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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1899)
THE OMAHA DATLY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 1899. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn , the Big Market on the Chicago Exchange , in a Heavy Decline. V/HEAT / SUFFERS FROM LACK OF DEMAND Out * Hull niul Stenilr In Spite of AVoiKiicKN lit Uliicr t.rnlnn 1'riivlxlniiN "Were Very IrroKiilnr. CHICAGO , .Aiiff. l.-Corn was tlio biff market on 'Ghanfio today , extremely favor able crop roporls causing liquidation that vrna heavy enough to cut SSio olt previous prices. "Wheat sufforc < l from lack of cash demand and lost B'Sjic. Oats closed ' /do luwor. 1'roviKlons closed lutlier weak but u shmlo higher. I'roitounucxl dullness was praotloally the only feature of wheat from the opening un. Ill within three-quarters of an hour of the close. During that tlmo the rnnffo of prlct-fl was but ye , and for Ions periods the lilt wna hnflf deserted , traders going to pro visions and corn , where more uativJty was apparent. The opening was rather weak at decline , September starling lower at C9&G9a ! It advanced aliortly nfter the opening 'to ' C0c , out soon fell back to opening prlcc-H and until after noon kept within that range , l/ttlo long liquidation was mrtlcoablo during the morning and iil- thoux'h news n.s a nile was bearish , the nb- unro of welllnfj ] > res. uru prevented any material decline. Cables were lower , but did not ittuiw the det'llnu expecUid. HeXrts | from the Hirlng wheat country indicated a lurgo crop and the w eat her was favorable for the grain. Northwvst receipts were light , Minneapolis and Dili nth reporting 206 cum , against & 2 ears last week , and S2 cars 1 1. year ago. Chicago receipts were 112 cars , nix of contract grade. Lilttla now wheat was reported < unioiiK the arrivals. Total receipts at preliminary Jiolnts were 840.01A ) bu. , com- l > arcd with u'x'.tWO bu. a year ago. Atlantic jiort c/learanccD / Of wheat and flour amounted 16 515,000 T > u. lirudtftroet'n report on the visible supply , duo about hoon , had a tend ency to rc.sirlot trading In the morning , as a bearish report 'Waa ' apprehended. This sur- Tnlso proved to bo correct , the decraauo be ing put at only XM,0 > M , against 5,711,000 bu. a year ago. About 12:30 : the almost complete ubHencu of c sh demand , both hero and at outsldo . points , apparently tmprxused the Im1ln with the futility ot longer holding tnoir wheat and a nquiaaiing movement was sliwited whloh grew decidedly 'heavy ' as t'ho Hes-Mon' ' drew to a close. The weakness Hhown by corn aotexl as a spur to the dis trusted longs and Itvrgo quantities of long wheat oamo out on the decline. Previous to the noon hour > Uio Soptwnber prlco had touched CDTiifTOc on a moderate amount of buying , prlncVi > a1ly by shorts , but It de clined rapidly under the liquidation * and ( ihorlly before thu close touched 6Dc. The close waa wisik ait 69'/Bo oellers. Corn wtoa wink and at times active. Re ports from the corn belt Indicated a large crop. 'Mils and continued favorable weather hnd largo receipts , & 81 cars , started im- jK > rtant outside liquidation. Local longs joined the soiling movement IMer and prices from "Wo to SO-'Jic , and closed ri0iQ ; lower lat 3030',4c. ' Oats were dull , but steady. In spite of weakness of other grains. There was a fair ex-i > ort demand at the seaboard and cnoug-h buyers of September to keep the iprlco steady most of the session. Receipts were 'heavy ' , CM cars. Contract stocks , as a result of the July deal , showed an increase of 031,000 bu. for the week. September iainged from 19o to 13' c and closed Vac Jower at IDc. 1'rovlslons were Irregular. Tlie market > was strong early and advanced sharply on the mare favorable reports of the yellow fovcr conditions In tlio noutli. Ixiter the bieak In the grain markets started llqiildu- tlon under which nearly all the advance was lost. TlVio close was barely steady. September i > orlc , 2c higher at J3.27Vi. Sep tember lard , 2'ic higher at $5.25 and Septem ber ribs utuAmnged at $1.90. Estimated receipts "Wednesday : "Wheat , Kfi cars ; cnen , 350 cars ; oats , 310 cars ; hogs , 21,000 'head. ' futures ranged ns followa : Artlclon Upuu. lllBli. Low. Clone. Yca'dy. GOK-70 GO G9X 71H < * 5i 72 71 MM if * 74k 74 74 30 30 S8M 10 10H IP 10 1UH , 21 fi-13 862 827h 825 8 40 847H 830 83C 830 C 2 630 f W 625 C37W C30 G30 6 27H 490 400 400 400 4U7 405 405 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows : 1'iiOUJl Market steady ; patents , $3.45 ® 3.55 ; straights , J3.X ( > S3a5 ; clears , I2.SOO3.10 ; up ring upucialB , $4,00 ; hard pat nta , | J.50 < T ( ) 3. CO ; soft patents , $3.30(33.40 ( ; straights , $3.00 ( ff'3.10 ; bakers , $2.4002.60. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 67&c ; No. 3 Bprlng , t75JG'J : > i < ' ; No. 2 rod , 70ii70',4u. COUN No. 2 , S0'fcc ; No. yellow , 30-ic. OATS No. 2. SJii35c ; No. 3 white , 214 ® CHc. : . lltYK No. 2. C2c. UAULBY No. 2 , 34f } < ! Cc. SKKDS Flax , No. 1 , 8GVQ97c ; northwest , $1.00 ; southwest , 7c ; September. U5ic ; Oc tober , yyfas ; December , 9Gc. Timothy , prime , .42'/ji-.4J ? ; August , W.50 ; September , $2.42 ; October , $2.12',4. O4ovcr , contract grade , $0.50. J'llOVISIONS-OIess pork , per bbl. , $7.C3 { ( ) 8.2u. Lard , ver 100 Ibs. , $5.10QC.'J3. Short ribs sides flooso ) , $1.8005.15. Dry salted Bhoulders ( boxed ) . * 3.50fi3.C2V2. Short clear ttldos ( boxed ) , $3.15B0.20. WlllSICV ' Distillers' llnlshed goods , per Bill. , $1.26. SUOAUS Cut loaf , $0.02 ; granulated , $5.50. Following arc the receipts and shipments ; Articles. Itccelpts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 18,000 13,000 Wheat , bu . 8S.OOO000 Corn 'bl ' . 520,000 633.000 Oats , bu . b'JO.OOO 177,000 llye. .bu . . 7,000 . Bnrlcy , bu . 'J.OOO . On the Produce exchange , today the but ter market was linn ; creameries , 13'Mfl7c ; dairies , 12iflj ! c. Cheese , steady , S9i < U9c. Eggf , linn ; fresh , llV a Dressed poultry , steady ; turkeys , "HrGS' ' c ; chickens , ducks , SijlOc. \ii\v YMitic ( ; IMUAI. i ( luiitiitlniiM for tlu > Day on Vnrlnii * Ciiiuiniidtlli'H. NEW YORK , Aug. L li'LOUn-Recelpts , 32,331 bbls. ; exports , 21,4tS bbls. ; weak and fully lOc lower to sell ; winter patents , $3.COj { > 3.05 ; winter straights , $3.30773.45 ; Minnesota patents , $3.7033.85 ; Minnesota bakers , S''JCKff 3.1Q ; winter extras , $2.40fl2.S9. Kyo iiom. ( weak ; good to fair , $2.90ij'3.10 ; cholcu to fancy , $3.104/3.30. CO .N.MU\VL Weak ; yellow western , 72(0 ( > 73c ; city , 74c. IlYE Kaaler ; No. 2 weatcrn , WJJc f. o. b. , nlloat , spot. ItAKIJiY-QuIot ; foodlng. S7Hc e. J. f. . lUiltalo ; malting , 4Gc , delivered In New York. HAHM3Y MALT Quiet ; western , CSGCoc. WHEAT Itccelpts , 83,250 bu. ; exports , 120,873 bu. ; spot weak ; No. 2 red. 'SUo f. o. b. nlloat , upot ; No. 1 northern , Duliith , 7CHo f. o. b. ntlont , spot ; No 1 hard , Du- lutli , We t. o. b , nlloat , to arrive ; No. 2 red , 7JHc , elevator. Options opened weuk and void off through > tlio Inlhu-nce of disappoint ing cables , supplemented by continued excellent - collent crop news from thu northwest. A brief rally at midday on the decrease in world's stocky preceded a second shiirp drop duo to liquidation and the market closed weak and unsettled at ' , so net de cline ; September. 74fi-lGif75o ; closed , 741,0 ; December. 7CViQ773-lCc ( ; closed , 7Cl.c. ( C'OUN Receipts. 213,000 bu. ; exports , Bl- 434 bu , ; epot weak ; No , 2 , 30Ho f. o. b. bid ; Xfiic , elovutor. Options opened easier at Uo deellno owlnx to bearish -home crop new * and under steady liquidation declined all day In the face oC a good export trade ; closed weak at Ho net decline ; September , 337-10J3tO | : closed , 35Ho ; December , 31 © 35o ; closed , 3l4c. OATS Receipts. 200,900 bu. : exports , 23,013 bu , ; spot quiet ; No. 2 , 27c : No , 3 , 20o ; No. s white. 89tf : No. 3 white , 271io ; track , mixed western , : KQ2SHc ; track white , 2SffJ5e ; track state. UMrSio. Options quiet. KE13IJ Hauler ; bran , $ H&OifU,75 ; mid- illlnjf. $10.00 : city. $ l .Oo6lC.5 JIAY ICasy ; shipping , KQCOc ; good to cl.olce. 7Bll 5c. HOI'S Q"I ° t ; state , common to choice ' WW orop. &Slc1887. \ . llOISc ; 1S33 , lGG17c ; I'.i- 'cillc coa-st , IbSd crop , Cine ; 1637 , HOlSo ; 1S9S , HIDES Firm ; Galveston , 20 to 25 Ibs lCU ii7o ; Texas dry. "I to. 30 Ibs. , 12'iOl3c ; Ciillfornla. 21 to 26 Ibs. . 17Vic. LEAT1UOH Steady ; hemlock eole , Huenoa Ayres , light to lieavywelghts , SlJf'iio ; acids. 21Wfi' c. I > UOVJSIONS--Beef , quiet ; family , $9.50 ® . extra mf a , J9 00 ; betf hams. < o , t > n. kf' $ i.CO' i'Wi rity extra India moss , $ iiK"jj"0 ( ' ( ut imstc. . dy , pick- I'd bollix , $8.niVii7o' ' ) ; pl < klf ' 1 shoulders" , $8.00 ; pickled hams. JlO.SO-u - 11.00. I nrd , t.iy ! western fiteime < l olosM at $5.50 ; July cloned at $ r. . < w. nominal ; renned , ntondy ; continent , $5,75 ; South America , $6.3S ; compound , fl.x7',4fl6.oo. 1'ork. nrm ; me ! * , $9.6" " > H10.00 ; short clear , $10.26911.75 : fnmlly , * 10.5W11.00. Tallow , nrmcr and Hrtlvc ; city , 4Hr ; country. 3HU8HC- HUTTER Rcrelpts. 13.M2 pkgs.j steady ; western creamery , 15 ? 18c ; fresh factory , llRMc ; factory , 14771l' ' c. CHEESE Receipts , 8.7M pkfi" . ; nrm ; large white , Olio ; small white , 9V4c ; largo colored , 9Uc ; small colored , 9l4c. EGOS Receipts , 12,653 pkgs. ; Irregular ; western , loffluUc. POTATOES-Qulct ; fair to prime. $1.001 ? 1.50 ; fancy. $1.7&y2.25 ; southern sweets , $3.60 RICE-FIrm ; domestic , fair to extra , "He.MOLASSES MOLASSES Firm : New Orleans open kpttle. good to choice , 32 < t3Ge. FHEKSHTS-Qulet ; cotton by steam , 15c , nominal ; grain by steam , 2Hc. . _ . , rm IRON Firm ; southern , $17.50320.60 ; northern , $18.00E2l.CO. _ O.UAII.V ( jn.M'.IlAI , MAHKI3T. Condllloii cif Trndo and QnnlntlotiH on Snil < > niul l"niny ! I'rodiiuc. EOaS-Oood stock. lOc. IIUTTEH Common to fair. 11012c ; choice , ISfflJc ; separator , 18iJ19c ; gathered cream ery , 1C5J17C. 1'OUL.THY Hens , live , 74c ; spring chickens , Ilffil2c ! ; old and staggy roosters , live , 34f/Gf ! ; ducks and geese , live , 6ij < JV4c ; turkeys , live , Sc. JMGEON3 Live , per doz. , 75cSn.OO. VEALS Choice , 9c. VEGETAHLES. WATERMELONS Southern , crated for shipment , 17Ci'lSc. ' CANTALOUl'E Per crate , Jl.WJTl.fiO ; ibasket , 70t/75c. TOMATOES Per -1-hasket crate , BOJKoc. 1'OTATOES New potatoes , 30S400 per bu. CUCU.MHERS-Per doz. , .TOc. CELERY Per doz. , 30c. FRUITS. ULUEBERRIES Per 3qt. . case , $1.75. HLACKUERRiES-Per i'1-qt. case , $2.76 ® 3.0U. J'LUMS-Callfornla , per crate , $1.401.80. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Early craw- fords , $1.00'yl.lO per box ; Susquehannas , $1.10 per box. APPLES-d'er bbl. , $2.00S2 5. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORAXOES-'Califoriiia Valcnclas. $5.00. LEMONS California fancy , $ l.5g4.75 ; Messina , fancy , $ j.00ij5.25. UANANAri Choice , crated , largo stock. per bunch , $2.50Q2.7G ; medium-sized bunches , $2.00j2.2S. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7Uc ; No. 2 green hides , ti'.ic ; No. 1 salted hides , 8V c ; No. 2 salted 'hides ' , 7'c ' ; No. 1 veal 'calf , S tti ] 2 llks. , lOc ; No. B veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . Sc. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 3' < .c ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; routh tall'ow ' , lV4c ; white grease , 2JiSJ3c ; yellow and brown gtease , Ui&S&c. SUEEP PKLTS Green salted , each , 15B 75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , > c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , Do ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4(8&c ( ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3ft Ic ; dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 44iSc ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3/Qlc. / St. I , oiil * Grain ami ProviNlonn. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 1. WHEAT Lower : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , C9)sc ; track , C9'/4if70c ( ; August , iiac ; September , -COWc ; December , 72 > , fcc ; No. 2 hard , GSQ'eDc ; receipts , 73,359 bushels. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track , 32c ; August , 29ic ; September , 'J9ic ; December , 2 ,0 : May , 2Sc. OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , SO'.Ao ; track , 21 < tf21''C ; August , 20V > c : September , 1914c ; May , 'lic ; No. 2 white. 23V4&2GC. ItYE Firm at 53c for new. F1XJUR Dull , lower to noil. SEEDS Timothy seed , dull , $1.7502.25 for old ; $2.40:82.50 : for new. Flaxseed. 93c. CORNMEAL Steady , $1.75j l.SO. 1311AN Dull ; sacked lO'ts ' , east track , 57fiTuSc. H'AY ' Firm ; tlmotliy , $ S.OO@13.00 ; prairie , . . WlHSKY-Strtidy. $1.2ff. IRON COTTONTIES Firm , 90c. 13AGGING-Steady , C5T 9ic. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 7i4c ; young , 9H010c ; turkeys , Sc ; young , 15c ; ducks , C ® . UUTTER QuloL ; creamery , 15J18c ; dairy , 125llac. EGGS Qulot at PC , PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , quiet ; boxed shotildeiv , $5.25 ; extra shorts , $5.25 ; clear ribs , $5.3714 ; clear sides , $5.50. Bacon , quiet ; boxed shoulders , $5.75 ; extra shorts , $5.87 < 45tO.OO ; clear ribs , $5.S7i40.00 ; clear sides. $ G.12'A. RiQCBlPliS Flour , 2,000 bu. ; wheat , 79,000 bu. ; corn , 01.000 bu. ; oats , 3G.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 11,000 Int. ; wlieat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 19,000 bu. ; oats' ' , 10,000 bu. lu Available Stippllcn. NEAV YORK , Aug. 1. Special cable and telegraphic advices to Bradstreet's show the following changes in available supplies , as compared with last week : Wheat , United States and Canada , east of Rockies , decrease , 632,000 bu. Liverpool Corn Trnda News : Afloat for and In Europe , 200,000 bu. Total mipply de crease , 252,000 ibu. Corn , United States nnd Canada , east of Rockies , decrease , 2,91S(00 bu. Oats , UnltPd States and Canada , cast of Rockies , decrease , 427,000 bu , Among more Important decreases In wheat stocks not given In the olllclol visible sup ply statement are those of 570.000 bu. at Manitoba storage points. 217,000 bu. at Chicago cage private elevators , 100,000 bu. at north western Interior elevatorss 84,000 bu. at Depot harbor and 50,000 bu. at Minneapolis private elevators. The principal Increases are those of 05,000 Uu. at Dallas , 05,000 bu. at ( Louisville and 50.000 'bu. at Fort Worth. The aggregate" stock of wheat held at .Portland , Ore. , and Tacoma and Seattle , Wash. , increased 109.000 bu. last week. KaiiNiiN CIO' drain anil 1'rnvlxlniin. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 1. WHEAT Sep tember. ( B'i.c ; December. G4e ; cash , ' No. 2 hard , CVAJieSc ; No. 3 , COlfC2Vtc ( ; No. 2 red , C75 i ! > c ; No. 3. C20COc ; receipts , 201 cars. CORN September. 2Cc ; December , 24'c ; cash , No. 2 mixed , 2SUc ; No. 2 white , 29 No , 3. 2Sc. OATH N'o.2 white. SafiMc. RYE No. 2. 60c. ' HAY Choice timothy , $7.50 ; chloce prai rie. $ S. UUTTER-Creamcry. llWlGHc : dairy , lie. EGGS Market steady ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , llrsts. S'.AC. cases returned. RECEIPTS Wheat , 120.COO bu , ; corn , 29- 20 < ! bu. ; oats , 12,003 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 01,000 bu. ; corn , 72- 100 bu. ; oats , 1.000 bu. Liverpool Grain nnd ProvlnloiiM , LIVERPOOL , Aug. l.-PROVISIONS-Ba- con , Cumberland cut , easy , 32s. Short ribs , steady , 31s ; long middles , clear light , 31s ; long middles , heavy , 30s Cd ; clear bellies , 32s. Lard , American refined , In palls , dull , 2Ss ; primp western. In tierces , dull , 27s 3d. Wl TEAT SI n > t No. 2 red western winter , dull. &H fid : No. 1 nnrl'hprn spring , dull , 5s lou.d ; No. 1 California , W UdiJJOg 3d. Firnre.s Htpndv ; September , 6s SUd ; December - comber , 5s 6d. i'iji < N Spot American mixed new , steady , 3s S' ' il ; spot American mixed , old , quiet , 3s 41Jd. Futures steady ; September , 3s 3 id ; October , 3s 4Ud. Sloi-UH of Uralii In I.lvorpool. LIVERPOOL. Aug. Followlnpr are tlio stocks of breadstufts ana provisions in Liverpool : Flour , 112,000 sacks ; wheat , 2.0SC.OOO centals ; corn , SO.MXxl centals , uacon , 17.300 boxes ; hams , I.COO boxes ; shoulders , l.UW boxes ; butter , 9.900 packages ; cheese , 4SSOO boxes ; lard , 41,300 tU-rccn. Followlns iuro the stocks of wheat and corn In store nnd on quays ( railway and canal depots not Included ) : Wheat , 161,000 centals ; corn , 879,000 centals. Receipts of wheat during the Oast three days , 311,000 centals , including 220,000 Americans ; re- rolpts corn lat three dn > , 153,200 centals. Weather brilliant. ToliMlo Market. TOLEDO , O. . Aug. 1. WHEAT-Lower ; No. 2 cash , 70Vic bid ; September. 71V&C bid. CORN Dull and steady ; No. . mixed. 33c. OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , new. 20o. JtYK Unchanged : No. 2 cash , Ko bid. SEEDS Clover , dull and steady ; prime cash , $3.90 ; October , $1.45. .tlliiiiriiiiiillN Wlu-iit MINNEAI OLIS , Aug. I. WHEAT In store : No. 1 northern , August. G7c ; Septem ber , 65-Vio ; December , C7ljo. On track. No. 1 bard , CS' c ; No. 1 northern , 67V4c ; No , 2 , C0'lc. ' , FLOUR AND RRAN Unchanged , MllivauUru drain Mnrkrl. MILWAUKEE , Auc 1. WHEAT-Ix > wer ; No. 1 northern , 7U&ff72t&o ; No. 2 northern , 705i70V4c. RYE I ewer ; No. 1. 51Ue. BARLEY Dull : No. 2 , 40o ; sample , 33Q39c. I'lillndi-llilila Produce Alarl.-ft. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 1 BUTTER I'Trm : fair dentmul ; fancy western cream- cry. 18V c fancy western i > rlnt , 21c. EGGS Steady , fair dejjiandj fresh near- fcy. " 4c ; fresh western , I3tj''il4c ; fresh southwestern , ISe , souil rn , lo-ilK ntELsiK- Firmer , Nivv Yo.k iicnmery , fancj' . IKW , 9 t < 9 4i New York creamery , fair to choice , new , vv i9V . Ohio llat- > , fancy , 7-c ; Ohio fl its , fair TO good , ' MOV13MMXTS ( P STOCKS AM > IIOMJS , Sprcnlntlon nprnn .Slronm 1m < a Sliarp X'EW YORK , Aug. 1. Today's stock mar ket begnn strong , but the Bullish Bentlmcnt became exhausted nnd the close was lower thnn last night's. The declines extended to n. | x > lnt each In Burlington nnd Pennsylva nia nnd from 1 to 2 points In the lending industrials. . Soon after the opening realiz ing snles were made on a large scale , operators taking advantage of heavy com mission hoit > demand to take the profits anndo on the recent rise. The outsldo buying and the realizing popmod about equally balanced for a tlmo but the weight of the selling proved too miifh for the market to carry and prices if railroads gnvo way. The softness of IMP market moved the professional operators to turn to the rhort side , after having realized and they ottncked values vigorously In , the afternoon , wiping out practically all the gains in the specialties nnd carrying the rallronds generally a sharp fraction below Inst night. There were some isolated stocks which maintained their strength throughout the day , notably the Chicago Great Western IRSUPS , Colorado & Southern , and Chicago & Eastern Illinois , which rose from n frac tion to 3 jc. The strong Juno statements by Atrhlson and Union Pacific were without marked prreo.t. Rates for oill money today were marked up. to 4V4 per cent In the afternoon. Cheap 'money ' does not appear nearer than It did n. inonlh ago , as Ix > ndon and the continent are evidently counting on borrowing the credits to be established by the coming ex port movement. The calling home of these credits would , It poems probable , result In sales of pecurltlcs rather than shipments of gold , which the Bank of England li still buying In the open market , and from Germany. London bought quite freely of Ktocks In New York today and exchange bll'ls against future grain shipments con tinued In large supply. There has also been a sharp faW In exchange on Paris this week nnd today sterling exchange In Paris rose l'i centimes. Banks in other cities have been largo lenders In New York and have drawn on their depoMts in Now Yurk banks for the purpose. This operation rc-ditces the possl- Wlltle-s of further strain on New York banks through Interior demand to move the crops. But for the moment It makes Increased de mands upon them nnd does not offer much rellof to the local money situation. Standard Rope Incomes , Fort Worth & Denver City llrsts , nnd Oregon Short Line Incomes showed -strength. Otherwise the , bond market was ateadv. Total sales , nar ! Kii I'liiiiiii-lal , LONDON , Aug. 1. American securities opened better and Improved somewhat , but later cased off and closed steady. The settlement - tlement absorbs the attention of members. The amount of bullion taken into the Rank of England on balance today was 200,004. Gold at Iluenos Ayres. 114.70. HERLIN , Aug. 1. On the bourse today prices were llrm. Rank shares were stimu lated by the strength of Austrian credits and mine shares were Jn demand , owing to the excellent position of Industries. Span ishIs nnd Italian securities were Inquired for on Paris account. Northern Paclllcs ad- v uucxl , Kxi-h mco on Ixmdort , 20 marks Co ; . piVs fur . hooks. HlANKKOKT Auff. 1. PrK-ttS were good on thu buiirso today Spanish 4s ivero hitfTicr anil American securities nnd local shares wenllrm. . PARIS. Aug. 1. Prices commenced strong on the bourse today , rentes ami Spanish 4s ndvinielng. Liter , however , on realizations. n reaction et In nnd the market closed dull , rspMnlly for Rio Tlntos , which were. affected owing to the substantial Increase In the visible supply of t-opp" . Knlllrs started well , but llnlshed easier. 4 p. in. Three per cent rentes , lOOf 2Ec for the nc- count. Exchange on Ixmdon. 25f 25c for cherkf. Sivnnlsh ! ! closed at fil.45. UUEXOS AYRKS , Aug. l.-Gold was quoted today at 115.SO. \IMV VnrU > NEW YORK , Aug. 1. The following are the closing quotations for mining shares : Hunk rlriirlnitn. NEW YORK , Aug. 1.-Clearlngs , $1SS97- 170 ; balances , $13,537,234. ROSTON , Aug. l.-Clcarlngs , t23,223B2S ; balances , JI.SGI.CS5. HALTIMOUB. Aug. l.-Clcarlngs , J2.559- 791 : balanre. , J2SS.239. PHILAIIELPHIA Aug. l.-Clearlngs , J15- C22.157 ; balance. ' , J2.KH.3I8. ST. LOflS , Aug. l.-CIenrlngs , JI.9I1.CII ; balances. JSfii.103 ; money , active , 4fi7 per cent , but chiefly 6 per cent ; exchange on New York , par bid , lOc premium asked. CHICAGO. Aug. l.-ClearliiRS , $21,301.129 ; balances , J3,033,3Slj New York exchange , 20c discount ; posted rntesOV.S5fi4.SS. foinlltloii of the TrciiNiiry. WASIIIXOTON. Aug. 1. Today's state ment > of 1he condition of the > treasury shows : Available oa. h balance , $27-1,811.167 ; gold re serve , $215,231,513. Cutdin > lurkot. NE\V OIltiKANS. Aug. 1. COTTON Quiet ; salra , GSO bales ; ordinary , 311-lfic ; good ordlnnry , 4 3-lCc ; low middling. 4 15-lGc ; m ddllng 5V ; good niMdling , G7-lCe ; mid dling fair. 013-liio ; receipts , SO hales ; stock , 14ii02 bales. Cotton futures , quiet and steady ; August , Ji.31 bid ; September , fu 'middling. ' 64c ; sales. none receipts . 1i 1 < -i : "hhunents , 171 bales ; stock , 69,520 i NEW YORK , Aug. 1. COTTON-Few 1 . . . L-- n I'-tinahrio had or- der.silun the market opened 'this morning nnd throughout the session DuslncM of any description came In very slowly. Room operators were not In a mood to push out new risks inasmuch as news from AbiKVid and crop centers did not warrant aggressive action In either direction. The market opened quiet tut an advance of 1 point to a decline of 1 point nnd after llticUiatlng wtthlu a range of 3 points , closed qulot and steady , net linclianged to 1 point higher. Knowledge that the fever had gained a foothold in t'hc ' routh tended to make Investors cautious and weaken transactions on the part of t'ho ' profos- sloniiil contingent. Crop news was unques tionably good on the average , Texas in formation belnw ospeclaHly fine. The weekly crop and weather statement by the govern ment was about as looked for. and there fore made little stir In the market. En llsh cables were suanmed up as of little conse- qucnca for or against the m ' ' LIVERPOOL , Aug. 1. COTTON Spot quiet ; prices unchanged. Middling , S-'Hid. Sales of the day were 7,000 bales , of which GOCI were for speculation and export , nnd In- "cluded G,9rt ) American. Receipts , 3.000 , In cluding 1,700 American. Fuiiircs opened and closed quiet. American middling , 1. m. c. , August. 319-CI0310-Gld sellers ; August- September , 3 1S-G4T(3 19-C-ld sellers ; Septem ber-October , 31'-ClffS lS-G4d sellers ; Octo- oe-November , 3 lG-G4d buyers ; November- Dece-ntber - , December-January , January- May-.luneV 3 lS-d ) 'sellers ; " June-JuTy , 3IS-G4JJ 319-C4d buyur ? Wool Mitrkct. ST. IXUrS , Aug. 1. WOOL Buyers pres ent for all descriptions , but line medium ami better grades are in most request. The movement Is c'hlefly In northern and west ern and Texas growth. Prices unchanged. BOSTON , Aug. 1. WOOL The wool mar ket sh-cnvs a strong position and nil condi tions are { avpiMble for prices being sus tained. The .j4pa .have been considerable , although not so .heavy as the two previous weeks. Territory Hyaol holds nrm and good wools on theVsoourcd basis are. selling at 61 cents for' fmo medium and line , with the range above this llgure for line medium and line. Fleece wools are feeling tlie strength of tho" market , although sales have. been small. Ohio XX and above Is quoted ait 31f32c. ( Australian wools are nearly cleared up anl ( prices are nominal in the absence of supplies. Following are the quo tations for leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania fleece , X and above , 26iU29c ; XX nnd above , 315T32c ; delaine , 33c ; No. 1 combing , 32QC3c ; No. 2 combing , 31@32c. Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. : X illchlgeji , 24 ( $ 25c ; No. 1 Michigan comWng , SOiJfOlc ; No. 2 combing , 2JT80c ; No. 1 Illinois comblritr , 31 < fT32c ; No. 2 combing. 29Q30c : X New York , New Hampshire and Vermont , 2JBC4c ; No. 1 New York , New Hampshire and Vermont , 2M330c ; delaine , Michigan , 30c. Unwashed , medium , etc. : Kentucky and Indiana qi-artor-blO'Od combing , 23S24c ; three-eighths blood , 245T2CC ; Missouri quarter-blood combIng - Ing , 21Tiff2c ( ; three-eighths "blood , 22 ( f23c ; lake and Georgia , 215JC2C , Territory wools : Montana and Dakota line medium and line , IGfrlSc ; scoured. SO'uKc ; staple , 55057c ; Utah and Wyoming fine medium and line , ICiflSc ; scoured , COc ; staple. K GSc ; Idaho fine me dium and line , lG17c ; scoured , 5052c : Aus tralian. scoured basis , conwlng , 74@7 ( > c ; good , 7C77c. Oil LIVERPOOL , Aug. 1. OILS Turpentine spirits , nrm , 32s Gd. OIL CITY , Aug. 1. OILS Credit bal ances , $1.28 ; certificates opened at $1.25 bid for cash ; highest and close , J1.2S bid for cash ; no sales ; shipments , 87,034 bbls. ; av erage , 72,03Sbbls. ; runa , 146,440 bbls. ; aver age. S3.5S7 bbls. ANTWERP , Aug. 1. OILS Petroleum , 19f. paid and sellers. TOLEDO , O. , Aug. ] . OILS North Lima , 93c ; South Lima and Indiana , SSc. NEW YORK , Aug. 1. OILS-Cottonsced , quiet. Petroleum , Jlrm. Rosin , steady. Turpentine , firm , 41'Ku45c. LONDON , Aug. l.-OILS-Calcutta Un seed , spot , 37s Cd. Turpentine spirits , 32s. BREMEN , Aug. 1. OILS-Petroleum , 7m 6pfg. Wcta ! Mnrki-l. NEW YORK. A ur. l.MKTlRThn various phases of today a metal market were of a lews sensational oruei. 'i. . . . . . .i i off some C05J7T > points under an abrupt let-up m demand and lei-is favorable reports from homo nnd foreign markets. Tihe other d.ipurtments were quiet nnd unchanged. At the close the Metal exchange called pig iron warrants unchanged with J15.25 bid an' $15.76 asked ; Lake copper unchanged ut J18.KO : tin dull and unsettled , with J32.CO bid and $32.73 asked ; lead unchanged with $1.6. ) bid and $ i.67V6 nuked ; spelter unchanged at W.OO. The brokers' price for lead is $1.35 tind 'for copper $18.50. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 1. METALS-Lend , quiet at J4.6304.rJ7'i. Spelter , dull at $3.CU. IS'tMV York Dry CJuoilN Market. NEW YORK , Aug. l.-Tho condition In dry goods Is on the whole satisfactory , mall orders being on a good basis. The staple cotton goods market Is- fairly llrm. Brown goods for domeatlc use Is in fairly good shape. Blenched cottons huvo been ordered quite freely In small lots In spite of recent advances. The market for stripes , checks , plaids , cheviots nnd similar lines fhow no change from previous fair conditions. Print goods are quiet In regular lines. The price tone Is well sustained nnd there Is llttlo bidding for cloths on nny basis lower than that of 2ic for extras. The demand for prints continues very nctlve. CollVr NEW YORK , Aug. l.-COKFEE Options opened stHady at unchanged prices and ruled generally dull and featureless all day with rather weak undertone following 'lowtr cables ; heavy Brazilian receipts , Rinall ; warehouse deliveries nnd slack ex port demand. There was no outside ppecu- lativo Interest to speak of ; closed steady nnd unchanged. Salts , 4,060 bags , Including September , $1.33 ; December , $ l.aa ; January. $4.45 ; Mnrc-h. $5.00fi5.03. Spot coffee , Rio dull nnd nominal with weak undertone. Mild , qulot and barely steady. MiirkH. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. l. SUGAR Dull ; open kettle , 3 4 ? 4 5-lCe : centrifugal yellow , 4Vfi4e : seconds. 2ii5j4Vic. Molasses Dull ; ctntrifugnl. & & 14e. NEW YORK. Aug. i.-SUGAR-Rnw. strong , with decided upward tendency ; fair refining , 3 15-lGo bid ; centrifugal , W-test. 4Vfeo : molasses sugar , 3 13-iCc bid ; refined , strorur. with good demand. I/ONDOJOAuff. 1. SU'GARS-Raw sugar , centrifuge. 12s 9d. Muscovado , lls Cd. Beet sugiir , Ida 10 4 1. cNti-r ClolliN uiiil MANCHESTER. Aug. l.-Cloths and yarns steady , with a fair demand. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Gornftd Besf Steera in Liberal Supply and Are Soon Sold , CATTLE PRICES ARE A LITTLE STRONGER Market Opptin riflcrn Crnln l.o vcr Itrcnk Wipe * Out ( Inod Share of the Advance nnlncd 111 I.n t Two WceUn , SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 1. Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday . 2,076 2,278 3.301 Oltlclnl Tuesday . 2,781 S.16S 1.3 > 9 Thus far this week . 4.S.Y7 10.4lfi 4.K1 ( Same days last week. . . . 6.0x > 16.043 4,545 S.imo days week before. . G.257 11,320 6,32.1 Same three weeks ago. . 4,533 16OiS 5,931 The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 1 O. & St. L. Ry I Missouri Pnclllc Ry. . 11 13 U. P. system . 40 22 C. & N. W. Ry . 1 F. , E. .t M. V. R. R 16 36 C. , St. P. , St. & O. . . 13 H. & M. R. R. R. . . 22 21 C. , H. & Q. Ry 12 K. C. & St. J. Ry 1 C. , R. I. , t P. Ry. , 15 , C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , W. _ Totnl receipts . . . .US 112 5 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle. Hot : ? Sheep Omaha Packing Co 141 903 O. 11. Hammond Co 319 ! , ; < ! Swift and Company 375 - 927 Cudahy Packing Co 404 2,015 Armour & Co 679 2,0(34 ( Omaha P. Co , , Knn. City KS Cudahy , Knnsns City. . . . 1BG R. Hooker & Degan Bl Vnnsant < t Co 2 Isohmun & Co 149 Huston & Co 1 l lvlngstono & Sclmllcr. . 72 Hamilton Rothschild. . 140 U R Husz 1 McVlcker t Co 5 I Crav Paeklnir r.n Swanton 158 Other buyers 16S . . . . Held over 200 Tolnls 2,761 8,452 1,383 , CATTLE Corn fed beef steers were in lib eral supply this morning. In fnot , a very Inrgo proportion of nil the cattle here con sisted of that kind. The market was In very fair shaps. the demand on the part of local packers being good and the offerings all changed hands early. Practically every thing ' was sold and weighed up by 10 o'clock. The prices paid were. jus > t about the same as prevailed yesterday and the trade could be summed up as a good , steady , nctlvo market. In sonift cases sales men thought they got. If anything , a little stronger prices than yesterday and buyers were claiming that the cattle cost them a little more money than yesterday. There were not so many good cattle hero as on some days , the average quality being only fair , but there were some good enough to bring J3.60. There were only a few range cattle here good enough for beef , 'but ' what there were sold at just about steady prices. Some of the. II. R. cattle brought $4.45 and n bunch of Texas $4.05. a cut oft from the same lot that sold for J4.10 yesterday , but the quality was hardly as good today. Cows and heifers were In very Rmnll sup ply , less than a dozen loads being on sale. The market on that kind of stock was fully steady. One bunch of cornfed cows and heifers sold at $4.40 , while the balance of the receipts consisted mostly of western grassers , which sold largely at $3.6503.85. Stockers and feeders were In good de mand , as noted yesterday , owing to the most encouraging prospects for a cron crop p'.nce the rains. Prices were ai Un a little stronger than yesterday nnd fully lOc higher thnn. the close of last week. As compared with the time just previous to the Ilrst rain last Thursday there has been a big advance. In fact.s for a few days last week light cattle especially were almost unsalable. The feeling today among the speculators was very strong and they were pricing the few cattle that they hnd on hand at 'way higher prices. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . SSO $ t 25 94..1410 $5 12 < 4 40..1133 $5 25 1. . 710 425 104..1383 512V ? 21..1176 525 1..1110 435 24..1108 515 47..1148 525 1..1210 450 1.1070 515 22..1114 525 24..1152 470 40..10SO 515 25..1102 530 14. . 831 475 41..1204 G 15 93..13S3 530 1. . S20 47 ! ) 8..1145 620 3..10I3 530 21. . 9884 SO 2..12S5 520 34..1252 530 22..1012 4 S5 19..1247 520 31..1203 533 3..1333 490 19..1189 520 4..1208 545 3..1135 500 24. . 9O 520 16..100S 065 1 .tiCA K 1U 39. .1077 K 25 J4..1270 S f,0 NEBRASKA. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 cow. . . 910 $2 40 2 feeders. . 855 $4 20 1 cow. . .1100 300 7 feeders..1021 445 1 cow. . .120i ) 3 25 14 feeders. . 016 4 45 1 cow , . 1090 3 30 t23 feeders. . 878 4 45 3 bulls. , S50 3 33 5 feeders. . 902 4 15 1 feeder , 420 350 1 feeder..1060 4 43 1 feeder . . 016 4 00 1 iceder. . . SCO 4 25 2 feeders. . 878 4 00 1 stag 1270 3 50 Istag 1100 3 03 G cows 1143 3 50 1 steer. , . .1000 3 75 8 cows 1002 3 50 5 steers . . 6S ? 375 25 steera. , , .1000 4 30 3 cows. . . 990 3 55 30 feeders. , OS 4 25 15 COWH. . , 891 3 75 3 feeders. . 783 4 40 5 cows. . .1020 3 75 6 feeders. , S13 4 40 4 cows. . . 902 3 00 23 feeders. sea 4 40 1 cow. . . .1260 3 00 87 steers.,1079 4 45 5 cows. . .1030 350 20 feeders. . 10S2 4 45 1 steer. . . .1500 3 25 6 steers. . .1071 4 00 E. P. Meyers. Icow 1100 3 03 87 steers. . .1078 4 45 G. W. Jones. 6 ste-ers. . . 688 3 75 26 steers. . .1000 4 30 30 steers. . . 686 4 23 WYOMING. AV. H. 'Ralston. ' G cows. . . 925 3 10 5 steers , .1114 4 45 1 heifer. . 710 3 DO i caif. . ; ; ; . 180 625 13 cows 930 3 CO The Mitchell Cattle Company. 1 feeder..1110 300 2 feeders..1010 3 SO 1SCOWS 876 325 1 steer lOM 4 00 01 cows 958 3 C5 74 steers..112fl 4 45 HOGS Yellow fever got In Its work with the provision market yesterday and today's hog market suffered In consequence. The market opened 15c lower nnd though sellers were rather backward about making the concession they had to give In to the In evitable nnd the most of the hogs sold early at the decline noted.i The majority brought $ l.mMN.20. with a few light loads nt $4.25. The close. If anything , was a llttlo stronger than the early market. So far as can be judeed from appearances tlicro was no cause for the break in the provision market aside from the yellow fever scare In Virginia , which was taken advantage of by the bears to force values downward. What these reports amount to can bo learned from Die telegraph advices in another column of this paper. It will be noted from the table of average prices ut head of column that today's break wipes out a gooa share of the advance gained In the last two weeks. In fact , the hogs sold today In very nearly the same notices as two weeks ago. Representative sales : No Av. Sh. Pr. No Av. 8h. Pr. 27. .313 4 10 59. .277 . . . 4 W4 56. .2.15 40 } 4 15 68. .250 SO 4 20 S3. .227 40 4 15 8-5. 218 ICO 4 20 65. .235 SO 4 15 79. .210 40 4 20 74. .S55 . . 4 15 77. .227 4 20 . .247 M 4 15 SI. .229 80 4 20 76. .277 SO 4 15 70. .252 SO 4 20 C7. .309 ICO 4 15 69. .2.18 160 4 20 65. .241 120 4 15 S3. .258 120 4 20 S3.C6. CO. .261 120 4 15 C6. .2K3 160 4 20 68. .24 4 15 S7. .227 80 4 20 62. .296 1 15 63. .225 89 43) ) - . . . - . . . . . , , , , . , - , ma ml rcmlt-rcd the market strnnc nnd ' net vo this mornJng and everything was ovl "n < 1 .w.cBVwl | U1 > ln sllort onll'r1' - > rli- BiVn , mpni"lc < ! " ,1lt ! thcr < > v'"cro not tnoitnh s loop niul lambs here to lilt their orders and lint they could have used double the mini- iter. A fc-w spring Inmlu , on tlip .Mexican ? nmi 'Wht ' * , ' ' * nml K"01' ' l'lnl1 spring vomi ? { -2'1 } vlth ! < 1)me rl"'B nt * ' - wl"tal1 % ngs SOU1 , at $4alul common thin Utah owes down to 12.S3. ° 0 < lrs ' " none of nnv nn iV,0fcr ? . "T0' . , market , but It is'mfo't'o'riVy "ttiat'Thn " l < OKa tlmt klml of stult'ls cln . - . will , take noU of otic fnct and ' Is that the market at till * point is as compared with other markets. ! ywerclny a bunch of slircp sold here at i ! ; " ? . fao io ot the same lot brought only I thnn , \ ti ° , spnl1 nnd weighed a pound Ifsa ' they did at South Omaha. r ? , : 1 > rll"e native wethers. $ I.2S jli'S1 5 ° Pd to choice grass wuthcrs. tl 15 8H.30 ; fair to good grass wethers , jrTSST Kio ; good to choice grass rw-ra , f1.r,0573.7n ; ! | goo < l to iholce si > rtiK : lnns. . $5.50116.00 ; fair ' to good spring lambs. W.OXjJj.sO ; common I f" 1 ? ' .n-mbs , $1.0001.25 ; feeder wethcra , I . | 2J2 Utah ewes . 93 $2 55 , i. ewe. , Mexicans . S2 3 2 > fi r.n',1 ' ewea . M BBS | 61 Utah yearlings . 64 4 25 . : . i ? P.rnK. | . , lambs , Mexicans . 51 550 404 Utah lambs . C7 c " 5 iiilciiK < > l.lvc Stock. CHICAGO , Aug. 1. There was the usual small Tuesday's supply of cattle today. The demand was brisk nnd all offerings ( T/I.SO ; bulls , cows and heifers , $2.25 < itj.25 ; Texas steers , $3.505(0.30 ( : calves , J3.600ti.75. Hog prices were weak and lowar , In spite | of small receipts , most sales being at about 16010c decline. Heavy hogs brought Jl.SOff 1 14.50 ! ; jnedlum weights , 7l.10fTI.45 ; llgh'i- weights. $4.30fT1.50 ; pigs , J3.50Jfl.50 ; culls , JU.OOif3.S5. There was a good demand for sheep and Inmbs and , with a light supply , prices ruled strong and higher. Sheep sold at J2.25M3.2.1 for culls up to $5.00fi.25 ( ( tar prime wethers ; good lambs sold actively at $0.00 0.75 , In ferior grades bringing $1.000-5.75. t Receipts Cat-tie - , 2.UOO head ; hogs , 13,000 head ; sheep , ti.OOO head. St. Ijouln l.lvo Mloc-k. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 1. CATTLE Receipts. 4.100 'head , including 1,200 ! h cad Texans : market steady to easy ; native shipping nnd export steers , J4.5005.SO ; dressed beef steerH , J4.5005.-10 ; steers , under 1.0M Ibs. , j.7.ifrl.r-0 ; ! : stackers and -feeders , J3.0)5rl.S5 ( ) ; cows and heifers , J2.255J5.CO ; bulls , J2.30-JJ3.SO ; canner.i , J1.50ii2.75 ; Texas and Indian steers , JS.lo'iJ ' 4.00 ; cows and < helfer , J2.50f73.7J. HOGS 'Receipts. fi,700 head ; market. lOc lower ; pigs and lights. $ l.40 j'l.fu ' ; packers , Jl.4074.50 ; butchers. J4.45fT-l.53. SI1BEP Receipts , 3yOO head ; market Steady ; na.tlve muttons , J3.50ftM.50 ; lambi > , J4.60@tj.50 ; stockers , $2.0003.50 ; culls and tucks , $2.2503.25 ; Texans , Jl.OO. Cll > " MVP Stock. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 1.-X2ATTLE Re ceipts , 7,720 head natives and 1,600 head Texans ; best grades , Jlrm ; common grncs lots , slow and steady ; heavy native steers , J3.30S5.70 : lightweights , $4,70ft'3.60 ; stockers nnd feeders. $3.60ff5.00 ; .butcher cows and heifers , $3.00&S.25 ; dinners , $2.25173.00west ; ern teer , $4.00gi5.60 ; Texans , $3.60JM.33. HOGS 'Receipts , 11,330 head ; market very slow and 10-0'lDc lower ; heavy , $4.3ori.42i/i ; mixed. $1.22te64.40 ! Ilg1it , $4.20ff4.40 ; pigs , $4OOW4.23. SHEEP Receipts , 3,780 head ; good gen eral demand at nrm prices ; lambs , $5.0iiT'J.SO ) ' ; muttons. $4.00J'4.50 { : otockera and feeders , $3.25 4.25 ; culls , $2.503-3.25. \ MV Yorlc Live Sloi-k. NEW YORK , Aug. J. REEVES Re ceipts , 672 head ; no trade of Importance ; weak for bulls and cows ; steers nominally steady ; shipments , 812 head cattle , 30 head hheep and 4,520 quarters bcof ; tomorrow , 2,788 quarters , CALVES Hecelpts , 214 head ; veals , dull and 23c lower ; buttermllUs , steady ; veals , $ l.50Jjfi.50 ; tops , $6.75 ; buttermilks , $3.00 ; western calves * . $3.83. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 6,512 Tiead ; steady with fair demand ; 2'/i cars un sold ; sheep , $3.00IT4.75 ; lambs , $5.00J7.00 | ; culls. $3.COf:4.50 ( : , HOGS Rfcsipts , 2,900 head ; lower at $1.73 4T4.SO. S4. JoNcpli Live Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Aug. 1. ( Special. ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts , 1.600 head ; market weak to lOc lowernatlyes [ , $1.5 5.40 ; Texas $2.23ft4.75 ; bulls and Mag , J2.2MJ I.CC ; year lings nnd calves , $ ! ,25ftG.23 : stockcra nitd feeders. $3.5ftiJ4.75 ; veals , $5.00J6.fiO. | HOGS Receipts , 7,000 head ; nothing doing at 11 n. m. ; prospects 10JI6c lower ; heavy and medium. $ i.25fl.35 ; light , $ l.22UifM.32lfc ; pigs. $4.f > iJI.20 : bulk of sales , $ i.25fi 1.30. SHEEP Receipts , 2,300 head ; market active and steady. Stock In Following nrn the receipts nt the three principal markets for Ausust 1 : Cattle. Ho-ss. Sheep. Omaha . 2,781 8,108 1,3 > 9 Chicago . 2,000 13,000 , 6,0(10 ( Kansas City . 9,320 11.350 3,780 St. Louis . 6,300 6,700 3,900 , Totals . 19,401 39,218 15,069 California Dried Krallx , NEW YORK , Aug. 1. CALIFORNIA DIITED FRUITS Quiet. Hvairoratcd ap ples , common , 6',4f/7ic ' | < ; prlmo wire tniy , 8'i'S' c ; choice , S0" ; fancy , 9Uf < 0 c. Prunes , SVifaSc. Apricots , royal , 14c ; Moor Park , HftlGe. Peachc . unpeelcil , "i * " " liic-i-i-MNc lii CLEVELAND , Aug. 1. Locomotive en- elncers In the employ of the Lake Shore road have applied for nn Increase In wages. The company Is asked to adopt a new scale , giving engineers of panaengera nnd Jlcht switch locomotives nn Increase of 4 pnr cent and engineers of consolidated nnd heavy freight engines nn Increase of 8 per cent. The engineers have also demanded the adop tion of what Is known as the pooflng system. The domopds are being considered by the company and the engineers are hopeful of having their requests granted. H.R.PEMNEY&CO. . . & . ROOM4MrLirEBU > G. BRANCH OMAHA tirn UtlWUI HtB JANES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1030. Oinnh.i , COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS I1OA1ID OH TKADH. Direct nlrr to Ctuca n and .Sew Torlu CemipoudcuUl Juun X. Warrcc A Cc * IVIicn Traveling Read The Bee. Here Is Where / You Will Find it in the Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MONT. Jnme M. tindnril. ATLANTA. OA. ICIinbiill Hoiine Ac tin Slnnd. BOSTON. IMilillo l.lbrnr ; . YriHlonif * llnlvl lloBtnn Prcim Club , 1-1 HonTTOrth UUFFAI.O. UFIIIMICC llotel \ MV Slnnd. BUTTK. \Vm. Shlvldi. CAAIBKIDOH , MASS. Hixrvnnl tJu'vvrnlty Mbrury. CHIiYUNNli. 12. A. laiKiin , 1I1U Went ItltU Si. Club. CHIC\iO. ( Atiilltorlnin Aniu-x NCMTH Stniiil. Aiiilltorliini llottlIMVH 5niid. nriinil IMu-lllc llotolITR Mund , ( irriitortlKni Ilolcl ' < > nn Stn.iiA. Pnlim-r lliniKpPM Slnnd. I'lintollloi- \MT Stniiil , Nil. 21T bnrn Srret. Aimoclntfd Advcrllncr'a Club , 1'nliueM lluuxr. CLEVELAND , ll HttiiNf. The llollcuilpti. Coiiiniri-olul Triivolrm' Aanaalntloa , .tliuiiinlo Temple. COLORADO SPR1NQS. I'rllllern' lluiuo. DENVER. llriMTt , Hotel .VIMVH Slniul. lliiiiiMtiin .t KonilrlcK , IXIII-nia 17fb nt , Mt-l.nln , l > ltt fc Cu. , S.1. Sixteenth St. Vrntt Mrrciiiiilli : Co. . IStT I.orlnicr flt , Till ? Stiidnucr Co. , 15th Mini Ln.TYrPU 4 5ln-ptn , Windsor llotolOAVH Staud. DES MOINES. llancH JnuoliH , Itoi-U Uliiiul Depot. V. M. C. A. lU-lldliiu Itiioiu. DULUTIl , MINN. f \Vltc A lleiiiiLtl11 \V. Supi-rlor Bt. FORT SMITH , ARK. XI. 0. A. llcaillliu lluiini HAVANA , CUBA. -w- Iiiicliitcrra Ilntfl UiMidliiK Iloom. * H. I. I Honolulu Hotel Hendlnu ; Itooia. ! HELENA. ! W. A. Moitrr. ( lilt nvciuie and Ualii St. 1'nbllu l.llirn.- > . HOT SPRINGS , S. O. Cilhftoii. j HOT SPRINGS , \RK. C. II. Wruver it Co. li1. C. llnvliin. . I. . D. Cooper .fc Co. , OSO Central AT W j ' KANSAS CITY. Robert Hclil. 1O21 ! M.-li.-e tit. Contrn . m pIT > StniKl. JllHnoiirl IteiMilillcnn Club , DOS UnltU iniiro Ave. rill.llo 1,11.1-nrj. I IlloU ccUiT Clfcnr Co. , Dili mill Walnut | oi | > onle I > . O. I nml i > j V. II. C. A. , room 27 Unloig Dcl'iil , KnnNiia City , Mo. I'ublle lilbrnry. j LEXINGTON , KY. Y. 91. C. A. UoiKlllUT Itooui. LINCOLN. W. S. nilmlHtun , 1123 O Street , Deltrv cry AKL-IH. LOS ANGELES. ( Oliver A Ilnlnuis ll(1 ( ( < < - Kprliiif 91. I K. U. IlniiNciinitU .S. Slnlit St. ! LONDON , ESOLAND. CbnrH-s \ . nilllK' " .Vmerlcllli Uxolinnur Cockniur St. , Trnfiiliciir Sq. , S. W. MANILA , P. I. AndrRlY F. Hcbonn , Cor. I'acnte dm and Uavoltn Street * . MINNEAPOLIS. Public I.lbrnjrr. \Ve t Hotel Aieira Stnud. NEW YORK. Cooper Union Library. \ Fifth Avfiitnllntrl \f ri > Stand. Fifth Arcane Hotel ItriulliiHT Itoo Ciuiilrc Holcl. Urooiuc Street Ubrnry. Holland Hoime Hcnilliiu : Hoom. Hon'niiiii Honae. Iiaiierlnl Hotel \en-a Stand. 3IecIianiex' and Trndi-ra' Free \o. 1H Knnl .Sixteenth Street. l'rc Club , lilO XniiNaii St. IVeutiiiliiNter Hotel Hendln0 A V WliulNor Hotel lleiiillni ; llu < lni. V. 31. O. A. , L-'lil Street and 4th Avcnaa , OODEN. tIVebb , 2-105 Wanbl atoa A.VO , W. G. Kind. PARIS , FRANCE. New York Herald Until I tig- Ave. dii roin-rii. Thou. Cook & Son * , l AT * , dc I PONCE , PORTO RICO. Xoive A Oentrom. PORTLAND , ORE. IV. E. Joiien , 'Ml Alder Ht l > ortluiid Hotel \ MV dtnud. PHILADELPHIA , llcrcnntlle I.lbrury. SACRAftlENTO. I'ubllo library. SAN FRANCISCO. Public Library. SAU JUAN , PORTO RICO , llotel Dnulxterrti ItpMillnsr H a u SANTA ANA , CAL , Santa Ann I-'ree I'nbllc Llbravy. SALT LAKE CITY. It , V. Hummel , Lyoeuw TUotO Halt Luke \e > ra Co. Public Library. SEATTLE EaNiern IVcwM Co. , ! 11(1 ( lPtta * gfc A. T. laindberK. Gcorife F. Ward. SIOUX CITY. Givrrcttnon llotelctvn Monilanilii Iloli-l .Nci > n Hotel Vvndoniemv M Comvuy A ; ICiiluUerbouUer. I'liblle. Library. Cc-ruld l-'lt Kil > boii , 7(1(1 r vtk It. Hey Allen , Il'JI Center Nt. V. BI. C , A. Hrmllnjf Hoon , SPOKANE. John \V. Grub n in TM-TM KtlTcrilOk , Avenue. ST. JOSEPH , ilranrtnw'CTVB Stand , Tli Kdmond trent. Junctlou Nerrn Stand , OOi B4ni uil 9t Y. 51. C. A. Hrudlntc lloona. ST PAUL , MINN. I'reii Club. Wlmlior Hotel. ST. ! OU19 R. J. Jett , N0l OHt < . IMiinlerH1 Hotel Virtu I'ubllo Llbrury. WASHINOTON , D. O. WHUird'i Hotel Xeiv * Slnnd. Arllntclou Hotel. Cuugrcanliinul Library. HlKKN lluinr. Aurlculturnl llepnrtiutMt Ilenubllcuu Katluaal Cuiuiulttvab