Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1899, Page 23, Image 23

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    TT1V OMAHA "nAITYV V.KM ; S1TXDAV. A Vim , ' . ISflih " , ' 1
rou S.\M-HI\I , IJSTATI : .
( Continue. )
3W'3IO Pnxtbtt tlloek ,
Telephone ( S3.
AN KASTKIl OFFJ3RlNa-2,50d | for nolh-
Tor n few days only , ut 50c on "tho dollar , or
Jl.OOO less , tlmn cost of Improvements , n
very nlco homo of 8 rooms , well built , with
gas , bath , furnace , line mantel , stationary
wash bowl , nil very complete , on a full
cunt front lot , paved street , well located
near cnr line. Improvements cost $3,500 ,
lot $1,500 , total { 3,000. Our prlco J2.BOO. To
the right party wo will sell on very cosy
terms , say $000 or (1,000 cash ; balnnco
month ! } ' .
A substantial , well built house of D rooms ,
Ilrst-claBa anil modern In every particular ,
newly painted and papcrctl throughout ,
largo barn , large lot on grade , welt located
near cnr line. Cott $8,000. Our price , $3,550 ,
If sold ut once.
A few blocks northeast of pnrk , an 8-room
houife , modern , .south front , paved street ,
for $3,000 ; 1-3 cash , balance easy nt 0 per
, cent.
9 roonin , modern , full cast front lot , $3,500 ;
$1,000 cash , balance 0 per cent.
3 decided bargains In more expensive prop
Very best cast front lot , $2,000.
4 very decided bargains In tlrst-clasa mod
ern resldences$1,000 \ to $15,600.
EoHt front lots near 35th and Farnam , $1,300
to $2,000 ; west fronts , $1,200lo $1,500.
D-room cottnge , city water , walking dis
tance , $1,100 ; eaty terms.
Another one , $1,250 ; terms cosy.
Vacant lot , near 25th and Maple , $350.
40x143 , near 21at and Grace , $550.
Fine large lots north of 21th and Ames avc. ,
7-room cottage , city water , near 10th and
Center , $1,600.
' 7-room house , near 24th and Tenipleton ,
80 acres Improved , 15 miles n w , $3,000 ; 1-3 f
cash , balance 10 years at G per cent. t
200 acres Improved , 10 miles from stock
yards1 , very cheap at $35. . |
3-story brick near nth and Farnam , leased
for $1,800 ; $21,000.
2-story brick , well rented , near 13th and
Farnam , $12,500.
' $350,000 modern fireproof olllce and store
building for $225,000. Earns S per cent net.
.DKNNEY , 30D-310 Puxtou Block. Telephone
623. J
RK-SI901 2
Examine this list closely , anil If there Is a
thing listed tliat Is not a bargain wo would
llko to know It.
Those beautiful lots on 32d street , between
Furnam and Dodg * . facing six of the
fluent homes In the city , at only . ' ,200.00 ,
each. No butter opportunity has ever
been offered In this city to purchase a lot
for a line homo at such a phenomenally
low price.
No trades considered. Terms , one-third
cash , balance , ono and two years at ( i
er cent.
I0t7. : Is a vacant lot located on the south
west corner of 'J'th ave. and Grant si. ;
sewer till paid for ; size , 25x110 ; price , $277 > ,
Bit. la a live-room 'house ' , south front ; lot
40x132 wltn n leu t'hiule ' , final : Imru , wt > ll
nnd cistern. A very handy plans for a.
South Uniana man. Price , $750.00.
A corner and past front houno on 42d street ,
In Walnut Hill , seven rooms , all modern ,
good wall ; cost former owner not less
than $3WW.OO ; can be hud for $2,100.00.
8UG. Is a nine-room house near Urownell
Hall , lot 37x150 , house has gas , bath and
olty water and Is a mrbstantial , home-liko
place ; price , $2,250.W.
770. A line IMICO on liith and Davenport sts. ,
live-room cottage , barn and good well ;
wrlce , JSSO.OO.
7. Fncliiiir Houth on Jackson ft. , between
31th and 35th streets , are three live-room
cottages , olty water , In good repair , each
contnlnliiu 50-ft. frontage. ; choice for $ iJO.
103 $ , On Locust t. , between 22d and 23d
sts. , Is an eight-room house containing
hot and cold water , bath and closet , In
good repair , for the" modest sum of $2,000.
10JI , On 2"itli a\v. , near Lake ttt. car line ,
Is an elirht-room house In line condition ,
two full lots ; price. $1,500.00.
10.10. 'Sacunt Jot nunr Slanderson St. , on
17th , WOO.IO.
1'rutt HI. , near 30th , two four-room houses ,
32-t't. lota , In fair condition , JS50.W each ;
$ JO.OO ca 1i , balance , $10.00 monthly without
Payne-Harder Co , , l t Moor N. Y. Life BIdt ? .
RE-S2S 2
JOHN w. noniiiNs. iso2 FAUNAM ST.
Flno private residence , splendidly located
and within ea y wa'.klng distance of thu
liuslnetM cetiur ; burn ami largo grounds.
'Hits IB a rare opportunity to get a line 1
home at a bargain. Inquire for partlcu-
East front , C'ixl20 ft. , with S-room house In
splendid repair , onJth street ; worth $1,000 ,
my i > rlco $2,7tx ) .
Now 7-room modern house barn and east
front corner lot , near llansuom i > ark ;
rental JitX ) per year ; only $3,100.
Beautiful cast front house on Georgia Ave.
DO-ft. on Furnam near 20th St. , J3.0M ,
Beautiful east front , 60x150 , on best street
In llunscom Place ; very cheap for cash ,
43 ft on 20th Ht. , paving paid , $ * > .
50 ft. near Hunconi park , only $1,000.
Other bargain * In every part of the city.
JOl 'N W. ROBU1N8 , Ib02 FA UN Ait ST.
J1E W ) 2
J250.00 'to $350.00 for several of the best lots
In Potter & Cobb's 1st < and 2nd Additions
to South Omaha.
$175.00 for lota In iMnloney's Addition , six
blocks gouthwetit of Armours.
{ 500.00 to $1,000.00 for coma of the best rosl-
donco ilots In north part of South Omaha.
$750.00 far C acres line garden land , with
house , barn , to. , 2' ; mllea south west.
$750.00 for 5 acres fronting Siith St.
Also n number of very desirable pieces of
property In the best bimlness
portions of the city.
George & Company , City Hall Ride. South
Omaha , RK-MS.14-3
IF YOU can show anything cheaper I wl'l
buy It. Cor. 21 * th and Maple. For confi
dential prlco see 30 , U. S. Nnt. bk. bldtr.
T > t. M7Q7 1
FOR RENT , a fruit form of ten
with houfe and barn , In northern porf.on
of the city , Apply to Alt D. Jonn. 2018
Wlrt St RE M8.S9 4
FOR SAI-E , cheap. Si-room houss bath ,
wnuU barn , wrsirrn part of c'ty. ner
car line Inquire-J315 liicust. RE SSO-2
( Continued. )
HA9TI5R HAROAINH offered this week by
R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 F rnnm St. , Bee
No. 9SO It n 7-room house , bath , gas , etc. .
south front on paved street , with special
| tuxes nil paid ; no use Is renting for J19.W
per month.
No. Ml 7-room modern , except furnace ;
Rood barn , good location : $3.000.00.
No. 9S6 7-room hou&e , bath , etc. , oak finish
i In hull nnd parlor , 22d nnd Locust St.
Price , fl.coo.OO.
No. 973 Fine building lot , 39lh and Fnrnnm.
Only $2,000.00
No. 35 Full lot. on 28th ft. and Hnnspom
Place , between Pnclllc and Popple ton avo. ,
with lunifc and barn , for $ SOO.oo. A snap
thnt Is a riuip.
No. 9Cfl C room ? , elty water and barn , 2720
Illondo st. Price this we'k ( only $1,100.00.
No. Ui2 IM one of the llnest homes neur
Farnuin and 35th w. , with every modern
Improvement , good barn and 100 feet
No. DS3 Is n C-room house , bath , good barn ,
on 31st st. , just north of Paclllo st. ,
No. SSI Ka t front. 50-foot lot , corner of 32d
and Poppleton avo. Special taxes all paid.
Listed for a Hiort time for $2,500.00.
No. 9i5 Is u lot 50x250 feet , running from
19th at. to 19th at. , south of Williams ot. ,
making1 two lots 50x125 ; $1,000.00 will buy
both lots.
No. S7 East front lot on 35th nvc. , south
of Dodge st. ; line location for a new
home ; lot 43xlOS. only $930.00.
Wo would bo pleased to show any of the
above bargains any time , or give further
Information regarding same.
R. C. PKTERS & CO. , 1702 Farnam St. . Hco
Building. RE-919 2
SNAPS-8 full sized lots within 7 block wet
of Exposition grounds , for all , $1,000.
Wxl73 feet , srmth front , near 21th nnd Burt
ts. , very cheap for $1,000.
332x121 feet , northwest corner Park avenue
und Hartley Hts. , submit offer.
110x322 feet , nf-ar 3ith ! and Burt sts. , fronts
on two streets , with 0 small housss , price ,
12 per cent grass Investment , with I live-
room cottages , east front , 100x132 feet ,
nejir 20th and Leavenworth sts. , price ,
$ nooe.
11 per cent gross Investment X. W. cortur
15th and California sts. , taxes fully paid ;
can bo used for trackage , purposes ; price ,
22x132 feet , with brick building on Farnam ,
near 13th St. . price. $12,000.
Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from
$20 to ? 50 per acre.
John N. Frcnzcr , opp. old P. O.
KOUNT'/.K PLACE lot , 19th nnd Emmett ;
will * rade. Ed T. lleyden. 323 N. ICth.
RK M813 A10
O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency , South
Omaha. Headquarters for rsalty Invest
ments. RE 217
FARMS for sal ; In Sarpy county , near
South Omaha , Bellevue. Gllmore , Spring
field nnd Gretna : Lancaster county , near
city of Lincoln ; Furnas county , near Edi
son. Send for list or call nnd see. II. T.
Clarke. 219 Board of Trade building ,
Omaha. RE 523
FOR SALE or rent , eight-room house , mod
ern , hardwood floors , near street car.
cheap. An ver at once. .1021 Lnfayetta
ave. . Walnut Hill car , tel. 413. Mrs. W. S.
llowcll. RE-MB7i ( A2 *
Ohio and 2Cth , 5 rooms , JnOrt.
S.'Ol Hamilton , 4 rooms , $750.
Corby , pavd street , fi rooms. $1.2T > 0.
Hanscom Park property , $4.000 and $7,000.
Near 23d and Leavenworth , C-room cottage ,
bath , gas. city water , barn , lot GCxlSO ;
price. $2.750. Another nearby for $2,000.
RE M779 A3
FOR j ; SALE :
$750.00 for 7-room house , Dupont St. , near
$1.000.00 Cor C-room houjc , 37th St. , north of
Dodg ? .
$3.300.00 for S-room house on S. 13th St. , with
5 large 'lots. ' |
$3.000.00 for S-room modern houseon 40th
St. , near Chicago.
$2,900.00 for S-room modern house , N. W.
cor. 2Sth and Howard.
31.COO.OO ft > r lot east front on 40th St. , near
$1,300.00 for lot , east front , on 9 > th St. , north
of Farnam.
$1.BOO.OO for lot N. E. cor. 23th and Chicago.
$100.00 for full lot on 20th St. , near Center St.
$250.00 for large lot on Spring St. , between
20th and 21st St * .
Gjorge & Company , 1C01 Farnam St.
A BARGAIN , house near 25th and Grant
E S. , SGOO , $2 * ) down. $20 per month.
Two lots , 20th and Decatur stB. , at your
own price. Make offer.
Bargains 4n choice lots near Ames avo. and
2lth st. car barn.
7-room 'house ' and full lot , near 9th and
Spauldlng sts. . $1,000 ra h.
Eastern Nebraska farms for palo.
Fine 10-acre tract , near end of Farnam st.
car line , $1,500 ,
Iiu'de property , three houses on motor line ,
lot fronting two paved sts. , yearly rental
Will trade equity In nice 5-room cottage for
vacant lot.
5 ppr cent money to loan on gllt-edgo real
nstato security.
Also wrlto lire Insurance.
BEMIS , Paxton Bile.
50 ft. , near 20th and Grant , $300.
60 ft. , near 2Sth and Hickory.550. .
Lot north , on paved Mi-set , $ COO.
CO ft. , near 2Sth and Poppleton , on asphalt
puvtMl street , smip , $ lluo.
45 ft. , 33d ami PoppleL'on. paved , $1,000.
OG ft. , near Park ave. and Ilarney , suitable
for two houses , $1,700.
45 ft. , 33d and Ilarney , $1,300.
RE-912 2
WI3 HAVE just had placed in our hands
for snlo a BRAN NEW HOUSE In Hann-
eom Place , one-half Uiloc-k south of Paclllc
(1117) ) , on 31 t St. . with lot 50x150 , S rooms ,
furnace , bath , comb , gas and electric light
fixtures , line plumbing , oak finish. An
olenant home for less than you can buy
and .build today. Price , $1,750.
Reasons for selling , owner going to b ? away ,
Take a squint nt 1143 Park ave. , SDxHS feet ,
with 7-room libuse , all modern o\ccpt fur
nace , all for $2.400.
AVe are offering 10-room hout > e. 2211 Wlit
street , In th ? beat part tit the addition , nt
a snap. Look at this. It Is all right , for
When It comes to this we cannot bo lieatcn.
60x130 , about 300 feet north of Farimm ft. .
on 31th , faclnfr the Turner residence , lying
elegant , for $2,100.
This lot Is iimiiicctlbnah'ly ' a. snap at this
priM ,
POTTER-SHOLES CO. . 310 N. Y. Life.
RE-90S 2
Just authorized by eastern owners to offer
an unusual opportunity to got brand new
modern home , walking distance to P. O.
your own plans , terms and price ; Int. f. . '
per cent. See p'nns my olllce ; like the
others , these urn going to bo sold ut once.
This ad will not appear again.
RE-910 2
21 ACRES near Florence , fruit trees , etc. .
very cheap ; can divide. 35 U. 8. Bk. Bldg.
RE M933 4
N. E. COR 23d and Chicago , 10 rooms
modem $5,000
Ono of the best houses In Kountze
Pisco 3.500 f
7 rooms , all modern , corner. . . . , 2,200
5 rooms 19th. near Lake , rent $13. . . . l,5fiO
N. E. cor. 27th nnd Woolworth , 50x127. . 700
S. W. cor. Hickory and Georgia Ave. ,
60x150 1,500
Lot on 22d. near Lake 650
W. II. GATES , CIS N. Y. Life. Phone 1291 ,
RE-M935 I
COX132 , DAVI3NPORT and 17th. $7,000.
90x135. with tliift modern residence , at N. W ,
cor. 22d and Grant ts. . $0,000.
45xl0. 20th st. , near Castellur , B-r. cottage ,
45x125 , neat 5-r. cottage. 31 t and Ames ave. ,
50xl2fi. N. W. oor. 42d and Douglas , $ (50. (
50x130 , 2 h and Ames avo. . $250.
S-room modern , 19th and Ohio , Jl.COO.
50x130 , paved st , Bedford Place. $175.
45x110. on 31st , just below Harney. $675.
A. F , Connett. SWJ N Y Life bldp ,
R13-920 2
FORTY-ACRE farm , good bottom land. SO-
u < re farm , good bott m land. $ : i per acre ,
fifteen miUa from Council Bluffs. H G
M'Ut-e , Council Bluffi. RE-945 2
( Continued. ) '
K HAVE only a few of thoie beautiful
Dewcy Place lots left ami expect to sell
them nil this week. Don't delay any
longer. Five fine houses will b started
In thla beautiful addition us < < eon as the
frost Is out of thfl ground. The Byron
Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th , si. RE 9 2 2
FIVE-ACRE tract \i \ mile from car line ;
very sightly only $ IMX\00. The Byron
Reed Co. , 212 So. llth St. RE-9M 2
Good nine-room house , bath etc. . with south
front lot , near Brownell Hall , only ten
minutes' rldo by Farnam Ptre 't motor
from business center ; house alone cost
, $ . * .ooo ; price of house nnd lot only $2W.
i ' Fine nine-room house , bal.h . , etc. , east front
lot , within Blx blocks of court house ; will
I rent for 12 per cfiit on price asked ; owner
! leaving city ; will take $ I.OilO.
' Nice live-room cottage , pouth front lot , near
2ith nnd Seward , only $3,500.
Forty acres choice land west of city , 20
acres In line npplo orchard , 1.000 apple
trcea S years old , 3,000 grape vluef , housi1 ,
bnrn , well , line grove , beautiful location ,
healthy place , short drive from Omaha
and So. Umalm ; cost owner $ C50 per au-e ;
nit ) sell for $125 an ncrc.
Two choice residence lots nfar 35th nnd
Farnum , $1,300 each.
Nlco lot near Haiipcom park , splendid
neighborhood , only $ l,6Vi.
Full lot near 4-'d and Capitol Ave. . close
to Farnam St. motor , good grade , nightly
location , only $575.
Choice Investment , strictly Inside property ,
wf'll Improved , paying 10 pur cent net on
$12,000 ; If sold aulck can take $10,000.
Also offer ono of the most complete and
modern ten-room housts In Utmiha , SIM-
clous porches , handsome eas-t front lot ,
line neighborhood , prlco nnd urms on
Choice Sarpy county farm 430 acres , all In
cultivation , only $30 an acre' .
80 acre farm , fruit and farm buildings , only
MO an aero : JCTiO cash.
Board of Trado. RE 971 2 _
LOST , a pair of diamond fcrcw earrings ,
weight 2',4 carat , A reward of $50.00 , no
questions asked. If left at A. Mandel-
berg's , leading jeweler , ICth and Farnam
St. Lc-n-fil2
STOLEN , horse and biacnt rm > b-r tire
buggy , Pfelfter make ; horse dark brown ,
ago 10 yre. , height 16 hands , weight 1,200
Ibs. , thief short , heavy sot , red face , dark
eyes and hair mixed with gray , pompa
dour ; were a cap or brown derby hat ,
dark mackintosh with cap ? . $75 reward
for arrest and conviction of thief and re
turn of property. Lcavenworth Stables ,
Omaha , Neb. Lost CS3
REWARD for Information that will lead to
the arrest and conviction of person hold
ing very large dark rough c-ont male St.
Bernard "Duke of Sheridan. " Victor
AVhlte , 1COO Farnam. Tel. 127.LostS91
Lost-S91 2 *
LOST , Saturday , between Hnyden's and
20th and Dodgtgoldbowed glares. Leave
nt Ueo olllco. Lost-920 2
LADIES troubled with suppressed men
struation , n.i matter what cause , or other
disease of uterus or ovaries , should con
sult at once experienced specialist ; delay
dangerous ; quiet home during sickness or
confinement. Call or address Dr. Pries ,
1513 Dodee. Stump. 51C A3
jADIES ! Chlchester's English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe ,
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c stamps for
particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter
by return mall ; at druggists. Chlchester
Chemical Co. . Philadelphia , Pa.
DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has
brought happiness to hundreds of anxious
women ; have never had , single failure ;
longest cases relieved In two to five days
without fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no In-
tfi-fer-ince with workby mall or office ,
$2. All letters truthfully answered. The
Atanstleld Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. ,
Room Gil , Chicago , 111. ffi4 S *
rim ? SAM : .
THE entire stock of furniture and stoves
left from the- fire Is now on sale at a sacri
ficed price ; must be sold within 30 days.
Don't fall to see this stock. Wolf Znch-
urla , 1207 Farnam st. C74 A2U
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month
The Smith-Prsmler Typewriter Co. , 1623
Farnam St. Telephone , 12S4. 403
WE rent nnd sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612
Farnam. 401
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and
supplies. 1019 Farnam. 540
THE Oliver typewriter Invites comparison ;
see 't. 1110 Farnam. 'Phone , 353. S03
ALMOST new Densmoro for sale. 103 N.
Y. Llfa bldg. - SOS-2 *
NEW wheels , $1350 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , $5
up. Omaha Bicycle Co. . 16th & Chicago.
1599 BICYCLES down to $3.25. Men's and
women's new 1899 model bicycles are now
being offered at $3.25 to $23.75 and sent to
anyone nnywhero for full examination
before payment Is made. For catalogue
Mid full particulars , cut this notice out
and mall to Sears , Roebuck & Co. . Chi
cago. 4j3 A30
EAGLE Loan offices , removed to S. W. cor.
13th and Douglas. We arc now ready for
business nnd wo promise to continue our
reputation , as has always been known , as
the most reliable and accommodating In |
the city. All are cordially Invited to inspect - |
spect our new store. Sol , Brodkey , prop. '
019 A 27
A. C. Van S.infa School , 717 N. Y. Life.
AT OMAHA Bus. College , ICth & : Douglas.
BOYLKS' school ; court reporter principal ;
Bee li.Jc. 751
FRENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month.
Prof. Chatelaln , SOI Bovd theater. 416
SOMETHING- In stock und bonds.
Pays 200 JHT cent per year on Investment ;
any amount. Investors secured , payable
any time. No speculation. Best refer
ences. Wrlto for particulars. Investor
Trust , 1221 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa.
ici..SCHOOL. .
ADULTS thoroughly master t. e waltz and
two-step In private le tunfe. $5 , Stage
dancing taught. Mnny pupils of this
school arc on the stage now. Morand's ,
1510 Harney St. 091 A25
YOU aiv Invited to Morand's Easter .Mon
day ; atsembly 8:30 : p. m. ; 25o will admit
you. Dlmlck's full orchestra. S90 3'
SCHOOL for cure of these defscts. Julia
E. Vaughan , 30S N. Y. Life bldg. 412
CAPT. I' . MOdTYN , private detective. 214
Kurbach B'-O'-k , 15th and Douglas.
-321 A19 *
M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
THE Johnson Institute. Gld. E. Johnson ,
ingr. ; Mrs. Alice Johnson. D. O. . grad
uate American bchool , Klrkvllle , Mo. , J
W. Dill , M. D. , D. O. , consulting physi
cian. Suite , 615 N. V. Life bldg. Tel. JUS4.
fl ! )
MATTRESSES renewed. 7OT , nth. Tel. 781.
TRY the Henderson Hotel , bnard and room
$1.00 per week , gas , utcain h ut und batha.
Ninth and Farnam Sta. 414
I. 55IEOLER , Ince curtain clpnner , nil work
guaranteed ; references , isos California St.
CHILDREN'S skirts pleated , $1.25. $ 3'fl ' S 17 '
-U7 A18
HALF SOLES. 33c. J. Pulone , 511 N. Kith
7iG AM
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sherly talk.
152 A17
BIi'YCLES and tableware reflated. ] .Vi2
Farnam. 41S
souri Rlvor Railroad
"The Burllnpton Route"
-General Olllcc ? , N. W.
C'orner Tenth nnd Far
nam Streets. Ticket
fillleo , 1502 Farnam
. Ptr ct. Telephone , 250.
; Depot. , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele-
phone I , 310
| Lin-"In. Hastingnnd
. M'Conk a 8:40 : am n 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver , Colo-
( ad \ Utah. Cnllfornln..a 4.23 pm a 3:53 : pm
Llmoln , Black Hills.
Montana & Puget
I T Sound a 4:23 : pm a 3:00 : pm
i Lincoln Local n 7:00 : pm a 10:3) : am
I l.tivoln F-iat Mall a 3:00 : m nlO:35 : am
Denver. Colorado. Utah ,
California a 6:30 : am
a Dally."b"Dally Except Sunday ;
s-ph & Council Bluffs
Railroad "The Burling ,
ton Route" Ticket OIlloc ,
1502 Farnam Street Tel
ephones 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tel
ephone , 310.
Leave. Arrive ,
Kansas City Day Ex a 9:30 : am a 5:45 : pm
Kansas J City Night Ex.nlO:15 _ : a 6:30 : am
St , Louis Fl > vr for St.
Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm all:30 : am
n Dally
Qulncy Railroad "The
Burlington Route" Ticket
ntlic'e , 1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 250. Depot , Tenth .t
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
DayllghY Chicago Spe-
clal a 6:40 : am
C'hii ago A t'Htlbuled Ex..a 5:05 : pm a 8:05 : am
Chicago Express a 9:30 : am n 4:00 : pin
Chicago & St. L. Ex a 7:43 : pin a S:05 : am
Patn ! > Junction Local..alO:43 : am n 5:45 : pin
Fast Mall
n 2:45 : pm
a Dally , b Daily Except Sunday"
& Missouri Valley Rail
road "The Northwestern
Lino" Genera' Oflic < ? s
United Slatu.t National
Bank Bldir. , Southwest
Corner Twelfth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam
Street Telephone , CC1. Depot , 15th and
Webster Streets. Telephone , 1453.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills , Deadwood ,
Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm
Wyoming , Casper nnd
Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm
IIa tlnp . York , David
City , Superior , Geneva
Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm
Norfolk , Verdlgre and ,
Fremont b 7:30 : am 'b0:45 : am
Lincoln , Wahoo and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:45 : am
Fremont Local c 7:30 : am
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday , c Sun
day only , d Dally Except Saturday.
CHICAGO & NORTHwestern -
western Railway "The
Northwestern Lino"
City Ticket Otflce , 1401
Farnam Street. Tele
phone , 561. Depot , Tenth
and Mnson Streets. Tel
ephone , t29. !
Leave. Arrrlve.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a 0:40 : am all:53 : pin
Mo. Va'lev , Sioux City ,
St. Paul & Minneap
olis a 5:55 : am all:00 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux Cltj.a 7:15 : am a 9:10 : pm
Carroll Local b 5:25 : pm blO:10 : ama
Eastern Express. Dea
Mollies , Marshal'.town ,
Cedar Rapids and Chicago
cage all:05 : am a 4:05 : pm
Atlantic Flyer , Chicago ,
and East a 4:53 : pm a 4:03 : pm
Fast Mail , Chicago to
Omaha a 2:15 : pm
Northern Express a 5:23 : pm a SIO : am
Omaha-Chicago Speclal.a 7:05 : pm a Sir : > am
Fast Mail S:45 : am
a Daily. b Daily Except Sunday.
Mlnneapollc i'i Omaha
Ral'way "The North
western Line" General
Olllccs , Nebraska Divi
sion , 13th and Welvnar
St i. City Ticket Otllce ,
1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th
und Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Norfolk Passenger a 6:10 : am a 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emerson , Sioux
City , Ponca , Hartlug-
ton nnd Bloo'mfleld..b 1:00 : pm b2:15 : pm
No. 2 , Twin City L't'd..a 5:55 : pm
No. 1 , Omaha Limitt-d. . . a 9:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
Railroad "Tho North
western Line" Genera'
Otnres , United States
National Hank Building ,
S. W. Corner Twelfth
and Farnam Streets.
Icket utllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele-
phone. Dfil. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason
Streets , Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Mankato &
Paul , Minneapolis n 5:55 : am a 8:40 : am
St. Paul. Minneapolis ,
Mankato & Sioux Clty.a 6:23 : pm all:00 : pm .
Sioux City Local a 7:45 : am a 9:05 : pm
a Dally. I
land Roulo" General Olllces ,
N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fiirnrim
Streets. City Ticket Olllce , 1302
Fnrnnin Street. Telephone ,
310. Dejiot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
"Tho Overland Limited"
for Utah. Idaho , Mon
tana , California , Ore-
go j and Washington
points a 8:50 : am n 4(5 : ( pm
The Colorado Special
for Denver and all
Colorado points ull:55 : pm a 6:40 : am
Paclllo Express for
Donvei , Salt Lake.
Pui-lllc Coast and nil
western points b 4:33 : pm a 6:10 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice and
Stromsburg Express .b 1:33 : pm b2:20 : pm
Fremont , Colunibna ,
Norfolk , Grand Island
nnd North Platte a 4:3i : pm b 4:43 : pm
Columbua Local b 5:30 : pm b2:20 ! : pm
North Platte Local a 0:15 : pm
South Omaha I cal Pass. Leaves , 0:15 : a.
m. ' ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 10:10 : n. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. Ar-
rivej i. 10:15 : u. m. ; 3:15 : p. in. ; 4:15 : p. m. ;
G p. m ,
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 5:55 : n. in. ;
0-10 a. in. ; G:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. ; b 10:45 : a.
m. ; 12'20 p. m. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 4:33 : p. m. ; 4:55 : p.
m ; 5 25 p m. : 5:55 : p. m. ; 6:20 : p. m. ; S:20 : p.
m. ; lu.30 p. m. Arrives 0:35 : a. m ; 7:20 : a
in. ; & 15 a m. ; 8:15 : a. m. ; 11.30 a. m. ; 3:05 : p.
m. ; 4:05 : p. m ; 5:15 : p. in. ; C:30 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p.
m. : 0.30p.m. . 9:05 : p.m. ; 11:00 : p.m. ; 11:53 :
p. m.
a Dally b Daily except Sunday.
und & Paclllc Railroad
"The Great Rock IM-
nnd Route. " Cltv Tlck-
ol Olllce. 1323 l-'arnam I
Street. Telephone , 42S ' '
Depot. Tenth & Mason
Streets. Telephone , C29.
ics Molnc. Local b 7:05'am : bll:2S : am
Chknco Express bll:15 : urn a 8:10 : am
Chicago Fast Express.u 5:00 : pm a 1:25 : nm
St. Paul Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm bll:25ain :
Llnco'n. Colorado Spgs. .
Denver , Pueblo und
West .a lSOnm : a 42C ! pm
Des Mulnes Rock Isl- '
aim and Chicago a 7:15 : pm a 8:50 : pm '
Colorado Hyer a 0:20 : pm a 8:50 : am
a Daily b Dally except Sunday.
Ht. Paul Rarway-Clty
Ticket Olllce , 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone 2S4 , D -
jiot , Tenth mid .Mason Sts
Telephone , O
L'-HVP Arrive
Limited Ex a 6 ii pm a b M am
( hlcugo & Onrjh i Fx bll:00 : am b 4W : pm
S cux t Ity & D'a Molnc-j
Fxprrti bir'K ) im b 40 ; pm
u Pally , b Daily except Siu'day ,
( Continued. )
MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- General Ufllee * and
Tiikct Olllce" , Southeast Cor-
in r 14th and Douglas Sts ,
Telephone , 101. Dniot , 15th
ntirl Webster Sts. Telephone ,
145 < i.
Leave. Arrive.
St Louis-Kansas ft
Ni > b Llmiird a 3:00 : pm al2.V : pm
K. f St. L. K\ rcs.a 9:50 : jun a 6:0) : am
Ni'lUMSk.i Loinl via
\\eep'nij ' Unter b 5:00 : pm b 9:13 : nm
a Daily , b twiiv Except Sunday.
PORT Rniiroad Omaha. Kan-
HII city & Eastern Rail-
rnad "The Port Arthur
{ Route" Ticket Olllce.
HIS Fiirniim Street. Tol-
-phone. 3.2. Depot , Tenth
and .Mason Streets. Tele-
I > IU > nr.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Kxpn-BH a 4f : > 0 pin a 8:35 : nm
KIIIISIH city and Qulncy
Local a 6:50 : am n 9:30 : pm
a Daily.
Tlckol Ofilce. 1415 Farnnin
Street. Telephone , 892. De
pot , Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone. 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Canon Ball"
. a 4:50 : pm nS:35 : am
Ante Room Echoes !
AVoodiiKMi of UKWorld. .
Ill fraternal circles Just nt present there
la considerable discussion nnent the possi
bility of the Woodmen of the World head
quarters being removed from Omaha. Co-
lumbUB , O. , St. Louis and Kansas City , It ia
said , are each making every effort to se
cure the headquarters. The matter will not
bo decided for some time.
The third biennial convention of the
sovereign camp nt Slemphls from March K
to 25 was attended by delegates from every
stuto in the union and all the provinces ot
Canada. All told , they numbered about
lifty-flvc. The address of welcome was
made by Judge J. T. Sloss of Slemphls and
tlio rwpouso was by Head Consul Faulkeu-
iburg of the Paclllc Jurisdiction. During the
convention many changes , important , but
not radical , were brought up relative to the
constitution and bylaws. A resolution was
passed authorizing the construction of u
building , for which an appropriation
of $60,000 was made , the building
to bo erected In the city finally
decided upon tor the permanent place
of location for the sovereign offices.
The salarleu ot the sovereign ofllcers wcro
raised slightly. A resolution wns passed
providing for a Woodmen of the World day
at the Greater America Exposition and en
dorsing the Centennial exposition , to bo held
in St. Louis in 1)03. ! ) It was decided to
adopt us tlio regulation emblem for badges ,
pins nnd charms the stump of n tree with
roc's out short. The delegates were en
tertained royally nt theaters , banquets , reI
coptlons and by boat rides on the Sllsstsj
slppi and trolley excursions. Tlio order Is
growing rapidly In the south , Texas alone
having 25,000 members.
A delcsatlon of representatives of the
various camps of the city will visit Valley
Wednesday , April 5 , to attend the celebra
tion by Valley camp No. 39 In securing Its
100th member. Sovereign Clerk John T.
Yates will bo among the speakers.
Omaha camp No. 10 will give one of its
scries of social dances Tuesday evening ,
April 4.
Siembers of the drill team of Omaha camp
are requested to meet Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock to receive instruction In protection
degree work.
Beginning April C Alpha camp will confer
the morning degree each week.
At the meeting of Alpha camp last Thursday -
day Sovereign Clerk John T. Yates In n
brief address expressed his appreciation of
the reception accorded him upon his return
from Slemphls. During the evening re-
freshnients and cigars were served and the
best of times was enjoyed.
Members of Alpha camp planned nnd
executed a pleasant surprise for Sovereign
Clerk John T. Yates on his return from '
Slemphls last Sunday after having been re-
. elected to the position for another year.
At the station the Alpha guards were drawn
up 'Waiting ' for the arrival of the train ;
behind them was the band , and the platform
was crowded with enthusiastic camp mem
bers. As the sovereign clerk stepped from
i the car ho was greeted with a burst of
I cheers and escorted to a carriage that
formed a part of a procsesion , led by music ,
to the sovereign ofllecs. There was held an
Informal reception and many speeches of
congratulation were made.
Deputy J. SI. Havens organized at Sioux
City , Slarch 20 , a now camp with sixty-five |
charter members. The name is Prosperity |
No. 250. The following ofllcers were elected
and Installed : C. C. , Dr. J. Herman ; A. L. ,
George C. Deuschlo ; B. , Dr. A. Anderson ;
C. . B. P. Van Slchlo ; E. , N. Klngwrlst ; W. ,
L. Llndgren ; S. , W. F. Gibbons ; physicians ,
Dr. J. Herman and Dr. A. Anderson ; man
agers , B. Donaldson , Ora Espey and Stilton
I''rniTi ( > ul Union nf America.
A new loilgo was organized at Victoria
lost week , which promises to bo ono of
.Iho moat enthusiastic In the state. Its
mcinbers consist of the very 'best ' class of
I-eoplo of thnt village and the surrounding
country. Arthur B. Cress was elected secretary
rotary and \V. P. Burrows fraternal master.
Beatrice ledge No. Id has bpen Increasing
its membership at a rapid rate during the
past two months. Twenty-three members
were initiated last week and twcnty-flvo are
on the list for Iho coming cession.
Henna n lodge I * pitching Into the work
and assisting Frater Goodnow In Increasing
their membership. They expect noon to bo
counted among the fir fit lodges of the state.
Banner ledge met In regular session
Thursday evening and initiated several can
dldates. There was n large attendance and
much Interest manifested In the work. Past
Fraternal .MaulerVorley was present and
made a few remarks for the good of the
orde.1 , which was followed by a very Inter
esting speech by Frater F. SI. Lankton , Si
D. , which was well received. Interesting
talks wcro ulsj made by Fralers Ostrutn and
Doran of 'Slondamln lodge and Praters Bailey >
and Rlckcr of Banner lodge. To fill
vacancies Frater Bailey was elected secre
tary , Frater Giles as truth , Frater Stone-
cipher protector and Frater Hughes guide.
The recital of Frater Slerges will occur some j
tlmo during the latter part of Ailrll Instead '
of the llrst of Slay. Duo notice of this will '
bo given later on. Next Thursday evening '
this ledge will give a calico ball , to which
all members and their friends are cordially
invited. A Slay party will bo given Slay -1 1
by this lodge.
Supreme President F. F. Hoose has re-
turned from his southern trip.
Slondamln lodeo No. Ill met In regular I
session last Slonday evening with an un i-
usually lurco attendance. Two now candi I- I
dates wcro Initiated and six now applications
presented. A resolution was passed petl-
tfining the city council to provide flro
escapes for the various lodge halls ot the
city. This ledge will give a social dance :
Slonday ovenlng , April U. to which all mem-
hers and their friends are Invited ,
of ( lit *
The tents of Omaha held a Joint session > i
of Initiation Thursday , March 30 , In the hall , I
In the 'Slavonic. Meek. There -were pres I
ent 4"0 Ir.'ludins 135 candidates who were
Initial' 1 sir kti'ditH from Dlalr and from
f-'il'-as'J \\ero repre-.unte'I . by members of
rho o-tiT fr"in tUcsi p'a-es. Omalia tent
and Gate Cliy tent furnished the team for
the work. Sir Knight Vlndnhaler uade a ,
few ronmrks In which ho unld. that ho
| wall plenccd with the order. Sir Knight
Bradley nnd Sir Knight HroadfleM also
spoke briefly. A ifull onshretra wru furfa
iitehcd by Sir Kntaht IMmmlrk. With flue
orchestra nnd Impresalvo ceremony of the
initiation , the ovcnlng wna passed picasju
nntly. Omaha lent No. G nt Its last regugr review extended to those of their memth
bers who were sufferers from tins late flro
Its sympathies nnd Instructed the comco
mandcr and rccordkccpcr to furnish all
assistance needed as far as their general
( und would go , nnd when exhausted , to call
on different niombers of the tent and sec
that none wanted tor anything that would
niako them comfortable. Sir Knight W. It.
Drown , D. S. C. , la working at Wymoro and
has a good report from there. Syracuse
tent No. 13 will Initiate a Inrgo class Mon
day , April 3. Ulalr tent of Illalr will give
In the near future n grand entertainment.
Oato City tent No. CO held on Insurance
policy upon Its ledge outfit for $2GO.
Modern Woodmen of America.
The complimentary entertainment Riven
by the Slodorn Woodmen and the Royal
Neighbors , under the direction of the trl-
clty promotion committee , was a success be
yond the expectation of Iho most euthuslj'1
nstlc. Uoyd's theater held ono ot the larg
est assemblages of ttio season and the pro
gram was ono especially attractive by rea-
son of the Interesting addresses and well
rendered music.
Omaha Hebrew camp , No. 4914 , 'had a roufl-
ng meeting Inat Tuesday night. Venerable
Consul Cody und several other members or
ho camp were present , also all the mem
bers of the supreme camp and Its foresters.
Ben. W. Kenn was elected clerk to 1111 the
vacancy Mused by the resignation of
Douglas SI. Klbben. The camp proposes to
glvo an entertainment lit the near future.
Hebrew and Bohemian camps linvu been
nvltcd to meet with Beach camp. No. 1454.
April 7 , to enjoy a uncial hour and to judge
the merits of the foresters.
A movement Is again on foot to organize
n Hoynl Neighbors' auxiliary to llcacli camp.
Ilio promoters of the onterprlHO ave llrst
trying to learn Just -what can be depended
upon and arc further desirous of learning
In what respects the misfortunes of other
Royal Neighbor camps can be avoided. As
soon os anything definite Is accomplished
the subject will bo brought before the
Starch 23 n Hoyal Neighbors' camp was or-
ganlzed at Sladlson , Neb' . ' , with forty-one
charter members , twenty-four beneficiary
and seventeen social , some of the social
members promising to take Insurance Inter.
The following olllcers were elected : Oracle ,
Sirs. G. C. Stevenson ; vice oracle , Sirs.
Frank Hoerst ; recorder , Sirs. Albert Upton ;
receive-.1 , Sirs. J. Jones ; chancellor , Sirs. Ed
Vlchter ; Marshall. Sirs. C. Wllberger ; inner
eontinel , Sirs. J. W. Slagulnnes ; past oracle.
Sirs. O. C. Wykhoff. Tlio name of t'he ' camp
Is Fern camp , U. N. A. The Installing offi
cer was Sirs. II. SI. Chldeatcr of Aurora.
After going over omo of the work the new
olllo&rs took their stations and a committee
WUH appointed to draw up local by-laws.
I The committee is Neighbors Dr. Goudon ,
| John Fuchs , Ilov. Fowler , Earl Vlchter and
G. C. Wykhoff. The meeting night and
pia/co will bo decided April 4.
lloyal Arcniiiiin.
Pioneer council , No. IS , 'has ' been consid
ering the question of rousing Its members
to ' united action toward bringing up Its
membership to the century mark. Ono ap
plication was presented at the last meet
ing and now that an interest is being mani
fested it is expected that some lively work
will bo done In the near future ,
Weeping Water council , No. CSS , held a
very enthusiastic meeting on Saturday oven-
ln , .Starch . 23. The meeting was quite
largely attended. Among those present were
A. 1' . Brinck , grand secretary , who visited
the couucll wlUi the object of devising
seine plan for the extension of the order
in ' that city.
Union Pacific council , No. 1009 , held Its
regular meeting on Slonday evening. Thu
attendance j was largo. The membership of
that council Is taking an actlvo Interest .
In j Uio order seventeen new members were
added ito the roll nnd forty-three applica
tions were presented. The council has made
arrangements to use the rooms ot the Com-
merclal club for its meeting on April 24 ,
at which tlmo it is expected that a class ot
froirj seventy-five to 100 will bo initiated.
At tlio close of "the meeting a reception will
ba tendered to Past Supreme Regent Chill
W. Hazzard of Slonogahela , Pa. , and the
grand ofllcers and representatives to Hie
grand council , who will bo Invited to parc
tlcipate in the festivities of the occasion ,
This will bo followed by a lunch , provided
by one of the noted caterers of the city. A
notice has been sent out to the members
and prospective members that the time of
the contest has been extended until this
meeting and the members are engaged Inc /
the | effort of securing frco Beats at the
banquet ] to bo given by the council at one
of the principal hotels In the early part of
Knoxall council , No. 14G4 , Is in the midst
of on actlvo convass for now members. The
council has divided into two squads , under
the leadership of J. L. Martin and A. H. .
Slurdock. The side bringing In the least '
number of applications Is to pay for tUo
suppers for the winners.
Mutual I'MiN-llly ' IliinilMNociiiUon. .
Thursday the articles of incorporation of
tbo .Mutual Fidelity Bond association were
filed at the auditor's ofllcc. This assaoclatlon
Is incorporated under tlio now law , senate
fllo No. 18 , which was signed by the gov
ernor Wednesday nnd became a law.
The object of the association Is to furnish
fidelity bonds to its members at actual cost ,
assessments belni ; made to muet any losses
that may occur , and is the only association
organized for this purpose In the west.
A meeting of the members nnd Incorpor
ate rs was held in Lincoln Slarch 29 , at
which tlmo articles of Incorporation and by
laws were adopted. Tlio ofllcers elected are
well known In fraternal and business circles
and arc as follows : President , William E.
Sharp of Aurora , president of the Royal
Highlanders und vlco president of the
American Fraternal congress ; vlco president ,
James .Mc.N'ainarn , Rock Island , llrst as
sistant head clerk , Slodorn Woodmen of
America ; secretary , A , 0. Faulkner , SI. D. ,
Lincoln , president and general manager
Woodmen Accident association and state
deputy head consul , Slodern Woodmen of
America ; treasurer , Hon. John B. Wright ,
Lincoln , president Columbus National bank
and zrand master of exchequer of the
Knights of Pythias of Nebraska ; auditor ,
Thomas S. Allen , Lincoln , ex-doputy post- ,
master , Lincoln ; general counsel , Elmer J. I
Burkott , Lincoln , congressman First can-
gresslonal district ; other directors nnd In-
corporators : F. J. Sharp , Aurora , chief sec-
rotary the Hoyal Highlanders ; John T.
Yates , Omaha , head clerk Woodman of the
World ; C. E. Spanglur , secretary Woodmen
Accident ueaoclatlon.
It will bo seen by the list of olllccra that
the largo fraternal Interests have been com-
iblued to make thu Slutual Fidelity Bond
ubSLclatlon a success , It being the purpose to
bond all head and iccul olllcers ot all frator-
nul associations , as well as ofllcors and era-
ploycs of other corporations , whether mcin-
bers of fraternal organlzatlonu or not.
The association commences business with
applications on file ( or over J 100.000 of fidel
ity bonds.
nnil Fraternal AtmoulnUou ,
Omaha ledge No. 1 met in regular nesslon
last Tuesday and spent a very pleasant even-
ing. A largo number attended , Including a
small but energetic delegation from ledge
No. 31. South Omaha. A large number of [
applications were voted on and candidates
In waiting were then initiated. Following
were encouraging addresses from members
of the South Oraata delegation. There Is | | I
largo mitrtbflr lo bo Initiated next Tuesday
1 evening.
The ailultorliun Jubilee committee roportril
favorably on tl'e prottrws It had mndp ami
disposed cf a largo number of tickets befora
the meeting adjourned. The auditorium
jublloe , April II , is to be something on *
' grander scnle In the way of a celebration
then has ever been attempted by this
before and is intended to celebrate the suc
cessful launching ot the auditorium ussoria-
tlon in this city nnd to assist in creating
interest ) In the project.
Stromsburg ledge No , 21 will hold n rous
ing | mass meeting next .Monday night ot nil
thn business men of that < -lty for the ptir-
] pose at having a telephone exchange located
j there. ,
Maundy-Thursday comnmniorntcd by
Semper Fldells chapter No. 1 , Knights Itoso
Crolx , Scottish Illto of Freemasonry , the
evening ot March 30 , by appropriate cere-
monk\s at 4ho Mnsoulc Tnmple. The lodga
rooms were tastefully decorated with tlnga
nnd ( lowers , handsome roses , the emblem o (
the degree , being In evidence everywhere.
The services , which are an exemplifica
tion of the crucifixion of Christ , wcro conducted -
) ducted by the ofllcera of Iho degree. There
wore many guests present from out of town , Jiavlng comu from Cleveland , O. ,
, nnd , a largo number from St. Joe and Fre
j mont.
After the ceremony members nnd their
guests wcro escorted lo the dining raom ,
\\horp an elaborate banquet 'was ' pprcad.
Toasts were propieed nnd responses wore
made until a late hour. The tcastmaster
was Sir Williamson S. Summers , thirty-
second degree. Those who responded were ;
"Tho President tf the United States
Brother William SleKlnlcy , " Sir Charles S.
Loblngcr , thirty-second degree ; "The Ku-
jironio Council .far the Southern Jurisdic
tion of the United Stated , and Its Grand
Commander. Sir Thomnn H. ens well , thirty-
third degree , " Sir John J. Sloticll , thirty-
third degree deputy of supreme council !
"The Grand Ledge cf [ Nebraska. " Sir John
Mercer , thirty-third degree ; "Tho Chapter
ot Rrso Crolx , " Sir Henry Hardy , thirty-
second degree ; "Tlio Slusonlc .Mantle Faith ,
Hope and Charity 'Its ' Pattern and Dimen
sions , " Sir William Monaghan , thirty-second
degree ; "To the .Memory of the Brethren
of the Rose Crolx , who have died dtirlni !
the past Slasonlc yenr , " Sir Wllllnm A. Do-
Bord , thlrty-scecnd degree ; "To nil Masons
and Mflsonlc Bcdles of nil Rites and De
grees over the surface cf the K.irth ! honors
end laurels to Uiu worthy ; health to the
sick ; comfort to the needy and succir to the
oppressed , everywhere , " Sir Luther SI.
Kulins , K. C. C. H.SInster. / .
A number of the mwnibors cf the Slnsnnlo
ledge Ht Crelghtcn vial'.cd by spo.'lal Invita
tion the lotlgo nt iHloamflcId , where thrco
candidates wcro raised to the subllmo degree -
greo of a ISIimon , after which a banquet
was served nnd seine excellent speeches were
nmdo 'by eonio ot the members and InvltcJ
I. O. 4) . K.
State lodge .No. 10 celebrated Its thirty-
second anniversary last Slonday evening by
Inviting Its friends to an entertainment con
sisting of a literary program , dancing and
refreshments. This lodge is in a nourish
ing condition and has a membership of
about 100.
Canton Ezra Mlllard ledge No. 1 ,
Patriarchs' Militant , has Issued invitations
to an entertainment to take place in Osthoft
hall , DIG North Sixteenth street , Wednesday
evening , April Zfi , that date being the
eightieth anniversary of American Odd
A district meeting of the Rebekah lodges
in the Jurisdiction of Nebraska was held at
Odd Fellows' hall Saturday evening , South
Omaha lodge putting on the degree work for
the benefit of visiting delegates.
South Omaha lodge , which recently lost
nearly all Its' ledge property by fire , has
received now regulla ' and Is now finely
equipped for work.
All the lodges Jn the city arc prospering
and Initiations nnd decrees are conferred
nearly every night In the week at Odd Fel
lows' hall and temple , North Fourteenth
IiiiIi'lM'iiiIriit Ortlrr of Kiirvntvrn.
Owing to the damage done by the recent
flro 'iu ' the Patterson block court Ak-Sar-
I3ei : , No , 335S , was obliged to seek other
quarters for their meeting Friday night.
The meeting was lield at II. C. Hartry's
store and was a business and social incotlni ;
criinblned. A committee consisting of Dr.
Charles Rosuwator , 1) . L. Yodor , C. H. Ruck ,
II. Hornung and II. C. Hartry was ap
pointed to secure a hall for future meet
ings. i
I'lilnn Volrriinn' I'nlon. '
At the next regular meeting of Vlcksburs
command , April 7 , ' ( hero will bo a number
Ic new members mustered. A full attend
ance Is desired , as other business of im
portance will come before the command.
IillllIrM Of ( ll < - .lIllC'l'ltllCCK ,
Oato City hive No. 0 will hold a special
meeting Monday afternoon at the homo of
_ Hattlo Church , commander , 1310 North
Twenty-fourth street. All ofllcers and mem
bers are requested to bo there.
A. O. I ! . AV.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen
at Crolghton , Neb. , elected T. J. niickmasler
as delegate lo the supreme lodge of the
state , which Is to be held at Lincoln about
the mlddlo of May.
1C n It'll IN of I'jtlilnx.
Last Slonday evening Nebraska lodge No , 1
conferred the second rank In a very uffoctlvo
and creditable manner. Tomorrow evening
the third rank will bo conferred on several
Ante Room I' < 'lin < vv ,
On April 3 the following named person' *
will bo Installed as ofllcors for Omaha coun
cil No. 41C. KnlghtH and Ladles of
Security : President , J. K. Cramer ; first
vlco president , Helen Adams : Hccond vlco
president , Kltnor Hubcrman : prelate , Kd-
ward Stringer ; treasurer , Phillip Oott-
helmer ; financial secretary. Frank ROHO-
water ; corresponding secretary , Mary K.
Dempster ; conductor , Rctta Stringer ; guard ,
Ambrose Ho'ul : sentinel. J. U. Allen.
Have you any friends ? ( Jet them to help
you to win n Heo when ) .
The oldest family In thn British Isles Is
that of Slur , in Scotland , which dates from
1083 ,
Denjamln Goblo ot Milan , 87 years old ,
claims to bo tbo oldest living native resident
of , Illinois.
Joshua Reed of Hurllngton , Vt. , will bo f'3 '
years old in April und will then liavo lived
In the same IIOIIBO for slxty-flvo years.
Kdunrd KatwUlc , who ut 14 hold the
throttle on the first trip of Stephensou'a
llrst passenger rallioad engine , the Rocket ,
on the Manchester & Liverpool railroad , In
1829 , tins Just celebrated his tilth birthday at
Des Moliies , la ,
Samuel Ryan , the oldest editor In Wiscon
sin , has Juet celebrated his sevrnty-nfth
birthday. Ho started In nnwuimpcr work In
1811 on the Urcen Day Republican. A doten
years later ho started the Appleton Crescent ,
which puptT ho has conducted over since.
William Weatherby , a farmer of Ve tal ,
near Susquehanna , Pa. , Is 87 yearn old and
the father of twenty-coven children. Some
tlmo ago ho had a census of lila family
taken und found the number of living mem
bers up to date to bo 3S4 , Including children ,
grandchildren , great and grout-great-grand
JamcM SI. Mltcbcll , who bus Junt died at
Wllkoslmrro , Pa , , In his nlnety-tuiventh year ,
three-quarters of a century ago carried the
mall from Htockport , on the Delaware , to
within twelve miles of Huston , a dUtauce ot
eighty-four miles. Ho traversed a wild
country , through forests , and was often be-
Ett by wolves. At that time there was not
a brush cut wher JJoesdale DOW staud * .