Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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    I Hi : OMATIA DATLV TIEE : "MONDAY. JVLV . ° , , TS n.
Adi rrlln-iiicnl. titr li - r r 1umn
11 111 l r tnUen until IS > for lli -
cK-uInc Mllllnn nnil until > > itU p. in.
f ir inornlnc nnil Minilnj eilltlin .
Kntr . 1 l-Se n rtl flr ln e > rllon
lr it noril tlirri-nfl rr. > > llilni { tnUcn
for ! limn - . * < for tlir llr t ln -f-
llnn. Tlior n l crlUemenl * mu t !
rnn 'iin rcntli rl > .
tilirrtUrrft. l > > rr < | iir lliiu n mini-
lu-reil clirtU , mil lintf mi .vrr . n l-
ilrr r l t n tinmlierr t Irtlcr In cnre
> f Tlir Hrf. Ati . -r o nililr - 'ril
nlll hr ilrllirrrd ( in iircofiitntlun nf
tlir flic-rU onlj .
OMAHA Employm nt Bureau. W N 1 * r.-i
1112. litIp furn ! hfd positions procured
A-li , 1
A STENOGRAPHER ) -ou want p < - ,
plettoe call Ua the Remington typwr.ter
oflli * . 1C18 1'artiam S < . , tcltpnontU73
WANTED , work , any nature , by Industrious
young man. reference * C it- . Bee
A M939
\\-\\TK\t MLI : HELP.
WANTED We have Me dt work for a few
good hustlers of good hali'i * and appear
ance. C F Adams Co. , K19 Howard ! St.
SALESMEN to Mil Pot It Ledger * . Busines
Rpc-ords and other otHre speclM I 'If. fine
Fide lines Perthlne .Mfg. Co. . Box L.
South Bend , Jnd. B-12J Jy 22 *
GOOD salesman , salary or com. 111S N. lii.
"L1FK nf Dewey. " by Halrtfud : TlK' ' pace * ;
fiutilt free ; freight paid. Htxenbanch &
Co , Ware Block. City. B 100 JylO
WANTED Man t\ho understands th
wnole.i .le stationery buslne * * . MuM b
quirk , active and have good references.
Address C M. Bee. B-M74.1
ANTED An all-round man of not o\or :3 :
w ll Hiqualnted with country bunking in
Nebra ka. one fully competent to ta'.t-
rhatcf of a rountry business In a'l Its * 1-
taiV. Address C 54. Bee. B M972J.U1
WA.NTED A f-w coed fraternal Insurance
Millr-lur ? . male and female ; larcey : sal
aries paid. Room lfJ2 N Y. Life Bide.
B-M2i ! 4 *
WANTED Men to learn barber trade : $ f 0.iO (
monthly guaranteed , new field open ; have
made arrangement * to pUce graduates on
thiough trnlncaft and ww.t : eight week"
complMes. pend for catalogues. Holer
Barber College , Chit ago HI. B M2ST , 7 *
WANTED Three good molders. at oncf.
Fremont Fdry & Maeh. Ca , Fremont. Neb.
, B-2SO 4
.AN pxprlenred salesman , knowing s-ome-
ihlng of medical matters preferred , to rep-
rep -nl the Interests of n old-established
firm ; coed income : jvrmanent encace-
mrnt. Full particulars , to box 15.12 , Phila
delphia. B M380 2 *
WANTED , male Ftemoprapher nnd type
writer. mu. t be quick , accurat ? and wlillnR
to do ptneral ofllce work ; answer In own
handwriting ; state waee expected , posi
tion permanent if satisfactory. Adress
C CO. Be * . B 115 1
WANTED , thorouchly experienced furni
ture cabinet maker : one who under
stands cetln : ! ; up and repairing furniture ,
etr Apply b twp n and 9 a. m. People's
Furniture it Carpet Co. B 2 S-1
WANTED. 2(0 pirlf. 1321 Dodtrc. Tel S76.
GIRI , general hoUK-work. Mao St. Mary s
Ave. C Sfi3
AT ONCE , coed cirl for ctneral
work. Apply 4327 Grant St. . Clifton Hill.
GIRL wanted for ceneral housework Hotel
Lange , GM So. 13th. C M109Jy23
COMPETENT plrl for ceneral housework ;
2 in family ; wagers J4. 2602 Popple-ton.
GIHL for ccneraJ.iiouseworJc : family two ;
coed waces. SIR Park avenue. C 3 S 4 *
COMPETKNT clrl for general housework ;
three In family ; wages Jl. 2G02 Poppleton.
WANTED. good cirl. 524 No. 20th St. A"P
ply at once. C 270-3 *
GIRL to take care of 2 children. 2221 Far-
nam. C 267
WANTED Girl for general housework.
' JIr . Jno. Barker , 401S Izard St.
C-26 3'
GIRL for general housework. 702 S. 2Sth St.
C M293-6'
COMPETENT cook. Call at 27P4 Farnam.
C M343 3
GIRL to assist with housework. 1512 Sher- Ave. C M34 < 4 *
ron III\T iiorsns.
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. . 106 N. :5th St.
D 126
ALWAYS mo\-tng houfehold caods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. . 1S11W
Farnum. Tel. 15S9. D 127
not'SES , fiortf. Bemis. Paxton block.
. D 12S
FOR RENT , houses in all parts of city.
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1501 Farnam Ftreet.
FOR RENT , strictly modern flat In Davldse
Bide. . op ; > osltp city hall.
John W. Robblns. 1S02 Farnam etreet.
D 130
FOR RENT , hotel in Omaha. J20 rooms ;
oerythlng modern. Brtnnan Love Co. ,
219 South 16th St. D-132
4012 CV.MING St.9room brick house ; fu
nace. bath , cas , laundry ; very flne. A. M.
Cowie. 211 South 16th St. D 133
SIX-ROOM modern flat. 111 ! S. llth.
HOUSES for rent in all parts of the city.
Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16h Mr"et
MAGGARD'Svan&Btorase. 117X15. Tell4Wi.
UK POPPLETON AVE. . 10 rooms , modern
large yard and barn. The Byron Reed Co.
D M624
FOR RENT , for summer , elegant West
Farnara St. home furnished. Bemls. Paxton -
ton hlork. O CGO
FURNISHED houw. central. ; c M California
CHOICE house * , cottages. ctorc . Hner >
B Pajnf. 001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. lOlfi.
D 1J7
LARGE brick -barn , thirty Mall * : room for
fifty Will repair for good tenant ; rent
$50 00 per month.
Large fine residence 10 rooms , entirely mod
ern. porcelain bath , in perfect condition.
large grounds Rood barn. In beM part of
Walnut Hill , rent 135.00 per month.
" 115 Cumlng St . 7 roomr. bath , clos-l. city
water , peed barn. fiO.OO.
1205 Willams SU. S-room Hat , city water , J.i.00
5S7 N 20th St. . ttore , J7.W , four-room flat
uptatri > , JS.40 ; city water. Omaha Loan &
Trust Co16th and Douglas. D 7H
EIGHT-ROOM house , good repair , all mod
ern Improvements , fine location. 130 ! ) South
Sltrd St. . JTOfO per month Payne-Harder
Co flr t floor N. V. Life Bldr. D 136
FOR RENT , large bouw of 11 or 14 rooms
larce barn , large grounds , at S. W. for-
ner of 27th and Jackion Sts
FINE S-room all modern furnished houi , *
and barn. Hwiry B. Paynf , 601 N. T Life.
FOR RENT , fine modern 11-room house
near Creicbtan polleirt. John T. Clarke ,
21 * Board of Trade D M259 J
FIVE-ROOM cettaeA modern , furnished or
unfurnished. 3 & Leavenworth.
D-M2O ;
TEN- ROOM house. 2406 St. . Alary' * Ave
D $ H
( ROOM fit- all modern , beautiful lawn and
shad * ril No. 2 ± nd D 272
LEASE and new furniture of finely fur.
nlshfd n t for tale ; used one month. Ad'
drew C t4. BM
HOVSES for real , all juris of the rUy Call
nd see uur Ul R. O. Petfrs & Co Bee
Bldg D-MUt 4
ONE FLOOR , or par : , iboiot. S6th. near
Harne.r. Light riouiekftjutig pfnnittfxl.
t > 12. Btt. D-MSff i
ron RIM not SH * .
'if * .
Room 11. Bushman BlwK
D-M.166 4'
. _ . MS.W ;
42N > Farnam. nioms. bam. $22 of. J-.C
hurt , li room * . $1S w , other * Rlnewalt
Uro * Barker Block D4
F.NTRAt. rmlctiil. * r-
lurtre huh. b 4h room and basm'nt. al ' . -
five'room flat Apply Tlzard , Jtl N 24th
S NICB roomt bon * ke p7nic. 111 ! S. llth.
E 885 !
- - . . . . . - i
PK1VATE f m'l > would rent one ot t -J
rooms with or without board , modei n
hou * - n * r Hgn-rmn Pl ce. Addr * . : ,
41. > f. E-T % j
_ _ _
ELEGANTLY furnished ro m .
Uth. Flat J
VERY deflrable fr i roonirln tmnH f mlly
to irenttenen only : modern c-ouvehl nce .
: m DoueUs E t
BUSINBSS men and families t-omlnc to
exiKiMtlori ran serure elecant room ? , nice
ly furnished , in a nw h me rtwir fxpo- ! ,
Uoti rroilnd . by addresWinp J. J. Gibson.
SOS Firs : National Bank. Omaha.
FURNISHED rooms , 1505 Nortb ICth.
FfRNlSHED room ? . 2 S
FURNISHED rooms ; houFk5plnir. 2ft3 ! St.
-Mary's. ' 13 27S-4 *
NICE cool rooms at 628 North l th St.i .
i > -i 4 r ,
LARGE furnished room lor couple ; privet ;
fsmllv. J02 S 22d. E M2 k'
NICELY funil-hfd. sotitn fient. bay win- !
clew room : ri'wiy pat > ; verythim ; '
clenn : In modern hOH-e ; private familj ,
reaconable. Addree D S , Bee. E MS23 Z
FOR RENT , at HIS So. 2th S' . . furm-hed
or unfurnished roem ? . without board.
. ' E M379 4 *
* '
FURNISHED rooms for rent suitable fnr i
llcht hou ekteplng : references. Apply K25
Park Ave. E M3S3 2 *
rtHMMiin HOOMH Axn
ELEGANT rc > om and board. 1 ! < OS Capitol
Ave. F-13S
GLENVAIRN. transients tl.25 day. 1W 9
Douclas F 140
NICELY furnished room with breakfast. '
near Hiinsc-om park ; modern house. Ad-
dre * ; > C 13. Bee. F CSC
DESIRABLE rooms with all modern con-
v.nJenctp. 212 S. r > th St. F 9M
ELEGANT room , with bt ard. 19D9 Capitol
ave. F-M200 3 *
NICELY furnished rooms ; want first class
boarder. 1722 Dodge. F 2B3-7 *
ROOMS and board. 216 S. 2Cth street.
F M300 8'
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. 2107
Douglas. F M3S2 S
NICE front rooms. 314 S. 26th. F M391 &
MODERN rooms' , near exposition. S703 N.
19th St. G-9S7-4 *
3 NICE south rooms. 605 N. ISth.
G MI3P 4
3 UNFURNISHED rooms , newly papered ,
up stairs. 222C So. 12th. G-M3C
roil ni : > T sToni-- > D OFFICES.
DESK room for rent on ground floor Bee
Building. Farnam street Mde. rent reason
able. Apply R. C. Peters Co. , Bee Build
ing. 1 M413
FOR RENT. More in firet-class location :
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , g.-ound floor Bee Bldg. 1 296
FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid
vault , built for uce of city treasurerAp
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor , Bes
Building. ' 1-267
ONE large fine office of two rooms to rent
In the Continent ! . ! block ; will put In con
dition to suit tenant.
16th & Douglas St.
3-STORY brick building. 1105 Farnwrn. 2
upper floors divided in rooms. J50 p r
month to responsible party. Enquirp 1917
Cass. I 275-3
AGENTS wanted for a special summer cam
paign. Th ? Saturday Evening Post es
tablished by Benjamin Franklin In 172S
now published by The Curtis Publishing
Company , proprietors of The Ladles'
Home Journal is offered to subscribers ,
for one year only , for tl.0 tne regular
pnc1 1 XJ.CO. This offer is for the pur
pose of a quick introduction and will be
withdrawn September 1st. The regular
price of JJ.50 will be maintained after
that date. . We viU give a good commis-
tlon for every subscriber secured and dis
tribute J2.0W September 1st among the 176
best agents ; KTO will be given the person
sending the largest number of subscribers
at $1.00 each per year At this special low
subscription price thousands can bt easily
secured. Address The Curtis Publishing
Company. Philadelphia. Pa.
' J ME12 Jy-lS *
AGENTS , juw received from New York
the greatest lin of street articles on the '
market. Samples by mail. 10 c-en ; > Call
between 10 and 12 Omaha Novelty Co. .
west door. 1114 Farnam J 'M295 ' 3 *
YOUNG couple want a home in private fam
ily : board and rooms D 7. Bee.
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . 905- i
J10 Jones. c-neraJ storage and forwarding. I
OM. Van & Storage , 1511H Farnara. Tel. l.V.8.
273 I
GORDON baggage line. 214 N. 16. Tel. 1195.
M 274 Jy 1
WE WANT several nice residence * and real- '
denct lots for cash buyers. We have the
buyers , what have you tn offer * O'Nelll'a |
Real Estate Agency. South Omaha ,
N 27C
2ND-HAND furniture bought Aexchanged. . I
Boston Furniture Co. . 1414 Dodge. Tel. 2231 !
N 277 '
ALL kinds of household goods , hotel * , etc. , '
In lar r or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. . 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N j
N 178
STAMP collections bought , sold Mortenien
404 N. 16th. N-MW : JyJ I
A eoond-hand fireproof safe. 111C Farnam ,
N-M4SJylJ | i
WANTED , to buy a second-hand jnvii 1
chair : state pric-e and where \o be seen.
Addrets box C04. Council BluffsNM2S1
N-M2S1 S
2D-HAND blaekfmlth tools anvlLi e be'-
IOWB , etc. , cheap for earn Address C iS.
Be * X-MJ4fc J- I
EEB our 2nd-hand furniture. kto\e . lowest
prices. Boston Furniture Co. . 1414 Dcxige.
0-27 *
FOR SALE , furniture at private sale house ,
hold goods , leather-covered parior fur
niture , cherry bed room t-ets , cat ctov ? . ,
refrigerator , etc. 296 5. 2Sth Avr. '
O 9 5-4
AT private sale at 312 Mason * t . carpets ,
rockers , sideboard , hall Hand , bureaus. '
Franklin stove Mrs. Butler ( leavinr the
city ) . O M25J
supply tbirti , fr. collar * Jr. c-uffi , 4c ,
, undtrwtar , fc. 1T5 Leavrnwortb. Tel t47.
roil SAME HOnM ; * AND VEHICLE * .
OLD bur i - * taken in ? r ae or. r > w veri rles
Andersen Bupiry Top < "o . U k Dav ni > ort.
FOR SALE two-hO'S * f rrl ie p ) ndla
( ond.t.oi , or illl exc-hanr * for one-hn's *
carriap * . S1 So 17th. PS1 *
B. HASS. FloriK , Ifi : Vinton St , Tri. 77 * ;
plants , rut fl3wer boquett. hill , resl-
aenr . weddlnp and grave decorations ;
orders by mall or express promptly filed.
A FINE diamond crescent pin set with
l rr * white diamond * , weight i't carats ;
pec' l barmn : f .W. regulnr price ,
JS7S * . A MandeVbers. leading Jeweler.
18th and F > rn > m sts U 4M
FOR i SALE ten R-1-P-A-N-S for I centslt
druggists. On1 gives relief. Q 2SS
WHY c e'-ond grade bicycles whet , vou
cun ret hlch grade Crescents for 186 Cksh.
Flsscher. l St Cap. Avt. Q-W5
IIOO , poultry , lawn and flcM fencing ; all
wire. Wire Works , 1C17 Howard St.
S PAIR diamond earring ? left in pawn for
sale cheap. Diamond Loan ORlre. 1315
ic.a * Q 8T > 7 Jyl"
AT a bargain. 12 large steel rsng s. suitable.
for hotel and restaurant. 1410 Dodge St.
Q-7SS JyS *
FOR SALE , three-ton burclar proof safe.
with steel chest. L. C. Brown. Grand
Island. Neb. Q-MS41-Jy.-4
PIANOS , organ * . ewlng machines , whole
sale , retail Collin Piano Co. . 205 S 14th.
Q 872 Jy 24
FOR 10 davs. Sterling bicycles 110 down ,
Jl.CO to $2.00 per week. Omaha Bicycle Co.
FLAG POLE sawauft : cheapest and best
hog fcnct. 901 Douclas Ttl. tiS. Q-2S3
2D-HND safe cheap. Derjght , 1116 Famara.
SAFES , buy. sell , exchange , 114 S. 13th St.
CUTTERS of druc prices. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. . 1513 Dodge St.Q .
Q 256
FOURTH of July flag' , government fctand-
ard. wr > o ! bunting flags , all rlze . at a
fTf-at reduction. Omaha School Supply
Co . 712 S. 16th St. Q-HMJ 4
FOR ale. patent for Nebraska ; blc money ;
Address A , Bee office , Counc-i : Bluffs.
WILL sacrifice fine t" Vi Klmbail uprlcht
flano for HWt. easy paym'nts. Address C
5 , Eve. Q K.6Jyl6
NOTICE , rountry oeaers. 2d hand furnltur
and Moves sold at lowest prices carload
lots or less. Chlacgo Furniture Co. . IJfW-lO
Dodpe. R 2S1
FOR RENT , n good barn , 1902 Cass.R .
R 159
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 617 N. ICth.f .
f ? 291
PARLORS. BEST equipped in city ; lady at
tendants. 119 N. 16th. , opp. P. O. . 2nd floor.
T-965-Jy. 26-
ELITE parlors. 2025 Famam. up stairs ,
lirai-class baths ; massage and magnetic
treatment ; lady attendants. T 514 30 *
MME. AMES. R. 2. 607 S. 13 : inassace baths.
T SC2 Jyl7'
MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11SV- North 1 th.
T 52 JylS
HATTIE BERTRANDE. thermal baths.
massage. 1615 Howard , 3d floor , room 1
T M7S5 JyS
FRANXES de Seutorious of K. C. 107 N 12
T & '
MME. LEE , baths , massage partor. 302 N. 16.
T 93T Jy-:5 *
ELITE parlors. 2025 Farnam. up stairs ;
first-class baths : massage and magnetic
trfatment : lady attendants. T 2(5-14 ( *
PER > O.\AL. .
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 X. 17.
TJ 296
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319S. . :5th
DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns removed , 25c
and upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block.
U 303
MONHEIT , leadur In halrgoods. toilet prep
arations. Paxton blk. Farnam si. entrance.
MRS. PORTER , ladles' baths. Open evenIngs -
Ings ; Douglas blk. U M245
THE best assortment of blcyclf lamps is at
Louis Flescher' * ; prices low. 1E22 Cap. Ave.
LIEBEN. costum r. hair work , 1313 Howard.
MONHEIT. chiropodist , hairdrossinc. Paxton -
ton block. U 130
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. "K Bee
Bldg. U 34
COMPLEXION and scalp treatment , hair
prevented from falling out ; ben manipu
later in Omaha : Mrs. Graham's prepara
tions. Davies. 1511 Douglas. U 210 Jy6
RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of
rupture without pain or detention from
business. Send for circulars. Empire
Rupture Cure , 922 N. Y. UfBids. . .
Omaha. Neb. U M4 < X Jyl4 *
RITTER hospital ; confinement rases taken ;
babies adopted. 2214 Seward Omaha.
Telephone 2233. TJ-MC9S Jyl9
HOWELL't- Little Antl-Bliou ! . PilJs. Cure
Biliousness , Dlzrlnese , Indigestion. Slrk
Headaches. Constipation. Torpid Liver and
all derangements nf stomach and bowels.
Being entirely vegetable , they operate
without disturbance to cystem. diet or oc
cupation. For sale by all druggists.
Howell's Anti-Kawf cures courri.
U M735 Jy21
MORPHINE habit or disease ; positive quirk
rure- greatest discovery of the ace ; no
charge unless cured. Hlll-Iits-RU-Co. ;
410 Pheely block. Omaha , Neb.U .
U K9 , ty2t
MMK. TRUE has removed lur buMnts to
Bo/i. ' and Girls' Bldg. , Eijw siourvb.
1'ieai-e call or write. Supt rfluoub hi-ir
trfatmenl for 30 days , $1.00 only.
UJ 4 *
1.0ii9 CARDS $1. Nichols & Broadfield. 403
Sheely b'k. Tel. 1542. U M255
THE Corresponding Club makes Introduc
tions in parlor- : and arranges marriages ;
call or write : stamp. AI lie Turnev 2'M '
Douglas block U MSTj 7 *
SUPERFLUOUS hair removed , no elec
tricity , no instrument us. d. ( Withnell
Block. U-M311-S *
FACIAL massage , 60c. sc-alp treated 3J < - ,
forshampoolnc. : . 35c' . 50t . itlss Hubbard
415 McCagu" Bldg V-MI32 ! IB *
& PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Block.
MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city
property or for building purpotta. Pavne-
Harder Co. N. Y. Life W 2SS
HOO AND up. F. D. Wead. Itib and Douglan
MONEY to loan on Improv-d Omaha real
estate Brennan-Love Co . 2JS So. leth.
W Sn
E , su , 6 per ct loans in Oma'ia So. Omaha
W. H Thomaf. 5011st Nat. bark Tel it4i.
W 461
WRITE us If you want * loan on your farm
in Jowa. e > a rn Neb. or Mo ; it will nay
you. Am nosy Loan A : Trust Co. . Jl N.Y.L.
W S14
PRH'ATE money. * , or 12 months , or
longer en real eitate. W. L. Selhy , Board
of Trade building. W M32
tl.OOO and upward to loan on improved city
property aad farms. W. Farna.m Smith &
Co. . ISJB Farnani. W SO *
PRIVATE money to Joan , low rateT J. H.
Sherwood. 42J .X. T. Life. W SIT
f per cent loans. Garvln Brc * . . 1C13 Farnam.
\Y S
WANTED city and farm loam ; alto bond *
and warrant * R. C Peten & Co . 17
FarnainSt Bee Bldf. W IIS
MONEY to 'oan on Nebraska and Iowa
fanns loTfcit rate * . Brennan-Love Co. .
tit C iCih. Omshi- W-SK
MORTGAGE5-W ll c * . * 1 ( Brown b'- : > tk
' vV--f
I Pr ct. Chas E Wllll m on.U.S Bk Bids.
LOANS. Potter-Shores Co. . C N. Y Lite.
holding perm n"nt pos'tkm * on thelf p t-
* > c > nal note , without indorsettient or secur
ity : rlctly ronfldentlal nd t
hefore borrowing * e u * , s you will flnd
It ereatly to your advantae * . * - > are the
i old st lareest and only > ncor oratd loan
j < ompar. > In Omaha. F. W Truax. Mjtr. .
I > 119 Bonrd of Trade Bide. , ISih and Par
Sts. Telephone SK. X MIS !
I You can pay the money back In any
I moui ; you wish and at any time. *
E ch pa > ment so nwde lessens the ccM *
of carrying the lean.
| -MONEY *
' N JM.
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycle * .
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments unI
hnowji to friends. Bergers' Loan Bank ,
1416 Farnam. upstairs. X S27
MONE1 loaned on pianos , furniture Jewelry -
elry , horses , cows. etc. C. F. Read , 319 Sit
X 32s
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible con
cerns upon their own names , without
security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 7W.
N. Y Life Bide. X 326
MONEY loaned on horses ,
cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R. E.Barker blk
confidentially , holding permanent posi-
t'ons on their own name without en
dorser , mortcace or security of any kind.
Cao repay in easy weekl > or monthly
payments. Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jen-
nlnw , Mgi. . EUltb 525-526 N. Y. Life bldg.
PLOYES , ETC. . without surlty of any
kind except their own names ; r as onabl5
rates : loans returned In easy weekly or
monthly payments to suit convenience of
borrower , applications treated confld'nti-
allv. AMERICAN LOAN CO. . room G01.
Bee Bdg. X-MP49
* .i.Ms > ! . CHAACES.
WANTED A man to Invest 1500In strictly
legltlma'.e business enterprise -trith bis
prospect : no fake : unquestionable rejw
ences given. Apply 309 N. Y Life.Y
Y 330
BUSINESS SNAP , grocery and saloon
combined ; both making money ; also
biil-ltcc aid found and feed stable :
excellent location , with established trade ;
investigate. Address or call. J. J. Crowe ,
3409 W t Broadway , Council B'.uffs.
Y M475
INVEST $200 , securing large weekly income.
Safe , conservative proposition. 2d FUC-
cess.'ul year. Statistics free. H. Griffin.
11SO Broadway , New York. Y-342 Ji'10 *
VALUABLE patent for SMC : capital will
do well to Investicate this. Address Wal
ter E. Haynes , Anita. la. Y MI7B JyS
FOR QUICK returns list your bargalnst at
O'Neill Real Estate Agency , So. Omaha.
Y 331
WANTED , school teachers In the states of
Iowa and Nebraska to represent us dur
ing their r.ummer vacation. Business dig
nified and remunerative. Address E. L.
M. . 412 Chamber of Commerce. Omaha.
Neb. Y-M73 ? Jy5-
MEAT market business for sale ; good. Box
74 , Shenandoah , la. Y-M941 4 *
ARE you looking for a businef > s that will
yield handsome returns ? f400 capital re
quired. If so call on C. W. Dennis. " 09
New York Life. ' ' Y-M937
FOR SALE , the finest livery nnd board
stable In the rtate of Iowa. Address W.
C. Leverlch , Sioux City , Iowa.Y
Y M3C1 11 *
FOR SALE , a t9.Wl 00 clean stock of hard
ware. Address Hardware , Lock Box 124 ,
Beolt : , Kan. Y M318 3'
WANTED , racket stock or room for one In
good town. Yale Box 66 , Greene. la.
Y-M315 3
MERCHANDISE Stocks. $2.2.V ) . $3.005. , . . _ .
$6,500. All clean well assorted oouutry
stocks. Owner will exchange for good
farm and city property. Wrlie us for full
particular ? Merchandise Broker. 503
Brown block. Y 371
FOR SALE , old established lodging house
60 roomp ; coner. : centrally located ,
restaurant In connection. Address D 3 Be = .
Y 289-1 *
A BEAUTIFUL residence lot. trill exchange
for piano or good horse and bugsry. : > TJ
Brown bloc-k /C 572
$4.000 for K > 7xlOP ft. NE cor. 25 and Chicago.
$1.200 for lot on 25th near Chicago M.
$1950 for 9&-ft. on Park ave. . near Pacific.
$1.600 for 7-room house on 2Sth near Pacific.
$1.0fK ) for two 3-room houses and large lot
near 23rd and Vinton sts.
RE M337 4
FOR SALE , beautiful residence property on
Georgia avenue ; lot 5&xliO. with line 10-
room modern house ; eaM front ; large
lawn , trees , etc. : smai : barn. Conrad H.
Young , 1624 Capitol avenue. RE M341 4
LOT and five-room house : $200 rash , balance
$10 pr mo . without Interest
120 lots in Briggs Place. $100 to $1.100 each ;
terms to suit purchase r
Agricultural lands in eastern Nebraska at
$3. ( > n to $5.00 per acre.
Rooms 1 and 2. Contlnentnl Blot-k
RE M345 f
Real estate btrgalns ; low rate loans : safe ,
fire Insurance ; houses rented to good ten
ants only List with me. "Phone 1016
FINE corner residence. S blocks from po-t-
offlce Monthly payments. Cheap. Ad
dress D 13. Bee. RE 377 3
S. W. COR. 2Sth ave. and Sahler , pretty new
6-room cottage , partly modern , large Icr.
near two car lines , n.400.00. ea y terms.
Byron R. Hastings , 212 S 14th st.
st.RE MC23
SOUTH Omaha lots. $7a op ; 125 caen. bal
ance (5 monthly. W. L. Selby. 334 Board
of Trade Bide RE M52S
A FINE , attractive home. 2S1 Chicago Ft. .
10 room * , modern , with b rn , on paved
street $7.5 < V > ' 00. The Byron RewJ Co. H2
So. 14th St. RE 51106 I
FOR SALE Fine three-story business
block. 47xfW. m prime condition , centrally
located Inquire of F. B. Bryant , agent ,
court house. RE 23&
LIST your property with UK. We will Bell
it L. L. Johnfeon Co. . 314 S 16th.
RE M245 Jytl *
4 ACRES , unimproved , close in ; lays fine ,
cheap. J. H. Snerwooi. 423 N. Y. Life
O'NEILL'S F.l-ii Estate Arncy. South
Omaha. Headquarter * for realty Invest
ments. RE 832
HAVE you some lot * to j-ell * Now is the
time to dispose of them ; let the people
know that you want to dltpofc * of them.
Tht Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RE $66
COMFORTABLE cottage g room ! * , very
Kigaily and In { rood condition , locat d tu
! 2.11 Charlei street R E 116
FOR SALE , bargain : the retldejwe 21 SB.
* th St. S rooms , furnace , gas. bath , lot
Sxl&5 feel , magnificent location , next to
Ogdeo' * stone bouse ; bent bargain In the
city for the money ; price. JS.SW. Po r-
Co . Jl * N Y. Ufe. RE Ml E
RE 2778 *
GLOVER , rtal e iate waver. 3K Karbaeh.
can safely invest your Idle maoey Try him
RE M154
IF YOU want a farm , rneap crazing land ,
or ranch , piease write u * . Wijl : Cad-
* tll Co. , Broken Bow , Neb.
ron * > U.K Ht\t.
< -ornrt Shrrmnn lenu"
nd Ohio Sts . 2 hou < e naylnr
fair lttt - * .t en 1 > H , room fer
S mor * htm-w. M.W for the
ftittrt tract.
Wxia. cor. SOth & Cat. .
finely improved and pytnc inr * t
en JB. ( > . can almost borrow
tb p rctae ! price on ( t.
MxlST So. Uth St. . one ( tout *
mitine for int * t on th * t > rtr .
rootn for another hous * . J1. W.
K hou * * on one full lot
fct Mth and Franklin , house *
rent for MW a y * r. PHc * . $1 3So
Brlfk block on Doutrlns' St. . nothing
I bmw built in town , gt < od f r
j > > - nra , runts for il.l a year
I $19.0UO at i prr cent on the proper ! \ ,
be bowcht now for JU.oao
C. F. HARRISON ft GBO. T M < iT'.T. . > \
I j ! N Y LIFE
RE-- . .
i NEW rubber-tire trap to exchange :
I L. L Johnt-on Co . S4 ! S 15th
I RE-Mi4 : -
i HOUSES , lots , tarms lands , loans. alK n-e
; insurance B mis Paxton Blk RE 334
j i ' - _ _ _ _
PECK & CO. . hg'nts and deoJers In cit > und
i farm pnporty. loans , rertals. 101 S irtri
j I I RE-333
I HARRIS' Abstract Co. . 423 Bee. Build ng
I 2S1
J. M. CHAMBERS. 1502 Farnam. Tel .129
TYPEWRITERS for rent. J4.00 per month
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co . ' 23
Farnpm St. Telephone 124. 339
WE RENT and sell thbe t typewriters
made , largest stock of supplies In Omaha
United Typewriter & Supply Co. . 161 : Far
nam. 340
REMINGTON Standard typewriter na fur > -
piles. 1C19 Farnam. 311
THE OIIV-T Typewriter , visible w.Mg .
heaviest minlfoldcr and cuts the fn t
stencil. See It before you buy. Tel 2279
J. S. Stewart. Special Agent , "US' * S F'f-
teenth St. . Omaha. " M 694
THE Oliver Typewriter. vi Jb.e nnung
heaviest manlfold'r and cuts th < ! -
stMioil : see exhibit Liberal Art M'c '
Greater America ExiK > sltion Ti 22"9
J. S Stewart. Special Agent. SIS' ' * S F ' -
teenth St . Omaha , M 3M
DR. PRIES , renowned German specials'
diseases of women , no failure * : speedy r-
lief ; twenty years' experience : r-'fercni-es
1513 Dodge. Omaha ; letters , stamps.
M-265 J9
later has brought happme . 10
of anxloui women , have TITT had
single failure : lonces : races relln-e-d
two to rive days without fail : no po r
no. danger ; no Interference with < ( ;
by mail or office. $2. all ltt ts fu .
fully answered. The Man field Rem---i-
C . . it" Dearborn s-treet , room 14 c'h-
cago. 111. TI j
( LO.-T.
LOaT. lady's gold watch and chain wrh
locket attached , between 24th and Dodge
and 19h : and St Marv's avenu- . Literal
reward for return to owner. Mrs N J
McKitrlck , 4112 Harney street.
Lost MSft.1
FOUND , cow. at Guy Howard's- . Beis..i
road. Owner can rlalm by paying fir ad
vertisement , E. Miller. Frfnzer block
Loft M3SS 3 *
NEW wheels , $12. : > 0 up : 2nd-hand wheels $5
up ; repairing & tup ; > lles Omaha Blcvcle Co
BICYCLE hospital. 16 t Webster. Tel 990
See Louis Flepcher for bicycle repairing
enamellne and sundries. 1622 Cap. Ave
JOHNSON OMeopathlc Inptltute suite E15 N
Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1CC4. J. W. Dill. MOD
O. consilting physician Mrs. Afire John
son. D. O. : Mary Hobson. D. O . graduates
of American School of Osteopathy Kirks-
vine. Mo. Gld E. Johnson. Mgr. 342
M. E. DONOHUE. D O. . of Stil pchool.
Kirksvllle.Mo. . 004 Paxton blk. Tel 1367
M 343
BAS ? and rropple fiFhlng now fine at
Langc.on. Mo. Hole ! rates. II r,0 pfr day
$5 0- ) per week. Plenty of boat. and m f-
I , IIOWF at reasonable rat s Good camping
crcunds I-or further information addrec *
Frank T Yogi manager , the Langion
Hotel and Railroad Eating House
. M 4 Jrl5
A. C. Van Sant School. 717 N. Y. Life
AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16 & Douglas
BOYLE'S school , court reporter !
Bee B.ds. 349
MRS. A. C. MARK , dressmaking. ladi s
tallorinc. sccordlon knife , side pleatng :
17th and Famam. M145
IN families Miss Sturdy. 2216 Davenpr.rt.
-C2 JylS *
Till C'TIOV.
LILLIAN FiTC-H public- reader , tea-her nf
elocution , ph\Mini culture and fenrlnc
316 So 2Cth St. M 33.s bg
JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 416 N 16
EAGLE Lodn Office , re iable. accommodat
ing ; all business confidential. 1331 Doue-aa
1 DAMAGED lo-iklns glasses resllvcred 70S
, N. 16th M231-
M , SWALKLIN. . 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1S2L
W. COY. located at 1716 St. Mary E Ave.254
I -254
. , MATTRESSES renewed 707 S. 16th. Tel 7EL
TRY the Hend rson H' te ) . board and room
$4.00 per week , gar tueam heat and batha
Ninth and Stu. 355
BEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit casea
Trunks repaired Omana Trunk fac'orj
0307 Farram WC A25
ALL klnde OroPlatlncCo Bee b dg
W. F. WAPPICH attorney , practice in all
count , bankruptcj i-ase& . 5JO Brown Blk.
CURED Julia Vaughn 430 Ramce Bldg
The Board of Edurtxm. Stnoo ; Dif.r ; \
Cly : of BlaSr Nebraska Office uf 6f rerai
July 1 1S Sled propotKls v ! . b -e-
( ! red at thi * offl < t uni ! ! 4 p m ' .r. ih < > v :
dav . , f Jul > ) S1 * f .r .i w-i-k ki.i mi"- . . .
ro aireJ for the ronctru 'i.r ' .f the f * * r\
healing appara' t and i > umtr.g fcr t.e :
Biir Hign n-h < * j < HUir Neb i : t. -
c-tidin.-f uitr. the drawitgs and * p . - ) * -
1.C-LJ t jnr ; * of ih. r. ma > C > e : . d : rn a
i : 10 OMRTORV
IIU' .1 >
offne or : > IP oflc-e ! of John IHt n f- * n.-
t-cl. room * ( If41 Krt a > h blo < k cmmhu.
Neb.W iw way b * untntitufd a * fo I. . ws
r"lrst Fwr the romptetlon of ih rrmitj
of t m heating and enlation )
Per the c n < plt'.on ' of the f n
* rtrte of Pt m hfat'.n * and it-ntilallon
'Third For iht co f > ltl B of the pluroblns
JSarn Wd tnu : b SK-companled bj a c-rf.-
9 dh > oV for a sum not ; - * * than 1 per
rent of th" amount of th * proposal. The
rl ht Ht rrv * tn rtc-t any or ail bids
arid to waive and f ( t or tnformaJt ! > in
ro hid 'hould f h' ( le-mfH In the lnt"re '
| of'the Itrnr' ' r' Kli. - < : i > ' to dp * o Pro-
j I iw , iirriiis hi i ' ' ' ' ' ! . * led
i n.rK < 1 . - - ' "
I. i-
We Said
Per Cent
40 Different Vehicles.
H , H , Babcock Co , work ,
Buckeye Buggy Co , work ,
Other good makes also ,
e include
ton ? , surreys , stan-
hope : ? , runabouts , top
and open buggie ? .
The price ? are cut
and _ ' ! per cent dis
count beside ? special
sale goes from July 1st
to July ( Uh only 6
da ? .
18th and Harney Sts ,
I flCTv-r-l Tik-t * " 'floe. ! I4iS Farnam
4 VBSi E-reet. Telephone. SD2 De
i pot. Tenth and Maioa
vtSBsi : Streets. Telephone , C29
y Leave. Arrive.
St. Lrjls "Canon , Ball"
Express a 4:50 : pm a :35 am
a Dato- .
seipfa & Council Blufis
Ra'.road "The Burling-
to - Route" Ticket OfSice ,
1502 Farnam Street. Tele
phone. 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex . . .a 8:30 : am a 5:40 : pm
Kansas City Night Ei-.alO.15 pm u 6:30 am
St Louis Fiver for St.
Josepn ana St. Louis. . .a. pm allla am
a Daily
A : Quincy Railroad "The
Burlington Route' ' Ticket
Office. K102 Farnam St.
Tel 250. Depot , Ttnth &
Mason Streets. Tele
phone. 210.
Leave. Arrive.
jayiigm cnicugo Spe
cial . . a 6 40 am
Ch uago Vestibued Ex. .a 0:03 : pm a 5:03 : am
Ch cage Express . j f.30 jm a 4:03 : pm
Cb ago & S' L Ex . . .a 7:45 : pm a S:03 : am
Pat fie Junction Local .alO.45 am a 15 pm
Fast Mali u 2:45 pm
eouri River Railroad
"The Burlington Route"
General GtticeE. N. U" .
Corner Tenth and Far-
nam Streets. Ticket
Ottlce. 1502 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 250.
Depot , Tenth and Mason StretU. Tele-
IjJjyQg SlO
Lmcoln. Havang , and "
M.-Cook a i:40 : am a 7:40 : pm
LJL. or. Demcr. Colo-
rajj c'tah. CaJlforma..a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm
Lincoln. Bli.k Hills.
Montana Puget
Sound . a 4.23 p m a 3:00 : pm
Uiuoin Local , . a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am
L v ° ; ? ott1.1uuha S:0 : ° pm al0:35 : am
& Calfornia
n E:30 : am
i : Mif-souri Vallej- Rail
road "The Northwestern
Line" G nTal Offlcen
United States National
Hank Bldg. , Southwest
- - z - Corner Twelf'.h and Far
nam Streets Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam
Street. Telephone Da Depot. Utb and
A\bster Streets. Telephone. 1458.
_ , . , . , , „ Leave. Arrive.
Black Hill * . Deadwood
Hot Springs a 3:00 : pra a 5:00 pm
\ \ * -j Caiper and
Douglas „ d 3:00 pm d 5:00 : pm
I Hatt.ngE. York. David
j City. Superior , Geneva
1 Exe-ter apd Per-ara..b 3:00 pra b tiW pm
I Nurf .Ik Verdigre and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am
Limoln Waboo ani
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 am
Frfrr > "nt Local c 7a am
a. Daiy. : b Pally except Sunday , c Sun
day only d Daily except EatuMty.
-iTir-AGO & NORTH ,
wesitern Railway "The
Northweltrn Line"
City Ticket Office , J401
Fsrnam Strett. Tele
phone. $ n. Depot. Ttnth
and Mafcon Streets. Tel-
_ . , „ Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Spe-
, . , . a C:49 : am alj : 5pm
M A . .
'y Si .us rity ,
S' Paul & Minneap-
< " a 1:50 : am all : M pro
Mo S.oux City..a 7:45 am a 4:25 pm
ti"i' " ' " ' . . . .DSJspm blOlo ara
Eawerrj ExiTfEE , Dee
Moines , Markhalltown.
, tdaRapidi and Chi-
- : am a 4K :
AUa iic , ,
i-"d Si chVcago-taa 4a : pm a 4K pm
Omahi . i
a .tt nmi
S nirSirsnsP ii.sgS5 ? sfjSS ;
o - b Dailv'Vxc'-'pt Kupd y. ' aO > i
[ ( . 'HiCAGO B'T. PAUL.
Minneapolis A Omaha
Railway - - "The Nortn.
. Nebratia Dlvi-
non , lltb and \rfbster
" " ' " Arflve"
Twn City Express ( for "
, Sjx cuv , St. Paul &
Micneapolic ) -A 6:00 : a
'Omaha ' Jafeeoger
i Blair. Emerson , Sioux pro
C'uy. Ponca. Hartlnc-
' " '
No 1 Omaha Limited. . aS-OOam
* im
- - -
b Dally txcent Sunday.
Railroad "Toe Nonk-
i 'tern Line" Gtmrki
OfficUnittd Sliuf
Nalonal : Bank BuOdlne.
b W. Corner Twelfth
- f.-r ktid Faruam Stre tK
Tjckei Office. 1401 Farnam Btrett Talei
§ . . . . * Dtja' . Tenth and ' Maon
; rertc. Tt.tpbcriC2V. .
, Leave. Arrive.
E.cux r y Ma-k lo i
6L Paul. M.t.r.eap'ji. * a i:4 : * cm t 1:40 : tra
6t , P.IU. V r-iic-aj'ttJia ,
1 Mlnka c , i s ' .ux Cr > a [ i K pm " . < v > pm
1 fc"i ' ' ' < * a ! . . a 7 4J am a 4:25 : pm
n \ii \Y TIMI : int >
t'NMN PA'-lFir- ' ' .
, - . 1 K ute - Genera ' > i
N r. < . \ > r Ninth nJ Karr 11
! I Sirte : . . Clt > Ticket fine . . .WJ
F C'l&lCW Furnatn Ptmt. Trlf.h..nt
mTTfr1Dep ! ; > L , Tenth nd Mai.n
' 4aJi' ; * " fr : et * . telephone , 6J *
Leave. Arrive ,
i "Tnc Orl ' ,1 Limitd"
! fer Uth , .r'eho. Man-
tana , California. Ore-
. . . . aSMam a 4 4& pra
I Tb Colorado Sl > * c lal
Tor i-cnvtt and alt
CoJor&do potniv . all Jt pm & C 40 m
I P rlfl < Ky > r > s for
' Den vet , salt Lake.
' r . iflc C m and ai :
western eints . b 4 : pra a 40 rn
Ltn o r. * trir * and
Ptr m burc Exprvw .b 4K : pm b. : 0 pm
IT'-mont. Columbus. NOr-
f U Grand Inland and
N..rh 1-intte . 4. pm b 4.45pm
CoiumMKi Lrcfel . b i:30 : pra b ; . .v i..n .
N..I ! . P.atte Lc al ; : . ' li pni
Svjfi C'inaha Local Pass L ; ves , 6 Is u
m " . 00 a rn. , 1P:1C a. m. . J'06 p. in. Arrive * ,
i 4i a m , p. m : 4.1 p. m. . 6 p m.
loiCi'i ' PluS * Looal Leavti. a So m
f. 4ti a m t M1 a in . 7.40 a. ti , b 10 45 a
m 1 2 l > m . 1.1S p. m. . 4.35 p. m . < i p
r. t' > . ' " ' & * P m ; CC P tn fc-10 P
ro IB i > ' r m Arrive * . t.5i a. m . 1 . a
tr u' ; a m I 45 a. in . 11.W m . S 06 p
tn 4'OJp ni . t ii r m . 1.30 p mf55p
n t sj p i : . t Ji . . . m. ; 11 : IK ) p. m , 11 .il
'n Da iy b UH..Jexoect Sunday.
Railroad Omaha Kansas
sas City & Eaitern Ra.i -
road "The Port Arthur
Route" Ticket Off ! ' c ,
M\5 Farnam Street Te -
ROUTE. epbone , 322. Depo : T nth
and Mason Street * . Ttie-
r * <
' Leave Arrive.
r Dai.v
road General Offices at.d
Ticket Offices Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Dougla * StR.
Telephone , 104. Dej > ot , Uth
and \ \ tbstcr St . Telephone ,
Leave , Arrive.
&a 3-00 m al"i5 m
K'C" E T"Express' siaO'pm a6Wam :
. b BW : pm b > ; IS am
a. Dai y b Daio' except Sunday.
" and & Pacinc Railroad
"The Great Rock Inl
and Route. " City Tu-k.
ct Office. 13 Parnam
Street. Telephone. 425
Depot , Ttnth & Mason
Streets Tt-lephone. 629.
Leave. Arrive
Des Moinrf Local a 7:05 : urn bll25 am
Cbi'-igo Express am a S 10 am
Cb ag Fast Express .a 5:00 : pm a 1.2i pm
SI Paui Fat-t Express..a E:00 : pm bll:23 : am o.n Ci''jrado Spgb. ,
IifRVcr. Pueblo and
\Vest a 1S5 pm a 4:23 : pra
lies M'-'nts. Roik Isl
and anu > hUaco a 7.2S pm a C:33 pm
Colorado 4 Texas Flyer.a 6.40 pm a 9:00 : am
a Daily , b Daily except Sunday.
St Paul Railway C.ty
Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 2 4. De
pot , Tenth and Matcn Sta.
Telephone , C29.
Leave Arrive
Chicago limited Ex a 5:15 : pm a f-.20 am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:9u am b 35o pn :
Sioux City i Des Moines
Express bllrOO am b 3 : & > pn
a Dally , b Daily exccot Sundav.
I NiNi : Fl ME. > HI IV VlADl'CTS.
InilKirUint I'aclo Ilrouclit t < > Lliflit l > 7"
Fumes and tindere from locomotives
InK under them have rendered nx street
viaducti. in Chicago positively dangerouf.
two of which have been closed to the pub'ic
and similar action is contemplated on the
others. The viaducts have been examined
by employes of the city engineer's office , re
ports tlie Chicago Chronicle , and the re
port went into detail * regarding the bad
condition of the structures. Those In par
ticularly bad shape are nt Chicago avenue
and Halsted street , Milwaukee avenue and
Dt plainet. . Mreet , Western avenue and Kin-
zie street , Blue IsSand avenue and Throop
street , Half-ted and Sixteenth streets. Cen
ter avenue viaduct. Northwestern. Bur
lington and Chicago Terminal Transfer via
ducts at Sixteenth street and at Canal
City Engineer Ericson submitted a letter
to Commissioner McGann yesterday in re
gard to the viaducts , giving the Jin above
as those in the worst state of collapse. Tbe
letter -was submitted to the council with a
letter from the commissioner , stating the
course he would take if action was not taken
soon by the council. In his letter be stated
the need of paint on all the bridtt * and via
ducts. He said he would have to take steps
to close those viaducts unlext some means
of relief were proposed by the council.
Accordiufi 4o Mr. Ericson tile state of
these viaducts is due to the fumet and cin-
crrs from the engines pawing under them.
"The experience in Chicago hai been that
viaducts last in the average about ten to
fifteen years , while they rnould last fifty
yearf , " he said. "Tbe fumes from tlie
smokestacks eat into the iron work , which
is not properly protected by paint or pre
servative of any kind and the cinders act as
a blast. In a short time large chunks of the
iron work drop off in flnkes and the bridce
Is doomed from that moment. Tbe city is
cxtiavagaut in its expenditures for viaducts ,
li ought. Instead of letting them Co to de-
ray , paint them often enough to make tbem
ICM as long as they should. "
"The closing of the viaducts over the Six
teenth street tracks , which are in a bad
condition , would close all heavy traffic be
tween the portions of the city north and
M'Utn of those tracks between Western ave
nue and Uie river. " said Commissioner Mo
Gorm. "The extent of the damage that
would be done can b seen. The city should
have compelled the railway companies to
paint these viaducts and keep tbem in re-
pal ! , I have pointed out innumerable
times the extravagant expenditures of the
city on the Etructures and the los * that will
accrue now that the bridges arv in fcuch con
"It means track elevation and no stronger
aigument for elevation can be made than
the statement of Mr. Ericfcon that the fumei
of the engine * corrode the Iron. The engines
thould be above , not below the bridges. The
expense of erecting four new vladurte will
probably drive the railroadi to elevate their
tracks and 1 , for one. will rejoice if it doe * .
1 leave the matttr to the council and avrcH
Us reeommendationh. But something mutt
be done and at once to relieve ilie situation
down there. "
Gunshot vounilB and powder burns , cuta ,
bruifee , rpralns , wounds from rusty nallt
insect fctlngs and Jvy paltonlng quleklr
hwiled by De Wltfe witeh Haref Salve.
Positive ! ) proventr blood polsoiing. nwar *
of counterfeit * . "De Wiuv is iLtt cd
Till : 3IAIIKKT.
INSTRt'MKNTS flltd for word Siturd.y.
v uly 1. Iwy :
WnrrBnljDerili. .
X. E. Cowl * and wife to 1. . S. Ing-
rasp. Jot ] t , Oowf Pirn add to
Valley . } W
L.S J1 ! * ? ? ndl Wlt * > J P C akle > ,
Jot , Work 4. Alume Para . j 3 0
Anton Kutwt and wife to Mike
Vlach , oVt lot y > , block H. Brown
A. ifc-ll juid Lufctutnd to K J.
Admf. nH lot t. Week IT. Omah * .
an4 a ctr' | > tttSoinioK . 2 WC
! Anna kMkioiinti ; aa4 bu b sd to
< 3torgf kell y , lots H and j * . blc k
4S. Henwjn . Jftj
ury JwJiij ; arid bub i > d to Hugh M < -
Allu-ttr. lot 4. block X Brown park. Vtt
ittbfnne O'Rourke had huf-btnd to
Amelia Sl ioier , lot t. KtNirk' ner-
end < W . . . J ft' * )
'len ' Arnold aud huti > aii < 1 to T H.
N.irrir w'/s lot i. block C Bflveder J76
P Suuer and wife 10 Ja < ob S > < ha-
mt-i e't lot U blo-k 8. ahull t * 6 < i 700
-f , tl > J < tin Br > * n lot 1J HcCand-
. . h I' . . . 1 450
amount of transfer * . . J..C40