Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1899, Editorial, Page 20, Image 20

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    20 THE OMAHA DAILY BBB : SUNDAY , JULY 10 , 189& .
nn TA nnni nnif 11 PIPT r\n
Party of BoientiiU Will Visit Wyoming as
QneiU of Union Pacific.
rtrecnt DUcoTFrlrn of nptnnrknlilc
Cnrloiltlrn Aronur Inlet-Mi of
Scientist * nnil Momlicmtilii In
Never before has such deep Interest been
taken in a geological expedition as Is mani
fested by scientific men aH over the United
States who have eagerly accepted the Invi
tation of the Union Pacific railroad to Join nn
exploring party for the purpose of visiting
the far-famed geological Holds of Wyoming ,
which have been designated by Prof. Wilbur
C. Knight , occupant of the chair of geology
in the University of Wyoming , oa "the
greatest treasure-locked region In the entire
world. "
This expedition ban been arranged by the
Union Pacific officials because of the wide
spread interest which has been created
nmong geologists and students by reason of
the recent discoveries of reptilian fossils of
cnornvous elto as well as other remarkable
curiosities. Only those with a most vivid
Imagination can form nny Idea as to their
size. Huge mammals of elephantine dimen
sions , mingled with numerous orders of Targe
animals that have long been extinct ; beside *
Buch as camels , rhinoceros , dogs , cats , ele
phants and monkeys ; great sea monsters ,
fishes of innumerable description and fossil
leaves that provo conclusively that In early
ages Wyoming was the homo of great forests
of tropical and semi-tropical trees.
It Is expected that fully 120 scientists ,
representing nil of the larger universities
of the United States , among them Yale , Har
vard , Princeton , Pennsylvania , Cornell ,
American Museum of Natural History , New
York , Smithsonian Institution , Northwestern ,
Chicago , Columbian-Field , nnd many others
the expedition. Decides
erswill compose
cides these scientific scholars the party
will have ns members correspondents of the
press , representing eomo of the leading
weekly nnd dally newspapers and illustrated
The start will bo marto from Omaha
Tuesday afternoon at 4:35 : , and the party
will bo transported In special cars to Lar-
amlewhence the exploration will begin.
Mr. A. Darlow , of the passenger department
of the Union Pacific , -will escort the party
to Lawmlc , and then Prof. Knight of the
university of Wyoming will take charge.
At Laramlo the party will equip itself with
l , all necessaries for an extended Journey. It
( will probably consume forty days. The
main direction will bo northwest and the
Itinerary will bo terminated at the Grand
Canyon of the Pintle. On the homeward
Journey a new route will bo selected , BO
that the same territory will not be traversed
twice , and the trip will consequently be ns
varied ns It can possibly be made. It is
purely for the benefit of geologists and ev
erything will bo done to make It a success
from this standpoint. The scientific Inves
tigation that will bo given these fossil fields
of Wyoming by the distinguished scientists
will make the trip a most important one ,
and its results will probably take a promi
nent place in the natural history Investiga
tions of the present century.
Prevention of limit the Principal
Feature of the OIIIiiK 1'roccm.
A now departure In practical railroading
has been taken In the recent experimental
tests of the efficacy of oiling railroad beds.
The originator of this Idea advanced great
claims for his discovery , and these rail
roads which have trlod it are more than
pleased with the results. An oil , especially
prepared for thlo use , which Is odorless and
non-inflammable , is eprinklcd by means of a
special car In the center of the track and on
the outside of the rails for four or flvo feet.
The principal benefit of this crude oil Is
that it Is a preventive of dust , and ono ap
plication given the track keeps it free from
dust for about a year. The advantages re
sulting from this are plainly apparent to
railroad men. The prevention of dust does
of necessity relieve the wear and tear upon
machinery. It lessens the number or hotboxes -
boxes , and not only Is the allaying of dust of
benefit to a railroad from an economi
cal standpoint , but it makes traveling much
moro bearable , and , naturally , enhances the
pleasure of passengers. Another advantage
of thli oil Is that track so treated does not
absorb water. Moisture will not penetrate
through the oiled outer crust , but runs off
the track surface into the ditches , thus Im
proving the roadbeds grcatry. Vegetation is
also destroyed by use of the oil. The few
roads which have already experimented with
It are moro than pleased with the result
The only western road that baa given the
new discovery a trial Is the Burlington , and
four miles of Its track on the Wyoming di
vision have been treated with this crude oil.
Superintendent Calvert seems to be well
pleased with the experiment thus far , and Is
making arrangements to continue the work
later in other places. It is estimated that it
takes about 2,000 gallons of oil to the mllo.
The Oregon Ilnllronil nnil Navigation
Co in puny Committee Act * .
NEW YOIUC , July IB. The executive com
mittee of the Oregon Railroad and Naviga
tion company has dissolved the voting trust
which controls the property. The Central
Trust company voting trustee will receive
the voting trust certificates assigned to It
and give temporary certificates until the or
iginal stock can be restored to the owners ,
nbout August 1. The trust agreement pro
vided that holders of $2,000,000 of Oregon
Navigation common stock could terminate
the trust by providing an acceptable guar
antee of payment of 20 per cent dividends on
the preferred at 4 per cent a year. Ten per
cent has nTrcady been paid , leaving only 10
per cent to bo guaranteed. The dissolution
was based on the application of the Oregon
Bhort Line , owners of moro than sufficient
stock , which company furnished acceptable
bondsmen to guarantee 10 per cent dividends
to bo paid In the next two and a half yeare.
The dissolution of the voting trust has no
direct connection Tvlth a change of officers
nnd directors. The stockholders will merely
vote for their onn choice at the next annual
meeting. No elate has been made up , al
though the Union Pacific Is In control by
ownership of the Oregon Short Line.
It IB said that the dissolution of the trust
bus no direct connection 1th the Clearwater -
water territorial controversy with the North
ern Pacific.
IleRlit Ilntr * for Hnnilllnir Ulro
NOW ORLEANS , July 16. The determina
tion of the railroad and steamboat com
panies to rcalat the rates fixed by the rail
road commission for the handling of rice
from the country districts threatens seri
ously to Interfere with the prompt trans
portation of this year's crop to market. Today -
day the now rates of the railroad commls-
ilon go into effect and the Southern Pacific
has brought a suit for Injunction at Baton
Rouge ( o prevent their operation on the
ground that they are unjust. Captain J.
B. Woodo of the St , Louis & New Orleans
ID | declares the iteamboats will make no
attempt to handle rice this eeason unless
old conditions are restored.
* * " Sola nt Mrorlver' * Sole.
INDIANAPOLIB , Ind. , July 16. The prop
erty of the Indianapolis and Broad Ripple
Uapld Transit company TVM sold to W. F.
Irorwn ) for $200,000 at receiver's gale today.
Brown represented Baltimore capitalists.
Itnllvrnrntm nnd PcrnonnU.
E. T , Monett of Chicago , general western
agent of the New York , Ontario & Western ,
Is nn Omaha visitor.
Superintendent Blgnell of the Burlington
at Lincoln Is In the city on business. Ho Is
accompanied by his daughter.
W. I. Allen of Chicago , assistant general
manager , and Superintendent D. BurlclRh
of Fnlrbury are Rock Island officials In the
Two more of the " 1700" scries of big loco
motives recently ordered by the Union
Pacific , have arrived from Dunkirk , N. Y.
They are Nos. 1719 nnd 1720 , and will bo
used for freight service.
W. n. Kellcy , general solicitor for the
Union Pacific ; II. S. Abbott , special master-
In-chancery , nnd 0 , M. Lambertson , general
counselor , left Friday night In special car
No. 100 for a visit to Denver.
A defective covering of the roof nt the
Burlington depot permitted nn ugry blotch
of water to mar the beauty of the celling.
This has Just been repaired by a new
fresco and the roof Is now In a sound
Diamond rings. $16 to $300 , Edholm.
Umbrella repairing ; we are courteous. 214
S. 13th.
John Latenser , architect , Karbach block.
Coroner Kind * There In Nothlns ; Sim
pleton * In the Urmlnc of Mrs.
Caroline Nclion.
At a post-mortem examination of the re
mains of Mrs. Caroline Nelson , sister of
Frits Pries , ono and one-half miles north of
Florence , it was learned yesterday morning
that the deceased had como to her death as
a result of nn aggravated case of peritonitis.
The funeral was held yesterday afternoon ,
which was attended by two sons of Mrs.
Nelson Frank Nelson of Chicago and
3eorge Nelson of South Omaha and a num
ber of relatives.
When Mrs. Nelson was taken sick George
Nelson was called to her bedside < b"y his
uncle , Fritz Pries. Mr. Pries told him when
ho saw her Thursday , July 6 , that she was
very III and might not live long. As the
young man returned to the city ho was in
formed that if his mother died his undo
would bury Jier temporarily. Young Nel
son came back to his work and went out to
see his mother again the following Monday ,
lie found that his mother was dead and had
been Interred by his uncle not far from , the
house. Ho expressed a desire to see her
remains and they disinterred them. Then
young Nelson learned that his mother had
been burled in a coffin which had been
used before. A brother of Fritz Pries had
Dcen killed accidentally ten years before ,
and the same collln had contained his re
mains for o decade. When his sister died
Pries wrapped her body in a blanket and
curled it near the house. Later he dls-
.ntcrred the remains of his brother and
juried the bones In the grave occupied by
Mrs. Nelson's body , which was transferred
to the old coffin and placed In a new grave.
When Prank Nelson was Informed of hla
mother's death , ho came hero to make an
Investigation. Ha visited Coroner Swanson
and Induced him to have a post-mortem ex
amination. Accompanied by Dr. J. C.
Moore , D , W. O'Neill , Ed Brailey and Frank
Nelson , Coroner Swanson went out yesterday
morning o make tlfo desired investigation.
The party found Fritz Pries at his home ,
uut no arrangements had been made lor ex-
lumlng th'e body. Prlea declined to assist
in digging up the collln , again saying he
bad opened the grave twice , and did not
propose to repeat the. task. Ho secured a
shovel and fork and let the party do the
work. Each tried It for a few minutes ,
but the labor was too much , so Frank Nel
son finally hunted up a Dane to complete
the Job. The Dane removed the dirt until
nearly to the cofnn , when the odor became
oo offensive that he refused to complete his
bargain. Again the party went to work and
after all had become sickened by the fumes
the lid of the coffin was removed. Straps
were fastened around the body , and it was
lifted toward the top , wtoero it was laid be
side _ the grave. Dr. Moore made an exam
ination which convinced him that the de
ceased had died of natural causes. She had
been 111 for twelve * years , and he gave peri
tonitis as the cause of Ler demise.
After the examination the grave was en
larged , the remains were transfered to a
neat coffin and decently burled.
Pure 18k wedding rings , Edhofm , Jeweler.
Alt Llndliloom in Charged vrltb Steal
ing 91.1C l > y HU Alleged
Chicago Wife.
While resting from hta labors Friday af
ternoon Alf LlndbToom was arrested at his
room , corner Twenty-islxth nnd Leavenworth
streets , by Detectives Heltfeld and Donahue ,
on the charge of being a fugitive from Jus
tice. A young woman who claimed to be his
wife was also brought to the station with
LIndbloom has been In Omaha two weeks
filling an engagement In a local concert hall.
He Is .a violinist and has the reputation of
being a good one. Ills trouble is due to a
complaint lodged by a Chicago woman who
claims to bo his wife. She states that he
stole $135 from her and loft the city , taking
another woman with htm. He is charged by
the Chicago authorities with grand larceny.
A message was received yesterday after
noon from the Chicago authorities requestIng -
Ing that LIndbloom be held , as an officer
cud Mrs. LIndbloom would leave there Sat
urday night for Omaha.
"What mlKht have been" If that llttla
cough hadn't been neglected Is the sad re
flection of thousands of consumptives. One
Minute Couch Cure cures coughs and colds.
'H Kree Offer Continue * .
By request we continue to give free dur
ing July a beautiful hand-colored picture of
yourself , handsomely framed , with each new
dozen 'platlno cabinets or larger photos.
These water colors cost no ICES than $2.50
anywhere else. We give ono free , colored
true to nature with each now dozen photos.
Heyn , 313-15-17 S. 15th St.
IlnlilnfT'fl Ice Cold Plioxphnlp Free trlth
I'nrohnie 25c nnd Orcr Tomorrow.
What you see In our advertisements you
will find in our store.
Balduff's Ice cream soda , 4c.
DaMuff's Metropolitan Ice cream , 4c.
Sheet music free , n k for It.
Shoe polish free to purchasers.
7oc 26-ln. fast black umbrellas , 48e.
fiOc Infants' soft sole shoes , 19c.
$1 50 silk puffed front shirts , 49c.
12 > c men's half hose , 5c.
$2.DO white pique trimmed skirts , $1.24.
$20 silk ribbon trimmed organdie dresses ,
$2.50 boys' nil wool suits , DSc.
fiOc ladles' Swiss Windsor tics , 25c.
T6c cut rhlncstone hat pins , 25c.
$ S golf plaid dress skirts , $2.98.
$18 all slfk lined tailored suits , $6.98.
$1 white kid gloves , E9c.
75c bunches Imported flowers , EC.
$1 night gowns with tucks , 49c.
75c percale shirt waists , 25c.
$3 linen crash suits , OSc.
J2.CO Indies' house trimmed wrappers , SSc.
lOc Jersey ribbed vests , 3c.
$2.50 new silk petticoats , $1.39.
f > 0c form fitting corsets , 19c.
33c silk taffeta No. 40 ribbons , 9c.
5c fancy Swiss handkerchiefs , fie.
Silk finish crochet cotton , 3c ball.
$1.00 ladles' trimmed chiffon hats , 49c.
25c ladles' white kid belts , Sc.
10 nnd 12 pattern hats , $4.98.
IBc summer corset covers , Sc.
$1 Indies' kid bouse slippers , 49c.
Elegant C-plece decorated toilet sets , ccml.
porcelain ware , former price $3.50 , tomor
row $1.79.
53-plPce seml-porcelnln dinner sots , choice
patterns and decorations , former price $12.50 ,
tomorrow $7.49.
Blrdseye maple center tables , top 13x13 ,
with book shelf , elegant polish finish , sold
far $2.50 , Monday OSc.
Beautiful mahogany music cabinets , with
four large adjustable shelves , nicely peN
labcd , former price $10.50 , tomorrow $6.75.
Beautiful cano seat dining room chairs ,
, high back , extra well braced , former price
I $1.2 , " , tomorrow 79c.
j Large handsome trunks , with solid steel
cornered clamps , largo hat tray , nicely em
bossed , strong locks nnd hoops , former
price $9.00 , tomorrow $3.98.
Children's white iron beds , four coats
baked enamel , solid steer couplings , solid
brass ball trimmings , former price $12.50 ,
tomorrow $6.69.
Everything soft ! cash or credit.
The Peoplo's Store.
Sixteenth nnd Farnam Streets.
Wo close at G o'clock Saturday.
The Lake Shore Iiliiilteil to Ilooton.
All of the luxuries and conveniences of
this famous train are at the disposal of
Boston and Now England passengers with
out extra charge. Write for Hook of Trains
and other printed matter of interest to
representatives named below : B. P. Hum
phrey , T. P. A. , Kansas City , Mo. , or F. M.
Byron , O. W. A. , Chicago. A. J. Smith , Q.
P. A. , Cleveland.
Shorraden , dentist , moved 412 McCaguo bid.
IIomcNcckcrn' Tiycuridoiin.
The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip
tickets to points south , southeast and
southwest on Tuesday , July 18 , at very low
For information call nt company's offices ,
southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas ,
or depot , Fifteenth and Webster streets.
J. O. PHILLIPPI , A. O. F. & P. A.
Gold friendship hearts , Edholm , Jeweler.
of tbo exposition is now assured that is
if tve all pull toeethcr. Beaten & McGinn
will continue to sell drugs on the cut rate
plan. Perfumes , imported and domestic ,
are our long suit.
n.OO Plnaud's Vegetal Violet 63c
$1.00 Plnaud'e Vegetal Gllas 63c
$1.00 Colgate's Violet Soc
$1.00 K. & G. Violet 860
$1.25 Roger & Glllct Ext. Violet $1.00
$1.25 Roger & Collet Ext. Giles $1.00
$2.00 Plnaud'a ' Carnation Pink $1.25
75c Crown Lavender Baits 60c
75c Plnaud's Smelling Salts COc
775c Murray & Gannon Florida Water 60c
75c Florida Water , good 3Bc
$1.50 Oriental Cream $1.20
COc Hind's Honey Almond Cream . . . . 40o
Beaton-McGinn Drug Go , ,
S. W. Cor. liitli niul Farnam.
Where you will always flnd the latest and
most complete line of perfumes and spec
Mountain Lake
Catchthem i
and StreamCatchthem
as you pass.
In order to distinctly recall the pleasant
nights of a holiday trip , you simply have to
take a kodak or camera with you.
We are exclusive leaders in photo sup
plies and have an the best makes on hand.
Call on us and we will advlso you which to
The Robert
Dempster Co.
Farnnm Street.
Free Instruction in developing and printing.
' Encllih DUmond BrinO.
Or'cUnl and Onlr flrnutic.
AFC , ftJWATI rellkbll. LADIC * tit
roMliI for CMrAeKn-i JTnolu * PlfA
ondfranjla lied And Gold atulUo\
oiM , irtlol with tin. ribbon , TjiUo
uo other , Rtfutt danowoui tu6nu ( ( * V
Itont arij fmfuifanl. A ( Uracitliti. or f nd 4 .
ID tamp * for pAUlenUri , ttillmoilfctl AOt
"ItoUef for 1 , dlM."int iur. t ; rUrm
Malt 1U.OOO rfiilmonlili. KtfH
SolJ br All Ucil Urmiliti. , i'IIIL.U > . . I'JC
Direct Line to RjA l i jB 8olid
all iV. n B V stibuled Trains
Points West. IWit Ji Daily.
HAnAiTFrltz Walter , July 14 , ron of
James Hurnlrt , aged 3 yenm 6 months.
Punornl Sunday at 2 p. m. from family
residence , L street and Boulevard. South
Omaha. Interment Springwell cemetery.
Dr. Shcpard Catarrh. 312 New Tork Life.
Petitions for delegates to the Republican
County convention , which Is held In Omnha ,
July 2nd , 1890 , at Washington hall , must be
filed with secretary by 12 o'clock , noon ,
July 18 , 1899 , at 1712 Farnara street.
Petitions must bo signed by fifty resident
republican voters.
IJ. C. ntmnANlC Chairman.
J. A. Tucker , Secretary.
Diamond screw earrings , Edholm Jeweler.
$18.40 Hot Springs and return , July 18
and August 1 UurHngton Iloute. Train
leaving Omaha 4:25 : p. m. , arrives Hot
Springs 9:20 : next morning. Ticket office ,
1C02 Farnam street.
Have Hoot orlnt It.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , electric nnd
magnetic physician , has moved his office to
119 North 16th street , room 13. Special nt-
tcntlon to all long-standing or lingering dis
eases and to diseases of women and children ,
A. D. T. C. ; messengers furnished ; bag
gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tor. 177.
aiAoxiricnvr TIIACVS.
Omnlin to
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail-
wat- has just placed In service two nlagnlfi'
cent electric righted trains between Omaha
and Chicago , leaving Omnha dally nt 545
p. m. , arriving nt Chicago nt 8:25 : a. m. , and
leaving Chicago at 6:15 : p. in. nnd arriving at
Omnha nt 8.20 a. m. Each train Is lighted
thoroughly by electricity , has buffet moktng
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
inrs nnd reclining chair cars , and runs over
the shortest line nnd smoothest roadbed be
tween the two cities.
Ticket office. 1504 Farnam street , nnd nt
Union depot.
Try the Her Grand hotel's cafes. Open
from C a. m. until 12 p. m. Three cnfcs on
first floor nnd ono grill room. The best of
service at popular prices.
Diamond nnd turquoise earrings , Edholm.
$20.60 Custcr , S. D. ( Sylvan Lake ) , nnd
return , July 18 nnd August 1 tturllngton
Iloute. Train leaving Omaha 4:25 : p. m. ,
lands you at Sylvan Lnko 11:30 : next morn-
Ing. Ticket office , 1502 Fnrnnm street.
Iron , brass castings. Ind. Iron wks. Tel 1449
Hubcrmann , Jeweler , es. 1866 ; absolutely
reliable ; lowest prices gunrnntccd , 13 & Doug
F. C. Johnson's elder mill , expo , grounds.
Returned to city. Dr. Race , 408 Paxton blk.
< ViY
Thin Blown
Are In almost universal use now for cooling summer drinks. Our
cold drink tumblers are made of the finest lead slaw- They stand
extremes of heat and cold the size and shape are what you want
the prlco
2 for
5 Cents
Douglas Douglas
Street. Street.
Iflth n . n.
wwpMwmmmwmtmmwwwm }
Men's O Misses'
N. B. CoruM * 16th and DoualM Sts.
Baldwin Pianos
The best in Omaha
The best in America
The best in the World.
Bee the Baldwin and your own intelligence will convince you that It
IB absolutely superior to every other make. The Baldwin piano has every
Improvement found in all other high grade pianos. It also has Improve
ments noX found In any other. The deep , rich , pure tones are marvel
ous. The action is perfect. The price is moderate. Call or write for cata
logue and price lists.
Dickinson & Huston ,
Representatives D. II. Baldwin & Co.
1710 Douglas St.
Ground floor Dee Building.
See the beautiful enameled
Manila Ruby and Diamond Brooch In our window ,
direct from Manila , on sale for one of our
Nebraska soldiers , $100.00 , original cost
1300.00 , Also notice the fine enamel cd clocks we are offering for $3.00 and $3.50
regular price $5.60 unfl $6,00 overstock the reason. Fine Austrian Vases 25
centw to $10.00. Bric-a-brac at greatly reduced prices. Bargains In Umbrellas ,
7G cents , $1.00 and $1.10. Numerous other articles In our bargain room. Inspec
tion Invited.
Sash and neck clasps In rose gold and French gray finish , Waist seta in
gold and sterling silver.
Wo solicit the most difficult watch repairing and guarantee satisfaction.
Jewelers and Art Stationers.
Successors to 15th and Douglas Streets.
The Reflections of a Woman
Trill be pleasing If tfbe has at all times taken
good care of her
Those who have neglected thl important
matter should place thomeelves In the dent
ist's bands at once.
( Modern methods , free from pain or In
convenience , and a thorough knowledge of
Dentistry ensure eatUfactlon to patrons.
BAILEY , The Dentist
( Established In Omaha since ' 8. )
8rd floor Paxton Dlk. 16th and I'arnnm Sts.
Lady Attendant ,
ftpeclnt I.OTT Kntr * in Plttntinrir nmt
HnMnti ,
Vln the Luke Shore & Michigan Southern
railway. Ono fare for the round trip from
ChleiiRo. Heturn limit , August 31. Pitta-
burg tickets on s.iTo August 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5.
Hoston tickets , August 11 and 12. Further
Information mixy be had by addressing D. P.
Humphrey , T. P. A. , Kansas CUy , Mo. , or
F. M. Ilyron , G. W. A. . Chicago. A. J.
Smith , O. P. A. , Cleveland.
Fine watch repairing , Edholm , jeweler.
Blank book and magazine binding ; . A. I.
Hoot , 1609 Howard ntrcet.
To the Doctors
For the post six months our prescription
business ihas Increased beyond our expecta
tions. This Is due In n great measure to
doctors who are not unfriendly to us ns
wo hear through our patrons many kind
things these doctors say of us. Not knowIng -
Ing some of these doctors personally we
don't want them to feel that wo clnss all
professional men as "pluggers , " for we know
of some doctors who object to certain drug
gists filling tlielr prescriptions on personal
grounds not that they think they are In
competent and In cases of this kind they
should not bo olnssad as wo have dubbed the
"Docs" ns In some cases , wo know they
have good grounds for not wanting these
druggists to fill their prescriptions.
Corner 10th nnd
. . .
We closed out from
over-stocked manu
facturers , a lot of
Men's Pants at less
than cost of produc
tion they are now
on sale at
75c , 95c , $1.00 , 31,25 ,
$1.35 , $1.50 , $1.75 ,
$2.00 , $2.25.
Clone to Bennett' * .
P. 8. If you live out
of town , write us for
Prayer Books
Office Supplies
Blank Books
Artistic Engraving
You will want something to
take home with you.
Gall on us , we can supply
you.A late book , a nice box of
Stationery , a nobby card case ,
or a hundred other neat ac
ceptable souvenirs of your
Our prices are correct and
we guarantee the quality of
everything we sell.
Stationery Co. ,
Tel. 234. 1306 Farnam St.
The finest In the land , Syrups
made from fresh fruits. Choco
late of tbo richest and finest
flavor. Everything clean , pure
and cold ,
Gut Prices on Drugs
and Patent Medicines.
Full fltock of 1'olnts , Glass ,
Brushes , Bicycle Knamclw , Var-
nlshcti , Artists' Material , etc ,
Let us give you prices and wo
v.111 d5 you good.
Open all night. 1402 Douglas Street.
rands of
Garden hose
All warranted and all
good Bcllere only dlf-
' ferenco seine brands
coat you moro than the
others. Exclusive Oma
ha agents for Goodrich
1511 Dodge St.
Alcohol Prices
Heft M per c irt drain Alcohol , pint
bottle WeB
B ( > t 05 jx\r cerrt. GmJn Alcohol , quart
bottle ta
Besrt. 93 per cent Grain Alcohol , gallon
"Columbian Spirit" Wood Aloohol , pint
bottle ,
"Oo imbbut Spirit" Wood Alcohol , quart
hottla TEa
"Columbian Srilrlt" Wood Alcohol , BJ- . ,
Ion Juc , . JMO
NOTE Columbian 8plru If Ui wjuai of
Grain Alcohol for every purpos * xo pt for
internal mlmlntdUwtlon , It lion no un-
plcosnnt txlor.
Common Wood Alcohol , pint bottl * . . S5o
Common Woo < ! Alcohol , quart bottle. . < xv >
Common Wood Alcohol , frallon Jug $1.60
"Common Wood Alcohol" while being ; of
rather unpleasant odor Is nil right for
Thn nbovo prtc < Include bottles nnd Jura
If you bring your own containers It will
mak 60 or lOo saving.
Wrlto for cut price drug catalogue.
init : llODKli ST. , OMAHA.
Wo are going to sell n high grade per
fume. in Whlto HOBO , Violet. Lily of the
Valley , Heliotrope , Pcau d'Espngne. Jockey
Club. Lllno and other odors the kind that
you pay from 40o to COo per ounce for at
You can t ko this perfume homo and try
It and If It don't suit bring It back and we
will refund your money. This 1 no cheap
extract gotten up for a sale , but the kind
you always buy. No moro than four ounces
to nny ono person , ns we only hnvo a few
thousand ounces in stock. Wo do not sell
to dealers. Bring your bottle.
Other words might descrlba the five-cent
cigar you buy here , but the word oxcn'Jont ,
oomJnir as U does from a. man who hna
tried every other dealer's five-cent cigar in
town client to sulllco. You smoke ono of
Five-Gent Jerseys
ana you'll eny OB others do that no other
live-cent cigar beglna t compare with It.
6om6 of our cuatomera eyen BO no far on S
say ita better than most 10-oent cigars.
Paxton Block Okar Store ,
Jacob Jaskalek , Prop.
18th , near Farnam.
Electric , Turkish , Russian ,
Roman , PlungeSea Salt ,
and Plain Baths.
LADIES' DAT Tufeday 10 a. m , to B p. m.
Expert lady operators in attendance.
pnoF. j. P. Brooms , BiBr.
Tavor us by doing yoursclt -
the beverage that Is eo favorably re
ceived by everybody \vbo knows what
a good beer Is.
la the ea al of any beer brewed hotter
than most beers and as n tonic for
women is unequalled. It's wholesome
and nutritious and purity Itself. What
: nero could you wish for ? You might
[ earn to like -others hnvo.It's per
fectly pure quite- essential for thoeo
wishing to better their health. Ono
case will convince you of Its moriU.
FRUD KIIUG unrcwiNG oo. ,
Tel. 420. 1007 Jocknon Street.
LADIES if yon willuM
Ton will not suffer from painful men
struation pr del y ; UUeofrhoea , Mgi-
nlt | , whites or any female dUcQftrftM.
For sale at all drugglati , 0 , kbd nl
C , M , Foster's ' Pharmacy ,
024 tf. lUth fltreal ,
tirexel lloielt
4th tfloor Broitn Bile. , 16th and Douilai
Gold Alloy Filling $1.00
Gold Filling $1.OO and op
Gold Crowns $5.0O
Set Teeth$5.00
BestTeetli $7.5O
TrpntJ all ail
ments of the feet.
both on ( adieu * and
eentlamen Ladles'
jlulrclrenslnif and
Hair Goodi , Toilet
i Preparation ! . Hu-
_ _ _ liornuous hair re
moved with electricity. Mall orders
Klvtn prompt attention ,
KJevator Service. Paxton block.
Get the Atkinson Spring , Agents for the
genuine "Columbus Iluggy Co. " Vehicles.
1'rlcea llko the Spanish fleet at the bottom
A , ,1 , bIMI'hO.V.
l'100-ll Uodfcc Bt.