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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1899)
3 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOIl MENTION. Davis sells glass. Moore's food kill's worrnn and fattens. Flro escapes for buildings at Blxby'd , Passepartouts , C. E. Alexander & Co. nudwolscr beer. L. noscnfcldt , ngcnt. Judson , poflturage , 929 6th nvc. Tel. 248. Forest Rutherford Is sojourning at Col- fax , la. Mrs. H. S. West Is visiting In Batavla , Mice Bessie Emerson Is visiting friends nt Yale , In. Mrs. W. F. Sapp has gone to Hot Springs , S. D. , for a short stay. O. B. Jacqucmln & Co. , Jewelers nnd op ticians , 27 South Main street. The board of county supervisors wlir meet In adjourned session this afternoon. Get your work done at the popular Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway. 'I'honc 1G7. Mrs. Lloytl Orimth of Sixth avenue is en tertaining Miss Alta Hush of Crawfords. vlllc , Ind. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crawford of Nebraska City arrived In the city yi&terday evening on a visit. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. White of Kansas City are guests of Dr. George E. Smith of the Grand hotel. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Cnllahan rtnd family of Omnha are camping nt Manhattan B ach , Lake Mnnawa , Mr. and Mrs. Hopper of Hastings , Nob. , nnd their daughter , Mrs. L. Howe , of Fairfield - field , Neb. , arc In the city visiting relatives. The bond of Superintendent Rothcrt of the Iowa School for the Dent line been re duced to $10,000 and that of the steward to $5,000. Word has been received that the remains of the late Lieutenant John L. Moore win bo sent homo from Mnnlln on the next transport. Albert E. Leo nnd Anna E. Block , both of this county , were married Saturday evening nt ithc Kiel hotel , the ceremony being per formed by Justice Ferrler. J. H , Slmms of this city has gone to Wln- jiepeg to take part In the cricket tourna ment of the Northwestern association us a member of the Omaha Cricket club. The police were called upon yesterday to nsslst In the search for two little children who had strayed away from their homes nnd caused their parents much nnxlety. Lily EIngland , aged I years , living nt 914 'Avenue ' B , was reported missing and after Ecycral hours search was found at No. 3 engine house on Lower Broadway , a mile nwny from the little ono's home. J. W. Johnson celebrated the Sabbath yes terday by Imbibing too much liquor. He at. tempted to clean out a saloon on Upper Broadway , and was run In by the p'ollco on the charge of disturbing the peace. George D , Illggg of this city has been appointed by Piesldcnt Samuel B. Donnelly of the International Typographical union ns a member of the law committee for the international convention , to be held in De troit in August. A woodshed In the rear of 60S South Main Btrect was destroyed by fire yesterday after noon. The house is occupied by Goorse Baker. Children nnd matches are supposed to have started the lire. The fire department prevented the flames from attacking the cot tage adjoining. Johnnie Corrlgan , a 3-year-old youngst-r vhoso parents live at Sixteenth street nmi Broadway , started out to sec the world without - out notifying his mother. IJe was found by the police calmly viewing the scenery on North Eighth street ? a couple of hours later none the worse for. his tramp alone. Thomas * DeeVwesteilr called at-thV porice elation yesterday afternoon and wanted his wlfo arrested. He said that when he went home ho found her drinking with a strange man , and that they would not let him in the house. He was referred to n Justice of the peace with the advice to file an in formation. Adolph Samlsh died yesterday evening of consumption nt his homo on Seventh avenue ibotween Tenth nnd Eleventh streets , aged 49 years. His brother , .M. .Satnlsh , jr. , arrived from DCS Molncs Just a few minutes after his death. No arrangements have been made nsyet * for the funeral , but In all prob ability the remains will be taken to Des Molnes for burial. Deceased was n member of Beech camp , Modern Woodmen of Amer ica , Omaha. Ho leaves A wife to mourn his loss. loss.The The advertisement for bids for the con struction of the new High school building has been prepared. It provides for the re ception of bids by Dillon Uoss , secretary of the Board of Education until August 28. Cox & Schoentgen , the board's architects , are working on the plans and specifications , and pushing the completion of them as rapidly na possible. In this advertising for bids the school board is proceeding- the theory that the decision of State Superintendent Hnrrett In the ste | appeal case win bo favorable to the board. N. Y. Plumbing compnoj. Tel. 250. Crothlng clearing sale , Mctcalfs. Davis sells paint. Suit , $6. Motcnlf's. Welsbach burners nt Blxby's. Tel. 193. CTothlng clearing sale , Motcalf's. Bon-Ton Mtlllnory Store removed to Bel linger block , CIS Broadway , opposite P. O. All wool suits , $3.85. Metcalf's. Wanted , carriers for Bco routes. Apply at Bee offlcc. _ All wool suits , $3.Sf > . Metcalf's. Bourlclus' music house docs not advertise FO-cnlled special nalps , but if anybody wants a bargain In a line piano , and has got the cash , they have now the chance of a lifetime. Ho is preparing for n visit to Europe nnd will offer for a limited tlmo everything In the store nt factory prices. Bourlrtus wants to reduce his block ns much ns possible before leaving. 335 Broadwny , where the organ stands upon the building. Wnxlied C. E. Grafton , engineer in charge of the construction of the Fort Dodge & Omnha road , has notified Mayor Jennings that ho has taken up the matter of the washing nway of the rlprapplng with the Missouri river commissioners. The condition of the rlprnpplng was called to the attention of the municipal authorities 'by ' City Engineer Etnyro , nnd as the Fort DoJgo & Omaha railway is vitally Interested In the preserva tion of the river bank , Giayor Jennings re ferred the matter to Engineer Grafton , about 1,000 feet of the riprap has been washed nway by the Juno flood nnd n largo amount of land hna become submerged. If not attended to the constant wash of the water would do almost Irreparable d.imagn to the grade of the Fort Dodge & Omaha toad , Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Us < xl by people of refinement for over a quarter of ft confury. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT . . For Cinli or l.onneU OU. 12. II. SIII2API2 & CO. , B Fe rl Struct , Couuoil UloUfJU law * . BOXES FOR WASTE PAPER Contract Drawn Up to Be Presented to the Council Tonight , COUNCIL BLUFFS MAN TO GET THE JOB W. WIlHOii 1'rolmlily the I'ernoii Who Will He ChoHcii to Provide the Ileceptnclon and Look After Them. City Attorney Wadsworth has drawn up the contract for the establishment of waste paper boxes on the streets as provided In the ordinance recently passed by the city council. The contract ns drawn up runs for five years. It provides for the establish ment of nt least thirty boxes or receptacles for waste paper and other rubbish , which are to bo located under the direction of the mayor and chairman of the committee on streets nnd alleys. The same city ofu- clara are to pass upon and approve all ad vertising matter to bo placed upon the boxes nnd the city Is to receive 10 per cent of the gross receipts from the advertising. It Is understood that the contract Is to bo awarded to J. W. Wilson of this city. The Glenn Street company of Chicago , which first Introduced the matter of street waste paper boxes before the council , has written Mayor Jennings , claiming that It has not been given a fair deal an-1 was never allowed the opportunity of submitting a definite proposition. It is expected that the con tract will come up for ratification at the meeting of the city council tonight. Another matter that will probably bo brought up at the session of the council tonight Is the unsafe condition of the bridge over Indian creek on Bryant street. The structure Is In n shaky condition and experts say It is liable to fall into the creek any moment when a heavily loaded wagon passes over it. The lloor of the bridge is rotten nnd has been repaired until the surface presents the nppearance of a patchwork quilt. Many of the timbers nro rotten and the city , It Is said , Is liable to have a dam age suit on its hands if the structure is not attended to nt once. Several of the counfiilmen nre in favor of closing the bridge until It can bo thoroughly overhauled or replaced with n new one. The approaches to the bridges on North Main street have never been finished since the structure was repaired last summer nnd several complaints have been filed nt the city hall regarding their dnngerous condition. It had been hoped by the city offcials to have this street paved this year and for that reason , It Is said , no attempt hna been made to put the npproaches in shape. Examine the $ G suits. Metcalt's. Lowest prices , easy terms. The best and largest stock of pianos nt Swanson Music company , Masonic Temple. Suit , $ G. Metcalf's. O. Younkermnn & Co. , grape baskets , bar rels , and all fruit packages. Examine the $6 suits' . Metcalf's. All wool suits , $3.85. Metca.lf'8. FIlV I'UKACUKS0SKEPTICISM. . Subject of a Sermon Delivered nt the ! " ! rut Mftliodlnt Church. "Skepticism , Its Ruinous Effects , " was the subject of Rev. C. P. Fry's sermon last ovcnine at the Fifth Avenue Methodist church , It being the third of a series of sermon-lectures delivered by him Under the nusplccs of the Eoworth league of the church. Rev. Fry said In part : "There have always ( been those who wore unstable in their thinking. There has never been a doctrine so insane as not to have Its ( believers , who are Just as ready to change their opinion when some equally foolish Ism is presented. We have in this city every sort of belief and unbelief and each has its followers. Many ipeople are as ready to change their creed as their gar ments. They are never able to Elve an In telligent reason for the hope that Is within them. They swnllow the latest cranky morsel that Is offered them. If an Insane man were to come to town today and an nounce himself as the Messiah , he would have a herd of followers. Those who have not thought out well the system of belief they accept , or have no vital religious ex perience which anchors them to the eternal verities of God's word , are they who take up quickly with every now charlatan that sets up his tent in their neighborhood. "Instability of thought and character is the basis of much Infidelity. The unnnchored boat drifts , the unsettled mind floats about on every drifting tide of thought or feeling. One of the characteristics of our youth Is instability. Youth has n thousand charmn , hut one of Its Jewel virtues Is not stability of thought. Hence young men are peculiarly open to the temptations to drift away from religious moorings. Their very youthful enthusiasm tugs hard at any anchor which would hold them securely. I do not mean that nil youth lose their faith In the funda mentals of Christian faith , but that ques tions come which load the sincere young man to dig deeply about the foundations of fundamentals. If spared from drifting he becomes more securely anchored in the eternal virtues of God. "I wish to name some of thq causes for drifting Into skepticism nnd then to abject infidelity. One of them Is superficial in- vestlgntlon , which Is n fruitful cause of skepticism. It is the little learning that makes one mad. When one hears for the first time of a question concerning the truth of a long accepted doctrine the ten dency of Immature Judgment is to decide that that doctrine must bo false. The youth who for the first time reads some infidel book and who never takes tlmo to read an nnswer to that very book , goes about declar ing his doubts , when the truth Is ho has never read even one small book on Chris tian evidences. He may have read Palne's \\KO of Reason , ' but he has never read 'Watson's Apology , ' which is a complete answer to all Palne's sophistries , and which has been regarded by all fair minds as a thorough refutation of all infidel theories of the Paine type. Many a callow youth has heard some one Infidel lecture and , dazzled by the rhetoric , was blinded to as not to see the utter folly of the logic , If logic there be at all. Many a youth's doubts have no deeper foundation than a sarcasm or sa crilegious witticism. There li many a youth who , for the lack of sufficient study , or from unfortunate association concludes from this superficial investigation and ob servation that the bible is untrue. "Another cause of youthful skepticism Is youthful self-confidence. That very element which makes the victory In every battle al most sure. Thin begets enthiiAlasm and to the enthusiast almost anything is possible. Thus youth Is victorious , not so much from Ho skill an from Itfl abounding enthusiasm , 1 begotten of an equal self-confidence. But this self-confidence , which is the fruitage of egotism , leads to some fatal errors. Youth ful pride , which necessarily must bo ac-1 1 companled with experience. Is sura to lead to many a fatal mistake. | I I "There le a certain class of youth who. , seem to think that It Is a 'badge ' of superior intelligence to doubt the bible. They think It Is an evidence of learning to say : 'I do not believe. ' > Jnny n youth Is led by his overmuch self-esteem to doubt the word of God. Again , there are thopc among young men who make honest inquiries. Not every doubter Is flippant nnd captious. Many n youth seriously seeks the truth nnd finds himself In the mists of doubt. Ho In In the dark , not from choice , but because he Is honestly seeking. I have but the warmest sympathy for the earnest young man who Is seeking the light. It Is opening all about him. He will not be left of God to wander in elornal night. ( Much skepticism among men IB due to false teaching. Young men quickly grasp theories In a teacher's chnlr or roving about the country can sow un counted seeds of doubt In minds of youth. "Another cause of skepticism la to bo found in an evil life ; n toad heart makes n bad head. Great criminals are to be found among the skeptical class. They lose faith In God nnd then turn against their fellow men. Dumas shows the sublime knowledge of human nature In his masterpiece * ) . In the 'Count of Monte Crlsto , ' Cadcrousse , the es caped galley fclave , cries , Just before ho plunges the knife against the mailed breast of the count , 'It IB a lie ! There Is no Godl There lo no Godl' Not all skeptics are criminals , but wo will say that most of the Infidelity of our times Is duo to an evil life. Men seek to excuse their bad lives by re jecting the truth which condemns them. Blindly they run their heads Into the sands and declare the sun docs not shine. He whoso life Is condemned by God's word Is ho who wants to believe there Is no Judg ment seat and no final doom for the wicked. The logic of n "bad life Is a 'bad ' creed. " Hero Rev. Fry referred to the Into Robert G. Ingersoll and incidents in the youth of the great agnostic , which ho said should bo known to the public that it might better be able to weigh the character of the man who , ho said , sought to turn off all the light a man has with which to navigate life's tem pestuous sea ; dumping overboard diart and compass nnd tearing away rudder and anchor and giving him absolutely nothing In their place except blasphemy and ridicule. Ingor- sell , ho said , sought to turn the craft of every human being out to a shoreless , port- fess , tempestuous sea , with the positive as surance that the star of hope was forever eet. Crothlng clearing sale , Metcalf'B. Scientific optician , Wollman. 409 Br'dway. Suit , $6. Metcalf's. Examine the $6 suits. Metcalf's. GUEST KILLS HIS HOSTESS lovrn. Womnn I * Shot Through the Head and Her Hnnhniid Narrowly EHCIII > CH n Similar Fntc. MUSCATINE , la. , July 23. George Wright , until recently a motprmnn on the Muscatlne " Electric' railway , shot and instantly killed Mrs. Joseph Grlppen at G o'clock this even ing and then attempted to kill her husband , but was overpowered. The shooting ocurred at the Crlppon home , where earllpr in the afternoon the murderer had been a guest at a farewell reception ibelng tendered the young husband nnd wife ; who were about to start for 'Merrill ' , Wis. , where Crlppen has the iforemanship of a lumber mill. Wright left about the middle of the after noon , but stole around the house at supper time , shooting the wife through the head as she was passing into the dining room. The husband grappled with him in time to prevent getting a shot intended for him , but Wright escaped nnd ran to a lake below the city , closely pursued by two policemen. He was captured after a struggle in the water and rushes and placed in Jalr , where a strong guard has been placed to prevent a possible lynching. Wright has been separated from two wives. The cause of his act Is assigned to Jealousy. MO.VEY I'AID OUT FOR PENSIONS. Aliiioiit Elicht Million * Dlnlinmcd from the Den MoliicH Ofllcc. DES MOINSS , In. . July 23. ( Special. ) During the flacal year ending June 30 last the pension agency In Mils city paid out $7,782,468.58. Of this sum $538,279.05 was for first payments on original Increase and for renewals. There nre two Invalid and six widows' pensions for the Spanish-American war on the list of pensioners of the agency. The amount paid out on account of the war with Spain In pensions amounted to $1,300. There are fifty widow pensioners for the war of 1812 , 228 widows and 378 survivors of the Mexican war and twenty-sev-n - owa and forty-nine survivors of the Indian war who draw pensions through this agency. The total numher of pensioners was 57- 915 on Juno 30 , 1898 , and 57,941 on June 30 , 1899. This Is a net increase during the year of twenty-six. While the real territory of this agency is Iowa and Nebraska , the pensioners have moved to eo many otter states that checks were sent to every state and terri tory In the union except Nevada , though Delaware , Rhode Island , South Carolina Jjavo only one each. The largest number IH In Iowa , 34,439 , who were paid during the year $4,609,605.10. Nebraska follows with 11,880 , who receive $2,302,140.15. Four reside In Alaska , while many more nre there but have their pensions sent to their old homes. A pensioner whose homo was In Nebraska or Iowa when first paid can afterwards re side anywhere In the United Slates and yet draw from this agency , but a removal from the United States causes a transfer to the Washington ( D. C. ) agency. The payments at the agency for the week ending July 22 were $56,950.88. Street Cur Conductor * Arrented. WATERLOO , la. , July 23. ( Special. ) At the clone of the Chautauqua session Friday night , when the heavy traffic for the sum mer was ended , the officials of the Waterloo & Cedar Falls Rapid Transit company caused the arrest and dismissal from its sor- vlco of all but two or three of Its conductors. Three of the men arrewted are charged with conspiracy and defrauding the company I out of a large sum of money. The alleged J ; culprits are J. T. Miller , F. Taylor and Plummer. Miller is a returned Spanish war soldier who served In Cuba , Ho is an old j street car conductor , having worked in Pitts- j burg and Philadelphia. Ho is tald to bo the ' originator of the plan to rob the company. The plan of operations , It Is alleged , waste to issue bunches of properly punched trans fer checks to each other and fo turn them In wlth , their dally reports , pocketing the cash represented by the slips. More than two mcntbs ago [ he leakage in receipts | was suspected by the railway people and detectives from Chicago were employed to ferret the matter out. Various charges , but none of a criminal nature are made against the ten men discharged by the company. The places of the men were filled during the day , Druir KiulN I'loMlcliiit'N l.lfe. CHICAGO , July 23. Dr. A. Allberdlce. formerly of Prescott , Ariz. , was found dead In bed at his room In the home of Charles Burton , 328 West Monroe street. In the room were found a bottle of morphine and i a hypodermic syringe , while on the dead ' man's arms were found numerous syringe abrasions. It Is not known whether the doctor committed suicide or took on accl- dental overdose of the drug Dr. Allberdlce arrived In Chicago six days aco. FIGHT IT OUT TO A FINISH Milwaukee and Minneapolis & St. Louis Companies Have Their War Paint 0m SHERIFF IS IN CHARGE AT STORM LAKE An Attempt "Will He Mmlr to Arreit AVorkiiicn unil Srrlnnn Troubli- * Kenreil Public Rrently Kxeltcit. STOHM LAKE , la. , July 23. ( Special Telegram. ) < SUirtllnR developments nro highly probable in the "bis " railway flght be tween the Minneapolis and St. Louis Ami Milwaukee here , where the Milwaukee is now in forcible t possession of { ho right of way of the Missouri nnd St. Louis and across which they have rolald their tracks In the face of an Injunction. All day today the sheriff of Bucna Vista county , with a posse , remained In possession of the tracks , not permitting Interference from cither force. The Milwaukee men have been reinforced and both sides are watching each other. An attempt Is to be made Monday to arrest the Milwaukee workmen for contempt of court. They say they will resist and serious trouble Is feared. The people of Storm Lalco arc intensely oxcltod over the matter and a long and bitter struggle is Inevitable. Take * Aclil by Mistake. BBLLE PLAINE , la. , July 23. ( Special. ) Yesterday morning at about 5 o'clock J. E. Spltler , proprietor of a livery barn here , took a dose of carbolic acid by mistake and died at about 8 o'clock. He was suffering with toothache nnd had got tip and dressed and was lying on the lounge. He had a bottle of carbolic add and a bottle of lemon extract on a stand near him. Soon he hal looed to his wife : "I have taken acid ! " She Jumped out of bed and ran to him , when ho fell to the floor. Nothing could be done for him and he died ns above stated. He evidently thought he had the lemon extract , but made the fatal mistake. His wlfo and family are crazed over the affair. MUST FINISH HIS SJNTENCE Mall Ilex Hoblicr In Ilctnriicd to IIlN Cell Prisoner Hclntcs llotv lie Gained Freedom. COLUMBUS , O. , July 23. Timothy Hogan , the noted mall box robbcrr who escaped from the penitentiary May 8 last , was re turned to the penitentiary last night. It was almost Impossible to get Hogan to say a word last night , but he finally consented to tell of his capture in Now York. He was In a vacant house when surrounded by the twelve deputies who made the capture. Ho saw that there was little chance of escape and fled to a room In the house In which he meant to go Into hiding. But upon enterIng - Ing the room three revolvers were im mediately pointed Into his face and he could do nothing 'but ' throw up his hands. He stated that Inside of twenty-four hours from the tlmo of his capture ho would have been enlisted In the regular army. He was returned last night dressed In the uniform of a soldier and a light hat. Ho undoubtedly intended to leave for one of the newly acquired Islands and there remain as a soldier. In speaking of his escape from the pcnl- tontlary in a box he said he was about to give up more than once nnd call for help , as one of the slats had become loosened from the box in which he was confined and the tobacco was falling upon him , which almost inothcred him. He had a knife with him to cut a hole In the box In case he needed more air , but refrained from doing so for fear of detention. As soon as the boxes were unloaded he kicked off one of the slats with his foot and escaped from his hiding place. iHe left Columbus the next day. He rtfUse.1 to reveal his whereabouts up to the time of his capture. ARMED MEN MARCH TO COURT Outlirenlc IK Kxpi-otcil at tlio Trial of the IMillpols Ac'uiiMcil of .MtiriltT. LONDON , Ky. , July 23. The gravity of the situation at Manchester , Ky. , and gen- crnlly throughout Clay county , cannot bo overestimated. It Is felt profoundly here , twcnty-Bix miles nway. Jinny noncombat- i ants have loft their homes , abandoning their crops and ns many others as can will leave soon. Even hero in London the insecurity is felt to such nn extent that some families are leaving. An outbreak Is expected tomorrow , the day set for the trial of the Phllpots , ac cused of killing Aaron Morrl and others. Both parties are mustering armed forces for the purpose of marching to Manchester tomorrow morning. The Phllpots have fifty- two armed horsemen and no one knows how many footmen. The Morris and Griffin fnctlon also have a Inrgo force. The Phllpots say the latter also have a large force. The Phllpots say the latter Includes the White-Howard fac tion. On the other hand the Morris fnctlon say that the Bakers have mndo common cause with the Philpots. Both sides will march fully armed Into Manchester , nrrlv- Ing nt 0 o'clock tomorrow morning , to nt- toncl > he trinl. It Is stated that Deputy Saerlff Davis Chadwell of the Whlto-How- ard faction has openly espoused the cause of the Grlfflns. DEATH RECORD. Illplinril IiiMiox. SIOUX CITY. July 23. ( Special. ; After n criminal career running over a period of nearly thirty years , Illchnrd 'Lenox , better known as "IllR Dick" Lenox , Js dead. Ho cntlied his last draft In the state peniten tiary nt Anamosa , la , , where ho was serving n term of four years for a crime committed several years ago in Sioux City. The death of this man removes one who , In his day , was probably the most dangerous crook In the country. M TH. Mnry Love LEXINGTON. Ky. , July 23. Mrs. Mary Love Lawless died here today In the ? 2d year of her ago. She was a sweetheart of Abraham Lincoln and a reigning bcllo of hur day. Her maiden name was /.ipkln. Her husband , James It. Lawless , a Mexican war veteran , survives her. She leaves a daugh ter , Mrs. Mary L. Scott , wldo'v of the late Lieutenant John Scott of the United States array , IIllHlllONN Mil II. JEITBRSON , la. , July 23. ( Special. ) Joseph Legoro , one of Jefferson'n most prom inent buslneFs men , died very suddenly on Friday evening from apoplexy. Deceased was about fiO years of ago and was well known throughout the county. HYMENEAL. HUMnOLDT. Neb. , July 23. ( Special. ) A. W. Thompson and Mies Ella Chaffln drove to Pawnee City and were married Wednesday by County Judge Delding. Strainer HrliiKH Ilonip < ; | il , VANCOUVER , H. C. , July 23. The steamer - er Rosalia nrrlved today from Skagway with 200 pasbengcrs and { 110,000 in gold dust aboard , WUllam Braid , a local merchant , Every conceivable style imaginable on wheels. Over one hun dred different styles to select from. Positively the largest in the west. See our bike wagons , I can give you the latest and best for your money. Write or call and inspect my stock. H. VAN BRUNT , Oounoil JBluffs , Jowa. WHEN OTHERS PAlb . . .CONSULT. . . Scarlcs & Scarlcs OMAHA , NEB. Specialists In Nervous , Chronics Private Diseases Of Men and Tromeii. We gu.irantce to cure all cases curable of CntanhAll Diseases of tlie A'occ. Tliroal.Chctt , Stomach , JJoii-tls anil Liver ; Llyitroctle , Vai 1- tucclc , Syphiltt , Gontinlioca. Nervous Debility Middle Aged anil Old Men Rlnnfl nnrl kin u casci , Sores. Spots , DIUOU UllU OKIIl pimples , Scrofula , Tu mors , Totter , Eczema , ana Blood I'olsnn , thor oughly cleansed from the system ; also Weak ness of Organs , Inflammation , Ruptures , PilcF , Fistula , etc. etc.Throat , LungK , Liver , Dyspepsia anil all bowel and stomach troubles. ( liven careful and Rpccial attention fur all their many allmcuts. WRITE T" r troubles. If out of the cltv. Thousands cured nt Home by correspondence , Or. Searles & Searles. 110 S. 14th St. . Omaha. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. Mothcm ! MotliorN ! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hna been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child , softens the puma , allays all pain , cure" wind colic nnd is the. best remedy for Dlnrrhoen. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and nsk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" and take no other kind. 25 cents a bottle. brought foO.OOO nnd Senttlo men owned the remainder of the gold. Braid , who is con- versnnt with government affairs , snld that nearly $1,000.000 had been collected in roy alties , and he placed the total output of the country at $20,000. Eldorado , Dominion and Bonanza creeks were supplying nearly al'I of the gold. FIRE RECORD , Itlnr.0 at Vllllnen. VILLISCA , In. , July 23. ( Special Telo- gram. ) Flro started out in old school build ing in west part of town about 11:15 : p. ra. The supposition is that it was caused by spontaneous combustion in the coal bin. The fire company put it out before very much damage was done. Kully Insured. Oil IloiiHO Iluriicd. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Ji-ly 23. ( Special Telegram. ) Plre destroyed the oil house of the American Beet Sugar company this aft ernoon , supposedly originating In sponta neous combustion. Los about $1,200 , prin cipally on oil contained in the building. The loss is covered by insurance. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Partly Clouily > Moinliiy anil Tuesday iK the MlNsourl Valley , with Variable AVliuln. .WASHINGTON , July 23. Forecast for Monday and Tuesday : For 'Nebraska ' , Iowa and Missouri Partly cloudy iMondny and Tuesday ; variable winds. For South Dakota Fair Monday , with cooler in eastern portion ; fair Tuesday ; variable > wlnds. For Kansas Threatening Monday , with showers and warmer In southern portion ; partly cloudy Tuesday ; variable winds. For Wyoming Generally fair Monday and Tuesday ; variable winds. I.otrul Iloeoril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMA'IIA ' , July 2J. Omaha , record of tein- perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last thrco years : 3899. 1S33. 1SD7. 183(5. ( Maximum temperature . . S9 89 OS C3 Minimum temperature . . . 72 71 71 6(5 ( Average temperature . . . . 80 SO M R2 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 Record of temperature nnd precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March J , 1699 : Normal for the < lny 76 Excess for thb day 4 Accumulated deficiency since March 1..26S Normal for the day 14 Inch Deficiency for the duv 14 Inch Total rainfall since .March 1 13,52 Inches Dellciency since March 1 4.R2 Inches Deficiency for cor. period , 1S9S. . . 1.37 Inch Dellciency for cor , period. 1897. . . 5.SQ Inches H Js OOrt M t ? tI . TATIONS AND STATE -I OF WEATHER. 33 Omaha , cloudy North Plat'tp. ' partly cloud. . . Fult l ako City , clear SO Cheyenne , clear 78 Rapid City , clear 801 Huron , clear 8C Wllllston , partly cloudy 78 Chlcajro. clrar 82 St. Ivoilts , cloudy SS St. Paul , partly cloudy 901 Davenport , cloudy 0 | 'Helena ' , clear 7fl | Kansnn Pity , clear Havre , clear 761 lllbinarrk , clear Galvcston , clear . . Aunt's "A. WBLSH. Ix > eal forecast Odlclal. Bean tha /na | You Ha _ Atoays Bought Signature of O u3u JB 1" C3 H. X L . Bears th _ Tl > 9 Kind You Have Alwajs Bough ) Bljnatare of Bears th Jajta Always Bough/ / Signature i TOM MOORE HENRY GEORGE g ( O Cents. 5 Cents. g TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. I John Q. Woodward & Co. , SAMPLE COPIES -OF THE- Free on Request. The Bee Publishing Company , OMAHA. $5.00 A RffONTH. SPECIALIST. Treats all Formi cf DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF W5EW ONLY. 22 Years Experience. 12 Years In Omaha. EMTTKiriTY a 11 d 'HKIHCAJ ' < Treatment cninlilitcil.VariroriMc , - Stricture , Syphilis , Lobsuf VI for and Vitality. CUHES OITARANTEKrt. Cfiarpcs low. HOMK TREATMENT. Hoiil Consfiltalimtaml Exam- Illation t ice. Hours , 8 a. ni. toli ; 7to8j > in Sunday , 9 to 12. P O. Hoj : 766. Oilier , N K. Cor. 14th ami Fariinm Streets , OMAU A. NtlJ. BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Car Service , IFYOULOVff.YOV/i PEIMB ARM HOME SMOKE ONLY FRAGRANT KK CIGAR 10 * A.DAVIS'SONS aCQ.MAKERS JOHN GWOODVVARD 8c CO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLUFFS.IOWAf On ah I'ald for o. it. < ; nninT : , Kur SUliiH. , . . WM. WELCH TRANSFER LINE Ilotvrucn Council IlliifTN uiul Oiiiiilni , Rate ? Reasonable , Hatlsfactlon Guaranteed. Council Bluffs ofllcp. No , 8 North Main street. Telephone 128. Omaha olllw removed - moved to < J22 South Fifteenth Btreot. Tele phone 13&8. Connections made with South Omaha. 'S Ifrulth unil 2'Icniinrcn 3Iny Ajjntu H > Yourn by the Proper Appllontlon of Kluotrlelty Dr. Uennctl'x Kloctrlo Holt I * Indorsed by Physlolnnn and of Sntlnflcd Pntleiitn. My Electric Belt has brought back youth ful visor nnd olenn , utronff hearth to thou sands of sufferers , df you will look Into //Ta facts , which I will 1C 13 furnish If you will call upon or Trrlta me , you will know my belt is all f.iat is needaa to euro Sexual Impotoney , Lost Manhood , Var- Icocole Spermator rhoea , and all Sexual ual Disorders in either sex ; It will roatore ( Jhrunken or Undeveloped Orxans and Vitality , ; our * RhcumaUem in any form , Kidney , Llvor and Bladder Troubles , Chronic Constipation , Nervous - vous DblHty , Dya- eepoia , itl ! Femal * omplalnts , etc. To bo sound and well. Sexually and other wise , Is th * duty of every man you owe this duty to yourself and tha human race you owe It to your family If oyou have ono , or ever expect to have one you owe It to the people with whom you associate every day When a man IB suffering the mortl- Jlcation and discomfort of a dlneaso that unfits him for manhood's happy sphere , ho Is unfit for either 'the work or plea.iur n of life. It Is Important that ynu be cured and cured as quickly ati possible for Uiuua Sdxun ! DlsenneB gradually fix Khamsclvios upon thf entire system , drawing from it all th * trenth nnd vitality , producing ; rapid decay and untold suffering , both mental and physical.'s Electric Belt cure you and I will ffuariuitee the cure In every case whsro I recommend thu trooitmorvt of my Bolt. If It will not oure you I will tell you BO. Elfctrlcity is tha vital and Nerve Force of every diuman belnr H Is Life Itself. Wh ro there In a , lack of this Vital Energy or T'orco In the Bystnm , to bo welt again you must supply this lo t Electricity. It will make you well atfnln. It inake.i weak men and wonven Omaha.'S men and women stronger. Drugf cannot cure you for any remedy used through the stomach becomes Int/nt and useless before It reaches the aflllct'oa parts ; besides , drugB only Bltmulatc they ntver euro. If you have tried drujjn , you know this to bp a fact. In the treatment of my Electric Helt 'there In no uncertainty and no risk and no driiffn with which to batter your oto/nacli. My nejt ha * seCt , Bllkon , chamois-covered unnnna electrodes that cannot burn and blister ne do the barn niotal electrodes used on nil other rnakns of belts. VeriJlKrls accurnulateu on all Ijarti metal electrodes on account of the cinmlcnl nctlofl of Electricity. Verdi gris , an ' you know , Is vary poisonous. Dr. Iiennott'n ISloctrlo Dolt given about four tlrnrs the current of any other bolt and when worn out can toe runewud for only 70 c nts no othur belt can bo renewed for any price and when worn out U worthless. Wrltn or call today for my New Book Tbout Electricity KOI my symptom t > hinc ) and other literature. My Electric fluipcn- Hory for the permanent cure of the vo- rious iv.fnItno.sBftS of men In free to every main purchaser of one of my Dells. con imitation and advice without cost. Hold only by _ Electric 1 Company , ' HnuiUH 20 and SI 'Oanulan . NeW. , Idtk and Dads * REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! Wo have aero property adjoining the city lately iilaced In our hands which can ba purcbaHcd at a bargain. Wo have also lota In various additions to the city at prices to suit homctfecltcrH or the Investor. Jlava houses ( or tialo from the modest collate to rooio expensive dwellings , ami all at prices ( or below their cost and valuo. N , P. DODGE & CO. , Council Bluffs , - - la REMOVED W. C. ESTEP , UNDERTAKER Has removed from M North Main Htreet to 28 1'curl street , two doora north of Grand . J7 , resldunco ' (190 ( hotel. Uiu4nciii ) phone , * , ,