8 TTTE O > r/YTTA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY" , MARCH 18 , 1809. EWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIMHl MKNTMIX Davl sells Moore's food kills worms and fattens. C. n. Alexander Ji. Co , picture frames. lovia rurnlturc t Carpet Co , 407 U'way. J. C. Illxby. healtni ? , plumblnG Tel 101. C. II Jauiiiotnln * Co , Jewelers anil op ticians. 27 Siuth Main ati et. ( Je > t jour work done at the popular E elo launJry , 721 Ilroadnnj. 'phono 1C7. N'V Williams Invps this mornltiR for Motilpollor , Idubu J. I ! Cook nnd V W llutler , lioavy stock li'ijers of Uaklnnd la wore In the city JPS- torrtay railing on frit-nils Kmtr.n MooreIt North TwciityMxtli street , * M reported to the Hoard of Health josterdny iut having the menslc * C'olironlla loilgp N'n T.2. KnlRhts of r > thlus , will hold n spc > rlnl inii'lliiR this uvmltiE for work In the llrst decree Tin ) Hoard of IMuratlon will meet Mon day night , when tlics vote cast nl the re- tent school nlcctlon will ho canvassed A mm Huge license was iBHUed yesterday lo Kcl Ilurko , jr , ORod flO , of thlH city nnd AnnlB I'ortor , ngcd J , of Wichita , Kan. H 12 Nance arrived here yesterday from Kansas Olty to take chanje of the iiicuntly { oojiencd olty tleket ofllt * of the I'ort Arthur route He toincH hure from the Chicago cage ft ( Jrcat Western railway. The nirtnborB of the putlt Jury of thin Idrin of dlitrlft court preooiitcel Captain L 1) ) Cousins , the rotirt bailiff , with n hand- Bomo arm chn/ir ve-Uprclnj HB n recognition of IIH ! many courtcslea to them Ihii High school foot ball toaiu elected Purl Chamberlain yestuidiy ns ItH captain for ' 00 A vote of thanks was ) given to the Wen who cnuluato this year nnd especially to Cuptnln and Manager It i : Qraham. N. Y. Plumbing toiiipauy. Tel. 250. D&vls sells iin IMY roii TIII : IIOOTMSOOKHS. I'riliMiil ( iiurt Ailiiiliilntrrn .Tnntlcc to \ liillllorH of Mquur I.IMTK. Yesterday was bootleggers' dny In the fed eral court and an men dozen ploadcd fiilllty to selling liquor without first obtaining the necessary government license. They were lined up before Judge Miliigrr nnd he passed out the follow IIIR sentences John H llnnford of Manning1 , $100 and costH anil sixty days In Jail at Atocn , siis- jii'iidoil until April 1 for payment of line tuiil tl-en Indefinitely It flno bo paid. Nels Soienson of Oraj , la. ninety days In jail , suspended during good behavior I , Lamb of Slionundo.ih , six months In Jail nt Hed Oak , suspended until further order of the court T \V Lock of Audubon , sixty dajs in Jail tt Heil Oak , sugpoiulcd until April 1 tuiil then Indcllnltcly on pavment of ? 25 AiiRUBt Yonko of Shenandoah , $100 and u-sts anrii thirty dajs in Jail at A\oca. ( Jcorge Craig of Grlnncll , J100 and costs nnd one > oir In Jail nt Avoca , suspended nftor sixty davs until further order of the lOIIlt W A Krltr of Audubon , sixty ( lays In the 1'ottawattnmle county Jail suspended until \pill 1 nnd then Indefinitely on pay ment ' f $ . . Robert Morrlbon of Shenanrtoih , $100 nnd nud thlity days In the I'ottnuuttamle county , l.conaid Jones of Shcnindoah , $100 and tests nnd thirty days In the I'ottawiUtanilo county Jail. Grant A Smith of Hxlra , $100 and costs nnd thirty cla > s In Jail nt Red Oak , sus- jiended for ten days and finally on payment ° nrenton Young of Hopevllle , In , $100 and costs nnd slxtv ilavs In Jail at Ilcd Oak , Mispendeil on pijment of ? r)0. rimrles Clark of rnrln.li . $100 nnd costs nnd fUtion months in the penitentiary nt Tort Madison , suspended on peed behavior. The grand Jury completed its work and ndjourned The petit Jurj Is called for next Wednesday , when the CMSO of T J. Farnham nnd John Wilson , charged with the robbery of the postolllce nt Gray. In. , on November 0 last , w 111 , It Is oxpe. . ted , bo taken up. A dance nnd cake walk will bo given nt \V. 0. W. hall on Sntuiday , March 18. > diirt > ol 'M. The Jurv In the district court In the case of John Wjatt charged with breaking Into rarmer l.orenz's hen house and steallnK T laigo number of chickens , brought In acr - llct vestenliiv moinliiK after being out all night , of guilty of petit larceny , fixing the Milue ot the chickens stolen at $10 i > 0 Under Ibis vorellct the extreme sentence that Wyatt days In the county i an rce.clva Is thirty lull. lull.G C. Oault , Indicted on the charge of om- t)0/7llng on two se-mrato occasions , monev to the amount of $ . ! 00 from the Mei chants' Jv.iundry company , entered a pica of guilty mid was let off with n sentence of nines months In the penitential y nt Tort Madison Oault made .1 plea to the court for lenlenoy on the grounds that hl downfall was due to drink and that while under the Influence of liquor ho lost the money In the different Kimbllng rosoits of the city The court will , it is expected , pass sen- Icnee- this morning on James hce , convicted of brcikliiK into Sargent's shoe sloio and ( stealing two pair of shoes , and on fcrt Lin coln , the negro convicted of robbing elcorge ) Tcwiplar , a while man AVjatt's trial concluded the criminal busi ness for this tcim. The petitions In the three suits for elam- nges aggii-gatlng $20.000 commenced by Mrs Barnli J. Wills and her daughter , Mis. Hot- tlo Cole , against James Storrler nnd wife , wcro Illi'd In the dlstilct court yesterday The suits nro n seciuul to the reci > nt arrest nnd jirciMHUtlon of Mia Cole on thi > charge of stealing $1.200 from the house of bur aunt. Mis. Storrler At the preliminary healing bofoie Justice Vleu Mrs Calo was Julia P Walker commenced suit against her stepfather. O W Gordon , and other lieha of the Into Mrs Mary c1 Gordon , who died Intestate March U , 1SOO for the par tition of tlio estate on the Inn In of ,1 con tract enteiod Into by the se\eial parties to tbn action Pcsbruary U of this year. Mrs Mary H. 12\erl ( lied a petition for dhoico fiom Henry A. H\crt , whom he married nt lolu , Kan , Juno 4 , 18SI She alleges sybteniatlc cruelty nml neglect and asks for thu custody of their 12-year-old hon nnd 13-year-old daughter Kv'crt was at rested u short time ago on the charge of nttcmptlng to ihoKe his \\lft- , and lila case Is now pending In the court of Justice KeirltT. Ho Is n aiu\Ing machine agent Thu arguments In the Injunction suit of C 0. Dump agalnbt thu Omnha K. Council Dlulfu Hniluaj and Hildgo comptny were submitted yesterday afteinoon roreclobiiio suits wcro commenced as. fol lows : George. A Klehl against Jurcmlal Conner et nl , $128 10. M W. Iluck agalnsi Addle Mat Heocroft et al , $4H , Parmois nnd Morrlinnts' State HanK agalnbt O\\ei White ct al , $700 , Windsor Sa\Ings Hani ngnlnst Anna S. Anderson et al , $3,000 , S rarnswoith ugalnst Gcorgo K. Wright $1,224.40. In this latter bult the security Ii JUly-two share's of stock In the Union Investment - vestment company of Council Illuffs. Dluff City laundry , 'phone 314 They ea\ < yo\ir e-lutlu * LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGH1 I'nr I null ii r l.iiimril ( lu. H. H. SHFAFK A : CO. , 0 IV-arl .Street , Cuuuull UlulU , IOMU DECIDES AGAINST THE CITY Internal ImproTement Bondi Are Held to Be Constitutional Debt. AMOUNT ISSUED IN EXCESS OF THE LAW It rf ii Finn ( n P * n Itpnii VnlMltr of U < -p n IlunHn HPOUTIKO llnlilrr * Are iV > t n. J'nrtr to the Salt. The opinion of Judge Towncr In the null of J. J. Shea against the city of Council Blulfii was received here yesterday after noon. Contrary to the Inferences drawn from the Judge's loiter to Hnrl A. McCabe , the city s attorneys In the case , the opinion U not uenrlr as fnvornhlo to tha city as had been expected He Undo that the general city bonds and the Intersection , sewer , grading and paving bonds constitute an In debtedness of the city within the rn anlnK of ths oonRtltutlon and that of these bonds $107,186 $ Uavu beun Issued In oxceiu of the conatltutlonaJ limit. He holds , however , that _ nil the holders of such bonds should have been made party defendants and for that reason refuses to decide as to the validity of these bonds. He IB willing to grant Shea nn Injunction restraining the city from Issuing any further such bonds or from levying nny tax to pay for same. The opinion in substance Is at , follows This action IB brought by the plaintiff ns a citizen and taxpayer for himself nnd other taxpavcrs against the city of Council Bluffs , nlleKlng that the city la Indebted largely In excess of the constitutional limit In vari ous bonds warrants and other evldunces of Indebtedness , and asklmj First That the court determine what part of such Indebtedness IB in excess of such constitutional limit. Second That the said defendant city and Its ofllcors be restialned from paying any of such indebtedness Third That sold city be enjoined from levying or collecting any tax or p-jy nny part of such alleged Illegal Indebtedness , or from Issuing any new evidences of In debtedness therefor The defendants deny that any bonds or warrants have been Issued In excess of the constitutional limit , and deny that any Ille gal ( tnxi s have 'hewn ' or nro about to b J levied to discharge any Illegal obligation. KxcCSft IlOlllIn iNNIIfll. The value of the taxable property of Coun cil Bluffs in December , 1SH7. was Jl , 114,216. Llve per cent of thls valuation would bo $ . . . .0714 The total outstanding obligations of the city June 1 , 1S9S , amounted to ? ( jOO - OV50 The cash balance In the treasury nmountod to $123,142 73. The net city debt was $476,926 7o. It is manifest that If the obligations of the city thus outstanding are all "Inrtebtml- nrsa" within the meaning of tlio constitu tional 'Inhibition ' the city has largely ex ceeded the limit It will be the duty of the court. Insofar as It can bo done , to tlrst de- tormlno what part or parts of such obliga tions constitute such Indebtedness. In the case nt bar on June 1 , 1S9S , there wcro genual fund warrants outstanding to the amount ot SM6-n9 There was $22.206 cash In the general fund , reducing the amount to $184,233 This general fund is derived from a 10 mill tax levy on all the property In the city subject to taxation , and from the proceeds of licenses , fines , etc It Is agreed that all genwral fund warrants outstanding wcro Issued to pay the current ordinary nnd necessary running oxpenbes of the city Thoie Is nothing In the evidence before the court that would lend to the conclusion that such outstanding warrants were not within the limits of the city's current revenues It follows that In detei- inlnlng the city's Indebtedness within the meaning of the constitutional Inhibition the general fund warrants outstanding are not to tie Included H Is agieed that the city Intends to pay such general bonds by the levy and collec tion each year of a bond nnd Intel est tax In form they are unconditional promises to pay and In effect absolute evidences of Indebtedness It is held that all such gen eral city bonds outstanding constitute an Indebtedness of the city within the mean- R of the constitutional inhibition It is agieed that the city has In the past ind will In the future levy a 5 mill tax inder a contract to that effect for the pay- nent of the. water supply furnished to said city , nnd that the warrants now outstanding vcro Issued for the payment of the amount lue bald water company under Its said con tact from the fund collected by the levy and collection of the said 5-mllI tax It Is agreed that this has been done "as pro- Ided by law ' Under the agreement of proof It IB not shown that the water fund warrants outstanding constitute an Indebt edness of the city within the meaning ot .he constitutional limitation. Suct'lnl AfiMi'NKitirntM Not Iiicluilfil. It appearing that the special assessment ! > ends outstanding will bo paid In full from [ he special assessment fund , It Is hold lhat such bonds do not constitute an In- lobtednoss within the meaning of the con stitutional provision It IH agreed that as to the Intersection grading , hewer nnd paving bonds outstanding Lho defendant city has levied and will con- : lnuo to levy a special tax under the pto- vlslon , and within the limits of the law , upon all the taxable property of the city , It Is further agreed that such special tax will bo sulllclent to pay said otitstandliiR bonds , principal and Interest , ns they ma ture It will bo Been that the bonds out standing of this character wore issued strictly within the provisions of the law , The Interesting nnd Important question tc bo determined In whether the Issuance ol such bonds Is the creation of nn indebted ness within the meaning of the constltu- It Is urged that this class of obligations Is In principle like special assessment bonds This contention cannot bo sustained The dlffoienceH nro many between these classes In this clans the obligation and the benelll Is not Individual , but general , not for the citizen , hut for the city In the case al bar under the bonds outstanding , the city Is his debtor , not the property of the dis trict. not the abutting property owners II f < illo\\n then that all Intersection bonds ol the defendant city outstanding must bt con- sldrrrd its debts within the moaning of the - , , , As n result of these holdings it will hi seen that In the determination of the amount of the city's outstanding Indebted' nnss within the moaning of the constitu tional limitation , the general fund warrants the water and special fund warrants , am the spiH'lal aHbCBsmont senvor paving am grading bonds are to bo excluded Thei geii' oral city bonds and the Intersection gradlnt and paving bonds are held to constitute ai Indebtedness of the city within the meaii' Ing of the constitution The amount o such bonds outstanding Is $327,900. or $107. ' iSfi In excess of the amount authorized bj the constitution. llonilliiililrrN Hate IllKlilH. The defendant alleges that the plalntlf Is not entitled to the relief demanded fo ; the reason that the outstanding bondhold era are not made parties to the suit 1 would seem clear that in tlio case at bu the owners of the bonds are nsceseary par ties , without whose * presence a complete de termination or settlement of the question n to the validity of such bonds cannot b made The plaintiff claims that the present cab comes within the exception ttutvd In bet linn 34C1. that the quc-atloii U one of eommo ! 01 general Intercut , to ninny poisons th bondholder * and that they are no nunier oiib that It U Impracticable lo bring OUT all before the' court In this cane- however not even onu t > inglc Ix-ndlr Mer is before th eourt , e tlier to dcfcnid bis Imlivllual righter or to nj > jcar ua the Individual rejireseiitu tire of others Clearly then there hns not been such a allowing made aa will place this | case under the exception provided la the statute The court certainly cannot render a decree - cree herein declaring outstanding bonds Invalid without directly prejudicing the rights of the owners of such bonds Neither csn ho soyo the rights of the bondholders , for no declaration of Ihe Inrnlldlt ) of theue oonds and no order forblddlDg their pay ment eati be made and tbo eourt at the * nmc time In any manner ' save thelt rlghtfc' It follows that no decree In the case at l > ar can be ordorcd affecting the validity of thn oiiutntullng bonds foi the | ronaon that the bondholders are necessary j nartlcs to sue b action , and for this reason the court refuses to make such order The defendant alleges that the property ot defendant cltj lu nssebsad at only onc- thltd Its actual T lue , and that Ita Indebt edness has at no tlmo exceeded 5 per cent of the actual and real value of the property of the city H Is sumclent answer to this contention to recall the languige of the constitutional provision According to its forms the real value Is not the basis , but Its value "by the last state and county tax , lists previous to the Incurring of smh In debtedness " I Tor the reasons herein stated It Is Im possible for the court to determine what particular bondu outstanding have bee-n Issued In excess of the constitutional limit , or foi the court to Issue an order rffltinln- Ing the city from paying such Indebtedness. Such relief IB therefor * donled. An order and decree will be granted at nlalntlff's option enjoining the defendant city from Issuing any further general city bonds and further Intersection sswor , grad ing or paving bonds , or other ovldemces of surli Indebtedness and from levying any tax to pay for same. All other relief asked Is denied. Mrs Albln Hustor has taken great care In selecting n first-class trimmer for this sea son and she has found cuich In Miss Char lotte Dale of Chicago Miss Dale has been with the leading millinery houses in Chicago cage and is considered nn expert In design ing and as a trimmer. THIS ruisT mevci.n GIVHN AWAY. Ml * * T.nln I , mill ) , IOOI Alnillncin Are. , MM-CIIPN < lic > 1'lrnt 11 < > r lllr.i . ! < . The boys and girls of Council Bluffs nro beginning to think that wheel lime is never coming but It Is Just ns well to look ahead Although the spring days have been shipped by freight they will arrive lu the duo course ot time and when they do come , spring lime means wheel time In order to give some of the girls nnd boys at Council H luffs a chance , who could not otherwise ildo a bicycle , which will be all thrli own The Boc Is conducting a series of wheel con tests by which any boy or gill can get the best wheel made in n very simple way. Contest No 1 has already closed nnd con test No 2 Is on The way the contests are conducted Is this The Hee wants some new BitbscTlbeis In Council Bluffs As BOOH as the first three hundred orders were handed In a high-grade wheel was awarded to Miss Lulu Limb inoi Madison avc , who brought In the greatest number ot orders in the first contest Already the second contest has be gun on the next three hundred orders , nnd the one who brings In the most on IhliJ next thiec- hundred orders will receive any high grade wheel , which IIP or shoo chooses The second contest will close very shortly now and then the third contest will begin and the one who gets the most orders from this tLiee hundred will be awnidcd a wheel and BO on Now lot us make a suggestion as to the host way to get a good start In the con test The third contest will start very shortly nnd as soon as you hear that It is announced > ou want to start right in and get as m cny orders ns you can. Just bee how easy It will b U only thirty boys nnd girls start out on April 1st to set subscrib ers , they will only have to average ten sub scribers each to make the total The one i who starts first and gels the most orders 1 early Is the one who Is going towin out I in this next contest , and it Is not going to take very many orders to win out if there will be enough boys and girls out alter sub scribers to make the winner got his -wheel for n vary few orders Now , about the orders Cnch order must Council Bluffs sub be for an actual new scriber. Hach subscriber must take The Hee for at least three weeks and pay for it In order to bo counted. It Is cotter , but not necessity , to pay In advance , only no order will bo counted unlit the subscription Is pilcl for. If the subscription IB paid for In advance , It will count one on jour score for each three weeks for which It Is pre paid For example If n subscriber pays In advance for six wcoks , it counts two. It he payp for twelve weeks It will count four. If he pays for one year. It wll count seven teen On orders which arc not paid In ad vance. It will count only one on your score , no matter how long he continues to take it. ' wheel as well as Why can't you fiet a the next toy or girl" And if you need help got your father or mother , sisters or brotli- oYs to help > ou they all " WemlB and thav will bo glad to assist you In getting a Is to get out and wheel but the best way hustle for yourself , and then you can . Choose any make Council Bluffs Department. N B-Call at The Uee Ofilcp. 10 Pearl sample ooplcs. street to register and get No olio connected with The Bee will be allowed to enter this contest A dance and cake walk will bo given nt AV O. W hall on Saturday.JVIarch is. 14-rmliml " ' " > * The Omiha Bridge and Terminal Hallway company will be compelled to pay taxes this year on Its road In this city Heretofore only the bridge of the company hns been asse ° ed , as the officers of the company have failed to make any returns as rnqulrcd by law to the state executive council of the number of miles of road operated by It County Attorney Kllpack , as soon as ho dis covered that the rend was not paying taxes on Its railroad trackage In this city , called the attention of the state executive council to the matter and Its secretary. A II Dav- Ison , has 'been Instructed to get after the delinquent company at once When asked about the matter yesterday , Attorney Kll pack did not know whether an effort would bo made to collect the back taxes that the Terminal company should have paid The law specifically requires tint the otllccrs of i I the various railroads In the state should furnish the executive council with a atato- ment showing thet number of miles of track the council can assess age ) operated so that * lit. A cortlflcato of such assessment when | made is furnished to the county auditor by ' the state council and on this aBsobsment the : I taxes are levied The city isscssor makes the assessment of the east hilf of the com pany's bridge and the taxes on tbU have iiecn paid e > ach year llnllnril Will MuiMli' . Lulu Ilandall. Kugcno Hoblnson , r W Ilobinson , 1" K. Hobinnon. Maud Hotvcll 1 1 nml Benjamin llowell. belro of the late Mrs Lsirtin J Ballard. commenced suit In the . district court yesterday to dUposBess the ; I AVoman's Christian association of the real estate ) bequeathed to It for the 1)011001 of the hospital by Mrs Mallard The allega tion Is made by the petitioners that at the time Mrs Hnllard conveyed the property In trust for the hospital to AV II M J'ueoy she was aged nnd Infirm and of unsound mind , so that she was Incapable of making and executing a valid deed They further allege that at the time she signed the paper and In fact several months prior thereto , Mrs. Dullard ! had teen Importuned and solicited "by " the officers and friends of the association to execute the conveyance They still further allegp that Mr I'usey was aware of her cnfeiibled condition and used undue Influence In Inducing her to elgu the conveyance An assertion Is made that the Woman's Christian association U not . ' charitable Institution ai represented , hut one that Is being conducted for pecuniary profit , The petitioners nfck that the deed ot the property from Mi I'usi > y to the aiMocluuoc be set aside tan ellei and de lirel fe < i naught The vilu of t ho property lu vchcd U eiaicd at $ : oODO , vW Line from Now Ulin to This Oity Assured in Immediate Future , MINER KILLED BY FALLING SLAB OF SLATE Mnlo nxcpntlti * Coniioll S < nrt In- irMtlKiiHiin InCii Alli-m-il > CKl 'c < if thellrlrtK'1 Tcrinlnnl ( " 0111- I nn > to I'll } 'luxe" . DiS : MOINHi ? , March 17 ( Special Tele gram ) 0 C3 Post of Minneapolis. Rencrnl auditor of thu Minneapolis ft St louls said today that he could Dually say for certain that the Minneapolis & St Liouls will he built at once from New Him to Omaha , n distance of 250 miles The new road will make the Minneapolis & St. Louis route to Minneapolis forty-eight miles shorter than the Northwestern route. The ne\v road , ho said , will bu ths northern outlet of the 1'lttsburK ft Gulf. Thomns Dooley , a coal miner , TsaR In- utantly killed In the Proctor mine hero to day by a block of slate fnlllng nnd crush ing out his life. The Blub was twenty feet square nud three feet thick. A miner by thtt name ot Broad tried to rescue Dooley and Another fall ot slate caught htm. Ho was dragged out alive , but Is ID a pre carious condition tonight , The nttorney general today answered the point raised n fun days ago bv Governor Shaw as to whether building and loan con cerns may Issue stock In "series , " the nc- coiintH of which may bo kept separate , by replying In the negative. In brief , ho' holds that building nnd loan or havings nnd loan associations nro unauthorized hy law to Is sue stock In dllfnrent scries , the profits , the losses and expenses of each scrim being kept separate and shared In only by the members of that series and not by the mem bers of another scries The decision Is based on the ground that such n holding would create an unoquil contribution to the expenses of the association , which a mutual company cannot demand. Hut the attorney general also holds that such companies may legally issue stock at different dates , payable In such sums at each Installment as the articles of incor poration authorl/e. providing that every dollar paid in by the shareholders shall re ceive Its pro rata share of the profits of the entire association , be chargeable with Its pro lata expense of the entire association and consequently with the losses of the entire - tire concern Hut no new shareholder can be placed on any relations In uuy respect different from the old shareholders AnMt'MHiiiuutH on ItnllriinilM. The end In the argument on the part of railroads before the state executive council was reached this morning ; The council will now proceed to discuss the adjustment of an equitable assessment for all of the rail road property In the state of Iowa. Theie are so many things to be considered that the members of the council , while realizing the importance of their situation , are de termined to do justice to all parties , not only the people ot the state , but to the property which Is Involved The position In all likelihood will bo that the gross earnings will to a considerable extent bo the basis ot their decision as to the ns- soHiiont. . The executive committee of the lowi State Teachers' association met In the club rooms of the Savery hotel this afternoon and upon the Invitation of a committee from the Auditorium company and the Commer cial exchange decided to hold their next an nual meeting In this city. The state executive council has dlrectel Its secretory to got after the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company of Council Bluffs and Omaha. This compmy Is sold to operate several miles of railroad in Iowa and Is al leged to have never paid any taxes lo the state. Information to this effect was for warded to tha council by County Attorney Kllpatrlck of Pottawattamle county and the council acted forthwith. The companv was directed to have Its report In thr > handset ot the council by next Tuesday. firnjicl .lurj Ilrln N ImlltMiiiriitn. POUT DODOB , la , March 17 ( Special Telegram ) The grand jury In the. . present tenn of the district court made Its report this nfternoon. Pour Indictments wcro ic- turned. Those Indicted were John Col lins , for larceny , William Harrington , for larceny , Gilbert Blcedorn , for horse stealIng - Ing , and Alva Caskroy for assault Har rington and Bleedorn pleaded giilllty and ; Iio othois entered tlio plea of not guilty The greater Interest attaches to the case against Caoknty , who Is charged with an assault upon Mauda Ames , a child of t years , who has recently b en sent to the girls' refoim iclioo ! at DenioiTutN Arc I.nnCIi Co Hun. PORT DOUGH , In , March 17 ( Special Telegram ) Ttie democrats of Fort Dodge have been having difficulty In securing a candidate for mayor The city convention nominated C F. Duncomhe , but Mi Dun- combo refused to accept the nomination Since then the committee has been engaged In looking for a cnndlduto and only today decided upon presenting the name of An drew Horn , a prominent flour merchant The republican candidate ) for mayor is Cap tain S J. Bennett , who Is albo n member of the Board of Supei visors and a prom inent citizen Do vou want a high grade nhocl ? If you have no money , got one In The lice bicycle contests You chaose any make. KarnliiKN of lo\\n CiMitial , MAH3HALLTOWN , la. Mai CM 17 ( Spe cial ) The approximate earnings of the low.i Central railway for the second n\pck In March were as follows Prclght , $12 - J01 70 , an Increase of $8,300 50 o\ei the t > amo week last year , pmseiiKiM , $6,029 28 , nil Increase of $ SJ 13 , miscellaneous , $1,800 , same as last yrai , total , $40,131 03 , an In crease of $8 3b3 49. The palate is almost tickled with Scott's Emul sion of Cod-liver oil. The stomach knows nothing about it , it does not trouble you there. You feel it first in the strength it brings ; it shows in the color of cheek and smoothing out of wrinkles. It was a beautiful thing to do , to cover the odious taste of Cod-liver oil , evade the tax on the stomach , and take health by surprise. It warmsboothes , strength ens and invigorates , toe and 11 < o , alldruggt'li SlOTT & UimM. , Uicmisti , .New Uilc. 88C ! > ! C ! H f Y Direct from to Consumer , , EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID , Copper Distilled Rye Whiskey for $3.20 , express prepaid. We ihlp on approval , in' plain beixei , with no marks to Indicate contents. When yon receive It and test It , If It Is not satisfactory return It at our expense and we will refund your $3 20. , ! ? , p. , y ycnrs we luvc bctn suPP'yn5 ' | Plre | v > nlikey to consumers direct from our own distillery , known as " ( Uyner's Regis. ] tcred Distillery No. 2 , Tenth District , Ohio. " No other Distillers sell to consumers dl-ect. Those who propose to sell youwhhkey In } this way are dealers buying promiscuously and selling a aln , thus naturally adding a profit which can be saved by buylnq from us 3 * direct. Such whiskey as we offer you for $3.20 cannot he purchased elsewhere for less than $5.00 , and the low price at which we offer It saves you the addition of middlemen's profits , besides guaranteeing to you the certainty of PURE whliKey absolutely free from adulteration. Rcferencei Third National Bonk , ny business house In Dayton , or Gommorclal Agencies. THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO. , 080-080 West Fifth St. , DAYTON , OHIO. sc- N. B. Orders for Arlr. , Colo. , Cal , Idaho , Mont , Mov. , N. Mox. , Ores , Hub , Wash , Wjo , must cill leir 70 quarts b ) frclRbtprcpel.t S& We juaranlce the abm firm will da ns It atreea to.Editor. . Hon. Ceo. P. Boinis , the mo t popular man over elected as mayor of HIP citj of Oinuhu , Neb. lie la also oneof the oldest nnd best known rottl estate dealers and ncgotintois of loiins in the1 west His business Is very extensive. He is not only one of the best judges of leal estate * hut he known a good thing when he sees it , whatever It iniij be. ho we enll attention to the following statement made b > him und several other men who me not onh popular in Omaha but tn e know n fi oin oeoau to ocean. The.v ure lion. A. U. WjniiU ) , Ei-Tieasuier of the United States and now 1'resldentof the Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , one of the largest and most prominent negotiators of Western farm loans , linn.V . t'onnc'll ' ' . ' tiators and citv \V .1 , I'\-C'oiiiit"-s- } man and now Omaha s t ity Attorney , lion W. A. I\i\tnn , Pros , 1 nion Stock Yaids. Hon T. S Cl-irkgon , IX-Cotmnantlor in Chief ( ! A K. Hon. C. J. Snijth , Attoinej denemlof Nebiaska. Hon. A. S Chure'lnll , K\-At torney Oenural of Nebraska , and inanj others as well known , each of whom has perhonallj si ncid the follow ing s atemenit. "TO WHOM THIS COMES , GREETING : Wo tnko plonsuro In com mon din g t ho vlrtiios 9Mho rqmpclioB pre pared bytlieDr.BvjI . Kay lodlcal Co. Having known of sonio romnrlcnblo euros of Omnha poopli i effected by the uao of Dr. Kay's Renovator and Or. Kay's Lunn Jalmwo * bollovo that these great remedies are worthy of the conflclonoo At this season , \onr system needs renovating. The internal organs are inactive. The waste matter is not eliminated but iib-iuhcd , thus contam _ Hon. Coo. P. BomlB inating the blood and debilitating the entire system. The nerve force is not Omaha s most popular Major i eplenished , consequently > ou ai e tired and have no onerjrj These sv inp- R toms are present in the Spring and after an epidemic of Ln-Grippu. To renovate the s.vstem and remove all b.ul efiVcts of La-Grippe or Spring lassitude use Dr. Ka > 's Renovator. It certainly has no equal. Send f or pi oof of it. It is a perfect renovator and regulator of allintemal oijrans , ouring the very worst cases of stoiniieh troubles , constipation and obscure liver and kidney complaints Try it and you will wonder at its marvelous effects. Write its describing your case carefully and wo will give you valuable advice fice I and send jou a 110 page illustrated book of receipts etc. If druggists do not have it don't take any substi tute they suv is "ju-t , IIB good' for it has no equal. It can be had In return mail from us. Price 125 cts. and Im 31 Dr.'B .7. Kay Medical Co. , Saratoga Springs , N. Y. and Omaha , Neb. A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSEFUL - FUL OF SHAME. " KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN WITH Best Dining Car Service. Only Depot in Chicago on ilie Elevated ' .cop. . Bo Sure To Demand , ant ) Sea That You Get a WM , WELCH TRANSFER LINE ConnrII lUiiftH unit Oniiilia. rtntcs HcnnorTililo HatlHfnctlon I Council HllifTs oltue , MCI. 8 North Main tree ! Tflophnno 1"L umulm olllco re- ' moveil to .12. South I'lftccnih Btrcut Tele * nlinno 13QS Connections made with South Omaha Fine fur Dressing a Specially. Ono to C50 hor-ic power feeml fur lot'uc und j > n t iv\n > nil \mit .v , LO. , Cuuiic'll lllun'N , . . . Joivn. CUKE YOURSELF ! Ittg 4J fnr unrmttir&l argt * ' , tnlUiiinmtioir , irrituli tin or ulctiutiotw noli nrlciure of Hill o IIH Illi ml TBnf * ll'refeot * coui * i m I'unld * tin I I ol nslrtc * ATritEvASSCHEMfULCO R0111 or P"8"0" " ' Sold hy DriicixIfttH , 51 ( 4ir I Imttlrn , * T t u ui < * r < ui ou rvaniBt f AND \ 412 Broadway. etiing 317 nnd 321 Broadway , T- $ Saturday , March Music in the Evening. & < \ to See That our wnl ! paper pattcuiH are ns new n * soiiiHlilii * ' that'H Just hnjipcncd , as stilKlnxl.v JmiiilMiiiii' HH pIc-tmcH , as vnilid as nny cum inuldinh , anil shown In tiiu > qimlltU-h nf inijicr Thoio IH no r out or M.\lc of luinlxhliiK and ( ! ( ' < llllltloll fill Wllllll Wl > Clllllllll hllOW nn iiipiojiiMi | ( > ih-h mi Our prli-o list inns iioni : t e-cnis a loll up MILLE1R , % m\ , or vi ION , : ior ii i niiiiuii L , Jill , I. Kit ,