THE 03HA11A DA1L.Y . BEE : FKIDAY , JUNE 0 , 18 ! ) ! ) . i i ESPECIAL NOTICES Ad'KTlUontratn ' for tlicftc v vrlll lir tiiUrn until IIS in , for the e cnln edition ntul until HtlN ) i > . in. for moniliiu nnrt Snmln ) ' rilltlnim. Rntrft , 1 l-2c n Mont llrn ( Insertion ! le ti word thrri-uftpr. Vnttilnu ; tnkcri { tor Ion * t tin it i ! . " > c for the limrr- tlon , TMCMC niUcrtlncmcntH limit lie run poiiirontlvtlj- . AiM crtlnrrn , l y rniucntlnp ; n mini- liercil i-liPvU , run lin\r miNirorn nil- ( Ircnurd to n numbered letter In cnrc of Tlic lire. AiiMYTrrft MO nililrr"ioil it III lin delivered on presentation or the cliLoU enl > WANTED SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment nurcau , 119 N. 16 Tel. 1112. Hc'.p furnished , positions procured A 2ol A STENOGRAPHER , When you want ono please tall up the Remington typewriter onicc , 1619 Farnam St. ; toltphonc , 167J. A-252 REFINED , competent lady wants position at housekeeper ; references exchanged B 2 ? . Bee. A-190 S * YOUNO man of 21 wants position as stenographer ; llrst-class city references. B 2S. Bee. A-M203 13' WANTED AVe have steady work fdr a few good hustlerH of gc-od habits and npprar- nnco. U. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St. B-2J3 SALESMEN to sell Petit Le < lgerfl. Records add other oinco specialties , line sldo lines. PershlnK Mfg. Co. , Box L , South Bend , ind. B-431 WANTED , Iron workers of all kind ? . nnl'hrrB , chlppors , bHcksmlths. a so moulders Mrskcr A. Bro , St Louis ; Mo. U-M932-10 * MEN , would n position nt $15 weekly on elegantly furnished passenger trains trnv- cling from COM at to coast ! > an impro\o- menl over your prcscnl poslllon ? This is within your reach Wo te-ich the Inrbor trade In two monthB nnd hive Just made arrangements to plsc graduates on through trains. Wo control' nnny other good Jobs for our students Catalogue free. Alolcr Barber College. Chicago , III B MU5C 0 * t GOOU'snlcsmnn , salary or com. Ills N 16. BM6I TINNER wanted. 2717 N 24lh B-M196 9 AGDNTS wnnlcnl for Bryan's "Republic or Empire , " Halsiead's "Llfo of Dewey" ready. Hlxenbaugh , Ware Blk B M9S2 J2G , $400.00 n. monlh nnd nl ! ex panses gunrnntccd selling to merchant" ) Arrtlo RofrlgernllnK Machines for cooling refrlgcralors ; Guaranteed 73 per cent cheaner than Ice ; exclusive terrllory 'ns- s'gned Arcllc Refrigerating Co. , Cincin nati , O H M221 9 WANTED 10 good carpenters Immcdlitely Apply to B. L. Norrlw , new postoillco bids , South Omaha. B 210 10 WANTED Small hey to travel with nnd rend to blind mail Pay board , clothes. $3 month. Room 7 , 209 S. 12th. B-217 10' WAINTED An experienced plcturn frame maker , Immediately. People's Furniture & Carpet Co. B-231 8 WANTED 2 experienced shoe salesmen for Silurday only Apply ItnmOdlalely Pee ple's Furniture & Carpet Co. B 236 S CLERKS , warded , first class clerks In gro cery , ' butler' nnd mcnt lines. In answering stflto ago , experience , salary wanted nnd references. Address B 27 , Bee. B 239 S WAINTIED , man nnd wlfo to manage R R. Wiling -house. Address lock box 60- Mis souri Valley Iowa B-OI21I 11 nn PKMALK WANTED-200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel 876. C-255 _ 150 girls , $5. Capadlan ofllcc , 1522 Douglas ( J MS9I Je22 COOK wanted at once , 102 S. " 22nd Avo. I WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply )24 N. 39th , cor. Nicholas C 191 8 WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. OWe Slemsscn , 2206 Howard street. C 207-9 * WAITED Girl for housework ; Dqne /Germanpreferred / ; good piy : ref- oroncw required. 2401 Cnss. 213 9 WANTED Competent lady stenographer ; must have experience and good references. Please state age , experience and wages expected. Permanent position to right party. Addres * B 30 , Bee. C 215 S WANTED , girl for general housework ; family of two. 2363 Woo'.worth Avo. C-M2- 10 WANTED girl for general housework In family of three ; wages $4. Apply at once. 2002 'Poppleton Ave. C M22C GIRL for general housework In family of six 161T. No. 24lh 81. C-M223 10' WORKING women , domestic ssrvlco , Intor- c-sted. In waged of ftvo to six dollars per "week- , address B 31 , 'Beo ' office.C235 C-235 14 iinvr HOUSES. Benowa & Co , 106 N. 13th St. D-256 ALWAYS moving household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co . 15114 Farnam. Tel. 1559. D 237 HOUSES , Btorcs. Bemls , Pa.xlon block. D-23S FOR RENT Houses In all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co . 1M > 3 Farnam street. D-259 FOR RENT Strictly modern Hat In Davldg" Bldg. , opo-sltc city hall. John W. Rabbins , 1SOJ Fnrnam elreet p-260 SEVERAL 36 U , S. National Bank Bldg. D-261 FOR RENT Hotel In Omaha , 120 rooms ; everything mddcrn. Bronnan Love Co. , 219 goulh 16th St. D-412 4012 CUMING t. , 9-room brick house' fur nace , bath , gas. laundry ; very Jlne. A M. Cowle. 211 South 18lh St. D-M611 SIX-ROOM'modern flat , 1112 S. llth , . . D-618 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city Bronnan.Lovo Co , 2IU South lCti | slreet , D-2U2 7-ROOM house , good locntlon : 2 ncros. barn : 47th nnd Harney. F. D. Wead , 16th find Douglas D 596 FURNISHED , 200J California St. . lerms rea- sonable. D M663 Je-lS EIQI1T r6oms , modern , In good repair , with furnace , bath , cistern nnd barn , $2300. Ap ply 436 Board of Trade. . D-8M MAGGARD'SMln & storage. 117 N 15. Tc | 14 fl D-263 NINE-ROOM brick house. modern , 2717 Jackson , D-155 1414 CHICAGO , S rooms. $25.00. 1318 So : sth. 8 rooms. $25.00 GARVIN BROS , 16U FARNAM. D-309 6-ROOM house with MxllO-foot lol belween Scnnrd nnd Clnrk on 22nd SI , $85000 B. R Bill. 025 N. Y. Life. D-928 EIGHT-ROOM house , good repair , all modern - ern Improvements , tins location , 1109 Soulh 33rd.St. , $30W per month Pajnc-Harder Co , tlwl floor ti. Y. Life Bldg D-923 3 ROOMS , 708 S. 17th St. D M962 Je25 MODERN well furnished houwj for rent , eloso In. rent reasonable. Address at once , B 29 , Beo. D-M206 9 > FURNISHED modern house , B rooms , cast front , for 3 months. 1003 S. 29th xl. D-214 9 * 815 SOUTHSM St. , six roonw. modern , $17)60 , 3415 Cumlng , $20 Small store at 14tb nnd Howard Sts. , $600 per month ; good location for cobbler. t 1310 N. 42d St. , nlna roomv , porcelain bath , entirely modern ; burn , large grounds , $35. : WG S. 17th St , 7 roomg und barn$14. . 2313 Sew ard St. , S rooms , city watpr. OMAHA L.OAN AND TRUST CO . Sixteenth and Douglas. D-ME5 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Pajne , 691 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1016 D-M577 KOH HF.NT Fl RMSlIi : ROOM * . FRONT room , private family. 5u9 S 25 n\o. E-MS7S J14' _ ROOMS , 60o per we k nnd up. 710 S Hth ot. E MJe 30 * FURNISHED room , cenlral location , lee- phone Address B 21 , Bee. E M132 Ft'RNlSHED room for ccntlcmnn. No olher roomers. 2235 Fflrnam E 193 S' LARGE furnished room , new house , all modern gas , balh , cleclrlc llghl ; prlvalo family , reasonable. 409 N. 25th St. MODERN room * , $1.50 und up ; transients. 614 N 19th. E M939 Jc25' FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary s E-M221 12 * SUIT furnlsh * < d rooms for ladles or gentle men , nice lawn ; references required , flvo minutes walk from P O 5215 Dodge si Also single furnished rooms rtu.M iini > HOOMS AM ) IIOAHD. GLENCAIRN , transients $125 day 1G03 Douglas F-2C4 NICELY furnished room , steam hent , free Inth. l 50 per week nnd up. Klondike hotel , 16th and Webster Sts. F-263 ONE OR TWO nlooly furnished rooms , with board , modern house , on car line , near Hanscom park Address A 46 , Bee. 1720 DODGE St. , first-class rooms and board ; K 00 per week and up , absolutely modern. F 671 J17 THE Bachelor's family hotel , 2011 Farnam ; best tl 60 house In Neb Good weekly rates. F-921 FRONT single room for 1 gentleman , also large room for 2 gentlemen 1722 Dodge. F-163-10 * ELEGANT rooms nnd board. 190S Capitol m o. F M878 ELEGANT "rooms with board. 1903 Capitol nve. F-M23014 * ROOMS and board , references. 31G S. 26th street F-212 14 * Toil IIHNT UM'UHMHIIfin UOOMS. 5 CHAMBERS for rent , man and wife : city water ; waste pipe. 319 N. 17th strc ° t G M917 FOR RENT , at 318 So. 26th St. , two Unfur nished rooms , cast front G M22S 11 * roil unvr STORES AMI ori--icns. DESK roon for rent on ground lloor Bee Building , Farnam street side ; rent reason able Apply II. C. Peters Co. , Bee Bulld- ItlC I-M413 FOR RENT Store In first-class 'ocation ; rent reasonable Apply R. C , Peter .t Co , ground lloor BeeBldg 1 266 FOR RENT A ( round nOOr ollloe , specialty suitable for real estate , etc ; splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap lily R. C Peters & Co , ground lloor Bee Building. 1-267 FOR RENT Hall 41x60 feet , with no posts. 10i ! So 14th St. John W. Robbln = , 1802 Farnam St. I-C93 AGBIVTS WAISTCI ) . AGENTS wanted fora special summer cam paign The Suturdav Evening Post es tablished by Benjamin Fianklln In 1728 now published by The Curtis Publishing Company , proprietors of The Ladles Home Journal , Is offered to subscribers , for ono yeir only , for $1 00 the regular prlc" Is J250 This offer is for the pur pose of a. quick introduction and will bo withdrawn September 1st. The regular price of $250 will be maintained after that date. We will give a good commis sion for ev ry subscriber secured and dis tribute $3 000 September 1st among the 176 best agents ; $500 will bo given the person sending the largest numb-r of subscribers at $1.00 eich per > oar. At this special low subscription price thousands can be easily secured. Address The Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia , Pa WANTED , agents , salesmen and canvass * ers , to sell the magnificent Pastel patting 6t General Frederick Punston , which Bella nt Bight to millionaire ana mechanic alike , nt the Introduction price of $1.00 Cona dollar ) . The Pastel is re produced from the orlglnnl by Do Thullstrup America's foremost artist , In MX colors , on artists' drawing vellum paper , matted on heavy cardboard ( mll- .it rv blue ) , with po'lshed brass , "U. S. V. " and crossed rifles Positively grand \aluo nt the standard price of $3.00 , but the first edition will be offered the people nt one dollar for guaranteed perfect re- prdductlon * In F'.X colors , matted nnd ready for framing. Sells nt sight to men , women and children : agents enthusiastic. Send ono dollar for Pastel Plate and full instructions. Address wholesale depart ment. The W. II Grace. Company. 707 Constnb'o bldg. , New York. J M202 9 WAM'CD TO MEINT. HAVE No. 1 tenants waiting for houses List with Henry B. Payne , 601 N Y Life. K-MS78 STOIlACiU. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 908- 910 Jones , gfnernl storage and forwarding. 070 OM. Van & Storage , 1511 % Farnam. Tel. 1359. 273 GORDON baggage line , 214 N. 16. Tel. 1195. M 274 WANTED TO 11IJY. WE WANT several nice residences and resi dence lots for cash buyers. We have the buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill's Real Estate Agency , South Omahu.N N 276 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tel 223S N-277 DON'T Ihrow away your men's clothing ; tnko It to 1107 Douglas ; highest prices paid ; mall orders promptly attended to. N-402-JO-10 * - - - ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , * > tc. , In Inrhe or small quantities Chicago Fur- nllur * Co. . 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020N N 278 CASH paid for all kinds of old feathers. 1307 Nicholas St. N M990-JO-26 FOR CASH , n limited amount of Omnha Bavlngs bank accounts. B 26 , Bee. N-M177 11 STAMP collections bought , sold Morlensen 401 N 16lh. N-M9I3 Jyl TOR S VLE rUH.MTIHUS. SEE our 2nd-lmnd furniture , stoves ; lowesl prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1411 Dodge. O-279 KOIl HAM ? HORSES AND VEHICLES A. J. SIMPSON , maker Atkinson Spring Buggy. Easiest rider In the world ; also carries fu'l line of Columbus Buggy Co 's vehicles. Repairing , painting and trimming nt reasonable prices. 1409 Dodge P-M833 Augl OLD buggies laken in trade on new venicles Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P M6SS LOST-rOn ? large bay horse. P. Peterson , 15th nnd 8 streets. South Onmlm P-2AS-9 * FOR SALE , line combination hors * . well broken to saddle nnd all harness , aUx > line large carriage horse nnd cheap buggy ; private owner. Addrena B 31 , Bee olllce. P-M243 11 * I-OR SALU MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST , Inrdwood cribbing nnd hog fence at lowest prices , 901 Douglas SI . Q-2S3 SOO WATCHES lofl In pawn for sale cheap. Diamond Loan Ofllco , 1315 Douglas. 0-657 Jyl7 FOR SALE , a 20-horse power motor In flne condition. Bargain Address Lelta Spen cer Grocer Co , St. Josiph , Mo. Q M9SS B. HASS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 ; plants , cut ( loners , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding und grave decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly filed. Q-290 ONE three-spring wagon and one road \\agon ; Teed second-hand harness , B R Ball , 925 N , Y. Life. Q-929 "WHY get second grade tiloclea when jou can get high grade Crescents for $35 cash. Fl scher , 1622 Cap. A\e. Q-9IS FOU SAI.R SD-HND safYchonp ! DcTlght , 1116 Fnrmm Q 2S8 FOR SALE 5 nt ten R-l-P-A-N-S tor cents _ dfUgglsts. One gtv relief. q-2S9 _ SAFES , buy , scl ! , Mchango. r6 11th , St vj * 3l lOO. poultry , lawn and fleH fencing ; all wire , wire Works. 1617 Howard St. COLD-IN-HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jelly , 23c. Mlddl ! of Block , Omaha. Neb. Neb.Q Q 2S6 TOR 10 da vs. Sterling bicycler 110 down. $1 GO to W W per w eek. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-.M9IO 4.000 FEET of 6-lnch wrausrht Iron "Kn- lltnln" pipe for t'nlc. Address D. S. Hooper , Pierre , S D Q M1B5 IS * I OR sale patent for Nebnska. Big money. Address A , Bee onice , Council Bluffs Q-918 Jc22 FRESH family cow. So. west cor. lint nnd Binney. Q-M2I511 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country deners , 2d hnnd furniture nnd stoves sold at lowest prices , cnrlond lots or less. Chlncgo Furniture Co , HM-10 Dodge. R-291 FOR KENT , a good burn. 1902 Cas . n-159 SEALED proposals will be received by the undersigned nt the county clerk's office , Omnha , up to noon , Juno loth , 1199 , for the purchase nnd rcmovnl of the A , O UV building located upon the new State Fair grounds Purchaser must remove the building within 10 days from snip , The committee reserves the right to reject nny and all bids. Omaha , Neb. , Juno 7 , 1SS3 , D. M Ilavcrly , Secretary. II 212 U CLAIRVOYANTS. ( MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th. 8-592 MASSAGU AND 11ATHS. MHS. BERRY. BATHS , MASSAGE , parlors best equipped In city. Three lady attendants. Crounso blk. , 119 N. 16th. opp. P. O. 2nd floor. T M131 27 ELITE bith parlors , elegant salt baths , massage , magnetic treatment ; expert operators ; 2025 Farnam. T M191 Jell' MME. AMES , R. 2. 607 3. 13 ; massage baths. T 310 J17 MME. LEE baths , massage parlors. 302 N. 16 T M961 Je23 * FRANKES do Seutorlous of K. S 107 N 12. T M9GC Jc23 MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118'A No-tn 15th. T-'U JJ 1IATTIE BERTRANDE , thermal baths , massage. 1615 Howard , 3d lloor , room 1. T M246 23 * PCRbON'AL. VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bee BldR. U-294 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319S4 S. " 5th. U-295 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted , IIW N. 17. U 298 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 23o and upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block U 303 MATTRESS renovating works ; upholstering & furniture repairing. 706 S. 16th. Tel. 1595. U-297 MONHEIT , leader In halrgoods , toilet prep arations. Paxlonblk. Farnam at. entrance. U-149 MRS. PORTER , ladles' baths. Open even ings ; Douglas blk. U M245 HITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Geward Omah , Tel. 2233. U M712 Jei9 $152 WILL buy flne Kna'be piano , rosewood case ; easy payments. Addrsss A 1. Bee. U M816 J20 THE best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at Louis Flescher's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Ave. U-8C4 LIEBDN , costumer , hair work , 1313 Howard. U 298 MONHEIT , chiropodist , halrdrcsslng. Paxton - ton block. U 150 SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles permanently removed by electricity. Con sultation free and contldentlal All work guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1613 Douglas , U-181 12' MRS. ARMSTRONG , sp'ciallst , late with "Davlerf , " has removed to room 200 , Douglas block , where she will continue giving tmvtments. Consultation free. U 103 10 FACIAL nassage , 60c ; scalp treated , 33o , DOc ; shampooing , 35c , 50c. Ml" ! Hubbard , 415 McCague Bldg. U M135 17' THE Corresponding club Invites those wishIng - Ing correspondents or marriage to call or write. 204 Douglas block. Alllo Turncy. Stamps U M130 9' 1623 DODGE , superfluous hair treatment for 30 days , $1 00 only. Mme. True. U M910 J > 2' NATURES tropical plant food for grass , house and garden ; plant kills ln ects. A = k dealer or W. W. Cox , 15th and Jack- Bon. Tel. 1717. U 186 12 * 2D-HAND sewing machines from $3 00 up Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney. U M203 9 * NATURES Tropical Plant Food : for grass , house and garden "plants ; kills Inspects. Ask dealer or W. W. Cox , 36th and Jack son. Tel. 1717. U 186-12 * COMPLEXION and scalp treatment ; hair prevented from falling out ; best manipulator later In Omaha ; Mrs. Graham's prepara tions. Davles , loll Douglas. U 210 J > 6 WANT good homo for a 12-year-old girl for adnntlon. Address ( Mrs. Hartman , C708 Spaldlng St. U M247 14 MOM1Y TO LOAN REAL ISSTATE. MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or fo > r building purposes. > Puyne- Harder Co. . N. Y. Life. W 299 $100 AND up. F. D. Wead , 10th and Douglas. HONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate Brennan-Love Co. , 219 So. 16th. W-3Q1 PRIVATE money , 3. fl or 12 months , or longer , on real estate , \V , L. Sclby , Hoard of Trade building. W M339 $1.000 and upward to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. AV. Farnam Smith & Co , 1320 Farnam. W 302 LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co , . 310 N. Y. Life W-315 IF you have Idle money and want H busy see Glover , Real Est. Broker , 302 Karbach , W-312 WRITE us If you wnnt a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Bio ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co , 315 N.Y L W-314 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Ion a farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co , 219 S. 16th. Omaha. W 316 PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. J H Sherwood , 123 N , Y. Life. W-317 WANTED , city nd farm loans ; also bonds and warrants R C Ptters & Co , 1702 Tarnum St. , Bee Bldg , W 319 6 per ctChas. E. Wllllamson.U.S. Bk Bldg W-322. B',4 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk W-318 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam W-320 MORTGAGES Wallace. 314 Brown block. W-233 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY LOANS MADE TO SALARIED people holding permanent posl- MONEY tlons on their pewona' note without Indorsement MONEY-LOW RATE8.EASY PAYMENTS Room 119 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY 16th and Furnam Streets X-324 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con cerns upon their own names , without security ; easy paymenU. Tolman. R. 7W , N. Y. Life JJldtr. X-326 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTKI.S. MONEY TO IX5AN ONMONET HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. CARRIAGES , WAGONS , ETC , LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. You con pay the money back In nny nmounti you wish and at nny time. Ench payment o imde lessens the coal of cftrrvine the lon. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 80S SOUTH 16TH STREET. MONEY MONEY X-3J3. MONEY loaned on furniture , rips , blcyclw. diamonds , watches , etc. ; pa > mcnt Un known to friend * . BerBCrs"1 Loan Hank , 1116 Farnam , upstair" . X 327 MONEY IX5ANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with re- lblo llrms or companies on their note without endorsement or mott- . In amounts of US upward to > 50) ; payable In agreeable Installments , cither weekly or monthly ; reasonable rates , comparison of which will demonstrate our Dtatcmcnt. A strictly prUato , reliable place for salaried people to borrow mon y without Hie knowledge of their employer and without any objectionable Inquiries being made of friend * or acnualntftncp1 * ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. Call and BCO us nt once If you need money and jou will bo treated with the oamo consideration your emplo > cr re ceives at his bank , AMERICAN LOAN CO , . Room 601 , Bee Bldg , X-1W MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posl- Wens on their own name without on * dorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Can repay In easy weekly or monthly payments , Omnh.i Credit Co. C. E Jen- nine. ? , Mgr. , SUite 625-626 N , Y. Life bid * . MONEY loaned on p'anos.furnlture ' , horses , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. S.B.irker blk * MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Read , 319 S 13. X 323 BUSINESS CI1A\CUS. WANTED A man to Invest $500 In strictly legitimate business enterprise with blj prospect ; no fake ; unquestionable refer ences gl\en. Apply SOU N. Y Life.a a 330 FOR SALE Nice , cl'an , nfew Racket or Bazaar store ; good town , country nnd building ; good reasons for selling. Ad dress Boston Bazaar , Paulina , la. Y MG48-JC-1T PRIVILEGES In the Philippine village on the Greater America. Exposition grounds for nale. Address Filipino Amusement Co. , P. O. Box 1055. Y 1S1-J-27 FOR QUICK rttums list your bargalnst at O'Neill Real Estate Agency , Bo. Omnha. Y-331 TWO modern rooming houses for sale on account ot death. 514 North 19th. Y SSO-J-21 EXPOSITION-For sale , building with beer and testaurant concession , good location. Apply Stalblc , 2810 Sherman avenue. B ri , Beo. Y-M170 8' VALUABLE patent for sale ; capital will do well to Investigate this. Address Wal ter E. Hajncs , Anita , la , Y Ml'SJyB FOR SALE , established grocery In good location In this city ; thickly settled dis trict ; medium size stock ; -Email capital required ; if you mean business address B 8 , Bee. Y ISO 8 * FIRE hydrants will freeze , but not when Carroll Patent Non-Freezing appliance Is attached. Can be placed on any hydrant and It Is then always nnd forever ready for use In any temperature. Adopted by the Detro't flro department with absolute resu'.ts State rights for sale Correspond ence promptly answered ; full particulars free. Carroll Patent Drainage Co . 372 Woodward ave , Detroit. Mich. Y M167 10 WANTED , to rent , furnished hotel : or would exchange S Dakota or Nebraska land. P , O. Box 623 , Eldora , la , Y-M193 11' A SNAP For sale , Implement business in a county seat town. Only two dealers ; coed trade. Best of reasons for selling. Direct answer to Lock Box 3 , Nb'eon , Neb. , .Y-M204 20 WILL exchange for a stocjtof merchandise 640 acres of the choicesth farm land In Ke.lth county , Nebraska , 4 miles from Paxton on the North Platte river. Ad dress Lowy Bros , 52 Nelson Place. New ark , N. J. „ Y M22114' FOH EXCHANGE. PIANO to trude for nursery stock. Address B 4 , Bee. Z S73-J30 WILL trade piano for farm stock. Addtess B 3. Beo. Z-S74-J30 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES , renowned German specla'lst ; diseases of women ; no failures ; speedy re lief ; twenty years' experlenca ; references. 1513 Dodge , Omaha ; letters , stamps. M 371 Je9 PERSONAL Dr. Mansfield's monthly regulator later has never had a single failure ; long est cases relieved In two to five days with out fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no Interfer ence with work. By mall or offlcei $2. All letters truthfully answered The Mansfield Remedy Co , 167 Dearborn St. , Room 614. Chicago , III. 954-10 * VIOLINS C. A. CASE , violins repaired , 416 Sheelj * Bk. S79 FOR SALE HUAL ESTATE. THE OHOICDST RESIDENCE LOTS IN OMAHA. 32nd avenue , north side of Farnam street. Directly across the street from the'Una residences of Mossrs. Kitchen , Bl rbower < Cohn and Stone. No doubt that these are the most d. alrable lots in Omaha , and -what's more , they are ths cheapest lots in Omaha , considering the location. Mr. Turner has given us authority to eel ! a few of these lots at Just halt his former price. "Just to get 'cm started" Call us un for partlclars. PAYNE. HARDEIR CO. . First Floor New York Life Bldg. RE-335 PECK & CO. , agents nnd dealers In city nnd farm property ; loans , rentals , 101 S , 15th. RE 333 SOUTH Omaha lots. $7b up ; $25 casn. bal ance $5 monthly. W. L , . Selby , 334 Board of Trade Bldg RE-M329- FOR South Omaha business or residence property see George and Company , City Hall Building , South Omaha , or 1601 Far nam St. . Omaha , RE MB94 30 LIST your property with us for sale , we have the customers. The Byron 'Rcec Company , 212 S. 14th St. RE-330 IF YOU want lot to build on half price look at lot B , PHrmenter Place. $250 , or S , W. Cor. 28th and Davenport , $300 ; then see W. N. Nason , 1624 Cass RE M151 10 S. E. CORNER 28th and Hickory Sts , 50x 150 feet , cheap at $700. 3016 Seward , 4-room house * , barn , lots 2Sxl5 ( feet , rv'at place ; anap , $ SOO , 2618 Harney St. , it-room modern house , born lot 60x134 ftot ; price $6,000. 20 acres , Improved , near Ruser's , and paved street ; a bargain at $2 500. Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from $20 to tSO per acre JOHN N. FREN55ER , Opp. old P. O. RE-M435 O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency. South Omaha. Headquarters for realty ! nvent- ments , R E 333 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now la the time to dispose of them ; let the people know that > < ou want to dispose of them The Bee reaches the people who have the money RE SC6 HOUSES , lots farms lands , loans ; also flro insurance. Bemls Paxton Blk. RE 334 I MUST sell two fine lots near 24th Bt. car line right close , to Exposition grounds ; am leaving city Call on my agent , Ljman Waterman , 8. 3 N , Y. Life Bids. Phone H92. RE-211 6' GLOVER , real estate broker. 302 Karbach , can safely Invest your Idle money. Try hire RE-111S1 HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. T. LIFE BLDO Real estate bargains ; low rate loans ; safe fire Insurance ; houses' rented to good ten ants only. List with me , 'Phone 1016. RE-153 FARMS ! FARMS ! ! FARMS ! ! ! Over 2 DOO acres of Douglas county land for sade cheap. Prices ranee from $20 per acre up. Will pay you to Investigate. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. Hth St. RE 333 C. F , HARRISON , FARMS , 912 N. Y. Life. RE-686-J-17' FOU 9Aln tlEAI , RSTATI3. C F , HARRISON'S LtST EVENING BEE , JUNE STH MORNING BEE , JUNE 9TH SIS AND OH NEW YORK LIKE TELEPHONE ill. PROPERTIES FROM $40 TO JI.OOO Dundee lots $ < 0 eich. 3 lots Eckermann H5 each. ! lots. Amber , free to parties who will build. Corner lot on Bo. Mnd * v . Dwlght S. L > mans , $ SOO. Next to this $ UO. 3 lots same addition nut on 32nd ave , $700 for 2 Full lol original sjiullcnto So. Omaha , $200. Lot near 31st nnd Marcy full lot south front. $300. Full lot 39th and California sts. , high nnd tightly , $800. 60x100 cor Dodge nnd Ixjwo a\e. , fronts south , Jl.OOO. Full lot near L we avo. on Nicholas , fronts south , $700. House and lot , So , Omaha ; house will rent $100 a year , $700. Ix > t near this $600. Lot N. 24th ne r Amr * nve. flne trees on It , $350. Lots In Platnvtcw $ COO , $300 , nnd $100 cnrh , respectively. Lot , Luke & Tcmpleton's , $300 , Lot , -h ( near Bpnuldlng , $500. 1024 So. 22nd. full lot small holisc , $1,000. Lot , 27th nnd Woolworth , $700. 4 , etst fronts , on 3lst at , near Marcy , your choice , $ SOO. Lot , Brlggs' Pace ? , on grade suitable 1o build on , $300. 2 lots cor. 42nd nnd Dodge. lie beautifully , for the S , $ KG\ Lot in Dundee , right amongst the good houses , high nnd sightly , $300. 2 lots , Lcnvcnworth nnd 33th ave. , U.OM. 40 ncrw In Sarpy county , small house , well , orchard , etc. , will rent for $400 for 5 > cars , $1.000. , 4 acres with small house , $1,000 , 5 ncrea close in , $230 an acre. KxSS , Mason , near 31et St. i room house $1,000. HOUSES AND LOTS. Cor. 31st nve. nnd Dodge on New Curtis Park , $2,000. Lot next to this , $1,600. East front on 34th North of Frank Ransom's , $2,100 2 lots 31th st. near Chariot Turners , 44x136 , $1,650 each. East front on 35th St. , $1,600. Lot on 33th ave. . , $1,350. Lot 37th near Farnam , $1,600. East front 32nd N. ot Paclllo In that elegant nook Ju t off ot at. car Ino , next to a. new hou e Just building. $2,450. Elegant 10-room house , 1106 So. 31st st. , ono of the finest arranged and most complete houses In city $3,600. 9-room house nnd corner lot near Hanscom Park , $6,000. 9-room house fronting Curtis Park near Farnam , $6 600 10-room house , same , $9,000. 8-room house 32nd ave. , $6,250. 2 lots 32nd ave. . $2,150 each or $4,100 for the 2. 817 S. 19th st , $1,500. 610 So. 28th , $3,330. 1145 Park ave. , $2,400. Strictly Insldo pr6perty only 3 blocks from Hl"h school , full corner lot 66x132 feet , with 4 houses renting now for 6 per cent net on $22,000. Eastern owner has authorized this saorlfloed nt $9,500. 4 Lot fronting Klrkendall'i flne grounds on 38th st. E. front , $2,200. yery sightly , flne view east and west 123x250 ft. , high and sightly on 38th st. near Farnam , $4,000. , 7-npom house on &th , Just oft * Farnam , elegant place , $3,600 6-room house So. 28th St. , Hanscom Place , full lot. $1SOO. House on same st. , full lot , $1,600. NEW HOUSES. 7-rooms 26th and Cap. ave. all modern , hard wood finish ready .for occupancy soon , $3,000. 2Sth and Dewey ave. , S rooms nil modern elegantly finished In hard wood , ready now , $3,600. House next to this , $2,900. , Next to this again , $3,200. Elegant new house Georgia'ave. ' near Hnnscom Park , 8-rooms fine paved St. , trees , at $4,000. Slst and Marcy , 7 rooms , "modern , readr In CO days , full lot , $2,500. 2 others dn same locality , $3,500. Have other lots , will bul'.d at from $2,000 to $3,000 for house and lot to suit purchasers. The following wants and Inquiries have accumulated In the course of business and are bona fide. Wanted for cash In West Farnam district , 7 or 8 room house nt once. Wanted to trade small house in N. part of city nnd cash for larger house in West Farnam district. Wanted for cash a 7 or 8 room new house near Hnnscom Park. Wanted business property on upper Farnam or Douglas hts , for land and money. Wanted 10 to 40 acres close for 040 near Kearney. Wanted for eash , east front lot on So. 32nd ave. , S. Omaha near could use several cast fronts. Wanted to exchange 63 acres finely Improved on Military road near Omaha for large farm In Washington Co. and pay cash difference C3 acres , clear. Wou'd buy for cash 22 ft. on Fnrnam , between llth nnd 16th. Wanted to invest $1,200 cash In lot. Wanted to rent new liouso on West Farnam on 3 or 5 years lease. Wanted a farm near Omaha of 200 to 400 acres for $10,000 to $16,000. Wanted section of land In Merrlck Co. , putting In 20 } in Hamilton Co , Wimted 80 acres not too far from Omaha for $2,100 $ , cash. Wanted 200 acrei suitable tor fruit In Missouri , Nebraska or Iowa. Wanted for $2,000 to $2,500 cash house and lot , a coed renter . pirty n little hard to suit but has the cash and will buy suro. An eastern correspondent has $50,000 to $100,000 to Invent In any thing there is money in. He prefers land but would consider a business block. Have 2 clients on the ground who will buy any thing there Is money In vacant or Improved , from $1,000 to $10,000. C. F. HARRISON. 912 AND 913 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE , 311. RE-232-8 LOST. STOLEN-eterling blcyoloi from ISth and Nicholas : will pay $1S for return of name ; no questions asked. Demaln H Led wick , 233 10 * LOST Gent's gold watch , at Y. M , C. A , park. Wednesday evening. Liberal re- w ard if returned to R. C. W. , 203 Karbach block , Lost-211 & IHCYCI.K HIDING SCHOOL. JUST opened , lessons given by experienced teacher. Call at utorc , Omaha Blcjcle Co. M-7U AIISTH VCT OP TtTI.K * . tARRIS Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building. 2S1 J. M CHAMBERS. 1 01 rMrnntn Tel 69 M423 1101 sn MOVER. W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave. IMAIXOS Tlf.MSII. PIANOS tuned. $1 60. nt Rose's , 1621 Dodge SI IKV2 J23 * rn.vTnnu RENOVATOR. MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. 16th. Tel. 7M. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON O teopothlc Institute sulto MS N Y. Life Bldg Tel. 1664 J. W Dill. M D D. O. , consulting physlcl in Mrs. Alice John- son. D. O , lary Hohson , D. O. , graduates of AmM-lcnn School of Ostconnthy , Klrkft- vllle. Mo Old E Johnson Mgr. 342 M. E DONOHUE. D. O. ot Still school. KirksVllleMo , 601 Paxton blk. Tel 1167. M 313 TYl'mVUITBIIH. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4 00 per month The Smith-Premier Tjpewrltcr Co. , 1623 Fnrnam St. Telephone 12SI 339 WE RENT nnd sell the host typewriter * made ; largest stock of supplied In Omnha. United Typowrllor & Supply Co. , 1612 Fnr nam. 310 REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd Blip- piles. 1619 Fnrnnm. 341 SHOIITHA.M ) AM TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Saul's School. 717 N. Y. Life 317 AT OMAHA Bus. College , Ifi & Douglas. 313 BOYLK'S school ; court reporter principal ; Bee IVdc. 349 MCKKI , I'LATINO. GOLD , silver & nickel plating , Omaha PlatIng - Ing Co , Bee Bldg. Coach lamps , harness mounting & surgical Instruments replaced , 160 llESTAlRAVr. IF delrlng Imported sp-ighrttl. Mexican chlll-con-carnp' or any special dish , rail on Martin Dlnuzzo , 005 N. 16th ; satisfac tion guaranteed , M 02-JelG UICYCLES. NEW wheels , $13 60 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , $5 up ; repairing & supplies Omaha Bicycle Co BICYCLE hospital , 16 & Webster. Tel. 990. 343 See Louis Fleschor for bicycle repairing , cnamellnsr and sundries. Ib22 Cap. Ave. 315 I'AAVNnilOlCKRS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Ofllce. 418 N 16 , 330 EAGLE Loin Olllco , ro'lable , accommodat ing ; all business confldentlal. 1301 Douglas , 351 IIORSCS PASTURED. $2 per month ; board fences , good water ; horses called for & delivered ; colts broken nnd horses handled. Alamlto Farm , Wept Dodge St. Clinton Brlggs , Bee Bldg. M-SSO-Jy 4 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING in families. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Davenport. M 533 J-13 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4 00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths Ninth and Farnam Sts 335 STAMSinillXG AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn , 303 Boyd theater big 287 TRUNK FACTORY. SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1207 Farnam. P93 A25 MIRROR FACTORY. DAMAGED looking glasses rcsllvercd. 703 N. 16th. M231 MATTRESS RISNOVATING. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. -356 SUES & CO. PATENT LAWYERS MO SOLICIIORS Bee Bldg , Omaha , Neb. Bend for free Invent or * ' suldo Tel 1623. rosTorncE NOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , as changes may occur at any tlrno. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Juno 10. 1899. will close ( PROMPTLY in alfcases ) at the General Postofllte as follows : PAR CELS POST MAILS close on * hour earlier than closlnc time shown below. TrtiiiHiitlniiUa Mnlln. SATURDAY-Al C a. m. for EUROPE , per B. B , Etrurla * . via Queenstown ( letters for Franco. Switzerland , Italy. Spain , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt and British In dia be directed ' ' Etrurla" must 'per ) ; nt 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN , PORTUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. a. La Chanvpagn ! * , via Havre ( letters for other j > ars of Europe must be directed "per La Champagne" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. B Rotterdam - terdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per Rotterdam" ) ; at a i. m , for ITALY , per B. s. Ems via NupleH ( letters must bo dlrectcicr Ems" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. g. Anchorla , via GlaMguw ( letters must be directed "nor Anchorla" ) ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per . s. Norgo ( letters must bo directed "per Norgo" ) . PRINTED MATTER ETC.-German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , and specially addressed printed matter , etc , , for other parts of Europe. American and Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays , German Btcamera on Thursday ? , and Cunard , French and German steamers on Satur days takq prlntwi m.ittw. etc. . for nil countries foi which ihcy uro advertised to carry mal ! . After the closing of tno supplementary transatlantic malla named aoove addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , English , French and German steamers , and remain open until within ten minuter of the hour at Bailing of steamer BlulU fur South and Central Amcrlou , WrMt Imllex. Ktc. FRIDAY At 12 m. ( supplementary 1 p. m ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rico ) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per . s. Advance , via Colon ( loiters for Guatemala must bo directed "per Ad vance r. al 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per H. s Ardanroso ( letters for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala must be directed "per Ardnnroi e" ) SATURDAY At " 2:30 : a m. for NASSAU , N. P , j > er steamer from Miami Pla , , ut 2.30 a m , tor NEWFOUNDLAND , ptr s. a Corcan from Philadelphia , at 10 a m ( supplementary 10.30 u , m ) for BER MUDA , per n. e Orinoco ; at 10 a. m , ( supplementary 10.30 a m. ) for FOR TUNE ISLANDS , JAMAICA , SAVA- NILLA. CARTHAGENA and GREY- TOWN , per B , B Altai ( tellers for Coula Rico musl be directed " Allal" "per ) ; al 11 n. m , for CUBA , i > er a s , Havana , via Havana ( tellers musl be directed "por Havana" ) ; at 11 a in. for PORTO RICO , per B s. Arkndla , via San Juan ; at 12 m for RIO JANEIRO and BANTOS. per a H. Dalccurlla ( letters for olher parts of Brazil nr.d La Plata Countries must be dlrented "per Dalecarlla" ) : at 1 p m for NUEV1TAS , GIBARA , VITA and BARA- COA , per B. s. Ollnda SUNDAY At 8 a. m for AZORES , per a. 8 Peninsular ; al 3 p. in for COSTA RICA , per Bteamer from New Orleans ; nt 8 JO p. m for ST PIERRE MIQUEIX3N , per Bteumer from North Sydney. Mall * for Newfoundland , By rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , close at this olrtce dally at 8:30 : p. m , ( connecting close hero every Monday , Wednesday and Saturday ) , Mails for Mlquclon. oy rail to Boston , and tlienc * by ctcnmc-r close at th ! Gillie dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mails for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , * la , and thence by etearner , close at this ollico 'K ' F. " ( Continued ' dillv ( cx.-fnt Mondaj ) nt ? n. m. con necting cl < ws hero c ory Munilnv Wodnco- day , \nd Friday. Mails for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla , nd Iheno * bv * tfim r. clo o at this otllre cverv Monday. TUM- dav nnd Saturday nt * J 30 A m. . con- nrcllnc CIOSPS hero o\ery Tuesday ana Saturday. Malls for Mexico City , over land , unless specially addressed for d's- ' patch by atNtinM. ole a at this office dally at 2 3i ) n. m nnd 230 ! p. m ReglHercd mall closes nt 6 p m. prc\lous day. rrglsUrtd mnll closes at e p. m. second day before. Trnim-I'nrlllP Mnlln. MMN for China , Jnpan and Hawaii , per § . s China ( from Sun Francisco ) , close hers dnllup to June 4th nt * . .SO p m MMU for China nml Japan , per s s Klnslilu Mnru ( from Seiit'.et close here dally up to .Mine sth nt 6 30 p in , Mnlls for Aus tralia ( except the o for Wfst Australia , whloli arp forwarded via Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawnll. FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s. s Alamedu ( from San Frnnrlsco ) , POSO hrro dnllv nftpr Mnv * M nnd up to Juno Sth nt 6 * > p m on dny of arrival of s. s , Campania , which will probably nr- Hvo June "Jlh Malls for China nnd Japan , p < > r s. . Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) close hero dally up to Juno mh nl 6.30 . m Mnlls for China nnd Jnpan , per s s. Tncotun ( from Tncoma ) ciiwo here dally up to Juno 16th at d'SO p m Mails for Hawaii , per n. n. Australia ( from Sail Frxnclsco ) , close here dally up * u June " 23d r.t fl 30 p. in. Mnlti for Australia ( except West Au trn'ln ) , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per s. s. Wnrrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close here dnlly after Juno 12th fliul up to Juno " 2.1d nt 6.W p m. Mnlls for the Society Inlands , per hlp Tropic Rim ( from Snn Frnnclsco ) , close hero dnlly up to Juno 23th nt 6.30 p. m. Transpacific malls nro forwnrdod to port ot sailing dnlly nnd the schedule of closing Is nrrnngod on the presumption of their uninterrupted ovcrlnud transit. "Rfirls- terod mnll closes al 6 p m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Po. < tollli-o , Now York , N. Y , . Juno 2 , 1S99. LKOAI , NOTICI3. NOTICE GoncTAt onicos of the Chicago , fit. Paul , IMIniunpollH A Omaha Railway Company. S.T PAUL. TUInn. . June a. IS1 * ! In com- pllnnrci with th * statutes of the Btato of Nebraska , we , the undersigned , thi > presi dent and a majority ot the directors , hereby gl\o notice that nil the existing debts of th * Chicago , St. Pnut , Minneapolis it Omaha , Railway Company , on the 30th day of April , 1JJ.cro as follows : Bonded debt ja4. H < WiX ( > Floating debt 759.77219 Total debts $24.852.57219 ( MARVIN HITGIIITT. President , ( MARVIN HUGHITT. Director , IM L SVK1JS Director. AUHDRT KEEP. Director. DAVID P K I'M BALL "Director " , IMIOatA9 WILSON. Director , J. 'M. WHITMAN. Ulrootor. BYRON L. SMITH , Director J9 TWtElt RAILWAY TIM1S CAR1I. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL- nnd & Patlllo Railroad ' "The Great Rock Isl Rock Island' and Route. " City Tick [ et Olllco , 1323 Farnam Streel. Telephone , 4JS , . .Route Depot , T nth & Mason Strtets. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arris o. DCS Molncs meal n 7:05 : nm 1)11.25 am Chicago Express bll:15 : nm n M10 am Chicago Fast Express..a 5:00 : jim n 1:23 : pm St. Paul Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm bll:25 : am Lincoln , Colorado Spes , Denver , Pueblo and West a 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : pm DCS Molnes , Rock Isl and nnd ihlcngo .a 7:25 : pm a 6.33 pm Colorndo A Texas Flycr.n 6:40 : inn a 0.00 am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route" General Olllecs , N E Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets City Ticket Olllce , 1303 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , 31C Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C29 Leave. Arrive. "Tno Overlard Limited" for Ulah , Idaho , Mon tana , California. Ore- eon and Washington points a 8.50 am a 4:45 : pm The Colorado Special for Isonvei and all Colorado points all,55 pm a 6:40 : am Paclllo Express for Denvei , Salt Lake. Paclllo Coast and all ollico'K < b 4:35 : pm a 6.40 am Lincoln , Boatrlco and Stromsburtf Express..b 4:35 : pm bl2:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Island and North 1'iatto , a 4.33 pm b 4:45pm Columbus Local b 5:30 : pm b2:20 : pm North Platte Local a 0:16 : pm South Omaha Local Pass Loaves , 6:15 : u. m. ; 7.00 n. m , ; 10:10 : a. m. ; 3.05 p. m. Arrives , 10.45 a. m.J.15 ; p. m. ; 4:13 p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5-35 n. m. ; 6:40 : n. m. ; b Ma in. ; 7:40 : a. n. ; b 10:45 : n. m. ; 12 20 p. m . ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4,35 p. m , ; 4.53 p , m. ; 5.25 p. m 6.53 p. m. ; C.20 p m , ; K 20 p. m. ; 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , 6'35 a. in. ; 70 a. m. ; . : r > n. m. ; 8:45 : a. m ; H 30 a. m. ; 3.U > p. m. ; 4.03 p. m. ; 6:15 : p. m. ; 6 30 p. m , ; 6.65 u. m. ; 6.30 p m ; 9.05 p. m. ; 11.00 p. m. ; 11.55 D. IT. . a Dnlly. b Dully excpl Sunday. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burllncion Route' Ticket Olllco , 1502 Farnnm dt Tel. 250. Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. jayllght Chicago Spc- clal a 0:40 : nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.a O.CC pm a 8.05 am Chicago Express a 3.30 nm n 4.03 pin Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7.45 pm a 8.05 nm Pacific Junction Local..nlO:43 : am a 5.13 pin Fast Mnll u 2.45 pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bin Its Ha''road ' " "Tho Burling- loi. Roulo" Tlckel Ofllca , 1502 Fnrmm Slreel. Tele phone , 250 , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streeta. Telephone - phone , 310. Leave. Arrive , Kansas City Day EX..U 9:30 : am a 6:40 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:16 : pm a C.30 urn SI. Louis Fiver for St. Joseph nnd St. Louis..a 4:5G : pm nll:16 : am a Dally. BURLINGTON & MI8- aourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General OllTces , N. W. Corner Tenlh and Fnr- nani Slreoli. Ticket Oillce. 1503 Fnrnam . Street. Telephone , 250. Depol , Tenth nnd JIason Streuls. Tele phone , 310. "eavei Arr'v ' . Lincoln. Hastings nnd Montana 1'uget , . n"I . ft 3M PTO Lincoln Local . a 7.00 nin * nm a 6:30 : am CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & 81. Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce , 1501 Farnara Street. Telephone 2S4. De- Ch CBBO limited Ex a 5:45 : pm a 8.20 nm Chicago & Omnha . . . Ex..bll:00 : nm b 3 55 pm Sioux City &De MolncH Express bll:00 : am b 3:63 : pm n Dally , b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS P2SI Railroad Omaha. Kan sas City & Easlern Rail. ARTHUR road-"The Port Arlhur Jiru { ? " Tlcl' t Olllce. ROUTg 1415 Farnam Street , ' .tel , ephone. 322 Depot 'IVnih and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 629. Leave. Arrive St. LO..IS Cannon Ball ' Exp sss . . . 4.50 a pm a 8:33 : am Kanias City and Qulncy Lorai a C.60 am a 9:30 : pm MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-qeneral Otllccs and Ticket OHlcea Snulheast Cor- nfr 14th and Dougla Pt . Telephone. 101. Depot , 15th and Webater Htn. Telephone. 14 5. _ . . ; Leave , Arrive. SI Loum-Khnsaa & Nob. Llmli'd a 3.00 pm n2.55 prn K C. SI. L Express . .a 9 50 pm a 6.00 tun Nebraska Local via Wceninr Water b 5.00 pm b 9:45 : am a Dal'y. b Dally except Sunday. W A B A B II RAILROAD- Tlckel Oince , 1415 Farnara Street. Telephone , fan De pot. Tenth and Mntoa Htrtcln. Telephone , C29 I eave. Arrive. SI L"js | "Canon Ball" Express , .a 4.60 pm a 8:3 : } an e. Dally.