Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Oonslderablo Intoreat in Report of Union
Pacific and Northwestern Dissolution.
If I'rnpoKPil DrnI Otic * ThrotiKli , " " '
Vnndorbllt IntrrcMtfi Arc Ignored ,
Thrr Will lie Cninppllotl t
IIullil tlio HlkliornVcnt. .
Considerable speculation has been In-
! dulgnd In by Omaha railroad men as n result
of the rumor which , It Is believed , Is well
. ! authenticated , concerning the dissolution of
' the Union I'ncinc-Northwcstorn combine , bx
1 reason of nn alliance of the several trans
continental lines , with the Vanderbllt Inter
ests loft out.
; The effect of euch fin arrangement would
) bo far-reaching and would witness the In-
' nuguratlon of an era of keen railroad compo
rt tltlon unknown for many yoars. It would
* Jnran an Improvement of transcontinental
service , necessitated by the attempt of the
I different trunk lines to twcuro the business
J across the continent. This proposed deal Is
not now. It has been In the air slnco the
Vandorbllts asserted themselves BO prom
inently In the management of the Union Pa
cific and Joined Into a seeming Ironclad ar
rangement with the Northwestern road for
Joint business. This has been especially dis
tasteful to the Hnrrlman Interests , It Is said ,
I because they have not considered themselves
ns receiving a fair share of the business
which loaves the Union Pacific for the cast ,
the most of which has been turned over to
the Northwestern for delivery. With the
Vanderbllt Interests' In the Union Pacific
Ignored by the balance of the stockholders ,
the Northwestern , which , as Is generally
known. Is another of the big Vanderbllt In
terests , would suffer considerably and Its
only recourse would bo the extension of Its
J Klkhorn branch from Cnsper , Wyo. , through
5 to Ogden , there to make connections with
the Central Pacific. By accomplishing this
building the Northwestern would then have
n. line on equal footing with the Union Pa-
f rifle , but It would open up. an Intcreatlng
v. plmso because of the competition of the
, Northwestern and Union Pacific , In both of
which roads the same Interests , the Vander-
bllta , are largely concerned.
Ueforo the reorganization of the Union
Pacific , which resulted In the present agree
ment between that road and the Northwest
ern , the latter has for many years been con
sidering the advisability of extending
Hi roil fill to Ogden , and the entrance of the
Burlington Into the western territory prac
tically demanded that such on extension be
made. This , It Is believed , would have been
uuder way long before this had It not been
for the arrangement effected between the
two roads for transcontinental business.
Further developments In the reported com
bination of the Union Pacific wltli the other
roads rumored to bo In on the deal will bo
awaited with Interest , and Its consummation ,
In case such should bo the flnal result , will
bo of permanent Importance In the railroad
Work io lie IiimiKtiriitril nt Once oil
Silt-Kent llrniich from Arcmllu.
Along In the 80s , when times were flush ,
money plentiful and railroad extensions the
rule with all the roads , the Uurllngton made
provision for a number of Nebraska exten
sions. First-class grades were thrown up
nnd everything was In readiness to receive
the rails , when the hard times came on and
put an effectual stop to all Improvements
nnd addltlonB of this nature. Now the tide
lias turned. Prosperity Is again the lot of
all the railroads , and the Burlington , conse-
fluently , has started a number of Improve
ments , the inauguration of which was wit
nessed twelve years ago. Beside the work
which Is being done In the extreme western
cart of Nebraska and In Colorado , arrange
ments have been made to extend a short
branch from Arcadia , in Valley tounty , to
Sargent , Ouster county , a distance of twenty
miles. When the road was completed to Ar
cadia several years ago the grade was ex
tended on through Ouster , Loup and DIalne
counties to Drowsier. Consequently the
Brado Is already thrown up for this small
\ extension to Sargent. It will bo Improved
i as may bo necessary , owing to the natural
, decay which has resulted from the several
f years of non-attention paid It , rails will bo
i laid and before the summer shall como to
I an end trains will bo running Into Sargent.
l The extension of the road to this place gives
| rise to the opinion that It will eventually ,
J nnd probably within a short time , be run on
I to Browstcr , to where the grade was orlg-
y Inally completed. Work oil the Sargent
I branch will begin Immediately.
Trend of Trnvel lo IVIIiMVNlonp.
Owlnir to the unlocked fnr trnnil nt trnvnl
from Omaha to the Yellowstone Na
tional park UilH summer Iho Bur
lington road has Just announced
a record-breaker In the way of
ratca. A rate of ? 105 Is quoted for 'the trip
from Omaha to the Yellowstone Mammoth
Hot oprlngs , via Monlda , Including a visit
of flvo and n half days In the park nnd alt
expenses , such as stage transportation and
hotel bills , included. Returning , this rate
provides for the homeward Journey to be
made via Cinnabar ever the Northern Pa
cific to St. Paul , thence to Omaha. If the
trip Is made via IlillliiKS , the same accommo
dations are offered nnd the round trip rate
* "rc'S "
o jAijgf/m / cgjR ret jjt tv y'u.
quoted at $ D2. These rates will bo In
effect until September 12.
For the convention of the Concatenated
Order of Hoc I lee , which mcotn at Denver ,
September 9 to 1.1 , the tuxme road has made
a rate of ono faro plus $2 for the round
Mlnnrnpnll * t .St. l.iniln IVInn a Vic
tory Over the MIlTmukeo llonil.
FORT noiXIB. la. , July 21. ( Special Tel-
cfiram. ) The long fight which has been
iwngnd between the Minneapolis & St. houla
at Storm Lake seems to have resulted In a
victory for the Minneapolis. & St. Louis.
About a month ago the Milwaukee executed
a coup on the Minneapolis & Si. Louis and
ono Sunday laid Hs tracks across the grounds
which the people of Storm Lake had Riven
the Minneapolis & St. Loutn for right of
way and dcpnt grounds. Slnco then the
attorneys for the two roads have been fightIng -
Ing over the matter and the Minneapolis &
St. Louis has finally succeeded In Rotting
an Injunction against the Milwaukee road.
Minneapolis & St. Louts workmen today
began the work of tearing up the Milwaukee
track. The present outcome of the trouble
Is n victory for the Minneapolis & St. Louis ,
though some now move on the part at the
.Milwaukee Is expected.
I.rnil SIny Oct n Xcir nnllrnnil.
LE3AD , S. D. , July 21. ( Special. ) It Is
announced thnt the Homcstakc company wilt
purchase the stock of the Black Hills & Port
I'lcrra Railway company , the Black Hills
Canal and Water company and the Highland
Mining company. The purchasing of the
Fort Plerro railroad by the Homcstako com
pany may mean the construction of a stand
ard gauge railroad Into this city. The
Fort Plorre road Is a narrow Range , which
runs down to Piedmont , a distance of about
thirty-five miles , where It connects with
the Elkhorn standard gauge. A largo per
cent of the freight that comes to the city
Is transferred to the narrow gaiiRO at Pied
mont to the nmaller cars , which Is a con
siderable expense and adds to the freight
rates. With the road under control of the
Homestakc , U Is more than likely that the
third rail will bo laid , making the road
standard gauge.
Itnllirny Xtilcw nnil 1'ornonnl * .
William Flnnnelly of St. Loutn , traveling
passenger agent for the Air Line , Is In the
city.P. . I
P. Whitney , general claim agent of the
Erkhorn , has returned from a short north
ern trip.
D. W. Hitchcock , Union Pacific general
agent nt San Francleco , and T. D. McKay ,
general agent for this road at Yokohama ,
Japan , left Thursday night for Chicago nnd
the cast after a pleasant oftlclal visit at
headquarters here.
Try the Her Grand hotel's cafes. Open
from G a. m. until 12 p. m. Three cafes on
first floor and one grill room. The best of
service at popular prices.
Ilnrlirr * Contend tluit Undertaker *
Have No KlKht to IiifrliiKC Upon
Their Trade.
The State Board of Barbers held a formal
meeting In the Cenlral Labor Union lemple
Thursday evening nnd approved Ihe cerllfl-
cales of 150 of Ihe 250 barbers of Omaha.
Tils action saved the barbers many dollars ,
as they would have been compelled to have
bad Ihem cerllfled by a nolary if Iho board
had nol come here. The board consisls of
D. J. Fitzgerald of Indlanola , president ;
Joseph Tummond , West Point , vice presi
dent , and Dr. H. M. Casebeer of Lincoln ,
secretary and treasurer. The board met
with the local Barbers' Protective associa
tion No. 1 of this city.
The real object of the board's meeting.In
Ibis clly was for Ihe purpose of Inspecting
a barbers' "college" which is being con
ducted here. They went through the "col
lege , " Inspected Us sanitary methods and
listened to the professional explanations by
the "faculty. " Owing to the closing of the
"studenls' " department at 5 o'clock the
board was unable to Inspect the work be
ing done and will bo compelled to make an
other visit.
After Iho rclurn to the Labor temple the
board discussed section No. 6 of the new law
governing barbers. This section refers par-
llcularly to the adoption of sanitary rules
which will prevent creating and spreading
disease. As a resull of the Ideas expressed
by the board the craft feels It has a right to
expect some rigid and satisfactory rules from
Iho board soon , as It Is carefully consider
ing the question.
The secrelary stated lhat he had sent a
formal notice to all undertakers thai they
must take out licenses for barberlng or else
stop shaving corpses. A license costs $5
and to obtain It a barber must pass a pretty
rigid examination. It In not believed that
undertakers can pass this examination and
Ihereforo they will be compelled to send
for barbers whenever they have a corpse to
shave. The old state law prohibits bar-
hnrs from rhariHnir mnrfl than Sfi fnr sihnvlne :
corpses and provides that they must have n
special kit of tools for that purpose. The
barbers argue that while undertakers make
no specific .charge for shaving corpses , Ihey
Include the tax In their bill , charging from
15 to $15 per corpse. They hold further
thai Ihe slate law defines a barber as any
person who cuts hair or shaves another and
under this definition undertakers may be
classed as barbers. Whllo they confine
their work to corpses , who cannot protest
against the use of a dull razor , It does not
place them beyond the pale , as the barbers
Insist Ihe fee ought to be paid lo a real
barber and assert that their association will
Insist upon Iho enforcement of the law.
It la understood that the State Board of
Undertakers will contend that an under
taker has a rlghl to shave a corpse or cul
the hair , because be makes no charge , and
lhat It Is no violation of Ibo barbers' law
when ho docs II.
A lest may be made of the law by the
two boards.
ContriiillctH TeHtlnumy of n. Clem
1 llunver on ISvery aiuterlnl
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb , . July 10. To the
Editor of The Bee Dear Sir : In reply to-
.ho charges of D , Clem Denver as printed in
.oday's Bee I have this to say :
I never in my life owned ono dollar's In
terest In any grocery store In Nebraska
City or any other city , neither did I call
on Mr. Heaver to buy groceries from me or
any other firm.
Two years ago I had at ono time 5,000
bimhols of potatoes. Do not remember to
dave offered them to Mr. Deaver at any
price , but may have done BO , as they wore
For sale , but as they did not buy from me
I suppose no one was hurt.
Mr. Deaver was not discharged. Hla time
had expired and he was not reappolnled by
Ibo board.
The above statements are absolute facts
and I am willing lo make affidavit to same
at any lime. J. J. CAR-DWELL.
Covriii Decline * to Talk.
"I do nol wish to discuss the matter at
all , " eald General J , C , Cowln yesterday ,
In speaking of tha statement In Iho
Washington dispatches that he Is a possible
candidate for the portfofio of the attorney
general in the reorganization of President
ilcKluley's cabinet , Ho declined In say
whether he is a candidate for the position ,
and was equally reticent In regard to the
probability of the honor seeking him ,
Mortality SlntUtlr * .
The follow InK births and deaths have been
reported to the office of the bealtli commis
sioner during the last forty-eight boura :
UlrthB J. Fever , 1501 Burt street , girl ;
Mlko Hey. 1007 Pacific street , boy ; Frank
Helwer. Thirteenth and Lake etreets , clrl.
Death W. S. Beard. 2211 Wcbiler ilreet ,
CO years.
Oity Prosecutor Miller Listens to Several
Stories of Mistreatment.
Slrrr .SuiiitMclit .SirlkoK Mm. Wnrlit-
Icr mill Tliron * n Pnll of Witter
Over llrr Uti1iii1 > niiilllkc C'on-
iluct of i : . iM. Walter.
City Prosecutor Miller has many talcs of
woo related to him during the day , but yes
terday they appeared to have run Into
one Btroak , ns the majority of his callers
complained of having been assaulted them
selves , or called In the Interest of others.
Ills first caller wan J. J. Fltzpatrlck , Elgh-
Iccnlh nnd Spruce streets , who lodged a
complaint against Samuel Saylor , living on
North Eighteenth , between Lake and
Miami. Ho charged Saylor with assault
nnd being a vagrant. While the 7-yenr-old I t
daughter of Mr. Fltzpalrlck was on her way I I
to a store to get some vinegar Thursday'
about noon It Is alleged that Saylor stopped
her and offered to glvo her some colored ,
pictures it she would como over to hla i
house. She refused , because she was In a |
hurry , and wenl on to the store. While
returning Saylor came up to her and took' '
the Jug from her. Then ho caught her
hand and led her to his noun ; , where ho
again promised to glvo her the pictures. |
She stopped on the porch , but presently ho' '
came out and took her Inlo the house. Ho
conducted her through several rooms until
Bho began to cry. Fearing her n Ics would
atttract the attention of the neighbors ho ;
gave her a penny , and lold her lo run on
home. Mr. Filrpalrlck sajo ho has half a ]
dozen neighbors whoso llltlo girls have been
treated In a similar manner by Saylor. [
Baylor works In ono of the concessions at
the exposition. Ho entered a plea of not ! i
guilty , and will bo tried Saturday afternoon
nt 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wachtlcr. 1214 South
Thlrteenlh slreet , Informed the prosecutor
that while she was chasing . - . llttlo dog be
longing lo Sieve Swanslcht out of her I
house , the master of the canine struck her , | [
and Ihen losscd n pall of waler on her lo j
cool her off. It appears to be a neighborhood - \ :
hood row which will have lo be aired In I
the court. i
The Ihlrd complalnanl to arrive wns Mlos' '
' .Minnie ixignr , 4U12 Burdclt street. She
came for the purpose of making a complaint
against her stepfather , E _ M. Walters. She
staled lhat Walters objosted to Iho girls
receiving company Thursday evening. His
wlfo Ihoughl II was all right and they'had
porno words over Iho dlfferenca of opinion.
Mrs. Walters refused to live any longer with
him. Walters picked up Ihelr baby and
started toward the home of his parents , a
short dlstanca away. Mrs. Walters , fol
lowed him. nnd upon their arrival there ,
Miss Edgar says , Walters struck her mother
with his fist and then kicked her. They I
returned lo the house logelher nnd ro-1
malned there nil nlghl. Yesterday when
Mrs. Walters was coming down town to
file a complaint against her husband lie
told her he would lock her out , and keep all
the clothes. As she did not dare leave she
sent her own daughter down. A warrant
"was Issued for his arrest.
Be good to yourself and good to your
friends. When you treat a friend to whisky ,
give him the besl. Harper whisky is the
bovoragg for your friends and you.
Ail 11011 ii
The amusement resort that expects to
gain the patronage of the swellerlng public
at this season of the year must not only
be cool nnd comfortable , but It must pre
sent the lightest form of enlcrtalnment.
There Is no comedy too farcical or feathery
when the thermometer is standing dally at
80 to 90 In the shade. Besides being ono
of the coolest spots in Iho city the Troca-
dero vaudeville theater offers a bill this
week that is made up prlnclpafly of the
lightest and airiest comedy nets. Bert Coote
and Julia Klngslcy's "Supper for Two" is
ono of the most original and ridiculously
funny llttlo comediettas yet seen In this
city. Hodgklns nnd Leath likewise offer a
laugh producer. The two Johns , Kelly nnd
Powers , monologulsts and inslrumentollsts ,
are always pleasing. The three Constanllno
sisters are graceful dancers and entertain
ing vocalists. Harris nnd Walls' motion
pictures continue to bo ono of the big fea
tures of the bill , which there are only two
more opportunllles to witness , Ihe matinee
this afternoon and this evening's perform
Preparing tor SoldlerH' Return.
The committee in charge of the welcome
on behalf of the city of Omaha to the Tburs.
ton Rides mot Thursday at the office of J. II.
Mlllard and organized for business. J. E.
Baum wns elected chairman of the general
committee In place of Major Wircox , who
Is lo bo absent from Ihe city. J. 11. Adams
was retained hs secretary , and J. H. Mll
lard was elected treasurer. W. W. Utnutoi
remains as chairman of the finance commit
tee. Ho appointed seven sub-committees o
three to canraro the firms In the different
lines of business. These have already begun
work , nnd anticipate no trouble In raising
the amount of money required. The mccl-
Ing of Thursday was cnlhuslasllo nnd al
ien dcd l y the full committee.
A CJrenf Mrilleliie.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
nnd Diarrhoea Remedy and find It to bo
n great medicine , " says Mr. E. 3. Phlppi o
Poteau , Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux
I cannot speak lee highly of It. " This rem
edy always wins the good opinion if no
praise of ihoso who use it. The Quick cures
which It effects even In the most severe
cases makes it a favorite everywhere.
llnrnltiR of the XPIT I'rnl Ilottnc No
Much of n SnritrlKC to
The burning of the farm house near Florence
enco lake , which Iho clly has just leased fo
an emergency hospital , was not entirely i
surprise to the clly ofllclals. A resident o
the district was In the city hall several dnyi
before the burning took place and Intimate *
to a member of the advisory board that the
building would probably not stand very long
The Informant admitted that plans had been
laid to burn the building , but disclaimed any
connection with or specific knowledge of the
plot. Mayor Moores was notified and ho 1m
medlalely sent word lo Forbes , Ihe owno
of Iho place , asking him lo walch Iho place
closely. Under Iho lease Iho owner Is ro
sponslblo for Iho care of Iho premises. Mr
Forbes stationed a man on guard , but It Is
supposed that the man grow careless , wns
prevailed upon by Iho consplralora lo leave
or look a nap. At any rate the main build
Ing wont up in smoke. The pest houne Is
coming to 'bo troaled us a joke about Iho city
hall , with the Advisory board as the butt o
It. No ono denies , however , that the board
U placed In a very trying position. The
members of It very strongly blame these
who have from time to time objected lo Us
location in various parts of Iho clly , ns they
do not look upon the emergency hospital as
a'dangerous thing.
"What mlcnt have T > een" It that llttU
cough hadn't been neglected Is the sad reflection -
flection of thousands of consumptives. One
Mtnulo Couch Cure cures coughs and colds.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , is selling n
beautiful "Havlland" chocolalo Jug , $2 00.
I Hartley Iloiiilnmei > Kile Their I'ornia
Application for n. NIMV
The various motions for a new trial In
Iho Bartley bond case were filed In the dls
trlct court yesterday and the application wll
probably be argued at an early date. A sep
arate motion Is ( lied In the case of each o
the defendants and the various petitions
charge from sixty to ninety distinct errors
each. These refer largely to llae rulings o
Judge Fawcelt on mailers of evidence , the
petllloners asserting that he permltled evl
donee to be introduced by the slale lhat wns
Incompetent , whllo ho ruled out testimony
to which the defendanls were entitled. Er
ror Is also charged In Ihe action of tlic cour
In instructing the Jury to bring in a ver
dict for the full amount of the defalcation
with Interest.
Spremlc I.tuo Wildfire.
You can't keep a good tiling down. News
of it travels fast. When things are "tho
best" they become "the best soiling. " Abra
ham Hare , a leading druggist of Belleville
O. , writes : "Eleclrlc Bitters are the besl
selling bitters I have yet handled In my 20
years' experience ; " * You know why ? Most
diseases begin In disorders of stomach , liver
kidneys , bowels , blood and nerves. Electric
Bitters tones up the stomach , regu.
lates the liver , kidneys and bowels , purifies
the blood , strengthens the nerves , hence
cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up
the enllro syslem. Puls new life and vigor
Inlo any weak , sickly , run-down man or
woman. Only BO cents. Sold by Kuhn &
Co. , druggists ; guaranteed.
HiilIilIiiK- prniltn.
The following building permits have been
Issued by the city building Inspector :
Eliza Black. Twenty-fifth and Spaldlng
streels. double dwelling , $2,300 ; Mary F.
Bourke. repairs , $50 : A. 8. Alklnson ,
Twenty-fifth and Spaldlng streets , frame
dwelling , $1,000 ; Mark Hanson , Eleventh
and Janet streets , repairs. $25.
De Will's Lltlle Early Risers benefit per
manently. They lend gentle assistance to
nature , causing no pains or weakness , per
manently curing constipation and liver ail
F. C. Johnson's cider mill. expo , grounds.
Dr. Shepard Catarrh , 312 Now York Life.
Union Pacific Through Trains
Direct Line Colorado ,
to Wyoming , Utah ,
the West , California , Oregon.
Palace Sleeping Cars , Dining Cars ,
Free Reclining Chair Cars ,
Ordinary Sleeping Cars. ( I'intsch Lighted ) .
CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1302 Farnam Street.
Sylvan Ixike Is a dollghtfuliy homellkn retreat. A day , a week
or a month spent there will Infallibly bo full of pleasure. Secluded
In the boeom of the hills , cool und hapvy , while the world with
out Is sweltering In summer heat ; rowing- , driving , rldlne , climbing
and drawing In ni.waya the ozone nnd plney btilm which la never
nbaent , the visitor rmmt be Incurably nick or ferry If he does not
RO hence refreshed , invigorated , with now blood and new and
healthy llesh , stronger , braver and titter to cope with the trnlU
which beset the dally wuIkH of life.
There are scores of upots of 8urpas < ring beauty within a mile of
the hotel places ) whore the fragrant wild foreet-me-nai grows In
profusion , places where the jet b'nck tourmaline projects Its poly-
Konul crystals from the fuca of the rock * , placra where one catches
L'lympsca of earth and sky t > > d water whMi make the ueart stand
still with delight. World-1 > aid. July 9.
Spociully mlured round r t > rate of J20.GO to Cu ter ( Slyvnn
Lake ) July 18 nnd August 'nke Burllnston train leaving Oma
ha 1:2C : p. m. , and next moi t 11:30 : you are at your Journey'u
Tloltrt Omoc Ilurllnictnn Station
15013 Farnitw St. lOth and lluiuu Stm ,
TelephuueBO. . \ Teleiihoue , 310.
With a Few Spfoinl Bargains for Suturda
and Monday ,
Our Slilrt WnlntH Arp ColiiK
IPMM of Cent Illn Cut In rnrnnoln
to Clone Thorn Ont ( tiileklr
Cent Cut * Xo FlKiirc ,
We are selling our entire line of ladles
Egyptian cotton ribbed vests , low neck
sleevelets ; also wing nlcovcs ; while or ccn
Former price , IBc nnd 20c ; nil go al lOocacI
Our entire line of ladles' lisle vests , nil
finish , very good quality , all styles , ecru nn
white , all go at 2Bc each.
Ladles' ribbed panls , knee length , ecr
or white , comforts for warm woalhcr
nicely finished , all sizes , Saiurday only 2Gc
Ladles' slfk vests , white , cream , blue
beaullfully finished , regular 7Cc quality ; Sat
urday , 60c.
Selling our line of misses' lisle vests am
knee pants , ecru or white , silk finish , al
sizes , Saturday 25c each.
Ladles' full fashioned fast black or ta
hose , double sole , heel and loo. light weigh
and flue , only 15o ; 2 pair for 25c.
Wo have the best Hue of ladles' 25c hos
In the cltv. Extra fine gauge , high splice *
heel ; double sole ; nolcd for good wear ; fas
black or Ian ; drop sllich or pfaln. Satur
day's sale , 2C > c pair.
Ladles' line gauze lisle hose , black or tan
drop slltch or plain ; special weight for ho
days ; BOc quality. Saturday's sale , 35c ;
pair for $1.00.
Misses' flue ribbed fast black hose , Mac
soles , double knee , heel nnd toe , all sl/cs
Saturday's sale , 25c pair.
Our $2.50 fancy parasols , stripes , check
and plain , nt $1.50.
Our $3.00 and $3.50 , very pretty styles , a
$2.00 and $2fiO.
Our $5.00 novelties al $3.50.
Our $7.00 , $8.00 and $10.00 , very handsom
and exclusive styles , Just half price.
All of our shirt waists going regardless o
Special agents for Iho Butterlck patlcrns
Corner Farnam nnd Fifteenth.
Wife of HPV. Vyrmvy Mor rnn Suffer
IIIR from 11 ContpllcMitloii of
U IN en NCR.
Mrs. Vyrnwy Morgan , wlfo of Rev. Vyrnw
Morgan , pastor of Ihe First Bapllsl churc
of this city. Is critically 111 of tubcrculoal
at Hot Springs. S. O. Dr. Hargens , wh
has been attending her here , yesterday callei
Into consultation Dr. Hoelcschcr of Chicago
an eminent specialist. As a result of thel
consultation It was decided thai Mrs. Mor
gan was suffering nol alone wllh Iho dls
case mentioned , bul wllh a compllcallo
wblch has rendered her condition very serl
Rev. Morgan Is In Hot Springs , in clos
nllendanco on his wife. Their daughter
also Ihere , but had the misfortune fo fa
and break her collar bono a day or tw
ago , and Rev. Morgan Is not only deprlvee
of her assistance In caring for his wlfo , bu
is also called upon to glvo the daughte
considerable attention.
Omnlm to ChlcnRo.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has Just placed In service two magnlfl
cent electric righted trains between Omaha
and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at 5:4 :
p. m. , arriving at Chicago at 8:25 : a. ra. , am
leaving Chicago at 6:15 : p. m. and arriving a
Omaha at 8:20 : a. m. Bach train Is llghtei
thoroughly by electricity , has buffo t smoklni
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dlnlni
rare and reclining chair cars , and runs eve
Ihe shortest line and smoothest roadbed bo
twecn Ihe two cities.
Tirkcl office , 1504 Farnam street , and a
Union depot.
We hnvo been the acknowledged head
quarters for the most practical Rurment
We mak , them to order from samples shown
al our store at $10 and $12 each , but Sat
urday we will show n line of colors in styl
Isli well made double faced materials , made
up nnd ready to wear at the very low price
of JS.GO.
tinues Saturday until 6 p. m. White
Waists BOc , colored waists 23c , 0c and
$1.00. Linen dress eklrU * Me , 75c , Jl.OO , aotu
ally worth double. Iawn "Wrappers , Dress
ing Sac < iues , Ties , Veilings , Gloves all at
low prices.
1510 Douglas St.
no other Coverage Is BO unanimously chosen
as an Ideal beverage as
H Is the most sparkling and delicious
bottled beer on the market. The wealth
culture and refinement of the buslnrfis and
social world drink It dally. It Is prepared
with all the 'care possible nnd people whenever
never drank beer before are fond of boftlod
Cabinet. Purity , age , strength , are Iho es-
cnllal quallllro of a first-class beer , which
may be taken as a tonic. Malt oxlrat cou-
alns great nourishment A trial cane will
onvlnco you.
ntnn icitiia niinwi.vG en. ,
Tel. 420. 1007 Jackson Street.
Fat Man's
Beer Garden
. German Village , ,
( iroater Aiuurluu hxpii. , atuidiiy. July 23
Como and hnvo an I'.T. Kins * of Kdolwolss
Ilonr , DC. Admlsblon Krt'o.
11K.N1U MAUHIOi ; C'ANXONMicavleat
man In lliu world , \rolnlit U17 I tin.
II. UOIIU'V. 1'rop.
Summer Tours on Lake Michigan ,
for pnuwnijiir wrrlc * eJu l elj. oi Ve < rl-w ll >
lrlp for rb rlcToli , llnrbur Hprlno. rl ,
) > rtoLrj , M.clln.e UlnnJ , connoctlug for lrlrull ,
ill Kuitrrn I'ulnl * .
Tue > . Uu. ra. Thuri. 11 . n > . Ha . 4p.m.
Lake Michigan and lake Superior Traniportallon Co.
OFFICE & DOCKS. Ruth and N. Watir ,1\t. \ , Chlcaao.
Hce > . July 22 , S .
Men's Hosiery ,
nl lOc , 15o , 250 , that cost yon
'J0c , 2fic nndJOc in any sloro
outside oi' this ono.
Men's Night Shirts.
The kind without a big ,
bnndleaomo , uncomfortable
collar , entirely now , newest
thing in night shirts , good
quality cambric only 50c.
Men's Negligee Shirts.
Best thing in sight for the
money , new , roomy , good line
patterns , 45c.
Men's Wash Ties.
Good line of patterns , G for
5 cents.
Men's Crash Hats.
15 , 25c and 35c
Now open to
the public
Art ,
Real Colonial Exhibits
More special features than all Former Expositions put together.
President , George L. Miller. Secretary. Du dley Smith. Treasurer , Frank Murphy
Nasn „ EXECUTIVE , p. E , Her. COMMITTEE H. J. Pen fold , W. F. White , G. W. Clabauch , F. A.
? ' ' ? ? ' ' ' FmnU Murphy > IIcrn > nn Kountzo. Emll Brandels , J. H.
in Pianos
Look at these prices.
To make room for four carloads of pianos bought for spot cash at a. great sacrifice ,
we have decided to Inaugurate a piano sale never before witnessed in Omaha. 114
new and 33 slightly used square and uprights must bo sold at once regardless of cost.
7 pianos worth $100 each , your choice. $35.00.
Slightly used Ivors & Pond , Knabe , Vose. Chlckering , Pease nnd KImball uprights
from $73.00 upwards.
_ IB high top organs worth $63 lo $105 each , at $18. $22 , $25 , $28 , $32 , $35 and upward.
A fine line of now pianos , standard makes , at $118 , $138 , $149 , $163 , $105 , $238. These
Instruments are of high grade and usually sold by other dealers from $300 to $500.
Stelnway , Ivors & Pond , Vosc , Emorson.Packard , Steger and Singer pianos at'a
heavy discount.
Atlractlvo pianos for rent cheap. Instrument tuned , moved , stored and ox-
changed. Lowest rates. Telephone 1625. Wo sell on easy monthly payments. Buyers
at a distance should take advantage of the above special offerings and write for cataloeua
prices and lerms.
1313 Farnam St.
Slelnway & S ns representatives.
Children's '
ages 2 to 8 ,
10 cents.
While they are
intended for
boysin the east
they dross little
girls in them ,
and they look
real onto.
Clone to
P. S Did you see
those men's pants we've
gpt on sale ?
We cell all the Insoet killers you ever
c.ird of If wo have not the Kind you
juit we'll net It for you.
Hiutlc liwcct PowderWe. . > e and SOo
iihnch Insect Powder a e , DOe nnd (1 00
Jallev'H HP-d HiiR H'ine . *
ilUn IlodCh Kxtermlnalor.23c. Wk- und Jl.frt
HHH' Ilcd Hup Kxtermlnutor. . . 'Jjo mid Wo
Jlck's Hoach Powder 20o and aw
DejidBhoi. for bed IJUBB tfo
! su ' Roach Powder , . , , H.W )
looper' Fatal Food 23o
, lao ! Hoiich Powder. . . . Jio
'clfrinan'K Hoarh Food. , . . . 20 °
Qulckwork" Ued Hug Killer 2o
loachsuult gjo
i.tnford'ii Kutal Food. o
Uearns' Klcrtrlo Puutu ( phophorim ) . . . . Zoo
'Idellty Cockroach Paste ( phophpiua ) , , flJo
tat Cheese Jp"
loiiBh on HatB . . . . . . . . .120 und 20o'n Vermin Kxtermlnutor 20o
tain-Pat 2 o
Jalley'H Hoach Pustn 2o
iniil DOIHiU ST. , OMAHA.
Scllcra of 'Drugs ' and Vcndero of Inscctl-
eld e .
W omen
Women's Shoes.
Women's Inn welt Oxfords
now English toe ; worth
§ 2.50 elsewhere , on sale to
day , § 1.5)0. )
Women's Neckwear.
Stocks , bows , puffs , shields ,
jabots , lace effects , string nnd
four-in-hands nil reduced to
close , all now ideas and de
Boys' Waists.
Boys' Waists , well made ,
correct styles , reduced to 25o
see Fifteenth street window.
Trunks and Valises.
They toll us our line of
Trunks nnd Valises are the
most complete in town you
going-away-folks should BOO if
this is true.
I < et us quote you iirlcoa nnd we will
do you Rood. Pntton's ? 1.50 Sim-Proof
Mixed PnlntH $1.25 per gallon. Guar
anteed to lust for flvo years.
Cut Prices cm
Drugs and Patent
J. A. flLLER & CO. ,
Cut PrJcu Druggists.
In Colored Stripes
fYxr Kontlomnn'fl wear.
art nhown by u In such profusion botfi M
to color and dcnirn 4hui men of toil * c t
be milted hnre. The materials are
llnsn. zephyr , French corded lln n ana fln
cambric. The price , with cuff * atUctied ,
13.00 to 15.00 e.ich. _ , . _ , ,
Send for sample and self measuring blank
If you llvo out of town , We guarantee to Qi
Hlilrt Milkers.
45 JucUson Hnulovurd , Chicago.
4th Vloor Dronn Blk. , 16th aid Douflai
Gold Alloy Filling . $1.0O
Gold Filling . Sl.OO and up
Gold Crowns . $5.00
Set Teeth . $5.00
BestTeetli . -$7.50
Always Keilauie and Satisfactory.
Swift's '
Premium Brand
Sugar Cured Hams ,
Breakfast Bacon and
Kettle Rendered Lard.
' ( % ! > i'lr t-o M Dealer * .