Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Recent Appointment by the Governor Creates
a Great Uproar ,
Dr. AVen > of Mnenln n ( irniltmlr of
it llcnlnl oll.-Ke ( lint linn Hern
Driven Out of
LINCOLN , April 2l.-Spccial-Ono ( ) ap
pointment mndo by the governor , and which
Is not contained In the most recent list , Is
creating nn uproar all over the state among
the mom-bora of the dental profession. This
is the appointment of Dr Wente of Lincoln
as member of the State Dental Board It
acorns that Wcnle Is a graduate of a Kansas
City dental tollcgo which Is In Mich dlsro-
puto'among the profession that It hag been
driven out of Missouri and Its graduates arc
no longer recognised In that state. Moving
over Into Kansas the school has met with
the snmo opposition there , nnd In the recent
session n bill wns Introduced to prevent Its
graduates from practicing In that state
A few dao ngo Dr Wento was nsked
what ho would do In case n graduate nf this
objectionable college applied for permission
to practice In this ntate Ho replied that
under the existing circumstances ho would
refuse the permission , nnd It Is understood
that within the last week one applicant to
open up practice In the stnto was turned
down for that reason. Of course this pe
culiar situation has created a stir among
the graduitcs of reputable schools nnd It Is
probable that the governor will bo petitioned
to icconsldcr the appointment
Wltfi the Individual work of Dr. Wento
there U said to he no objection , and his
right to practice In the state cannot be
questioned for the leason that ho came hero
before the school was blacklisted. The ap
pointment wns purely political , however , ns
Wento wan a candidate for the legislature
In Lancaster ooiintj last fall and made such
n strong fight tint he Is supposed to have
aided the state tlfkot materially. It Is said
that he contemplates locating In Texas some
tlmo during the summer and that the ap
pointment Is mido simply to give him pres
tige In his now location nnd without any
Idea of letalnliiK him permanently on the
board In this state.
< Srlef for Sliit
There was great anxiety felt In Lincoln
* - today over the meager news from the Phil
ippines nnd the state house -was besieged
by the friends nnd relatives of the bojs
In the First Nebraska , all desiring to see
the list of casualties A largo number
of Inquiries came In from outside towns ,
but In each case the governor nnd the adjutant -
jutant general were compelled to tell the
Inquirers that no list had been received.
During the afternoon the delay became so
oppressive that the governor wired the War
department asking that the list bo forwarded
as soon ns It reached Washington. This
afternoon the governor wired the father of
Colonel Slotsenberg ns follows
Judge Stotscnberg , Now Albany , Ind : In
this hour of your bereavement wo extend to
you our heartfelt sympathj Your son has
added honors to Nebraska and died like a
hero W A POYNTER. Governor
Tlags were at half mast on the state buildIngs -
Ings during the day In memory of Colonel
Stotscnberg , nnd special services were held
at the university chapel. During these exor
cises Chancellor MucLenn made a talk In
which he deplored the hasty action which
LABASTINE , original
' nnd qnly dm able wall
coating. Entirely dlf-
feicut from all knl&o-
mines. Made icady for
use In white or tvvelvo
beautiful tines by add
ing only cold water.
ATEST make of ALA-
BASTINE. combining
cold water feature , la
n great Imptovoment.
Put up In dry powder
ed form , In five-pound
packages , with full di
rections on each.
I/L kalsomlncB are
cheap temporary prep
arations , made from
whiting , chalkclajs
etc. , and stuck on walls
with decaying animal
not a kalbomlne.
packages , properly lab
eled. Bewnrc of laige
four pound package of
light kalsomlneold to
dealers for four pounds
and offered as a live
pound package.
ment. It bets with
age , and can bo recoated -
coated and redecorated
ed without having to
wash and scrape oft
Its old coats befoio re
E N R I B Lt E dealers
and consumers avoid
damage Milts by shun
ning In filngcnicntB. Al-
almHtlne Co. own Ihe
light to niaKo and-hell
wall po.itlngs adapted
tomlxvvlth cold water.
pays he can sell you
the "saint1 thing" ns
"hotnethlng just as
good , " either Is not
posted or Is trjlng to
deceive you.
N OFFERING something -
thing ho bought cheap
nnd tries to hell on
mands , he may not
realUo the damage to
you of a kalsomlne
on your walls.
UISANCE of wall pa
per In obviated by AL-
ABASTINE. It can be
nsedonphihtercd walls ,
wood ceilings , brick or
canvas , Ib absolutely
llreproof , durable , nnd
easily brushed on.
VERY building owner
tOionld iis-e A LA BAH-
TINE. A"k point 'Ienl ' <
er or druggist for card
of tints. Write for free
copy Alalustlne Era ,
Grand H.ipldb , Mich.
hal resulted In unmerited crltltlsmB of
Colonel Stotsenbcrg , nnd Raid he bolteYed
that when the full truth became known the
colonel would bo considered not only a hero ,
but also the best friend of the Nebraska
l.lneolti l.ocitl 'Sole * .
A man who gave his name us Frank Ray
was arrested here Saturday for attempting
the short change racket , and ho Is newfound
found to bo a man badly wanted In Colorado
for \arlous tricky jobs. When searched he
was found to po se s papers and note books
Indicating that his name wns John T Cox ,
George Rogers , Frank Fny nnd Prank Ray ,
whichever might be the moat convenient.
The police have also In custody a man
who said his name wns John Williams , but
who Is believed to bo John Harrington , a
crook from Sabctha , Kan. , who Is wanted for
various misdemeanors In the prohibition
W. J Brjan returned from his eastern
trip ycsterdav in good phyelcal shape except
that his volre Is somewhat worn from con
tinual speaking nt eastern dinners.
Ileporln from t neh Comity In the
State for tin1'nnt Six
Monthn ,
LINCOLN , April 24 ( Special ) The de
tailed report of the mortgage record t > >
countUn for the last six months of 1898 has
been compiled by the labor bureau nnd that
part relating to the filing nnd releasing of
farm and city mortgages Is as follows :
rnrm Mortg'i City MortR's
County. riled IV1 ed. Flkd. IVlsed.
Anlnirii IteniM.
AUBURN , Neb , April 24. ( Special )
The convention of Christian Endeavorors for
the Fourth district , that has been In session
hero since Triday , closed last evening by
a lecture by Prof Bcatty of the State Nor
mal The attendance wa large.
Arrangements are being made for memo
rial and Decoration day exercises.
Numerous attempts have been made to
establish grounds at Auburn ,
but In each case the attempt foiled. Of
late J H Duudas , editor of the Granger ,
and proprietor of a beautiful grove Jusl
outside the corporation has been figuring
on necessary expense , and on Saturday salt
to the business men of the city that II
they would ralso a few hundred dollars ho
would go abend , nt up his grove for a
park , begin advertising and correspond with
entertainers nnd preachers nnd get out a
program so as to hold the first meeting
some tlmo In August. The proposition was
considered feasible and within a few hours
three-fifths the amount of money asked foi
was inlspd , though only about one-half o
the business men were ns > et consulted
Several citizens responded with promises
of other assistance , whllo the Missouri Pa
cific railroad asked to have an opportunity
to assist.
Representative Swan on Saturday com
pleted setting out 10,000 more fruit trees
on his fruit farm on the bluffs of tbo Mis
sourl river
f'l rnrn Selreil at lliitliiK > i.
HASTINGS. Neb. , April 24 ( Special Tel-
fgiain ) United States Deputy Revenue
Collector R 0 Stewart uclzcd C.S50 cigars
In Hastings today A lot of 5,000 was selzei
In the Hastings Grocery company and 85 (
In Evans & Klnney's commission house The
cigars were sent out In boxes labeled vvltl
counterfeit revenue stamps and were sen
from factory 3,741 , Ninth district , Pennsyl
vanla. The Hastlngn Grocery company hai
paid for the 5,000 lot so It will bo the loser
It Is said there were several hundred o
these cigars on the market.
( leneMl .Noleu ,
GENEVA. Nob. . April 24 ( Special ) -
Rain threatened all day yesterday , but I
cleared off before dark. A shower wouli
bo welcome.
Dr O. It. Stephcnson la preparing to g
to Norfolk , where he has secured the peel
tlon of assistant physician In the Insan
hospital ,
A telegram reached here yesterday an
nounclng the death of Colonel Stoteenberj
of the Tlrst Much sorrow Is expressed an
tlags are at half mast today.
\ VlnterVlieut I'ritetlenlly Uiilnjiiroil
PAIIN'AM , Neb. , April 24 ( Special ) ,
careful and critical Investigation of the con
dltlon of the winter wheat crop In this lo
callty reveals the fact that It Is , prac
tlcally , uninjured. The late spring and con
sequent failure of the wheat to show llf
created the Imprecision , that much damage
had been Inflicted The warm weather has
however , corrected that , and It Is doubtful
if 1 per cent of the ground will be put Intc
other crops. A large area of spring wheal
has been sown
Ilii ) rutnll > Injured.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb , April 24. ( Spe
cial Telegram ) -George Straw , u boy II
of age , was probably fatally injuret
oday by the overturning of a wagon which
IP was driving Ills brenst was crushed. In
ddltlon to severe bruises.
The residence of NV. . Palmer of this
Uy WM entered by burglars tonight while
ho family was absent. The thief secured
\ gold watch , eomo money and n quantity
f Jewelry.
tn tlic Poor I'nrin.
PONCA. Neb , April 24 ( Special. ) A
oung man by the name of Patterson , who
IOB been staying -with his sister ten miles
vest of Ponca nnd who has been bedridden
vlth a bad case of rheumatism for several
avs , made thlngo lively Krlday of last
ieeli. Patterson , It seenii , became dlssat-
sllcd with his treatment and threatened to
:111 : all about the house. Ho destroyed
, bout $40 of hla money by tearing It Into
mall pieces and became apparently Insane ,
lo was brought to Ponca Saturday before
ho board of Inmnltj , but the board decided
hat ho was sane and sent him to the poor
rniieral of n Snlclil < * .
PONCA , Neb , April 24. ( Special ) The
'cmalns ' of Rev W. C. McCool , who com
mitted suicide nt West Point laat Thursday ,
arrived hero Saturday , accompanied by the
clntlvcn of the deceased nnd several moni
tors of his congregation nt West Point ,
Iso Rev. Kuhns of Omaha nnd Rev Lud-
den of Lincoln The remains were escorted
o the Lutheran church In charge of a dele
gation of the local lodge of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen , where they lay
luring the night.
The funeral yesterday was an Imposing
I'nrmrrn I * n nil Inn : Tliclr "Work.
OREIOHTON , Mo , April 24 ( Special )
The still bright , warm weather Is all that
could be desired , nnd the farmers ore push-
ng their work rapidly Some have finished
sowing their small grain nnd arc now plow-
ng for corn
IllMNftS II Y TUB Siri'HUMi : COtlllT.
CnNP ImolvliiK Copj rlnlit null IX-
trnilltliiii IiiVfN Deolileil.
WASHINGTON , April 24 In the United
States supreme court nn opinion was handed
down today In the case of Oliver Wendell
lolmes , jr. , against G. D. Hurst , holding
hat a copyright on a book , the contents
of which have been published serially with
out being previously copyrighted , .Is Invalid.
Pho case Involved the cop ) right of "The
Vutocrat of the Breakfast Table , " by the
'ather ' of the plaintiff In this case.
Chief Justice Tuller today announced the
opinion of the United States supreme court
n the case of Thomas Cosgrovo against Eu
gene D Wlnney , United States marshal for
: ho eastern district of Michigan. The case
involves the extradition treaty in force be
tween this country nnd Great Britain for
Canada , the particular point at Issue being
whether a resident of Canada who has been
extradited and brought to the United States
on ono charge can be arrested on another
charge before the first proceeding had ter
minated and he had had opportunity to re
turn to his own country. The chief justice
held that he could not be thus dealt with ,
reversing the finding of the district court
for the eastern district of Michigan. This
case was a prosecution of Cosgrove on the
charge of stealing a boat In Detroit In IS'i" ,
and the two proceedings were connected with
the same cose , one being In the state courts
and the other In the federal court. The
opinion handed down today held that this
circumstance was of no Importance and that
Cosgrovo's rights were not Impaired by this
In the case of the American Refrigerator
company against the county treasurer of
Arapahoe co-nty , Colorado , the United
States supreme court today decided that the
olorado laws levying a tux on refrigerator
cars In the state ore valid , notwithstanding
: hey are In Interstate commerce The opin
ion was handed down by Justice Slilras.
Snrvlvors of tlio ClII AVnr Iloincm-
Iierod 1 > > the Oeiicrill Co % eminent.
WASHINGTON , April 24. ( Special ) The
following pensions have been Issued :
Issue of April 11.
Nebraska : Original Special , April 12 ,
lafayette W. Hunnicutt , Qlenvllle , $12
Frank T. Walther , Battle Creek , $ C ; Jacob
i Flchtcr , Newman Grove , $8 Additional
Frederick P. Welch , Seneca , $8 to $10 ; Joe
Bartlett , Shubcrt , $ S to $10. Increase John
Ichholz , Schuvler , $0 to $ lo.
Iowa- Original Theodore Raterman ,
Dubuque , $8. Restoratlou and additional
Jllsha McEvers , dead. River Sioux , $6 to $12
Increase John F. Mover , Alnsworth , $ ( > to
! 8 ; Whltmoro Gardner , Berwick , $21 to $30 ;
Simon Snyder , Birmingham $8 to $12 , BarIlla -
Illa P. Bowers , North McGregor , $5 to $8 ,
Henry G Porter , Central City , $ fi to $8.
ItclsHuo nnd Increase Charles A. Danforth ,
Hamburg , $8 to $12 Original widows , etc
Mary E. Dnlley , Council Bluffs , $8 , Lovlna
A. McEvors , Rlvei Sioux , $8 , minor of Wil
liam F. Wiley , Grtnneill , $10 Mexican war
widows ( Margaret Duglas Ryder , Wapello ,
(8 ( , Mary Ann Taylor , Farmlngton , $8
South Dakota : Inoroasc Milton Pender-
gast , Hot Springs , $6 to $12.
Issue of April 12 *
Nebraska Original Stephen Rice , Spring
Green , $8 Increase Special , April 13 , Der-
row Foot , Falrfleld , $10 to $12 ; James Drake ,
Lltchflcld , $ S to $10 , Isaac Clark , Halglor , $8
to $12.
Iowa- Original Samuel B Chapman ,
Mason City , $12 , Daniel T. Cain , Oaecala , $8
Additional Shakespeare Davis , Charles City
$ G to $8 Restoration and Inoreane Amos
Huff , dead , Winchester , $8 to $12. Increase
John Oadbury , Tama , $0 to $8 , William H.
Tallfero , Correctlonvllle , $ G to $8 , David C
Hlnsdcll , Osage , $6 to $12. Original widows ,
etc. Minors of Amos Huff , Winchester , $1C.
I'oNtnllleen anil llniiUn.
WASHINGTON , April 24 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Nebraska postmasters appointed-
Bernard Kendrlch , nt Dunlap , Dawes county ,
vice V Cladok , rtfllgned , Sarah C Cook , at
Mldvale , Brown county , vice C' S Robin
son , resigned , Mrn Anna Tltmer , at St
Dcroln , Nemaha county , vice E French , re
The National Bank of Commerce of Kan
sas City was today approved as reserve
agent for the City National bank of Davit
City , Neb , the DPS Molnes ( la ) Nations
bank for the Flrat Notional bank of Eather-
vlllc , In ; the Metropolitan National bank
of Chicago for the Tlrst National bank o
Shonondoah , la A becond dividend of 10
per cent was today declared In favor of the
creditors of the Buffalo County National
bank of Keainey , Neb , making In all 20 per
cent on claims proved amounting to $ ' )8,3CO )
The comptroller of the currency has been
advised of change * In the Iowa State Na
tional bank of Sioux City as follows : H. A
Jandt and John Mollugh , vice presidents ,
no affiUtant cashier In place of W. J H
Fred W Fisher was today appointed car
rier In the poatofllco at Hastings , Neb ,
vice Len Haldeman , resigned ,
rerxonnel of Itelnriireeinentn ,
WASHINGTON. April 24 Although not
officially announced , It Is practically settlcj
that the Nineteenth Infantry , now in Porto
Rico , the remalndei of the Fourteenth In
fantry returning from service In Alaska and
the remainder of the Fourth cavalry sen Ins
In the far west will constitute the bulk of
the reinforcements to be sent to the Phil
ippines In addition to the troops already
under orders to that station. Part of the
Fourteenth Infantry and the Fourth cavalry
are already In the Phlllpplnre and the plan
Is to complete the regiments.
I'rmldent In llilllnpiiNril ,
WASHINGTON. April 2 ! President Me-
Klnley vvaa unable to see callers today and
remained in his private apartments At
Interval ! during the last several da > s he
has been In the hands of hie dentist and IB
now suffering somewhat from nruralela of
the face. He hopes to be in tile otllco to-
Slajor Lee Sums Up tha Testimony in Behalf
of General Miles ,
.MnUo * No flinrRC of I'm nil or Intrn-
tloiuil > ' lot l of l iil > IteeonleT
> ln HnlimllN tlio Cniic
Without Argument.
WASHINGTON , April 24. The Wade
court of Inquiry appointed to Investigate
the allegations made by General Miles In
his testimony before the War Investigation
commission concerning the meat furnished
the army during the late war with Spain ,
held Its I net session today and Is now en
gaged upon the preparation of Its report
The court has been In session almost ten
weeks and In addition to dally hearings
Klven In this city for several weeks , sca
bious have been held In Chicago , Omaha
and Kansas City to afford the members of
the court an opportunity personally to In
spect the canning nnd refrigerating process
of the packing houses Several hundred
witnesses have been examined , most or
whom have been officers and enlisted men
In the regular or volunteer service , nnd
over 4.DOO pages of testimony have been
This morning the court decided not to
accept the report made by Lieutenant
Colonel Qarllngton of the Inspector gen
eral's onicc. This report hid been trans
mitted to Oonurnl Miles through Inspector
General Urecklnrldgc.
At the afternoon session Major Lee , who
tins boon Major General Miles' representative
before the board , summed up for his side.
Recorder Davis read brief extracts from
General IJrecklnrldgo's report and also from
two of his subordinates , Major Philip Ileado
and Lieutenant Colonel Garllngton , as to
the result of thotr Individual work Gen
eral Hrecklnrldgo condemned the canned
beef , and speaking generally , said that while
the nrmj ration fulfilled all the olllclal re
quirements ns to quantity Us components
should bo changed to meet the new con
ditions of service. As the rations were
llxed by law , this was n matter for con
gress to remedy. He also suggested that
dainties required by the sick should bo
added. Major Leo's leport wet , mainly de
voted to lack of certain camp equipment
among certain leglmonts and that of Colonel
nel Garllngton to the result of his pei-
sonal Inspection of the various camps of
the country.
The court then decided that if any of
the depositions for which General Miles has
called should bo read prior to the completion
of the report of the board , that they should
be admitted as evidence , subject to the
board's limitations.
Major Leo then summed up the case , de
claring that ho was acting as counsel for
Major General Miles In a technical sense
nnd that ho had been there simply to pre
sent nnd elicit evidence He read his argu
ment from carefully prepared manuscript
and was given careful attention by the
three members of the court , no one else
being present except the members of the
press. This recital consumed an hour.
Jee Itcflecln ono One.
Major Lee In summing up the case dis
claimed any Intention of rellcctlng upon
nn > one. He had appeared , ho said , on Gen-
-rnl Miles' behalf "to present and elicit
evidence. " Miles' allegations , ho said , w ere
nothing more than the complaints of offi
cers and men In the late war. It was , lie
said , the general's duty to present thc facts
concerning these who had suffered from n
"new departure , an untried experiment. "
The overwhelming evidence of over SO per
cent of officers and 85 per cent ot the men
showed bejond a reasonable doubt that tlie
so-called "canned roast beef" was all that
It should not have been.
He neither denied nor alleged that this
unlit ration was furnished by design ; only
that someone had blundered and that the
soldier was the sufferer. The subsistence
department , without adequate test , pur
chased this ration by millions of pounds. It
was rejected by the soldiers and enough
abandoned cans were left by the troops to
erect a monument to the memory of the
packing houses Not a dollar for these dis
carded cans had been returned to thu
Concerning the refrigerated beef Major
Leo said that with It was undertaken an
other experiment , new and novel In the
extreme , of attempting to supply It to an
army In the field In a campaign. Ho said
that the sevenj-two ! hour clause In Uie
contracts was impossible of satisfactory ful
fillment , nnd therefore a preservation pio-
ccss seemed a sine qua non.
I'l rNirii < l * P Clenrly MUM\II.
It was clearly slioT.ii , ho said , that a pre
servative process was under favorable con
sideration before the opening of the bids on
June 13 , nnd that It could or vvould be used
seemed to bo established beyond question.
Summing up as to chemical analyzatlon
Major Lee said"Witnesses unlmpeached
and unimpeachable , uninfluenced nnd disin
terested , without a motive for stating any
thing but the truth , have come forward and
testified as to facts within their knowledge ;
and all the statements of Interested parties ,
all evidence of these who neither tested nor
Investigated cannot avail against those who
gave clear , direct and uncontradlctcd testi
mony ns to facts. "
After referring to specific testimony Major
Leo eald"Such testimony as the above be
ing Incontrovertible , It must be clear that as
a secret chemical process was used with
meat at that point ( Tampa ) similar UBO
would no doubt bo made of such process at
other points or for all shipments where It
might bo deemed necessary as a preservative
of the refrigerated beef. It Is evi
dent that whatever preservative processes
may have been used , as testified to by Mr.
Daly and othern , they failed of effect and ,
as stated by those wltnceses , corroborated
by circumstances , the results of their use
were deleterious upon the health of the
men. "
At the conclusion of Major Lee's state
ment Recorder Davis said"I submit the
case without argument"
He contended that the canned roast beef
had been adopted as n ration without ade
quate or proper test , the solo test being n
single case sent to Tampa and cooked with
vegetables and condiments , "This experi
ment , " ho said "was at the Instance of a dls-
tlngulBhed editor of the subsistence depart
ment. The error was an honest one of judg
ment , caused , perhaps , in some measure by
the pressure of his duties , but the adoption
of tills canned beef as a material compo
nent of the meat ration In place of fresh
beef was a responsibility belonging to higher
authority "
Major Lee declared that some of the In
spections were so perfunctory that canned
meats were accepted "on the reputation of
the packing firms "
"Slnco when , " ho asked , "have gigantic
corporations and trusts become exempt from
that close scrutiny that would be applied tea
a dealer of niodcrato means ? "
Time Limit llxt-evuUr.
He then took up the question of refriger
ated beef and said. "Here , again , ns In the
case of tbo so-called canned roast beef , was
undertaken another experiment , novel In
the extreme , of attempting to supply an
array In the field In a campaign with re
frigerated beef The methods which had In
all previous wars been tested and of ap
proved efficiency were discarded for this
hitherto untried experiment. Various pro-
j posate were asked for and among them ono >
. stipulating that the refrigerated beef should I
] Veep eventy-Uo hours after Issue or de-
Ivery to the army As represented by cor
repondenco nnd testified to by wltncjses
his stipulation Involved what was regarded
> } many experienced men ns Impossible of
satisfactory fulfillment A preservative
irocess In addition to the ordinary refrlgera-
Ion seemed a slue qua non , and In discus
sing the subject with General Eagan , the
commls'arj general of subsistence , four wit-
icMses , Slphor , Glddlngs , Simpson and Arm
strong , all testified In effect that the com
missary general stated that the rcfrlgerat-
ng people had n special process for prescrv-
ng meat nnd that one process was being
ested at Tampa , Da.
Referring to the credibility of witnesses ,
Major Leo said
"Returning for n , moment to the subject
of credlbllltv of witnesses , wo deem It proper
o say but In no offensive sense that of
all wltnecses where sclf-lnlereat stands out
conspicuously the llftv-one Interested In the
neat Industry are pre-omlncnt Their read-
lie's , zeal nnd volubility when on the stand ,
heir eagerness to palliate , CXCIIHO and deny
any and every criticism or fault found wltn
heir meats , must account for much of the
nest remarkable testimony ever given be-
ere a court. The officers nnd soldiers of
our army may go wrong , the peoplft may
err , other Interests may bo full of defects
and Irregularities , but If there Is anything
strictly honest , without reproach , almost
icrfect , all these virtues will bo found In
iv crw helming abundance In the packing
louses of our countrj. Pardon me for say-
ng it , but much , It not all , of such teett-
nony Is like much of the roast beef com-
> lalncd of somewhat overcooked.
"Where the Illume Pull * .
In summing up his case , Major Leo made
the following claims-
It was perfectly practicable to have had
at all times herds of fat cattle at every
camp In the United States to meet an ) and
all exigencies of service , as they might
At no tlmo during the war was there
any emergency calling for food supplies by
other thun the safe methods of proved ex
It was peifcctly practicable to have landed
tieof cattle with the armies In both Porto
Rico and Cuba.
There was no necessity for depatturc from
the army travel ration which has been
found perfectly satisfactory. Instead of
suppljlng the troops during this war , as
other armies have been supplied , with
wholesome food ( of which there wns an
Inexhaustible supply In the countrv ) , there
wns gathered i.p all of the canned food
possible , much of which had bcon stored
'or years In the warehouses of the Baltimore )
Ohio railroad , nnd In foreign storehouses
and falsely labeled "prime roast beef"
where there was not an ounce of roast beef ,
and , wo ibellevc , not an ounce of prime
beef contained In the cans.
The sending of troops , chained to re
frigerators and cold storage and Ice houses ,
Into a campaign against a hostile enemy Is
GO unprecedented and unmllitar } that It
would bo a waste of words to discuss It ,
yet this was done , and there wns full
knowledge that the commissary depaitment
required from the contractors furnishing re-
frlgernted beef that It must keen for sev
enty-two hours outside of the refrigerntors.
To fulfill these contracts , the evidence
shows the contractors would be compelled
to resort to artificial preservatives. That
they possessed and Intended to use chemical
appliances Is evidenced beyond question.
The serious and Injurious effect upon the
troops that were compelled to receive and
use these two classes of food or to suffer
In consequence of not having wholesome
food Is as apparent ns any well established
fact , but the extent of such Injuiy upon
the health and lives of the troops cannot
well bo measured.
While our troops were thus deprived of
wholesome food , many parties were ready
to supply them at all times and In all
camps In this country and on foreign sta
tions with any number of cattle.
Wo believe these facts have been estab
lished bojond question and wo bellcvo that
a great fraud has been perpetrated upon the
government nnd a great crime committed
on the soldlerb , and as to the pirty or par
ties who have committed this offense , and
whether the evidence hhould bo referred to
the Judicial officers of the government. In
order that justice shall be done , are mat
ters that wo leave to the consideration of
your honorable court.
Tun llitninintli CoML-ornn Incorpnrntril
til Control AVol-.Ntrtl CiiinilN mill
1'lllllllllllKT . | | | | | | .
TRENTON , N J , April 21 The United
States Worsted company , with an author
ized capital of $70,000,000 , and the American
Plumbing Supply and Lead company , with
an authorized capital of $15,000,000 , were
Incorporated today at the office of the secre
tary of state The former Is empowered to
manufacture and deal In worsted and woolen
yarns nnd goods nnd other fabrics The
capital stock Is divided Into $30,000,000 pre
ferred nnd $10,000,000 common , the preferred
to pay 7 per cent cumulative dividends.
The Incorporators arc Samuel n Law
rence1 , Heniy G Evordell and Leavltt J
Hunt of New York , Georse E Spence of
Urookljn and James C. Young of Jerbey
The capital stock of the other company
Is divided Into $10,000,000 preferred and
$2ri,000,000 common , the preferred to pay 7
per cent cumulative dividends The com
pany Is empowered to manufacture and
deal In plumbing and sanitary fixtures , In
cluding load pipe. The Incoiporators are-
John H. Summerfield , Henry M Hnvlland ,
Robert P narry and Armltago Matthews of
New York and James Hunt of Deal Beach ,
N. J.
American " \Vlio HIIN n I.I-IINP Arrcitfril
VANCOUVER , II C , April 24 A great
sensation was caused this morning by the
arrest of Theodore Ludgnte , the representa
tive of Messrs Stewart and Wells of Chicago ,
and his workmen , whom ho took out to
Dead Man's Island to build n bawmlll there.
.Messrs. Stewart nnd Wells , the representa
tives of a Chicago svndlcatc , obtained n lease
of the Island from the department of mllltla
at Ottawa , but the city claims the Island.
Mayor Oardcn wained Ludgato that ho would
not bo allowed to proceed with the work
Ludgate publicly announced that ho vvould
start the work of clearing the Island at
7 o'clock this morning. The mayor ordered
the police force out , and when the Chicago
party arrived they were warned off They
persisted In landing and wore arrested as
Mr Ludgate , In his public announcement
that work vvould ho begun today , said "Jf
tha policemen arrest the men It will bo a
sorry day for Vancouver , as I am Instructed
by Attorney General Martin of Ilrltlsh Co
lumbia that the Island Is mine b > lease , and
If the policemen tr > to stop mo they 010 tres
passers , not I , and a huge mass meeting will
be called of citizens , who will request Mayor
Garden and the council to resign as misrep
resenting the city's Interests "
Developing TurUUli
CONSTANTINOPLE , April 24 In ordei
to develop the agricultural resources of the
empire the sultan has consulted with the
United States minister , O S Strauw In
regard to securing thoaervlces of two Araerl-
'can agricultural cxpcrtH. who will ho at
tached to the ministry of minea , agriculture
and foreats
Tremble Over nil iNlnnil.
VANCOUVER , H C. , April 2J Trouble
Is expected today , when on attempt will nt
.mado by Messrs Stewart nnd Wells of rhl-
j cage to take pcMie , sloii of u part of Dead
Man'n Uland , which they have leased from
i the Canadian government as a tlte tor a , saw
mill Mayor Garden ilatms the Ulnnd as n
city park nnd will resist the attempt of the
Chicago men to take
Marconi Spiiiln MIH IIUC < to ship l
t'linnui'l , IXotuilltiK Oilier Point * .
LONDON , April 54. Slgnor Marconi , the
electrician , whode experiments In wireless
telegraphy nro attracting International at
tention , has successfully e-ommunlcated from
South Torcland , Kent. England , to the
Trench armed dispatch vcs el Ibis whllo
sailing In the English channel In conductIng -
Ing the experiments he was accompanied by
a Trench nixval oftlcer.
The feat marks also his first success In
concentrating im stages at one point to the
exclusion of all others
ll nppro\ Coulilnn'i Comlni'l.
nERLIN , Api II 24. It Is announced In n
seinl-olllclal tioto today that United Stales
ppprrtarj of State John liny has expressed
: o the German ambae6ftdor , Von Holle-ben ,
IR | strong disapproval of the- conduct of
Captain Joseph H Coghlan of the United
States cruiser It.allegh
Dentil Itepiirt from Culm.
WASHINGTON , April 24 General llrookc
Forwards the following death report April
20 nnd 21-Plnar del Hlo : Corporal Newton
H Powell , Company M , Tlrst Infantr ) , ISth ,
suicide , morphine poisoning ; Sergeant Mnjor
George P Black , Tlrst Infantry , 21st. peri
tonitis , Santiago ; Corporal Prank Trott ,
Fifth Immunes , 19th , malaria , Peter Klch ,
general prisoner , 20th , djscntcry April 22.
Havana hospital No. 1 , Recruit John Wright ,
unasslpncd , Tlrst Infantry , pneumonia ,
Clego de Avllla , Private- David M Bender ,
hospital corps , exhaustion , melancholia ,
Coiitliiiiniiur offer I'nlr WontJior
Iiiiln I'ri-illcti-il
WASHINGTON , April 24. Forecast for
Tor Nebraska , South Dakota nnd Kansas
Talr TucoJiy , variable winds , Wednesday
partly cloudy.
Kor Wvomlng Partly cloudy , with prob
ably showers Tuesday night and Wedncs-
dav , variable winds
Tor lo\\n and iMlssourl 1'alr Tuesday and
probably Wcdncsdaj , variable winds.
l.ooiil HeiMiiil.
ornci : OK THH AvnATiinn mmrjAU ,
OMAHA , April 21 Omiiha lecord of tem
perature and prorlpltutlon eompai'd with
the coiresponding1 day of 4he last thrio
1S99. 1S9S 1S17. 1S98
Maximum tomt > entuic . . 7" U 07 7fi
Minimum tcinporatuie . . 61 47 BS 61
Avcrajro temperature . . . 01 64 M u >
1're-clpltatlon . . . _ . .00 .07 .74 00
Hecord of tenipcrature and prrolpltatlon
at Omaha for thlt , day und i-ince Mnnh
1 1S93
Normal for it ho dav n
_ _ v. < e-sn for the dav" . . . . 11
A < cumulated deficiency slnec * March 1 3Ui
Normal rainfall for the day 12 Ini n
neflrlenry for the day 12 Inch
Total ralnfn'l hlncp March 1 1 02 inches
nellolencv sinew Mnich 1 . . 2.S9 Inchi'i
Detlclcnev for cor. period. 1593. .41 inch
i\ce\s for cor. pe'ilod , 1S97 . 2.11 Inches
ItotiortH from Slut lo.IN at S p. 111.
Omaha , cloudy
North Plattc , clear
Salt Lake , cloudy
Chevi'iine. clear . . . ,
llapld City , ,
Huron clear
WIl iston , cloudy
ChlcnRo cloudy
St. Louis , paitly cloudy
St Paul ,
Davenport , cloudy
Helena , clear
KantNis City , clear
Havre , clour
Hlsmnrclc , cloudy ,
Galvewton , clear , 74j .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast OIllclaL
"If anyone present knows of any just
cause or impediment , why these two per
sons should not be joined together in holy
matrimony , let him now speak. "
That is the challenge of the old jmrriajre
service. It is
the chillingo
of church and
state , anil
rarely is an-
svvtrcd. But
if that dial-
lenge were
o iTe re cl to
Science how
often vvould
she forbid the
banns , in the
interest of
health and
of happy
maidens w ho
liavc looked
to marriage as
the coiisum-
m a t i o 11 of
their earthly
happiness , have found it a blight to the
body , a martyrdom to the mind , The irrep. and painful periods of maidenhood
were looked upon ns a part of the common
lot of woman , and so , neglected. Wifehood -
hood brought with it debilitating drains ,
and the trial of motherhood leftan inllaintd
nnd ulcerated condition of the womanly
organs. Then followed the slow decay of
body and mind ; the one tormented with
pain : the other irritable , or despondent.
Science which cannot forbid the banns of
marriage , can undo these sad consequences.
It is the hand of science which offers nf-
dieted women that marvelous niLdicinc ,
Dr. Picrce'3 Favorite Prescription. It pos
itively cures irrcgnlnnticb , female weakness
nnd disagreeable drains on the bj stem. It
allays inflammation and heals ulceration.
It makct ) the trial of motherhood easy ami
brief It brings back lost health and
beauty "Kavorite Prescription " contains
no alcohol , vyhisky or other stimulant.
Nothing is "just as good" for women na
the "Prescription " Accent no substitute.
Women single or married will find inval
uable advice in Dr I'ierce's Common Stnte
Medical Adviser Sent free on receipt of
stamps to defray cost of mailing only.
Send 2 : one-cent stamps for paper edition ,
Ifor cloth edition 11 stamps. Address Dr.
K. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y.
Subscribers Only.
ut The Bee office each
month botwcon the 1st
und the 10th , pny one month's
subscription to the Daily and
Sunday Dee and get a copy
of the
Home Companion
* > To Bee Subscribers Only ,
* * r
& City Circulation Dept
Paine's Celery
Best Spring Alcdicino
In the World.
A largo supply just rocolvocl.
A i it , i.'itii mill niuihiiiM s < .
Best Dining Car Service.
Only Depot in Chicago on ihe Elev
nN orunits K\HI c
Searles & Searles
nuccM-Enrullr trcnt nil MJItV OH 3 ,
CIinONIC AM ) riUV.VTn uUeimea
of men nnd vrontuii.
dEXUALLT. cnroil for life.
Nlfht KmUsJonj , Lost Manhood , Uy.
drocele , Vcrloocrlo , Qonorrhtft Oloot , Byph *
Ills , Stricture , Pile * , rintula and JtectU
Ulcer * . Diabetes , Brlcht'n Dlsoaaa cured.
Striofure * Gleet
by new method ulthout pain or cutting
Call on or addrozs with tamp. Trtatrasnt
by mall.
Cnn ne iUartr It Von Will
Treatment With lr. ItrmicU'S
ii < M ) rle lIc-H The Cure In GuniaiH
font , IlceiuiNiii < 'n < rlrlj Cannot
r xll MJ ItrKill I\ot lima and
Illiiiter An Do ( lie Oilier * .
A hnbwn cure carries weight roil gen
uine cure ? That Is why the y 1110 linowm
My Kltrtrlc Belt Is a EUC OSB fo- this rea-
on It cures quickly , entirely and pernio.-
noMly Such cures us mf be lt Mike canant
b- hidden , they are bound U > bo known , to
bo ti-lkod about and thereby a Ivertlsrd
throughout the length and breadth of the
laud Weak ruon and w > ni in w'lo civ Ih-
IDK theli dally llvrs aracui : thcrfr rclativco ,
frlendB or buslnens acquaintances cannot
run the risk of failure You take no
dinners when you begin treatment with my
Electric Belt It will make you well again ;
as Strong nnd vlnorons an you ev r were
In jour life , and I will guarantee It In every
cano where I reooramend my De-It If you
are Buffering from ouio cHae-.iso that Elec
tricity will not roach I vlll tell you so. I
am not going to sell jou my itrcstaent It
It will riot p'irp jp'i- i Ti | | | not liovo a dU-
tatlsflcd patient I cannot afford to have
one ,
Dr , Bennett's ' Electric Belt
not nn experiment It i pr suits my
years of haul work , study anil money I
know exactly what It vvll do Unit is vvhy
I EUiiruiUop i euro
In c'vurv CUSP I
havi1 knuwa for
ypnru tint JJlec-
trle-lty win tha
li ! cutest cuiutlv'M
agent that v\ mid
ever bo Know a to
mun but Just how
to apply the cur-
i < nt H > I it i to Kdt
HIP beHt resiiila
pu//.letl uthi'ra an
will as mo for
> tai I b a v o
HOlvvd th problem.
I'hyBlUans a e -
knowledKu It and
10.000 cured jm-
tllllt-4 tPF.tlfy tO It.
Hi retofore the
tioulilu- with ilci-
trlc belth II.IH In en
that tln'y buinul
mid b ' f H t r * il
you In a frightful manner on account jf 'ho
eleoliodtH Itelns bare mititl AIn n lmn
metal Is plaecd HBaltiat tin llrsb th tinnnt
cannot penIratIt IB icl.ilncil ui > u tha
surfaceluncv the buniH My 1 ! n hat
soft , tfllkoa , chamois-covered clccti nlca that
roniler'this buinlng a phyalcul liupoc < > lblll''yi
Tliey keep open the port" ) of the bldti wh oil
allows the entire cum nt to penetrate tha
system. This Is why the euro U absolutely
c ( Xi tain
I guarantee ray Dloctrlc Dolt tn euro Sexual -
ual IrupcyVoncy , I/o t Manhood Sponna-
lorrhoea , Ar rlcocclo and all Sexual Disor
ders In either sex , re toro Bhrunkon or Un-
dorobpod ParU and Vitality , cum Hhtu-
rnatldm tn any form , General and Nervoui
Debility , Dyapejitla , Ohroulo Constlpatloo.
all ronulu CompliilntiJ , ntc My licit ban o
ropntU'Ucin for honcHt euros , ami If you will
wrltu to mo I will &end you tcHtlmonlala
and all the nvjclonco you will want You
may write to Uiewo people I JIBVH rurul
they will Jo pleaRed t have you do so My
RcJt given it tin Eort of euro you want and
that ever/ man wants If It vvould not do
IUHC us I say the people would huvo dUicov-
eied this faot long befoio now no hutnbug
can keep up a pretense for wry loan TJio
( jooplo who have been curfd by my belt can
l > e found Itvlns out their lives In health and
comfort KUetrlelty Is the Vital anil N rv
FloTce of every human being , and VThm then
U a lack of tWs force in the ayulnm you are
sick Bloctilelty must bo euMiM Tht
Is what my belt 1s for to supply the IXS'f
'The prlceH of my bolts are onls about
half vvhut it acktil for the old ntyle belt ,
My belt can bo lanuwcd vvhrn worn out
for only 70c no other bill cnn l > renewed
for any price nnd whin worn out la
worthless Ilcvvaro of old-st > K bil > u undc
nrw-ntjle nnmcu
Call upon or wrlto me today I will sent )
you rnv Nrw Hook about IJIertrU-Ity ,
eymptom blanks and literatim Concultao
lion and udvlci * without coat M > Flcc
trio SuBiwinnory for the cure of the vari
ous weajfntSMfcs of men I * Fl\EK to every
main purchaser of ono of my litlta. Bolt |
only by
Dr. Bennett EISc3ny > ,
Uouinn SO mid 'JJ llnu-ilim II loci. , !