THE ( VM"ATTA DAILY "BEE : , , TTTTjY 2S. 18M ! > . SPEGIAL1H01 AiUcrllnrmrnl.s fur tltene columns trill ! > < tnKrn until 12 m , for tli rrcnliiK villllou mill until 81.10 11. til. for inoriiliiK niul Stindnr editions. llntm , 1 l-a n ttoril flrM limrrtlnni lit n Miml tlioronttpr. > citliliiK tnKcii for II-SN limn - > ifor ttir flmt luxcr- tlon , Tlipnc nilrerllscnirnta iiinut tic run t'liiiHciMitlv ol > ' A < prtlfirrn , ! > ) ' rrnncktlnB n mini- lirrnl rhnU , cnn Imvr itnuwcrii nil- ilrt-MKoil to a luiinlicrpil Irttcr In cum of Tin ; UPC. AtiNviern o nildi-pmnl Mill l ilelltrreil on prcsentntlon ( tlii * clirck nnly. AVA > -lTUATIO. > S. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 11 N. Is. J * l. 1112. Help furnished , poaltlons procured. A 120 A HTENOORAPHER. When you want one plcasi call up the Remington typewriter omce , 1CU Farnam St. ; telephone , 1H3. A 11 double entiy bookkeeper , ra pid penman , wants nny clerlinl io"ltlon raA A ddress F 14 , not. A-M2M ) MAi.n WANTED-We have steady work for n few good hustlers of good habits and appear ance. ( Jv V. Adams Co. , 1619 llownrcl St. GOOD salesman , salary or com. 1115 N , 16. B""l 4 WANTED-npntlcrrmn nnd ladv deputies by a. frntrrnal ordsr for Nebraska. Address ) B 48 , Rep B-D2S AUK 1 _ WANTED-A cpmpPtPiit teacher to R'VP prl- vato lessons In Spanish. Addrem F 10 , earn HCP MORE advertising dlitrlbutorB. nlso to- bni'u > HalfHnien Triumph Inform ttlon Co. Oall.ii. Texas. H-M2MI 2S WANTED-Magazlne nnd library bonk for warder for two months. Kcnyon Printing Co. . Des Molncs , Iowa. B-207 27 * WANTED An oxncrlnnccd sale-smati for wrapping iMI'ff. Western Paper < 'n. , ISO ! Howard , Omnlni. ' Il-29 > ; 2S CANVASSIJIlfl wnntM evory\\here ; b'p money Write Homo Comfort Sad Iron Co. , Omaha I1-M310 A27 WANTICn sovpral Rood saddlehandt at onrc. Hlcki , Halo it Worch , llalln" . Tex. B-.M30S .11 1VANTii > FKMAI.B IICI.I * . WANTED. 200'Rlrls , 153 Tel. 87S C 125 WANTKD A crooil cxnerlenred dlnlnc room girl. Hotel I.angP , C04 S. 13th.CM1M C-M1M Jy23 WANTI3D girl for ceneral housework only 4 In family , no boarding house. 2111 Bln- C 111 WANTHD two dining room ( rlrlsit once. Metropolitan Hotel , Council niuff < < . C-M2I2 V , WANTI'D A ho'iMkc per. Box 1C. Rldgley , Missouri. c-24.r. 21 WANTKD , competent girl. 621 N. 20th St. C-27'J 31 * WANTED. Klrl for houiework. ( ' .ill 2VIO California St C-270 2S HOUSEMAID. 2701 FnriiMm. C-A130J 2S * rciirc trnlHtl\pi ) wanted ; blp monevi no bookH'or mnHclnp. Address F15 , UPC. C MJOO 28 * PIlOFITAHIjR employment to women of In- tpllltrpnpe nnd reflnempiit Vllllng to work ; no experience ncpcw.iry. Address F1G , np < - . C M29D 2S FOR T1CNT HOUSES. HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St. D-126 A1 > WAY3 moving household poods and nlanoH. Omaha -Van & Storage Co. . 1511W Faxpam. Tel. 1S53. D-127 HOUSES , stores. Bomls , Paxton block. D-128 FOR KENT , housra In all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street. D-129 _ FOR RENT , strictly modern fiat In Davldge Bldg. , opposite city hall. John 'W. Robblns , 1803 Farnam street. D-130 _ FOR RENT Eleven-room modern house , 2113 Capitol avenue. The O. F. Divls Co. D276 modern flat. 1112 8. llth. D 618 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. f Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street. D-134 _ _ MAGGARD'B van & storage. 117N15. Tell496. D 135 _ 1402 POPPLETON AVE. . 10 rooms , modern , largo yard and ban. The Byron Reed Co. D-MIJ24 _ TOR RENT , for summer , elegant West Farnam St. home furnished. Bemls. Paxton - * ton block. D 600 _ FOR RENT , large house of 13 or 14 rooms , large bam , large grounds at 8. W. corm - m > r of 27th'and Jackson Sis. BEM1S , PAXTON BLK. D-3S3 _ I-ROOM , modern , 1S17 Capitol Ave. . J45 00 ; 4210 Farnam , S rooms , barn , J22 50 ; 23S5 Burt , 0 rooms. J13.00 ; others. Rlngwalt BHW. . Barker Block. D 3SS _ FURNISHED house central. 200 California D-M781 _ FOUR rooms , 7083Q. _ 17th st. D M422 A3 * CHOICE houses , cottaBni. stores. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Ufe. 'Phone , 1016. _ p-137 FOR RENT. T-68 South 28th St. . 10 room7 modern ; Rood repair. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 So. 14th St. D-M719 _ tTl > 2 POPPLUTON AVE. , 10 rocms , modern , large yard and barn , } 30. The Byron Reed Co D M6JI _ MODERN 7-room house , j009 N. 21th st. , J20. C05 Bee. D M9CM * i FOR RENT , S-room furnished IIOIIHP with modern conveniences , near Browncll hall , JOHN W. ROBBIN8 , 1F03 FARNAM ST D-M9IO _ _ FOR RENT , brick half-havpincnt four rooms , 607 S. 23lh t. W. L. Selby. 334 Board of Trade. D-.M237 2S _ LARGE flno ronldpnrf , 10 rooms pntrel ! > modern , porcelain Iwitli , In perfect con dition , large grounds , * good' barn. In best part of Walnut Hill , rpnt J3500 per month 1227 N. 20th at , , store. 7.00 ; four-room Hat upstnlrH. J < ; city wntrr , Omaha Land A Trust Co. , Wth and Douglas D-M235 _ FOR RENT , Htx-room rottage. corn'r 52 < and California stress. In excellent re pair , city water , clstrm. coal shed , etc. i23 , Including water tax. Inquire nt no ; N. 11th street. D-M : _ " HENRY "PAYNE'S BARGAIN LIST. 1K2 N. 81st fit. 6-room house. > 3. Brand new > room modern lions ; , two blocks from Farnam car , only } 22 0. All modern , T-room hou , easy walking dtsUnce , KOO < ! rrrialr. 125. Blrlctly modern 8-room houce , close In K7.BO. Finn 10-room all .nodern hoime , 663 S. 2itl hi. . 110 , Water paid by owners , 01 N. Y Life. D-M2S2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR RENT , modern 12-room house , at 41 : N. I3th frtieM , on motor line , J. T. Clarke 219 Hoard of Tiadc. D-MJ79 30 6UPIJRB , uiipqualed. 7-ropm houwe al mcxlern ; central. Apply Tlrard. 223 Nortl 24th. D-M291 31 FOU IllJMT-F'UHMKIlim HOOMA , GOOD sleeping accommodation , rtnom 1 Davldge bulldlne , K-M409 A3 * THE BACHKltOR'S HOTRL. 2006 Farnan St. Duublo outh room , suitable for man and wife. E C30 A-9 TWO front rooms furnlihed for light house keeping , near Hanscom park , lb.00 month Furniture for sale , 2S03 Woolworth ave. E-54J ! NICK furnished front room , prlvoto family reasonable to permanent roomer : electric lleht. bath , etc. Apply iitt N. 25th Bt. C M116-2V * 'OH mvr-iM IIMMIII : nmxnis. SI'ITU of 2 furnished room * for light house- ki-eplng only a few bl vk from j > o tolllcp N W. Cor 17th nnd Webster , Low rent IVA125 * M'RNISIIKD room , 6 < * ) 8 2 h. Call cv n- I nun. B MMS _ nNT- Punish ( ! room , 17 00 MIT ralrtwell street K 2"3 2. * FUHMMIIiU HOOMSJ AMI I1OAUU. BLKQANT rooms and board. IMS Capitol Ave. F 139 N'ICELY"turnUhd room with breakfast ; Hnnscorn park ; modern house. Ad dress C 13 , llee. F 88 FtnST CbA83 rooms and board. 2107 Douglas F-MTS2 A2 * 'HONT room with nlcnve. with all modern conveniences 212 3. 25th Bt. F-901 SUITE rooms , furnlsh'd or unfurnished. Utopla. 1721 Davenport St. F-681- _ PLUASANT rooms. 2402 ca s. ELEGANT roo"m with board. 1D09 Capitol ave. F M1E2 29 * 10OM8 nnd board at 2112 Emmet * t 'fllNISlUJlTroom. with ( rood board. 220G Doughs. F-M301 SI * roil Un\T U.NFL'IIMSUBH IIOOMS. J UNFURNISHED rooms , newlr Capered , up stairs 2226 So , 12th. O-M363 5 UNrt'RNISHED chambws for house keeping to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. ROOMS , south front 60S N. 13th fit. O 273 23 * roil nnvr STOIIUS A > D OFFICES. DESK room for rent on ground floor Bee Building Farnam street Ride , rent reason able. Apply R , O. raters Co , , Bee. Build- Ing. I M413 FOR RENT , stern In tlrst-class location , rent reasonable. Apply n. C. Peters & Co , , K , ound floor Bee Bldg. 1 266 FOP RENT , n Kround noor omce. special V suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , bull' for me of city treasurer. Ap ply H. C. Pcteis & Co. , ground noor , Bes Building. 1-267 ONE largo fine office of two rooms to rent In the Continental block ; will put in con dition to suit tenant. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , 16th & Douglas Sts. STOUB for rent. 304 South 16th St. , fine room suitable for store room or office purposes , { 63,00. George and Company , 1601 Farnam St. I-M6C6 31 STORES AT ORBATliY REDUCED PRICES. 13.M N. 21th st. oowt front corner , 22x60 , re duced from J3j to * 23. 1522 N. 24th St. , 22.\GO , reduced from J35 to J1 50 ' B'N. 24th st. , 22xCO , reduced to } 12. 131S N. 24th St. , 22xGO. reduced to J10. 2101 Stwarrt t. , furnished burber shop , re- ditutil to 10. 1017 Clark st. . 22x50 , with good basement and baker's oven , reduced to $12. HENRY B. PAYNE , C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. I-M2S1 31 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S- 910 Jon's , general storage and forwarding. 143 WANTED TO I1UY. \VH WANT several nice residences and resl- denco lots for cash buyers. Wo have th * buyers what have you to offer ? O'Neill's Real Instate Agency , South. Omaha. 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. T l. 2233. N-147 ALL kinds of household Koods , hotels , etc. . In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. . 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortensen , 404 N. Ifith N-M417 A3 WILL pay cash for 1 or i acres with small house. J. II. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. N 654 WANTED , to buy a Shetland pony or other small i onv ; must bp cheap and well broken. Address F 17 , Bee office.N . N M303 28 FOR SAMS FURNITURE. SBE our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodpe. FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLES. OLD bUKRlet taken In trade on new vehicles. Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 1C & Davenport. I'OH SAIjE MISCEMiANEOt'S. FLAG POLES ; sawdust ; cheapest and besl hog fence. 001 Douglas. Tel. 458. Q-159 FIANOS , organ * , stwlnsr machines , whole , sale , retail. Colll.i * Piano Co. , 203 S. 14th , Q 572 Jy24 CUTTERS of drupr prices. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.Q Q 158 FOR sale , patent for Nebraska ; big money ; Address A , Bee office , Council Bluffs , Q-3S4 HOG , poultry.lawn and field fencing ; all wire. WireWorks , 1617 Howard Bt. Q-154 B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 plants , cut flowers , boqueta , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations orders by mall or express promptly filled Q-1B1 FOR SALE ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at One gives relief. Q 152 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlcht , 1116 Farnam Q-1E8 WHY get second grade bicycles when you can get high grade Crescent * for J33 cash Flescher. 1622 Cap. Ave. Q-153 THOSE Wonderful Douglas Shoes , 2 DO and (350. FlJher , Park Ave , & Leavenworth Q-C25-A-9 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-157 INDIAN relics ; mounted gamehcads. 1116 Farnam. Q M693 A12 CASH register , nearly new , cheap. Ill Farnam , Q MSU BICYCLE. . ' 99 model , shopworn , cheap fo cash. Nebraska Cycle Co , , 15th and lint- ney. Q-M972 28 SIX show cases for rale , Eclholm , jeweler 107 N. 16t' ) St. Q 984 J1S3.00 WILL buy good Jvers & Pond piano Cost J375.00 ! two years' time. F 6 , Bee. Q-214 FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper good for batlen or laying under carpets Omiiliu Bw > press room. Q 171 ICE for Fiilc In oar lots , Gilbert Bro Council IlluffD. Q-M311 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furniture and btovitt gold at lowest prices , carloai lots or less. Chicago Furniture T Co. , 14M-1 Dodge R-160 FOR RENT , a goc.d barn. 1D02 Cass. R-159 NEW YORK building , Bluff tract , Greater America Exposition , Crclshton hal ! and Mot-anil's Academy , bojlul functions conventions , etc. 61S AS CLAIRVOVANT9. Mill : . GYLMER , genuine palmist , 1Kb Dodge. 8-M477 MRS. FRlTZ.clalrvoyant. E17 N. Hth.S161 S-161 MRS. V. DOK8BY , life reaOluu , b N. 21s S-957 A3 \1HV01 VVI'S. MRS. DR MOSS , , the sr atcil c tor of the RP Is uncnunleil as a llfo reader and clairvoyat.t s c her and b * > convinced of her wonderful power 1704 ' & -MJM 30 * t'apltol a\e - 'ROF ClCEItO'Speclar offpr for one week. T' t hl < wonderful power this wp k for HIP small fee of 2nc. Parlors. 213 N ISth st nmr Capitol ave. S-M28S 21' MASSAHE AND 1IATIIS. MRS7BERRY , BATHS , MASsiCoE PARLORS BEST equipped In city. Porce lain tub ; ladv attendants. 119 N. 16th , , opp. P O. 2nd lloor T M2S 5 A2C * BESSIE DECAMO , thermal baths , mas- lace. 1613 Howard , 3d floor , room 1. T-.M613 29 * DR MALMQU1STmafrage , baths ! ilo Be Bldff. T-673-A11' ELITE pnror ) . 1025 Farnam , upstairs , first , clas * baths ; massage and mainptlp treat ment ; lady attendants. T M809 29 * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; macsage baths ! T-915-Aug MME. SMITH , room 2. IIS',4 North 15th , T-2751 * IER ! < ON\L. PRIVATE hospital for ladles befors A dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1135 N. 17. U-162 DR ROY , chiropodist , corn1' , superfluous hair removed by electricity. Room 12 , Frenzcr block. U-161 R1TTER hospital , confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward. Tel. 2233. U-93S A19 VIAVI Is woman's way to health. .148 Hes Bldg. U-171 MONHEIT , leader In hair goods , toilet prep arations. Paxton blk. Farnam st , entrance , U-168 THE best awortment of bicycle lamps Is at Louis Flcechor's ; prices low. 1622 Con. Avo. ' U-1G9 MONHEIT. chiropodist , halrdressmtr. Paxton - ton block. U-167 OMAHA Phonograph parlor , 321 N. 10th st.T cor. Chicago , phonographs , records , sup plies. U-M478 AS DR. NELSON , dentist , room 9 , Crelghton blk. , loth and Douglas. Tel. 1940 , U M9 9 Aug. 20 HOME wanted ; an orphan boy , 12 yearn old , bright nnd promising ; farm preferred. Child Saving Institute , 508 S. 18th st. U-M303 29 * SUPE.R.FLOUS . hair , warts and moleB per" manently removed by electricity ; consul tation free and confidential ; nil work guaranteed. JIlss Allcnder , IG13 Douglan. U-M312 31 * MONEY TO LOASHKAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city or for building purposes. Pavne- Jroperty Co. , N. Y. Life. W 173 E PER CENT money. Beoila , Paxton Block" MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 So. 16th. W-173 100 TO $2,000. F. D. W ad , 16th & Douglas. w-m $1,000 nnd upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam tv179 BROKERS , promoter ! , mortgage dealers wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. W-SGL MONEY 1o loan on 'Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co , . 219 S. 16th. Omaha. W 182 G per ct. , Chas. E. Williamson , U.S. Bk Bide. W-177 LOANS , Potter-Bholei Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-180 PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. J. H Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. W 183 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1013 Farnam , . . - . , „ „ -.v-w 185 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , B e Bldg. W 184 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L. W-181 MORTGAGES Wallace , 314 Brown Block. W-176 ! 6 ptr ct. loans In Omaha. So. Omaha. * . Thomas , 5031st Nat. bank. Tel. 1648. W 461 MOM8Y TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Dun Green , H. 8 , Barker blk X 190 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE , holding permanent positions on their pr- sonal note , without Indorsement or secur ity : strictly confidential and at 6NE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; before borrowing see us , an you will find It greatly to your pdvantage ; we ar the oldest , largest and only incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax , Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , 16th and Far nam Sts , Telephone 2295. X M252 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con- cfrna upon their own names , without se curity ; easy payments. Tolman , It. 70t > , N. Y. Life Bldg. X189 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , otc. ; payments un known to Srlends. Bergers' Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam. upstairs. X187 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cotrt , * tc. C. F. Read , 319 B. IS. X188 MONEY TO LOAN ON MONEY HOUSEHOLD FURKTTURE. PIANOS , IfORSES , CARRIAGES , WAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS , You can pay the money back In any amount you wish and at any time. Each payment so made lessens the. cost of carrying- the lon. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOANCO. _ , iNIX1M X1M MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE conndcntlally , holding permanent po l- tlons on their own nam without en- dorrer , mortgage or iiecurity of any kind. Can repay in easy weekly fr monthly payments , Omaha Credit Co. , C. U Jen- nlngs , Mgr , , suite 625-526 N. Y. Life Bide. jClvZ DO YOU NEED MONET ? ITS EASY TO GET AND EASY TO PAY. For hlgh-claus salaried people holdlntr permanent positions with responsible firms , without mortgage or security of any kind except their own name * . Strictly confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO , Room 001 , Bee Bldff. X-MC53 RU9INESS CHANCES , FOR QUICK returns list your birgalns at O'Neill Real Estate Agency , So. Omaha. Y 1S3 ELEVATOR for sale on U P R. , Blue Springs , Neb. ; horse power , 18,000 bu. ca pacity ; no better farming district In Ne braska , Write P. O. box 173. Beatrice , Neb. Y M102 28 FOR SALE , a fine Kiddle and harness busi ness ; doing a fine buulness ; large mall trade on Baddies and cowboy outlltH. Ad dress Box 499 , Reno , Nev Y M232 2S WANTED , partner with some cash In legiti mate and well paylntr business ; Investiga tion solicited F 3 , Bee. Y M190 29' INVEST J200. securing large weekly Income. Safe , conservative proposition. 2d suc cessful year Statistics free. H. Grlllln , 1160 Broadway , New York , Y-M234 A24 AN experienced caterer with cash ( no one to buy out ) can have the Brunswick HotH Cafe. Write giving ref rences , capital , etc. , John H. Pierce , landlord , Omaha Y M2SO 2 INTEREST In well established real estate agency for sale , Addreas E 33 Omaha Bee , Y-M2 3 27' WANTED , good location for exclusive shoe store of $3,000to 51.000 ; town of 1,500 or legs preferred. Box 333 , Adel , la. Y-M307 30 POR i\tn win. DENVER Cilo 7 brKk Inilld'inK' rental J70.00 per ni nth , for Omaha properly of good land. J N 1'renier , opp old P o. 3iO ACRES choice farm land and rash , to pxclmncfi for good residence property , south of Farnam and we t of t > . hi Ail- dres , F S. Bee. V-MS Al FIRST-CLAPS upright iilnlio for lot , all or 1 > ort pajmcnt Addre s U 2"J , Bee278AS' /278-AS' I 1IAVB well Improved farm , two I from good town ; will exohanpe for druj ? ' or dry Rood * Mock. Merchandise Ittokrt , 503 Brown block. / M287 30 WE ha\e n man wllh oed real estate and cash for Rennral stock of nierohandls * . Mcrchundlso Broker , & 03 Brown block. X MWS 30 roil SALE-REAL ESTATE. LIST your property with us. We will sell It. L. L. Johnson Co. , 311 S. 15th. RE-M245 Jy31 4 ACRES , unimproved , close In ; lays fine : cheap. J. ir. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE-M4S3 HAVE you some lots to sellT Now Is the time to dispose of them : let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. HE-865 OHHAP , Georgia Ave. lots , east fronts , and one lot at 34th & Farnam. Peck it Co . 101 8. 16th. UK-M173-29 O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency , South Omaha. Headquarters for realty Invest ments. RE 199 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY 115000 to J200.00 for lots 6 blocks miithwest of packing houses ; small cash payment. balance monthly. GEORGE & COMPANY , CITY HALL Bldg. , South Omaha , UK-MS51 31 iOMFORTABLE cottage , 8 rooms , very sightly nnd In good condition , located nt 2S11 Charles street. R u-ng HENRY B. PAYNE. 001 N. Y. LIFE BLDG Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance * RE-501 C. F. HARRISON i GEO. T. MORTON 912-913 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 311. ' RE-M411 A3 * HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Blk. RE 193 FOR SALE or trade , 320 acrrs good valley land in Hooker count } , Nebraska , nix mllen from railroad , Address J. j. steen , 2423 Blnney st. , Omaha , Neb. 11E M921 AuelS * CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th st. RE-979 $1,200 TO J10.000 will buy you a home In Hnnscom Place. We have ovcn such plnceft for you to select from , nnd two clollchtful homes. West Fnrnam. nlso cheap property In every part of the city. We have for sale stock of boots" and shoes doing good business ; host of rpasons for nplllng. M. J. Kennard & Son , 310-11 Brown Block. RE-110 FINELY finished S-room home , modern In every detail , plectrlc light , Kas , laundry , barn , lot 78x140 ; one of the best bargains In Omaha ; owner leavlnc city. 3711 N. 18th , half block south of Mandprson street. RE-M2G1 28 FARM for sale. We have o. well Improved farm to exchange- for city propertv. W3 Brown block. RE M2S1 30 GREAT BARGAIN , 5 acres cholc * Rirdcn land , onlv J675. Hicks , 32f > Board of Trade Rldg. RE M292 30' A TWO-STORY frame factory building. Six 60 ft. , with a 25 H. P. boiler nnd 15 H. P. engine , near the Missouri Pacific R. R. wound , 100x138 ft. ; more available ; to seller or lease ; liberal Inducements. C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON , 912 and 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE M303 2S FOR SALE , lot 4. blk. 1. , Shull's 2d add , . No. 1514 S. 26th ft. , S rooms , modern ; hot water heat ; barn : JI.OOO. Charles BnttPlle , attorney , 150S Dodge st. RE M303 3 TYPEWRITER . TYPEWRITERS for rent. M.OO per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnum St. Telephone 1234. 202 WD RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far nam. 203 REMINGTON Standard typewrlt r and sup plies. 1619 Farnam. 204 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfolder and cuts the finest stencil ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bid ; . , Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 318 % S. Fif teenth St. , Omaha , M-364 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam. M094 A12 MEDICAL , LADIES , harmless monthly regulator ; can not fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , Milwaukee , WIs. M960 Aus20 * DR. MANSFIELD'S MONTHLY REGUlator - later has brought happlnei-s to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to five days without fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no Interference with work ; by mall or of fice , J2 ; nil letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. . 1C7 Dearborn street , room 014. Chicago , 111. 167 29 * L-ADIES , OLD DR. BELL'S COTTON ROOT PILLS the BEST. SAFE , RELIA BLE. Tuke no other. Send 4o stamp for particulars. DR. BELL , Box 718 , St. Louis , Mo. M256 A25 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Sant'o School. 717 N. Y. Life 210 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 10th & Douglas. 211 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal ; Bee Bldg. J12 LOST. LOST , black folding leather pocketbook containing 15800 In bills. Liberal reward for return to 412 Paxton block. Lost 374 2S * LOST , buckskin colored Jersey dehorned cow. Return property to A. Ifospe. 315 N. 17th st. Lost-M.304 29 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathlo Institute , suite Bio N , Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1684 , J. W Dill. M.D. , D ! O. , consulting physician. Mrs. Alice John son , D. O. ; Mary Hobson , D , O. , graduates of American School of Osteopathy , Klrlta- vllle , Mo. Gld. E. Johnson , Mgr. 203 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school , Klrksvllle , Mo. , 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1307. 209 I1ICYCLES. NEW wheels , 11H.50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , 15 up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Blcyole Co 203 SEE Louis Flescher for bicycle repairing , enameling and sundries , 1622 Cap , Ave. ANDRAE bicycles , J20. 1116 Farnam. MC91 A12 LAUNDR1. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , 8c ; collars , 2c ; cuffs , 4o ; underwear , Cc. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. M-465 Ppl RESORT ! ) . HO , ye fishermen , go to Langdon , Mo for bais and cropple ; stop at Adams house , (1.25 a day , J5.W a week. Including boats. . 1 A4 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railway and uteamshlp tickets ; excursion tickets bought and Bold , p. H , Phllbln. new location 1503 Farnam , Omaha , Bit , 1889 , Member G , T. B. Aisn. M10U NICKEL PLATING. ALL kinds plating. Om Plating Co. , Bee bldi 43J MIRROR FACTORY. DAMAGED looking glasieg reillyered. 701 N. Hth. M231 MASSAOI' tlcctrlIty hvdr ithernp } ! grad uates Battle Creek , Mich , sanitarium ; references , ladles only Phone JIW. -707 Alt' HOI M ; Movr.n. W. COY , located at 1716 St , Mary's Avo.217 -217 | ARTIFICIAL stone and brick sidewalks. ! A. R. Hoe ) , 262.1 Burl street i M-6W All * | THt'MC P1CTOHY. SEE OUR trunk traveling bngs , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha , Trunk factory , 12M Farnam. -993 A2S ATTORNEYS. W. F , WAPP1CH , attorney , C03 Brown Blk I 031 At SEVIMVrillMV ! REPAIRED. BY Joseph E. Phillip * . 2519 Corby st. , Omaha ; best of city references given. 462 AS PAWNBROKERS , JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllcc. 413 N 16. I 213 CAGLB Loan Olllce. reliable , accommodat ing ; all business conlldsntlnl. 1301 Douglas. 214 ABSTRACTS OI * TITLES. HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building. 209 FEATHER RENOVATOR. MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. 16th. Tel. 781. 21S STAMMERING AM > STt'TTERINfi. ' CURED Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg.21J 21J MATTRESS RENOVATING. M. S. WALKLIN. 111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. -216 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room (4.00 per week ; gas , .steam heat and baths. Ninth and Fainam Sts. 215 POSTOFFICI3 NOTICn. ( Should bo read dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at nuy time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending July 29 , 1899 , will close ( PROM11LY In nil cases ) at the General Postolllce as follows. PAU- CELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. TrniiM-Atliiiitlc Mnlln. SATURDAY At 6:30 : n. m. tor EUROPE per a. s. Lucanla * . vli Queenntown ( letters for France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Turkey. Egypt and British India must be directed "per Lucanla" ) ; at 0:30 : a. m. for FRANUE , SWITZERLAND ITALY , SPAIN , PORTUGAL. TURKEY EGYPT AND BRITISH INDIA , per A s. La Gascopnc * , via Il.n re ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per l < a Croscosne" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. a. Statentlam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be dlrectPd "per Statendam" ) ; nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s Ethiopia ( letters must be directed , "per Ethiopia" ) . Printed matter , etc. German steamers salllnc on Tuesdays taks printed matter etc. , for Germany , and fepfeclallv addressed printed matter , etc. , for -nher parta of Eu-ope. American and White Star steamers - ers on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard. Ficncn and Ger man steamers on Saturdays take printed matter , etc. . for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mali. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mulls namei5 above addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , .English French and German steamers , and remain open until wKhjn ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer MnlU for South niirt Central America , WON ! Indlnn. Eo FRIDAY At 2:30 : for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s. s. Corean , from Philadelphia ; at 11 a. m. ( supplementary 11:30 : n. m. ) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA , per s s Salamanca ( letters for Savanllla and far- thagena. via Curacao , must bo directed "per Salamanca" ) . SATURDAY At 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct , per s s. Silvia ; at 10 a m ( supplementary 10:30 : u. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHAGENA. psr s. s. Alle hany ( let ters for Costa Rica must be directed "per Alleghany" ) : at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:10 : a. m. ) for HAITI and SANTA MAR THA , per s. s. Alps ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA per s s. Mexico , via Havana ( tetters must be directed "per Mexico" ) . Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , clost at this offlco dally at 8:30 : p. m. ( connecting close here every Monday , Wednesday and Saturday ) . Malls for Mlquelon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close at this offlco dally at 8:30 : p , m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla , nnd thence by steamer , close at this office dally ( except Mondnj ) at * 7 a. m. ( the connecting closes are on Sundav , Y > 'ednes- day and Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla. . and th'nco by steamer , close at this office every Monday. Tues day and Saturday nt " 2 W a m ( the con necting closes are on Iviesua } * ana Satur day ) . Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for despatch by .steamer , closat this office dAllv at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:10 : p. m. 'Mails 1-or Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guate mala bv rail to New Orleans , ann thence by steamer , close nt this oftlce dally at 11:00 : p , m. Connecting ploses htro Sun days and Tuesdays for Coslu Rica , and Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala. 'Registered mall closes at fl p. m. previous day , Registered mall closes at C p. m. second day before. Triiim-I'MdMa MnllH. Malln for China and Japan , per R , a. Em- prMJS of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here dolly up to July * 25th ut 6:30 : p. m. Mails for the Society Islands , per ship City of Papeltl ( from San Francisco ) , close dally up to July "JOth at 0.30 p. m. Malls for China , Japan and Hawaii , pnr s. s , City of Pokln ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to July " 27th at 6:30 : p , m. Malls for China nnd Japan , per K. it. Victoria ( from Tncnma ) . close hero dally up to July " .list at 6:30 : p , m Mulls for Australia ( oxc-pt thouc for West Aus- trulla , which nro forwarded via Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and Hamoan iHlanda p r s s Moona from flnn Fran cisco ) , close here dally after July " 21st and up to Augu t " 4th at 0:30 : p , m. on day of arrival of B. Campania , which will probably arrive August " 4th. Mulla for Hawaii , per s. n Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to August " 18th at 0:30 : o > . m. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per 8. u Mlowera ( from Van couver ) close hero dally after August Mth and up to August " .ISth at 0:30 : p. m. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of thulr uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p , m pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postma ter. Postolllce New York , N , Y , July 21 , 1699. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be rectlved at the ofllce of the underxlgned In Lincoln , until Monday August 7 , U&9. at noon , for the construction of an experiment station build ing upon th - University Station farm. adJoining - Joining the city of Lincoln. Said building la to be constructed according to plank and specifications propo pd therefor by Arrhl- tfcta Roberta and Woods , which puma und Hpeclllcatlons are on III" In tlu cilice of the superintendent of construction , room 103 , of the centra ) building of the university In Lin coln and mum be there examined by bidders Bidden ) nniPt accompany their proposition ) * with a cortllled rheck on a Nebraska bank In the sum of five hundred dollars payable to the Board of ReuenU cf the University of Nebraska , or with each in a like num. UH a guaranty of their purpose to enter Into contract and furnish bands as re- qulrfd in case of an award Didders must also furnish wllh their bids gchfedulen of quantities and prlcev , Bidders must be pre pared to furnlf-h security company bonds In Home well-known company , authorized to do business In Nebraska , in the sum of at least ten thouxand dollars , conditioned for th faithful performance of a building con tract and also for the prompt and full pay merit of material men and laborer ! * , In ac t-onlanco with the provlMoivs of an act of the legislature of Nebnmka , approved March SI , 16OT. The rlsht U reserved to reject any und all bids The rfgfntu will meet at i p. m , , on Monday , August 7 , ( or MVTKII TO ( ovrnvcTom. ( Continued ) considerations of proposals nnd other bud- ni' n BMdors will sent und mark their pro- POM In with their address and thp words "station building proposal , " and direct * -nme to the State Vnverlt | > . Lincoln , car * of J S Dilo" secretary J-7K-2S.M CONVICT LABOR. anted contractors to leiw 170 able- bodied convict" . In the Nebraska State peni tentiary In nny line of nmnuf.icturltiR. ex- ceptlnc clRnr , bricks nnd stonfcutlltiK. contracts to commence September 1st , 1599 , for u period not exceeding three > ears. Seiilrd bids will be received nt th office of the commissioner of Public Lands nnd Buildings nt Lincoln , Neb. , until 10 o'clock a. m. . August 10th. IS ! * . Tor further Information address George W l.eldlgh. warden. Julyl6M15t flOVKRNMKM' NOTU'E. CHIEF Ql'ARTERMASTER'S OFFICE , Onmhit. Neb. July 22 , 1S99.-A number of i-avalry horses are wnnlrd b.v the United States , fourteen , two to fifteen one high , live to seven veari old , gentle nnd perfectly tractable und othprwlfp conformable to rivalry ipeplficiiUons anil subject to In spection at place of purchase on line of nullond Parties having horcen to sell will ilv ISP thn ! oflU-o of number , approximate date nnd r.illroml station where they may be een , nnrt an onirer will ba sent to ex- nmli p tliPin and. If accepted , make pur- chasp. Full dricr'ullon of animals will ho Bi-nt on ni-iO'taf.nn to the undersigned r II HAIMAWAV , Chief OlinrtermBRler Jy2.25-2S-29 | AIIR3-I M , TREASURY DnPARTMnNT OPFICU ' Supervising Architect , WnrhiitRton , D C , Julv 11 , 1893 Senled proposals will bp re ceived nt this ollUu until 2 o'clock p. m on the Sth ilny of August 1M > , and then opened , for the plaster models and Bran- lie carving for the Unlleo States rourt housp. Custom house , nnd Po tolllpp bulldlntr. at Omaha , i , In accord ance with the drawings and up duration * , copies of which mnv bp hnd at this olllre. or the olllco of the custodian t Omaha. Nebraska , at the discretion of the supervising architect James Knox Taylor , SupervMng Architect. Architect.Jly 1761 e-o-d HORSES 700 rlillng horses , moro or Iff-1 * , for 1T S troops will \i \ * purchased In open market nt a fair prlct > Sppcllloatlons of horses required and Information us to place * nnd dates of pure-hasp will be fur- nlMtfd upon npp'lcatlon ' to J. B. ALE- SHIRE , Quartermnnt r U S. A. . t > 22 Pull man Bldg. Chicago. 111. J27d6tM RAILWAY TIME CARD. BURLINGTON A MIS- eourl River RHllro&U "The Burlington Route" General OIlTcus , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far nam StreM . Ticket omce , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tale- phone. 310. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a * :4D : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Colorado rado , Utah , California..a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln , BUck HHU. Montana & Puget Sound . . . .a 4.2J p m a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local i 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Fast Mall u 1:00 : pm alO:33 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah & California. . a 6:30 : am a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bluffs Ra < .road "The Burllng- toi. Route" Ticket Office , 1602 Farnam Street , Tele phone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. 15 am CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A Qulncy Railroad "The Burllnt'on Route' Ticket omce. 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. r -.r-i Leave. Arrive. _ . , ght Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am Chicago Vestlbued ! Ex..a 6:03 : pm a f:03 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : i\m \ a 4:05 : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a N:0u : am Pacific Junction Local..alO:4o : am a 5 15 run Fast Mall u 2:45 : pm a Dally. FltEMONT , ELKHORN & Mltsour ! Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Line" GenTa ! Offices United States National Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. 561. Depot. 15th aud W bster Streets. Telephone , 1453. Leave. Arrive. Black Ullld , Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:09 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyo..ilnu , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm Hastings , York. David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Seward.b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk. Verdigre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont LocaL c 7:30 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun- day only. d Dally except Saturday. IflCAGO i NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tel ephone , BT9. _ , Leave. Arrive. Dayllg1- Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am all:55 : pm Mo. Valley. Bloux City , St. Paul & Mlnneap- oils . a 5:50 : am all:00 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux Clty..a 7:45 : am a 4:25 : pm Carrel ! Local b 5:22 : pm blO:10 : am Eastern Express , Des Moines , Marshall town , Sedo.- Rapids and Chicago cage . . . . . . all:03 : am a 4:05 : pm Atlantic Flyer. Chicago and East . a 4 $ $ pm a 4.05 pm Fast Mad , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Northern Exrress a 6:25 : pm a 8:40 : am Omulia-Chlcatro Special.a I'M pro a 8 15 an Fast Mall nln a Pally b Dallvxtvot flunday. ( 1 CHICAGO. dT. PAUL Minneapolis A Omaha Railway "Th Northwestern - western Line" - General Oftlcea. Nebraska Divi sion. IStli and Webster LeaV ° ' Arrlve' Twin ity Express ( for ' Hloux city. St. Paul & Minneapolis ) . , . . , a 6:00 : am Omaha Pasienger . a 7-M pro Blair. Emerson. Bloux City , Ponca , Hartlng- 9 pm ' ' ' ' No'1'Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am Dally , b Dally except Sunday. 1510TJX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line1' General Omo s , United states National Bank Building , P. _ W. Corner Twelfth llckot T. . . . , , .and Parnam Streets , , . , , UIHge t. * , , T- 1401 . . Farnam m . . . Street Telel g MOBO.I1 Arr'V' ' ' Bloux City. Mankato & Bt. Paul , Minneapolis.a 6:20 : am a 8:40 : am Bt. Paul , M nncapolK Mankato & sloux City..a E2o ; pm alliOO pm Btoux City Local a 74S ; am . 4:26 pm MIfiSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-General Offices and Ticket Otllces Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglaa Bti. Telephone , 104. Depot , 16th and Webster Sti. Telephone , 14u5. Leave. Arrive. Bt. LouiB-IO > nias ft Neb. Llmtti'd a 3:00 : pm alJ:55 : pm K , C. Bt. L. Express.a BM : > pm a 6:00 : am NebraskT Ix > cal vie Weeplnr Wattr. b 6:00 : pm b 9:15 : am a DA ! y , b Dally exc pt Sunday. . .CHICAGO. ROCK. JSL- Drul and & Pacific Railroad "The Grtat Rock I | . Rock Island and Route. " City Tick. et Ofllce , 1323'/arnam Street , Telephone , 428. Route Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone , 2 , ' > De * Local , , . . a 7:06 : n'm bllz5 ; am Expr n * . blllS am a 8:10 : am Chicago Kant Expreisa fiGO : pm a 1:23 : om fit. Paul Fa t Express. .a J:00 pro bllM ; am Lincoln , Colorado Denver , Pueblo and anu i hlca/ro. / . . . . .a 7:25 : pm a 6:3S : pm Colorado . Texas F yer.s 6:40 : pm a J.OO am a Daily , b Dolly except Sunday , RAILWAY TIMIS CARD. UNION PACIFtv "THIS OVERland - land Route" General Office * . N K. Cor , Ninth and Farnnm Btreeti. City Ticket orflc * . 1309 F rn ni Street. Telephone. XIf Depot , Tenth and Maion Sirecti , Telephone , tit. Leave. Arrlv * . "Too Overlftf d Limited" for Utah , li'aho , Mon tana , California , Oregon gen mi'1 Washington prtnt.s , a 1:50 : am a 4 : < S pa The Colorudo Special for l.envet nd all Colorado points a11.55 pin a 6(0 : ( am Paclhc Sxpresa fo" Denvei , Salt Like. Pacific Coast and all western , 'olnts ' b 4:35 : pm a 6:40 : am Lincoln Beatrice and Htromsbure Expressb 4:35 : pm bll:20 : pra rremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand iManu and North Pintle a 4:35 : pm b 4:4Spm : Columbus Local b 5:10 : pm bllJO : pm North Platte Local a 6:15 : pm South Omaha Ixjcal Pass Loaves. C:15 : ii. m. ; 7:00 a , m , , 10:10 : a. m , ; 1:06 : p. m. Arrive * , 10.45 a. m. : 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:15 : p , m. ; ( i > . m. Council Bluffs Local Leava * . 1:55 : a. m , ; 6:40 : a. m : 6'50 a. m. ; 7:49 : t. tit , ; b 10:45 : a. m. ; 12:20 : p. m , 1:15 : p. m. : 4:3i : p. m.i 4:55 : p. m , ; 5.25 p in 6:55 : p. m , ; t:20 : p , m. ; i:20 : p. m. ; 10.30 p. m Arrives , 6:35 . . : . . n , m. ; 7iiO a. in. , , . . .1a m , , 8i45 it , m. | 11:10 : n , m , ; 1:06 : p. in. ; ; 4:00 : p. m , ; & : li > p. m. ; 5JO : p. m. ; 6:56 : n. m ; 6.30 p m , S , p. m. ; 11:00 : p. m. ; 11:51 : m'a 'a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. I PORT t &o 'K fC I as City & Eastern Rail. [ A RTHURI , roail.-.VTnS..1 Route"-Ticket > ort Ar Office. " 1415 Farnam Street. T N ephonc. 322. Depot Ttntb and Mason Streets. Tel * , phone , 6ft. Leave. Arrive. St. Loils Cannon Ball Exp ess a 4:50 : pm a 8. arc Kansas City and Qulncy Locni a ( :50 : am a 9:30 : pn f Pali. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A Bt. Paul Railway city Ticket Office. 1504 Farnara Street. Telephone , IS4. De pot , Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone , 629. „ Leave. Arrive. Chicago t.inilt'd Ex a 5:45 : pm n 8p : ura Chicago A Omaha Ex..blt:00 am b 3:55 : pn Sloux City & Des Molnei Express bll:00 : am b 1:5 : ! pn a Dully , b D.tllv exccut Sunday. a Dally. v A II A 8 It RAILROAD- Ticket Office. 1415 Farnum Street , Telephone SSI. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 29. Leave. Arrive. DalUr. LILV OF THIS VALBT. Ilntlilioiixf .lull" > f Chlcnuo Coinln Out In Killing foMtunicH. Chicago's famous municipal statpsir.nn , Al > dormnn Ji.lm Coughlln , better kno.v.i ut "Tho Bathhouse , " nnd the coVleaRUe of "Hlnky IJInk" Kcnna In the city rouucll , will gratify a new ambition. , HP will pluck nl few laurels In the field of fashion and be come a "Illy of the volet. " Resorts along the New Jeroey coast will be the first sccnti of his dazzling operation ! . His friends who have hnd a peep nt hli now w.vdrc'be ' believe that the nlderman of the First wr.rd will dim the gtory of J. Wrldere Kirk snatch from th tatter's grasp the crown of fame which ho has worn BO many seasons as "the King of th Dudes. " The alderman declares that the record of the prince of Wales as u maker of styles will soon be n flickering memory. Aldrr- man Ccughlln decided on nil this a few weeks ngo. He called for the railway nulde His Index finger trailed the network of doll and black lines untir It icstod on Atlantic City. City.That town Is just about my elzo for a debut , " chuckled the alderman. "I'll go down there In a varnished car and drop off long enough to paralyze some of the swell suys who loaf around the high-priced hotels and look wise. I'll show them a thing or two In dress reform for the masculine gender. Then I'll take In Cape May and Long Branch. " The alderman Immediately proceeded to his tailor with an order for a display of natural elegance. Being a man of original Ideas , Mr. Coughlln proudly dictated the de signs with which be expects to startle th Atlantic seaboard. Ho next visited his haberdasher and shoe maker , and capped the climax by ordering an opera hat mndo In New York , the Ilka of which has never been seen. It Is strictly Coughlluesque. "I want to be strictly original , " was the remark which the coming Beau Brummell dropped to the man with the tape measure. "I think that the Prince of Wales Id a lobster , anyway , In his taste. He ain't on to his Job. Ho may bo all rintit on playlnc haccarot or putting his coin on the right horse at the races , but when It comes to mapping out style for well-dressed Amer icans bo's simply a faded two-spot In the big deck of fashion. Some of hla Ideas ore too loud , and I never did llko the way he manicures his whiskers. "Prince Albert Is swelled on himself 'cause ho got a coat named after him. People ple have been following bis lead becauseno _ other guy ever had the nerve to Challenge him for the chumpiontlilp. But f m out now for first place , and you'll soou ee bla per. centngo drop. "I'm going to make some radical cbaqgei to start with , and one of 'em Is to pa s up thla fad for gloomy dark clotbea. I want to brighten the fashion plates. What the boya want Is a happy medium , a sort of crofis between a Bowery drop curtain and a Quaker gray. "I am going east on my vacation and I'm Jmt going to show those clubs on the other side of the Alleghenles bow to wear togs. " Alderman Coughlln's new full-dresi luli Id cut In the old conventional style , but the clotb In a atrlklngly original shade of moun tain grren. Two rows at black illlc embroid ery parallel with each otbcr In lerpentlna curves down the legs of the trouneri. Th vest Is a silk one , band embroidered. There I also a daah of embroidery on the lapel * of the coat , "Tho world IB mine , " an Id tbe alderman , aa ho saw tbe reflection of his mountain grrcn evening suit In a triple-faced mirror. "I'll win a mermaid tbe flmt time I look it ( ho ocean from tbe Jersey coast. " The alderman looked over Iho rest of hli wardrobe which be will wear on bis tour of conquest. Thla was tbe Inventory : One silk hat , broad band , two gallons ca pacity , and liberal brim , room for hand rail. rail.One One straw bat wltb blue band ani ) white polka dots , Ono striped Prince Albert coat wltb plaid vest , a la real estate subdivision square * , pair of plaid trousers to match , Ono red vest , with white buttons , and six doublo-breasted wbltoveals -with block but- tons. One yachting suit , double-breasted bright blue coat , wblto ilannul trousers and green leather belt. Ono batblng suit of baby blue wltb beart'c blood polka dots. One traveling eult , Tuexdo coat of brown wltb silk facing. Wblte silk vest and duck trousers , Ono brown butlneis suit , four button cut away. Scarlet vest. One pair patent leather shoes with dark green tops. Ono pair ruuet shoes wltb bulldog toes , All of bis trousers will be worn rolled up from the bottom. MaMox Chanced irilli Fifth Murdrr. LOB ANCJKLE8 , Cal. , July 26. Slurlff W , F. Pierce of Klrkwood , Kay county , O , T , , arrived here < o take back Clyde Mattox , who In to stand trial for murder. Pierce says that the crime for which Mattox has been held to answer now U hit fifth murder. He waa pardoned onie by Preildent Cleve land and once by Preildent McKlnley. Mat tex vviir be vbacklcd and no chance c'vea ' htm to escape.