THE OMAHA DAILY 1J13E : SATURDAY , MAHCll IS , 181)0. ) 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Aili i-rll-cmcnl" fur lbr c column * will lie Inhcn iinlll It ! m. for the * CM cnlUK filltloii , nnd unlit Hi.'IO | i , in. for iniirnliiK nml Sinidii ) rilltlniin. II a I ( I ! - - > nerd Ilr-t liincrtliin | l u mini tlicreaf IIT. > IIIIIK | taken for lc i limn - . - > < for tlio llrnt hiNcr- tliin , 'I'lic-i- intrllnrnifiilN intiKt liu run iMinii-c-iillvcl > . Ail < -rll-i-r" , h ) rciiui-NlltiK n iitiin- liornl cliccU , can linvcnnn \ \ < -r- ail * iln-NNcil In a iiiimliiTiMl lettrr III rare of Tin , ' lice , AiiNtvrrn MII iiililrcNMOil III lie ilcllvcroil on iiri'icntatloii if , the clii'uk onlj. WANTI3I1 MITfATIU.NS , A STENOORAPHER-WhMi you want one please roll up the Remington tjpowrltor olllcc , 1C19 Fnrnam St. , telephone , 1573. YOUNG widow with one child > 1 slrc.s to < lo general hon.'cwork or housekeeping. Address P 41 , Hop. A 123 IS * STEADY , ImluBtilous young man , best of references In southwestern Iowa , \vlnhea position. Intelligent nnd handy ; some ex perience In printing ofllci- , KOCH ! mechanic ; used to dealing with public ; good collec- tor. P 50 , Uee. A-M151 IS * U'A.VI'Un MA 1,13 111:1,1' . WANTED , we hnvo Btpnily work for a fnw good hustlers of good habits anil appear- nncc. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St. 11-316 TAILORS , nttend Dyhr's cutting school , 518 So. 13th St. 11-317 SALESMEN for cigars , $123 month nnd cx- POIIHOH ; old llrm ; uxpcrience unnecessary ; inducement * to customers. C. C. HlHhop & Co. , St. Louis. Mo. B-3IH SALESMEN to sell olllro specialties ; fine Ride Ilii's : $5 n dny ; used by nil merchants. Model MfR. Co. , box H , South Bend , Iiul. B-M522 A3 * DRUMMERS wanted ; nlo Al solicitors for line sets ; new lists , on now book.V. . A. Hrjcenbaugh & Co. , II Wurc Rlk. H-MCCS A4 GOOD SOLICITOR. Room 1. Ware block. B-731 WANTED , men to learn barber trade. We olfer advantages that cannot bo hart olse- wlifr . Wo guarantee porltlons at $15.00 weekly after only eight weeks' practice , allow commission from start nml assist with transportation. .lunt removed tn our own new building , whore wo have 100 jpeclally designed chairs and fiirnlh con- atant i > raetc ( ? with expert Instructions for nil. Write at once. Molcr Itarber College , Chicago , 111. B-MSOl 22 * TAILORS wanted. Pantorlum. C-90S 17 WANTKD , a gentleman to double with lady in vaudeville act : must know the biz. Ad dress II. T. . 302 N. 1C. H 12fi 17' MRN to learn barber's trade. "U'rlto for free catalogue. Western Barber's Insti tute , Omaha. B-M130 AIR Ai , WANTKD , 100 girls , 1521 Doilgc. Tel. S7C. C-313 AM EXIMCIUKNCICD second girl. Apply Mns. W. H. McCord , 2201 Cass. C-7S1 WANTKD First class girl for -general housework. 1021 Park Avo. C 119 17 * AVANTKD. 11 girl for second work ; best wages. Mrs. G. K. Prltchett , 2121 CaSH St. C 127 WANTKD , girl for general housework ; Hinnll fandly. KTJ Georgia av ? . , bet. l.eavenworth and Mason. C--M132 19 WANTKD , a Good nurse girl nt 200S Shnr- man. nve. C M12S 19 WANTKD. two women ( over 2."i ) who can engage for (1 ( months in im.tMnblo business. No peddling. Address V 48 , Ho- . O-.M1" 19 for general housework ; references. IfiW So. 10th street. C M15S 19 FOR Iin.VT IIOUSKH. CHOlGK-hnnsen Hnd-cottagcfl nil over city Jo to J75. Fidelity , 3st lloor , N. Y. Life D-3.V ) HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th _ St. ALWAYS movltiK household goods nnd piano * . Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 1511Vi Furnam , Tel. 1559. D 332 1IOUSKS , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. D-353 FOR. IlKNT , houses In all parts of city The O. F. Davis Co. , 1303 Farnam St. D-35i HOUSKS for rent ; a specialty made of looking after property oC non-residents. J. H. Sherwood. K3 N. Y. 1,1 fo. D-353 CHOICK 9-r. br. terrace , modern , ea. front , 118 So. 25th St. 3G U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. D-350 IIOUSKS. Chan. E. Benson , 310 IlamKO bldg. D-M1G1 All JIOUSKS for rent In nil parts of the city. Brennnn-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th St. D-33S MAOGARD'S Van and Storage. 117 N. 15th Te.1. 1490. D 361 EVERAL. Inq. 30 , U. S. Nat'l B'k Bldg. D 629 lIOUSES-Chrls Boyer. 22nd nnd Cilmlng. D-770 A-S * D AND fi-ROOM cottages ; modern , barn. 2711 N. 22d. D-S07 F13RNISII12D house , central , F. D.Vead. . D-M,2 ATI WIIII K ( ho family are abroad 'he fur nished home of J. AV. Squire , . ' 0:1 : Story ftrect , Council BluffB , will bo fo ; rent for several years. House has nine room" , heated by hot water. Kvery modern con venlcncc. D M973 19 AFTKH March 20th , furnished house ; eight rooms ; city water ; choice location ; walk ing distance. No children , llefi'roncea 2701 Howard ft. D-M992 20 FOR RKNT. from May 1st to Octobr 31st. modern twelve-room house , furnished or unfurnished , and line barn. Inquire lie. twcen hours of ten and tvvclvo at 514 So 29th Avo. D M901 19 FOIl IlKNT. 10-room house ; furniture for Hiiln cheap ; three ronma now rented more than Piiy rent. "HW Douglas. D-M115 19 1211 S. 17th , 5-r. , city water. $11.00. ms Chnrles , 10-r. , barn. $15.00. Si7 ; S. 2Jrd. 7-r. , burn , $1S.H ( ) ' VM9 St. Jlary's. 10-r , , mndnrn , $ .10.00. GARV1N BHOS. , 1G13 FARNAM.Dlll D-lll SIX-ROOM modern flat , 1016 Pacific st. Charles llnnley. D M13I 19 IT'S AN unpleasant task , this hous'e-hunt- Ing being always on the move why nut i own your home ? You ran pay for a home I In monthly Installments amounting little - ' tlo moro than rent. W. II. Russell , filti Now York Life. D-M150 19 GOING to move again ? Did it ever occur to you that what you pay In rents would make monthly payments on a nice homo your borne ? I flmuld bo glad to nuoto you prices. W. U. Russell. C1C N. Y. Life. D-M150 19 IT WOULD bo the part of wisdom to buy a place this sprint.nnd stop this periodical announcement. "We nro going to move. " Dwelling * nt prices that are 'tempting ' buyers. The payments nre about tbo SUIID in the rent you nro paying. Como In. \v U. Russell. 016 N. Y. Life. D-M150 19 nut n I\T-FI uMsnnn HOOMS. U'ANTHD Roommate with a young gentle man ; also one single room , with board , for rent at 1816 Dodge St. K-120-18' lOUSUKKKPINO. 17I2V4 Jackson. 13 M113 1S IIOOM8 for gentlemen ; rcf. req. 1701 Cap. avenue. K-M42 M3V IARGK south front roo/n with alcove , modern. SfcO H'arney st K M75fi 22 of furnished or unfurnished rooma ; heat nnd gas. 124 So , ' 361 h nt. ' FRONT rooms' , hout > ckcuplnir. 514 North ISth- K-M779 AW _ HANDSOMKLY fnrnUhcd front room : Iwgt location , private family Address I > 45. lJ e otllce , E MU3 1I' Ft itMsiiKD IIIMIMS , fContlnut'd. ) FI-RNISHKlT rooms , private" family ; best locntion In Hty ; 8 minutes' walk from _ ! ' . U. P 4J , Bee. H-M1M 20 I't ll.MSIIIIII ItOO.MS AM ) IIOAIll ) . NICKI/Y furnlHhed rooms , steam bent , fr o Inth , $1.50 per wek nnd up. Klondike hotel. 16th nnd Webster Sts. F 362 UOO.MS , bonrd , eteam hent. Slldlnnd Hotel. F-MDSO-M1S KLKGAN'T steam heated rooms ; tlno table board.IWJ Capitol ave. F 145 2S DKSIRABM3 rooms. 25SI Harney. F MM ! 21 * TlT5 CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol nvcnue. F M999 MID * Ot.KNVAlRN , transients { 1.25 day. 1C09 < Douglas. F-M419 NICMOLY ftirnl. hcd rooms with bonrd ; mod ern conveniences , 511 N. ISth St. F Mil" 22 1IANDSOMI3 front rooms , board , steam. 202 N. ISth. F-11S-21' DKSIIIABLK front rooni-- . modern coicrnl- enccs ; private family. 702 S. 29th st. F-M139 22 FOIt UI5VT I M't.'UMHllI" ! ) HO OAKS. I-'OR grntlem n , walking distance , near Farnam cur , modern. I 33 , Beo. G-3C.3 KOH llll.NT STHItKS AXU OFFICUH. U. S. NAT'L Bank Bldg. . $7.50 up. I-3'iS FOR RKNT. store In first-class location ; rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor Bee bldg. I 122 FOR RKNT. a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee building. 1-423 ARH.VI'S AVAXTI3D. PROFITABLIO work offered agents In every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladlns' Hume Journal and the Saturday ICvonlng Post. Good pay for good work. Wo wnnt ngents to work thoroughly nnd with business systfm to cover each sec tion with our Illustrated little booklets nnd other advertising matter. How well sumo f our ngent have succeeded la told In a little booklet we would like to send you portraits of some of our best j ngents , with the story of how they made It pay. The Curtis Publishing Co. . Phila delphia. 1'a. J-MSS6 A1S LADIKS to sell McDonald's Extracts ; big commission. 2418 No. 17th St. , Omaha. J M5S1 A4 TWO actlvo men. 4 , Ware Block. J 753 NKW PATENT < irtlclo ; needed In every linum ; 200 per cent profit ; ca'.l and Inves tigate. C. N. Johnson , patentee , Midland J-SI14023' hotel. - WANTKD , responsible s'ollcltors. Chicago Credit Jewelry Co. , rooms 421-422 Paxton block. J-1IS \\ANT15D. six traveling general agents to appoint local agents for the vary llnest line of corsets , waists , skirts , etc. ; com- imll slon-salary 75 pr cent ; line chance for women who mean business. OreflcHijt Works , Ann Arbor , Mich. J-M163 IV AG13NTS on salary or commission ; the. greatest agents' seller ever produced ; every user of pen nnd Ink buys It on hlght ; 200 to COO per cent profit ; one agent's sales amounted to JG20 In six days ; another $32 in two hnnrs. Monroe Mfg. Co. , X IB , La Crosse. Wls. J MIGlMO * WAXTKII TO nnx-r. WANTKD. Wanted , to rent a 10 to 12-room modern house vicinity Hanscom park for my own use. R. C. PETE US. 17i)2 Fur mini St. , Bee Bids. K M939 IS WANTKD To lease , from 3 to 5 years , a do. tached modern bouse of not lest * than 10 rooms , with barn. I1 42 , Bee. K 102 19 STOHAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . 903- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 403 OM. Van & Storage. 1511'/4 Farnam. Tel. 1559. 109 GORDON baggage line. 214 N. 10. Tel. 1193. M-M173 31 AVA.\TISIJ TO IIIJY. IF YOU are In need of anything try thu Want Columns of The Bee ; tlmy will bring you what you want. N SB7 SKCOND-H'AND bo kj , bought for cash. Antiquarian Book Store , 1519 Farnam. N M782 WH WANT several nice residences and res idence lots for cash buyers. We have the buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill's Heal Estate Agency , South Omaha. N-219 HIGHEST prices paid for good goods. Vari ety Furniture Co. , 110-112 So. 11th. N-165 BOSTON Furniture Co. pay highest pricoa for good 2nd-hand furniture. Hit Dodce. Tel. 2238. N 447 STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortcnson , 404 N. Ifith. N-M520 A3 HIGHEST price paid for good 2nd hand fnr- nlturo. Boston Furniture Store , 721 N. 16th. N-MII5 M30 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc , , In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , Tel. 2020 , 1406-S-10 Dodge. N-G93 A5 WANTKD TO BUY , soldiers' and sailors' additional homestead rights where * entry was less than ICO acres entttl ° d to bal ance , Widow also entitled. $1.23 per acre will bo paid by client for limited number. No delay. Inquire , Hiram A. Sturgts , Att'y , 50 Douglas Block. N M9S9 19 * WANTKD , pool table ; must bo In good condition nnd cheap. Addresi with de scription , Wuyne Club , Wayne , Neb. N-M110 25 * J HAVE $3,000 cash to Invest In Improved Omaha , property ; will not buy unlem n phenomenal snap. Kend description at once. P 46 , Bee olllcc. N 145 21 FOIl SAJ.H GREAT bargains In new and 2nd-hand fur niture , stoves , etc. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. O IIS FOR SALK , furniture of 10-room house. 514 So. 21. O-.M129 19 KOIl SAIiIJ IIOHSHN , AVAfiOXS , HTC. FOR SALK cheap , four fashionable stand- ard-bred trotting stallions. Address N. J llonln , Fremont , Neb. P-M116 21 HACK , team : also two relable family horses and phaetons. 417 So. 14th et. P M157 19 KOH S.\li : SAWDUST , hardwood cribbing nnd hoc fencu nt lowest prices , 001 Douglas St. 0-219 11. HAAS. Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 ; plants cut ( lowers , boquets , hall , real- donee wedding and grave decorations ; order * by mail or expres * promptly tilled Q-369 KOH SALK , ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , at druggists ; one gives relief. Q 370 NM\V and 2dhand typewriters sold , rented , repaired ; ribbons cheap. Derlght , 1116 F'm. Q-719 MIS 2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght. 1110 Farnam. Q-372 COLD IN HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jolly 25o , Mlddlo of block , Omaha , Neb. Q-373 $00 $ LIFE certificate in shorthand nnd bust , ress school , $ < 0. F. L. Robertson. 2717 N 2 th St. Q M1S6 M23 * ' I STOCK of general mdse. about $3,600.00 In I central Nebraska : good farming district , town of 300 inhabitants : stock clean , cash trade , sales average $ lSw.fiO per month ; terms cash : leaiton for felling. Ill-health. AddrS3 O 25 , Bee. Q-M291 44 SAFES Buy. sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. f l-'Oll MALI : iContlnued. ) HORSB clippers and repairs for all standard - ard makes. We grind clippers , razors , shears , etc. A. L. Undeland , Omnha. Q 201 i sisoT.MAPLE TRKHS. Henry G HlbbelPr , I 1 mile north of Portal nnd B miles west of South Omaha P. O. I'apllllon , Ntli. Q-.M931 18 ELEGANT brand new $100 Wright piano , taken for debt. $1S6 ; easy payments Ad dress O SS , Bee. Q S2S HARDMAN pianos , slightly uscdTTll S. IS. HOG , poultry , lawn nnd Held fencing ; nil wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard at. ' 50-DRAWER National letter file cabinet for sale nt n great bargain. Apply at line Olllce. Q-KO } 1GS BUYS walnut sample piano , worth JV/t ; ensy payment * . Schmoller. & Mueller , 1313 Farnam. Q-923 SEED sweet potatoes. Jl.OO to J1.73 nor barrel. Address Theo Williams , Omnha , Neb. Q-M970 A13 * 4-ROOM furnished flat nt sacrifice. Stu-t lin sold ut once. 1621 lloivunt St. , West Side. Q-M15I 19 * MisrKitA\nous. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d hand furniture < t stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. 1IOG-10 Dodge R-G92 A5 CIAIHVOVA.\TS. VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1111 Howard. S 375 MME. Qylmcr , genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge. S-M3SS A3 MUS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th.S374 S-374 3i.vss.vnn , IIA.THS , BTC. MRS. DR. LEON , electric bath , parlors , llrst-class assistant. 417 S. llth. upstnlra / T MSS2 MIS * MRS. FLO BERRY , bath nnd massage , 11 } N. 16th St. , room 12 , 2d lloor. Attendants. T M430 M27 * MAY WILSON , massage , baths. R. 1C. 302 N. 10th. T MG55 Al MMK. SMITH , Room 2 , llS'i. No. 13th. T-97S 20- MME. AMES , R. 5 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths. T-MI14 A15- VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bee Bldg. U-37G BATHS , massage. Mine. Post , 3I9's S. 15th. U 377 LIKBEN , costumer , 1313 Howard ; cata- louges sent. U 37S WE WILL sell hlgli-grnde Elgin nnd Wal- tbam watches , iltted In Boss. Faby or Crescent 14-caret gold F. cnsen , on monthly or weekly payments ; a'.l goods sold fully warranted. Chicago Credit Jewelry Co. , Paxton blk. , cor. 16th and Farnam sts. ; room 421-122. U M)3 ) PILES cured in seven to ten days , by one treatment. No puin , no knife , no danger. Rectal disease- specialty. Empire Pile Cure. 93i N. Y. Life building , Omaha. U MS31 PRIVATE hospUal for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U 3S3 J35 RUPTURE cured until May first for $ S3. No detention from business. 1,000 pa tients cured In Nebraska. Seven years In Omaha. Call or write. Empire Rupture Cure , U32 N. Y. Ufo building. U MS32 COLU.MRIA or Rambler bicycles. $10.00. Neb. Cycle Co. , loth nnd Hnrney. U SGI M17 WEDDINGS AND CAKEWALKS. Large decorated cakes made to order on short notice nnd sent securely nacked to any address $5 and upwards. Balduff , Omaha. U M993 MONHEIT , chiropodist & hair dressing , Douglas Blk. opp. Hayden's. U 2SS M 23 * ZERKOWSKY , violin teacher. 321 S. 15. R. 20 U-M377 DR. ROY , chiropodist , corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12 , Frenzer block. U 32S RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omaha. Tel. 2233. U-3S2 1623 DODGE , true complexion , no paint or powder ; bad faces cured ; no electricity. U-M529 IS * FANCY CAKES FOR CAKEWALKS nnd weddings. Hand some , artistic decorated cakes good to eat , too-securely packed , and addressed , $3 and up. Balduff the Caterer , Omahn. U-l'93 ' DR. RACE , 403 Paxton blk. , 1G & Farnnm. U M32S A3 SUPERFLUOUS hair , wrinkles , moles , warts , freckles , blackheads , pimples re moved forever by electricity ; bust de veloped : neck , nrins. cheeks made plump. Mine. Paynft's halrdresslng parlors. 2301 Leavenworth. Tel. 1SG3. U M750 AS 1G23 DODGE , true complexion. Mme. True. Bad faces cured ; no electricity. U-M529-1S' DOCTORS , dentists , lawyers , pharmacists , undergraduates : proving proficiency ; soon craduated. Box 196 , Chicago. U-M784 A9 * LAME back , rheumatism nnd many ills re- llcveiPliermanently by the electro vlbra- torv health method. Proofs at rooms 404 and 405 . . Y. Life. U-M9.12 18 OSTKOPATHY.Dr. B. J. McRae , Paxton bk U-M137 A16 HOMELESS children for adoption at Child Saving Institute. 604 So. ISth street. Babies : A girl. 11 weeks old. brown eyes , dark hair , her mother a widow with four other children ; a .boy 11 weks old ; twins , 2 weeks old. one n boy , the other a girl , mother dead ; a boy , 18 months of IIRU. U M1G2 20 * SEND 15o for Thomas' up-to-date Slang Dictionary and sayings. Room 419. Bee Building. U-M157 ID * SIOXHV TO I.OAX III'JAI , 13MTATH. WANTKD , choice farm nnd city loans. H. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnnm , Bee Bldg , W 384 $100,00000 special fund to loan on first-class Improved Omaha property , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.W W 333 Bit. PER CENT money. Hernia , Paxton Blk. W-3SG $1,000 AND upwards to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Fnrnnin Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam St. W-1S7 $50,000,000 CHEAP money for Investment ; agents wanted. Investors' lists for sale. Investors' Directory , N. Y. W 269 WRITE us If you want n loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Missouri : it will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. Life. W-M9 MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 391 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 So. 16th. W-331 G PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. AV 3iS MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block. W-392 LOANS. Pottcr-Sholes Co. , 310 N Y. Life. W-M133 5 Pr. Ct. Chns. E. Williamson , U. S. Bk bldg. W-326 J10.000. PRIVATE money , low rate J H. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Ufa W S09 $100 AND up. F. D. Wead. Kith and Douglas. W-390 LOST. I LOST , $ o,000 package of $50 bills , between , 12th and 13th streets on Farnam st. , Omaha , Friday. March 10th. 1593. $1,000 $ i reward wll' be paid to the one who returns - I i turns th money to the First National i I Bank. Omaha , or to ? . T. Ollit"r ! at ids . residence , 123 S. 7th st. , Council Bluffn , I and no questions will be upked To per- i f-ons giving Information renulnng In the recovery of the money a reward of 10 p r cent of the money recovered will bo di vided pro rata. Lost 123 MOXUV TO LOAN I'llATTHI.S. MO TO TO LOAN ox nofSFIIOLlJ FURNITURE AND PtA- NOS HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , nt lowwt rat s In Omaha. I South Omnhn and Council Bluff A. No removal of Roods : strictly confidential ; you can pny the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COt , 300 SOUTH IfSTir STREET. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 398 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent positions with responsible con cerns upon their own name , without secur ity ; easy payments. Tolmnn , R. "Oil , N. Y. Life Bldg. X-M7 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cow ? , Jewelry. Duff Green , r. S , Barker ; blk. X-3M 1OANS MDE TO SALARIED PEOPLE HOLDING PERMANENT POSITIONS ON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE WITH OUT INDORSEMENT : LOW RATES ; EASY PAYMENTS. ROOM 119 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. , 16TH AND FAR NAM STS. TEL. 22K. X 391 MONEY lonne/1 on pianos , furniture , jew elry , horses , cows. etc. C. F. Rieil , H19 S. 13. X-39G IHSIMSS : GREEN house nnd coal plnnt for sale. 30J N. Y. Lite. Tel. 613. Y 513-18 UNUSUAL opportunity ; Invest J200 , secur ing largo permanent Income : capital safe , prollts sure 11' . Grltlln , 11V ) Broadway , New York. Y-JH02 Mil * GOOD country store with house in rear ; cheap for cash. Address O 14 , Bee. Y-174-M-2. * - - - 32tl ACRES of peed unimproved land In Dawson county ; acreage In nnd around city ; a to 20-ncre lots. B. R. Ball , .103 N. Y. Life. Tel. 513. Y-3II-1S ONE-HALF Interest set nbftract books for snle Jl.OuO. If purchaser Is a good steno grapher and typewriter good salary at tached. Lock box 61 , Broken Bow , Neb. Y-516 Al FOR QUICK returns list your bargains nt O'Neill's Real Ustato Agency , South Omaha. Y 21S FOR SALE or Iwise. Farmers' home. 1513- 13 Webster St. , Including largo barn : sale preferred. Apply before April 1 at 60 > 1 N. Y. Life. Y-924 BUSINESS clonings of nil kinds In the CORN BELT COUNTRY. W. H. Clem ents. Lyons' , Neb. Y 787 TO ALL those Interested In locating an up-to-dnto canning factory In West Omaha , call or address Lymnn Wnter- innn , real estate and Investment securi ties , S22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Y 100 1C * MEDICAL practice for "ale ; for particulars address A , Box 23 , Stromsburg. Neb. V 077 0 ! ESTABLISHED firocory business for aln at bargain If Bold at once. One of best locations In South Omaha. Good cash trade. Address Box 11 , Bee Ollice , South Omabn. Y M112 IS * MEAT MARKET. Good location , in thriv ing town of 1,200 , GO ml'.es from Omaha. Box 123 West Point. Neb. Y Mill 2:1 : FOR SALE , fully equipped brick manu facturing plant In Omaha : splendid op portunity. For full Information address P 47 , Bee. Y 144 21 * A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Do you worn to start in business for yourself ? If you do , write nt once for our proposition. Keith Decorating Co. , Crawford Building , Topeka , Kansas. Y-M119 13 * THE linseed oil plant formerly owned nnd operated by the "Indnp.ndent Linseed Oil Co. " at Rivervlew , 111. ( three miles from rlly limits of Chicago ) , Is now for sale or to rent. The property will be sold ns It is nt n low price nnd on satisfactory terms or will be put In good condition nnd ready to operate by present owner and rented for a term of years at n fair price. None but principals or those with llrst-class refer ences need aptily. Scribner , Crolghton & Co. . ChlcnBO , Illinois. Y-M1G1 19 * FOIl KXCIIAMin. CLEAR , cheap land for Imp. Omaha : will take some Incumbrance. 3 U. S. Nat. Bk. TO EXCHANGE for Om.iha property , ICO acres of clt ar land , llrst class wheat grow ing country ; $5,0f)0 ) first mortgage on large Irrigation canal in op.rntlon , bearing seven per cent Interest in fine country ; best sup ply of water and responsible parties ; also some mortgages on Omaha property , amounting to $1.500.00 or more ; these seen * . Itlcs are all guaranteed to be first cla-s ; I want Omaha property In good location Improved or unimproved , state location nnd price ; will pay cash difference ; H'-'nd full particulars. Address P 9 , Bee. 7 749-17 * FOIL SAI.K IIHAI , KSTAT13. LIST your property with us for sale. We have the customers. The Byron Reed Company , 212 S. 14th street. RE 399 8-ROOM modern house. Inquire 4032 Izard. tl 13-303 PECK & CO. . agents and dealers In city and farm prop'y ; loans ; rentals ; 101 S. ] RE-913 MIS HOUSES , lots , .arms , lands , . . > ans ; also lire insurance. Bemls , Paxton block. RE 100 FARMS ! FARMS ! ! FARMS ! ! ! Over 2,600 acres of Douglas county land for sale cheap. Prices range from J20 per acre up. Will pay you to Investigate. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th-St. RE 101 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of thorn ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the mo.iey. RE SGC O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency , South Omaha. Headquarters for realty invest ments. RE 217 FARMS for sab In Sarpy county , near South Omaha , Bcllevue. Gllmore , Spring field nnd Gretna : Lancaster county , near city of Lincoln ; Furnas county , near Kill- son. Send for list or call and sen II T. Clarke. 219 Board of Trndo building , Omaha. RE 523 $175.00 for good residence lots six blocks southwest of Armour's packing house. Payments very easy. George & Company , ll01 ! Fnrnnm St. , Omaha , or new rlty hall bldg. , South Omaha. RE M513 IS NOTICE to hnni ner'ki > rH. We will sell 20 hnuHes In Cllflon Hill at prices way below anything ever before offered In this de- llghtfiil residence jmrt of Omaha. After the above are cold prices will lie returned to old figureK. Must have Bomo cash Omaha Saving Bank accounts will ha taken nt face value. Seu mo nt once ami take advantage of temporary cut In prices. A. P. Tukcy , Board of Trade RE-513 ONE lot with two houses and barn. S23 and S30 S. 17. Inquire 1321 Farnam. RE-MS57-1S * EO ACRES , 11 miles from Omaha P , O. ; fair Improvements , only $2,800. Finest 1GO acres In Douglas county , 8-room bouse , bathroom , etc. , prlco $7,200. 902 South 20th st. , S-room house , pays 12 per cent gross on prlco of $1.500. Modern 10-room house , ground HOxlEO feet , very choice , only $ ? ,000. South front lot , COxl2S feet. Franklin street between 21th and 25th sts. , paving paid N. W. corner 24th nnd Bristol sts. , 132xl ° 3 feet , paving paid ; price $3,0f > 0. For BARGAINS see J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RK-G7S ' FOIl SALK , N. E. Cor. , 26th & Harney. 50- foot lot. co-tier , 10 rooms , hot water , heat porcelain bath , stone wulks , paving all paid ; superb : ocatlon , opp. Frank Johnson res. , $5,500. Potter-Sholes Co. , N. Y. Life RE-K6-2. ! LOGAN Valley form lands and stock ranches. W. II. Clements , Lyons , Neb RE 7i > G KOUNTXE PLACE lot , 19th and Einmett ; will trade. Ed T. Heyden , 323 N. IGth. RE-MS13 A10 CHRIS BOYER. 22nd & Cumlng. Bargains. RE-771-A- & * $1,000 SPOT cash buys full lot on 20th , be tween Chicago & Cass : cast front , on , grade , 50x132. A. I' . Tukey , Board of Trade. RE-SG5 C. F. HARIUSON-FarmB. 913 N. Y L RE-933 A14 * _ _ _ w _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - FOR SALK or trade for Omaha properly , a well Improved ranch caiwb'e of main- talnlnc l.Offl head of cattle winter nnd tumnifr Running wat r and HIM ill lake on place. Two miles from Htatlan on U & M Ry. AUdrtss I' . O. Box 100 Onuii ' RE-M103 IS KOIl SM.n llKAIi nsTATI-3. ( Continued. ) M2 S. 2Uh ! Ave. . 7 rooms , modern. $ Jfl. Two C-room cottnups In siime yard &rf li repaired now and will bo rondy for occu- | < nm-y n xt week : $5.00 each. 1P15 S. 10th , in roms , modern , $ SS. IIS S. 21th St. , ! ' rooms , tnodtrn , J35. Will put this house In first class condition for a Rood tenant , 5741 S nth St. . R rooms , witter In kitchen. Si. Omaha Loan nnd Trust Co. , ICtll . < ! Douglas. RE 122 N. W. 14 see. 1. twri. S , mn ? o 47 160 ncivs. Yuma-Yumn Co , , Colorado. S. H. H see. 30 twp. in , rnnjre J ? WO acres. lHu'htoti , Kansas. tanc coltntv. N. W , sec. 14Vy. \ . 15. MIIRP 31 KM acres Huswll Spring * , Loitan eounty. Kansas. Torino reasonable M ike cash or liart cash offers to G. M. Chnffce , Atty. , P. O. Hex 22M. N. Y. City. RE M133 19 FOR SALE or ExclmtlRP. JlO.OOO or J20.000 worth of business property for farm or j good residence property. ' 2MO Frnnklln St. , hous ; 6 rooms , bath , etc. , 2227'fipetierr St. , S rooms , J2.700. 2220 T.ake St. , 60x1.10 , good house anil barn. J2,7,0. 2lft1 Ohio St. . liou-e. 5 rooms , 31,200. Ifith and Ersklno Sts. . full lot , house of 6 rooms { 1.200. W. T. Graham. CM Bee BldK. RE-113 21 SNAP. BOxIM-ft , 3-ronni old house , 1343 finulli inth si. only $330. Potter-Sholes Co. . : nn N Y. Life RE M1M 20 MHIIICAI , . LADIES troubl d with suppressed men struation , no matter what cause , or oilier dlatnsc of uterus or ovnrles , should run- suit at once expcrlincedpeelallst ; delay dntiKcrous ; quiet homo during sickness nr connnemont. Cnll or nddrsss Dr. 1'rlPi. 1513 Dodge. Stamp. 510 A3 DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator Ims brought bnpplncs to hundreds of anxious women : have never had a single failure , loiiKCHt cases ro'.leved In two to five days without fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no In terference with work ; by mall or olllce. } 2. All letters truthfully answered. The Manslle'd Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , Room 611 , Chicago , HI. 877-18 * BICVC1.US. NEW wheels. $1350 up : 2nd-hand wheel ? , $3 up. Omaha Bicycle Co. , IGth it Chicago. 797 $15 M. & W. Vulcanlzor. $7.50. Oni. Bl'clc Co. ICG M22 1S99 BICYCLES down to $ S.23. Men's and women's new 1S99 model bicycles are now being offered at $ .25 to $23.73 and sent to anyone anywheri' for full examination before payment Is made. For catalogue nnd full particulars , cut this notice out and mall to Sears , Roebuck & Co. , Chl- case 453 A30 SlIOItTIIAM ) AXU TYPKWHITING. A. C. Van Saul's School , 717 N. Y. Llfo. 403 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglai , 4nr. BOYLKS' school ; court reporter principal ; Bee Ride. -751 TYIM2WHITI3US. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Furnam St. Telephone , 12S4. 403 WE rent and sell the best typewriters made : largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Farnam. 404 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and supplies. 1619 Farnnm. 510 MRS. A. C. MARK , successor to Mrs. H. C. Moses , room 8 , Patterson block , 166 M22 I'AWXIUIOICBIIS. EAGLE Loan olllces , removed to S. W. cor. 13th and Douglas. We nre now ready for business and we promise to continue our reputation , os has always been known , as the most reliable and accommodating In the city. All are cordlallv Invited to in spect our new store. Sol. Brodkuy , prop. 431-M27 OSTEOPATHY. THE Johnson Institute. Old. E. Johnson , mgr ; Mrs. Alice Johnson , D. O. . grad uate American school , KIrkvIlle , Mo. ; J. W. Dill. M. D. , D. O. , consulting physi cian. Suite , 015 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1601. Q29 KJIIM.OYJIKXT EVERYONE wanting help , male or female , man and wife , call at Canadian office , 1522 Douglas. Tel. 884. 113 M20 LACK CrilTAIXS CLF.AXKIl. I ZIEGLER , lace curtain cleaner ; nil work 'guaranteed ; references. 1SOS California St. 858 All * TAII.OHS. MAX FOGEL makes up to date suits ; guar antees fit and work. 307 So. 17th. 161 M31 SIIOI2 ItHPAIItlXU. HALF SOLES , 33c. J. Pulone , 511 N. ICth. 442 M30 STAMMiaiUXfi AXD STIJTTnitlXfJ. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia E. Vaughnn , 300 N. Y. Life bids. 412 FOR the latest styles and colors SOP Kelsey & Seabrook , 117 So. 17th , corner Douglas. 471 M31 IIAIIl GOODS. MONHEIT. lender in hair goods & toilet prrparatlons. 200 Douglas hick opp. Hny- den'J U-2S9 M 25 * .SCHOOL OK 1/ixot'Aon. FRENCH. German , Spanish , $2 per month , Prof. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theater. 416 HEXOVATOHS. MATTRESSES renewed. 7W . IBtli. Tel 781 , -116 JIOTIIS. : TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board nnd room , $1.00 per week ; gas , Htcam h"at nnd bnthn Ninth and Farnam Sts 414 THE Bachelor's family hotel , 20H F.irnnm ; best J1.5U houho In Neb. Good weekly rules KG A1G MATTIIHSS HKXOVATIXG. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 411 ACIJOUIHA.V I'l.KATIXf ! . CHILDREN'S skirts pleated , $1.25. 303 S 17 ' -117 Alii \KKII ; , IM.\TI\ , OUR work will not rust. 1302 Farnam 418 VIOLIXS C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Shecly blk. 152 A17 SUES & CO. PATENT UWHHS AND SUUCIIURS Uen Hldq. , Umalu , Neb , Eeud for free invent- nr * culdt. Tel 1G3. < ; ovin\Mivr : : XOTICK. CUSTOM HorSK. rul'RT HOUSE AND ] . O. , Omaha , 'Mart ' I ) 17. ISW. Si-.ilcd pro- po-als will bi' ri-i rlv.-d at this buildlntr until 'J o'clock p. m. . Munduy , March 20th , Ib99 , for furnishing fuel , lights , water , ice , mlsi el- lunuouii supplier , wubtiliiK towel * , hauling ahlic.s and sprinkling street * for this build ing during the year ending June 30. 1HM. or sui'h p irtlon of Hit- year as muy 'jo ' de med udviPaMe Thr right to reject any nd all tilds la rc-demd by the Tn jsury Dt- jmrtment C. L ) . A\ouilwurth Aitlm ; Cus todian Mar is CO morn It VII.AVY CAUI1. 1U-R1.1XGTON & MIS- sourl iilvrr lliillrnftd "The lUirllnpton llouie" General mllei's , N. W , I'ormr Tenth nnd Far- rtam Streets. Ticket T' nth and Mason Streets. ' Tele- L.iii > ! M Histlng-a nnd . , Ml < ' . " aS:40nnt : n 7:40 : pm Llncnl'i Pi-iner. Colo- nil- . I1 : iii < lifi > rnln..a 1.26 pin n 3:53 : inn l.imolti Hln-k Hills. M & Pugct , .s" " ' , " ' , a 1:23 : pin n 1:00 : pin L tin-n I. , . , al a7Wpm : n10:35 : nm I I'm.n , - i i Mil n 3:00 : tun nlOJ5 : nm IVnIT c.ilnrmlo. Utah , & r i ! " .mi n 0:30 : nm a IIU I Ii D.illy Except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST JO * s ph , t Council Bluffs Riiilrund "The Hurling * tun Route" Ticket Olllee , l.irt.1 rnrnnm Street. Tel * c.hiim230. | . Iippot , Tenth ami Mnson Streets. Tel ephone , 310. Leavo. Arrive. Kansas ritv Dnv Ex..n aM : nm a SI5 : pm Kins.s 1 i-iiy NiKht Ex.nlO:15 : pm a 6:30 : nm St I. , , rhi-i rr , St. ' i-'i itid St. I/mils .u 4:35 : pm nll:30 : nin n I in 11 > I'lIlCAGO , BtMlLINOTON * uulncy Rnllroad "Tbe BurfliiRton Route" Ticket oilier. 150J Farnam St. Ti-l. 2M. Depot. Tenth & Mnsiin Streets. Tolc- phonr , 310.Leavo. Leavo. Arrive , ( . "blc-agn Spe- " 1ft I 6:10 * M : II' am 'h. as V 'Stiliiiled Kx..n 5:03 : pm a Sa"i : nm Chvaco Kxpreit. a 9:30 : am n 4:0(1 : ( pm Chi. ag.iV : St L. FA . . .a 7:43 : pm n Sfti : nm l'ii ill. Jiitieilon Lm-al..jilOMJ nm a S:45 : pm Fast Mall a 2:15 : pm a Uailj b Dally Except Sunday. CHICAGO , ROCK 13L- and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Hock Isl- nnd Route. " City Tick et Olllce. 132:1 : vVmitn Street. Telephone. 41S. Depot. Tenth .t Mason Streets. Telephone , 029. Leave. Arrive. D"s Molnes Local b 7:03 : am 1)11:23 : am Clilcngu Kxpn-ss bllilSnm aS:10am : Chicago Fast Express , .n t > :00 : nm nl:23pm : St Paul Fart Expr-ss..a 5:00 : pm bll:25am : Lincoln , Coljrado Spgs , Denver , Pueblo and AVest al:30pm : a4:25pm : DCS Molnos , Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:13 : pm n S:50pm : Colorado Flyer a6:20pm : aSGOam : a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD- Tlcket Ofllct. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , S92. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 629. Leave , Arrive. St. Loula "Canon Ball" Express a 4:50 : urn all:30 : am FREMONT , F.LKHORN & Missouri V.illey Rail road "The Northwestern Line" Genera' Olllci-s United States National Bide. . Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far- nam Streets. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street Tekumone , fiGl. Depot. 15th nnd Webster Strt-tts. Telephone , 1138. Leave. Arrive. Black llllls , Dead wood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm n 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Caaper nnd Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm Huntings. York , David City. Superior , Geneva Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk. Vcrdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:45 : am Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am 1)10:15 ) : am Fremont Local c 7:50 : nm u Dally , b Dally Except Sunday , e Sun- day only , d Dally Except Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Lint * " Genera' Olllces , United States National Bank Building , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket omco , 1401 Fnrnnin Street. Tele- lihonc , Ml. Depot , Tenth nnd Mnson Streeta. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & Paul , Minneapolis . . . .a5:53um : n 8:40 : am St. Paul. Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux City.a E:25 : pm nll:00 : pm Sioux City Local a 7:45 : nm a 9:03 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO & NOHTH- weftern Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ollice , 1401 Fnrnnm Street. Tele phone , 6GI. Dnpot. Truth nnd Mnson Streets ) . Tel- ephonc , G29. Lcavc. Arrrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 0:10 : am all:55 : pm Mo. V.i'ley , Sioux City , St. Paul < t Minneap olis a 5:33 : am nl 1:00 : pm Mo. Vnlly , Sioux City.a. 7:45 : am a 9:10 : pm Carroll Local b 5:25 : pm blO:10 : am Eastern Express , DCS Molnes , MarahaKtown. Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage ull:05 : nm a 4:0o : pm Atl.intlc Flyer. Chicago , and East a 4:53 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha n , 2:4u : pm Northern Kxprcus n 5:23 : pin n 8:40 : nm Omalia-Cliicag-o Special.a. 7:05 : pm a S:15 : nm Fast Mail S:45 : am CHICAGO. ST. PAUL & Mtnneiipolis & Oiiulha linkway "Thu Northwestern - western Line" General Offices. Nebraska Di vision , 16th nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket Ollice. HOI Fnrnam St. Telephone , 501. Depot , 15th nnd Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive , Norfolk Patsenger a 6:10 : am a 7:00 : pm IJUlr. Kmenion , Sioux City , Ponra , Hai-tlng- ton i 1 flloomflcld b 1:00 : pm 1)12:15 : pm No. 2 , win City L'l'd..u 5:55 : pm No. 1 , Omaha Limited. . a 9:00 : nm UNION PACIFIC"TH120VER - lanJ Route" General Offices. N. E. Cor. . Ninth & Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone , 31li. Depot , IVnth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited'1 for Utah , Idnho , Mon- tnnn , California , Ure- Ken and Washington joints a8:50nm : a4:45pm : The Colorado Special For Denver and all Colorado points all:55pm : a 0:40 : nm Pacific ; Express for Denver , Salt Lake , Pacific coast and all western points a < : S5pm a 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Ex b 1:33 : pm b2:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Island und North Pintle a 4.33 pm b 4:45 : pm Columbus Local b5:20pm : 1)12:20 ) : pm North Pintle Local a 0:15 : urn South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 0:15 : u m. ; 7:00 : n. m , ; 10:10 : a. in. ; 3v : : > p. m. ; 4iw : P. m. . Arrives. 10:15 : u. m. ; : i:13 : p. in. ; 3 ; ] > . III. ; 4:15 : | ) . m. ; 525 ; p. 111. ; ( j J ) . III. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5:50 : a. m. ; 6:40 : < i. in. ; 630 a. m. ; 7:35 : a. m. ; b 10:43 : a m. ; 12.20 p. in. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 4:05 : p. m. ; : , ; z P. in. , 6.Hi p. m : 0:20 : p. in. ; 8:55 : ji. tn. ; 10-30 p. in Arrlv-H , C:20 : n. m. ; 7:20 : u. in. ; > > 15 a. m . 8.15 n. m ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:05 : p in , , 4 ii. ) p. m ; 6 3i > p. m. ; & : t ' > p. m. , < i:30 : p. m , 9 U5 p. m. . lluo : p. m. : 11C5 : p. m. OMAHA k ST. LOUIS P9J3T Railroad Omaha , Kan sas City & Eastern Rail ARTHURj road "Tnn Port Aiihur Routo" Ticket O'/ice , 1115 Farnam Street. Tele- phone. 32J. Depot , Tenth und Motion Streets , Telephone phone , < X'j. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm all:20am : Kansas City & Qulncy Local a 0:50 : am n 9:03 : pm MISSOURI PACIFIC RAII rnud- General Offices and Tii kei Office ? , Southeast Cor ner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone , 101. Depot. 15th und WfbBtcr Sts. Telephone , 115S. , Leave. Arrive. ht LoulH-Kunfnu & Ntb l.inut.-il a 3:00 : pin nl2:5Ti : pm K i' Hi L Bxirtns..a 9:5'J : ' Pin u , 0:00 : um Nebraska Loi-ul via Weeping Wuitr b 5:00 : pm b 9:13 : am a t > aiy. ! b D.iily Except Sunday. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce , ItOI Funmm Street. Telephone. 264 , Depot - pot , Tenth nnd Muuon Sts. Telephone , C29. Leave Arrive Chicago Limited Ex . . a -45pm a 8 20 am ChUugu Ac. Omaha Ex .bllXam ; ( ) b 4.00 pin Bioux City & Den Molnea Express . bll.OOam b4Wnm DENOUNCES MOB VIOLENCE Governor of Georgia Wrought Up Over the Killiug at Palmetto. DETERMINED TO PUNISH PERPETRATORS i n it n > I of llsc-liur < Ml , ItriiiiUcn Col- iri-tl StildU'i'N mi liirrinU o ( but No I'J-nMim' for tlio IIriiIMI On I rum1. ATLANTA , ( la. , March IT. Governor1 Cntuller Is very hitler tn his denunciation of the 1'almetto nffalr. llo attributes the trouble to the fart that negro" regiments of soldiers hnvo been passing through and tlio sight or them has placed In the inltnl of tlio negro a spirit of ImlilneM. "Tho 1'nl- inolto lynching was ns deplorable ns It ns bloody nnd cowardly , " s.ild the governor. "It Is Into the town was burned In the night , endangering the lives of all Its women and children. It la true that 1 hail offered honvy rewards for the apprehension of tin1 Incendiaries nnd thnt these negroes hud been nrrcsted nnd some of them had confessed their guilt nnd Implicated the others in the crime. Hut It was cowardly and barbarous to slaughter them us this mob did , for they had been arrested nnd were In the hands of officers of thu law , awaiting n com mitting trial. The law was adequate for their punishment nnd there was no doubt of their speedy trial nnd punishment , if convicted. "Until recently there was no race friction In the state. The Georgia negro Is not naturally vicious nor predisposed to the commission of atrocious crimes. This wna demoiiBlrnted during the jcars of slavery. The Georgia white man Is not his enemy. a ho hud abundant reason to know since ho became n free citizen. Such outrages as this never or seldom occurred In this until regiments of Insolent , drunken negro soldiers , the scum of the dives of the cities north nnd south , were quartered hero aivl there In the state and In the south. ItlKl i\lllll : | > lo of SlllllllM'N. "A mob of negro soldiers ran riot In Tampa nnd assaulted women in broad day light. Another gang of drunken vagabonds In Macon dolled nnd tried to lire on thu police. For months another regiment of these lawless vagabonds , wearing the uni form of the United Stales soldier , terrorized Chlckamauga and the town of Lytlo In north Georgia , to say nothing of the ( Irlllln eplsodo and other similar occurrences. They had to bo escorted through every southern city through which they passed after they were discharged by a battalion of police to pre vent their looting the stores nnd terror izing the people. "Thu Leesburg outrage , the 1'alinetto burning nnd many other similar crimes com mitted in Georgia by negroes during the last few months are duo to the baneful inlluenco nnd example of these lawless rowdies , who disgraced the uniforms they wore . This Is thu primary cause of all these troubles. Still this does not Justify the bloody nnd barbarous retaliation of Lce3- bui'K and 1'almetto. "The while men who participated In tbcsa sanguinary dramas are ns unjustifiable for their conduct as the negroes they lynched , lloth are a dlsgrnco to our civilization and n reproach to our state and all the power of the state shall ho used to prevent a recurrence of such crimes nnd to punish the perpetrators. " lit * Only ItiiKiitxVlni < HUN Hern Niiiil Aroiniil ( litiloho. . H has been demonstrated repeatedly In every state In the union nnd In many for eign countries thnt Cbamberlaln'H Cough Heinedy Is a certain preventive nnd cure for croup. It has become the universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Klshor of liberty , W , Va. , only repeats what has been said nround the globe when ho writes : "I bnvo used Chamberlain's Cough Homedy In my family for several years nnd always with perfect success. Wo believe that It Is not only the best cough remedy , but thnt It la a sure euro for croup. It has saved thu lives of our children n number of times. " This remedy Is for sale by all drucglsts. ' 1'rooiiN Vlult Nrono .if Strike. DBNVBH. Colo. , March 17. A special to the Times from Lake City , Colo. , snyB : Special trains bnlngli.g three companies uf infantry and two troops of cavalry from Denver nnd Pueblo arrived here tbi.H morn ing. There are 235 soldiers here under com. mand of Colonel MacArcy. They will march to the mining cam ) ) , HeiiMin , thico miles from hero , this afternoon. The Italian sirik- urs have been kept in lgniruni.o of tlic arri val of the troops. A conflict , has already arisen between the civil and military nu- thoritles as to which shall be In control. Colonel MacArey announced thai , he woulj take charge. , hut the civil uuthuiiMiw deny his right to do so nnlcd.i mcrt'al law It decreed. Ulor'oiiMrirn Comes from Dr. D. 13. Cnrgllc of I. T. Ho writes : "Four bottles of KlcctrlC Hitters 1ms cured Mrs. Urowor of scrofula , which hud caused her great suffering fo ( years. Terrlhlo Bores would brenk out on her head and face and the best doctors could give no help , but her euro Is complete and her henlth Is excellent. " This show * what thousands have proved that Ulcctrlc Illttvrf Is the best blood purifier known. It's th # supreme remedy for eczema , tetter , salt rheum , ulcers , bolls nnd running sores , It stimulates liver , kidneys nnd bowels , ex pels poisons , helps digestion , builds up tli * fctrcngth. Only DO cents. Sold by Kuhn O Co. , druggist ? Guaranteed. Mr . I'lin-c In Itrxli ; ilril , NKW YOHK , March 17. Warden Sago of Slug Sing prison will send out some time today the invitations to witnesses who will bo present at tlio execution of Mrs. Martha 1'lnco for thu murder of her step-daughlcr , Ida 1'laco. It la generally understood the execution will occur on Tuesday nt about 11 n. m. The warden said today that Mrs. Place hud passed a fiilet | night and seemed lo ho re signed. She linn now given up nil hope nnd when her splrltunl adviser , Rev. Mr. Cole of Yonliers , left her last evening she assured him that sbo would place her trust In God. I'liuiN for I'neklni ; I'lanlH , ST. JOSKPH , Mo. , March 17.Thu Hammond mend Packing comi-any of Hninmond , I ml. , has signed contracts for the construction of a largo packing plant In South St. Jo seph , whuro Swift anil Company and Neluon Morris Sr Co. have packing houses. CHICAGO. March 17. Schwarz , Hchlld & Sulzborgor of Now York and Kansas City have purchased fifty ucrea ( > } land on For tieth street , near the stock yards , upon which they will uroct u packing establish ment. The now plant will cost $2.000,000 and will Irnvo n killing capacity of 1,000 cut tie , 3,000 bogs and 3,000 sheep dally. J. Sheer , Bodulla , Mo. , conductor on elec tric street car line , writes that his little daughter was very low with croup , and her llfo saved after all physicians had fulled , only by using One Mlnuto Cough Curo. AKII > II < Ciiiiiulliiu Olllcrr. SAN rilANCISCO , March 17. I ) . W. Scmplo of Dawson City , bunlness manager . of the Klondike Nugget , Is In this city t-n- . route to Ottawa , Out. , formally to present charges against ex-Government Commis sioner Thomas Kawcctt. Ills mission IB the outcome of a persistent and uncompromising attack upon thi < methods and practices of tbo office from which Kawctilt was recently rn- moved. Ho is still chief of survey , how ever , and from this place his removal will bo naked. A demand will also bo imulo for Kawcott's prosecution on a number of charges of alleged ofllclnl misconduct. C'lii- \\orl.H SI u r I l'i , CANAL DOVISH. O. , March 17. The Iloynl Clay \vorlin nt Mldvale , south of here , oneof the largest Imltutricg of Its kind , will resume operation ! ) next week after an Idleness of thrco years. Over 200 men will bo jjlven employment.