10 THE OMAHA DATLY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 20 , 1890. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL rnrthor Reports of Damage in th Northwest - west Oaaaa a Rally in Wheat , 1 HIGH ESTIMATE ON YIELD OF SPRING CROPS Corn Weaken * nml Then Taken n Turn Unwnril Ontn Follow * Corn nnd Wlicnl Provision * Firm. CHICAGO , July 23.-Uncjcrctecly ! llgM receipts arid further reports of damage from the northwest caused a rnlly In wheat today. September closed at an advance of % < : . Corn nnd oats'rose Uc each. Provi sions suffered fty > m liquidation. Pork lost 32ke , lord 67Ho and rlba 2Hc. An estimate of 225,000,000 bu. ns the prob- nble ydeld of the spring crop In Minnesota nnd the two .Dakotos started wheat rather oa. y. September opened Ho lower nt 7W ® 70',4c ' , advanced slowly to 7034c , tlion de clined to ? 0',4c. ' A report from Paris that the French crop this year would equal that of n. year ago had a depressing Influence- during the first two hours' trading. After that , however , the market took a sudden upturn nnd contlnuo.1 strong until the clos ? . Heptember advanced to 71c and closed at 71'Jfi'l'XiC. ' ' The chanfto of sentiment wns ibroiwht about by a flood of damage reports ifrom the northwest , some of them placing Die Injury already done spring wheat nt SO to 25 per cent. The smallneM of primary western re ceipts wns also an Inspiration to the bulls , itoday'n receipts for the llrst time In sev eral weeks being less than for the Mtno l.iy ti year ago. Chicago received 1G8 cars , nine of contract grade. Minneapolis nnd Duluth got 2S2 cars , compared with forty- two the same day last wvek nnd 177 a year HBO. Exports from the Atlantic ports were 327,000 bu. Primary western market re ceipts amounted to GG7.000 bu. , compared rvvlth 1.120,000 bu. t/ho / corresponding day last week nnd 7MwO ( bu. a year ngo , Liquidation owing to heavy receipts weakened 'corn curly , but the loss was more than recovered later on buying against jmta nnd In sympathy with the advance In wheat. Crop reports were less promising than heretofore and country offerings ex tremely small. Ilccelpts , 515 cars. Septem ber openwl He lower at 31931c. declined to 31Q3li a and advanced to 32o at the close. Oats followed other grains , opening at the low point nnd closing at the top. Re ports .from various sections nay that the now crop is running to straw. Ilccelpts , ! ! 7ll cam. World's visible decreased 1,413,000 bu. September opened n shade lower ot JDJc. sold sparingly at 19'ic ' nnd advanced to 19& < frt9ysc nt the close. iProvlsIons opened firm , but collapsed un der free wiling by packers and commission ti&uses. Thla latUr selling was principally on atop \osa \ orders. Part of the decline iwas recovered In sympathy with the ad vance In grains. September ipork opened Olio lower at $ , advanced "to $9.02V4'00.03 ' , declined to * S.SO and advanced to * 8. 0 at the close. September lard opened un changed at $3. H. rose to to.GO. declined to 55.37 $ * nd closed at J5.40JJ6.42V4. Soptem- ibor ribs opened a shade 'higher ' nt T5.17& ® C.20. declined to $5.10 and closed xt $5.15. Estimated receipts for Wednesday : Wheat. 110 cars : corn. 635 cars ; oats , 220 cars ; hogs , 20,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles Open lllcli. Low. Oiodo. Ycs'dy. 70 COH .12 H . < < iW 2DH-30 30H 30 > 24W 25 24 < 24 ! < lf > W 1UU 21K 2Ui nno nor RRO RPO 0 07M 0 071-j 80'JH 005 B47K EBO B37M 6.J2K B47U 6t& CC5 D45 6474 C02H fi 20 GIB B17W 5UO B 2BV < 6 lf B20 f'J'JH No. 2. Cush quotations -were as follows : FLOtJIl Easy ; winter ipatonts , $3.50iU.1.CO ; btralghta , J3.Kmrt.30 ; spring specials , J4.00 ; Jhard patents. $3.WXff3.GO ; soft patents , $3.30 ® 3.40 ; bakers , Jl.SO-fT2.40. WHEAT No. 2 prlng , 70c ; No. 3 spring , ClfT 0 < 4c ; No. 2 red , 70'/40i71'/zC. CORN No. 2. 32S32Uo ; No. 2 yellow , oAfTS-'No. 2 , 24U r24V4c ; No. 2 White , 2Cc ; No. 3 white , 22HG2GC. UYIil-No. 2 , G2c. BAHLiay No. 2. 335T40c. SEEDS No. 1 flnxseed , 97c ; northwest , Sl.OO1 ; prime timothy seen. J2.45 , PROVISIONS Mem jiork. per bM. , SS.SOJp 8.K > . Lnrd , per 100 Ibs. . $5.lt303. 13. Short rbg ( Bldca ( loose ) , tVOO'fTfi.Oo. ' Dry salted shoul- flora tlyoxod ) . Ji.32V45.50 ; shorty clear Bldea ( boxed ) . J5.30 rr .40. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per cnl. . $1.2C. SUGARS Cut loaf. JG.02 ; granulated , T5.CI. following are < the receipts and shlitmenst : Articles. Rcceln-tn. Shlpm < nts. Dour. bW9 . 21.000 10.0OT "Wheat bu . 03,000 4,000 Corn , bu . r.OO.OOO . R2fi.ooo Oa.ta. few. : : : . . 312.000 2S3.0W aiye. bu . > . 4.000 2,000 [ Barley , bu . 20,000 . On the Produce exchange , -today the luit- T iter market was easy ; creameries. 12j5 > 17c ; Halrlcs , ll ! H5V6c. Eggs , weak nnd dull : fresh. 11W12C. Chseee. qu et at S n c. [ DreBsed poultry , steady ; turkeys , 7U8i,4c : chickens , S'c ; springs , IQfflllc ; ducks , 7c. NEW YOIIK OKNKHAI * MA11KI3T. \ Onointlnnii for ilie nuy on Vnrloim 'Cnminoilltlen. ' NEW YORK , July 23. FLOUR Receipts , B2.091 bbls. ; exports. 20.C11 bbls. Moro ac tive and firmer for spring patente. Minnesota seta patents , W.TESfS.OO ; winter straights , I3.S5S3.RO ; Minnesota bakers' , W.00ft3.40 Hyo flour , dull ; choice to fancy , S1.25S3.40. CORNMEAL Qulot ; yellow western , 770 rSe : oily. 7859c : nrnndywlne. t2.10U2.23. RYE Weak ; No. 2 western , GOo f. o. b. , I5ARLEY Weak : feeding , 3753Sc ! c. 1. f. , Tiuffalo ; malting , 460600 delivered In New BARLEY MALT Nominal ; western , &Sfi > CCc. WHEAT Rece'pts , HBD.IW ) bu. : exports , 120,019 bu. Spot , firm ; No. 2 red , 7774c f. o. b. , nllont , spot : No. 1 northern , Duluth , 7S io f o. b. , nlloat , spot ; No. 1 hard Duluth , | i I S2 o ftio. b. , afloat to arrive ; No. 2 red , 1 75c. elevator. Option * * steady on smaller iiorthwest receipts. They subsequently ] ' broka under liquidation nnd disappointing late French calrtes , but finally recovered. Chlof nmong tlio lat stimulating Inlluences wore email primary receipts. The close wns etrong nt VM ° not advance. July , "BViJB 70Uc ; closed , 7CVJo ; September. 75Ii-lfiin' ' 7C 1-lCo ; rlo ed , 7Cc ; December. 77iQ78V4oj. closed. 78Hc. CORN Receipts , 450,450 bu , ; exports , 00,870 Im , Spot , steady ; No. 2 , 3SWo f. o , U. , nfloat ; 87o elovator. Optlonw opened steady after a , nharp break under liquidation , recovered with wheat nnd lew favorable crop news , ' Closed firm nt unchanged prices. July olosed. 37c ; Seplember. SGThJTSi'Jc : closed , C7'ic ; December , iUiffSCVia ; closed , SGUc , OATS Receipts , 2IH.SOO bu. : exports. 3.ROO bu. Spot weaker ; No , 2 , 2S' c ; No , 3 , 2So ; Mo. 2 white , 30c ; No. 3 white , 20c ; tmck mixed western , 2Sfi > 30e. Options quiet. irAY 'Easy ' ; shipping , 63flCOo ; good to choice. 73ifS.'c. IIOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice , JSOQ crop. Cf7c : 1S07. lliflSc ; 1S9 ? , lGJ17c ; I'a- cltlc coast , 1S90 crop , C07c ; 1S07 , 11013o ; U93 , JTdMSo. 1IIDKS Steady ; Onlvcston , 20 to 23 Ibs. , i W17o : Ttixoa dry , 24 to 30 Ibs , , 12'iifflle ; California , 21 to 23 Ibs. , l ! > V4o. LWATHER Finn ; hemlock Bole. T3uenos ( Ayres. light to heuvywelghtB , SOViOSlVic ; nnld. 21Ji-2e. 1'ROVISIONS Rpof. steady ; family , JD.GOffl 10.CO ; extra mesa. J9.00 ; beef hams , > 27ft > { ji C9.00 ; packet. J9.WXiriO.00 ; city extra India mess. IU.WUV 00. Cut meats , steady ; pick led bellies , J6.00i5rc.75 : pickled hams , 10 ® JHo : pickled ehoulders. J5.75 ; pickled ImmH , 9.7610.DO , Lard , pteady ; western Htenmed J5,03 ; rellned. quiet ; continent , J5.S5 ; South America , J6.00 ; compound , Jl.00ii6.00 ; July closed 15.75 nominal : refined , steady ; conti nent , J6.05. Pork. Btady ; moss. W.0ofi950 ; rhorl clear , < 10.TC6I11.T5 ; family , JlO.BOfi 11.00. T.illow , Steady ; city ( J2.00 per package ) , 4iff4Ho : eountry ( packages free ) , 4VJf4llic. llUTU'ER-ReccIpts , 2.520 pkgs. ; llrm : Btato dairy , 13HQ17c : state creamery , 15IJ JSc ; western creainer > 'i 15lSc : factory. 12W14WC. CHK13SE Receipts. 13,742 pkgs.j nrm ; large white , S&c : small white , 9c ; large colored. 8ic ! small colored , 9c. EGOS Receipts , 15.4S3 pkgs. ; steady ; western , lliiltliniiro Jlnrket. BALTIMORE , July M. FLOUR-Qulet nnd unchanged ; rccolptH , 10,21 $ bbls. ; ex- I rtB , 32 bbls. \VHBAT Dull : spot nnd month , 71JZ Wi i Aueust , 71 ® 71o ; September , 72 * ip 78Vi eftpamer , Jfo. 2 red , WWSSHcj re ceipts , Iffj.lKS bu , , exports , none , southern by sample , 67j72c ; aotuhern on grade , 67 ® 72o CORN Atifnist. 3if36He ; September. 36'i ff36Hcstei ; mor mixed , StHflSIHe ; receipts , 115,9i > 5 bu , youthern whlto corn , 40-10.40 ; nouthern yellow , 40fl41c. OATS Dull and cnsy : No , 2 white , 30H ® 31c ; No. 2 nrtxed. 293300. CHBBSE- < Steady , JiUTTnit-Stendy. KOGS Firm. O.tlAHA < ! i.MCIlAJj MARKET. ConilMlnnn nt Trnile nnd Clnntntlnui nn Slnplc ntul I'ntior Prnilncc. EOGS Good stock , wcwak at lOHc. DTJTTKll Common to fair , 11012c ; choice , 13014CJ spparator , 18019c ; gathered cream ery , 16fJ17c. I'OUl.TKY-Hens , live. 7 ifTSc : BprlnR chickens , HjJ-lZc ; old and stagey rooster * , live , 3i4fJ5c ; ducks and gewe , live , 65I6Vtc ; turkeys , live , So , IMGKONS-LIve , tier doz. . 7Sc3 1.00. VHALS-Cholce. $ c. VEnrOTADI.KS. WATKHMKLONS-Southern , crated for shipment , 17f720c. ( CAXTAI.OUI'K Per crate , J1.B031.CS ; basket , 70SSOC. TOMAToKS-I'cr 4-basket crate , fSc. POTATOES New Potatoes , 251J-40o per bu , CUCtJMHEHS-Per doz. , 30c. CB1.13UY Per doz. . 30c. ritui'i'n. BLURnEnniES-Per 10-qt. case. $1.75. APUICOTS California , per crate , $2.00. nLACKBERUIES Per S4-qt. case. M.5031 ' BLACK nASPBEIiniES-Per 24-qt. case , PLUMS-Callfornla. wr crate. $1.BO. CALIKOUNIA PEACHES Freestones , $1.15fll.2S per box. APPliES-Per bbl. , $1.7602.00. TKOPICAL PltUlT. OnANQES Mediterranean sweets , $4.50 LEMONS-Callfornla. fancy. $4.6004.75 ; Messina , fancy , $5 OOQo.&u. BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , Ger bunch , $2.50ij2.75 ; medium-sized , unchcs , $2.00512.2 ! : . HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7Mc : No. 2 preen hides , f ! < 4e : Nn. 1 salted hlilca , SHc : No. 2 salted hides , 7' c : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Iba. , Wo ; No.1 vca > cilf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c. 8c.TALLOW TALLOW , GREASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1 , 3Ho ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rouph tallow , lUc : whlto grease , 2.4S3c ; yellow nnd brown grease , ! ' /4 < ii2Hc. SHEEP PELTS-Qreen salted , each. 15IJ 75c : green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , IGc ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. l , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Ncbrnika butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@5c : dry flint , Kansas and NPbraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 3K4r ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , p-3r lb. . actual xvelght , 3Sc. . St. Iou In Crnlu ana iT ST. LOUIS , July 23. WHEAT Higher : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 70 4c : track , 71V4 ® 72Uc ; July , 71Hc ; September , 72Mc ; Decem ber , 75c ; No. 2 hard , 70o to arrive. CORN Higher ; No. 2 cash. 31c ; track , 32c ; July , smc ; September , 31Ha31Vic ; De cember. 2S ? c. OATS-VLower ; No. 2 cash , 23cj track , 24 ST IVic ; July , 23c : September , 19ic ; May , 21T4c ; No. 2 white , 27Q2.c. RYE Qulot at 53c. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged. SEEDSPrlmo timothy seed ranges at J1.7&02.1u for old and J2.55 bid for new ; flaxseed - seed , 94c. CORNMEAL-Slcady at J1.S5U1.90. BRAN Better ; sacked , east track , GOJ4 ® Glc. Glc.IIAYSteady ; timothy , Js.00@13.00 ; prairie , $ G.OO I .00. WHISKY Steady at J1.2G. PROVISIONS Pork , llrm at J9.25. Lard , lower ; prime steam , J3.20 ; choice , J3.22& . Dry salt moats , boxed shoulders , J5.12V4 ; extra shorts , J5.23 ; clear ribs , J5.50 ; clear sides , { 5.6214. Bacon , quiet ; boxed shoulders , J5.GO ; extra shorts , $5.75 ; clear ribs , J6.00 ; clour sldca. J8.12H. POULTRY Steady : chickens. 7Hc : young , OVtSlOc ; turkeys , 9c ; young , loc ; ducks , 6 ® G'/ic : geese , GfjJMC. ; ( : BUTTER Lower ; creamery , ISifflSc ; dairy , 12M5c. ECiGS Ste.idy at 9c. RECEIPTS Flour , 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 65- 000 bu. ; corn. 91,000 bu. ; oats. 37,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. : wheat , 9,000bu. . ; corn , 84,000 bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu. eH In Available SuppllcN. NEW YORK , July 23. Special cable and telegraphic advices to Bradstreet's show the following changes in available supplies as compared with last accounts : ; Wheat United States and Canada , east of Rockies , increase. 1,578,000 bu. ; sitloat for und 4n Europe , decrease. 900,000 bu. ; total supply , increase , 878,000 bu. Corn Unlt'.d States and Canada , cast of Rockies , Increase , 141,000 bu. Oats United States ami Canada , east of Rockies , decrease , 1,419,000 bu. Among the moro Important Increases re ported 'to Bradstreet's not given In th-s olllclal supply statement are those of 203,000 bu. at Louisville , 89,000 bu. nt Depot Har bor and 61,000 bu. at Newport News. The principal decreases are those of 22G- 000 bu. nt Manitoba storage points , 90,000 bit. at Chicago private elevators and GG.OOO bu. at Kingston. The aggregate- stock of wheat held at Portland , Ore. . Tacoma and Seattle , Wash. , Increased 40,000 bu. last week. CKy nrnlii a ml I'rovInlnnH. KANSAS CITY , July 23 WHEAT Sep tember , 51c : December G7V4c. Cash No. 2 hard. G4Vjc ; No. 3 , GOiiWGJ.s : Me. 2 red , G7@ GSo. No. a , 63i-6Gc. Receipts. 89 cars. CORN September , 2SHc : December , 2G' c. Cash No. 2 mixed , 29V4j29c : No. 2 white , SOHc : No. 3 , 29'/4Q29)ic. OATS No. 2 wh'te , 23' g24e. RYE No. 2 , oG' c. HAY CI'Olcc timothy , J7.50g8.00 ; choice pralrlc , $0.0000.23. BUTTER-Creamery , W lSlG'/ic ; dairy. 14c. 'EGGS ' Barely steady at yesterday's dc- ollnc ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , 9c , cases returned. RECEIPTS Wlreat , 63,400 bu. ; corn , 42,900 bu. : oaits , 4,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 22,200 bu. ; corn , 27- 300 bu. ; otits , 8,000 bu. Llveriinnl drill n nml 1'rovlHlnnn. L1VIORPOOL. July 25 , WHEAT-S c.t firm ; No. 2 red , winter. 5s Od ; No. 1 1101 th em spring , 5s lO' d. Futures steady : July , 6s GJd : September , 5s 5d ; December , 5s 5nd , CORN 'Spot s'teady ' : American mixed , old , 3s ld : July , nominal. PROVISIONS Tjard , prime western , in tierces , 2i s ; rcllned , In palls , steady at 2bs9d ; American rellnln ? , 29 . BUTTER Finest United States. G6G7s. Wheat during the last two days , 207,000 centals , Including 77,000 centals contract. I'ltllndeliililii I'roilucc Mnrlcet. PHILADELPHIA , July I3.-BUTTER- Unclmnged ; fancy western creamery , IS'/iQ ) 19c ; fancy wrntern prints. 21c. EGGS Steady ; fair demand : fresh nearby. 13'4c ; fresh westt-rn , ISHffHc ; fresh soui'hwesteni , 13c ; fresh southern. JOffllc. CU'EK'SE ' ' Firm nnd higher ; New York , full cream , fancy , new and small , SifD' c ; Nv York , full cream , fair to choice , SVWJ S ? ! ? ; Ohio flats , fancy , SlJQSHc ; Ohio flats , fair lo coed , Toledii Market , TOIJEDO. O. , July 23. WHEAT-Actlvo nnd higher ; No 2 ca&h nnd July , 71ic ; September - tomber , 73' ' c bid. CORN Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 34o. OATS Dirt 1 and easy ; No , 2 mixed , cosh and July. 23c. RYE Dull ; cnh , Sic. PEBD'H Clovorsood dull but steady ; prlmo cash , new , $4.00 ; October , J4.50. Ultima > .lu-al .llnrket. DULUri'H , July 25-WHICAT-No. 1 hard , ( iraln Mnrket. MILWAUKDE , July 25.- WHEAT Firm ; No. 1 northern , 72Vii73o | ; No. 2 northern , RYE Txiwer ; No. 1 , 63c. BARIJUY-Qulet ; No. 2 , 40l4o ; sample , lM Wlient Mnrket , MINNEAPOLIS , July 25. WHEAT In store : No. 1 northern. July. GSc ; Septem ber , C7T c : December , G9c. On track : No. 1 hard , 70'4o ; No. 1 northern , C9Ho ; No. 2 northern , U7T o. tViiol Mnrki-t. ST. LOUIS , July 25. WOOL-Steady and llrm , vcitn a gxxid demand for all the bet ter grades at prices unchanged. BOSTON , July 26. WOOL-Tho wool market Is generally stronger litre than a week ago nnd the quotations are higher. while the demand continues strong. Fleece wools fairly active at 32J33c for Ohio de- lalno and 30o for XX and nbov * . Territory wools are -meeting with quick demand on the scoured basis of 50 < Q62o for flno me dium and tine Australian wools are nearly cleared up and manufacturers are said to now reaHzo that the ? wools will 1 > e wanted , About ill the line grades that were not shlppe-J to Europe ihave been pur chased 1iy a few leading manufacturers. Quotations for leading descriptions follow : Ohio lleeo * . X and above , 27fl2So : XX nixl XX and above. 30jJ31o : delaine , 32QI3c ; combing , No. l , 31S-32c. ( Michigan , Wiscon sin , etc. X Michigan , 24iTfi5o ; No. 1 Michi gan combing , 30c ; No. 2 Allclilgan comblni ; , C9oNo. : . 1 IHInols combing 30o : No. 3 111- ! nola combing 29r , X New York , New 'Hairtps'lilre nnd Vermont. 22ii23oj No 1 .New York , New H.impshim and Vermont , 2V ; delaine Mlchlg-an , 2SJi'20 < - ; unwashed medium Kentucky and Indiana , quarter blood combing , 22fC3o : Missouri quarter blood comMnp. 2HJ22c ; braid combine , 10R1 20cj Lnk nnd Georgia , lOfTJOo. Territory wools Montana end Dakota , fine me.llum nnd fln . IB lSc ; scoured , 60S52c : staple , 61I/35c : Utah , Wyoming ; flu. ' medium nnd line , l&ffl"c ; ecoure l. 4 351c ; staple. 51W CGc ; Idaho , flno medium and fine. 14117 < : scoured , 60fj62c : medium , ICfTlSc ; scoured , 413IGc. Australian , scoured basis , combing , supernno , iSflSOc ; good , 74376cj average , 70 073c , MOV13MEXTS OF STOCKS AND IIOXHS. York Mnrket SliniTH Xn Trntm- nctl < inn AVortliy ofo o. NEW YORK , July 25. Th stock market continued well nigh lifeless today , only a few stocks allowing any movement at price worthy cJ note. The moveiment wns so narrow and sluggish that It was dliricult ttt tlnua to distinguish 'the. tendency of prices. Rock la'.und showed nn opening gain of 2(4 ( points , whll > St. Paul opened down 14. at. Paul was not Influenced nt all by the statement of earnings In the third w < vck , which again broke all previous records. The stock was heavy all day and was the only one of tihu granger group which hung below last might's Isvel for most of the day. Late In the dny there was an In creased demand for Rock Island , which lifted Its price about a point above last night's level. The southwesterns rose nt the sam * time over a point each. Iowa Central also "continued to advance. There was a period of midday strength In the pressed steel car stocks , which rose 3V4 nnd J',4 respectively. A simultaneous movemnt , apparently sympathetic , affected National Steel , Fed eral Steel , Tennessee Coal nnd Tin Plate and later the American Hoop stocks ref s 24 ! and 1U respectively. None of these gains was ( fully held and on the other hand American Smelting nnd Colorado Fuel showed sharp declines. General Electric was advanced to 12IV1. but reacted a point. Consolidated Gas , the Linseed Oil stocks. International 'Paper and National Biscuit showed symptoms of weakness and an early gain In Pennsylvania was practically all lost. The mon = y market continued Moady. The weekly statement of the. Im perial Ba-nk of Germany reflected the pro cess of retrenchment going on In foreign financial clrcUs. The bank's cash has been Increased over JS.SOO.OOtf. whllo its loans were contracted nearlv $3,060,000 nnd Its note circulation reduced over $9,000,000 during the week. Now York -exchange at interior points In this country reflected an increased demand 0-n this center for funds. The serious as pect at Cleveland of the street car strlko had rather a dspresslng ertcct on the mar ket. The day's "business " was close to the lowest level for the year. The railroad bond market wns dull and Irregular , except for a large absoi'ptlon of. St Louis Southwestern : conds. Total sallespar value , $1,710,000. United StaUs n w 4s , registered , declined U per cent and the old 4s , registered , and the Sa % m the bid price. The Commercial Advertisers London financial cablegram says : "Tho markets here were quiet and firm generally today , while west Australian mines were buoyant. Americans opened hard , the strikes being disregarded , tout the business done amounted to very little. The clew was fractionally higher on New York buying. Montreal bought Canadian Pacific -and Ber lin sold , Money at the close was unleml- ablc. Bills , however , were ihard. The bank Is feeling Its way to tight rates by borrow ing golf. It bought 20,000 gold in bars and 25600 in German coin , 41,000 arrived from Austria and 20,000 was taken for STJlia1 following nro the closing quotations for the. leading stocks on the New York exchange today : I I'd. tvns quiet nnd About unchfuiprMl. At the ole o Hie .Motnl exchange ctlled pis Iron wnrrnrvts nominal nt JH.Ou , lake copper , firm nt J1S KO ; tin. unsettled at $31 25 hid mid Ml.75 nskf-U ; lend , quiet nt $4.65 bid nnd i J4.57H nsketl ; spelter , quiet nt 16.25. The i brokers' price for lead Is ? 1,35 nnd for cop per J1S.CO. ST. IXJUIS. July S5.-METALS-Lnil hlRher dit $ I.KVftl.57i ! : spelter , lower nt $5.60 Gfl.GS. Norr York .Mlnltmr UiiotntloiiK. NJ3\V YCmtC. July K.-The followlne nro the closing quotations for mining shares ! July 23. After a firm opening American securities were quiet , with a de clining tendency , but recovered toward the close , leaving off firm In tone , The settle ment absorbs the attention of members. The Stock exchange will bo closed Satur day , August 5. The amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of England on balance today , .CCD.OOO. Spanish 4s closed at 00 % . Gold at Buenos Ayres , 115.20. BERLIN , July 23. Business was quiet on the bourse today , the attention of operators bolng chiefly nb'-orbed In preparations for the settlement. Bank shares were In good speculative demand. Canadian Paclllcs ad vanced on trnlllc receipt reports. Iron shares were easier on dividend rumors. Exchange - change on London , 20 marks 49V4 pfgs. for checks. FRANKFORT , July 23-On the bourse today prices were firm. There was a strong arbitrage demand for Spanish 4s. Local shares were Irregular. PARIS , July 25. 4 p. m. Three per cent rentcp , loot 43c for the account. Exchange on London. 25f 23',4o for checks. Spanish 4s closed nt C1.75. VIENNA , July 23. Prices were firm on the bourse today. Settlement money was easy , the crop prospects In Hungary being regarded as favorable. , I'liiaiielnl Xotcx. NEW YORK , July 2S.-Clearlngs. $173- 9.0,022 . ; balance ? . $5.700,631. BOSTON. July 25.-Clcarlngs , $20,993,712 ; balances , $1,928,840. BALTIMORE. July 23.-Clearlngs , $3,374- 12C : balances , $330,027. CHICAGO , July 25. Clearings , $18,012,500 ; balances , $1,067,430 ; New York exchange. 20c discount ; Sterling exchange , posted rates , $4.S3'/2 < 7N.SSH. ST. LOUIS. July 25.-Oearlngs. $4,877- SOi ; balancis , $903,375 ; money , quiet at 407 per cent ; exchange on New York , par bid and lOc premium asked. On the I'lirln llonrne. PARIS , July 23. Business commenced In an undecided manner on the bourse today , but subsequently Improved on London re purchasing orders. Rio Tlntos were firm , but the advance was' ' not maintained at the close. A decline In rentes toward the close of the market weakened the whole list. Kafllrs were strong , It being reported yes terday that the British cabinet council had peacefully disposed of the Transvaal mat ter , but closed Irregular. German Iliiulc Statement. BERLIN , July 23. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes : Cash In Jinnd , In crease , 19.110,000 marks ; treasury notes , In crease , 520.000 marks ; other securities , de crease , 24,040,000 marks ; notes In circulation , decrease , 45,840,000 marlo-\ Condition of the Tronnnry. WASHINGTON , July 25.-Today's state ment of itho condition of the treasury shows : Available rtish balance $ , $281,541.797 ; gold reserve , $2-15,740,700. Kvport of Silver. YORK , July 23. The steamship . i - -i fA'yjJP ' for Europe tomorrow , will take out 101.000 ouncea ot silver and 100 000 Mexican dollars. ' Co Ho 11 Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS. July 25.-COTTON- Dull ; sales , to.DO ; .ordinary , 3 ll-16c ; good or dinary. 4 3-lGc ; Mowk middling 4 15-16c ; ordl- ? an'v iS : eooantoMlinif. 07-lGc ; middling fair , Cl-lCc ; receipts. 654 bales : Block , 163.499 bales. ( Futures quiet nnd steady ; July. $5.6 ! bid ; August. $5.SOJ5.81 ; September , $3 3SJJ E.33 ; October , $3.3Sfi5.39 ; November x'.mv 5.43 ; December , $5.T6 < ! T5.47 : January. $5.50j ; 5.51 ; I' ebruary , $5.54fT3.53 : March S RS'77't "i * ) NEW YORK. July 25.1-COTT6N-SpeCu : latlon on the cotton exchange today was not overactlve , nor did the scope of specu lation call for much comment. Whether of bearish or bullish belief , traders were cau tious at first , being of a singular turn of mind. Thp first call showed 10 polnta up to 1 lower. The leading factors tending to re strain bear selling consisted of more or less geenral belief that the outstanding long ac count had been pretty ( veil eliminated from the siluatlon , the marlcet , It was thought. belnt quite heavily oversold , principally by the London crowd. Cotton crop reports were good , -with low prices for the staple. Which led to fears that the Investment pub lic anight re-oniter the market ; the longs were equally at a loss as to which way to turn , Inasmuch as advices of the crop sub ject indicated splendid conditions almost over the entire belt , while English market , news proved singularly disappointing. It was. therefore , not unnaturaJ that traders should liesltate. Many traders gave atten tion dialing the day to the rounding up of straggling accounts and better straighten ing out -Interests in the August option nnd reinvestment. In the latter months , near the end of t-ho session prices went off several points en liquidation , rrho market closed barely steady at a not loss of 3@7 points. LIVERPOOL. July 23. COTTON Spot , fair demand ; prices unchanged ; American middling , 3 d ; sales of the day were 10,000 bales , ofwhich 500 were for speculation and export ai.d included 9,400 Bales American ; receipts. 0,060 bale * , including3,000 Amer ican. Futures opened quiet and closed quiet but steady at the advance ; American mid dling , J. m. c. , July , 319-64d , buyers ; July and August , 31S-61f(319-64d ! , buyers ; August and September , 317-C40318-Old , buyers ; September and October , 3 15-0403 IG-Old. buy ers : October nnd November. 3 15-Gf3 ! IC-CId. ST. LOUIS , July 25.-COTTON-Quiet : middling , 5ic ; sales , none ; receipts , 297 bales ; shipments , 1,033 bales ; stock. 70,031 bales , Ynrlc IJry fiooilN Market. NEW YORK , July 25. There have been further advances made In oicached cottons today ; the demand for bleached waa stimu late * ! by an upward tendency ; no change In heavy brown cottons , which are scarce nnd very firm In both leading home and export mnkeg ; lightweight gray goods nro steadier with moro doing and print cloths are llrm at 2io In all markets ; prints nre In fair de mand ; good sale of flno ginghams for next spring ; good demand for men's nno worsteds. Oil Mnrlcrf. LONDON , July 23.-OILS-Caleutta. lln- peed. spot , 3fls 10'/d : linseed , 40s 5d ; tur pentine spirits , , 20030c. uosln , American Strallned , 4-J 4Hd. NEW YORK. July 23.-t > ILS-Cottonsee < l oil , qulot ; petroleum llrm ; rosin steady ; turpentine - pentino steady. OIL CITY , July 25. Credit balances , $1.2S certificates , offered , $1.24'no ' ; bids or sales olrtpmentK. 111,678 bbls. ; average , 71.293 bbls. runs , 109,611 bbls.j average , 79,641 bbls Coffee MfirUet. NEW YOTVK , July 25.-COPFEE-Optons ! opened qulot , unchanged to 5 points lower and ruled stupidly dull mo t of the day. Sentlmtnt was bearlshly Inclined under weak cables , enormous receipts , neglect on the part of outsiders , slack consumptive demand and unfivoraMo statistical out look. Closed dull and unchanged to S pointa lower ; ea'les. ' 4,200 bags , including August at $1,35 ; May. $5.15. Spot coffee , Rio , dull and nsy. Mild , quiet. SiiRnr Mnrlcet. NEW ORLEAiNS. July 25.-8UQAR Dull ; open kettle , 3 Ti45-lRc : centrifugal , yellow , 4 % T.c | ; seconds. 2V406'c. MOLASSES Dull : centrifugal. 614c. NEW YORK. July 23.-SUGAR-Raw. eteady : fair refining , STic ; centrifugal , 98 teat , 4 7-lCc ; molasses suenr , 3c. Ciillforiilii Dried I ruHn. NEW YORK. July 25.-CALIKORNIA DRIED .FRUITS Firm ; evaporated apples , common , CHfJSc ; prime wire tray , SMS'S'/Jc ' ; choice. Sift J9c ; fancy , 9Ufi954c , Prunes , 3U63140. Apricots. Royal , 14c ; Moor Park , 14c , Peaches , unpeeled , HOl MimehcHtcr Textile MANCHfJSTER , July 25.-Cloths' and yarns steady , with n moderate demand. Trunt | n riumliliiK SlntcrlnJ. NEW YORK , July 25. The amalgamation of twenty-eight large plumbing material manufactories of the country has been per fected under the title of the Central Foundry company , with a capltallratlon of $14,000,000 , I f Oil All A LIVE STOCK MARKET Arriral of 110 Can of Cattle , of Which 60 Are Oornfod Steers. HOG RECEIPTS THE LARGEST FOR A WEEK I'rloen Fully Fifteen Cent * IllRher Tliitii n Week ARM ScllerM Slow lu Accepting Priam Offered nnit Trnnimctloiin Urnnr. _ . SOUTH OMAHA , July 23. necelpts were : _ _ , . Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Offlctal Monday 3,061 < , S20 2,9fij Omclftl Tuesday 2.701 11,223 1,650 Thus far this week 0,365 10,013 4,543 Sumo days last week. . . . 5,237 11,321 6,323 baine days week before. 4.539 10,0 S 5,954 Same three weeks ago. . . 4,594 14,325 1,217 The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : _ Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p H'r's. C. , M. &St. P. Ry 3 O. & St. L. Ry 1 Mo. Itadnc Ry 10 1 Union Pac. System. . . 19 30 F. , E. & M. V. R. R. 31 56 Q. C. & P. Ry 1 I C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry. 21 17 B. & M. R. R , R 23 31 C. , B. & Q. Ry 1 4 K. C. & St. J 1 C. , R. I. & P. Hy. , E. 2 2 C. , R. I. &P. Ry. , W. . . 4 Total receipts . . . .110 154 7 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated : Cattle. Hoes. Sh'p. Omaha. Packlmr Co 201 953 G. H. Hammond Co 331 1,935 Swift nml Company 37S 2,593 Cuduhy Packing Co 673 2,031 Armour & Co 891 1.S47 251 Omaha P. Co. , 1C. C 13S ' I Cudahy P. Co. , S. C 327 Cudahy P. Co. , country H. Ueckcr & Degau . . . . 6i Vansant & Co 161 W. I. 'Stephen 23 Hill & Huntzlngcr 4S llonton & Underwood . . 30 N. Norrls 491 Ham'llton ' & Rothschild. . 181 U P. Husz 19 Krey 'P. ' Co 241 Other buyers 116 S Held over 350 Totals 2.85S 11.433 1.BSO CATTLE Today's market In cattle might bo Bummed up ns a. good , steady to strong and active market. All told there were 110 fresh cars of cattle In the yards , of which sixty loads were cornfed beef steers. The demand for that kind of cattle was good und buyers wore out early and soon Picked up everything In sight. Good beeves were strong and active , nnd even the medium gradeo sold a little more freely , mouKn me marxet couiu not DO cauea any higher. The average quality of the fat cattle showed up pretty well , and there wire several loads good enough to bring $5.60. Something like twenty loads of COWB and hflfers were reported on sale , the most of them westerns , there being ten loads of the Bnrtlett Richards cows In one bunch. The market on cow stuff was just about steady , thouirh buyers and sellers did not get to gether on them quite so readily as on the fat steers. There was quite a sprinkling of stockers nnd feeders among the receipts of cattle. Light stock cattle were. If anything , a little weaker than yesterday , though the market was quoted considerably tower yesterday. On the other hand there was more country Inquiry for heavy feeders , and the market on that kind of cattle was a little stronger. Some good sandhill feeders sold at $4.45 ® 4.50 , and some other westerns , not quite so Rood , at S4.40. Practically everything In the yards was sold ( and weighed up early In the forenoon. Representative sales : BEEF STEKns. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1060)366 63..1034 fG 03 20. . 1143 $5 25 1..11SO 425 61..1013 605 16..1259 625 2. . 720 425 18..1in 505 23..1102 625 19..110Q 440 14..1032 510 40..130S 530 11. . SGO 450 11..1303 515 42..1310 630 3. . S20 450 46..1251 615 60..1351 635 6. . 1320 460 40..1301 C 15 67..1292 535 3. . S23 460 19..1210 515 29..1219 635 24..1097 475 18..1105 620 3S..1301 535 24. . SS3 430 4..1200 620 33..1285 635 18..1000 490 22..121' ' ! 520 29..1290 535 23. . S33 490 18..1366 620 60..1S51 640 28..1001 4 90 22..1254 5 25 34..1015 5 40 15..11S9 490 3..1225 625 106..1449 540 20..1127 505 2..1260 525 99..1353 5 SO 1..1200 505 1..1300 625 20..135U 650 18. . 953 4 6 20. .1248 525 COWS. 46..1109 4 SO 2. . 830 2 25 1. . 900 3 15 1..1517 3 75 1. . SSO 2 40 1..1010 3 20 2. . 910 3 75 1. . 760 250 3. .1046 3 20 5. . 818 3 75 1..1300 2 55 2..1230 3 20 1. . 750 3 75 4. . 870 2 60 1. . 880 3 25 1..1290 3 85 1..1170 2 75 . 1..10IO 3 23 1..1140 390 8. . 906 2 85 1. . 750 3 23 1. . 910 4 00 2. . 885 285 4. . 735 3 33 4..1112 4 00 1. . 860 2 85 6..1000 3 40 2..1190 4 00 2. . 950 2 90 1..1010 3 40 S..1136 4 00 1..1030 2 90 1..1100 3 40 2..12S 4 00 1..1110 2 90 1..1140 3 50 6..1078 4 05 1..10IO 3 00 1. . SSO 3 50 2..1090 4 10 1..1100 3 00 4. . 975 3 53 1..1Z30 4 10 B..1010 3 00 5. . 732 3 B5 6..1053 4 15 7. . 983 3 10 3. . SSG 3 65 4..1185 4 15 2..1070 3 15 3..1136 3 75 1..970 4 25 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. ' 462 3 25 1. ' . 820 3 25 2. . 760 3 50 S' . 473 3 1. . 800 3 25 1. . 380 410 6. . 703 3 25 HEIFERS. 1. . 740 3 00 I. . SSO 350 , 700 400 1. . 600 3 00 1. . C30 365 ,750 4 00 2. . 730 3 60 1. . 520 4 00 , 660 4 15 l.JOOO 3 DO 2. . 435 4 00 ,1200 , 4 50 BULLS. 1..12SO 2 90 1..11SO 3 23 1..1560 375 1..1200 300 1..1060 3 30 1..1610 3 75 1..1310 3 05 1. . 970 3 30 1..1520 4 00 1..1190 3 10 2..1900 3 50 1..1530 4 10 1..1070 3 20 1. . 900 3 60 1..16SO 4 25 CALVES. 1. . 330 260 1. . 210 5 50 160 6 50 1. . 360 4 75 1. . 100 6 00 110 650 1. . 400 6 00 1. . 140 6 00 ISO 6 60 1. . ISO 6 50 STAGS. 1. . 850 3 10 1. . 930 400 1..1240 450 1..1210 3 50 STDCKERS AND FEEDERS. STOCKEUS AND FEEDERS. 1. SSO 3 25 720 3 40 14. . 680 4 25 1. 900 3 25 1. . 460 3 75 28. 735 4 25 1. . SSO 3 30 1. . 620 4 00 27. 4S1 4 45 1..1000 3 75 11. . 633 4 10 455 4 65 2. . 6SO 3 75 1. . 720 4 10 WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 steer 5GO $2 75 1 steer 910 $1 10 1 cow 1010 3 00 SOfiteers. . . . SSO 4 20 1 cow 900 3 25 9 cows 9S2 S 45 3 steers. . . . 823 3 30 31 steers..1045 4 10 2 COWS 1010 3 65 19 steers..1102 4 40 3 steers. . . . fl2fl 4 10 2sters. . . . 945 4 10 C steers. . . 721 4 10 7 Moors. . . . 701 4 10 NEBRASKA. 1 heifer. . . . 4SO 2 75 1 heifer. . . . 250 3 50 iBteer 1310 4 25 Ernest Sopor. Icow 860 300 ! steer 7SO 433 1 cow. SM 300 15 alters. . , , 766 435 2cowa 1090 325 James Bell. 15 cows 970 325 9 steers. . . . 952 445 Isteer 1030 425 2 steers..1275 4 CO Jacob Herman , Isteer..1310 400 24 steers..1100 4 DO JI. C , Hubbol. Ibull 1350 285 3staK . . . .1019 400 Scows 1016 290 27 feeders.1019 460 23 cows 1036 3 15 HOGS Receipts of hogs were the largest today In over a week , but the real feature of weakness In the markt\ . was the reported decline of 5U10o at Chicago. Tha market at this point opened with a few of the best hogs nulling at Jt.35ff4.37Vj , but as a rule packers started out bidding $4.30 for the bulk of the mixed load a , or 6STCo lower than yesterday , Sellers were a little slow about accepting the prices , and for tha.t reason the early morning passed without very many loads changing minds. It was Inter than usual before buyers and sellers finally got together on a trading basla , nnd still later before a clearance was effected. The close was very slow and weak nt the decline. It will be noted from the table of average prices at the head of the column that the hogH sold today not far from where the market was at the close or last week , or a Fhado lower , but fully 15f higher than on Tuesday of last week nnd 35o higher than , two weeks ago. Representative alea : No Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 93 , , . . ,200 240 SI 27'/4 65. . . .215 160 4 32V4 26. . .269 SO 4 30 67. . .291 40 32V 35 , . .286 40 4 SO 67. . .263 80 61 , . .247 40 4 30 68 , . . 31 ' 73. , ,273 160 4 30 66. . .197 46 60. . .273 . . . 4 30 120 , . .244 . . . 67 , . .292 40 4 30 66. . ,211 SO 60. . .302 80 4 30 91. . .230 120 72 , . ,257 SO 4 30 71. . .237 ICO 60 , . ,253 SO 430 62 , . .243 120 16. . .305 4 30 76. . .231 . . . 73. . .242 160 4 30 74. . , .262 BO 109 . .179 120 4 30 67. . , .2C2 120 62 , . .241 . . . 430 71. . . .224 ICO 71. , .258 240 4 30 01. , ,2'S SO 79 , . 221 40 4 30 61. . . .302 . . . 14 , . .260 . . . 430 70. . . ,229 80 75. . ,269 40 4 30 93 , . . .203 SO 71. . .1)7 120 4 30 80. . . .199 . . . 63 . .203 40 4 34 JM. . .266 240 63 . ,278 4 CO 67 . . ,272 . . . 71 . .240 4 30 104. . .193 120 58. . . SO 439 4 324 I I . . :67 120 4 30 , .rss 120 4 324 86 .191 4 30 76. . jit SO 4 32'i 86US . .243 120 430 76.M. . .22 ? 120 4 324 76. .2T > 9 40 4 30 78. T.223 SO 4 324 61. .259 $0 4 30 74. . .270 120 4 324 79. . .267 40 4 30 65. . .221 SO 4 324 91. . .233 SO 4 .10 97. . .1S9 40 4 324 .214 ' 4 30 61. . .2oS 4 324 . .1S2 'so 4 30 78. . .252 120 4324 2. . . .2.17 ICO 4 30 69. . .246 ' 4 324 66. . , . .2C4 SO 4 30 73. . .2.V ! 40 4 324 05. , , .203 SO 4 30 C8. . .574 SOso 4 324 90. . , . .245 120 4 30 72. . .207 so 4 324 77. . . .2S3 4 30 72.M. . . .206 4324 65. . . .280 240 4 30 63. . .229 4S24 $2. . . .2 2 160 4 SO 66. , .26i 4 324 71. . . . .218 160 4 30 76. . .261 so 43J4 66. . , . .2SS SO 4 30 76.F9. . . .243 120 4 324 70. . . .174 1:0 4 30 J4. . .2SO 4 324 48. . . .25S 120 4 30 62. . .279 4 324 77 , . , . .ail SO 4 30 71. , . .228 SO 4 324 63. . . .250 SOVo' 4 30 61. * .4 324 i. . . .235 Vo' 4 30 67. .275 40 4 324 70. . . .233 so 430 C5. .239 SO 4 324 75. . . .243 ' 4 30 71. .262 ' 4 324 73. . .255 'so 4 SO .227 $0 4 324 N ) . . . . .233 160 4 SO 67. ,2 6 120 4 3 > 4 98. . . .231 SO 4 30 73. .241 40 4 324 76 , . . .234 120 4 30 69. .223 120 4324 73. . . .275 240 4 30 66. .2S2 SO 4 324 91. . , .223 40 4 30 69. .2Sl ) 160 4 324 77. . . .222 SO. . 4 30 P5. .243 ' 4324 77. . , . .251 SO 4 30 S7. .233 40 4 324 62. . . .244 40 4 30 62. .268 ' 4324 62. . . .201 4 30 71. .258 'so 4 324 9. . . .216 120 4 30 64. .275 120 4 324 71. . . .246 ICO 4 30 75. .220 160 4 35 97. . . .200 200 4 30 102 .207 120 4 Si 76. . . .256 SOH 4 30 12. .193 * 4 35 63. . . .240 H ) 4 30 93. .210 40 4 35 67. . . .2M ) 4 30 63. .218 4 35 S7. . . .2.M 320 4 30 63.S2. . .234 4 35 71. . . 40 4 30 61. .274 4 35 46. . , SO 4 30 60. .317 120 4 35 61. . . . .213 SO 4 30 288 .219 2 0 I 374 67. . . . .24S SO 4 30 61. .260 SO 4374 68. . , . .244 ICO 4 30 70. .231 120 4374 66. . . . .243 SO 4 30 .231 ire 4374 69. . . . .232 120 4 30 91 200 120 4374 WAGON LOTS-PIGS. 1. . , . .210 275 8. . . .207 4 30 1. . . . .440 80 3 25 1. . . . .140 4 30 . .560 160 3 25 5. . . . .220 4 30 5. . . . .242 4 20 6. . . . .191 4 30 3. . . . .363 4 25 3. . . . .293 4 30 3. . . . .203 4 25 3. . . . .20(3 ( 4 30 2. . . . .320 4 25 4. . . . .272 4 30 1. . . . .220 4 25 4. . . . .137 4 30 4. . . . .282 4 25 4. . . . .167 4 30 1. . . . .350 4 25 S11EI3P The story of today's sheep mar ket Is soon told there were seven loads here nnd they wore pold early nt steady I rices. Buyers seemed to wall a few killers and were out early nnd. took what was offered at prices that wes-o entirely satls- fuclory to the sellers. South Dakota weth ers brought $4.15 , and Oregon we-thers nnd owes J3.90. Quotations : Prime native wethers. J4.23 ft4.60 ; good to choice grass withers , $4,15 ff4.30j fair to good grass wethers , M.75W 4.10 ; peed to choice gross ewes , $3.60y3.75 ; good to choice spring lambs , $5GOJf6.00 ; fair to good spring lambs , $5.00j6.50 ; common spring larnb , $4.00iff4.25 ; feeder wethers , $3.5003.85. Repress n tat Ivo Bales : Chlcnuo Live Stock. CHICAGO , July 25. Both the supply nnd demand In cattl * today were moderate nnd prloffl underwent no appreciable change ; good to choice steers sold at ? 3.23JiO.S5 ; commoner grtules. $4.20 5.20 ; cows , bulls and heifers , $2.00j5.10 ; stackers and feed ers , $ l.30gJ.75 ; western fed steers. $4.5053) ) E.65 ; Texaa steers , $3.GOQO.OO ; calves , $4.50 g-e.EO. Trade In hogs w s slow at prices fully Bo Jowcr ; fair to choice lots , $4.4564.60 ; heavy packers , $4.16J4.42'/ ; 'butchers , $4.30 5H.60 ; mixed , * 4.35@4.CO ; fights , $4.401.70 ; pica , W.SOS4.60. Tihero wan a fairly active slaughtering demand for sJiwp at steady prices ; prime lombs wore scarce and brought 15tJ25c more than at the close last week : poor to prime sheep , $2.25iiC.2o. ( chiefly $3.0i > TH.60 ; natives. $3.75@4.BO ; pigs , $4. Hj6.GO ; cull lambs , $4.25 S-4.60 ; good to prime flocks , ? G.4vgc. ( ; . Receipts : Cattle , 2,600 head ; hogs , 17,000 head ; shscp , 10,000 head. 1C nil nan City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY , July 2G.-CATTLE Re ceipts , 4,400 native 1,450 Texans ; slaugh tering cattle acWvo and steady to a shade higher ; shockers and feeders lOc higher ; heavy native stesrs , J5.25iJjS.50 ; light weights , J4. 5005.45 ; stockers and feeders , $3.65 4.85 ; butchers' cows and heifers , $3.00 6i6.15 ; canners , J2.50Jf3.00 ; western steers , $3.75@6.50 ; Texans , $3.3S4.40. HOGS Receipts , 9,020 hsnd ; early sales steady ; closed 5@10o lower ; heavy , $4.40 ® 4.52& ; mixed. $4.35g4.60 ; light , $1.403-4.50 ; pigs , $4. 20 .40. SKEBP Receipts , 4.870 head ; liberal sup ply , but hardly equal to demand ; market active and strong ; spring lambs , $3.00JJ > 6.00 ; muttons , $4.00t8 > 4.BO ; s.tockers and feed ers. $3.254.25 ; culls , $2.0003.25. St. Loiiln Live Stock. ST. LOUIS. July 25. CATTLI2 Receipts , 2,100 head , Including SOO Texans ; market steady to strong : fair to choice native ship ping and export steers , $4.50Jja.ffi : dressed beef and butcher steers , $1.00 5.25 ; steers under 1,000 Ibs. , $4.00@4,75 ; stackers and feeders , $3.00iiG.OO ; cows nnd heifers. $2.25 ( SG.OO ; 'bulls ' , $2.2504.00 ; canners. $1.5032.80 ; Texaa nnd Indian steers , $3.00if4.75 ; cows and 'helf-rs ' , $2.KVSJ > I.OO. HOGS Receipts. 6,800 head ; market 5o lower ; pigs nnd lights Jl.rjfK . &O ; packers , [ 4.45iW.CO ; butchers , J4.D54.CS. SHEEP ( Receipts , 5,700 head ; market steady to firm : native muttons , $3.5034.25 ; lambs. $4.003 .2 > : stockers , $2.5033.00 ; culls and bucks , $2.0033.50 ; Texans , $4.30. St. .ToNeph Mvc Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , July 25. ( Spe cial. ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts , 1,800 'head ' ; market steady on best , others weak : natives , $4.40 @ 5.GO ; Texas and westerns. $3.3505.46 ; cows and heifers , $2.00@4.85 ; bulls and ritafWS a. 25iit4.25 ; vearllngs and calves , $4.23 5.2.1 ; stockers and feeders , $3.50@4.75 ; vcails , $5.00 SJfi.CO. HOGS Receipts , B.800 head ; light weak , others big Go lower ; heavy and medium , U.tOffl.BO ; light , $4.3504.45 ; pigs , $4.10 ® 4.20 ; bulk of sales , $4.4034.45. SHEEP Receipts , 1,500 he-ad ; market weak. York Lire Stock. NEW YORK , JuHy 23. BEEVES Re ceipts. 110 head ; no trading ; feeling llrm : no later cables ; shipments. 700 cattle and 1,400 quarters of beef ; tomorrow , 2.600 quar ters : veals , receipts. 4.407 h-wxd ; steady. SHEEP Steady ; Jambs on heavy supply declined 25340c ; nine cars unsold ; common o good sheep , M.2&34.GO ; medium to prime ambs , 41. 0034.8714 ; : choice lambs , $7 ; most of the sales , $ S.CHX8 < 5.75. HOGS Receipts , 2,813 head ; none for sale ; nominally llrm. Stock In Following are the receipts at the four principal markets for July 25 : Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha . 2.701 11.2J3 1.3S6 Chicago . 2.GOO 17.000 10.WK ) Kansas City . C.BO 9.020 4,870 St. Loula . 3,900 6,800 0,700 Totals . 14,954 44,013 22,150 Iron Mulder * Rlect ( Mlli-ern. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , July 25. The con vention of the Iron Moufdcrs' Association of * 'orth America , which has been In session icro for two weeks , adjourned after elect- ng the following ofllcers : President. Mar tin Fox , Cincinnati ; secretary , 13. J. Denny , Cincinnati ; treasurer. William Henzcl , New York. Joseph Ulack of Toronto was con- .Inued as editor of the Iron Molders' Jour nal. The examination simplified and expenses reduced. ages For We have on hand a list of gilt-edge securities for sale. Call and&ee UB. PAYNE-HARDER CO. , First Floor N. V. Ufo roxc i9a 0 POOM4rfYUirtBLDa ORAMCH lOSOMJSt tB UMMU1 NIK. E BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD OP TUAUti. Dlrft win * to Ctilcuxn < n < j .V w Tork. ComipaodcDtii John A. Warrtc * Cc When Traveling Read The Be © Hero Is Where \ You Will Find it ill th Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MOHT. I. Uoilnril. ATLANTA. flA. Klmbnlt llonne Airuft Slnnil. BOSTON. I'ulitlo J.llirnry. VMiilnnie llnlrl Boston 1'rCH * Clnli , 14 nonvrorih 1C BUFFALO. < 5rne oe Ilotol \ < MTI Stand * BUTTK. IVtn. Shield ! ! . CAMBUinCiU , MASS. Harvard Uii..viTKltl.llirnrr - CHUYENNE. G. A. I.ORnti , ! ! 12 \ \ > t Kith Bi. Oliej'cnnc dull. CHICAGO , Auditorium Annex N MT Stand. Auditorium Itutcl New * Snnil. Grnnil I'nt'lflc Hotel \vtvn Mnml. CSrcat Northern Ilnlol ftotv * Stnnd. 1'nlninr HOIIRO XCWH Stnml. PoHlolllri.NrvrB Stnnilc > . U1T Deura IIIIMI Street. A * oclnted AilvertUcr'a Club , Fnlme * Houie. CLEVELAND. Wcddcll H.nme. The llollniileii , Commcrclnl Traveler * ' A oolntlOBh Miuionic Temple. COLORADO SPRINGS. Printer * ' Home. DENVER. llrtMvn Hold Ne n Slnml. Hamilton .t KendrleU , 1)0(1-013 ) ( ITth , Mol.nlu , | ltt .fc Co. , N 5 Sixteenth St. I'rntt Mercantile Co. , 1517 I/orlmcr 8 * . The Mntlnner Co. , IBth mid LuTrrena * Street * . Windsor Hotel \etr Stand. DBS MOINES. Moe * Jacobi , Itock Inland Depot. V. M. O. A. He full n IT Itoom. DULUTH , MINN. Wit * A Dennett , 214 AV. Superior St. FORT SMITH , AUK. M. . A. Ilendlntr Iloom HAVANA , CUBA. iDBlntcrra Hotel Heading.Iloom. . . HONOLULU , H. I. \ Honolulu Hotel Heading noom. HELENA. W. A. Moore. Oth avouu * nd Mnin Bt. Veleiia Public Library. HOT SPRINGS , 3. D. OfOTKC Glbnon. HOT SPRINGS , ARK. O. II. TVe ver A Co. F. C. Ilovlnif. L , . D. Cooiier < & Co. , G20 Central Are. KANSAS CITY. Robert Held. 1022 JucGcc St. - Con ten . > uftc \ > TV Stand. tllHsourl Ilepubllcnn Club , ODD Dalti * more Ave. 1'nbllc I.lbrnrr. IllclCKCchpr Clurnr Co. , Otb nnd Wnlnnl IlallTvnr Y. M. C. A. , room 37 Cnlo Drjiot , ICunnnii City , Mo. P.ubllo Llbrnry. LEXINGTON , KY. T. BI. C. A. HcnillnKIloom. . LINCOLN. W. S. EilmlHton , 112U O Street , DcllT. ery AKM t. t.LOS LOS ANGELES. Oliver A Hnlncis 1OO S. Spring St. F. D. Hnimcoui122 S. Mnln St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Oli rle A. GllllK' " Amerlcnii ISxennnn a Cocknpur St. , Trafulifnr So. . , S. W. MANILA , P. I. Andrcrr F. ScJionn , Cor. Pucnte d Kspana and ISacolta Street * . MINNEAPOLIS. PnbHo Library. Went Hotel Norm Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper Union l.llirnry. Fifth Avcu-uc Hotel Ne-ivn Stand. Fifth Avenue Hotel Ilen < Ilnf Ilooi ISmplrc Hotel. Drooine Street T.lbrnrj- . Holland HOUKC Ilendlnir Hooitt. IIolTmaii Ilnuic , Imperial Hotel NCTTK Stand. 9Ieohaiilcn' nnd Trndcm' Kree , No. 18 Ennt Sixteenth Street. Treii Oluli , ISO Nuinnu St. \Ve tmlnnler Hotvl Krncllne K om. x. \Vlndcor Hotel llcndlusr Itoant. VI Y. SI. O. A. , aad Street u > 4 th AY B . OGDEN. TV. "Webb , 2405 Wiuiblartea W. G. Kind. PARIS , FRANCE. New York Herald Uendlac Ave. de 1'Onern. The . Cook & Son * , I AT * . Am l' * er . PONCE , PORTO RICO. . - 7.0-tre & Gentroni. PORTLAND. ORE. VV. 10. JouetiJU1 Aider SI Portland Hotel \evr Stand. PHILADELPHIA. Hercantlle Library. SACRAMEHTO. Pnblla lIlirnrjr , SAN FRANCISCO. Public Ubrary. SAU JUAN , PORTO RIC * . B < cl tala < erra Ilendlnir SANTA ANA , CAL. Santa Ann Free I'uhllo SALT LAKE CITY. L. | r. Hninniul , Lyonuia Salt l.uKcnirs U * . Public Library. SEATTLB Rnnlrrn'CTTH ! Co. , U1U l- A. T. I.llliclberK. Georore F. Ward. SIOUX CITY. flarrrttnim Hotel \f v HtmmA , JI out ) u in I n Hotel \ < -TI Stand. Hotel Vr tulo IMP tvn SlamA Cou y ifc Knickerbocker. I'ublla Library. Gc-rnld I'MlxKlbhuii , TOO r rth It , Hey Allen , ! ! - ! Cviiter St. Y. 91. C. A. Iteadlnif Houni , SPOKANE. Jobn IV. Grulnim 7 > a-7afl MlT rilA. Avenue. ST. JOSEPH. Uranilo-rr'B Ken * Stand , Til Kdmond trent. Janotlou Hr.-rc * Stand. D01 IMiM md M Y. M. C. A. Ilcadluv HOOBB. ST PAUL , MII1N. Preii Club. \Vlndior Hotel. ST. [ OW3 D. J. Jeff , 800 OIM 8t. Pluuters' Hotel Nm nt > 4. fabllo Llbrurr. WASHINOTON , O , 0. WllUrd'a Iliilul Ncn B < n * . Arllucton Hotnl. \r- Connr * loual IJbrarjr. rf III eg * Iloo r. ' Agricultural I > riartiitrU ( Mbmry. Henabltoau Nntlutial Guu > uiltt lb