Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTTE OAF ATT A "DAFLT 1USE : MONDAY , MAY oc > ison.
. ' _ J
Davis scllg class.
Mooro'a food kills worms and tattoni.
Iludwclscr beer. L. Ilosonfcldt , agent.
Victor hot voter heaters at IJIxby's.
Judson. Pasturage , & 2D Cth avenue Tel. 343
lo\\a rurniturc Carpet Co. , 407 U'way.
Pictures and frames , C C. Alexander & Co.
Maurlco DcKay left last evening for Hock-
ford. in.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gilbert , a
Colonel C 0. Saunders spent Sunday at
Manila with relatives.
Mrs Arkw right of Mynster street la visit
ing her son In Urotcn , S. I ) .
C. 11 Jacquotnln & . Co. . Jewelers and op-
tlclans , 27 Ssuth Main street.
Get youi work done at the popular Eagle
laundry. 721 Ilroaduay. 'ahone 157 ,
C. Wndsworlh of Dlxon. Ill , Is vIMtlns
nt the home of his uncle , City Attorney
Mrs John Green of Kourth street left
loat evening on a three weeks' visit to
friends In Pclla ,
C. II. Warren has returned from York
Ilcach , Me.hore ho was called by the
death of a brother.
Mrs. Frost and son , Harry , nnd Miss
Lydla WeberR of Omaha were the guests
yesterday of Mr and Mrs. H. Ho\\er of
Mill street.
The Council muffs alumni will meet to
morrow evening ul 7.HO o'clock In the
Bloomer school building to complete ar
rangements for the reception and bill to bo
tendered the High school graduating Uass.
Uev George Hdward Walk , rector of St.
Pnill's church , left fop Divenport last even
ing , vvH'rc ho goes to attend the diocesan
synod of the Kplscopnl church. Mr. Walk
has been selected to pi each the convention
George P Wright nnd n M. Sargent or
this city and Major 13 A. Conslgney of
Avoca have been appointed members of the
committee for town of non-resident Ver-
montcra to solicit funds for the Dewey
monument to bo elected In front of the
capltol building at Montpeflcr.
The members of the Attas club will gtvo
an art exhibit and reception at the North
Eighth street school Krlduy afternoon nnd
evening of this week. A feature of the
affair will be an exhibit of birds Bluffed
nnd mounted In chart and In picture and
many In full life. Interesting programs
will bo rendered afternoon nnd evening.
Owing to the opposition of the Chicago &
Northwestern railway City Engineer Etnyre
has decided to abandon at least for the pres
ent his scheme of diverting the water of
Indian creek by means of a tunnel nnd
< lltch from Bryant street to Big Lake. The
proposed ditch passed througn the North-
western's right-of-way and the company has
written to City Engineer Etnyro expressing
decided opposition to the plan.
N. Y. Plumbing compani. Tel. 250.
S. M. Williamson , bicycles and sewing
machines , 106 Main street.
* " ° * -
lU'NOllltlOIlN UN tO SC llIj' Vllt.
At the meeting of Abe Lincoln post ,
Grand Army of the Republic , Saturday
night , the following xesolutions anent the
visit of Admiral Schley'to this city Tues
day morning were passed : '
Whereas. This comrade rendered distin
guished services during the civil war nnd
conducted the battle against Cerv era's Spin-
) sh fleet nt Santiago with such signal valor
and skill that now luster was added to our
flag upon sea and land ; and
Whereas , Wo take Just prldo In the dis
tinguished service of our old comrade , who
commanded our army and navy In the l.ito
war , and vvo rejoice that through the valor ,
patriotism , skill and devotion to duty by
these old comrades of ours that this na
tion has been given flrst place In the annals
of the world In naval warfare , therefore be It
Resolved , by Abe Lincoln post , Grand
Army of the Republic , That the commander
bo and Is hereby requested to Issue a call
Inviting nil soldiers , sailors and marines of
the civil war and all soldiers , sallon. and
marines of the late war with Spain to Join
us to the end that wo call upon our dis
tinguished comrade and greet him In a body ;
that the commander order the tlmo nnd
place for assembly nnd give duo notice
thereof. "
Wanted , first-class Ice cream maker. I.
Muccl , 218 Broadway.
Save your Domestic soap wrappers and get
B set of spoons.
Toil ay HIP 1.4 in It.
According to the date set by Judge Smith
the city la rtqulred today to produce In
the district court a showing of Us records
In regard to the action complained of In
the suit brought by the Council Bluffs ,
Lake Manama & East Omaha Construc
tion company nnd to show cnuso why the
petition of the plaintiff company should
not bo granted This Is the suit In which
the Council Bluffs , Lake Manavva & East
Omaha Construction company attacks the
validity of the action of the city council
In passing an ordinance of February G last
vacating , among other avenues and streets ,
Avenue A , between Tw elf Hi nnd Thirteenth
streets , and conveying the same to the
owners of the property fronting thereon.
The plaintiff company claims to have a
vested right nnd authority to occupy Avo-
niio A as n right of way for the construc
tion nnd operation of n single or double
track street railway under a franchise
granted It In December , 1S97.
Domestic soap out-sells all others.
Davis sells drugs.
City Council MITH TonlKlit.
The city council will meet In adjourned
tegular session this evening. Thief of I'o-
llco Dlxby will present the matter of tlio
necessity of making some alterations nnd
* Improvements In the second Hoar of the
city jail. This matter has been In the
hands of the committee on police and
health for several months , but so far noth
ing toward Improving Ida condition of the
place bus been done. The grand Jury con
demned the place In Its recent report and
Chief Illxby la going to ntnko a last ef
fort fo sco If something cnnnol bo done
V > the city toward putting the upper part
of the Jail In a decent condition. U Is
undcistood thai tlio special committee to
which was referred the sign ordinance will
not bo ready to report by tonight.
, i Twenty tons of Domestic soap used every
month In Council Bluffs.
llniiiinot to lit * a Si
The recoptlpn committee Is leaving no
Btono unturned to make the banquet to bo
given Thursday night at the Grand hotel
by the Merchants' and Manufacturers' as
sociation a greater success even that the
one given last month. Invitations have
been sent out broadcast to the business and I
professional men of the city , regardless of [
their membership In the association , and
from the number of acceptances already re
ceived one of the largest representative
gatherings In the hlstorj of the city Is
looked for. The program of addresses baa
not yet been definitely arranged , but enough
speakers lm\o already been secured to en-
euro that the banquet will bo enlivened with
a flow of wit and wisdom.
Specialty of repairing bicycles and son Ing
machines , Williamson , 106 Main street.
Fur ( . 'null or I.ouni'il ( In.
B. II. SlIlvAFli : & CO , ,
B I'curl Mrt'et. Council lIlulU , lutvo.
iiJjM liULl/lmlh / 1 uJJLiJJll/1.1 / J
lutoresting Illustrated Lecture bj Bsr. J.
H. Boy of Chicago.
Aliout One llnnilrril blcrcoittlcou
VliMtn Arc IIt ! rii Now 1'onaen-
nlniiN u ( iooil riclil for Udu-
"Our Now Possessions Porto Rico , Ha-
I wall and the Philippines , " was the subject
| of a moat interesting Illustrated lecture do-
llvorcd last night at the Congregational
church by Rev. J. 11. Roy , D. D. , of Chicago
cage , representative of the American Mis
sionary association. The stcreoptlcon views ,
of which there wcro about 100 , were very
line. Dr. Roy Is of the opinion that the new
possessions would prove n valuable field for
the educated negro of the south.
The speaker took his text from Psalm
72 8. "Ho shall have dominion ulso from
sea to sea nnd from river unto the ends of
the earth. " Ho said In part :
"This prophecy of David about the kingdom
of Israel under Solomon was fultllled when
the nation extended from the Red sea up to
the Mediterranean nnd from the river Eu
phrates unto the ends of the earth nt the
same Red sea. Wo had a like designation
concerning our nation In th6 charter given
to the colonies of Connecticut , Massachu
setts and Virginia , which rend , 'In length by
nil the breadth thereof , throughout the main
land from sea to sea. ' This belt of terri
tory was claimed by each of those colonies
and the claim Avas recognised by an act of
the now federal government In receiving that
extension of terrltorj from the colonies as
a. part of Its own financial basis and was
particularly recognized In the case of Con
necticut when the western reserve or new
Connecticut was designated. The nation In
Its territory has been extended across the
continent by stages. The pope claimed the
whole of America by reason of Its discovery
by Columbus and for 100 jears Spain had
the sovereignty. Three hundred nnd forty
jcars ago a globe was constructed , a copy
of which Is now found In a library In Paris ,
and In ono In New York , by which the
Atlantic coast was divided Into two parts ,
the lower , Now Spain , the upper , New
"Coming down to 16G3 you find a map
which represented the same coast In five or
six parts New Spain , New France , New
Sweden , New Amsterdam , Now England.
Hero was the great scramble of the na
tions of Europe for this land as they are
now grasping for partitions In Africa and
In China. The question was , What nation ,
what style of civilization , what language ,
what religion should gain control of Amer
ica ? The French , from their discovery of
the mouth of the St. Lawrence , claimed the
territory clear up through Its valley , In
cluding the great Interior lakes which fed It.
France , with the purpose of building of a
great Interior empire , had n scries of forts
through that territory with mission sta
tions attached , clear up to the Mississippi
river and down as far as St. Louis. The so-
called French and Indian wars were rather
conflicts between Franco and England as tc
the sovereignty of that great Interior. Wolfe
at Quebec settled that question , and the
region was passed over to the Anglo-Saxon
race , religion and civilization.
"After our nation -was set up It was ex
panded by the accession of that region up
to the Mississippi river. After that our gov
ernment worked for thirteen years to Induce
Spain to cede to us the mouth of the
Mississippi river , In order that our com ;
merce , as Abraham Lincoln would say ,
'might go unvexed to the sea. ' Spain re
"Secretly Spain , at the opening of the
century , had transferred that Louisiana ter
ritory to France. Wo now opened negotia
tions with Napoleon for the same. He , too ,
was unwilling to divide the area. His reply
was : 'Gentlemen , the whole or none , and
the price Is $15,000,000. ' Our representatives
In Franco took the responsibility of closing
the bargain In splto of the sentiment quite
commonly held and expressed by Joslah
Qulncy , a member of congress , In which ho
declared that If we accepted that territory 3f
Massachusetts would bo Justified In seceding
from the union. ( Here Providence against a
common sentiment pushed us across the
Mississippi river and we could not got back.
"Wo come now to the crest pf the Rocky
mountains , of which Thomas Bcnton had
said , 'ultima thule , ' the farthest boundary ,
and Daniel Webster had said that the coun
try beyond was not worth having ; that ho
iwas about to trade It off for the privilege
of fishing In the northeastern waters.
"Again wo nro pushed along by the mis
sion of Dr. Marcus AVhltman and his asso
ciates and the colonists which they escorted
over. Oregon , Washington , Idaho nnd 1
Montana were saved to our union. Then
came In Texas nnd California with Arizona
and Nevada still further enlarging our area.
The purchase of Alaska gave the Pacific
coast to the Anglo-Saxon civilization down
to Mexico. Mr , Sovvard was laughed at ,
but ho said that the Pacific coast with Its
Islands nnd shores and the great regions
beyond , would jot become the theater of the
world's great hereafter.
t AiliIllloiiN ( o Our Domain.
' 'Still further by the war with Spain , Porto
IJIco has been added to our domain and Cuba
as a sphere of moral Influence. On the other
Bide Hawaii as the product of Christian
missions has fallen into the lap of the re
public as ilpo fruit. And now at least a
sphere of InfluenceIs Imposed upon us 1
whether wo ever add the territory or not
named the 1'htllpptno archipelago. It was a
great schemeof _
- Imperialism or expansion
by which the American Board of 1'orolgn
Missions , located at Boston , sent out In IS'JO
a scclal settlement , a colony of missionaries
whoso forces kept on the Increase by the
same great organization. It has been claimed
that as a Americans wo have had no expe
rience In dealing with Maloje , but the out
come In Hawaii proves to have been a grand
success In dealing with such Island pee
ples. The same Is true of the mission ot
the same board In the Marshall , Gulbert and
Caroline Islands , In the latter the people nt
I'ouape and Uuk nnd Kusall had been largely
_ civilized and Christianized when ten years
ago the Spanish claim was set up , the mis-
slon of forty years at Ponapo was destrojcd ,
{ burned to the ground , the missionaries
driven off and not yet permitted to icturn.
A .Spanish battleship still holds the mission
under Its guns. Hero the experiment with
Mala > s has proven a success , and the In
ference Is that if the Philippines shall be
left on our hands the same result by the
same process , with the added support of our
national government , may be accomplished 1 1
"What now If the expansion of Messiah's
kingdom had not kept pace with the enlarge ,
ment of the nation As a matter of fact ' ,
our great Interior on both sides of the Mis
sissippi , from the Alleghcnles to the Heckles i ,
has been filled with the elements of a Chrls- '
i tlan civilization after the Anglo-Saxon or
der and the same Is true as to the cquntry
bcjond the Hookies up and down the Pacific
coast. Now with this result why may wo
not expect that our nation can assimilate ,
our Anglo-Saxon civilization possess Porto
Rico and Cuba , so far as a moral trans
formation may bo concerned , leaving out
the political question with regard to that
latter Island. As to these Islands , we have
already been trained to the kind of work
needed for their moral occupation. These
thirty-five years of work among the negroes
ot the south has been a process ot learning
the trade on the part of our several church
> stems , nnd It may well be taken as settled
that the same process will accomplish n
like a result In those Islands. That of
Christian education , which cares for the
training of head , hand and heart. Such
opening will glvo an outlet to the educated
colored people of the south , which they do
not find In their own country. Multitudes
ot these > oung colored people have had such
training as will fit them to be leaders of so
ciety In the Islands. The mass of colored
pcoplo will bo Immune ns to malaria and a
great number of them Immune as to > cllo\v
fever. The obligations for expansion of the
moral kingdom cannot bo thrust aside and
wo nro held responsible by the Judgment
and conscience of the nations to see that
this style of work shall be doiio promptly
nnd thoroughly by our people.
"Tho claim was made by the speaker that
the United States owes Cuba a great debt
In reparation ot a wrong done It In 1S2C.
Following our successful revolution the
states of South America became also Inde
pendent and the tide was flowing back across
the Isthmus when Bolivia proposed the re
leasing of Cuba from Spain and the eman
cipation of Us slaves. A convention was
proposed , to meet nt Panama In the jear
named , and upon Instructions , John Qulncy
Adams nominated commissioners to the
same , but our senate so loaded down the
vote approving the delegation that the
scheme was n failure and all In the Interest
ot salvery In the United States. "
Domestic soip whitens the clothes.
AVudivi orlli Coon to ICM Moltirx ,
City Attorney Wadsvvorth went to Dos
Molncs last evening , where today the argu
ments In the Phillips-Reed city warrant
case will be submitted to the supreme court.
Phillips will be represented by W. S May no.
Especial attention this tlmo will bo given
In the arguments to the law as applied to
Council Bluffs , a matter which was over
looked In the former case and led to the
unsatisfactory ruling of the supreme court
and the necessity of Instituting a new suit.
Cinderella ball , given by Mrs. Hande under
the auspices of Unity guild , at Dohauy's
opera house , Wednesday , May 21.
Domestic soap sold by all grcccrs.
Oratorical Coitti'Nt.
DENISON , la. . May 21. ( Special. ) The
fourth annual contest of the Northwestern
Iowa Oratorical association took place at the
Denlson opera house Friday night. The
schools represented were Buena Vista college -
lego of Storm Lake , Sac City Institute of
Sac City and the Denlson Normal school
of Denlson. Each school was represented
by largo delegations of enthusiastic sup
porters who made things lively with their
college yells and colors.
Miss Ada Whltted of Storrri Lake spoke
on "Tun Unsolved Problem , " Jchn B. Ro
mans of Denlson on "Expansion , " Miss
Grace Harper of Sac City an "Tho Coming
Nation of Europe , " Valentine A. Weir of
Storm Lake on "Tho Constitution , " C. D.
Handy ot Denlson on "Garrison and Slav
ery , " U. S. Parish of Sac City on. "The Bat
tle of Tours. "
The Judges on delivery were Superin
tendent C. C. Magee , Carroll ; Rev. F. J.
Tower , Glddcn ; Superintendent B. S. White ,
Harlnn. The judges on thought and composition - i '
position wcro Rev. W. Y. Brown , Bcone ;
j I1. Stephenson , Des Molnes ; Mlbs Sara
F. Rice. Cedar Falls.
The combined markings on delivery ,
thought and compositfon gave flrst to
\Veir of Storm Like , second to C. D. Hardy
. of Denlson nnd third to J. B. Romans of
Dontson. The winner received $15 worth
of books ns his prize.
Ifeni y Dcul CoiiNiiininntod.
BURLINGTON , la , May 21. ( Special Tel
egram. ) One of the biggest deals ever con
summated In this city was the purchase of
the property and franchise ot the Burllng-
I ton Gas Light company by the Burlington
M Electric Rallwav nnd Lighting company , the
price paid being $200,000. The latter com-
pany was organized several jears ago and
reduced the rrici of gab fiom $2.15 to $1
per thousand. The new company says It
will not raise tbr price of EOS.
llooiic Hoj Abilui'ttMl.
BOOND , la. , iMay 21. ( Special ) Vernlo j |
Lane , nn S-year-old boy , was abducted while |
going to school Friday. Ho la an adopted
boy whoso parents are divorced , and It Is
supposed that his albductor Is his own
motheIt Is reported that Sheriff Garner
has located the kidnaper at Onawa , and
I that It Is the mother.
I fji'iii-rnlly Fair for .NchraNUii mill
! Jov\n , Continuing Tui'Ndnj ,
l h ViirliiMuVlnilH. .
WASHINGTON , May 21. Weather fore-
cast for Monday :
For Nebraska and South Dakota Gen-
orally fair Monday , and probably Tuesday ;
variable winds.
For Iowa Generally fair Monday and
Tuesday ; variable winds ,
For Missouri Partly cloudy Monday ;
i probably fair Tuesday , variable winds.
For Kansas Generally fair Monday , with
cooler In southern portion ; Tuesday prob-
ably fair ; variable winds.
I For Wyoming and Montana Partly cloudy
Monday , with warmer In northern portion ;
Tuesday fair , variable winds.
I l.oonl Ilcc'onl ,
OMAHA May 21 Omaha record of temper-
aturu und pr Upltatlun compared with
the corresponding day of the last thrcu
years :
1S09 183S. 1897 1S9 < 1.
Maximum temperature . . E > 3 0.1 75 SI
Minimum temperature . . . 17 .11 50 50
Average temperature . . . . 82 BO CJ CS
Precipitation . 01 .64 .00 .00
Ilecord of temperature and prcclplta- I
tlon at Omaha for this day and blnco
March 1. 1SJS :
Normal for the day . , , , , . G3
D llclency for the day . H
Accumulated deficiency sine ; March 1 . K2
Normal rainfall foi the day . 14 Inch
i.i Deficiency for the day . 11 Inch
Total rainfall blnce March 1 . bOl Inches
Deficiency since March 1 . M3 Inches
Kxcess for the. coi. period. IS'is . . .21Inch
Excess for the cor. period , ISO" . .1 J3 Inches
fioni MatloiiN at S | i , in ,
; c ( V * - *
Omaha , cloudy 5SI T
North PlattP. cloudy 03 M
' Silt Lake , jurtly ploudy , W ] .00
rheyenne. partly cloudy fri , .00
Hanld City lalnlng 501 M
Huron , cloudy .33
Willlslon , partly cloudy .33M
Chicago , cloudy .00
St Louis , raining 70) ) .20
St , Paul , clear Oil .M
Davenport cloudy C0 | W
H lena , cloudy 45 ! 4i' ' .10
| Kansas City , clear . , 72 S21 .00
, Havre , Cloudy 51 ! 01 .00
Hlsmarck , parti } ' cloudy ,
- - - - - " "
Oalv-eBton , ciouJy ; 78 S2 .00' J '
T indicate ? trace of precipitation.
I , . A. WELSH ,
Local Forecast Official.
Sioux Oity , O'Neill ' & Western to Ba Sold to
the Highest Bidder.
I'o lie Dltiioiril < > f Under foreclosure
l > rouciilliiKn < 11 Morlmme llelil
by tliu Munlmltuii Trunt
Coniinii | } <
SIOUX CITY , May 21. ( Special. ) At
South Sioux City , Neb. , Friday , May 2C , n
nifiwny Is to bo sold to the highest bidder.
This' line Is the Sioux City , O'Neill & West
ern , commonly known as the Pacific Short
Line , the road built by tlio late Donald
McLean , who met euch a tragic death In
the Palmer house , Chicago , recently. This
road nnd Its sister , the Sioux City &
Northern , have been the cause of almost
endless litigation In the United States
courts In the Inst seven jears Thousands
of dollars have been epcnt In attorney'
focn and costs to settle title to the proper
tiesand now It would seem that nt last the
Pacific Short Line Is to pass Into the hands
of others than Sioux City people. The road
runs from South Sioux City , Neb. , to
O'NclJl , Neb. , n distance of 130 miles.
The road Is to bo sold by 13. S. Dundy ,
J ? , of Omaha , master In chancery , and will
go to the highest bidder. It Is expected
J. Kennedy Ted & Co. of New York will
some Into posscfslon of the property. The
Tods now hold three-fourths of the stock
ot the Slotu City & Northern line. The
Short Line Is being sold under foreclosure
proceedings In the case of the Manhattan
Trust company , trustee , against the Sioux
City , O'Neill & Western Railway companj.
The mortgage on the road In the shape of
bonds Is about $ ,2,400,000. It so happened
that when this road was bonded the Sioux
City ejndlcatc A. S. Garretson , James E.
Boogc , John Hornlck and Ed Hnaklnson
sold the bonds of the Sioux City & North
ern company nnd the three-quarters Inter
est In the stock of the Sioux City & North
ern to the Pacific Short Line Bridge com
pany. These were then pledged to J. Ken
nedy Ted & Co. to secure a loan of $1,500-
00. " Finally , In the fall of 1803 these se
curities were sold under the provisions of
the contract In case of failure to pay the
debt. Ted & Co. bought them for $1,000 ,
acting as trustees.
LOIIK Iiliic of LltlKflUnii.
Then commenced the long line of litiga
tion. Actions vvcro commenced In the federal
court to appoint receivers for the Northern
and the Short lino. The Credits Commuta
tion company of Sioux City , owning the
assets of the defunct Union Loan and Trust
company , laid claim to the properties sold
to Ted & Co. , and finally the court appointed
two receivers for the Sioux City & Northern ,
one for each Interest. Judge Warwick
Hough of St. Louis was the representative
of the commutation company nnd S. J. Bealo
ot St. Faul for the other Interests. All along
the hand of Jim Hill of the Great Northern
has been felt , as ho Is said to own one-
fourth of the Northern stock. In the /ore-
closure proceedings the question of owner
ship of the securities pledged to the Tods
came up. The Sioux City company con
tended the collateral had been -wrongfully
hypothecated , and Judge Shires of the fed
eral court held to the contrary. This case
went to the United States1 court of appeals
and hero Judge Shires was practically af
firmed. Then the cose went to the United
States supreme court , with the same re
An effort was made to block the sale of
the Short Line by attacking the foreclosure
proceedings , but the decision of Judge
Caldwcll of the circuit court was affirmed
by the court of appeals , although some
questions vveio allowed to bo certified up
to the supreme court. However , the
supreme court sent the case back to the
lower court , declining to take up the ques
tions asked. So now It would seem that
there Is nothing more to delay the sale of
the Nebraska line. It will bo sold to the
highest bidder and It Is extremely doubtful
If the Slou\ City company will oven make
a bid.
'Should the line go to the Tods It Is meet
likely It i\vill bo sold as teen as possible.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St.Paul has been
asked to buy It by Sioux City men , but that
company does not appear to take any Inter
est in that part of the country at this time.
It was the dream of Donald McLean to extend -
tend this line through to Los Angeles , Cal. ,
and It Is said he has had the whole route
surveyed and his cstato owns the plat books
and field notes Many times has It been
said ho had the necessary money , but so
far It Is a dim vision of the future , yet ono
in which the whole state of Iowa Is deeply
So far as the Northern Is concerned It Is
a question still remaining to be adjudicated
between It and the terminal company In
Sioux City , tout the fact remains that the
road | a a money maker and a valuable piece
ot property.
Iti'tiinilni ; t < > Childhood' * Home.
CLARION , In. , May 21. ( Special. ) After
an absence of twenty-six years quite a
party of Wright county people sailed on the
steamship Cnmpagnla from Now York yes
terday for the homo of their childhood In
the old world. H. T. nnd A. T. Atlio and
sister , Mrs Mellnda Johnson , nlll make
a three months' visit to their aged par
ents In Bergen , Norway ; Robert Lucus and
wife will spend the summer with his pa
rents nt Dungonnon , Tyrone county , Ire-
Mrs. Morris' Letter to
[ LtTTEK TO tins. rlNKHAU NO. 1.1,363 ]
"I have taken eight bottles of Lydia
E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound
I with gratifying' results , I hud been
married four years and had two chil
dren. I was all run down , had falling
of womb with all its distressing1 symp
toms. I hnd doctored with a good
physician , but I derived very little good
from his treatment. After taking a
few bottles of your medicine , I was
able to do my work nnd nur&c my seven-
months'-old babe. I recommend your
medicine to every wife and mother.
Had I time , I could write much more
in its praise. J bid you God's speed in
your good work. " Mils. I , . A. Mourns ,
Mns. FINKIIAM When I com
menced the use of your remedies I was
very bad off. Every two weeks I vms
troubled with flovvingbpellswhichmado
mo very weak. I had two of the best
doctors , but they did not seem to hplp
"They said my trouble was caused
from weakness and was nothing to
worry about. I felt tired all the time ; had
no ambition. I was growing worse oil
tlio time until I began thouseof LydialO.
I'iukham's Vegetable Compound. I am
now able to help about the house , and
am much Improved In health. " Mita.
Intnl. nnd Andrew Skottlln And Mrs Chris
Johnson will visit relatives durluc the sum *
mer nt ChiUtlanln , Norway. These people
arrived In tills country n quarter of n cen-
Lury ago with n very small allowance of
this world's sootls , but with an abundance
of ( thick and determination to succeed In
Iho new home. Coming to lown they settled
In Norway tounst.lp , Wright county , nnd
are today among the most Influential nt d
wealthy people In Iowa. The secret of their
succe&s Is , briefly : They never lost con-
fldenro In Iowa , soil nnd Its possibilities
nnd results show howtlioy were not dis
appointed. Twentj-slx jears ngo they
crossed the ocean ns emigrants , jcsterday
they started again as flrst-clnss passcn-
ners , with fnt pockctboolts b.\cKed by the
finest farms In Iowa.
Work on Norllivic-Mcrn llxtruilon.
WAU , U\KH , la . May 21 On Thursday
iifternoou work on lajlng track for the new
line of railroad , the Hojcr Valley line ,
from Wall Ixikc to Denlson , wns commenced
nt this place. At promptly 2 o'clock 0. S.
Tester , nfelstnnt engineer , drove the flrst
spike nnd Immediately afterwards n force
of 100 men started to work lajlng the track.
linilUllllltVllttiMlnl ,
Thcro nro many who have palni In the
back nnd Imagine that tholr ktdne > s nio
affected , while the only trouble \ n rheuma
tism of the niusolos , or , nt worst , lumbago ,
that can be cured by a few applications of
Chamberlain's 1'nln Malm or by dampening n
piece of flannel with I'aln Halm nnd binding
It on over the niTectod pails.
ifty Tlmiitniul of llu > Aiitnuilx Col-
oulrt-il In \ < MoiU. .
It may not bo gcncrnllv known that
Greater Now York possesses a colony of
0,000 leeches. Leeches ro not "good to
oat. " The slimy creatures are not prottj to
look upon cither , and while It Is true that
they have a clinging disposition they could
hardly bo considered harmless household
pets , sajs the New- York Herald.
Still , leeches have their virtues. They
come In handy In the treatment of bid
bruises where quantities of cast-off blood
have collected beneath the skin Many n
black cjc has been checked through their
kind oflkcs.
Awful thought ! Suppose the whole GO.OOO
now- held In bondage at the Now- York leech
farm should btcak loose at night and vvlih
their gluttonlsh , blood-hungry Instinct crawl
through cracks and crevices Into the sleepIng -
Ing apartments of neighboring dwellings' '
This Is Just whit happened to the waking
temnts who lived near the Snn Tranclsco
leech farm only a few jcars ago.
Hundreds of them crawled up the walls
and tried every window and crevice , seeking
an entrance because of some Instinctive
knowledge that In the houses they could Ilud
pasturage upon the occupants.
A few- found their way into sleeping cham
bers perhaps 1,000 out of the 6,000 which
made up the population of the Trlsco col
ony , nut oven that number of snakv , black
and green , creepy worms distributed about
a couple of large tenements sufficed to ter
rify the Inhabitants almost Into fits when
they felt the eager suction of the leeches
and nwoko to find themselves festooned
with the ugly products of the swampy ooze.
If not , drink GralnO made from pure
Brains A lady writes "The flrst tlmn I
maflo Ornln-O I did not like It , but after
using- for one week notililne would Induce
roc to go back to coffee" It nourishes
and feeds thi system The children can
drink It irocly with great benefit. It Is the
rtrengthenlttK aubitanca of pure grains.
Get a paxdcuse today from your srroccr.
follow the directions In making- and
you will have a delicious and healthful
table beverage for old * nd yoUnu. l o
and 2Sc.
I co > sui/r
Searles & Searles
We nicoe.nfnlly trent nil M2RVOU3 ,
of men and woiueu.
SEXUALLY. aurofl for llf .
Nlg-ht EmUeloiur , Loat Manhood , Hy-
drocoU , Verlcocale , Oonoffhta , Glrot , Sypn
IIIo , Stricture , Piles , Flsiula and Kudu )
Ulcers. Dlabote * , BrJKht'i Dispart cured ,
by new mtthod xrlthoul pain or cutting.
CsJl on or dar sa with jtarap. Tr ttin5
by mall.
Mrs. Wlnhlow's Soothing S : rup has been
used for over fifty y urs by million i ol
mothers for their children while teotblnq
with perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the sums , allays all pain , cure *
wind colic and Is the best remedy for
Dl.irrhopa. Sold by druggists In every pan
of the world He sute and ask tor "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" and take no
other kind. 25 cents a bottle.
There nro > ld to bo only two Irerh farm *
In this country ono In this city nnd one
In Snn I'rnnclsco. Their locations nro
kept secret to prevent complaint from resi
dent * In the nelfihborhood A promlnrnt
physician , who flatly denied the least knowl
edge of the whereabouts of the metropoli
tan establishment , Informed the writer tint
there at times na many ns CiO.OflO leeches
squirm carelessly around , over or through
s\vamp muck , lnces nnlly xrarchlng for
Rome hapless unfortunate that chance may-
have in I rid to furnish a fenst for them.
These leeches nro mostly brought from
Trance In the surrounding * of Bordeaux
there nro large areas of black , light oorc ,
In which leeches multiply without Inter-
When leeches nro desired to send to Now
York or Sin I'rnnclsco men are hired whoso
poverty compels them to accept any chance.
These men walk barelegged Into the bor
ders of the svuunp and their legs are Im
mediately covered by the crawlers. Hut be
fore they can umro than pierce the sUn
they nro swept off Into pouches , from which
they are counted out Into botrs of wet mosi
nnd their native ooze. Imbedded In that
wny nnd carefully sealed they ate trans
ported In safety to any distance.
Ilic llnu of II ,
Detroit JournalMrs. . llellovlllo Smith
had been Kept nt homo by illness , but 13c.Uo-
, vine Smith had Rone.
I Yes , the oporn was very good.
"Hut I suppose you can't tell nu > hownny -
I body there was dressed , " sighed Mrs. Smith ,
1 dejectedly
"Well I sn\v one fat woman In n irovvn
so small for her that she must have boon
dressed by hydraulic pressure , ' replied
Smith , and said no more.
I j
John Duncan'o Sons , Agents , New York
itfCQ HB
Wednesday , May 24 ,
Uiulrr the AiiHiilren of
Siicelultles li >
III JSeiv Ho HUH mill Dnnrrx.
The Hlbbon and iMIrror Dances ; also
Society Diama.
Taken from the beautiful fairy story of
"Cinderella and the Glass Slipper , " closes
the entertainment.
All holders of reserved seat coupons are
entitled to take part In the complimentary
dnnco to follow at Hoyal Arcanum hall.
Scats on sale Tuesday at box olllce.
1'rloi'H " . ' ! . " mid HO
> > > , CentN.
i > noi .
201 , 200 , 20S. 210 Broadway , Council muffs.
Rates , il.25 per day ; 75 rooms. KIrst-class
In every respect. Motor ! Ino to all depots.
Local agency for the Celetwated St Louis
A , B. C. Ucer. First-class bar In con-
i\-ory motlior that loolcs llirlirou/'li / our line of Voslpp Suits la
hurjn-iscil at tlio olosant-o nnd oxtioinoly low prlceu. We c\-
t'l'clhcd n Riwit tloal of wire In fic-loclhi } , ' our line for hjniiiK
anil aio anxious that every niotlier In westcin Town should
lake inlviuitiiRo of It. As a further inducement we will olfer
all of our Hulls for. $100 ? . ' 1.25 HtiltH for. ? a,50
V-.oo suits for. . i-fto si.r : > o stilts ior.
W.L1.Milts for . l- SJ.OO suits for.
SL'-W ) suits for. 1.7. j > | .r 0 Htilts for.
-.7. ) suits for -MX ) $500 suits for. ; i,7 ;
We will cut tlip iilctof ) every Vestce Suit In the hoiibu.
Take Advantage of This.
Successors to Metcalf Bros ,
< * >
IO Cents. 5 Cents.
John 0. Woodward § Co. , Bluffs , a a O
Palne's Celery Compound
is the
It makes the weak stronpf.
" \Vo \ sell and recommend it
Sherman & McConncll Drug Co.
Dr. lU'imntt'ii Ulrutrlr Holt In tlta
Out } Olio In tin * Wo i-111 AliHolutclr
r.uniunteod to CHII ? In Uvcrr
Cimi > I Will Krnnklj Tell You So
If M > licit Will Doou > o Good.
When manhood n clmrnetprNtli1 eiiprKlo *
have bpi-n iHsslpated bylrluim counns ,
exri'ssr s. overwork otp Electilclly 1 tha
only auro nnd npimnmnt euro Any con-
sciontlous plivslclan will trll you Uil" .
Dingcuunot cure theeo obstlnnto und
I mnrtlfvlnff dlTiiRi Miboy simply temporarily
arily stimulate they oppose , not aid na-
tine 8 > Mini Impotwnrv , BemlmilVoalt -
nniHailron > li and ANnstlng und Rhrlnk-
liiK mny ho imlluillv nnd ncrmincntly
ovcrroni" by tlio propoi application of a.
good , stioiiK Moml > never vvavcrlnR , pon-
tiiiMit of Lltotrlcity. Throuffh
. \ou get Just such n
itirient mj Uelt
supplies' IClrctrlolty
In lit pin eat form.
It does not jolt nor
jar as do galvanic-
bntUiIes , and does
not bum nnd b.lls-
tor as do the bnro
m c t n 1 electrodes
used on all othflr
iinikca of elsctrlo
belts I hnvo en-
t 11 nit y ovyrcomo
this burning t ntifJ
still my bolt will
give about four
time * more Klcc-
trlcltv direct Into
the BjHtom than
nny other bolt.
lias soft , silken ,
fipoiiRe electrodes that keep .open the pores
of the s-UIn nnd allow H alt the current to
penptrnte with other bolts the current Is
retained upon tlio surface hcncu tliu burns.
I worked bnicl mid studkd for yoatH to
pcrft.ct my Klcctrlc Delt , and I know ex
actly what It vvlll do I therefore unhosl-
tn'lnplv piiiirnntce a euro In yery case
here I recommend
flie treatment of my
Belt If it vvlll do
1 on no good 1 will
frankly tell you so.
I have not nor vvlll
not have a dissatis
fied patient 1 abso
lutely fiunnintco m'
belt to cure all form
of Se\u il Wenkne s-
es In either sex , le-
Etoro Shiunken or
Undeveloped OrKnus
ind Vitality , cure
Klieumntlsin 1 n
every guise , Kidney ,
Klver nnd Bladder
Troubles.V e a k
Back , Chronic Con >
stlpatlun , Dyspepsia ,
an Kemalo ( Joinplnlnts , i c clectrla
belts , us well ns biitterlst1 , will burn out
In time If they glvo a cut rent So will
mine , but my belt cun be renovvod for only
75 cent1 no other belt can be lenewcd for
any price und when vvoin out In worthier.
My ISIectrkSuspensorj for the porma-
ncnt cure of the various weaknessou of
men la FHI3I3 to every male purcli s'r of
one of mi HiMtH. I consider my suspen
sory full > nb Rient an invontlan UB my
Uelt , nnd certainly IB a boon to suffering
manhood It , like my bull , will not burn.
A tine In Kunrnntcud.
Write or call upon me today do not
put It off delaja are duntjeous your case
may roach the Incurable yturfe before jou
know it If you live out of the city I will
sand jou my Now Hook About Electricity ,
symptom blanks and other literature.
Conuultation and advice without cost. Ko-
incmber , If mv belt will not curu you I will
tell you so If you are tblnUtnnr of buylns
some ether belt , write or c.lll flrat I n ivo
nil makes of belts , so you Cin | compare
them. If you want to trv one fit the others
I will losn you one. My bent Is not sold
in druir stores nor by ugtint-s ; only by
Company ,
ItootiiH 2O and Zl klotiKlnN Hlonlr ,
, \ol > r. , 10th and Dodge Street * .
Subscribers Only
f ALL at The Boo ofilce eaoh
month between the lut
nnd the lOtti , pay ono raonth'u
J % subscription to the Daily and
Sundfty Dee aud got a copy r
& of the &
omal1 > 3
jjojLiie ompl ° , ivyitL. ]
/rf J * * jc < Jfcj v
To Bee Subscribers Only. | ! >
( jr City Circulation Dopt.
On Improved Farms In Iowa
Tor Ilcnt or Sale The K. II. Odell prop.
crty on lllffh School avtntie , 8 room , mod-
tin Hint , $30. Sale , $4,000.
One stable for rent ,
\\o havii a cuetorntr for ci well Improved
faim of SO to 120 acres within 7 mlles ot
Council muffs Will nny cash.
1'or Iltnt HOIIBH of 8 roomH , hath , hot
and cold water ( soft ) , good stnblo. ono urro
land and fruit , J.i prr month. For tulo at
$ oW)0 No (129 rrnnklin av < mue. Can not
rtnt to family with children
Tor Rrnt-Flat at 2. ! South Seventh
Btr el , modern. $30.
Iloubo of E rooms for rent. No 320 Plat-
nir street. $12.
Houisi ) of f , rooms , city water , 2C38 Ave-
nut H Kent , tS.
U are nowaf nts for the Liability De
partment of the Travfloi-8' Insurance
lornimny of Hartford , Conn.
Lint jour prop.rty with us for sale ,
or rent.
No 102 South SI iln StrecC
Conn'll HluftV U.
U'c.-lt'.vioini | jii