Ft THE OMAHA TA1LV ) 15EE : SATURDAY , APHILi 22 , 18 . STATISTICS ABOLT BAMS State Iknkine Board MakM an Abstract Showing Tne'r Condition ! INTERESTING STATE OF AFFAIRS SHOWN Slntc mill I'rUnlc Hunk * > IMV HcviHlrt'ri of Nriirl.t 'Ililrlv Million lXilliir--Nn1li.nnl A.lil.-d Will 31 tike rurt ) Million. I LINCOLN , Anril 21. ( Special ) The Plate Dsmfclng board has Just completed ati nl tract showing the condition of the S < 5 , I nocyrporated state and private banks of tuc s'ate , twtng compiled from the reports t isfd on the close ot business March e. l"3. The abstract t as follows : ItBSOtmcES. Ixianti and discounts , { H.W5 635 51 overdrafts 237,9391. Mock * . BccurMNs Judgments , - . . . Ime froni National atite 'and' ' private bank * and bankers . . . C.il.278.4i Hanklns houre furniture and fixture * 1.21 < il75fi1 othc-r real * nt te mifSj . curr ht exp ns * and taws paid. 311141 ! l Vntted State * bonds 7SW > 00 I'ri > mlura on bond * , etc | o1 J < Other aM 8 H3.8X1 63 rash Items > S2IJ Cash reserve In banks 1.9 5.101 fl Total $ : S,795D97 SS LIABILITIES. Cipltal Mock paid In S T.4D7 273 70 SurplUR fund S9J " ' "j Tndlvld d profit ! ) 92i..fiS la Dividends unpaid . . . "SISS ? Gpir"pal deposits la.Io-TOuO i\ Othrr liabilities S 07" Sj NMes and bills redtacounted . . . . C9 419 21 Dills payable Kl us3 8) Total J2S 703,537 R2 Uy comparison with the report made nt the close of business December 1. IS ? ? , the above abstract shows an Increase in loans and discounts ot $750.42004. an In crease til cash 'tfiervo of $2r > ; fi341 , nn in- crcnso In deposits of $1,027.570 60 Legal icBorvo March C. ISDi , 37fe per cent It is Interesting to note the increase lo deposits nnd In loans nnd discounts since WG. The llgurch on these Items for the Ftntc and Incorporated banks are as fol lows. Deposit ! " Ixjans Di" Pecember 31. 1SOS . . $10227 5.17 < 3 { 14 f eS < > 3 < i November J0. ! 1837. . 13 12 94jJ 3fi Jj. . ? ' * 05 Tcbrunry 2 15 7f > 4 317 Ju > 11. 1SK ! 15 150 TO S3 6. WOT 18 253 030 74 IS SX dSi 31 The report of the nationa1 banks of the etate for July 14 , 1S9S showed thuir general deposits to be $24.002.674 44. and loans and discounts $24,290 S10 40 In thiti the United States deposits arc not Included In case the national nnd state banks have Increased their business in the s > ame proportion since Julj. 1S9S , the general deposits of all the banks of the state would now reach a total of $47,150,000 Homo for tltf I'rlt'inlli'uH. Although the amount appropriated for the support of the Home for the Tricudless in 1S ! > 7 wan about $16.000 only $2000 of It was diann before the state officials suspended further payments Since then about $5 000 in claims have come in and are on flic waitIng - Ing for future action by the officials The claims presented for salaries of the officials nnd employes at the home have been promptlj rejected , and arc refused because there same officials are found not to have Icon entitled to hold the places and have recently been ousted to make room for those designated by the governor The state of ficials have , however , raised no objection to the pajment of salaries to persons who held seats in the legislature and were later ousted. It Is understood that among the claims filed for goods furnished nre some upon v\hlch part payment had be-Cn made b > the Home for the Frlendlcs * . society , but the claims cnme .for the full amount. The of- llelals arc disagreed as to what course to j > i TJUO In such cases. Some think that where payments have been made the } should be deducted from the bill nnd the society be compelled to Icse the amounts Others think that if the gooJs bought really went to the suppoit of the children the state ought to pa } It , allowing the soclet } to get 1 t > rebate from the dealers The matter of nllowance of the claims is hung up pending Jurther investigations A requisition has been issued for the re turn of Thomas Hajden from Mills county. Iciwa. He is wanted in Platte countj to answer the charge of burglary. The crime v as committed November " 3 The charges against C L. Talmage. captain of the Wilbcr companv , having been in writing and Talmage having failed to put in rin appearance , there as no hearing ex cept that Judge- Advocate Neville- took the jKipors and will make his findings thereon The first difficult } In this mattc't came up last December when Talmage was designated ns the officer to muster in the new company at Wilbcr. Before the date of the muster charges were filed agalntt Talmage , and he was superseded b } another mustering officer designated by the adjutant general. Tal- inago was , however , aliened to go into the company as u private and -was forthwith elected captain by an " almost unanimous vote The charges against him have been pending up to the present time and the Wilbcr compan } has never been assigned to n regiment. It is claimed that there is a gooJ deal of politics behind the move to decapitate Talmage He is n son in-law of Tobc Castor , was , formc'H } chief decapitutor for the & hAn / ' ± A : . An Excellent Combination. The pleasant moth ml uiul beneficial eft'ects of the vve-11 known remedy , hviur or HUN manufactured by ihe Cu.iroitxiA Pifl Syitur to . Illustrate the value of obtaining- liquid jaxa- tlve punc-iples of plants Known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the tiutci tuid acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive , cleansing1 the bvMem effectually , dispelling- colds > , headaches , and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per- miinently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality nnd sub stance , and its acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels , without weakening or irritating them , make it the ideal lu.utlivo In the process of manufacturing figs nre used , ns they are pleasant to the taste , but the medicinal qualities.of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plnnU. by a method known to the CALIFORMA Fie SVIIUP Co only. In order to get its beneficial tilocU and to avoid imitations , please remember the full name of theCompany printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. DAN FRANCISCO , CAL Z.OUI6VIX.I. & irv JfEW YORK , N T. Fur talc by all Druggists Price 0c. per bottle. dem rau rf thp s'a'p jt who is nnt now rif'ivinit hc Eirxl gra c of the new stylp deroo rats Lincoln l.in-nl Nnc ( . I The unlverflt ) ball * cason will properly ' open tomorrow , when the Nebraska team will be lined up against the Wanhburn col- leee nine | H X Plllsbury , the champion chess player arrived her * today and will engage In sev eral simultaneous garnet with the Lincoln ' players , the visiting plajer to b blind folded Arrangements have been made to hold the tournament In the senate chamber Mrs James r Cowdry mother of II II. Cow dry. and sister of Mrs O M Bartlett , died this morning at the residence of her cn , 331 South Thirteenth street The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon Omaha people at the hotels At the Un- dell V. K Wilson and wife. J M Warren and ulfe. C r cook , W U Hitchcock At the Lincoln W G Washburn , X V. King , W. D Hose E P Jordan LONG TERM FOR ARGABRIGHT I ) < -fdiilniit In Mtiriler Trlnl sPtitpiu-pil In MiiitjMnrnrn Im- At'BfRN Neb , April 21 ( Special ) The motion for n new trial In the Arga- i | bright case was overruled by Judge Litton on Tuesda } and Argabrlght was sentenced to nlnet-nlne } ears In the pcnltentlar } The case will be taken to the supreme court , as there Is great dissatisfaction rela tive to the manner In which the case was conducted b } the prosecution NnrlliinntplirniKit llmilti-rs Mrrt. WAYNE , Neb . April 21 ( Sp clal Tele gram ) The second annual meeting of the Northeast Nebraska Bankers' association was held in Masonic hall in this clt } todav. rift-seven banks with n capital of $5 fOft.OOO were represented The first session was held at 10 o'clock , President M L Tucker presid ing Judge W. F. Norrls delivered the ad dress of welcome , which was responded to by the president on behalf of the associa tion The program wan then taken up and Danker Lulkart of Norfolk read an able paper on the bankruptcy law which was thoroughly discussed The subject , "Notes of Interest on Time Deposits " was opened t > y P L Hall , secretar } of the State BankIng - Ing board At the conclusion of the discus sions of the subject committees were ap pointed and the nn-oclntlon then adjourned [ or dinner At the afternoon session the following subjects were dihcussed "Proflth of Collection. How Can They Be Made Adequate1' " ' CompetlMon of Cltv Banks as Adequate'1 "Competition of City Banks to Taxation" V B Caldwell of Omaha deliv ered an interesting address on the subject "Credits " followed bv an address by harles U Hannan of Council Bluffs. The committee on organization then reported and the following officers were elected for the ensuing } ear President. J. D Haskell. Wnkefield , vice president. F AVlllsle. . Pender. secretar } , A A Merrill , Hartlng- : on. treasurer G L Wool , Ponca The fol lowing bankers outside the district were in attendance W P Manle } . George H Rnthman. R A Black. F A McCormack James F Toy , and George P Da } of Sioux Itj , V B Caldwell. Omaha , Charles R Hannan , Council Bluffs , and T J T Coad | r , Omaha , state bank examiner The asso ciation was tendered a banquet at Masonic hall at 8 30 bv the women and society of the Presbterlan church Man } toasts were responded to Nr \ HrlilKro OT flip IMntto. ATKINSON" . Neb. Anril 21 ( Special ) Don J Barnes , chief engineer for the J II Shepard compan } . which has the entire con tract for building lUe new railroad from Atkinson to Perry. Neb. has been out on the Nlobrara river for the last few das sounding the river and laving plans to commence the construction of the new rail road bridge to be built there , opposite the town of Perry , In Bojd count } Mr. Barnes says that work will commence on the new bridge as soon PB the material can arrive , which will be within three weeks At pres ent the crossing of the river is furnished by a ferrv boat Over fifty teams passed through here jes- terday , destined for Bovd county , with household effects > p\v from Vulinni. AUBURN Neb . April 21 ( Special ) The convention of the several Christian societies for the counties of Richardson. N'emaha , Pawnee , Salem , Jefferson and Gage , will be held In this city beginning to- da } and holding until Sunda } evening The Auburn Telephone Construction corn- pan } is getting In readiness to put in tele phones and lines in Geneva and Wllber. The compan } is composed of J M Burrcss , S Reid. J W Kerns , Ed McMurra } , G W. Harmon and H Furlong B G Whlttemore. sent to the penltentlar } from this county in August li % , was , on Thursda } paroled b } Governor Ponter Mr Whlttemore is OS years of age ' ucnr I'lietorj OIICK > o Vl FREMONT , Neb , April 21 ( Special ) The new beet sugar factory to be built at Ames this summer is not connected vlth the beet sugar trust , an account of the or ganization of which was printed this morn ing While the Oxnards will construct the factory and install the machlnerj , the } have nothing further to do with the plant The compan } ta composed of Boston capi talists , most of whom are also stockholders In tbo Standard Cattle company , which das conducted < t successful bulcness in this county and also in Wyoming and Montan > for many } ears The factor } will be run flea nnd independent of any other compan } or corporation nt ' c'luij ler. SCHUYLER , Neb. , April 21 ( Special Telegram ) Owing to several deaths In rapid succetbion by this morning the populace was thorough ! } aroused by the cry that spinal meningitis epidemic was abroad Tonight a special hebfilon of the Board of Education was convened , but an adjournment was taken to Monday morning without anthlng being done Pbelclans advise that no good will arise nor safeguard be made by closing the schools \ daughter of Fred Eder died last night and a eon Is In a precarious condition , as also is a child of Henry Whitehall , colored. Cnniiiiii ( .Hen in Criinil Arm ; . COLl'MBl'S. Neb , April 21 ( Special ) Baker petit , No. 9 , Grand Army of the Re public , of this city , has Just received a couple of large unmounted cannon , which wore donated by the government to the post They are < i--inch rltlcs of nn old pattern , recentl } discarded They were shipped from the Mare Island nav } yard , near San Fran cisco , and -will be placed on the soldiers' monument In Frankfort park when that work is completed They are in good con dition and it lb probable that they will be used to celebrate the homecoming of Com pany K l.nnl Tonrh of W tnler. GENEVA , Neb . April 21 ( Special ) Wednwda ) night the mercury fell to 20 nbcvn mo nnd there was quite a frott , but nodamage _ _ was done. Farm and garden vork is being pushed with aim A great man ) farmers nre putting out fruit treen nnd townspeople are setting out shade trees. < lir > nll Club niitrrttilni. . WEEPING WATER. Neb. April 21 ( Special ) The Chr > salU club of thU city entertained the Zetotlcs } esterday after noon In Odd Fellows' ball. A literary program was given , followed by refresh ments The room was handsomely deco rated Wt'll Kimun > flira > Uun Vrr ) III. COLUMBUS. Neb April 21. ( Special ) George Barnurn this mormiig received a tele- Rraw fmm Lr sPR. . rn f'ii any un inc the cerious Hln s of h , < fat 11 He n day c lUrnufn The m 'cagp al ti stated that re covery was dnub'ful and the trouble was pneumonia Mr Bsrnum In 74 } * ars of ace ' and has a wide reputation and acquaintance I in this and adjoining states He hae devoted i a lifetime of rtudy to the subject of theosophy - osophy and reincarnation , and left hee only about a we k ago ostensibly to attend a I meeting of tbeosophlste at Los ronilnctor Until ) Manuli-il. CRAWFORD. Neb. April 21 ( Special Telegram ) John Chandler , a conductor on the Wyonlns division of the tlurlington , was thrown from ibex car atrdmore , S. U today and frightfully mangled. Ho wne taken to his home at Alliance It Is not believed he cat ) live to rrach there His right arm and right j leg are badly mangled. He fell between ' the cars while switching He has consid erable life Insurance and a family. ALLIANCE. Neb , April 21 ( ( Special Tel egram ) Conductor J H Chandler , .1 re spected resident cf this city for six years , had an arm and leg crushed at Ardrnore. S D. while snitching this afternoon nnd died tonight after being brought here. He leaves a large famll } . l'rii > > | i.roiiN I'nlillHlilnir Mono- , BLAIR. Neb , April 21 ( Special ) The Dani'h Lutheran Publishing house of tbU clt } is today issuing its first number of the Danakeren Heretofore the paper has been published In Necnah. WIs. The Danish Publishing house has put in an entirely new newspaper outfit , Including press , folder , engine and type Three jears ago six hands aandled the work of the publ'shlng house , but now it requires over twenty. Hound Over lor Annnult. AUBURN. Neb , April 21 ( Special ) The prelimlnar } trial of H. fievllblss , charged with criminal assault upon the 12- jear-old daughter of Ole Martz of Brock , was held before the county Judge today The evidence was strong and the defendant was held to am > wer In the district court , his bond being fixed at $900 , which he has thus far not produced Vtuml Hoard I'IIMIH | < * N Tonchrr * . OSCEOLA , Neb . April 21 ( Special ) The school board has elected William Hcitz- man as principal for the coming school jear. Mr Hcltzman is on old resident of Poll , count } , having lived here the most of his life The board also emploed all the old teachers with the proviso that they should attend nchool for six weeks during the vacation. ru ( ; ii < nv Illc. H \STINGS. Neb. April 21. ( Special Telegram ) The general merchandise store of Luke Goldenstein at Glenvllle vas broken into last night b } several thieves and about $300 worth of goods carried off , besides a ten-gallon keg of whisk } c'liool 1'rlni'lpnl riioRcii. SPRINGFIELD , Neb , April 21 ( Special Telegram ) L \ Carnahan of Indlanola was elected principal of the Springfield High school tonight by a unanimous vote of the board II11C Mlm-hiiii-nt In Tolincco I.ltluntloii NEW YORK , \prll 21 An attachment for $277200 growing out of the sale of the rtocl , of the Ligpett < . Me\er Tobacco companv of St Louis has been obtained bv \ A House man i. Co brokers rf this cltv It Is against Claude Kllpatr'ck ' and John Fowler in dividual ) } , and Kirkpatrlck Fowler and Mit chell Scott as trustees The will of John Liggett of the St Louis firm secured a pur chaser for 200i/o shares of the itock of he tobacco companv The brokers allege that they procured a responsible purchaser , George P Butler who bought the stock at a price agreed upon and accepted by the de fendant , viz Jll.OOO a share amounting to $5.523,500 and interest from January 23 , 1S33 The purchase price was paid to defendants on April 17 The sheriff served the attachment upon the Central Trust corapan } Toledo ( irrinim * * .loin MoifMiiont. TOLEDO April 21 Representative and Influential members of the German Central bund of Toledo an organization of over 1,000 Germans of this cltv together with the rep resentatives of all the Irish societies met tonight and laid plans for an organization of the combined societies the purpose of which Is to oppo e \merican-Ilrltlsh alliance The organization was partially completed , and assurances were hart from the represen tatives present that the league will have at least 3 000 member ? s . \ . .noon rinallciiulltrd. . PARIS , K } , April 21 John Stevenson charged with killing Deput } United States Marshal Joseph Gaines at Paul's Valley , I T in 1S13 was acquitted in the federal court this morning It Is a celebrated case. Stevenson having been once sentenced to hang and again sentenced to the penitentiarv for manslaughter , the case being reversed both times KpiitiM-lO Frnil Iteoiu-iifd. MIDDLESBORO Ks April 21 Anse and Bob Baker , two members of the Baker fac tion of the Baker-White feud , which raged in Clay count } last summer , it is alleged clubbed a man named Gambrel a member of the White faction into insenslbllln Gam brel will die The Whites swear vengeance and last summer's trouble will likel } be re peated TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Wnrinrr mill I'artlj Cloiiilnrlnlilr \V In il ( < ! ! oral I > 1'nlr 'I o- nmrron. WASHINGTON. April 21 Forecast for Saturda } Tor Nebraska and Kansas Warmer and parti } cloud } Saturda } . variable winds Sunda } fair For Iowa Parti } cloudy Saturday , with warmer in western portion ; northerly winds , Sunday fair and warmer. Tor Missouri Showers Saturda } : colder In eastern and warmer in western portion : northerly winds Sunday , fair and warmer Tor South Dakota Cloudy , with -warmer In eastern portion Saturday , variable winds Sunda } , cooler with showers. TorVoming Fair and warmer Saturday with cooler In western portion variable winds Sunda } , fair with cooler In eastern portion. I.OCIll lllMMtril , ornci : or THE wriATiinn nrncAU. OMAHA. April 21 Omahu record of tern- peratuic- and precipitation ccimpuioj with the corresponding da > of the last three : ears 1SW 1ESS 1E87 1S3S Maximum temperature t6 Cs 79 C2 Minimum timptrature 16 &iis 40 Average temperature IS 69 Cl 61 Precipitation . . 00 T .01 . ( X > Heiorc1 of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for tills clay and since March 1 1S93 Nornuil for the day 54 Deficient ) for th- day . . . . t > ! I Accumulated delic'enc-y since March 1 33) Normal rainfall for the day . .12 Inch i DeHc lem v for the dnv .12 inch Total ruinfi I ginro March 1 1 OJ Inches ' Dttlcltm } , = inc < ' March 1 2 53 Inches Deficient j for ccr iierloil 1W 2J Inch Dellclfncy for cor period Jk97 02 Inc h Ili'porto from stalluiiH at S ji. in. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. 'si ' B . cloudj . ,5 ; jg oi ) North I'latte. clear . . . . I GO Cl do Eilt Lake , partly cloudy . 7ti " 4 oj f'hcjnne. . clear . I 5gj 0) Rapid Clt ) clear . C9 68 , 0) Huron , c ear W , 60 00 Wtlllcton , cle W , M M > I Chicago , dear ' 80 OU St Ivoulfc , partlj cloudy K TO OU St Paul clear . SO 60 0) Ddnport. . cloudy . S * 0. .W , cloudy 6 ! i S41 T Cit > raining K M T Havre , raining 64 C4 TT " " " " ' " ' " " " ' ' IJifmarck , "cl r . . , . . . . . . . . . . . | sa M GalvyrtOJi. l iirtlj'jclpudy . „ . . . I 54' ' ft ) .i T Indicates trace of pr elpitatlBn. I. A WELSH. Lotal Torecaet Oflii.ial. OX BEHALF OF MRS , GEORGE' ' Seeks to Establish Alibi at the Tims of the Shooting. FORMER HUSBAND OF WOMAN TESTIFIES Mr \ rrl Hint lieLUril llnp | > ll > KtioiiKlt "Itli UNltr tntll MIC CuiiuI nilrr tli < * Inllncni'c of S > nvti > n , CANTON , 0 , April II. The testimony on behalf of the defense In the trial of Mrs George was concluded today. A brief cross- examination , by agreement , will be con ducted tomorrow morning and then testi mony In rebuttal will be offered. If this is concluded before the regular hour for noon adjournment court will then adjourn until Monday , when arguments will bo com menced and they will probably occupy two da > s The features of today were the calling of Sample C George , the former husband of the defendant , to the stand , the alibi ot Mrs George and the effort to Impeach the testimony of Mrs Eckront , the woman who claims to have recognized Mrs. Gex > rge in the firing of two shots. Mr * . I'rlirnnt I r Morphine. Joseph Eckroat , husband of the woman who testified that she had seen Mrs Georgs In the net of firing two shots into Saxton's bed } , was called to the stand today He testified that his wife had been using a white powder , presumed to be morphine , for the last twelve years. He said It made her drowsy and irritable. i : J Schlabach , druggist testified to having sold one-eighth ounce bottles ot morphine to Mrs. Eckroat at Intervals ot n week or two Tred P Shanfclt and Alex Garver , drug gists , testified to selling morphine to Mrs Eckroat. Termer Policeman Smallfleld was pre vented from telling about finding Mr George In the Saxton block after midnight one nlqht Ml * Effle Darr told of seeing Mrs. George near the Lineman house about 7 30 the evening of Saxton's death , and Mrs Etta Fink testified to seeing Mrs George at that house during the day and leaving It nt 3 30 , also to the presence of burs and Spanish needles in the > ard Former tenants of Saxton s farms testi fied to Mrs George going witli Saxton to the farms a number of times Amanda Baugh testified to having often eeen Mrs Althouse enter the Saxton block In 1S90 Kloren-e B Kllngler formerlv roomed at the Flnley house , where Mrs George made her home for a time. She was expected to say that Mrs George , while living1 at the house was making preparations to go to housekeeping , but the court excluded the testlmon } on the ground that there had not been sufficient evidence of a promise of marriage to admit the testimony The witness then testified that on the night of Saxton's death she saw Saxton at about 3 35 o'clock riding wcst on his bicycle and that she went to her home on Marlon street , five or six blocks from the square , entering the house Just as the clock struck C Mrs George came In about 5 25 and re mained until 0 30 o'clock. She then left , saing she was going to Attorney-Sterling's office On cross-examination Mrs. Klingler said she was a divorced woman and a warm friend of Mrs George The cross-examina tion was largely devoted to an assault upon Mrs. Kllngler's character. Mm. Oi'orRe Ai > pt nrn > ntnrnl. Ira Howensteln testified to having visited the Klingler woman on the evening of Sax- ton s death and of finding Mrs. George there at the time of his arrival , which ho defi nitely fixed at 5 33 Both Mrs Klingler nnd Howensteln said that Mrs George appeared entire ! } natural The court docket showing the beginning and settlement of the damage case of Sam ple C. George against. Saxton for the al leged alienation of his wife's affections was offered in evidence. Benjamin Beuter , one of the managers of the Zoar hotel , testified to Saxton having visited the fiotel fcr three das , accom panied by Mrs George on one occasion and b > Mrs Althouse on another occasion Michael Burke and his daughter Laura of Barbenon , former ! } neighbors of the Eckroat family , tettlfied to the knowledge of Mrs Hckroat using morphine to the ex tent of making her drowsy and Irritable and to the fact of her separating from her husband , in which , the } suld , the drug was the cause of differences Miss Burke re lated several instances in which Mrs Eck roat became violent and attempted violence to her stepdaughters M C Barber appeared on behalf of his wife and said that none of the papers he was subpoenaed to produce bad been found among SnMon's effects Mrs M C Barber is a Bister of Mrs McKlnle } and of Saxton When the especial ! } desired paper was more full } described Attorne } Grant announced that he had It and he produced It There were two receipts on one sheet , In which Mrs George receipted for all claims against Saxton. especial ! } mentioning the two re plevin suits and also the breach of prom- lee suit. i\-lliiNliiinit of Mr * . HfitrKP. Sample C George was the next witness called to the stand After detailing his marriage and the earl.v } * ars of his mar ried Hfe with the defendant he was asked. "From the time vou married Mrs Georse until } ou met SaMon , what were the rela tions between } ourself and } our wife' " "They were pleasant and happy " On cross-examination he said the } had never bad any trouble of consequence until the } moved Into the Saxton block. Shortly after that time and until they separated In 1SS9 they had mu-h trouble The state called for Mrs Klingler and Mrs Lizzie Miller , the woman who saw the msteiious man in black for additional cross-examination Mrs Miller was re- poited ill An effort will be made to have her in court in the morning Mrs Klingler was asked several questions and with the exception of this one cross-examination the dlreot evidence was then concluded ItniriiM UPVIIIIIIHtuiniiN I ) < . | < > | . | < -1. CHICAGO April 21 Bogus stamps wore discovered bv local internal revenue officers todav en several hundred boxes of clears which are sold to lave come from factor\ No 3741. Ninth district of I'ennsjhania and the proprietors of which are said to have been arrested in the east Th * counter- fflt certificates were found enl } on boxes containing fift } clgare nnd were readil ) de tected b } the obscure stars In the letters of the word "cigars" The result was tele graphed to the commissioner at Washington nnd Instructions were received to beize all the contraband goods which wer * at first mis detained Over 200 OHO cigp ; * which < ame from the factory of the eastern coun terfeiters 1-ave alrcad ) been located Tenth ( at air. ( iopx lo Culm. NEW YORK. April 21 A special from Washington fas The Tenth United States caialrj the colored regiment which did su < h brilliant service in the Santiago campaign IB to have another tour of dutj in Cuba The regiment U now in Texas It has been ordered to leave as soon ae possible for Santiago The regiment will be btationed at Manzanlllo and Santiago and will operate against the bandits ( nliirril Mrn Nut I'rrnput. NEW YORK , April 21 In the account of the Jefferson dinner by the Chicago platform democrats in this city on the night of April 11 the fciatement WUB made and iBleKrapht-d that colored men were present This ? it is biatca. is evidently incorrect , and tbat no colored man wa sca'p 1 i * hc > dinner 1aJ f When the speak ne n 110 i 1 a ol ( ) m f ) and his son nn < r 1 > n he tilntf"-m and upon this fan was based the statement that colored people were present ns guests at the dinner whuh the manartneotnmlt - ee of the banquet states is not the fact GERMAN CRUISERS TO SAMOA Tiio Wnr " lilti In ( lilii ' o lnrt \rc Urilcml to \iln ivllli i\trn \iiiinn iilllon. LONDON" . April 21 A dispatch from Shanghai to a nous aBenc-v < > a > s the Ger man protected cruiser Gcilon Jias been or dered to proceed to Apia , Rltnoa after era- bsrklng an extra supply ol atnmunttlon at Klau-Chou. China , and tbat another cruiser is to follow it WASHINGTON. April 21 The report coming from Shanghai via London that an other German war vessel has been ordered to Samoa was received with Interest by officials hero , though no particular Impor tance was attached by them to the report , the opinion being expressed that the Ger man government was simply making an ad dition to Its natal representation In Samoa so as to equal that of Great Britain a step It has a right to take because of I' * large commercial Intereits there , from the Ger man point of view the dlipatch of another war \essel to Samoa would be entirely con sistent \\lth the maintenance of Germany's prestige In the Island group , where Its ma terial Interests nre greater than those of other nations represented there These , It Is claimed , have been endangered bv re cent happenings to the prejudice of the countrj. Such an act , a German diplomat said tonight , could not be construed as unfrlendlj to the Interests of this government - j ment nor as a menace to existing condi tions. Germanj at this time has only ono war vessel at Apia , while Great Britain I has two and the United States one enuncio's or THI : TII \ \ > VA vi. . IlrKlxti Tr < Mti lit I In- CnpiIMIMIK | IM | til I'nrllnliH'iH. LONDON April 21 In the llause of Com I mons tonight , while the estimates were un der consideration , the advanced radicals raised the question of the Increase of the British troops at the Cape from 3 000 to " ,000 In two \ears Thex suggested that this was Intended to coerce the Transvaal on 1 moved a reduction In the vote Sir Herbert Campbell-Binnerman the op position leader , said that su < h , i permanent ncrea e was a gra\e matter Arthur J Balfour flr t lord of the treas 1 r > i1 1 B > < * rro > ! 11 r n tii > t1 > i" > * ap I * > ! 1 i In < mmi rt not to < i > tnnur no ir'itatin di ( tuition Hi declared that th" lira of coercion * 'loo extravagant to dwell upon" and had never entered the mind of any r * ponlble person The In crease he said was due to the necessity of protecting coaling stations and in part to c ncelvable possibilities ( hat might arise The committee rejected the motion to re duce the estimate by 1JO vote * against SO. . \MVH\N 'i it MI > MIN fi iir.Minn. I'l-nr Hint HMiillntorj li-nsiirp AVIII t mi1'I'lirlr llulti. KINGSTON Jamaica. April 21 The dis patch from Washington referring to the tariff here discriminating aeainst American trade continues to exercise the public and Is creating a feeling ot general unrest In commercial and Industrial clrclese In the legislature. Mr Uurke , leader of the repre sentatives , voiced this feeling , detolng ills- crimination against America , urging that the threatened retaliation tnrant ruin The Jamaican newspapers express the hnpe that the threat of retaliation from Washing ton will compel the secretary of s'ate for the colonies Joseph Chamberlain to perm negotiations for a reciprocity treatv \ . .IOHi.niiiriiT : M\KIS i > cPI : . Clmrurcl lij ( Jrriunn ( jov rrtinirtil Illuli Tri-ii-xiit. DUnUX , Aptll 21 Sergeant MaJ-r \ brecht of the Ono Hundred an 1 Twr ninth reqltnent , who was arresto 1 at ln-oro berg 1'rutnla , and vvhn was being taken in chains to Spandau nine milr from b re v\here the state prison is cltuatrl has e caped from Ills guards and has not vpt boon re-apturcd He was chargol wih hich trc-ison in disclosing to UusMnn agents the detailed plans of German fortification's an 1 plans for mobilizing the arm } of German 'In > I-.II \rlnrl lint. SASSA1U , Sardinia , April SI King Hum bert and Queen Margherlta left Sassirl todav for Arlncl baj. on the northeast ona t of the Island , where they will % Kit the Hrit ish evolutionary squadron tomorrow whlih will be there In compliment to the pres ence of their majesties In Sardinia Nrw Uuli'U rirltiir Illllr. VIEN'N'V.pril 21 The militar\ papers | announce the in\entlon o' n flfteen-barrele i quick firing rllle earrvms fifteen cartridges it a time and firing fern fi\e times per minute The weir on ba b-en successfull } 'usicl ' at the imj t ial urinal I u , -na the Best Oafarrh in the Market. NOW IS THE TlhlH TQ GET BSD OF CATARRH , 4 Si VI / * K ? P3 Zi7/X/y//\VVrlvcJ ! / UNin : STATIS : MAUSIIAL inn AN , or ALAIU.MA , As a man of sterling Integrlt } and un usual executive abllit } . lion L J Br > an of Alabama was appointed us the United States Marshal for the Southern District rf Alabama The honor of this position could not have fallen upon a better man. and the I 'great ' confidence which our national admin- I istratlan has reposed in him Is well dessrveJ | j and will be faithfully executed In a letter [ to The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Com- i ! I pan } he took occaskn to spcal. of the merits I of Pe-ru-na as n catarrh rcmed } , in which j ! he used the following vtords MONTGOMERY. Ala. I pc-ru-na Drug M'f'g Co , Columbua Ohio : Gentlemen I have used Pe-ru-na for ta- tarrh a short time and have nlso had several , friends try It , and they oil pronounce it the best caUrrli rctnedj cxur put en the market It canioi be praised too big til ) You can ute thin testinonial and iny pho tograph in } our putliiaticjiis YOUTE re- Fpectfuil } , L J BRYAN. HON'IUUM A UEANE lion William A 1'eauc clerk of the city and count } of San rrancivco , U in ejuep- I tlonall } popular young man focUlly an < i political ) } In a lelttr written Jamieok j 15S3 , from ban Frau a u to Ivr jlui'iudii. Mr Dcane has the follonlng to say of Pe-ru-na The Pe-ru-na Drug M'f'g Co Gentlemen I would not bo without Pc- ru-na , as I have found it to bo the best remedy for cateirhal complaints tbat I have ever used. I have tried most all of the so-called catarrh remedies advertised , and can conscientiously say that of all ihe reme dies for cotnrrhal complaints n ammended to me none have been so tienefi idl as Pe- ru-na. \ \ M ' DEANE Mrs. Lulu Glddle of < < , i n Lake la writes as folloi. > 10 l > llai'niau ] v.as taken "i h catarrh tf ilu stomach two } ear agp I was trcate 1 by throe of th 1 best donors ID ; the cit ) . 1 gr < * 5 worse under the- . ! ' treatment I was eo luw I could in i retain my fu > J c n my stottQ'h at a' ' ! I was advised ht a friend to trv le-ni na win li ] dij at once and now I ficl l tur tiiun I have for a } ear I can do my own work without that tired feeling I cannot praiserur medi cine enough for uvlng my life. I would tie glnd to have my letter published if It would help any cue who is ollllctod as I was 1 would bo glad to recommend it to any one that has catarrh " Chronic uatarrh is often a very stubborn di uip to cure Some caieu will resist the bc t of treatment during the winter months To uiuh cold during the trca iron' cf chronls caurrh is to delay the cure if not entirely Jereat it The spring months are far more fa\orabio lor the trwumunt of this dUeae * Two weeks treatment now may prove to lie of more value than two montbV treatment during tbe winter eeaggn. No one should neglect tltis opportimU ) . A book containing tx | leotuiei op catarrh , delivered by Dx JUrtman , ni be sent tree Addrci * The Pe-ru-nd Drug Manufacturing ( 'u Columbus Ohio. "Von arc inspired. " ciicJ C. K D.nfs vvln.ii ( licstcrticKl luii ) t'utlshcvl rcullti lier palm. Prior to her drpinuri- Tarn Mr < " v mim K I > i\l . mlfp of Sirm'or Mavis J- b < -r of th * I > i "f Cottimii"ion. h d he i road by Oriint Che terflpia The celebrated pulmlnt toM hr o tblucs ronccrnlnc her rlf and her tn\ menu that at thr con civ * I on ot the rt i ihe oearchPd inintljr CbeMMflfld1 * eve suddenly exclaimed "Cenainly jro o inspired " Not only doe < CheatrBld trll ou in prnnlp thins * * * rofsnrcte > our * H M sftdlts b < it he also diagnosis j-our pin 'condition ' ( is well nl tells you Junt jour real aliment u HP docs motr i tills , ho directs you how to regain yoi | health His fee ta $100 and the i 'located ' HI ] ? n OodRp mitrt th t r. c pen until s p m. week tlo S lndR cloo at 1 11 m 81111 & 5 Searles & Searles t SPECIALISTS. Wr ftuc-c < * ifullr trrnt nil M ll\OlD | CIUIOMC AM ) riltV V'll : < U-.euoe uf uioii and nvcinifMi. SYPHILIS BEXUAM/T cured for II 't NIfht EmUslotu , Ixnt Minhoed Jly- droolt VerlcocriB Qinor'-h'a L.lct > t B\ph ills Htrlcturt PilM r stn a and Kwi Ulcer * , Dlibctci , llrlcht n LMSIMI-O curud CONSULTATION PKUD. Stricture "dflleefatu fn. bjr new method ulthout pain or outline. Call on or addrMa with itamp Traottn nt by mall. DR.SEARLES & SEAHLES To Weak Men. Anil Women Dr. Ilrnnrll's ISIcrlrio Belt on > m n ( iinrnntrra niul I'cr- manrnl Curr Unit * Will > ot Cnrt- Tlioj OPPIINC > nlnrc OtlicT III Its Born rrljjhlfullr. To weak and clcbi'l % ted men " 1 iromen 1 offer a fre book If the\ I anlv v\rlto for It It will tMl von t irtiy drucs will not cure and vvhv El , ! , ty is now th grtattt remcd'a. ig f Known to modern science 1 could t , vo Jruc * If I wanted to und nuK i rreat deal of money bv doing i Sees not cost a cent 'o write a re < lion , but 1 could not jrlve vuu ' r p Ireatment and be hontct for I know di irlll not curr they enl > temporarll } K n ilate. I am the Inventor ot Dr , Bennett's ' Electric Belt Which Is Indorsed bv physicians and r commended - mended b } thousands of cured patient' I worked so long on th's belt to perfect It and studied It so pa tiently that 1 know- exactly what It will 3o If my Belt not cure > ou 1 vvll. franUlv tell } ou do not want a t Islled patient , nor am I colng to have one If m } treatment will not cure > ou 1 .1111 coins : to say so Do you know there nre more drue w recks than alcoholic recks In thK country' It Is a fuct Don t drug jour'jelf to death The medicine that may sllchtlj benefit one man will literary tear down the con stitution of another E 1 e c t r 1 c I t } alone stands unassailable It Is the A'ltal and Nerve Force of cveiy man and woman It Is life Itself When there Is a lack of Electricity in the 8t tvin } ou nre plrk M > Belt I * 'o puppl } thi * lo t l lcit : nlthlr ' ' The only trouble heretofore } - btlts and batt rle" v\as that the in r ! I did not ponMrat the ovtem but w ttnlnwi upon the surface w ikh < n n friqhtful burnt and blisters I IIHM'j t nwa } with all that Mv Belt Im- - . silken. chamoH-covtred sponge elntriM . that lender this burning and blister i t i ph > elcil lmpopiWllt } and rillovvt thi tire current to piniytrn'e the system i t should The ulectrocl H on mv IJ it t more to manufnctun- than the entln I ' of the old-stle makei % W.1 n won t It cn be r nevred for onlv 75 ( Unti- v other bflt run be renew ccl for an > i and when worn out is worthing I guarantee rn > B lt to rure Sexti.i potency Lost Manhood Vnrlcoccle matorrhoea and all form" of S' l \Veal nes cs In either s - \ restore Rh- en und Undev oiiod Orcuns and Vlt . . euro Nervous * nfl General Debility I „ nr ; Lher and Bladder Trouble t'vr f'on tlpstlon D > spepjia , Hhpumat.bin n an > form All female complaints etc ' 1 ' urit : of mv Belts are enl } cbrmt > , ' what IB asked for the old-style hffnlriI I I warrant mine to be four times stru . , Gene-ate , * a current that > ou < n i . - stantli feel Call upon nnd writ < > me today FJ illv conldintl-vl Get svmntom lilitnlc * ir 1 literature A\ rlifor. . m.Niw liocik Ar t Hltctrlr-ltv Miiectr ra Supt > n80 ! ' , r ths permanent cure of the various \\i > , - rirsBes of nvn ' I'RKL to every n < \ purchnicr of one of mv Hi-Hi. Coni - tlon and idvlcp wi'hoit ' Dr. Bennett XW Itoomi Itn andI DolicIctH illorl. , rbr. , lOtli mill Dodcc & ( irct . There are only five unoccupied rooms left in the If you want tljtbct ofilff rooms in Omaha ou Peters S Co Ground Floor. J ! cKii Id.ig.