Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1899, Page 10, Image 10
1 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THTOSDAY , JULY 27 , 1899. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Apprehension of Damage by Hot Weather Strengthened ioth Wheat and Corn. OUTLOOK FOR FRENCH CROPS IS GOOD Cooit Demand from Short * Canned a Itally In Ont * LarKC IleccliiU * of HOK * I'OiTcrcd Pro- vlnloii * . CHICAGO , July 26 Approhfenslon of dani- HBO by the hot , dry weather prevailing throughout thtj country ntrcnethcncd wheat nnd corn today. September wheat closed with a gain of > ,4Sfs ° and corn &c. Oats dosed uneh-anfjed , ProvlBlons suffered from liquidation. Pork lost 12Vj'iJl6c , lard & & ? Va < 9 und rlba 7',4c. Whwit started strong at 71c and grad ually rose to 71ic , an advance of ' o over yesterday's close. The strengthening Inllu- encea w o strong L.lvorj'ool cables , con tinued light receipts and unfavorable crop advices from the northwest , where hot wlndavcro said to have Inlllcted a good deal of Injury on growing wheat. After the llrat buying rush wus ovtr , however , trade became dull and September sagged back to 71'/ic. The docllno wa helped by weakness at Paris and the alleged splendid outlook of the French crop. \ \ hlle rct > orts of dam- IIKO to spring wheat were very numerous , yet there wuro enough promising a good crop In the aggregate to make traders cau tious. The lack of Inquiry for ciish wheat -was another rcanon lor the mijorlty of traders electing to await further develop ments. The range amounted to only ' /ic during the entire session , with the trade of iv professional character and nine-tenths of It of u local character. September closed nt 71c , Chicago received 121 cars , eight of which were contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth got 3S3 , compared with 47G the cpr- rosrKtfvd'lng ' day last week anil 113 a year ngo. The aggregate at western prlmnry jnarkcts was 7U3Ou01)U. , against 1,000,000 , bu. lust week and 603,000 bu. last year. Exports of wheat and Hour from Atlantic portu equaled 226,000 bU. lloports of possible damage from heat and lack of rnln strengthened corn. Receipts , COT cars. Primary receipts were largo and olearances rather light. September opened a shade higher at 32Q32V4C. Sold sparingly u.t 32c and advanced to 32 , bc at the close. A good demand from shorts caused a rally In oats early , but this was lull lost on later j > rollt-taklng. Receipts , 215 cars. Septem ber opened a shade lower at 19' c , advanced , to lD % < fJ10ic and closed at lDMjl : ; ! > % c. I argo receipts of hoga and lower prices at the yards weakened provisions. Soiling on Htop-loss orders waa again a feature. On the break packers took hold freely and part of the decline was recovered , September pork opened lOSlGc lower at JS.75QS.SO de clined to JS.C5 , advanced to J8.S2& and closed at $8.7S(88.77V4. ( September latd opened Be lower n.t J5.30 < gG.374 ! , rose to J5.40 and de clined to * 3.3G at the cdose , September ribs opened 2HQ5c lower at J5.10S-5.1214 , sold at 55.12Wig6.15 and closed at J5.07H. Estimated receipts for Thursday : Wheat. SO cars ; corn , 015 cars ; oats , 400 cars ; hogs , 32,000 head. Leading futures ranged ai follows : Articles Open. HlBh. Low. YeB'rty. 70J ( 70H 71HOU 73JJ8M 73HWH 32k 32H .13 31 ! 32K 32 SOHOK 32,4 24W 24 4 24 10H 10UOH 20 20'Vi 20 20 Hi ! . 21H-U2 2Ui S7S 882K 805 877H 880 880 885 880 880 E3G 540 635 635 6J2W 642 G4S C40 640 547.4 E10 615 507M 515 611 C 12H 620 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FIXDUU Easy ; winter intents , $ straights , J3.10Jf3.30 ; sprint ; specials , $4.00 ; hard patents , $3.50f3.CO ; soft patents , J3.30 ® 3.40 : bakers , $ l.SMf2.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 70r71V4c ( ; No. 3 nprlnc. 6VM70c ; No. 2 red , 7272Hc. COIIN No , 2. 32V t8329ic ; No. 2 yellow , 33 © S3'/4c. OATS No. 2 , 24ff242c ( ; No. 2 white1 , 24 ® E6c ; No. 3 white. 22 % < 3'2Gc. iKY-E-No. 2. Slc. BARL.EY No. 2. 3240c. SEEDS No. 1 llaxneed , 97 0 ; northwest , 09c ; prime 'timothy. $2.40. 'PROVISIONS ' Mess pork , per bbl. , J8.C5 ® 8.70. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , jr .27' , 3G.37' . Short riba sides ( loose ) , $4.95 75.15. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $5.37HS < 5-60. Short clear sides ( boxed ) . $5.2&S'3.35. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per cal. , $1.26. SUGARS Cut loaif , $6.02 ; granulated , $5.50. Following are the receipts and shlpmenst : Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , -bbls . 2C.OOO 15,000 "Wheat , bu . 12,000 14,000 Corn , bu . CC7.000 270.000 Oats , bu . 439,000 200,000 Rye. bu . . C.OOO 1,000 Uarloy , bu . 19,000 15,000 On the Produce exchange tod-ay the but ter market was steady ; creameries , 13H17c ; ilalrips , 12@15MiO. Eg-gs , weak ; freah , 11 ® 12c. Oh ese , tame ; creams , SV4ilOc. Dressed poultry , weak ; turkeys , 7V45i V4c ; ducks , 7c ; chicken's ' , B&c ; springs , ll@12c. NEW YOIIIC GKXEUAJj MARKET. Quotations for tlie luy on Vnrlou * Coiiuiiodltlc'H. NEW YORK , July 2C. FLOUR Receipts , 18,949 bbls. ; exports , 6,393 bbls. ; fairly active nnd Steady ; ( Minnesota patents , $3.75Q'3.90 ; winter ntraights , $3.33S'3.50 ! ; Minnesota , bak ers' , $3.003.40. Rye flour , quiet ; choice to fancy , $3.25ff3.40. CORNMEAI-r-Qtilet ; yellow western , 77 ® 78c ; city. 7SOT > c : Urandywlne , J2.10ff2.2j. RYE weak ; No. 2 western , COc f. o. b. , afloat , spot. KARLEY Weak ; feeding , 37& < i73Sc 0. j _ f > ( Buffalo ; malting , 46Q60c delivered In New York. UARLEY MALT Nominal ; western , 68 ® C5c. WHEAT Receipts , 275,075 bu. : exports , 1C.C31 bu. Spot , ilrm : No. 2 red , 77c t. o. b. Boot ; No. 1 northern , Duluth , 79c f. o. b. alloait spot ; No. 1 hard Duluth , 82c f. o. b. alloat to arrive ; No , 2 red , 7Gc elevator. Options opened steady on cables. The de mand from shorts was eliminated chlelly by hot weather news In spring wheat states. At the closft. the tone wus Ilrm and prices ' /SlffHo not advance ; July , 7Gg > 7Go ; closed , 7C ic ; Se-pteanber , 766-16Si'76T4c ; closed , 76c ; l > oocmber , 787-1&SI79C ; closed , 78c. CORN Receipts , 109,000 bu. ; exports , 26S- 263 bu. Spot , Ilrm : No. 2. 3Sc f , o' . b. afloat ; 37o elevator. Options opened steady und subsequently advanced , by hot wlnda In Knnnna , Nebraska and Iowa ; closed Ilrm at ! if % ° not advance ; July , 374ff37Tso ; closed , 37 } o ; September , 37637c ; closed , 37V4c ; December , 3C4 < iE < 17Ho : closed , 37c. OATB-llccolpts. 12S.OOO bu , Spot , dull ; No. 2 , 2Sc ; No , 3 , 27V4c. Options , steady but ll'AY ' 'E-asy ' ; shipping , 65 fCOc ; good to choice , 75Ui. > o. HOPS Quiet ; utato. common to choice , J89G crop , Ci ! 7c ; 1597 , llfflSc ; 1 ! > 93 , ICftnc ; Pa- cllio coast , 1S9S crop , C7c ; Ib97 , 11013c ; 1S93 , 17 < fM8c. HIDES-Hteady : Galveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. , IG' ffnc ; Toxaa dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , 12Vfl3 < j ; California , 21 to 25 Ibs. , ] S 4o. LE-ATIIEK Firm ; hemlock Bole , Duonos Ayrea. light -to heavyweights , 20J4021V4C ; arild. 21 i22o. I'ROVISIONS Beef , steady ; family , J9.50 < n > 10.CO ; extra mens , $9.00 ; beef hams , $27,003) ) 29.00 ; packet. JS.HWjUO.OO ; city -extra India mess , $14.o6a'lG.OO. ' Cut meata , steady ; pick led bellies3 < : pickled hams , $10.2Mj ) 10,75 , Lard , s-teady ; western steamed , $5.K > ; retlned , quiet ; continent , $5.85 ; South America , $6,35 ; compound , $ lOOij < i.OO ; July closed $5.75 nominal ; retlned , etoady ; conti nent , $6.06. Pork , steady ; moss , $9.00fj9.50 ; nhort clwir , $10.76SI11.75 ; family , $10.50 11.00. Tallow , steady ; city ( $2.00 per package ) , 4 ? iff4Mo : country ( packages free ) , 4H04c. HUTTBR Receipts , 4,810 pkgs. ; tirm ; Wf torn creamery , ISQl&c ; factory , HOHc , OHE133E Receipts , 5,673 Pkgs. ; Ilrm ; largo white , 9a ; small whlto , 9c ; largo col ored , ST&iJOc ; small colored , 9c. EOGS-JRe elpts , G.439 pkgs , ; dull and Ir regular ; western , Tuleilo 3I rlcet. TOLEDO , July 2 < ! . "WHEAT Active and Dtdglier ; No , 2 , cash and July , 7"-Hc ; Sep tember. 74Ho bid , CORN-0)uU and steady ; No , 3 mixed , Slo.OATS OATSDuU ( and lower ; No , 2 mixed. 2 < > ic. RY * : Dull and lower ; No. 2 , cash , 62&C. 6EEDS Clovcrs < id , dull nnd riteady : jirlme casli , now , Jl a ked ; October. Jl.f > 0 uskcd , SI. I.niilii ( imlii a nil I'rovliloni , ST. LOUIS , July S6. WHEAT-Unsettled ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator. 71 ? c : track. 71HW 72V4o ; July , 7U4c ; September , 72Wo ; Dec-sin- lier. 747io ; No , 3 hard , 7 < HF71c ; receipts , 101- E37 bushels. COJW-ai1gher ; No. S , cash , JlUc ; < rack , SSc , July , 31 > sci Sftptfrmber , 31H33U4C ! De- Ci'-mbf-r , We OAT --Klrm , No. 2 , cash. Jl ic ; track , 21H 022V ; July , 22V p ; September , 19&C ; ilay , & . No. 2 white , 27V c. IlYtQu ! - 1 at 6lc. FLOL'Il Dull nnd easy , but unchanged , SEBDS-Tlmothy , qi'let ' nt $ I.75Q3.25 for old and J2 SO for new ; flax.oefd , 9lc. CORNMEAL Quiet at HRAN Dull ! sacked , e st track , 60H061C. HAY FIrm ; timothy , $8.50Q13.00 ; pralrl , . . . WHlSKY-Stofldy at $1.2fi. IKON COTTON TIKS-Steady at S5c. UAOJINO-Qul6t at DBG'ic. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , quiet ; boxed shoulders. J 12' * ; extra Rhorts , $5.25 ; clear sides , $5.G2i,4 ; clear ribs , $5.50. Bacon , quiet ; boxed shoulders , $5.50 ; extra shorts , $5,75 ; clear ribs. $ fi.M ; clear sides. $ G.12',4. ' 1'OT'LTRY-Steady chickens 7l4c , - ; , ; young ; turki-v * . 9c ; young , 15c ; ucks , 6@ 6lto ; geese , tgfiV c. nU'i l'tK creamery , l&QlSo ; dairy , 12 015o. KGOS Qulst at DC. RECEIPTS Flour , 2,000 bbls. : wheat , 101- 000 bit. ; corn , 109,000 bll.j oats , 43,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour , 4.000 bbls. ; wheat , 11.0UO bu.j corn , 133,000 bu. ; oats , 19,000 bu. OMAHA GI1.M2HAL. BIAJUCET. ConilUlniiH of Trmlo nml Uttntntloni on Slniile nml Knncjt'rniluoe. . EGOS Good stock , weak at lWWO',4c. BUTTER Common to fair , llj12c ; cholco , 1314c ; separator , lS019c ; { fathered cream ery , I6fl17c. POULTRY-H ns , live , 7Hc ; spring chlckcnt ! , Il0l2c : old nnd stnggy roosters , Hvo. 3&5J5c ; ducks and geese , live , G06Hc ; turkevs , live , So. PIOKONS Live , per doz. , 7ocQ$1.00. $ VKALS-Cholce , He. VEGETABLES. WATERMKLONS-Southcrn , crated for shipment , 17f720c. ( CAN'TAI.riUPE-Pcr crate , $1.6031.65 ; basket , 700800. TOMATOES Per 4-basket crate , 65c. POTATOES New Potatoes , 25@40c per bu. CUCUMBERS-Per doz. , SOc. CELERY Per doz. , SOc. FRU1'3. " BMJEBERRIES-Per 16-qt. case. $1.75. APRICOTS California , per crate , $2.00. BLACKBERRIES Per 24-qt. case , $2.50 ® . 'BLACK RASPBERRIES-Per 24-qt. case , $2.75. PLUMS-Callfornla. cr crate , $1.50. CALIKOIINLV PEACHES Freestones , $ l.I5fM.2r per box. APPLES-Pcr bbl. , $1.7502.00. T11OP1CAL FUU1T. ORANGES Mediterranean sweets , $4.50 LEMONS-Callfornla , fancy , $4.6004.75 ; Messina , fancy , $5.00 < 5fS.6 . BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , per bunch , $2.50@2.75 ; medium-sized , bunches. $2.0002.2S. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7Wc ; No. 2 preen hides. fiMc ; No. 1 snltcd hliJca. 8 0 ; No. 2 salted hides , 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOo ; No.r 2 vea > calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , CTALLOW. GREASE. ETC.-Tallow. No. 1 , 3 ! c ; tallow. No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , le ; whlto grease , 2H@3c ; yellow and brown grease , \\Wlffa. SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15O 75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , IGc ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No , 1 , each , 6c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 4@5o ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 34r ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , n-r lb. . actual weight. SfiMc. ICniiMiiN City Grnln and 1'rnvlNlnnn. KANSAS CITY , July 26.-WHEAT-Sep- tember , 65Vlc ; December , 67l/4c ; cash , No. 2 hard. 65c ; No. 3 , ei Qfilc ; No. 2 red , 680 ; No. 3. GSgCCc ; receipts. 74 cars. CORN September , 29\4c ; December , Zi * c ; cnsh , No. 2 mixed , 30ic ! ; No. 2 whlto , 31c ; No. 3. SOVic. OATS No. 2 wihlte , 24 ! c. RYE No. 2 , 5Cc. : TAY-Cht > lco timothy , $7.6008.00 ; choice pral.- < . $ fi.2u06.60. llUTTER-Creamery , 1401CHc ; dairy , 14c. 13GGS Weak ; fresh Stlssourl and Kan sas stock , firsts. 9c , cases returned. RECEIPTS-Wheat , 44,400 bu. ; corn , SO.COO bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 18,000 bu. ; corn , 49- 000 bu , ; oats , 5,000 bu. Liverpool Gritlii nml 1'rovlNlnnn. LIVERPOOL , July 26.--PROVISIONS Bacon , short ribs , stsady at 31s fid ; short clear backs , steady at 29s Cd. Lard. Ameri can refined , In palls , dull at 28s Gd ; prlmo western. In tierces , dull at 27s 9d. CHEESE American finest whlto , flrm at 41s ; American finest colored , flrm at 41s. "WHEAT Spot , No. 1 northern , spring , flrm at 5s UHd ; No. 2 red westtrn , winter , flrm nt 639i4d. Futures , steady ; July , 6s7 d ; September , 6s9d ; Decembtr , 5a lid. CORN Futures , steady ; July , 3s 4d ; Sep tember , 3a4&d ; October , 3s 4&d. Mll > TniiUee Grnln Mnrkct. MILWAUKEE , July 2G. WHEAT Mar ket higher ; No. 1 northern , 73i4c ; No. 2 northern , 7114@72c. OATS Lower at 24J2fii4c. RYE-Steody ; No. 1 , 52& ( . BARLEY Dull ; No. 2 , 40c ; sample , 33B > Mliiiieaimlln Vhcat Mnrkct. MINNEAPOLIS , July 26. WHEAT Close : In store , No. 1 northern , July , CSc ; September , 6o ; December , 09 % < 3G99ic. On track : No. 1 hard , 70c ; No. 1 northern , G9c ; No. 2 northern , 6SWc. FLOUR AJND BRAN Unchaneed. . . Dnlnth AVhent Market. OULUTII , July 2fi. WJrKtVT No. 1 hard , cash , 74V4c ; July , 74V4c ; No. 2 northern , cash , 71c ; July , 71c ; Sei > tenXoer , 704c ; Decem ber. ; No. 2 nortnern , Gtio ; No. 3 Sprinjr , Wc. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS , July 26. COTTON- Spot , steady ; sales , 2,100 bales ; ordinary , 3 11-ilfic ; seed ordinary , 4 3-lCc ; low mld- dllnpr.1 15-lGc ; middling , 6c ; ( rood middling , G7-10c ; mldillllng- fair , 6 13-lfic ; receipts , 337 tales ; etock , 152,57o bales. Futures , quiet and steady ; July , J5.C5 bid ; August , $5.40 ® 5.41 ; September , $3.41(36.42 ( ; October , $3.42 ® C.43 ; November , $5.46 6.47 ; December , $5.50 ® 5.51 ; January. $5.5465.66 ; February , $5.67 ® 5.59 : March , J5.G15IC.G2. BT.i LOU'IS , 'July 2R CXTTON ) QuJet ; middling , 6c ; sales , none ; receipts , 929 bales ; shipments , 899 bales ; stock , 70,061. LIVERPOOL , July 20. COTTON Spot , Increased demand ; prices steady ; American middling , 3d ; sales of the day were 12,000 bales , of which. 2,000 were for speculation and export and included 11,600 bales Amer ican ; receipts , 3,000 bales , including 1,000 American. Futures opened quiet and steady ; American middling , 1 , m. c. , July , 319-64 ® 320-6UI , Et'lleru ; July and August , 31)-64d , sellers ; August nnd September , 3 18-C4d , sellers ; September and October , 3 17-64d , oel'lors ' October and November ; , 315-64 ® 3 16-C4d , buyers ; November and December , 315-64d , sellers ; December and January , January and February , 3 15-64d , sellers ; Feb ruary and March , 3 15-GI3 ! G-64d , buyers ; March and April. 3 lC-64i3 ( 17-Cld , sellers ; April nnd May , 317-C4d , buyer * ; May and June , 3 18-64d , sellers. NEW YORK , July 20. COTTON-BuM- ncss on the cotton exchange today consisted largely in switching from the near to the more remote futures. There was , however , some investment buying and more consid erable covering , the basis of which was for the most port a reconsideration of the weekly government report. The report In dicated a poor situation In the Carollnas , with the general condition also unsatltfac- tory , by reason of shedding , while Texas showed a poorer average than a week ago , In Its entirety the government report as locally considered became a bullish offset to the cotton crop advices so numerously In circulation nt the present time. The mar ket opened steady with prices from 2 to 5 points higher. Trading for a time was quits actlvo , with AVnll Hreet buyers prominent. Later prices Increased from 5 to 6 points , when realizing set In and prevented a further advance. Throughout tho' session the market was helped by good reports In regard to spot cotton In the English mar ket. There were also some Investment or ders executed during the afternoon , a feelIng - Ing of conservatism nnd there was a dis position to hold off for further advices from the cotton belt and for tomorrow's cables , particularly with reference to the consumption of spot cotton. The market closed steady from 4 to C polnta net higher. OH Miirk.-l , LIVERPOOL , July 20-OILS-Cottonseed , Hull relln-ed July-August , Ilrm , 15s 9d. OIL O1TY , July 2.J. OILS-Credlt bal ances , $1.25 ; certificate's , $1.24H ; sales. 1,009 bbls , at tl.25 ; shipments. S > ,623 bbls ; aver age. 71.700 bbls , ; runs , 109,362 bbls , ; average. 0,734 bbls > . NBAV YORK , July 20. OILS-Cottonseed. quiet. Petroleum , flrm , Rosin , steady ; iuralnod , common to good , Jl.3ogi.32v4. Turnfcntine. linn at 4444i,4c. LONDON , July S6.-OILS-fTurj > entlno spirits , 31s , Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 2S.-Copper , nrm ; brck- ora' $18. CO ; exchange , $15.50 ; casting copper , JIC.ST . Lend , quiet ; brokers' , JI.S3 ; ex change , f4.05Q'4.67H. In a Buneral way < here wsyj no Important change in the metal mar- kdt. Tin. howovar , continued to hold a Ilrm relation to ithe general list and ad vanced JO points , closing unsettled , as ofll- plally s'fateil ' on the exchange , at 31iQ32Wc. Lake copper was Ilrm . ISVic : pig Iron ( warrants nominal nt ? H ; lead quiet at f3 ! 5N.67VJ : spelter qulot at $0.20. Brokers' price for I-ad $1.35 nnd tor copper $ is.50. 6T. LOt IS , July M.-METALS--I.end , quiet at $4,6504.57' , Spelter , quiet at $5.55. MOVKMHXTS OF STOCKS AMI IIOXDS. Apt Mneh ClinnRC In Character of TrndliiK In Seciirltlcn. NEW YORK , July 2C. There was not much change In the character of the. trad ing In securltHs today. There was a period when 1ho market made some show of strength In sympathy with nn upward movement In a group of individual stocks , but a violent slump In American Malting was sufficient to put nn end to the rise nnd wlpo out pretty much all of the previ ous gain. Osnernl Electric rose 1'4 ' on the opening quotation , Pennsylvania showed signs of BtrenRth early and there was n conspicuous absorption of Rock Island which was at tributed to the operation of a i > ool. Buying from the same source wns supposed to ac count for the advance of 1 % In People's Gas and for the vigorous upward move ment In ithe Gould southwest stocks. The St. Louis Southwestern lsues were the most conspicuous ns to activity , the pre ferred rising 1H. Kansas & Texas common advanced nearly a point , the preferred about 2 points and Wabaah preferred 1U. At the same time Chicago & Eastern Illi nois Jumped 3 points. Wall street's ex planation was that St , Lmlls Southwestern was to bo acquired by the Chicago & East ern Illinois nnd the combined propertl s then absorbed by the Rock Island. President Edwin Gould authorized a de nial that ho contemplated selling his holdIngs - Ings In St. Louis Southwestern. Utterances to th same purport by Rock Island olll- clals were published. About the sumo time came disclaimers from the Ogden Gas com pany Interests that ihcy contemplated sll- ing out to the People's Gas and People's Gai lost practically all of Its gain. There wns a violent break of SVi In American Malting preferred end 2-i Intho common , which completed the unsettling of the market. Prices drifted away to the lowest of the day nnd were not much affected by a spurt in the late dealings in Lake Erie & West ern , which rose on the common 14 } and In itho- preferred of 3 points. American Car prsferred was also marked up 14. Now York Central was decidedly heavy all day and lost over a point not. St. Paul , Min neapolis nnd Sattlt Ste , Maria common wns conspicuous for a rise of 1 % and the pre- fcrreu advanced a ipolnt. The money market was Inclined to firm ness and there was some calling of loans which necesssltated a shifting , though no great difficulty was found In securing ac commodations. Much doubt is still felt as to the extent of the demands which will bo made upon New York to move the crops. Discounts In London were further advancsd and the Bank of England continued buy gold in tlvo open market , besides receiving consignments from Germany. Sterling ex change In New York responded with a fractional decline. The Southwestern railroad mortgages showed some strength in sympathy with stocks , but otherwise bonds were dull and rather heavy. Total sales , par value. $2,625- 000. United States 3s , coupon , declined U , but the new 4s , registered , advanced JA and the old 4s , registered , % in the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : The markets here were stagnant today , except for the continued booming of Westrallans. Ameri cans were forgotten , being G pJr cent and half e.xtra for the new stamp duty. On some stocks even 7 r > er cent wns demanded. Ratea on foreign stocks were also excep tionally stiff. The explanation is the large amount of money withdrawn on account of the Wostrallan boom. The bank bought 43,000 cold in bars and 50,000 In German coin. The week's Inflow was only 7fo,000 ami the expectation hero Is 'that ' the bank will raise Its minimum discount rate to morrow to 4 per cent. The following are the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Xevr York Bfbiiey . .UnrUct. NHW YORK. July 26. MONEY On call , /i4 per cent ; last loan , 314 per cent ; prime Tnorr > nn-Hlp t > OT > cr. SHS l Per cent. 1"STERLINGP EXANaE-nrvy with actual business In bankers bills at H.oJH ff4.87J * for demand and at $4.845 4.S4Vi for sixty "days ; ported rates. $4.KJijM.S5l/s and 4 RSST4 SSV4' commercial bills , $ l.S3'u4S3Ifc. ' SILVDR-Certiincatca. 6XS61c ( ; bar , C0'/4c ; Mexican dollars , 4Sc. BONDS Government bonds Irregular ; fltato bonds inactive ; railroad bonds Irrefju- Xar. Xar.The following are the closing quotations on bonds ; Offered. IliiHtnii Stock QuotiitloiiH , BOSTON , July 26. Call loans , 3T4 per cent ; time loans , Si&O fc per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares ; A , . T. & St , F 19H West. Electric 60 do l > fd. . . , 6H1 Atchlson 4s . . . .lOO'.s Aimer. Suear IWVi Guntral Eleo , 6 , . .17'.J do pfd r. US Adventure 9U Bell Telephone . . . .S.V ) Mlouez Mlnlnsr Co. 7i BoHtw & Albany..565 Atlantic 30 norton & Maine..aM Best on & Montana.3Cti C. . B. & . . . . . . . . . - Hutle & llosloil 7S'j BA. Dlwtrlo 1U..JOO , OalutnH & Hecla,81& Centennial 33i Gen. .Electrlo lit Franklin 19 F < MVnral Steel . . . . . tj - Humlioldt 2 iia pfd. , . . . . . * . . " On cola , , M Mexican Central . . 15 1'arrot 62 % Mich. Tel 58 Qulncy l i om Colony 205 Santa Fe Copper. . , 13 Old Dominion i Tamarack 220 Urnlon Paclno 43 Wlnona . , , u Union I tnd , \Vplverine8 46 > i \ \ > t End 5 i i ti Mlnlnr . . . 44 I-'liiaiii'liil , FRANKFORT. July 26. On th ? bourse today prices were quiet and some Interna tional securities were caster. Mine shares hardened on favorable -manufacturing ad vices. LONDON , July 26. American eecurltfes. after a Ilrm opening , were quiet with a declining tendency on a disposition to reallz * . The doring lone wns steady nml the dr-mnnd light. Spanish 4s ciosed at C0.50. Thnm .tint of bullion taken Into the Hank of England on balance today wns JC33.0UO. Indian council bills were allotted today nt Is 315-16d. O ld premiums quoted at Huenos Ay res , 114.EO , BERLIN , July 86. On the bourse today mine shares w = re strong , owing to largo speculative buying. The other sections were quiet. Canadian Pac'.flcs were easier on London advices. Spanish 4s reacted. Cxchnnso on London , 20m 49l4c for checks. I'AKIS , July 2 . The Weakness of rentes nt the opening of the bourse today was attributed totno measures adopted at yes- tcrday'a cabin : ! council. There was an nll- arouird dullness nt the atart , but later a recovery In rentes cauced a general Im provement. At the. close , however , rentes relapsed and affected the whole list , with the exception of Ottoman bank shares. Hlo tlntos advanced and Kntllrs were main tained. Three per cent rentes , lOOf ! 3c for the account. Spanish 43 closed nt 61.B5. New York Mining tliiolntlona. NEW YOnK , July 2(3. ( The following nro the closing quotations for mining shares : Crown Point . / S3 > lilr . . . . .305 Con. Gal. & Va 25 Plymouth 10 IJcnrtwwxl n > Quicksilver S10 Oould & Curry . . . . 35 do pfd See JInle & Norcross. . . 35 Plcrra Nevada 53 HonKwtnke 6S < Standard JCO Mexlonn . . f > 2 Union Con 33 Iron rllvcr t > 2 Yellow Jacket 39 Ontario 675 I.iinilnti Stock Unolntlnnn. LONDON , July 26. 4 p. m. Closing : Consols , money.,106 9-16 N. Y. Crntml Consols , acct 10C = 4 Pennsylvania . . , 70 Gun. Pacific 90 % Krle 13 i Union Paeino pfd. . 7914 do 1st pfd 3TH AWhlson , . , , S > ' 4 Illinois Central . . . .119V4 Grand Trunk 7'4 Nor. PflO. pfd 7914 Ixmlsvlllo 7BH St. Paul common. . Anaconda 11-H BAR SILVER Quiet at 27 ll-16d per ounce. MONEY 3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills , 3',4 p r cent ; rate of discount In the open market for thrco months' bills , 3'/4S"3 ! % l > er cent , Klnnnclnliitcn. . NEW YORK , July 26.-Clearlngs. $151,953- , 337 ; balances , $9,9I1'J35. BOSTON. July 20.-Clearlnirs , $24,208,449 ; bahuwri" , sl'J9U02. BALTIMORE , July 26-Clearlngs , $3,013- 037 ; balances , $390,211. PHILADELPHIA , July 26. Clearings , $13.730,975 ; balances , $2,293,781 , CHICAGO , July 26.-Cl < rarings , $17,5C5,392 ; balances , $1,553,000. New York exchange , lOc discount. Sterling exchange , $4.$5V4@ 4.5S& . ST. LOUIS. July 2S.-Clearlngs , $4,948,380 ; balances' , $072,943.Money , steady at 4fl7 per cent. Exchange on N-ew York , 15c bid , premium ; lOa asked. Condition of tlic Trcnnury. WASHINGTON , July lo. Today's stato- inenit of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cnsh balance , $277,590,4i , ; cold reserve , $240,335,857. AVnol Market. -BOSTON , July 26. The American Wool and Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow of the wool trade : The wool market continues strong and there is still n , good volume of business In progress. Manufacturers , how- i over , have not purchased during the past , week quite as freely as previously , al though the transacUons of the week aggre- I gate more than nn average week's business , I amounting to over 7,000,000 pounds. Ono I feature In the situation Is the fact -that the l buying Is almost wholly for consumption , speculation being less of a factor In the trade than for several weeks. The- larger portion of the business done during the last week has been done in territory wools , us usual , although there was a. good demand for line Australian wool , but , ns has bsen previously observed , the market Is pretty well cleaned of this class of wool. The sales of the week at Boston amounted to G.600,000 pounds domestic and 722,000 pounds foreign , a total of 7,521,000 , against a total of 4.SS5.000 for the corresponding week last year. Sales since January 1 , 1S99 , amounted to 157,047,000 pounds , against 65,993,810 pounds last year at this time. ST. LOUIS. July 26. WOOL Best grades , qulat nnd flrm , others slow ; prices un changed. Coffee Mcvrlcet. NEW YORK , July 20. CORFEE Options opened dull at unchanged prices and' ruled generally Inuotlve throughout the session. Prices slowly eased oft under absence of speculative support , weak European cables , unfavorable news from Brazil and softness in the spot department. Rallied at close on order for 3,000 bags of May , closing firm ; sales , 4,000 bogs , including August at $4.35 ; November , $4.55 ; January , $4.5 ; May , $5.150 5.20. Spot coffee- Rio , dull and weak ; No. 7 , invoice , $3.76 ; No. 7 , jobbing , $6.25. Mild , quiet. NCTF York Dry Hoods Mar Ice t. NEW YORK , July 26.-DRY GOOK6- Bleached muslins and cambrics , demand shows distinct improvement , good sized , or ders from both Jobbing nnd cutting up trades coming forward ! today. Wide sheet ings unchanged ; brown sheetings and drills firm , with fair demand. Print cloths quite , firm at 2-)4c. Other gray goods steady. Denims firmer , with more demand. Staple woolen and worsted drosio goods Ilrm , with fair sales. Market. NEW ORLEANS , July 26.-SUGAR iSteady ; open kettle , 3 04 5-lKc ; centrifugal yellow , 4&4c ; seconds , 2 > frjj > 4c. Mo lasses , dull ; centrifugal , 6@14c. LONDON , July 26. SUGAR Beet , July , 10s SUd. St. JoHcph Live Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , July 26. ( Spe- clal. ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts , 1,300 head ; market ac tive and steady to lOc higher : natives , $4.60 0-3.50 ; Texas and westerns , J3.3fi@5.45 ; COWB and heifers. $2.26-.65 ! ; bulls and stags , $2.30 ( Jf4.C5 ; yearlings and calves , $1.15@3.15 ; stockers - ers and feeders , $3.6034.75 * ; veals , $5.0063.50. HOGS Receipts , 8,000 head ; market Go lower on J-ght. ! others lOc lower ; heavy and medium , $4.25 4.42V4 : light , $4.3iMV4.40 ; pigs , $4.10(74.20 ; bulk of sales , $4.304.33. SHliJDP Receipts , 200 head ; market steady , PACKING HOUSE STATISTICS Price Current 'IlciinrtH ' a FnllltiR Off In Price of HOKH During the l > nHt Week. CINCINNATI , O. , July 26. ( Special Tele gram. ) Price Current reports considerable falling off In prices of hogs the last week. Western packing , 385,000 head , compared with 430,000 head the preceding week and 435,000 head last year , From March 1 the total Is 8,950,000 bead , against 8,825,000 head a year ago. Prominent places compare as fol lows : Cities. 1S99. 1S93. Chicago . , . 2,725,000 2,930,000 Kansas City . 1,125,000 1,270,000 Omaha . . . 865,000 675,000 St. Louis . 001,000 515,000 Indianapolis . , . 4SO.OOO 428,000 Milwaukee . 357,000 493,000 Cincinnati . 251,000 261,000 St. Joseph . 601,000 327,000 Ottumwa . 261,000 249,090 Cedar Rapids . 162,000 202,000 Sioux City . 191,000 148,000 St. Paul . 135,000 130,000 Nebraska Olty . 126,000 146,000 PENSIONS li-OIl WICSTEUX VETERANS. Solillorx at ( lie Civil War Ilemem- iH-ri'i ! li - Griifrnl > the fiovcriimenl. WASHINGTON , July 20. The following pensions have been granted : Issue of July 13 : Nebraska : Increase John Hyett , Omaha , $12 to $14 ; Alva D. Aklns , Plalnview , $14 to $16 , Mexican war widows Mary E. Spencer , Plattamouth , $8. Iowa : Original William C. Hlckman , HooneBboro , $8 ; Samuel Y. Relslnger , Con rad , $8. Additional John Slsson , Marshall- town , $ G to $8. Restoration and Increase \yirilara \ H. Mitts. Odebolt , $8 to $14. In crease William A. Casteel , Vllllca , $6 to $10 ; William Adams , Clarlnda , Si ( to $12 ; Robert II. Richardson , North English , ? 8 to $14. Orlglual widows , etc. Catharine Smyth , Washington , $8. tor Mr . Itlcli. EL PASO , Tex. , July 26. Mrs. Rich , who Is accused of having murdered ber husband In Mexico , will be kept Incommunicado for forty-eight hours Instead of seventy-two , as the law directs. Today she was arraigned. Dy direction of Governor Abumada the prls. oner wllf bo permitted to receive visitors two days In the week and newspaper re porters at all times. The trial will begin six weeks hence. Since being locked up in Mexico Mrs , Rich bos refused to eat and is said to be very sullen. A ! lrr III from Cancer. NEW YORK , July 20 , Mrs. Ada Gray Tlngaye , the actress , better known as Ada Gray , is seriously ill In this city , having just undergone an operation for removal of cancer. She is well known all over the United States , particularly In the vest. 1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Moat All Kinds of Stock in the Yards Sold Reasonably Early. SHEEP MARKET TODAY WAS FULLY STEADY Demnnil Appear * < o lie Dnnil on the Part ol I.oonl PauUcr * for Kat Stock nt Current Price- . Seller * Well Pleancd. SOUTH OMAHA , July M. Receipts were : Cattle. Hoc . Slicfp. Official Monday 3,661 4s20 2,95 Olllcial Tuesday 2,704 11.22J 1.5SO Olllclal Wednesday 3oS2 7,203 2h > 5 Thus far this week 8,147 zTlSi 7,430 Saino days last week. . . 8,711 21.1K.8 7.7T5 bamo days week before. 7,0i 2S.411 10.W7 Same three weeks ago. . . 7.05S 23,3Uo ltG2 Average price pala for hogs for the last several aays with comparisons : TiUsT July l. . . 3 73 3 67 3 23 it 96 4 63 I 6 40 July 2. . . 3 61 3 18 2 5 4 63 4 78 July 2. . . 3 ' 8 3 21 2 V5 4 70 4 64 6 48 July 4. . . July 6. . . 3 78 3 66 4 83 | 4 85 & 70 Ju y 6. . . 3 S3 3 66 3 28 2 97 4 81 4 91 6 01 July 7. . . 3.11 3 76 3 2S 2 ! JS 4 77 5 ill July 8. . . , 3 87 3 32 3 04 4 91 i 97 July 9. . . 3J8 3 35 296 4 76 601 July 10. . 390 3 2S ! 2 87 4 63 6 06 6 92 July u. . 3 S3 3 70 I 2 91 4 67 4 79 6 97 July 12. . 4 04 3 73 3 18) ) 4 72 4 96 587 July 13. . 4 09 3 82 3 141 2 97 , 4(78 4 80 5 87 July 14. . 4 05 3 77 3 1& 3 00 ( 4 73 o 74 July 15. . 3 9 3 77 3 17 3 05 4 88 * 559 July 16. . 3 82 3 20 3 07 4 81 4 86 July 17. . 4 01 * 325 297 4 82 4 97 5 SO July 18. . 4 16 3 S2 2S5 4 S3 4 90 5 65 July 19. . 4 21 3 5.9 3 32 4 4 73 5 35 July 20. . 4 19 3 86 3 3u 2 91 4 94 | 4 74 5 29 July 21. . 4 21 3 SI 3 38 2 93 J 4.79 539 July 22. . 4 34 3 79 3 27 2 SG 4 85 . 5 53 July 23. . * 3 82 3 25 2 S3 4 SI 4 74 July 24. . 4 36 * 2 92 4 76 4 81 5 59 July 25. . 4 : U 3 S3 2 89 4 81 4 76 5 59 July 26. . 387 337 4 8S | 4 Sl | 5 33 Indicates Sunday. * Holld r. The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C. . M. & St. P. Ry. . 1 1 . . . . Missouri Paclllc Ry. . U 2 G U. P. system 19 22 11 3 C. & N. W. Ry 3 F. , E. & M. V. R , R. . 40 37 1 . . C. , St. P. , M. & 0 15 8 U. & M. R. R. R 25 24 C. , U. & Q. Ry 3 K. C. &St. J. Ry 1 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , E. . 3 1 . . . . C. , R. I. &P. Ry. , W. . . . 3 Total receipts . . . .115 104 17 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co 55 722 G. H. Hammond Co 37S 1,051 21 Swift and Company 314 1,912 63fl , Cudahy Packing Co 765 1,472 802 i Armour & Co 129 2,151 . . . . . Cudahy , Kansas City 272 . . . . 1150 Cudahy , from country 49 Swift , Kansas Olty 27 R. Becker & Dega.n < 55 I obman & Co 9 W. I. Stephen 461 Hill & Huntzlnger 11 Benton & Underwood 35 Huston & Co 51 Hamilton & Rotllischlld. . 45 Li. F. Husz 91 McVlcker & Co 52 Kray Packing Co 212 . . . . Other buyers 202 . . . . 270 Totals 3,045 7,569 2,884 CATTLE Fat cattle were in good demand this morning and the market was active at prices that were at the least a little stronger , and it might be safe to call It 6jjlOo higher on the best kinds. One good bunoh of cattto sold up to J5.65. the lop so far this season. Even the medium kinds of cattle -were fully steady and the offerings of aOl kinds changed hands at an early hour. The market as a whole was in a good , healthy condition. Cows and heifers were rather slow sellers , especially the common to medium grades , which were a little easier If anything1. The most of the offerings consisted of western grassers. Quite a number of bulls were scattered , about the yards and the demand did not appear to be Quito so brisk as on some days , and there seemed- be an -easier feeling. Veal calves were scarce and considering the quality tdio market wau a llttlo Hrmer. Good calves could be depended upon to brine JC.GO. Stockers and feeders were slow and the general market lOc lower. Some right de sirable stuff that Just happened to tlnd a buyer that took a fancy to it , rnlnht not have sold that much off , while on the other hand there were others which were weaker. The country appears to be waiting until a little more Is known as to the out come of the corn crop , and In the mean time anything llko a liberal run o ( stocker or feeding cattle seems to have a weakening effect upon the market. Representative BJSEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. Me. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 17. . 897 J4 25 7. .1071 $4 95 45..1234 , $5 15 G. . 858 4 33 35..1183 6 00 6..1032 5 15 S.-1110 4 40 49..1017 505 42..11W G 20 1..1100 4 50 21. . 972 6 05 22. . 1171 5 35 8. . 933 4 65 40..1073 606 20. . 1227 6 35 1. . 970 4 75 47..1109 G 10 20. . 1207 5 35 4. .1175 4 SO 23M09S 6 10 57. . 1199 5 40 10. . & 20 4 SO 63..1007 5 IS 46..U55 5 GO 21. . 972 4 90 21..1128 5 IS 82. . 1270 5 66 6. .1200 4 90 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 21. . 937 426 G3. . 812 625 54..1314 G 3G 22. . 900 475 4J..10G1 530 17..1230 G 40 STEERS TEXAS. 495STEERS 2. .1070 495 1. . SOO 23 7. . 954 345 1. . S30 40 1..1010 3 5U 1. . 920 50 9. . 5US 3 60 2. . 925 50 1..1140 3 CO 1. . 900 50 1. . &W ) S 60 1. . 730 05 IS. .1031 3 bo 3..10M UG 3. . 976 3 70 IS. . 910 70 4. . 1137 3 75 5. . 918 75 1..1250 3 75 1 , . 900 75 1..1050 3 75 1..1120 75 7. . 900 3 75 75U 1. . 830 ( U 1..10SO 3 85 900 75 66. . 993 3 So 1. . 8SO 75 4. .1177 3 90 1. . 850 2 75 1..1070 400 1..1000 2 75 3. . 1040 4 00 12. . 971 2 85 6. . 92G 4 10 1. . 900 3 00 3. . 1240 4 15 1. . 930 3 00 1010 4 15 3. , 920 3 09 1040 4 25 2. , 955 300 1. . 970 4 2o 1. . 960 3 00 8..1110 4 40 1..1290 3 00 1. . 360 G 15 1..1300 3 10 2..10&0 5 15 7..10S2 3 10 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2..1010 300 1. . 680 325 2. .1355 350 14. . 675 320 5. . 1070 340 1. . 720 305 8 , . 853 325 3. ,102 350 1. . 330 465 1. . 870 325 COWS ANU HEIFERS. 3. . 893 4 20 HEIFERS. 1096 2 C5 1. . 670 3 35 9 , . 95fi 3 70 730 263 6. . 791 360 1. . 950 375 7CO 3 00 1. , SCO 3 CO 1. . 620 3 So &S3 3 35 CALVES. SCO 375 8. . 250 525 2 , , 240 GOO 2S7 4 60 1. . 190 5 75 BULLS. 1..1C40 275 1. 1310 323 1..1200 340 llfcO 300 1. 1160 325 1..10M ) 340 . 6&0 300 1. . ! WO 325 1..1290 345 ,1300 315 1 , , 910 330 1. , CoO 3 65 .1250 320 1. . 770 330 1..1390 415 . 920 320 1..1010 335 STAGS. 800 4 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . 780 3 00 8. , 400 410 9. . B3t 4 20 1. . COO 3 00 1. 710 4 15 10. . 961 4 25 3 , . 620 3 25 13. 4 15 62. . 923 4 25 1. , 940 3 25 1. bM ) 4 15 6. , 830 4 25 Vf. . . 661 3 25 634 4 15 19. . 1005 4 25 26. . 798 3 40 731 4 IS 31. . 1050 4 30 4. . 1061 3 40 CiO 4 15 32. , 1073 430 16. . 9GO 3 4(1 ( 1057 4 15 10. . 910 4 30 5 , 7GO 3 40 12. , 1028 4 15 65.10ul 430 1. 790 3 6 ( ) 24. 4 15 1..1240 430 2. 960 3 50 1. , 820 4 IS 43 , , 1043 4 30 21 , 782 35U 71K ) 4 15 47 , . 1032 4 30 3. 9.16 3 SO J : : MO 4 20 16. Km 4 30 4. 413 4 00 S. 807 4 SO 25 , , C21 4 45 8. . 7CJ 4 05 3 , , 443 4 20 SO. . 1040 4BO 19. , 921 4 05 4. 743 4 SO 1. , 200 4 Ml 3. . CiG 405 1 , 690 4 SO WEST mxs. NEBR LSKA. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 cow. . . . . 730 J3 10 2 steers. . . 740 J3 75 2 cows. . . . 9GO 3 10 1 feeder. . 870 4 00 2 cows. . . .1000 3 25 2 feeders. 740 4 00 Ibull. . .1430 3 25 1 steer 980 4 00 Ibull , . . ,1300 3 25 3 steers , . . .1173 4 00 2 cows. . . . S > 50 3 25 13 fecderH. . 8)6 4 15 1 cow , . , , .1040 3 50 30 feeders. . 722 4 30 21 cows. 891 3 50 1 steer . 1320 4 GO 1 feeder. . . 850 360 Ibteer . 1310 4 60 6 COWS 10S5 3 70 46 feeders. , 475 4 55 Icow flSO 370 HOGS The decline hloh Bet In yesterday was continued today , ind the maiket went off another 6g7Hc ( u der the influence of the lower reports m eastern markets. The trade was a .le elow to open on account of the back ardneds of sellers to make the concea&lon demanded , but when the trading was once inder way the market was reasonably aoU > and the bulk of the liojfs changed hands n fairly good seanon. The hogs cold very argcly a as npnlnsrt $4.274ff4.3Mi yesterday. Today the long string was at $ < .2Vff4,27H , and yes terday tli big bulk went at M.SOy 1.3214. The market closed , If anything- . little better than tt was early. H will be noted from the table of overage Drtcpa above that the hogs sold today at prices that wore a big 10s lower than Mon day's market , and a shade lower than the market of a week ago. Considering the mold me * at which the market has been advancing the past few weeks the reaction so far tins been very moderate. Buyers seem to want the hogs at the prevailing prices. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 10 338 . . . $420 SI 237 40 4 23 25 24S . . . 420 69 23t ! SO 4 25 61 251 . . . 42214 71 260 . . . 425 20 266 . . . 4 2214 37 202 160 423 30 S56 . . . 42214 75 247 160 425 69 229 120 42214 65 265 SO 42714 75 227 360 42214 64 263 . . . 4 27 > ,4 70 231 120 425 63 254 . . . 4 2714 R5 27S . . . 423 G3 255 SO 42714 71 221 160 4 23 67 249 SO 42714 73 262 SO 425 76 263 120 42714 64 2 160 425 145 266 . . . 4 27 < 4 81 227 120 423 61 231 120 42714 127 274 240 425 73 249 SO 42714 R3 240 40 4 23 72 211 20 42714 B7 335 . . . 425 70 249 . . . 42714 l 6S 266 160 4 23 70 316 . . . 42714 SI 217 SO 425 60 212 40 42714 6S 241 160 425 61..226 ; 120 4 27H 64 294 SO 4 M 31 190 . . . 427(4 ( 41 244 SO 425 73 250 40 42714 60 201 40 425 SO 212 200 42714 6 223 160 4 2fl 70 227 80 4 2714 88 231 40 425 77 218 40 4 27H 66 263 . . . 425 70 S58 . . . 42714 67 203 . . . 425 79 233 . . . 42714 87 22S SO 4 25 82 212 80 42714 10 174 . . . 425 63 274 SO 42714 23 2S6 40 425 SO 236 40 42714 29 231 . . . 425 64 257 40 42714 65 237 SO 426 S ) 228'200 42714 83 263 . . . 425 72 231 40 42714 86 257 160 425 71 257 . . . 4 27 < 4 66 2S6 320 425 71 220 120 42714 61 190 . . . 425 63 226 160 4 27V4 S3 227 120 426 69 24J 80 42714 81 252 SO 425 69 269 . . . 4'J714 88 232 40 425 64 232 160 4271s , 76 265 200 4 25 60 268 . . . 4 2714 74 220 120 425 67 250 . . . 42714 00 229 40 4 25 62 2.11 . . . 42714 " 4 247 160 425 67 237 40 42714 82 235 160 425 90 239 . . , 42714 61 258 . . . 4 25 97 211 200 4 27 4 60 240 SO 4 23 69 248 . . . 42714 60..221 . . . 423 71 223 . . . 42714 56 250 SO 425 S3 223 120 430 E5 212 40 4 25 SO 182 40 4 30 89 250 SO 4 25 95 172 . . . 430 03 272 . . . 425 71 211 40 4 30 68 247 40 4 25 39 295 . . . 430 61 239 160 425 10 33S . . . 430 15 233 40 425 87..199 200 430 14 271 . . . 4 25 SO 215 SO 4 30 13 214 40 426 66 2SO 160 430 WAGON LOTS-PIGS. 1 240 . . . 32714 5 1S2 . . . 425 2 350 . . . 4 05 2 SOS . . . 4 25 1 220 . . . 405 6 KO . . . 425 J 236 . . . 403 9 167 . . . 425 1 260 . . . 405 8 175 . . . 423 2 350 . . . 4 05 5 322 . . . 4 23 5 ISfi . . . 422W 4 247 . . . 423 B 244 . . . 425 5 233 . . . 425 4 250 . . . 425 6..176 . . . 425 SHEEP Early receipts consisted of about a. dozen loads , of which live loads were con signed direct to Cudahy. The balance were offered on the market and soJd at just about yesterday's prices , there being no material change In the market. The de mand seemed to bo good and the market ns a whole In pretty fair shape that Is , there was a good healthy feeling. Western spring lambs brought $5.75 and -ewes $3.76. There was some Inquiry for feeders and the few here sold at satisfactory prices , ono bunch going at $3.95. Quotations : Prime native wethers , $4.25 fff-1.50 ; good to choice grass w-ethers , $4.15 ® 4.30 ; fair to good grass wethers , $3.75 ® 4.10 ; good to choice grass ewes , $3.50 ( 3.75 ; good to choice spring lambs , $5.60 6.00 ; fair to good spring lambs , $5.00iR5.50 ; common spring lambs. $4.004.25 ; feeder wethers , $3.50tJT3.85. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 11 ewes 100 $375 83 western feeders 97 395 167 western feeders 91 3 93 2 native yearlings 95 4 60 20 Idaho lambs , culls 67 4 60 8 spring lambs 83 6 00 280 Idaho lambs 67 600 10 spring lambs 47 625 Live Stock. CHICAGO , July 26. There was a good elaughterlng demand for choice cattle to day from local puckers anfl eastern shippers nt stronsr prices. The common lots were hard to dispose of and prices for such were barely steady at the recent decline. Good to fancy gnades brought J5.2305.90 ; com moner 'tots , J4.25fJT5.20 : stockers and feeders , $3.003-4.75 ; cows , heifers and bulls , $2.00 ® 5.10 ; western feeders , J4.50tf5.G5 ; Texas steers , J3.COSC.20 ; calves , J3.25'S1i.60. ! Trade In hogs was slow and prices suf fered a further break of 6c. Fair to cholco lots , 4.40tT4.50 ; heavy pacKers. J4.G34.37& ; mixed , J4.25g-l.50 ; butchers' , J4.20ff-l.50 ; tights , J4.35@4.C5 ; plgu , J3.7504.G5. The market for shaep was fairly actlvo at about former prices. Poor to prime- sheep , $3.00ffS.35 ; rams , $2.6 < KS3.00 ; ewes , J3.75P4.GO ; yearlings , Jl.505.50 : lambs J4.00 ( SC.G3 , a few fancy lots bringing J6.90 , the hlffht&t price paid for some time. Receipts : Cattle , 14,000 he-ad ; hog , 35,000 head ; gheep , 13,000 head. New York 1,1 vc Stock. NEW YO < RK , July 2C. BEEVES Re ceipts , 3,409 head' ' ; thirty-nine cars on sale ; steers , lOc higher , closing1 easy ; bulls , steady itx > lOo Hewer ; cows , uneasy , 13J723C lvSJi ! steers , $4.KiS6.65 ; oxen and -stags , 3.605.10 ; grass bulls , $2.75@3.50 ; good to choice fat bulls , $3.60fN.10 ; cows , $1.7564.20- exports , 35 slioep and 2.600 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts , 3,500 Jiead ; veals slow nnd 25c lower ; buttermilks steady ; veals , $ l.5ftg'6.75 ' ; tops , Sfl.S&gl.OO ; culls , $4.004.25 buttermilks , $3.1214 .50 : grassers , $4. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts 562S Oiead ; prime sheep nrm ; others steady ; Iambs active and nrm , 25o higher ; sheep. $2.90JH.50 ; a few choice wethere , $5.10QG,25 ; culls , $4. HOGS Receipts , 7,146 head ; slow at $4.75 05.00. Kail nan City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. July 26. CATTLE Re ceipts , 4,500 natives , 1,150 Texans ; excellent demand ait strong' to lOc higher prices ; heavyweight steers , $5.25Q5.70 ; light weights $1.8536.60 ; stockera and feeders , $4.004.5 ; butcher cows and heifers , $3.00S5.15 ; canners - ners , $2.5003.00 ; western steers , $4.0035.45 ; Texans , $3.1004.60. HOGS Receipts , 8,880 head ; market slow ; ruling- prices ] 0e lower ; heavy , $4.35S4.45 ; mixed , J1.30S-4.40 ; light , $4.3064.4214 ; pigs , ISH'EEP-Recelp-ts , 1,100 head ; market ac tive ; spring lambs , $5.0056.00 : muttons , $4.00 St. Lniiln Live Stock. , TjrS' July 2fl CATTLE-Recclp , 3,309 head ; market steady ; fair to best shin ning steers , $4.50S5.S3 ; butchers and dressed beef grades , $4.005.30 ; Bteers under 1.000 HOGS Receipts , 7,100 head ; market 6c . packers- SHEEP Receipts , 3,000 head ; market 'SiJlSv1" " " , mutto" - J3.50S-4.50 ; lambs , .008fi.3. > ; stocke-rs , $2.tOS3.50j culls , $2.00 ® J.EiO ; lexans , $4.30 , Stock In Following are the receipts at the four principal markets for July 26 : _ . . Cattle. Hogn. Sheep , Omaha 3K2 ( 7,1-0 , ? 2.SS5 Chicago 14,000 33.000 13,000 Kansas City 5,650 g.gflo ] 100 St. Loula 3,300 7,100 3,000 TotaJa .26,032 53,103 19,955 Mortgages For Sale We have on hand a list of gilt-edge securities for sale. Call andeee us. PAYNE-HARDER CO. , First Floor N. Y. Life n > HC 195 } ERPEMMEyaca ROOM4MYUIFEBU > Q. BRAMCH OMAHA rta UMWU1 MIR JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1030. Oinnliu , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS und STOCKS BOARD OP TRADB. Dtrft wlrr to Calc n and New Tort Corr Dondtul l John A. Wrren A Ok When Trnveliii2 Read The Bee Hero Is Where You Will Find it in tllO Principal Chios. ANACONDA , MONT. Jnmem M. Uoilnril. ATLANTA. GA. Kltnbnll Home Newa Slnud. BOSTON , Public Library. Vc-iiilonio Hotel HoBton Prc Club , 14 DonTTorth BUFFALO. Grnnaa Hotel \CTT Stand. BUTTB. \Vm. Shield * . CAMBRIDOB , MASS. Dar-mrd LWvcriltr Library. CHEYENNE. E. X I.ORran. iMU Writ Kltli M. Cheyenne Club. CHICAGO. AndUorlnm Annex NPTT Stand. Auditorium Hotel Nctvn Band. O run a I'nclflo Hotel NVTTK maud , Orp-nt Xor < li M-n Hotel Xcrr * Stand. Pnlnirr Hoimc XCMH Stand. 1'ontnfllee \ > vr Slnnil , An. 91T burn Street , Ad'oclntcil Advertl cr' Club , Palme * llouio. CLEVELAND. wedilcll Iloiixf. The Ilollcndeti. Commercial Trnreler * * A > oolatIM % Miuonlo COLORADO SPRINGS. Printer * ' Home. DENVER. Ilrown Hotel \CITH Stand. Hamilton .t KcndrlcU , 000-013 17th . BIcLalu , J'ltt A Co. , Has Sixteenth St. Pratt aicrruntile Co. . 1517 Larimer St. The Stationer Co. , IBth aiid LrfL-rrrcn a Street * . Wlud or Hotel Xeir * Stand. DES MOINES. Hove * Jacob * , Hook Ifllnuil Depot. Y. M. C. A. HendliiKHoom. . DULUTH , MINN. Wlt A Bennett , 21-1 W. Sm.erlor St. FORT SMITH , ARK. kL ft. A. ItenillnK Hoom HAVANA , CUBA. InKlaterra Hotel UeadlUK Xloom. HONOLULU , H. I. Honolulu Hotel Ilondlnn Room. HELENA. IV. A. Moore , Otb a-rena * m.a.0. MatM ECU tleleun Public Library , HOT SPRINGS , S. O. CUorffe Glbioii. HOT SPR2NOS. ARK. O. H. TVeavw & Co. IT. O. Dorlns : . IM D. Cooper 4t Co. , O2O Central ATO. KANSAS CITY. Robert Held. 1O33 MoOee St. Coatcs Uon 'XcTT Stand. lll0nrl RepnblleoA Clnb , OOH Dalti * more Ave. Public Library. Rlakiecker Clvar Co. , Otb and Walnut oppoilte P. O. Railway Y. M. C. A. , room 27 Unlo j Depot , Kana * City , Ho. Public Library. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. M. O. A. Rendlnp ; Room. LINCOLN. W. B. Bdmlaton , lisa O Street , Dcllr * cry Aurent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver & Haliic * , 1OO S. Spring ; St. F. D. Hancom , 422 S. Main St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Charles A. Olllla' * Amerloan Oxohanfff a Coclipux Si. , Trafalgar Ba. . B. W. MANILA , P. I. Andrew F. Sulionn , Cor. Paente da Kipana and Encolta Street * . MINNEAPOLIS. Public IJbrnry. "Wejit Hotel NO-ITB Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper Vnlou Ubrnry. - Fifth Avenue Hotel NCTTB Stand. m Fifth Avenue Hotel Iletidtnff Rooak ' Unijilre Hotel. Broonie Street Library. Holland Ilniina Hondlnff Hoonk. HoiTmiin House. Inipcriiil Hotel Nt-rr Stand. Mechanic * ' and Trnrteri' Free No. 18 Knmt Olxteculh Street. rrftim Clnb , 12O A'ntiuu at. W * tmlll er Hotel lleaillnar " , " \ \Vlndnor Hotel Iteadluir HOAM. % Y. SI. O. A. , 23d Streei 4th Avcaua. ' ' OGDEN. TV. Webb , 2405 Womhimmtfm AT * . PARIS , PRANCE. A. . . Tbo . CooU A Son. , 1 AT . Am P * cra , PONCE , PORTO RICO. - . - ZOTTC A Geatruni , PORTLAND , ORB. 'W. D. Jone , 'Ml Alder at" Portland Hotel Nevri Stnnd. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. Pabllo I/lbrarr. SAN FRANCISCO. Pabllo Library- , BAD JUAN , PORTO RICA , Hotel tavlaterra Heading M M > SANTA ANA , CAL. Santa Ana Free Publlo SALT LAKE CITY. L. P. Ilnmmcl , Ly Ottilia Tb 4t Snlt Like Nevr C * . Pabllo Library. SEATTLE Enntern IVewn Co , , S1O 1- A. T. I.undhurK. George V. Ward. SIOIJX CITY. O .rrett ou Hotel Now * Moudanilii Hotel NeTT Hotel Venilainc Ne > r StaadU Coii > ray & Knickerbocker. Public I.llirury. Gerald Fltullibon , TOR VtMtJl Stt Hey Allen , 1121 Center St. Y. H. O. A. H end In * HoaM , SPOKANE. John "W. Graliaiu T2 Areitue. ST. JOSEPH. DrnvlnvT' * Nenc Stund TBI Kdmond trret. Junutlon New * Stand , not B4lB * MA M Y. M. C. A. Henillnir HUOM. ST PAUL , M1HN. I'reii Clnb. IVIndior Hotel. ST. I OUTS B. J. Jett , flOO Ollt St. Plmitrr * ' Hotel N rrr I'ulillo Mlirury , WASHINGTON , D. O. Wlllard'i Hotel \err ( itanC. ' , Arlington Hot l. I/ Oomrremlonal Library. V HlBCM IIOIHB , 1. Arrfonlturnl Oepartiitvat Uttr ff Uepublloau National CouuuttUfe