TTTE OMAHA T > ATT/V 111313 : SATtTln A VPHTTj 22 , IS ! ) ! ) . COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bp'dilators ' Bagin to Realize on Holdings and Weak Market Weakens. OATS , PORK , LARD AND RIBS ARE HIGHER Jliiilrrn Jllllcr IBNIH-W Hi-port ClnlinliiK Hull 'I'liiTi' Will lie fin Aviirn t'rnpi All ( 'oiitrnrjItoiiortN Aillu If lnd TIH'AOO , April 21. llPnllzlng toJ.iy on , In the situation r i < l imiiroVFirtmt crop v i . MI d win nt. Mny ami July both closed " „ . : id WPP. < 'orn wus heavy and lost & < : . < port * , in r < l and ribs each closed a p i \pecsmd Hteadlness at Liverpool and n i light shipments of Argentine for the , K.IVO wheat om strength ut the . , , , - . ( May started ' , ic higher nt 7IUfJ unl advanced to Tl'/fcp. Talk of scat- i .showers In the winter wheat country Illngby foreigners nt the seaboard I buyers to he'ltiite and the prlco ro- < i i i 74Vkc. The selling was checked for promlnnt Htatlstl- "IP on rnports by a ii i' ' the total yield this year would bo K ) bu. less than last year. u this upturn May touched 74',4c ngnln , 1. : i report by the .Modern .Miller , which 1.H . itleally predicted an average crop In H f all claims In the way of crop dam- < > . , ' .irted llUld.itlon | and .May was forced .n in 7.1'4c closing at 7.TVJuly sold a- 1 . n * . ! anil closeil at TlaiiTl74ltc. There \v i .1 niitlec.i.lile . falling off In crop damage i , i , ni , during lod.iy's session. Chicago re- c 1. d r.-j cars. S of which were graded con- t Minneapolis and Duluth got 271 cars , iiiiM-d | with 217 for III * sumo day last i Hccclpls nt Ihe chief western primary 'iu ' is were : i2iOiX ! > ibii. , against -110,000 bu. n ago. Atlantic exporls of whunt and \\d-c enual to 40.000 itin. , 'ti ili-i'llm-il under free liquidation. All 1 ii ii.oiu * pointed to a large acreage for 1 lining soasnii. Country offerings were 1In liberal , whllo the shipping demand InV i niily moderate , llei-clnts. 202 cars. May C' n 'I ' 'VfiHi ! lower ut .llfiiiStTic and de- ( . ii 'I ' to 3la8c nt the close. I w buying by shippers and elevator f Iii I I , rns on a renewal of the lowr export r . which were withdrawn suddenly yes- ii slrongthened oiil tcmiporarlly. Ho- < i Kill cars. 'May started " "H . ' > I > H ' * l < i . 'ic ' , advanc d to 27c. rcactad to 'Wide Illl i losed at lHIVfiWiC. v K'niil ' cash meat demand , together with 'i. ' high price fur hogs , strengthened pro- is i-jirly. Near the end , however , the r i-c was n arly all lost on account of ! \vi .ikne'ss In grains. May pork opened higher at $ ! ' 20. rose to $ 'J..J21i , declliud . $ M5 and cloxeil at $ ! ) .17'i. The range In i , nd ribs wi : Hinall. i liniiiteil n Ipts for Saturday : Whpnt , , r-orn , 1S3 cars ; oats , 1S3 cars ; hogs , * hi-jid. i > Kllng futures ranged follovrc : Arn Opiill. "HU.h7 Low. ( JlOHo. Yi-Hd'y. M . In iilJS 73)-74 ) ' Al.iv. . . 3IU sr > . U . . an SB l * i. 30 > i 2BH " ji | Jl'ii ' Hi" U'J'-S ' - ' - ' > * 5s' W n. 820 0 Sl ! ! ) n in 0 17K 915 JlllV t > H'JV 11 40 U 3-i' ' < ! i sr SI 32l | S. . Ill DCS 0 D7Jli D 30 V CO ( ICO fi ' _ ' 7 ( T > 40 siiirhi : ni " 6 fid 547Hi ecu ur.s" , M.u . . . 4 .40 J77l .1 IV . . 4 iUi ; t ur. 4 00 4 no hi lit . . cos 007 ! 5 02M1 COS 5 Oik ! Vo 2. < ' i--h quotations were ns follows : l I.'M'll ' Steady and moderate demand. w-ii.r . patcnls , t3.lWijX. n ; slraights , M.ZMi .1 l" . ' - . , $3.104)3.20 ) : spring Hpeclals , $ -l.'JVi ( | 4 11 p.itents , $ ) ; straights , $2.80 3.15 ; ii.iU. is. $2wi2.f.o. : : . \\III-3AT-No. 2 spring. 71c ; No. 3 sjiring , 7o ' . ' ! ' ; Xo. i red. 7.17-ifi77u. | CORN No. 2 , , " 1c ; No. 8 yellow , ,1.'V > c. ( i-\TS-'No. 2. 27.iTi2Sc ( : No. 2 white , " 81i . No. 3 white , "W.'aM C. UYK No. S. f.'Ujc. \U1.I-JY No. 3 , 3n-i-l7 | < ! . Sl-'l-'OH - No. 1 ilaxscpil , $1.20 ; northwesl , El . 'I. prlmn timothy. $2.301(2.35. I'UOVIrilONS MUM pork , per 1)1)1. , $9.iniT ( J1.20 Lard,1 per 100 Ibs. M.ll.liiC.crT'A. ' Short rli'S ' Hides ( lee e ) , $4.ClKI.H ! ) . Dry salted n , . .iill.Ts ( iKixcd ) . $ l.H.yi.nO : > ; short clear Old . - ( boxed ) . tTi.OOJ7fi.10. V II1SKY Distillers' finished goods , per KI'ri.\TlS Cut loaf , J5.9G ; granulated , $5.45. T'llluwlng are the rcceliits and Hhlpments ( oil i\ . \riicles. Keepllits. Slllp'ts. 3i'.in. , bbls 8,000 8,000 > \ \ In , il. bu 40,000 10,000 'n i. bu 131.0HO li'tXIO ( < lil-- . bu 139.000 mi.OOO litl 7,000 ( il.OOO I. . y. bu 27,000 1,000 i ( lie I'roduco exchange today the but- in.irket was quint and ea y ; civamer- lli(17c ( ( ; dairies , llfi'13o. ( ICggs , steady ; ti l"iQl12tu. ! Cheese , weak ; creams , MC\V Tonic : , for tin' lny oil ( Ji-iieriil Coilllllllll I lllH. NK\V YORK. April 21. FLOUR Rp- cr pi12i07 ! bbls. ; exports , 19.41(1 ( bbls. ; lirm f. " l.iw . grade winter , but easier on spring I'ld ' nis ; winter patents , 1.75-JN.20 ; winter p-i lights , J3.00I(3.15 ( ; cholcu to .fancy , $3.20if 3.1" \ . ' \ K Firm ; No. 2 western , 0 V"C , f. o. b. , ml ' i' J : \ i'IILRY ILU/r Dull and nominal. VS III'VAT ' iliuci-lptH , I37.S25 ibu. ; uxports , fc7 li ilm. Spot market we.ak ; No. ti ivd , fc- . . f. o. li. , allnat , and 7l c , elevator ; No. 1 n ni'iei-n ' , Dtiluth , St ! < ; , o. f. o. b. , afloat ; No. 3 n r i hern. New York , S41 c , f. o. b. , ntloal , .ii. ni opeii.'d tlrm , but were weak for the A > i un c of the day. Crop news showed con- - . Improvemeiil , Vftl ) from private d1 1 viiil-public sounesand long wheat w tin-own over freely all thw afternoon , nf ! .King ilm i-l'l'et-t of big export transac- \ > i . - - ; No. 2. l2-\ii42T c. f. o. b. , alloat , li v\ mil old. Options opened steady , but toiiii i < 1 fioin geiu'ral liquid , itlon and de- . im .1 . all day , closing weak at o partial > c ji i ilicllne. May oiieued at 10 1-ICIHO'KC ' , t. . 'I ' I0ikc ; July. ilMJ'/i lOUc , closed 3M4c , iTS life-Pints. IC.SOO.Iiu. . ; export.500 tm. Si1 > xtendy. Options dull and easy. \Y-Hrni : shipping , tl.Goft6.00 ; good < . liolcu , t\My\.15. \ \ iml'ri L'oniinoti to choice , ] S9i ! crop , 05 ? 7 lv.17 crop , llii'lSc ' ; 1 > 9S crop ] Cfil7c ; Pa' . tin , iotst. ISw ; crop , CU7c ; 1S97 crop US ? 31 1croti ! > , 17 | JSc. HIDICS Firmer ; Ga'vestou , 20 to 25 Ibs 3'.ifl7c ' : Ti'Mu dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , 12"ffl3c1 ( I'llifornln. UI to 2h lb . , 1 SKI SUc. LKATllUlt Steady ; UnenoH Ayres , light , \\iml , Qul t ; domestlo lleeco , ] 7fi22c : 'I' , x it. It'll He. Kh'iFirm : ; domestic , fair to extra , 4' . . 6 > J. ip. in. 54/XiVjC. MI M.ArtSKS Firm ; New Orleans , open Iv ' . - . K . . .d to choice. 32JT37C. ri-'iVlSloNS-lteef. ' steady ; family. J9.50 ( fill no. extra m < * s , $9 ; beef hams , $19.0 > Hf J'l . p.ick..t. $9.DOilo.W ( ( ; city , extra India in - , $1 1 tHXii 15.50. Cut moats , steady ; ji in d hams. "HfflHe. Lard , steady ; wes't- rtc.uni. | | , $5.5r > ; rellned. steaily. rTTWIt Receipts. 3.073 jikgs. ; market ' weaern creamery , 15fflSt.-j fancy , iiiM'iaK-llecelpts. 1.437 pkgs. ; market .iv. largo white. lffi , } > ; small whlti , coloml1ffl * ° ! Btna" . I ' ; i IS- Receipt , S.779 pkgs. ; market < i ' . western , 13'sftlle ' ; southern , I2 4 f TM l-OW-Weak : city. 4'Wil'ic ' "jT ) NSiouo OIL-Dull ; prlhm crude. . . - Iron warrants quoted at Si M. iil.l ami S10.7G asked ; copper , tlrm with - i- at $ IS utin ; , easier .Wlth . J2I.S7U bid ' ' * ; " , ' ,1) ) iiBked ; lead easier with 11.80 liid " ° " ! 'r1 * nkkt'il ; | H'lter. strong at t&ffi bid n > .1 MI , , i asked. The brokers' price -Tor lead la $1 10 ami for copper $19.12 - . Cliiiiliiniill MiirUel. . -oRN-gulet ; No. 2 mlxeil , 37c. c \'TS Steady ; No. 2 mlxetl HYK-Oulot : No. J. OOfttiJi , . I'UOVlSlONS-ljjnl. tlrm at J5.10. Hulk inii , steady at $ l > ) . n.icon , vtondy at ' Y Aetlw Rt tl.S-i. at _ SI , I.OIllH . llll-l.fl , J.oi'lS. April Sl.-WHRAT-null and 1 . i- : No. * red oiish , elevator , 7Sc ; tmck. April. 7T4c ; May. 7S 4o asked ; July bid : No. 8 hard. TOi7lc. ' I'l'KNloiwrr for opiinn.xpot o. Z coali , iwc , truck , 3 * > i , April , . : . "i.l > . .1 ! ( ' ! Ji : y . . V nskf-'l. Septem- 1 1. . r IP. ' a-k .1 < > ATR Kfi-i < i fnr options ; spot nomlnnl ; No. 2 mob * * ! - liM ; trnrK , 2 ! > r ; Aplll , ZMv1 : Miiy , ixV but. .Inly , 24'Vasked ; 8piem- ber' 24 c n k.-.l ; No2 while. ) Vi 3lc. HVH Stonily nt Mr. HKKfiS-1'lnxsppd. nominally nt Jl.16 ; rim * " tlmothv ' sfed , J2.3B. COIlNMKA'l.-ll.iM/i.S'i. IHIAN gulPt and easier ; sacked , enst track , ( Be. IlAY-rrim-othy. strong nt $ S.Kfr0.50j { | prairie , dull t $1.or'frS.5i\ ! ' ( WTTHH-Hteady ; creamery , l&QIOc ; ilnlry , 13fl17c. KtlOHIllRhpr at lltye. WHIHKY-Stpndy nt J1.2& MliTALS Lend. Irrettulnr nt | l.litt4. 0 ; weller , nominally nt $0.30. PROVISIONS -Pork , higher : standard me * * . Jobbing , $9.25. Lard , higher ; prlmo j > tam t , $ .1.0i'4j ' ; ( holpp , $6.15. Dry mill inputs , lioxcd shoulders , fj.21 ; extra snorts , $ I.Ji7's ' > rttis , $ .1.0ii ; short * . , ri. i. Huron , boxed shoitl- dors , $ S.m ; extra shorts , $5.3i'4 ' ; ribs , $5.50 ; shorts , $5.75. UKcnil'TS-K'otir , 4.000 lilil . ; whcnt , 9,000 bu. ; corn , "o.OOO bu. ; oats , Umo bu. SIIIPMI3NTS Flour , fi.OOO bbls. ; whprtt , 21,0oo bu. ; corn , 32. < K ) bu. ; onts , 11,000 bu. OMAHA ( ii.Niit.\i. : MAHKHT. Conill I Ion of Triuli * mill CliiolntloiiM oil Mlitpli- mid Fancy I'riidnee. -Rppplpts light ; demand good ; market lirm nt 12Uc. Jit'TTKIl-coininon lo fair , \\fi\2c \ \ \ ; choice , liftftp ( ; spparator. ivfl-19e ; gathered cream- erv lfi 17i- . POULTRY-llens. live , S IOc ; dressed , lOc ; old and staggy roo.ilers , live , 4ji7c ; drossi-d , 6fo7e ; ducks and geese , live , 7'jj Sc ; dressed , lOc ; inrkeys. live. 9fllOc ; 1 , , lightweight , 12',4i13c ( ; heavywclghl , I'IfICONS Live , per dozen , 7390c. ? V13 A LS Choice. 9'- OYSTI3RS- Hulk Standard , per gal. . $1.10 ; modlums , per can , 15u ; Standard. JHT can , 20c ; Kxtra Helccl , per can , 25u ; New York CiiuntH , pi > r , 30c. Kill-Mil WAT13R FISH-CatllMl , per Ih. . 12c ; bulTalo , per .b. , dressed , 7c ; while fish , lie ; lake Irout , lie ; yel'.ow pike , lie ; silver herring , fie ; perch. 4c ; bullheads , dressed , lOc : black bass , lc. ! SKA FISII-Klounders , Sc ; haddock. 3c ; Columbia river sn'mon , loc ; hnllbut , lie ; blue fish , lOcj Spanish mackerel , lOc : red snapper , loc ; extra largo mackerel , each , 3oc ; roe shad , each , COo. KllUITS. STHA\\M1HUU1ICS 1'er crale , $5.5008.00 ; plnls. M.IK ) . AI'l'LKS Hen Davis , per bbl. , $5.00 ; O n- llon * , $1.7.1 ; New York Baldwins. Orpenlngs and others , choice , per bbl. , $5.50 ; western boxed. $2 m CKANHI-nmilCS Jornoys. per bbl. . $7.50. VKOKTAIILKS. STU1NC UIJANS-One-thlrd bu. . $1.00 ® 'iMlOI'LANT-Per SO to 35-lb. box , $1.35 ® l.f,0 ; per & 0-lb. box , $1.75. HKKTS-IVr liDI. , $1.50. rAH.SNII'S 1'er bid. . $1.75. UADlSHKS-1'er bu. box , $1.2501.50. TOMATOES NOIILIn market. SPINACH I'er basket. $1. LKTTUCH Hotna grown , per dozen bunches , tOffllic ASPARAGUS-Per lb. . ICffllSc. ONIONS Hume grown , per oos. bunches , according lo size , 151i25e. WATKIlCHESS-lii-qt. cases. $1.CO. CAHHAfUC-CralL-d. p.-r lb. , 3'ic. CACLIKLOU'lilt-r-nr ernte , $2.50. ONIONS IV-r bu. . D0"g$1.00. UKANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.50 Q1 CO. POTATOES Cholre Iowa , sacked , 70c ; poorer stock , fine ; Minnesota Burhanlra , So S/90c / ; Colorado. $1.00 ; early Ohio sued po tatoes , $ l.oo < fil.lO. SW1313T POTATOKS-Per bbl. , seed. $2. TUOPICAL FRUITS. LlCMONS-Californla. fancy , $3.50 3.75 ; choice , t3.25(3.fiO ( ; .Messina , fancy , $3.75'i/4.00. OllANC.K.S-NnviUs , fancy , $3.75Q4.00 ; cholet" . $3.75 ; seedlings , $2.75 ; Mcd. sweets , HANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , per bunch , $2.CK > i/2.25 ; medium sized bunches , Jl.73ifi2.00. DATKS-IIallowce. CO to 70-lb. boxes , Gc ; Salr. Cc ; Kurd. 9-lb. boxes. 10c. . MISCELLANKOUS. NUTS Almond . ] ier lb. , 17c ; Dr.izlls. per lb. , OiilOc ; KrglUh walnuts , jier In. , fancy soft shell , 12i.tifl.1c ; Hlamlards. lOOUc ; 111- berts , per lb. , lie ; pecans , po'.lshed. Sff-lOc - ; cocoanuts. per 103 , $4 ; peanuts , raw , S'/iSUc ; roasted , C'/4'i7c. ! CinHIl Per halt bbl. , } 3. SA1TIORKRAUT Per half bbl. , $2.0032.25. IIONKY Choice white. 12Ul13c. JIAl'LE SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each , $2.50 ; gal. cans , pure per noz. , $12 ; half-gal , cans , $11.2,1 ; quart cans , $3.30 , MAl'LK SUCJAR-Cliolce , In boxes , 9c. HID13S , TALLOW , KTC. HID13S No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides. Gc ; No. 1 salted hides. SVic ; No. tailed hides , 7'4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. . lOe ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW , CrRKASK. KTC. Tallow , No. 1 , 3Mc ; ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rougn tallow. l'X.-c ; whlto grejiso , 2'/4y3c ; yellow and brown , I'JiiCVic. FUHS Mink , iOj75e ; bear ( black or brow ; : ) , SSwii20.00 ; olter. $1.50STS.OO ; beaver , $1.00'iii.ui ( ) ; skunk , lMi"3c ; muskrat , 3JJ10c ; raccoon , IfiftfiOc ; red fox , 3T ci$1.2.1 ) ; gray fox. 2.1'nTiOc ; wolf ( timber ) , 25cii$2.fiO ! ; wolf , ( prairie ) , coyote , 101/30c : wildcat , 10023e ; badger. rif(40. silver fox , $50.00f73.00. SI1KKP PKLTS-Oreen salted , each , 15 ® ' 5e ; green salted shearings ( short wooietl early skins ) , each , ; dry shearings ( short wooled early -Jclns ) . No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry ( lint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pells , per lb. , actual w.lght , 4Ti5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. SSilej dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4fir > c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain wool polls , per 11) . , ictuiil weight , 3Q4c. Iliillilniire lnrket. UALTIMOIIH , April 2l.-FLOUR-Qulet ; southern whvat by samjilc , 72j79'/.c ' ; ooutli- ern on grade. 71T79c. CORN Kasy : spot , 41' , tMl-vc , ; month , 40'i ( TilO' ' c ; May , ' ' ' n3.T c ; sleamer mixed. 37fc 37Vreceipts ; , 121.210 bu. ; exporls , 72,43i ! bu. ; sonthoru white corn , 43'ic ; southern yellow , 3c. OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white , 3.1ft3,1'ic : No j mixed. 32''ii33c ' ' ; receipln , 1,79 ? bu. ; experts - ports , 111,127 IMI. IH'TTKIl Quiet : fancy creamery , 20721c ; fancy Imitation , 17fiISc ; fancy ladle , llfiluc ; good ladle , Ut13c ; rolls , llftlCc. KIIIINIIN I'liy ( iriiln mill 1'rovlnlonn , KANSAS CITY. April 2l.-WH13AT-Mnr- ki t higher ; July opened IIP higher at CSVic ; doM-il , fi7'c ; cash No , 2 hard , G9c ; No. 3 , BiWij'.lc | ; No. 2 red , KIJ'iJSoc ; No. 3 , 7SWSlc ; No. 2 spring , C7 ( < 7i9c ; ; No. 3 , flVOfi7e. COItN-Jnly. 32c ; c-.ish No. 2 mixed , 32',4 : U\u , No. 2 white , 35c ; No. 3 , 3IV4c. ( > ATS Market lirm ; No. 2 white. 311,4 ® HYK Market Hteady ; No. 2 , 53'.c. { HAY Market steady , unchanged. HIJTTI3K Market flendy ; creamery , 14IJ' 19c ; dairy. 15c. ICC.fJS Market steady : fresh , 12c. HlSCUllTS- Wheat , 17,400 bn. ; corn , 11,700 bu. : outf. mono bn. Sllll'.MKN'lfS Wheat. 17,400 bu. ; corn , 26- 000 bu. ; oals , none. 1,1 vi > i-iool | ( ii-aln mill I'rovlMlonn. LIV13RPOOL , April 21. WH13AT Quiet , unchanged ; .May , fis S'4d ; July , 5s SHd. CORN Qtilt and 'id lower ; April , 3s5d ; May. ,1s 5 > 4il : July. 3s 5Sd. PIlOVISlONS-llaeoii. long clear middles , light , strong , 29s ; long clear middles , heavy , strong , M ; short clear backs , slrong. 2Ss id ; : shoulders , square. 2.1s. COTTONSKUD OIL-Dull ; rellned. May- AilgiiHl. easv , 15s tid. Tl'RPKNTINI' : SPIUITS-Flinn. Ma fid. _ l-'LOUll St. Louis .fancy . winter , lirm , ' ' 'jJl'aTKH Klnest United States , S4s. Toli-ilii lnrU . | . TOLI3DO. O. , April 21. WHUAT Lower and easy ; No2 cash , 75c ; May , 7G'.c. ' . CORN null and easy ; No. 2 mixed , 35Ue. OATS Dul' but steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc. RV13 Unchanged ; No. „ cash , 5Sc bid. CI.OVURSI-IKD-Actlve und easy ; prime caHh. old , $3.jO asked ; new , ca h anil April , $3.721 ; . I'lilloilelulilii t'roiliicf > InrUct. PHILADELPHIA , April 21.-HUTTER- Steady ; fancy western creamery , lb/li / > c : fancy western prints , 21c. EGGS Steady ; fresh nearby , 13W.e ; fresh western. 13' ' < i(14i. ' ; fresh southwestern , He : frt'sh southern , 13c. ( ruin ItecelplH lit Principal MiirKclw , ST. I/OUIS , April 21.-Recelpts : Wheat , 9,3i5 luisheb * . KANSAS CITY , April 21-Recclpts : Wheat , 2. ) cars. CHICAGO. April 21.-Estlmated cars for tomorrow : Wheat , M ; corn , IS ! ; oals , 1S3. II II nu ! ; < ( iriiln > lnrliel , MILWAUKEE. April 21.-WHiAT-Dull : No. 1 northern , "Iij73c ; No. 2 northern , 72fl > ' I'M" . RYllllgher ; No. 1 , {'.Ae. HARLEY Lowtr ; No. 2 , 4G'i'OI"c ' ; sample , I'coriii Jliirki'lH , PEORIA , April 21.-CORN-Steady ; No. 2. 35Vic. OATS Imicllve ; No. 3 while. 2S74C. WHISKY Firm , on Iho basis of tl.2fl for HuUheil goods. .MlmicnimlU AYIicnl Market , MINNEAPOLIS. April 21.-WIIEAT-ln store. No I northein , April , 72i4 < - ; May. 7li'UiW ( ; Jul > . T BC , Seinombcr , Tu tc , ou tra. k. No. I Imrd No 1 northern. 72'i. . No 2 northern , VO-V l'LOI'RFirst iMtonlft. M < WVfM.IV ) . secmid patent ! " . Jl.txni.l 70. IIwt clears , J2.sfrft2.90. HHAN-fnennnirpd. \IMV OrlrniiN .MnrUel. Ni\V ORLI3ANS , April JI. PROVISIONS Steady ; pork. stnnd rd mesfl. fl c. 1/ard , rellned tierce. .VHie : pure Inrd , BP. . Hexed meats , dry shoulders , $5.60. Hacon , cknr sides , BS4C , Until ? , choice short clear. . ( OKKEI'Qulet ; Rio , ordinary lo fair , .fnSe. RICE Steady ; ordinary to good , FLOUR-Extra fancy , $3.G5 $ fia,70 ; patenls , .fiOfH.Sfl. 11HAN-73W7IC. HAY-Prlitve , JI2.W13.00 ; choice , $ ll.0i > f ] ) 1 ii.OO. coRN-No. 2 sacluil. white , 43fN3 > 4c ; mlXPd , 42V ; yellow , 43Hc. OATS-.N'o. 2 packed. 3lc. Dllllltb AVIn-lit Mnrliel. nt'Ll'TH. April 21.-WH13AT-.Vo. 1 hnrd rush , 74'ic ; April , 71V ; May , "iVfcp ; July , i3T ( < c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 71Hc ; No. 2 northern , ca. h. roue. STORY OK I\V IX WAMi STItniU' . Slnrltcl AVIIIionl I'entoreltli I'IMV of the llitllroiiilM Slriinu mill \i-ll\e. NEW YORK , April 21.-PiIces drifted aim lessly , mostly lower , until the final hour , when the strength of Ixmlsvllle & Nnshvlllo and sorno covering of shorts left the mar ket Irregularly changed for the day. For the greater part the market was dull and heavy , but prlevn tlnctuated without uniformity. Little attention was given to the Hamoan situation , but unfavorable- crop reports wore reflected In a moderate rec.-M- nlon among th * grangers , which , however , Ipfl off unchangid. There was evidence of realizing and ) < ondon , * old Anaconda , Louis ville and Southern preferred , but the two last named were well taken and advanced on benefits expected from their Jolm opera tion of Rlrmlngham Southern. Among the specialties showing weakness during thu Ki'1'lnmovement were TeniiP'isi'c Coul & Iron. Hrooklyn Transit , Continental To bacco , Anaconda Mining. International Sil ver and American Smelting. Strength ap peared In New Jersey Central , Wheeling & Ixilco Eric and M-.vlcan Cenlral. Colorado Fuel and Iron Jumped 4 polnls on rumors that II was to be absorbed by Federal Steel , but ofllcials of thi-waiter company had often denied this. Co'orado Coal and Iron wns al. owry strong. Third Avenue , Metro politan and New York Central were weak. Interests usually prominent In Iho market held aloof and commission business was at a low ebb , the tola ! dealings for Ihe day bMnir less than half a million shares. 'Ihe disposition was shown In some quar tern to await positive advices as to Ihe con dition of winter wheal. Moreover , there was a desire to HOC what the money mar ket developments wIM be , Dealings were largely confined to the board room traders. Th-- market closed strong. Notwithstanding the unsatisfactory char acter of the stock speculation , rallwav bonds continued to forgo upward with the well known Issues In good demand. Total sales , $3G50,000. United Slate * new 4s , reg istered , and the old 4s , coupon , advanced U In the bid price. The Commercial Advrrtl = er's London financial cablegram says : The markets here were extremely | < 1 o und null today , except \\cstrallans and copper shares. The > feature was Anaconda , which opened at 10\ , and promptly Jumped to 113 , , then weakened to lo } ; , and closed nt llVi. The double option to end with the ypar wns sold at 3'ai3. ' Tlntoa were 15K ; they have been sold by dealers who want to buy Anacon das. Americans wciv > heavy and uninter esting all day. The. . movements were frac tional and Iho close was at about the openIng - Ing level. Twelve thousand pounds storing In bars wns bought by tne iMiik. One African parcel was taken at 77s 9d by re finers for thei bank. The following are the leading quotations for the lending shocks on Ihe New York exchange today : St. L. & S. F . 11U 01 do pfd . . . 70 l iilt. tt Ohio 72 du at pfil Can. I Ml Mlc W ) { , -it. L. ft s. Out. Southern . . . . B7't lo PM . . . Cent. 1'nelllc 51 % .St. I'-nil . . . Giles. Olilo -7i ! ihi Ki'J CM. & Alum H'-S ( = H. I' , .t O. . ! ) . ' , C. 11. & Q 1W co : j > ri II" Clil. & K. HI 7U D. ItU'lllC . . do pfd IS ! So. Hallway is" Clil. 0. AV ' " ' Clil. llhl. it L ID Texas & 1'nelric . 23"- " do L'lilon I'.iollle WM Clil. * N.V lo pfU 7-4 ! ) do pfd I . P. D. 0 IS ? , C. < - ' . C. .t i > t. L. "Hi VtViiLcuih 5 do pfd 07 SJ i Del. ( . . & \V 174 * ' ' ' ' ' " 14i ! Del. & Hud * < i > pfd . . . . . . . . ! Den. & Hlo O. . . . 22 ° ) Avliuns Kx. .112 do pftl AniAiricv-iai l-/x . . . . .140 Krlu ( new ) . . Unlt\l States 1-lx. ilo 1st pdl . . .127 Fort \VayiiP 184 A. Cot. Oil Gt. iNor. pfil t'.i.l'i il < i ] fd 'M Hocking ! Valley -Am. Spirits 14'4 111. ( . 'entnil 11.1'ii do pfd 3S i Uiko Krio & AV. . . 17',4 Am. Tolxicco 224 do pM 0 do jifl 14.1 Lake Sliotx- 21M * Coiw. CJua . . . 2(0 Louis. & NJli | fiS4 ! Cum. fable Co 160 MiinluitUin L 121 Oilo. V. & Iron. . . Mt-t. St. Ily 2IS-U 13 pfd SI loll. Central 113 Gen. I'JItVitrlc Minn. & St. L M HiCctn. : . Co. . 101) ) do 1st pfd W ) HiiiiiUlj-n H. T. . Mo. I'iiollle .Wi Inter Piiper 51 Molil , t Ohio . . . . 4S'i ' S3 Mo. 1C. & T 1.1 Otis < io ( ifd . . .j 4011 id X. .T. ( Vntr.ll 12H1 do jifil 11:11,4 : N. Y. On ( nil i.r.i > 4 Nut. Lin. Oil 4 N. Y. U. & St. L. . 14 I'lir.ine Mull r.2 do 1st iifd or I'lsijilo's fSa 12G'/5 ' do Sit pfil 32 I'lilliiuin Pnlju ; . . .H'nl'.i ' Niir. & U'pst 19T1 .Silver Cert fiO Nor. & AV. pfd . . . . fni S. 11. & T lOH NCI. Amor. Co ll'.h No. I-aclllc IB',4 ' do pfil IK ilo pfd 7rt T. C- . & Iron . - . OntiiTlo & AV 27'H I' . S. iitliPr f.V O. H. & N. pfil. . . . 7 do pfd 7.1 > ,4 Ore , Miort Line . . 41 IT. .S. Huliber .12 I'liolllc CVMHt 40 * 'i pfd Ill , P - . ( * . 1st pfd. . . . Sj WoKtrrn I'nlon . . . . Jr.'i ; do Jtl pfd 5S Am. S. & \V M'f ' , ilo pftl us llea.llntf < . . . . 21 Todiral Steel rsi4 dt > IKI llfll 6C1 ; flo jifd W s It. O. AV 34 Colo. Siititlicrn fiij do pfd 70 du Itt pfd fl llo-lk Inland 110i do 21 pfd > Total sales of stocks today , ll 0,23 | sliares Ino'.udlng : American Snuilllng and Ilcnn- Ing. fi.COO ; Americin Smelling and llellnlng prefern-d , 1,500 ; American Steel and AVIre , 0.200 : Anaconda , 17fiOO ; Atchson ! pretVrred , 12iOO : ; Brooklyn Transit , -'j,9in : Hrooklyn Transit lllghts , 10.200 ; Hnrllnglon , lS,5iH ) ; Chicago Great Western , C.SOO ; C'olorado , Coal and Iron , 1,900 ; Colorado Fuel and Iron , ll.fiOO ; Colorado , Hocking Valley .t Toledo , 1.9'V ' ) ; Consolidated Oil" . 5,000 ; Con- tlncntal Tobacco , M.fiOil ; l-'cilcra. ; Steel , in - fiOO ; KansniH C'lty. I'lttsbiirg & Olllf. 3,100 ; Louisville & Nashville , 2 < ! , fiOO : .Manhattan ConhollOutod , (1,900 ( ; Mexican Central , Si.fM ; Mexican National certlllcates , 7.0CO ; .Alls- Kourl 1'aclllc , ( i.iXK ) ; National Steel 4,000- Now Jersey Central , fi.IWO ; Now York Cen tral , 1,100 ; Norfolk .t Western , S.tOO : North American , : i00 : ! ; People's Oas and Coke , IS.OOO ; Heading llrst preferred. S.SOO ; Hock ls\ind , 9 , 00 ; St. Paul. l . riOO ; South.-rn Hall way preferred , 18.BOOniieswp Coal and Iron , 1S.70I ) ; Union Paclllc , ; i,200 : Wheellng & Lake Krie , fl,400 ; Silver bullion , 5,000. \IMV York lloili-y llni-liel. NUW yojlK. April 21.-.MONKY ON CALI/ Steady at 1 per cent. IMILMIMKHCANTILIC : PAI'KU-S'-OUJ ' per cent. STKHL1NO KXCHANOK-l-Iasler. with actual business In bank'rs' bills at JI.SIi)4ff : ) 4.S7 for demand and at $ I.N.vril.Sii'4 for sixty days ; posted rates , $ I.S.1u.f/4. ti and t\.SSWlf \ I.RS ; commercial bills. $ l.Slfi4.SI' . ' . . SILVKH CKKTlKICATUS-O'JWjtiO. HAH SILVI311 j JIKX1CAN DOLLARS-17ri. ( JOVKHNMHNT HONOS Kirmer ; 2s. reg. , 300 ; as. rog. , 10S ; as , coupon. lOSTd ; new 4s , reg. . ISS'i : new 4s , coupon , I.'IO ; old 4s. n-g. , 11214 : old 4n , coupon , 113 % ; 5i , reg. , lllCs ; , couiion , 113. Closing quotations on bonds wtra ; ' M. K. ill. 4V U4 U. S. SB , retf . 108 M. Y. C. Ints lift IT. H. an. coup. . . 101) ) .V.J. C. U. S. new 4s. res. . iao N. C. UK U..M. do coup N.C. 4 .104 U.S. old 4B. rcr li''k S'll. I'HC-lrtO ) t > . .IVO I ) . S. ooc-ouii No I'aelllo 3 U.S. in. rer No. 1'aclllP < n. . . , 1(1-1 ( u I , ' . S. 6s. conn tin N.Y. r.JLSI. U 4s 10,1 , District : f. USs . . . 117 N. AV. . eon , < H . . Aln..class A Ill ) N. XW.KPII. lin. . . . Ali..cli ; ; s H Ill ) Orr. N , IBIS u-'h All.class ! C 100 Orr. N. 4s 10:1 : Altt..Uiirrrnoy 100 O. S. I , . 11. t. r ° ' " ' O. H. I , As t. r. . . Do. udj. 411. . . . ! . . . . 8:1 : Kradlnir is HI ) nuttidit So. V'ds Ill it. n. w. uts V'H C. A.O. 4S8 U4H St. I. . il.M c-ouDs 11U4 t : . * VO. 6s I-'lV ) % tit. I. . A. 3. K. (3en. 0.1LM C. A. N. W. con 7H ,1I4 > ( St. I' . Coiihol * doS. K. deb. 5n.r.'il St. 1' . C. JLl' . Ists. l-'l rill. TrniiH. . 4s. . . .100 st. p. c. A. p. a . D.iH ( i. Itts K iH So. Hy. As i ) . i. n. n. 4s loiij S. It. i.T.In ! East Turn. 1 et . . . .10i ! Tcnn. new et. ! > s . . U7 F.rlnGrn. s TJ T. 1' . lets. .111 V. W. A. I ) . Uts. t. r. HSU IT. 1'Jds 54H fipu. Kli-o. 6s - ' U. , . 48 10M O.H. J.S. A. as..Ill U. I > . D.i n. Ists. . 90 O.H. AS.A. 2d . . . : : : \Vab. lain 117 II. A.T. Cent , fll 11' ' Wab .MB 9Sl H. i.T. C. con. Us. . . 11' ' ) W.Shorn 4s 114 lowuC IBU \YU. Ci'in. lau ilfiv , K. C. I' . A . UU. . Vn. Crnlurles. . . . H4 I.u. Nru-Con. 4s..lOU > i Va. deferred U U4.N. Unl. 4s H7 ColoradoSoulh'ii 4s 804 M. K. IT. SdB . . . . . B8H Offered. l-'llllllll'llll .NOtl'N , CIUL'w strong. North i Strawboard , . cult preferred , 101. ST. 1X5UIS. April 51.-Clearing * . Jl.970.452 ; Jjalauc 9 , 5T5S.71.9. Money , < 'u7 l"r cent. N w York rxihangp , bi.l , nsk < d INfl'NNATl. ' A | > rll Cl.Monev n : S'j'ufl per cpnt. New York rxrhnnge at 25c und : ii'i- discount. cpirtn | s , M. < 9i.lot > . \VAS1IINJT ( < > N , April 01 , Today's state ment of the of the trojiMtry show ? : Available cash luilancf , J3Sl,330S7s ; gold reservp , W11.1W.01B. CIIICAdO , April 21 Clr-nrlnRS , $20.W3,21D ( ; linlaneeji , t2,42i.ftni. New York exchange , 15e prpinlum. Sterling p.xch'.inge : Tosled , tl.W4"il.SS ; actual. JI.S&17-I.S7 ; sixty dnys , JI.WTM.Sfi. NK\Y YORK. April Sl.-Clcnrlngs. J22I.197.- 70i' ; balance * . ji2iSi.nw. 11OSTON. April 21 Clearings , $ : TMI,7f.2 ; b.Tlanpes , * .1ai7.2,16. HAt/rnMoKK April 31. ClfnrliiRS , M.4M- 437 : bnlancps. $ xw , 113 , riUI..ADKLl-111A. April Sl.-ClcnHngS. $11UU6.S07 ; balanees , 41.MB.SCa IluMoti Sdii-li 11OSTON , April 21-rnll loans , Sftl per CPU ! ; limp loans , n'Mfl'4 per cpnt. Closing pricp < * lor stocks , bonds and mining i i HAU SILVlSU-Dull at 27-Ad per ounce. AlONI-jY lli'iillij ' per c-ni The rate ot discount In the open niarkpt In Hi per cent ; for . -hort bills , 2.T/21-1S ppr cent ; for threemonths' hills , 2ft2'/s ' per cent. In tin * I'oi'i-lun I'liiiinelnl AVorlil. LONDON , April 21. American secnrlllos ivero dt'iirpsspil and prlres went well lielow parity. The market so-nied to prefer to wait to see what AVall strpot would do. lluslness was very restricted. The closing tone was steady. Amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of England today on balance , 12,000. Gold at Huenos Ayres , 131.30. PARIS , April 21. Three per cent rentes , 102f for the account ; exchange on London , 2.1 f I'Jifco for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 59.SO. I'rices - heavy the - were \-ery on hours--- today , the approaching settlement In Lon don causing many utilizations. Interna- tlonnlM were Inactive and Hlo Tlntos were a ital d , closing \ve.iki-r. IJICIILIN , April 21. Iluslness was dull on the bourse today. Local shares dccllncMl on realizations , but 4)nnk shares were In peed demand. Americans and foreigners were neglected. UOM1ITIOX O1 < " 'TIH3 IVOOfi SIAllICICT. SulPN for Hit * AVccU Art : Far Alienil of tin' Avcrniic. 11OSTON , April 21. The Commercial Hul- letln tomorrow will say of the wool market : Ths market Is less active than last week , still further business has ber > n done In Aus- trai'lan wool for export and the cales for the week are far ahead of the average. There luij been no special feature this week beyond u good , general , steady dumand. The sales of the week arc" 3,2S2,000 pounds domestic and 2OfiOWO pounds foreign , against a total of 8S12(1V ( ) pounds last week and (529.000 ( Hounds for the sani > week last year. The sale.1) to ( late show an Increase of 1S.79UOO pounds domestic and 1. 211.900 pounds foroicn from the sale. * to the same ilat.ei In 1.S9S. The receipts to date show un Increase of 15,033 bales domestic and a de crease of 33,791 bales foreign. Cotton NRW YORK. April 21.-COTTON Ku- tlir .Inn ternl- : . . . . . . Decpmber . . . . . Jii.02 : March. $ O.O5. NH\V ORLHANS. April 21.-COTTON Vutures dull but steady ; April , $ , ' .o > j bid ; ST. LOIMS , April -COTTON Dull and unchanged ; sales. 3W bule-s ; middling , fiii-ir : c ; receipts , 1,470 bales ; shipments , ] , - 311 bales ; stock , Si,52 ; ! bales. XtMV Yorli Dry ( Jooilw .llnrUet. NIO\V YORK' , April 21. The marlcH for cotton goods has ruled lirm today. There h'.ive ' been no further advances In bleached , but the tendency Is upward and other ad vances aiv looked for. Heavy brown shret- hlg.t and drills are lirm , with an Increased export demand ; coarse cottons are quiet but Htenily ; prints are steady , with moder ate sales ; gingham. are lirm ; woolen and worried dress goods I.ITO < iulet and men' . < wear woo'ens are dull ; print cloths are dull but steady ; Ilurlaps are quiet ut previous prices for Dundee goods' . Shoe mill li-ulli < > r 'rriiilo. CIIICAfiO. April 21. The Shoo anil Leather Review tomorrow will say : Packer hides are closely so'd up nd the big cattle slaughterers are mixing the quotations to suit themeslws. l''or hides of late kill leather higher prices are being u-kcil than were ever before demanded In April. The pack ers want 12 cents native , 12 cents for Texas and lie for butt branded steer hides , leather has been advanced , lint not to a point commensurate with the Increased cost of tin ; raw material. ( CollVi > .tlili-licl. NH\V YORK , April 21.-COFFICH-Optlons opened steady at unchanged prices , hut trading was confined chlelly to "switches , " buying1 checked by Increased American , vlHlblo Hiipnly 1111111 epKiiig checked by low lirlces. as lu-retoforc ; no positive new features ; clow.'d quiet to G points net low r ; s alo' , 15.2JO bags. Including May , $1.95 ; July { ,1.15 ; October. J5.10 ; November , Jo.10 ; JXii ember , $5.00 ; March , $3.73. Spot , Rio , dull ; mild , quiet. ( Ml OIL PITY. Pa. , April 21.OH / Credit bal- nnces , $1.13 ; ccrtlllcatcs , no bid ; Hhlpments , iri,5vr , bids. ; average shipments , 73,059 libjs. ; runs , 107,127 bb's. ; av < rngo runs , SI. 150 bbls. WILMINGTON. N. CV. April 21.-OII - Turpentlne. J-teady at 3S'/i39e bid. Rosin. lirm at 93cfil.oo. Crude turpentine , steady nt | l.a3jj2.40. Tar , lirm at $1.03 , . . . . NIJXV ORLKANS. Aiirll 21.-SUOAR Slrong ; opun ki-ttl. ' , aijle ; open kettle , centrlfiiKal , SThfil'-jc ; cenlrlfugal , yellow , 4MM 13-ltc ! ; secondH , UJ/lUc. / Molasses , iiulct ; crntrifuKal , ( JfilCc. LONPUN. April 21. HKUT SUGAR April , 10s lK > 4d. niitroi-niii iirh-ii Ki-uiiN. NB\V YORK. April 21.-CALII-'ORNIA DRIKD FRUITS .Steady ; f-viipor.ited ap i ples , common , 7iS-c ! ; prime wlro trny , S'iff He ; cho4iv , 95y ( .c ; fancy , fl idoc. 1'riinej , I l 45 9Vse. Apricots , Royal , n'-.fillc ; Moor ! Park. HiilSe. Iti-ai-hes , unpeeltd , Jfjl3c ) ; pet-led - , 25j2&c. I'atroii'M Day nl HAMILTON. N. Y. , April 21. Fully 1,000 studcntH , alumni and friends of Colcato unl- vcrslty , assembled today to hear the Patron's day address by President Juntos 1) ) . Angell , LL. 1) . , of the University of .Michi gan. Dr. Morrlll , the now president of Colgate - gate , presided. Itur. JCHBO IIuiiKiilu of lloincr , N. Y. . offered the Invocation. Wheil Dr. Angell rose to speak ho wus grcctud with great applause by u large audience. Ills ml- drcco3 wus upon the subject of our diplomatic | uuJ consular ecrvlce. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Tntlo in CftUlo Opens Active and with Prices Steady. DEMAND FOR BEEF STEERS CONTINUES lion * Ana Simile Illuln-r ntnl llvi-ry- HiliiK SI-UN UIV Hiirly mill at tin'I'oti I'olut of tin * Your. SOUTH OMAHA. April 21. Five days this week. . . . 11.121 35,11' ; 'J2.I..S Hninn days lust week. . . . 9 , > SJ S2i 31ol.n Same days \ vi'k b.forc. 11.631 3 ; , iiM 22hi ; Sumo tlirco Weeks ago. . 'J.570 : V , 72 39bi ) Average pam lor nogs tor the lust several iay ! with comparisons : IU93.llS9S.llSi7.il8Sii.ilNgJ.llNM.IUM. April 1 . 3 K" ! a i ! ! i } | i II ! y2 | 2 51. ! : . 1i MI ? ! . 6 * 51 Ajirll I. . . . . 3 til 3 921 3 fill 4 Ml * 4.1 April 3 . 3 0.1 ! 3 Si ! 3 56 | 4 i > 24 \ Bl | G 43 April 4. . . . 3 73 | i 3 521 I 70 I SS fi 2 April r. . . . . 3 79 , 3 00 | ' 4 is. 4 CD 0 SO April C. . . . 3 6.1 3 72 | 3 Su , 3 57 | 4 bl 4 77 6 42 ; i ui , -t 7j , ; i si : : s 33' ' 4 74 6 56 April 3 iw 3 72 3 .SO1 3 Gil 4 S ? 6J2 April 0. . . 3 45 3 62 | 4 81 4 83 April 10. . H1,1 ' 3 00 , 3 M | 4 77 B 02 677 11. . a G7J n 71i i 3 57 ] I 72 u Oil U 67 April 12. . ' It 97 | 4 7C 4 S0 | 6 46 April 13. . is mi h , ' 1 97 , 3 TO , 4 76 5 ( M | 6 Cl April 14. . 3 67 3 70 ! l b5 | ,1 IS , . 5 11 6 VJ April IS. . 3 72 | 3 07 | 3 iO | 3 3S | 4 "a C US April II ! . . I 3 lil | 3 S7 | 3 20 4 7-i | 523 Aprl1. 17. . 3 72 II III 3 3.1 4 7I | B 23 6 S3 April IS. . 3 US1 3 COI * 3 13 4 G3 | n 11 | C SI April 1.0. . 3 71 : l 01 3 01 * 4 Cl 5 13. C SS April 2D. . : t 75i 3 3 , 3 SI , 3 3.11 4 (591 ( B Oil 7 1. . April SI. . JI 77 ] 3 73 | 3S3i _ 3 301 * I 6 OC | 721 _ * Indicate * Sunday. The otllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Calllc. Hogs. Sheop. H'r's , C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 2 1 l ) . .t St. L. Ry 1 Missouri P.icllic Ry. . . 1 1 I'lilon Paclllc Systtim. IS IS G 1 < \ it N. W. Illy 1 K , K. & M. V. R. R. . 31 26 S. C. & 1' . Ry .1 1 I' . , St. P. , M. .t O. Ily. 13 f 2 11. , V M. R. R. R < IS 28 1 ( ' . , I ! . & Q. Ry 1 2 K. C. .t Hi. J 3 I' . , R. I. .t P. Ry. , K. 4 1 C. , R. L & P. Ry. . YV. _ 1 J Total receipts . . . . SI SS 11 1 The disposition of Ihe day's recelpls was as fol'ows , each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co 4.'l 573 C. II. Hammond Co 311 1,319 Swift and Company 578 l.13tj 1 Cndahy Packing Co KM 700 397M Armour & Co t21 ! l.ics MMO \ .Swift . , from country MO Hammond , from K. C. . . . sir. 31. Hecker & Began 10a .1. L. Carey a l.oliman & Co 57J Jlu.-ton .t Co J Livingstone & Schaller. . . 2S Hamilton , t Kothschlld. . 173 Other buyers 117 Total 1 , ! > 5G .45G 1,452 CATTLK A better feeling was noticeable in the cattle market this morninK and the trade opened more active on handy llttlo pitttlc. I'rices could not bo quoted any higher , but buyers , seemed to want the cat- lie and went after them when they were of th ? kind that just suited. On the ether h.iml , heavy cattlu were neglected and slow sale nt barely steady prices. As a whole the market could not be quotwl any more than .steady. All told there were Ilfty to sixty loads of beef on sale , so that the sup ply wns liberal and buyers could discrim inate against anything that did not please them. There was no change In the market as re gards cows and OieiOrs. The supply was small , as has 'been the cnso all the week , while the demand was good , so that ev.'ry- thlng changed hands In good season. The prices paid were tlu- same as prevailed yes terday and the market Is as high as It has been any time. Fat bulls were , as usual of late , slow- but just about steady. Stockcra and feeders were In moderate supply and .tho market steady. There has been very little change In the .stocker or t'e.-der market this week , as supplies have been small , and only about equal to the. demand. Representative sales : S'fRutva. , I'r. No. Av Pr. No. Av. Pr. son ? 3 00 3.11'W fl 1.1 (1..12S3 ( $1 55 731) ) 3 00 20..1179 4 4r 9. .1207 4 55 9.17 : : 50 25..1100 i ir. 4t..lJG7 : ! 4 53 7S.1 3 7.1 19..1077 4 1,1 37..12GS 4 GO 1100 4 00 1I..11M 4 ir > 1..1150 4 00 1110 4 00 20..1157 1 4.1 15..1100 4 00 102.1 i oo 40..1222 1 4.1 2. . 595 4 GO 10.10 4 00 3l..l2Tli I 1.1 1..1HO 4 Ol ) 14.SO 1 10 2.J..1H9 4 4:1 : IK. . 1191 4 GO 1130 I 20 4' ! . . 11 111 4 4.1 19. . 13M 4 03 1020 I 2D 2I..117S 4 1.1 20..1219 4 05 S..1100 I 21 IS..1191 I 50 1C..12S7 4 05 13. . ! isi : I 3D I 50 8..1203 1 05 20. . 102-1 4 " ,0 L. ! ( ) 1 .10 10..1211 4 05 2.fdS 4 3,1 11. . ! Ci : 4 50 4..1270 4 05 21..10Ti' ! I 3T 5..1010 I .V ) 21..1311 4 03 1..10SI ) 4 35 1..11BO 4 50 13..1315 4 IP 6. . : i2i : 1 3.1 21. .1112 4 .10 52..12.VI 4 03 4S. . WK ! 4 10 2.1. . 1071 4 50 21..1223 4 05 3..1010 4 10 S2. .10S.1 4 .10 17. . 1516 4 75 4..11ir. 4 10 21. . 112(5 ( 4 50 6..151G 4K5 19. .11KI 4 40 40. . 1223 4 5.1 I S.1 7..11S7i I 10 STKURS AND H1CIKERS. 13..1120 4 50 COWS. . 870 2 CH ) 1 , .11,10 2. . S30 3 75 . S20 2 50 .10S.1 2..10SS 3 75 .1170 2 50 1..1130 .1 STi . 770 2 50 1..1170 : ; 40 1. . 1S30 3 ST. .1010 1..10IO R 10 fi. .1191 3 90 . 7011 5. . 900 3 II ) 5..11 111 3 90 . 920 2 75 : i..101:1 : S 40 10. . git : : 3 90 . 910 : i rm 3..100I ! : : KO 0..115G 3 95 . 09' ' ) : ; IN ) 1..1II10 : ! zn .14SO 4 00 . 9:10 : 3 00 ] . . 920 : : fo 10.17 4 0. ) 3 00 1..1ISO : : .10 1170 4 10 3 15 1..1030 : ; i ; > I 10 . an : : 25 1. . W ) : ; 70 1..1220 4 10 .urn 3 25 5..10JS : : 70 4. . 1137 1 10 . S70 3 23 2. . USO 0. . 92ii I 10 .1000 1..11:10 : 9. . 1213 4 15 . 020 1..11SI ) 13. . 1013 4 25 1..12.V ) 9. . 1103 4 30 COWS AND HH1KKKH. 11..10G2 3 90 5..109S 1 00 1IKIKKHS. l. . 170 2 50 5..12SI ! 4 05 1. . S20 4 25 5..1021 3 SI 1. . 150 4 25 I. . 510 4 : : o i. . 700 : : o.i 3. . 7W 4 25 I ) . . 9.17 4 10 I. . S37 3 9.1 STOCK COWS AND IIBIKHRS. 1..1MO 350 1. . BMl 37.1 ( i. . 7u.1 I 10 L. CGO 37.1 2. . i.1.1 ; 37.1 I ! . , fill ! 4 r. 1. . S30 3 75 s. . 5o. : i 10 4 40 L. HM 3 9 .1770 1.ISOO 3 55 L. 1190 2 75 .1310 3 3.1 1..1210 3 ( hi L. 11911 2 90 .1730 3 85 .1130 1..1230 : : eon 1..1IIO 3 10 .ISC/ ) 1..1120 n o- . .1GV ) 3 40 : ' , no 1..10W ) 3 .25 . .13.W 3 40 lllilO : : n. > 1..1I1D 8 21 . .1710 3 50 . ' ! 70 L.lfilll : i 2"i 1..1510 3 50 ! i ( ; n : s 75 1..UOO ; i30 1..1370 3 50 .isco : > 75 .2000 : : 30 1..1710 3 50 .1100 a so .193'J ' 3 : ! 5 1..1910 3 51 CALVKS. . nio 4 2. " . L. 2o : : ti on L. no G 75 . 170 r oo L. 2:10 : n 2.1 L. iso n 75 , .100 a'M 2. . 22T. I ! SO L. 150 C 75 STA05. .1 ISO1 00 STOCICIOHS A NO KI5KDBRS L. 400 2 f.O 21. . 732 400 O.-lOSTi 400 i. . wo ! ! 00 L. MM 4 0(1 ( 11. , KW 4 m fi. . "M a 00 2. . 7C5 400 4 fie i. . km a oo 7. . 1001 i ou 2:1. : . 470 L. 4 ) S 21 20. . IJO 1 00 33. . CS7 4 SO : i..ioo a so a. . .170 42.1 oo. . rns 4 so II ( 15. . 1U 430 & . . Ql 4M ill 700 II W ) L.ltyt ) 130 ,1I. . QlMl 4 dl a 111 L. CJO 1X0 'M. . [ < " , 4 ! ) D fifti a Ki 4. . 730 431 1. . 7UO fi f ) flO a ir > L. 730 I fiO 20. . 671 G. . 9 IS a DO 4. . 710 4 CO ] 1OCS ! Values this morning were steady to u shade higher , but the market was not Very active , as a good many sellers w < ro asking moro advance than luijcr.s were willing to meet , and accordingly would nut lei go their holdings. Still the hogs kept going toward Uio scales , anil eventually about everything was sold , and In pretty good sea'on. on thj basis noted above. The hogs sold immlly at $3.75T < 3.S5 , with the long string at J'l.'Mia.TV1while yesterday half of the hogs In the yards went at t't.'Z. It will be noted from the table of avcrago prices at In ail of column that thu bogs us u whole brought a little more today than they did yeslerday. Anotlur thing that may bo learn d from Ihe labb's nt head of column Is Hit * fact that the receipts this week are running way ahead of last week. At tlio tumi- time values have tended gradually up ward and at thphecnt llino the market Is t-loHO to lOc higher than It was one week ago , and al Hie highest point touched slnco September 21 , whi-n the average price pild wan about the s.tmas today. Hepresenia- llvo sales : No. Av. Shk. I'r. No , Av. Silk. I'r. . . 87 2f ) 40 * : i 70 ' ' ' " -.rt . .1C9 . . . 3 70 iril.21l ; : . .22 : ! 100 3 TM 62 221 . .21S . . . 3 72 . .217 200 3 72 5 . .263 120 a 71 19 3 7fi ' ' .Tr- 3 7S "iici jjii a 7.1 2IW 3 7.1 (3 ' 4'J ' 3 . 'i 73 20 ! ) 40 3 75 B4 . SKi IHrt . . 77'fc K , 2 : . 3 75 .v > 27.1 V > ' 1 : ; > j W ' 221 200 375 75 211 SO1 77K. . | il | .an ) . . . 375 72 23S M ) 37 ; ' j > 0 ' ' 2SO 1JO 3 75 fit 272 . . . 3 77't B'--iiSS'SSS ft : : : : : : ? * ' - * ' C ) : : . . . .241 . . . 375 7.1 24 ! ) . . . SI 3S7 40 375 69 2S3 SO SO 13 120 3 75 M 3JO 40 377' * 11 OM 375 iS 2C1 . . . 3 77'4 ' " ' ' " . . . ' SO 375 5) ) 322 lf 3 7i7 13 315 . . . 37.1 fii MO 40 3 77'4 . . . . ' . .217 40 375 75 24S Ml 3 77' < j 7ti 21H 120 3" . W Wl W 3776 8 : : : : : : ! ! ? "so 1 % § : : : : : : $ 'u > m 101 207 Sin 37.1 M 231 . . . 3 Ml 46 2O ) SO 375 09 Zto . . . 3 W l 3M 1(10 ( 375 77 241 40 3 PO ( M 2U 40 37.1 ft" " K4 . . . 3 SO S5 212 410 375 74 2l > ' 5 SO 3 SO & ) 24J SO 37.1 W 2ft ] 40 3 SO m 222 . . . .175 7H 271 . . . 350 W ! 261 100 375 Cl 292 . . . 3 SO 77 2311 40 375 5S 310 10 3V ) S > : 217 SO 375 PO 241 . . . 3 SO 27 "JO . . . 375 70 2 < B . . . 3 W ) 4S 270 . . . 3 75 60 2JS . . . 3 SO 101 217 240 37.1 2S 307 . . . 3 SO 74 2.12 SO 375 74 277 210 3 SO 75 226 . . . 375 41 2M . . . 3 S2V4 02 22S 40 375 52 . -01 . . . 3 S.i 07 231 120 37711 , 51 TO . . . 3 So WAOON LOTS-I'IOS. 1 f.Oi ) . . . 250 1 Ill ) . . . 370 1 ICO . . . 2 50 1 ICO . . . 3 70 1 520 . . . 250 7 2211 . . . 3 72'4 1 240 . . . 275 5 150 . . . 3 72' < i 1 350 . . . 275 4 3X1 . . . 3 72'i. ' 2 1SO . . . 300 6 221 . . . 37,1 2 3.V ) . . . 32.1 1 200 . . . 375 1 3.10 . . . 340 4 232 . . . 37.1 5 2fiS SO 3 40 1 270 . . . 375 1 2,0 ( . . . 370 fi 216 . . . 375 3 2S3 . . . 370 fi 226 40 375 3 3.16 . . . 370 2 SIO . . . 375 7 2,19 SO 3 70 SMKICI' Alt told only eleven loads of sheep and lumbs were reported In thp yards this morning. Out of that number thi-ie were two cars direct lo a packer , leaving only nine on sale , of which four loads were good Fort Collins lambs. Values were just about steady on all kinds ml the market active. Clipped lambs sold nt $4.80. and the .H-nson sheep brought $4.5o. the Ktimu as yesterday. Quotations arc : flood to choice fed west ern wethers , J4.75TI.1.00 , fair to good , $ I.Ci01i 4.75 ; Mexican yoiir'lngp , $ .1.2 < > 1h1.3.1 ; choice western yearlings , J5.OiViTu.10 ; good western yearlings. iii.oo ; good to choice western ewes. $4.35fl.50 : fair to gooil we'tern ewes. $4.00'ifl.25 ; Rood lo choice native lambs. $5.3' ( i,1.40 | ; coed to choice western lambs , $5.10-If 5.50 ; Kort Collins Mexican lambs , good lo choice , M.OVSJ3.70 ; fair to Rood Kort Col lins Mexican lambs , t5.fi095.60 ; focdcr sheep , $4.2.1tiM.50 ; feeder lambs , f4.60i5.25. } Repre sentative sales : No. Av. Pr. 1 buck 200 $400 25 lambs , shorn 50 4 W 2 western wethers , shorn 115 4 50 307 western wethers , shorn 118 4 50 233 western lambs , shorn ( Ul 4 SO 215 lambs , shorn C7 4 SO CHIUAOO MVI ; : STOI-IC : Cll \oinliiill , HIIKM lit Cooil Dellllinil ami Slieeii Slen < l > . C.1I1CAC50 , April -CATTI.H Hardly enough ( Mttlo wore received today to make a market and prices were mostly nominal , most of the offerings grading poorly. 1IOC3S With a good demand prices made a fresh record and prime heavy hogst brought $4.15. The general market advanced 2-c ! and some kinds ruled 5c higher ; bulk of sales , $3.5Ti4.10 , bulk of consignments fetchlns : $3.7S12A.M ! ) . SH13KP i The supply was well taken In and the burger part was constgniMl direct to slaughterers and prlcvs ruleil steady und much the name as a week ago. Wooled Colorado lambs were wanted at $5.75fif > .1M ; sheep , $4.10iG.15 | , f''W golllK be'ow $4.75t > ! & UKCEIPTS Cuttlo. l.&OO head ; hogs , 16- OOiJ IwaU : shee ) , 0,000 head. KIIIIMIIM City l.lvc Stoelt. TCANSAB CITY. April 21.-CATTI.E-ne- colptx. 2,000 head natives , 1,150 head Texans ; liberal receipts for Friday ; only be-t quality brought steady prices ; plainer kinds slow to lOo lower ; heavy native steers , 3.00f5.25 ; medium steers , $4.GOiu.OO ; light weights , 41.40f4.SO ; stockers and feeders , f3.73fio.50 ; butcher cows and heifers , f3.0lVJl.75 } ; can nery. J2.25573.00 ; western steers , f I.OOJ7-1.C5 ; Texans , $ .1.75Tf4.SO. 11OC5S Ileeelpts , 13.2SO head ; good demand from packers and shippers ; trade active at strong to 5c higher prices ; heavy. W.'OJp 3.S71S. ; mixed , $3.C.W3.SO ; light , Rao-i/fl / j ; pigs , . . . SI 1KU1' Receipts , 3,470 head ; liberal sup ply of common quality ; trade was fairly active at steady prices ; spring lambs , fii.50 (07.50 ( ; fed lamb ? , J5.25fi5.7u ; clipped lambs , $4.3.TfH40 : wethers , i4. 501(5.00 ; stockers and feodera , f.1.00f il.7r ) ; culls. . ' .OQ&3.00. \IMV York I.Ivi * SloeU. NEW YORK , April 21. BKKVKS Re ceipts , 8,993 head : steers lower but steady ; bulls and cows lirm and 10c higher ; ordi nary to prime steers , ? 4.CVu5.30 ( ; - = tags , fl.5i ) f4.75 ; bulls , W.50CM.25 ; cows , J2.3004.W. Ca bles steady ; exports , none. CALVES Receipts , 1,292 head ; market uneven : general sales , 25Q50c lower : jinor to choice vealf. JI.OOS6-7S , mainly $ ! .75 { < < i.2S for fnlr to prime. SHKKP AND T AMHS Receipts. 1.952 head ; sheep almost nomlna' , but firm ; lambs , SftlOe higher ; wooled mitt , f5.25 ; or dinary to prime unshorn Iamlv , f6.0d'ii0.il2I,4 ' ; good to prlnii * clipped lamlw , f5.25'n5.05 ; clliyied culls , J4.00 ; .Miring- lambs , J2.5Ku6.0iJ ( eacn. HOGS Receipts , 2,06ft head ; market firmer : fair to prime western hogs , $ l.30ft > 4.t5 : ; good state , $4.40 ; best would s > ll at $1.45. SI. I.inlU Live Slock. ST. TvOUIS , April 21. CATTISH Receipts. 2,200 head. Including 125 Texans ; market steady ; fair to cholco native shipping and" export steers , $ l.50fiT > .50 ; dresscil beef and butcher -teers , JI.OWi5.00 ; steers under 1.000 Ibs. , $3.75ff4.SO ; stackers and feeders. $3.25W 4.75 ; cows and heiftrs , $2.00 M.60 ; bulls , f.1.15 ( yB.Oo ; canners , $1.2Mi2.75 ; Texas aixl Indian .steers , W.50fl4.75 ; cows and heifers , $2.CKVil | 3.00. HOOS-.Recelpts , 7.400 head ; pigs and light" , $ .1 riT : t.G ! ; packers , $3.90174.05 ; butch ers. Jt.00fi-.12'.4. | ' iSiriSKI1 Rec-ipts. 2,000 head : market strong and Gc higher : native muttons , $4.50 ( fjfi.OO ; culls and bucks , $3 lfK/.oO | ; lambs JI.50J/5.50 ; spuing lambs , J7.00&S.50 ; clipped Texas sheep , J4.I5. SI. .liiNi-uli I Ive Slock- . 'SOITTII ' ST. JOSRI'H. April 21.-SpecliI ) CATTIvIC-RecpIpU. 1.5(0 bend ; market w ik to I0c lower ; quollty common to f.i'r. natives. Jl.OOfi&.OO ; Tex. is and western , $1.00 iril. i ; cows and hflfers. $2.25'i4 ? 30 ; Htockers and fe ders. $3.00t'l.75 ; yearlings and calves , JI.60T/5.15. IIOCS Receiptftao head ; maiket sleadv to strong , selling at M.ff..T/ M. hulk $ .1.70 < ( > 3.R5 : OIIP load fancy hoavv at $1.00. SIIICKl * IlccclptM , 500 head ; market stwidy. CliicliuiHll Mv < > Sloclc. CINCINNATF. April 2I.-IIOOS-Actlvo and higher at $3.45f ? LOT . CATTLK-Stfady nt $3.755.00 SiriOKP-Slc-i'ly at $2.75 ® 1.50 ; lambs , flteady at $4.25f(5.75. Slock In Sliclil. I-VlowltiB are the receiptat ( ho four principal western markets for April 21 : Cattle. Hogs. SJjpep. Omaha . 1,972 6,570 2,740 Chicago . 1,500 16,000 H.W ) Kansas City . .1.750 13.2SO .1 170 St. Ixuil.i . 2200 7,100 . ' ( ) Totals . 9.12. 11,250 1 1. MO SUPREME COURT SYLLABI , Xo. XS25. Doolltil. ' asjaliiHt American Na tional iDank. Alllrnu-d. Hrror from Doug. la- count v , Iliuilsnn , c. J. 1. In the absence of a pleading- from the transcilpt presented to this iourt In mi error iiroceedlng an alleged error of the trial court In nisi/lining a motion to strike c'it iiertlons of said pleading cannot ! re. viewed. 2. Tlrpendeni'y of attempted review by error proceeding of an order 'n a case not final does not 'furnish forceful wsoson for the delay of a 'trial of the cause on Its merits. 3. An order of refusal 'to ' extend the time within which lo prepare a bill of exceptions whlOi does not appear of record cannot bo reviewed. I. If there Is no bill of exceptions , qtirs- tlons which for their due consideration re quire an examination of 'tho evidence can. not bo determined. 5. A determination of mattsrs of fact based ui > " 'ii conflicting evlduico and uns tained thereby will not 1io disturbed on review. (1. ( A motion for a new trial Is without force If Illp'l after final adjournment of in" term of Olstrict court during which the trial o.-currpd. No. SS73. Chadron lyoan and nuUd'ng As- co-Iation ag.ilnst .Smith. Alllrml > il. Appeal from DHWPH counlv. 'Harrison ' , f. .1. The remedy of appointment of a receiver to take ( hiirg1 of the property In certain conllngenclPM in an action of foreclosure of a real rstato mortgage Is not anpllc.ili.ln whore HIP mortgaged property Is the home * n'cad of the mortgagor , direct defendant In the. mH. No. SS7fi. Vernon against ITn'on Life In. furanco fompanv. Alllrmed. l-2rror from Adams county. Sullivan. J. I. A motion to com-nol a defendant to duct iiiKin which of two InconalHteiit de fenses ho will proco-d to trial , comes too late after Issue has liren joined 4 > y tiling n renly. " . Kvldrnco examined and held to con- climlvolv 'Klabllsh the defense of accord and .itlhfactlnn. the I'onelu-lon rpHchcd bv tlie jury \\aa the enl > one vcrniisKiblu under the ) pli.i.bnK-i .iii-l r ' , . n f u , i ilumen , ! wl'l l > . .illlrni'.l in n li i m , -r.ii < > < . urrlntt , ni i ho trill coiil'l no ! II.IM ; > , en prrlinllrlnJ , No. V i > 5 Mi-ri'intll ( < Tt nst fonvpany n K.I lust O'lUnlon. Alllrmed. Appml from IXiwcii county. Norval , J. 1. Kiror mtist alllrmntlvly appear. It \\I1I never be lircsunipd to exUt. 2. Allliliivlts used on the hearing of n tno- lion. ti IIP Hvnllnblcv In HIP nppellntp must he embodied III Ihe bill of sw 3. The ovprriilliiK of a motion tea a lecreo rendered tixin | def.iult res witerpil agnli ! t ft d'fendint , will not HO Itillietl unless It In made In appear thnl there has been an nbttse < if dlBcretlon l > y the court below. No. ssts. Polsoni ORiilnst Palling. Af * llrnied. from Cas County. Nor val , .1. 1. A claim fiRnlnst the menvl * r of ft pnrt ner hlp ( xinnot be set otT against a l < 4 t utlo tlm linn. 2. A ( hiding bnsed on conflicting evidence ) Will n 't bo disturbed on appeal. } No. still. l''lsk nguliidt ( isgocul. Alllrmrd. i Appeal from Johnson county. Sulllvnn. , T , 1. The olllce of an acknowledgment IK (0 ( furnish authentic < vld mo that the Instru ment acknowledged been wily exoitiled and I" entitled U be recorded. 5. A inortgnge PXPCIII d 4ty a itiflrrlrd woman UJKUI her sep.'irnte. property otlip ? than n homestead to secure her hinthnnd'd debt constltut'Cs n Vulld .and enforceaU'o lien , although not acknowledged an reitulrwl by law. n. A < leed for which no vnlunble ronxlder- nllon lias been given Is not enttleil ! to tnko precedence of a prior unrecorded inortgnRQ of which the grant.e In such deed luui no actual notice. R.WJ. llonip Fire Insurance Company against Kuhlman. Alllrmed. Krror from Omiglasonnty. . Kulllvan , J. 1. A policy of ilr1 * Insuranee providing thftt It shall bo null "If the building 4 > e or IIP- come vacant or tinoccupl-d ami BO remain for ten days , " does not , upon a violation of such cond'tlon , become absolutely void unless the Insurer ohooses to take udvail- t.igo eif the forfeiture. i. An Insuratice company upon being In- forineil that ther' has Jieen n breach of a. Ciinillllon In Us policy provldllif for a for. felture , mav ilecllne to take advantage of uch forfeiture , and In Hint event the con tract would remain In force , 3 A waiver to 'be ' pflWtlv in dnfeatlmr a forfeiture , need not rest on either it new agreement > r an pstoppal ; and when once madn It Is Irr vocable. 4. An agent of n corporation noting with in the scope of his authority , may , by his d > duration or conduct , waive his prin cipal's right to take advantage of n for feiture. fi. An Inference of waiver may be drawn from anv declaration or conduct of the In * surer which fairly Indicates that It 1ms , with full knowl dge of the facts , fceoly chosen to trial the policy , and deal with ( t ns a valid and subsisting contract. 6. When an Insurer ha * taken advantage of a forfeltuto and has elected to treat the policy as void , the contract Is at an end and cannot be revlv-d , except by mu tual cons'tit of the eontraetlnt : parties. 7. When an Insurer has olpclpd to treat policy of Insurance as void for breach oj condition providing for a forfeiture. Ihe as. sured has no claim upon the company foi any un arnnl premium. 5. It Is not ciror to re.loot proffered evl. dftice which has no material bearing upon the ifacts In dispute. . A judgment ha od upon ti verdict whlc ! ) I-i supported by sufllelont competent * vl- deuce will not bo disturbed on the ground that the apparent , preponderance of the evidence Is on the ld > of the- losing party , k.cixS. Herman against Tucker. Reversed , Krr > r .from Richardson loiinty , Harrison , 1. An administrator cannot maintain n suit under the provisions of section 211 , chapter xxlll , entitled "decedents. " Com piled Statutes , 1M'7 ' , mil ss there are debtn of the. decea-ed to lie paid and Insulllclent assets to discharge them and ordinarily the claims must have been allowed or adjudi cated against the estate. 2. If the pleading Is of allowed claims and the proof Is of claims presented but not adjusted at the time of the Institution of the action there Is a variance. 3. The tlndlng and jtidgm nt of the dis trict court held not warranted or suMalnfd urou any entertalnable theory of the isstupg presented and evidence adduced In their support. SSli ) . Farmers' and 51 rchanls' Insurance Company ngalnst Newman. Alllrmed. Kr ror ifrom York county. Sullivan. J. 1. The policy of llro Insurance In suit pro vided that It should be void "If the prop , erty insured be or become involved In liti gation without notice to. and consent of , the company enders d herein. " Held , that on action brought without the consent of th $ Insured to forcclo-e a mortgage c.iverlnu HID Insured property , did not violate tlm cond'tlon nor work a forfeiture of the In surance. 2. A condition in a policy of fire Insur ance against an increase of Ineumbranccs Is not briki-n l > v a mere change in the form of an existing Inciimhranco. . " . Forfeitutes are not favored and to bo available as a defense to an action must lie. pleaded and strlclly prov d. JAftiES C- Telephone MM ! ) . Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , CHAIN , PROVISIONS ami STOCKS DOAIil ) 01' THADU. Direct WITPB iu i.'lileugn n i .s't\v York. Correspondent ! Jcihn A. Warr * n * . Co. TONE 1953 H.R.PEUHEY&CO. ROOrMrlVLIFEBLDG. BRAMCH ' CMAHA nED. tlftCCLH ME "HEALTH is WEALTH , DR. E , C. WEST. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , IML ORIGNAl , Att OIIICIIS I'-WAIIOSS. Is Hold under inVlve Wrlttun Gtmrnnloo by authoi-lii-i ] uTtnta , inv ! < i-i.r Wi-.iU Memory , Plj-/lni-Ki' . Wukei-iliii'Sfl. Kill. Hynti-iU. QUICK- III-HH , NlRlit Losti-w. Kvll lip-aiim , J.iclt : of Conn- tit-lice , NervouHiieuH. t , aslliiile. all DraliiH , Viiulh- ful Krrors , or KXOI-S. II l'e of Tobat-no. opluin , or Liquor which luadH to Ml cry. roiiHuiiuitlon , liib-inlly anil Uiiatli. At More or tiy mull * 1 a box ; six for * .v , with written Kunrnntoo to euro or refund monpy. Sample pnck- ioMtiilnlii VI > < ' tieiiinii-nt. will BKO. : | ! liij' ) fun inMrucjtlonu , B ceni-i. OmiHainpla only 10Id lo paph perHon At uteri ) or by mall. -cil ( Luhul Spc- .ciiil . l' ° xtru SStrciijrtli.ii ' ' ' ' liiipoli'ii.y. I.IOM oft i'liwur Io > t Manhood , smrllliv or llarrunnsi , . ti a lioxi six for f.r > , will , [ written Ktiarontool 'locnivin 30 'liivs. AIJ ' * ll , . . | * - 'Jp L , * k " &A.I Myem , Dillon Irn/f Co. , Soli ; Aueatm , llllli and FuriiHin , Oiunlia. Neb , ( OVIill.tlIiT M TICi : > l. I'HOI'OHALS I'H ' ) INDIAN Sl'I'I'LIHS and TraiiHporlatlon. Dfp.irlinnnl of | | | o Interior. Ollleo of Indliin A ( fairs , U'lmhlng. ton , II. ( ' . , .March SO , ISM. He.ileil proposals , lndor--td "I'roposiilH fur beef. Hour , or transportation , i-t . , " IIH the CUCD m.iy be , and directed to ConimlsHloner of Indian Affairs , \m \ > stulu stri-a , ( 'iiii-ngo , 111. , will bo received until 1 o'clock p. m. , of Tue . I" ! ' . April K , 1S33 , for fuinl-hhiB for the inilliid Kervlce , beef , Hour , lineon. bciinn. coffee , sugar , rice , tra , and other arllelos of subslsl'-nci ; ; a'so for boolH and Khoon , groecrles , soap , bnklng jiowilT. erot-Uf-ry , iigrlcullural implcni-ntH , paints , oll.i , glnos , tinware , wngoim , huriu-yx. lenllii-r , shoo finding * , mddlery , etc. , hnrdwan- , school und inudKal supplleH , ami a long lint of miscellaneous articles ; also bids fur Iho transportation of such of the articles , goods und supplies as may nut contracted for lo bo delivered al Iho iigoncli-M Sealtil pro posals , Indorsed "l'ropo * . for blankou , woolt-n und collon t'uo''H. ' elulhlng , ptc. , " as Ihe C.IBO may . . . . dWi ulrecled to the CommlsHiorier of Indliin Affairs , Nou. 77 anil 79VuuHtur street , New Yorh City , will ha neelvud until 1 o'clock p. m. , of TuoKdoy , May 2-1) ) , IW'J. ior r-jiiiNhltig for ilm Indian Hervlre. folunk'-tB ' , woolen .mil cotton good1) ) , clothing , ntillons , lintu and cups. Jllds mu.4t lie made out on ( Jovcrnmcnt blanks Schedules givlni ; .ill IIM canary Information for lldd > r will be fiirnl hed on application ( 'heyiine , I.euvt-isworiii. Omahii , Si. l.ould , Kt. Paul and Han i-'raiiuluco ; Iho pogt * maslors at .Sl'ux City , Vankton , Arkan ; iH City , CnlUwel , ToptKaVlchitu and Tuc * neil JildH will ho opunud at the hour and dayn above KtaU-d and bidder are Invited to bo prcKcnt al the opunlnK. The Uep.irtinont roscrvon the > right to deturniliiD the polni of dollvpry and to reject any and all bid * , or , iny pun uf any bid.V. . A , JONKS. C'om. niisslontr. A3 dl t ia