iV THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : -ATURUAY. JVLY s. 1S99. SPECIAL NOTICES ment * for thrnr rolnran * -rill be takfn until 12 . ( or the VTenlaK edition and until St.TO p. m. for morning < ! . nml r edition * . Rate * . l l-s * a T ir l flr t ln ertl m IP Ttord thereafter. > lhln taken for le than 2Sr for the flr t Inser tion. Three adrertUement * m t be run consecutively ' * dTertl er . br ren f tlnc n tintn- bered cheek. e n hare antrer < ! dre * ed to a nnrabered letter In ere of The Bee. An trer o ldrril nil ! be delivered on presentation of the eherk only. I - - | W 1VTEO * > 1TX OMAHA Employment Bor * . 11 X ML Te . - i. H' p inratsDed. POJ..OHS preKured A JW A STENOGRAPHER. WhfB yen want - > t > ri -ae cajl up the Remington tvptwriu' ( offi e C1 Farnaa St , telephone. ! * * l OLOREO man and wife wish position * " > , "la-haan aad tK > k lr pr'va-e famll1 * 41 < " S iWt A M474 f t COMPETENT cook and taandre wishes porttitm. JTT7 Frank . A IM-IT "W" iATED MALE HELP. WAXTED We have 1eady work for a frw good hastier * of good habits and app'-ar- aa-e C F Adams Co . 1818 Howard , B 12 j EALESMEX to seil PetH Ledger * . Buslnesj i Records and oth r office spert ' io fine 1 Pide .nes P-rshing Mfg Co. Box L. j South Bead , lad. B 13 Jy 2 * GOOD salesman , salary or coa111S X IE. B in "LIFE of D-w > " by Halstead. 7t paces nutat free , freight paH. Hixenbaugi i : Ca. . WarBlock. . City. B 4N Jylfi WANTED An aM-rouad man of not over 3 we ] a < quiiiat > d wlih country bankinc in Nebru ka one fu.lr competent to taV haree of a fouatry business la all Its < ! e- ia t * . Address C U. Bee. B S SH Jvu WANTED A bufber aad usafe maker E. A Mar a. 614 X 16th B 1ST WANTED , bovs with horse * to deliver The Evenlnr Bee Call at The Bee ofSce c-ty circulation dept IJ p. in B M451 IS * IP pond non-union stone cutteri months work. 40 cents r > er hour Colusa Stnn * Co. Sites , Colusa Co . California. B 1147 : 10- A GOOD "salesman wantd to * 11 a line of dry roodn retey aad country tr de flae side line , hie cccamis < ' ' < ia. Ciestnut. P na -k Str t. Mfcrs 20S-11-1S Ionic 5rrp t- Philadelphia. Pa. B M4B5 i- SALESMAN wanted to car-v as a side line dry e ofi * 5p daltl ' o ten the country trade Address Enaalal k Co Slaaufac- arr n : loaic Street. Phua B M451 S * "W A.NTED t once 10 team to haul brick. Erlteabrtnk Bros So Orraha. BOY to take care of bouse aad vard. Ap ply Room ,10. Douglas Blk. B M4 5 Si TV VYTED rEMALE HELP. WANTED. J girls 1SJ4 Dodg-e. TeL E7E. C 1 GIP.L , general houivork. . HGO St. Marv s Av C S6 * COMPETENT fdrl for central hourework. 2 in family , age * J4. 25CC Ponpl on GERMAN or Bohemian Piri a familv of 3 to do cooklnc and laundry work ilrs , Aadr-w Ro ewater. OS So. 2Sth St C J7 'WANTED , drl foi general nousewo-k. small famllj S4 X IRta street. C M441 F- WANTED A rood eiperleaced dlnlnr room drL Hotel Langr 6M S , 13th 13thC C MMS J vr for ffcs. must be -jrood cook aad neai _ 1311 Park Ave. "WANTED , ciri for reneralijonsrsrork. . refercneei required wages Sa per week. W Poppleton Ave C ! 3-5 GIRL foceneral housework Ja small lam- lly ware * oa Applv ImmedlaJelv yz Poppletoa Ave , C WANTED Competent pirl must be rood cook aad Jauadrew Apply at 112D Park IVANTED : rfrl for pmera ! housework. 3024 Park aveau- C M4P7 FOR RE > T HOCSES. HOCSES. B-newa Co N 15th St. D lit ALWAYS moving hou ehold gaods aad piano * . Omaha Van t Storage Co. 15111- . Faraam. TeL 15S. D ITT " HOUSES Bemis. Paxton block. FOR RENT bonnes la all parts of citv The O. F Darts Co , 13D5 Faraaa street D 13 FOR RENT , urictly modern 2at In Daviege B3dg opposite city "halt John W Robbias , ISM Faraam street streetD D 0 FOR REXT. hotel la Oaana , 13) ) rooms. everuitnE modern , Brenaan Love Co _ SJ South 16th St. D 13 SIX-ROOM modern flat , UU S ilia. ilia.D D as HOCSES JOT rent la aH parts of the city Brennaa-Love co 21 * South lEth street. D j-4 MAGGARD'S vaa & storage U7N15. Tell4M. D-1K : JO : POPPLETOX AVE rooms modern , la-ge yard and ba-n The Bvroa Reed Co FOR RENT for summer elegant % V i Farnam 5u home rarnlshed Beali' Paxton - ton block D 600 CHOICE house * -ottares > u > res Hnery B , Piyne. SflJ N Y Life , 'Phone J ic. LARGE brick barn , thirty st&li > , room far fifv will repair far good tenant ; rent " per month , Large nne residence 18 * eoas eaJrrtv mod- era , porcehtia bath , in perfect rendition. * rtfr rroaniii good bam , in bet pan of Walnut Hilt real Ki .00 per month US Coming St " roams balh. cios- < sty VHIVT. BPOO bam. CO.OA Z.N 'H > : h St store n HO four-room tut np ijttwt f y water Omaha Loan i Trun Co. Itih find DouglasD 7W FOR RENT , large nous * of IS or 14 rooms , larff twrn. Urge pround at S W cor ner ot r7th and Jackson Sis , PAXTON BLK- D Si & -ROOM , modern , 1817 Capitol Ave. 50 : 436 Fjrnam. t rooms , bara. J25 , JSS Burt. t roaxos C5-OP , others Pant-Halt Bros Barker Block. D 33 FURNISHED hoa- centraL 5KJJ California. D M7S1 1-3OQM , strictly all modem house , fine re. VK S biCKks troot Haa eam park. t * i. Henrv B Payne. Wi N Y Ltfe. D M H t OrR roams. 70 * So. lUi t. D M4T A3 > J4 X CD ST 7 iwms. ra 4 < r3i. < ! Xicb las ft7 roomi , movers , ng H21 Capitol ave I rooms , modern , ! -g " 11 No a th * t i r * mf fursished. ; S N Sth U roams , nae , :6th and C Ilf st 10 re m . m Jm. Apar'aents in Xomajrtie t Wlnona , D-MJ78 t _ _ _ CHOICE beu e * r tta n , stem. HNUT B Psyue N T Life. Phone , Ml DIK _ S-ROOU Mrtctly all ma4eni k B c. fise rr- ptlr i Wecki froni Hansocm park. Ctoa. Henrr B. Payne. 6 K Y Life. D MOi. f-HOOM bnek d * Bing. medera. excedtiBi locati a. < M ts th iveau * . Charles E. Be s , * Ramge bitiMtar D-M4 11 _ 4-RTiOM ( basesieat , SS & . Stt Srfby SH Board f Trade D M4 "EX-ROOM bause JWi S' * A\t D M > t R < X M 8aa law a-n shade. : i > Iti run nE\Tiiet E . o. - * modn nnpror"ce- * " - * Jon Uf > W > m-rm Bloom. K - oner ! * > m * * Bai7n i POR REVT rtnM HBD ROOM * . I XCE nwmt. bottsekeBlas , 1111 S Uta. PRIVATE f * lly vtmld r t ee or two Wh or trlh ! < it hoard hoe rfRNISHKO rowas. Ml Dvaglas m 5 3M GOOD - epiorotn = i daMm A3 * FTRXISHKD rooar oe r exposition ! 154 Locust 2 MODERN rvotB ? noufk-piDC. Sr-t floor 4 N - ' THRKK rooni < on ftr * < 9 o and a ! o 3rt. co-tnplete for "Jeiit bonlieeptoc. il * X 1 * . FtRMIIED ROOM \ > D nO\HD. ELBGANT rooms aad board. ISH5 Capuot Ave. F 1 OLENC.URN. tranl nts S day W 9 Doucla ? F 140 XICELY furnished roa w th bakfa ' near Hanscom park modern house Ad- dresC IS , Be F W6 DESIRABLE rooms Wth all aodera con- Hi S. Sth St. F " 91 XI' ELY furaished room ! want first cla s bonrfl17TI Dodcf F VX- ' ROOMS and board , Sit S Kth street F-M3M ) * FIRST-CLASS rooms aad board OT7 ] Douclas. F XICE front room * . H4 S Kth. F M3 > 1 E * | ELEGANT room , with board IMS Capitol j ave. F M4T :3' I FOR RE > T tAFCR-M HER ROOM . j 3 UNFURNISHED rtoms. newly papered , up stairs ITS So l".ti G MJCS | THREE unfurnished roams. 2609 St. Marv i Ave. G Kl 8 * FOR REVT * TORES .OiD OFFICES. DESK room for rent on r-onnd floor Bee Buil din i ; Faraam street side , rent r asoa- i able Apply R C Peters Co. . Bee Build- tap I M41J i FOR RENT * or la flrst-class location rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Piters & Co . c. ouad floor Be Bldp I 3X FOR REXT a ground floor ofSce , specially suitable fcr real estate tc splendid tault. built for uie of city treasurer Ap ply R C Peters i Co. . ground floor Be * Building I 267 OXE larca fine office of two -corns to rent in tie Ooatlnenla. block , wia put ta coa- dlrioa to suit tenant. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO . 16th i Douglas St- I-SH ACEVTS "WAATED. AGENTS wanted for a special summer cam paign. Tie Saturdav EveningPOM e - tabllsi'd by Benjamin Franklin in 1 S aow published bv The Curti publiahlag Company proprietors of The Ladles Home Journal , is o2"er d to s-ubsrrlbscs for one vear only , for H. ' * tie -erular price is 1159. Thi offer Is for tie pur pose of a quick introduction aad win b * -ritidrawn 5 pt inb > r 1st The regular prire of C.50 will b * maintained after thai date"SVe will give a good commis sion for exerv ubKs-iber * curtd and dis tribute JI OK ) September 1st amocr tie 17 best agents I5S ) will be given the person sending tie largest number of FUBscrtbers at tl.li' ' > each per year At tils cpecial low < = ub cripGon price thousands can be easily s cured. Address The Curtis Publishing Company Philadelphia. Pa J-MSl--Jy-lE- AGENTS are maldnc 110 to S2D daily selling Xe ly photograph' . "Fighting the Philippine * . " 160 superb half-tone en- praVngs. fall page , SxE. made Irom photographs - graphs Jus-t recevd from Man.la outat. laclndiag cloth bound copy by express , prepaid , for 33 cis , arl5 acUon guaran teed. F T Neelvs publishing- House , K5 Wabanh Ave. Chicago , also 114 Fifth Ave Xew York City J M46 Z2 AGEXT5- it TOU up tn a pavinc ness and furnish K.W outfit frail easy sellrs big proats. continuous busiac rclus-ve territory wnte quick Hunter Co , : < ? Ann St Racine WlJ J M4SI WAXTED apen-ji to fll a new Molasses Pump to grocers the newest and b st in tie market exclusive aJr g vea , wrUe for territory aad particular . Borden i S'lltrck Co 114 Water St Cl v laai O J M1.H S A RELLVBLE New York commisKoa hou desire * a fe-x agencies of westfrn T3aj3Ufacurers for Xew York or larger eastern territory carsva'Twd regularly eye o a Fa ! * nian Adde Agent. P O Box 15" , Phila Pa. J M4M lit * STORAGE , PACIFIC Storar- and Wareijon Co POS- glO Jni gea-ral storage aad farwarding 143 OM. Van i S'orage 15U-i Farnam. Te-i. US ? 144 tVA.TEDJO BCY. WE WANT several nice re idfnc > s and resi dence lots for cash buyers We have thf buyers what have vou to off e' * O Xeill s Real Estate Agency South Omaha.N . N US XD-HAXD furairare bought A exchanged Boftoi * Farmmre Co 1414 Dodge T L 2Sfc X 147 ALL kinds of bonsebold poods boel etc. In large or mal ! luaniities. Chicaro Fur- Star Cs. 14(6-16 ( Dodge Tl. M . second-haad fireproof safe 111C Puraam- N M45 Jyl = TAMP conectJons bought , sold M N 16th X M117 AJ TORVLB FVRMTtTtE , = EE our Sid-haad r-rniture , stove * lowest arice * Boston FnnurCo 3414 Dodre O 14S VLL tie f um tare of an ll-r > ra hu . 1T So. Sth street. O 431 7 FOR SiLE HOR E \\D VEHICLE" . . OLD buggl * * taken In trade an ne-w vehicle * . Aad rst-n Buggy Top Co 15 i Davenport. P-MSW LADY'S black driving horse and phaeton. 5 , A Reyaoids. Mil CatiforoiaP P M41S f PAIR f sound mules- price , a so gaad mare Hoff bars. 15th and J < u.k on. P-M47J : LIGHT twums. Nth. Hay Co 34ti and N Otoias. P-SUS M FOH S 1LEMICELL. > > EOCS. B , HAAS. Fkmst 1 I Vtetan StTei 778. nlaa * * , cat o * ers. btxjuMg. bail , re - oener. wed4iBg and grave deoaraaonr orders bf mail or txpreM preapU } fil > d. Q in FOR SALE tea R-I-P-A-X-5 fcr i etmts at j cruggu fc. One g M retfef Q J I , WHY g t f caad grade Wcj-clfcS - waen you c&n er. aigk grade Crceats Jr S ra h. 1C : Cap. Ate. Q-Bt A FINE diamond CTSXMSB * pic set with Urge witHe 4Uaai BAs w igte S1 * carats. * special bargain. I&M. ( ' , regular face , Ba.b A. MandtOberr ieadiag Jewakc. J0 asd F&n&m sis. U l HOG poultrv oiw-s and ae > d fenting aJ wtre 'Wfn W rki.C" Howard St 9 PAIR dlatD.d e.rrz ; fa s * e hecp Duiaood Loin TOR VLEMI C.ELL . > KOl < . ' D-HAND na' * henp DTigtS * . 6 r r-ai ream. wt c s * rhln- rtait CHin > Pa.r . 2H 5 FLAO POI.SS. w M cft pw-t aod - bog fence. 4 P glas Trt gA Q-l SAFBS > ur L exchange 114 S MRS i St CTTTSHS of dmr jrtc S * rm8 Is MrCMaa Drag C . IMS &eg St StQ Q IH FC'R al . patrM for X t > r ck Me notify , AddreA. . Be * ofSe Ccnind ! BlaSc WILL siertftce tar MM Kfcntoail for nw easy paym'Bts A4dre t C , rae Q-tttJylt . _ POR SALB-Oae M f T ry Sn * aardw d Mntt * nitmbi > for xpVtt1eB exMSrtt . . ? rf t new Ht a crt tmrcaln Cm - ' rr Package Mfe co 197 Jone St FOR SALE pott > ie b&k r oven Ca'l i ITti aad Jefferson St * South Omaha > Q -7 * I AT a bargain II tare * 'e-l raacoltaWe far hetei and re taararu :41B D < fcice St. Q XOTICE. cmiatry fleale-r Sd-hand furaitur- and toves old at lowest prices , carload lots oless. Chicago Fnmltur * Co I t- t Dodce R li FOR REXT a rood b&ra IMS Cass.R R IS" FOR REXT Crelghton-Orpbeum Ih-ater for " -onventlons or local enlertatnmeat * unt.l the r-oix-ninr of the rralar sea on. about the last * ek of Anew-t. Apply at box FIFTEEN per era- for th ue of I1W chB"el surtv and references AddrM D 2i Be * oflic * R MS ? * CLAIHVO\ MRS FRITZ clairvoyant. E17 N MRS DR. MOS5 the Twin Cities favorite life -Bder ( St. Paul aad Minaeapoll" ) is jocated a : I7H Capitol avenue con ulta- : ions d&ilv oa all aJTar of life , love mar- riare divorces InSdellty of husband cr wrfk > t or tolea articles e < her aad b oonvlaced reading. We up. teas f the S ta. S * < up. t-v FREE TEST FREE TEST Good news for ait So mr - am I of = iy pow > r of tiling tie pa t. ppat and future I wit , give a few fr fsts to ail who wish a readirur keptlcs tavt ° d. Se - phrenoloclst , astrologist , palmist. P-of Elmer Hull Known from ocean to ocean as the Wiite Maaatma asking no questions , he tells tie full name of i- I caJers aad tie fu3 name ot your furur hu baad orwife , whether tie on you k > v : true or fal = venth son find has th pow r of aay two mediums tells you | what vour trouble i evrj hidden mys tery revealed -when you will marry -what is needed for nco rs u bu laes love marriage BpralatlDa. ( hances jo ses dl- vorc- . wills pensions etc. all p-pfeasions have their frauds aad bumbucs and you may have b * a humbugged but aoa t civ up ta d palr for c reads vour fate bv a woaderfu : powewher - all otier may iave iai-ed. Private parlors 1S12 Dodge . S M S * MME. GYLMER , genuine palaist 1WS Dodg-e S M477 MASSAGE V5T > B .TH5. MRS BSRRY BATHS. MASSAGE. PAHLORS BEST equipped in city ladv at- teadaats. ns N l ti opp. P O lad floor. T 955 . AMES , R. i 507 S , U , massage baths T-5C Jvl7- MME. SMITH room 1 HPt North 15th T 6K JylE- FRJVNXES de Seatorious of K. C107 N. li 1 T M55 j MME , LEE , baiia. aasiage parlor. 3SC N IE. j i T 3S7 JyS- I ELITE parlors ICES Faraam , op stairs erst-class baths massage and maeneric * - T 23-14 * tr-at3ient. lady attendants - MRS BERRT BATHS MASSAGE. PARLORS BEST e < julpp d la cliy Porce- laia rub lady attendants. US N ICth. , opp ? O id floor T WS PERSONAL. I PRIVATE hospital for ladies before i dur ing conflaement babies adopted , H36 N 17 U 1C BATHS , massage Mine Post. SPS 15th. U Ii3 DR. ROY chiropoilst corns removed 25c and upward Room li Frenzer block. U 1 MOXHEIT leader la hair goods , toliet pp - aradons. Partan blk. Faraam st. entraac-e U 16S MRS. PORTER , U < 51 * ' baths. Open even ings Douglas blk. U 1SS THE best assortment of bicycle temps is at Louis F'.esch'-r's ; prices low 1C : Can Ave. U 1O L1E3EN. co tcmer hair -work. 13 ; Howard. C 170 MONHEIT chiropodist. hairdr * sinc- Paxton - ton block , U 1C7 VTAVI is w oaaa * way to health 24 3t- Blig U-171 RUPTTRS CURED We cure aH forms o ! RITTER ho pltal conflnecient cttfr taken babs adopted. 13.4 Stward , Omaha. T l- ephone SZ. U MSfe Jyl9 HOWELL S Litttle And-BUiou" Pills T-u T BUlojine-f ! . Dixzinesa , Indigestion. Sick Headache * ConPtlpatjon Torpid Liver and aH derangrrnt-nts of tomach aad bowels Being entirely egetablthej operate without disturbance to synem "diet or oc- upation Far sale by all druggists HowJ' s Arrt-Kiwf cures cone'L U M7SS MORPHIXE hablor di eae pocit v oulck cure greatest dl eoverv of th age 33 fharge unlrss cured. Hill-Iae.Rja-Co 41 * = bee'y block , Omaaa Xeb 1 M CARDS n XiUwls t Broadatld , 4E Sheely b'k Tri IK : U-MTS SUPERFLUOT-S haireaovei no r ' l tri-sty no instrument used. 4 Wlthnell : Block- U MC1-S- , FACIAL massage 5&c scap ! Teated S3c 50c. shampootnc- . 5'ic. Mis * Hubbard 415 McCague BWg U MS : ! i _ . , I OMAHA Phonograph parlor SI N l ta st cor Chicago phonographs , records sup- pWe * V M47B A SUPERFLUOUS hair wans and moife ? Pf-msneatly removtid by electricity COD- snlar'on and cunMentia ! an work ruarant fd MIM Allender l ll Doug-las. U-MW U- MO\EV TO LOAt REAL ET4TE. 15 PER CENT mosey Bern' * , Paxton Blor i W 17J MONEY 10 } 0aa c arst-class Improved cjrv I property or lor buikliag purposes. Paj-ne- I Hsrdrr C N. Y Lif * W J7 1 ni * AND up. F IX Wead , Ifth aad Doutia * ' j _ W 174 I jJOXEY ta loan n improved Oaaba - ai etuue Breacau-Lai-f Co 3 $ So } * UL W-375 _ _ 5. 64. i * T ct. tea&s in Omaha. So Ozwha. W H. Thomat , S ut Nat. bank. Te _ S t I w KB" _ _ WRITE us If you waat a ' .r a on year farm i in lo t. rBj-trra Ne-b or Ma. it win nar 1 > ou Asika y Loan & Trnt : Co Hi X Til ' Wie _ II W3 asA upward t > lean on Ire proved cttj- prspertr an4 farms. W Faraam Sarti A C B Faraaa. W-ta _ PRIVATE nwwer * o leas , tow nit J H. Sbanreod. 3 X. Y Life Wl _ i per cwat touu G&rvta Bros . Mil Fa ream. W-l _ 3I iRTGAGES WaHace SH Browr Block. - AVTBD y atd farns .uan. * ls < - w r-i R < " Pe'fcrj & i ! " ; , B't Buij. -R-Ul MO\E"l TO \\-HE\L E T VTE. oa" - XH > * a kad ' < " > rate * 8 P * * - < T a . E wnn inon V 3 B * TBSd W 177 LOANS. Pwtt-r-Sholes C * X T Uft TW MOXET TO tO Vf-CH 1T7 ELS. , LOANS MADS TO SALARISD PBOPLB. hoMInc rram nt positions n : * etr rr- * oaal no- ? without lndor "inB' - rw- ly trh-tlv ronfld-rmal and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATH ? . as , H tr aU > to your Hdvantacv we are the oltf t ! T 1 and craljr f a"TWatJoan cotntMint in Oxnlia. F W Trmax. Mrr . 11 * Board of Trade e mh sad Far- > Telephone 9ft X MSB MOXKTTO LOAXOX MOXSY HOUSEHOLD FVRNrruRs , PIANOS. HORaBS CARRIAGES. W AGOXS. ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYXSXTS Ton can pay the tawner back ta a r * acNraat ro wish and at aar time. ' Eat a jwrairot - > nvade les * ns til- cost j of carrying tie loan. * , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAX CO- * ' S SOUTH 1ETH STRBET * , MOXEY- -MXKT ' MOXET loaned en ftirsKBre rigs , Wcycles i dlan > end . watches , etc. . pajmeni * no- known to frifxl * . Bergrs Loan Back. 14M Famarn. upstairs. - X1R | MOXET loaned on planon , farattare Jew elry horses , cows , etc. C F Read. SS tt. MOXET leaned on piano * furniture , bar"- * cows , Jew lrr DuS Gr ? n R. S. Barker blk X 199 MOXET IXJAXED SALARIED PEOPLE con3dentiailv hoWlnp pe-ssanent po = l- tion on their own name without n- dor , ajortcace or security of aay Kind. Can repaj in easy wekij : or montiily payneat * Omaha Credit Co C. E. Jen- MET suite 5S-25 X T Lift ADVANCES MVDE TO CLERKS , BOOK KEEPERS STENOGRAPHERS. SALES MEN EXPRESS AND RAILROAD EM PLOYES ETC.bout secur-.ty of tnv kind except their own name * reasonable -at loans -furaed In a x neeklr or -iipnthly payments to u t onvenieac * of bor-ower , applJcatlan' tat d confidenti ally AMERICAN LOAN CO rocra 63t Be Bldg X-MW9 MONEY loaaed ala-led popi holding per manent po lfon w'ti - ponslb1e con- c""ns upon tie- } own name wltiont pe- cantv earr pavment ? Tolman , R. 705. N. Y Life Bldg X1S BUSINESS SNAP grocejv tad sajoon com- both making money a. so bulldlncs and grouad aad fe d tabi x'-elleat toca- ? on. with established * radnvc ticate Addr or call J J Crowe. J40 ? West _ B-oadway Council BlofTs Y M4 i IXVE5T Cd * cunng larcnetkly Income Safe conservativ p-opoci-ion Id Facces - fu ; vear Statistic ! ' fr H GrJSn. New York. Y 54i FCTR QUICK returns list vour hartals * at O Xelll R-al Estat- r-ncv. So Omaha ARE YOU looking for a busme-s that will * W capital r - field handfsiay r nms quirfd * If so call oa C. W Deaals S * New York Lit- T MH57 FOR SALE , tie finest lvy ! aad stable ia the state of Iowa Address W C. L-\erici , Sioux Clrj IcraaY Y M3E1 11" MERCHAXDISE Stock * C.2M. S3.UOO SS.aX\ SK.51Q. All clean wll assorted countrv stock ? OwaerwHl exchange for good farm aad city property Writ" us for full particulars. Merchants * Broker aOJ Brown block Y 171 FOR SALE , rostauraat , csatraUy .ocated , ev Tvtinag new ddr s D 1 ? Bee. Y 4311' FOR SALE cheap furaitur * and A S-year lease of hotel ta eastera X braska. Rent very low and Is the be tt oiei point is ti" stale for am t lnvrr-d , Kav had hotel 1 ? months and have cleaned up above all erp a " = fsnulv exp nf * included , an avrag - of J1K ) per rnrrrh. Sickne s i the for lUnc 'For pa-ticular ad- R. F V A. tins oSce Y M470 1C * WANTED capable man witi HOti cash 10 car-v stock of goods and maaag" b-anci bu rfno s J150 j > * r morth and xpense ! al o extra. perc niac p siaaent po - r'on r fereD' s re < ja'd Henrv Vemon Bcvce Building Chicago Y MJ'C f FOR A BEAUTIFUL -sidence lot will exchanre for piano or good horw aad bugcv 501 Browa block. Z T7I FOR 5-LE REVL E T VTE. LOT and Sv--room hjuse CtO cash balasce J10 prr mo witiou' mter t TS lots in Brigg ! PlacfllK * ; o n.100 each. tni to suit ourcha"- Kgricultural loads in eastern X'Draika. at n 00 to Ja-K ( > per acre BERLIX INVESTMENT COMPANY Rooms 1 and i Contin nta' BlocW RE Mia 5 HENRY B PAYNE 6W N Y LIFE BLDG Real estate barcair.s low rate loans , safe ! fire Insuraace- hon rented to good ten- I ant only. List with m. Phone 1016 RE 1S3 5 W COR. > th ave nd Sailer pretty u-w 6-raoa cottage , partlv aod-m. large jot , ce-ar two car lines , n.4r ( V > . easy terms. Byron BHasting ? a : S 14th St. RE MC3 FOR SALE-T'tne three-story businMS block. 4768. a pnme condition , centrally locatfci Inquire of F B Brvant , ngent , court houpe RE ZS $ f * LIST jour propenv with us We will sU it L. L. Johnson Co. , Hi S l th RE M ; Jyn- i \CRES unimproved , dose in lays fine ; cheap J H Sherwood. 42 X Y Life. RE M4 5 O NEILL 5 Real Estate Agency South Omaha. Headquarters far rraltv invest ment * RE 1SS HAVE von some lots to seL * Now it the time to dispose of tiea let the people knew that you waat to dispose of them. The Bet reaches tie people who have tie money RE S j COMFORTABLE eoztagt roons very 1 fip-bJy and in good et-ndii on , IwatM at tell Charles -treei R E U ! ' I FOR SALE , bargain the -esJdenc * SS So. , 2Sti su , S rooms furnace gaa , bath , lot ! Kxl55 feet , magnificent location , next to i Ogden B stone house best bargain in the ' city for the mont-v prire , K.a'n Potter- Sholes C , 30 N T Life RE Mlffl K . GLOVER , rail e tate broker 3 < e Karbach , caa safety invest your idle aoney Try nim RE 1S4 IF YOU want a farm , cheap grazing land. or ranch , jvlease write UF Wills Cad- 1 wen Co Brokea Bow Xeb i RE Mfc Jyli HOUSES , lots farms lands loans , slo fire Stmik , Paxton Blk. RE ISS PECK . CO agents and dealers in eltr and , farmpropeny.tns reatals. 101 S lain , 1 RE IM NEW S-room mode rn ho * U3 N. Us * are , , 1 rentfrd I jears at US per mo I SKi and 440 acres Sarpy Ca ckeap. s-rooa. modern bouse Haaseoa Place oltar wil ! tr < Mie for land ) Wagon shop for sale cheap t o lets ta ex * . change. ' fr-roota oettage on good street. waat Jet at i 30th and 9loado Ifr-room house 96th aad Pojtpletos. t tx- : change Jer lef-f rooms rlosw : h-C BOG i * ctwp Raaco s aad farm UtxlM : uh &sd lla-oc 4 aeuu-s ca a | > L. JOHNSON COat - at 5 liti St. RE-M4CT C F HARRISON i GBO T MORTON H-Rt X Y LIFETBLEPHONE B4 i RE MOI A MANDERSON tt--t t between rtt nut KMU jot xixis fe t. can 2tUi av Bue aorUi of si Marys avraue. * xttS feet , oalr H.K * . Ne r St , Mary's avcaut aad oA sores * . Sn. 14 + frt pore U.SM. lilT XwJmiat nrtrt. i-roB to u . rtwtaJ IM j -r y * r price t * i 1 : C iBd U i Norta ntk * tr 2 iwa teumfs , > ( ti : * iff tim ® JOHN ! C FKEXZER OPP oLD P O HE-Mi.4 _ HOUSE t J bc ft. , et.-d ground far * " Jl" * 'f * Jcea a' fu-e Inoa re 13 aai Sw-36Je. P.E MiW f FOR VLK RE\L E5TATK. ' - T Tofca ; Nsgs ra-uh " ' - - > ei tr oi < 'a-n i wMtern N hra ea E. C Jv * Cit } Xeb TVKET s BARGAINS Lot on f7 h and DonpU * U.W Let n Dodr * . n-ar JVUa. U.S * ' Lot an Ca c g n * r Sth S1.3H Corner ( Iwircia a < * and Pailfir h < * * Let on 4tod near Farnara. SAM 7 roan aou Ztth and Dsflrtft U.f > MM m SKS r * and Pitrirfc W.SW North b U oi 1 Xefrm * aa * A P TrKET BOARD OF TRADE RS-M419 ! XKWrootn nw > d m hen * * in X nt ve , ' rented two v ar at KB per taeoth J and * W acre * Sarpr CB _ < * eap S-rx im modern b u eHan eai Pa- " otea * trill trade fur lanJ hop for saie cn ai. cottac * f n c td ytret w aT3 * ' at S th and Bleu * * . l-rtoo > bous * ? h and PoppMOr a ca nc * f r s room * c o * r in Grenbons * cheap Ranchi ? and farm land of all ae x ' pi - s l xl d S4th and Mason 4 aou es in-ar L. L. Johnson Co 94 So l h tM RS 4 ' FOR SALE , a Jot on Bancroft stre-t Omaha. cb ap Address L. Evans fll N 3"ti stre-t PhUadelphla Pa RE M44S IP- IMPROVED farmin eas | rn Xebraska fo- * * Je or wou d xnhaag- for good clean merchandise Address Box 147 Waver'1 * N-b RE M4SJ 11 * VB-TR1CT OF TITLES. H-VRRJS Abst-.rt . 43 Bee Bulldlnr 200 PETTRITER * . TYPEWRITERS for r nt. M W per moa-i The Smith-Premier Tvp wriler to IHS Famaa Si Tel-phone 12M 20Z WE RENT and sril tie best typ w-ter maKj" iarg st stock of jupplies a Omaha . United Tj-pewrter ! & Supply Co 1S12 Fa- cam 203 i REMINGTON Standard typewrK-r and sup- I plies. ISIS Firaam , StH . ' THE Oliver Typewriter vislb.e writing heaviest aan.fold r and cuts * he finest twici ! see exhibit Ue-al Art * bide t Greater America Exposition T l 7 ! > J S Stew-art , = pial Agent , SIPS FT- teenth St Omaha. M 3 MEDIC VL. DR. PRIES , -enowaed German , . diseases of women no failur f spe-dv * - llf twenty vears expe-ience r fersnc a 1315 Doigt Omaha letters , staapp M 2S5 JvS MANSFIELD S MONTHLY RSGU-j later has broucht happiness o hund-eds of anxious womea havaver had a' ' failure longest cas.es reUe ed in i two to fl\e day without fail none no danger no interference with wo-k by mail or office C all ' "tter * tru-b- fally answered The Mansfield Remedy Co 1C7 Dea-bora stre-t rooa 04. CJr- cago. IL. nn S * ' LOST. LOST lady * goidRatci aadh . ! n wi'h locket atarhe < i. between : tb and Dodge and lh and St Marv s a vena" L.be-a reward for r tumo owner Mrs X J McKltrtck. 4SI Hamey = ireetLost Lost TAKEV UP Bavnar white hind weight abou1 < 60 Pa-i.s D Br .s and Omter Sts Found li * FI Hl > G RESORT- . BASS aad cropps * S hins aow flae a Langdon. Mo Hot'late H 59 per daj JS.OT per wek P"nry ! or boats and minnows news at r - -onasl rate * Good caaiping grounos For further information soaress F-ank T Vog * manasr tie Langdon HotM and Railroad Earing House M 4J Jvl6 HO ye fishermen , go to Langdca Mo for bass and croppie stop at Adams house JU3 a < Iav JS.W a week , including boats BIC"ICLE . NEW wheels. 113 50 up 2nd-hand hels. up repairing i upplies Omaia Blcvde BICYCLE hospital l lh & Web t r Tel ! 0 SEE Louis F > sther fob cyclepa.nng -samelisg and sundnes Ifi Cap Ave 203 OSTEOP VTH"V. JOHNSON Of-opalile Instira-e sui-e E15 X Y Life Bldg T-l 1CG4 J W DUL M. D D O consulting physiriin Mrs. Alice John son. D O Mary Hobson. D u graduates of American Sciool of Osteopatbr Kirks- vUe Mo Gid E Johnson , Mgr yx , M. E. DOXOHUE D O of SMI ) school lf Mv , K-4 Paxton blk Tel 1IC7 SHORTHAND V D TVPEWR.ITI > G. A. C Van Sant s Schoo. 7 X Y Life \TOMJVH % . Bu" College 16th i. BOYLE'S school court r-po-ter pnncsp * ! Bee Bldg 22 UAfSDRY. OMAH-A. STEAM LAUNDRY city towel applv shirts sc coUars ic caffs + c underwear fr 1750 Leavenworti Tel 54 * M S Sepli DRE > M VKIAR. MRS A C MARK , dressmaking , iad.es taiionns accordeon knife ide p.eal. e 1-th & Famam- M 445 IV families. Miss Sturdy 2T1C Da vesper ft : JyJ- ' LILLIAN FITCH pub c reader 'ejuie- elocution , phisua , cu' jr * sao fenr'cg SC So. Mtfa Si M St i * \BnOKEH" JEFFERSON Sijuar * Uoan Office 4i N EAGLE Loajs < t(5 < frf lab r B r-nrnm'HJ ing ail busJifP5 ontid anal m Dcr FICTOR1 D OJAGED iook-ng gJatses r"si vert-d. * o § ! 1 Mai HOTELS. ' TRY the Henderson Htt"e 1 board aad room 1 HOT per week gas steam heat and baths i Ninth and Faraaa Sta SIS TRITMC FICTOni. 1 SEE OUR Turk -ravei.nc bagi suit cases. i Trunk * rt-pa.red Omaha Trunk facuwy m-S > FarnAm -SHI AiC MCKEL PLAT If G. 1 ALL kinds plating. Oa Plating Co , Be * b.dg MiCHINTi * BEPAIHKO. BEST f ci'v references g4vn. Joseph E. Paittlps , 30 * Cert y St Onxaaa 4ffi AJ j , TTOH > E'V § . W F WAPPI-'H attorney prattle in all , courts bsnkrupui Jitt j Brawn B k. I -rs J3 > , D ! > TtTTEHI\G. CURED Jalia. Vaughn J Ramge B ig HOlsE MOI CK. COY ocatd H"It St Marr f Av FE1THEH ilATTRESSES renewrj T S Zf 3 , Te TIME t VRD. _ . u-1 % a ev Ra. , - n < 3 n ra. C fflces > ' d S'a'es Va'jona , .nk Bkdc Southwest _ - nrae * TwefUi a 4 Far- naa Stre s. Ticket O2 ce : * K Faraam St-eet. _ T e-hoae 9Rt Depfcl. 1Mb. aad " ' Leave. Arrlv * . Black 1'ISs. DeadTvaod. Hot Springs a J 00 pa a 1:00 paT Tc i oc Casper and Doaglas t J'OCpa A 1:09 pa H > stingy Twk. DvU City fVf nor. Geaeva Exe'er and Semara * Jim b I K ) pa Norfolk. Verdlgre and Freaont S 7 aa M * 56 aa Lincoln , Wiboe d Fremo-t b * M aa btt.X am c 7 J aa a Da. v Da ; v ex-ept Sandar e Son- day oc. v Da , y except Saturday ixi AJ A XORTH- wes't-a Railway "Tns X-r-b we tern Line" oty T.cket Office. 14W Faraaai Str * t TeJe- pbone. SR Depot. T atli and Mason Str ftsTe , C3 _ Leaie. Arrive. DaylijChrago Spe- , , el1 _ a t 40 am all 5S pa Mo Va.ley. siatix Oty. St. Paul & Mlaneap * . . ° 'ls , . . a S.5 ia all-M pa Mo all-v S4oux Ctty a 7:45 aas a 4:23 pa Lrrol Local o JS pa blO.19 aa Moines. MarshaJltowa. > eda.RaphJs aad Cil- * 1 = * * ffi Agg nrerCi al ? ' .c. 9 t/4's ; > ta .1. * ; > or aeT3 Ex : ress a : S pm a 40 am uaaha-Chlcigo Spec'il a i-ffi o-a a S is aa Fast Mall . . . t C am a Ua y b Da'vxtpt Sunday ; CK7CAGO = T. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Raiway - "The Nona. western Line' General OJhcea. Nebraska Divl- c tL Ttiephoae. SSI. Depot , at Sis. Leave. Arrive. Tw a C y Exa-ess 'Tor Faux . tv St. Paul & Mlaneapol.si .a E'W i 2 ni1 > ; aseager . a 7:00 pa olair , Emersoa. Sioux City Pont-a. Hartins- .ton and Bloorafleld b 1-0 pm b S aa No. i Twin City L t'd..a SS pa No 1. Omsia Limited . a S 00 am a Dally b Dallr except Sunday orx crrr i PACIFIC Railroad "The Xorti- westera Line ' Gene-a. Offlc * . United States Naloaal Bank Building , fc W _ Corner Tweirb * * * - * C4 k U and Faraaa Streets . 1401 Faraam Street. Tale- Dtpot. Tenth and Masoa streets. Teephoat , 3. Leave. Arrive. Slotix C'ty ' Ma. kato < L St. Pa'M . 5-M - * . _ aeapol.s a ta a E 40 aa St. Pj.uL , aio i Sioux City 3. S S pa all CO pa Sioux " ' * y Ls " a " < 5 aa a is pm OMAHA .t ST LOUIS P2SE Railroad Omaha Kan- ta- City & Santera Raii- ARTHUR road 'Tie Port Arthur Route Tlckt O ce- - 1415 Famaa Street Te5 ephoae 21 Depot Tath aai Mason Streets Tele- Shoat. CS. Leave , Arrive. Sk Ctnaoa Ban ess a 4 JO pm a E.S3 aa nis City aad Qulncy Loca _ . a i i aa a 30 pa e Dailv CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St Paul Railway City Ticket Office , 13M Fsrnam Street. Telephone , : M De pot Teath aad Mascn Sts. Telephone. CS. Leave Arrive , Ch.ce.cs TJmited Ex a 5 45 pm a E.TD am Chicago A. Oaaia Ex DllDO aa b 3iS5 pa S.oux Cry 4. Des Molaes Express bll OS aa b S-K pa a Dkily b Daily eiceit Sunday a Daily CHICAGO. ROCS. ISL- CreaJ aad & Pacific P-ailroad "To- Great Rock Isl- flnckisland aad Route. " City Tick et OSce , ITS Faraaa Street. Telephone. 4JL Depot. Ttnti & . Mason Streets. Telephone CS. Leave. Arrive , Des Moines ix > c l a 7 ( B aa bllJS aa Chicago Express M1J5 am a I 10 aa Chicago Fast Express a SrW pa a 1J5 pm St. PauJ Fas-t Express a sM pm bll.5 ia Liacola Cc orado Spgi , , Denver Pueblo aad West a 1.23 pa a 43 pa Des Me a < = s Rock la.- and aau hit-2gt > a "ia pa a C.25 pm Colorado . Texas F"yer a C 40 pa a. 9 03 ta a Da j b Dm- except . - - - BUP-LINGTDX i. Mis souri River Railroad "Tae Burlington Route" General Offices , X VT Cnmer Teath aad Far- naa Str eta. Tlckel OSce , laOZ Faraaa j- - * St-ett. Telepioae. ra. Depot , Teath ana Masoa Streets. Tele phone. D Leave. Arrive , Lincoln , Hasaags aad McCook a i-40 aa a 7.40 pa Llncois. Deat er. Co.o- rado Utah. Cailfornia. a 4JS pa a SJ pa Lincoln BUck HJils. Montana i Pugt Sound . . a 4S p a a 1:00 pa T-7icoa Local a 7.00 pa alO.2 aa t'acola Fast Ma I a J 03 pm Denver Colorado , Utah l 1 & California. a t.33 a Dally KANSAS crrr. ST joseph - seph i Council Bluffs Ra-road "The Btirllng- i. Route Ticket O2ce 1/C2 Farna.a Street. Tele phone , 3D Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets Tfctt- phone , Zlt > . Leave , Arrive. Kansas Cltv Day Ex a.3 aa a S 40 pa Kaatt CS'r X5ght Ex. ai& 5 pa a E JO aa St Lsu-s Fjer for St. Josepn aas St. LOU.S. a 4J3 pa all.15 aa a Da2v CHICAGO. BURLIXGTON * Qalacy Railroad "The BurUagton Route" Ticket oaoe lilfi Farcara St. TtJ , 250. D pot , Tenth & Masoa Streets Tele phone , ZltX Ltave , Arrive. Ef-e- . a 40 aa Ch ; ago Ve-st.bu.t-d Ex. aSOopta attKaa Ch rage Express J1Da a 4.K pa Ch ra o & st L Ex a 7 41 pa a P < C aa Pacflc Juacuoa Local aiO.is aa a S 45 r.a Fast Ma.i M 1.45 pa UNION PACIFIC "TEE OV2R. and Route" Generh , Ofiitta N E. Cor Ninth and Ftrnaa Streets. CJty Ticket Offity , iaaj F raaa StrMrt. Ttlepbcnt , ft r.f Depot. Tenth aad il isa Streets. Telepboae , C3. Leave. Arrive. -Toe O * r . - i Llmit'd" for Utah , . ' 'tho Maa- tana , California , Ort- goii am * Wafitlagtoa ppUits . . .a t-iD aa a 4.4 $ pa The Color&ia Special * fcr cmti and aH C-lsrsdo ooicuo . . all S pa a .40 &a Paein Sxprta * fsr Denvei. Salt Lake. Pkcioc Coast and ai : esters .omta . . . b 4 i pa a C 0 ta Linco.n. S-jtr > ct and Stromsburg Expp-M b 4 St pa bJ2i pa Fremont. Columbus. Nor- folk. Grand Immi and . North r .ue a 4 ; pa b 4. 5pa I Coluabus Local . b i J8 pa bli.a > pa j North Platte Local a 6 15 im I Sauta omaxa Local Pass Leaves. J.li u. a . "M a. m. U'.it ' ) A. m . 11& p m. Arrive * . UitJaa- ! pa , 4i p m p a. Council Bluffs L ca-1 Lesvti. i l a. j > C B Ln t am. 7 tt - is. , b lfr.il a. a. 1J3C p. = . 1.15 p. a. . J3 p. a . js p. a , , t i ; > nv iJ p m . ( 0 p. a. . i20 p. a. . 19Ju p. m. Armtvt , C S , a. a. . 7 o & . m. 15 a si MS i. a. . 11J6 a , m. , lt p m. . 4.B P. a. . SJ5 a cj . iJ p taa ? S > . a. , a. a , . i a a , a Da.ly txorpt Sunday { PACIFIC HAIL. road Generat OtSeex acd Ticket Offices Southeast Cr- | ct-r 14th and Dacgiaa Su. Tjepfcone , 1W. Depot , ttta and "A'ttitter Sta. ' .rw * Ltire. ArrJt , t L * . s-Kanit&j Neh. Lmn a i-Bt > a a2S pa K. C. St i. Expreis * > pa a. C IM LO . Wu'erbSOPpa bJCaa' ' b TIME t 1HIX s. S H RAILROAD _ rett , 1 . . . - _ . pot. Tea'a al Ma aa Stretts. Telephoae , 825. Leave. Arrtvt. rols "Caaoa rpr M . -a iM pa a IJS aaj a Dallr. ttTi orricuL > OTICE . B opo * t will be receive * br * > > Hoard * f Sducw ; on up te aad inc udl-c Mondat JUT ! 3 A : * r i o - 1t p m for far-i fi r .nt J aiaste * iaJ J > nn1ed m 'f niu ' t > f r "i * uru * i iaJ > e ' * atsca- ery snd jfp.H ' r tnc p-hotil iis"ict f Omaha 'or t * > e enu rt 'rar Clrrvtars o' laformaii KI. < I car4 * 9 the rhara er aod ouan' > - > ! rnrp' ' > p > r . < } ( < wU. * fem ! ( bed br the * erma of ! > * board , & * City UiuL pea applicaUon of the " ! > dwrtre to bkL \jl bid * awt be arfsapaied hr a r-rtifled rhecK for Mi. and bou > d ba - d-tiw to J M GtUaa. 5 retarr Bed of BducatJotv. 9K City Ha'L Tbe board re- > erxa * nc > i : o r le < t any ir ai. h , , ub at'-d * d to irait- any defect or - fcmnaittr IB am b d lAsuw 'l be deenj'd in il e lntere t of Uie Srbo J > i inct iO do uo 8 } ( . " -if f the 9W * J SI G1LLAX. Secre'a-y Jy 1-d-t-t. rOSTOFFlCE NOTICE. b real daily bv a'l la'trested. ai ch np * may ex-cur at aay time I Fo-dpa mail * for the w fk eniisc wu.y a. 1S . wi cK se iPROMPTLy in al cawt at tae frenwraa pt tof5pe a fallow * Par- ce-ln poft mail * cJtwe one hear earlier thaa clo ! ae ume shown Tran - Atlantic Mnll . SATrRPAT-At 5 aai for EUROPE. ptT * f Exrurhi * via. Queenrtown Oet ers for F"aaoe Swmtrtand. Italy , Spatn. Por'J- pa Turkey Enpt and Brtl h ladia auit be dlr-rted per Et-uria' > at . a. m for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN. PURTCGAU TtHKET EGYPT aad BRITISH INDIA , per s. La Charnpajne' vte Hax-r * Oetttr * for otaer part ? l Europe mart be directed per La Champarn * at * a m. for XETHERL.OCD5 dtre.t. per x. s 5paar- > - dani via Rtste-xlam detwrs mn t be d- rectedpr Spaarndam at M > a rn for SCOTLAND direct , ptr s Aacaorta. via Gla pow ilettemu - t be directed "per Anenjria > . at U a m. for XORWAY direct per f K Itlaad. vta. Carlsrtanla O.ett-rs must b * d.r ted 'per Islaad" ; PrinteJ mntt r etc. German steamers saiUns on Tuecdtrr ttkr pr tsd matter. etc for Germany aad perally addressed prlntwd matter etc foothr part * of Eu-ope Amtrican and White Star > team- ers on Wednesdays. German stetmers oa Tau-sdajs , and Cunard. Freacb. aad Ger man teamr on Saturdays take printed matter etc. . for all countries for walca the * are ad r is fd to carry mau After the -loslaE of tae upp emeata-r l-ansaUanuc niaR named bore ada- tlonal supplementary mails are opened oa the piers of the American. English. French aad German steamer * and rcmaia open until i.flin ten minute * of the hour of sailing of steamer Mail * for onth and Central Imerlca , Wr.t Indlen. Etc. ? 30 . for XEW- S \TrRDAY-At am. FOl'XDLAND per . Cartaafinlan. ' -om Phllade phia at 10 a. a. isupplc- tnentarv 10 TO a mi for BERMTTDA. per E i Orinoco , at 10 a m i uppiementarr in OT a. av for FORTTXE 1SL.OTD. JAMAICA. 5AVAXILJ-A. CARTHA- GEXA and GRETTOWN per * Ait * ! ilttter * for Co ia Rica must bedlrected "per Alta 'i at > ( < a m for XS > rFOOTD- LAXD pr E B Portia at 11 a m- for CUBA. p r s E Havana , via Havana Ou ters must be dir * ctei "per Havana > at 1 p m for XTS * ITAS GIBARA , "ilTA and BARACOA. p-r Ollnda _ SfNDAT At 5 3P p m. for 5T PIERRj - M1QCELON , per rt ainer rrom Norta Mai Q Newfoundland bv ral' to Xor * i Svdnev and thence bi steame" closat th.B oS - daiSv E SO p m 'connectlac cjot-e here in erv Monday " 5Vedae dav and 5atardav > Mail- for Mlquelon br nil to Boston , and thence bi neamer cloe at this ofSce daily at E 30 p m. Malls fo- Caba. brail to Port Tampa , Fla. sad th nce bv steamer clo e * ' this of3c daliv icxcept Monday ) at * a , no. > 'ij" poriectinc closes ar on Sundav Wedae . - dar and Friday MaiJ' for Cuba , bv ra.l to MJami Fla and thfnce bv neamer cKT-e at this oSfevev Monday Tue - dav and Saturday a : ' n - m. ith con- nectlnc cia e * are ou T\se isv ana &atnr- davi Malls for Mejnco Cif erand un'ess special'v addreFsed fjr despatch bv steamer clo - at thl Pf5c daliv at ; T < a ni and I 3D p m 'Malls fo" Costa Rica. Belize Puerto Cones and Guate mala by rail to Xew O-leans and thenc bv steamer ' lee at tils office dallv at I 0 p m Connectlnc claE hr Sun- da v and Tae dav for to ia Rica , and Mondays for BeUz Puerto Cortez aad Guatemala. Repl ted mall closes at 6 p m previous dav Reeis-ter' d mall cjoees at C Pm. . se > cnnd dar before. TranI * ctflc Mull * . Mau for China and Japan , per s r Em- pr tc of China ifrom Vaacou prt cio * * her * daily up to July * tia ai JD p ra Ma.l for China aad Japan pr s R Id- zumi Mara < * rozn 5eartle close her * dal.v up to Jolv * Cth at 6 30 p m. Mails for \u iraia ( except those for West Au - t-alla. which ar < . forwarded via Europe . New Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI and Samoaa I .and per s c Mar-po a. 'from ' San F'aaciscoi tlose here dally aftr June * ZA. aad up u- July * "ta at 6.3Ci p rn on day of ar \ a ! of s * Campania , which will prob- abli arnve Julv Tin. Malic for China. Japan and Hawaii , per s E Olympiafroci Taoomai close be datl > up to July 1011 a' 6 30 p rn Malls for HawalL per s r Australia ( from Saa Fraaciscot close he- daily up to JuJv ! at 6 SO p m Mai.s " for "Auwralta itxctpt West Australia I. Hawaii and Fiji Island * p-r ; Vorar-sl ( from Vancouver * clot * hre dally after Jj " "th and up to Julj tlEt a : f 3D p. m. Malls for the Society Is-iands. per sh p Oty of Papula troia Saa Franci = cor clo here daliv up to July * 2Cth at 6 39 p. m Trans-Pacjflc mail * are r rwari d to port of sailinr daily aad tht schedule of clo - Inc is arranged on the presumption nf -uninterrupted overland transit "Ree- ioier d mail cuses at p m previous day CORNELIUS VAN C < > TT Postmaster Postofflfe- New York. X Y Jun " 0 , IB9. * J 1-WBOMS OVERT1UI\ED. It Get * Oat of Joint When It U Lied In VnKrr or in JOT * . The old choree that doctors try to keep Ix-ople tick mtier thaa to make them well , says the Xe-w York Tribune , ought to b iMthdrnwc forever o fir M it conctmi the dotto-E at aay one of the city hospitals If * ver tbe abstract principle of cartes ! > > - pie no matter what is the matter with thora wat reduced to aa tbstiriity , it has bt-ea to carried tjp thf e la the ItKt few dae The doctors have pot hold of a woman whose JBW becomes dislocated when she ecolds her busband , aad they ire actu ally trying to cure her TMs 1s mc41e J bnen"e run mad. They say that tie muveles of the jaw zre too supple aad permit the joint at the iop of lie cheek to ork out of place H has often l-n kaid Out gutti a ptrfcoa had hia tongue bunc la th middle cr had a tongue , but a locfee jaw and & jaw ia tie middle are novelties. It nouU eeem if fccieme would be such more b nefiu < d by tit. study ot the phenemenoa thaa by Mteraptlsg ta cure it. It mlgfct cot be such a bad idea to ctudy how to produce tin eSeet. rather than how to cure it. Ttty Mr they are polar to cure it. Ami what is tte husband deiCE * Appareotly h is fctauaing by aad fceeiaff this disease- cured sad sever lifUce a voice ta pretest Ptrhapt be fe ii that if n is to bo cured anyway it will b * better tor bi = i ta be oa record u havixc favored the eur than as cansg opposed at la that cue to is ao doobt shewing far sicbttd prudeoce. Or pfrhtj * be is so us d ta beicg scoidtd tht : he prefers It to tie sileoce hicb hat fal- lo ed the meaty dlsJoc&tlocs of th * jaw -.jcii his - > if bas suflerti To let the case iloce nould cuiurne paut-Dct and pois of scund ia the vomac , for It is Bid that lacghiag difclc.cit her jaw the c&ae as tooldine She really ouebt to Ibirm the cectler modes of expression which so disucguii&ed tic dttd aa4 gene of "Ben Belt , " far cie ' ept with utien you gt.it her a caile , aad with f tr at your fro t , ' Of eeart * toyt > jdy io did tbcM tiiicgi would 1M bara ta ale young , u i re A lip * did , tat th 7 wouid reUere tbts eo&jcact dUto- f tbe Ji Wttpicf Tould never R j Xei'i - itould tresibJleg. .t wa earned to ezt cs And a vomnn who diijocktfi. bw jaw scolding arr . * not hkeir ta tremble at bit 19 dir.kc ksr baaei.