Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1899, Page 7, Image 7
SPlCjflL NQIJII AiUcrllKCttiritlM tor ttirftc column * trill lie InUrn iintll 1U in. for the cvriiliiK uilltlon mnl uiilll 8il ! < > i > . . for iitnrnliiK nml Snnilny rilltlnnn. llutcn , 1 l-2e n vroril flrnt ltincrtlnn | lo it vi or d ( In-rriif ( rr , N < ithlni { tnkcti for Icmi tlinii arifor the llrnt Itincr- tlon. 'I hnfic niMprtlncnicntn limit he run cnnni-uiitH rl > . Ailv prllKiTd , hy rcn < icntlnK ix mini- bi-rnl chrt'Uf cnii lim < > niiHVTcm nil- ilrr < < ril to u niiiuliorvil H-ttcr In cnrc of The lire. AiiMirN < > nililre npil Mill he ilcll crvil on iircncntntluu uf ( he check enl > . WANTED SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau. 119 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A 120 _ _ A STENOGRAPHER. When % ou want one Please call up the Remington typewriter ofllcc , 1619 Farnam St. ; telephone , l 73. A 121 WANTED MAM3 IIEI.r. WANTED Wc have steady work for a few Rood huitlcrs of good habits and appear- once. C. r. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard S t. * j * " " l 3 GOOD salesman , salary or com. 1113N'i ? ; WANTED , ten bricklayers. Apply to J F. Atkinson at Story City , la. , or Marsliall- town , la. B-M920 21 * WANTED Gentleman nnd ladv deputies by a fraternal ord'r for Nebraska. Address E 46 , Bee. B-923 AUK 1 WANTED , men to learn barber trade $60 monthly guaranteed after 8 weeks prac- tier. Con p'acc 500 graduates on palace trains , hospitals or city shops at once Write today for catalogue. Molcr's Rar- ber College , Chicago , 111 H-M99I 27 * WANTED , carpenters , contractors. Mtonc- miison. nnd plasterers. Auburn Neb B-M.21 27 * WANTED FEMALE WANTED , 200 girls. lB2t Dodge. Tel 876. C 125 WANTED A peed experienced dining room Ctrl. Hotel Langc , 601 8. 13th.CM109 C-M109 Jy23 WANTED , nn i ° nerg ( > tlc' business woman or teacher to open up nil olllco nt Omaha. Sioux Cltv. Dea Molnw. Lincoln , Silt Lake nnd Buttc. Tree ticket to I'.irls Ex- ponltlon for the rlcht parties' Flat fl id Iloor , Dnvidge block C 107 21 * GOOD girl for general housework , H In family ; wages $1. Apply at once 2iV)2 ) Popploton Ave. C 115 WANTED , clrl for general housework only 1 In family , no boirdlng house. 2111 Bln- ner. C-lll WANTED , several fl'st clan's silesladles Jt for patent mcdlc-ino line on the road , ono for Omaha ; Bilarv and e\penien paid. Address Florence Med. Co , Red Oak la C-M113-23 "WANTED , n. competent girl for general hou ow ork. Mr * . U. L lllerbovvcr 210 So. 32d a\c. C M1S1 21 * _ GIRL to assist with houiework ; good home , MO R. 29th live. C-92J-22 * WANTED girl for general housework ; fpnilly of three. Address E 51 , Ifee office. C 939 J2 * A FIRST CLASS piano player to plav with orchestra ( ladv ) ; also cornellst and violin lin , at Pabst , on the Mldwaj. C M21t 2(5 ( WANTDD a competent girl In n family of two. Call nt 1003 S TOtli Ave C M21S 26 TOR RHVrHOUSES. . HOUSES. Bsnewn & Co , 106 N. 1'th St. D-126 ALWAYS moving household goods nnd pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co 1511'i Uarnam. % el..j559. , j D J27 HOUSES ] stores. Bern Is , Paxton block. D-12S FOR RENT , houses In all partof city. The O. F. Davis Co , 1505 Farnam street D-129 FOR RENT , strictly modern Hat In Davldge Bldg. , opposite city hall. John W. Robblns. 1602 Farnam street. D-130 FOR RENT , hotel In Omaha 120 rooms ; cvervthlng modern. Brennan Love Co , S19 South 16th St. D-132 BIX-ROOM modem llat , 1112 S. lltn. D-61S HOUSES for rent in nil parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street. D-134 MAGGARD'S van & storage. 117 N15 Tel 1496. D-135 * 2402 POPPLETOH AVE . 10 rooms , modern , large yard and ba-n. The Byron Reed Co. D-M < i24 FOR RENT , foi summer , elegant West Fnrnam St. home furnished. Bemls j nx- ton block. D 660 FOR RENT , large house of 13 or 14 rooms , large barn , largo grounds , at S. AV. cor- S nur of 27th nnd Jnckion Sts. /f BEMIS , PAXTON DLK. D-3S3 ' 8-ROOM , modern. , 1817 Capitol Ave , $45 00 ; 4216 Farnam , 8 rooms , barn , $2250 : 23s5 Burt , 6 rooms. $15 00 ; others. Rlngvvalt Bros , Barker Block. D SS9 FURNISHED housa central. 200J California. D-M7S1 I < OUR rooms. 708So _ 17th st. D M < 22 A3 * CHOICE houses , cottagrs , stores. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016 D-137 _ LARGE bilck barn , thirty stalls ; room for fifty. Will repall tor good tenant , rent $50 00 per month. I.argn nno lesldcnco 10 rooms entirely mod ern , porcelain bath. In perfect condition , largo grounds , good barn , In best part of Walnut Hill , rent $3500 per month. 5227 N. 20th St. store , $7.0o ; four-room flat up \lrn. t < . $ S ; city water. Omaha Loan X. Trust Co , 16tli nnd Douglas , D-lfr ) E-ROOM , strictly all modern house , fine ro- pnlr , 3 blocks from Hanscom park , $ J3. Homy D. Psyne , C01 N. T. Life. D-4IS FOR RENT , furnished house , near High school , till October 1. The O. F Davis Co. D-M720 FOR RENT , 5 8 South 2Sth st. 10 roomsl modern ; good repair. The Bjrnn Reed } Co , 212 Po , 14th at. D-M719 SIX-ROOM cottage , bath. 843 S. ISth st , D-M72I .102 FOPPL1VTON AVE , , 10 rocms , mode-rn , largo yard and barn , $30. $ The Bv ron ReedJo D-Mb.'t f TWO Htrli'tly modern 7 und 9-room bonnes , * ( Inn repair , $ Jr to $27.50 ; walking distance , i I626.21 Capitol avo. Henry U. P.ijne. C01 I . N. Y. Life. D-MS72 MODERN 7-room house. j009 N. 21th st. , J2.000 , 606 , Bee. D-M9JO IIOt'SES for rent nil pnrtH of the city , It. O. Peter * S. Co , , Bee bldg. D-M.'OS 2 | FOR RENT. S-room furnished hcuho with modem convenlencei. near Brawnell hall. JOHN W. ROBBINS , 1S02 FARNAM ST. 1'OH RUVr KUIIMSHUU ROOMS. GOOD sleeping accommodation , rtoom 1 , D-uldge building. E-M193 A3' THE BACHELOR'S HOTEL 2003 Fnrnam St. Double south room , suilablo for man and wife. E30A9 FlTRNiBHHD rooms ; housekeeping. 262J SI. Marl's. E-MS13 Si * TWO front rooms furnished for light house keeping , near Hnnscom park. $ S 00 month. i < Furniture for sale. 2S03 Woolworth nvr. ' * NICE furnlBhed front room , private family , reasonable to permanent roomer : electric light , bath. etc. Apply 400 N 23th St. FURNISHED room , 600 8 2Sth Call even- Inga. E-M213 .it * FOR RBNT , furnlslied cottaiie 3 moms , . 1711 JacKson. E M216 25 * J OR RENT , large irouth front furnished room , modem lieu . HIS DoiiRlua 4 * TOR HE > T PI RMSIIED ROOMS. FrHNISHED roomsTTlTher up or down glair * for nous keeping , bath and modern conveniences and on street car line S2o Park avenue. E 927 21 * FUl.MSIIED ROOMS AMI HOARD. ELEGANT rooms and board. 1903 Capitol Ave. F 139 NtCKLY furnished room with breakfast ; near Hanscom park ; modern house. An dreas C 13 , Bee. F 635 rntST-CLASS rooms and bohrd 2107 Douglas. F MW A2 FRONT room with alcove , with all modern conveniences 212 8. 25th St. F-901 SUITE rooms , furnished or unfurnished , Utopia. 1721 Davenport St. F-6S1 PHEASANT rooms 2102 Cass. F 9S3 31 * ELEGANT room with board. 1909 Capitol n.v e. F M1S2 29 * ROOMS umTbonrd nt 2112 Emmit st. r Mi03 23 FOR RENT it.M-IJItMSIIEH ROOM ! ? . 3 UNFURNISHED rooms , newly papered , up stairs. 2226 So. 12th. G-M3C3 B UNFURNISHED chambers for house keeping to man nnd wire. 319 N. 17th. G-SiW I-OIl RE.VT STORES AMI OFFICES. DESK room for rent on ground floor Bee Bulldlng Farnam street side , rent reason able. Apply R. C. Peters Co , Bee Build ing. I-M413 FOR RENT , store In first-class location ; rent reasonable. * Apply R. C. , Peters & Co , g. ound floor Bee Bldg. " 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor oillce , specially suitable fcr real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for ute ot city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Pctcis & Co , , giound floor , Hes Building. 1-267 ONE largo fine office of two rooms to rent in the Continental block ; will put in con dition In suit tenant. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 16th & Douglas Sts. I 9ol STORE for rejlt. 301 South 16th St : , fine room sultnblo for store room or office purposes , J05.00. George nnd Company , 1601 Farnam St. I-M566 31 FINE location for drug store , only $15 per mo. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life I M743 STORAGE. .PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , 903- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 113 AN TED TO 11UY. WE WANT several nice residences and resi dence lots for cash luijcrs We have ths buyers what have you to offer ? O'Neill's Real Estate Agency , South Omaha.N . N 148 2ND-IIAND furniture bought & . exchanged. Boston Furniture Co , 1414 Dodge. T l. 223S N-147 ALL kinds of household goods , hotel" , etc , in large or small quantities Chicago Fur niture Co , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.r . r > 4 143 ST\MP collections oought , sold Mortensen , 404 N. 16th N-M417 A1 WILL pav cash for 1 or i acres with small house. J. H Sherwood , 423 N. Y Life N liol A NEW or good second-hand four-wheel pony buggy Address V. Swanson Au- ? ora. Neb NTM993 24 1VANTDD , to buy for cash , one buridnr proof safe with time lock. W. J. Crnndnll , Firth. Neb N-M991 26 KOR SALE ! FURNITURE. SEE our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest prices. Boston Furniture Co , 1414 Dodee. O 149 TOR SALE HORSES ASD ! VEHICLES OLD buggls-- taken In trade on new vehicles Andersen Buggy Top Co , 15 & Davenport. P AI6SS FOR SAI/U MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG POLES , sawdust ; cheapest and best hog fence. DOl Douglas. T l. 458. Q-159 PIANOS , orgnnt , sswlng machines , whole sale , retail. Colll.i * Piano Co. , 205 S 14th. Q-S72 Jy24 CUTTERS of drug prices Sherman & McConnell Drug Co , 1513 Dodge St. Q-15S FOR Bale , patent for Nebraska ; big money Address A , Boo oflice. Council Bluffs. Q-3S4 HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing ; al wire. Wlro Works , 1617 Howard St. Q-154 B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and giave decorations orders by mall or express promptly filled Q-151 FOR SALE ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents a druggists. One gives relief. Q 152 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam Q-156 WHY get second grade bicycles when you can get high grade Crescents for $35 cash Fleschcr , 1622 Cap. Ave. Q 153 THOSE Wonderful Douglas Shoes , $2 CO and $300. Fljher , Park Ave. & . Lcivonvvorth Q-625-A-9 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St Q 157 INDIAN relics ; mounted gamchcads 111 Farnam. Q MG95 A12 CASH register , nearly now , cheap 111 Tarn am. Q MS68 BICYCLE , ' 99 model , shopworn , cheap fo cash. Nebraska Cycle. Co , , IJth and Har ney Q-M972 28 SIX show cusei for sule. Edholm , jeweler 107 N. 16t'i ' Ht , Q-9S4 $ IS5,00 WILL buy good Ivors d Pond piano Cost $175.PO ; two j ears' time , F C , Bee. Q-211 FOR SALE , at n birgali , , my fine uprlgh piano ; oflice hours 10 to 12 and 1 to 3 p in Frunz Ade'mann , room 1 , Wl'hnel Block Q-91S-22 FOR SALE At bargain , good row , will b fiesh In few dtivs. Inquire 3521 Webster Q-951-22' NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furniture nnd stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furnituie Co. , 140C-10 Dodge R-160 FOR RENT , a good barn. 1S02 Cass R-159 NEW YORK building , Bluff tract , Greater Ameilca Exposition , Crelshton lr 'l and Mornnd's Academy. Swclal functions , conventions' , etc , CIS AS CI.AIRVOTA.VTS. MME. GYLMER , genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge. S-M477 MRS. FRITa.clalrvoyant , 817 N. loth. 8-161 MRS. F. DORSEY , life reading. 102S N. 2lst S-957 A3 * MRS. DIS. MOSS , the gr'atest prognosticator - cater of the ago , la unequaled as u IIfo reader and clairvoyant ; s o her nnd ho convinced of her "wonderful power. 170t Capitol uve. S iMlJO 26 r.tWMHIOKERS. JKFFERSON Square Loan Olllce , 41S N. 16. 213 EAGLE Loan Office , rellab'c , accommodat ing ; all buslne&a con lid nilal. 1301 DOUKI.IJ. MASSAflE AMI HA't IIS. MRS nERRY , BATHS. MASSAGE PARLORS BEST equipped In city. Porce lain tub ! lady attendant ! ) . 119 N 16th , opp P. O. , 2nd floor. T 965 J } 26 FRANXES de. Scutorlous of K. C. 107 N 11 T M966 J23 * MME , LEE , baths , massage parlor , 303 N 16. T-937 Jy25 BESSIE DECA.MO , thermal bath1 ! , mas sage. 1616 Howard , 3d floor , room 1 , T M613 29 DR MALMQU1ST , ma ; age , baths. 110 Bee Bldg. T-67VA11 * ELITE parlors , 20Ji Farnam. upstairs first- class baths , mas'viKO and magnetic treat ment ; lady attendants T M809 29 * 1ME AMES , R. 2,507 S. 13 : massage baths T 915-Aug 1ME SMITH , room 2 , 118 > 4 North Ifith. T 934 23 * PERSONAI , . PRIVATE hospital for ladles before .t durIng - Ing confinement , babies adopted , inr. N. 17. U-163 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319'4 S 15th. U-1C3 IONHEIT , leader In hair goods , toilet prep- aratlons. Paxton blk. Farnam st , entrance. U 1C8 ) Il. ROY. chlroftodlst. corn * sunerfluous hn'r removed by electricity. Itooen 12 , Frcnzcr block. U 164 THE best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at Louis FIcschcr's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Ave. U-163 tONIIEIT , chiropodist , halrdressing Paxton - ton block. U 167 'IAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bee Bldg. U-171 IORPHINB habit or dl-ease ; positive quick cure ; greatest dl covery of u,0 nge ; no charge unless cured. . HIIl-Iate-Rla-Co. 410 Hhcely block. Omana , Neb U-S39-J > 24 ,000 CARDS $1 Nichols & Broadfleld 405 Sheely b'k. Tel. 1942 U-M253 OMAHA Phonograph parlor. 321 N. 16th st. cor. Chicago , phonographs , records , sup plies U-M478 A6 25 REWARD ! For the return of two runa way boys L > ft home July 9. Oldest 15 jcars , scar on left cheek ; joungest U Fmall of his ago Roth light complected. Address Hans Jorgensen , Paxton Neb U M733 23 UTTER hosp'tal , confinement oases tnken ; babies adopted. 2214 Sewnrd Tel 22T3 U-95S A19 DR NELSON dentist , room 0 Crclghton blk. . 15th nnd Dougla Tel 1910 , U MDfil Aug. 20 SUPERFLUOUS hair. wart < < nnd moles permanently removed bv electricity ; con sultation free nnd confidential- work guaranteed. Miss Alleml'r , IB13 Douglas. U M199 2" * jADIES. attention ! Do vou want to be beautiful or remain 10 ? If so 10 valuable secret * nnd recipes will be sent upon re ceipt of 2"ic in stamps If not satisfactory money refunded. Address E 36 , Hee U-S76 22 MOM2Y TO I.OAJT REAt , ESTATE. iIONEY to loan on flrjt-class Improved city property or for building purposes Pavne- Harder Co. , N. Y. Life. W 173 6 PUR CENT money. Be-nls. Paxton Block" W-17J MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lo e Co , 219 So. 16th W-173 1100 TO $2,000. F. D. W-ad. 16th & . Douglas. W-174 ; l,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith AS Co , 1320 Farnam W 179 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors Directory , New York. W 561 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co , 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 1SJ 5 per ct. , Chas. E. Williamson , U.S. Bk Bld j. W-177 LOANS , Potter-Sholes Co , 310 N. Y. Life. W-1SO PRIVATE money to loan , low rate J. II. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. W 183 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros , 1613 Farnam. W 185 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants R C. Peters & Co. 170J Farnam St , B'e Bide. W 1S4 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb or Mo ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co , 315 N.Y.L W-1S1 MORTGAGES Wallace , 314 Brown Block. W 17G B , 5' , 6 per ct. loans In Omaha , So Omaha. W. II. Thomas , 503 1st Nnt. bank. Tel. 1648. 1UOM.V TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cows. Jewelry , Duff Green , R. S , Barker blk . 100 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their p"r- sonal note , without indorsement or eecur. ity ; strictly confidential and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; befora borrowing see us , as jou will fine It greatly to your odvnntago ; we . are . . the oldest . largest and only incorporatfd loan npany in Omaha. F. W. Truax , Mgr. , Board of Trade Bldg. 16th and Farm - ' " " " ' nam Srn. . Telephone 2295 ? X Mi&2 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible conc - c rns upon their om names , without se curity ; easy payments. Tolman. R iOo N. Y. Life Bldg. X189 MONFr ! . _ ned on furniture , rigs , bicycles diamonds match's , etc. ; payments un known to friends , Bergers' Loan Bank 1416 Farnam. upstairs. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Read , 319 S 13 ? Cl53 MONEYTO LOAN ON - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. CARRIAGES. LOW RATES-EAY"PA'YMENTS. You can pay the money back In any amount you wish nnd at any time. Each payment so made lessens the coat of carrying the loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 80 :6T" " X136 MONEY LOANED SALARIED confidentially , holding permanent posi tions on their own name " " "O"1. , . 11 , " doreer. mortgage or security of any kina. Can repay in easy wofkly nr monin' ' " pajments Omaha Credit Co. , C. L Jen nings , Mr. , suite 525-5J6 N. V. Life Wdg. DO YOU NFED MONET1 IT 8 EASY TO GET * * H 44 11 ? I * V / * - AND EASY TO PAY , For high-clans salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible firms , without mortgage or security of any kind except their owii names. Strictly ( onfldentUl _ AMERICAN LOAN CO. Room COl , Bee BldB. IUISIMSS enA\CKS. : FOR QUICK returns list your bargains at O'Neill Real Estate Agency , So , Omaha. Y-193 PRINTING office , two Gordon presses , Ad vance ) Mpur cutter , 1 at eat lyiie , for sale cheap , uisli or payments. Address U o < l , Bee office , Omahn Y M9ol 21 * ELEVATOR for sale on U. P. R. Blue Springs , Neb , : liorso power ; 18,000 bu. ca pacity ; no better farming district in Ne braska. Write P. O. box 173 Beatrice , Neb. Y M102 2S FOR SALE Stock of harness goods , tools and fixtures ; In good town , northeastern Nebraska. Address Box 25 Arlington , Neb. Y-M165-24 * WANTED , partner-with some cash in legiti mate and well pining business , Inventiga < - tlon eollcUed. F 3 , Bee , Y-M199 23 * ron E\tn v\on. IAI.F "cotlon land Custer Co 131 ncrei cultivated , price $10.00 per acre , to ex change fet city property Address W > 5 1st Nnt'l Bk 7.-M9IO JENVER , Cole . 7 brick liuuvnv * rentnl $70 00 per month , for Omaha property or peed land J N Frcnzcr , opp old P O. X-M191 i0ll ESTtTE. LIST your property with us. Aye will se It. L. L. Johnson Co. , 311 S. 15th. RE-M24S Jv31 IAVE jou some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them : let the people know that > ou want to dispose of them The Bee reaches the people who have the money , RE S66 CHEAP , Georgia Ave. loK cast fronts , nnd one lot nt 31th . Farnam Peck jt Co , 101 S. 15th. RE-M173-29 ACRES , unimproved , close In ; lavs fine- cheap. J H Slrtrwood. 423 N. Y. Life. ' RE-SU&s O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency , South Omnha. Headquarters for realty Invest ments. RE-199 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY $15000 to $20000 for lots 6 blocks southwest of packing houses , small cash jnvment balance monthly. GEORGE & COMPANY , CITY HALL Bldg , South Omaha RK-.MSJI 31 : OMFORTABLE cottage , S rooms , very sightly and In good condition , located at 2M1 Charles street. R E-no HENRY B PAYNE. 601 N Y. LIFE BLDC3 Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. C. F. HARRISON & GEO T. MORTON 912-913 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 314 ' RR-M411 A3 * IOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loins , nl o fire Insurance. Bcmls , Paxton Blk RE 133 roil SALE or trade. 320 acrcw good vallcv land In Hooker count ? , Nebraska. H'X miles from railroad Address J j. stcen 2423 Blnney Ht. , Omaha , Neb KE-M921 AtlBlS * YOUH choice of 150 nicely local d re l- denco lots on motor line at Jiso , monthlj payments. If desired. W. H Russell file N. Y. Life. TIE M373 24 FOll SALE , Improved ICO acres In central Nohiaska , $ "i 000 , easy terms ; might tak $1,500 In South Omaha propertj John Casey , South Omahi , Neb RE M977 .15 CASHCUSTOMERS roll FARM LAND. The Bvion Rccd Co , 212 S. Hth st. KE-379 TUKEY'S BARGAINS OFFER WANTED TOR WHOLE BUNCH , Lots 10 , 11 12 and 24 , Waverly Place , Ix > ts S and 9. Ludwlck Place. Lots 8. 9 and 10 , block 53 , Ambler Place. Part of lot 3il , Burr Oak. Ixrt 9 block 12 , Kitchen & Waugh's. Lots 7 , 14 13 nnd IS block 1 , Walnut Hill. Lot 2J , block 1 , Pullman Place. A. P. TUKEY , BOARD OF TRADE RE M101 21 FINELY finished S-room home , modern In cv ° ry detail , electric light , pas , laimdrj , b mi , lot 7Sxl40 , one at the host bargains Jn Omaha : owner leaving cltj. 1711 N l&th , half block south of Mander on street RE M3054 * $1.200 TO $10000 will buy jou a home In Han com Place We. . have seven such places for jou to select from , and t\\o delightful homes West Farnnm , also cheap property In every part of the Utv. AVe have for sale stock of boot" nnd shops doing good business ; best of reisons for helling. M J. Kcnnard & Son 310-11 Brown Block. RJ3 110 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $400 prer month The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G25 Farnam St. Telephone 1281. 202 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co , 1612 Fnr- nam. 203 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1619 Farnam. . , . 201 THE Oliver Typewriter. "Vtslb'o writing heaviest manlfolder an J cuts the nnest stencil ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldg. Greater America Exposition Tel. 2279 J. S Stewart , Special Agent. 31S' , S Fif teenth St. . Omaha. M 364 TYPEAVRITERS , secondhand , lllfi Farnam. M631 A12 MEDICAL , . LADIES , harmless monthlj regulatoi ; can not fall. Mrs B Rowan , Milwaukee , Wls M900 Aug20 * DR MANSFIELD'S MONTHLY REGUlator - later has brought happlnei s to hundreds of anxious \\omen ; have nevei had a s-ngle failure ; longest cases relieved in two to flvo days without fail ; no pain ; no danger no Interference with work , by mall or of- lice , $2 ; all letters tiuthfully unsvvered The Mansfield Remedy Co , 167 Dearbori street , room GM. Chicago , 111. 167 29 * LOST. LOST Time book , containing several paperaj bills nnd receipts Reward if re turned. 601 New York Life. Lost M166 25 * OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts. So : col'ars , 2c ; cuffs , 4e ; underwear , Cc. 1750 Leavenworth. Tol. 547. M 4C5 Pppll ItESMIlTS. HO , ye fishermen , go to Langdon , JIo , for bass and cropple ; stop at Adams house , $1.25 a day , $ j.OO a week , Including boats. 431 A4 MASSAGE , electricity , hvdrothcropy ; grad uates Battle Creek , Mich , sanitarium ; references ; ladles only. Phone 2193 -707 A12 bllOIlTIIANI ) AN1 > TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Sanfo School. 717 N. Y. Life. 210 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th S. Douglas. 211 BOYLE'S school ; court nportcr principal ; Bee Bldg. 212 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopatnlo Institute , suite B15 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'I el. lfC4 J W Dill M.D. , D , O. , consulting physician Mrs Alice John son , D , O , r Mary Hebron , D , O , . graduates of Amerlcaji School of Osteopathy ( Klrks- vllle. Mo. Gld. E , Johnson. Mgr 203 M E. DONOHUE D O. of Still school , Klrksvlllc , Mo. , 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. nicYri.ns. NEW wheels , J1S 50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , J5 up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co 205 SEE Louis FJescher for blcvcU repairing , enameling and sundries 1622 Cap. Ave 203 ANDRAE bicycle ? , $20. 1116 Farnam. -MC91 A12 I'iciciyr niinicEiis. CUT RATE railway and tlckotB , excursion tickets bought and sold P , H. Phllbln now loiation 1505 , Omaha. Eat. 16S9. Member O. T , B. Assn. M1CO ALL kinds platins , Om Plating Co , Bee bid ? 433 iiousi ; MOVER. W. COY. located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave217 -217 S1UUWAIJCS. ARTIFICIAL stone and brick sidewalks , A. R. Hocl , 2623 Burt streetM M60 All * TIIU.MC FACTORY. BEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases. Trunk * repaired , Omaha. Trunk factory , J209 rarnarn , -993 A26 HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 423 Bee HINO * ATOR. MATTRESSES renewed 707 S. 18th. Tel. 7Sl 213 | _ \MMKRI > a AMI STUTTKRISO. CURED Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldg.21D 21D ATTOHNHAS. W , r , WAPP1CH , attorney , EM Brown Blk j C32 A9 sinvi\cj MACHINES uni'iiunn. 3Y Joseph E Phillips , 2in Corhy st. , Omaha ; best of city refciencis gl\en 462 A5 norni.s. THY the Henderson Hotel , board and room $400 per week , gas , team heat and baths. Ninth and Tainani Sts 215 MVTTRI3SS M. S. WALKL1N. 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331. -216 MMtllOU TACTOUI. DAMAGED looking glasses resl'.vered. 703 N 16th UOVER.NMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR PHA.ME COTTAQI - Indlan Service , I' S Indian Asencx Win- neUago , Neb , Julv ) s ( 1 9 Sealed pro- pos.xls Indorsed "Proposals for Cottage ' Otnalii. and WlnncbaKn Agelicnnd nd- dr'sscxl to the V S Indian Agent , Wlnne- bapo ; Nebra ki , will be reccl\pil nt said ngencx unt'l one o'clock p m of Frldav , August 11 1S09 , for furnishing all the run- torlils and labor required to construct nnd complete ? one frame 1-story cottasi1 lit the Otnnn.i and Wlniulngo Ageiu'y , N'b , in strict accordance \\.th plans , spcclllca- t'.ons and Instructions to bidders which may be examined nt the ngencTor fur ther Information uppl > to C P Mathew- son , U. S Indian Agent AgentJ 2 : M9t E.O.D. TREASURY DEPARTMENT npFlCE Supervising Architect , \Va"h'ngton D C , Julj 11 , Ib'ia Sealed protiosils will be re- cel\cd nt this otllo' until 2 o'clock p m on thi > 8th day of August , 1"99 ! , and then opened , for the plaster models nnd gran ite car\lng for the Unllea States Court house. Custom house , and Postolllcc bulldlnir , at Omaha. Nebraska , In accord ance with the drawings and specification ) ! , coiiles of which may be had nt this olllce , or the ofllco of the custodian nt Omaha , Nebraska , at the discretion of the supervising architect Jumis Kno\ Ta > lor , Supervising Architect Jly 176t e-o-d CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OPFICE- Omaha , Neb , Julj 22 , 1S93. A number of Cavalry horses ore wanted bthe United States , fourteen two Ho fifteen DHL high , ( ho to s ven jears old gentle and per fectly tractable and otherwise conform- nblo to ra\ahy speclflcntlons nnd sub ject to Inspection .it place of lurchase on line of railtoad Parties basing hoises to sell will adUso this alike of number , ap- proxlmals date , nnd tullroid sta'tlon ' where th"y ma > be ecn. nnd an officer will be sent to examine Hum and If ac cepted , make purchase Full description of animals will bu s nt on application to the undersigned. F. H. HATHAWAY , Chief Qu irtermaster. Jj 21 Jilt NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CONVICT LABOR. Wanted contractors to luns'e 170 able- bodied convict" In the Nebraska State peni tentiary in any line of mamifactuilng , ex cepting tlgarj , bilcks and stonccuttlng , contracts to commence September 1st , 1S93 , for n period not exceeding three jcars. Sealed bids will be received at the office of thu commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings at Lincoln , Neb , until 10 o'clock a. m , August 10th , 1S99 For further information address George W Leldlgh , warden. JulylGMlSt NOTICE TO WELL MEN. Bids will be received at the city clerk's office , Blair , Nebr , up to August 1st , lslJ9 ! , .it 6 p m. for the putting down of one eight inch well with steatn head and nil fittings Plans and specifications may bo seen at the city clerk s ? oflice. Council re serves the light to leject any and all b'ds. HENRY MENCKE , Jy-23-cl-5-t. City Clerk. RAILWAY TIME CARD. BURLINGTON A. MIS- eourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Offices , N.V. . Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets , Ticke ) Oftlce , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone. 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 310. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a S40 ; am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln Denver. Co'o- ' rado. Utah , California , a 4:25 pm a 3:55 : pra Lincoln. BUck Hills. Montana SPuget Sound a 4.25 p m n 3 00 pm Lincoln Local v 7.00 pm alO-35 ani Lincoln Fast Mall . . . . a 3.00 pm alO 35 an : Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a 6:30 : am a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- Reph tis Council Bluffs Ra'.road "The Burling- toi. Rouio" Ticket Olllce , 1502 Fariiam Stieet. Tele phone , 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex..a 9.JO am n 5.40 pm Kansas City Night Ex. a)0:15 ) : pm a 6.30 urn St Louis Flier for St. Jotepn una St. Louis..a 4 55 pm all:15 : am CHICAGO , BURLINGTON R. Qulncy RaIlroad"The Burllnc'on Route Tlckei Olllce , 1502 Farnam St Tel. 250. Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telo- rhone , 310. i r- ; - > , , ? . - ' Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6140 am Chicago Vestlbu'.ed Ex , a 5,06 pm a S.05 am Chicago Express a a,30 nm a 4:03 : nn Chlcnco & St. L Ex..a 745 ; pm a 8.05 an Pacific Junction Local..alO,45 urn a G 15 rui Fast Mall u 2:45 : pn a Dallr. CHICAGO , MIL-tt AUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office , 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2S4. De pot , Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone , UJD. Leave. Arrive , Chicago limited Ex a 5 15 pm a 8.20 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pin Sioux City & DCS Molnes Exjiress bll:00 : nm b 3:55 : pm a Dully , b Dally fxutijt Sunday. a Dally. MJSHOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Ofllcea Southeast Cor ner Hth and Douglas Sts Telephone , 101. Depot , 15tl and Webster Bts , Telephone 145 ! } , Leave. Arrive. St. Louis-Khnsas & Neb. Llmlfn a 3 00 pm n 12:53 : pm K. C. St. L Express . . .a 9.50 pm a 6.00am Xehraskx Loco ! vie Weepinf Wutei b 5:00 : pm b B45 ; am a Dnl y. b Dally except SMI dm- . OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS PORT Railroad Omaha , Kun- Ea City & Eastern Rail , ARTHUR road " 1 ho Port Arthur Route" Ticket Office ] 41fi Farnam Street. Tel. ephone. 32. : . Depot Tenth and Mabon Streets , 'lelu phoni , CIS. Leave. Arrive. St. Cannon Ball Exp ess , a 4,50 pra a 8:35 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Locai , a 6.SO am a 8:30 : pm fv JQallv. CHICAGO. ROCK. ISLand - and & I'adilc llitllroa ( "The Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick ct OUIce. 13i3/arnam Street. Teluphono , 4i8 Depot. Tenth & Manor Dei Molnes Local . a 7.05 um bll25 am Chicago Express . bll:15 : am a 8:10 : an Chicago Fast Express , , a 6. CO pm a 1:25 on St. Paul Fabt Express. .u 6.00 pro bll:23 an Lincoln. Colorado SPB * . Denver , Pueblo and West . a 1.23pm a 4:25 : pm Des MolncB. Rock la'- aid aim \ . hlcago..a 7.25 pm a 6:35 : pi Colorado Texas F'yer.a 6.40 pm a 8.00 uu a Daily , b Dally except Sunday , R VIIWAY TIMIJ t MtU. ritKMONT , ELKHOHN & MUsoiirl Vn'lry ' Rail- rond-"The Northwcstfri , Line" Oen'ral Offlcet' ITnitcd Statts National . Bank BldR. . SouthwKit Corner Tneinh und Fur- nnm Streets Ticket Ofnco , 1401 Farnnm Street. Telephone. Bfil. Depot. 15th and j | Webster Streets. Telephone , 145S. . . . Leave. Arrlv . ' 'Block HIM * . Dcadwood. .Hot Springs .a 3:00 : pm n 6.09 pm > \ > o ling , Camper and Douglas d 2:00 : pm A K.OO pm Ilnttlneo , York. David City. Supflrlor , Geneva Exotcr and Pevvard . . .b S:00 : pm b 6'00 pm Norfolk. Vcrdlcre and : Fremont . .b 7:30 : am blO5 : am I Lincoln , Wahoo nnd < Fremont . . . . . . .b 7:30 : am blO:25 : m Fremont Local o 7:30 : nm | n Daily , b Pnlly except Sundov. o Bun- ay only , d Dally except Saturday 'HICAGO ' k NORTHwestern - western Railway "Th * Northwe tcrn Line" City Ticket Office , 1401 Farnnin Street , Tele phone , 661. Depot. Tenth and Slason Streets. Te'- phonr , K3. Leave. Arrive. a lR * Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am all.65 pm lo. Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneap olis a g:50 : am nll'OO pm .lo Valley , Sioux City..A 7:45 : am a 4'25 pm arrol. Local D 6:26 : pm blOilO um astern Express , Dea Memc * . Marshalltow n. 2eda- Rapids and Chicago cage nll:05 : am a 4 03 pm tlantlp Fiver. Chicago and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm ast Mall , Chicago to Omaha . a 2:45 : pm 'Jorlhern Exrrcss a 6:25 : pm n 8:40 : am > mnhq-Chlcngo Special.a IM pm a 8:15 : nm ast Mall . g ; IUn a Dolly b Dallv xceot Sunday. CHICAGO. BT. PAUL , Minneapolis ft Omaha Railway "Tho North , western Line" General Olllccs. Nebraska Divi sion. 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket OIIlc * . 401 1'urnum St. Telephone. 551. Depot. 15th tid Webster Sts. . , Leavo. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Bloucitv. . St. Paul & Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am Dmnha Passenger. . . . . . . . a T.01 pro Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca. Hartlng- ton and Bloomrield..b 1.00 pm b2:10 : pm No. 2 , Twin City L'tM..a 6.55 pm > To 1 , Omaha Limited , . . a 9:00 : am u Dally , b Dally except Sunday. I310UX CITY & PACIFIC 1 Railroad-"Ihe North- Wfstorn Line ' Geno-al Ofllo s , United States National Bank Building , S. , W. Corner Twelfth _ and I arnam Stre"ts Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnnm Street. Tclel inonu oul , Ubpot , Tenth and Alason Streets. Telephon" , 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a G.SO am a 8:40 : am St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato . Sioux City.a B:2i : pm all:00 : pni Sioux City Local a 7:45 : am a 4:25 : pm VVABASH RAILROAD- Ticket Ofllco , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , S92 De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629 Leave. Arrive. St. Lt'Jls "Canon Boll" Express a 4.cO pm a S:35 : am a Dally. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER- lann Roate" General Offices , is E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllc * , 1302 Fnrnom Street. Telephone. Sir Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , lelephone , C29. Leavo. Arrive. Tno Overla'd Limited" for Utah , l aho , Mon tana , California , Oregon gen aiu' Washington pp'.nts n S-oO am a 4:45 : pra The Colorado Special for l.envei and all Colorado Dolnts all.55 pm a 6.40 am Pacific Express fj- Denvet , Salt LLK : . Pnclllo Coast and all western 'Olnts b 4:35 : pm a 6:40 : am Incoln Beatrice and Stromsburg Express..b 4.35 pm b2:20 : pm 'remont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand I'land and North Platte a 4 35 pm b 4:45pm Columbus Local b 5.30 pm b2 ! 20 pm Morth Platte Local a 0:15 : inn South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6lo : a. nii ! 12 20 p. m ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4 35 p. m. 4 55 p. m. ; o.25 p. in D 55 p. m. ; 6.20 p. m. S < ! 0 p. lu ov Hi jirrivea u. a a. m. t .iU in. ; p. , . . . . a. m. ; .15 a. m. , S'43 a. m ; 11'30 a. m. 3 05 p m. ; 4.05 p. m. ; 5:15 : p. m ; 6 30 p. m. c 55 p. m. ; 6.30 p rr. , S.Si p , m , ; 11,00 p. m. ; 11.$5 o. rr. . a Dally , b Dilly except Sunday. A FAMILY ATP till. In ( he Life of 11 Oieraor In 1'lnli , "The first trick I ever held , " said the old operator to a Detroit Free Press man , "was out on the desert in Utah. It was a dreary spot , containing nothing but the telegraph oillce and an eating station for tbo accom modation of the overland passengers. "Part of my duties was acting as cashier at meal time , not a very difficult matter , and something that I was thankful for , as t added a small flum to my salary , of which the total amount was not largo enough to cause mo to dream of getting rich. "My first experience as cashier was a try- ng one. The first to file past my desk was a woman. When I looked at her inquiringly , as she was about to pass on without showing any Intention of paying , she said that her uisband would settle. The second anJ third Bald the same thing. "I glanced down the line that was filing past and discovered that there was only one man In It and he was at the end. " 'Where is your husband , mndam ? ' I in quired of the fourth , thinking I was being worked with ome sort of a film-flam game. "Sho Indicated the old man at the end of Ibo line , and I let her pass an. "I asked the same question of the fifth and received the name answer. Confident now that I was being worked , I seized hold of her shanl and detained her. "There n\as an uproar Immediately nnd the old man darted forward and demanded what I was doing. " 'This woman says nbc Is your wife/ said I. " 'So she Is , " ho snapped. " 'And this ether -woman ? ' " 'Is mine , tooho shouted. "I had forgotten that I was In Utah. " AJS AMIOUA nn liniKiERAC. OiiernUou IVrfornuMl on ( lie fiUHn r > f 11 MlNxoiiil Cut. TlmBon , a largo tomolso Angora cat , owned by Mis. Siimucl Hawlo ) , u wealthy woman living on n farm about six miles from St. Louis , had an operation performed on his face last weel : to the rike of wbiih piobably no cot ever before was subjected. Tlmson was a feline Do BcrEcrac. All his native charm and beauty , his chlvaliy , nnd the courtly manncis Inherited from a unbroken line of ancestors were spoiled ty a big yellow smudge on his nose. For Tliu- Bon to assume Beau Drummcl nlro with that plebeian yellow nose was as absurJIy Im possible as Chuck Connors In an opera Jiat. If science , through the agency of derma tology , could remove the blemish H thould bo removed , Correspondence wan opened with a prominent surgeon and after the na ture of tbe blemish bad been minutely de- sjcrlbed to him he consented to remove It , and suggested that Tlnuon he forwarded to his clinic In New York. After examination of the stricken noae the doctor announced that electricity was tbo only means which could bo employed to re move the tortolse-hued hair , and that after It bad been token out tbe nose would have to bo blistered slightly to Insure that I be hair would grow In white. The electrical noodles he admitted would bo more or lees painful , and after watching hla patient sink bis long claws Into bla blanket and then draw them out , as though to keep hlmeelf In training , be decided to administer an anaesthetic. After Tlmson liad succumbed to Its Influ ence tbo needles were applied , and one by one the disfiguring balrs were removed. A a tbe patch covered more than two Inches on each side of the nose , tbo operation vas necessarily a long and tedious one , nnd U \\iiH more than an. hour before it was < om- prcted and Tlmson was brought to , A light ' blister \\a applied then and ( be patient put to bed The experiment wa n Rreat * v.c- cess N'o lompllcatl in set In , mil bpomi nn Annojlng Irritation ciuird bv thf b'l - tcr Tlniion suffered no Inconvenience Ho was around nRftlil In two or three d } * find already n soft while down ha * tnkon the place nf the imly blotch The operation , In cluding the fee nd the doctor' * expense * , amounted to $00. MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS No Truth In Ituiiiiir tlinl llninr ( nU.c .Mlin- Will lie Omlrollcil li } ( lie HottiKohlliln. LEAD. S I ) , July 23 ( Special ) Th * Ilomestako company on July IS Increwd Its capital stock from $12,600,000 to $21,000- 000 fcr tbo purpose of purchasing the etock of the Highland Mining company , tbe Black Kills Cnml nnd Water company and tha Ulack Hills i Port Pierre Hallway company. Tbo consolidation wns effected In order that the one management might conduct the nf- fairs of nil companies with greater facility There was a rumor < omo time URO that the consolidation nas effected In order that tbe nffalrs ot the company might bo gotten In obnpo for a sale of a control of the stock to ttio Rothschilds. This report has been de nied b ) Superintendent drier , who Rtntni that there will be no change In the control or management ot the companies. At tbo meeting of the stockholders of the company this week In San FrnncUco tbe number ot ill- rectors wns Increased from five to seven. There vvero Issued for purchasing the Block ot the Highland Mining company 37,500 shares ot stock , for purchasing tbe stock ot tbo Ulnck Hills Canal and Water company. .17,000 slums of stock , and for purchasing tbo utock ot the Dlack Hills & fort Pierre Rail way company , 10,000 shares of stock , T. J. Orler , the present general superintendent , will continue to tiavc charge of everything. The Homcstnku company Is the creatcit dlv Idend pa ) Ing gold mine on this continent. It has paid over $7,500,000 In dividends , and will pay millions of dividends more for the ere It ) In sight for twenty jcars jet. U has made the Ulack Hills , and today Is furnish ing half of the support of the * people In Lavr- icnco county who depend upon the mining Industry for sustenance. The employes are all well paid and they are n contented lot of men. The big pajroll of the company mnUes this city prosperous the > ear around. The Highland company , which Is now a part of the Homcstako company , has paid ncarl > $1,000,000 In dividends and there la also .a. great body of ere In eight which will last for a good many > cars jet. The Ilomestako company Is employing about 1.200 men and about 2.SOO tons of ore nro being treated per daj which averages about $4 per ton gold. ltclopinonlM III CiiHdM- Con illy. UEAIMVOOD. S. I ) . , July 23 ( SpoUl A Colorado company Is reported as having purchased tbo old Alexander stamp mill , In Custer county. In tbe Four illlo district. The mill will bo managed by L. B. Par ker , of Colorado. It Is the Intention to put In a system of Wlllley concentrators and ex periments will bo made on several of the best concenttatlng ores In the district. The mines of Custer count ) contain free gold oil the surface but Invariably tbo ore be comes refractory at a depth of thirty to fifty feet. A number of attempts have been made In jcars past to treat the ore by amalgamation , but In nearly every Instance the test has proven a failure. The ore Is cither a cjanldlug or chlorinating proposi tion or possibly a concentrating process will handle it. Tbe county is rich In quartz veins , which carry ore in all grades ot rich ness. A large per cent of the ere Is tel lurium , which requires very careful assay ing to get the full values. There are a dozen or more separate min ing districts In the county In which are to be found quartz \elns of ore which range from ten lo 125 feet In width. The deep est shafts In the county are not more than 200 feet and they show nt that depth that the ere bodies are invariably true verticals. LONG CRUISE OF WILMINGTON Ciuiiliont RcturiiH vrltli Sotivi-nli-H or n Tuo Tlionmiml-Mllc Trip Up the Atiumoii. WASHINGTON , July 23. The Navy do- partuicnt has made public the report recently made by Comiupiider C. C. Todd of the Wilmington relating to the cruise of that vessel up the Amazon. The Wilmington proceeded 2,300 miles up the rlvor , In vestigated the topography and natural re sources of .the countrj , made a collection of animals for the ? oologlcal park In Wash ington and secured a series of photograph * of the towns along the river , the natives and the most Important features and scenery. Commander Todd's report Is very lengthy and includes reports from bis subordinate officers , who were entrusted with special investigations. The treatment of the United States ves sel and Its officers by the local authorities was courteous throughout , although at ono point in the Peruvian section of the upper Amazon a whole military post composed of six men , fled to the tbush on the appear ance of a man-of-war , and It mas with difficulty that two of thorn could bo Induced to return long enough to accord the Wil mington ofllclal sanction to 'proceed ' up the river to Iqultos. This city was the farthest point reached by the Wilmington on Its long Inland voyage , although It might have proceeded about 400 miles farther had there been a supply ot coal obtainable. The animals secured by the Wilmington for tbo National zoo at Washington Include a two-toed sloth , a peccary , three amail ground hogs , a South American tapir , a harpy eagle , one tiger rat , a macaw , two deathshead monkeys , one night monkey , on ft howling monkey , two macaco monkeys and a number of parrots. TlilrlIxlKlit < ut rriior * Il ST. LOUIS , July 23 A epeclnl to tbo He- public from Austin , Tex. , says ; Up to today Governor Bayers bad received thirty-eight replies to bis Invitations to tbe governors nnd attorney generals of tbe several ntfttca to attend the anti-trust conference la Ct. Louis on September 20 , Those wbo have expressed their Intention to attend the meeting are ; Governor Mc- Mlllen of Tennessee , Governor Jobneon of Alabama , Governor Murphy of Arizona , Governor John It. Tanner of Illinois , Gov ernor Smith of Montana , Governor V. B. Puncher of North Dakota , Governor W. A. Poynter of Nebraska , the governor of Ore- Ken , A. D. Chandler of Georgia nnd Gov ernor Samuel Lowndes of Maryland. A dozen governors write they will attend the conference If they can get away from their official duties. I'ltUlc. Detroit Journal1 Unco upon a time uorno Parties offered to sell a Farmer a tin box for $50p. ( t"Dut H contains only sawdust ! " protested the Farmer , wbo took seven dally papers. "Yea , " replied the Parties , smiling- - tlcntly , "but with a sucker being born every minute , there's going to be a great demand for sawdust. There's bound to be a bulge In sawdust sooner or later" The Farmer was much struck with this theory , ami bought tbe box , mortgaging bis farm to raise the money. This fable teaches that with the common people become no exceedingly Intelligent an thuy now are. methods of doing buslneu \\lth them will have to be revolutionised. Ilrltalii'x Iliirnihiiin , One of the great Institution ! ) of England that particularly lmprois < * the American tourist IH the English barmaids. Keepers uf public houseu think that barmaids ere more honettt than men and they know that a pretty girl dia.w a certain amount of tuatom und tends to keep the customers that ho 3iu # Tlmso Imrmaldn are to ba found In ( .very grade of saloon , from tha lowest "pubs1' In Whltechapel , where an American would mipponi flint r Hred prlre- tighter and professional bouncer would bo more upproprlate , to the mont exclusive private hotels in the West Knd , It Is the same all over England. AH n Oa ' barmaids - maids have two chararterlutlco they art Hlvu > 3 fcood looking : UllJ 0,1 n 4)0