Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1899, Editorial, Page 27, Image 27

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    THE OMAHA BALL IT BEE : SUNDAY , MAT 1-1 , 1890. L'7
Seasonable Gossin for Men Who Love to
Handle Rod and Oun ,
Thrr Are "Until lo Cutcli , " lloirocr ,
nnil > rcil to He CniilloiiNlr I'ur-
micd ' 1 ln > SI. IiiIIIn Sliiinl
nnil Other llrini ,
Ho who has the piscatorial art at hli
fingers' ends will scon bo In glory to his
nc k , for the warm days with which 0. Sol
la supplying thla muntlano sphere at the
present tlmo will noon isrt these game old
fish bans and crapplc nibbling at the lures
that are cast out for them In fact , the
crapplo season may be said lo bo well along
already , for good misses of them are being
pulled out of the resorts all about this sec
tion of the country. The water Is still ft
bit too chill for the bass and. bcaldcs , the
latter are yet ft little too busy at their
spawning to loiter about the places where
the Iraak Walton throwH his minnow , or
worm , nr doughball
Reports from the lakes ami rivers In the
vicinity of this city are encouraging. At
Lake Qtllnncbaug Home great jams uro be
Ing Incubated I'rrd Uoodrlch last week ro
cclved word that a party pulled 150 pounds
of the fish out of the lake and hn straight
way departed for the sheet of water. At
Langdon the fishing ban been confined almost
entirely to crapplc , It being said that not a
fltrlko of bass has been made so far this
season The Iowa lakes are jot n somewhat
unknown fiunntlly , but they will .soon be un-
covcitd , .IB the closed season expires tomor
row. Some Is c\prcs od regarding No
blo'a lake. The lake was chuck full of llsh
ft couple of months ago and they wore great
big ones at that. Ono fisherman tried an
experiment and captured n hilf n Uorcn
weighing twice tint many pounds at that
time , but thu river rise may have dam
aged the lake. The big Miroo forced an
entrance Into the 1 iKo and , as tfie bass will
fight against the current at this season of
the icar and will not drift with It , U Is
feared that more of the llsh escaped out
of the lake than wan carried Into It. Other
lakes and streams hi-rcnbouts. honcvo.r ,
have not been bothered HKo this In fact
the tlse In the artorlul streams scorns to
hive been Just aufllrlpnt to Hush the Inlets
and permit the bass and orapplo to got
to spawning places
Unless all Indications are a delusion and
C a disappointment , Cut Off Hko will bo a fine
fishing place this season Uass arc alrc.uly
striking and during the hst week some nlco
spoclmciits have bcon pulled out. Wnlton-
lans , however , will not find much sport
with them Just now with minnows and
OoiighballH , us their fastidious appetites
teem to crave nothing but woims. The llsli
nio now looking for spawning bids and feed
on this sort of food It Is said that at Borne
of the re-sorts both bass and crapplo are
taking small sunflsh better than any other
bait offered , a rather unusual caprko At
Lingdon bnskotfuls of crapplo are being
taken with minnow and the flbh do not seem
to care much for other bait.
riHhlng for babs and for crapplcs , too ,
for that matter Just now Is a dlffeient
pioposltlon than what It will be several
weeks from now. The llsh are not loafing
about the middle of the lake and the ( Hties- .
man who shoves out Into the wind and the
waves Is likely to catch nothing but dis
appointment and poffllbly a cold. The fish
are after food and possible spawning placci ,
both of which they find Insboro and but .1
few Inches Jicncath the suifaco of the water.
Crupplrs will bo found In the wilderness ot
the brush , but bns-s do not llko the tangle-
wood so well. 1'iieh In noiselessly and drop
n yaid or two ot line with a heavy sinker
and a cork but a dozen Indies or so above
It. That Is the trick that will result In nice
mci-scs of fish now ; In the weeks lo come
when the hot HUH will drive them to deeper
watet and to their resting place under
sunken logs a different plan of campaign
inuet bo employed. A boat oven Is not nee-
cssary at this season of the jcnr , for ont >
can wade Into the lake or stieam far enough ,
If ho Is quiet , to get many a strike before Ills
fishing hours are gone.
According to reports that are coming In a
Wiiltonlan can secure a nice mess of trout by
taking an excursion to tonic point along HID
iikhorn in the vicinity of Long Pine. Walt
nlngham , Iho sporty president of the city
council , confirms these reports. Ho was
up on the nikhorn In that part of the fltnte
n few wcoks ago and captured a string ot
Judge Dickinson was at Lake Qulnnebaug
last week and returned with a banket ot
ulxty-ono bass.
Jim Weaver and Wiseman look nn excur
sion lo Irvlngton last week and managed to
bug a couple of dozen jellowlcgs and cast
eyes on n pair of Jacks. 1'lcld shooting ,
however , has reached a low ebb and Ihe
sportsman with n gun wilt receive but little
toward for a tramp over the prairies untlt
next fall.
The biggest shoot In the west and ono of
thu biggest of the country will take place
at St. Louis during the coming week under
the auspices of tha Missouri State Game and
Hsu Protective association. The program
calls for six da > s nt the traps , commencing
tomorrow. Monday will bo devoted to state
events and the remaining five diys will bo
turned over to open events , In which all the
wracks of Iho country are entered called
together by the cups and emblems and the
$ l.r ! > 00 added money that Is offered for the
winners. The t\\o big features of the shoot
will bo the struggles for tbo Dupont cham
pionship the bird trophy and the St. Louis
lepubllc cup. Doth these arc handicap races
t live birds and In both n purse of $1,000
. ' * guaranteed Another big event will bo
Tor the "E C" cup , which Is emblematic of
he Inanimate championship cf America. This
trophy Is at present held by Helkes. The
conditions of the shoot are as follows. One
hundred targets at unknown angles , 100
targets , expert rules , and fifty pairs. Frank
I'armplco and ( loodley Hruckcr left for St.
Louis Prldfty In order to bo there on Satur
day to see the 100 live bird race between
Helkcs and nllcy of Kansas City for J250 a
side. Henry McDonald , Will Townscnd and
It H Klmbill will go down on Monday.
"Pony" Moore of Lincoln and C. II. Andrews
of Hlllsdale , S. D. , will also bo In the party.
The city and county officials are gradually
gelling togclficr for ihclr shool , which Isle
lo bo held soon for Iho purpose of raising
Iho nucleus of a fund lo be spent on the
erecllon of a monument to the memory cf
the Omaha bo > s who were killed or died
during Iho Spanish and Philippine wars The
dale for the engagement has not yet been
set , but It has been decided to hold the shoot
on the exposition grounds In the plot that
was occupied by the Wild West show at
last sear's exposition. A considerable addi
tion will be made to Iho program , In the
Shape of a match shoot between the Dupont
and the Omaha Gun clubs. The former has
challenged the latter to a ten-man team race
at fifty targets per man , which the other
club Is gelling ready to accepl.
The Dupont Oun club will have another
prize shoot on the grounds across the river
The Omwft Oun club will have a shoot on
next Wednesday and Thursday.
homo Ititi'ri-NtliiK Dtiliin * Hint Arc
AnK'llliiu < h < > Hen 1m of ( lie Sliort-
Ilnlrfil hiiorlit.
King events arc not the only ones that arc
r.ttcndcd with fatal results occasionally , but ,
llko deploiablc cndlnga of glove battles , the
Ecrloim endings on base ball fields are gen
erally the result of accidents , pure ami
pimple. This year Iho first fntallly on n
ball fit Id was nol an accident , and It was
neir Illnnlngham , Ala , that It occurred.
Two teams of joung men WCTO playing-
when the umpire called ft home run lilt a
foul ball. A youngster named McCoy hit the
ball and he roundly abused Umpire Powell
until the latter knocked the plujer down.
McCoy promplly Jumped lo his feet , sclrcrt
a bat and crushed Powell's skull , death
bring Instantaneous. McCoy made his es
cape , and has the officials and tlio dead
boy's friends to dodge , as southern Justice
will bo meted out lo him if he Is caught.
The Now York pipers have resorted to
Uio unklndest method of roasting the New
York team by prnctlcilly Ignoring their
performances "When they roast jou , cull ,
they recogni/o jou , but when they pass you
up jou'ie woiso Ulan a deuce , " would bo
Dad Clark's axiom apropos the slluallon.
Last season the base ball chroniclers spent ,
columns ot space In damning Ihe Giants , but
this > car's scheme seems to bo the beller ,
Judging from Iho number of hands who lurn
out lo witness the game.
Local fans will bo Interested In learning
that Buffalo , which Is the Indirect successor
of Omaha on Iho Wcslern League circuit ,
has a cinch In winning the pennant this year
according to the dope book. The Buffalo
outfit up to date have n better team fielding
mark than any of the clubs In the league
and In batting rank also in the first class.
The fielding average Is .940 and tha batting
The Fltz-Jeffrlos battleIs still occupying
a. position somewhat akin to that once upon
a time held by Mahomet's coffin , nllhough
Denver sports are going ahead as If the
Colorado city had a cinch on It. During
the past week the Colorado Athletic asso
ciation has signed articles of agreement and
sent them to Brady and Julian In expecta
tion of having these fighting nabobs attach
their autographs to the document , even
though the Lenox , Tom O'Rourko's club , Is
said to bo lajlng Its wires for the scrap.
Eastern papers seem to bo of the opinion
that the battle will take place In Denver ,
though , and the Denvcrltes have not the
slightest doubt about It. While no actual
work has jot been begun on an arena , the
club is already selecting the ground and
training quarters for the two big blffers.
Tor both the Boilermaker nnd the black
smith nro expected to Immediately move
their effects to the mounlalns It Denver Is
chosen , In order to Tjeccjme acclimated. How
well grounded opinion has become lhat the
battle will bo held In the Colorado metropo
lis Is indlcaled by the fact that Dan Stuart ,
the well known flRtit promoter nnd all around
sport , has set out from Dallas by the over
land route for Denver In company with a
half dozen sports. It Is a trip ot 1,200
miles , but with playing poker and riding
bronchos the bunch ot dead games expect
to have a good time.
Now that there Is a prospect that New
York will lose the battle between Uio boilermaker -
maker nnd the blacksmith , tbo fight promoters
meters of Gotham are figuring on a meeting
between Maher and Slwrkoy on the strenglh
of Ihe former's showing vvllh Iluhlln. Even
though the Akron Giant succumbed to the
sailor In a punch , It Is no cinch that Maher
will do likewise. In Juno , 1837 , the Irish
champion and the navy lad fought seven
rounds In Now York nnd were finally pried
apart by the copper's bludgeon , because the
minions of the law decided that the roughIng -
Ing had gone far enough. Hoth men have
slnco inslsled that they had the best of It ,
and whllo Maher has been accused of dodg
ing matches with some of the others , ho
has been apparently sincere In his deulro
to get another crack at Sharkey. The vic
tory accrodlted to Sharlcey over Rublln
proves nothing , and it's n cinch that Maher
would give the Jack tar a run for his money
If he succeeds In displaying as much game-
nets with him as he did with Hublln ,
For judging from the comment * made on
the IluMlniMaher scrap by all the promi
nent fighter writers of the east , the go was
the best between n pair ot heavies that
has been pulled off for n long whllo. It
was a biff-bang affair , besprinkled wlt'i '
gameness , that delighted the spectators nnd
set them wildt Old Pete 'Mahor ' , who waa
popularly ouppcWd to possess a streak of
yellow eufllclcnt to stock n tralnload cf or
anges , surprised the talcnl vvllh the avidity
with which he gcbblcd Iho punishment that
was doled out to him by the Swiss fighter.
The New York Journal man comments as
follows upon the battle
Malier took more punishment than any
heavyweight ever did since men have fought
with five-ounce gloves He wo simply
beaten lo one blue bruise from chin lo
balr. But ho never for an Instant weakened
Ho fought In spile of tl nnd proved himself
as game a man as ever lived Huhlln look
his punishment wllh ( lie same disregard
that has marked his previous fights. He Is
n better man than It waa Ihoughl , , and cer
tainly has n right to consideration There
are two or three thlngn ho should learn ,
however , nnd the first Is to hit with the
right hand Another Is that n moving object
cannot bo hit fair from nn angle unless ono
alms a trlllo In front of It Further ho
hns a habit of alwavs standing straight when
ho Intends using the right , n trick that
thoroughly bctioyed his Intenllon Taken
nil In all , however , Huhlln Is n pretty good
heavyweight. Ho Is Interesting and from
this fight on will certainly bo a drawing
card. "
Just at the eeason of the 5ear when the
enthusiast on sporting matters U turning
his attention tn the ball players and the
horses the lighting game Is taking a decided
brace nnd there Is fully ns much nctlvlly ,
wllh much more promised In the near future ,
lhan there AVHS In the winter months , The
late iMahcr-Huhlln battle , the coming meet
ing between ritzslmmons nnd Jeffries , a
bout between Dlxon nnd White on the first
of next month , form n most excellent card.
To this siring of notable bailies another
topnolcher Is added. Tommy Hyan nnd
Mjstcrlous Hilly Smith , who have clashed
before , nro both looking for moro trouble
ns a result of their fight of four years ago ,
when ft most unsatisfactory ending occurrol.
But for police Intcrfeience Smith had a
good chnnco for Iho decision , and , nttcr
giving Ilynn llmo to recuperalo , the bout
was resumed nnd In the olghteonlh round It
was stopped and declared a draw , Smith beIng -
Ing In distress. Smith Is better than ever
at the present tlmo and at the weight named
147 poundw will make it Interesting for
the clever ono from Syracuse on Juno 9 , for
they nro to meet before the Broadway Ath
letic club of New York on lhat date for a
$3r > 00 purse.
George McPaddcn , the clever newcomer to
Iho lightweight division , again gave proof
the other night of being of the timber that
will place him In the front rank ot the class.
Following up his defeat of Joe Gans , ho lost
Tuesday night took on Prank Erne , and
while he gave up tbo decision to the Buffalo
lad on points , ho stajcd loathe end of the
twonty-fivo rounds of the Journey nnd was
strong at the wlndup.
Bobby Dobbs , the colored welterweight ,
writes from England lhat ho Is Instructing
the aspiring English joulh in the art of
eclf-defensc , although he will iclurn to
America In the event that some club would
make U an object for him to meet Mysterl us
Billy Smith. The mysterious ono Is equally
partial to n "go" with Dobbs , and If
O'Hourko will make the proper Inducements
Bobby and Smith may be seen In a fight at
the Lenox club within the next two months.
"My pet ambition Is to get on a match
with this much-advertised Ben Jordan ,
whip him , then wallop Pcddlar Palmer , re
turn to America and rotlro from the ring , "
writes Oscar , alias Kid , Gardner to a friend.
"I am sick ot the bluffs that these so-called
English champions are making. I know
can beat Palmer , and am enough stuck on
myself to bcllovo tbat I can beat Joidan. "
Hnnc Hull Tcnm Goon on n Ionnr Trly
mill tlic Trade Men 1'ruiiaro
for Ion 11.
On last Thursday the Jvarslty base ball
team left Lincoln for the longest bprlng
trip in the history of the university. The
lour will cover a period of tlmo of sixteen
days and In the neighborhood of a dozen
games will bo played. The team will go as
far east ns Indiana and Wisconsin. The
schedule Includes the following games :
Manhattan , Kan. , St. Mary's , Washburn col
lege nt Topcka , Kansas university , Missouri
unlverslly , Noire Dame , Bloomlnglon , Ind. ,
Greencastlo , Ind. , Madison , Wls. , Iowa uni
versity at Iowa City and possibly n game
with some local team In Omaha on the way
home. Captain Hceder has n bunch ot base
balllsts who should return to the unlveislty
with a goodly string of victories , although
the team has not yet had much opportunity
to display Its mettle. Very few games
have as yet been played , but of thcso all
have bcon victories except that with Kan
sas university. Bliss' wlldncss In Iho box
was In good measure responsible for the
defeat. Both the out and the Infield seem
to bo well balanced.
The track team of the college Is also to go
abroad In search of glory and honor , as It
will engage In a dual meet with Iowa State
university at Iowa City on next Friday.
It , too , has excellent chances of success
It was not called upon to do Its best work
at Lincoln a week ngo In the competition
with Kansas and coBequcntly tbo men did
not show what they could do In a gruelling
struggle. Physical Director Hastings , who
. Bennett's Electric Belt
Is as much different fiom the old-Ht > lo electric and so-called electric belts ns
da > from night DO NOT TRIPLE WITH YOUH IIUALTII When ) ou pay
iour good money for electrical treatment jou want the BEST
Adolph Scherer , 3028 Hollj St , Kansas City. Mo , writes : "I was foolish
enough to get taken In , nnd I wore ' no-called electric belt for ninety
iiuja You can huvo It , I mean th . company's belt , and I vent ono of
jour best beNs for a friend After the \earing * of jour belt for fifteen daj I
can eco what a fool I uns for bujlng the othei. I am gaining In weight and
btrength Ue\eiy day I can see the difference. The othei was not a good pantb
( supporter not worth 5 cents , there should be some way to warn people agalnbt
bujlng it for a neluctrlo belt "
My electlo belt han toft , silken , chamois-covered sponge electrodes tlint
cannot bum and Mister as do the biro metal electrodes used on nil other makes
of belts , My o\clnsl\o patent will" euro In e\ory case Sexual Impotency , Lost
Manhood , Spermatorrhoea , Ynrlcocolo and all Sexual Weaknesses In cither aex
restores Shrunken or Undo * eloped Organs and Vlulltj , cure. Rheumatism tn
t any form. Kidney , Ll\er nnd Hladder Troubles. Chronic Constipation , Ujspep-
slo , nil Pemalo Complaints , cte. My Belt Is tbo only remedy that win make
men and uomen of all ages strong and \lgorous.
K\ery article of merit Is counterfeited , but countcrfelta are no good.
Wrlto or call for books , sjmptom blank , testimonials , etc. Mailed free in
plain envelope. Consultation nnd advlco without cost. All correspondence con
fidential ,
If jou lm\o purchased an old-style heft and It does you no good or burns jou
and will bend It to mo I will gho jou ono of mine for half-price. I ha\a thou
sands of these old-stjlo belts on hand , and If jou want to experiment with one
I \\lll loan It to jou. That Is fair , Iu U not ? Sold only by
B Dr Bennett Electric Co. Rooms 20 and 21 Douglas Block ,
, . Omaha Neb IGth and
, , , , Dodge Sts
has hnd charge of the training of the team ,
declares that the marks they made were far
below what they have done In practice.
Iowa unherMiy ga\c some Indication of
ulint It could do In a meeting It had with
Qrlnnell a week ngo. In this meet , too , the
records made were only fair , but In this
case Iowa was forced to show Its hand , as
It won out by n bare halt dozen points In
the bis majority ot cNcnts the records mads
were below what Phjslcal Director Hastings
has said the Nebraska bojs can do If they
are pushed to It. The XcbrasKnns will
therefore go to Iowa City with confidence
that they have a good chance for success.
The meet will be In all probability one of
the best to bo held In the west ,
After meeting the lowans the Nebraska
track team will get ready for the stnto
Intercollegiate meet which takes place at
Crcto on May 27 The contestants In this
e\ent will bo the State university , Doanc.
Hastings and Wcslojnn colleges. At all
these schools the track men have been trainIng -
Ing hard for the meeting nnd some ot the
stnto records may bo smashed.
llltN ( if Arun mill ( O * > HI tlint Mny lie
ot lute-rout (11 ( he
The first crop of statistics from the major
league has been sprung upon the public.
U Is not surprising that the Quakers are nt
the top of the heap In the bitting list , whllo
Huston nnd Cincinnati hold their old poil-
tlons nt the top ot the other table. The table
ble- * , brought up to about a week ago , arc ns
Halting averages
Av A\ .
riillitilelphla . , Clnclnnntl . ZC. ,
llaston 11 rook Un . l.Vi
l.oiillllo 31S Uiltlinoi-e . IV ,
I'lttj-lmig New \oik . 241
ChlciiM > S 1
EL 319
Fielding averages
lloston IVnltlnmrc . 913
Clnclntmtl . 804 l.oulMlll , . . 040
St l < mils . 9V !
Chlcnpo . 317
l > > -ioUlJM . 915 C'lovclnml . ' ' 13
L'lttibilfff . Oil ! Xcwork . 911
The revival ot Tom Daly was one of the
greatest feats In base ball reproductions
ever accomplished nnd the story of the base
ball life of this veteran Is one of the ro
mances of the national game. Ten years
ago , or the spring after tlio return from
Europe of the Spaldlng globe-lrollers , Daly
was given a llcket ot leave from the Chicago
cage club nnd was on n hunt for a Job un
til Ibe season of 'S1) ) was halt over , when
ho was signed by Arthur Iiwln for thu
Washington team. Dalv's calching Ihnt
season surpassed the work of any of the
major league pad artists , barring , perhapi ,
Buck Ewlng Tom was signed for the fol
lowing vear by the Brooklyn league club
nnd nttn ( ( ed his aulograph lo n $4,000 coi
tiact _ tils arm weakened and Brooklyn
finally released him to Milwaukee. This
downfall of Tom's was regarded as his final
passing , but ho has taken unto himself .t
now Icaso of base ball life and ns seconc
bagman for Hanlon's Brooklyn team this
year ho la ono ot the filellar altractlons of
lhat company. Tom scurries around his ler-
rllory with hand , head and feet nnd has
played faster , steadier bill than any other
second baseman In the big league.
"The dry , rarefied atmosphere of Denver
helped us to win eighteen straight games of
ball when I played on Dave Howe's Denver
team In the Western association Ihree years
ago , " oald Billy Single lo the Washington
Post man. "Our team started the season nt
Omaha and wo were transferred to Denver.
The atmosphere had a peculiar , stifling ef
fect on our wind when first wo struck the
lown , but after a week or so we got accus
tomed to the dry zephyrs and won a largo
string of games from the \lsltois. The at-
mcpphere handicapped the other teams , es
pecially in base running , I have seen play
ers fall breathless on ft base after running
to second on a steal or a two-bagger. Fly
balls were harder to judge In the high moun
tain air of Denver and during our flrut few
games I managed to stop a number of flies
with my face. That Denverralr seems to
lend wings to the brfl. I know the ball ho *
moro carrying power in the Colorado air. I
misjudged so many fly balls that I vva
ashamed of myself till Dave Howe explained
that I would get accustomed to the climate
after awhile. The outfielders on the other
teams made n record of muffing fly balld.
Wo were given credit for winning many a
game by the newspapers In the Western as
sociation and wore looked upon throughout
the circuit as the fastest team In Iho organi
zation. The Denver climate did It. "
Tbo following la the score of the
plajecl at table No. 5 , In Harry N. rills-
bury's simultaneous blindfold exhibition
April 22 , In the senate chamber , Lincoln.
Mr. Plllabuiy played White und Alesars.
Holben and Whlted , two strong amateurs of
Lincoln , played Hlnck-
Wliite-FIllsbury. Black-H. and W.
1-P to 1C 4. J 1' to K 4
L'-IU to K B 3. --let to Q U 3.
3-B to Kt D. .I-Kt to 11 3
4-Castlis 4 Kt takes P.
S-P to Q 4. B-I1 to K 2.
fi-Q to K 2 ( , -Kt to Q 3
7-H takes Kt. 7-Kt P tnkts B.
8 P 'take * P. b-Kt to Kt 2.
U H to K. ! ) Castles ( a )
10-Kt to U 3. 10-B to B 4 ( b. )
11 H to Kt 5 11-Q to K.
U-Kt to K I U Ii to K 2.
1J-Q to 6 2 1J-Q to Q
11-0 to K B 4 14-P to Q 4 ( ? . )
15-K't to B ( . ( ch ) 15-P tnkea Kt
1G-B takes P. Hi-IJ tnkei B
17 P tnkes B 17 jtoslRiis ( c. )
( a , ) All "book" mo\es to hero , This con
stitutes the Berlin defence and Is coiiBldeied
perfectly Bound.
( b. ) This WUB undoubtedly premature ,
( c. ) Mr. Plllsbury announced the follow
ing continuation :
17 K to n.
1S-0 to n G 18-H to K Kt.
lU-Kt to Kt 5. 13-H takes Kt.
2iQ taken n. 20-Q to K Kt.
21 H to 1C 8 21-O tukusi H.
to Kt 7 mate , or
talvfn cj icli ) 21 K takes Q.
to K b mute.
The first game completed In the Kansas-
Nebraska match , plajcd by N , A. Voss ,
Hajes , Kan , against E. II. T > son , Nebraska
City , was as follous , reiultlug In \Ictory
for the Kansau :
White Voati. Black TyBon.
1-P to 1C 4 1 P to 1C 4
2-Kt to K B 3. 2-ICt to Q B 3.
3-B to Kt D. .i-Kt tn B J
4-Castles 4-Kt takes P.
5 P to Q I 5 II to 1C 2
C Q to 1C t. Iv-ICt tn Q J
7 B takes Kt. 7 Kt P takes B.
8-P.tokeH P S JCt to Kt - ' .
tt-Kt to Q B 3 ( a ) S-Custlex
10-U to K 10-B to B 4 7 ( b )
11-B to Kt 5. 11-Q to K.
12-Kt 'lo ' K 4. 1J-P to Q 3
13-Kt to B ( th ) 13-P takes Kt
14-B taken P U-B to K B 4 (7. )
15 Announced mate
In eight mines
( n ) The books give Kt to Q 4 as White's
most usual mo\o hero. The position Is re
garded as e\cu at this point
( b ) This mote Lost Black tbo game In
such a position this I ) should not be played
until after Kt to B i and 1C to 1C 3 has
been made This Is known OB a "get posi
tion , " after Kt to I ) C ( rh ) there Is no wny
out for Blacl. , Hany N I'lllsbur ) , vhlle
at Lincoln recently , tauylit a feu of the
boys , \\lth this identical position , that the
first ino\o by lllack after leaving the
"books" should bo carefully considered
Solutions nre limited shotting the eight
moves , or fewer , to mate.
The score in both the abote gomes la
furnished by the courtesy of 0. Q. Do Trance ,
secretary of the Nebraska Chess association ,
Problem No. 07 , by G , Relchelm. White
forces mate In forty mo\cs agiln't Black' *
best pla > Kno\\n as thp ' TreaJinlll
Solution lo 1'roblcm No r > 0 was received
from D. T. Logan , "Norton " , Knn . with tlio
following observation "A nice ending with
ftory subtle key mo\o. Hlnck's men look
as If he hail been it raw n Into a losing \urln-
lion , whcro Ulack does all the nicking up of
men In the. opening and White pains position
and tha game. "
A hamly perpetual calendar has been de
signed , with thn dnjs of the week arranged
at the edge of n circular dint , the. days of
the month being printed on a revolving
pl'ate , to bo adjusted for each month.
An low a woman Ins designed u gnme of
cards for use In teaching music , having tha
notes arranged on the staff , with letters cor-
icspondlng to their position and figures to
denote their value , the treble and bass clefs
both being used In the game.
Horse and blc > elo races arc accurately
timed by a new electric mechanism , having
n camera set opposite n timing clock , with
magnets for operating a starting gate and
the timing clock ami camera , the operations
being controlled by push-buttons
Hooks can be adjusted In a convenient po
sition to be read by the use of a new Mtpport ,
consisting of a vertical standard mounted on
Inllbcarlngs to i evolve freely , having n tilt
ing rack at the top which clumps the book
an < l holds It nt the angle desiicd
In a newly designed baby carriage and
rocker combined the body Is suspended by
horizontal springs cart led by two vertical
posts attached to the running gear , with a
hnndfo extending to the rear and pivoted nn
the frame by which the body can bo rocked
The signal fights on the front of a loco
motive are done awaj with bj an Ohio man's
headlight attachment , having tubes extend
ing downward from the headlight casing
to the signal boxes , with rcflectois Insldo the
boxes to shine by the reflected light above.
A convertible table and scries of shelves
has been designed , In which the table Is
formed of leaves pivoted In bars at either
end , the latter being suspended on the base
to tilt Into a vortical1 position , when the
leaves arrange themselves one above an
To assist In holding the hat on the head a
westerner Ins designed a pin to bo In
serted In the swcntlnml , with a spring bow-
to engage the ear , the two being connected
by u rubber coid or spring vvhloji bangs
loose until the hat Is lifted a short dis
Package wrappers will appreciate a newly
patented twine cutter , In the shape of a
linger ring , with u projection on the Hide
having a sharp-cutting blade nt the bottom ,
the device being stamped out of ono piece of
Hat metal , with ono end bent to form the
Tor use In Indicating when the firemen
have reached the Jlro with the nozzle and
desire the water turned on an electric signal
has been patented , composed of a wire In
serted In the hose , wit ) , push-buttons In
each length to complete the circuit and ring
a bell on the engine.
Gendroii - - $35.00
Patee - - 25.00
Columbian - - 19.00
Other Wheels - 12.50
Rambler - - - $14.00
Gendron - - - 12.00
Good us new
Waverly ( LADIES16.00
Crawford - - 5.00
Gendron ( aSAKw ) 20.00
Waverly - - 10.00
Syracuse - - 14.00
Eclipse - - - H.OO
Waverly ( LADIES15.00
Henney ( LADIES14.00 )
Imperial - - 15.00
Wo carry the most extensive line of
bicycle lamps In thn city uud sell thorn
at popular prices.
Wo soil the celebrated ball bearing
Davifi Sewing machines. Second-hand
sowing machines from $5.00 up.
EMraska Oyce ! Co. ,
Cor , 15lh and llarney.
Gi:0. II MICK EL , Mgr.
In the Celebrated
The best wheels Eold for the money.
In selecting ono my 14 years' expe
rience as a manufacturer and repairer
Is valuable to jou. Low rent , small
profit. Headquarters for repairing and
A full line of Illcjolo Lamps for
your Inspection In a few dnje , which
vvo will sell at a vcr > reasonable price
Louis Flescher
1622 Capitol Ave.
DR. McGREW Is well known throughout the West ns one of
MEM OWLY. 22 YEARS of Unlimited Experience
12 YEARS in OMAHA. Call , or write me full particulars nud
I will advise you in strict confidence FllEK OF C1IAKGE.
Medicine nnd treatment sent everywhere by Hnil or Express nt the
small of tf k Skill , Experience ,
charge flHI flj J WflFJTH
and reliable URL ! 0 > O R m.UNI H. HOME TREATMENT
within the reach of all. Medicine carefully concealed from view iu
ELECTRICITY AND MEDICAL treatment combined in nil
cases where it is advisable. Vnricocele , Stricture , Syphilis , in nil its
stages. Loss of Vigor and Vitality , caused from Youthful Folly or
Later Excesses , Weakness and Disorders , Kidney nnd Bladder
Diseases , and all Private , Nervous and Chronic Diseases in all forms
with which men nre afilicted , absolutely cured , and health , nnd vigor
and ambition fully restored.
The Doctor's remarkable success in his treatment of all diseases of
men has never been equaled. His resources and facilities for treating
this class of diseases are unlimited. He is endorsed by all for his skill
and reliability. Book Frea. Consultation and Examination Free.
Office hours , 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. , 7 to 8 p. m. , Sunday , 9 to 12 a. m.
McGREW PO. . Box , 766. Oflico N. E. Corner lltti
Fnrnani"stsl , 'OMAHA , NEB.
CeotuffCas Lamps
E VERYBODY is looking for a place H
' to buy a bicycle for the lowest E
possible cost.
Our Matison
L Is by far the biggest value ever offer
ed. It is up-to-date , highly finished A
A and strictly high grade , la furnished S
with the Fauber one-piece cranks ,
M Baldwin chain , M. & W. tires , best
P adjustable handle bars , any gearany
color or height of frame , and a year's
S guarantee and is the same grade oth
ers ask from $40 to $50 for our price M
$32 GASH OR $35 ON TIME , P
75c Other new wheels from $15 up. Big S
line of second hand wheels from § 5 up.
$1,50 and
Cor , 16th and Chicago Sts. Ed , T , Hoyden , Mgr , $2,25
the Lowest.
WORLD. . .
$40.00 and $50.00
The finest , strongent and most perfect bicycle ever made.
ORIENT $50.00. CIIAINLESS $75.00
Other Makes from $12.00 Up.
Cash or Easy Terms. Telephone 2161 ,
Corner 15th and Dodge Streets.
3101-2 South fifteenth Street.
J. S. STHWAHT , hl'iClM. Ad 13 VI' ,
u. IllgU for unnatural
Irrltatlom or ulceratlom
of IMUCOUH infuibraurc
l'aluk , ooi i ot kitrlf
by I'rucicUl * ,
or teut In plain wr rt > r ,
I'Y fiprrii , pteralil. fa ;
Jl ( . cr 1 Cottlri , r. 75
I ucuur itai ca
Huftertnv from nervous dtblllty , varl-
coccle , uemliml weakness , lo. t man-
mood emissions and unnatural dln >
churrfB cHiiHdd by tTtorn ot younger
daju , which , If not relieved by medi
cal treatment , Is dtplornble on mind
and body
no far MAIIHY
nhen ( Uttering , u > this leads to Ios of
memory , IOHH of spirits , baihfu.neii In
society , jialiiH In email of hack , fright
ful drcamu , dark rinse around the eycj ,
plnvpl's or breaking out on fan or
bod/ Bend for our fcymplom UUnk ,
Wo can euro you , and specially do we
desire old and tried casfB. us we choree
nothing for advice and give jou a writ
ten guarantee to cute iht worst case
on record Not only are thweafc or-
grfiiH rcHtorcd but all losnti , drains
jnil UUcliargos utonptd , Kcnd 2c stamp
und question blank to Drpt , B.
111,001) J'OIHO.V
First , wcond or Urtlaiy singe. WE
NBVriH TAII. . No detention from
buMnnffe Write UK for particulars.
Dt-pt. H.
llubu'ii I'baruiuujr , Oinnliu , Neb.
IDtU mill Fnruatn Him.