposal ot the mad waters.
A section of fence cnucht her once and
swept her down until she thought she should
pass the knoll and perhaps bo drowned herself -
self , but she pushed clear of It with nn oar
nnd kept on In dogged patience , with her
face over turned toward the atrange negroes
BIO was going to save.
When she wad half way ncross the ne
groes saw her. Probably the purpose of her
heroic voyage among the drlftwreck did not
strike nt once Into their da/eil minds. They
were too full of the horror of their Impend-
In" fate to Imaslne that the white girl out
there In tbo midst of the sea-flood could
have anything to do with them. It was only
when they had seen her a number of limed ,
nlwuju bearing toward them , that the moie
composed of them began to understand that
she was coming < o land on the knoll. Then
they set up a shout-and fell on their kneei.
The brave girl's Intention was finally
clear to them. How they niust hflvo won
dered ! Was It powslblo that for their
takes thin pretty girl In tfto approaches
cocklcBliell was bieaatlnR the dangers of
the flood and putting her precious life at
naught ? . It miwt have been difficult for the
colored refugees to believe , They danced
In an amayement of Joy as eho steadily drew
near , nnd would have rushed down to meet
her If the water had not hemmed them up
on the \ery top of the knoll nnd left them
no further room to move In. She got there
Just in time. The wnter would have car
ried the eleven men away in another hour.
Already it wan lapping their feet In coaxIng -
Ing little wavelets , hungry to gurgle In
their cant and sing them to the death
sleep , The boat swept right up and bumped
against their shlnn. It wn caught by a
Bcoro of hnndfl and cihmbercd Into by eleten
of the most grateful nnd surprised negroes
that were over Introduced to the whlta
man's epirlt of bravery.
The rescue was not completed yet. It
would bo ah ordeal to take the boat back
again with its heavy cargo. The girl wa
not ofiaured that the negroes eould help her.
They answered the question In her eyed by
Inking the onw out of lier imnds and bid
ding her to tnako herself ns comfortable as
fihe could whllo they pulled the boat to
'land. ' Bhe told them which way to go , and
they put the strength of four brawny arm *
Into the strokes as they bcut up against the
flood and stood off for thn trip ,
Mr , and Mrs , Gray , watching from their
doorway , nt first saw thu bout , with their
daughter fiido away Into the alilmmcr of the
flood , aw the black objects on the knoll
disappear an hour later , saw a black man *
moving slowly nthwart the sweep of water
until U grew Into a boat with people In It ,
and finally saw that It was their daughter' *
boat , with their daughter In the bow and
the robcued black * lined up behind her ,
They bad a rousing flro ready In the open
fireplace when the bedraggled party cwnu
dripping Into the house , led by the heroine
of the Bratos floods , The uegroca were
warmed nnd fed to their heartu * content and
provided with a place In which to upend the
remaining flood daya on the Gray farm. As
for Ida Gray , she Is becoming- known all
the way between llnlleyvllle and Dallas as
the heroine of the Brazes floods and such
she IB likely to remain In the affections of
the colored population of Texas for many
years to come.
Irritating ttltigs , bites , scratches , wounds
and cuts soothed and healed by DeWltt'i
Witch Hazel fialvo a sure and uaf appllca.
lion for tortured flesh. Dew are of counUr-