Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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    TTIB Oar A IT A DATLV TIITKSDA 2 , 1800.
Kansas , Missouri & 'Northern to Be Bull
This Year from Su Joseph ,
IK IIiidinilnMIr Otrr I'rnpimril llonil-
1IIO Illlr * I.Him unit I'll I
TliriniKti \VonitiTfiillr
Itlfli Ciiiuitry.
Robert S Doiiblcday of Now York , pre < il
dent of the Kansas , Missouri & Norther
railroad , n > s the line from St. Joseph t
Omnhn will be built this jcar. Mr. Double
day li In Omnha to consult with some of th
business men regarding the project of con
ncctliig tin-so two cities by another line o
road , but ns several of those ho desired mos
to BCD nro absent from the city ho will return
turn to the couth tomorrow and rnnko nn
ether trip hero nt n Inter dnte.
Mr , Doubleday says the name which hi
company has tnkcn has no significance. Th
immediate Idea of the corporation Is to bull
the line from SU Joseph to Omnha , n dla
tanco of 1GO miles , which ho says will pas
through some of the finest country In th
world. In the construction of the road h
expects to meet the oppo ltlon of the Dur
Ilngton , whloh now has n monopoly In tlm
territory , and of the Port Arthur , which 1
trying to get a foothold In practically th
isamo region. Notwithstanding this npposl
tlon Mr. Doiiblcday Is confident the rood wll
toe completed , this year.
The company , which Is Incorporated under
dor the laws of Missouri , nnd which lllci
HB charter a. few weeks ngo , Is capltnllroi
for JGOO.OOO , which only embraces so mud
of the line as will bo built between St. Jo
fleph nnd Tnrklo. Tor the real of the wny t
Omnha the capital will probably bo In
creased by $600,000 , nmklng the totnl cnpl
tallratlon $1,200,000. The plans of the com
pany , so far tin Mr. Doubleday would con
Bent to outline tlicm , are to ask assistant
of the towns nlong the proi > osod route. Ni
largo miniB of money will bo demanded , am
no aid extended will he due the company un
til the road Is completed nnd In operation
The company has made some mirvejs eve
the route , and has secured some made b ;
other companies , and Mr. Doubledny says I
IB prepared to begin work nt constructloi
Immediately. The road would use thi
tracks of another company from St. Josopl
straight to Savannah , Mo , , for the prcscn
nt least , nnd from there on would build In i
northwesteily direction to Council Dlu ft
nnd across to Omaha. The route taken I
not considered a difficult ono for the con
atructlon of a rallioad , ns tliero nrc no Inrgi
rlv < rs to bridge , nnd the land Is gcnernll ;
Mr. Doubleday refused to mention th
personnel of the syndicate supposed to b
behind the project. As n reason for bulldln
the line ho says St. Joseph Is rapidly grow In
us a commercial center , and a largo part o
tvo territory through which the rend woul
pass is naturally tributary to that city. Ate
to the north half of the line he says th
eamo conditions npply to Omaha. On th
business from this territory the Durllngto :
now has no competitor. There arc man
lines through both of these cities other tha
thu llurllngton , and Mr. Doubleday says tha
will cnconrago the project , na Us sue
ccssful completion would enable them t
get n portion of the through business.
Mr. Doubleday Is n joung man , an
shows considerable enthusiasm In the wor !
ho hns undertaken. Ho has spent sevcra
months in the west In the Interest of th
project. HP Is conservative In dlscussln ;
his Mheme , but does not hesitate to say , wit
some dcgrco of posltlveness , that the portlo
pf the line mentioned will bo constructs
and ready to operate before the close of thl
I'llHMCMIlilT "Weil Af'UIUIIIlllMll
J. R. Buchanan , general passenger agen
for the Klkhorn , nnd A. B. Smith , nsslstnn
general passenger agent for the Burlington
have returned from a meeting of passenge
ngents of the western oade held In Chlcagi
this week. Both agree that practical ! ;
nothing was accomplished as n result o
the deliberations. After discussing thi
low rates to the northwest , a commlttei
ivas appointed to confer with the Grea.
Northern , which mas not represented , am
try nnd Induce that road to withdraw tin
rates it has made. This conference wil
bo held today , but nothing IB cxpectet
from it. It IB eald tlmt Mr. Hill did no
inaugurate Uio rates for the purpose o
making a war on the otlher lines , but t <
facilitate the settlement of the country alonf
Ills line. This being true , it Is foellevci
ho will show a determination to adhcro t <
the rates.
After the appointment of this commlttci
the passenger agents again took up thi
subject of nn agreement upon which to con'
tluuo the Western Passenger association
< but , no with pa-st attempts nlong this line
the effort 'waa futile. Severn ! Interestci
roads were not xopreaented , nnd the old op
position by transmlasourl roads again madi
Itself manifest. It ivas therefore- decider
to adjourn tha subject to another meeting
the dnto for which waa not flxexl. Then
Is little liopo nmong Omnha i > assengor mei
tlmt the association will ever bo reorganized -
izod with Jurisdiction over the transmls
Bourl roads.
The Cuttlr Trade.
K. C. Morehouso , general freight agent foi
the nikhorn , hns returned from the soutl
nftor an absence of n couple of weeks , a par
of whlch ( line bo spent In attendance at tin
meeting of the Stock Growers' nssoclntlot
nt Kort Worth , Tex , At this meeting It wni
developed there Is any amount of cattle It
the country. There were some sales madi
at the convention , but not BO many ns li
past jeArs , which Is said to bo well for th <
ranges in the northwest. Heretofore feed
era from Knnsns hnvo been able to pay mon
for cattle In Texas than the stock was wortl
to the ranchmen , nnd the latter flgurei
llttlo in the ealcs. The feeders have no
prospered lately on their investments , am
this year they wore conspicuous by their ah
pence from the convention. This will glvi
the ranchmen a show , nnd It Is prcdlctp (
that thousands oj cnttlo will be driven to th
ranges In Wyoming , Montana nml South Da
Uota this year , to bo later shipped to marko
over the railroads tapping that section o
the country. It will bo a couple of jcar
before three cattle will bo ready for th
market , but their presence In the northwcs
will strengthen the futura of freight bus > |
iiess from that region.
llntt-N Aru Cut.
Whllo railroad olllclnla hnvo of late re
rcatedly given out the statement tlmt rate
for freight transportation arc moro flrml
maintained -than for > ears past , and tha
there is a 'better ' feeling of coutldenc
uiuoiig nil the Unco , there la every da
now evidence to bo found right In Omah
that some of the roads still Indulge in rat
cutting. An Omaha frolg-ht agent was o
the rampage yesterday because of sotu
now discovery ho had made where his realest
lost nn important shipment from New Yor
to nn Omnha wholesaler 'because ' the rot
had -been quietly cut by a competitor. II
Horsf ord's ' Icld Photphitt
Supplies tha needed nerve force.
Take no Substitute.
ho Iwrncd thnt the rate WM lo b
cut. nml asked the prlvllcRc of Ills com
finny to meet It , but was Informed lie nuifi
ndhero to Ihc tariff. The rwtiltIMI tha
ho lofit the shipment because ft competln
line , he snld , had ROIIO under the ngrcc
rntc. Continuing , he ftnld this practice na
being Indulged In right along , nnd It an ex
Vlnnatlon U demanded the offenders throi
the "blame " upon some small connecting lln
further east.
I'ort Arthur { 'until Cut n Stimlnj- .
Those oxcurolonlsU ho went to I'or
Arthur , Tex. , Tuesday , hoping to see th
flnnl cut made In thn cannl connecting I
with the wnter * of the Gulf of Mexico , \ \ \ \
bo disappointed. The plan of the conipan
\\na to lenvo n strip forty feet \\ldo between
twoen the cannl and the waters of the gut
uhlcli was to bo out on next Sntunlay n
the time of the celebration. This uas t
bo the feature of the day. In commcmorn
tlon of which fettlvltlca of the most en
thUHlastiu chancier had been planned.
Last Sunday , however , rumors were rlf
at Port Arthur that an opposition company
which had already been the cause of grva
trouble nnd expensive litigation to the man
ngers of the cnnal , Intended on Monday ti
get out another Injunction to prevent th
cutting of the forty-foot trlp. This woul
hnvo delayed the wort : several weeks nm
been a cold water bath lo the celcbratloi
which had been arranged for nnd carrlei
to mich n point It could not well be post
To anticipate the possibility of nny sue ]
notion the company building the canal laa
Sunday evening called Into service Us bli
dredge boat , nnd before dajlight Monda ;
morning the narrow- strip -which acted as ;
temporary barrier to the gulf waters wa
removed , and the canal was connected will
the srn. This eliminates an Important feature
turo from the celebration hilled for Satur
day , to participate In which thousands o
excursionists nrc now on their way to th
However , the Bailout point of the celebra
tlon is the opening of n port on the gul
connected with a now north and south rail
road , nnd this has not been changed. Worl
on the canal bus been carried on for sc\cra
years , and several fortunes lm\o been expended
ponded on It. Through the success of th' '
work It Is said that the products of thi
north nnd west will find n new outlet ti
the markets of the world. As Omaha Is th
northern terminus of the road leading ti
this new port , the practical successful com
plotlon of the cannl Is possessed of mucl
Interest to the shippers nnd manufacturer
In this city.
The KroilliiK-ln-TruiiNlt Qufxttnu.
Omnha freight men , In defending the ae
tlon of the western roads In deciding ti
withdraw the feedlng-in-translt rates , say 1
will not seriously affect the cattle feedlni
Industry In the west , as many are dispose
to believe. They allege that the legltlmati
feeder , who engages In It ns a business , wll
continue ns ho has In the past. Accordliij
to their story It Is the speculator , who operates
ates the range and feed lots , who will mon
directly feel the effect of the withdrawn ! o
this concession. It has been their custom
according to the story of the freight men
to take cattle from the range , ship them 01
the discredited rates to feed lots in Nebraski
and Kansas. There they would sell then
many times to feeders nnd transfer the bll
of lading to the purchaser as ono of the con
dltions of the salo. This was a violation o
the contract with the railroads and la wha
has caused the withdrawal of the rates. Thi
nillro-id men add that those who purchasec
the cattle from the speculator derived bu
the smallest modicum of benefit In a flnan
clnl way from the transferred bill of lading
and the withdrawal of these privileges wll
not affect their business. They will contlnui
to feed cattle , but In buying them the feed
Ing-in-transit contract will not be an adjunc
to the sale and the profits on tholr buslnes :
will show no noticeable decrease.
! - ( . lint CM Iiulucp Truv l W.-stivnrrt
There was a heavy trafllo on nil the train
out of Omaha yesterday to the west
There was every evidence that the train
would bo run in sections before they reach *
their destination. The tra\el waa all fron
eastern points , and was destined to points li
Montana , Idaho , Utah , Washington. Oregoi
and California. The traffic , almost to tin
Individual passenger , was attracted by thi
low rates to the northwest. Little , If any o
It , was ticketed to points in Nebraska , con
firming the statement made a few days ugi
that pending these cheap rates to the north
west Immigration to Nebraska would fal
to the minimum. The tra\el Tuesday wa :
heavier west of Omaha. Trains from thi
southeast connecting with the through tralni
out of this city at western points did a bli
business , nnd trains which left here will
an ordinary load had to bo cut Into section :
farther west to accommodate" the largely In
creased travel.
IMuentliiiial ANxorliitluii ] ln ( , . .
Ofllcors of the National Educational asso
ciation are becoming uneasy ever the delaj
of western roads in announcing their"ratei
to the Los Angeles meeting In July. Thi
time is at hand , they say. when the associa
tion must Isaue Its official announcement tc
the teachers respecting the coming meeting
and they are yet unprepared to ghe definite
Information ns to means of transportation
They threatened that If something were no :
done at once they would only mention thi
Santa Fe and the Southern Pacific in theli
official clrculais as the roads making thi
agreed rate. This threat set the other road.
to thinking nnd , as none of thorn desire ti
bo left out In this manner , It is prodlctet
there will bo a general announcement of tin
rate fixed by the southern lines for thii
meeting within n few days.
I'lniiM for Illarlc Ulnnimul Iloutf.
CINCINNATI , 0. . March 22.-A meeting
of the American stockholders of the proposed -
posed niark Diamond route , a railroad tc
run from Ohio to Port Royal. S. C. . WOB held
hero today for the purpose of completing
the sale to HngllHli capitalists. W. P | CK-
Inson of WiiUilngton wns authorized tf
transfer the franchises and rights to the
British financiers. Mr. Dickinson will leave
for Hngland In a few da > H. It Is expected
that , the construction will begin in n few
months. The first portion to bo built | f
that running from Clay. Ky , , to I'ort Hoyal
C50 miles '
I'nrle , Over .
Kiillrmul Hiil < .N.
OHICAOO , M.Kb 22A special committee -
too , appointed to confer with the Orcai
Northern , lea\es for St Paul tomorrow Tin
l " . th
question , of
or war In tranMontlnenu :
uml "nestorn passenger rales
( for'tho Pnrt'Arfl W KinCra ( fn'lBllt
3 ? n "nes nor" ' of
sas cit > , u i visiting . jn Omaha
James Thompbon of Chicago ' tia\ollm
passuiiBor agent for the Can adla'n rac flc
IS ! > § 1OK1"B up I'nwiGrotlou bualiicbi
to the Canadian
provinces In the northwest
Wni ? ? " ' ! ° f x\w' < Cr" IOBtl are speedlm
niil ° ? { Ot ° Ull < } ' w | llohl co"
' ' tbe Inters'ato Commerce com-
, ,
f maiat °
nTl.Vi Northwestern has Issued what It call :
I'lbla.ry N9- ' . " 'IcvotPd to Cnllfonila
It shows the i > olnta of Interest to tourists It
unit state , and is embellished with numeroui
half-tone engravings
General Solicitor Kelly ind Land Com
mlssloner McAllaster of the Union Paclfii
ana U. M. LurabertBon , attorney for the re
ceivers , lm\o gone to Denver to ln > estlgnt <
property recently purchased by the now com
A ten-word want ad costs > ou but 85 ccnti
for 7 ilajs la the Mornlns and Evening Dec
Still Grander Bargains from Spencer Dr
Goods Stock Bought of U , S. Marshall
9S.10 Clntli Ilnililril IVnlnt * OIlc IKS
KnilircilcIiTocI Oi-Kiuuty lOc ! tl > o
NIIUi nt ! ) ( : > ( Urcii Ouuiln nt
Jut' On Snlo 'l'Mlii ) ,
All the Indies' cloth braided waists , man
worth tip to $2.50 , In nil colors , red , rojs
bliiu , gray , all trliinncd with black , on nal
nt 6'jc each.
Kino block organdy , with cmbroldcrc
white polkn dots , sold In Now York nt 08i
on snlo nt lOc \nril.
50c quality whllo goods , with colored err
broldcrud silk polka dot ! ; , BO stylish fc
waists , dressing sacks nnd entire Bumtnc
gowns , on salu on ninln floor nt lOc ynrd.
75c quality 27-Inch Swiss embroidered an
hemstitched skirt flouncing , suitable fc
making children's vvhltu dresses , go nt 1C
( j.OOO pa IT Indies' Klines In nil wool cash
mere , taffeta and black nnd colored HE ]
thread , nil go In one lot nt Gc pair , worth 60
$1.00 silk embroidered chiffon and tnoue
selln do solo go nt It'Jo nnd 40c yard ,
All the $2.00 Kgyptlan striped silk , ' .
Inches wide , for spring dresses , on snlo t
69c yard.
All the Persian pattern Jlommlo clot
silk , light grounds for dressing sacks , nn
entire house gowns , GO nt Uc ynrd.
All the new spring patterns In Mercerize
silk , chocks nnd pin checks , two nnd Hire
toned combinations for children's dresses c
skills , sold In New York at 39c ynrd , o
bargain square nt 15c yard.
? 1 00 LADtKS' \VHAPP12US 23C.
All the $1.00 print wrappers from It
Spencer stock on sale at i.'c each.
All the ? l.r > 0 Indigo blue wrappers nn
red wrappers , striped winppers , made In tli
latest style and trimmed , on sale nt 39c.
$1.150 LAD1US' CAPHS 33C.
All the summer cnpis. made of Indlci
cloth nnd trimmed with braid , sold In Ne
York nt $1.50. on sale nt 39c.
Hrocnded Drop do Alma cloth capes , sll
capes , silk lined oloth capes , many wort
$5.00 , on ealo nt $1.25 nnd 51.OS ,
All the $2.50 skirts from the Spencer eal
on Milo nt $1.39.
$1 BO shirt waists , dark colors , choice 40
All the line Imported Swiss ombroldcre
nnd drawn thread hemstitched hnndkerchlel
from the Spencer stock , nil go In one lot c
Be each , worth 25c.
All the 25o nnd Me embroidery , includtn
nainsook , Swiss nnd jaconet , from the Spen
cer stock , go at lOc yard.
All the Valenciennes Ince nnd Insertion. I
very line patterns , worth up to 25c yard , g
at 3lAc nnd EC yard.
N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas.
Stret > t Kulltray People IHHUC Ultl
inttttiiu .So Fur nx Thin Year Is
The north elde residents vbo have poll
tloned the council to compel the Omah
Street Railway company to extend IU Thli
lleth street line to Forest Iawn cemeter
and Florence are doomed to disappointment
The city council men and other city odl
clals are fully of the opinion that undc
the franchise of the company they can nc
force It to tnake any extension. The com
pany , on the other hand , has Intimated fhn
It can not consider such an extension thl
"Wo will have to devote our energies t
provide means of transportation for thoa
who will visit the city again this year t
see the exposition , " is what the compau
says to the rc < rUBStwithout giving n flat
footed nnd painful refusal to comply wit
the request.
The company , however , -willing to accede
code to a portion of the demand. The pe
tltlon called upon the council either t
compel the company to maha the extenslo
or to annul Its franchise on North. Thlr
tleth street , eo that another company ma
build the line. The company la willing t
permit the extension to "be " built by th
northsldera If they want to do the work.
Tfhls Is i\ hat waa told Councilman Kai
when he visited the ofllces of the cotnpan
In the interests of the petitioner * . He wa
Informed that the company will not op
pose such a tcheme , nnd further , would ren
iler all the assistance possible. It wll
ixgroe to furnish the necessary power u
nctual cost , at $4.GO per car a day. Conn
Ellman Knrr also learned that the coat c
building a double1 track Is flnld to bo $7,00
a mile nnd the cost of pach oar of the pat
tern lately purchased 1 > y the company I
Announce mint .
A unlquo feature of the Orpheum'u enter
talninent this week is the nnvolty bag
punching of the brothers Keeloy. said b
many to bo the host of their class In th
world. Manager Koscnthal pro'insi's for np\
vvok n number of legitimate slari. It I
said that a half hour or about HB goo
Bmnsnment as could bo asked Is furnlshe
ly Milton nnd Dolly Nobles In their BXtcl ( !
"Why Walker Reformed , " which la Till e
just such comedy as ono might expect fror
tno author of "The Phoenix. " Other 1- Flu
mate stars to appear are Sir mul MIE
Augustine Nouvllle. Others lo bo scon nr
Sankey brothers , equlllbrlatH : Miss Hi\li \
CraflKo , premier dnnso'aso , IJlvlra Fruncpll
and Tom Lewis , operatic duo ; Ploy
brothers , comltfal acrobatics : Low Rloom an
Jane Cooper , The matlneo Saturliy will r
the lost chance for the ladles and childit
to see 1'aplnta and lu pctlto Lund.
County Judge Rnxter Issued the followln
marriage MconecB yesterday :
Name and Residence. Ag <
Hortram D. Dnloy. Omaha . , . . .2
Hmma B , Richards , Irvlngton . i
Viet } Jackson , Omaha . . . , . , : >
Hetty Morris , Omaha/ . ' .
Oninlin to ciilcaco.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way hoH .lust placed In service two mag
nlflcent electric lighted trains betweei
Omaha nnd Chicago , leaving Omaha dally a
5:45 p , in. , arriving Chicago at S 25 a. in ,
nnd leaving Chicago C 15 p , m. nnd arrivlni
Omaha 8-20 a m. Bach train Is llghte
thoroughly by electi Icily , has buffet sraokln
rnrs , drawing room sleeping cars , dlnln
cars ami reclining chair earn nnd runs eve
the shortest line nnd smoothest roadbed between
tween the two cities ,
Ticket olnco 1D01 Farnam street , and a
union depot ,
AlU-iiUon ,
Regular meeting of thn Walters' union
No. 23. will bo held this afternoon In hall Nt
3 , third floor , Patterson building , Seven
tecnth nnd Pain n in ctreets ,
IX G. DO one. Secretary.
. N-Ollc'c.
All members of the Improved Order c
lied Men and Degree of Pocahontaa are ru
rjuested to meet In Red Men hall , Continents
block , nt 1 p. m. . to attend the funeral e
hlster bclmmel n > - older of 1'ucahoutas u
Mlnncbaba council ,
n in i > .
SCIIAMKL-Anna. wife of Jacob Schntne !
on March St. Aued ) * > yeais
Funeral .Thursday , March 23 , at 2 p. rr
from family residence , 2505 Pierce St. Inter
"lent , .prospect Hill Cemetery.
IIAIMAN Isidore , nge 6 yearn , son o
Blirmond and Fannie Hulman.
Funeral from residence , 1310 North 2itl
St. , Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter
mcnt Pleasant Hill ( Ymet ry. Members o
A O. U. W. No. 17 und Ladles' Lodge Oat
City Hive No. 8 Maccabees , ulso olhe
friends Inv ted to attend.
Millinery UpciiliiK Tlnir ilrij- ,
Many hundreds visited the enlarged nn
beautified millinery department Weilnesdaj
Thursday the grand display will be contln
ued. The ladles of Omaha and vicinity nr
cordially Invited to como and Inspect th
bewitching- ! beautiful exhibition of Frenc
flowers , new oinnmcnts and trimmings nn
Imported pattern hats ; the finest , most ox
niHslto creations of 1'arlslan st > lo makers
Hats In all the artistic nnd becoming shape ;
materials and trimmings. The big milliner
department Is a veritable bower of beaut )
with Its grand display of fashionable mlllln
ory , In Its charming frnnu-work of flower :
Como nnd see the newest stjles.
Ladles' spring Jnrkets. silk lined through
out , at ? .T us Ladles' spring Jackets , In co
\cit cloth , lined throughout with satin , n
? " ' 00. Lndlcs' Jackets , new nnd stylish , I
the new fashionable fihndes , at $7.60. Ladles
now spring capta , all silk , bead trlmmoi
worth $300 , for $150. Lmlles' now stjlls
spring capes In endless v rloty , worth $ S < ) (
for $5.00 Children's spring jackets at t"S " (
$1.60 and $2.10 Ladles' tnllor-mado Jecketi
silk lined , at $3 75. Ladles' tailor-made suit
In browns , blues , tans , grn > s and blacki
now skirt , Jacket silk lined , worth $12 00 , fo
$7.50. A Hplcndld line of ladles' $1S.OO null
on snlo for $10.00. Attend the milliner
CO pieces fancy silks In latest styles , prctt
plaids , now stripes , \s-orth up to $1.50 , o
sale , 59c.
French foulards , 24-Inch wide , best qual
Ity , In blues , blacks , nnd other colors , wort
$1 00 , on sale , 69c.
Taffetas , you can buy any of our bos
grade In 11-Inch wide , worth 7Cc , 85o nnd US (
at only CBc.
Remember , If you want the wide tnffet
and the best taffeta that Is made , get th
Wlnshnv.Vc still lm\o 20 shades , whlc
will bo hold nt $1.00. After April 1st n !
Wlnslow tnffotn will bo $1 10.
Wu hnvo a now taffeta which Is Just UK
other taffeta excepting thu width. All othe
taffetan nro only 19 Inches wide. Our noi
taffeta , which IB called the Curtnds tnffetr
Is 27 inches wide. Prlco only OSc. Haden !
have exclusive salo.
TAILOR SUITINGS Wo are headquarter
for nil this line of goods. Our variety i
larger nnd our prices are smaller than nn
other house west of New York City. W
nro selling a better 42-Inch all wool Vent
tlan at 7fio per ynrd than any other house I
the country nre selling for $1 00. Wo nr
selling a 14-oz. 60-inch Venetian nt $1 25 pc
yard , in all wool , and challenge nny hous
In this town to duplicate It for $1 73. W
nre selling nn extra heavy cheviot , 44 inche
wide , shrunk and finished , for 49c per yan
Wo defy any other house In town to nho'
ns good for 75c. Wo have a larco line o
silk and wool diess goods In checks , stripes
and figures , for children's school drcssc'
and shirt waists , at one-half the price thes
goods usually sell for.
Wool dress goods , ! ) c , 12' c , 15c 20c , 25 (
worth from 20c to 76c per yard. Thousand
of other bargains.
Grand Millinery Opening Thursday ,
Leaving Omaha dally at 8 50 n. m ,
Will land you nt North Pacific Coaat
And nt other Puget Sound Points
Tourist Sleepers nro attached
To this train every day.
City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam Street.
A. O. U. AV.
Owing to the late lire at the Labor Tempi
the masquerade ball of the Degree team c
Patten ledge No. 173 , A. O. U. W. , will b
held at Patterson hall , 17th and Farnam , o
Thursday , March 23. By order of the com
Vlix "Hock iMlntul Route , "
To points in Utah ; Idaho , Montana , Wash
Ington , Oregon cud California. Call at clt
ticket office , 1323 Farnam street.
Attention , In Hen C . A. lit
AH members of Garfleld circle. Ladles t
the Grand Army of the Republic , are re
quested to meet at Grand Army of the Re
public hall , Continental block , today at
o'clock sharp , to attend the f uncial of ou
late sister. Mrs. Anna Schamcl.
By order of president.
Attention , II. V. U.
All members of Vlcksburs command , No 1
U. V. U. , nre requested lo meet nt 250
Plorco street Thursday nt 2 o'clock p. n
sharp , to attend the funeral of Slste
Schnmel J B. DRIESBACH ,
J. W. BOYNTON. Colonel.
Cnril of TIiniiUN.
To alt my friends , and In particular to Mi
and Mrs. K. D. Evans , my heartfelt gratltud
for their sympathies and kind dovotlon dur
Ing the Illness and at the death of my vvlf
The ladles of the First Prcsbytcrla
church , rornor Seventeenth and Dodg
streets , will have nn Easter Bale nil day an
serve chicken pie lunch Friday , March 2-i
from 11 30 n. m. to 1 30 p. m
Joyce the milliner can bo found across th
street from the old location. In the Wort
building , until repairs from the latu flro en ;
bo made.
Attention , Ueorue. A. CiiNler I'on <
( i. \ . II. .
All members of George A. Custcr Peal
G , A. R. , nro requested to report to our hal
Thursday , March 23 , at 1 o'clock sharp , t
attend the funeral of our late sister , Mrs
Anna Shnmmol ,
WM. W. EASTMAN , Commander ,
J. B. SAWHILL , Adjutant
Mercer hotel , 12th nnd Howard els.
Omaha , $2 per day. F. J. Ooatcs , Pi op
. San Francisco.
} Los Angeles ,
$32.SO I San Dli-go.
from / SiU | JOH-
Omnhn. I liakeixfleld ,
] nnd other
' California polnt-s ,
The Hurllngton Is the shortest
and quickest line to Southern Cali
fornia the scenic line to Central
' and Northern California. 1'ereon- '
.ally conducted excursions in tourist
ileepera every Thursil ly. Through
to San Franclbco and Los Angeks
without chance
> f Ocden. <
| Helena.
' $25 I Uutte <
from . J Anaconda
' Omaha 1 Spokane.
Seattle ,
> Tacoinu.
v. Portland.
The on'y line operating through
, sleeping earn dully. Omaha to Butte ,
and Anaconda. The only line run-
, nlnsr tourist Bleeping car * twice a
week to Hutte , Spokane und Beat-
, tl . Hundreds of miles shorter and .
HOuHS quicker than any other
. line to Montana and 1'uget Sound , <
Tlckot Office , lur
I5O2 Farnam , .ron.Toih ]
HdBonStS < >
Tol'phorio25O , 3IO. fy
- & - < J > < i
CnntliuiltiK the Olelirntlnn of tti <
( Iriinili-Nt Millinery OIII < IIIIK | 11 * or
Toil.iy will not only bo a repetition of ves <
terday's wonderful exhibition of the choices
creations of Trench millinery art ,
But we will alto show
And place on ealo
Which arrived too late for today's open
In ? .
We extend n pressing Invitation to ever ;
lady to visit our millinery department dur
Itip this opening.
The beauty nnd elegance of our hats n.
well ns the remarkable number of them can
not fall to Impress > ou with the superiorly
< > f our millinery department over ever :
other Btorp in the west.
N. W. Cor ICtb and Douglas.
nrrnrln of Dr. Miller nnil Mr.
Milter In Itelintf of the
Information of the SUCCORS that Is mcetlnj
the efforts of President Miller nnd Mr. Rcwc
water In enlisting the Interest of the officlali
nt Washington In the colonial features of thi
Greater America Exposition Is confirmed b ;
dally telegrams from President Miller , \vhi
assures the local hoidtjuartors that matter
nro progressing with even moro celerity thai
they had hoped. Ills last telegram state :
that tha Indian congress Is now assured , am
ho also refers to the photographs which Gen
ernl Orecl > is to collect and other feature
mentioned in the Washington dispatches ti
The Beo. The news Is received with a gooi
deal of onthu&lasm by the members of th
executive committee nnd other officials , whi
are now convinced that even belter result
will bo accomplished than it the resolutio :
rccognl/lng the exposition had been passei
by congress.
The llrst excursion to the new oxposltloi
was ( scheduled jesterday. It will bo conducto ,
by the Cincinnati Enqulier and will nrrlv <
nt Omaha August 13. The party will consls
of about 2.0 people , most of whom will b
newspaper men and their families from In
dlann , Kentucky , Illinois and Ohio. The :
will bo accompanied by Weber's band of Cln
clnnatt , ono of the foremost musical organ !
izattons of the central west.
1 R , C , Peters & Co , ,
Ground Floor ,
Only the Choices
Are Thus Brandec
Ask for-
4th Floor llroifu Blk. , 16th and Dougln
Gold Alloy rilling $1.0O
Gold Filling $1.00 and up
Gold Crowns $5.OO
Set Teeth $5.00
Best Teeth $7.50
cartons only.
m .
Never sold
in bulk.
Pure Pork
Tlic Ueit That JMoiiey Cuu liny.
AMiiiicA'.s IIIST no CUJAII.
AM-iV 1IHO.S. CO. , IllHtrllii
US1 :
Armour 6c Co , ,
lire. March 23 , 1S93.
Argument or explanation of what wp
do or why , are not nooilod. The princi
ples of our business hardly require ro-
stateinenl. You Avho have ever dealt with
uy , know ihom in their length and breadth
and depth and height. When The Nebraska-
says it t s sfl. When 'Ihc Nebraska says
the best clothing for the ( cast to pay , is so.
Awl today AVO call your attention to out
line of JlJafs spnmr clothing olfering you
bet values the house has ever known ottering you the
most complete assortment that can bo found anywhere
you are never too old to learn. Neither are we. Hvory year
brings us nearer perfection in the manufacturing of cloth
ing. Our knowledge is yours , for a betterment in cloth
ing , in worth and zvcar.
You can bring Fiv Dollars to The Nebraska , today or
tomorrow , and buy a better suit of clothes for the money
than any othei clothing house in America can oiler you.
Then again , your money back if you're not satisfied , lie-
member the price , only $5.00.
Jfovs'sutts h'om § 1.50 up in all the new styles and
pitterns ; of the "vcstcc. "
sand their
There's a difference between lines of boys' and children's S
clothing as there is between boys themselves. The grand
spring assortment of boys' suits to which we invite your at-
teution was bought from the most i'amous makers "of boys'
clothing in America. It includes the most complete line for
boys from 3 to 10 years old , in the new satin faced vestee ,
sailor collar vestee , and the new sailor blouse suits. The larg-
eat showing of stylish double breasted suits for boys from S to
16 years. These are elegantly made and trimmed , some with
satin facing and tailored with the same care and on the same
pattern as the new style men's suits. The boy can be an
exact copy of his papa. . 15 different styles of vestee
suits at $1.25 , in all the new fabrics and patterns. From
that up at $1.59 , $1.95 , $2.50 , $2.95 , $3.50. $4.50
and $5 , we give you an unequalled range of handsome
suits to select from. The price on double breasted suits be
gins at 95c. $1.25 , $1.50 and by easy stages up to
$5.00 including absolutely the finest boys' suits ever shown
in Omaha. Special sale on boys' covert top coats , real $3.50
and § 5 values at $2.25 and $3.50.
More Boys' Clothing than all the Other
Omaha Stores Combined ,
Men's Spring Overcoats and Suits ,
New spring overcoats in covert , herringbone , stripes
cheviots and worsteds at $3.95 , $5$6.50$7.50 and $10 ,
Values that cannot bo duplicated. The double breasted serge
suit will be the prevailing style for men this spring and sum
mer. We show an immense line of them and will be glad to
show these new stylish and reliable garments. Prices way
HATS Several tables full of odds and ends in men's hats ,
worth from 50c to 84.50 , your pick at 25c. Special sale on
hats worth § 1.25 and § 1.50 , to close out at 50c. Great val
ues in men's hats , all sixes and styles , worth $1.75 and § 2.25 , y-
to close out at 75c. Handsome line of the newest Easter derby ?
and fedora hats just received at lowest prices.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
Having JtiBt received a largo assortment
of SILK WAISTS in pretty colois nnd cor
rect styles , wo offer for TIlUnSDAY ONLY ,
the greatest npcclal nargaln of the reason.
for unlstB that arc rcollyoilh $700 ,
Como early and get first choice.
be wise
madness to defer
mild u man noted for lila \\lsdom. If you're
you'll order a case of
today without further dujay. It'a the lager
bec-r tbat everybody talkg about Biavlng mifli
a delicious old thnu Geitnan Ingcr beer
flavor. The natural flavor beats the doctor
ed flavor In nome other beer * . Olvo the
p-u-r-o Kind a trial ,
ntiu JciiiJC , iinnunc co. ,
Tel. 129. 1007 Jackson Street.
Hot Water
Bag 50c
The boat tiling
for Kut'ncho ,
Hiu'knrho , Fnoo-
uolio , Toothuuho
Roinom borour
ba B are lull
mcusuro und
wurriintod ,
U-qt. for 50c.
! l-qt. for Ofic.
Our best U-qt.
wutor bay , 75o.
Wo boll a good
iJ-qt. Fountain
for Ofic
Subscribers Onlyt
at The Boo ofllco each
inontJi between the lot
and tlio 10th , [ my ono month's
biibicrintlon to the Daily und
bundny Ueo and { jet a copy
of the
0 To Bee Subscribers Only ,
Cr City Circulation Ucpt.