8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , , TtTXE 8 , 1890. COMPARATIVE CARRIER DELIVERY CIRCULATIONS OF OMAHA DAILIES Names of Subscribers Arranged in Parallel Columns Tell the Story in Indisputable Array. MORE THAN TWO TO ONE IN fAVOR Of THE BEE Let Every One Read the Lists and Note for Himself the Number and Character of the People Who Read This Paper as . . V. ' < Shown by a Census of Eight Districts Just Taken. To show Its superiority as an ndvertlslni medium , The Bee has Just had taken a news , paper census of eight out of eighty-four clL ; . rnutci in the beat residence districts o , Omaha. The results arc here exhibited li parallel column , giving namen and addrcsso : of tlu Blibecnburc to the different Omahi dallies , and their correctness la vouched fo : ' under oata by the jcung men who have madi the canvaes. This ahowlne speaks for Itself because 1 ' Is In reality the carrier delivery subscrlptloi i Huts of the respective papers In the district described. Local advertisers nro aske < l to g < ; ' over the names carefully and note how man ; patrons they have In the list of Dee sub Gcrlbcra as compared with the list of World Herald subscribers. The census district | comprise the best residence sections of thi , ] city , where the merchant gets hla lies ' patronage , but the ratio In favor of Thi I Dee Is substantially the same throughout thi I city. I The Ilee. W-II Int route . . . . 17O 71 Uml route . . . . lilt 51 : iril route . . . . 1-12 < ! - llh route . . . . 188 8 ! ! j Hill route . . . . 1SI 7Z , ( Mil route . . . . ISM ! 41 > > Till route . . . . 172 ! > Slh route . . . . 1S1S8 litC i 1 Tolnln ] , ; ! . ' ( ! > C2-I AFFIDAVITS OF CENSUS TAKERS , Stnto of Nebraska , Douglas County ss. Joseph S. Swartzlander , being duly sworn according to law , deposes and B ys that on the ISth. 10th , 22d uml 23d days of May , 1SW , lie made a personal canvass of every dwell- Inir , apartment , olllce and store In the dls- trlct bounded as follows : Leu ven worth fetreot north to F.arnam street , Twenty-fourth street west to Twen- ty-seventh street. De.ionrnt further says that to his best know edae and belief the number of copies of the Omaha Evening Bee delivered by carrier In said district was U7. The number - ber of copies of the Morning Bee delivered by carrier In said district was 29. The number of copies of the Evening World- Herald delivered by carrier In said district was 36. The number of copies of the Morn- 1 S World-Herald de'.lvered by carrier In said district was 36. JOSEPH SWARTZLANDER. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this 25th day of May , 1S99. ( Seal. ) H. I. PLUMB , Notary 1'ubllc. State of Nebraska , Douglas County ss. F. M. Kalzershot , being duly sworn according - cording to law , deposea and says that on the 22d , 23d , 21th and 25th days of May , 1899 , lie nude a personal canvass of every dwell- Ins , apartment , ofllce and store In the dis trict bounded as follows : Pacific stret , . south to and Including Martha street , from Thirty-first street west to Fortieth street. Dcnonent further says that to his best knowedco : and belief the number of copies of the Omaha Evening Bee delivered by carrier In said district was 81. The num ber of copies pf the.'Mornlng'Bee ' delivered by carrier In said district was 32. The number of copies of the Evening World- Herald delivered by carrier In said district was 28. The number of copies of the MornIng - Ing World-Herald delivered by carrier In said district was 26.F. F. M. KA1S5ERSHOT. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 25th day of May , 1899. ( Seul. ) II. I. PLUMB , Notary Public. State of Nebraska , Douglas County ss. Otis Alvlsm , being duly swoin accordIng - Ing to law , deposes and says that on the 26th and 27th days of May , 1SK ! > , ho made a personal canvass of every dwell- Inir , apartment , olllce and store In the dls- trlct bounded ns follows : Locust street , north to and Including Plnkney , Twentieth street east to Four teenth street. Eighteenth street to and in cluding Twentieth street , Luke street to locust. Deponent further BUYS that to his best know'edire and belief the number of copies of the Omaha Evening Bee delivered by carrier In said district was 132. The num ber of copies of the Morning Bee delivered by carrier In said district was 10. The number of copies of the Evening World- Herald delivered by carrier In said district was 43. The number of copies of the MornIng - Ing World-Herald delivered by carrier In eald district was 19.OTIS OTIS T. ALVISON. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this 27th day of May , 1899. ( Seal. ) II. 1. PLUMB. Notary Public. State of Nebraska , Douglas County ss. C. S. Spurr , being duly sworn accord- I ni ; to law d"poscs and ays that on the 22d , d and 21th days of May , 1899 , ho made a personal canvass of every dwell ing , apartment , olllce and store In the dis trict bounded as follows : Davenport street , 'north to California , Twcnty-elchth avenue , east to Twenty- second ; Twentieth street to Twenty-sec end , from Chicago to Cans. Deponent further says that to his best know'edca and belief the number of copies of the Omaha Evening Bee delivered by carrier Iti * aid district was 135. The num ber of copies of the Morning lice delivered by carrier in said district was 37. The number of copies of the Evening World- Herald delivered by carrier in suld district was 64. The number of copies of the MornIng - Ing World-Herald delivered by carrier In said district wan 35. C. S , SPURR , Sworn to before me/ and subscribed In my prpsenia this 25th day of May , 1899. ( Seal. ) H. 1. PLUMB. , . Notary Public. State of Nebraska , Douglas County ss. E. It Bavins , being duly sworn according to law , deposes and says that on the 18th , 22d , 23d , ? ltn , 25th , 20th days of May. 1899 , ho m.ulo u personal canvass of every dwell ing , apartment , olllce and store In the dis trict bounded as follows : South of Farnnm street , to and Including ° \Voolworth ( ivonue , Thlrty-llrst street , east to and Including Park avenue , except Fur- linin to Leavunworth. Deuoncnt further says that to his best knowledzo and belief the number of copied of the Omaha Evening Beu delivered by o.irrkT in said district was 136. The num ber of copies of the Morning Bee delivered ! * carrier In said district waa IS. The number of copies of the Evening World- Herald delivered by carrier in Bald district was 3S ' ' 'ho number of copies of the Morn ing World-Herald delivered by carlrer In said district was 3G. E. R. BEVINS. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my vresenco this 27th day of May , 1S99. vrescnt'o this 2oth day of May , 1S99. ( Seal. ) H. I. PLUMB , Notary Public , State of Nebraska , Douglas County ss. Fred Flanagan , being duty sworn accord ing to law. deposes and says that on Urn 15th , 16th and 18th days of Muy , 1899 , lie in. > do a personal canvass of every dwell- In ir , apartment , olllce and store in the dis trict bounded as follov0 > Twenty uuventh street west to and In cluding Pirlc avenue except Leavenworth to Woo'.worth avenue , from Furnum street south to Pacific street , Deponent further says that to his best knowledge and belief the number of copies of the Omaha Evening Be delivered by carrier in sn.id district was 141. The num ber of copies of th ii Morning Bee dellvetud by currier In ald district was 17. The number of copies of the Evening World- Herald delivered by carrier In said district 61. The number of copies of the Morn- Ing World-Herald delivered by carrier In said district was 22 , FRED FLANAGAN. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my crosenca this 25th day of May , 1S99. ( Soul. ) H. i. PLUMB , Notary Public. State of Nebraska , Douglaa County as. M. B. Case , being duly sworn according to law , deposes and says that on the 24th and 23th days of May , 1899 , he made a per sonal canvass of every dwelling , apartment , odlco and store in the district bounded as follows : Farnam street to and Including Dodge , west of Twenty-second from Seventeenth to and Including Twenty-fifth street. Deponent further * ays that to his best knowledge and belief the number of copies of The Omaha Evening Bee delivered by carrier In said district was 168. The num ber of copies of the Morning Bee delivered by carrier In said district was 70. The number of copies of the Evening World- Herald delivered by carrier In said district was 69. The number of copies of the MornIng - Ing World-Herald delivered by carrier In said dlstilct was 71. M. B. CASE Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this 29th day of May , 1S99. ( Seal. ) H. 1. PLUMB , Notary Public. State of Nebraska , Douglas County ss. Newton E. Buckley , being duly sworn ac cording to law , dcpcues and says that on the 19th , 20th , 26th and 27th days of May , 1S93 , ho made a personal canvass of every dwell ing , apartment , office and store In the dis trict bounded as follows : Paciliu street to Dorcas , Twenty-seventh to and including Park avenue except Leav- onworth to Woolworth avenuo. Deponent further says that to his best know.edee and belief the number of copies of the Omaha Evening Bee delivered by carrier In said district was 118. The num ber of copies of the Morning Bee delivered by carrier In said district was 18. The number of copies of the Evening World- Herald delivered by carrier In said district was 39. The number of copies of the MornIng - Ing World-Herald delivered by carrier In sold district was 10. NEWTON E. BUOKLET , Sworn to before me and subscribed in my arcsencc thla 27th day of May , 1S99. ( Seal. ) H. I. PLUMB. Notary Public , HEADERS' .NAMES. THE BEE. Mlllard. 2406 Harney. Wallace. 2420 Harney. Park. 2427 Harney. Stockwell. 2474 llarne ; Schclrsteln , 403 S. 26th Avc Singer , 407 S. Kth Ave White. 409 S. 25th A\e Pratt. 2C64 Harney. Clark. 2M7 Harney. llaffan , 2669 Harney. Heller. K72 Harney. Kaufman. 2574 Harney Utley , 2S76 Harney. Coon. 2576 Harney. Chapln. 25SO Harney. Provost. 2582 Harney. Jankovtrkt. 254 Harney Holland. 319 S. 2Sth. Lewis. 317 S. 26th. Benson , 315 S. 26th. Patterson. 313 S. 56th. I'arkaid , 30i S. 26th. Boutelte , 314 S. 26th. helionymus , 316 S. 2GU Qulnby , 218 S. 20th. Williams. 30 S. 26th. Wright. 324 S. 26th. Haverstlck. 324 S. 26th Kevins. 324 S. 26th. Flsk. 324 S. 2 th. Bcetem. 324 S. 26th. Wyfkoff. 324 S. 2Mh. Swift. 2 10 Harney. Cow ell. Mlf. Hnrney. Koch. 2fi33 Harney. Bdwards. 2646 Harney. 1'eycke. 2M2 Dewey AVI Welch. DO * S. Zfith Ave DeBen. 51S S. 26th Ave llnran. B20 S , 2 th Ave Bancker. 530 S. 26th Avi Spratla"b2 S. SGth Ave M8 3. 26 h Ave Havwly. S50 S. 26th v < ' " ! ; S. 26th Ave Bowman , 053 S. Mth Ave Grlinth. 661 S. 2 th Avc Oeddcs. 661 S. 26th AVP Adams. 63 S. 26th Ave Shank , 260S Dewey Ave Kline. 2610 Dewry Ave Hawks , 422 S. 2Cth. lliirstal. 423 S. Ml' ' . Moreo. 2524 Dewey A\e I.yll , 2522 Dewey Ave Uol > erUon , 501 S. 26th. Manchester. 603 S. 26th Ncalc. 313 S. 2Cth. Fruzer. 513 S. 26th. 1'atrlek. 515 S. 26th. Doyle , 613 a. 26th. McKenzle. 523 S. 26th. Carpenter , 527 S. 2 th Deuce , 506 S. 26th. . ( roar. Todil , 518 S. 26th. Metz. 52S S. Kith. ralrlle. 622 S. 26th. Orcutt. 600 S. 26th. Dvorak , CM S. 26th. Wooilworth , 2i62 St. llary'B Ave Treat. 2J.54 St. Mary'B Ave Davis , 2C65 St. Mary'B Ave Townsend , S.VJ7 St Mary's Ave Barrows , 2S71 St. Mary's Ave BoirhHm , 2609 St. Mary'B Ave Hojwon , 2rtou St. Mary's Ave Klrrehbraun , 2614 St. Mary's Ave nonenthal , S61S Rt. Mary's Ave , Rlrhanliwm , 262D St. Mary's Ave , Wilson , 2623 St. Mary'B Ave , Beebi1. 2623 St. Mary's Ave , Cracroft. 70S S. Mth. Siiratlan , 701 8. 26th. I-clffer , S620 Leavenworth , ReimerB. ReimerB.S372 tavemvorth , Sheoley , 2660 I.avenworth , AriiJiTton. 25150 Jones , Boevort. 25M Jnnes. Smith , 2662 Jnnes. Whlttaker. 2W > Jone . Spauldlnff. 2520 Jones. Itnapke , 241& Joneo , Rosewnter , 2417 Jones. Rohlrr. Rohlrr.ZKA Iveavcnworth , Glee , I41S Iveavenworth , IVIffer. 2403 Leavenworth. . Stafford. 2401 l/eavemrorth. Thompson , 2403 Leavenworth. Cornell , 623 8. 24th. liranileli. 2406 St. Mary'B Are. Lobnian , 2 ' ) S St. Mory' Ave. Heller. 2410 St. Mary'B Ave. Klmtwll. 2453 St. Mary'B Ave. Troupe , 2122 St. Mary's Ave. Mahoney , Z4J4 St. Mary'B Ave. Koenlc , 1426 et. Mary'B Ave , Ratekln. 2J02 St. Mary'B Ave. Griffith. 2301 St. Mary'B Ave. BuftYt. 2512 St. Mary's Ave. Dinning , H SI. Mary'B Ave. Henderson , 2007 Bt. Mary1 ! Ave. WORLD-HERALD. Boltz. 24T2 Harney. Fltzpatrlck. 413 S. 25th Ave. Metz. 2656 Harney. Tunnlcllfr , . 324 S. 26th. Hart , b06 Harney. Wheeler. 2621 Harney. Foley , 2827 Harney. Bedford. 606 S. 26th Ave. Jordan , 606 S. 26th Ave. Cunnlnirha/ni / , 526 S. 26th Ave. Wilson. 646 S. 26th Ave. Mackey , 605 S. 26th. Ilohrbiueh. 565 S. 26th. Klepcn , 2556 St. Mary's Ave. Sohmlt , 2016 St. Mary's Ave. Anderson. 2616 Leavenworth. Anderson. 2618 Leavenworth. Mlnnlchy , 2570 Leavenworth. Taylor , 2570 Leavenworth. Green , 2532 Leavenworth. Savldee.72i 72i S. 25th Ave. Hanson , 2507 Leavenworth. Zotzmann , 24(0 LcavcnworUi. Peyton , 2401 Leavenworth. Kemp , 2401 Leavenwroth. Purvis. 2402 St. Mary's Ave. Welch. 551 S. 25th Ave. Kooney , M7 a. 25th Ave. Matthews. 645 S. 25th Ave. nigging , 623 B. 25th Ave. Shank. 530 S. 23th Ave. Burr. 536 S. 2oth Ave. HlnebaURh , 5.15 S. 25th Ave. Lovgrcer , 545 S. 25th Ave. Monaghan. 620 S. 24th. Kllckson. 522 S. 24th. Mlllard. 2406 Hnrney. Illffuy , 2437 Harney. Ualclwln , 2562 Harney. Ball , 26S4 Hnrney. Brownlee. 216 S. 26th. iVrliht , 324 S. 26th. iravcrstlck. ! 4 'S , 20th , Johnston , 2612 Harney. McDonald. 2618 Harney. Chandler , 2630 Hartley. Peuey , 606 S. 26th Ave. SudboroiiKh- 549 S. 26th Ave. Hawks. 422 S. 26lh. llfatty. 603 S. 26th. Carpenter , 627 S. 26th. . . . . . 51 ? S. 26th. Arnold. 63S S. 26th. ICuhn. 256S St. Mary's Ave. Hollenbeck , JM3 St. Mary's Ave. Barrows. 2171 St. Mary's Ave. Prey , 2573 St. Mary's Ave. Swltzlcr , 2604 St. Mary's Ave. Relmers. ' 2572 Leavenworth. Helns , 2363 Joncn , DlokKin. 624 8. 25th. Splcer , 3512 Leavenworth , Rohlff. 2123 I/Mvenworth , Thompsen , 240. ) Leavenworth. Connell. C23 S. 2-llh. KlmUill. 24W St. Mary's Ave. Troupe , 24.J2 St. Mary's Ave. Simpson , 653 S. 25th Ave. Murphy , 531 8. 2Sth Ave. Cartwallader. 530 S , 23th Ave , Webster. 518 8. 25th Ave. Lcueks , W9 B , Xth Ave. J , H. Shorn fed , HOC 8. 32nd. B. A. Parker. 1120 8. 32nd. O. B , Illllls. 1123 S , 2nd. Frank WIIHs.13IS 13IS S. 32nd. L. T. Sunderland , 1327 S. 32nd , C. A. Baldwin. 152 : S. 33nd. Alfred Foreman , 1602 8. 32nd. R. B. Rogers. 0 8. 3Snd. II. Q. Jordon.HIS HIS S. Sid. Will Graham.llil llil 8. SW. Chas. Vradlniton , 1141 S. 33d. Elmle Jackson. 2150 8 , 33d. U. R. Rlckers. 2157 8. 33d. 2. R. Mathens , 1911 S , 34th. 3o. Vaueiin , 210S S. S4th. 2. U We t , 2118 S. 34th. ' 3. E. Ciiaffe * . 2154 8. 34th. tobert Monteomery , 1936 S , 35th. . C. Cane , 1933 S. 3Slh Ave. 3. H , Dunham. TUB BEE. Kelllhcr. 666 S. th Av BLnipKOn , SU B. 15th AV \ \ utwtnon , Hi S. 2f-th AT < EBbert , 543 B. 23th Av < Mutthows. C.U S. ffith Av < Uronn , 537 B. ZStti AVI lUvi-r * . ( OT , S. 2f > th AV Bonus , 6X 8. 23th AM Dorlow , 627 8. 23th Avi Sinter. MS H. 25th Av. . KeliM , 621 8. 26th Ave. Cnnfleld , 619 S. 25th AYI Belie Ibel , 617 S. 26th Avt Webster. 518 S. 26th Avi Bell. u07 a 2Sth Ave. Outliers. 504 S. 23th Avi McDonald. f 602 S. 24th Avi Helfrlch. 617 S. 24th AM Moore , 5& ) 8. 24th A\ < Wlllard. 522 S. 24th Avi Robinson , 524 S. 24th Av , Rehfdd. 626 S. 24th Avi Washlnrton. 629 S. 24th Avi Strong , 529 , 8. 24th Avi Dunn , 534 S. 24th Ave. Donahue , 540 S. 24th Avi CunnlnR-hum , 542 S. 24th Av < Durnall. 644 S. 24th Avi Smith. 548 S. 24th Avi Monag-han , 643 S. 24th Avi Welch. C45 S. 24th Avi Blddlck. 647 S. aith Avi Chase. &W S. 24th. Roncy. 438 S. 24 th. Comb , 4S2 8. Z4th. Haepan. 2463 Harncy. A. Allee , 26G2 Harney. Hall. 2578 Harney. Bechel. 310 S. 26th. Sterling314 3. 26th. BurRefw , 316 S. 26th. Wheeler. 2621 Harney. TeetB , 2631 Harney. Sooneld , 506 S. 26tli Avi narron. 661 S. 26th Avi McDowd , 2602 Dcwey Avi Vlnsonhaler. 420 S. 2611 Bookman , 418 S. 26th. WaRnur , 511 S. 28th. Maokey , 506 S. 26Ui. Perrlne. 657 S. 26th. Manning , 2332 St. Mary's Avi Kite. 2569 St. Mary's Avi Haskell. 324 S. 26th. Wood. 324 S. 26th. Storm , 2401 Leavennort Purvis. 2402 St. Mary's Av < McQarry , 2404 St. Mary's Avi Stebblns. 432 S. 25th Av Heofey , 513 S. 25th Av < Wettllng. 611 8. S5th Avf Shouse. 501 S. 25th Avi Oradwohl. 526 S. 24th Av < King. 436 S. 24th. J. H. Sherwood , 1102 S. 32ml B. S. Baker. 1106 S. 32nc D. V. Sholes. 1117 8. S2ne W. C. Patteison. 1130 S. 32nc W. W. Owens. 1140 S. S2n < C. K. Vncurhart , 1146 S. 32nd J. W. Shank. 1301 S. 32nd F. M. Lowrle , 19K S. SSnd J. L. Carey , U1J2 S. 32n < 3 T. E. Saundors. 1314 S. 32nd F. S. Dcvore. 1313 S. 32nd Rueben Forbes. 1315 S. 32n < 5 H. F. Rooerson , 1117 S. 32n < 3 Chas. W. Canfleld. 1322 S. 32nd S. M. Campbell. 1326 S. S2nd Henry Baddcn. 1325 S. 32nd H. E. Palmer.Kifi K/ifi S. 3Snd B. II , Howland. 1618 S. 33nd F. F. Mil" * , 1706 S. 32nd J. L. Carson. 1736 S. SSnd O. W. Unficnlli. 1918 S. 32nd R. E. Rogers , 2210 S. Knd C. It. Walters. 1109 S. 23d Wm. Vanderford , 1123 S. S3.I Edward Blermnn. 1333 S. S3d Clark Sheoly.Mi g _ J. W. IJuchanan , 1323 S. 33d A. II. Redlngton , 1902 S. 33d II. D. Rhea leji. lKx ! ; S. 33d W. P. Campbell , li)10 ) S. 33d George HunWr. 1914 S. 33d II. A. Seymour , 1918 S. 33d H. L. Krleder. 1922 S. 33d Dan Cameron , 1926 S. 33d U. II. Horntr. 3106 S. 33.1 Walter Sohropshlrc , 2122 S. 33d A , C. Pouter , 2130 8. 3Sd G. W. Mageath SM Everett , B M. J. Degraff. g A. F , Holden. 2152 S , 33d J , B , Henderson , 19JO S. 3tth W. S. Patrick , l ! > i ) S. S4th C. E. Button. 2104 S. 31th II. C. Mooney. 21u6 S. 34th J. L. Robson. 3100 S. 31th George Vaughn , 2110 8. 34th J , F , Host. 2114 S. 34th William Johnson. 2123 S , 34th D. O. May , 2138 S. 31th J , B. Reynolds , 2137 8. 3Ull W. D. Peake. 1924 S. 35th , 0 , P. dork , 2146 B , 35th , William Owen , 2154 S , 35th. A. II , Wagner , lUO-l 8. 33th Ave , /U / B , Smith. 1 ! > 12 S. Uth Ave , & A , I'eake , 1921 B. Sith Ave. J , A. Boyle , 210J S. 35th Ave. lulo Blelsteln. 2139 S. 35th Ave. IV. R. Williams. 1M6 S. S6th. r. R. Thompeon , 1223 8. 3 th , ; i. C. Christie. 16UO B. 38th. lames Brophy , 1511 S. 38th. i M. Bartlett , 3208 Pcippleton Ave. X U Howes. WORLD-HERALD. VM B. Seth A\c C. L. Glover , 3416 Martha. O. L. Hart , 3406 Ceiitsr Will Fox. J4C6 Onter. Chria Peterson , 3314 Center , Moggie Davis , SfcB Onter , Ed Johnson , 3223 PoB [ > leton , Are Ed lirune , i2J3 Pacific , F , C. Davl.lfin. Davl.lfin.SS21 SS21 Pacinc C. S. Baker , 1106 8. 82nd , Paul Vandcrvort , 1110 & 32nd , II. E. LclsM , D. V. Sholes. 1117 8. J2nd E. C. Connor , 1126. S. 32nd W. O. Patteriwn.C 1130 3 : 32nd dias. Bogart , J. W. ? 111 a S2nd , C. W. Contteld. 13ffl S. 32nd , 8. M. Campbell , 1326 8. 32nd. II , E. Palmer , 1WS S. 32nd , F. F. Mile * . U0 S. 32nd , J. L. Carson. 1736 S. 32nd , J. W. Barrett , JS13 S.-33d. H. D. Rhondes. .ilK- 1MW S. 33d , A. C Foster. 2130 8.33a. G. W. Mngpath. 2137 S. 33d. Martin Lanrdoai , 2126 S. 34th. Julius Belhtcln. 2129 S. 33th Ave. James Anlacawi 3401 Center. W. F. White. 3114 Wool \\-orth Ave. A. W -rluner. . 3116 WoolworUi Ave B. M Bartlett , . ' 2124 Popplctcfn 'Arc ; C. L How 1.3. . ' n 3SOS I'opplcton Ave , J. II. Bl lr. 2210 T i > npeton ! Ave. Georse Marples , 3220 I'oppleton Ave. Pfeifer , 1816 Lake. Yates. 1914 Lake. Oceanbeam , 1811 Ohio Sllllk , 1803 Miami. Wheeler. 1S12 Miami Pearson , 1S23 Miami. Harding. 180S Corby. Wooilcock , 1812 Gorbj \Vaugh , im Corby. Doty , 1607 Locust. Wilson. Mil Locust. Hall , 1627 , Locust. Taylor , 1815 Locust. Hamilton. 1901 Binnej Kruff , 1617 Wirt. Lobeck , 1S23 AYlrt. Vancourt , 1902 Wlrt. Collins , 1911-Wirt. Morrlsey , 1813 Spencei McCord-1609 Lothrop , Van Luster , 1810 Emmett , Stokesv 1922 Emmett. Woods , 1S09 Plnkney , Griffith , 1913 Plnkney , Cummins , 3020 N. IGtti Seward , 3318 N. IGth , Green , 3424 N. 16th. Johnson. 3208N. . 16th. Estes. 2G07 N. 17th. Askwlth. 2021 N. 17th. Webb , 2al7 N. 18th. , Baker , 2520 N. 18th. Wilson. 2521 N. 18th. Butler , 2523 N. 18th. McKenna. 2513 N. 13th Scott , 2814 N. 19th. Barnett , 2531 N. 19th. McCulIoch.2S16 2S16 N. 19th Hunter. 2608 N .19th Ave Lntey , 2815 N. 19th Ave Richards , 2517 N. 20th Tostevln , 2620 N. Mttt Ave Brookfi 2C11 N. 19tl > AVe , T.avlor , 2G19 N. 20th. Phllipson , 2624 N. 20th Vlsurd , 1902 Ohio. Patton , 1801 Locust. Powell , 1902 Locust. Andrerson , 1S02 Blnney Bassett , ISO ] Blnney. Benway , 1813 Blnney Dcllone , 1824 Blnney. Starr , 1921 Blnney. Gibson , 1621 Wlrt. Lowe , 1824 Wirt. Benjamin. ' 1714 Sporicer -ole , 1S10 Spencer , llumlln , 182i ) Spencer. Snyrler. 1901 Spencer. Troxell , lilts Emmett. Jnvnes , 1621 Emmett. Miller , 1624 Emmett. Benedict. 3012 N. 16th. Saullsbury. 2516 N. 20th. Garst , 527 S. 27th. McNamara , B3lfi.27th. „ , J. Kaufmann , 572 S. 27th. \Vebb , 707 S. 27th. Noff. 711 S. 27th. E. L. O'Berpr , 909 S. 27th , Nels Nystrom , 914 S. 27th. Jensen , 824 S. 27th. Heinbucb , 810 S. 27th. Allen. 71G S. 28th. J , C. Sawtell , G30 S. 23th. Mrs. Gllcrlst. G26 S. 2Sth. ? rlmeau , 622 S. 2Sth. Guild. 617 S. 28th. Sutherland , 830 S. 28th. Toner , S57 S. 28th. J. H. Moss. 831 S. 2Sth. Campbell , 827 S. 28th. J. Belles. 813 S. 2Sth. Charles Belndorff , , 821 S. 29th , 'S-I ' , 1'S27 s-29th' G. S. Knox. . 1029 S. 29th , L Arthur Blnkclv. 1041 S. 33th. J , J. O Connor , } ° T3 B29th J. S , ZIpfel. - . _ _ SOS S. 29th. W. E. Lee. " I. B. Rahm. „ . 709 S. 29th. B. Kohn , 701 S' 29th' I. E , Monroe , . C25 S. 29th , I. B. Morris , . , _ 623 S. 29th. Mrs. Deusler. 523 S. 29th. l > . Brown , . . . . 621 S. 29th. SVhllehorn , 521 S. 29th. ; ' , ° Williams | S , , 29th. 618 S , 23th. IV. II. Herbert. 620 S. 29th. ' .J. P , . Stoddard. 621 Park Ave , .i ' , B , Cocjhran , 615 Parjc Ave. 3. M. ' Sadler ; ' 627 Park Ave. Smith , 624 Park Ave. 3. T , Frederick. yell , ,712 PArk Ave , Wheaton , 2921 Mason. V. R. Huntoon. , 2921 Mason. THE BUE. 8310 IVpplcton Av J. It. Dlftlr. 33W l"t > i pleton A\ M , \ > . Bayley , vai Poi | | > li-ton A\ J , W. Thompson , )13 1'opplvton Av S. Q. Joyce , 351S 1'oppleton Av Clco. Marplvs , 3J30 IVppleton Av Art. Chiute. 3219 Paclfl W. 13. Ingncrson , 106 Woolworth Av Tlieo. Oliwii. zilj Woolworth Av W. F. White , 3114 Woolworth Av A. W. Sorlbner. Sll Woolwotth Av H. M. Howes , S120Voolxvorth Av E. L. Patterson , 3202 Woolttorth Av Anlscow , 3401 Center , June Turner , 8607 C nti John Boyles , 3314 France Julia Brown. 3324 France Ji U. Richards , 115 S. * 2n. . .B. A. Parker , U20 & 32n < O. B. Hlllls. 1122 S. 32n > C. 8. Culllngham , 1123 S. 32n. J , B .Davis , 1142 S. 32n < V. J. Neville. 1309 8. 32ni 8. B. Romans. 1118 S. 32ni Frank Wlllla. 1.119 B. 32ni WIU Sallsburj' , 1330 S. S2ni SUe Allen. 1334 8. 32ni Mike Kennedy , 1510 S. S2ni Alfred Foreman , 1C02 S. 32ni Charles Hughes , 1624 S. 32m Qeorg W. Mnccnth , 1 1S S. 32n < M. C. Peters , 1109 S. 33 < It , Q. Jordan , 1115 S. 3& Will Graham. . 1121 S. Xk Olias. VrodliiKton , 1141 8. 33c J , W. Barrett , 1313 8. 33 < W. B. Douglas , 1936 S. SK O. R. Stephens , 2110 S. 33 , Chas. Harlock , 1912 8. 3U1 Q. W. VailRhn. 210S S. 34th M. L Stone. 2130 B. 3411 Qeorgo Cronk , 2116 S. 34tf 3. E. Chaffee. , IF. I 2154 S. 34tl F. A. Stroup , 193S S. 85th B. I * , Robertson , 192U S. 35lh Ave Edward Brune. 3233 Pacific H. S. Sustnan. 3104 Woolworth Avt Magsle Davis , 3323 Cenlei G. L. Q lover. 3416 Martha Coulter. 1823 Lake. Teall , 1912 Lake. Klngsler , 1824 Lake. Farrell , 1915 Lake. Watton , 1S13 Ohio. Whyte , 1902 Ohio. Mlbls , 1908 Ohio. Irwln , 1912 Ohio. Tunkey. 1802 Miami. IllBK. 160G Miami. Beard , 1815 Miami. Christie. 1817 Miami. McGrath. 1819 Miami Estes , 1802 Corby. Conoven , 1801 Corby. Meyers , 1804 Corby. Curtis , 1807 Corby. Burkley. 1810 Corby. Baker , 1814 Corby. Cannon , 1815 Corby. Boffiie , 1815 Corby. Brown , IS1G Corby. Henry , 1817 Corby. Fleseher , 1818 Corby Woods. 1819 Corby. McEachron , 1822 Corby Tllley , 1821 Maple. Rudlncer. 1823 Maple Case , 1605 Locust. Knox , 1507 Locust. Morse , 1509 Locust. Phelps , 1G05 Locust. Johnson. 1609 Locust Frost. 1G21 Locust. Marshall , 1623 Locust Hansen , 1G26 Locust. Patton , ISO ! Locust. Wifrman , 1914 Locust Poe , 1922 Locust. Percivnl , 1924 Locust Anderson , 1S02 Blnnei Bngsett. 1S01 Blnney Shepard. 1804 Blnney Morton , 3S05 Blnney Forbes. 1813 Blnney. Blum , ISIS Blnney. Henster. 1S21 Blnney Dellone , 1824 Blnney. Sheldon , 1909 Blnney Graham , 1911 Binney Gould , 1919 Blnney. KriiR , 1617 Wlrt. Gibson. 1621 Wlrt. Marks , 1023 Wlrt. Raymond. 1816 Wirt. Wnller , 1907 Wlrt Kelley , 1917 Wlrt' Bellinger , 1918 Wlrt. Copeland. 1922 Wlrt. Stokes , 1622 Spencer Marks , 1626 Spencer. Benjamin. _ , 1711 Spencer O'Neill , 1S10 Spencer Mack. 1810 Spencer. Hamlln , 1820 Spencer Snyder , 1901 Spencer Ocheltree. r , r , 19,1B Spencer McManliral , 1919 Spencer Foster , 1G12 Lothrop Fibber , 1622 Lothrop Tntp , 1623 Lothrop. Blakeslee. 1625 Lothrop rilrli. 1G1G Emmett. Troxell , 1618 Emmett , Jaynes , 1621 Emmett , Miller. 1G24 Emmett. Jeffries. 1705 Emmett , Rose , 1S22 Emmett. Hcybrpok , 1901 Emmett Stokes , 1912 Emmettr Smlth , , 1918 Emmett. Baton , 1621 Plnkney. Burnbam. 1819 Plnkney Aurswald. 1907 Plnkney Rdpon. 1911 Plnknev , Bryant. 300(5 ( N. 16th. McManlgal. % , 3010 N. 16th nenedlct , 3012 N. IdMi Patterson. 3018 N. 16th Seward , 3.318 N. 16th. MorohoUsp , 2603 N 17th Polh , 2609 N. 17th. rrnnuhten , _ , 2611 N. 17th. ' Drake , -2615'N. 17th Ration. 2619 N. 17th. Mallorv 2S12 N" , nth ' Aj'er. 2B02 N Wh , Ffelphrv 250S N 18th. lent * . 2312 N 18th Andrews. 2515 N 18Mi. pdnnp. 25 4 N IPth ? tarbuck , JST2 N i h [ lamllton. 2'ia N IStfi Trail. 2"OI N. inth TOP. 2507 N. 19th Mills. BSns N. 19th. ' " ) wrn . . 251I > TvT isth Entrlntid. 2S83 N mill Morlarlty ? r.2S N iifi I'lnegar , 23281 K , lltli ; Parker , 251S'fj jstj , ' "Snrrlty 2536 N ' 19th. Mark. 2511 N. 'inth. ICynns SGJO.tf , 19th , , McEachron. 2612 N. I9th. McCatcheon. 262G N. 19th. Burnett. w > ? N 19th. IVhvto. 2G24 N. 19th. rostevln/ 2620 N. 19th Ave. r ; Iess. 2634 N. 19th Ave. 7ook. , 2S13 N. ' 19th Ave. Jamplon , 2814 N. 19th Ave ilontcomery , 2S21 N. 19th Ave Uulr , 2513 N. 20th. kturphy , 259-1 N 20th ! ho.pman. 2601 N. 20th Compel , 2C03 N. 20th ilontgomen'.1 2C07 N. 20th icliram. 2611 N 20th Bindley , 2S21 N. 20th Jnrdon , 2611 N , 20th. Jartels. .1922 Lnkes ' lunara , 1923 Luke. Toffert , 1910 Ohio. 5eaver , IflJl Lociisf. ildneld. 1921 B.lnnej' , rnncov.rt. ,1902 wlrt. xiberk. 1823 Wlrt ! rowlV 1817 Spencer. 'ardee , 1028 Emmett. i WORLD-HERALD E. C. Howell , 2926 Leavenwort : Nellie Chandler , 2923 Leavenwortl E. U. Fenn , 2SJO Leavenwortl Lelsfie. 2512 Leavenwortl H. D. Cooper , 2915 Jncksol E. C. Fell. 2721 Jacksoi Cunningham , 2720 Jackeoi Nelson , 2719 Half-Howan arllllth. 2313 Hah-Howan Kellar , 2513 Hnlt-Howarc Frazer , 2915 Hnlf-Howan Emmons , 2S21 HnlMIowan Carlson , 2923 Hame ; M. J , Jones , 2S12 Harncj Johnson , 2759 Harnoj Sonborn , 402 S. 27th Avi Johnson , 412 S. 27th Av. . II. Harder , 502 S. 27tl S. F. Bennett , 814 S. 27tf W. A. McElroy , C34 S. 28t , E. L. Roberson , 614 S. 2S11 : A. J. Wilbur , F. Motz , Bfi2 R. 581 D. 601 S. 28tll KInney , S" 2Sth Hock815 J. T. _ S45 S. 29th G. H. Payne , _ 1005 S. 29tli Q. S. Knox. ' T. F. Godfrey , ' 1017 S. 29th \V. S. Popplcton , 1052 S. 29tli P. B. Murray , 1012 S. Z9tll E. H. Price , 834 S. 29th Star , 60S S. ' 29th. W. A. Skinner , B39 S. 29th H. N. Bobbins , 2719 Leavenworth P. Peterson , 2713 Leavenworth J. A. Clark , 2710 Howard Kellar , 2813 Half-Howrd Wiggins , 2817 Half-Howard II. P. Jensen , 2S01 Harney E. A. Cook , EOO Park Ave. . rear. \Vm. Randall , Park A\e , C. W. Hamilton. 1112 Park Avc. A , J , Grover , 1117 Pork Avc. It. P. Miller , 1320 Park Ave. II. Barnes. 1323 Park Ave. , V. C. Speclit , 13JS Park Avc. Sco. D. Cornell , 1337 Park Avc. John Guild. 1SJS Park Ave. r. F. Cllnchard. 506 So. SOth. IV. F. Gerko. 514 So. 30th. F. W. Rogers. 626 So. 30th. N II. Cartwcll. 530 So. 30th. iVm. Rogers , 646 So. 30th. : larfc. 70 + So. 30th. ; . W. Mead. 714 So. SOth. 3. B. Cook. 716 So. 30th. klary Biers , S05 So. 20th. it. F. Hamilton. 1030 So. 20th Ave. 1. V , llurkltt , 1102 So. SOth Ave. < ahl & Johnston. 1330 So. SOth Ave. f , C. Williams. 1334 So. SOth Avc. ITieoTestncr. . f . .w 510 So. 31st. I. V , Benewa. 817 So. SOth. 5. J. Ilorstraan , ' , 909 So. Slst. ! uy WoodVaid , 912 So. Slst. ; . "W. , Alcn. ' 920 So. 31st. leo. S. Powell , 924 So. 31st. ! . 31. Gibson. 112 So. Slst. ) . W. Plattner. 1113 So. Slst. . B. Piper , 1125 So. 30th. ) . Harney , 1317 So. 30th. 1. Roberts , . 2003 Jackson. i , M. Tlietro. 3007 Jackscn. Irs. Emma Droadfleld , 3019 LxMivenworth * Cob.ru 3104 Leavenworth. . W. Wlllams. 2014 Mason. ' . A , Rhenhart , 3003 Pacific. . . S. Ackernian , 296S Woolworth. ! . L. Harris. , ffll I'atrlck Ave. ! . Chase. Chase.H5 H5 1'atrlcK Ave. I. J. ICennord. 1026 Patrlk Ave. ohnaton. 1041 Patrick Ave. ohn A. KriiB , 1013 Patrick Ave. Yed Baker. 1045 Patrick Ave. . II. Buftett , 1058 Patrick Ave. , C. Dahlman , UO. ) IMtrlck Ave. ' . J. liocers. 1120 Patrick Ave. Vm. Rosers. Rosers.SH So. SOth. : . W. Baker. 125 So. SOth Ave. ' , ' . S. Dexter. 1029 So. SOth Avc. . W , Ramey , 102S So. SOth Avc. [ . V. Burlittt. 1102 So , 30th Ave. I. T , White. 1122 So. SOth Avc , ohn Steele. 131S So. SOth Ave. . W. Ilobb , 1333 So. SOth Avc. T , R. Mori Is , 215 So. 31st. ! r . A. Altschumn. Idl Fo , Slut. . J. Hoel. 1126 So. 3tst. Ibbs. 1127 So. Slst. Iblon Frank. 1314 S. Slst. . S. Ilnywnid , K13 8. 31st. A Howell. 1303 S. SlRt. , P. nnEllsh , 1J18 8. 31st. . N. Powell , 1326 So , 31ft. 3hn Shields , 1329 So. 31st. ounK * Noonan , 3012 I.iven nrth , , A. Kruu. 3009 Morcy. : , f. Hanillton. ' JC09 Marcy. , ' . II. N > mnn , 3010 Mason , Irs. Kate Carrel , 318 Palilc. , ' , J , Windsor. 3007 Paclde. , S. Welpton , TAI9 Pacinc. . \V , Morton , 3W Pacinc , : , Kindlon , 2970 Wtolworth Ave. . Nelson. 1200 S. 27th , nna Paulson , 1206 S. 27th. . F. Farrell. 1326 S. 27th. . V. Talelm. 1622 S. 27th. , J. Quealey , 1924 8. 27th. Burgstrom , 1907 S. 28th , Snlderwlnd , 1948 8. ! Sth. . 8. Nash. 1718 8. 28th. Finllh. liSl fi 2&lh. Tilth. U22 S. 2Sth. arrliion , 1523 S , 28th. rank At" l. 1517 8. 2Stli. orge MHle. MHle.U20 U20 8. ! 8th. K. Dunie. 1548 B. 28th. Davlson. 1515 8. 2Sth. C , Salmon , 1323 8. 28th. , II. Hoyt , 1323 8. 28th P. 8tromftbury , 1331 S. 28th. P. "BrrauMn , 1217 8. 2Sth. . A , Howland. 1101 8. th. THE BEE. C. 11. Weeks , 607 S. 27 J. 8. Blake , 530 S. 271 E. Q. Fisher , 5C4 s. r ( Phil Wlndlielm. 568 S , 271 John English , 631 S. 271 William F. Baxter , 633 S. 271 J. L. Kaley , 63S S. 27t T. A. Brock , 511 S. 27t A. E. CoRRShlll , COS S. 27t H. L. Sundcan , 703 S. 27t Joseph Wilson , 705 S. 27t E. W. Watts. 715 S. 27t Sophia Miller. , SOI S. 27t S. F. Bennett. 814 S. 27t , J. R. Henderson , 902 3 , 271 A. C. JackJon , 90G S. 27t John Churchill , 1019 S. 27t W. A. Carlisle , 408 S. 27th Av Susuch Jensen , 410 S. 27th Av B. L. Searle , 603 S. 2St J. P. Johnson , 503 S. 231 J. N , Jewett. 501 s. : st Eugene Duval , 665 S. 2St J. R , Clarkson , 6C7 S. 28t : Samuel Gamble , 668 S. 2St : E. T. Pease , 674 S. 2St Fred Wlgmore , 600 S. 2St : Dan Wheeler , C01 S. 2Stl Lillian AVllbur. 604 S. 2811 George T. Prince. COS S. 2Stl E. C. HobcrHun , 614 S , 28t ] A. J. Wllbcr , C21 S. 2811 Lucy Root , C2G S. 2Stl William Kruger , 62S S. 2811 L. E. Knight , 632 S. 2811 Wlllam A. McElroy 034 S. 28tl Mlna Miller , 718 S. 2Stl Dan Davis , ! )22 ) S. 28tl Fred Nelson , 830 S. 2Stl H. T. Williams , S30 S. 2811 G. H. Fltchett , 842 S. 28tl S. P , Jennings , 852 S. 2Stl M. J. Wassck , 855 S. 2Stl C. M. Miller. 1018 S. 2Stl R. V. Liver , 1022 S. 28tl W. W. Cole. 1030 S. 2511 C. F. Hamen , 1034 S. 28tl J. L. Callahan , 1040 S. 2811 W. II. JIulcahey , 223 S. 2Stl Andrew Rlley , 508 S. 2SU E. B. Williams , 522 S. 2Str Jcrusha Johnson , 629 S. 28tl R. S. Fisher , COS S. 28th Julius Kortlnnp ; , 007 S. 28tl : Charles E. Young , 609 S. 28th , II. W. Tyler. 616 S. 28tl : D. G. Cooper , 616 S. 2811 ; Bridget Thompson , S' * R. G. Hake2 ? 702 S. 2Stli E. E. Gray , 705 S. 28th E. S. Dundy , 722 S. 28th Arthur Alien. 820 S. 28th W. A. Green , 823 S. 28th Milton Leachey , 825 S. 28th R. M. Burgess , _ _ 823 S. 2Sth J. B. Haynes , S45 S. 2Sth G. H. Payne. 1003 S. 2Sth E. B. Talmage. 1003 S. 28th -i , L. Thomas , 1012 S. 2Sth L. M. Talmage , 1019 S. 2Sth A. G. Buchanan , 1023 S. 28th W. C. Vandervoort. 10-10 S. 28th D. II. Goodrich. 1040 S. 2Sth W. II. Clark , 1012 S. 28th J. J. Roche. 1012 S. 28th O. L. Eddy. 1042 S. 28th G. W. Hoobler. 1013 S. 2Sth J. Keasler , 1042 S. 2Sth C. E , Goodall , 1012 S. 28th W , S. Rector , 1046 S. 28th T. F , Godfrey , 1019 S. 28th E. H. Lee ; 1051 S. 2Sth V. S. Poppleton. 1056 S. 2Sth F. P , Gould , C02 Park Ave , J. A. Grimth , 531 Park Ave , C. M. Powers , 633 Park Ave lenry Lehman , 607 Park Avc , F. R. McConnell , 609 Park Ave , V. R. HIgglns , 010 Park Ave , Bernard Newman , 535 Park Ave , W. S. Wlsner. OH Park Ave , I. S. Coehran , 615 Park Ave , 3d Rllev. 617 Park Ave , r. B. McPhPrson , 701 Pnrk Ave , r , J. MrShnne. 706 Pnrk Ave , C. O. Jackson. 2724 Harney , I. P. Jensen , 2804 Harney , . L. Wlthrow , , 290G Harney , I. L. Parrotto. 2953 Harney , P. S. Young , 2913 Dewey Ave , D , Pollard. 2915 Downy Ave , Elobert Firming , 2S19 Dewey Ave , B , W. WIcgliiB , 2821 Dewey Ave. \gulla Miller , 2912 Dewey Ave. , A , Mplntyre , 2701 Howard , Mfred Cornish , 2707 Howard. . A. Clark. 2710 Howard. V. G , Partridge , , 2712 Howard , P. A. Talmage , 2716 Howard. 3. O , Hamilton , 2718 Howard. ndrew Traynor , _ 2715 Jackson. . J. Mahnnev , , V. F. T. D. tn291 I. S. King , 2701 Leuvenworth 'oter Peterson. 2(0 ? Leavenworth , Charles Weaver , 2709 Leavenworth. . P. Torsell. i'n ' nvenworth , Andrew Peterson , , 27 > 3 Leavenworth. ' Leavenworth. J. Muller. 2802 Leavenworth. O. King , . 2818 Leavenworth. WORLD-HERALD J. S. Unite. 1113 a. suit A. T , Sidell.Ill Ill * S. 29U J. Miller. 11M 8. 9th , D. Cameron , 1327 S. 29U W. Hamiltcn. 171)9 ) S. 2911 17S9 S. 29th. A. Indln , 1827 S. 2Hh. t > l Lunicy , 1WJ Park Av < It. Meyer , 1WJ Park Av IJ. . Green. 2717 l'0li > leton Av < 0. AV. Haller. 2S12 1'oppleton A\ 15. K , PlckerlnK , 2.1W Woolworth Av < J. W. Bwers , 2S11 Woolworth Ave Dr. Clark. I9U Woolworth A\ ( Anna Smith , 2KO Shlrlej U. Chambers. 2916 Shirley J , C. HnlMon , 2710 Shlrlej II. Pettlnglll , 2907 Hickory R. Page , 2813 Hickory Wi. A , LcAVltt , 1510 S. 2Sth C. R. Dumc , 15U 8. 2Stl W. K. Rhoades. 1333 S. Mill Jiilnca Kelly , 1144 S. D9tJi T. Cartrlght , 1211 S. 29th F. K. Thomiils 1336 S. 29th J , B. Itll Hi , 1616 S. rath J. Southerlnnd , IKS S. 23th J. McNau hton. 282i Pacinc J. U. Fair. 2715 Poppleton Ave R. R. Reer. Z007 Cass. Brennan. 2007 Cass. Thomaa Hlgglns , 2009 Cass C , D. DIsterhorst , 2011 Cass .V. O , Knapp , 2U19 Cans C. O. Hall. 411 N. 22nd McKlnsry , 2S01 Cass. . A. Miifincy , ri2 Cass .N. C. Tallltciro. 314 N' . S3rd C. A. Caldwcll. 4W N. 23rd E. T. Klfelt. 40b N. 23n N , C , McN'nniura , SOS X. 23t\l Wood , 524 N. 23rd. ri. M. Foster , 520 N. 23rd , Mrs. Abbott. 616 X. 23rt ! Paul Plzey , 2404 Cass. G. C. Page , 2(0o ( Cam. W. (1. Maddon. 240S Oisj Rutherfonl , 2410 Cass. F. C. Fuller , 2414 Cuss. Wilson. 2418 Cas. KIcn Schalltr , 522 N. 25th , II. T. Clark. 2M Cass. Judge llcltUh'li , 415 X. 25th , M. Ppterton. 313 X. 25th. C. J. Brown. 30 ! ) X. Mill Bounce. 309 X. 23th. C. Cliapman , 312 X. 25th. S. Randolph , 314 X. 23th. Henry Xenton , 316 X. S5lh. It. E. Herdmnn , 2ol2 Chicago. C. F. Erlxson. 2332 Chicago. Mrs. A. Hamilton , 2519 Chicago. W. T. Adams. 411 X. 26th. Mrs. B. Strauss , 522 X. Mth. Jharles A. Fall. Fall.200J 200J Cass. N. Brockdorff. 2613 Cass. Tom Curtis , 261G Cass. R. A. Worthing , 2620 Chicago. \ . McKlnscy , 2W2 Chicago. 3le Solcnburs , 2628 Chicago. Z. H. Hunt. M4 X. 27th Ave. n : II. Snell. 501 X. 28th Ave. F. C. Peno. 425 X. 2Mh Ave. Andrew Harfchman , 2814 Chicago. J. P. Hansen. 2S16 Chicago. P. R. Lage. , 2818 Chicago. B. L. Huntlcy. 2SZ3 Davenport. \ . U Clark , , , ' 2815 Davenport. 3. U Bradley , 2710 Davenport. 3an Connor. 310 X. 27th. F. Klzer. 2642 Davenport. ? azlll. 2642 Davenport. ; i. A. Homan. 2617 .Davenport. . . S. Romnnn , 2J43 Davenport. 3 , MoMulcn. 2 41 Davenport. 3. R. Davis. 2533 Davenport. ' . T. Morrison , 2525 Davenport. , V. F. Conk II no. 2523 Davenport. \ Pacue , 2515 Davenport. Vnna Staples. 2510 Davenport. Vnthony Stan.lon. ZM Davenport , lobert Prltchard , 2311 Davenport , f. O. Stnckler , 406 X. 21st. r. C. Crelghton , 404 X. SOth. : d. Hayden , 2016 Cass. 3r. C. C. Allison , - 2015 Cass. lev. Dean Fair. 406 X. 21st , fallow. 406 X. 21st. 'oose. 406 X. 21st. Art. Palmer , 400 X. 21st oscph Baldrldge. 406 X. 21st. 'hllllpps. 406 X. 21st. ) . O. riark. 522 N. 21st. Vm. Morgan , 2112 Cass. "rltcJiett. 2124 Cabs. . H. MoConnell. 2123 Cass. I , F , Wyman , 468 X. 22nd. 'homas ICIljNiirlck. 410 X. 22nd. ; . E. Rogers. 604 X. 22nd. V. F. Xash , 2217 Cass. i. 8. Cleveland , 2M18 Chicago. , C. Morrison. 424 J. 23rd. ucker. 424 X. 23rd. ' . M. Price. 2S06 Cans. Irs. A. Honey , 2102 Casa . W. Welohans. 2411 C.ss. ; . E. Dowllng , 2I1 Ca . f. F. Brown. 24ii Cam. i' . F. hweefv , ; ' (23 Casi. ' . J. Onmllcy , Ml. X. 2.1th. SOI X. ffith. . T , Hurt. 502 X. ISth. lisa Kate MclIUKh , ' 415 X. 25th. Ir. Bartlow Van XHSS , 5530 Chicago. ) . Ii Cable.S'lj S'lj Chicago. . II , Burr. 2705 Chicago . . I , . Clnrk , 5815 Davenport , rait. 2545 Davenport. t' , 11. HendciHon. 2416 Davenport , ) l" A Ul UU./V * 115 S. 18th , ! . A , Whit taker , 111 S. 20th. ames Williams , 115 S. 24th. ! , C , Towle , 124 S , 21th. Irs. K. Dnt-y , 201 .8. 21th. lary Mornn. 207 S. 24th. , E , Shearer , 209 S. 24th. I. A. Campbell , 213 8. 24th. V. W. Morseman , 10S 8. 25th , ler. 112 S. 25th. ' , D , Wheoldon , 12t S. 25th. , N , Frcnzcr , 127 8. 25th. Ilss Alice Illtt , 212 8. 25th. ' . Duncan. 2101 Dodge , , C , Bodman , 2425 Dodge. Irs. C , nice. 1708 Douglas , ' . D. Preble. 1909 Douglas. . B. Parker. 1911 Douglas. . F. Roobe , 1914 Douglas. . Malone , 1921 Douglas , maha club , 2001 Douglas. , F. Bercner. 2013 Douglas. , Hurley , 2103 Douglas. W , Roudebush , 2110 Douglas , lift Cole. 2209 Douglas. THE BEK. Anna Cunningham , 2519 Leavenwori E. B. Fenn , 2520 Leavcnwon H. K. Bell. 2523 Lenvenworl A. U. Sears , 2524 Luavcnworl L > . V. Lutulcgrcen , 2871 Leavenwori Elmer Nostrum , 2)17 ) Leavenwori P. II. Murray , 2922 Leavenworl E. c. Huntoon , 2923 Lenvenworl F. J. Brown , 2923 Lenvenworl E , A. Johnson , 2923 Leavenwori E. A. Crane , 2923 Leavrnwort George Lowdcll , 2924 Leavenwort Belle Weldner , 2709 Moso Nels W. Nelson , 2709 Moso Emma Smith , 2913 Mnso Total 1 C , E. Clarkson , 607 S. 27t F. P. Loomls , 607 S. 271 G. Tracy , 507 S. 27t George Miller , "l V. H. LoeiK 610 S. 271 I. J , Copenharve , 629 S. 27t J. Hnnlg-hcn , , 543 S. 27t „ Morris , 003 S. 27t Sacred Heart HeartAcadem Scott Irwln , 715 S. 27t Hansen , 600 S. 281 Satinder , 6S1 S. 2St Bailey , _ 622 S. 2St Dr. Hoffman , 666 S. 281 C , Metz , _ , 656 S. 2St Dr. Cloyd , _ , 603 S. 2St : Guild , 617 S. 2Stl Plowman , S14 S. 28(1 ( L , G. Doup , _ , 847 S. 2911 Paul Flato. 1050 S. 29tl P. Graham , 1042 S. 2911 T , V. Moore. S23 S. 2Dtl , „ Wyatt. 1012 S. 2911 Thompson , 10 " S' 29tl H. N. Wood , 1031 S. 29tl P. T. McGrath , _ 826 S. 29tl E , Dundy , Jr. , 722 S. 29tl J. B. Rahm , 709 S. 29tl J. E. Monroe , 625 S. 29tl W. T , Scott. 621 S. 29tl C. W. Johnson , 609 S. 27tl E. C. Brown , 614 S. 29tl II. H. Qulnlan , 707 Park Avi Mrs. Franks , Oil Park Avi Dr. Dean , 541 Park Av ( S. M. Sadler. 627 Park Avi Gen. Geo. B. D.andj 614 Park Avi J. ti. Baker , 624 Park Avi Miss Cook , 652 Park Avc L. Coltron , 614 Park Av < Smith , 024 Park Av ( Chlttenden , 710 Park Avc T. N. Sweetland , 2915 Maser G. Park. 2910 Leavenwortr E. C. Howell. 2926 Leavenwortr De Peystr , 2719 Leavenwortl ; L. Welsh , 2720 Howard R. L. LlUlefleUl. 800 Park Av C. L. Harris , SOI Park Ave A. J. Short. 813 Park Ave C. Chose , 815 Pirk Ave A. C. Powers , SIS Park Ave Geo. C. Powell. b25 Park Ave S. E. How ell. S28 Parl ; Ave Mrs. M. O. Maul , 833 Park Ave E. A. Tlllotsen. 836 Park Ave K. Q. Lehman. 843 Park Ave B. S. Brown , 844 Park Ave A. . It. Dlckerson , 1002 Park Ave B. S. Bruner. 1003 Park Ave John Grant. 1015 Park Ave II. P. Dcvallon , 1024 Park Ave M. J , Konnard , 1026 Park Ave lohn A. Krug , 1043 Pork Ave A. Moggoner , 1049 Park Ave W , C. Gross , luui Park Ave It. D. Pollard , lOilj Park Avc , C. II. Carter. 1057 Park Ave , 3. H. Buffetl , 1058 Park Ave , 30. WILcox , 1111 Park Ave , fohn W. Hcndrle , 1113 Park Avc , 2. L. Cha e. 1117 Pork Ave , T. J. Rogers , . 1120 Park Ave , J. E. Deltrlck , 1135 Park Ave , 3. T. Murphy. 1U5 Park Ave , 3eorge Fox. 1136 Park Ave , Mrs. J. F. Boyd , 1302 Park Ave , , V , E. Clark. 1313 Park Ave , ii. V. Allen. 1334 Park Ave , [ ohn Stuben , 1330 Park Avc , rohn Guild. 39 Park Ave , 2 copies , I. A. Green , 315 So. SOth. 1 , A , Bevcrley , Ki So. SOth. > . II. fictions , S32 So. SOth. 2. P , Reynolds , 636 So. SOth. Uma Johnson , 542 So. SOth. , Vm. Rogers , m So. SOth. Vurthur Remington , [ 16 So , SOth. r. A. Burnett , 60i So , SOth. I. J. Oliver , 604 So. SOth. I. C. Wright , ( M ! Ho. SOth , I. E , 8tephenson , 6' ' So. SOth. L. D. Stearns. 610 So. SOth. k , G. Peters. 612 So. SOth. saao Kassal , 616 So. SOth. ' . 8. Phelpfc , 620 So. SOth. 'Im Sullivan , 718 So. Wth. [ ugh McCaffrey , 7 0 So. SOth. ; . W. Gel ten. 724 So. SOth. larla Hartson , 1002 So. SOth Ave , eo. C. Cochrell , JOOU So. SOth Ave. [ . C. Slltz. 1013 So. SOth Ave. , W. Loomli > , 1014 So , SOth A e. . . W. Baker , 1025 So. SOth Ave , , ' . D. Meade , 1031 So , 30th Ave. aul Charlton , 1033 So. SOth Ave , , X. Itamey , 11U3 So. SOU ) A\e. , F. Breckenrldge , 1035 So , Wi Aie. . L. I'almcr , 1113 So , SOth Ave. . F. Hake. 1120 So. SOth Ave. , T. White. 1123 So. SOth Ave. H. Bl.iltc. 1124 So. 30th Ave. .hn . Wallwork , 1128 So. SOth Ave. WORLD.HEllALt M. COdy. 2303 Dougln John Smltn , 2312 Dougltx W. J. Colvln. 2313 Douglft 0. F. Harrison , 2315 Dougln O. W. Hill. 1819 Fnrnati Qcorgo Jlllettc , 1903 Fnrnnri Mrs. Nesslnger , 1905 Fnrnan W , II. Johnson , 1911 Farnnn George Nelson , 1915 Farnan Mrs. Fnlrbrother. 1915 Farnnn C. II. Godfry , 1908 Farnnn W. II. Reel , 2018 Fnrnnn A. E. Schlclder , 2042 Farnnn R. B .Burke , 2123 Farnnn Jason Lewis , , 2127 Fnrnntt C3. II. Stlllman , 2205 Farnan Skinner , 2207 Farnatti II. M. Little. 2214 Farnnn J. C. Johnson , 2210 Fnrnnn George Gear , 2231 Farnnn II. I. Clatter , 2014 Farnnn : C. C. Brown. 2014 Farnnn : ilnlnos , R. 422 , 170S Fnrnntr Grant Paving Co. , R. 306 , 170S Farnan Dr. Hippie , R. 200 , 1708 Fnrnam Fred Buelow , 1708 Fnrnnni R. E. Campbell , 1703 Farnam Board Public AVorks 1718 Farnam City engineer , 1718 Farnam Mayor , 1718 Farnam City attorney , 1718 Farnam Comptroller , 171S Farnam City clerk , 1718 Fnrnam City treasurer , 1718 Fnrnam T. II. Pcrlleld , 214 S. IStli Dr. George Tllden , 124 S. 19th W. G. Maul. 204 S. 19th James Chapcck , 2U3 S. 21th E. M. McKlnney , 207 S. 21th F. Chapman , 101 S. 25th S. Toner , 101 S. 25th H. C. Miller , 114 S. 25th W. W. Thompson. 103 S. 25th , N. Mcrrliun , 10S S. 25th , W. G. McAvoy , 103 S. 25th , A. S. Tower , 114 S. 25th , F. D , Wheldon , 124 S. 25th , C. II. Squires , 202 S. 25th , Cllne , 202 S. 25th , Mrs , Kate Olllver , 131 S. 25th , George B. Lake , 2207 Dodge , Campbell , 2223 Dodge , J. J. Dickey , 2418 Dodge. May Undburg , 1703 Douglas , D. Brayton , 1724 Douglas , F. Rosa , 1724 Douglas , A. McCarthy. 1913 Douglas , Omaha club , 2004 Douglas. W. A. Sharp , . 2023 Douglas , A. J. Haixscom , 2024 Douglas , J. W. Cnrr , 2101 Douglas , -Murrett , 2103 Douglas , Grunninger , 2103 Douglas. J. Blum , 2103 Douglas , W. Balentlne , 2105 Douglas. P. A. Doughty , 2107 Douglas. H. B. Jeffries , 2107 Douglas , M. Meyer , 2104 Douglas. M. Roscnthal , 2106 Douglas , lames Hartcson , 2108 Douglas. E. T. Emory , 2125 Douglasv W. C. Camp , 2211 Douglas. C. T. Duel. 2204 Douglas. W. E. Grnmllsh , 2208 Douglas. 3. D. Rice , 2210 Douglas. [ I. Oelrich. 2301 Douglas. 3. P. Bemis , 2303 Douglas. [ . Campbell , 2305 Douglas. Darlington. 2305 Douglas , ft. Crandall , 2305 Douglas. Fohn Petty , 2311 Douglas. r. P. Cartwright , 2315 Douglas. 1. J , Johnson , 1821 Farnam. Cate Ryp.r. , 1821 Farnam. Uary Burke , 1S23 Farnam. 2. A. Saltcr , 1914 Farnam. \.rmy \ headquarters , 170S Farnam. 3. N. Sues. R. 420 , 170S Farnam. 3. W. Boyles , R. 401 , 170S Fnrnam. ) maha Water Co. , R. 103 , 1703 Fnrnam , 'ark commissioners , 1718 Farnam. ? ree & Black , 1803 Farnam. illssj O.Rourke , 2014 Farnam. ' . T. Howe , 2014 Farnam , I , H , Comstock , 2014 Farnam. V. Wills. 2014 Farnam. Jrlswold , 2014 Farnnm. ) m. Carriage Top Co , 2020 Farnam. -ouls Reed , 2023 Fnrnam. I. J. Abrahams , 2127 Farnam. ' . H. Her , 2203 Farnnm , lharles Kostcrs , 2209 Fnrnam. f. W. Flowers , 2209 Farnnm. ohn M. Thuraton. Far"am- HaVlf I. S. 2116 Farnam , THE HEE. Andrew Hi s , 1134 So. 30th Ai Harry Johnxon , 11M So. SOth Al B. U. CArtrr , 114 ! So SOth A\ W. 8. Wright , 1303 tiu. > th Al Dcnnl * l eary , 13 W So. SOth A\ It , W. Brrcktnrldfit , 1.110 So. 30th A\ R. C. 1'Pters , 1314 So. 80th A\ Jos. Allen , I3 So. SOth Av John Strclp , 1318 So. SOth AV W. B. Wollwork , 1325 Po , 3v > th A\ \ . K , Alexander , a.v so. .vth AV O. A , JtolirbouRh , 9. V. . 70S So. ill Frank Boyer , . , , , 717 So. Sit Ed , Welch , _ JM So. Jl Geo. Carey , . , . OM Stf. Jl Mrs. Anna Bower * . W. J. , . . , 10U9 So. 31s J. „ M. Buck , _ _ . . 1011 so. ai C. SvJiulti. . _ Iftl * n. J. II. M. D. D. M. Welch0 C. W. 1'lorkee. . N. T. C. T. . , , . _ " 19 So. 31 * \ . P. Dcnney , _ , . , 1124 So. 31sl S-.l „ tcf80'5181 GOO. M. njg | ' M" C. A. ClotUnf Wm. Alexa'nYcr0- ' ? " " 3U1 w. B. wnSS,80- Albion LYan1 * ° - 31 * CS. . JP. . A. P. Bethel" * C. N. Powe'if ' SO' W" O. R. Allen"86 Sa * W. Butler MaTOn Willis Todd.S ° 67 Ma * ° n A. ' - M. coffee 2Xl Pncln ° "arrow. A , DT. . Mount3.0 * Faainc 1 > acU J > aclnc C. r ? * * Ave Wh.te4 . 1 > atr" * Ave , . "jWck Avc , . C. ' Ave. " John Gu3nPatr"k : Avc. P. . G. S , S ° - Ave. IV' . S , ' K " * > Mlh \ \ - ir. D. Wm. " Ave. IV. U J i. W . uormony. fif ih Ave. 1 M. ? SIst " " 8l9t' ? . O. Field" ' g- lerh. n - . . . . . . J1305 So. Slst ! . W. Llndaaj- , " * r. T. . , 13 So. 3ist. I. Templeton , 1S37 So. Slet. eo. lAWirnce , sw- ! W i Jackson , . I * Morton , 3013 Ix avenworth. V. ITrkhart , S015 Ixsivrnworth , ' . noach. 303S I/ -nworth. . leo. A. Dennis. 3W9 Marcy. . H. Neff , 1000 Marcy. . C , Spencer , SOOd Mason. lol ert McClelland. WOS Mason. . V , McDowell , 25(3 ( Paclnc. t. Carrier , 2063 Pacinc. ' . A. niienhalt. niienhalt.W03 W03 Pacinc. / . E. Guthrlc. 3017 Pacldo. . F. McSween. 8013 Pacinc. ; . B. Qulvy , K > W Woolworth. I , P. Moore. 30M Woolworth. . Carlson. UCO 8. 27th. . . Wrench , 1109 S. S7th. lackwood. lilt S. 27th. ' . W. Bushmore. 1118 8. 27th. [ . B. Compton , I : < M 8. nth. , D , Meyers. 1210 8. 27th. . It. Itodffnlclc , 1212 8 , Z7th , [ . A. Keatlne , VM B. 27th. u B. Williamson. m > 8. 27th , , O. Detweller , 1314 8. 27th . W. McLauirhlln , 1326 8. . F , Epeneter , , M. ISM S. th. . W. Dewar. 1340 8. tttlu , It. Kennedy , WORLD-HERAtr > , rtl tv ? . -tl ' . . - - Iic ' " * , ' * , 11 4 *