OMAJIA ILLUSTRATED BJSK . ( . nly u , lt > int. rossil Jbielcls of Wyoming. 'Hint Wyoming conlultiH some of llio most Interesting fossil fields known to the world has boon common knowledge to scientists for SOHIO ycnrH , but II linn only boon recently that general public iittuntlon him been called to tlio fact. Olio given to observation In traveling ever thin wonderful state In Impressed almost at once with tlio thought that In and beneath Hint soil there must ho something of all- absorbing Interest to the student. Thuro are many formatlono of rock and inrth which seem to ho natural , yet which Miggest the thought they were the handiwork of olliers who lived In the centuries ) > ast and they lu st 111 a di-Hlro to know more about their his- proublo apjiearancu In life .if the I'o ' Is restoring , said : "An accurate Idea of the living dlnnsaur Is practically out of the ( | iiestlnn. I nhou'd cay that the animal now being brought to light weighed In life nhaiil sixty tons , that ho had a nock thirty feet In length , anil a tall perhaps sixty feet In length. Ills rlbn are about nlno feet li ng and the cavity of Ills body , with his lungs ami entrails out , would have made n hall tlilrtfotir feet In length , Klxtet'ti feet In width , and arched over probably twelve feet In height. A round Htcak taken frc n the ham of the anl- mal would have been at least t\\elvo feet In dlamotor , or more than thirty-live foot of evolution and comparative anatomy as thin slate. " During the coming summer the scientific world Is likely to hear of still greater fossil IlnclH as the result of the expeditions of all iho leading geologists occupying professor ships In American universities , who hava boon Invited , through General' I'asaengcr Agent Lomax of the Union Pacific to make an exploration of the staff < is the guests of the road. Scare the Evil Spirits 'Hid body of Key Lung Fo , a Chlnanmn who held a high place among Ms follow celestials In Chicago , was burled Sunday , Juno 18 , nftor elaborate ceremonies In front of the Josshotiso at No. 319 South Clark CORNER OF "BOND-ROOM. " UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING lory Thoio are paths ami trails through mountain fastnesses which probably have never been tied by the foot of clvlll/.ed men und there In a fascination about thrni which tomptH ono to want to make an exploring trip to what might bo at the other end or In the cavernous lecosses to which they lend. Wyoming la the resting place of Uie petri fied bones of the largest land animals that over lived. The petillled bones of the most colossal animal over taken from the earth's strata has only recently been unearthed In this state. It was a dweller In the Jurassic ago , ft Dinosaur , measuring nearly 130 feet In length and being perhaps thirty-five fcot In height at the hips and twonly-llvo feet at * Iho shoulders. Assistant W. II. Rood of the department cf geology of the University \Vyumlng made this discovery whllo pros pecting for fossils ninety miles northwest of Laramlo. On account of other woik the party was compelled to leave the find In Its natural bud during Uio winter and the work of excavating it will bo Mulshed ( tils summev. It Is believed Prof. Rood's dis covery will bo oven inoru Interesting than the famous Hrentasaur now In Iho Yale museum , which has attracted the * attention of scientists from the whole world and which was also found in Wyoming. I'rof. Marsh of Yale and Prof. Cope of the Unlvoralty of 1'onnsylvanla began a study of the fossil JloldH of Wyoming In 1877 , and until 1SS8 the former had Hold pi'.rtlos continually at work. In the sum- jnor of 181) ) 1 the Unlvorslty of W > omlng began to secure a complete collection of fosoll remains of thcso great animals , Dur ing the succeeding years the summers wore Mpent In this work , with the result that there has been brought to this university inoro than fifty tons of the bones of these lingo reptiles , which have been deposited In what Is termed the "bono room. " Prof Rood , In conjecturing as to Uio In cltcuinforeiiiio. A wet of fouis of cavalry could easily have ridden abreast between the front and hind legs. Every time he put his feet down It coveted moro than a square yard cf ground. The smallness of the head of this animal la a peculiar thing. I should say it was prtibahly not larger than a ten- gallon keg. lie must have been a sluggish creature , as his bruin cavity would certainly nut warrant the belief that that organ \\olghod over four or live pounds. " ItlvllUNt KlINMil llfllN. The \Vycmlng fossil beds , so far as known , are richest In Albany and Carbon counties , in the south central part tf the btate. The bones are usually found in banUs of clay or marl , hut oc.asluially In beds of sandstone It Is not an unusual thing to find a bone bed four or live feet In thickness , with the b.nos so close tc gother and so mixed up that It Is almost impossible to take them out and rcstoio them to a normal p/.ice In the body. The large beds are found whore at ono time are 8upj ) ecd to have bum the mouths of gro it rivers , the animals after death havlmg floated down IhcHo rivers whcio they were deposited - posited , thus accounting for the vast number of fossils In certain places The collection of reptilian fcssll at tin ; University of Wyoming embraces portions of many of the reptiles kuown to the reptilian age , and many animals new to science and not found elsewhere. Prof. Wilbur C. Knight of the chair of geology In this university says : "Few people have any idea that In Wyom ing are the greatest treasure-locked regions of the world. One has out'y to visit our national museum , the American Museum of Natural History , Harvard , Yale , Princeton and the University of Wyoming , to fully appicclato what Wyoming has done for science , and the work has Just begun. Up to the present tlmo no state or territory In the United Slates and , Indeed , no equal territory In the world , has done so mu h fi r the theory sti oet. Doing thema.ster i f the Chinese ledge of Free Masons , it inquired the minis trations of 'tho good pnlibt On Kec and his assistant , Glm Sing , to properly waft the soul of Fey Lucig Ko from his late residence on South Clark street to the bosom of Con fucius. Two American women , Lottie , wife of the maiidai in of the Chinese colony , Sam Moy , ami her friend , sat In a carriage be- hldo the hearse and wept as they scented Uio liicouso which proclaimed the end of Fey Lung Ko'rt earthly career. Mrs. Moy were a spring hat of light straw with a black feather and a pink silk dress , while her companion had on a hat elaborately trimmed with flow em and white ribbon and n figured gown of China silk. 'DONE ROOM , " UNIVERSITY OP WYOMNO. " The Ameilean ivuldviilH of South Clurk street observed Lho occasion as a gala day , reports the Inter Ocean , ami both Whlto and colored persons mingled with the throng of ehattorlng Chinamen , not to do honor to the soul of Key Lung Fo , but to see the largo skinned lamb , the glistening brown roasted pig , and the freshly killed pig which lay side by nldo on a stixteher before the tem porary altar of ttio Chinese priests. These Americana cunsenl mue-h annoyance to the religious cekstlals , who wept as the priests ehanted the Mings designed to drlvo away the blue devils which hovered about the soul of their brother. It required the constant efforts of a largo corps of policemen to keep the Americans from seizing a portion of the lunch which wias to ho burled beislde Uio body of Fey Lung Fo Iti Kosohlll cemetery. Although scheduled for " o'clock , It was about half an hour later before all was 111 readiness for the ceromonUri. The largo crowd which had collected was getting tired of wrangling with the p lice and dodging street cars and was claim.ring for the fu neral to begin. In n large American hearse the body of Key lay In a black collln and stretching In n long line down Clark street were forty carriages to take to the cemetery the members of the Chinese ledge of Masons. Nothing could be done until the arrival of Sucy Hong Low , the master of ceremonies. Presently a gorgeous figure enveloped In red , with two Chinese swords In his belt , came up on a prancing horse and every thing was ready. .Riding up to the hearse , Suey Hong Low directed that the collln betaken taken out and placed upon the pavement. Four Chinamen In the regalia of the lodge reverently lifted the cusket from the hearse and placed It upon a table back of the con veyance. The people gathered closer , much to the annoyance of the policemen , who were under Instructions from Sam Moy not to allow them to disturb the mourners. From the josshousc above came a procession of the members of the Masonic order carrying elaborate banners and streamers , Inscribol with mystic Chinese characters' and emblems. These gathered about the collln and waved the banners and transparencies , doubtless to the great discomfiture cf the ovll spirits supposed to have a hold upon the soul of the dead Chinaman. Then came four Chinamen , wearing cos tumes of light blue , and carrying a table laden with all kinds of eatables , which they placed back of the basket. Upon the table wore three plates of rice , a dried goose , two bottles of wine , several dried oysters and a handful of pumpkin seeds. These were for the purpose of satisfying the hunger of the deceased on his long journey to the realms of bliss. Before the table was spread a mat , which did duty In lieu of an altar. sumo that was sung on the occasion of the ftcieral of the dlvlno Oin Woo , emperor of China , 2,000 years ago. White the three * priests gravely hopped In and out between the tablco and about the mat that was spread on the pavement , William Eisfcldt , the undertaker , was forming the parade in line , ready for the long rldo to Rosehtll cemetery. Klrst place was given the carriage con talnlng Mrs. Lottie Moy and her friend. These two women carried the largo bank of flowers , presented by Key Lung Ko's ledge of Free Masons , and marked : "Our Brother Krco Mason. " Then followed the hearse , escorted by the banner bearers and the mem bers of the ledge In regalia and uniform , i Suoy Hong Low rode at the head of the pro- cesslcn on his horse , and Sam Moy , In Amer ican clothes , rode his horse through the crowd to opcm a way for the mourners. The Incantations of the priests concluded with the singing of the Chinese doxology by the congregation , and then the casket was lifted Into the hearse and the door was .closed. The band fe.'l Into line back of the hearse , and then came the long proccssl n of carriages containing Chinamen In their everyday clothes , smoking pipes and dls- . , cussing the many vlrtures of their deceased citizen. All day yesterday the laundry bus iness throughout Chinatown was closed , and no collars , cuffs nor shirts could be ob tained from any cf them. The food which had been used In Uio funeral ceremony was gathered up and taken Into the restaurant and the skinned lamb , with the two pigs , were burrled beside the grave of Key Lung Ko. . Out of the Ordinary Mrs. George Gould's children have a head nurse , two assistants , two governesses , two grooms and two footboys to minister to their wants. In China , which has long been known ns "tho land of opposltes , " the dials of clocks are made to turn round while the hands stand still. Judge Jonas Brooks of McPherson , Kan. , adjourned his court at noon the other day and then walked thirty-seven mites to at tend a circus. The Montreal Street Railway company has voluntarily offered to insure Its em ployes at its own expense in an accident and life company. A toboggan slide in St. Morltz , Switzer land , extends three-quarters of a mile , and Is said to be the longest In the world. The descent has been made In seventy-one sec onds. The most novel branch of the city gov ernment of Manchester , England , Is a corps of housecl'eaners. who can be employed by the occupants of stores , flat houses , office THREE RIBS FROM A LARGE DINOSAUR The substantial end of the Chinaman a post mortem banquet was brought down last by six Chinamen , who stuggeied under the load. Klrst came a largo lamb , which had been skinned , head and all , and made a most ghastly appearance. Next was the crowning delicacy of the feast a large roast pig , done brown and shining so that It glistened In the sun. The pig was set down beside the lamb upon the table , and two moro Chinamen brought a recently killed and dressed pig. The three car casses wcro trimmed with streamers and cloves and there appeared to bo enough for the entire colony of Chinese. Upon the tables were burning sticks of In cense , which gave an aroma to the atmos phere strongly suggestive of the Kourth of July , Suoy Hong Low waved his hand and the Chinese band , seated in a band wngi.n nearby , struck up an air not soothIng - Ing to the nerves of the spectators , but which brought tears to the eyes of the Chi nese audience. Ituus the lequleni for the soul of the Into Key Lung Ko , and was rendered principally upon tomtoms and reed flutes. Then from the Jusshouso appeared On Keo and Glm Sing with another priest to assist them in their functions. The priests , In slnglo flic , marched up to the casket , knelt on the rug and sttuck their heads upon the pavement three times. Then On ICco rose and began the chant for the dead , rending from a closely written manuscript His two assistants kept up their bowing before the casket and recited prayers to themselves. The band played another air , and the banner bearers formed a line In front of the tables bearing the eatables. When Uio three priests had concluded the solemn words of the moss they formed la single file , with On Kcc nt the head , and marched about the tables , keeping tlmo to the music and singing a Chinese anthcin , the rooms and residences to overhaul and clean their establishments as often as desired A Manchester woman who desires her house cleaned can telephone to police headquar ters and a gang of scrubbers , sweepers window washers , etc. , will bo sent at cnce to take up the carpets and relay them nrrf do her spring housecleaning ia short order and first-class style while she goes to Lrn- ilon or visits In the country. The original draft of the confederate con stitution is in the possession of Colonel Longstrcct Hull of Athens , Ga. Mr. Hull Is a grandson of Thomas R. R. Cobb , chair man of the committee that drew up the document. .S < i < > I 111 UK Syrup Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN AVI1IL13 TEETHING , with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SUKTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIW ; CURES WIND COLIC , and Is the best rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists In e\ory part of the world. Ho sure and nsk for "Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup , " and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. PRINTING We have unex celled facilities for ROOT the production of printed matter in v print ; modern style at modern prices. The illustrated section of the Bee is a sample of our presswork. A. I. ROOT , J609 Howard St. OMAHA , NEB ,