Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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TTTR DATLT T5EE : SATTRDAV , APTTT ? , U2 , 1800. ( v
Competing Lines Want a Share of the
Union Pacific TrafBo.
CnnllilRC n Dlrrpfur of ( ) nnil AMo of
Overlnnil , M'lili'li I'nrt llnoyn
U | > DIP Silrll | * of tlin
1'ornii-r IInc.
Omaha men nro manifesting an
Inrroaalng Interest In the coming struggle
fnr a division of the Union Pacific trnllle.
Onn of them , In talking of the situation nnd
speculating upon thn outcome , remarked :
' While much has tiecn said concerning the
various Interests which are represented In
the new Union Pacific company , ami the
probability of some of them uniting In a
demand for A change In the present policy of
that road , ono other fnct has been over
looked. That Is that T. Jefferson Coolldgo
of Boston , A director In the Burlington sys
tem. | g nlso a. director In the Union Pacific.
Ho IB an Important factor , too. With possi
bly the exception of Mr. Harrlman , he Is
the most Influential member of the Union
3'aflllo directory. Ho represents strong
financial Interests , giving him considerable
power In the shaping of the policy of the
Union Pacific road.
"U'hllo the Burlington long ago gave up
the idea ot getting any share of the business
originating along the Union Pacific system ,
and cnritj little today how the coming struggle -
glo will terminate , It can bo scon that the
position occupied by Mr. Coolldgc will bo
one of advantage when the time for a show
down arrives. "
II. ifc M. Surveyor * In W.
OHEVHNNE , Wyo. , April 21. ( Special. )
Passengers who came In from the north thin
morning on the Cheyenne & ( Northern train
report a parly of II. & M. surveyors working
In the vicinity of Uva In the northern part
of Uiramlo county. The movements and
prospective operations of the Burlington
company In Wyoming are being watched
with great Interest , not only 'by ' the public
but by other railroad companies. It is re
ported on fairly reliable authority that the
company Is now negotiating with the Colorado
rado Southern for the purchase of the Chey
enne & ( Northern branch of that system. If
this Is secured a branch will bo extended
westward from Horse Crcok station to the
coal lands owned by the Burlington com
pany In Carbon county , n distance of nbout
Hlxty miles. With this branch the coal
could bo marketed by almost straight lines
of road In the Block Hills of South Dakota
and in Omaha.
IMniiN of the MIunciiiiollN Itonil.
It Is announced that the Minneapolis &
St. Louis , Instead of waiting till It finishes
Its line to this city before seeking a share
of business In this territory. Is about to
complete a trafllc arrangement with the Illi
nois Central , whereby the former road will
connect with the now line being built by
itho Central to Omaha. According to reports
of the plans of the Minneapolis & St. Louis ,
that company will not complete Its line to
this city tor two years , but by the use of
th > contemplated trafllc agreement It may
1)egln ) operating trains Into Omaha by the
latter part of the year. With this connec
tion the Minneapolis & St. Louis will have
the shortest line between Omaha and the
Twin Cities , an advantage It oxprcts to gain
to n greater extent when It completes Its
own line to this city.
IlulliiK III .VoiMlicrn Tiii'lllr riiNp.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , April 21. Judge
Jenkins In the United States circuit court
today confirmed the master's report In the
matter of Fjirmcrs' Loan and Trust company
against the Northern Pacific Railway com
pany In regard to the computation of In
terest upon the consolidation of bonds In
the Northern Pacific roads which were
owned by the complainant to the amount of
? 41923.000. The master held that interest
upon the principal of the bonds and the In
terest coupons after their respective dates
should bo G per cent per annum. The trust
company objected , claiming C per cent , the
difference being $1,061,382. The objection
was overruled and the master's report con
Si'c-tlou .Mfii < ; < ! llctlcr 1'ny.
JOL1ET. 111. . April 21. The Chicago &
Alton Railroad company has Increased the
wages of SOO section men on the two di
visions between Chicago and Bloomlngton
nnd between Dwlght and 1'eorla , from $1.11
to $1.25 per day. The forces now at work
will bo doubled.
llnlMvny JVoti-N ami IVrnonnlN.
William Teller , counsel for the Union Pa
cific nt Denver , Is a visitor In Omaha.
II. O. Clark of St. Louis , general superin
tendent of the Missouri Pacific system , Is In
II. II. Marley of Kansas City , southwestern
pnsscnRcr ngent for the Michigan Central ,
is In Omaha.
A. ( J. Shearman of Cincinnati , general
ngent for the Union Pacific , Is a visitor nt
S. A. Hutchison , assistant general passen
ger ngent for the Union Pacific , has returned
from a four weeks' trip In the eastern
states ,
Sir William C. Vnn Home , K. C. M. O. , of
Montreal , president of the Canadian Pacific ,
imfiKod through Omaha on the Union Pacific
In his private car. Ho Is on his way to
Prlnco Kanoyo , president of the Japanese
Chamber of Peers , on his way around the
world on a trip of inspection and Investiga
tion , will arrive In Omaha this morning
on the Union Pacific.
An order has been Issued by the Now
York. Now Haven & Hartford roud forbid-
dine the wearing of tan shoos , fancy shirts
nml other ' .freaks by passenger trainmen.
They must wear patent leather shoes , whlto
Blilrts and black tics and miuit uluivc dally.
I 'or i.l r.
You can buy a pair of men's fine vlcl kid
tan shoes thnt sell regularly for $1.00. Will
you let us save you $1.05 ?
Illvlnu Ill-ill IT SclirililiT.
Schradcr , the divine healer , Is now rest
ing In Council Bluffs , la. , nnd will lucturo In
chambers' academy , Fifteenth and llarnoy
streets , this city , Sunday , nt 3 nnd S o'clock
p. in. , at which tlmo Mr. Schradcr will give
public healings free nnd expects to effect n
euro for all who visit him and shako his
hand. An ndmlHslon of 25 cents will ho
charged to help defray the largo cxpcnuc.
For Current Topic" I , < ml IT.
AH members of the current topic depart
ment of the Women's club v > ho were not
present at the meeting held Monday , April
17 , will kindly send their preference for
leader , assistant leader and secretary for the
coming year to Mrs. J. H. Dumont , 3612 La
fayette avenue , on or before April 20.
Sam'l Burns , 131S Farnam , cays the
weather prevented MO many from attending
Ills March discount uuhi that he will deduct
30 per cent from all cash purchases until
Way 1.
Modern nmrhlnery , now styles of irvr ,
convenient work rooms and skilled workmen
Insure economy of production , nnd our cus
tomers reap the benefit. Rees Printing Co. ,
10th and llurnov streets.
! Mercer hotel. 12th nnd Howard streets ,
Omaha , $2 per day. F. J. Coates , Prop.
A bright , fresh stock , nt prices worthy of
the day , worthy of our fame , nnd above nil ,
worthy of our customers. Hayden Bros.
Head our nd on page B.
"Daughter of Jalrus , " Flnst Methodist
church. Next Monday night.
Octtelman'B Pure Malt Heertho finest
Milwaukee produces C2C So. ICth , Tel , 1121.
Athletic I'nrli N In lip the I'lnrvt
\Vc ( of riilniKU V. 31. C.
A. > < > ( < * .
Tlio athletic park committee Is very en
thuslastlc over the prouppcts for thr sum
mer nntl bollcvos thnt the now park when
the Improvements nro made will be the
finest athletic pnrk went of Chicago. Work
on the blcycln Irnek will bo started next
week. The Ktin club , from Interest mani
fested by many business men , bills fnlr to
bo a great feature. Of course base ball will
bo n leading feature , mid It Is expected that
a number of teams will be organized. A
call Ims nlrend } gone out for the lawyers
to meet nnd organize n bane ball nine.
The night classes In the gymnasium will
clnso next week. This has been a most sue-
copsful season , ami on Tuesday nnd Thurs
day nights elementary and Intermediate
tests will bo given and the members of the
classes rated according to their standing.
The noon business men's clasw , which no\t
has a larger attendance than at any tlmo
for several years , will be continued through
May. Clafsrs meet ( .Monday , Wednesday and
Thursday noons.
Thursday of next week in the gymnasium
the working boys and Juniors will have a
1'enthleon contest.
The Mnrch club , which Includes every
mem'bor ' of the association who Joined the
association or renewed hie membership dur
ing the month , will have ,1 social meeting
Tuesday night at 8 o'clock In the parlors.
Chairman 'Morgan ' of the membership com
mittee la planning nu Interesting time.
There was an enthusiastic meeting of the
blcyclo olub ou Thursday evening , at which
reports were received from several com
mittees. The following officers wore elected :
\V. Krnest Johnson , president : M. II. Mur
ray , vice president ; II , 11. Rills , secretary
and treasurer , and A. C. Jones , captain. It
was decided that the next run of the club
bo hold Thursday , April 27 , leaving the
building at 7 o'clock , with Klorcnce as a
goal. Notwithstanding the chilly air the
club run Thii/jdny night was well ntteudod
and a decided success , The association has
sot apart for the use of the bicycle club
a room on the third floor , which will bo
furnished by the club and used at a club
room during the summer.
The men's meeting Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock will be presided over by W. Krnest
Johnson and the address of the afternoon
will bo made by C. P. W. Minis , a com
mercial traveler from Doston. Mr. Xlms
has npoken before the association before
and has a great many friends who will bo
delighted to hear him again.
Reports from all over the country show
an Increased Interest In the International
convention , which will bo held at Grand
Rapids May 25-28. Tills convention will bo
marked by the presence of business men.
JJl.I < > mill SjM.Ilfi.
We sell a boy's good shoo for $1.10 a
better one for $1.3. .
This week at the Orpheum has been
marked by excellent audiences , which have
had the opportunity of seeing a bill com
prising very high-class features In the
vaudevJillo line. The comedy of Dlocksom
and Burns , the minstrelsy of Lew Hawkins ,
the cakewalklng , dancing and singing of
Walker's merrymakers have all met with
the warmest approval. The marvelous feats
of the four Nelson sisters , the only quartet
of women acrobats In the world , have created
much Interest and admiration. All of these
features form excellent matlneo attractions.
There is lots of genuine and spontaneous
fun in Stapleton's farce , "A Bachelor's
Honeymoon , " which Is billed for Iloyd's for
three nights , starting Sunday matinee , so
the public may bo prepared to laugh. The
Detroit Evening News said : "It was a nice ,
lively honeymocn that Mr. Bachelor experi
enced , and the people who were present last
night seemed to enjoy It almost as much as
If It had been their own. It Is a whimsical
story , with complications galore. There
were not many stoics In last night's audience
and the merit bccaiuo hilarious as the
comedy progressed. One man nearly fell
Into the aisle In a fit of laughter and the
blonde-haired lady with the red plush waist
ruined her gloves In her enthusiasm. "
This afternoon Mrs. Longshore-I'otts ,
M. IX , will give the third of her free.lectures
to women at Boyd's theater. On Monday
the fourth lecture of the scries , also a free
one , will be delivered. On Tuesday after
noon she will present her famous lecture on
"Maternity , " which will bo Illustrated with
X-ray photographs nnd stereopticon views.
A small admission will be charged to this
lecture. At all the free lectures the slere-
optlcon views will he shown. These views
Include besides those of strictly an anatom
ical kind those of scenery and war scones.
Mrs. I'otts thus far 1ms been most successful
with her lectures. Her audiences have been
made up of the best women In the city nnd
all freely endorse the methods she uses In
handling her subjects. Mrs. I'otts Is thor
oughly conversant with the Ills that women
aru heir to and as she IIHH made the nubjoct
a study she known what nro the best
methods to regulate and cure these Ills.
MilHol I'ViK-r ill ( he Street.
Two police officers have lxen ? engaged
lately In endeavoring to Induce K. Ander
son to remove the fences ho Is erecting on
Grand avenue between Twenty-fifth and
Twenty-sixth streets. Dtwlrlns a larger
space for his garden Anderson began an
extension which would have obstructed thu
street had ho been left to continue his
building unmolested. Ho promised the olll-
cers to take down the fences and leave the
street open ns it has been in the past.
The ( Jonil DreNHtTK
Now wear Alfred Benjamin's make 9f fine
suits we've the exclusive sale of thcao
goods In Omaha. J'rlco Is no higher for
these line goods than you've been i-aylng
$15.00 up. Give us an opportunity to show
you thcso goods.
Wo don't generally do biiHlnoss at a loss ,
but our prolll road IB a narrow gauge one ,
and UK branches extend Into every depart
ment'of our big store , each ot which is a.
low-price terminus. Hayden Bros.
The Dowcy Uuropean hotel , 13th and Var-
n un. First-class rooms. Reasonable ratea.
Mr. Kelly presents his third subscription
concert next Monday night , "Daughter of
Jalrua. "
Her dram ) Hotel Turkish Daths now open.
Ladies' and Children's Hosiery , Underwear
and Parasols ,
TinflmlcpNt TliltiKK I" tlio Store ,
All X . , v Thin .Sprliiu : , lime llcou
.Marli' < l n ( AUrnetlve I'rloi-n for
'I'll In Sit I n ril n'ft llujern.
200 dozen ladles' fast black cotton hosiery ,
with Unbleached split feet , double soles , high
spliced heel , Saturday only 20c pair.
Ladles' lisle thread hose , black and tan ,
worth Lie pair , new tans , now polka dot ,
gauze lisle , drop stitch or plain ; the best
variety we have ever BUOWII , Saturday 33cj
three pair $1.00.
Ladles' hose at COc. silk lisle , finest gauze ,
with unbleached split foot , entire lace effect ,
lace boot drop stitch , fancy boot pattern , the
new blue , Saturday fiOc pair.
Children's school hose , fast black , double
knee , heel and too , all sl cs , C to 10 , Satur
day only IBc pair.
Boys' school hose , the never wear out
kind , fast black , triple knee , nil sizes , 6 to
11 , Saturday only 2. > e pair.
MlMcs' fine lisle thread hose , fast black or
tan , double knee , heel and toe , all sizes , C to
, only 3f.c . ; three pair Jl.OO.
Ixidlos' Egyptian cotton vests , ecru or
whlto silk tape , well made , only 12&c each.
Ladles' line ribbed vests , ecru or white ,
high neck , long or short , knee pants to
match ; comforts for summer ; Saturday only
2Cc each.
Our entire line of ladles llslo thread vests ,
silk llnlsh , low neck , sleeveless , long or short
sleeves , white or ecru , for Saturday at only
35c ; throe for $1.00.
Ladles' summer knee ribbed llslo pants ,
beautifully made and finished , Just the gar
ment for summer wear , medium or extra
sizes , whlto or ecru , only GOo pair.
Ladles' union suits for summer , high neck ,
long or short sleeves , low neck sleeveless ,
ankle or knee length , whlto or ecru , all
sizes , only COc suit.
The Munsing Silkollno Union Suit This
Is n new fabric for ladles underwear ; soft
ami pliable , silky , perfect lit. beautifully
made , light blue or cream , high neck , longer
or short sleeves , low nock , sloovelcss ; fully
worth $2.50 per suit. Saturday , all sizes ,
only $1.75 per suit.
The Alunslng Union Suits for Boys nnd
Girls Finn Ugyptlmi ribbed cotton , high
neck , long or short , knee or ankle lengths ,
all ages. Saturday , only BOc suit.
Misses' Llslo Thmiil Vesta and Knee
Pants Fine light weight , whlto or ecru , 25c
nnd TC ) each.
Ladies' fancy striped satin , the polka dot
nnd shaded ; very cheap and pretty. Sat
urday , only $1.50.
All new fancy borders , all now shades , in
taffeta ; very pretty handles. Saturday , only
$2.SO each.
Just received a now line in ladles' 24-
lu. sun umbrella , something new ; scurlet ,
green , blue , light nnd dark ; pretty borders.
Special price for Saturday , only $3.00 each.
Wo have all the new and extreme styles In
ladles' high-priced novelties In parasols
from $4.00 to $15.00 each.
A big line of children's parasols , all sizes
for all ages , from 2"io to $1.60.
Corner Kara am and Fifteenth.
Our ad is on page 5 Would like you to
read It.
Do not forget that you decided to hear the
"Daughter of Jalrus" sung.
llcnjumlii'B 31 nUe.
We have the exclusive sale of Alfred Ben
jamin's make of tine suits in Omaha noth
ing finer made in this country. We'd like
you to compare our $20 suit with a tailor
made $35 one you'll buy ours.
O m till a < < Chlciuro.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way baa just placed in service two magnifi
cent electric lighted trains between Omaha
and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at 5-45
p. in. , arriving Chicago at 8:23 : a. m. . and
leaving Chicago 6:15 : p. m. and arriving
Omaha ' 8:20 : a. m. Each train Is llehted
thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smoking
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
cars nnd recllninr chair cars nnd runs over
the shortest line and smoothest loadbed be-
twein the two cities.
Ticket office lf)04 Farnam street , nnd at
Union depot.
Dri-SN Your Fort
Tomorrow with a pair of our line vlcl , single
bole , Henley toe , corded tip tan shoes only
° 3S
P. II. Phllbln. ticket broker , removed 1503
Is built right side up.
A trial will convince you of Us superior
ity to all other.- ) .
The- Oliver Typewriter Company
111(1 ( FIII-IIMIII St. , Oimiliii.
Telephone 351 ! .
Always Reliable and Satisfactory ,
Swift's '
Premium Brand
Sopr Cured Hams ,
Breakfast Bacon and
Keltic Rendered Lard.
All PlrNl-uluim Ilralrm.
< t
Tourist Sleepers 1s 1 1
to Boston.
Kvory Sunday afternoon the Ourllngton's California-Boston
tourist sleeping car passes tliroupti Omaha , A berth costs only
$1.00 to Chicago and $3.00 to Doston. Cars are not so elabor
ately furnished ns palace suppers , but they are very comfort
able , nevertheless. Most of thorn not all have wldo vesti
bules , Plntsch gas nnd high back scats. Porter , of course , and
a Hpeclal oxcuttlon conductor.
\\'o can't AMVAYS guj ranteo berths In these cars , but if
you nro figuring on going ea t eon and ivunt to make the trip !
comfortably nnd CHKAPI V call and wo will let you know i
what we * can do , ii ii i i
TlcUrt Olllof Xrvr Slutlon
l..llI'll run in SI , JOIli mill MIINIIII SI * .
Tflriilimir , ! ! , " ( ) . Tflfpliuiif , ill ( I.
The Great Success of Our Last Sale of Latlioa"
Trimmed Hata At
S4.98 , 86,98 , S9 98 AT BOSTON STORE
Ilni Iniliicoil I'm ( Prrpnrc fur Sntnr-
< Iny A no Hi IT mill SI 111 .More
ItcniKlftil Inl AVhli'h AVu
SHI nt Smiu * 1'rlcvi.
$4.ns. SG.9S and $9.08
At Boston Store , Omahn.
J. L. Brandels & Sons , Props.
These nro by far the most beautiful hats
displayed or sold this season. Wo thoi-
oughly believe that equal beauty and quality
In trimmed hats cannot bo obtained cNi -
where for much less than double thso
Especially our now famous "JCnwi" bat. so
becoming to almost every lady , trlmmod wliii
heavy silk , plaited chiffon , ornament"
nlgrettes and quills , In beautiful hnrmoni/-
Ing colors , go In this Saturday's sale at $ I.'S.
Equally beautiful nnd very stylish trimmed
leghorn hats for ladles , on sale Saturday
for the first tlmo. These arc very tastefully
trimmed with flowers , chiffon , aigrettes ,
ornaments nnd velvet ribbon ; exact copies
of a $25.00 Imported hat ; on sale at $2.50
nnd ft.OS.
A particularly stylish walking hat , trimmed
with wldo three-toned satin straw braid nnd
black velvet ribbon ; very becoming and ox-
net copies of n $15.00 hat ; on sals at $3.S. ! )
Another lot of superb trimmed hats , nbout
COO of them , no occasion for paying fancy
prices when you can buy such hats hero nt
$1.50 and $2.50.
Exceptional bargains In misses' nnd chil
dren's trimmed hats , flue grade leghorn hats ,
trimmed with chllton , wreath of llowors , etc. ,
Saturday on sale nt $1.00.
Rough and ready trimmed hats In a variety
of shapes , artistically trimmed with ribbon ,
on sale at $1.50.
The greatest variety and nssortmont of
now style untrlmmi'd hats over shown be
fore , comprising dross shapes , Russian tur
bans , walking hats , In all the now braldst
and newest colors , ou sale at 25o , COc nnd
Those wore bought from one of the largest
suit and skirt makers at A remarkably low
price , nnd shown for the flrst tluio Saturday
at % ordinary price.
This purchase includes tailor made suits ,
jackets , copes and child roll's reefers , every
one absolutely correct In every detail.
Silk lined suits at $6.US , $9.9S , $12.50 nnd
SultB with jacket silk lined , skirt perca-
llno lined , on sale at $3.9S , $4.OS and $5.OS.
Spring jackets , extraordinary values at
$2.08 , $3.98 and $4.IS. (
Spring skirts In cropon , plaid covert clotu
and other new effects , made In the latest
style , black and all now colors at $1.08 ,
$3.08 , $5.US and $7.US.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
Write the Omaha Tent and Rubber Co. for
tents and awnings , 1311 Farnnin street.
We will Offer Special Induce
ments on
Men's ' Black Cheviot Suits ,
§ 4.00.
Men's ' Fancy Cheviot Suits ,
Men's ' Ail-Wool Scotch Suits ,
Men's ' Black nucoV Suits ,
Our prices : ind quality will
nstouish you all. Alsil
our Store Saturday , April
Capitol Ave , , Near 16th St ,
'I'll .SI , l.ittil * tin ( I in nil n A St. Imil *
mill \Vnlinnli llonto.
Leave OnmliA1 " < > ! > . m. . Council Bluffs
iVlfl p. m . arrive ft. Lmils 7 a. in. He-
turning leave Si. Louis " -0 p. m. , arrive
Oimilw S:3. : > a. in. , dally. Host line to south
and onM. No bus transfers In St. Louis.
Homrspokers1 half rate ( plus J2.00) ) . Kxcur-
slons ou solo first and tlilrd Tuesday each
month. All information at "Tort Arthur
Home" otllco. 1413 Karnam street ( Pastern
hotel block ) , or write Harry i : . Moorcs ,
C. P. and T. A . Omnlia. Neb.
l > r Harp. 4' > s Pax-ion blnek. Tel. 1932.
Solid Vstlhuled Flyers for
Benver , Salt Lake , San Francisco
Portland and all points West ,
to Df-nyer and Colorado Points.
' to RaiTFranciBro and California Points.
to"fiat7LnUe ! City and Utah Point *
to Portland and North Pacific Co.'iPt
points , with dlroct c nnoctlonn for Tn-
coma nnd Seattle.
City Tlt-lii-t OIlliMmOU Fnrnntn St. ,
Arc you going
to buy a
If so inspect
Hie slock
Latest and best styles at the lowest prices
for reliable goods.
Ladles' Top Coats , In tan , brown , blue nnd
$4,95.SB , , $8,50 , $10 , $12.
1510 Douglas.
Encaustic Tiling and Ceramic Mo
saics for floors , vestibules , bathrooms ,
walls and walnscoatlng.
Estimates furnished on application.
Repair work attended to promptly.
Gor. 14th and Farnam Sts ,
Send for Illustrated catalogue.
, i ,
of Tailor-
i ' * ' complete assortment
made Cloaks in Omaha for late
spring ; and summer. Exclusive ef
fects in styles and fabrics , Special
offerings ,
Tight-fitting , box front Tailor-made Suits of best Venetian
cloth , in dark blue , green , brown
and black $18,00 , $22,00 , $32.00
Eton Suits of Cheviot , in black
and navy blue $14,00 , $20.00 , $28.00
Homespuns , Eton and Tight-fitting Suits.
ingray blue , and tan $18 CO , $ ' 2.00 , $25,00
Eton and Blazer open-front Jackets , vey stylish , in black
and tan cloths , lined with fancy and
plain silks , at $5.50 , $8 50 , $12.50
'rent ' assortmcit : of Silu Waists , > ,
G WaM.s , Separate Skirts , Me.
. April M , 1 W.
Ono boy's suit often somls a dozen cusloinors , Boy's
i'lolhm # speaks for itsolf. Good clothing you know lias a
language of its own , not "action speaks louder than words"
but service speaks louder than words. You can 1'eeoguiso a.
Nebraska suit the minute you examine it one way the con
struction and style and lit the other way nnr name in the
collar Our boy's * clothing is injured it's w/ < ? clothing to buy.
In fancy checks , trimmed with combination of blue and fancy
braid trimming , buttons to match , improved
waist band largo square cut sailor collar a dl" < j CSrf *
very pretty and substantial suit lor the little xp I OvJ' '
gout and only .
's Vesteo Suits
In a large selection of patterns , neatly trimmed , with combi
nation of green body trimming and red soutach
braid steel buckle , large square cut sailor collar ;
one of the most attractive little suits shown this
season , only .
rri'c Shoe facts
Ladies'- shoes in fine quality kid , in lace or button , wither
or without vesting tops , London toe , a shoe
that sells i'or $ J. 0 elsewhere. The new Shoo
Department price only .
OV . < 7f > rallies for Sl.OO
T/icsc arcfacfs
Ladies' shoes in fine quality dongola , kid leather top and
foxing opera or London toe , turned sole , sold only by "The
Nebraska,1' made only for The Nebraska ,
like quality sells in any shoe store for § 2.50 ,
the new Shoe Department price only .
We are ffoinfto do a big women's shoe trade we see it
you are looking to ? / . § for rialit shoes at right prices we are
shaping our shoe course so as to fetch the best possible
$25,000 worth Men's &
Boys' Clothing on special
sale ,
Our New York buyer bought for spot cash the entire remaining stocks of several
eastern manufacturing tailors at prices one-third to one-half less than regular llgurcs.
The suits are here now and go on sale Saturday. No man who appreciates ccoonomy
can afford to miss this sale. Made up by America's 'best ' tailors they are the most
correctly fashioned garments you can find. The best of trimmings nnd linings are
used. The fabrics are guaranteed all wool ; and are In the newest patterns. This Bale
Is undoubtedly the greatest money saving opportunity Ouinba men have ever been
Men's all wool well made suits worth $5.00 on Saturday for
$3.75.Men's stylish all -wool stilts , In a variety ot new spring pat
terns , good looking dependable garments regular $8.00 go Satur
day for $5.00.
Two special lots In this sale will bo at $ G.50 nnd $7.50. They
come In all the new cuts , and even the most particular customer
will find them satisfactory In nt , satisfactory in style and satisfac i
tory in wear. They're $10.00 and $1L'.50 values , but wo will sell them
Saturday for $ G..riO nnd $7.50.
An exquisite showing of men's very finest suits in this purchase
casaltnerc , fancy worsted nnd serge , dcslgncs In now spring col
orings. The most select and desirable patterns. Knoly trlmmod
nnd finished suits , noliby In appearance , the correct fashions for
the present season , perfec-t in lit and sold regularly at $15.00 to
$ : : will be placed on sale here Saturday at $10.00 , $12.50 and
Mother Can Resist Buy
her boy a New Suit now
Tbo values this sale affords cannot bo passed by. Klcgant
new spring vesteo , double breasted and sailor Hulls , handsomely
made up from stylish dependable fabrics. Saturday's prices will
be.iboiil one-half the regular value.
A romploto assortment to choose from , at all prices from Olio
to $ . " no.
Two special values in thn very latest fashions , neatest pat-
tcnih , made up to sell nt $0.00 and $8.00 , will go Jn this sale Sat
urday at $2.ti5 and $ : ! .0."i. A splendid opportunity to get a swell
HUH for a little money.
Special in Men's
Hats at 69c
A new shipment of SO dozen men's bats In Fedoras , Tasinis and Railroad Hlmjies
will sale Cii' . They in bla-lt , 'brown , ,
go on Saturday at roinc ' sral pearl and all the
spring shades. Ueeuiar $1 in to $2.00 bat B on Saturday for CHSee : them In our
Sixteenth street windows.
Selling the Most Clothing iti Omnlia.
If you ni'i- thin inMunt tu put lluah u.m
your biiHPd
for the night. On a full filonmch there U a
hulhlliiK up of tiwBiii' , av.'nKo or asleep. In
fants ahvaye ulcrp after llicnls. A KINDS of
milk anil bread or a Inttlo at Krug Cabinet
beer Ja sure to produce 'bcncflclnl rosiiltw to
the Invalid or well person. Cabinet bottled
tled beer In the ono rocoKUlzod p-u-r-o beer
ivIiolwonH1 , nutritious. As A tonic and
tullk producer for young mother * , It IIUK
no equal.
I-IUD : iviuu imr.uiM. < < > . ,
Telephone ) 420. 1007 Jacl.-.on St ,
Paint Brushes \
j W'- h.U'ii Vi i j , -rim - , ; . linn of
1 liruhinw. r.iiifcinu i ii'in J. JiM ) . A lllco
brush fur 15i i/r . ' > < , un * | iiiKh for email
VVIII look I'lnn ' w w'Hi ' , i KM ) ( , t HIP Khnr-
wlnlllljniM H i \ i i l.niiuel. liim't jiifnp
at thu i > IH InM'Hi ' ( hi- I * , i auuo llio tnainPl
llpun jour lil. nl' ' n 1- iliu y you tniut Ktt
.1 ni-w V/IHM I 1,1 > .rnii n IK h in the fui-tory
lo fid U i1'M.inn 1-d. it in not nci'cHwiry
A winull liru h. a I' and n little
tlini ! In all you n. i , | nnd id , . o | ( | iilcydo
loiik . I KMIHW. . I'jie , inv of Hi , , following- I.OTV. | ] Mirlin * rtn .irmlii. . ,
orantsililui - , brilliant '
orantsi- Kfusn. v nn'Uli.ii. inn-
iv in , Krti-n. wili ! < " , blui k Tut uu In ' 1
. . ' I- * " " * ' ' ' ' ' ( d""llbliiit for ono hi *
Sherman & McGonncll DrugGo
OF 1 1.K K