Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1899, Page 24, Image 24

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That People Are Content to Know So
6nr Tliry Are Dolntr < Sooil Work nnd
DnlnK It ilrn : irillnnrlly
1W1I Tlirlr Sphere
In KvtriKlcd.
John Morlcy , tlio hlfitorlan , In n recent
n-ldrett ) nt tlio opening of a frco library
In Scotland , nponklns of ncwBpapcra nnd
HIP conditions they afford for
Improvement , ald :
"Newspaper * nro doing some of the best
work that used to fbo done by books , nnd
ihry do It extraordinarily well. Hut my
complaint , " Jin mid , "If J ihavo any com-
jilnlnt to make about the matter , Is that
people read so much of the newspapers ,
Unit do not pot ns much out of the news-
papero as they mlKht ; that U to hay , they
do not follow up the really IntcrretlDK
things the newspapers sugg&U. 1 um
amazed tlmt people nro content not to
know whore tlie places nro Uiey read nbotit ,
where ) the mnn of Importance they read
about wa < born nnd when. And they nre
content not to know what n word means
when there Is In the next street , or In the
next room , or , perhaps , nt their very hand ,
some dictionary or encyclopedia which
would nt once tell them all that they ought
io know. "
What Mr. Morley Bays about the Impor-
tnnpo of following up the suggestions of
the newspapers Is deserving of practical
consideration. vA little effort In that direc
tion , n habit once acquired of following
up ns i.Mr. Morley says , the suggestions
of the nownpapor , will soon produce sur
prising results In one'fl stock of knowledge
nnd general Information.
Jlut this habit cannot 'bo ' acquired and
Ihu Infonnatton cannot 'bo ' obtained unless
11m newspaper reader lias the reference
booliH necessary to supply the Information.
Iloiife the propriety on the part of Ute
newspaper , which creates the wnnt , of help
ing to supply It 'by offering 'books ' of thin
character to the public at special rates.
Thla The Hep has done on various occa-
nlons , and It IMS no apologies to make ,
nor docs It doom It In any sense n depart
ure from Its legitimate province IIH a news
paper to have made it possible for the
reader to obtain books of this character
more easily nnd cheaply than they could
otherwise have been secured.
And no effort In this direction has been
inoro satisfactory to The Dae than the
foundation of The Hco Century club , by
which It ( has been able to offer that splen
did publication , the Century Dictionary and
Cyclopedia nt wholesale prices , nnd , If de-
plred , on small monthly payments , l-'ull in
formation about the offer will be furnished
to all who apply to Tim Bee.
Geo. r. Cockrcll. Justice of the peace , has
moved his olllce from lliOS Karnam Btreet
to room 435 1'axton block. Telephone. 1421.
Siim'l Burns. 1318 Farnnni. Is selling out
gas fixtures tit cost.
Horses clipped , electric clippers. Omaha
Howcll's Antl-Kawf. All druggists sell It.
( liK'Mlliiii of .Itirlnillclloii.
The hcarin ! ; of the case wherein Acting
Indian Agent Morgan of the Omaha nnd
Winnebago reservation Is charged with as
sault mil battery came up for hearing be
fore Judge Hunger of the United States
court yesterday afternoon , the accused seek
ing a i dense from the custody of the county
Jucgp tf Thtiraton county , who ordered him
held under bonds to appear al the next ses
sion of the district court.
The lull-ducl'on ' of testimony was com-
P'pted The attorneys will fllo their briefs
and ' li moie than likely that a decision
will be handed down some day during the
coming week. As the case stands at this
t'mo ' Ihp whole matter hlnces on the ques
tion of whether the affairs of the reserva
tion nro under the Jurisdiction of the United
States or the state courts. This Is the ques
tion that Judge Mupcer will bo called to
pass upon in handing down his decision.
As will bo remembered , Acting Agent Mor
gan is charged with having assaulted Henry
Holt , n half-breed , nnd locking him. in the
guard house over night.
A Dream of Spring.
St Mary's Avp. OongrognUonal church will
give n novel and beautiful Raster enter
tainment Tuesday evening , April I. It is
to he a "Dream of Spring , " of beauty , song
and ( lowers. The Ilowors are to be renro-
Bontcd by little children. Admission. 25c.
Shorraden , dentist , moved to 412 McCaguo
Monarch wheels reduced to $20 , MO and $40
nt A. 11. Hubcrmann'B 13th and Douglas.
Van Yleck-Mlnter Co. . chemists , have re
moved their olllcos from 031 New York Life
building to their beautiful narlors In The
Bee building , nulto 101. where Mine. An
drews und Dr. Walsh will wait on the many
patrons nnd extol the virtues of Thvroln V.
V nnd all glandular muibstniices in the
future , as tins been done In the oast. A
cordlnl Invitation is extended to nil who
would like to Investigate Thvroln V. V. sub
101 lice Building.
P. If I'liilbln , ticket broket. removed 1C05
Have Root print It.
All rioudiMl .Nil ! CulHy.
Half n dozen defendants worn nrrnlgncd
lioforo Judge Baker yesterday nnd without
exception they entered > plcaH of not guilty.
1'earl Burton denied tlmt she had plucked
$340 from the pocket of a susceptible gran
ger. 'Mike ' Wallcnz declared that ho did not
Bell liquor without n license. , as asserted
by the state , and Charles Itogner Bald ho
was Innocent of the charge of breaking Into
fi local tnllor she : > nnd stealing $7C worth
of pprlng clothoa. John and Thomas r > en-
nlBon were charged with running a lottery
and William Ne tlehoufio with getting up
nnd operating gambling devices. They
pleaded not guilty , ns did also Albert Mc-
Claln nnd Claude Bell , who wcro accused
of breaking Into n licit line car and taking
a quantity of brass.
AMXil-llllcd CliurillfH ,
After the long and severe winter Just ex
perienced and the largo demands for as-
Hlstanco made upon our association , the
treasury la not exhausted , but our In
debtedness is convidcrablo. Wo are com
pelled to nppcal to uiir generous citizens to
help us to i lear this off nnd to 'give us suf
ficient fundi. to nimble us to carry on our
work with ofllclonrv We therefore ask you
to patronize an cntrrtnlnmcni for our bene
fit to take ] )1 acc at Uoyd's theater on Mon
day nnd Tuesday. April 10 nnd 11. It Is a
very Interesting two-act musical comedy
entitled "Tho Hough Mr. Kyder. " nnd wilV
bo participated In by a Inrgo number of our
best known Indies nnd gentlemen , assisted
by professional talent , nil under the skillful
direction of itr. Thomas I1 , ( leu ot "A
Night In nnhmnU" fame. We can safely
guarantee It to equal. If not excel , anyj j
thing over ghcn In this city. |
TIckcta to bo had of A. llospo , Clement i
Chase and our oflli'o 1810 St. Mary's avenue. I
JOHN hAUfniUAN'n. Secretary. J
Hamilton Warren , ! . Cicctrlc and
magnetic plublelnn , lias u.oved his olllco to
119 North ictb uticot , rocr.j 1,1. Special
utteiillon to all jong utaudtng or linger-
IUK dlRcabes and to dlaoases of women and
Dr. Ilace , 40 $ 1'axtou block. Tel. 19S2.
The Dower nuropcan hotel. 13th nnd Far-
Bam , 1'uat-class room a. Kcaaouubiu ra'cs.
.100 c\sis or WIJT IIHY ooons.
f > mil ft-oin Trttiiiiitlniillr Simmer
( ivrnmiilrV Cnruii anil Scilil lij i
"Mnrlnf t'mlcru rllrr < ! ;
Kverybody who has read the newspapers
lately will remombrr how this grent occtm
stpamshlp sank at the \\hnrf In S'PW York.
Alio how regardless of herculean efforts
to save the cargo , most of It became wet , i
nnd was sold bv the Marine underwriters , .
At this sale our Now York representative ( !
bought the choice of dry goods part of the
These goods have now nrrlvod nnd the
SAM : wtu * BKOIN
As these goods wcro all Intended for this
spring's trade , nnd the malorlty of them
very high grade goods , nnd water cannot
hurt the fabrics , you will find some ex
ceedingly good bargains.
Remember the dav of the sale.
Al'IUh 5. and Is nt
BOSTON srorti : . OMAHA.
N. W. Cor. l th nnd Douglns.
llniv In it Saloon Hrnl < H In SliootliiK
mill WoiiinlliiK Onu
John Pylcsj nnd Joseph Mason , colored , bo-
ramo Involved In n war of words Saturday
afternoon and in a scuffle that followed
Pylea shot Mason. The wound was a slight
one , the 'bullet ' enteritis his shoulder and
lodging in the Ilcsh over tlio throat. Mason
< was taken to the olnce ot a physician , where
the wound was dressed , and Pyles was
locked up In the city jail , charged with
Ehootlng uitli Intent to 1(111.
The quarrel occurred In a Farnam street
saloon. The two men give different ver
sions of the affair , 1'ylcs asserting that he
shot In f > olf-dcfonso.
According to witnesses , the proprietor of
the saloon iwent down town , leaving Mason
to tend bar until ho returned. Shortly
afterward I'yles , accompanied by a friend ,
Fisher , entered the jilnco and became In
volved In a dispute with Mason over the
right to use the telephone. Whllo attempt
ing' to force hla way past Mason to the In
strument I'yles was thrown heavily to the
lloor , his face striking the Iron foot rest
around the bottom of the bar. He arose ,
dazed , ho says , and , drawing a revolver ,
leveled it at Mason and fired.
Jy turning and crouching Mason escaped
with only n slight wound.
Pyles lives at 2S42 Douglas street. Ma
son's home Is n block distant , 213S South
Twenty-eighth street.
Card of TlmuIiN.
We wish to express our sincere thanks
to our many friends , the Sir Knights nnd
Ladles of thu Maccabees of Omnlm nnd
Council niuiTs : also to the Brother Masons
In our snd bereavement In the loss of our
dear wife , daughter and sister.
A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bag
gage delivered. 1202 Douglas St. Tel. 377.
i-tT..OO ItciMiril fur Itctnrn of Property
And arrest nnd conviction of the thief who
stole horse and rubber tire buggy , PfeliTer
make ; horse dark brown , age 10 yrs. , height
1C hands , weight 1,200 Ibs. ; thief short ,
heavy set , red face , dark eves nnd hair
mixed with gray , pompadour ; wore a caper
or brown derby hat. dark macklntoch with
cape. E. Ij. ROBERTSON.
Mercer hotel. 12th and Howard streets.
Omaha , $2 per day. F. J. Coates , Prop.
Tn St. I.onln vlii Omnliii & St. l.oul
mill "VValia.sli Itoulr.
Leave Omaha 1:50 : p. m. . Council Bluffs
0:10 : p. m. , arrive St. Louis 7 a. ra. He-
turning leave St. Louis 7:30 : p. m. . arrive
Omaha 8:35 : a. m. . dally. Best line to south
and east. No bus transfers In St. Louis.
Homeseokers' half rate ( plus $2.00) ) . Excur
sions on sale first and Uilrd Tuesday each
month. All Information nt "Port Arthur
Route" ofllco , 1415 Farnam street ( Paxtou
hotel block ) , or write Harry 13. Moores ,
C. P. and T. A. . Omaha. Neb.
Six Con\lrli Malic Tliolr K
LITTLR , ROCK. Ark. , April 1. Six cnn-
vtcta esccaped from the Choctnw & Mem
phis railroad convict camp , twelve miles
north of Llttlo Rock , lost night. James
W. Burrell of 1'opo county sent up for three
years for burglary was shot and instantly
I'.ifi-NN of Miltliltlitii Solilli-r * .
ATLANTA. On. . April 1. A special to the
Journal from \Vnrtrace. Tenn. . says : The
Thlrty-ntth Michigan passed through here
today and took the town. The saloons were
kept busy wlihllo the trains stopped. John
Price , an Inoffensive ? negro boy , was shot
by one of the enlisted men. The soldier
jumped on the moving train nnd his ar
rest was telegraphed for at Murfreesboro.
What Is homo without a wheel ? The Bee
wheel contests start tomorrow.
PiTRRSON Mulvlna. daughter of Andrew
M. and Kmllv Peterson , April 1 , 1SOD , aged
9 yenrs 7 months. Funeral from residence
HlilS Hpr.iKUO Hlrcct , Monday , April 3 , at
2 oVloi'k p in Inform nt lu Forest Lawn
cemetery. Friends Invited.
You pan Iiavo a Ni\V LOOKING kitchen
floor by using nbout 40 c/-nt worth of
DRIES HARD.In one night. The best paint
Jl Wlnn of Cardul , weell 7."ic
4t P.ilne's Celery Compound , wo sell 75c
$1 I'lnUlinin'M Compound , wo > u > ll . . . . . . . . 7 , " > t'
BSi1 C'liticiirn , Soap , wo well 20c
2.V Mention's Talcum , we sell lic !
Me Sxrtni of Figs , we Hell 40c
Jl.23 Warner's Safn Cure , we po.ll OOc-
Jl Kllmnr'H Swiimp Hoot , we sell 75c
U"io Packer'H Tar Soap , woaell IBc
$1 Mlloa' Nervine. v\o sell 75c
Jl Maltlno Pa-epar.illuii , we ( .ell "So
$1 I'p-ru-nn , WP i-oll 73e
f'Ou Stuart'.s Dyspeji la Tnblcts ( Oc
Jl Stuart's Dsypepsla Tablets boo
iVATfii out mini errs.
Shennan &ificCOHI18il Drug Go ,
l.llll linilKO S . , Oinnlin , Ni-li.
Her Grand Baths
Her Grand Hotel.
Klcctro Therapeutic , TurUo-Husslan , I'luugo
needle , shower , sea salt nud the now Ilidet.
LADIBS * DAYS Tuesday nnd Friday , 10
a. in. to 5 p. m. , umler the personal super
vision of an experienced Inily operator.
Complete nnd Modern In
Every Detail.
I'lior. J. V. MOORK Mgr.
Ul ) Flour llroi'ii nil. , 16tb and Douglas
Gold Alloy tilling $1.00
Cold Filling $1.OO and up
Gold Crowns $5.00
Set Teeth $5.00
Oinnlin ( o
! The Chlcnpo , Milwaukee ft St. Pnul railway -
way has Just placed In service two mag.
nlileeni electric lighted trains between
Oinnhn ] nnil.rhlcaRo. leaving Omaha dnlly nt
B-4ri ' p. m , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : n. m. ,
and ' leaving Chicago 6-15 p. in. nnd arriving
Omaha ' ( t 20 n m. Each train la lighted
thoroughly ' by electricity , has buffet smoking
i' rnrp ' , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
cars nnd rocllnlnR clmlr ears and runs over
the shortest line and smoothest roadbed bo *
tween the two cities.
Ticket office IfiOt Farnam street , and at
Union depot.
nlnnk book and mr-gazlnc binding. A. I.
Hoot. 1G09 Howard street.
Clitlilri-n for Adoption.
A girl 2 month ! ) old , with dark brown pyes.
Another Rlrl 3 e < ks old. A boy nearly 2
years of ano ; n boy G weeks old nnd another
.1 weeks old. Alpo ( wo other filrls , nses one
work and three wooks. Inquire at Child Snv-
Inc Institute. H04 South KlKliUvnth street.
Her Grand Hotel Turkish Haths now open.
The Henney lt > the buggy for city use ;
none better. Omaha Implement & Transfer
: otnpany , Ninth nnd .lackeon.
Are sultabe for nil < ! lzes of families.
We tmve the hnndsoinc largo PBBK-
l ESS ACO11N with o.von looiny
enoueli to plen o nny hoim-wlfe , and
the Uessemcr Aooin , made In smallei'
sizes. Acorns made of "planished"
steel and wnrrnrted to bake with less
fuel than nny other line of ranges
made. Our prices for u few dny
longer will bo from S2S to $ na , aceord-
IIIB to size. Other ranges dimmer.
Call now ; these low prices cannot last.
u 107- : : nut fiiinliiu ; St.
"If you buy It nt Hassle's. It's right. "
You will not suffer from painful men
struation or delay , leucorrhoea , vlRl-
nltis , wlilles or nny female discharges.
For snlo at all druggists , $ - , and at
G , M , Foster's ' Pharmacy ,
li l \ . Kith Klrect ,
JUrt-xcl Hotel.
! iti\'r n VTHS.
Vln "Hoi-It iNliinil lloiitr. "
To polntu In Utah , Idaho. Montana , Wnoh-
lURton , OrcRon and rnllfornln. Call nt city
ticket office. 1323 Farnam street.
; We are nft > rln < r a Indies' Itlnp nt k > 0
' < lmt Is part 11 vilnrlj need value
' Tlio dlaniiind I * n beauty--absolutely
' perfect In r > Ir > r nnd entirely frrp from
> Haws.Vu spied the stones for these
' rings very oarcftillv ,
> Ho not oxpnot to SPP n "very sh.nxy'1
I rlnt , ' , for it li mounted speclnll > tor
> thoi ( > of ri.-h . nnd quiet taste , In 11-kt. ,
.Tiffany settlnc. i
' Sent bv mall nn receipt of price.
J Money refunded If not satisfactory. ,
® JEWELER. < )
fj. JOT W. l lli hi. . Oip. | 1 * . O.
Perliap you sEiav@
if you do lot us show you the
latest shaving
An "Emporor" will plcaso you. S"
< > > '
1 Q SiB1 5SVttW RsSTrtPC I
v l 3i OCfllcay aaw&UJo >
in sots or sliifrlv. j
Strops and Brushes , Tlon cs , |
Soay , etc. < >
'TIs true ; but what of that Slr7
If you \\etu BUiart
Jen o TV
la In my Easter liat , sir ! The newness , 'tis
said , soon wears off , but It's not so wltii
Always p-u-r-e , reliable , wholesome , with
a delicious taste never to be forgotten. Re-
cause It's natural and not fixed to please the
palate , as some beers.
Try a case at home.
KIIKI ) ICItt'R miKWlNn CO. ,
Telephone 420. 1007 Jackson St. '
O 1U O > JL Jf\R i t JLJL v JLrf L
Another Carload of
and Palton's I\astor \ [ Painters Finishing WJiite.
These goods were bought before the rise , and will
be sold at the same price as heretofore , although the
manufacturers have advanced prices all around.
and other staples at manufacturers' prices. Cut
prices1 on drugs and patent medicines.
J. A. Fuller 6 Company ,
Is far superior in extent , quality , fit and make to any dis
played anywhere in Omaha. The most expert of buyers
Kolelctcd our patterns for ' 99 and the most skillful tailors
were employed in making them up. All of this year's hand
some productions are included in this remarkable sale. Every
desirable style for man of all si/.es and builds , and with every
garment goes the guarantee of quality and lit. The styles of
suits for this Spring are rich , nobby and striking. Wo have
them all , ranging in price from $8.75 to 822.50 , and on every
purchase we guarantee to save you at least 25 per cent. Let
us show you some clothes.
is beyond all question the mot magnificent in
the United States. All the big counters are
crowded to their utmost capacity with the
rich , now and nobby designs for this Spring's
wear , livery new design , every known style ,
every known pattern , everything worth wear
ing in boy's and children's clothing is here ,
and it is beyond the power of any store in
Omaha to equal in quality or low price any
garment wo show. Boys' knee pant suits at
81.25 to S7.r > 0. Boy's long pant suits , at § 2.50
to $1:2.00.Ve : save you fully the prices pre
vailing elsewhere.
Special low prices on
men's and boy's
IVdoras , crushes and pashas in all colors at 50c , 7f > c , Sl.UU
land tfl.25 ; best grades at § 2.00 , $2.50 and frKOO.
Selling the Most Clothing hi Omaha.
I I You Oan'lJlelBight
If your kidneys nn < l liver don't net
If you II use
; Cramer's ' Kidney & Liver Cure ,
tlio Ripfltest remedy known for UldnT nnd
liver i-oinplalnts" , they'll net right It s t-ti-
dorM'U lt\ I > OIIK > of the boat merchants tn
this country.
75 Cents a Bottle ,
nuffy Jlalt Whiskey
r iitie'n Coiory Compound 0
Hood's SnfatipnrlHu
Wine of Ourdul
I'lsro ' * KavorltP I't-Mcrlptlon
l > r. Silica1 UemedlM'
Jilinc-y a 1'at.irrh Cure
Cirtoi's Mvpr 1'llls
Y'no ' Knl.ifni
Indlnn I1'c
° c
1 DUtHiGlST.
Corner 10th uiul Chicago.
\ \ 111 lirrd
- ' '
tlmt nro
| ir. . ) > t > rly
nunlo t. . ,
d.-tccl iiuy-
In tlio
lior toilay.
'Pho plnssea
Hr. AlrCur-
thy furnish
es lire prop
erly nuiilo.
ivrr > day
lir Hlli'i c ll3
In Riving re-
nil others
h IVP fulled.
prnc-tli ul re
sults nro
vlmt he
Klves you.
riiu ijvtj srin.\iis'r ,
KAHBACI1 BLOCK , Examinations
OMAHA. Free.
* FREE S ? ? . " .
suffcrlni ; from ncrvout debility ,
vnrtcoc-ele , seinlna. weakne. s , lost
i manhood , cm'.salotui and unnatural
UNcharceM lauscd by errors of
younger Any a , whleh. if not re-
ili-vcrt by inrdlcnl treatment. Is do-
. plorublc on mind and body.
when sulT < ring , as this leads to loss
ot memory , lo-s of spirits , bashful-
nets in sm luty , p.ilns In small of
bail. , frlKhtful dreams , dark rings
around tlio eye * , pimples or br-ak-
Inir out on face or body. Send for
our symptom blank.Ve can our'1
you , and especially do we desirp odl
and trl d rases , as we chaiKo noth-
\I\K \ for advice and ulvc you , i writ-
tn guarantee , to cure the worst case
on record Not only nre the weak
organs restored , but all losses ,
lialns and discharges stopped. Send
-stamp and question blank to
Dept. 11
lluhii'N riinniiiicy , Oinnlincl > .
First , second or tertiary stapo. "tt'13
NRVKU FAIIj. No detention from
business. Write us for particulais.
Dcjit. 13.
Iliilin'M I'liurnincy , Oinnhu , Neb.
L.ADIKS mnde happy. Monthlies
sure to the d y Turkish T & P.
Pills. Never falls. Cures scnntv ,
excessive or painful menstruation.
$1 box , 2 bo.vrs cure nny ease.
18h und Fnrimm ,
Oiiitiliiiel > .
( For Men. )
Our spring styles
in up-to-date tans
wore never so
complete n s nt
jireKent 1 > u t you
are not compelled
to ibuy tans when
you Invcat In the
JIR they come in all
dentil era Including
patent leather calf rlcl kid enamel njid
kangaroo. You cbooso any style or finish
for $2.50 and ? 3.50.
205 South 15th.
Write for IlluNlraii-d
SI'Hfl , S\MJ
Feather Pillows and Sofa Cushions
15c to $1. 00
sarmnv FEATM GO. ,
7H1. 707 S. JIU ( ! S < .
Any Initial Deilrrd
MmiaflnoROMI ) iilmcd iulil.i
.iHimilnl In Mi
- - . . . .irl thf jtittUI ami
fulh worth $ IM w
yMh.1nnlii'M In nilviTiln. nilr lnlslnrw
rjf ml id ! ( nt o my n . Uir uml PHI Uluir bruit iUr S
rp i Itrrv .IKU'I I.IIV O . tttlftmrn llnm.
And every day t heron ft or , wo will
show our trade , the only absolutely
11 dry , clean , taintless , sanitary , roomy
oak refrigerator ( the llorrk'k ) oiler
ed for pale in Omaha. We wish your
inspection of our
Tastily Refitted Rooms ,
And the largest stock of refrigerators to bo found in
any city in the country.
'Phone 1005. Iti 14 Capitol Avenue.
with now iiovoltios in.
SHOES. Spring Shoes , SHOES.
line of men's line of wo
fhoesshow ev men's shoes
ery ! lung are such as
is desirable in we have sold
black and all at 5-U5.50 , the
shades of Ian very latest
extra value too and solo
at the price. shapes tuns itiii ! In both
SHOES. N , E , Cor16th and Douglas. SHOES.
a plneo vtiero you can depend upon getting
reliable goods nt reasonable prices. Our
goods are bought direct from the maker
no middleman's profits here from manufac
turer to consumer has brought us in close
touch with economy-loving people.
Our Basement
Is full of dependable houscfutnishlng goods
at half usual prices.
Selling New Shoes Cheap.
Brook's Bros' fine
These prices
for Monday only
Indies' fine Dongola $2.50 O'-t
Lace Shoes . O > 1 V
Brooks Uros' . 7loche tor niako
Imlli" * ' line silk \OHtliiK top O f\\
viol kill $1 00 Lace Shoes . O.UU
BronKs Jiros ' Hochostor niiikc ladies' HUP hand turned Bilk vesllnp O
top % | ri kid $4 50 l.nnr Shois _ > . . , _ ,
"SOROSIS" The New Shoe for Women 3.50
MPII' X MV Tnii Uox Cnlf SlinpN , t .nn nnil Il.tlO.
Mull ordf > ra filled.
" \ single trial is better than argument. ' *
and will demonstrate the fact that
is the best coal mined in Wyoming Nut or Egg 85 ;
lump 85.50.
VICTOR WHITE , 16O5 Farnzun Sfc.
Telephone 127.
and presented to the American government
by our brave boys , would indeed be a great
ICaster oil'ering one that would thrill many
a heart with joy. Speaking of thrill , did
yon ever experience the kind that comes
from an aching tooth. If you will put your
teeth in our care , \vo will oiler to keep them
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