TTTE OMAHA PATLV UKRj TTKSnAY 'Jo , 1H ! ) . COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Stronger on Material Dccrcass in Visible Supply , CORN AND OATS SHOW GOOD INCREASE l.'reo Melllnc li - I'nckrrn nnil Lower I'rlrrn nt the Ynriln AVrnkcii I'rnvlftloiiN nnil May Pork Clone * 7 JLower. . OHICAOO , April 2I.-A larger decrease In the visible supply than w expected , to- Kfther with a 'fair ' export demand , strength ened wheat today. May closed with n gain of ? Jf/T4o nnd July He. Corn advanced Ufi n nnd onlnMHic. . Pork dcollncd 12Vie , lard nfiTlic nnd ribs 2'/4ftOc. Whont starlod rather firm , but offerings were freer thmi could bo absorbed nt the opining prices nnd the tendency bocnmo downward. The wunkncvx did not lust Ions , liuwovor , nnd a reaction set In that put short sellers to rout and sent prices up with considerable energy. The rainfall was reported Insiilllclent In the dry belt and crop reports were Konor- ully unfavorable , especially so from Mlciu- Kan. The announcement of n decrease or 1,323,000 bushel.In the visible Hiipply. In- Htcad of only about 600.000 bushels reduc tion , as had been oxpfcted. fi f"0'1.1' ' ' bulls with plenty of ammunition. Ihero was also u good XP ° U 'lcmnlllli V ? eight boatloads being disposed of "I tu ° seaboard. May opened a shade lower at 72 > Mj72Vic. sold ( iff to 72c. advanced to i3Vic mid VhiVit t 7M 73 Ac. ThMO WIIH a better demand for May than July , July closing "cinWiRnL'rocelvtd fit cars , 22 of which were , grii ted contract. Minneapolis and Duluth got 50 : cars , against 428 tlic same day ast western innrkct receipts year Primary . .mounted . to Bkl.OuO buahels compared with CIS.OUO bushels a year ago. Atlantic Port clearances of wheat and Hour equalled ' ' STC'wfs'Vt'rcnKthencd , by a. decrcaso In thn vlsllile fiiiuplv cf li > 07,000 bushels and Iho1 . { of'lak'e navlBntlon to morrow. Shorts covered fre.-ly. Countrj offerlnsi were light. Receipts. 22 cars. May opijne.1 a slmtlo higher at auaSUic , 3ollJ Piiarlnsly 'it ' 3lc. advanced to 3lc and o o etl with buyers nt 3l',4Ji3l 4o. Oats follow.vl xvhont am corn. Shipper * bought h.nvlly against cash sales , country longs ll.iud.itcd . freely , but offc rings wore rn dlly absorbed and the Improvement was tnalnti.lurd. . The visible supply decreased r/l,000 ! bushels. R.ccl : > t * . 20.1 earn May started a shade hlg.ier at M-M'-C1. . 'le- ' cllnod to 23UTi26'Ko. ( ' then rose to 2G 'sC and CllTiiVySioR'receipts ? and lower prices at the vards weakened provisions. PackTs sold freely. Shipments of meats Tvcro fair at 8.989.000 pound..May . pork opcjietl 7'ic lower at $ ! > .03. declined to JS.97V4 awl closed at $9.00. The range In hml and ribs was K iimiu-ii receipts for Tuesday : Wheat , So cars ; corn , 3SO cars ; oats , 340 cars ; hogs , 20,000 head. _ . . . . Lending futures ranged BB followit Articles upen. Illcli. Ltw. Clone. Said'y. Wheat. May. . . 73 72 72 ! < July. . . 74 < * V , 73M-74 Sept. . . 78H 72H Torn. MHV. . . 34 34 July. . . 35X , Sept. . , 3Bii 35H Oa In. Mny. . 2l * M 20K Inly. . . S4W Scp't. . . 1'ore. Mny. . , on. ' ) 900 912 July . , ( i ' . ' 0 H 21. ! ! . 9 IS fl 17W n no ' ! )37i ) 0 H7i ! 0 3'JH 045 Lard' . Mav. . . fi20 R 'JO .1 13 S22K July. . S im < 6 : to t : ir Sept. . . 046 : > .10 ItlbH. May. . . 4 7 470 470 476 July. . . 4 tm 4 rift 4 V'1- 4 H'Jl-i 4fi7i , _ &ejrt. . _ , 4 US GOO 405 .100 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : KLOUlt-Steady ; winter patents. M.fiOf ? ) 3.70 ; .straights. 3.3Xff3.40 ( ; clears , $ .UOg3.20 ; spring specials ' , $1.25 : patents , $ ; Btralghts' $2.SOf 3.10 ; bakers. $2.20W2.r,0 WHEAT No. 2 spring , 71',4ifj72' ' c ; No. 3 spring. lT7fr71' ( , " ; No. 2 red , 7jfT77c. ( CORN No. 2 , 34Vic ; No. 8 yellow , 34 % ® ' " "oATS-No. 2 , 27'/.f/27- : No. white , 30 fijaic : No. 3 white , 29'AftCOc. RYE No. 2 , 52MiP52rc. BARLEY-NO. 2. 37 lf47'/jc. ' SEEDS No. 1 Ilaxseed , $1.15 ; northwest , $1 19. Prime timothy seed , $2.30if2.32Vi ; clover , contract grade , $ fi.2o. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.00 ffi ! ) ' 03 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , $3.155i5.20 ; short rib' . " , sides ( loostO , $ l.43f4.S5 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $4.&Oil.G2'/i ! ; short clear Bklc.3 ( boxed ) , Jj.OtXffS.lO. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per SUGARS Cut loaf , $3.95 ; granulated , $5.45. Following arc the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlp'ts. Klour. bbls . 13.000 7,000 Wheat , bit . 59,000 17,000 Corn bit . 1S2.000 609,000 Oats , lill . 249,000 427,000 Rye. bu . i . 25 , 000 . Barley , bu . 17,000 5,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was quiet and easy ; creamer- Irs , 1317c ; dairies , ll < 315c. Eggs , steady ; 12'X'O. Cheese , weak ; creams , ll'/i © STATUSIHXT OF VISIHI.H SUI'I'I.Y. lnrKR IlcfircuMPH Arc" Reported ln'All the nrnliiM. NEW YORK , April 21. The statement of < ho vlnblo supply of grain In store nnd nllont on Saturday , April 22 , ns compiled by the New York Produce exchange , Is as follows : Wheat , 29,179,000 bu. ; decrease , 1- 323,001) ) bu , Co-ll , 25,178,000 bu. ; decrease , 1- (120,000 ( bu. Ouls , 10,489,000 bu. ; decrease. 1.17.- 000 bu. Rye , 1.113,000 bu. ; decrease , 42,000 bu. Barley , 1,747,000 bu. ; decrease. 189,000 bu. M-j\v ( : IOMH.VI , MARICRT. < liioatloiiN for tin- Day oil fieneriil Coniniodldi-N. NEW YORK , Aiirll 2l.-'FLOUR-RecclpIs ' , 18,229 bbls. ; exportu , 9,209 bbls. ; market easy on spring patents , but steady for winter wheat brands ; winter patents , $3.751 ? ! . 20 ; winter straights , $3.f.OG3.75 ; winter extras , J2.COfI3.00 ( ; Minnesota patents , $3.90f'l.25 ; ailnne-sotu. bakers , $3.00iH < l.20 ; rye , quiet : good to fulr. $3.00fc3.15 ; choice to fnncy , $3.20 4)3.10. ) ( XHINMHAL Firm ; weslorn , SJ-J/SCc - / ; clly , HYI5 'Steady ; No , 2 woHtern. fi7c , f. o. b. , alloat ; state , ( ! 3c. c. i. f. . Now York car lots. IIAULUY Dull ; feeding , 43U < ? ( c ; malt inglolrKiVic , both c. I , f. , Huffalo. HAULHV 'MALT ' Dull ; western. WU15A.T Uecelpts , 65,000 bu. ; exports , . . . 1 > O.I bu. ; spot strong ; No. 3 red , R2Sic ! , f. o. b. , alloat ; options opened easy on rain news from Iho west , but developed sulxsemicnt Htrcngth on an unexpectedly large visible supply decrease. Hy reason of n big shrinkage - ago In local stocks the .May option was especially llrm all day , The late market was helped by covering nnd higher Krench quotations ; closed strong nt 'lifiHc advance ; April , 7SVIS1C , ulosed , 80'ic ; May , 77itf7S o , closed , 7So ; July , 77f < 7dUc , closed. 7S'fc ; Beptcmbfr. 7iV4STilAcl1 ( closed , 77Hc ; Decem ber , 77Tit7S | < iiC. closed. 7SVjC. COltiN-4RecelptB. 13,000 bu , : spot strong : No. 2 , 42 < jl3e | , f. o. b , , alloat , now nnd old. Option * opened steady and advanced on the vlPllrio supply decroiiHo and a good export trade , closed strong at UPVtc net nilvancc ; May , 39HMOUv , closed. 40'c ' ( , : July , 3.is5740c , closed , 40c. OATS Hfcolpts , 119,000 bu. ; exports , 10,0 % bu. ; s | > ot dull ; No. C ! . 32i32o ; 'No. 3. 3H'-i'i ' No. 3 white , 3U c ; track white , 35tf3SV'C ; options steady .but dull. IIAY-Steaily. : common to choloft. 1C5T crop , lllDKS nrmV GiUveston , 20 to 25 Ib3. , _ CUfIl7c ; Texas dry. 21 to 30 ll > ' . , liSlSc ; California. 21 to U Ibs. , ISftlSUc. I'UOVISIONS licef llrm ; family , $9.6yJ ( > 11,00 ; extra moss. J9.00 ; ln > ef hams , JlB.OOHi lli.OO ; packet , Ja.50JiUO.00 ; city , extra India mess , H4.OW15.60. Cut meats , steady ; pickled bellies , J5.00tfu.75 ; pickled shoulders , $1,50 ; pickled hams. 7'4Q7ic. Lard , weak ; western , sleatned , I5.47'.i ; rcllned easy ; con tinent , * T .75 ; South Ainerhsin , JG.2A : com pound , 43c. I'ork , quiet ; menu , t3.751j.50 | ) ; clear. J10.lS < fri0.75 ; family. J10.60i11.00. HUirrBIl Steady'western ; crJHinery. IK ® ISc ; western factory , 'ISljMijc ' : Imitation creamery. HWWVioj state dairy , IHilSc ; stale creamery. CU I EESB Ilecelnts , SIS pkus. ; old. quiet ; large white. 12fll2Uc ; small white. I'ftJfl.To. larg colorexl. IMd''Uc ; small colored. 12 ? ; ® 13e : new , slow ; large , lOa ; small , lOfllO'ie. 1'XJGS Hecelpts. 7.146 pkgs.j firm ; west ern , IS'ifiiUc ; southern , 13fiUjC. ! TALIX\V Kttsy ; city , 4Kc ; country. 4'i iiflmo crude , . _ Now York , JO.W ; Philadelphia nnd lliiltlmore , Jti.Cii ; JJJillail ( > ljlila and Baltlmoro In bulk , fl.10 ; r = m .itrnlncd , common to $1.irl M Kii'i ; si. i < 1y. > lomentlc , fnlr to extra , 0' ' ? . . Jar in. 'i sv AIol.ASHlvS H' ' < i 'HNew ' Origan * , open kettle , Kooil to i holt f. 33ti37e. MKTALh At the rioso the Metftl ex- clmiiKo r ll i | pig Iron warrants firm nt J11 < W. I ko copper , llrm with $ l ? . ( i bid nnd JlO.ifi nskwl. Tin , llrm with $25.00 bid und $25.X > a kfd. Lead , very quiet wllh $1.30 bid nnd $ l.32t4 anked. Spe'ter , mronc ami hlKher with $ ti.7r > bid nnd $7.00 u ke < i. The brokers' price for lead Is $4.10 $ and for copixr $19.26. OMAHA miiHAt. .MARKET. Condition of Trade nnil Quotation * on Nlniilp and Fniicy lrodnrc. KOGS Recclptn light ; demand good ; mnrket firm nt 12M-C. BtJTTER Common to fair , Iftflllc ; choice , 12fille ; separator , lSi19c ; gathered cream- erv WiilTr. POULTRY-Hcns , live , 8\4S9o \ : dressed , lOc ; old nnd Maggy roosters , live. 4H7c ; dressed , &f(7c ; ducks and geese , live , 7H8J Sc ; dres ed. lOc ; turkeys , live , 9S10c ; drcsseil , . lightweight , 12',4 ' 13c ; heavyweight , . PIGEONS Live , per dozen , 755J90c. VEALS-Cholce , D" OYSTERS-Bulk Standard , per ? al. , $1.10 ; mrdlums , per can , 15c ; Standard. p r can. 20c ; Extra Select , per can , 25c ; New York Conntf ! , per i .in , 50c. FHrail WATER FISH-Catllsh. per Ib. . 12e ; buffalo , per : b. , dressed , 7c : white fish , lie : lake trout , Me ; yellow pike , lie ; silver herring. 5c ; perch. 4c ; bullheads , dressed , lOc : h'.urk bass , Ibc. SEA FISH-Flounders , Sc ; haddock. 3c ; Columbia river sa'mon , 15c ; halibut , lie : blue fish , lOc ; Spanish mackerel , 10o ! red snapper , lw ; extra largo mackerel , each , 30c ; roe shad , each , 50c. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES-Pcr cralc , $5.506.00 ; pints. $3.00. APPLES-Ben Davis , per bbl. , $5.00 ; Gon- llon. , $1.75 ; New York Baldwins. Greenings and others , choice , per bi > l. , $5.60 ; western boxed. $2.00. CRANBERRIES-Jerseys. per bbl. , $7.50. VEGETABLES. STRING BEANS-One-thlrd bu. , $1.00Si 1.2 > . PIEPLANT-Per 30 to 35-lb. box , $1.35 ® l.GO ; per 50-lb > box , $1.75. BEETS Per bbl. , $1.50. PARSNIPS-Per bbl. . $1.75. RADISHES Per bu. box , $1.25 1.60. TOMATOES None In market. SPINACH Per basket , $1. LETTUCE Home grown , per dozen bunches , 40 < if45c. ASPARAGUS Per 'Ib. , ICfflSc. ONIONS Home grown , per aoz. bunches , according to size , 15B25c. WATERCKESS-16-qt. cases. $1.10. CABBAGE-Crated. per Ib. , 3Vic. CAULIFLOWJOK-Pcr crate , $2.50. ONIONS Per bu. , 90o'ff$1.00. ' BEANS-Iland-plcked , navy , per bu. , $1.60 C'l.M ' ) . 1'OTATOES-Cholco Iowa , sacked , 70c ; poorer stock , GOc : Minnesota Burbanks. 85 ? 90C ; Colorado , $1.00 ; early Ohio seed po tatoes. $1.00(01.10. ( SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. . seed. $2. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California , fancy , $3.5053.75 ; choice , $3.2.i@3.60 ; Messina , fancy. $3.75 4.00. ORANGES-Navels. fancy , $3.7584.00 ; choice , $3.75 ; seedlings , $2.75 ; Mcd. sweets , $3.00. BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , p ° r bunch , $2.002.23 ; medium sized bunches , J1.755J2.00. DATES Hatlowce. CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6c ; Salr. 6c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes. lOc. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , 17c : Brazils , per Ib. . 9@10c ( ; Er.gllsh walnuts , per ID. , fancy soft Hiiefli Tavi'aiSo ; stan < lards , 10@ilc ; "iff- berts , per Ib. , lie ; pecans , po'.lshcd. 8lOc ; cocoanuts , per 100. $4 ; peanuts , raw , S\i \ < Sbc ; roasted , G'Mi7c. CIDER I'or half bbl. , J3. SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl. , J2.0002.25. HONEY Choice white , 12'A(3'13c. ' ( MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each , $2.50 ; gal. cans , pure per ooz. , $12 ; half-gal , cans. $ G.25 ; quart cans , J3.50. MAPLE SUGAR Choice , In boxes , 9c. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides. Co ; No. 1 salted hides. 8V c ; No. tailed hides , 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs , lOe ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , eric ; tallow. No. 2 , 3c ; rougn tallow , I'/ic ; white grouse. 2'Aj3c ; yellow und brown grease. . FURS Mink. iO@75c ; bear ( black or brown ) , ? 5.00g200 < ; otter. $1.5008.00 ; beaver , $1.00iii.oO ( ; skunk , lojnSc : muskrat , 3@10c ; raccoon , 155i50c ; red fox , 25c$1.25 : gray fox , 25fi50c ; wolf ( timber ) , 2jCfI$2.50 ( ; wolf , ( prairie ) , coyote , KKloOc : wildcat , 10@25c ; badger. B'S-IO ' " ; silver rtX , $50.0075.00. SHEEP" PELTS-Grecn salted , each , 15 ® 75c : green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short woolexl early fklns ) , No. 1 , each , 6c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , r r Ib. , actual weight , 4Q5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 34c ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual wljrht. 3Q4c. ICiiiiHiiH City Ornlii Market. KANSAS CITY , April 21. WHEAT Strong and higher ; May opened at G59ic , closed at GG'/fcc ' ; July opened at GG'/ic , sold between G7c ami B7',4c , closing ut 67u ; cash plow ; hard about stctidy ; No. 2 , fi7H09c ; soft llrm ; No. 2 red , S4'ic ; No. 3 spring , GG QtiSc. CORN Futures Btrong and higher ; May opone < l at 31V4c. closed at 31Tic ; July opened at 32J c , closed nt 32c ; cash In fair de mand ; mixed steady toic lower ; No. 2 , 324if(33'4c ( ; whltei UQ'Uo ' lower ; No. 2 , 34@ Sllic. OATS Active and about steady ; cash , No. 2 mixed , 23 < Xc ; No. 2 white , 30'Ajf31c. ( RYE-NO. 2 , 63Mc. : HA i Steady : moderate receipts ; choice timothy , $ S.50i9,00 ? ; choice prairie , $7.50@ S.WJ. S.WJ.BUTTER BUTTER Steudy ; creamery , 14@19c ; dairy , 15c. EGOS Demand light ; weaker feeling pre vailed today , though prices remained un changed ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , In new cus < < , cases Included , 12c ; cases re turned , RHc. RECEI ITS Wheat , 61,500 bu. ; corn , 33,100 bu. : oats , 19.000 bu. SHIPMENTS "Wheat. 20,400 bu. ; corn , 11.900 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. \IMV OrleaiiH .Market. NEW ORLEANS , April 24. HOG PRO DUCTS Steady ; pork , standard mess , $9. > l ird , rellned tierce , $5.621/4 ; pure lard , $5.76. Bo.ved meats , dry Bait shoulders , $4.40 ; sides , $5.1"Vb. Bacon , clear rib sides , $5.75. Ham ? , choice sugar cured , $ S.60f9.50. COFFEE-Quk-t ; Rio , ordinary to fair , FLOUR. GRAIN AND FEEDSTUFFS Steady. Flour , extra fancy , $3.65if3.70 ; pat- entP , . . CORNM K A -$1.95ff I ( 1.9714. RUAN-73iff74c. HAY-1'rlme , $12.00iT13.00 ( choice , $14.00 ® 15.00. CORN-No. 2 sacked , while , 43@43Vic ' ; mixed , 42Hc ; yellow. 43' c. OATS-No. 2 sucked , Sic. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI , April 2l.-FLOUR-Steody ; fancy. $3.15fi3.30 ; family. $2.43Tf2.fi5. WH'EAl' Steady and iiulet ; No. a red , 7Je. 7Je.UOHN UOHN Steady ; No. 2 mlx kl , 37c. OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , ' 4nT30c. RYE Firm : No. 2 , C2C3c. PROVISIONS Lard , steady nt $5.05. Bulk meat * , nUtidy at $1.90. Bacon , steady and uulut ut $0.73. WHISKY-Steady at $1.2b. RUTTER-Qtilet. SUGAR Klrm ; hurd rcllned , $1.3505.47. EGGS-FIrm nt ll'ic. CHEESl'Flrm ; good to prime Ohio flat , Mlnnenpnllfl AVIionl Market. ( MINNEAPOLIS. April 21. AVIIEAT-In storti , No. l northern , April , 71T c ; May , 71VAc ; July. 72Uc ; September , 70Uc ; on truck , No. 1 hard , 72ie ; No. 1 northern , 71T c ; No , J northern , 70u. FLOUR Flr-t patents. t3.7oiT3.85 ; second patents , $3.55iT3.5 ( ( ; ; first clear , $2.75if2.S5. BRAN-ln bulk. $10.25i10.5d. I'lillnilellilila I'rodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 2I.-BUTTEIR- Dnll ; prints Ic lower ; fancy creamery , 15c ; fancy prints , 12c. KGOSStudy ; fre.i. ) nearby 13c ; fresh western , 13iri3 < c ; fresh southweslern , 13 ® J3Vt < ' ; fresh southern , 12',4c. ' OHEESE-Flrm. Toledo Market , cash , old , $3.65 ; new , cash and April , $ ? .S5. Peorla Market. PEORIA. April 2J.-CORN-Market easy , new No , 3. 34e. OATS-OIurket quiet ; No. 2 white , 29U@ * 9we. 9we.WIUBKYMuTket firm on th basis of $1.2fi for Mulshed goods. Milwaukee Ornln Market. MILWAUKEE , April 24 _ WHEAT r : A'p. l northern , TS c ; No. 8 north- . 'RARLEY-Dull ' ; No. 2. 45c ; sample , 40 ® Liverpool flrnln and I'rovlnloiiH. LIVERPOOL , April 24.-PROVISIONS- Hama , thort cut , llrm , 3Sa. Bacon , short flfnr bm-kn , firm , ! , Shoulder * , square Mrady , I3 * ! < ! \\liEAT SIMI No. 2 rrd woMern winter. Mrndy , Gd , No , 1 red tiorthrrn , Duluth , steady , GR id , futures lower. May and July , 6 7'd. CORN Spot Amerlran mixed , new. qiilot , 3s BUd ; American mixed , old , quiet , 3s G'id ; futures steady ; May , 3s Mdd ; July , 3s 6 > d. St. I , on In MnrUel. ST. LOflS. April 2-FLOUR-Slady ( ; palenls. $ .1.75T3 ; KtralRhts , $3.4093.50 ; clears , $3.COflfl.iO. WHEAT-Strong and higher ; No. 5 rod rash , ele.vator , 7ic ; truck , 77c ; Atay , 78Vto bid ; . .May , S2' * bid ; No. 2 hard , 70ft71c. COUN HlRhor ; No. 2 cash , 3lUc : track , M'.ic ' ; May 33i,333Uc , ; JTlly , 33Sj33:4o : bid ; September. 34.o ( bid. OATS Higher for options , nominal for cash ; No. 2 cash. 2S4c ; track , 2 Hc ; May , Sc asked ; July. 24Uc bid ; September , 230 > C3Hc ; No. 2 whUe. J RYE Irm ; 6Cc bid. FLAXSBED Nominally $1.12. PRIME TIMOTHY 9EED-J3.26. . . BRAN Quiet and steady ; acked , east truck , R2c. JIAY Betlcr ; timothy , $900 11.60 ; prairie , $6.251 s.fio. BI'TTER Steady ; creamsry , dairy , 13il7c. KGS-Lower. lie. WHISKY-Sleady. $1.26. COTTON-TIcs , D9c. LEAD-Dull and easy ; } U5. HPEI/TEK-Strong and higher ; J6.50H6.5. > . PORK Easier ; standard mess , jobbing , PROVISIONS-Easler ; prime slfam , J5.00 ; choice. J3.07'4. ' Dry salt meats , .boxed shoulders , $4.25 ; extra short clears , $4.S7',4 ; ribs , $5.07' ' , < , . Dry salt meats , boxcu , shoulders , $3.00 ; extra shorts , $3.37'/i ; ribs , Jo.tO ; shorts , ? o.7o. hECEIPTS Flour. 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 13- 000 bu , ; corn. (53,000 ( bu. ; oats , 28,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat. 21,000 bu. ; corn , 27,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. llnltlnuiriMarket. . HALTIMORE , April 24.-PLOUR-Qulot ; western extra , $2.5W3.10 ; western family , J3.351/3.GO ; winter wheat patent. $3.75ii3.90 ; spring wheat patent , J3.909I.10 ; svrlng wheat straights , n.ti31f5.S3 ; receipts , 23,090 CORN Klrm ; spot. 4Vt40'fic ( } ; month , 3914 5739ic ; May. SSHSSSvic ; June. 3S',4c ' ; steamer mixed , 3Sj40c ; receipts , 148,130 bu , ; exports , 129,117 bu. ; soiithehrn white corn , 42c ; south ern , yellow , 41Uc. OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 white , 33 33t4o ; > fo. 2 mixed , 32H5J33c : receipts , lO.OCfi bu , nUTTKR-Qitlct : fnncy creamery , 201j21c ; peed creamery , 1'iijlSp ; fancy ladle , I4TO IBo ; Kood ladle , 124J13c ; slore packed , llsj' ' 12c ; rolht 14JT15C. KOOS Klrm nt 13c. CHKl-JSK-Qulet ; larse. GO Ibs. , ll'4fil2'Ac ( ; medium. 37 Ibs. , l2V4Q12ic ; small , 23 His. , Unlndi Wheat Mnrkrt. . April 21. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash , 74ic ; April. 74ic ; ( May , 7o'Ac ; July , 75e ; No. 1 northern , cash , 71Mc : ; Ts'o. 2 northern , 6G4c. ! MOVHJIUXTS Ol < - STOCKS AND I1O.MIS. I'rlccd Union'i-pt for a Spurt In tlu > Harly DcnlliiKX. NI3\V YORK , April 21. Trading was of a. listless sort today nnd except for an early spurt In the specialties prices drooped to the end , when the tone was weak. Smart recessions appeared In many stocks , while most of the active list was lower. No very serious considerations seemed to bo given to the protest of the German ambassador against the utterance * or a naval officer Just returned from Manila. The strength of sterling exchange attracted some atten tion , continuing as It does In spite of comparative easiness of money , which ranged from 3 to 4 per cent for call loans. The favorable bank statement of Saturday failed to arouse a noticeable liicrr-ase In outside Interest In the market and the bears accordingly reasoned that It was op portune to try some short ventures. Anaconda mining was very i'trong ' , rising 8 points , only 1 point of which it lost before the close. The advance In Anaconda was associated with reports of some > deal In connection , with a. copper combination. Moreover , copper advanced abroad. lyjn- don was a seller of some 30,000 shares of stock mid selling came from New Englaml and the west as well as from romei large traders who recently had been heavy pur chasers. Commission business was wry light. Crop uncertainties may account for the hc.Mtn.ncy In. th ? market and private crop advices were said to have been received which were not altogether favorable. This received soma credence because of the firm ness of the wheat market. The market was altogether uninteresting and almost featureless Irregularity cropped out today In the bond market , but the chances generally were narrow and there was a consistent de mand for the newer Issues at Improved prlc ? . Total sales , $3,903,000. United States new 4s , coupon , and the os , coupon , advanced ' 4 per cent and the 5s. regis tered , % per cent In the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram Bays : The markets hero were Idle today exwpt for mines and coppers. The tendency was .to . dullness. The Philippine news caused realizing sales by recent American bulls and prices stead ily sagged , closing heavy at the bottom. Kxcentlons were Norfolk & Western and Denver & Rio Grande preferred , which ivero both bought herii and by New York. Cop pers were the feature. New York sent quo- tatlons on Anancondas at IHg and they closed near 12 , principally on American buying in the afternoon. Tlntos were 46 % . Spanish 4s were 5D. Fifty-four thousand pounds gold In bars were bought by the bank. liulllon dealers expect silver to bo twl.-ted up twin on the smelters' combina tion. tion.The The following ar ? the closing quotations for the leading shocks on the New York exchange today ; AdchlBcm Ift % , do pfd 77 1 'lo Pfd * ) ' , St. Louis A : S. F. . ll'/i ' Uallimorc & Ohio. . 73 tlo 1st pfd 71 Cnnada Paelflc do ai pfd . 33 Canadian Southern. 37 St. 1 , . & S.V . 13',6 ' Outral I'aclllo . M % Oo pfd Ohfs. & Ohio . 27 St. I'QUl Chi. & Alton . 16f ilo pf < l . lu'i Chicago , IL , & Q..143T4 St. I' . & 0 . 05 hlnago & . 1 . 73' ' do pfrt . 16" , ilo prd . 122 So. l'o < .4flc . 33'i ' Chloago Ot. W . IS So. nnllwny . 12'4 Olilcauo. 1. & I , . . . . UH Texas U I'acino . . . " .4 1 ? pfd Union 1'acltlo . 46U Chloiiro & N. W..1CO do pfd . 7 ' , i ilo pIM . 193 LT. I' . U. & a . 12 C. C. C. & St. L. . GOVi \Vtibn h . S ilo pfd . j . 37 c'H .pfil . . 23',5 ' Del. & Hudson . IK',4 ' \V. & L. B . 13H Del. L. & W . 1721)1 ) do pni Den. & Illo G . 23'i ' Adnnis Kx . 112 < lo pfd . 7U. < ; AiiKTlcan Kx . 140 Krle ( new ) . 13 I'nllnl States . 5J clo l&t pfd . 37ij , \n In Funro . 137 Ft. Wayne . 1SI , \ . Cot. Oil . 37'5 Ot. Northern pfil..l t do i rd . SJ" , Rocking Valley . . . . llli Ainert.-an Spirits . . 14VI Illinois Central . . . .110 do iMka Krln & W. . . . 17 Amcr. T bn .io . . .ai do pfil . f.S'-j lo pfd . 113 Luke Shore . 204 f'Diiu. ( Jas . . . . . ; X ) I/nuls. & N'nsh . 67i i-'onii t'ahle Co . J.V ) Manhattan J , . 122H Coltn-ado K. & I. , . . 6114 Jlet. St. lly . 548 ilo pfd . 1JO \\V fli. Cknt . 11 ? Ofti , KluMrlo . Il Minn & HI. L . Bl'.i HanCVunm'l Co..lX. ( ' clo 1st pM . M Urk. Hap. Tr . 1 > 4 Mo. Hiiclftc Int'n'l Paper . M Jtnhllo , < i Ohio . 47 ipfd ' M. , K. ' & T . 13 Ui CkHlo fins . . . . M'i dn pM Ix-nil . 3l'.i ' N' . J , Central ! . 121 % do pM . . . . .11.1 X. Y. Centml . 1S9 > J N'at. Lin. Oil . 4'i ' N. Y. , C. & St. L. 14 l' < u-mo Mall . Mi do Ut pfd . COde Peple'B Oils . IM'4 do ai I > M . s : I'lilim-'Ui Palace . . .160 Nor. & Wett . 205i Sugar . 167 ? ; Nor. & Weil ptcl. . . . 67-14 do t > M No. American Co. . 11 C. & I. . ( B No. 1'aclHi . 5H4 U. H. I/Mtier . Gii do | rfj T > f.l Ontario & W . 27Vt U. 8. Rubber Mli ore1. It. & Nav. pfil 70 do pfd lla Ore. Sliort Lino. . . . 4l4 Wi stcrn I'nlon . . . 9i I'acino Crt.iHt . . . . . . 40 A. H. & W WH IM.i < Vutt iKt pfd. . S3 do pfd W do VM pfd . IS Fejonil Steel C7'i IMtlsbunr . 1SI ito pf.l MH Col. .Southern ' " ' . do 1ft pM SO .to < LX' ' 21 i The total sales of stocks today amounted I i to 579,492 shares , Including : American Smelting and Itellnlng , 0,800 ; American Steel nnd Wire , 28,400 ; American Sugar. 59,300 ; American Tin Plate , 3.COO ; Anaconda , 40,500 ; Atchlson preferred , 18,200 ; Brooklyn Rapid Transit , 29,700 ; Brooklyn Rapid TranMt rights , 7.00 ; Burlington , 11,700 ; Chicago ' Great Western. 11.COO ; Colorado Fuel and . Iron , 4,600 ; Columbus , Hocking Volley te Toledo , 7,300 ; Consolidated Gas , 3,400 ; Con- 1 tlnental Tobacco , 33.C"0 ; Continental Tobacco - , bacco preferred , 5,800 ; Denver & Rio i' j Gnindo. 5.900 ; Denver & Hlo Grande pre- ; ' forred. 8liO ( ; Federal Steel. 1S.900 ; Federal Steel preferred , 3,500 ; Glucose Sugar Refinery - ! I finery , 3,900 ; Louisville & Niu'ivllle. 12,5uo ; ! . ; Manliattun Consolidated , 12,400 ; Mexican j 1 i Central , 14,400 ; Mexican Central , 1,400 , ; Mis3 3 sourl Pacific. 3.COO ; National Bteel , 20,400 ; Norfolk & Western. 13.800 : Norfolk & West ern preferred , 3.600 ; North American , 3,700 ; PaclIIo Mall , 5,300 ; People's Gas nnd Coke. 5.200 ; Reading first preferred. 4.100 ; Rock Island , 7.30 > ) ; St. Louis & Southwestern pre- < ferred. 3.900 ; St. Paul. 9.900 ; Southern Hallway - i way preferred. 14,600 ; Tennessee Coal and ' Iron , 6,500 : Union Pacific preferred , 3,900 ; Weslern Union , 7.SOO ; Wheeling & Lake Erie. 5,600 , l.'lmiiiclalotcx. . ] CHICAGO. April ZI.-ClearlngH. $19.717- 877 ; balances , J1.616.W3. New Yprk ex change , ] 5c premium. Sterling exchange , ported. Jl.So'Affl.M ; actual , I.SSf(4.S7 ( ; sixty days. ll.Siai.W. Stocks active und blrong. R Aii y U tx'j Dmiivm.1 VM , North fhl. . figti , ; 'i \\cst Cbl. m. > . is. str.uvii i.u.l. : i , htfiuii i. > mnu > . 4t.'i. ' ItH'Miit s IT r , rriM lol. NKW ORLHANH. April SI.-Clenrlli $ < < 2,92 * . New York exchange , bank , Jl f ) tier Jl ( XV pronilum ; commercial , ft"c p T Jl.OOO dUrount. NH\V YORK , April ZI.-ClenrltiBs , Jlft\- S21.21S : Iwilnnws. Jll.l77.reO. HO9TON. April 2l.-Cl irltlB , 1RS7 * . H : balances , ( l,4MS73. RAUTIMORli , April SI.-CIcnrlnK ? , J8.439- 4fi2 ; balancer 11,031.047. HIILADKLl'HIA , April 24.-ClcarlliKS , JlO.W.fifS ; balances , Jl , 707.107. ST. LOtMS. April 24.-CIearlngs , jS72.100 ; luilnncnt J7M.S19. Money , 4IJ7 per cent. Now York exchange , par bid , ISo premium . CINCINNATI , April 24.-Moae > - . 3Hti per cant. New York exchange , l ! > Tf2Sc discount. Clearings , J2.927.300. : \ MV York Money Mnrfkrt. NH\\ ' YORK , April 24.-MONM3Y ON" CALI < Steady nt 3'tfl per cent ; last loan , 4 i .ir rent. PR1MK M13RCANTILH PAP153 ff4U ; > or cent. STKHL1NO EXClLVNOlO-Stronp : , with aetua' business In bankers' bills at JI.S7W I.S7U for demand nnd at JI.SMfl.SS'i for sixty days ; iwsted rate.'t. $ i.S5 < 1H.i > nnd M.S7J4174.SS ; comm ri'lal bills , Jl.M I.SI- % . SILVER CBIlTIKlCATKS-60-VJ W4c , RAR SILVER 59'4r , MKXICAN DOLLARS-47ic. RONDS Government bonds. strong ; stale bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , Irreg ular. Cloning quotations on bonds w re : 100 tl. s. 3n , me 1118 N. Y. 0. IMS llrt t ) . S. 3s. coup .V.J. C. on tJ. s. now la. ret. . . . lit ) N. C. ( Is U' IT.H. UOCOIID N. C. 4s 114 U.S. old 4R , re * . . . . No. 1'aclflo lHt . .121) ) U. S. aocoiiti No. I'nultlo 8s HSK U. s. is , ror. . . lllh No. 1'aclflo 4i lll ) : * t ; . s. in , conn. . N. Y. C. A St. I. . 4s. . 10.i ) ( Ilstrlctl. : Ofn m N. AW. . ooii. 4 . . . 04H Aln , . clam .A nn N.V. . ecu. us. . . . 1X0 Aln..clunn II Ill ) orn. N. lHt 112 Aln..clnM 0 urn Ore. N. 4i 10H Ala. , currently nil ) O. S. l , . tin i. r 1.11 Atciuson 4n llll'ti o. S. l , . S t. r . . . . Io. ) ailj. 4n st : KMillnir is ! " , ) 'i CnimcliiSo. 2cta Do U. O.V. . IHII 1)7 ) 1 ' ' ' ' M. L. AI.M.oonfi * 110U clAO.'rn . . . . St. I , . A3. K. Cen. C.12U4 C. A X.V. . con 71. . 144i , St. P. COllHOlR Mi l do S. V. ( tub. 6s. 1 ? : ) > l. 1' . ( ! . A I' . lstB..l''l riil. Terms. . 4s ltt ) ) St. I'.C. Al'.Bn. .121 IJ.AK 0. Isli So. lly. 3i lili(3 ( ( 1) . AU. . G. 4 * 10'J S. U. AT.tli H 4 E.IRtTCllll. 1st ! . . . . 10JU Term , new nel.'Js . . . 117 KrlnOen. 4n T. I' , lull 1)4 ) F. W. A 1) . lain. t. r. T. V. 2dl 5.j } Oen. Klec. Co II. 1 * . 4n 100 B. II. As 8. A. On ll'JIi II. I1. D. AO. . lain. . i)0 ) 0. H. .VS. A. Si ! * . . . HIM Wnh. l t 117 H. AT. Out. fit HVt ) Wub. Vils H8M II. AT. O.con. UB. . . 11U W.Shore 4H 114 lnwaU. IHIH 110 Win. CiMit. . . . , K. C. P. JtO. iRts. . Va. Cenlurlui 81 IM. New Con , 4n. . . , 111) Vn. nofoiTort ! l LAN. ( Inl.-tn Colorado Soulh'ii 4s 87 W. 1C. AT. SOD 63 Offered , ItOHlnii stnelc ( liiolnttoiiN. BOSTON , April 21. Call loans , 3fT4 per cent ; time loans , 3'/i04 per cent. Closing price * for stocks , bonds and mining shares : A. , T. & sTr ro i iilclirTcl f3 ri J pfcl . (10 ( llostnn KIcvatcd . . M's llo 4s , lflfl > i 11. Klco. Tel IDS Anicrloin Sugar , .1CS an. . KIco. plil 1M ( to i.M .118 Alloiicz MlnliiK Co. 10'j ' Bell Telephone . . . , SC5 Atlantic 50'i ' Hostnn & AU'Jiiy . 2.Vi llofton & Mont..i..W > Hoston & Maine . .180 Iluttc .t Hoitoa. . . . 09 ! C. . H. & Q , 2i Calumet Hccla..S4 > ntclihurg .13116 Ciiitfnnlal 4fl'.fc ' Gen. Uloctrlc ,113 , I'ranldin 57 Jepal Steel . 67'i ' Old Dominion 49H < ln pfd , SoCXe coola JMi'i Old Colony 211 Qulmcy 171 Hnbber Union Paclno , I'Hi ' \ Volerlnc -n'i ' West Und , 95 I'arroLt 6 < Io pM ,115 , Adventure 1:1 : W st. Blititrlo . . . , 4S ! . ITnlon Land 9 \\Ms. Central , 1 Humboldt M Alex. Central . 14HVlnona 17 Sun I'raiiciseo .Illnliii ; ( luolaIOIIM. ( SAN. FRANCISCO , April 21. The oflleial closing quotations for mining stocks today weroas follows : Alpha Con 4 Justice 1C Andes 11 [ Kentucky C3on 'tLl ' nrr 3.i Ophli- 113 Ies.t & Hclchcr 67 O\'orman 11 ( nnllfon 2 i't Challenge Oon ! S2 'S ' icrplon .j 1 Chollar . 33 .Sap lielclier 3 Confidence 7ri 'sierra ' Nova&t. SS Con. Cnl. .t Va..l7 > SUimianl 2T,0 Oro\vn Tolnt I ! ) t'nlcn Con SI OouM ft Oirrlc 37 rtJih Con IS Hale & Norcros * . . . 24 Yellow .Inckct 41 Silver burs , 50c ; Mexican dollars , 4S'/4c. Drafts , sight , lOc ; telegraph , I2',4c. ' London Stiicl ; Quotnl IOIIM. LONDON , April 24.-1 p. in. Closing : Consols , money , , 110 9-1C N' . Y. Central . . . .114 acct > . . . .UO 11-50 IVnnnylvanla W I'acinc . . ! > ! Brie . Wi IT. P. pfd 13'.i ITirie 1st pfil . . : ' . . . SSVj Atolilyon SI1 lUlnol-s Central , . . .118i Ixnilsvlllo 70'4 ' No. Pacific pfd. . ' . . . S0 > i Grand Trunk S ? ; St. r.Tiil common. . Kl'i't BAR SILVER Firm at 27 D-lCd per oz. 'MONEY ' W/ per cent. The rate of d.'szount ' In the open mar ket for short bills is Kil 1-1G per cent : for three months' bills , 2 l-16fI21i { per cent. \IMV Yurie .til n I UK ( ( notation * . NEW YORK , April 21. The following are the closing prices for mining shares : Chollar . S3 Or.'frlo 725 Cron-n Point . IS Ophlr ion Con. Cnl. & V8..150 Plymouth 10 Pcndwo-xl . no Qtif-'knllver ' 2.M ) Omiid & Carrie. . . . SI do pM 7.V ) Hak & Xorcross. . . 30 "lerni Neva la 0) Standard 230 Iron Silver . U I'pirn Cr n 40 Mexle-in . 50 Yellow Jacket 32 In < lie Foreign Fliiiiiiulnl "World. RERL-1N. April 24. The wct'k'.y Mate- ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows thei following changes : Cahh In hand , increase 31.000,000 marks ; treasury notes , Increase 1,609,000 marks ; O'ther se curities , decrease 26,020.000 marks : notes In circulation , decrease 37,620,000 marks. PARIS , April 24. Three pir cent rentes , 102f , Exchange on London , 25f 20Mo. ; Span ish 4a. 59.W ) . BERLIN , April 24. Exchange on London , 20 > narks 43' ' . pfg. for checks. LONDON , April 24. American railway shares opened dull on lower overnight prices from iNew York. Afterward prices partially recovered , but the market was unsettled and Inclined to wait for New York to show Us hand. The Ilnal tone waa Irregular and the demand light , Amount of bullion taken Into the Rank of England on balance today , 74,000. Span- . CO. BERLIN , April 2t.-On the bourse today International securities were llrm , chlelly In respond to Purls advices. Spanish 4s were in particular demand. Mining shares weixi wcuk , but closed with a sharp recov ery. ery.FRA'NKFORT ' , April 2l.-Ruslness on the bourse today was llrm , but Inactive , the forthcoming settlement largely absorbing attention. Spanish 4s und Mexicans were strong. American securltl-eis were steady. PARIS , April 21. Business started In a favorable manner on the bourse today , but was not maintained , rea'.lzalions causing a reaction. Brazilian securities were strong , owing to the improvement In the rate of exchange. Spanish 4s and Rio Tlntos were In good demand early , but cloi-ed easy , ad- verselv Inllnenclnz the whole list. MAORI P. April 21. Spanish 4s closed to day nt 70.05. Gold wa quoted ut 19.35. Condition of ( lie Trcnmiry. WASHINGTON , April 24. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash nuluncei $2S1,1S7HI. ( ; gold reserve , $212,001to" , Oil MnrUol. OIL CITTV , April 21.-Credlt balunecs , Jl.13 ] ; certltlente ? , no bids ; shipments , 107- 119 ] bblu. ; average shipments , 71,811 bbls. ; runs 1 , 150,915 bbls. ; average runs , 7S,9M bbl3 1 WILMINGTON , April 2l.-OILS-SplrilH turpentine 1i 1 , llrm ut 40tflO'ic. Rosin , llrm at Me. Crude turpentine , Hteady nt $1.35if 2.40. Tar , llrm ut I1.K5. SAVANNAH. Aprl ! iil.-OJLS-Splrits turpentine < , llrm at 4 ( > fi lie. Rosin , linn and unchanged , CofYciMarket. . NEW YORK. April 2l.-COFFEE-OplIonH opencid steady with October 5 points higher and other months unchanged ; ruled uctlvo with a llrm undertone on fuvorabl * cables , demand ' from shorts und light Inve-tment support ' ; switching n feature ; stutistlcul changes of bullish average ; * pot department ( Uttidy but riulet : closed steady and un changed t 5 points higher ; sales , 14,000 bags ' , Including Muy , $ I.95QS.OO ; Jim , & > .Qj ; July. * o.lD ; August , $5.2o ; Keptcmbi-r. 5.35 ; October , $3.10 ; November. i.45 ; March , $5.75. Spot coffee , Rio , quiet ; mild , steady. California Dried Friillx. NEW YORK , April 21 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUlT-Steudy ; evaporated ap ples , common , 7(5Sy.c ( ; prime wire tray , ? 4S9c ; choice , SfilHuc ; fancy , 9iSi'10o. Prunes , 41,5 91-0. Apricots , Roynl , llWit 19o ; Moor Purk. llTil9c. ( Peuchea , unpeuleil , 9ill8ci peeled , Sia2Sc. York Dry Handx Market , NEW YORK. April 2I.-DHY GOODS- Blfiached cotton In good rcquuat nnd tend ing upward. Brown cottons very llrm. Homo demand quiet , but good Kules for export. Coarse colored cottons llrm , Prints in fulr demand. In the woolen goods dlvi- bleu the market { 3 quiet und unchanged. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET General Brcnk of Fiva nml Ten Cents in Oixttlo , REASONABLY EARLY CLEARANCE IS MADE Cotrn nnit llelfern In Very Unlit Sup- pl > I'lM Ci-nt Decline In UIIK , to Kit 11 lit Chlonuo nnil KntiNiin City. SOUTH OMAHA , April 21. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Receipts today 1.724 4.1 IS G,7tS ! Ono week ago 2,113 2.5S5 3,739 -J/ * " weeks ago > * * l * * lf,7'J 2.527 7,379 Three weeks ago 7SS 2,600 S.140 Average priio pain lor hogs tor the last several ilnys with comparlsom1 : . April 10. . 3 GS | I 3 SOI 3 M | I 77 | 6 021 G 77 April n. . 3 Cil 37I | 1721 5 01' ' G G7 April 12. . 3 C3 | 3 71 3 97 . , 4 76 , I SO ] 6 48 April 13. . 3 Gl 3 G7 397 3 60 ] 4 75 , u'O.'l G rt ( April 14. . . 3 G7 3 70 3 S.1 3 43 5 111 G S9 April 13. . . 3 G7 3 SOI 3 3S 4 751 G 9S April in. . . 3 fil ; 3 87 ,1 2J I 78' ' 5 2,1 Apri : 17. . . 3 72 3 31 4 74 , 5 231 G S3 April 18. . . 3 CS 3 CO 3 43 I (13 ( 5 11 | 0 81 April 19. . . 3 71 3 ni 3 91 * 4G1 5 13 G SS April 20. . . 3 75 ,1 ra 3 SI ; 3 35 4 G9 r. . 09 " " April 21. . . 3 77 3 73 3 S3 3 30 S OG April ! . . 3 72 S4I 3 841 3 30 4 701 April n. . * 3 741 3 S2 3 25 4 G7 April 21. . 3 6" , 3 S3 3 3G1 4 GGi * Indicate. ? Sunday. The olllclal taimbor of curs of stock brought in today by each road was : Cattle , Hor.1" " . Sheep. C. St. P. Jl. & O. Uy. . . . 1 ttnlon Pacific system , . . . 17 11 17 P. 15. & .M. V. R. R. . . . 7 ISi S , C. .t P. lly 1 ISr. ; i C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. . . . 29 r. H. * M. R. R. R 13 15 C. H. At Q. lly 3 1C C. At St. J. Ry 2 C. R. I. & P. , cart. . . . S 3 C. R. I. it P. , west Total receipts 73 C9 2S The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated : Cattle. HOKS. Sh'p. Omaha I'aeklnp Co. . 719 G. II. Hammond Co. . . . IMS Swift and Company. . . . 3,191 ( . 'uduhy Packing Co 1,193 SIS Armour & Co 1,101 1.37S Swift , from country. . . . SOo H. Itecker & Degnn l.nhman & Ci W. 1. Stephen 23 I-itvliiKslone. . . < t Sehallc'r. ' . S Hamilton , t Uothschlld. . Ifl Other buyer * 71 Total receipts l.ftIS 4,453 6,225 CATTISH Conditions were decidedly against the sellers of fat cattle this morn ing , as both Chicago and Kansas Oily came lower , wlille the run wan largo at Chicago. Under the Influence of the general break In valuta buyers at this point took off BlflOc , the market being rather uneven and slow. Choice little cattle which just happened to please buyers did not experience much change and the most of them were disposed of In good season. Dig heavy and coars ; westerns wore at the other extreme and they suffered the most decline , being as a rule lOo lower. While the movement to ward the scales was a little slow , as Is apt to be the case when the market Is lower. It was mniclcntly aotlvc to effect u reasonably early clearance. Cows and hMfers , as was the case all last week , were In very light supply and the market was active- and full1 steady. In fact , cow stuff Is selling just as high as ever In spite of the break on fat cattle. Bulls also sold In the same nntclps as at the close of last week. Veal calves were , in good de mand at llrm prices. In the Htncker and feeder division the situation was against sellers. Tlifrc wi-ro not many cuttle , in llrst hands , nor were the holding of speculators largi- , but regular buyi'is all had a few , while there was prac tically no country demand. As a result .speculators would not Increas ; .their . hold ings unless they could got n good liberal concession. Sellers were calling the market . -ijl tin- way from IPc to 23c lower than the middle of last week , according to the kind of cattle they had. As t'he arrivalsof that kind of cattle are so small it would not re quire much of a demand to put prices back again. Representative sales : BEEF STEKKS. No. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. I'r. S..1020 ? 3 70 24..10'n $4 10 1..1120 $4 50 1. . 910 4 00 ! ) . . 9W : I 4 ! ) IS. .1111 4 SO 60. . S94 4 00 3. . 9till 1 40 100..127G 4 50 2. . 1115 4 1F 31. .1:177 : I 40 19. . 113S 4 S3 15. . 1102 4 20 4 ' 10 17..14S1 4 S3 1..1150 4 20 41 ! . . 1103 4 40 1. . BO ) 4 GO 1. . 9SO I IS 10. . 1030 23. . 1379 4 60 4 2T , 39. .12JF. 4 45 1S..12.V. 4 GO 4 25 IS. .1191 1 43 39. .1"35 4 GO 22. .12JS 4 15 4 65 iO. . 100(5 ( I 30 12-3. . 1214 1 45 26. . 1109 4 Ii3 17. . 1253 I 30 20. . 1166 4 EO 37. . 1227 4 SO 19. . 1105 4 40 1S..12C5 1 30 21..I3S2 4 SG STEERS AND HEIFERS. 10. . 793 4 9..1211 ! 4 70 COWS. 6..1010 2 S5 1 .1210 3 50 1..12CO 3 93 ] . . 900 2 90 4..1112 3 i 4..1010 3 90 2. . MO 3 00 1..1110 3 tt ) 1..12GO 4 00 2..1115 3 10 1..131I ) 3 75 1..1330 4 00 (1..1011 ( 3 10 1. . 970 3 75 1..1249 4 00 3..1003 3 10 2..1010 3 75 1..1170 4 00 1..1000 3 15 0 1230 3 75 2..1100 4 00 1..1110 3 20 G..1131 3 75 2..11K 4 00 .110. : ; : o 1..1120 3 SO 2..UK 1 20 , iSO 3 23 S..IO.TI 3 SO 13..1057 I 20 . MO I ! 30 13..101S 3 SO 1..1I10 I 2G . 950 S 33 14..1109 3 85 II'HIFERS. 2. . 720 , ' ! 40 1. . S 0 4 15 1. . 7SO 4 23 1..1U.O I 00 3. . 92 ! I 20 5. . SOu 4 25 1. . 820 4 00 7..10U3 4 20 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 2. . 410 300 1. . COO 370 17. . CS7 415 L. 7CO 3 40 2. . 725 S 95 17. . G78 4 .0 1. . 3SO 3 CO 3. . S7I ! 4 ( > 0 11. . 437 4 25 5. . S10 3 60 L. G'JO ' 4 10 HULLS. 1..1250 2 S3 L. 10.50 . 3 10 1..1G60 3 40 1..1200 3 10 1..1070 3 40 1..1240 3 50 1..1570 3 15 L.I400 3 40 1..1370 3 GO ] 2..13S' ( a 25 1..16i ; i 40 1..1570 3 bO 1..1S90 3 25 1..1S10 3 10 1..1G30 3 G3 1..170) 3 35 1..I410 3 W 1..1220 3 75 CALVES. L. 2flO 50) 2. . 2SO 5 50 9. . 1CS 6 7.r. r . . iso a oo 12. . 140 6 no 1. . 170 7 00 L. 340 5 10 L. 120 G EO 3. . 160 7 00 STAGS. 31..1359 4 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2S. . SSO 3 R5 2. . f,3'i 4 M 22. . Gi3 ! 4 40 575 1 00 L. 710 4 35 Sit. . 9111) 4 45 i. . ceo 4 oo 21. . G21 I 05 436 4 50 a. . 936 4 00 HOGS lioth Chicago and Kansas City camu lOe lower this morning , and as a still further bear argument the receipts nt this point were the heaviest for a Mon day slnco last December , lie-sides that the prospect seemed to favor large receipts for Tuesday. To ott'set tho-o bear JnlliieneoH Ihero was a very good local demand , with the result that the market at South Omaha wa only Cu lower. The market was rea sonably active at the decline noted and overythliiK was sold and weighed up In good season. The hogs .sold at } 3.K 3.75 , good loads going generally ut Si.67tift3.70 : and the general run nf light mixed at $3.nn Sl'\.G \ V > . Cliolco heavy touched J3.75. Jt will be remembered thnt on Saturday the hogs suld at & 3.70/3.SO , with tliho lout' string ill J3.70i(3.72Vi. ( The week opens with values JuHt about 5o lower than tlioy were the llr.u of lust week , a shade lower than two weeks ago and 11 shade higher than three weeks ago. The tublo at the .head of the column will show the average prices paid on the dlf- fircnt days frum which comparisons m.iy bo made. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 0) 193 hO $3 60 10 392 . . . 3 Bi 2S ICO 40 3 ft * 23 303 . . . 3 Ci'/a 11 233 . . . 3 C2'/j ' ! 219 SO 3 KTA 12 2)0 ) . . . 3 I.2V4 . M 222 . . . 3 B7' ' Gil 2115 SO 3 < S i 25 2'i SI. . . , . .203 40 3 62' ' ! 9J. . . .220 2UO 79. . . , . .SI I 80 3 C2'i 55. . . - 40 -y , . .155 U fj ) ' ' ' ' ' eo ! . . , . .212 40 3 a sb' . ! ( * t > lt 87. . . . . .201 40 3 65 67. . . . . 'JUS SO l7. ! . . . . .2IS 10 : ! in 65. . . . .t'US ' 3 CTli 7. . . . .2s : ; 80 U 65 72. . , . .21.1 40 70. . . . .271 210 3 G5 73. . . . . tel > lj 40 3 kS. . . , . .21 ! ) 1C.U 3 U5 76. . . . .251 3 C7 77. . . . .212 40 3 Gu GS. . , . .2CI J20 3 ( i7'/ 71. . . ' ' 120 3 ( a . . 'M 3 U7'A CO. . . ! . .S& 40 3 f l0i ( ! ! . .210 80 3 G7' Cl. . . , .217 ' f.7. . . . .250 3 C7 < > 77. * ' 'io 3 G5 53. . . . .2i. : ! 3C7 > r,7. . . ' ' : : ' 3 C5 f.2. . , , .2M 120 I ! U7Vi 87. . . . . 250 60 3 Go 77. . . . .211 KM 3 G7' , lo. . . . .2:17 : 3 CO . . . . .250 G5. . . . .2:1:1 : : . 77. . .255 40 3 l7'/j ! 81. . . , .200 40 3 C3 J > 0 . .214 160 3 67Is M. . . ? ; ' ) 40 3 G3 10 ' " 1)1. . . ' ICO 3 C3 Si 2S4 80 3 70' ' ' ' ; .2i > 4 IbO 3 G3 W 2 > 5 vi ; i 7ii 7U. . . . .2:19 : W ) : i IJ5 7(1 ( 242 SO 3 70 89. . . . .207 & 0 I ! C't C9 S9U . . . 3 70 10. . . . .210 . . . 3 03 43 M2 . . . 3 70 10. . . . .29:1 : . . . 3 G3 F 2il ( 120 1 3 70 10. . . . .210 . . . 3 in ' " 2M ) 80 I 3 70 15. . . . .20S . . . 3 (13 ( i 27S fcO I 3 ' , < ) 10. . . . .3G > ) . . . 3 ( > * ui..275 . . . 370 13. . . . . ' 50 . . . 3 OG 05 ' 'ta . . . 3 72'J 11. . . . .177 . . . 303 It ) JtiS . , 10. . . . .3 0 . . . 203 WAGON LOTS-1'IGS , 1. . . . .210 i 00 2 140 3 C2V.J 1. . . . .210 T 171 3 ISli S 201 3 Cf , - - 1..W' y.,1 , * 7 , rf a\ 4 267 3 05 I..100 . . . 2K 1.3W 3C3 so 31.5 3 1-3 1.1ft . : :1H : ' . ' . . . 100 . lift 4 239 3 fifi . .111 10 2 3 .1 AS . .278 r in . .MS S 34S 3 S 310 . . . it Oil r 6 SIS 3 flK 1 . . . SBO . . 3 6ZH SlYKEl' 'i'iie tin-Kent week slnrls out wllh a much better run tlmn last week , but there were none tee innuy liere to satisfy the requirements of buyers. Every one seemed lo want n llbernl supply of muttonbotn sheep and lambs , and buyers were nil out early Everything sold early ami nt prices that were strong to So higher. Coloradi Mexican lambs brought $5.70475.75. ns Bgnlnst J5.G5 at the close of last week Quite n bunch of western lambs went a J5.K& and Colorado yonrllngs nt $5.30. Quotations are : Good to choice fed west ern wethers , $ I.75I5.00 ? ; fair to good , Jl.COtf 4.75 ; Mexican yearlings. $ .V20fif > . .Yi ; cholro wofitcrn yearlings , $ VO ( > fi5.10 ; good western yenrllnfis. $4.V > ? /S.OO ; good to cliolce western owes. $4 35TM.CO ; fair to good western ewes. $4 ( VViJI 2H ; coed to oholoo in live Iambs. $53. ' ( fC > .IO ; good to rholro we'torn InmliN , $5.4 , > U > f..Ci , ) . Fort Collins Mexican lambs , good to I'holco. $5.055(5.75 ( ; fair lo good Von Col lins Mexican IninliM. $ .v50''i5.M > f "i er sh"- ' | > . $ I.25V4.M > ; froder lambs , $ I.GOii5.2o. Hop- IT'elitatlvo saloi : No. Av. Pr. 350 western ewes 9J JI.25 fifl western lambs , culls. , 63 4 25 western wethers 10J COO 6 ) Mexican yearlings > . . , . 7S .1 western yearlings . . . . , . , . , . , , 110 I.I woHtern yearlings s ( 3n7 Mexican yearlings j > 2 4IM woMern lambs M 4.Ti western lambs 7S 5 S wnstern lambs 70 127 Moxlraii lambs CI 113 western lambs S2 3N ! western lambs SI 5.l ( Mexican lambs 7S 275 Colorado lambs f. . . 7'i ' 513 Colorado lambs 7(1 ( 49i ) Colorado lambs 78 2S1 Colorado lambs S7 277 Colorado lambs 79 Suiiiily of Cittllc. I.lvi-ly Triiilr In 11 I > KM nnil SIu'i-p. CHICAGO , April 21. The. supply of cattle today exceeded Iho demand and sales won1 largely lOc lower ; fancy grades brought J5.COfn1.80 ; choice st'ers , I5.utfiii.fu ; medium steer. ' ' , JI.fi3fil.So ; bef steers , J'l.OOJf-I.CO ; stockers and feeders. JXfiiVfiS.Oj ; bulls , J2.CO ffl.10 ; cows and heifers. | 3.105/4.25 ; western led steers. J1.20fi4.0 : ! ; T-e.\as steers , $1,008 4,90 ; calves , $ .1.501Mi.OO. Then * was a good local and shipping de mand for llog- , but owing to enormous re ceipts buyers sncccodiMl In forcing prices IWlOf lower ; fnlr to choice lots sold at J.1.S3SI 1.02" ; heavy packing lots , SS.65ii3.S21 > , ; mixed , J3.i5ir3.M ) ; butchers , J3.bOij4.00 ; lights , J3.704i.M : ! ; pig.i i .35fi3.Sll. There was a lively trade 111 sheep at ma terially bettor prlc's. Sheep sold lOtflSc higher , while lambs advanccil 15ti23c , wooled Colorado showing the largest ad vance. Sheep brought $ Ux > ; ifi.OO , largely JI.IOWS.OO ; yearlings , $5.05 ; wooled Colo-radn lambs , , and shorn lambs , $1,758 G.37 > < , . Receipts-Cattle , 18,000 5iad ; hogs , 40,000 liwtd ; sheep , 17,000 head. IVIIIINIIK City l.lvc Stock. KANSAS CITY , April 2l.CATTLI'Re - celpts , 2,240 head natives. 7CO hosul Texans ; demaiul for flunghtcrlng cattle was not heavy and desirable lots brought steady prices , with n'aliwr stocU slow sale at a shade lower prices ; stock and fading cat tlo active at llrm prices ; no choice native heavy . -leers offered ; medium sto-rs , fl.COJi > C.OO ; light weights. J4.35Ti4.iV1 ; stookcrs and feeders , J.1.75ifr > . 0 ; butchers' cows and heif ers , M.OOJi4.00 ; canners. J2..105T.100 ; western steers , J4.0MM.ST. ( ; Texans , $ : t.)01i-l.40 ! ) HOGS Receipts , 3.9GO head ; there wtis n gooil demand for hogs , but prices were weak and largely 5c IOCT ; heavy. J..7i ) > ! ) 3.S5 ; mixed. J3.CoiJ.7r. : ) ; llghis , | 3.5't.7i ' ! : { ; pigs. $1.2Tifi3.M. SimiOl'-Receipts , 3,550 head ; light Flip- ply of very common quality ; all desirable Hocks soiling rapidly at strong prices ; spring lambs , $ G.C.OW7.00 ; fed lambs , JS.lOii 5.40 ; clipped lambs , Jl.iVK ? 1.90 ; yearlings. Jl.SoJf5.10 ; wethers , Jl.2503.00 ; and foeiders , J3.2&5f'l.25 ; culls , J2.00fi3.35. \ < MV Y rk I.lvtStork. . NK\V YORK , April 24. RKI3VES R port grades cows , $2.25 1. . . . . . . , , . - , , , .Vnr cuttle at n\i \ < TfWtCl shcop. 13fJI4o ; iamof refrigerator beef , ! Hic per Ib. Ex ports , none. CALVES Receipts , 5JS7 ho.-ul ; active and firm ; 25c higher than la t Friday ; all sold ; eommon to cholee veals , Jl.nOfiii 50 ; tops , $ l.75 ! ; culls and llttlo calves , $ I.Wi(4.2S. ( SHEEP AND LA IHS Receipts , 7f > 02 head ; demand brisk ; heep 25o higher1 lambs COIJlOc higher ; all sold : wooled sheep , * 4.0I > W5.7G ; clipped Bhecp. W.50f75.25 ; unshorn - shorn lambs , Jii.OOJCT.35 ; clipped lambs , $5 00 4Ifi.25 ; .iprlng lambs , $3.00fi.OO. ( HOGS Receipts. H.019 head ; market lower , closing 15c off ; ordinary to choice , $ l.lof .40 ; some early sales , $4.50. St. Louin 1,1 A o Stock. ST. LOUIS , April M.-CATTLE-UccMpts. J.00 ( . head , Including 1,100 Texans ; market strong , with Texans lOc higher ; fair to cholro native shipping and export steers , $1.50 7-5.45 , with fancy selling at $ r .50fi3.75 ; cows and heifers , ! .7S'fT4.00. ' .HOGS . Receipts. 9.000 , hr d ; market 5W10. ; lower ; pigs and lights. * XS0173.90 ; packers , $ ; i.R3T/fl.9i : butchers , J3.STi , ( , I.O.V S1I13KP Receipts. 1,100 head ; market steady , but active ; native muttons , Jl.riOT/ ; 5.00 ; culls and bucki * . $1 dOD I.Od ; lambs $550 (5C.OO ( ; .spring lambs , JS.OOTiS.50. Slock In Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for April 21- Cattle. I loirs. Sheep. Omaha . 1.721 4.133 fi,7tV5 Chicago . 18,000 40.000 17010 Kansas City . ! ! ,2IO 3.9iO ( St. IxiiLs . 1,600 9,000 Totals 23.CBI 57,33:1 : 28,715 Cine Iniintl IInStni'Ii. . Mic CINCINNATI , April LM. HOOS-Actlvo ( it " ' "cAT'l'Ll' : Afllve at $2.755n.nO. ( SHEEP Steady at $2.75T/1.50. LAM US Steady at $ I.25T5.75. SiiKiir 'MilrUft. NEW ORLEANS. April 2l.-StTnAR- Strong ; 'open kettle , 3 } fi I 1-1 ( ! ; open kettle , o'litrlfugal , STifl-l'sc ; rentrlfiigal , yellow , 4KT'I ISlik.soronds ; , "T/I'ii' / ' . MOLASSES-Qulet ; centrlfuiral , ( VfflCc. lOlKl" Illltd-r .tliirl > . ELOIN. 111. , April 21.-HU'lTEH-Stoady at 17r ; off , rings. 20' tubs , with no sales ; bids of 15c were ulai-cd on all. Mi Mic I I te& ' - ft&rt' ' , f"1 l I ( UR. CHARCOT'S TOHIC TABLETS pu > HIM unly positively ciinraniccil rrmi'dylnr the Idliik lluMt .Neiruukt.rssaiiil llclanctiolf cnuseu lijn > trnniliiiik. ! xvu cdi'AitAvrnn rortt itoxr.H nyr.c.soullliii | , o ithu t % rllli-ii KIIIII. urrrfuii'l tlio niMii-y. anil todcsiiiiy tliu TUB TABI.IiTS CAN III1 OIVEN WITHOUT KNOWLEunP. OP Till PATir.NT. 1niiN < ' MlM 'i'3' . I'ovony niiil Iti-nili. t'lwn r c liTt iiiOC. . ) oMlllniail joiilim , | | < IKJIOJ anil pml- Tr Trf Myi'rH , Dillon Itruu Co. , Noli I llllli nnd Kuril n m. Oiutilidili , 1 t 1953 I'O ERPEMNEYa CO. " ret Kx fai Bill till a ret tin BRANCH I03QMAT for glr OMAHA tits uncoin ncp. tlu hoi To Our Omaha Code Holders he ioHilny liu > lliii'liNllili * for..lU pulni inly Illl } ' IllIM ) ' fill' Ill IMlllll onmo If Jim Inn r mil 11 ciii > of our 'I'rlr In uraiililc Cltilicr Cuilc nrltc UN loilny nuy JOHN 11. ICIMIIAI.I , .t t0. ; , nai " > "in fju llroniltviiyoiv Vork. vu in T11K Y ( .CMIK IN CAKKIAdlS. I'nif , ( Jrnut ClicHtorllcKI H.m u KloiullUc of Ills Own. , v All dny IOIIR ycnlrrdny carrln es vn In front of 1711 DoilRo eirpei it Deemed ns lliouph crerybody w s resllis > , hnve their palms rend. Chesterlleld ni itnlkliiR llko ft Rlcntnbont nnd nno of' ' < r nnothor the long siring paused through -i.e cntiBUltnllon room. The majority emori.- IIIR with brond smiles on their faros. Mn v were turned away , unable to see the iii'tcj palmist. There Is nothing of the Gypsy nbout Olus- lerneld's rcnmrknblo rendliiRs. The truth. ho tells you nro so startling nnd they como In such quick rolatlon thnt ono certainly gets his money's worth from this stand point nloue. Then nRalu ho diagnoses your disease , ntul oftenllmes restores to you your health even when nthcis Imvo fnllod. As a diagnostician he Is truly remarkable. He nl. o lells you what you nro heal lilted for In life and whether or not you will l > i > successful ; If you should make business changes. It you will travel , If you will ba successful In love nttnlrs. So from n financial slnmlpnlnt one gets their money's worth nnd Chcslerlleld gcta their money. His fee is but oOc. JAKES & BOY Telephone KM ) . Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , CUA1N , PROVISIONS ami STOCKS HOMO ) 01' TNAI ; . Ulrri-t wlrf tu umcjm > u.i .New Vork. Corr pondrntil John A. Warrn * Co. I'ltlSTOKKIClJ .VUTICK. ( Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested. as changes may occur nt any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending April 29. ISM. will close (1'ROMl'TJ.V ( In Illl cns.'S ) nt the ficnouil I'ostolllce as follows : 1'AH- CHL8 TOST MAll i close on ? hour earlier than closing limo shown below. TraiiMiilliuitlc .Atnlln. TUESDAY At li a. in. for 13UIIOIM5. prr s. s. Kaiser Frlrdrlch * , via Cherbourg , Southampton and ISremen. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. in. ( supplement. try flu. in. ) for El'HOPE , per s. New York * . via Southampton ; at 10:30 : a. in. for HKL- UHJ.M direct , per s. s. .Kensington , via Antwerp ( lett.rmust be directed "PIT Kensington" ) ; nt 12 in. ( supplementary 1.30 p. m. ) for EUROPE , pets. . Cymric' , via Qnecnsiown. SATU/IUJAY / At C a. m. for EUROPE , pep s. s I'mbrl.i * . via Qiieenstown ( lolleni fur France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal tugal , Turkey , Egypt and llrltlsh India must be direct rd "per I'mbrla" ) ; at 7 a , 111. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN , PORTUGAL , TURKEY. EGYPT and URITISI1 INDIA , per s. . Lv , Gascogne * . via Havre ( letters for othort parts of Europe mii t mo directed "per La Gaseogne" ) ; at S a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. s. Spaarndam , vU Rotterdam ( letters must be dlncUd "poi1 paarndam" ) ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. llekla ( letters must bu directed "per llekla" ) . PRINTED MATTER ETC. German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , and specially addressed printed matter , etc. . for othofl parts of Europe. American and \Vliltti Star stea.ners on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard. French and German steamers on Satur days take printed matt1 , etc. . for all countries foi which thu ; * arc ailvortUcU to cniry mal1. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mail.i named anovc , addi tional supplementnry malls arc opened on the piers of the American , English. French and German steamers , and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls for South anil Central America , SITi AVHt IM.HI-H , Kit : TUESDAY At 12 m. for NEWFOUNDLAND - LAND , per s. s. Silvia ; at 1 p. in. foi MEXICO , iicr s. s. llhiika , via 1'rogreso and Tampieo ( letters must be directed "per Hhaka" ) ; at 1 p. in. ( supplementary 1 : ) p. in. ) for ST. DOMINGO and TURKS ISLAND , per s. . New ork ; at 2 p. m. for HARUADOS direct , and NORTH HlU\X.IJv , via Para and Mamio.s , pM' s. y. Orlgen ; lit " 3 p. m. for COSTA RH'A. per steamer from Now Orleans ; nt 10 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Phila delphia. WEDNESDAY At * 2:30 : a. m. for NASSAU. N. P. , per steamer from Miami , Flu. ; at 10 n. m. for PORTO RICO direct , per tT. S. Transport ; at 1 p. m. for CUHA , via , Havana , also CA.MPECHE , CHIAPAS. TAHA'SC'O ' and YUCATAN , per s. c. Yuui- tan ( letters for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per Yucatan" ) . rilURSDAY At 8 u. in. for RI-JIilMUDA , per n. i > . Trinadld ; at 1 p. in. fmippUmien * tivry 1:30 : P. m. ) for NASSAU. N. P. , SAN TIAGO DE CUHA and Al A.NHANILLO. per * . H. Saratoga ; at 9 p. m. foe JAMAICA , per stejimcr from Roston. FRIDAY At 12 in. for PORTO RICO direct , per s. s. San Marcos. SATURDAY At 9:30 : a. in. ( supplementary 10 a. in ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. CROIX , LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. alwi DEMEHARA. irer s. s. Madlana ; at 10 o. m ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) fur FOR TUNE I SLAND , JAMAICA. SAVAN- ll.L-X. CARTHAGENA and fJREYTOWN. jier s. s. Alcno (1 ( 'tier- for Costa Illeii must bo directed "per Alene" ) ; at 11 a. in. IV.r CUHA , per s. . - . Havana , via Havana ( letters must bo directed "per Havana" ) ; at 12 m. ( Kupplincntary 1 p. in. ) lor CEN TRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) ami SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. B. A'll- anc'i ' , via Colon ( for Gu.iiemaln must bo directed "per Alllanea" ) ; at I p. m. for NUEVITAS , GIUARA. VITA anil HARACOA. per n. s. Ella. SUNDAY At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUKLON , per steamer from North Sydney , Mall- for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence by sleamPr , close at this t otllcn dally at 8:30 : p. in. ( connecting close hern every Monday , Wednesday and Saturday ) . Mails for MUiuelon , by rail to Doston , nnd thcnc3 by nteamur. cloho at thlh ollicu dally at R:32 : p. m. Mulls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fta. , nnd thnnco t by steamer , close at this olllca dally ( cxccpl Monday ) at * 7 a. m , , con necting closes hen- every Sunday. Wedne - ilay , ind Friday. Mulls for Cuba , by rail 10 Miami , Flu. , and thenc ? by steamer , close at this olllcn evcrv Monday , Tues- il-iv and Satunlay at * 2:30 : a. m. , con necting closes hero every Tuesday anil Saturday. Malls for Mexico City , over land , unless specially addressed for d'.s- patch by sfnmer , close at IhH olllce dully at 2:30 : a. in , and 2'iO : p. m. " "Registered mall clones at (1 ( p. m. nicvlotM day. ivjfI ti'iTd mull closes at u p. m. Hccundi day before. 'rriiiiN-l'acllle Malls for tb- Society Islands , per * hlp City of Papoitl ( from SHU I'miici-'po ) . elosu horn I dally up to April " 21th fit :30 : p. in. Mulls for ( himi and Japan ( from Seatfe ) per f. n. Sakura Maru , close hi'rn dally up to April * ' 23lh at 6:30 : 11. in. Malls for Ha waii , per H. s. Australia ( from Kan Fran cisco ) , close hep * dally lip ( o April * * 27tlt nt ( iw : : l > . m. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Hawaii anil FIJI iMland.s , per s. H. Aorangi ( from Vancouver ) , C ! MU hern dally after April 15tb and nil to April " 2Sth at 6M : n. m. Malls for China , Japan nnd HMWIIU. per H. H , America M iru , ( from San Frum-Hco ) , liero dally up to Atirll 30th at 6:30 : p. m. MIIH ! | for China and Jiipan , iier s. H. Empress of "hlnu ( from Vuncomvr ) , close horn dully up to May * ' 2d at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China and Jupun , per H. K. Olyinpla ( from Tucoina ) eloso IK-IV dally up to May Itli at fi''M p. in. Mall.'i for Australia ( except ithimo for West Austra'lu which nre for warded via Europe ) , New Xeuliind , llu- wnl ! , FIJI und Samojii Islands , per K. a. Mnuna ( from San Frunclxco ) , eluso hero dally after April * * 2S and up to May * ' 12tli at 6:30 : p , m. on day of arrival of H. H. Cam pania , which will probably arrive May 12th. rranspaclllc malls are forwarded In port nt sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is : arranged nn tbn presumption of thi'lr uninterrupted ! overland transit. Regis tered mull closes ut C p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN POTT. Pobtmasler. i'ostTilllce , N.IW York , N. Y. . April 21 , JS99. 'I'no ni'n liliul. "Oriiduully woman Is cfniilng to her own. " cmnrkH u gosslper In the 'R'iche.iter Post- Cxiiress. "Like tlie mills of tlio grids , In thn unilllur paruphru.-e . , 'shn grinds alowly , but gets tluro Just the sumo. ' In umnvor | , i iiuestlon , What Is the Salle luw ? put liy school Inspector , this In what one girl eplled : 'The Salic luw wes an rnuctme.-it hut provided that no ono descending from u VmuU should uscemi the throne. ' That must hiivn been drnoly Impro-xed with wrongs of her H'X. You muy jnateh thla icrole re-ply with another eoinos from sumo souiv. A Sunday school teacher , iflur having explained to her class that the patilurehs were nllrvwrd to huvii f nore than'one wife , went on : 'Hut , children , thew chrlHtlnn tlmtiH. how many wlvon a man have ? Upon whluli a llttlo girl jerly pul up her hund und cried ; 'Pltaim , , two only U cpncrully neciMwary to dl- ' "