THE OMAHA DAILT BEE : SATUBDAV , , TUJjY 8 , 1899. . NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.-VOH Mli.VTION. Davis sells drugs. Moore's fond kllfs wormn and fattens , Hutlweleer beer. L. Roacnfcldt , agent , Victor hot water heaters nt Blxby's. ! Perry pictures. C. E. Alexander fc Co. i Judxon , pasturage , 92'J fith avc. Tel. ? I8. C. 13. Jacquemln & Co. , Jewelers and op- } tlclnns , 27 South Main street. / Rev. and Mrs. V. O. Penloy of Denver , ! ; Colo. , were In the city yesterday on their { way home from the cast. f W. K. Lowcy , fiir. South Sixth rtrcct. re- i iiurtcd to the police yesterday the 'heft of u not of harners from his barn. { H. M. Heath , route agent of the Wells- I Fargo Express company , with headquarters nt Murjvirip , Mo. , was In the city yesterday , j nily Auditor F. K. Evans received word yesterday that his son Glen , who Is with Mrs. Evans visiting in Cass county , was Muk with scarlet fever. ] linns P. Soloth , formerly of Sweden , and ; 1'ruil Meyer , formerly of Germany , were granted naturalization papers yesterday by Judge Aylcsworth in the superior court. The remains of Charles Burton Staccy. uho was buried In Walnut Hill cemetery , January 21 , 18112 , were disinterred yesterday nnd shipped to Princeton , 111. , for reinter ment. The appraisers under the collateral Inher itance tax law completed their appraise ment yesterday of the estate of the late Captain Dan Elcher. They appraised It at jin.Boo. John Cole , charged with stealing n set of Harness from the barn of Ora Clark In howls township , waived examination yes terday before Justice Forricr and was bound over to the grand Jury. The arguments in the suit of the cltv ngalnet the county to recover the cost of maintaining the quarantine In the recent smallpox cases were submitted to Judge Smith In the district court yesterday and he took bla decision under advisement. The preliminary hearing of Jessie Felix , charged with assaulting Fannlo Wirilums , n young girl under 15 years of ago , Is set for this afternoon before Justice Vlcn. Felix in default of ball , which was fixed at $1,000 , has been committed to the county Jail. Jail.W. . I ) . Kccd. chairman of the democratic county central committee , has called the convention of his party to select twenty- four delegates to the stale convention for Weduesday , August 2 , at 11 o'clock a. m. The Btato convention will bo hold In DCS Molncs , Wednesday , August 16. Articles of Incorporation of the First Church of Christ Scientist of Council Bluffs were filed with the county recorder yesterday. Mrs. Mary Porterlield , Mrs. Sarah E. Tulleys. C. W. Tulloys , Corry Jlced , Kittle McKen/.lo and eoveral other veil known focal Christian Scientists are The salaries of the following clerks nt the pmtnlllco have each been raised $100 In ac cordance with the recent congressional en actment providing for the Increase of sala ries of certain classes of clerks after one or more year's service : Mrs. Harrington , registry clerk ; Caleb Robinson , mailing cfcrk ; Conrad nock , distributing clerk. Mr . Rosa Cochran , wife of C. C. Cochran - ran died yesterday morning at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keller , 1209 Fairmoiint avenue , from cancer of the Ktom- ni'li after an Illness of three months. The vrmiilns were taken last evening to the liome of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hlghsmlth , 700 "Washington avenue , from where the funeral will bo held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Her husband and ono son survive her. John T. Stanncr , charged with the theft of a quantity of copper wire , the property of the Gas and Electric company , waived examination at his preliminary hearing yes terday before Judge Aylcsworth and was bound over to the grand Jury. He gave ball in the sum of $300. The police yesterday dis covered about 600 feet more of wire at his residence together with two spoofs of new wire The latter he claimed to have pur- cbntird when following his profession of a telegraph operator. Judge Aylcsworth handed down his rul ing yesterday In the case of Henry Martin , the proprietor of the saloon at Tenth street nnd Ilroadway , charged with conducting his place without a permit from the city coun cil Ho assessed him $50 and costs , but KUS- prJided the flue on condition that Martin Immediately close the saloon and keep It closed until he obtains a Penult from the ; with the conditions oily council. Martin complied ditions and closed the saloon. There will be cnnHldornble opposition to the council granting him a permit. _ N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Lowest prices , easy terms. The best and largest stock of pianos at Swanson Music company , Masonic Trinplc. Perry picture ! , for sale. C. K. Alexander fc Co. , 15 South Main street. Klv - IVr Out tiff on quarterly bills until July 10th. Open Saturday nnd Monday evenings. l.iccnscH to wed were Issued yesterday to Ihn following persons : Name and Residence. Age. 3ohs ilcllcmaiiD , Omaha . 32 l ena Auschutz. Council niuff * . 19 A. F. Wilson. Omaha . 32 } < "rnnco8 lj. Riulcka , Missouri Valley . 24 An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method nnd beneficial effects of the well known remedy , Kyntip or Fios , ninnnfuctured by the CAI.IKOIINIA Fie Svnui * Co. , illustrate the vnluu of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo mcdicinnlly laxative and presenting1 them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the ono perfect strengthening laxa tive , eloatibhifr the system effectually , rtlspelllnp eolds , headaches and fevers gently yet promptly nnd enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub- Btance , and its acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels , without weakening or irritating them , niako it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs nro used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but the mcdiuimil qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants , by a method known to the CAUKOIINIA Fie SVJIUP Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations , please remember the full name of thcCompany printed on the front of every package , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN VUANCI8CO , OAL lOUIBVILLK. KT. NEW YORK. N , T. For ialc by all Inicsl t - Ptloe SOc. per bottle. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT Vor Cimli or Loaned ( Iu. U , II. SIIKATIQ A CO. , I'carl birvct , Council UluOm , Iowa. . TRIES CHLOROFORM ROUTE May Dillon Attempt * to End Her Existence with th Drag. ACT CAUSED BY UNHAPPY LOVE AFFAIRS Qnnrrrl rrlth Her I.ovrr Inilncru the Woman to TnUc Polnon IMiynlctnn IlrlnK" Her Around All .V nln. In a fit of despondency , because aho thought her lover did not Intend to carry out his promise to make her his wife , May Dillon , n young woman working In the fam ily of E. P. Searle on Fourth street , at tempted yesterday morning to end her llfo by means of chloroform. The attempt was made nt the home of her lover , Nicholas J. Defrles , a car repairer in the employ of the Union Pacific , who resides with bis aged parents at IfiO Fifteenth avenue. The at tempt at self-destruction was frustrated by the timely arrival of a physician and the administration of antidotes. The young woman and Dofrles have been keeping company for a year or more and he was in the habit of frequently calling on her at her employer's house on Fourth street. Of late there had been frequent quarrel's , at which times It Is said that Dofrlcs had told the young woman be had changed his mind and he would not marry her. They spent the Fourth of July together and toward the end of the day another quarrel ensued. Ever since the young wo man has been despondent and she evidently decided that life was not worth living with out her Nicholas. Early yesterday morning she left the house where she works and went to the house of Defrles on Fifteenth avenue. Before entering the house she swal lowed the contents of a large bottle of chlo roform. The aged parents of her lover were atone In the house , their son being at work In the Union Pacific yards. The old couple soon perceived that something was wrong with the young woman and she admitted that she had taken the poison. She said Nich olas had beet , unkind to her and that she had decided tn end her existence. In a few mi lutes she became unconscious and a physician was hastily summoned. At the same t'mo ' the old couple dispatched a mes senger to their son , who lost no time in re turning to his home. it wa wtn considerable difficulty that the young woman was restored to con sciousness , o'vlDg to the large amount of the drug she had swallowed. When brought to she was very much annoyed that they had not permitted her to die and she told those attending her that there was something in her trunk that would do the job and all the doctors In Council Bluffs woutd not bo able to save her. Her sister , who had been summoned , at once hastened to the residence of the young woman's employer and on searching her trunk found a revolver , fully loaded. This is now In the possession of Mrs. Searle. Vnlinppy In Iorc Affair * . May Dillon , for whom her employers en tertain the highest regard , has been pe culiarly unfortunate In her love affairs. When a young girl she married a man named Dillon , who proved to be a worthless fel low. He took to gambling and when the end of his resources was reached commenced to systematically abuse his young wife. Finally his treatment of her became such that she was compelled to leave him and secure a divorce. Before her marriage to Dillon the young woman had become ac quainted with Dofrles. Three years ago De- fries' wife died and they renewed their former acquaintance. The acquaintance ripened Into mutual love and about a year ago it was arranged that they should marry. From the young woman's friends It Is learned , however , that Defrles kept putting off the marriage day from time to time and it was this that caused the frequent quar rels. It Is believed that on the Fourth De- fries told the young woman that ho had made up his mind not to marry her and that she must consider the engagement as off. This made her despondent and her employers noticed that there was something wrong , but put It down to another quarrel between her and her lover. The attending physician reported yester day afternoon that Mrs. Dillon was out of danger , but that It would be at least two days before she could be removed from the Defrles residence. It was said yester day that Defrlcs had repented of his un- klndnrss to the young woman and that as soon as she was recovered the services of a minister would be called Into requisi tion. Write Younkorman & Co. for prices on berry boxes and grape baskets. Davis sells glass. UAMvS AUK SHOUT O.V CI'IIIIRNCV. ' Cnnnot HrriiriSulllclrnt Paper Money for Their Xppiln. Although there Is no lack of money the banks of Council Bluffs are and have been for several weeks past experiencing a regu lar famine In currency. They cannot secure a sufficient supply of paper money to meet the demand and the prospects for an early relief in the situation are not , it Is said , very encouraging. Of silver and gold the hanks have all nnd in fact a great deal more than they need , but paper money , especially bills of the smaller denominations , are dlfil- cult to secure , The same conditions. It Is reported , exist all over the state and In the east and the local banks which depend upon their eastern correspondents for the supply of currency are obliged to take what they send them , \\lilch Is about one-tenth of what they ask for. Inquiries at the banks yesterday showed they were all experiencing the same diffi culty. Their customers refuse to accept gold or silver and demand they be paid in bills. Cashier Haunnn of the First National bank said the call for currency was duo to the demand throughout the country for money for moving the crops. "Wo write to our eastern correspondents , " he said , "asking them to remit us say $100,000 in currency and they send us perhaps } 10,000 , with the explanation that they cannot pos sibly send us more. We are lucky if we get one-tenth of our request for currency. Our customer * will not accept gold , as they do not find it so convenient to handle as bills , The situation is greatly changed from a year or BO ago , when everybody wanted gold and we had more currency than wo could use. This demand for currency Is , la my oplnon , a sure sign that times are good , " Cashier Bereshelm of tbo Council Bluffs Savings bank said they had experienced great difficulty for the last few weeks in obtaining currency. Said he : " \Ve push gold over the counter to our customers , but they Invariably pudi It right back , saying , 'Can't you give me bills ? ' The same con ditions prevail , I understand , In Omaha , and reports come from all over the coun try that there Is a regular currency famine. About a year ago nobody itauted bllli ; everyone was crying for the yellow metal , nnd our bank had literally to hide Its sup ply of gold beneath the counters and force currency on our customers. Now It Is all changed and our safes are crowded with sacks of gold. The banks from which wo draw our supplies of currency have written us they cannot supply us In any great quan tities and tell us to rush gold. Hut what IB the good of pushing gold when the people ple will not accept It ? Our customers know what they want and an a rule they Ret it. If the situation dor * not mend soon cur rency will be at a discount out west. " Inquiry at the bank of Officer & Pusey showed that the same conditions prevailed there and that , while the five , ten and twenty dollar gold pieces were piling lip In the vault , the currency wag going out al most as fast ns It came In nnd that thcro was great difficulty In getting a supply to meet the demand. Welsbach burners at Blxby'a. Tel. 193. Get your work done at Iho popular Eagle laundry , 72-1 Droadway. 'Phono 157. Davis sells paint. AI/I'KH.VTIO.V.S IX TIIH CITY Clilcf lll.-vlij riirrlrn Hid Point nn to Needed ClmiiKcn. Chief of Police Dlxby has at last car ried his point and In a short time will have the satisfaction of seeing the much- needed alterations and repairs In the second story of the city jail carried out. Acting on the uitUiority conferred on It by the city council , the committee on police and health has at last taken steps toward carryIng - Ing out the improvements at the jail , and the second floor of the building will bo re modeled. In the first place the old wooden floor which has become rotten from old ago and the accumulation of years of filth will betaken taken up nnd replaced with steel plates. These will bo so arranged that the floor can be flushed every morning and the water drained oil into the sower. The old board partitions , which have become alive with vermin of all kinds , will bo taken down and reolaced with walls of cement , which can be washed dally. The outside walls will also bo coated with cement. In the room reserved for female prisoners the old wooden beds will bo taken out and con signed to the flames and In their place Iron beds will be provided. The room for sick prisoners will be treated In the same way. In the large room reserved for lodgers Iron bunks that can bo moved around will replace the present stationary ones , nnd by this means It Is hoped that the place In the future can bo kept passably clean. The Improvements , It Is estimated , will cost in the neighborhood of J500 , the contract for the steel flooring , which has been let to Barney Grnhl of ithls city , calling for $323. Pottx Him of IIIn Iiijnrlrx. Jack Potts , who was found lying by the tracks at the Northwestern roundhouse Wednesday with Injuries that indicated ho had been run over by some team , died last evening at the Woman's Christian As sociation hospital. Coroner Treynor will hold an inquest this morning .at Estop's un dertaking rooms , to which place the body was removed. Arthur L. . Warrick of Omaha willed at hospital yesterday morning nnd Identified Potts as a man who worked for him eighteen years ago in Chadron , Neb. Potts was a hostler and Mr. Warrick said ho saw him In Omaha about three weeks ago. Potts had told him ho had a brother living on a farm near Lincoln , Neb. , who was well-to-do and that he had been mar ried at a little town near Sioux City some seventeen years ago. Mr. Warrick thought Potts had not lived with his wife for a number of years. Potts had spoken to him about n daughter , who If alive ought to be now about 16 years of age , Coroner Treynor sent word to the Lin coln authorities last night for the purpose of finding the dead man's brother It possi ble. McCoy Under Arrest. William McCoy was arrested at 1:30 : o'clock yesterday morning on the charge of placing tics on the track of the Manawa railway for the purpose of wrecking the train. Ho gave ball In the sum of $300 and will have a hearing before Justice Vlen this morning. The Information was filed In the superior court , but McCoy took a change of venue to Justice Vlen. McCoy denies the charge and says he will have no difficulty in prov ing his Innocence. Ho admits ho was at the lake Thursday night and says he was ordered out of the grounds in company with two women , but claims he never had any trouble with the railway people. Two years ago McCoy obtained some cheap notoriety 'by ' lying on the motor track on Broadway for the purpose , as he said at the time , of committing suicide , illo is not thought to bo right mentally. Mr . llonjnnilnVniitn n lllvoroc. Mrs. Maude E. Benjamin filed a petition In the district court yesterday asking for a divorce from her husband , Fremont Ben jamin , the well known attorney of Avoca. The grounds on which she bases her suit were not made public. An agreement was filed taking a change of venue , and the court Issued an order transferring the case to Polk county. The plaintiff Is the second wife of Attorney Benjamin , who has been nominated several times by the democratic party for judge of the district court of this district , but has always failed to bo elected. Scientific optician , Wollman , 409 Br'dway. Davis Bells the best hammocks. Superior Court ( Adjourn * . Judge Ayloaworth adjourned the July term of superior court yesterday to August 14. Ho handed down his decision In the case of E. O. Armour agaln&t Thomas Oillcer , which involved the title to eighteen acres In the northwest part of the city. Ho held that the tax sale to Officer was void and that the plaintiff had permission to redeem by paying Officer the amount ho had paid with 6 per cent Interest. Judge Ayleaworth also held that the property In controversy was not exempt from city taxes , as had been contended by the plaintiff. "What mlKht have been" if that JlttU cough hadn't been neglected Is the sad re flection of thousands nt consumptives. One Minute Coueh Cure cures coughs and colds. Hurliern' Aminulntloii UUInti-nrntlimr. The case of Fred Klopfer , the proprietor of the barber shop at the Metropolitan hotel , charged .with keeping open last Sun day , will come up for trial this morning In the superior court before Justice Vlcn , who will occupy the bench during the ab sence of Judge Aylcsworth , who left on a. trip to California last evening. There is disintegration In the ranks of the Barbers' Protective association , and seven proprietors of shops have signed an agreement to keep their places open on Sundays , commencing tomorrow. Spain' * ( Sruntpnt JVriMl , Mr. A. P. Allvla of Barcelona , Spain , spends his winters at Alken , S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains In the back of hlB head. On using Electric Bitters , America's greatest blood and nerve remedy , all pain noon left him. He says this grand medicine is what bis country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kid ney trouble , purifies the blood , tones up the stomach , strengthens the nerves , puts vim , vigor nnd new life into every muscle , nerve and organ of the body. If weak , tired or ailing you need It. Every bottle guaranteed , only > 0 ceuts. Sold by Kubn & Co. , drug- cliti. WAR IN READY PRINT FIELD American Fresa Association Will Establish Branches in the West. FIGHT IS OVER THE PLATE BUSINESS It Mnkm Uir Country Printer Smile llnrKlnr Helm Clilcf of Police of Urn 31 li I ll CN I en vil City Smallpox. DBS .MOINKS . , la. , July 7. ( Special Tele gram. ) The American 1'rfts nsoclatlon today announced that It would open a branch In DCS Molncs. Today the dcnl was consummated and the manager of the new concern , L. B. Chapln , arrived. The coining of this big ostabllahincnt to DCS Molncs means ono of the biggest ready print fights over attempted In this county. The Ameri can I'rcss association Is rated at millions , \\tillo 'tho ready print combine also hns money by the barrel. These two gigantic organizations will ho pitted against each other In the ready print field of the west. The American Press will rslabllfli branches at Chicago , DCS Molncs , Dallas , Tex. , St. Paul , Omaha , Denver and San Francisco. The reason of the big light Is ovpr the plato business. The ready print houses of the west have been manufactur ing plates and going Into the field occupied by the American Press. The ready print houses having both patents and plates had the advantage over the American Press and a halt was railed. Another reason the American Press and the ready print houses arc at outs is over the refusal of the latter to go Into the trust. Helm the Chief of Toller. Per a burglar to get ahead of Chief of Police Jolinson secnit > an Impossibility to Iho average citizen. Hut one of the fra- torntty , with possible assistance , did so last night. Ho secured $40 In cash and a gold watch and chain with charm , the whole valued nt ? S5. Johnson slept In an upper room of his IIOUKC. lie hung his trousers on the door Jam , leaving $10 In one pocket. His coat and vest wore hung on a chair near his bed. When ho tiwoko this morn ing at 6 o'clock ho noted , the blank space on the door frame ; then the loss of his coat and vest. He found the whole business down stairs In the sitting room minus the valuables. Smnllpnx nt Iowa City. The State Board of Health received a re port from Dr. Shrader of Iowa City stating .hat tbo three coses of smallpox there are lining as well as could bo expected and that there are no now cases to report. The city has erected a temporary hospital Just outside of the limits and the patients have been removed to It. The hospital first erected was In an adjoining township and the authorities thcro got out an Injunction igalnst the city to restrain them from keeping smallpox patients there. The In junction was granted l > > - Judge Scott , but it has now been carried to the supreme court. QUKKIl VRBAK OF MfillTMXC ! . Cnrl Mv On. ) People nt Dinner Tiililc Herloimly Hurt During n Storm. FORT DODGE , la. , July 7. ( Special ) A jjuecr freak of lightning occurcd yes terday at Curlew , la. Lightning struck the house of Thomas' Carroll , who lives two miles west ol town. The lightning descended to the dining room by means of a stovepipe , and coming In from the kitchen through the kitchen" stove , It glanced from the pipe to the dinner table , around which wore seated four of the family and a Mr. Franklin of Ayrshire. It tore a shoo from Mr. Carroll's foot and burned his leg from the knee down. Mrs. Carroll was burned about both hands , but not seriously. Hattlo , a 12-year-old daughter , was badly burned , probably one-fifth of her body being covered with scars , the burns being es pecially severe about the back. A daugh ter of 9 years was burned , but not seriously. Mr. Franklin was struck In the right groin and his pantaloons and shoes were torn to shreds. Ho was unconscious for several moments and his body was badly burned. A dog lying between the chairs of Mr. Car roll and Mr. Franklin was killed. The storm In this vicinity caused con siderable damage. The spire of the Sacred Heart Catholic church was struck by light ning and badly shattered and a house In the north part of the city was also struck and damaged. At Tara the storm was ac companied by a severe wind which worked havoc with Rcvoral large boarding tents put up for the convenience of the men engaged in the work or constructing the Fort Dodge & Omaha road. The damage was consider able. \ \oiiiliuitc . II. H. .MyiTH of Mllforil. SIBLEY , la. , July 7. ( Special Telegram. ) The republican representative convention of the Osccola , Dickinson and Kmmet dis trict mot at Sibley today and organized by the selection of R. M. Barnhart of Km met chairman and F. F. Lyon of Osceola secretary. The convention adopted a reso lution declaring in favor of fair and equita ble distribution as between counties In the district In the matter of legislative nomina tions. Osceola county Insisted on explicit resolutions of Instruction for Senator Genr , but Emmet county , -while processing to bo for Gear , Joined with Dickinson In Voting them down. The following resolutions were adopted : "Resolved , by the republicans of the Right-firm Iowa representative district , In delegate convention at Sibley , assembled , That the loyal , faithful and elllclent adminis tration of President William McKlnlcy , In pcaco and in war , meets our hearty com mendation. "That the high rank of our senators , Hon. William B. Allison and Hon. John H. Ocar , and of the Iowa delegation in congress is placing our great state In the front rank in the councils of the nation , as it Is In the front rank in agricultural pursuits. " There -was but one. candidate before the convention , W. H. H. Myers of Mllford , Dickinson county , who was nominated by the votes of the Dickinson and Emmet dele tions. There will bo no republican opposi tion to the election of Mr.Myers. . He Is a grain dealer and has resided In I own for forty-eight years. Ho is a union veteran , having served In the civil war In Company H , Thirty-eighth lown volunteers. JoluiNon IN lOvom-ratrd. SIOUX CITY. Iu. , July 7. ( Special Tele- gram. ) A.tert Johnson , the ; aung man who shot and killed John Camcrcr at Salix yesterday afternoon , has been exonerated by a coroner's Jury. H was found that ho fired the shots In Bclf-defcntic and in the defense of his home and his family. John son was at once released from the county jail , having signed his own bond for his appearance whenever wanted In the courts. It Is. doubtful1 if anything more will ever come of the case. However , the Johnsons expect to remove from this locality as noon as possible , as they fear that if they remain there will be more bloodshed. Itriiilrrcil Iimnnr liy ROCKWELL , CITY , la. , July 7. ( Special. ) The body of MUss Bertha Whltealdes , who was murdered Tuesday morning in Dea Molncs by-William Ludwlck , was burled late Wednesday afternoon. The funeral service -naa held lit the Christian church | N ORDER to bo * right you want n Van Brunt sur * rey to ride in the Fourth. Order to day and get the best value for your money. Try one HBN.RY H. VAN 13RUNT , Council 131uffs , lo\vti. and the funeral was largely attended. The funeral sermon proper will bo preached later on , as neither of the parents were present at this service. Upon hearing the sad news Tuesday morning Mm. Whltesldcs , mother of the murdered girl , lost her reason nnd Is Btlll deranged , and her husband has had to bo with her continually since the tragedy took place. County Attorney W. E. Gray went to Dos Molnes to assist his brother , Bert , and his little sister , May. in getting the body home. The body of Ludwlck , the assassin , it Is understood , was turned over to the author ities in Des Mllln MnkfM u ronrcNNlon. OTTU.MWA , la. , July 7. ( Special. ) Clar- cnco Mills of Bloomflcld has confessed that ho killed his wlfo by cutting her throat with a razor nnd then using the BRIIIO In strument on himself. In his confession ho says that ho and his wlfo agreed that life was not worth living , decided to dlo to gether , and U was left for him to do the killing. Your correspondent visited Mills In his cell this morning. U was difficult for him to talk , owing to the wound , nnd ho refused to say anything on the case. His answers to questions wore of nn idiotic na ture , as If ho were feigning Insanity , but it was learned today that before the core ner's Inquest ho niado a full confession , of which the following Is a copy : "Tho last conversation wo , had was on Friday evening. Wo talked our trouble over and agreed we would bo better off dead. I was to do the killing. I had a razor that was left for me to do the killing. She was awake and lying on the bed with me. I didn't see her when she went out of the house. I was In the bed when I cut her. She jumped up and over mo and out of the door , and I followed nfter her. I cut myself right nway afterward , while In the house. I was standing up when I did it. " The testimony of W. J. Hockersmith be fore the coroner's Jury corroborates Mills' confession. AHHKSTKU .V CM3VI2U SWIXDMSIt. II. If. IIor.ic of IVIIIINIIN t'lty In AciMtncil nf HnhliliiBrVldoiT . KANSAS CITY , July 7. B. II. Morse , representing himself as "district agent ol the Alaska-Klondike Improvement and Min ing company , " was arrested at his office here today on information furnished the local police by Mrs. IJIchard P. Bland , widow of tht ) late congressman. The police seized Morse's books , which , according to Chief of Police Hayes , provo him to bo a clever swindler , whoso operations have cov ered every part of the country. Morse's plan , it appears , was to collect from the widows of prominent men , lately deceased , whom ho always represented had some time slnco bought certain mining stock of him and left a small balance unpaid. The "bal ance , " generally ranging from $8 to $12 , appears to have been paid without ques tion. A long list of Morse's alleged vic tims was discovered among his hooks. Among them are the widows of Judge J. S. Emory of Lawrence , Kan. , L. O. Hastings , Wichita ; C. G. Foster. Topeka , and Fred Schuler , St. Joseph , Mo. COICB ovicxs TO HESUMI : . Mnny ,11 ciiVIII lli > < ; ivon Kniiloyinoiit In PKtNhiirKDlNtrlct. . PITTSBURO , Pa. , July 7. Orders have been Issued for the resumption on Monday of all idle coke ovens In the country , and nil ovens heretofore on five days a week will bo put on full time. This will bo the first time In the history of the coke Indus try that all ovens will ho on In full , and moans the rsumptlon of thousands of ovens that have been Idle for years. Mnny more men will bo given employment as a cense quence. Kdllorx Will > ! < < ( In NiMv'Orloim * . PORTLAND , Ore. , July 7. The National Editorial association today elected the fol lowing officers : President , R. H. Henry , Jackson , Miss. ; flrst vlco president , .Matt Parrott , Waterloo , la. ; second vice presi dent , F. B. Ballls , Cleburne , Tex. ; third vice president , Albert Lazolcr. Portland , Ore. ; corresponding secretary , J. M. Page. Jer- Boyvllle , 111. ; recording secretary. II. M. White , Mexico , Mo. ; treasurer , James J. Glhbs , Norwalk , O. New Orleans was chosen as the plac-j of holding the next annual convontbn In Feb ruary. The vote on place of muptlng was as follows : Now Orleans. 232 ; Hot Springs , Ark. , 98 ; Detroit , 22 ; Saratoga , ! . Myntiu-y of PolxoniMl SM < < ! . SAN FRANCISCO. July 7. The police [ ire still In the dark regarding the poisoning of Mrs. Elsie Schelb nnd Miss Campbell , who were taken violently ill nfter eating poi soned candy , sent through the malls. The victims have no suspicions , or if they have [ hey will not disclose them , and the police liavo completely exonerated John R. Rathon and his wlfo from any implication in the case , It en I i ; ( nl < ' TrniiNffrN , The following transfers were filed yester day in the abstract , title and loan office of J. W. Squire , 101 carl street : CharK-s R. Jones nnd wlfo to John HnrtKy. lots 19 nnd 20 , block 35. nnd lot 4 , block M , Fleming & Davis' add , w d . ' J SOO Same to same , lot 12 , block 35 , Fleni- Ing & Davis' add , w < i 100 Sheriff tn City of Council Bluffrt , lots Hi to 23. inclusive , block 1 , and lots 14 , block 2. Evans' Bridge add. ft d. . 1,078 Same to same , lots 2. 3. 11. 12 , block 1 ; lot 18 , block 2 ; lots C nu 7 , block fi ; lots 1 , 2 , 9. 11. U 13 , H mid 15. block S ; lots 7. 14. 15 and 10 , block 0 , Ben- Hon'H 2cl add. H d 2,701 Uexander O. Gilbert to Fort Dodge & Omiiha Railroad company , lots 0 , 7 , 8 , block 2 , Mullln's subdlv. w d MO Sheriff to fty | of Council Hluffp , lot 12 , block'G. VVilllams' 1st iidd. d. . . . 321 Same to same , lot 7 and ! ' . block 2S. IMrry's l t add : lots 3 and 12. block 3D : lots 21 nnd 20 , block 38 ; lots II , 17 and 1 ! > . block 37 : lots 2. 3. 4 , fi , C , S , 10 , 11 and 12 , block S8. and lot 4 , block 39 , Central uubdlv. s d 3,809 Seven transfer * , total 19.461 A Great Tonic. Vitality , strength and vigor are regained by use of Horsford'sAcid ' Phosphate Genuine bean name Hertford's on wrapper. above c.ard when called for at our oilice makes JL applicant a subscriber oi' our monthly , MX First Issue Just Kcc.ivcil. WHITELAW TOM MOORE HENRY GEORGE 10 Cents. 5 Cents. TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. John G. Woodward & Co. , ilistrihnlors ClllflS. , J KUUCATIOXAL , . Oldest , largest and WenSworSh Military Academy test equipped in Government nupervlnlon. Ktntc commi Tons to Erailiuten. l'rpnrritloii for Univers'ltlm MAJOR SflNDFORD SELLERS. M , A. . Supl. . LEXINGTON. MO. Ilnn Gnliicil < ho ImpHrlt of n Hciiowiicd IMiynlolllll I can 'testify to the world that ] Dr. Burklmrt'fl VeRCtablc Com ixiund has pcrfunnoil cures ii ( ii e-H of Rheumatism , Klilncj and ] > lvr and Stomaeli Troubles . and Female AVeaknfuses that _ have astonished the nu-dlcnl pro fession. 1 am prescribing It to niy patients and uslnp It In my family. It In the ben medicine of thr apru. Dr. A. Vandeventcr. SO \ \ ' . Twelfth St. , ( . ovlngton. Ky Dr. lliirUlinrl'N VcKdnlili'oiiiii > iiiii It Is sold under a bonulldc Kii.irantre t < cure the following symptoms : I'H..IIM . In the baok , hide , under the shoulder blade smothering sonsatlon. palpitation of 4he heart , a Hired fpcllni ; , a poor nppetlto , ii ooiitcd toiiRiie , blotches or pimples on the face , a bad taste In tli < ! mrutb. "lok or bloating Htomaeli , headache , dizziness , stiff ness of tbo limbs , skin trouble. Are yoi constipated ? Are you n-rvoii ! ? Do yoi take cold easily ? Are you losing In wolKlif. If so , Dr. Hurkliart's Vegetable Pompoum will euro you. The price of this wonderfn preparation Is within the reach of all Thirty days' treatment for 2."iS.'venty ; days' treatment 50o. ; Six Months treatment $1.00. BCRln treatment today , to hesitate may bo 'the ' mistake of your life. To prove beyond doubt tha virtue of the Vepretablf Compound I will mail a. week's treatment free. Address Dr. W. S , Burkhart , Cincin nati , O. For sale by BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Car Service , DUFFY'8 PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. BEECHASVrSPSllS cure bilious and nervous Ills , sick headache , disordered liver and Impaired digestion. 10 cent" nnd 38 ccnt , n tall drur torc . Hcautlful Hetty Hycrs IJiidly. Betty Hot ter Hunt Huns Hy KuyliiK Hlg UottJe "UKAIJ KIIOT" from 0 , R. GILBERT COMPANY , Successors to Gilbert lire * . Kutabllshed 1683 , Taxidermists and Taiiiu-r.v , jr.Ol Went llroaiUvay. L'nuiuill Illuflii. WM. WELCH TRANSFER LINE lntxveii Council lllufTH anil Omiiliu. Hates licaaanable. Batlsfuctlon Guarantee ) ] . Council Bluffs ollk-o. No. & North Main street Telephone 12S. Onmrm olllt * re moved to 322 South Klftecnth utrect. Tele- V Connections made with South Orauhu. liUlf.YTJO.VAL. Chicago Conservatory AUDITORIUM BUILDING , CHICAGO , I "America's Leading School ol' MUSIC" tLOCUIION--IMAMUIC ART AND LANGUAGES. Artist faculty of forty instructors , In- eluding Leopold Oodow-lty , Jinx Ilclnrlcli , Frederic Grant GleuKon , Theodore Splerlng , Clarence ICddy and Kdward Dvorak. The special mlvantnpcs offered students cannot be equaled elsewiiurc. Pupils can enter nt any time. Sctid for BER N HARE ULRIC H illustrated cntnlnauc Wlnnagor , JJUAUKOIUJ"ACADKMYKoiimled JSO " " -"Ior the higher odm-iillun of young wo" men. C'luHHlnil nnd HclPiitllk- course at Hlii'Jy , also Preparatory and Optional. 1t Bl > 1 ' , 'im'illy ' ' tM""llt'11 | buildings , 25 acres nt beautiful . grounds. Year begins Septem ber . 1S99 Apply to Miss Ida C Allen. I'rliu-lnul , Jiradford , Mass. \ YOU WILL FIND COMFORT UTUS CIGAR A.DAVIS'SONS a CO. MAKERS JOHN G < WOODWARD8cCO WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS.IOWAJ5 SA LE City Roller Mill Council Hinds , In. Capacity 150 barrels Hour per day. In fl class condition. Modern machinery. Maltc.i ie t Hour In markc' Good local demand for Hour , bran , shoriH nnd * < rfcnln ! ) . For furtho.- information apply to H. F , Cochran. on ibo prrmmes , or to N. P. DODGE 6c CO. , Council muffs REMOVED W. C. ESTEP , UNDERTAKER. las removed from H North Alain Htrcet to 25 Pearl Btrrot , two doors north of Grand totel. Uuslnexa phone , 97 ; rculdonce 'plion ' ' 'j u i t K Summer Tours on Lake Michigan. M.HP , . for paaepg r ftfrrlr * * * | | , toaVet trJ.wpftklj A lrl | for rlmrlmilj. lUrbur hprlnico , liar Vltw , / IVlo.Lrjr , MurLliiin1 maud , rcauorlinif lor Di'trolL e UutTiitoHucJ all KuKrrn 1'olnl. . LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS : Tliuri. 11 u. ui , Hat. 4p.m. Lake Michigan and Lake Superior TraniportallonCo > OFFICE * nnRKS. Ruth and N. Walor 81. . . CJ > u. . .