Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Davln sells glass.
Mooro's food kills worms and fatten * .
C. 13. Alexander & Co. , picture frames.
Iowa Furniture & Carpet Co. , 407 B'wajr.
J. C. Illxby. heating , ptumblnc. Tel. 103.
iMrn. John T. Mulquccu IB visiting In Chi
cago.Ur. . F. S. Thomna Is visiting In Phllllpo-
burg , Kan.
H. V. Hatty , editor of the Avoca Herald ,
was hi the city yesterday.
C. II. Jacciuemln & Co. , Jewelers and op-
tlolinH , 27 South Main street.
Got your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , 724 Broadway , 'phono 157.
T A. Holt and family liavo removed to
Chicago , where they will mnko their future
The grain dealers of southwestern lown
mid northern Missouri arc hilled for a meet
ing hero today.
T. M. Orr of Chicago , of the right-of-way
department of the Illinois Central Hallwny
company , Is In the city.
Herman 8. Carson and Jcnnlo 13. finger
were married last evening hy IlcV. Henry
DoLong nt his residence.
Rrncst SchocBactt , 201 North Twenty-sixth
street , was reported to the Lloard of Health
yesterday us Buffering from measles.
In n letter received hero from City Attor
ney and iMru. S. 1J. Wadsworth , who nro
traveling In the south , thcr write that they
have been caught In the smallpox quaran
tine at Tampa , Fin.
Our spring opening of fine millinery and
fancy goods will foe given Friday and Sat
urday , March 24 and 25. All are Invited.
Wo have n BUrpilso In store for the women.
Stork & Crisp , .141 Ilroadwny.
William Moore , representing the directors
of the Qrnnd Hotel company , goes to Knn-
BOB City today to complete tno deal whereby
Major 13. C. Smith and ton of that city become -
como the proprietors of the hotel on April 1.
John Sturga was unable to give a satisfac
tory reason for getting drung Monday night
nnd pre-empting the sidewalk for a Bleep
ing plaxje , so Judge Aylesworth assessed him
| 5 and costs hi police court yesterday morn
Superintendent Uothcrt of the Iowa School
for thu Deaf Is In Dos Molncs attending a
conference of stale superintendents nnd
Hoard of Control. Ho Is booked for a paper
on "Amusements and Recreations for In-
inates of State Institutions. "
Delia , the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
I , . I ) . QllBon , llroadway and Elliott street ,
died yesterday morning from measles , nged
] year. The funeral will be held this after
noon at 3 o'clock from the family residence
and Interment will bo In Walnlut Hill cem
Jay heath , n little 4-year-old lad , wan
dered away from his homo at 740 First ave
nue yesterday morning and for several hours
gava his < purt'ntH ' nn nnxlous time looking
lor him. The child was found admiring the
architectural beauties of the county court
house and wan taken to Its home by Captain
Ioo Cousins , the court bailiff.
E. H. McNcal and II. L. Lambert were
i alien Into custody yesterday afternoon on
the chnrgo of being suspicious characters.
When arrested they were found In posses
sion of a quantity of underwear which the
police nro Inclined to hellovo they stole
somewhere. The two men have been hang
ing around the DoLong mission on Broad
way for several days.
The financial report of the Christian Home
for the last week shows that the receipts
In the general fund amounted to $371.8" , bo-
i S $171.83 In excess of the estimated needs
for the current expenses of the week. The
recelplH In the manager's fund amounted to
$23.30 , being $11.01 below the needs of the
week nnd leaving n deficiency to that
amount In the fund.
It Is said that the Omaha & St. Louis road
Is negotiating for the upper floors of the
Woodbury block on Pearl street for Its
olllccs for Superintendent Josselyn and the
company's auditor , who will remove hero
from Qulncy. This location has been chosen
In preference to the First National bank
building , being In the same block with the
road's city ticket olllcc.
A man giving the name of J. Williams
and claiming to live nt 1015 Avenue M , was
nrrcstcd last night by Officer lid Smith in
the Fourth ward with two suits of new )
clothing , for the possession of which ho was
unable to give n satisfactory explanation.
The BUlts are believed by tno police to have
been stolen froiu the store of 'Metcalf &
Motcalf on Pearl street. Alderman Molcalf
called at the police station last night nnd
Identified the clothes as being similar to the
stock at his store , but would not staUt
definitely that they had been stolen from
there until ho Investigated further.
N , Y. Plumbing comnany. Tel. 250.
Sullivan delivers oysters nnd fish to every
part of the city In largo or small orders ,
just the same. Telephone 161.
A NOT Hoiiii-d- That Quickly Tints
1'Hlu Check * With the
OIiMV of Health.
We Kcnil jrrc. . a Trial l'n lcnKf. < „ An ,
Weaker , paler , thinner , day by day no
npjmtllH or BtmiKth , no dpslro for work IIP
recreation , nervous , peevish , sleepless , sick
of heart and m > ro of llmb-these arb { lie
conditions of countless numbers of half !
nick mtn nnd women anxiously awnltlnir
Bomo mt'SsiiKo of hope nnd cheer
There Is no exetiim for most people bplnr
Hlck. There'K a medicine that will cure
< hom. A medicine that BOOM rlcht to the
roots of the causes ! of nearly nil HlcltnesH
The nnmo of this oed medicine Is Dr Disc
Tonio Tnblfits. They put vitality Into weak
bodies makes people Htronir , nulets the
norvea , re torc ambition , drives headache
away , ulvea you nn upputlto , sweetens the
Htomach nnd breath , nnd forever removes
the thousand nnd ono illstreasini- - .
DotH thlH aeem imporislbln ? Jf you'ston
nnd consider that nearly every disease , no
matter what the nnmo by which It Is
railed , cpmes from the kidneys , Impure
blood and disordered liver , it will bo plain
to you.
Dr. DIx Tonic Tablets , first of all. aid
the kidneys. N xt they purify the blood ,
I i Kottlnp Into every blu nnd little vein in the
" > body , drlvlHK nil Impurlllaa out of the sys-
, tern. Finally , they ret-ulnte the liver per
il feotly. mnklnt ? It perform all ita functions
, | oxucly na nutur Intended , In dolnir these
' .I three tbliiKS , It removes the cause of nearly
i ? all the lllB of men nnd women.
I If you nre Buffering from excesses of any
t ' hind overwork , Intemperance , etc. It you
' ! are tlrcil nmt don't known what In the
il world alls you If you ara dizzy , weak and
food lies bndly In the stomach if you belch ,
feul nervouH , IIHVO hot and cold spoils ul-
1 tcrnutely your llfo la In danger , but Dr.
lx Tonic TabletB will ( jtilckly put you on
your feet again. No difference what you
I think your disease may be no difference
what the doctors call it , this medicine Is
i what you need. Ten minutes after you
take the r tablet , you'll feel better. Dr.
i ' r > | x Tonlf Tablets nro for ale by all druu-
I kMHs ut CO cents u box. But we want to In-
I. traduce them to every render of this paper ,
II many of whom need such a remedy. For
'I ' a limited time thn proprietors , JlayoB &
Coon , 7B1 Hull Uulldlnir , Detroit , Mich. , wl 1
! nend a trial package free by mall to nil
' who will send their name and address
( euoviRli to convince the most skeptical of
th'lr irpnt merit. )
S nil at once and be well and happy
, -pnln Tell your friends nnd nelBhbors
about thin most liberal offer.
i. ) Vae ( 'null or Loaned On.
i I' . H. SIlliAFE k CO. ,
I I'rarl Struct , Couuoll UlulYn , Iowa
Plans for Paying OH Claims and Reducing
Interest ,
AVnlvcr from Holder * of Warrant *
that They HP raid In Priority
lit 1'roNcntntlnii In
The finance committee of the city'council
has under consideration a plan which It
hopes will result In allowing the city treas
urer to pay out most of the cash now lying
to the credit of the city In Ilio local banks ,
If thin can be accomplished the city will
save C per cent Interest which It Is at pres
ent paying oil the warrants that cnn betaken
taken up in the event of the plan being
The plan Is to secure a waiver from hold
ers of current warrants of all claims against
the city. In case the warrants are paid In
the order of tliolr presentation , which would
mean that tlho holders of warrants Issued
far current expenses would waive their
rights of priority. In view of the unsatis
factory decisions reached In the Phillips
against Reed and the Shea cases It Is con
sidered very doubtful If the holders of these
warrants have nny right of priority. Thin
view Is taken In the opinion furnished the
finance committee by Attorney Flnley Burke
and Milch Is ne follows :
In compliance with your request for my
written opinion as to the law governing the
payment of warrants Issued by the city of
Council BlulTs and now outstanding , nnd
which will govern the city treasurer of this
city ultimately In the payment of such war
rants , and particularly with reference to the
order of payment , I beg to report , after duo
examination of the question :
First H Is fay opinion that suld warrants
must be paid In the order of their presenta
tion from the partlculai fund upon which
they are drawn , and that this matter , so
far as the city of Council Bluffs Is con
cerned. Is governed by the provisions of
22 O. A. , chapter HI. In other words , what
you denominate as the "old warrants" must
be paid llrst.
The opinion of the supreme court In Phil
lips against.Kecd do not touch the question
Involved nnd leave the question exactly
whore it was before that case was taken Into
court. It follows that In dealing with the
case we derive no benefit whatever from the
opinion of the supreme court upon the law
governing the city of Council Bluffs , be
cause that court , having fulled to notice
that the City of Council Bluffs was excluded
from the operation of chapter Iv , 22 G. A. , It
leaves the question ns stated In the second
opinion , January 28 , 1809 , "an open question
to be settled hereafter. "
Treating the question as nn open one and
rememberlnc that chapter Iv referred to
expressly provides "that this section shall
not apply to cities of the llrst class organ
ized since 1881 , " and In view of the fact that
the statutes In force when the old warrants
were Issued must he treated as entering Into
the contract between the city and the per
sons to whom they are Issued nnd that no
change of such contract could bo made by
the state legislature , It logically follows
that these warrants must be paid In the or
der of their presentation , and such Is my
opinion of the law. This view of the case
applies to nil old warrants outstanding.
Second By the failure of the supreme
court to consider or pass upon the question
Intended to bo presented In the case of Phil
lips against Reed , It now leaves the city
and also the city treasurer dependent upon
the opinion of counsel , cxuctly to the same
extent that they were so dependent prior to
the ( Institution of the suit In the district
court , for the reason that the decision of
his honor , Judge Smith ( which Is In accord
with this view of the law ) , Is , by the first
opinion of the supreme court , adhered to In
the additional opinion , reversed , so that It
ceases to have any effect as nn adjudication ,
nnd yet nt the same time the supreme court
leaves the question btlll open for future
While I have no doubt that the supreme
court will , when the question Is squarely
before It. determine It just as It was deter
mined by the district court , yet we are with
out any authoritative decision to guide us.
Should the treasurer undertake to pay the
warrants In accordance with the opinion
herein expressed and with the opinion here
tofore given by the city solicitor , he would
hazard the correctness and legality of his
nets upon these opinions and the opinion
of Judge Smith. If the supreme court should
ultimately determine the law adversely with
these opinions , I do not believe that the city
treasurer would bo protected by reason of
such opinions. While 1 do not npprohond
that the supreme court will ever hold BO ,
yet I would not advise the city treasurer that
ho nnd bin bondsmen are absolutely pro
tected In following the more opinion of
counsel In n case where an actual contro
versy has arisen which has not been au
thoritatively determined.
Of course , If the city were In a condition
to discharge all of Its warrants tbero would
bo no difllculty in disposing of this contro
versy without litigation , but as Us funds
nre Inadequate to do this nnd the right of
payments Is of vital Importance to the hold
ers of the several classes of warrants , the
city nnd Its treasurer are certain to con
front the rlghtfulness and legality of their
In conclusion , In view of the decision of
Judge Towner In the Shea case being to
nil Intents and purposes adverse to the city ,
Mr. Burke suggests that there Is but one
course open to the city for a satisfactory
solution of the question and that Is to bring
a new action , Involving the same points as
In .the case of Phillips against Heed , In the
district court.
So far thu committee has obtained waivers
from a largo portion of the holders
of the new warrants , but City Treas
urer Rood has , despite these waivers , not
made up his mind yet whether It would bo
safe for him to pay out any of the funds
In the general or water funds. With re
gard to the latter fund Attorney Burke has
been asked by the finance committee for
a separate opinion and at the city hall yes
terday It was said that this opinion was ex
pected today. Chairman Saylos of the
llnanco committee Is decidedly of the opin
ion that the best course for the city to
pursue is to commence without further delay -
lay nnolher test suit In the district court
similar to one of Phillips against Ueed. ask
ing for a , ruling on the main question
whether the city shall pay the old out
standing warrants flrst or the warrants Is
sued for current expenses.
Judge Towncr's decision In the Shea case
Is generally conceded to prohibit the city
from taking any stops to refund the old
outstanding warrants , as In his opinion such
notion would bring the Indebtedness as rep
resented by the refunding bonds within the
constitutional Inhibition , In other worda
the refunding of the warrants would change
the character of the Indebtedness.
Hotels nnd boarding bouses will nnd It
to their advantage ) to buy their fresh flah
nnd oysters at Sullivan's , the grocer.
Hut lulled ivlth It * ] ) c n t.
Chairman Test of the commercial commit
tee received the following communication
yesterday from General Manager Brown ol
din ChicagoBurlington & Qulncy Rnllwaj
company regarding the unlou depot proposi
tion :
MMr , K. F. Test , Chairman Commercial
Committee : Dear 8lr-4 have your lottei
of 'March 18 In regard to the union depol
nt Council Bluffs. In reply would bay that
wo liavo a very Rood depot there , which
was 1 > ullt recently , and while wo will bo
glad to consider the question ot n union
depot. If the other lines care to tnko It
up , we have been 'waiting a good many
years for action In that direction and , hav-
Inc erected nn Independent station which la
fully adequate to meet the necessities ot our
bualnogs , wo < 3o not feel disposed to expend
n large amount In Addition for the purpose
of Becurlng a union cpot. "
Sulllvnn's fish market will bo n bigger
thing than ever during the present season.
1'ontnllloc Itohhrrn to Ho
IMnci'il on Trlnl Toilny.
The trial of criminal cases will bo tnken
up this morning In the federal court. The
pettt Jury will be Impaneled by Judge Muii-
gcr and It Is expected that the case of Farn-
ham and Wilson , charged with the burglary
of the postofllco nt Gary , la. , will be the
first to be taken up.
Isaiah H. Hill , a farmer of Shelby , filed n
petition In the United States district court
yesterday asking to be declared a bank
rupt. He scheduled his liabilities nt $2-
730.76 , of which amount $1,534 Is eooured
and $1,195.76 unsecured. His assets con
sist ot $175 worth of household goods , horses ,
farm wagons und machinery , all of which he
claims RS exempt.
In the matter ot the guardianship of llttlo
Bmma Fisher , Judge Smith of the district
court yesterday decided that the child should
remain with her aunt , Mrs. Ellen H. Finch.
D. 6. Frank filed notice of appeal to the
supreme court In the case In which his ap
plication for an Injunction to restrain the
school directors of Keg Creek township from
condemning an aero of his land for school
purposes -was dented ,
N. M. Hubbard filed his answer to a gar
nishment In the case of the Globe Publish
ing company against Captain H. L. Henry.
Ho declares that he Is not and never did
OWB Henry nny sum of money.
The final report of the administrator of
the estate of W. n. Brown wns set for
hearing March 28.
The final report of the administrator of
the estate of the Into William C. Holder
has been submitted and approved.
No appearance has been made by J. B.
Fulton or his attorney to ask for Injunc
tions ngalnst the three saloons on whom
notices of such suits had been served last
Saturday. It Is understood that Fulton has
changed his mind slnoo serving the notices.
In the superior court yesterday Lewis D.
Currier , as guardian of Clara E. Wllmaser ,
was granted a dccreo of foreclosure on n
$1,500 mortgage against Fred L. Ingersoll
and others.
Those big , fine oysters at Sullivan's , the
grocer , are what make his store so popular.
Hazel camp , No. 171 , M. W. A. , will give
a dance and Juvenile onko walk Thursday
evening , March 23 , at K. of P. hall.
The More that Enter the Content * ,
the EnHlcr the Wheel * Will
lie Won.
Every boy and girl will want to ride a
wheel this spring and The Bee is going to
give you a chance to got oneIn n very
simple way. What Is more , It Is going to
let you pick out any make wheel you want ,
for It knows you all want a certain make ,
"which Is the only rnako on earth. "
Now let us toll you how The Bee Is going
to give the wheels away. We want a lot of
now subscribers to The Bee In Council
Bluffs. As soon as the flrst 300 orders have
been handed Into our ofllce , the first con
test closes and wo will award the wheel to
the one bringing the most orders out of
this 300. Then Contest No. 1 closes and Con-
teat No. 2 opens on the next 300 orders.
Just see how easy this Is. Say only thirty
not have to get very many orden , you see.
glrle and boys start out on March 1 to get
subscribers. They only have to average ten
apiece to make the total , so the winner will
You want to start In early and hand In your
orders as soon as possible.
Now about the orders. Each order must
bo for an actual new Council Bluffs sub
scriber. Each subscriber must take The Bee
for at least three werks and pay for It in
order to bo counted. It Is belter , but not
necessary , to pay in ndvnnce , only no order
will be counted until the subscription Is
paid for. If the subscription is paid for In
advance It will count one on your score for
each three weeks for wnlch It Is prepaid.
For example : If a subscriber pays In ad
vance for six weeks. It counts two ; If he
pays for twelve weeks , it will count four ;
if he pays for one year , it will count seven
teen. On orders which are not paid In ad
vance It will count only one on your score
no mnttcr how long he continues to take it.
There , that Is plain , Isn't it ? Now see
what you can do. Thn first contest begins
March 1. Sincerely yours ,
Council Bluffs Department.
N. B. Call at The Bee office , 10 Pearl
street , to register and get sample coplos. No
one connected with The Bee will bo allowed
to enter this contest.
Sullivan , the grocer , the oyster and fresh
fish man of Council Ulurts.
lleiil nNlnte TrmiNlVr.i.
The fallowing transfers wore filed yester
day In the abstract , tltlo and loan olllco of
J. W. Squire , 101 Puart street.
County Tre.vuror to W. H. Wood , lot
( i , block 31. Perry's First ndd. , t. d. . . $ 1
Same to , .ime. lots 29 and .11 , block 0 ,
Twin City Place ndd , . t d . . l
Same to same , lot 4 , block H , Itrynnt
t Olnrk's add. , t. il . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Sumo to siime , lot 3. block 16 , Ilryant
& Clark' * * add. , t. d . . . . . . . 2
Same to same , lots 3 and 3 , block "D , "
Potter &Colb'a add. , t. d . . . 3
Samto Pottawattamle Investment
Company , lot 4 , block 0 , Cnsady'a
add. , t. d . . . . . 7
William L. Patterson 'to ' Mrs. Stella I'
AlcC'hcsncy , part lota 1 nnd 3 , block
< ! , Jefferls' siibdlv. , n. w. d . 1,000
Sumo to Mrs. Susan I. , . Dudley , part
lots 1 nnd ' . ' , block 6. Jefrerln' subdlv. ,
s. w. < 1 . . 1,700
David D. Smith nnd wife to Thomas
J. Smith , -w < 4 nw'i 23-77-43 , w , cl . 2,500
County Treasurer to W. II. Wood ,
1-10 of lot 3 , block IS , Ferry add. , and
all of lot 6 , block 2 , Fairmont udil , ,
t. d . . . 7
Same Ho samp , lots 1 nnd 7 , block 15 ,
GaKsburg ndd. , t , d . 2
Bamo to same , lot IB , block 39 , Ferry
add. , t. d . 2
Same to same , lot 2 , block 14. Evans *
Second Bridge add. , and undV- lot -'I ,
block 29. Ferry add. , t. d . 4
Same to same , lot 13 , block 82 , Rail
road add. , t. < 1 . 1
Same to bninc , lots , block 2 , Hushnoll'H
add. , t. d . 3
Same to same , lots 1 and 2 , "block " 21 ,
nayllss' Third ndd , , 't. ' d . , 1
Total , sixteen transfers . i,250
WOIIUIII'M Cluli I'roKruin ,
The following program has been arranged
for the open musical of the muslcnl auxiliary
of the Council Bluffs Woman's club this
oftornoon ;
Piano Duet Suites Modernes . Goldner
Mrs. Kevs and LMIss IRoss ,
Seng Were I n Star . Hawley
Mrs. Van Orman ,
Song Thou'rt Llko Unto n Flower , . . , Smith
Miss Faul ,
Duett Minuet . Mozart
Mrs. Keys nnd alias .Ross.
Crndle Song1 . , . . Kate Vnnnah
Ml-s Haworth.
Accompanists , Mrs , Macrae nnd Mrs. Keys ,
Oyster season will soon be over , Better
get 'em now. See Sullivan for the best.
for Cnriirr T < M nxhlp ,
The following teachers wore elected Mon
day for the spring term of schorl for the
different districts of Garner township- Second
end district , Lizzie Stugcuian ; Third dis
trict , Mnbel O'Donnhl ; Fourth district , Liz
zie Smithj Fifth district , Kdlth Joseph ;
Ninth district , T aum Leonard ; Tenth dls-
trlct , Jessie 'Mnorno ; Eleventh district , Lil
lian Jackson ; Twelfth district , Gertrude
Green ; Thirteenth district , Clara Peterson ,
The FlrM , Sixth , Seventh nnd Eighth dis
tricts will commence their eight months' '
term ot school next September.
Think ! If only thirty people start In on
the first Boa wheel contest the nvornge num.
bor of subRcrlbcra they hnvo to get will only
bo ten. Ot course more will start , and II
you are one of Ihnm why should you not
got n wheel ? You choose nny make
Illuft City laundry , 'phono 814. Flnosl
work In the state.
Sonroh for nil Krrlnir HitMliniiil.
( Mrs , Flora Clause , who has a IC-montlig' '
old bifby with her , Is being detained at the
police station on complaint of 'Mrs. ' J , M ,
Roth of Hamburg , la. No formal charge has
ns yet been made against the woman , ne
Mrs. Ruth Is trying to locate her husband
with whom she alleges Mrs. Clause has been
living at a hotel In this city. Mrs. Roth
came hero from Hamburg In search of liet
husband nnd discovered that ho and Mrs ,
Clause had registered nt a hotel on Broad
way oa man and wife under assumed names.
Roth In some manner got wind of his wife
being In the city and Is said to have skipped
across the river. The police declined to
tnko steps looking toward Roth's nrrest un
til Ills wtfo had filed nn Information against
him. So far she has failed to do this , as
she 'believes ' that if ahe can see him and
talk matturs over ho will go homo with
According to Mrs. Roth's story her hus
band left Hamburg two weeks ago. Shortly
after he left she heard rumors that Mrs.
Clause , who formerly lived in Hamburg , was
in 'the ' city hero with him. Her suspicions
were strengthened when Roth wrote to her
to mortgage their furniture and send the
money to him. This she did not do , but
Instead decided to come nnd look her recre
ant husband up.
'Mrs. ' Roth has only been married about
two years nnd snys that before her mar
riage she heard rumors of her husband's in
timacy with iMrs. Clause , who had separated
from her husband , but Roth strenuously de
nied It nnd she believed him. She left
a photograph of her husband with the police ,
which shows him to foe a good looking man
of about 40 years of age. Mrs. Roth is
quite a handsome woman of constdcrablo
refinement. She Is much distressed over her
husband's flupposed Infidelity. Mrs. Clause
occupied with her ibaby file little room re
cently fitted up at the police station lor
the USD of women.
W. S. Homer , agent nnd salesman for
"Wlnona" hosiery , finest made , has moved
his room to 125 Fourth street.
D.TE | sells drugt.
Do you want a high grade wheel T If you
have no money , get one In The Bee bicycle
contests. You choose any make.
Licenses were Issued yesterday to the fol
lowing persons :
Name and Residence. Age.
Thomas Muller , Crescent 26
Stella Hutchlnson , Crescent 25
H. Scott Carson , Council Bluffs 31
Jennlo B. Rager , Council Bluffs 26
Bee bicycle contests begin March 1st. You
choose any make.
Comrnili * Xnrroyrly KNCUIICH Similar
Fnte TryliiK to Snve Him. *
HAMBURG , la. , JIarch 21. ( Special. )
George Curtis , a nian of family residing
here , was drowned in the Missouri river
yesterday while Inmtlng. His body was re
covered this morning. Frank McBrlde , a
grain dealer here , who was with him , very
nearly lost his life trying to rescue his
tlciirrntin Heqiient to Cnllcmlcr.
FORT DODGE , la. , March 21. ( Special. )
Papers were made out here today by
which a gift in the form ot real estate for
a park , library and town hall site were
given to the town of Callendcr , In Web
ster county. The bequest consists of two
blocks , each 250x275 feet In dimensions. One
of these blocks Is to bo used for n park
nnd the other is for ft school site , which
the people of Callemler have already voted
to 'build. ' In addition there is also included
in the gift a strip of a block forty-five feet
wide which the donor offers on condition
that the citizens of Callendcr subscribe a
fund for the purpose of establishing a free
public library. The donor is T. C. Callen-
der of New York , a son of James Callender ,
after whom the- town was named ,
'H for the Criminal * ) .
FORT DODGE , la. , ( March 21. ( Special
Telegram. ) Judge Whlttaker In the district
court today passed sentences upon three
criminals , nil of whom had pleaded guilty.
John Collins was on trial for larceny and
received thirty days in Jail. William Har
rington , a "barber , pleaded guilty to the
charge of robbing a friend and was given
ono year In the penitentiary at Anamosa.
Gilbert Bleedom , alias George .Craft , n
notorious honset'lilof and all around crook
from Amboy , ( Minn , , received the heaviest
sentence , .being given four years In the peni
tentiary. Bleedom IB wanted nt Amboy ,
Minn. , on tiho same charge ifor which io has
ibeon sentenced hero.
IlroUeii 1 1 nn U DcclurfN Dividend.
SIOUX CITY. In. , March 21. ( Special. )
A number of people In Iowa nro interested
financially In the three savings banks which
have failed hero In the last three years.
The Homo Savings bank will declare n
dividend of about 15 per cent inside of a
low days. This will bo the first payment
made In favor of the depositors of the bank.
The Iowa Savings bank has paid 40 per cent
of the money duo Its depositors and hopes
nro entertained that nnothor payment will
bo made In n short time.
Happy is the man or woman who can eat a
good , hearty meal without suffering nfter-
ward. If you cannot do It , take Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure , It digests wnat you eat , nnd
cures all kinds of Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
of Oil Stoulc ,
CHICAGO , March 21. A local ftimnclal
bureau today says : After all the Indebted
ness of thn National Linseed Oil company
has be n taken care of , about $1.500,00) ) "acn
of common and preform ! stoc'c ' of the
American company will be left for distribu
tion among holders of frl 8,000,000 Block of
the National company , which mentis stock
holders of the National company will re-
oelve one share each of now common nnd
prof cried for every twelve shares of old
National stock. Distributions of now stock
In exchange for the old will bo made
July 1.
Tlirinv tint . \III > TL'IIII .Hull ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Mnrcli 21. The Call Is
Informed that the frequent failure of letters
from tbo United States to reach the
Klondike Is largely duo to the fact that the
contractors who bargained to carry the
poftnl matter from Skngtvay to Dawson rc-
fusi ) to handle nny mall which does not bear
' the Canadian postage. It Is alleged that
' mall matter from tbo United Stated is
thrown aside when It leaves the steamer nnd
at the present time it is said that about
twenty tons of mall matter bearing American
stamps ia piled up in heaps at Skagwey ,
Ilurlnl Of Jutteph .Mfdlll.
CHICAGO , March t' } . The burial r'tcs
over the body of Joseph Msrtlll , who died
at San Antoulo , Tex. , Friday , were lrld ; hure
| today. Rev. Robert of New York
ufiMatlug. Tbo obsequies weio largely at
tended. Out of respect to the memory of
Mr. Mcdlll the city bull waj closed. _
We solicit ( he inspection of yourself ami friends
to onr Millinery Display , which is by far the
most attractive iu this part of the slate. Wo
show the only
Opening Monday , Tuesday and "Wednesday ,
March 20 , 21 , 22. Store open Monday evening.
State Board of Control Decides to Embark in
Its Manufacture ,
rintit Will lie IiiHtnlleil Soon In the
1'eiiiil liiNtltutlon nt AiimiioKii
Kntlnuitr of Cunt for Stnrt-
iiiK tlirProject. .
DBS MOINES , March 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) That Iowa will soon have a bind
ing twine plant at one of its penitentiaries
was developed today. The questhm of util
ization ot the labor of the Inmates of Iowa
Institutions was the first to be taken up
at the conference between the members of
the State Board of Control and state su
perintendents , which opened at the state
house this afternoon.
The subject was brought before the confer
ence In a paper by Dr. Gershon H. Hill , to
whom this topic was assigned at the close
of the last conference. The labor problem
Is fast becoming ono of the most serious
that cither the Board of Control or the su
perintendents of Institutions are called upon
to solve. The work upon the buildings at
Anamcea , nt which 500 or COO convicts have
been kept employed for a number ot years
quarrying the rock from the quarries near
by , liaullnR It to the institution and put
ting It 4nto the buildings. In almost com
pleted. The last .building . will be finished
this year.
To employ the labor which will thereafter
bo Idle It is proposed by the board to es
tablish a twine plant where binding twine
will bo manufactured from the raw ma
terial of sisal or manlla and furnished to the
farmers of the state at practically cost.
The board Jias adopted this plan on the
theory that it will bo furnishing a staple
artlclo to farmers for which there is always
a demand , and will bo employing convict
labor while not interfering with any other
Industry in the state. The board" Intends
to visit the large twine manufactory at Still-
water , Minn. , In the near future to estimate
the cost of establishing the now manufactory
at Anamosa and will submit the proposition
to the next legislature In Its report.
Wrltn of Iiijuiietlnii Granted.
Applications for temporary writs of In
junction worn presented to Judge Prouty
this morning by the five local Jlro insurance
companies , vU. : DCS Molncs Capital , State ,
Hawkeye nnd Fidelity , asking that F. A.
French , nssessor , be restrained from listing
nnd assessing for purposes of taxation the
property of the companies other than real
estate , The injunctions prayed for were
granted , and restraining orders issued upon
the filing In each case of a bond for $1,000.
The claim made by the companies Is that
they nro assessed by the state nnd nro com
pelled to pay Into the state treasury 1 per
cent of their gross receipts , nnd the state
auditor Informs thorn that If they refiiso
to pay this amount in each Instance he will
revoke their certificates. They further claim
that the statute plainly provides that such
tax paid to the slate shall bo in lieu ot all
city and county taxes except that upon
real estate. They therefore contend that
they are not liable. '
A call was issued today for a state meet
ing of Iowa grocers , to bo hold In this city
April 12 nnd 13 , for the purpose of effect
ing a stnto organization. Tbo call was sent
out to 6,000 grocers. A temporary organiza
tion has been arranged as follows : > " 1resl-
dent , A , J , Younkln , Iowa City ; vice presi
dent , L , S. Pcckliam , Mnrsholltown ; secre
tary , S , A. Wnlcott , Belmond. U Is believed
that at least COO or COO grocers will attend
the meeting.
llitllroml Viiliintlnn.
The stale executive council has fixed the
assessed value of the railroads of Iowa at
J44,475,807. This is an Increase over last
year of $37,025. A gross increase of $ C5,5SO
was made , but decreases of $28,505 were
agreed to. Tbo assessment of 11 vo roads
was changed , two were Increased , three de
creased nnd ono road was newly assecsed.
Treasurer Horrlott did not agreed with the
decision of the majority of the council , and
asked leave to have spread on the minutes
nn objection which he proposed to prepare.
He proposed an Increase of about $1,000
per mllu on the NoitSwostern , or about
$400,000 for Its main line , and a correspond
ing reduction on the "Q. " nnd the Rock
Island , Following are the changes decided <
When you want your money's ' worth
Nothing nicer or better made.
412 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
And give the Job to one who will do It
neatly nnd nt a moderate cost. Wo can suit
you both ways. Our reputation Is built upoa
the work done right hero at home.
Then nfter painting lot us figure on paperIng -
Ing the rooms in your home. Wo can glvo
you an estimate on both jobs at the same
time If you so desire. Wo have the finest
line of wall paper in town.
HOT Ilrondirny , Council llluff * .
P. C. MIM.KIl , M
Chairman Hancock of the republican stnto
central committee arrived In the city to
night and said that If Des Molnes would
consent to It the state convention will be
changed from August tl to August 2 , ns the
Knights of 1'ythlns meeting Is to bo held In
Davenport on thn 9th.
ArroNlril for . .furHrlliliiK ,
SIOUX CITY , la. , March 21. ( Special. )
A great deal of interest Is manifested In
Sioux City nnd Woodbury county over the
nrrest of two men to nnswer the charge of
Jury bribing and accepting a bribe. It has
boon said for some time In the district court
of Woodbury county that there has been
someone attempting to work the juries. Tbo
authorities have finally arrested lid Burke
on the charge of offering a bribe nnd Frank
Kosak for accepting lt >
\rw Military Compiiny I'limu'd ,
FORT DODOIO , la. , March 21. ( Special
Telegram. ) There will ibo a meeting hero
tonight of the old members of Company O
and tlutio Interested In the organization of n
now company to form part of the National
fiuunl. Jt had been decided not to reor
ganize the comrflny , hut the members have
finally decided to do so. First Lieutenant K.
l . Dates nf the old company will probably
bo elected captain.
Before the discovery of One Minute Coygh
Cure , ministers were greatly disturbed by
couching congregations. No excuse for U
Telephone 1081.
Searles & Searles
We uooennfitlly trrnt till MullVOUH ,
GIIKOWC AM ) 1'HIVATi : illneuie *
of men anil women.
SEXUALLY. cured for Ufa.
NJtflit KmUsioac , Lost Manhood , Hy <
drocola , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , aieet , Syph *
tlU , Stricture. I'lleo , Flutula and RtctiJ
Ulcer * , Diftbetci , Bricht'B Dlsonio curod.
SWGSMr8 "dGeefSho ! ? , , .
by new method without pain or cutting1 ,
Call on or address with -tamp. Treatment
by mall ,
Untilci'ii Council Ulutlx nnil Omaha.
Hates HpnHonnble , Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Council liluffw oMct : , Mo. 8 North Main
street. Telephone 12S. Omaha ofllco re
moved to 222 South Fifteenth Btreot. Tele-
nliono 1308.
Connections mmln with Smith Omaha
Hnc fur Dressing a Specialty.
Ono to 50 horse-power. Bend for cata
lo < juo und price.
DAVID llltAlll.nv t CO. ,
Council 111 u UK , . . .