Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Union Paoifio Takes Stepi to Induce
Settler * to Come West ,
Olllulnln oC MIP " ( Merlnnu"
Anticipate a Ilpnty Iniinlitratlon
to Tli In Stnte IliirltiK the
Aeit I > w Months * .
Now that the deeds to the Nebraska lands
have posied to the company the land de
partment of the Union 1'nclflc railroad will
leave nothing undone which will tend to
Induce settlers to come to Nebraska nud lo-
c.ito along Its line of road
Approvers have been In the field for sev
eral weeks putting now values on the Union
1'acino land nnd relisting It Tito old classi
fication has been found unsuitable MUCH
of the land was listed for fnrmlng purposes ,
which Is now being put under the head o
grazing Inmls. There Is also n readjustment
of prices with the tendency generally lower
Thcso lands have been out of the market fern
n year , nnd n special effort will bo made to
attract attention to them on the part or
liomcBCckers Other Innds of. considerable
men , on which the contracts of sale had been
nllowed to Inpiie , will nlso go on the market
again. The company will take full ndvan-
tago of the Bummer homtRCckcrs' excursions
to bring out prospective settlers , nnd a trav
eling agent will bo located nt Chicago to
disseminate such Information among cnstcrn
ienter * ns may hnve the effect of Interesting
them In Nebraska. Under the terms on
which the company sells these lands the
olllclals of the road look for n heavy Immi
gration to the state during the next few
_ _
Ilnom Out at Alliance.
J E. Kclby , assistant general solicitor
for the Burlington , has returned from Alli
ance He ( gives an Interesting report of the
life and activity which pre\alls nt that place
as n result of the railroad building opera
tions ) conducted from that point. Ho said
thcro Is not n vacant houseIn the town ana
that the liotels are o\crcrowdcd. One night
whlie ho was thcro ho was compelled to
Bleep In a chair for the want of better ac
commodations. Laborers to work upon the
railroad contract arrive on every train. Ev
erything la bustle nnd confusion , nnd It Is
bald Alliance never saw bettor tlmrn than it
Is experiencing at the present. The boom
lus taken 'hold ' of all kinds of business Tim
people tliero oxpcct to have n city excelling
nnythlng In the western part of the state by
the time the new road Is ready for operation.
llurllnittnii I'utx on Aon *
Burlington operating oinclnls now Iny
clnlm to two of the Inrgest passenger loco-
moth co ever constructed. The Boston &
Albany rood had this distinction until the
western road stepped to the fore. Thcso
cnglnca nre numbered 1591 anil 1592 , and
weigh 127 tons each. They are used In
pulling the Chlcago-Dcmer train out of
Chicago and the fast mall trains over the
same division. For this train the Burling
ton has Just received from the Pullman
company five new composite smoking , buffet
nnd bnggngo cars. The umoklng room occu
pies over half the entire length of the cnr ,
and Is finished In vennilllon wood , with
special design of decoration. They are
lighted with gas and electricity , nnd are fur
nished with wicker chairs upholstered In
Work on Union Depot.
Contractors for the new union depot ex
pect to begin putting the roof o\er the
waiting room portion of the building by
the end of this week. The walls are up
to the level of the top of the windows of
the second story , ami stone arches are
ready to bo put In. A layer of stone will
hi ; put on and the walls extended se\on feet
higher , bringing them to the celling level.
There will bo a pitch roof , and the steel
tiusses for this are now being prepared to
sot In place. The stone finish on the front
of the depot , facing the viaduct , has nbout
reached the level where the stone pillars
will rest. There will be four of these , two
on each side of the main entrance. The
contractors hope now to have the building
complete sometime In August.
llorlc I Kill ml Oucnx a Now I.lnc.
The Rock Island hoe opened a new branch
line In Indian Territory on which trains
nro now being operated. The line extends
from Chlclcnsha to Mountain View , a dls-
tanco of flfty-o'no miles , nnd the ultimate
destination of the branch Is reported to bo
some point In Now Mexico. The stations on
the line between the two places mentioned
nro Cottonwood Grove , Anadarko , where
the Indian school Is located , Fort Cobb and
Luthram. Chlckasha , one terminus of the
branch , la 'on the main line of the Rock
Island between Omaha and Fort Worth.
fict * Into MIluuiiKi'lFlimllj. .
CHICAGO , Mny 8. The DCS Molnes &
Northwestern railway was today legally con-
bollduted with the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St Paul Sjstoin. Arrangements were not
mndo , however , for the operation of the two
mads as one and for some time at least
no changes will bo made.
Hnllvrny loUand I'r
S. A. Hutchison , assistant general pas
senger agent for the Union 1'nclflc , has gone
to Chicago.
Many of the local railroad men nre ar
ranging to nttend the funeral of their formoi
coworker , Edwin " \V. Dent at Council Bluffs
Tuesday nftornoou.
J. 11. Webster , general manager for the
Omaha. Bridge nnd Terminal company , has
loturncd from a hasty trip to Philadelphia ,
where ho went on business In councctlon
with the 'company.
The Hoclt Island city cilices nro undergo
ing spring house cleaning. The Interior will
bo repainted and repupcrcd mil the fTU lats
there during the heated term will be made
comfortable by means of two electric fans.
' \V. It. Truesdnle , president of the Lack-
nwnnnn , continues to com west for mem
bers of his staff on the eastern road. His
latest acquisition Is John M. Daly , who has
been superintendent of transportation of the
Illinois Central ,
J A , Munroo , freight traffic manager for
the Union Pacific , has gone to Washington ,
I ) C , whore ho will attend the meeting at
presidents nnd trnlllo managers ofosteui
roads with the Interstate Commerce com
mission on Wednesday of this week ,
Levl Qrecr , an old-time conductor , nt ouo
tlmo working on thq Rock Island rund
thro'ugh this section , but now In tbo employ
of the Colorado < SL Southern , pueso.l through
Omaha on his way to Washington , I ) . C. ,
an a visit. Ha Is accompanied by his wife
nnd family.
George V. Lyman , who was general freight
nnd passenger ngcnt for the Burlington &
Northern previous to the absorption of that
road by the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy ,
has boon mndo assistant general' freight and
pnrsc'ngtr agent of the latter road , with
headquarters nt St. Paul ,
The Kmplro Hue , In conniption with the
Burlington , delivered jestorday to the
United States bonded warehouse a carload
of Imported liquor from Germany , upon
which the remarkable fnst run Is recorded
ofifour and a half days front tbo steamship
In New York harbor to Omaha ,
A nowder to bo shaken Into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen , ner
vous und hot , and get tired easily. If jou
have smarting fret or tight shoes , try
Allen's I\xit-Ru8o. It coals the feet nnil
makes walking easy. Cures swollen unO
Huoutlnir feet , b'lsiers and callous spots.
itellcvm corns and bunions of all pain uml
plves rest nnd lomfort. Try It today Sold
ny all druggist * und shoe stores for Jfc.
Trial package FKIJU AUdrtts , Allen S.
OlmstcU , LeUoy , N , y.
n \innN mtos. IIANKUIIT .SAM : .
'I lie MiiHt SriiMttloitnl Iliirnnlim nnil
. \ NtoiilnlilnKnliicn P.VIT nn "nlr.
eKWlck & Ulnlr's entire $200.000 wholesale
stock at absurdly low prices , An unpnral-
lel array of genuine bnrgalns , < ia the
tlioinmirtu who Jammed cvcrj department of
the bis store Monday will tell. Thu prices
ndtertlced Sunday will still hold Rood , as
every train brings additional shipments to
supply pager , money-saving customers.
Four cases shaker flannel , worth 7c , Scg-
vvlck & lllalr's nale price , 2 * c. I'lvo cases
Henley's double vnrp cheviots , the 20c qual
ity , Scgwlck Dlalr'8 solo price. lOc. Ten
cases , > ard wide , outing flannel , worth 12'sc ;
sale prlco , 7'4c. ' Ix > no star bed ticking ,
worth 12'jc ' , on sale nt Cc. Dei blankets ,
i'Jc pair.
Slxteight bales extra heavy L. li mus
lin , mill prlco , EV jard , Scgwlck & Blair's
sale price , 28c ? 2 > cases Lockwood &
1'cppcrcll sheeting , 81 Inches vUdc , mill
price , lOo , Segwlck & Itlalr's sale price ,
n\c. ITS doren Turkish towels , double
warp , 25x52 , regular wholesale price , 21c
oaoh , Scgwlck & Dlalr's sale pi Ice , I4c
Turkey-red damask , worth ICc , sale price ,
lOc Sixty pieces CO-lnch all linen bleached
damask , Import cost C2Uc ; Scgntck &
Dlalr s sale price , 4'J :
Children's lOc hose , 34C. Ladles' lOc hose ,
3VaC Ladles' 12 4c hose , 5c Ladles' 12 > 4o
vests. 5c. Ladles' 20c vests , Sc Men's nnd
bojs' 75o sweaters for 3"ic Men's 36c under
wear , 19c Men's 20c suspenders. lOc Men's
COc suspenders , lOc Men's lOc socks , 3'4c.
Men's 26c shirts , lOc. Men's CO" shirts 29c ;
"Ac slilrtB , 39c. $1.00 shirts , 4'Jc. Men's COc
Klovcs , 25c.
sia\vioic : s. BLAIR'S ic NOTION SALE. '
200 yards spool machine thread , Ic Alum-
nurn thimbles , worth 5c , for Ic Hundreds
of Be , lOc nnd 15c articles , such ns Cc pins ,
5c handkerchiefs , lOc hair pins. Bo val laces ,
lOc plastic wt-ba , 15o curllnR Irons , to bo
n this great Sopwlck & Blair sale nt Ic.
Tor Cc jou can buy 2Sc dress shields , lOc
corset steels , 25c stamped linens , 2ac pearl
buttons , 25c dress trimmings. All go In this
Ignntlc S. & . B sale for Cc.
A few bargain * ! out of thousands.
250 pieces fine Madras lawns , Tueslay
IV4c. CCO pieces best grade , soft Madras , In
stripes , 33-Inch , S & 0 sale price , lOc. COO
pieces finest quality -10-Inch batiste , Cc. COO
) lcccs fancy dimity , 4c jard
Most sensational silk snlos Nearly
35,000 jnrde finest silks In this S & B sale
nt Sc , IGc , l5c ! and Sfc. Immense variety ;
lew nnd stjllsh. Tuesday's Inrgnlns bigger
hnn ever.
S. & . B'fl cashmeres nnd 41-Inch serges ,
regular value 35c , safe price lf > c.
i. & B'a novelty dicss goods , jobbed nt
98c , sola price , 25c.
S & B.'B all wool Henriettas , serges nnd
chovlots , sold up to $1 00 , sale price , 39c.
S. & B.'s black fancies. Jobbed nt lOc ; sole
irlcc , ISc. Thousands of other astonishing
, aluo to pick from. Your expectations will
je more than surpassed.
LADIES' $40 00 SUITS $10 00.
Choice of any ladles' suit In the house
\orth $2000 , $3000 and up to $4000 In this
Segwlck & Blair sale for $1000. Ladles'
ullor-mado suits , black only , worth $7.00 ,
S. & B 's sale price , $2 OS.
Ladles' $5 00 dress skirts. S. & B. sale
price , 9Sc. Ladles' $5 00 silk capes , $1.48
dlos' shirt waists , ICc. Ladles' $1.25
shirt waists , 41c. Lidies' $1.CO wrappers ,
for C9c , Silk waists , worth $500 , S. & B.
sale price , $1 98 Marvelous vatues
Selling the Segwlck & Blilr $200,000 Bank
rupt Stock.
Oeorsre White SprlnnH a StirprlHe on
( lip I'o < > | ile Who iini > l < > > Him.
Oeorgo Whlto , employed nt the Burlington
Height depot In this city , Is a man possessed
of u remarkable memory , n talent which Is
valuable to him In the particular work he
las to do. He cnmo from Lincoln. While
working In the yards nt the latter place ho
was under a man who had but ono arm.
This phjslcal deficiency made It difficult for
the agent to note the letters and numbers
on the cars In his yard and ho cultivated a
memory to assist him In the work. This
save nn Idea to White , and being possessed
of strong retentive faculties naturally It
did not require much of an effort to train
his mind in the direction of remembering
A short tlmo ago o train of thirty cars was
loaded with stock nt the distillery and the
agent hero sent White down to take the let
ters and numbers pn the cars that the rec
ords might bo mndo out and ready for the
trainmen when they came to the freight
ofllce. White departed and In an Incredibly
short tlmo ho was back and began calling off
the letters and numbers to the clilef clerk.
As there were cars of seven different roads
In the train the agent was not Impressed
with the reliability of White's verbal report.
When the test came , hcjvcver , It was found
that every letter and number had been re
ported correctly.
Mr. White's present duties are the notify
ing of shippers of the arrival of consign
ments of freight nnd Issuing switching or
ders for the cars. If a shipper telephones
nn Inquiry regarding a particular car ot
freight it is said that Whlto furnishes nil
the particulars offhand , giving kind of car ,
number and Its present whereabouts In the
jurdfa. The officials under whom Whlto is
working say ho is the best man In this par
ticular In the west.
Vim Home to Irn > e the I'rodlilcnc.r.
NEW YORK , May 8. The Mail and Ex
press says : The annual meeting of the
Canadian Pacific occurs this week , and it is
rumored today In Wall street that President
Sir William C. Van Homo will retire from
the office which he now holds In favoV of
T. G. Shaughnessy , who Is now vice presi
dent. The change , It Is understood , Is at
[ 'resident Van Homo's suggestion. He
wishes to maintain his Identity with , the
road In the capacity of chairman of the
Board of Directors.
Three Soldier * Moot iiUli Some Uii-
A < 1 > eiituroH
Ibv Line. "
Soldiers have appeared to be cnay picking
for tbo women "down the lino. " Three got
Into trouble Saturday night , two having
been robbed and the third believing himself
abort a natch. The first report was nindo
by William Smith , who claimed that he
was relieved 6t $10 at 1210 Dodge street by
Mamie Thompson. She was arrested , but
no money was found on her person. Two
) earn ago elio wa bound over to tbo dis
trict court on a similar offense , but escaped
When Charles K , Coats entered Lib Dean's
resort he secreted $7 and a bottle of whisky
That was the last ho saw of both. lie
charges a grader with having purloined the
articles from where they were concealed.
The last soldier visited Ilhoda Tolson's
abode on tha row nnd In the excitement of
the evening hid hla watch for safe keeping
The Tolson woman disappeared and ho
jumped to tbo conclusion that he bad been
robbed , as ho forgot where he had hidden
his watch The woman was located by tbo
police , whom eho told where they would find
the mlBsliiR timepiece. It was recovered
and restored to the bluecoat much to his
ruurrnl of Mrx , I'mnl ; ( i , Wullnoc.
The funeral of Mrs Frank G , Walfaco oc
curred yesterday from the residence at
Thirtieth and Webster ttreets. The remains
wore convcjed at 8 o'copk to St , Cecilia's
church , where requiem blgn mans was cele
brated. The Interment took place at the
Holy Sepulchre cemetery. The floral offer
ings wore very beautiful and many In num
ber. The deceased lea > es three children ,
two girls and a boj , tha oldest being 13
> ears of ugo and tbo youngest 0 ,
everything new. And this means the
best printing at tbo lowest rates. Sao the
non * plant of the Itees 1'rlntlug Co.
The Bargains in the Purchase of These
Two Immense Stocks Ara
A n it the CriMTiIn In Onr Store Arc the
l.nrKCNt In Our HimlneftH Career
Ami AVc Otter SUM Grander
Cotton challls , worth 5c , go nt I'.ac jnrd.
Checked , plaid nnd striped whlto goods ,
worth lOc , go nt 3V4c jard.
The entire stock of calicos , full pieces , no
remnants , worth 7'ie , go nt 24c yard.
Sb-lnch percales , light nnd dark colors ,
worth 19o jnrd , go nt G'4c jnrd.
New spring lawns , worth .12 4c , go nt
4c jard. |
ailkollno In Mill remnants , worth luc , gent
nt 2VJ.C ynrd.
Lonsdnle , fruit , Now York mills nnd other
well-known cambrics and muslins , worth up
to 12V4C , go at 4M-C jard.
Unbleached muslins , nil brands , worth
S',4c , go nt 2 ? < c jnrd.
Hen\y shirting twills , worth 12&c yard , gent
nt Cc ynrd.
Table oil cloth , 1U yards wide , worth 20c ,
go at 8'/4o jnrd.
40-Inch drapery swlss , worth 2Cc , go at
GV4c jard.
Organdy lawns nnd dlmltjIn mill rem
nants , worth 25c , go nt 3'4c jnrd.
3G-lnch iwrcnle , In mill remnants , worth
ICc , go nt 314c jard.
Knncj colored , hoa\y corded piques , mill
remnants , worth 12c , go nt T,4c jnrd.
Fancy dress glnghnniB , worth 12i < .c , go nt
&c jnrd.
Light-colored shirting prints , worth Cc , go
ut 2c ynrd.
iO-lnqh Indln linen , would bo cheap nt
2"c , go nt Cc jard.
Laio curtains , worth $1 00 pair , nt 25c each.
GUI tains worth $2.00 pair , 39c each.
Ml fnncy gmdes lace curlnlns , worth $3 COte
to J.'i.OO pair , go nt CDc each , nil In pairs ,
at 69c onch cm tain.
All fine , extra heavy tapestry portieres ,
worth up to $12 CO pair , go at $3.18 pair.
"iic heavy unbleached linen table damasU ,
15c yard.
Uemnnnts COc turkey red datnnsk , ! ) c jnrd.
2Cc turklsh , huck and honej-comb tow
els , Cc.
BOc turklsh toweling ? 7'Ac jnrd.
250 nnd 35c turkej-rcd tnble damask , ICc
Sixteenth and DoUgias Streets.
MtrrjOld Soul HUJN Ileor for a Siren ,
AVho lie hiiy * Itobbcil
Frisky old John Merry of LaPlattc , Neb ,
does credit to his name It the story related
by himself Is true. He Is a tiller of the
soil of Sarpy county and came to the city
late Sunday evening to visit a friend out at
Florence. Yesterday morning at 7 o'clock as
ho was walking down South Ninth street
n woman called to him from the doorway at
No. 103 nnd asked him to come In nnd buy
some beer for her. Although 70 years of
age , the old man says he likes to watch the
sprightly notions of the painted sex , so he
concluded this was his opportunity. Ho
bought the beer nnd tnlked to the woman
for a time. When ho departed he discovered
that $7 of his cash had grown wings for
the purpose of making a miraculous disap
pearance Ho went to the station and filed
n complaint against the woman , as ho
wanted his cash returned to him.
Why do physicians say that Cook's Im
perial Champagne Extra Dry Is the best
dinner wine ? It helps digest your food.
To aicnilMTN of Ilir R , A. It. anil
AVoiucll'N IlcllcT Cor | > M.
The Omaha delegation to the state en
campment at York will lea\o Webster street
depot at 3 p. m Tuesdaj' , May 9th , via the
F. D. & M. V. R R. A ra e of one faro for
round trip has been arranged nnd through
accommodntlons will be provided.
L. A. HARMON , Commander Grant Post.
W. W. EASTMAN , Commander Custer Post.
LEE S. ESTELLE , Commander Crook Post.
Uniiilia to Chlcnpro.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail *
way has just placed In service two magnifi
cent electric lighted trains between Omaha
and Chicago , leading Omaha dally at 5:45 :
p m , arriving Chicago at 8 25 a. m. , and
lca\lng Chicago 6 15 p. m. and arriving
Omaha S 20 a. in. Each train Is lighted
thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smoking
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
cars and reclining chair cars and runs over
the shortest Hno and smoothest roadbed be
tween the two cities.
Ticket office 1504 Farnam street , and at
Union depot.
To St. I.oiila via Omaha AS. . LonU
ami AV'abiiNli II on to.
Leave Omaha 4 50 p. ra. , Council Bluffs
5 10 p , in. , arrive 61. Louis 7 a. m. Re
turning leave St. Louis 7.30 p. m , , arflve
Omaha 8 35 a in. , dally. B st line to south-
and cast. No bus transfers In St. Louis
Homeseekers' half rate ( plus | 2 00) ) . Excur
sions on sale first and third Tuesday each
month. All Information nt "Port Arthur
lloute" offlce , 1410 Farnara street ( P xton
lotol block ) , or write Harry E. Moores , C.
[ * . nnd T. A. , Omaha Keb.
Write the Omaha Tent nnd Rubber Co. for
tents and awnings , 1311 Farnam street.
The members of Capitol lodge , No. 3 ,
Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , are
hereby requested to meet nt Masonic hall
at 1 p m. on Tuesday , May 9 , 1899 , to at
tend the funeral of Brother William R.
Bowen. All sojourning master Masons nnd
nil sister radges are cordially Invited to
Join with us. By order of
JOHN BAMFORD , Acting Master.
MP.V sunnsT novrov sronn
There Arc rorrinnn'n JfS.OO , iffl.OO ,
* r. < M nnil ifs.oo Mt n'iiVolt Shoe * .
Today we place on wile on bargnln
squares on main floor 1.200 pnlr more of
Forpmnn > men's genuine welt solo French
patent leather shoes. Imported enamel
lioctt , finest ilcl kid shoe * nnd the xerv
best tan Bhops , nil of which sold nt $5.00 ,
$000 , $700 and $800 pair , and o will gl\o
jou choice of the entire Tot at $2 RO , nny
size , nny width , from trlplo A to double E.
2.SOO pair ladles' button and lace shoes ,
black nnd ton oxford tics , black and tun
strap sandili , boys' nnd misses' black nnd
tan shoes , men s slippers , go at SSo , some-
worth $1 CO ; some worth $200 ; some worth
300 pair ladles' black nnd tan plain nnd
fancy vesting top shoes , worth $3 00 , go nt
16th nnd Douglas Sts.
To Mcnilici-N of the ti. A. It. anil
Woinrii'n Ucllof Corp * .
The Omnh-x delegation to the state en
campment nt York will leave Webster street
depot nt 3 p. m. Tuesday , May 9th , via the
r. E. & M. V. R R. A rate of ono faFo for
round trip has been arranged nnd through
nccommodntlons will bo provided.
L A. HARMON , Commnnder Grnnt Post.
LEE S. ESTELLE , Commander Crook Post.
W. W. EASTMAN , Commander Ouster Post ,
DlNCiiNc StiiiiiitiMl Out In This City
anil tin * ( Inarimtlnc
Itnli. od.
The Board of Honlth has raised the quar
antine on the Derby family nt 1720 South
Thirteenth street , In which nn 18-jear-old
girl was stricken with smallpox , nnd the
city has come Into possession of a clear
bill of he.Uth , so far as this disease Is con
cerned. This was the last of the forty-two
cases reported In the city during the past
six months. On December 6 the first case
was reported to the Boird of Health , but nt
that tlmo the. disease had nlreadj been hero
exactly n month , although Its Identity wai ,
not known. From the very beginning of the
epidemic the Board of Health fought the
" 1 do not want to bo regarded ns n
croaker , but I must Impress upon the minds
of our citizens that Omaha la not entirely
out of the woods yet , " sajs City Phjslclan
Spaldlng. "The disease Is too wldcspraad
throughout the United States for that , and
thcro IB likely to bo n fresh Importation
just ns soon ns our volunteers commence
to return to this countrj' . Now Is the tlmo
when the city should tnko steps to establish
a permanent pest house , to bo prepared for
emergencies In order to ovoid the dlsngreo-
able bickering that resulted when the hos-
plt.ils In the northern part of the city were
secured. "
IMati ) LKfK Sin I'll.
In almost every neighborhood there Is
some ono whose Hfo has been saved bj <
Chamberlain's Colic , Chorera nnd Diarrhoea
Remedy , or who has been cured of chronic
diarrhoea by the use of that medicine.
Such persons make a point of telling of It
whenever opportunity offers , hoping that It
may bo the means of saving other lives.
A feature of rare local Interest win bo
the appearance next week nt the Orpheum of
the notable little Council Bluffs nrtists ,
Frances McMillan and Margaret Stephan.
Since their first appearance nt the Orpheum
several months ago they have been attend
ing school nnd nt the same time learning
now songs nnd dancee. These they will pie-
sent at their second engagement , which Is
certain to provo n great drawing card.
The subtle character delineation of Mr.
Felix Morris In "Tho Vagabond. " which he
is now presenting at the Orpheum , approaches
preaches the very highest rench of dramatic
art. The theme of the Tittle piece Is rlfo
with pathos. Its central figure Is an old
soldier supposed to have been killed at
Missionary Ridge , but who lives to make
a gieat sacrifice for the sake of his beautiful
daughter. On Thursday , Friday and Satur-
diy Mr. Morris will appear In "Percy Pen-
dragon. " The bill this week Is by no means
n one-star bill , for some of the best artists
In vaudeville nro to be found on It , nmong
them Barnes and Slsson In their sketch ,
"The Marriage Broker ; " the Pantzer hi oth
ers , without doubt the most remarkable
hend-to-head balancers and acrobats in the
world , and Hanlcy and Jarvls , the comedians
Mercer hotel , 12th and Howard streets ,
Omaha. European pfan , SOc to $1 00.
Gettelman's Pure Malt Beer the finest
Milwaukee produces G26 So 16th. Tel. 1124.
Wonders of California and Yoscmlte valley
seen , via Los Angeles , at HALF FARE
Excursion leaves Omaha May 16. Great
chance for homescekers. Dr. II. G. DoWltt ,
1502 Farnam , Omaha.
Her Grand Hotel Turkish Baths now open
HARRIS Newmin , npe < l 23 , at his homo ,
1817 North Nineteenth street , Monday at
S.15 p. m Funeral Wednesday at 2 p. m.
Wo show below the opinions of some emi
nent Physicians as to the value of BOHO-
It Is' therefore -well suited to the use of
nervous Invalids Suinner Brown , A M , ,
M. D
It Is the only Ilthla water which I now
regularly prescribe J. D Skccr. Jf D
I nm prescribing13oroLlthln Water with
the utmost sitlsfaction. R. D. McArthur ,
A M. , M D.
Cases of gout , wibncuto and chronic rhou-
mntlsm have b en greatly lienollted by It.
J , H Murphy , A M . M D.
I have found It markedly diuretic , effica
cious In combating muscular rheumatism
-A M. Cor win , A M , M. D
I am Bind to recommend the Coro-Llthla
Wnter The combination 13 excellent
Julln Holmes Smith , II D
Uspoolallly valuable nn a medicinal water
In dyspiipsla accompanied by acid fermen
tation Sarah llackft Stftven on , M D.
Boro-I.lthla wholesaled and retailed In
Omnha by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
1512 DODaB ST. , OMAHA. NEB.
The Burlington lloute Is receiving all sorts of compliments
nowadavs on the core oftho % elegant now equipment which
It put In service between Omaha anil Chicago a week or so
The new cars are beauties. Outsideof the extra faro trains
between Chicago and Now York , It Is doubtful If anything to
equal them Is to bo found In the United States.
The Chicago Special the train that hauls the noTv cars leaves
Omaha CJO : a. m : and lands you In Chicago 8 15 p. m. same
day ,
Ticket Office Ilurllniftuii IVeir Sditloii-
1002 I-urnaui St. lOlli und MIIHOII St * .
Telephone , -5O. Teli'iiliune , 31O.
Ernst Krapp's Detroit Entira Stock of Tine
Imported Ribbons on Sals Today.
This Will I'otHlvcly HP < hp nrnnrtrat
Itlliliiui Sale r.vrr llpltl Wo AA-
\lfio Ion ( o Cciino UN I'nrl ) n *
POMNllllG Toilllj.
All the strictly nil silk Nos. 5 , 7 nnd 9
satin nml pros grnlu rtbbon. In nil tlie new
colors nnd blnck , sold by other * ns n bnrg iln
at lOo jnid , go toduj nt 2'fcc jard
All tbo ncfaiic > colored , tlnw string
ribbon tint gcnoralb soils in tnrgnln sales
for 10c jnrd , RO todny at 3',4c ynril
1 0 AND 25C UI11HON9 , 5C YAUD
Extrn hen\y , strlctlj nil silk , satin nnil
Bros grain ribbons , worth ISO nnd 25c > ard ,
go nt CP jnrd
The biggest ribbon bnrgnln over ottered
nnjwhero six Inches wide , strictly nir silk ,
hiavy sntln nnd Bros grain ribbon. In blnck
nnd all colors , nnd hca\y nil silk faille rib
bon. There la no bettei ribbon nt nny price ,
nnd tomorrow tbo > KO nt lOc yard.
Extra heavj , very wide widths , double-
fnced satin nnd taffeta ribbon , plain nnd
niolrcd , would reallj be a bargnln nt COo
yard go tomorrow at 15c yard
Silk sash Hbboti , In nil shades nnd blnck ,
fulf 12 Inches wide , would be n bargain nt
tiOo Jiird , go tomonow , ns long ns It lasts ,
at ICc jnrd ,
COc drnpory silk , IDc 3 nrd.
75c blnck nnd coloicd silk , 25c yard.
$1 CO silk taffeta. 49c and C9c ynrd.
35c double-width wool ciHlimere , 9c ynrd.
$100 nil wool dicss goods , 2" c ynrd.
EC for Indies' 2fic silk mitts.
15c for IndlcV 75o Bilk glovea and mitts.
fflc foi ladles' ? 200 Ivld glcnrs.
! c for 20c handkerchiefs
2c for misses' and child's lOc hoso.
Oc for ladles' nnd child's 2 > c hose ,
for nils'cf I'J'-jr hose ,
for lOc edgings nnd insertions.
aC foi 35c umbioldwloH
fcc for ICc Torchon laces.
l. > o for Infants' COc Hce bonnets ,
Cc for Indies' 2Bc underwear.
St4c for ladles' BOc undorwenr.
2"ic for $1.50 Inco scarfs.
1'lc ' for BOc summer corsets.
3ie for 75c coisets.
39c for $1.00 kid gloves.
10th nnd Douglas Sts.
Do not fail to be fu ly Informed on the per
fect passenger service offered you bj- the
Union Pacific
Through "Vontlbulcil Trains
CurrjliiK 1'nlnue blvepInK Curs ,
Iliillet , Sinol.lim : nnd Library Cam ,
Dining ; Cnrx , Proe KcelliiliiK Chair
Cans l.caie Omaha Dally for
Colorado , "VoinliiK , Utah and
California Polntit.
Clty Tlckct OHIco , 1U02 Pnrlium St.
The burners arc perfectly
blue and smokclnss , and cnn
bo readily taken apart for
cleaning if required.
Lights , burns , and can bo
put out without smell ,
stnoko or soot.
Nothing about them liable
to get out of oidor.
Cor. 14th and Farnam Sfs.
Exclusive Omaha Agents.
Wo deliver nil orders without extra , cost.
Order a trial case of
You'll never regret It. It's p-u-r-o and
wholesome a stimulant unequalled for in
valids and convalescents A great tonic for
everybody nt this season of the jear. Tbo
genuine beer flavor will please jou ,
riun iviti'G IIHIJU i.-sr ; on. ,
Telephone 420 , 1607 Jackuon St
Y v
* In perfect condition UBed 2
$ at Omaha Exposition in *
| Montgomery Ward &Co , , | '
Hoe , .May 0 , ISM.
The Man's Summer Clothing is full of newness
new in designs now in styles now in the latest
kinks of the fashions , and with it all , economy is
studied in giving ( ho lowest prices consistent with
good quality. It's the kind of clothing that saves at
both ends. Ifirst saving in purchase you pay less
for good quality. Next , pay in good service it
costs less and wears longer.
's Serge Coats' 's Coat and Vest
Men's blue serge all wool Skeleton In all wool blue serge 31 to 44 sizes
Coats 31 to 41 sizes full regular satin piped seams reinforced , pitch
pockets for large , medium or small
inado patch pockets people.
. .75 find's $3.50
's Serge Coats Men's Coat ant ! Vest
In fine quality nil wrol blue serge In an extra flno quality all wool blue
skeleton coats satin piped seams serge etajcd pockets a coit and vest
patch pockets reinforced facing one that immllj sells for five and six dollars
of the best oflke toati jpn'll find lars The Nebraska's price
-4 full line of Men's Alpaca Coats at GOc and up.
Men's While Vests , good quality all new spring
style , G5c up.
Men's Silk and Wool Vests In a full and complete
of . about one-third of
line up-to-date ones S2.25 up -
the price clipped oil' from that of other stores. \
Men's Crash Hats 's Crash Hats
Good quality all this season's Fancy binds In n largo assortment
fctjles all sizes of patterns up fiom
Boys" Crash 20c's Crash Hats
In a full line of fancy patterns Fine qunlltj jour choice for < h
wldo and narrow brims Fedoras , hcbt In the house ( other stores got
Pashas , Turbans , etc. , up from 7uo nnd $ 1 00) )
20c 00)45c
Never were such.prices quoted on fine , new , perfect
300 boys' knee pant suits , well made , new pat
terns , regular $2.50 values , S. fc J3. sale price .25
200 boys' knee pant suits , every seam thoroughly
silk sewed , reinforced where they wear most ,
stylish patterns and i'abrics , in new fashions ,
regular § 4.50 values , S. & R. sale price n
Men's 85 all wool suits , sizes 34 to 44 ,
S. & B. sale price $2 .25
Mon's fine $3.50 cassimore pants , splendid
$1 .75
garments , S. & 13. sale price . .
Men's § 10 black clay worsted suits , in round and
square cut sacks , well made , perfect fitting
dressy suits , S. & B. sale price . Z
Gigantic S , & B , Bankrupt Sale
Nearly $200,000 Worth of Goods
Bought for Spot Cash. .
in this sale. Matchless , overwhelming bargains in every de
partment. The most stupendous tale ever held by any houee.
New Shipments Put on Sale Every
PR reSelling
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
Always Reliable and Satisfactory.
S ift's '
Sugar Oiii'od Hams ,
Breakfast Bacon nnd
Kettle Rendered Lard.
All Flmt-cl > Deulrru.
Wo will sell at our rooms 620 North 16th
stn.t , on Thursday the llth < lny of Muy ,
at 10 a in the entire conti nU < > t Mr W A.
Onwfurd manneir for Aloor Jduthcrs Kur-
lilture Co of Chlr.iKo IllH tonMstlnK of
llnf Hllk rlrnperlfn bed linen , portions ,
toilet si IB , bud room mi tH nupUB , rugs ,
> fin pnilor HPIP I urnlshlnSM of thla
test -Mr ( 'raw-
Clay Auction Co , Tel , 2090 ,
Call up 238 g
and a Bee
Advertising Man g
will call on you s
to get a Want Ad or g
a Half Page. |