Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1899, Page 9, Image 9

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Til 13 OMAHA DAILY 111212 : TUESDAY. APRIL , 2r . 181) ) ! ) .
. .
AilvrrlUrnirntft Inr theaconlmiuiK
Mill lie ( nUrit until lii m , for the
evening cilltlnii ntiil until Still ) i > . in ,
for niiirtilnn nnil Snmlnx rdltlon * .
Iliilim I l-Jo ! n iT/oril Ilrnt liiNvrllnni
Jo u tvuril thcrrnftcr. NutliliiK tnkcn
for Irxx tliiin sr.e for tlic first IIIKCI-
ll n > ThpNu mlverilftctnciitn nmnt he
rtin ounni-tMillvpl- .
AilvcrtlNfrn , by rriticntliiK a mini-
brrnl olircK , < > an Imvp niiftucrn nil *
Irr-Hoil to u MtinihiTfil Inttrr In cnrc
of The lice. AiiMvt-r * o mlilrrnMpd
ivlll hn delivered on prcnciitntloii of
the olieolc only.
Employment Bureau. 119 N. 10. Tel.
1112. Help fuinlshcd , positions procured.
A 583
_ _
A STENOGRAPHER-When you want one
P-ease call up the Remington typowrllcr
oincc , 1C19 Fnrnnm Si. , telephone , 157 ? >
A' , Ja
_ _
COMPETENT dot-man girl wnnta work by
th day ; nny kind of housework ; good
references. 214 80. 28th St. , In rear.
A M171 25 *
WANTED-Sltuatlon by registered
clerk , eight years' experience. Pharma-
cUi , Cnro n. W. Walton , 10th and Webster
St.H. , Omaha , Neb. A 136 23 *
WANTED , w * have steady work for a few
Rood hustlers of good habits nnd nppoar-
atice. C. If. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St.
SALESMEN for cigars , $123 month and ex- ; old firm ; experience unnecessary ;
Inducements to customers. C. C. Bishop
& Co. , St. . Louis , Mo. I1-6SS
TWO salesmen , salary or com. 4 Ware Ulk.
B 773
ME-N to loam barber trade. Write- for free
catalogue. Western Harbor Institute ,
Omaha. B M743
'VANTBD , three thoroughly experienced
hardware and tinware men ; must have
had several years' experience ; will not
talk with men unless they understand
thin ouslness perfectly ; must be Rood
Block keepers , pleasant and affable n.iles-
men ; want men who arc ! ooklmr for
steady employment In this line ; peed
salartns after your ability nnd worth Is
demonstrated ; nam a and addresses of
references must accompany your applica
tion or no attention will bo paid to name.
Address W 63 , Ueo otllcc. B M79S
WANTED Experienced ralsmen ; those
having had successful road experience
only. Good chance for peed men ; large
and reliable business house. Answer , giv
ing nee , experience nnd salary exported.
Address W 63. Hco olllce. B SOI 20
WANTED , men selling charts and school
supplies In Nebraska to write the Diamond
mend Publishing Co. , IOC N. 2d st. . Min
neapolis , Minn. U-M7SG 20 *
A GOOD coat maker wanted at onfo. Ad
dress Mumby & Harrison , Atlantic. In.
B-MS17 25 *
WANTED Two good agents. W > ? pay sal
ary ami commission. 415 Sheely. J. II.
Smith. B-S25-27 *
MEN to learn barber trade. Will assist
with transportation this month , give com
pete outfit of tools , allow commission and
pay $15 weekly when competent. Two
months completes. Two years saved.
Can't supply demand for graduates. Write
at once. Moler Barber College , Chicago ,
111. B MS39 27'
SALESMEN , to sell Petit Ledgers. Business
Records and other ofile3 specialties ; line
side line. ? . Pershlng < Mfg. Co , , Box It ,
South Bend , Ind. B 131
WANT to establish agency In your city for
Lckko. the. only cleaner In ths world that
bents "Snpollo. ' Lckko Mfg. Co. , Chicago.
B 132 23'
WANTED , baker. J. O. Bahdp , Walioo ,
Neb. B-M4S7 29
WANTED , rood upholsterer nnd carpet
layer. Apply to Stockert Carpet company ,
205 West Broadway , Council Bluffs.
B M523 23
WANTED , an experienced millinery travel
ing salesman to work Nebraskn. Address
Box 1127 , DCS Molncs , In. B-M484 25
TRAVELING palesman to handle good side
Una Address X SO , Bee. B M520 29
WANTED A young man who has had at
least two years' experience In drug store.
Schaofcr , Ifith and Chicago. B 333 25 *
WANTED-Cnrrlage painter. Bolnhardt &
Co. , 21 Hi nnd Burdetto Sts. B 531 20 *
WANTED , men to sell groceries nt whole
sale direct to consumers. Apply nt olllco
Central hotel. 15th and Dodge , on Tuesday
and Wednesday. 8 to 11 a. m. . H. S.
Gates. B-ONI544 2C
WANTED , 2 or 3 good carpenters ; will pay
m cents an hour to good mechanics , union
> or nonunion ; no difference , 2223 Luven-
worth. B-M5I7 27
WANTED , bill clerk. Apply Western Paper -
per Co. , 1501 Howard street. B M332 23
WANTED-100 Blrls. 1324 Dodgo. Tel. S7C.
C 689
WANTED Two experienced dlnlnir room
girls ul the Boyd hotel , Lincoln , Neb.
CGO 24 *
GIRL , general housework. 2020 St. Clary's
nve. C S33
. WANTED , good girl or woman for general
housf/work ; wages $4 to $ I.CO. 3719 Mnrcy.
C M537 23 *
ALL LADIES having spare time can earn
money at IIOIIIP .making . patches ; $6 to
$10 weekly ; reply envMop for particulars
and pnmnlc. Fosler Co. , West 21th St. ,
'Now ' York. C M543 23 *
WANTED , 23 agents ; monthly salary of
$33.00 guaranteed : hustlers can double It ;
no money required ; on'y thofe with ref
erences need apply. GUI Pnxton block.
C-MS3.1 2-
GIRL for general housework ; $1 per week.
502 8. 27th street. C MSM
HOUSES , Bonewa & Co. , 100 N. 15th St
ALWAYS moving household poods anil
piano. * , Omaha Van & Storage Co. . I511U
Knrnam. Tel. 1G59. D-691
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Pnxton block.
D C92
8-ROOM hourn. bath , furance , $20.00. 314 Isl
Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D-S25
VOn KENT Houses In alt parts of clty
The O. P. Davla Co. , 1D03 Farnam St.
HOUSHS for vent ; a specialty made ol
looking nfter property of non-renldent.1.
J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-C94
MAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 117 N. 15th.
Tel. H9ii. D-C97
FOR RENT. 3027 Chicago . t. , B rooms , mod-
ei-n , $30 ; RSI S. 2Sth st. , S rooms , modern ,
$23 ; smaller houses , $2 $ up. Rlngwalt Bros. ,
Barker block. D-MU6
12-ROOM modern brick house i\t 110 N. 25th
t. Intjulro next door south. D M172
FOR RENT , strictly modern flat In Duvldge
bldg. , opposite city hall. May 1. John
Hobblnv , 1MB l-'arnam St. D-459
WHILE the tamlly are acroail the fur-
nValicd "omo of J. W. Soulre , 203 Story
etreot. Council Bluffa. will be for rent for
several years. House has nine roome
heated by hot water. Every modern con-
venlence , -
14C9 SOUTH 17lh t. . 10 rooms , city water
In yard good condition ; $20 per month
Geo. Korean. 315 N. Y. Life
FOR RENT. 14-room house , 43d & Cumlng
Sty. ; suitable for two families. A. P
Tukey , Board of Trade. D-551
NINE-room modern house , newly paperec
nnd wood revarnlshedj $35.00 per month
M , J. Kcnnnrd & Son , 310 Brown block.
MODERN 9 or 10-room brick house ; close
In ; vacant May 1st ; $35.00. J. H- Slier
wood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-7bl
NlNE-room house , modern In every re
spect , excellent repair , $10.00 per month
M , J , Kennurd & Son , 310 Brown block.
D M ! > 21
SR MODERN : water con. nnd ea . $20
! ' , D. Wead. 10th and Douglas. D-871 2S
ron mvr : mM
rot'SES for renf ffTali 'naYtVof the city !
Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th St.
D C98
OR RENT , 3017 Chicago ul. , 8 rooms , mod-
MII , $30 : small > r houses , $2 up. RltiKwalt
Bros. , BnrVer block. D-M146
'EW c-R modern cottage ; S. front : near
motor , $20. 2710 Parker. D-S59
i rooms , city water , llth nnd Marcy st. ,
915 S. 10th Bt. , 10 rooms , entirely modern ,
new furnace ; now being put In thorough
repair ; pnr.ered nnd pulnted ; $ .10.00 per
month. Will rent lo one family only.
OS S. 29th st. , Inrg * house ; will repair to
suit tenant ; $30.00 per month.
912 Snwnrd : city water ; $ IO.W ) ,
2514 S. 18th st. , 4 room" : $7. ,
Hth nnd DollghiH Sts.
D MI16
FOR RENT , strictly modern flat In Davldge
bldg. , opposite city hnll , May 1st.
John w. Roliblns , 1802 Farnnm st.D
D 159
i-'OR RUNT , some good houses nnd store ,
rooms. Lymnn Wnt'rman , S22 N. Y. Life
Bldg. D-MMS 27 *
AFTER Mnv 1 to flmall family without
children nicely furnished 8-room house :
choice location ; walking distance ; $23.00
per month. O. H. Schon * . business office ,
Bee Pub. Co. D M497 25 *
FOR RENT , elegant 0-rooni house , lot 90x
170 , with barn ; line , natural shade trees ;
$3o fK-r month.
2510 Pierce street , S room" ; furnace , ,
laundry , cement cellar ; only $22.50.
'Ine lint In good repair ; sU'cl range in
kitchen : modern ; $20.00.
1. C. Peters & . Co. , 1702 Farnam direct ,
Bee bulldlne. D M6M20
3 NICE rooms ; housekeeping. 1112 S. 11.
E 385
FRONT rooms , modern , $1.60 up. 514 N. 19.
E-M47S M12 *
ELLGANT furnished rooms cheap , Yflth or
without board. IIS So. 25th St.
'URN1SHED room ; everything new nnd
llrst-clnss ; l&ll Cnas. Mrs. Reed.
E-M7G3 25 *
TWO pretty summer bedrooms , Juat fur
nished , quiet business men ; close in , pn. ,
bath : reasonable , inquire office 16 , second
floor Crounso Block. E 782
9W CAP. AVE. , rooms. E M7S3 20 *
MAKE the undersigned un offer on lot 9 ,
block 18 , Orchard Hill , Omahn. H. C.
Chcyncy , Sioux City. la. E MSI7 23
PUREE furnished rooms for housekeeping ;
man and wife ; rent taken In board. 319
N. 17th. E-S01
' 'OR one gentleman , wulklng distance ,
modern. X 2C , Bee. E M494 27
CICELY furnished room for centleman ;
modern ; private family ; no children ; can
have use of piano. 2233 Farnnm street.
E M402 25 *
TWO nicely furnished rooms , at 2013 Cass
Hired. E 623
FURNISHED room , $3. 1916 Farnam.
E 536 26 *
FURNISHED ROOMS ; housekeeping ; 2023
St. Clary's. E M530 29 *
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free
bath , $1.60 per week and up. Klondike
hotel , ICth and Webster St . F 698
GLENCAIRN , transients $1.25 day. 1603
Douglas. F 699
DESIRABLE rooms with all modern con
veniences ; best location In city. 212 S.
23th st. F 431
REASONABLE rates , Clover Hotel. 1618
Hamey F 827 A30 *
FURNISHED rooms , modern. 524 S. 26 Ave.
F M991 My3 *
LARGE front room , furnished or unfur
nished. Utopia , 1721 Davenport.FMS31
F-MS31 2S *
A HANDSOME large front room with
board ; references. 202 N. 18th street.
F-MS50 2(1 (
3 ROOMS , 708 S. 17th st. G-JM467 M22 *
FOR RENT , store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , ground floor Bee Wdg. 1 701
FOR RENT , n ground floor office , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid
vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee
building. 1 702
ONE good office of 2 rooms to rent In Con
tinental Blk. , 15th nnd Douglas , $23. Physi
cian preferred. Will arrange to suit.
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th & Douglas.
DESK room for rent on ground floor Bee
Building , Fnrnam street side ; rent reason
able. Apply R. C. Peters Co. , Bee Build-
Ing. J 11413
WANTED , general ngent. each state , exclu-
slvo snle of Acme Acetylene gas appa
ratus , or manufacturing ngtncy ; ! > lg In
ducement. Acme Generator Co. , Wnsoca ,
'Minn. ' J-M641 23 *
A GENERAL AGENT. "Life of Admiral
Dcwey" nnd "America's New Posses-
slons.1 Superbly Illustrated. Sample 25
cts. , istamps or coin. Cntalogue free. F.
Tennyson Necly , 114 Fifth ave. . New York.
J-M3I2 23 *
MORE houses to rent , Wallace , Brown Blk
K 930
GENTLEMAN nnd wife , no children , want
eompletclv furnished house , six rooms or
over , In Ilnnscom park territory. Refer
ences. Address W 69 , Bee. K M767 23 *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding ,
OM. Van & Storng * . 1511V4 Farnam. Tel. 1559.
GORDON baggage line , 214 N , 16. Tel. 1195
STOVES stored during summer , 1207 Doug ,
lus. Tel. 900 ; Omaha Steve Repair Works ,
SECOND-HAND books bought for cash
Antiquarian Book Store , 1519 Fnrnam. '
HIGHEST PRICES paid for good goods
Variety Furniture Co , , 110-112 S. Hth r.t ,
N-79 $
WE AVANT Boveral nice residences and resIdence -
Idenco lots for cnsh buyers. We have the
buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Nelll'a
Real Estate Agency , South Omaha.
SECOND-HAND typewriter , Dcnsmore pro-
f rred. T 9 , Bee , N27
STAMP collections bought , sold , Mortenson ,
401 N , 16th. N-995 M3
HOUSE and \ < t lot ; 4 or G rooms ; walking
distance postofficc. Price , $500 to $ SOO ; $150
cash$12 to $15 per month. W 61 , Bee.
N 77S 20 *
BARGAINS In real estate or houses to move.
F. D. Wead , 16th & Douglas , N-SOli 20
ALL klnda of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur
nlture Co. , Tel. 2020. 1400-10 Dodge
prices for good 2nd-hand furniture. 1414
Dodge , Tel. 2m N-70 ?
WANTED. Parker or Lefover gun. id-hand ,
good repair. Address Box No. luO , Dlxnn ,
Neb. N-M453 27 *
WANTED , a young horse. 1,100 to 1.200
pounds ; city brok * . Address X 31. Bee
ofllco. N-MM1 25
KOH s.viK-FimxrruiiE.
NEW and id-hand furniture , stoves , etc. ,
sold at small profits ; best prices paid for
Eood 2 < l-hand eood < . J , Lewis , 10 ! S. 14th.
O-W7 M3
GREAT BARGAINS In new and Ind-hand
furniture , atov.'s , etc. Boston Furniturj
Co. , 1414 Dodge , O 448
ANTIQUE oak wardrobe ; good condition ;
com | M ; will sell for J15. Call at 2124 Lo
cust Bt. O 40S ! i
KOH < i.ur.-ri n\i n iin.
RANOES , coffee urn , water tanks , Ice
boxe * . counterti. table * , chairs , cots , side-
bonrdx , drpjscr * . commodes , Iron bed * ,
springs nnd mnttrepcs at IP * * than fac
tory cost , for cft h nt 615 N. icth si.
O-MS52 MJl
ron SAM : iioui : AMI VHiuci.ns.
BUGOIKS VWl our repository ; n k for
rrlceswe'll do the rest. Omnhn Imple
ment nnd Transfer Co. , Jth and Jackson.
FOR SALE , a nlcr aMortmcnt of hand
made vehicles ; painting , repairing , trim
ming a specialty ; bring your carriages
for rubber tires : prices low , work guaran
teed.Vm. . Pfelfer's cnrrlage works , cor.
27th nnd Le/ivnworth / , P M352 MS
A. J. SIMPSON tins ( in connection with his
work ) the exclusive ngency for the cele
brated Columbus Buggy Co. vehlc'.ff" , also
2-d-hand phaetons & Concords. K09 Dodge.
P-M640 MM
CARRIAGES , phaetons , bliKKlefl , rend
wngonx. harness. Anderon Buggy Top
Co. , loth nnd Davenport. P 019 M15
2 SECOND-HAND phaetons , 3 top buggies
nswly painted anil 2 good rubber tire top
buggies. Drummond Carriage Co. , 18th
and Hartley. P-517 M22
ALL kinds harness ; old harness In exchange
Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth & Hartley ,
Q-451 A54
PURE Plymouth Rock eggs for yetting , 60c ;
roosters , Jl.OO. 032 N. 28th St. Q-719
HOG , poultry , lawn nnd field fencing ; nil
wire. Wire Works , lt17 ! Howard St
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , at
druggists ; one gives relief. Q 710-A. 2S
SAWDUST , hardwood cribbing and hog
fence nt lowest prices. 901 Douglas Et ,
COLD IN HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jelly ,
25e. Middle of block , Omaha , Neb.Q713
B. HAAS. Florist , 1S13 VInton St. , Tel. 778 ;
plants , cut. flowers , boquets , hnll , resi
dence , wedding nnd grave decoration * ;
orders by mall or express promptly tilled.
O 709
2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , 111G Fnrnam.
SAFE ? , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St.
Q 711
HORSE clippers nnd repairs for all stand
ard makes. We grind clippers , razors ,
shears , cto. A. L. Undelana , Omaha.
Q 715
GRAMOPHONE talks talk. Catalogue.
Western Gramophone Co , . Council Bluffs.
VEHICLES , ha-ness , swlng machines , nt
wholesale prices. Western Mercantile Co. ,
10th and Farnam. Q-218 M7
AT great sacrifice , fine cabinet Grand
piano , good as now. Address W G7. Bee.
Q 043 MIC
TO BE moved , Osthoff building , 10th nnd
California. F. D. Wend , ICth and Douglas.
Q 872 2S
WANTED Orders for seed potatoes , any
variety , early or Inte. furnished In nny
quantity ; our Red River Valley Early
Ohlos guaranteed strictly pure. C. H.
Mul'ln & Co. , 418 S. llth St.
Q-M410-23 *
THE undersigned will , ell at public auc
tion nt the U. S. Government building ,
Exposition grounds , nt 10:30 : n. in. , Frl-
dar , April 2S , 1S99. a number of exhi
bition cases , pedestals , Iron railing , etc. ,
used In connection with Government ex
hibit , and especially suited for exhibition
purpose' ' . Terms cash.
Q-M548 25
NOTICE , country dealers. 2d hand furni
ture & stoves sold at lowest price ? , car
load lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. ,
HOC-10 Dodge. R M152 M5 _
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. ICth.S722
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge.
HATTIE BERTRANDE , thermal baths ,
maseage. 1C15 Howard , 3d floor , room 1.
T M351 MS *
FRANXES de Seutorlous of K. C. , 107 N 12.
T 457 A24'
MRS. F. BERRY , bath , massage. Attend
ants. 119 N. 16 , R. 12 , 2nd floor , opp. P. O.
T MC20 A27 *
MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; masfMge baths.
T M731-M-17'
MME. SMITH , Room 2 , 118 < i N. 15th.
T-753-M17 *
MRS. DR. LEON , electric bath parlors ,
first-class assistant. 417 S. llth. upstairs.
T M773 M18
BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant massage ,
'bnth. , Egyptian treatment , 1701 Leavfn-
worth St. T M531 30 *
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 34G Bee
Bids , U 723
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319' , < " . S 15th ,
SUPERFLUOUS hairwrlnklps.moltwarts ,
freckles , blackheads , pimples removed for
ever by electricity ; bust developed ; neck ,
arms , checks made plump. Mme. Payne's
halrdre'slng parlors , 2301 Leavonworth.
Tel. jMi3 , U 215
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
ing conflnemcnt ; babies adopted. 1138 N 17
N. Y. CLEANING Co. , frescoed and wall
paper cleaned ; Chenille curtains , carpets
cleaned , laid , etc. 140S Farnam. Phone 1376
U 754-M17 *
MONHEIT. chiropodist & hair dressing ,
Douglas Blk. , opp , Hayden's. U 511 A26 *
DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns removed. 25c
and upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block.
HORSES clipped with electric clippers.
Omaha Stables , cor. 14th and Howani.
LIEBEN , 1313 Howard , all kinds hair goods '
WALL paper cleaned. F. E. Goff. 1834 N.
S2d St. U M439 Mil *
LADIES In trouble nnd prompt relief. Ad
dress with stamps , Box 4 , Omaha , Neb.
U-M541 M14
HOW to win at poker ; a sure system ; fu'l
particulars , 50c , Address Box 324. Omaha ,
t-T M539 29 *
MONHEIT. leader In hair goods and toilet
preparations. 200 Douglas Blk. . opp. Hny-
den s U-512 A23'
H. STIUSSHOEFER. 1517 Howard street ,
cleans everything you war ; lacn curtains
done up like , new ; also dry cleaning of
draperies , portieres , rugs , etc. , dyeing of
every description. Tel. 917. U 533 M-23
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts nnd moles
permanently removed by electricity ; con
sultation free nnd confidential. All work i
guaranteed , Miss Allendor , 1721 Dodge.
U 780-25 *
A RELIABLE hem and treatment of nil
troubles peculiar to women , and for
ladles before nnd during confinement ,
Addrcsu Box 757 , Omaha , Neb.U702
U-702 M15
BUY through Omaha Purchasing Agency.
1512 Davenport St. U9H M15
SHIRT WAISTS to order. 303 So. 17th.
U-MT44 MI7
MATTRESS renovating w'ks ; upholstering
& furniture repairing. 706 8,16th. Tel. 1593 ;
HYPNOTISM , hcallns and medlumshlp
taught by Prof. Bnrntll. Call or write ,
320 N. 16th Bt. , room 25 , Omaha.
U-MS40 28'
Z1EGLE11 , lace curtain cleaner , 1SOS Calif ,
U-S63-M-21 *
CRESCENT. be.'t In world , for $35.
Fletcher , 1622 Capitol Ave. U 850-2S
AVANT everyone to know that W. II. Green
and C. R. Glover have leased the Arling
ton park. All arrangements for picnic
parties , including special transportation ,
can be. made direct with them , 301 Knr-
bach Block , Omaha. V-S73 24
CLEVELAND chnlnless. a perfect machine ,
J75. Louis Flcscher , 1622 Cap. nvc.
nvc.USJ1 :
CHILDREN for niloptlon A lfme ffir'
nearly two months old , with dark bin *
eye ; tnothrr's renue t in that * hf should
po Into n Catholle nome ; and another llltlo
girl , nearly two months old , with dnrk
brown eyes ; and two llttlf boys , nges two
nnd four mnnth * . Child Snvlnpr "Institute ,
604 S , 18th fit. U-S58 2I
DO YOU wish to marry ? Call or address
Corresponding club , 504 Uougln.i bloek.
Allle Turney , mnnnger. Ruth Allard , sec-
rMary. Stamp. U M453 29
HOSSACK'S SftrMpnrllla , 1712U Jackson.
U-M515 Ml *
MRS. PORTER , baths day or night. Doug-
la.i block. t'-M549 M2I
J100.000.CIO special fund to loan on first-class
Improved Omahn property , or for bulMlrie
purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
J100 AND up. F. D. Wenil , 16th and DoUglns.
5 4 PER CENT money. BomU , Paxlon Illk.
WRITE us If you want n loan on your fnrm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay
you Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y L '
WANTED , choice fnrm nnd city loans R C.
Peters & Co. , 1702 Fnrnnm , .Beo Bldg'739
W -739
JI.OOO up to loan on Improved city property
& fnrms. W. Fnrnnm Smith & Co , 1320
Furnam. W TJG
6 Pr. t. Chas. E. Williamson , D. S. Bk bldg.
$30,000.00 CHEAP money for Investment ;
agents wanted. Investors' lists for sale.
Investors' Directory , N. Y. W-269
MONEY to loan on Improved Omahn real
estate. Brcnnan-Lovc Co. , 219 So. 16th.
J10.000 PRIVATE money , low rate. J. H.
Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Lite , W $09
LOANS. Potter-Shales Co. , 310 N. Y , Life.
W 743
C per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 161S Fnrnam.
W 820
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ,
219 8. 16th. , Omaha. W 744
You can pay the money back In nny *
amounts you wish and at nny time ,
each payment so made , lessens the *
cost of carrying the loan. . *
X 79G
people holding permanent posl-
MONEY tlons on their personal note
without Indorsement.
Room 119 Board of Trade Bldg.
MONEY ICth and Farnam Streets.
X 793
MONEY loaned salaried poop'.e holding per
manent position with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without secur
ity ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 706 N. Y.
Life Bldff. X 745
MONEY loaned confidentially to high-
classed salaried people , without endorser ,
mortgage or security of any kind other
than their own names ; can repay In In
stallments ; call nnd see me and you will
receive courteous treatment. Omaha
Credit Co. , C. E. Jennlng5 , manager , suite
525-526 New York Life Bide. X
SIDNEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ,
cows , jewelery. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker
blk. X 746
MONEY loanex ? on pianos , furniture , jew
elry , horses , cows. etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13.
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un
known to friends. Bersers' 1/oan Bank ,
1416 Farnnm , upstairs. X 412
FOR QUICK return ? list your bargains at
O'Neill's Real Estate Agency , South
Omaha. Y 748
IF you have Idle money and want It busy
see Glover , Real Eat. Broker , 302 Knrbach.
Y M514
E. M. CLARK , slgnst Tel. 1704. 115N. 15th.
DRUG STORE for sale In good town In
northeastern Nebraska ; line opportunity.
Address T 44. Bee. Y M142
ATTENTION , MILLERS ! For sale of rent ,
the Anchor Mill property , a 75-bbl. im
proved roller mill , water power , situated
4 miles from South Omahn and 7 miles
from Omaha , close to the Rock Island
and Union Piclllc roads. For further par
ticulars address Box 215 , Papllllon , Ne-
brnskn. Y-M503 27
UNUSUAL opportunity to Invest $200 or
more , securinR large permanent income :
capital safe : profits sure. H. Grlflln. 1180
Broadway , New York. Y-M792 M2 *
FOR , SA17E , stock of drugs nnd fixtures.
Best ftand In the city. Invoice about
Jfi.500 Fine soda stand. No doaxl stock.
Good proiits. Small expenses. No cutting
reason for selling. Big mining boom here.
Am Interested In mines and deslrs to give
whole attention to mining. Address 200
S. ( Main street , Salt Lake City. Utah.
V M539 25 *
THOUSAND annually made In the busi
ness I can offer you. Investigation so
licited. 309 N. Y. Life. Y-'MSIO ' 28
FOR EXCHANGE , J400.00 stock new drugs
for real est.ite or horses. Address W 30.
Bee. 7.-M5I2
A FINE modern 12-room house west of
High school on motor line , In uxchange
for farm or other property. Addres. W
31 , Bee , 55 M513
2 ENGINES. DO horse power Westlnghouse ,
100 h. p. Ide engine , also 100 h. p. electric
goncrntor to exchange for real estate.
Address W 32 , Bee. Z-M544
$2,030.00 for S-room house In flrst-clu s condi
tion nnd 50-foot lot on 31st st. , two blocks
south of Fnrnnm .
11,350.00 for 5-room house nnd corner lot on
2Sth st. . south of Lenvenworth.
$750.00 for good 7-room house and full lot in
southwest part of city , one block from
29th Mtrst car line.
$2,800.00 for new modern S-room house , 2StJi
near Howard.
$1,273.00 for line building lot 50x155 feet on
37th st. licai Dodgti. 37th street Is paved.
$1.500.00 for fine east-front 50-foot lot on 40th
South of Fnrnam.
$350.00 for lot on Paclllc strot near 2Sth HI.
If you want to buy n house or lot In either
of the localities above mentioned , cull und
let us show you these properties.
RE 379 25
O'NEILL'S Ren' Estate Agency , South
Omaha. Headquarters for realty Invest
ments. RE 753
NOW Is the time to buy. Coxl32 ft. nt 17th
and Douglas Sts. Bcmla , Paxton blk.
DO you think of locating In Oregon , the
land of red apples and famous strawber
ries ? Write to Th ! Hood River Trading
Co. , E. E. Savage , secretary , Hood River ,
Oregon. HE-M531 M14 *
FOR SALE , modern nine-room brick , 243
South Seventh street , Council Bluffs , or
address 420 South Eleventh streu. Omaha.
FOR LE , several nlco vacant lots , clear
land and a few houses und lots cheap ;
will take savings bank accounts as nurt
payment. J. A. Lovcren , room 912 N. Y.
Life bldg , RE M793 23
REAL cctate In Omaha and So , Omaha nt
very low prices , B. R. Ball , 923 N. Y.
Life. Tel. 1500. KE-228
PECK & CO. , agentu and dealers In city and
farm * property ; loans ; rentals , 101 S. 15th.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them : let the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money , UC 860
s vi.i : iu\b : KSTATI : .
HOUSES , lot * , farmn , Innds , loans ; nlso
fire ) insurance. liPinK Paxton block.
RE 752
MAKE the umlTolgneil nn offer on lot 9 ,
block is , Orchn rd Hill , Omaha. II. C.
Cheyney. Sioux City , In. RE-S(7-2S (
LIST your property with us for sale. Wo
have the customer.1. The Byron Reed
Company , 212 S. 14th St. RE 751
Over 8600 ncres of Douglas county land for
snlo cheap. Prices range from WO per
aero up. Wl'l pay you to Investigate.
The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. llth St.Rk750
SIGHTL1EST , choicest recldrnco corner In
city , south and ea.t front , n. w , corner
SSth * California st * . , 150x130 feet. $ .MO.
22x132 feet , with brick building on Farnam ,
near 13th st , price. Ml,500.
11 per cent * Investment N. W. corner
15th and California st. . , taxes fully paid ;
can be used for trm-kitfte purposes , $6,600.
132x124 ftt , nirihwe. t eorner Park avenue
and Hnrncr at- . , submit offer.
S full sized lots within 7 blocks west of Ex
position ground ? , for all. $1.000.
Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from
$20 to $30 per acre.
John N. Frcnrcr , opp , old P. O.
43.11 CHARLES ST. , n nice six-room cot
tage ; city water : small barn ; lot 50x140.
Only half a block from the car nnd one
block from Walnut Hill school.
Look this over , then make mo nn offer on
It , with terms tn suit you.
A. M. COW1E , 211 South Eighteenth Street.
Don't fall to get one of those Mnlonoy ad
dition lots , fi block * S. W. of Armour's ,
while they can be bought for $175.00 ; $23.00
cash and $5.00 per month.
City Hall BldR. , H. O.
RE-378 23
C. F. HARRISON. FARMS. 913 N , Y. L.
RE M530 M14 *
EASTERN owner offers for saltv upon good
terms four SO-acrc farms and two of 160
ncrcs. There plnres hnve fair Improve
ments , the best of soil nnd are locntcd In
Snrpy , Saunders nnd Lancaster counties ,
all within 15 to 40 mil's of Omaha. Terms ,
$ .W ) cnsh on SO acre1 and $1.000 cash on 160 ;
balnnco on 10 or 12 yearly pnyin ° nts at 0
per cent. Address X 10 , Bee. UE-S70 2S *
FOUR SNAPS , corner lot on best txirt of
brst residence street In the West Vnrnnm
district ; beautiful site for n house ; will
be sold this week at .1 great sacrlllcc.
$1,250 for full lot In Ilnnscom Places , Im
mediately north of park ; mm t be sold.
$ .T > 0 for full lot on Wst Fnrnam street.
$2,700 for cast front modern house of 7
rooms on 30th street , ncir : Ilnnscom pa 'k
< vir line ; almost new nnd a beautiful little
HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 423 Bee bldg.M799
MENERAY BROS. , nur-'erymen. of Cres
cent City nre here In Council Bluffs nnd
Omaha with their line : inn of fruit trees ,
crape vines , etc. , nnd nil kinds of flno
shade trees , flowering shrubs and roses ;
their sale grounds nfe located at 615 East
BrondWHy , Counc'l Bluffs nnd cor. 16th
nnd Cumlng Sts. , and also 21st and Far
nam st.s. , Omaha , where you will be
waited on at all times with pleasure. We
sell all goods very cheap , and guarantee
all goods first-class. Omaha tel. . 1620 ;
Conner. Bluffs tel. . 321. 4CO Mil *
$1,600 upon n choice , clear , Improves , resi
dence property 1n Omaha ; will ] > ay 6 per
cent ; no commission : prefer private
money. Address X 11 , Bee. SC9 21 *
PROM private party , 5 ysars , 6 per cent ,
$2,000 first mortgage , gilt-edged security.
Inquire or write X , 303 S. 13th.
-868-23 *
EAGLE Loan offices , removed to S. W. cor.
13th and Douglas. We are now ready for
business and we promise to continue our
reputation , ns has always been known , as
the most reliable and accommodating In
the city. All arn cordially Invited to In
spect our new store. Sol. Brodkey , prop.
019 A27
JEFFERSON Square Loan Ofllce. 418 N. 16.
DR. PRIES , renowned German specialist ;
diseases of women ; no failures ; speedy re
lief ; twenty yeara' experience ; references.
1513 Dodge , Omaha ; letters , stamps.
DR. MANSFIELD'S , monthly regulator has
brought happiness to hundreds of anxious
wonifn ; have never had a single failure ;
longest ca.Jos relieved in two to five days
without fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no In-
terfcrence with work. By mail or office ,
$2. A'.l letters truthfully nnswcred. The
Mansfield Renvcdy Co. , 107 Dearborn St. ,
Room 014 , Chicago , III. 387 29 *
LADIES ! Chlchester'H English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) nre the best ; safe ,
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c stamps for
particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter
by return mall ; at druggists. Chlchester
Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa.
LADIES , why suffer ? Our Preventive will
positively relieve longest nnd most obsti
nate cases In 4 days. Safe and effective' '
under all conditions. So powerful It never
falls to bring- the desired result * . One
.box sufficient. 'Price ' $2.00. Leo Remedy
Co. , 0300 Champlaln nvs. , Chicago.M510
M510 23 *
JOHNSON Obteopathlc Institute , suite C16 N.
Y. Llfn Bldg. T 1. 1001. J. W. Dill. M. D. . D.
O , , consulting physician. Mrs. Alice John
son. D. O. , Mary Hobson , D. O. graduates
of American School of Osteopathy , Kirks-
vllle. Mo. Gtd , E , Johnson. Mgr 929
LOGAN Valley farm lands nnd stock
ranches. W , II , ClemenU , Lyons , Neb.
MANY new designs just from Paris ; ornn-
mental work u specialty. Gonnclla , 317 S , 10.
A. C. Van Sant's School , 717 N. Y. Life.
AT OMAHA Bus. College. 10th & Douglas.
BOYLES' Hchoo' ; court reporter principal ;
Bee Bldg. 761
TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1025
Farnam St. Telephone , 128) ) . 753
WE rent nnd sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1012
Farnam. 750
REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd
supplies. 1019 Farnam. 767
NOTICE Omaha Plating Co. . 1302 Farnam ,
will after May 1 be located In basement
Bee bldg. All kinds of plating neatly done.
BRICK ready for delivery. Ittner Brick
Co. , ynrd 31st and Lake BIS. 608 29 *
Kim : SAM : .
THE entire stock of furniture and stoves
left from the fire U now on sale ut a sacri
ficed price ; must bo sold within 30 days.
Don't fail to see thia stock. Wolf Xach-
urla , 1207 Fnrnam st. 674 A29
ADUVTS thoroughly matiter the waltz and
two-step In ntivato I 'toons , $3 , Stage
dancing taught Mar.y pupils ot this
school art on the etc go now. Morand's ,
1510 llarncy st. 591 A25
me vt LI : * .
NEW wheels , $13.M tip. 2nd-hatitl wheels $5
up ; repairing & supplies. Omahn Bu-yclo Co
TRIBUNE , the best wheel Ihixt money ran
buy , $15 cnsh. l < ouls Fleschcr. 1622 Cnti nve.
.MCKIlli I'L.VTIM ! .
Anything. Sterling Plating Works. 323 N. 16.
C , A. CASE , violin * repaired , 41 Sheely blk.
TRY the Henderson Hotel ; bonrd nnd room ,
$4.00 per week ; Rim , steam heat nnd baths.
Ninth nnd Farnam Sts. 707
DRESSMAKING , Mips Sturdy. 2216 Dnvrn-
r > ort. M-134M5 *
FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month.
Prof. Chntelaln. 301 Boyd theater. 762
M. S. WALKL1N. 21M Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
70 i
GASOLENE stoves cleaned & repnrled. 1207
Doug. Tel. 900. Omaha Steve Repair W'ks.
MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. 16th. Tel. 781.
LOST , silver purse nnd pin between Myers-
Dillon drug storu and Her Grand hotel. $5
reward If returned to Rlnehart's ga'.lery ,
1520 Douglas. li M529 23
LOST , pug dog ; answers to nnmo of
Wonder. Call at Murray hotel for re
ward. Ixist M53I 25 *
CUHED , 306 N. Y. Life. Julln Vaughn.
HALF SOLES. 33c. J. Pulone. 611 N. IGth.
7S6 A30
W. COY , located at 1710 St. Mnry's ' Ave.
LADIES' tnl'.or mndo suits nnd jnckets al
tered nnd repaired. Max Fogel , 307 S. 17th.
MAX FOOEL makes up to dnt" Mills ; guar
antees lit and work. 307 So. 17th.632M23
Bee Bldg. , Onuho , Neb.
Bend for free Invent-
on' culcle. Tel 1623.
land Route" General Offices ,
N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnrnam
Streets. City Ticket Otnco , 1302
Farnam Street. Telephone ,
310. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone , 029.
Leave. Arrive.
"The Overland Limited"
for Utah. Idaho , Mon
tana , California , Ore-
goi and Washington
points a 8:50 : am a 4:45 : pm
The Colorado Special
for Denver and all
Colorado points all:55 : pm a 6:40 : am
Pacific Express for
Denver , Salt Lakfc ,
Pacific Coast and all
western points , . , . . . . .b 4:33 : pm a 0:40 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice und
Stromsburg Express .b 4:33 : pm b2:20 ! : pm
Fremont , Columbus.
Norfolk , Grand Island
nnd North Pintle n 4Xi : pm b 4:45 : pm
Columbus Ix > cal b 5:30 : pm 1)12:20 : pm
North Plnttc Local a 6:15 : pm
South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , 6:15 : a.
m. ; 7:00 : a. m ; 10:10 : n. in. ; 3:03 : p. in. Ar
rives , 10:45 : a. m , ; 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:15 : p. m. ;
G p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 5:53 : a. m. ;
6:40 : a. m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 : a. in. : b 10:43 : a.
m. 12:20 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 4:55 : p.
m. 5:25 : p m. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; 6:20 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p.
10:30 : p. m. Arrives 6:35 : a. in. ; 7:20 : n.
8:15 : n. m. ; 8:45 : n. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:05 : p.
4:03 : p. m. ; 5:15 : p , m. ; 5:30 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p.
0:30 : p. m. ; 9:05 : p. m. ; 11:00 : p. m. ; 11:53 :
. m.
a Dnlly. b Dally except Sunaay.
& Missouri Valley Rail
road "The Northwestern
Lino" 'jenern : Offices
United States National
Bank Bide. , Southwrst
Corner Twelfth und Far-
ham Streetr. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 501. Depot , 15th nnd
Webster Streets. Telephone , 1453.
Leavo. Arrive.
BInck Hills , Dendwood.
Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm
Wyoming , Cnsper nnd
Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm
HastlnKh. York , David
City , Superior , Geneva
Exeter and Sewnrd..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm
Norfolk , Verdlgre and
Fremont .b 7:30 : am blQ:45 : am
Lincoln , Wahoo nnd
' Fremont b 7:3(1 : ( blO:43 : am
Frpmont Local , c 7:30 : am
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday , e Sun
day only , d Daily Except Saturday.
Mlnneapollc & Omaha
Ral'.wny "The North
western Line" General
Offices , Nebraska Divi
sion , 15th and Webster
Sts. City Tlckot Olllce ,
1401 Furnam St. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive ,
Norfolk Pnsoi-ger a 0:10 : am a 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emerson , Sioux
City , Ponca , Hartlng-
ton and Bloomfleld..b 1:00 : pm b2:15 : pm
No. 2 , Twin City L't'd..u 5:53 : pm
No. 1 , Omahn Limited. . . a 9:00 : am
a Dflllv. li Dally except Sunday.
Railroad "The North
western Lin * " Genera :
Offices , United States
National Bank Building ,
S , W. Corner Twelfth
and Fnrnam Streets.
Tlckot Office , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone -
phone , 501. Depot. Tenth nnd Muaon
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Manknto Sc
Paul , Minneapolis . . . .a 6:53 : am a 8:40 : am
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Manknto & Sioux Citya 6:25 : pm nllDO : pm
Sioux City Local a 7:15 : am a 9:03 : pm
a Dally.
CHICAGO & NORTHwestern -
western Railway "Tho
Northwestern Line"
City Tlckot Office , 1401
Farnam Street , Telephone -
phone , D61. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets , Tel
ephone , 629. , . ,
Leave. Arrrlve ,
Daylight Chicago Special -
cial , 7 a 0:10 : am all:55 : pm
Mo , VnMev , Sioux City ,
St. Puul & Mlnncau- .
O1IB a 5:50 : am nll:00pm :
Mo. Valley , Sioux City a 7:40 : am a 0:10 : pm
Carroll Local b 5:25 : vm blO:10 : um
Eattorn Express. DCS
Molnes , Mnrshul'town ,
Cedur Rapids and Chicago
cage . . . , allft : > am a 40o ; pm
Atlantic Flyer. Chlcuco ,
and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:00 : pm
Fast Mall , Chicago to
Omaha , . . a 2:45 : pm
Northern Exprtus a 62j ; pm a 8:10 : am
Omaha-Chicago Speciala 7:03 : pm a 8:15 : am
Fast Mall 8:45 : am
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday.
& Oulncy Railroad "The
BudhPton Burlington Route" Ticket
Office. 1002 Farnum St.
Tel. 230. Depot , Tenth fi
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 810.Leave.
Leave. Arrive ,
Daylight Chicago Spe-
cial . a 0:10 : am
Chicago Vostlbulrdi Ex..a 5:03 : pm"a 8:05 : > am i
Chicago Express . .a 9:20 : am a 4:00 : pm
Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:13 : pm a 8:03 : am
Pacific. Junction Local.alO. 13 am u 5:45 : pm
Fast Mall . . . a 2.15 pm
a Dully b Dally Except unday.
i HAILU'AV TI.MN ( Mil ) .
liimt.INOTON A , Mis
souri River Rnllrond
I -The Hurlinittoii Rout * "
-Oflietnl Olflce.1 N. W ,
Co"tier Tenth nnd Fnr
, , until Streets. Ticket
' Office. .1WJ Fnrnnm
Sir ot. Telephone. 2JO.
1 Depot , Tcnih nnd Mason Strtela. Tele
phone , SIO.
Lincoln. HaMlng * and
McCook aS(9am : ( a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver , Colo-
nilfl. Ulnh. California .a 4.13 pm a 3:53 : pm
Lincoln. Black Mills.
Montana A Puget
.Sound n4jpm : n 3'W pm
' Lincoln Lornl n 7:00 : pm nio 33 am
l.lnroln Fist Mil ! . . n 3CO : inn nlO.M nil !
Denver Colorndo. ftnh ,
& California . . a 6:30 : am
a Dally b Dnlly Except Sunday
ph * Council PlufTs
Railroad"The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Office ,
1502 Fnrnnm Street Telephone -
ephone , 240. Depot , Tenth
nnd Mason Strecls. Tel-
ophonc. 310 ,
. . _ Lenvo. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex..n 9:30 : ntn n 6-45 pro
Kansas City Night Ex.nlOilS pm a G:30 : nra
St. Louis Flyer for St
Joseph nnd St. Louis. . a 4:53 : pm nll:30 : nra
n Daily
P2SI Railroad Omaha , Kan
sas City & Eastern Rail-
rend "The Port Arthur
ARTHUR Route"-TlPket Office ,
14lo Farnam Sireel. Tel-
phone , 322. Depot. Tenth
, nnd Mnon Streets. Tele
phone , lii'H.
St. Louis Cannon Bnll
Exprej s . n 4:60 : pm a 8.35 nra
KUHFMM City and Qttlncy
Locnl . n 0:50 : am n 9:30 : pm
n Dnlly.
' and .t Taclllo Railroad
"The. Great Rock Isl-
! Back Isl and nnd Route. " City Tick
1 et Ollloi1323 l-'arnntn
Rqlir Street. . Telephone. 4f ,
Depot , Tenth & Mason
Streets. Telephone , t29. !
Leave. Arrive.
Molne. * Local b 7:05 : am bll 23 ntn
Chlcnco Express bll.15 am n S 10 am
Chicago l'n t Express..n ! pm a 1:25 : pm
M. 1'aill Kndt Exprew-.n & ; tW pm bll:23 : am
Llnco'n , Colorado Spgs. .
Denver , Pueblo and
West a 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : pm
Des Molncs. Rock Isl-
unil and Chicago a 7:15 : pin n 8:50 : pm
Colorado Flyer n fi:20 : pm u 8:30 : am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday.
roiiil General OIllccs and
Ticket Olllcc * . Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglas Sts ,
Telephone , 104. Deuot , 15th
nnd Webster Sts. Telephone ,
Lenvo. Arrive.
Louls-Kansaa &
Neb. Limited n 3:00 : pm al2r : > pin
1C C. St. L. Express , .n 9:50 : ptu a G00 ; am
Nebraska Local via
\Vooplng AVater b 5:00 : pm b 9:45 : am
n Dally , b Dallv Except Sunday.
St. Paul Rul' way City
Ticket Olllce , 1501 Fnrnnm
Street. Telephone , 281 , De
pot , Tenth nnd Mnspn Sts.
Telephone , U29.Leave
Leave Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex n 5:45 : pm n 8:20 : am
Chicago .t Oniuhri Ex..bll00 urn h1:00 : pin
Sioux City & DOS Molnes
Express blUiO .n'
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
. A "sTl'l RAILROAD-
Tlckct Office. 1415 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 892. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone. 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Bt Louis "Canon Bull"
J-\I : > I'ISK a 4:50 : ntn nB:33 : am
Depurtment of Mi * Interior , Olllcu of Indian
AnairsVaHhington. . D. C' . . March 30 , 1S99.
Scaled propomls , cndorscil "Proposals for
blankotH , woolen and cotton goods. clothIng -
Ing , etc. , n.s the cose may be , and directed
to tlio Commissioner of Indian Affairs ,
NOB. 77 and 79 Wooster street , NVw Yorle
City , will be received until 1 oVock p.
in. of TiioHluy , JIny 2t : , 1S)9 ! ) , for furnish
ing1 for tlio Indian Service blankets , woolen
and cotton goods , clothing , notions , hum
and cnjw. Bids must be. nude out on Gov
ernment blanks. Schedules giving nil ntocs-
snry Information for bidders will be fur
nished on application to the Indian Olllce ,
Washington , D. C. : Nos. 77 nnd 79 AVooaUir'
street , New York City ; or 1G02 State street ,
Chicago III. ; the Commissaries of Sub-
slstencti U. S. A. , at Cheyenne , Leaven-
worth , Omaha , St. Louis , St. Paul nnd
Sun FiMnelsco ; the postmasters at Sioux ;
City , Yankton , Arkansas City. Caldwell.
Topekn , Wichita nnd Tucson. Bids will bo
ouc'tictl at the hour nnd days uhove wtatod
and bidders are invltcU to be present nt
the opening. Th i Depnrtment reserves the
right to dftcTinlno the point of delivery
and to reject nny nnd nil bids , or uny part
of any old. W. A. JONES , Commissioner.
Aw C3 U 2Gt
DeiiuinilN Coiiei'MNloiiN for AliromiUon
of the Cliiylon-lliiMvcr
Tr Mily.
NEW YORK , April 24. A spccliil from
Washington says : Although willing to ab
rogate the Cluyton-liulwer treaty , Great
Britain has made it plain to the United
States that it expects nil equivalent In return
for such actlou. This equivalent will bo
exacted during the negotiations of the Amer
ican-Canadian commission , which Is 'to ' ro-
suino Us sessions 111 Washington In August
next. It Is because o'f a demand for conces
sions equal in value to that which will bo
given to the United States In the abrogation
of the Clayton-Ilulwer treaty that/ the nego
tiations have not progressed \vlln the prompt
ness at first expected.
H Is apparent to the officials now that
Great Britain proposes to use the proposition ,
to abrogate the treaty to further Its own
alms In connection with thu settlement of
the Alaskan boundary and reciprocity ques
tions. Great Britain Is determined to make
every effort to secure an outlet for Its north
west territory through Alaska and the I'nltcd
States Is not willing to give It. It may
be , therefore , that it will suggest that la
return for Bach an outlet It will surrender
all rights in the Nicaragua canal.
President McKinlcy and Secretary Hay
have determined not to enter Into any nego
tiations with either Coata nicn or Nicaragua
respecting the conn ) until the now Isthmian
canal commission bus Hiibmlttcd KB report.
Ilonmlnic lli IliilTiilo Knlr.
ST , LOUIS , April 24. A number of promi
nent cIllMins of Buffalo , N , Y. , are In thu
city. They nro hero in the Interests of
the Pan-American exposition , to bo hold In
Buffalo In IflOl , and to secure a proper ex
hibit from thin state. Thu party consists
of Norman K. Mack , proprietor of the
Buffalo Times , n member of the national
democratic advisory committee ; John I ) .
Weber , coinmUhloner general of Urn 1'un-
Ainorlcnn exposition ; Congressman W , H.
Hynn ; John J. Kennedy , president of thu
Buffalo city council , and Dnnlcl H. Mc
Millan , an ex-Btuto senator , A visit was mndo
to the Merchants' exchange and other points
of Interest In tlio city today. Tomorrow the
party will leave for Jefferson City to Intcr-
et > t the legislature in the exposition.
Strife Aiuonif .tl
SAN FRANCISCO , April 24. According to
J. Kxtrom , u trader on thu Caroline Islands ,
who has arrived here , intense rivalry cxUts
among the nilualonurleH on the Island of
Ruk. About ton years ugo Rev. Alfred
Snolllng was Bent from Boston by ( ho Con
gregational board of missionaries , A few
years later Dr. Price wuu ordered to relieve
him. Snclllng , It U stated , refuted to retlio
and' contln'ded to conduct an Independent
mission. Price was recently uuccccded by
Rev. Luther S , Thompson , who tn turn It
belli ) ; opposed by Snclllng. The latter In
Bald tn IK ) popular wlh thu natives , having
most of the chiefs on hlu side. Kxtrom ul-
IcgcB that he docs not dlgcouruge their
fighting among thcinBolvcu ,
1'liliiN for u Illif lloli-l.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 24. The Call
uayw that K. J. Baldwin Is trying to form
u company to erect u hotel to cost $2,500,000
on the Blto of thu old Baldwin. If ho fallu
In this ho Intends to put up u temporary
tuo-ttory structure.