1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SITS DAY , JTTL5T 30 , 1899. SPECIAL NOTICES for tlionc column * lie inkpti nnlll IS in. for the rvrnlnir million unit until HiIlO p. tin for inornliiK nuil Sunday edition * . ItntcH , I 1-1'c n Muni nrnt liini > rllon | IP n ril IhrroiiMrr. Nrillilnir Inlteu for 'c * limn 2ro for llic llrnt Inser tion. 1 lirdo niltcrllnempn < ft inniit lie run ( o.inrctttlvcly. Ailicrtincrn , lijr rrqncntlnK n nnm- liprcil check ) cnn have nnmvcm nil- ilrcMncil to u iiuinlicrpil lellcr In cnre of 1 ho Ilep. Aumvcr * no niltlrcuficil ulll ! ) < ilclliprcil on prcncnlntlon of the plipclc * only ! \VANTEO-S1TUATION9. OMAHA Employment Bureau. 119 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , position * procured. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want on pleiiso call up the Remington typewriter onice , 1619 Farnam St. ; telephone. 1573. A 121 COMPETENT lady bookkeeper df-sires tem porary position August 7 to 13 , AddrCMj * F 22 , Bee. A-o37 30 WANTED MAI.B HEM * . WANTED-We have steady work for a few Rood hustlers of good habits and "Pper"- anco. C. F. Adams Co. , 1G19 Howard St. GOOD salesman , salary or com. 1118 N. IS , B-124 WANTED-Oontleman and lady deputies by a fratrrnal order for Nebraska. Address E 48 , Boo 13-023 Allg l _ CANVASSERS wanted everywhere ; big money Write Homo Comfort Sad Iron Co . Oninhn R-M110 A2 , WANTED several Rood -saddle hands at onco. Hicks , Hale K. Worch , Dallas TP < . I- " l lOS Jl WANTED , a few experienced canva s ° rs who can rmkc a presentable appearance , to soli a meritorious household specialty that every house-hold wants ; liberal in- dlie'ments will be offered the right parties. Room 30 , Victoria , 1303-10 Dodge st WANTED , frame maker and mat cutter Immediately ; must be first-class ; perma nent , good waccs. Hulbert Art Co rol 4th St. , Sioux City. la , B-M32fl 31 * M"EN our Illustrated catalogue explains how we teuch barber trade In 8 w ° eks Mailed fre * . Moler's Barber Colleee Chi cago. Ill _ B-M12o 3 _ _ WANTED , manager for lecturer for a few- weeks or for permanent engagement : J20 < o J10 per week and expenses ; give qinll- llca.'tloni and references ; Inclose stamp. Address Fmnk McCIuro Clmffee , 512 Tlf- tecnth street , Sioux City , I ° "a-,3,4 30 , WANTED , salesmnn fohighclass food products We offer a onlendld opportu nity for hard workers. Glvo vour experi ence fully. E 55. Bee B-M323 M * _ BItrSICIANS wanted for bind of 32d U. S Vol. Infantry ; goo < l positions for good men. Applv at oneo to Robt S. Browne , chief musJclan , Lincoln , rs'eb Is 131. I 31 BRICKYARD men wantetl , best of wngcs Wlthnirtl Bros. & Smith Co. 22nd & Hickory Bts. B-311-31 * , ' ' ' ' - jj - ° WANTED Two active men for rcsnonslble "i positions In Town ; must have reference * find $150 ; excellent opening for rlcrht jj parties. Address F 21 , Bee. B 34 < 30 * i * WANTED Saddlers to send for catalogue of Russell's famous saddle stamps , tools otc ; largo stock on hind : stamps made to > order at lowest prices. F. K. Russell nal- * B-34S 30 * la , Texan t _ ' < KNERGETIC Salesmen ; nchool furnlturo f and supplies : the desk wir Is on- trade Is i brisk ; exceptional opportunity ; $100 month- J ly salan' nnd commissions : experience not necessary. It. O. Evans & Co. , rhlentro 111. WANTED Manager for bnnch olllce ; straight salary J100 per month and extra. commission : mod reference and JMIO cash requlreil. Holloway , Stover & Co . Detroit , - ' Mich. D-355-iO' _ 6ALESM"EN wanting Bide line paying * 1 for G minutes' talk ; wolrhs 3 ounces Ad dress Ilollem Mfg. Co , Sioux City Ta B 3oi 30 * SALESMEN wanted , to call on doctors only on behalf of the lending firm In the trade ; position permanent : applicant must be In telligent , Indefatigable nml of good an- pearanco ; pt-ito experience. Address P O. Box lira , Philadelphia. _ B 1 > " . 30 * WANTED , everywhere hustlers to tnck plgns , distribute circulars , Camples , etc. ; . Sun Advertising no canvassing ; good pay. ing Bureau , Chicago , B oo2 in * GOVERNMENT positions ; don't prepare for any civil sonnco or census examlnat'on ' without seeing our catalogue of Informa tion' scut free. Columbian Correspond- cnco College , Washington , D. C. . 30 , SALESMEN Must be experienced road men : give references , lines cold , houses represen'texl ' ; we have no schemes or fakes to offer the trade. ColumbFa JewHrv Co , Tow a City. la B- " > -0 ' _ GROOER/Y / drummers In middle nnd west ern states wanted to control state right on a useful and low-priced Invention for the kitchen , handled bv grocers , now selling suocesstully throughout Now England ; Bmall cipttal required ; can bo handled as n nMo line. Address Ljman II Nelsnn , Portland. Maine. _ HzE ' _ _ _ WANTED M"cn to pell best gasoline lamp * _ . ! „ . inAnnnll rtrtun - 90 hniir " fnr 2c. maciu juviunmu iiu , i * . .v . . ' Big money. , Write quick. Studcbaker G. jj Co , Kansas City , Mo _ SCHOOL teachers nnd others without previ ous experience ! are making from $10 to $ SO iier week placing our school libraries and other school supplies In country BchooX Thompson & Thomas , 331 Dearborn St , 111. " Chicago. _ _ WANTED , reliable men everywhere to tack tip advertising signs ; $25 00 earned weekly workln * for us. Exclusive terrltoiy ; ithoso mcanlntr business enclose lOc tor postage , packlnK. sample , etc , \\llson Chemical Company. Tyrone , Penn a. B 'ENGINEERS and firemen , send 25o for 21- page pamphlet , containing list of ques tions asked by examining board of on- clnccrs. Gco A. Roller , bookseller. St. Louis , Mo. Mention this paper. B- WANTED. salesmen In towns and counties , $ - > 0 to $1M monthly nnd expenses ; vvrlto for pnrticulars. Tool Supply Co , 50 P ne St. , Chicago. B 19. > uO * _ WANTED , local and general agents to fell soaps. U. S. Soap Co. , Ottumw In A FEW good solicitors for country work ; one agent averaged $10 per day past week ; no house canvassing ; exclusive territory given and district agency If competent : special Inducements to halo men : call Monday or address 725 N. Y , Life { ' B REPRESENTATIVE young man to repre. sent us ; positively no canvassing ; $75 monthly ; send lOc ( s'lver ' ) for sampln nnd particulars , a. Carradlno Publishing Co , , St , Louis. B-49S 30 * _ WANTED , traveling salesmen for our vv hole-gal" aoed department. Applv for terms , with references , L. L. May & Co , 8t. Paul , Minnesota , _ B-33S-30 PAPER hanger and painter to do my work nnd rent house down town. 38 U. S Nnt'l bank Bldg. B-M524 31 _ WAN to do work , all kinds , and rent small house. 38 U. S. Nat. Bank bldgBM520 B-M520 1 WANTED , an experienced dry goodsi bill clerk : none but experienced men need ap ply ; glvov experience , age and references , Jllchardson-Hoberts-Bryno D. G. Co , St. Joseph. Mo , B-M517 8 IIEM . WANTED , 200 girls , 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876 C-125 WANTED , girl for general housework , only In family , no boarding house , 2114 Bin- nei' . C lit WANTED , competent girl. 21 N. 20th St. C 272 31 * COOD slrl for general housework , 3 In family : \\aKCs Jl. Apply at once , 2G03 Poppleton Ave. C 314 A" COMPETENT girl In a small family ; rcfcicnccs required. S20 8. 26th street. C-M339 3i W A % TBIJ I * HM A M3 11IJ BOYLES' SHORTHAND COLI EGE. Prepare ! " stcm > grnphers for high-grade po sitions Many calls go unfilled for lack of operators to send out. The standard maintained by this colleso plncM It In the front rank of shorthand colleges In the land. A commercial department will he added to ths excellent school the first Mondiy In September. B12E BUILDING. B-S57 30 WANTED , ten teachers , business women nnd nurses can find permanent paying positions to travel or nil offices. Flat 9 , DaxHdgo Block , 3rd floor. C-343-31 * LADIES wanted everywhere to mall circu lars samples and copy letters at home ; reply with stamped envelope. Peerless fo , So B. nd , Ind. C-339-30 * GIRL to cook. Apply 6M N. 27th Ave. C-M364-1 * "WOMEN to do plain sewing at home $1 BO per dav , four months' work guaranteed ; send stnmpi'd. addressed envelope for particulars R. W. Hutton & Co. Phila delphia Pa. C 350-30 * WANTED , a girl nt n small country hotel. Ocrman preferred. Inquire at 1710 N. 25th St. C 193 00 WANTED , position by competent sten ographer ; B years' experience In law and general work ; city references. Address rzl , Bee. C-M53331 * WANTED , apprentice girl at the Omaha. Hair Bazaar. 215 S. 16th St. Call between 8 and 9 a. m. C 337-30 * WANTED , girl for general housework In a family of two. Apply 1003 So 10th Ave. C SI2 2 * WANTED I/idles or gentlemen who wish to engngo all or a part of their time In n % er > profitable nnd plfnunnt business ( at home. In town or on the farm or else where ) to drop a card to address below. Do not fail to-do th's , glvlnig your full ad- dieso ; n | o ttnt0 , whether you belong to any secret organlratlonn or not S B. Fowler , 1S6-1 Pearl street , Cleveland O. C-33S 30 * ron mvr iiousns. HOUSES. Benewa & Co. 106 N. ISth St. D-126 ALWAYS moving household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co . IBll'A rarnain. Tel 1651 D 127 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. D-12S FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city. The O. F. Dsvls Co. , 1503 Farnam street D-129 FOR RENT , strictly modern flat In Davldge Bldg , opposite city hall John W Robblns. 1S02 Farnam street. D-130 FOR RENT Eleven-room modern hous" , 2113 Capitol avenue. The O. F. Davis Co. D276 SIX-ROOM modern flat , 1112 S. llth. D-618 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street. D 134 MAGGARD'S van & storage. 117N15. Tell496 D-135 2402 POPPLETON AVE . 10 rooms , modern large yard and ba-n. The Byron Reed Co. D-M-524 - FOR RENT , for summer , elegant West Farnam St. home furnished. Bemls. Paxton - ton block. D 660 FOR RENT , large house of 13 or 14 rooms , large b.arn , large grounds at S. W. cor ner Of 27th nnd Jackson Sts. BEMIS , PAXTON BLK. D 3S3 FURNISHED housa central. 2009 California. D-M7S1 I < OUR rooms , 70S So. 17th St. D M422 A3 * CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne. 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016 D-137 FOR RENT 5S < South 2Sth st. 10 rooms , modern ; good repair. The Byron Reed Co , 212 So 14th st. D M719 2102 POPPLETON AVE. , 10 rocms. modern , large vard and barn , $30. The Byron Reed Co D M624 MODERN 7-room house , a009 N. 21th st' $20 COT Bee. D M906 FOR RENT. 8-room furnished house , with modern conveniences , near Brownell hall. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. D-M946 LARGE fine resident10 ! rooms entirely modern porcelain bath. In perfect con dition , largo grounds , good barn , In best part of Walnut Hill , rent $3" 00 per month. 2227 N 20th st. , store , $700 ; four-room flat , upstairs , $ S ; city water. Omaha Land & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. D-M235 HENRY B. PAYNE'S BARGAIN LIST. K.22 N. 31st St. . G-room house. $5. Brand new fi-room modern hous" , two blocks from Tarnam car , only $2250. All modern , 7-room house , easy walking distance , good repair , $25. Strictly modern S-room house , close In , $27 GO Tine 10-room all .nodern house , G6S S. 28th st $40. Water paid by owners. 601 N. Y. Life D M2S2 FOR RENT , modern 12-rnom house , at 413 N 2r th ctreet , on motor line. J. T Clarke , 219 Board of Trade D M279 30 SUPERB , uneqiialed , 7-room house nil modern ; central. Apply Tizard. 223 North 21th. D M294 31 * MODERN 8 rooms ; .small barn ; 4216 Far nam ; others. Rlngwalt , Barker blkD D M33S FOR RENT , large 14-room house , northwest corner 19th and Leavenvvorth St. ; will bo put In first-class condition for good tenant Apply H' . M. Rogers. 923 N. Y. LI fe bldg. D M33G 30 SEVEN elegant unfurnished rooms for small family : centrally located : references required. 624 N. 20th. D M33S 31 * -ROOM house , all conveniences , stable. 370 ! South 20th St. D M3C2-31 * FOR RENT , furnished house , D rooms , for three months : excellent location : terms reasonable ; references. 607 So 2Cth St. D-ail-30 * C-ROOM house , 2924 S. 17th ; will be put In good repair , , , $1200 7-room house , 2129 Franklin 12 W S-room house , barn , 211S S. 3lth 2000 7-room house , modern , newly papered , 2C02 Decatur st 2300 6-room house 1317 S 31st 25.00 R C PETERS & CO , 'PHONE K1S. D-COS 30 3211 FRANKLIN , G rooms , $500. IMS Miihon , 5 rooms. $ S 00. l&OS Corbv , C roms , $13 00 130S So 2Sth 9 rooms , $23 GARVIN BROS. , 1613 TARNAM.D608 D-608 30 9 OR 10-room house close In ; vacant soon. J. II. Sherwod , 423 N. Y. Life , D-M523 31 S20 S , 21ST. 12-r. and barn , modern ; barn now rented for $7 All for $10. 12J nnd 121 S 25th st. , 9-r. brick , $35. $ 5-r , llth ut , near St. Joseph hospital , $15. Apply 30 U. S , Nat , Bank bide. D-519 30 FOH iinvr ruiiMsiinii nooais. GOOD sleeping accommodation , noom 1 , building. E-MI03 A3 THE BACHELOR'S HOTEL , 2006 Farnam St. Double toutli room , sultablo for man and wife. E30A9 TWO front rooms furnished for light house keeping , near Hanscom park. $ S.OO month. Furnlturo for aale , 2&03 Woolworth nve. K-642 1 SUITE of 2 furnished rooms for light house keeping only a few blocks from postotllce , N. W. Cor. 17th and Webster. Low rent. E-M252 4 * ROOMS for rent. 2578 Harney. E 316 30 * S412 CASS ST. , nicely furnished rooms In private family : modern house ; cheap ; ref erence required , E M337 7 FOR RENT , a small south room , furnished , 2215 Howard ; boarders kept ; very reason able. E 533 30 * PLEASANT front room In private family , for gentlemen. Apply 3123 Chailea J2-502-30 * ItOOMS AM ) T1OAIID. ELEGANT rooms and board. IMS Capitol Avc. F 139 NICELY furnished room with breakfast. near Hanscom park ; modern house. Ad- dregs c 13 , Bee. F36 FIHST-CLASS rooms nnd board. 2107 Douglas r M3S2 A2 FRONT room with alcove , with all modern conveniences 212 S. 23th St. r Ml SyTlTF ) rooms , furnished or unfurnished. Utopia. 1721 Davenport St. F-CS1- PLEASANT rooms. 2402 Cass. F 983 31 * _ ELEGANT room with board. 1901 Capitol ave. F M1S2 29 * 1'URNISHED room , with good board 2206 Dougln.s F M10131 * _ NICELY furnished front room , private family 702 S 29th St F 313 Al * ' ROOMS end board. 316 So. 2Cth St M3S5-5 * roii nn > T tm-uii.Msiinu IIOOMS. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms , newly papered , up stairs 2226 So. 12th. O--M3S3 6 UNFURNISHED chambers for hottse- kceplnc to man and wire. 319 N. 17th G-SW A SNAP ; location Ideal ; two or three rooms , desirable for offices or sleeping rooms ; newly papered , modern conveniences , rent small If taken at once. Apply M Oylmer , 1603 Dodpe st. G-B01 30 * WANTED , three unfurnished roomiby two gentlemen , must be first-class. 424 Paxton - ton blk G-510 30 * 3 ROOMS , south front. 60S N 11th St G M3G3-A1 * FOR HEM' STOUCS AMJ OFFICE ! ) . FOR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ff.ound floor Bee Bldg. 1-285 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for ute of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peteis & Co. , ground floor , lies Building. I-2G7 ONE largo fine ofllco of two rooms to rent In the Continental block ; will put in con dition to suit tenant. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 16th & Douglas Sts. I 931 STORE for rent. 301 South 16th St. , flno room suitable for store room or ofllco purposes , $63.00. George and Company. 1601 Farnam St. I M560 31 STORES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Io24 Is. 24lh at. east front corner , 22x60 , re duced from $33 to $23. 1522 . 21th St. , 22x60 , reduced from $33 to ' ' nie'N. 24th st. , 22x60 , reduced to $12. 1318 N. 24th St. , 22x60 , reduced to $10. 2401 Sevvard st. , furnished barber shop , re- duc'd to $10. 1917 Clark St. , 22x50 , with good basement and baker's oven , reduced to $12 HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. I M2S1 31 SMALL store. 222 North 13th. I 318-30 * STORE FOR RENT , fixtures for sale ; flno retail location , business section , rent $10. Call 418 So. 13th. I 312-31 * AGCATS WANTED. AGENTS , vrs set you up In a paying busi ness and furnish $200 outfit free ; all easy sellers ; big profits ; continuous business ; exclusive territory. Write quick. Hunter Co. , 249 Ann St. , Racine , Wis.J . J M320 29 * MUST have agents at once to rell Sash Locka and Door Holders ; sample Sash Lock free for 2o stamp ; Immense. ; better than weights ; burglar proof ; $10 a day ; write quick. Address Brohaid & Co. Dept. 42. Philadelphia. Pa. J MEN and women , good address , to travel and appoint agents ; salary $75 month ; ex penses ; rapid advancement ; unusually brilliant opportunity. Address with refer ence , Butler & Alger , New Haven , Conn. J AGENTS to handle our high-grade per fumes ; our plan wins ; large profits ; terms reasonable. Lefller & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. LADY AGENTS WANTED , to sell Mme. Yales Health Remedies and Natural Beautlfiers ; Intelligent ladles can make all the wav from $23 to $30 a week or more ; all depends on Uio person ; pos sibilities unlimited. Address nt once. Mmc. M. Yale , 1S9 Michigan Ave , Chloag-o. J AGENTS , $100 monthly guaranteed ; sample free ; bread and pastry board , both sides mfttal ; wonderful seller. D. 1C. Forshee Co. , Cincinnati , O. J 371-30 * WANTED , a first clasa traveling sales man to place our line with merchants ; liberal guarantee to right party. Ad dress the Eastern Mf& . Co , Manhattan Bids. , Chicago. J 370-30 * AGENTS , we wil pay any man $100 per month nnd railroad expenses who will faithfully taki ? orders for the largest wholesale nnd retail portrait house in the world ; remenVber this Is strictly salary and salary onlv. Address Immediately , as positions will soon be filled. A. B. Steckel , Managiar , Dept. 3S9 , Newr York City. J 369-30 * AGENTS to introduce our preserve and jelly labels for household use , quick stller , big profits ; 100 assorted 10 cents. Wheaton - ton & Co , Ne-w Bedford , ( Mass. J-368-30 * IF YOU want to mak , > $1,500 a year work for us ; our leather suspenders sell them selves ; cannot wear out ; attractive as sortment : exclusive territory ; samples free conditionally. J. S. Bsrry Mfg Co , A 379 , Cincinnati , O. J 367-30 * AGENTS , quick sales nnd big profits guar anteed. Men or women make $5 a day selling our celebrated flavoring powder ? Better and cheaper than liquid extracts sold In stores. One to eight flavors sold in every house. Easy to handle. Write for particulars and exclusive , territory. W. H Balrd & Co. , 7 East End , Pltts- tourg , Pa. J ENDRGETIC lady agents wanted every where , a good article entirely new , used toy every lady In the land ; good money to be made ; splendid seller ; no capital re quired. The Alko Curler Co. , Elklnrt , Ind. J(5630 ( * AGENTS , quick sales nnd big profits guar anteed. Men or women make $5 a day selling our celebrated flavoring powders , Better and cheaper than liquid extracts told ( n stores. One to eight flavors sold in every house. Easy to handle , Wrlto in every house. Easy to handle. Write for particulars and exclusive territory. W. H. Baird & Co. , 7 East End , Pitts- burg , Pa. J UNITEDSTATES STATES STATESNATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONALBANK BANK BANKBLDG BLDG , J-521 30 AGENTS WANTED , something new in en larged portraits ; our English Water color , sells on 8lg1it : prices no higher than crayons ; satisfaction guaranteed ; write for particulars. Monarch Portrait Co. , Chicago. J-3S6-30 * AGENTS , b'st gasoline gas lamp , best terms , retails $500 ; polished brass , hun dred candle light cent a day. Standard Lamp Co. , Chicago. J 3S7-30 * AGENTS , latest selling craze ; pTi'oTo pocket mirror : large assortment ; artists models ; sampl * catalogue fast sellers free , S. Coleman Mfg. Co. , Memphis , Tcnn. J-394-30 * AGENTS everywhepj for latest ofllce spe cialty ; soils Jtself , with large profit ; great est money maker In years Write at once for special terms. Am. Lock-Crank Co. , Milwaukee , Wls. J 50 ? 30 * AGENTS , Slot Klnetoscops on big commis sion ( moving pictures ) ; quick sellers ; ex clusive territory , American Klnetoscope Co , Washington , D. C. J 810 30 WANTED , agent for Omaha and surround ing territory , calling on grocers , hardware - ware and furniture dealers , to handle our line of stove , metal nnd furniture polish , s on commission ; give references and full particulars or no attention paid. Na tional Polish Mfff. Co , 153-155 Superior St. . Chicago. III. J-359-aj * AOI : > TS WAvrnn. ANTED AGENTS , cither sex to * i-ll ou vv , nderful new perfum . wo give a beatitl ful gold plated vvatoh for wiling 20 pack nces of perfume , at 10 cents per package \ \ e give diamond rings nnd other costlv presents for selling 10 packages ; s nd no monev , simply wrlto us n postal card am we wll send < ho perfume postpaid , also our largu list of premiums from which you are to elect jour present , whin per fume is sold , send us the monev nnd we will send 3,011 the present , we take per fume back Ifou can't R H It , jou run no rl k. Standard Perfume House , 371 Dear born St. , room 41A , Chicago. J 3'S 30 * AGENTS wanted for "The Life of Admlra Dewey" nnd Battles In Philippines by Ofllcer Young of the Oiympla , too pages beautiful book , Illustrated , only $160 , ex elusive territory : big profits guaranteed outilt free , net quick. National Pub. Co. 5 nnd G Washington St , Chicago J 491 30 * AGENTS , gn ollne gas lamps for ho weather ; $2 to $3 profit to agents Bril llnnt Gas Iximp Co. , 48 Clark St Chicago J 392-30 * QUICKEST selling specialties ever offered ? ell themselves ; used In every household .agents making $10 daily. Handv Things Co . 2S9 W Lake , Chicago. J-391-30 * AGENTS , we are still Increasing our sales of saloon articles , "they must have it' Uulck returns , big profits. 1112 Monadnock Chicago. J-390-30 * RELIABLE , Industrious hustlers for district ap'nts ; big Inducements to > rlgh parties for Sioux City , DPS Molnes Council Bluffs nnd several other cltleo h Iowa , also a few towns In Nebr. Wrlto for particulars. John II Bowman. Mgr A U. Life Ins Co , In. nnd Nebr , R. 104 Bee Building , Omaha , Nebr. J 399-30 AGENTS everywhere. 1 > est gasoline gas lamp made , burns 9 hours for 1 cent ; for territory , nnd circulars nddrcss Royal Gas Lamp Co , Rlalto Bldg , Chicago. J-393-30 * ItKNT. HOUSE of ten or twelve rooms. Mrs. Stan ton , The Paxton. K-314 31 * WANTED , 6 to S-room modern dotnched ho4l = c , within 1 mile of postotllce. Ad dress F 20. B-e. K-372-30 * PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , 90S- 810 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 143 AVAVrLM ) TO I1UY. WE WANT several nice residences and res- ! dence lots for cash buyers We have the buyers what have you to offer ? O'Nelll's Real Estate Agency , South Omaha.N146 N-146 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston Furniture Co , 1414 Dodge. Trl. 2233. N-117 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur nlturo Co , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020N143 N-143 STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortcnsen , 404 N. 16th N M417 A3 WILL pav cash for 1 or 2 acres with small house. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y Life. N-b3l WANTED To trade , vacant lots for resi dence , well located. P. O. box 445. Omaha , Neb. N-501-30 BARGAIN in business property for Invest ment $10.000 to $75,000. Chas. E William son. N-M522 1 roii SALE rimMTtmE. SEE our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest prices. Boston Furnlturs Co , 1414 Dodge. O-149 BOOKS , otllce cases and desk for sale. No 2 Davidgo Block. O 374-30 * FOR SALE che.an house-hold furniture and smal safe. 4307 Lake. O SI373-1 * I.-OK SAI.E noiisns AND VEHICLES. OLD buggl't taken In trade on new vehicles. Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P M68S TOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG POLES ; sawdust ; cheaneat and best hog fence. 01 Douglas. T l. 458. Q 150 FIANOS , organt , sewing machines , w hole- sale , retail. Colll.i * Piano Co , 205 S 14th Q-b73 Jy24 CUTTERS of drug prices Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 151.5 Dodge St. Q-15S TOR sale , patent for Nebraska : big money- Address A , Bee ofllce , Council Bluffs Q-3S4 HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all wire. Wire Works. 1617 Howard St. St.Q154 Q-154 B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 77G- plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q-151 FOR SALE ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 6 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q 152 2D-HAND safe cheap. Deright , 1116 Karnam. Q-156 WHY get second grade bl"ycle3 when you can get high grade Crescents for $35 cash. Flescher , 1C22 Cap. Ave. Q 153 THOSE Wonderful Douglas Shoes , $2 50 and $3RO. Fljher , Park Ave. & Leavenworth. Q-625 A-9 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-157 INDIAN relics ; mounted gamchoads. m Farnam. Q M693 A12 CASH register , nearly new , cheap. 1115 Farnam. Q MS6S $185.00 WILL buy good Ivors & Pond piano. Cost $375.00 , two v ears' time. F 6 , Bee. Q-214 FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper , good for batten or laying under onrpets. Omaha Bee press room. Q 271 ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros , Council Bluffs. Q-M311 FOR SALE , Columbia tandem in good order , cheap. Inquire 1117 N , 17th st. Q-M333 FOR SALE , four large warm air furnaces , Carton No 184 steel radiators ; also sev eral hundred feet of piping. Applv H , M. Rogers , 9.J3 N. Y. Life bldg. Q M335 30 GOOD second-hand gasoline engine nnd wagon scale for sale cheap ; only used six months Addre's A C9 , Bee. Q FOR SALE , nearly new White sewing ma chine , oak snanrt , cost $60 ; a bargain for cash. 1712 Douglas st. Q-C3S 30 * FOR SALE , n Remington typewriter , No , 6 , in first-class condition , cheap for cash. Address F 25 , Bee Q-547 30 * FOR SALE , good camera , and outfit ; will trade for parrot. 1312 Ave. . H1 Council Bluffs. Q-532 30 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge R 160 FOR RENT , a good barn. 1902 Cass. NEW YORK building , Bluff tract , Greater America Exposition , Crelchton ha'l and Morand's Academy , ! > oclal functions , conventions , etc , 6)5 ) AS SNOW-CHURCH CO , , law and collections , GOO Karbach block. H M531 CLAIIIVOYANT9. MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. Mot with such unbounded success through her trip to the Big Horn mountains that she has decided to go to Utah on a similar occasion , She will positively leave Omaha Aug. 7 , Pet ) lo who have appointments can see her this week Those who have , been con tern plating consultation with this wonderful lady should see her during the next few days , for she w'll bo absent from the city for tome little time Mme. Gvlmer TK > st-3sen a gift that stands today unequaled nnd there never has been , a pnlmlHt in the history of the country who has given such entire satisfaction. PAST. PRESENT nnd FUTURE posi tively revealed. Predictions regarding love , business , etc. , guaranteed accurate , S-54330 MME. GYLMER , genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge. B M477 Cli UIIVOYANTS. MRS. FRlTZ.clalrvovant , $17 N. th. S-161 MRS. T. DORSEY , life reading. 102S N. 21st S-957 A3 * MRS. DR. MOSS , the greatest prognostl- cater of the age. Is unequaled as a llfo reader and clalrvojant , s = c her and bo pnyinced of her wonderful power 1704 Capitol ave s M2S4 30 * FREE TIIST' ' FREE TESTI Good news for all. So nitre nm I of mv .J siofjiolllnff thc > msf' Present nnd f . , , , ' future I will give a few fico tests to all who wish n reading , skeptics Invited. V > r ; .Phrenologist , nstrologlst , palmist , Prof. Llmer Hall. Known from ocean to oco.au ns the White Mnhntmn. asking no questions , ho tells the full name of his callers , ho tells the full name of your future hu bind or wife , whether the ono you love is true or false. Seventh son nnd has the power of any two mediums , tells , % ou what your trouble Is ; every hidden mystery revealed , when vou will marry , what Is needed for Biiccct i In business , love , marriage , speculation , changes , di vorce , ! o < wef > , wills , pensions , etc Thou- jnml * of my patrons have been made happy thnt 1 have never seen Stamp in sures prompt answer. Private parlor , 1912 Dodge "street. S-M375 31 * MRS. DR. MOSS , Known from coast to coast ns the greatest clairvoyant nnd spiritual medium who has ever been 1n the United States , has been astonishing the people of Omaha , for the last few weeks She- spoke today ns If she would bo In Omaha several days longer nnd would bo glad to see ns manv moro people ns have already consulted her The lady Is very remarkable In many vv.ajs. Her manner Impresses all who see her that she Is the highest type of a lady and her ability to read life convinces < lv ni that she Is the greatest clairvoyant that they have ever seen As n ptognostlcator sno Is also very famous nnd her predic tions have always "come to pass" She can tell any one what their vocation Is , what they are. adapted to , whether or not they will t > o successful In love af fairs , business , etc Regarding marriages , divorces , inlldelltv of husband or wife lost or stolen articles , she can actuall give accurate Information. Don't fall t see Dr. Moss If vou nro sick , she can tel > ou Just what the trouble Is and this In formation Is the most valuable of any yo cnn receive. Hours , 9 to 7:30 : Parlors 1603 Dodge. S 546 30 * MASSAGE AND HATH5. MRS. BERRY , BATHS. MASSAGE. PARLORS BEST equipped In city. Force lain tub : ladv attendants.- N. 16th. opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. T M2S6 A26 * BESSIE DECAMO. thermal baths , mas eacc. 1615 Howard , 3d floor , room 1. T M32S 7 * DR. MALMQUIST , massage , baths. 11 Bee Bldg. T 673-A11 * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 : massage baths T 915-Aug.-17 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S& North 15th T 275 1 * ELITE parlors , 2025 Farnam , upstairs , 1st- olasa baths ; massage & magnetic treat ment ; lady attendants. T 376 A15 * PERSONA ! , . PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted , ins N. 17 U-162 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous hair removed by electricity. Room 12 Frenzer block. U 164 RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken babies adopted. 2214 Soward. Tel. 2233. U-95S A19 VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Bee Bldg. u-171 MONHEIT , leader In hair goods , toilet prep arations. Paxton blk. Farnam st. entrance. U-165 THE best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at Louis F.escher's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Avo. U-169 1MONHDIT. chiropodist , hairdresser , 1616 Farnam. U 167 OMAHA Phonograph parlor , 319 N. 16th st. cor. Chicago , phonographs , records , sup- U-M478 A6 DR. NELSON , dentist , room n Crelghton blk. , 15th and Douglas. Tel. 1910 U M969 Aug. 20 SUPERFLOUS hair , warts and moles per manently removed by electricity ; consul tation free and confidential : nil work guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1613 Douglas. U-M312 31 * SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed : no electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4 WIthncll block. U 313 WOMAN'S welfare within her own control. Greatest blessing ever discovered for ladles ; sealed particulars free. Address I auvro Co . Hearst Bldg. , San Francisco. Lady aeents wanted DR. McG-ILL'S " " "Galvanlstat" ( patented ) , latest method for the scientific application of electricity. Absolute cure for rhouma- t,5m' ? IeePIessnes ) . loss of vital force .and am other nervous diseases ; guaranteed. Wrlto for particulars. Eureka Specialty Co , S3 Washington St. , Chicago , III. Agents -wanted. U 3SO 30 * 23c GETS you a cabinet photograph of Mc- > ' 'rDewey , Scliley , Hobson , Sampson , Miles , FJtzhugh Lee and the Maine. No stamps taken larger than two cents Cdebrity Photo Agency , 4 Withnell Bloc k Qmalha , Neb. U 379 30 * LADIDS use our preventive for delaved monthly periods. Lee Remedy Coi M59 Langley Ave. , Chicago. U 378 30 * A WEALTHY gentleman , quite alone , will appreclato with all his heart true devoted wife. Mr. Lowell , 3126 Forest Ave. Chi cage , 111. U 377 30 * VIARRY , list of proposals , scaled 'c- " marry wealthy. Box SSI , Denver , Colo" ' -.EE , success in life can only be obtained through Influence ; win send absolutely free a 100-page ( book which explains nil The secrets of hypnotism , personal magne tism and magnetic healing ; tells how to cure diseases and bad habits ; enables you to win nnd hold : the love and respect of onvrs ; anybody can learn In a few days ; we guarantee success ; write today. Ad dress National Publishing Co , Dept 207. Barry Building , Rochester , N. Y. U AVH\ remain single when so many want to Tnan-y ? Send 2c for list and particulars. Mutual Exchange , Kansas City , Mo. U ATTRACTIVE young widow , having prop erty nnd everything to make life pleasant except affectionate hunuand , de lreH to correspond with home-loving gentleman. "Marffarite , " 1T7 E. 40th St. , Chicago , III ! U 493 30 * - - - of . beauty , Inherited -f-Kf , ; , * r/100. $ .0,000 . lately , would marry nn honorable gentleman. Miss Mildred , 36 Ave A New y ° rj U-531 30 * CANCER CURED , hoTne treatment ; no knife , , plaster or pain : book of advice , r Jtason Medical Company 121 West St. , New York. U 395-30 * SNOW. CHURCH & C , law nnd eollec- tions 6W ( Karbnch block U M529 MONEY TO I.OAJT TtIVAJ , ESTATE. , IONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Pavne. Hardtr Co. , N. Y. Life. W-17.J PER CENT money. Be ils , Paxton Block ! AV-17J "lONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate , Brennan-Lo/e Co , 219 So. 16th. W-173 100 TO $2,000. F. D. W ad , 16th & Douglas. W-174 1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co , 1320 Farnam W 179 JROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York W-551 iIONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co , 219 B. 16th , Omaha. W 182 per ct. , Chas. C. Williamson , U.S. Bk Bid , ? , . .OANS , Pottcr-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-180 "RIVATE money to loan , low rate J H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. W-1S3 per cent loans. Garvln Bros , 1613 Farnam. \V-1S5 VANTED. city nnd farm loana ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co , 1702 Farnam St. , U e Bide. W 1S1 MONEY TO LOAN HE VI , ESTATE. WRITE us If you want a loan on your farn in Iowa , eastern Neb or Mo ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Tru t Co. , 313 N.Y.L W-m MORTGAGES-Wallace , 314 Brown BloclT W-176 6 , 6H , 6 per ct. loans In Omaha , So Omahi W. H Thomas , 6031st Nat. bank. Tel. 164 $ . W 461 t MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY : oanfd on pianos , furniture , horses , cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R 8 , Barker blk X-liK ) LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE , holding permanent positions on their pr sonal note , without Indorsement or t > ecur It } ' , strictly confidential and nt ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; bcfora borrowing see us , as you will flnO It greatly to your pdvnntage ; we are the oldest , largest and only lncorporU d loan compan.v in Omaha. F. W Truax , Mgr , 119 Board of Trade Hltlg. , 16th and Far- nam Sts Telephone 2295 X M252 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con- crns upon their o.rn name * without EC- curlty ; easy payments. Tolman , R 70S , N Y Life Bldg. X1S9 MONin loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc ; payments un known to friends. Mergers' Loan Bank , 1416 Farnnm , upstairs. X1S7 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew elry , horses , cov ? * . tc. C. F Read , 319 S 13. X1S3 MONEY TO LOAN ON MONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , irORSEfl. CARRIAGES. WAGONS , ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. You cnn pay the money back In any amount you wish and at anv time. Each payment so made lessens the cost of carrying the loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOANCO. _ , iNlX1SS X1SS LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE IF YOU ARE A SALARIED EMPLOYE holding a permanent position we will loan you any amount your situation will Justify without endorser , mortgage or securltv of any kind other than vour name. The fact of your holding a position Is sulllclent guarantee to us that jou will carry out any agreement into which you may en ter with u * . YOU CAN REPAY IN EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS THE STRICTEST PRIVACY WIL BE maintained In all our transactions with you , and voti will receive the same cour teous consideration that Is accorded your employer at his bank. OMAHA CREDIT CO. C. E Jennings , manager , suite 525-520 New York Llfo bldg. LOANS ON SALARIES TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN permanently engaged with responsible con cerns upon their own names without M- ; curlty ; no Inquiries made of their em- plovers ; applications treated confidential The BIG BUSINESS we do demonstrates where to go for advances at VERY LOW EST RATES , repayments made In agree able Instalments either weekly or monthly to suit convenience of borrower. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAID Persons momentarily embarrassed who de- slro above everything else to avoid pub licity are the class we especially desire to serve. serve.OUR LOANS ARE CONFINED TO SALARIED EMPLOYES. You can deal with us quickly and satis factorily. It TV 111 be to your advantage to call at our ofllco before borrowing else where. AMERICAN LOAN CO , Room bOl , Bee bldg- . BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR QUICK returns list your bargains at O'Neill Real Estate Agency , So. Omaha. Y-193 INVEST $200. securing large weekly Income. Safe , conservative proposition. 2d suc cessful year. Statistics free. H. Grllfin , 11SO Broadway , New York. Y M23I A24 * AN experienced caterer with cash ( no one to buy out ) can have the Brunswick Hotel Cafe. AVrlte giving references , capital , etc. , John H. Pierce , landlord , Omaha. Y-.M2SO 2 WANTED , good location for exclusive shoe store of $3,000 to $4,000 ; town of 1,500 or less preferred. Box 335 , Adel , la. Y M307 30 ELECTRIC machines that pay 100 per cent annually on small Investment , with ex clusive territory. Write National Electric Company , Detroit , Mich. Y M321 29 * 52 LOTS in the very heart of Lima , O. , one of the. best cities In the state : these lots are selling for $ ,00 cash n'ach ' ; will exchange all of the-m for western clear res'dence , farm or hotel property ; this Is a bargain , we Invlto Investigation. Wo have , man with J10.000 to invest In the furniture and lease of strictly first class hutel. Do not answer unless your house will bear Investigation. Must be the best house In largo city. We have another with $1,000 wanting a place that Is worth $3,000 or $4,000 ; must he A-l. Wo have a ICG-ncre highly Improved farm , good buildings , clos.3 to town. located enL L S & at S and N. Y. C. & ST. L. R. R S , ii ) Erie Co , Ohio. A beautiful home Will exchange It for hotel realty If good property or farm here In the west or resi dence In cdty. Western Hotel Brokers , R. 104 , Bee Build ing , Omaha , Neb. Y-400-30 SENT PREE. our dollar and sense booklet which expla/ns the only plan evr devised to alwajs make largo profits opeiatlng In wheat and corn ; Insures a regular monthly Income , -without risk ; simple , safe nnd sure ; no experlt-nco necessary ; wrlto at once. The Combination Invest ment Co , Incorporated , Rlalto Bldg. , Chicago. Y 3S2-30 * 'NOTHING succeeds like success , " $100 Invest d by my "safe method" In grainer or stocks has 'paid $1 000 profit In 30 daj ; references furnished ; write for par ticulars. Richard Oliver. Banker nnd Broker , Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Y 3iG-3u * FOR SALE , two-chair barber shop , con fectionery In connection , In thriving town ; $240 cash ; only shop and confec tionery In town. Address John Crawford , Yutan , Neb. Y-533 30 * GENERAL Block for sale , consisting of dry goods , boots and shoe ? and groceries , no fixtures , cheap ; rent In one of the best towns of 2,500 Inhabitants In S , W. Iowa ; stock In fine condition , amounting between $6,000 and $7,000 , reason for selling , too much outside business. Address F 18 , Bee olllce , Y-G18 30 * SIDNEY and pervkes to Invest in estab lished real cstato and rental business , or would form new partnership Address r 2J , Bee. Y-G41 30 * ELEGANT stock millinery and business , best county seat eastern Neb ; ch > up for cash or exchange good property ; Im mediate disposal necessary. Address F 19 , Beo. Y M3S3 A3 * WEEKLY profits Don't lose the chance. Money can bo doubled every month In wheat , stocks nnd cotton. Wo pay profits every fiftten days to clients. Our plan of safety is uneqtmled. Write for full par ticulars , free to any address. C E. Mackcy & Co. , 29 Broadway , N , Y. Y FOR SALE , hotel doing good paving busl- ncf.s , very line location , town of 1,500 , 3 railroads. Good reasons for s&lllng. For price and terms wrlto G A A veil ) , Prop. , Cottage hotel , Malvern , la. Y NTEREST In well established real estate agency for sale. Address E 33 , Bee ofllce , Y-3S1 30 * OIL route , wagon and horsesi cheap. 1511 Cass. Y M500 1 * 3USINESS snap , grocery and saloon com bined , makliigi money ; alsol buildings , ground feed stable , excellent location , es tablished trade ; Investigate J J Crowe , 3109 West Broadway , Council Bluffs. SNOW , CHURCH & CO , law nnd collections - tions , r > 0fl Karbach block. Y-M530 SNAP for a Missouri river man'one-horse ; ferry and charter for gale , ferry doing a good business. Box 631 , Blair , NebY618 Y-618 30 MDSE. Have jou a drug store or stock of mdse. jou wish to dispose of , or do you wish to buy. Write Henry C. Smith , Falls City , Neb. Y-C16 30 'OR SALE , coal mlno property , with 2 shaftH about 60 acre of coal to work , all underlaid with 3 f < v t of play that will make llrst-clasH brick and tile : 40 acres of land. 6 houses'on ' U. a bplcndld chance for the right party. For particulars address Box 167 , Clurlnda , la. Y-.M5M 1 lU'SINESS CHANCES. WANTED , to Invest J5W M nnd services In some good business. Hot 234 , ylty. rou T\CII.IAOK. DENVER , Cole , 7 brick bulldlnc" . rental $70 00 per month , for Omaha property or good land , J. N. Frcnzcr , opp , old P O. 320 ACHES choice farm land nnd cash , to o\chatigo for good residence property ; south of Farnatn and wc U of 26th Ad dress F S , Bee. X 22SA1 F1RST-CLASS upright piano for lot ; nil or pvirt pavment. Address D 29 , Bee. fii I S " * W3 I HAVn noli lmpro\ed farm , two tulles from good town , will exchange for drus or dry goods xtock. Merchandise Broker , 6 ? Brow n block. 7.-M2S7 SO WE Imvo a man with Rood real rotate nml cash for general stock of merchandise Merchandise Broker , 603 Urown block. SC-M2SS SO roll SALE or e.\chuigo for gu < xl 7- room modern house just north Hanscom park. J. H. Pnrrotte , Douglas lllk 7. K6 30 TYPEWRITERS for rent MOO per month. The Smith-Premier Typ wrlter Co , 1B25 Farnom St Telephone 12S1 202 WEREN'T and sell the best typewriters undo , largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1C12 Fir- nam. 20,1 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies 1619 Farnam. 201 _ TH"E Oliver Tvpewrlter , visible writing. heaviest manlfolder nnd cuts the finest sle-ncll : see exhibit liberal Arts bldg , Greater America Exposition Tel 2279. J S Stewart , Special Agent , 318 S. Fif teenth St , Omalin , M 364 TYPEWRITERS. secondhand. 1116 Far'nam. MG31 A12 MEDICAL. LADIES , harmless monthly regulator , pan- not fail. Mrs. B. Rowan. Milwaukee , WIs M9GO Allg20 LADIES. OLD DK. BELL'S COTTON UOOT PILLS the BEST , SAFE RELIA BLE Tnke no other. Rend 4c stamp for paiticulars. DR. BELL , Box 71S. St. Louis , Mo. MS5i A2S * LADIES , Chlchcster's English Pennvroyal pills arc the best ; safe , reliable , take no other , send 4e , stamps , for partlculius , "Hellof for Ladles , " In letter bv return mat ! At druggists Chlchestor Chemical Co , Philadelphia. Pa. DRMANSFIELD'S ] MONTHLY REGUlator - later lias brought happiness to hundreds of nn\lous women ; ha\o never hnd n slnglo failure ; longest cases rollevod In two to IHe days without fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no Interfeience with work ; bv mail or of- ficv * . $2 ; all letters truthfully nnswercd. The Mnnsflold Remedy Co . 167 Dearborn , street , room 014. Chicago , 111. 3S5 A5 * SIIOUTIIAM ) AMI TYI'KWIUTING ! \ A. C. Van Sant'o School. 717 N. Y. Llfo. 210 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 211 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal ; Bee Bldg. 212 LOST. POINTER pup , liver coior , with white breast , 7 months old : liberal reward paid for his return to 1117 N. 17th Bt. Lost M332 30 * ONE light bay horse , black mane nnd tall , strayed or stolen , from Port Redman's paHturo. Reward for return to Z. II. Recdcr , 1506 N. ISth. Lost M330 30 * LOST Between Thirtieth and Fnrnam nnd Twenty-fifth and Davenport , black cloth cape , silk lined. Reward If returned to 1901 Dodge street. Lost 346 30 * LOST , about three weeks ago , fox terrier dog -with brown spots ; nnyono giving In formation Jeadlng to recovery will be re warded. G27 South 25Ui avenue. Lost M503 1 OSTEOPATHY. OHNSON Osteopathlo Institute , suite G15 N , Y. Llfo Bldg. Tel. 1604. J. W. Dill. M.D. . D , O , consulting physician. Mrs. Alice John son , D. O. ; Mary Hobson , D. O. , graduate/i of American School of Osteopathy , Klrks- vllle , Mo. Gld. E. Johnson , Mjr. | 20S M. E. DONOHUE. D. O , of Still school , Klrksvllle , Mo. , 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1357. 209 OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , 8c ; col'ars , 2c ; cuffs , 4c ; underwear , 6c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. M 465 8 pl4 \ HO , ye fishermen , go to Langdon , Mo. , for bass and cropple ; stop at Adams house , $1.25 a day , $5.00 a week , including boats. 431 A4 BASS nnd croppla fishing Is now nt Iti best. The Langdon hotel offers superior accommodations to fishermen and tran sient guests. Reasonable rates. Frank F. Vogt , Langdon , Mo. M512 A29 \ ATTORNEYS. W. F. WAPPICH , attorney , E03 Brown Blk. I 632 A9 IIICYCLES. NEW wheels , $13 50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels. $5 up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Blcyclo Co 205 SEE Louis Flescher for bicycle repairing , enameling and sundries. 1G22 Cap. Ave. 206 " ANDRAE bicycles , $20. 1116 Farnam. MC91 A12 TICKET IIIIOICEKS. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets nojght and sold. P H. Pihllbln. new location , 1301 nnd ISO ! Far nam. Est. 1SS9. Member G. T. B. Assn. M-100 FINANCIAL. SOMETHING now In stocks and bonds. Pays SOO per cent per year on Investment ; any amount. Investors Becurcd ; payable any time. No speculation. Best refer ences , Wrlto for particulars. Inventors' Trust , 1221 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. MCICEI , ALL kinds plating. Om Plating Co , Bee bide 3S IIYRIENIO TIII91TMI8NTS. MASSAGE , electricity , hydrotherapy ; grad- uatcs Battle Creek , Mich. , sanitarium : references ; ladles only. Phone 2199. -707 A12 HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , located at 1716 Bt. Mary's Ave' 217 SIDEWALKS , ARTIFICIAL stone and brick sidewalks. A. R. Heel , 262J Burt street. M-6CO All * Tltll.MC FACTOHV. SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory. 1 12W Farnam 993 A20 | SEWINO MACHINES UEPAIHED , ' BY Joseph E , Phillips. 2519 Corby BU Omaha ; best of city references given 41,2 A5 I'AAVNIIKOKKIIS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Otllco , 418 N 18. 213 _ ' EAGLE Loan Ofllce , reliable , nccommod'oN Ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. L _ ; u AIISTHACTS OF TITLES. HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 123 Bee Building3 3 * *