TITF ( TMA1TY DATLV BEE : SATFUDAY , "M VRCIT 18 , 1899. ittvpnn IMP TIT pitrt i tin * { MIMiRS HCI11 1'OR ' CLAIMS ! Several Americins nnd Oanndiarm Killed in Dispute About Boundary , LINE MOVED TO SUIT CANADIAN TASTE I'rnnnrctorK from I'nllcil Hlnlr * Ilo- rfNiniNi nii < l I'lillovv n Drrlii- rnllon of Illuhti ultli llji-c- tloii of Intruder * , YOHK. March 17 A special from Vancouver , U c. , sajs : Carl Slummcrfett , a CJenmnn , who wan a passenger on boar < i iho steamer Lees , which has arrived here from the Lvnn canal , brought the now a thai n battle had been fought botwrcn American and Canadian miners a few mllrq off tlio Dnlton trail , four niou are reported to have boon killed outright nnd a number of others nro wild to ha\o boon sorlously wounded Whrn tlio nllrn mining law of Urttlsh Co lumbia wns enforced a few month1) ago the American minors left Atlln the new Cana dian sold dlstrlrt , and struck north. They found a short distance off the Hilton trail , on Uio I'orciiplno river , a dlstrlrt rich In placer gold It was gencrall } concoled that tlio new placers were In American terrltorj you that Pe-ru-na 1m 1 completely cured the 'bronchitis ' with whuh 1 had been atllletid foi seine time A shoti tliuo after I ceasi I taKlUK Po-ru-mi 1 haj u alight attack of the bronchlnl ea.ip i i I ImiiH'dlately tooK om-j bottle of Po-ru-na , | Stopped It * Mrs Mar } Triu. that I was confined to the bod. My husband went to town auJ Kot a bottle of Po-ru-na und It did me 1.0 much good tint ho KM six m ro anl I took them acc"rdtnf ; to dire im anl got en ttrely well. This was seven jcara ugo , ana Rnd th1 miners vtrwcd that no Canadian should stak * * elnim , Some Cnnndlnn mounted poll < -e nen , however , did stak * clBlm In the Amcrhun territory and Jutl- fiel thslr act "by mrvlns the Canadian flat ? from Mount Plearunt , on the trail , so as to make the line take In n , rich part of the district Thry were follow e < l by at least forty Canadian minors , who nil located Kind claims A fortnlghl ago about 100 Ameri can miners hold a meeting and decided to fpnd notices to all Canadians to leave the country within flvo daH. The notices vvcro sent out , but no hoed was paid to them. , Slummorfclt , who left the Porcupine river district tno weeks ago , says "Early on the mornlnR of the sixth day the Amcil- can miners met nnd proceeded to the Cana dian camp I don't believe they Intended bloodshed , although they were fuly armed lleforo they could even itato the object of tholr visit some one , I don't know from which party , fired a shot , and then every one iceniPd to be shooting. Several rounds wt-ro fired and four men. 1 was told , were killed outright an American nnd thrco Canadians. \ri * lloutvil. "Tho battle was very brief , nnd resulted In the Canadians , about fifty In number , 11 } Ing nprcKi the border. The AmerlraiH then retired to their own camp 1 w-a * In formed that the following Americans were lenders In the battle , but rannot fcay for tertaln O G. Unvls and Charloi Loltch of Lrsngeles , W S Hawps Minnesota , A Of National Fame , Pronounces Pe-ru-na an Excellent Catarrh Rerasly , MORE EVIDENCE THAT EVERY HOME NEEDS THIS REMEDY. Half the Nation Suffers From Catarrh. If'i GOVERNOR G.V. . AJKINSON. OF WEST VIRGIN A. CHARLESTON , W. Va , March 9. 1898. Pe-ru-na Drug Mfg Co , Columbus , Ohio- Gentlemen I can recommend your preparation , Po-ru-na , aa a tonic. Its reputation i tation as a cure for catarrh Is excellent , It having been used by n number of people Known to mo with the very best results Verj truly , G. W. ATKINSON. Tiilly fifty per cent of the people of the United States are Buffering from ca tarrh In some degree or phase There Is scaicely a homo In the land entirely free from th's dlBoase. Ono or more members of every household either has catarrh or tome other allniPtit dliectlj dependent upon catarrh. Catarrh Is rapidly becom ing u notional scourge Its existence In the sjstem complicates and Intensifies any ailment a person ma > happen to have. With these alarming facts comes thu encounmlug news that Po-ru-na cures catarrh. Cures It permanently , cures It by eradicating It entirely from the systum Po-iu-na Is an luteiniitlonal systematic rem edy , i caching thu disease at Its fountaln-lioad. It cures catarrh of the head , lungs , stomach , liver , kldne > s , or catarrh of any other organ of the body. Mr. P. A. UKon. 310 East Tenth street. Kansas City , Mo , editor Mlssouil Department "Sprig ot Myrtle. " In a icsont letter to Di. Hartman , sa > s "Permit mete to express to jou my appreciation of the benefits that I hue derived fiimi using Po-ru-nn In my family" "Ilelng , i man rf iimite-d means , 1 huvo had to bo caicful not to spend any moro money than was neces- saiy on doctor bills Some two jears ago I begun u'lng Pe-ru-na In doctor nnd I - - my famllj ns a family , Jiavo been highly pleased vvlih the result. "My wife has used It for catarrh and experienced great relief My llttlo gill has been lcK a number of times , and when we used join medicine It proved a success I have used It mjbelf several times nnd con sider It a vcrj valuable medicine. "Speaking from puiBonal observation , I consider It n Kotd lnv < ntmcnt to keep It In my home , and be- llcvo over ) nun who deslm , to relieve suffering , and at the same time FIIVO mono } , should Investigate the real niprlts of Po-ru-na and other medicines " Mr. 0. P Perry , of Atchlson , Knn , eaM' "I wrolo jau some tlmo ago telling that I took In Mr O P Perry grippe , which I had four Micicsbivo winters Although 1 had ccugh with It , 1 had not a Bjinptom cf the bronchial cough which had nlvvas troubled mo before I heartllj ri'i-- ommend Po-iu-na us a euro for b'onohltlt , " Mr * Mary IMtz , B rwlck. Jlo. . ti > > "I was a vlo.im of consumption , nnd there Is no uouot whatever it was a genuine case of consumption of the lunss. 1 had hemorr hages from the luti a for s > lx months. I paid thu doctors $100 , an 1 then they told mo the } could not cure mo thnt I was Incurable 1 had beotno so weak Mr P A. Dixon. TMilnr Snrlir nf Mvrtlo my health l ns been good over since I can go out In the woods nnd chop wood , ami I no ; or could do that before I took ) our medicine. I recommended Pe-ru-na ami Man-a-lln to a man of my acquaintance who had asthma. He took H and was c-uiPd He t.a > 8 that ho fpela bet- te-i now than ho Ins for Iho years , and ho ( illy took two bntles of I'o-ru-na. Mj daughter , 11 > ears old , vvr-s cuied of lied- wetting with one bottle of ] 'eruna I am very grateful for the benefit I have re ceived , and recomirend It to all my friends " Mih rilzn Heinzle. ina East Jlaln street , Columbus. Ohio , sajs "About a > ear ao 1 contraete'd a violent cold , which scttlt-d or my lungs , and for foui months I ran do-u rapidly , coughing uf ( juautltlcs of blopd ) mucous and freque-utli hmnorrliages from tin lunps I was on tin verge of the grave My husband am Mrs El'za ' Heinzle friends liad given m < up Soi'io one however , who had tried Pa iu-na advl&ed nu > to use It As u lus h IH > I bJiight n bottlo. aud , flndlng inimc dlato relief from Its use , continued taktni It Mv cough left me , and 1 had no mon hemorrhages and 1 am as well now as over was In my life I thanKfull ) attrlbul my preeuit good health , and , In fast , m living at all , to the good effect of Pe-ru-na ' I Addri 3 the PC ru ua Drug Maiuifactur ing Conijiiu ) , Columbas Ohio , ( or free ca Uirrh book McCmnnghy , fhl"go , and FV Horoufth of Denver " 1 dll hot ascertain the nnnifB of the killed. Trrni my It cation , about fifteen mllM north of the Porcupine river. 1 heanl that a squad of Canndlan Northwent mounted iwllco hud left 1/iko Taglsh for the Porcupine , the news of the fight having reached them. The Americana are deter mined , and I fear there will < bo nn ther conflict There Is no doubt In my mind that the now district Is In American torrl- torv. " Slummerfolfs story Is unconfirmed , but repotts received hero about two weeks ago from the district predicted a clash If the Canadians did not leave the territory WASHINGTON. Mnrch 17 With In finite dlfllculty the Jbln * commission ers had succc < xlcd in reaching an ngrcc- mont to which nil could subscribe , looking to the settlement of this boiindarj question and of the conflicting mining Interests gen erally Within a vveelt the llrlttsh Colum bia legislature had passed nn act nulllfjlng completely all of the Interests wlilch Amer ican minors ( had an painfully and expen sively acquired In the new Atlln district This caused great Irritation nnd wns the subject of considerable discussion before HIP commission. H was believed , however , that with the ratification of the treaty which was expected to be negotiated , car rying with It the provision for the settle ment of the mining controverlcs , the ob noxious law would bo vacated by the su- pel lor force of the treaty. Apprehensive of trouble In Hie event of the failure of that instrument the two governments the t'nlted States and Great Britain reached an agreement In the nature of a modus vl- vend" ! , roughly defining by certain land ninths the boundary between the British and American possessions from the Klon- dlKii section down to British Columbia. Ilollliilnrlrs lln\c IliM'ii Mined. The ofllclals here cannot tell from the vacua report brought by the Vancouver dispatch where the collision took place be tween the American and Canadian miners , so it is impossible to tell who is at fault. It IB said , liowcver , that the Canadians have been partlculaily aggie-salvo In this boundary matter right along , that they have several times advanced the lines of the boundary claimed by them and that In each case tills extension coincided or fol lowed very closely the discovery of new- gold fields In the vicinity. The Indications are that the United States government will bo obliged to take some steps to police Its side of the border In Alaska in a method corresponding lo the Canadian sjstem There will bo nothing threatening In the adoption of such i course- , for in the official belief there is much less risk of conflict between the reg ularly appointed nnd responsible bodies HKe the Canadian mounted police on thu one side and the United States military forces on the other than between bands of miners as opposed to the Canadian police. Consequently quently It Is probable that as soon as Col onel Ray arrives hero from Porto Rico , or perhaps oven before , the War department will take steps to organize a ( > ultable force for tills purpose. Tiho reports sent by the United States army ofllclnls in Alaska refer to the Poicuplne river locality , where this conlllct Is reported Lieutenant Richardson reported that eighteen prospectors had gone up the Porcupine and Salmon rivers He gave in detail the geography of the Porcu pine and its sudden and dangerous floods In the spring , but he did not indicate that any question existed as between the Amer ican and Canadian interests TRAPPED B\ FLAMES ( Continued from First Page. ) way and alarmed the women who vvoro at work In the laundry. It ! ; > believed that all of them escaped. Ono of the most darliiR rescues effected by the firemen occurred on the fifth Iloor on the rifth avenue front. An elderly woman was seen at n window and two firemen succeeded In reaching the window- underneath Ono climbed to the coping of the window on which ho was standing and then swung the woman clear of the window and landed her safely In the arms of his companion , who , with the as sistance of several other llremeu , passed her down to the street I.tO4M4'H III PI r < * . The loss on the hotel Is estimated at about ? 1,000,000. Several adjoining buildings were damaged considerably but the loss on these is comparatively small All the papers and hooks of the hotel are believed to have been saved. The loss on the contents of the building Is almost complete The silvago men managed to sivo $ JOGOO worth of paintings , but very little else was carried out Many of the nuests who lived at the Windsor lost valu able jcttc'lrv ' and bric-a-brac , among them being r r riower , a nephew of ev-Uovcrnoi riovvcr , who among other thlngb lost 11 package of jewelry valued at $8,000 CINCINNATI. Match 17 Mrs John SI Oitsoti , one of the victims of the Windsor hotel fire , wab well-known hero as n eoclot > leader Her husband belonged to a prom inent family that owns the Gibson lininu and other valuable propertj here. The > lived In New Yi tic during the winters and at the sea shore dining the summer. Mr Clibson left here one week ago His mother liveat the Murray Illll hotel , where his wife diedli - Gtbson was a daughter of GeoiueV Uood- hue and belonged to a prominent fami ; > WASHINGTON. March 17 Abiier Me- Kinle > , biother of the president , who IMS apartments In the \Vlrdhor hotel , hib tele graph'd hero that his family escaped CutiJAGO , March 17 Mrs J S. Kirk , Killed in the Winds > r hotel lire in New York , Is the widow of the foundei of the big Chicago soap cstabliM mcnt She went to New York a fiTtulslit ago , accom panied b > her daughter WITNESSES TELL OF A KILLING ( 'OTOIHT'N .Inr ) lll > r t l ll f Ion of Aiili'-ii TlIon TuiKi'il ) at Hot SpiliiKx. HOT SPRINGS , Aik. March 17 Tin coroner's juiy on the sheriff-police tr.igcdj adjourned nt C o'rlock this ovenlni ; f ) metl i nt 0 a. m tomorrow. I'lve witnesses testi fied U selling ? heriff Ho4 > Wllllnma flio foui of the sluts nt James Hart at close langc , ono wltnois testifying that he held him b ) i the lapel of the c at when ho Jliod the flisi fhot , then ho flrctl three moro Into JJarl t 1 buly after ho foil I Mis Tolor , wife of 'ho chief of police , whc | vvn& Killed , wca a uiinuss she t nw n smoK- i Ing piste 1 in Bob \Mlllams'- hand nftor Bce < - Ing Hart fall. She also saw liar huabanii fall , but did not see who ehot him. Coroner Shlppey assumed the dutloj 01 sheriff nnd has placed Bob Williams nnd hi : brother , Ccffey Williams and Ed Spearr under strong guard until the verdist of th ( Jury ib rendered HYMENEAL. llniniiiiiii-'ilt'litiiiiH , MARYV1LLE. Mo March 17 ( Spccl.il. : Dr. G A lUmman and Miss Ethel A Stebblns instructor in Instrumental must In the Marjvlllo seminary , vvcio marrlo here this afternoon b > Rev O W Lawrence pastor of the Christian church Miss Steb blngs's home Is in Chicago and Dr. Hammai Is a local ph > slclan. IriIcntlnii | of iNiilali Tcmpli" , CHia\GO. March 17 Promlne-nt Jew IB ! minlsteis from all over the country pro c > ed today In iho terenii nlcs e nnud tviil the formal dcai uiu'i > f I iah temi le nil ) fifth btrect anl Niu > .eune. avtnuo , OB of the ( Incst edifices dcvotod to Jewish worship In the t'nltod States Or Isaac M ttlse HIP venerable rabbi of Cincinnati , presided over the ceremonies , nnd wns as sisted bv Dr Max Heller of Now Orleans , Dr. Emll G lllrsch of Chicago and Dr. Henry Berkowltz of Philadelphia. LICIITY TESTIFIES AGAIN ( Continued from Second Page ) to become ti part of tlio cltj Tlioso brought Into the city b > the dccl lon of the district court are chiefly these who carry on business In the city without payIng - Ing an ) taxes. COLE JURY CANNOT AGREE VlliH > il MiiriU-ror "f Kri'li'liliiiiiiii Muat I nilcrno Vnollifr Trial In Dclcriiilnc Ills Until , BLOOMINGTON , Neb , March 17 ( Spe cial Telegram. ) The Jury In the W S Cole cane , who Is charged with the killing of J H. Krelchbaum on December 2 , could not agree on a verdict and was discharged bj Judge Heal at 7 o'clock this e\enllig. The first \ote was slto K and the last was so\on for acquittal and the for conviction Cole's attornejs Will ask for a new trial as soon as Tooman's ca o Is disposed of , which will taku n half day's examination to com plete Its Jury. Court "was adjourned until 10 o'clock Monday MIT IIIIOICUT I 0ll A ItOVS HYH. SItne Kcriirr Soils fliltil ViMvilor vvltli Si-rloiiN UfnitllN. W \1IOO , Neb , March 17 ( Special ) District court has been In session In this clt > during the week and ndj uinedester - day until Monday Judge Bates Is on the bench. The time was occupied by twoca es Some Illicit liquor vendors from Valparaiso pleaded guilty and were lined $200 each aud costs The other ca ° o was tint of Swans m against Stratton and Hanson for damages Mr. Stratton sold Swanson's 10-vear-old boy 2 cents' worth of gunpowder and the boy Improvised .1 cannon out of a ploao of gas- plpc , charged It with -powder and blew out one 0511 and filled hlu fare with powder The father sited for damages , but the Jury brought In a verdict of no cause for action The case has 'been ' watched vvltih a great deal of Interest , ns there IB no direct bearIng - Ing on the question at Issue In the statutes of Nebraska. lliintN fur I'ncKi't Service. NIOB11AUA , Neb , March 17 ( Special ) Tticre will be five packet boats used the comijig season to do business from this point to up-river points as far as old Fort Handall. A new boat Is now under con- stiuctlon and will be ready for the sea- sou's work This business lias made re markable growth In the last two jcars and four bents were kept busy last season. Every one was caught In the Ice when the river free over In making the last trip. ' 1'os ( Inn NOM IJiinKruil y l.nti. PL-AINVIEW. Nab. , March 17 ( Special ) C II Pulsom and August Eudman have taken advantage of the new bankruptcy law and have appeared befcro Referee E P. \Veatherby of Norfolk Their liabilities will amount to several thousand dollars , with little or no assets. IlorNi * Collar Pnetor } lit AVnterloo. WATERLOO. Neb , March 17 ( Special. ) A hoi he collar factory cniplo > lng from twenty-live to fifty workmen will soon be established In this town. The promoters of the enterprise are Dubois d Taylor and they will use a patent fastener Invented by the former. LEGISLATORS AT HOT SPRINGS Inlliipiitlal Party IjcnilorH Vlult Suuni : of niectlon lllot < " > Huntore LITTLE ROCK , Ark , March 17 The entire - tire Hot Springs delegation In the legirla- Urp will leave at 3 o'clock for home. They have been called there by man } urgent re quests ot citizens , who feel that their In fluential prc-scnce is necessary at this time. They feel that they can aid in maintaining order. Private advlccb from Hot Springs today re-port the situation as very critlec.1 nnd .1 further outbreak Is fcareJ. Senator Klmbel and Representatives Restor and Talor of Hot Springs will go there on the afternoon train. Governor Jones Is already on the scene. The coroner's jury convened at 12-30 o'clock today It Is expected that the in quiry will consume foui or five da6 Sheriff \\illlanis , David Young , Coffee Williams and William Williams and Samuel Watt were today placed under nominal arrest and vvat rants sworn out by Prosecuting Attor ney Cloud charging them with murder In the first decjree When the sheriff learned lint a wan ant was out for him ho fccnt wotd t > the coroner that he would submit i to being arrested and placed under guard [ nud that he was ready to give ibail In any sum demanded H is reported thnt Edward Spears baa died cf hl.s wounds. IIGr SPRINGS , Ark , March 17. Peace and quiet prevails In this city today , nl- th ugh the details of jesterday's bloody street riot In which f.vo well Known cttl- /ens were killed , are eagerly discussed on Iho streets Governor Jones arrived today from Little Reck. Judge Boilings , who was sworn In ns chipf of police last nUlit , has appointed 150 special policemen , and no fur ther trouble IK now anticipated. M'KINLEY'S ' DAY IN COUNTRY Mill ] SoniiiiTii WiutlicrCM nn Aililcil I'lciiNiirc lo ( lit- Drive < o MlroM % . THOMASVIM..E , On , March 17. Presi dent McKlnlcy pnjojrd the suiibhlne nnd delightful atmosphere of n perfp-t day. A half hour was spent In dhpatchlng early business. Including the signing of bonio aimy commissions. Shnrtl > aftei 10 o'clock the pnrtj left the house for a drlvo to Mel- nsc , the beautiful plantation of M. A. Hunnn. gcnatoi Hannn diove ono team nnd Presllcnt McKlnlej himself held ihe loins In thu smart jellow trap which fol lowed , both teams going at a good , bharp gult Vice President Hobait and two waine-n cf the party were with the president Luncheon was served nt Mclrosc and nearly thu ontlro afternoon spent In the coutiuj. un wnsri3H > \ ITIIIA\S. ; i Siu-v IVOIH of Uu. ( Mil \v r ItiMiirm- Iti'ii-il hj UK * ( ii-iHTiil lint crrnni'Dl. WASHINGTON , March 17 ( Special ) The f llowlng we-stcrn pensions have been granted Issue of March 3 Nebraska- Original Silas D. Gibson , nihi < ii Bow , $ G Additional Abraham rccKlin. Axtell , $ G to JS Incrpase Joseph Blew , South Omaha , ? 10 to $ IL' Otl lnul Wld ws , etc Chilstlna J < btigon , Stanton. $6. I low Original Daniel B Cow leu , Chail- , ton , $8. William T iMcGrew , Cedar Rapids , $8 Addllli mil James W George , Monroe , JS to $12 , Andrew J D > rnm. Polk City , * . to $ G Original Widows , etc Maria E. Johnson , Osccola (6 Colorado Additional James O Laugton. Denver , $0 to flO Original Widows , etc-- Minor of George AV. Jacobs , Alpine , $10 Wjomlng Original David G Smith. Cheyenne , $6 $ IliuulIlN CaiiHi- Trouble , SANTIAGO DE Ct'BA , March 17 A band of twciit } bandits has been causing great trouble In the nelghb rhord of San Luis , hi Itling up merchants and stealing tntilc MuuuteJ infantr > and guUarinene huvo becu scut in pursuit. When I scp a man who Is nn pa j and ttcadv enter and a so'in\ nnd rrgular slecprr I see a man who has no o-cnslon lo bo nfrnld of the world thr flc h or the devil Tor , from these still solemn hours of the night when human figures lie like recumbent slatuoR In the darkness , and from those oilier hours when bu y forks nnd fingers deliver to Iho mouth the food which the palate stands ready to welcome' from these two Uilngs , i say , proceeds all human power , together with the clearness nnd sanity of mind which leads It to every valuable accomplishment , " \\1ion wo sleep , " said Leigh Hunt , "Is the tlmo when the ing lorious spirit goes to take Us airy rounds. " "I ndvlso > oti to slrrp In peace and wake In Joy , " salit Sir Wnllor Scott. "Sleep , " said Bulwer , 'Is the happiest of earthly boons" "Slci'p , " snlil a poot- r > hllo9fM > hcr of Boston , "lingers all our lifetime near our e > es aa the night hovers all tiny In the boughs of the lit tree" What tho'e Kontlp--n -uv Is very good nnd flue , nnd mn\ps sleep seem ns p.asy n thing tu como ns n ham sandwich late to the fellow who has n > f tints still left In his pocket. Neverthe less , If jou could t.iko the rrofs off the houses and Icok down Into them from above , passing from otic to another , swift ns Asmoduus , } ou would see millions of people tumbling about on their beds , prying In vain to the Bomiiolpnt gnds from early ovoitliiR to the crack of dn > . "I couldn't sleep. " writes a lads. "I tossed and tumbled with pain ami excitement. This was some live jiars ago I sufteroil groatl > from pain In the back , strange menial hallucinations , lo s ot appetite , scant ) and dark Iltlld which scalded In passing , bed tnsto In the mouth In the morning , loss of nerve and tone , restless nights , gradual failure of wc-lght nnd eneigj , and dark and hallow skin I had no ambition to go about my dally duties. Even the weight of my clothes was oppressive. "M > Blsler had taken Warners Sate Cure for female weakness and been Immense ! } benefited. I gave up my doctor and began ustni ; the Safe Cure Soon I felt like anolhcr person 1 could eat hcartlb and my sjstpni was filled with fresh vigor. My health was restored and 1 workenl with case and slept like a tlreu ! school girl. " ( Signed ) MRS J H PAGE , Brockton , Mass. EVER lilii PUBLISHED E. W. Reed of Kansas City , Mo. , flakes Oath that Smith's Bile Beans Saved His Life. A wonderful case , illustrating the marvelous the almost miraculous cures being worked by the [ effects of Smith's Bile Beans , tame to light on use of Smith s Bile Beans , and bought a 25-00111 > Thursday. Mi. E. W. Reed , of 1000 Locum stieet , bottle on credit , eveiy penny I had in the woild of been the vani cffoit to secure relief. i Kansas Citv , Mo , having seen the announcement having spent in > Snmh's Bile Beans in the U'oihl , and feeling that iMom the very fust Bean taken relief commenced , Hinder the favor of Heaven he leally owed hib life to and since the use of that bottle I have never < 'their wonderful propetties , called at the World had a chill , having regained my foimer weight > office and told the story of hib sufferings and \von- and am in peifect health. 1 felt that the 'clerful ' iclief. In subbtance , the following is the public should know of this ; I constricted it due vcondensed statement : Mr. Smith to express my giatttude. 1 use Bile Beans " A icsidence of a year in the river bottoms at in my house almost as a lemedy for everything. jCaiollton , Mo. , filled my system full of malatia , Headache yields to them. They have purified my > causing me to suffer from chills and fever continu- blood peifectly , and I cine mv colds by taking them. lously for Unity-three months. I used evciy chill I am a fitend to Smith's Bile Bean , and no praise is > tonic on themaiket that was lecommended to me. too stiong for me to give them. They accomplished 11 had the best ( floits of three physicians , and > > pent \vondeis for me , and have never failed to justify my ' $1,400 in seeking relief fiom the torment I suffeied. praise whet ever I have lecommended them. 1 Boils sptead all o\er my body , as many as twentj- STATE Or MISSOURI , ) \ five being visible at a tune , and the scars from which County of Jackson J " , I'll carry to my dj ing day. Sleep was almost unknown - H.V. . Kietl , of Kaunas City , Mo. , of hvvful age , being , known to me and I felt that death would be a relief. duly sworn , savs that he Ins ic.id tiicfull ) the above statement , and that it i- > true in every word and detail , and that he is certain THE NEIGHBORS GALLED ME JOB , that he owes hi- , life to Smith's Hilc licans. afflictions. I bubsiribeil and sworn tu before me , this nth diy of December boils and . was because of numerous > my that 1 as a Notary ber lSg3 , and I certify was duly nullified > reduced in eight from 175 pounds to 145 pounds. I'ublie. , and my commission c\pircs Match 17. 11302 ) I felt that the only thing left me was to follow the N. W. RE AY , Notary Public. > advice of Job's friends and die. In 1889 I heard of Jackson County , Mo. TRADE OF LADRONE ISLANDS Cnll for l.lttlo f i mil OulNlilf World unit Uo Not ! ln\ < - Much to UiNMONlOf. . WASHINGTON , March 17 Some Indica tion of the actual trpd > of the Lidiono Islands , whose commeicial status Ins been lest sight of In published statistics about the east , Is given In figures Included In a recent repTt of Chief Trank II. Hltchcork of the foreign markets section of the Ag ricultural department , on the trade of the Philippines The figures , fragmentar > at best , are mostly combined with other Islands H is ehown that the Imports Into the United States from the Ladrones and the Caroline Islands combined In 1SM7 had a , value of $ j.OI7 , In 1SS7 , ten years pre viously , of $ . ' , ,828. and In IRS of $212,187 The niorchindlEc scinprthendcd In the last named figures , however was sugar , which probibly came originally fiom the Philippines The only avalHbK' llguie as to nxporls Is for 1S30 , when the ctporn from the Unltrl States Into the Ladronoa and thn Caroline. * f'nted up $ S,8S4 WKat trade the Lidnnos have Is naturally mcBtl > with other Pacific Islands Wis'ern Australia exported to Guam In the 1/idrones $108- 484 ef domestic merchandise in 18S7 , and but $ lf > , lS.J in IS1) ) ! ! , and foti'lgn mcichandlae fluctuated from J1.1 In 18S7 to $ .M ! In 1S1I The total exports from westeiu Anstialla to Guam In IS'IG were $137 HO i\ports from NP\\ South Wales l > Guam Incieabpd from SS.Wi of domestic mc-rchandl e In 18S1 tu $ ir.iri In ISM , and In 1S5G the foreign merchamllso exported to Guam was only $19 Although Victrria's cimmcrco with th Philippines during 1S87 to 18 ? " wns ex tremely small exports of considerable value were sent to Guam In IS'U to 1890 the average annual value of the riorchandl&u , foreign and domestic shlppol from Vlc- trrla to Guam rea hcd rs 'ilgh as $80S,20'i noinstic merchandise shipped fiom Vic toria Into Guam la mainly wheat , wheat flour and biscuits. The total exports to Guam from Now Xtaland were $11,531 In 1803 of domestic merchandise and $ C3 of foreign merchandise in IS'io This foreign mor-hanillse In ISTi ssored only $ , r < Oati , wheat , potatoes and lumber were the prin cipal ( I these exports. IIAISIM ; Tin : vti.in 01 STOTIC. lloiiril of iii"ill/iilIon : | I'ruv lilrn More Ilr\i'iini > inr W oinliiK. CHUYHNNI-1 , \\o. March 17 ( Special Telegram ) The Wjoming Mate Heard of KmmlUatlrn ( "day raised the valuation uprn live storK for purposes of taxation 30 per cent ever last year's rates. Hango cattle aio raised fr < m $ lf > to $ ] ' ) per head , range ehecp from $1 70 to ? 2 25 nml othei classes of stock e < xceptng | horses , which are unchanged , nro raised In the name proper tion. The ilse hi these valuations will Increase - crease the assessed valuation of Ihu stuto I..OOO.OOO ( lll < of ciiiiiiuiiitN di-i UKriiiiii. . PIRllRi : , S 1) , March n ( Special ) Judge Smith , after hearing testimony In the appllcalk n for the custody of the child of Maud Davh Hcndcrbon , decldid against placing iho child In the cuatcdy of any of the claimants , but placed It In care of Drputj Hiorlf ! Logan , pending this dlvono proceedings of Henderson In I avvreneo cuin > , an I ordered HendcrFon , the father , to pay $9 per week for Its caru ( ict n ' < iuiiirl In Ilnviinii , \V)0. March 17-Special { Tele-gram ) Messrs Keafe and Ilradley of this city , who are putting up the govern ment bulluing here were today give-n u ctm- traet tu repair anJ rebuild the guvurnmen' in Havana , YNhiib is to bo used as a United States government building. A force of workmen will go from hero to Havana at once to work on the proposed changes. Ti HtiMport Itriii'lu-N SI n KII pore. SINOAPORH , Straits Settlements , March 17 The United States transpoit Sherman , from New YoiK on Tebiuary 3 for Manila , with the Thlid Infantry and four companies of the Seventeenth Infantry on board , has arrived here. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST rnlr In AVi-Mlciii Nrhrnnlciu I'rolllllilj- Slum in HiiHliTii ; Some- v\lui ( Colder. WASHINGTON , March 17. Forecast for Satuidav Kor Nc-biaska Pnlr In western ; piobably snow In eastern portion , north winds , Kor Misscml Rain , probably turning Into snowIn western portion , colder ; winds becoming northwesterly. Kor South Dakota Pair except probably Enow In extreme eastern period , north to past winds. Kor Knnras Pair In southwest , rain or know In northeabt portion , colder In ex treme eastern portion , northerly winds. Kor Wyoming Generally fair , variable winds. Kor Iowa Rain or snow ; colder Saturday night , north winds. Lof-'i ! Heron ! . nrrirn or TIIU WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , March 17. Omaha icc rd of tcm- imr.ituic and precipitation I'onip.irf d vv th uu eorret-ponilliiB day of thu last three iears. IStD H3S 1S37 1S9C Maximum tpmpprnture . . 3 ! Vi fid Minimum trmper.ituro . 2S 28 4.2 27 Average tempcratur * . . . . 80 3S 54 In Precipitation 01 ,00 M .17 Hueitil of ti-mpcintiiio nnd precipitation nt Oin.ihu for this day and Dime March 1 , Noimnl for the day , 37 Defli'Piicy for the day 7 API tlinulnleil deflpleney since March i f.O i i inf il liu UK day Ol Inch ncflc'pney for the day OOlnch Total rainfall since March 1 r S Inch 1 > ' i IIP\ ' .Ini' Mulch 1 10 tin h Deficiency Tor ror period , UPS . . . 21 Im h Deficiency for cor period , 1637. . 31 Inch , Didiiuiriii.NO i : < ; 2i MA.iuidcicry Bpeeiea of Itching , buriilni ; , bleeding , scul } , rrustcd , and pimply uKin .mil fcealp humora , with ( lr > , tlilnanil fallnij ; luiraio injtantl ) rellovtd and uprcdil ) cured by waim bathu with ! iTUiniA hOAr.gimlo anointings with ( njiiitA , | u rent of iiiiDlliunt tkln curei , tnd in id dosei of CineiUA Iliioi.via > T , Creatett of liuuior cults , vvuen all eliu lalla. Nature's ' Strength for Weak Men If } ou suffer from any weakness peculiar to men one of the disorders , the direct re sult of jouthful indiscretion or oxcesso * In later yeais the very worst possible thin ? sou can do Is Is to put drugs Into } our etomach The medicines all doctois USD for tbcho diseas es morphine , daml- a n a , cantharldes , ntrchnla , phosphor ous , etc are deadly poisons they stimu late or deaden they cannot cine There mo n great ninny moro drug wrecks than alcoholic wrecks I nm telling } ou the truth no one can ueny it I olfer you the only natural remedy for all weak men nnd women ELECTRICITY aud I absolutely guaran tee a permanent euro w he-re the Eluctrlclty la applied by tbo greatest of remedial j agents DR , BENNETT'S ' ELECTRIC BELT You get Electricity by treating with mr Hell In Its purest form. There Is no pnssl- blo chance for It to Injure you. U dops not stimulate. It must strengthen. To get good results from Electricity , you must hove con stant application hoveral hours nt n time. You cannot do this with the batteries used In doctors' olllces. It would keep you away from your business. My Dolt does not bother you a bit and you can work , ride , Jump or run with it on. I have known for many } pars that Electricity waa the greatest cura tive agent that would ovrr bo known. I do not glvo drugs nt all now. I could make | moro money If I did It does not post anything - | thing to write a proscription I devoted a good portion of my life nnd money In per fecting my Electric He-It I do not promise I It to c uro you I guarantee It The prices ot ! my llelts are within the reach of all the nf- i Illcted. You can rest assured my licit will I not burn or blister you , as do nil the other ! klmlH of Electric llelts It hat. soft , silken , , clmmols-tovored sponge electrodes that en- tlrc-ly do away with the burning They can I ' bo lenowed when worn out for 75 dints no I other belt ran bo renewed for nny prlco. Guaranteed to cure Sexual Impotency , Lobt Manhood , Vuilcocclo and all Sexual Dlsor- ' dera , restiro shrunken or Undeveloped Or gans and Vitality , euro Rheumatism In any form. Kidney , Llvor and Illudder Troubles , Constipation , Dys-pc-pala , I'cmale Complaints , etc. Call at my ofllcn If you llvn In the city. If out of town , write me , sacredly "confi dential and I will send you my symptom blunkn , books and literature. M } Elpetrlc Suspensory for the various weaknesses of men FREE to every male puchubcr of nno of my Delta Consultation and advlcei with out cost Sold only by Electric Company , HOOIIIH 2O uiul1 nouirln * IlloHc , OmuliH , Nrlir. . Kllli mill DnilK" Strcrtn. Open from Mi'lO ji. in , to ( I j > , in , Cvcn- lnc , 7 p. in. to HiltO D , in. SiinUu > nf 10 a. in. tu B u , m.