THE O tATIA DATIAr BT3E : SIHSDAT , JTJLT 23 , 1899. SPECIAUJOTjCES Ailirrtlncinenln for llicnc columim Mill lie OiUcn titilll 12 tii. for the evening ; cilltlon Mini until 8iIO ! 11. til. for inoriiliiK nnd Snnilnj- edition * . Rntcn , 1 l-2o trord flrnt ln ertlon | Jo n. irorrt tlieronfler. Notlilnn tnkcu for lean thnn 2."o for tlic llrnt Inner- tlon. TIICKC nHcrliiciiie ( jiiunt lie run cnnnrctitlvcly. Adicrtlnrrfl , lir rerincatlng ; " nnni- bcrcd cliock , cnn linvc nnmvcm nil- ( Ircmiril t < > n niinilicrril letter lu cnre of This Her. AiiniTcru no mtilren r l Mill lie delivered on iirencutatluu o ( tlin rlirck only. WANTED SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one plcaso cnll up the Remington typcwmer ofllce , 1C19 rarnnm St.j telephone , 1573. WANTED , position by a thorough and corn- potent tinner nnd clerk. Addrcs * Box 911 , Plattsmouth , Neb. A-M932 23 * _ HxPERIENCEO abstractor and stenographer - ographer desires position. Inferences nnd pcroonal evidence of ability. E 62 , me. * ' returned from A YOUN'O lady recently a wishes position In first-class pchpol or college to tench French nnd art , In cluding drawing , oil painting nnd water colors nnd mlnl.itures. Best references. Address Miss Bell , 419 Piedmont ave. , At lanta. Oa. A-M937 23' AVANTED MAI.T3 HEM * . WANTED- have steady work for a few good hustlers of peed habits nnd appear ance. C. F. Adarns Co. , 1619 Howard St. SALESMEN to sell Petit Ledger * . Business Hecords nnd other olllce specialties ; flno sldo lines Pershlns Mfg. Co , Box L , South Bend , Ind. B-121 Jy 22' _ GOOD salesman , salary or com. 1118 N. 16. WANTED , ten bricklayers. Apply to J. F. Atkinson at Story City , la. , or Marshall- town , la. B-M920 21 * WANTED Gentleman and lady deputies by n. fraternal ord r for Nebraska Address E 40 , Bee B-92S Aug. 1 WANTED. 100 men for harvest nnd thresh ing at Lily nnd Bradley , So Dik. Har vest will coinnicnco August G By COM MITTEE. B-ai94s 21 * WANTED. salesman for high c'nss food products : wo offer a splendid opportunity for hard workers ; give your experience fully. E G5 , Beo. B M9G3 23' WANTED , faithful persons to travel : sal ary , straight , no mope , no less , $780 nnd expenses ; reference , Enclose nelf-ad- drssed stamped envelope , A. J. Munson , , Seo'y , Caxton Bldg. , Chicago. B-M998 23 * _ < GENERAL ngents wanted , $ T 0.00 month and * expenses to right party. Address Sam B. Gregg , Paxton Hotel , immediately B-1SO 23' i ' "WANTED , mon to learn barber trade. $60 monthly guaranteed after 8 weeks' prac tice. Can p'aco EOO graduates on palace f trains , hospitals or city shops at once. t Write today for catalogue. Moler's Bar ber College. Chicago. Ill B-M99J 27' * ENGINEERS and firemen , send 25c for 24- t page pamphlet , containing list of questions - ' tions asked by examining board of en- i Klneers. Gee A. teller , bookseller. St. 1 Louis , Mo. Mention this paper. B * -WANTED , a man or woman to travel and i appoint agents ; salary $75 per mo. nnd ex- pcnses ; rapid promotion : also local workers - . ers ; guaranteed $3 per day ; position permanent - ' manent Address Century , 3913 Mnrket ; St. , Philadelphia. B j SCHOOL teachers and others without prevl- i ous experience are making from $40 to $ SO j per week placing our school libraries nnd other school supplies In country schools * . Thompson & Thomas , 331 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. B 'AGENTS , $10000 weekly and expenses guar anteed a peed , man to act as general ncent nnd. Inndlo mib agents for the pain of Arctllo Refrigerating Machines and Arctic Compound for cooling refrigerators ; guaranteed 75 per cent cheaper than Ice ; Indestructible , everlasting ; over 5,000 In use ; -wjll pay $ r.OO for any machine anv place In the U. S. of our make that will not do as Guaranteed : beware of worth- Jess Imitations For full particulars and I agency , odflress Arctic Refrigerating Co. , | Cincinnati , O. B 134-23' it WANTED , everywhere , hustlers to tack * signs , distribute circulars samples , etc. ; no canvassing ; good pay. Sun Advertising L Bureau , Chicago. B 132-23 * k WANTED Saddlers to ffncl for catalogue f of Russell's Famous Saddle Stamps , Tools , f etc. Largo stock on hfind. Stamps mndo y to oriler at lowest prices. F. 1C. Russell , I Dallas , Texas. B 133 23 * f WANTED A man to represent us In Ne- 1 braska ; permanent position ; $150 per month over expenses guaranteed. Ad dress 1G11-315 Dearborn St. , Chicago. B-137-23 * _ f SALESMEN ( Calling on nny line of trade , v city or country ) wo have best side line over offered ; over 150 different styles of the handsomest calendars ever put on the market ; most liberal commissions offered I (30 nor cent ) . Agents can easily make $40 to $100 weekly. Guaranteed the bc * > t line 5 to bo found nnvw'hcre. Give references. i The American Novelty Co. , 909 nnd 911 " Broadway , Cincinnati , O. B 136 23 * SALESMAN Grocery salesman with ostab- * llshedf trade In country town ; staple spe- ! clnlty line ; liberal terms1 ; large profits ; sure winner ; $100 per month ; salary at start : reference * required , " \V , D Cannon , ' Jr. , & Co. , Chlcngo , 111. B-135-23 * , TRAVELING , local eale nen , dealers , 1m- medlatdy. to sell the Hnckctt Cycle Stand und Ix > ek : big money. The C. A. aiackottCo , Mnsslllon , O. B 140-23 * ' VfAINAGHR co-llection department wanted by attorney standing well with Jobbers ; conditions favorable and good contract tea a hustler. 15 Gl , Boo. B 139-23' POSITIONS , don't prc- jwvro for nny civil servlco or census cx- nnilnnitlon without seeing our catalogue of Information : sent free. Columbian Cor respondence College , Washington , I > C. ] B-13S-23 * _ _ _ V\'ANTJ3D \ , a good1 tinner , must be familiar wttth bicycle retiring nnd furnace work. Addrcaa 13 63 , Bee. B-112-23 , good shooting gallery man. must be sober nnd thoroughly understand hlH business. Address Frank , Bemls Bag Building , Exposition Grounds. B-lll-23 X'ANTKD. reliable mon everywhere to tack up advertising rtgns ; $25 00 earned weekly working tor us. Exclusive territory : ithose meflnlntr business enclose lOo for postage , packlm ? , sample , etc. AVIlson Chemical Company , Tyrone , Penn'a. B VANTKD Men to sell best gasoline lamp made ; 100-candlo pofter : SO hours for 2c. Big money , Write quick. 8tud baker G , U Co , Kansas City. Mo. B- JVANTUD Solicitors to sell farm contract In iNebraska , Good monev for goo < l men. Call Monday. Koom 728 , N. V. Life Bldg , B-170-23 * A'ANTDD , moa for lucrative general agencies ; finest opening on 'the market for able salesmen Chemical Flrp Hnglno Co. , Dos Mollies , Town , B-17C-23' IVANTHD In every city , amateur photo grapher well acquainted In locality to ac cept lucrative position. Address National Association of Amateur Photogrnphera. 61 WabuHh Ave. , Chicago. B 123 23 * A'ANTKD Salesmen In towns and coun ties ; $50 to $125 monthly and expense * ; w lite for particulars. Tool Supply Cdl 50 Pine St. . Chicago , B-122-23 * oMB KMPrjOYMRNT , either sex , $10-$1G weekly working part time , day or evenIng - Ing ; no canvassing ; cnsy , permanent ; en- cloio toply etamp. Hvcelslor Mfg. Co , 303 B. 4 h Street. Now York , B-130-23 * Ji * you want to make $10.00 a day selling Life of Dewey write Sam B. Gregg. Paxton - ton ' , B US 23' _ A'ANTiRD. gentleman stenographer ; must bo cvillgrapli operator and Pitman writer preferred ; tate ago , experience and saj- ry expected. Address r 1 , lleo. VAPKR hanger and pa Inter , who can < ake 7-room house dot\n tonn where rooms fan bo rented nil the time A good chance for the right man. 3 U. S. Nafl Hank U-m 3 VAi\Tnn WAI.H iini.r. BOYLES' SHORTHAND COLLEGE Prepiros stenographers for high-grade po sitions. Many calls go unfilled for lack of o-Dcrators to send out. The standard maintained by this college places It In the front rank of shorthand colleges In the land. A commercial department will be added to this excellent school the first Monday In September. D-177 23 * WANTED , two men for ( permanent po l- tlons of trust in Iowa and Nebraska : must have $150 and references. Address F 4.BCC. B-19S 23 * TRAVELING men wanting profitable sldo line , write J. r. Brock , Sparta , WIs. B-121-2T 500 LABORERS nnd teamsters for Wyo- Clapp nnd Hstbcrg , 1023 rnrmm. mln ? and Nebraska ; ship dally , free fare. B 200 23 * WANTED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. TCI. S7B. C 125 WANTED A good experienced dining room girl. Hotel Lange , COI S. 13th. , C-Mlfo Jy23 GIRL for general housework. 261B Popp'e- ton Avo. C 8S9-23 * WANTED girl for second work with refer- ences. No. 1120 Park ave. C M970 23 WANTED Hdy stenographer nnd type writer who Is accurate In figuring : r ° fer- enccs. Address E C7 , Bee. C M103 23 WANTED , an .energetic business woman or teacher to open up an office at Omaha , Sioux Cltv , Das Molncs , Lincoln , Silt Lake nnd Butte Free ticket to Paris Ex position for the right parties. Flat 9. 3d floor , Davldgc block. C 107 24 * GOOD girl for general house work. Good wages. Mrs. A. Haas , 1134 S. 30th nve. C-103 23 * TEACHERS WANTED for schools and colleges - leges : list of vacancies free. Inteist < Uo Teachers' Agency , 12G Washington St. , Chlrago. C 141-23' WANTED , dlrl for general housework. Apply 709 Georgia Ave C 142-23 * GOOD girl for peneral housework , 3 In fam'Iy ' : wages $1. Apply at once , 2C03 Popploton Ave. C 115 WANTKD. girl for general housework , only 4 in family , no boarding house. 2114 Bln- nor C-1H WANTED , several first class salesladies for pi tent medicine line on the road , one for Omaha ; silarv nnd expenses paid. Address Florence Med. Co. , Red Oak In , C-M113-K ANY lady having 2 or 3 hours' spare time a day can moke $3 weekly working for us at home ; nothing to sell Send aelf-address- cd envelope for free samnle. Manhattan E. M. Co. , 101 Beckman St. , N Y C-124-23 * - - WANTED Names of sufferers from cancer or tumor. Handsome present to each sender. Doctor FUz , 623 Broadwav. New York. C-125-21 * GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Flnley. 2316 Davenport , C 155 23 * WANTED , a competent girl f r general housework. Mrs. E. L. Blerbower. 210 So ' S2 < 1 ave. C M181 24 * FOR nni\T HOUSES. HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 10G N. 15th St. D 126 _ ALWAYS moving household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co 1511V4 Farnam. Tel. 1559. D 127 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. D 128 _ FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street. | D 129 _ _ FOR RENT , strictly modern Hat in Davldge Bldg. , opposite city hall. John W. Robblns , 1S02 Farnam street. D 130 _ FOR RENT , hotel In Omaha , 120 rooms- everything modern. Brennan Love Co . 219 South 16th St. D-132 SIX-ROOM modern Hat , 1112 sTlimT " D-618 _ _ HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street. D 134 _ MAGGARD'S van & storage. 117N15. Tell498 t > 135 _ 2402 POPPLETON AVE , 10 rooms , modern largo yard and ba-n. The Byron Reeti Co' _ FOR RENT , for summer , elegant West Farnam St. home furnished. Bemls , Paxton - ton block. D 660 FOR RENT , large house of 13 or 14 rooms , large barn , largo grounds , at S. W. cor ner of 27th and Jackson Sts. BEMIS , PAXTON BLK. D-3S3 8-ROOM , modern , 1817 Capitol Ave. , $4500 : 4216 Farnam , 8 rooms , barn , $2260 ; 2SS5 Burt , G rooms , $15 00 ; others , nincwalt Bros. , Barker Block. D 3S9 FURNISHED house central. 200U California D-M7S1 _ _ FOUR rooms , 708 So. 17th at. D M422 A3 * CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016 D-137 _ LARGE brick barn , thirty stalls ; room for fifty. Will rcnnll- for good tenant ; rent $50 00 per month. Largo line residence. 10 rooms , entirely mod ern , porcelain bath. In perfect condition largo grounds , good barn. In best part of Walnut Hill , rent $3300 per month 2227 N. 70th St . store , $7.00 ; fourWm flat upstairs , $ S ; city water. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas D-100 _ _ _ E-ROOM , strictly all modern house , fine repair - pair , 3 blocks from Ilanscom park $ ° 5 Hemy B. Payne , COI N. Y. Life. D-416 FOR RENT , furnished house , near Hlch school , till October 1. The O. F. Davis Co. D-M720 _ FOR RENT. PCS South 23th st. , 10 rooms modern ; good repair. The Byron Reed Co. 212 So. 14th at. _ JD-M719 SIX-ROOM cottage , bath. 842 S. 18th st. D-M724 _ 2102 POPPLETON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern large yard and barn , $30. The Byron Reed Co. D M624 TWO strictly modern 7 and 9-room houses line repair , $25 to $27.BO ; walking distance 2G26-2S Capitol avo. Henry B. Payne Cfli N , Y. Life. D-MS72 MODERN 7-rootn house , j009 N. ! 9th St. , $2,000. COu. Bee , D M906 ffOR RENT , largo 14-room house , N. W , corner 19th and Leavcnworth streets ; will put In llrst-class repair for good tenant Apply II. M. Rogers. 923 N. Y. Life Bldg. D-M957 23 SPECIAL Inducements tor tenants who wish Hats In the Wlnona or the Nor- mandle Apartment Houses. 4203 Fnrnam St. , new , 6 rooms , $22 00. A beautiful 9-rok > m house , near Ilanscom park , worth $80.00 , only $15,00 to good tenant. rino S-room modern house In Walnut Hill , newly painted , only $22.00 to good tenant , Twelve-room house , fine location , elegantly furnished , $6000. If > ou do not tlnd anything to suit you In till.- ) list call at the olftce as we lituo a line list of houses at present. Payne- Harder Co. D-M976 23 TOR RENT. 3-room house for $6.60 per month 1103 South 16th st. Enquire Jos. Goldsmith , 1205 Farnam st. D-M9C5 23 FOR RENT , the lower floor of 2563 Woolworth - worth ave. Inquire after 5 o'clock. D-M105 23' 2612 JfARNEY , 10-room modern , $35. O. W. Wattles. D-113-23 * FOR RBNT. 102S So. Zlst St. , modern 9- room house , S rooms on one floor : good barn otc , very convenient and desirable ; $35 nor month. Address John A. Wake- nold , 211 N. Y. Life D-144-23 * 7-R. COTTAOIi 22nd & Howard , fine. $27.60. 12-r. modern and b-jrn. 820 8 21st. $10. { r , near St Josciph hospital , US. 6-r tlat 32nd nnd I.oavonworth , $3. Inquire 36 U. S. Nat'l B'k JJldr , D-195 3 FOR IIR. > T HOUSES. AFTER September lot , magnificently ap pointed residence ; superb location ; within txvo blocks of rnrnam or Park avenue car lines ; paved street ; all modern ; 12 elegant rooms ; largo reception hall ; oak ilnlsh throughout ; spacious bathroom ; laundry ; furnace and storage rooms ; steam heat ; servants' rooms , butler's nantri ; china and linen closets ; telephone ; delightful veranda : shade trees and granolithic walks ; lincst barn in the c\ly \ ; box stalls ; carriage and wash room ; hostler's room. Owner leaving the city. May be secured for one year. Snap to. responsible party. Address In writing only. O. II , Schons , Business oince , Bee Publishing Company. D-171-23 * HOUSES for rent all parts of the city. R. C. Peters & Co. , Bee bldg. D-M20S 24 roil KENT. S-room furnished house , with modern conveniences , near Brownell hall. JOHN W. BOBBINS , 1802 FARNAM ST. D-M946 KOII un.vr FUIIMSIIEU IIOOMS. ROOMS , modern. 2SSO Harney St. E-M5S7 22 * GOOD sleeping accommodation , itoom 1 , Davldge building. E-M409 A3 * FURNISHED rooms , private house , nice lawn , single rooms or suite , newly fur- nlJhed. 2215 Dodge st. K-931 23 * PLEASANT furnished rooms , housekeep ing ; all conveniences. 2C03 Dodge t. E-MOiG 23 * THE BACHELOR'B HOTEL , 2006 St. Double south room , suitable for man and wife. E 630 A-9 FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary's. E-Mb43 2o * TWO front rooms furnished for light house keeping , near Hanscom park. $ S.OO month. Furniture for sale , 2803 Woohvorth ave. E-SU 1 * NICE furnished front room , private family , reasonable to permanent roomer ; electric light , bath , etc. Apply 40U N 23th St. E Ml 16-29 * TWO large nicely furnished bed rooms In private family for gentlemen. 1012 South 23th StA E-143-23 * DESIRABLE cool front rooms , modern con veniences : cell Sunday or after 6 p. m. dur ing week. 317 % North 15th et. , Hat E. E-17D 23 * FURNISHED room , 600 S 2Sth. Call even- ing-s. E M213 24 * FOR RENT , furnished cottage 5 rooms. 1712 Jackson. E M21G 25 * TOR RENT , large south front furnished room , modern house. 231S Douglas E-M203 24 * FUIIMSIIED ROOMS AND HOARD. ELEGANT rooms and board. 1903 Capitol Ave. F 139 NICELY furnished room with breakfast ; near Hanscom park ; modern house. Ad dress C 13 , Bee. F 686 FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. 2107 Douglas. F M3S2 A2 * FRONT room with alcove , with all modern conveniences. 212 S. 25th St. F 901 SUITE rooms , furbished or unfurnished. Utopia , 1721 Davenport St. F 681 PLEASANT rooms. 2402 Cass. F 983 31 * ELEGANT room with board. 1909 Capitol ave. F M1S2 29 * ROOMS mid board at 2112 Emmet st. F M205 29 FOR 11C.M1 UVFURMSIIER ! ROOMS. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms , newly papered , up stairs. 2226 So. 12th. G M3G3 5 UNFURNISHED chambers for house- keeplnc to man and wire. 319 N. 17th. G SUO FOR RENT STORES AXD OFFICES. DESK room for rent on ground floor Bee Building , Farnam street side , rent reason able. Apply R. C. Peters Co. , Bee Build ing. I-M413 FOR RENT , store In first-class location ; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , g. ound floor Bee Bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor offlce , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for ute of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor , Bee Building. 1-267 ONE large fine offlce of two rooms to rent in the Continental block ; will put In con dition to suit tenant. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . , u 16th & Douglas Sts. _ STORE for rent. 304 South 16th St. , flno room suitable for store room or ofllco purposes , $65.00. George and Company , 1601 Farnam St. I M56C 31 FINE location for drug store , only $15 per mo. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. I M743 THE U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. _ 1-193.23 AGEXTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED for "The Life of Ad- mlral Dewey" and Battles in Philippines by Officer Young of line Olympla ; 600 pages , beautiful book ; Illustrated ; only tl.50 ; exclusive territory ; big prollls guaranteed ; outfit free ; not quick. Na tional Pub. Co. , B & 6 Washington St. , Chlcaeo. J 14S-23' QUICKEST selling specialties ever ofteied ; sell themselves ; used In every household ; agents making $10 dally. Handy Things Co. , 2S9 W. Lake , Chicago. J 149-23 * BETTER THAN A GOLD MINE , the wonderful electrical lighter , takes the place of matches ; no caps or oil , no re charging ; will stay lighted in a gale ; built llko a watch , IUH the vest pocket nnd absolutely Inexhaustible ; the marvel of the century ; agents wanted everywhere , eJthor sex ; salary and commission paid. Globe Supply Co. , 927 Market St , San 'Francisco ' , Cal , J 150-23 * AGENTS , $240 monthly selling Improved nickel-plated brilliant gaslight burner , fits kerosene lamps , beautiful gaslight without chimney : sample free. Enter prise Mftr. Co. , E 14 , Cincinnati. O. J 147-23' AGENTS to handle our high-grade per fumes ; our plan wins ; large profits ; terms reasonable. Letller & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. J MUST have agents at once to tell Sash Locks and Door Holders ; sample Sash Lock free for 2o stamp ; Immense ; better than weights ; burglar proof ; $10 a day ; write quick. Address liroliaid & Co , Dept. 42. Philadelphia , Pa. J MEN and women , good address , to travel and appoint agents ; salary $75 month , ex- pevses ; rapid advancement ; unusually brilliant opportunity. Address with refer ence , Butler & Alger , New Haven , Conn. j BIG MONEY for hustling agents to . ! ! the best and lowest priced line of madc- to-order clothing. Write nt once for par ticulars and territory to The Warrlngton Woolen and Worsted Mills , 235 Monroe St. , Chicago , J AGENTS Eeverywhere : best gasoline gas lamp made , burns 9 hours for Ic. Tor territory and circulars address Royal Gas Lamp Co , Rlolto Bldg. , Chicago , J-12G-23 * AGENTS We are still Increasing our sales of saloon articles. "They must have It. " Quick returns ; big profits. 1112 Monad- nock , Chicago. J 127 23 * AGENTS , Slot Klnetoscopes on big commis sion ( moving pictures ) . Quick fellers ; ex clusive 'territory , American Ivlnetoscopo Co. , Washington. D. C. J-151-23 * THE- chance of your life ! We have a con tract with the largest toilet soap manu facturer In the United States , which en ables us to offer small lota of line toilet eoapa. assorted , to agents and house to house canvassers at 25 per cent le-n than dealers can buy them In carload lots di rect from the manufacturer. For full par ticulars address , Nichols Suply Co. , 614 N , Clark St. , Chicago. J-125- : : * AOENTS WAISTr.ll. DON'T read this , for If you do jou will make money veiling our wMto and fancy rubber collars , cuffs nnd patented rubber neckties , all colirs , only ono on the mar ket ; sell nt sight ; agents clenr $5 to $3000 dally ; a golden opportunity during hot weather ; big discount * : exclusive ter ritory nnd guaranteed goods ; enclose ntamn for reply. M. ft M. Mfg. Co , Springfield , JUass. J 129-23 * IP YOU wunt to make $1,600 a > car work for us ; our leather suspenders sell themselves - solves ; cannot wear out ; attractive assort ment ; exclusive territory ; samples free conditionally. J. S. Berry Mfg. Co. . A 3b3 , Cincinnati , O. J-161-21' WE WANT to hear from all agent" who have sold hall Insurance. Can offer all the year round work with Just as good pay. Snmo class of work. Address E 67 , Bee , J 169-23 * LADY AGENTS WANTED , to sell MnifT. Yalcs Health Remedies nnd Natural Be-autlflers ! Intelligent ladles can make nil the way from $25 to $50 a week or more ; all depends on the person ; pos sibilities unlimited Address at once * Mmo. M. Yale , 1S9 Michigan Ave. , Ch'oago. ' J STORAOE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , , 90S- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 143 WANTED TO UUY. WE WANT several nice residences and rest- denco lots for cash buyers. Wo have th buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill's Real Estate Agency , South Omaha.N148 N-148 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. Ttl. 223S. N-147 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.X143 X-143 STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortenfen , 404 N. 16th N M417 A3 WILL pav cash for 1 or 2 acres with small house. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y Life. N-654 WANTED , to buy , n farm within GO miles of Omaha , 160 acres or more choice table land or second bench : spot cash for a bargain : give full description , location , price. E BG , Bee. N M973 23 WANTDD , to buy. a liorse , gentle nnd safe for Indies nnd children to drive. Address "E 51 , " care Bee offlce. N 'Mf71 23 WANTED , to buy. for cash Omaha SavIngs - Ings bank account * . E 48 , Be A NEW or good second-hand four-wheel pony buggy. Address V. Swanson. Aurora N M993 21 * rora , Neb. WANTED , to buy for cash , one burglar proof safe with time lock. W. J. Crandall , Firth. Nob. N-M991 26 * WAINTBD TO BUY , small stock hardware or a location wtiere there Is none or where competition Is needed. Address E o1 Bee. WANTED , publishers desiring to dispose of newspaper plants should send necessary Information to us ; communications will only be referred to parties meaning busi ness. Now have a party who desires to Invest In plant worth $5,000 or $6 000. Ad dress M. G. Perkins American Pre s As sociation , Omaha , Neb. N 153-23 * WANTED , a good second-hand typewriter ; state kind and price. Add. Leo G Mar tin , Braddyvllle , In. N-1S9 23 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. SEE our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. O-149 FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLES. OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles. Andersen Buggy To ? Co. . IS & Davenport. P M68S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG POLES : uawdust ; cheapest and best hog fence. SOI Douglas. Tel. 458. Q-159 PIANOS , organb , sewing machines , whole sale , retail. CollU * Piano Co. , 203 s. 14th. Q-872 Jy24 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConn H Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.Q Q 158 FOR sale , patent for Nebraska ; big money ; Address A. Bee office , Council Bluffs Q-334 HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St. St.Q154 B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 VInton St. Tel. 776 ; plants , cut flowers , boqueta , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q 151 R-t-p-A-N-S for B cents at FOR SALE ten - - - - - drugglsth. One /fives relief. Q 152 FOR SALE , 2-lnch oak nnd pine planks , suitable for sidewalks , and other second hand lumber from the 16th st , viaduct. Apply to the Associated Charities. 1810 St. Maiy's ave. Q M596 22 * AT a bargain , 12 Urge steel ranges ; suitable for hotel and restaurant. 1410 Dodge St. Q-783 Jy23 * 2D-HAND safe cheap. Deright , 1116 Farnam. Q-1EG WHY get second grade bicycles when you can get high grade Crescents for $35 cash. Flescher. 1622 Cap. Avo. Q 153 THOSE Wonderful Douglas Shoes , $2 GO and $360. FlJher , Park Ave. & Leavenworth. Q-G25 A-9 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-157 INDIAN relics ; mounted gamehoads. 1116 Farnam. Q-MG95 A12 CASH register , nearly new , cheap. 1116 Farnam. Q MSOS BICYCLE , ' 99 model , shopworn , cheap for cash. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Har- ncy. Q-M972 2S FOR SALE , four large warm air furnaces ; Carton No. 181 steel radiators : also sev eral hundred feet of piping. Apply Her bert M. Rogers , 923 N. Y. Life Bldg. Q-M963 23 FRESH Jersey cow. 6 years old. 1338 Park ave. Park Avo. barn. Q 982 23 SIX show cases for Kile. Edholm , Jeweler , 107 N. IGt'i ' st. Q-984 FOR. SALE , three St. Bernard puppies 2 months old : ve/y cheap If sold Immedl- ately. 2122 Wlrt St. Q-M9G4 23 AN 1899 made to order wheel cheap : wheel good as new. Address R. Loud. 2S15 Charlea St. Q 174-24 * BICYCLE bargain , ' 99 Fletcher Special , ladles' , ridden less than 50 miles. Call before Tuesday , 1G22 Capitol Avo. | Q-117-23 _ _ GOOD second-hand gasoline engine and wagon scale for sale cheap ; only used six months , Address A 69 , Bee , Q $185,00 WILL buy good Ivers & Pond piano. Cost $375.00 ; two years' time. F G , Bee. Q-214 _ FOR SALE , a dainty five-foot counter nnd plated thick glass showcase to match ; coBt new $30 00 ; now $10.00 takes them : fieparate , $6,00 eacfh. Room 17 , Prenzer block. Q-212 23 * TOR SALE. mod rn gas stove , first-class order , cheap , 2 10 Harney st. Q SOI 23 * MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge R ICO FOR RENT , a soud barn. 1902 COBS. R-169 _ NEW YORK building , Bluff tract , Greater America Exposition , Creighton hall and Morand's Academy. Boclal functions , convention ? , etc. CIS AS WANTED , board for man , wife and babe , near union depot car line. Address E CO , Bea , R-15l-23 FINANCIAL. SOMETHING now In stock * and bonds. Pays 200 per cent per year on Investment ; any amount. Investors secured ; payable any time. No speculation. Bet refer ences. Write for particulars , InvoHors' Trust , 1221 Arch Bt. , Philadelphia , Pa. CI.A1HVO1-ANT9. $1,000 OFFER. < MME. GYLMER , OMAHA'S TAVORITI LIFE READER , has accented the nbov offer to locate a vein of gold boarlni quart ; ; In the Big Horn mountains. Shi will leave the city Thursday , July 27 , nn < will bo absent several days. She has 1m pllclt confidence In her nblllty to locati the. gold and will undoubtedly be success ful. MME. GYLMDR desires to express regre because she could not rend for nil * wh < called the past week , but on account o > the largo number who applied for rend Ing It could not be avoided. People wh < have not consulted this wonderful Indy ai yet should avail themselves of the o-ppor tunHy during the first four days of thti week. Parlors of palmistry. 1605 Dodge , south sldi postolllce. Hours. 9 to 7 ; Sundays , 10 to 4 S 21023 MRS. DR. MOSS , The greatest of all prognostlcators nnd llfi readers , Is creating a bg ! sensation It Omaha because she astonishes ( Ul wh < consult her. She cnn very readily subjec ihersolf to the conditions surrounding thi persona whom she comes In contact will and rnn see the PAST , PRESENT am FUTURE nt once. Dr. Moss tells yol Whether you will bo successful In love marriage , business or speculation , nls < what vocation > ou are adapted to In. lO' ' eating lost or stolen art'cles ' she has nt equal Parlors , 1701 Capitol ave. , cornel 17th st. S-215 23 * MME GYLMER , genuine palmist , 160i Dodge. S M477 MRS. FRlTZclalrvoyant , 817 N. 16th.S . S 161 MRS. F. DORSEY. life reading. 102S N. 21sl S-957 AS * FREE TEST ! FREE TEST ! Good news for all. So nitre am I of mj powers of telling the past , present nnc future I will give a few free tests to al who wldi a reading. Skeptics Invited Seer , phrenologist , astrologlst , palmist Prof , Elmer Hall. Known from ocean t < ocean as the White Mahatma ; asking m questions , he tells the full name of hli qua tlons , he tells the full name of hi1 husband or wife ; whether the ono you levi Is true or false. Seventh son and has tin power of nny two mediums ; tells you vvlmi your trouble Is ; every hidden mystery re. voaled ; when you will marry : what Ir needed for succcs in business ; love , mar rlage , speculation , changes , divorce , losses wills , pensions , otc Thousands of rcn patrons have been made happy that 1 have never seen. Stamp Insures promp' ' answer. Private parlor , 1312 Dodge street S-155-23 * - - MASSAGE AND HATHS. MRS BERRY , BATHS , MA8SAGE. PARLORS BEST equipped In city. Porce lain tub : lady attendants. 119 N. IGth. , opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. T 965 Jy26 * FRANXES do Seutorlous ct K. C. 107 N. 1Z T-M966 Jy25 MME. LEE , baths , massage parlor , 302 N. 16. T-937 Jy25 * BESSIE DECAMO , thermal baths , mas sage. 1615 Howard , 3d floor , room 1. T-M613 29 * DR. MALMQUIST , massage , baths. IK Dee Bldg. T 073-A11 * ELITE parlors , 2026 Farnam , upstairs , first- class baths ; massage and magnetic treat ment ; lady attendants. T M809 29 * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 5078.13 : massage baths , T 915-Aug.-17 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118& North 16th T 934 26 PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U-162 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319H S. 15th. TT-163 MONHEIT , leader In hair goods , toilet prep arations. Paxton blk. Farnam st. entrance U 166 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous removed by electricity. Room 12 , Frenzer block. U 164 THE best assortment of bicycle lamps is at Louis Flcscher's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Ave ' U-169 MONHEIT. chiropodist , halrdressing. Paxton - ton block. U 167 VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Bee Bldg. U-171 MORPHINE habit or disease ; poiltlve oulck cure ; greatest discovery of the ageno charge unless cured. HIll-Iate-RVco. 41U Sheely block , Omaha , Neb U 859-Jy24 1,000 CARDS $1. Nichols & Broadfield. 403 Sheely b'.k. Tel. 1942. U-M25S OMAHA Phonocraph parlor , 321 N. Iflth Bt. cor. Chicago , phonoaraplte , rocordV sup Piles. U-M478 AS J23 REWARD ! For ttie return of two runa way boys. Left home July 9. Oldest 15 years , scar on left check ; youngest 12 , small of his age. Both ligrht complected ! Address Hans Jorgensen , Paxton , Neb. U-M733 23 * _ _ _ RITTER hospital ; confinement coses taken- babies adopted. 2214 Sewurd. Tel. 2233. U-958 A19 DR. NELSON , dentist , room 9 , Crelghton blk. , 15th and Douglas. Tel. 19to , U-JM969 Aug. 20 WANTED , ladles to try the tripsls treat ment f the head nnd hair ; free treat ments on Monday and Tuesday to all who wish Irstructions. Mrs. C. C. Wood , room 3 , flat 9 , Davidge Block. U 109-23 * WOMAN'S welfare within her own control. Greatest blessing ever discovered for 'ndles ; sealed particulars free. Address Fativro Co , Hearst Bldg. , San Francisco. Lady agents wanted. COUNTRY miss , 27. owning mansion and $100,000 , would consider marriage offer from honorable gentleman. MJss Chartotte. 762 Lexington Ave. , Now York City. U-1B9-23 * ARE you anxious about the Future , love , marriage , money , buslnew. lucky days , etc ? Send lOc , stamp , date of birth and sex for carefully , calculated prospects of coming year. Prof , J , Alison. Box II , Sprlngfleld , Ohio. U 153 23 * PIANO for storage or small rent In family of no children. Address B. , Benron. Neb. U 160-23 * LADIES , USB Dr. Lee's preventive for de layed monthly periods. Longest nnd mo t obstlnatn cases relieved In two days ; price $2. All letters confidential. Lee Remedy Co. , G357 Langley Ave. , Chicago. U-1E7-23 * GENTLEMAN of wealth and klndess de- slres 4 wife who would appreciate kind ness and generosity. "Mr , Loyal. " 312G Forest Ave. , Chicago , III. U 156 23 * MARRY , Hut of proposals sealed. 2c ; marry weaJthy. Box 881 , Denver , Cole , u ADVANCED In ace , -wealthy , tired of loneliness , long for comforts of home , loving wife. Mr. Jefferson , 36 Ave A. , New York. U 175-23 * AGNES V. 8WETLAND. M. D. SOI Bee Bldg. , Sd floor , npeclalty , diseases of < women and obstetrics. Consultation free. U-172-23 * - - SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts end moles permanently removed by electricity ; con sultation free and confidential : all work guaranteed. Miss Alleml'r , IfilJ Douglas. 25 * )9 ) , call or write for Femallne , the positive , permanent cure for all female troubles ; five other specialties. Mrs J B AVebstcr , Manager. 1711 N. 24th St. , Omaha. U-1S3 23 * A. TRIP through the Yellowstone National park of from seven to ten days will only coft you $35 for round trip from Cinnabar Thla Includes transportation , lodging and 1x > ard. For particulars address O. C. rrhomas , 610 No. 17th , Omaha , Neb. U-217 23 * MONEY TO LOA -niVAIj ESTATE. MONEY to loan on flnt-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Hordtr Co. , N.JY. Life. W 173 i PER CENT money. Betnls , Paxton Block ! W-172 _ UONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 So. icth. jvv-m [ 100 TO $2,000. F. D. W ad. 16th & Douglas. Vf-llt (1.000 ( and upward to loan on Improved city property and farm * . W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 13iO Farnam. , W 179 t t MO.VBY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE , BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers wanting eastern money should write fo ; circular , investors' Directory , New York W-561 MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa farms : lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co 219 S , 16th. Omaha. W 182 E per ct. , Chas. E. Williamson , U.S. Uk Bldg LOANS , Potter-Sholcs Co , 310 N. Y. Life. W-1SO PRIVATE-money to loan , low rate. J. H. Sharwood. 423 N. Y. Life. W-183 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 , W-1S5 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds nnd warrants. II. C. Peters & Co. , 170 , Farnam St. Bse Bide. W 181 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo ; It will tny you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L MORTGAQES-Wallace , 314 Brown Block. W-176 6 , 6W , 6 psr ct. loans In Omaha , So. Omaha. W. II. Thomas , 6031st Nat. bank. Tel. 1643. W-461 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Duff Urecn , R. S , Barker blk . " "lUp PEOPlll. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED . holding permanent positions on their p/r- sonal note , without imlotscmcnt or secur ity , strictly confidential and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; beforj borrowing see us , as you will find It greatly to your pdvnntnge ; we are the oldest , largest and only incorporated loan companv in Omaha. F. W. Truax , Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , 16th and Far nam Sts , Telephone 2295. X M252 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con cerns upon their o % n names without so- ' MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. : payments un known to friends. Bergers' Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam. upstairs. _ MS7 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Read. 319 8 13. MONEY TO LOAN ON MONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , HORSES , CARRIAGES. J LOW RATES-'EASY ' AYMENTS , You can pay the money back In any amount you wish and at any time. Each pavment so made lessens the cost of carrying the loan. . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , J X186 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posi tions on their own name without en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind Can repay ln eaiy weekly or monthly payments Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jen nings , Mgr. , suite 626-626 N. Y. Life Bld LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE IF YOU ARE A SALARIED EMPLOYE holding a permanent position we will loan you nny amount your situation will Justify without endorser , mortgage or security of any kind other than your name. The fact of your holding a position is sufficient guarantee to us that you will carry out any agreement Into which you may en ter with us . YOU CAN REPAY IN EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY WIL BE maintained In all our transactions with you , and you will receive the same cour teous consideration that is accorded your employer at his bank. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , C. E Jennings , manager , suite 525-526 New York Life bldg. LOANS ON SALARIES TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN permanently engaged with respon lble con cerns upon their own names without se curity ; no inquiries made of their em ployers ; applications treate-d confidential. The BIG BUSINESS we do demonstrates w here to go for advances at VERY LOW EST RATES ; repayments made In agree able Instalments either weekly or monthly to suit convenience of borrower. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAID Persons momentarily < mba-ia , sed who de- Biro above everything els.1 ' avoid pub licity are the oloss We especially desire to serve. serve.OUR LOANS ARE CONFINED TO SALARIED EMPLOYES. You con deal with us quickly and satis factorily. It will b < to your advantage to call at our ofllce before tiorrowlng else where. AMERICAN LOAN CO. , Room 001 , D o bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR QUICK returns list your bargains at O'Neill Real Estate Agtncy , So. Omaha. Y 193 PRINTING office , two Gordon presses , Ad vance paper cutter , latest typo , for sale cheap , cash or paymaits. Addresu E 53 , Bee onion , Omaha. Y M961 24 * ELEVATOR for sale on U. P. R. , Blue Springs , Neb. ; horse povr : 18,000 bu. ca pacity ; no better farming district in Ne braska. Write P. O. box 173 Beatrice , Neb. Y M102 28 FOR SALE , a first class barber dhop In the very midst of business ; runs three chairs ; average $03 per -week ; owner moving hlu family to Colorado. Call on Geo. H. Fitchett. Real Estate Afft. , 309 Sheely Block , 01 ty. Y-118-23 FOR SALE , a clean , up-to-dnte drug busi ness , stock and fixtures , best location In eastern Nebraska ; busln m good and on thu Increase : stock invoices about $4,000. Addresa E 66 , Bee. Y 119-23 WANTED-Cnpablo man with $2,000 cash to carry stock of goods and manage branch business ; $150 per month and expenses ; also extra percentage : permanent position ; references required. Henry Vernon. Boyce Bldg. , Chicago. Y-130-23 * INVESTORS and speculators. A comfort able Income can be earned easily by plac ing your Idle funds with UP , We posi tively operate the safest , most conserva tive and up-to-dnte turf-Investment plan In existence. Pays from 20 to 60 per cent on all capital Invested. Those who have loot money In wheat , stocks or any other form of speculation cnn recuperate their losses quickly by placing nn Investment with us. Wrlta for free pamphlet and statements. Hlghowt of references , The Gulf-Pacific Trust , 263-269 Dearborn St. , Chicago , III. Y-1CI-23' FOR SALE Block of harness goods , tools and fixtures : In good town , northeastern Nebraska. Address Box 25. Arlington , Nob. Y-M165-24' FOR the next 30 days $2,000 takes the Aurora Republican , one of the best newspaper plants In the state. No other republican paper In the county. Address L W Hast ings , Aurora , Neb. Y-163-23' INVESTORS' commission merchants , valuable - able , reliable Information furnished In ad vance on stock , grain and provisions. This ndvlco Js pronounced best ever K'en by those taking It. You need It If Interested In the markets. By wire , $3 ; by mall , $2 per week. Write for full particulars E. J. Brownleo , 319 North Fourth street , Ht. Loula. Mo. Y-1C2-23' WEEKLY profits Don't lose the chancu. Money can be doubled every month In wheat , stocks and cotton We pay profits every fifteen days to clients Our plan of safety Is uncqualed , Write for full par ticulars , free to any address C. E , Mackey & Co. , 29 Broadway , N , Y. Y FOR SALE , hotel doing good paying busi ness ; very line location ; town of 1,500 ; 3 railroads Good reasons for selling For price and terms write G , A. Aveill , Prop. , Cottage hotel , Malvern , la. Y tt'ANTDD. partner with some cash In legiti mate and well paying business , investiga tion eollolted. F 3 , Bee. Y Mitt ) 29' 10,000 A PARTNER wanted to open a Hrst- claus variety and burlesque theater , Now York booking1 agents. F 3 , Bee.Y Y US 23 FOR SALE , best paying bakery and con fectionery in 8. W. Iowa , Write Box 101 , la. Y-186 23 * FOR SALE , active Interest In old estab lished real estate agency ; young man pre- fcrred. 13 83. Bee. Y-208 23' _ BUSINESS nap , grocery and xatoon c m Irlned ; making money ; albo buildings , ground , feed stable ; excellent location ; es tablished trade ; Investigate. J. J. Crovvo , SIM West Broadway , Council Bluffs _ V-211 23 cn.vxcr.s. WANTED , capitalist or promoter to form stock company for high-class business cn terprlso , branch of dry goods trftd * . F 5 , Hco. Y 204 23 * FOR i\CIIAM3I3. HALT1 ectlon land Custer Co , 130 ncr cultivated , price $10.00 per acre , to ex change for city propcrt > . Address Wfi 1st Nafl Bk. yj-M9IO FOR exchange. DOO acre * clenr land la Omaha property. What have yon ? IJ 05 , Bee. fc-161-23 * DENVER. Colo. 7 brick bulldlnsr" . rental $70 W per month , for Omaha property or good land , J. N. Frcnzcr , opp. old P. O. K-M191 TYlMJWRITIiRS , TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4 00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typfwriter Co. , 1623 I'arnom St. Telephone 12S4 W3 WE RENT nnd sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far- nam. 203 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1619 Farnam. KM THT3 Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest mnnlfolder nnd cuts the finest Ptoncll ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldg. , Greater America Exposition Tel. 2279. J S. Stewart , Special Agent , 318'4 S Flf- tecnth St. , Omaha. M-364 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Fnrnam. MG91 A12 MniHCAl , . LADIES , harmless monthly regulator ; can not fall. Mrs. B , Rowan , Milwaukee , AVlH. M9W ( Aug20 * LADIES. Chlchester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best , safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps , for partlculais , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mail. At druggists. Clilchestcr Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. DR. MANSFIELD'S MONTHLY REGUlator - later has brought hnppliws to hundreds of anxious women , lm\o never had a single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to five dajs without fall , no pain , no danger ; no Interference with work ; by mall or of- flee , $2 : nil letters truthfully answered , The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn street , room 614. Chicago , lit. 1G7 29 * LOST. LOST , heavy gold chain bracelet , July 18 , on 40th , between Farnam and Dewcy ave. .Return to 424 N. 23rd st. Reward. Lost-tM104 13 * LOST Time book , containing sev&rnl papersbilla nnd receipts. Reward If re turned. 601 Now York Life. Lost M1625 * LOST , 3 keys , ring nnd chain ; row an ! for return to 2515 St. Mary's ave. Lost 1S7 23 * LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply _ ; shirts , 8c : coHar 2o"cuff8740 ; ; underwear. 6c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tfil. B47. M 465 Bopl4 FISHING RESORTS. HO. ye fishermen , go to Langdon. Mo. , for bass and cropple ; stop at Adams homo , $1.25 a day , $5.00 a week , including boats. 431 A4 HYGIENIC TREATMENTS. MASSAGE , electricity , hydrothcrapy ; grad uates Battle "Creek , Mich , sanitarium ; references ; ladies only. Phone 2199. 707 A12 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Sant'o School. 717 N. Y. Life. 210 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 211 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal ; Bee Bldg. fu OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathlo Institute , suite B15 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. J. W. Dill , M.D. . D. O. , consulting physician. Mrs. Alice John son , D. O. ; Mary Hobson , D. O. , graduates of American School of Osteopathy , Kirks- vllle , Mo. Gld. E. Johnson. Mgr. 208 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school , Klrksville , Mo. , 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. 209 BICYCLES. NBW whtels. $13.50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels. $5 up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co 203 SEE Louis Flescher for blcyclt repairing , enameling : and sundries. 1622 Cap. Ave. 206 ANDRAE bicycles , $20. 1116 Farnam. MG93 A12 PAWNBROKERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office , 418 N. 16. 213 EAGLE Loan Ofllce , reliable , accommodat ing ; ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas ' 214 ± TICKET RROKERS. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H , Phllblti , now location 1G05 Fornam , Omaha. Est. 1889. Member G. T. D. Assn. M100 NICKEL PLATING. VLL kinds plating. Om Plating Co. , Bee bide 428 HOUHE MOVER. W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave , 217 ABSTRACTS OIC TITLES. HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building.2M 2M FEATHER RENOVATOR. MATTRESSES renewed. 707 8. 16th. Tel. 78U SIDEWALKS. ARTIFICIAL stone and brick sidewalks , A. R. Heel , 2622 Burt street.M M 660 All * TRUNIC FACTORY. 3EE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cane § . Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1209 1'arnatn. 993 A U STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. ' 2URED Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldtr. 219 ATTORNEYS. Vf. P. WAPPICH , attorney , 603 Brown Blk. I 632 A9 SEWING MACHINES IlEI'AIRED. 3Y Joseph E Phillips. 2519 Corby t Omaha ; best of city references given , 462 AS HOTELS. L'RY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $400 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam 8tn 215 MATTRESS RENOVATING. 5. S. WAUCLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 133l7 218 MIRROR FACTORY. DAMAGED looking flassea resllvcred. 703 N. 16th. M231 FOR SALE RUAI , ESTATE. , I8T your property with us. vVe will nell It L. L. Johnson Co. , 314 H. 15th. " K-M2I5 Jy3l _ IAVB you some lots to sell ? Now la the time to dispose of them : let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Rco reaches the people who liuvo thu money. , UB-JC6