Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Belling Out of the Lones on Wheat Knocks
Another Cent Off on Com.
Grain I'llit AnDrinnrnllrril and I'ork
I.ONVM 17 1CIMIIN ) l.nril - I--
Cvntn mill Illlm r
CviilN ,
rilK'AGO. March 17. Selling out of long
wh'.it today UP the hard spots knocked mi-
o ! IP r f-r-nt a ibushcl elf the pries ot May
ivMI , which ut the. close showed a loss ut
' ' . wliilo oats wound up with an Improvp-
ni ut of HfaViP- Provision longs nlso were
v. .k-kneed . mid pork lost 17H&20C , lord Z'.nc '
tin.I i ihs 5c ,
'I li. demoralized fe.'llnt ; In wheat , whlrh
v.iMO Kencral tit the close last night , was
OK.i in iliu prominent feature nt the eom-
in-iiir-m nt of today's business. The early
IK\VH was quite a. ' ) discouraging to holders
D- > > i wan tlie day before and the opqnlns
th" neiTusary cneournyoinent of u revival of
fM" > rt diinand opp ured as remote as ever ,
ti"t u liliKtiindlnK yi'sterdny'B 2c decline , lly
uiMil | , , .started with quotations from IVifflfcd
l inw rlnsliiK llgures and followeil that by
u i mtln-r drop dint Ijruught July lu u i'l !
! innFigure. . * tin Argrnllnu Khlpinfius
f.r i were cunliioUng , onu rupori
ji. i inn thim at : : ,16suM ! bn. mid umitlier
J.i'.l.iUHt. . both t-1 which were considerably
luiK > r than a year ago. ( Jlllcago received
01 l > .U mis ol Whcnl , compared with 11)3 )
tliHHIIIP day lust your , but Mlnni-apolJ
IIIK ! iJiiliith HJ ! 6S- cars , against 27ii a year
IIR ; tecelpts at primary western
jr , irki-is weiu OllI.OOU bu. , compared with
i4. ! ' ) bu. la t ywir.
AHaiitlr piirt elcnranco.H of wheat and
ll.-iir wi-re rqual to 6'juuO | bn. Indlintloiis
fmm stork-takhiK centers pointed to small
Imic.iM In the visible supply , against
l ) .iily I.OOO.UOO bn. ilecrtMSO the year before.
SI.i : , u'lieul opined ' , iUliiC ( lower at from
fi7vii7'ti ' < ' uml under u good demand from
sli. > riM improved to C' c. At the slight Im-
311 .ivnif ai , however , IODR wheat heoanic
on. . < mure superabiindnnt. May docllneil to
l'1'i.ilictori1 ' shorts wenome more at-
tr > n ti il , but both foreign and domestic'
nhiiiiM riiiim In ugain und caused a rom'tlon
to < i7'-.r. ' New York reported 22 boatloads
M tur export to Antwerp. On this Item
of l furination the price rose to 7r ! c , but
in .rr . long win-lit came out and again
l n ki-d the prit-i- back to fc7u and later to
SO'V. U i-lo'eil Jit OiJVj Cic ; , selUrs ,
1 execution iby commission hous'g of
Flop-loss orders and the weakness In caused a break In corn at the start.
Light receipts and liberal clearances , huw-
M r. started shorts cov.rlng nt the decline.
TIi-Ti' was also considerable buying for the
lo n IT account and the early loss was nearly
all recovered. Kc celpt.s were 174 cars. May
opi'iiwlJ'yVjc lower ut from 33c down to
W-.r. sold sparingly at XT/be , rose to rP4e ,
tliinagged to .WsfiSlc , sellers , at the close.
( nt were weak und lower early In
sympathy with whent , but owing to , m ex-
till' nt demand from shlppjrs and shorts the
pric < llrined up and the market closed quite
Bti'iimItecelptH , 151 cars. May begun ' ! <
Hi > „ lower at 23i25Uc , advanced to L Vu1
l - o und closed nt 2o' Ti""ic.
1'ressure of long huldlngs depressed pro-
vi tiiiiH. The market did not appear to have
operative ' power of a l.i-tlng quality , as
n-v. . ral rallies were quickly squelched by
fr sh offerings of long stuff. May pork
opined 5'cilOc lower'at $ a.07V2jl'.i.l2'6 , soli at
$ ! > 12'4. ' then declined to JS.IIS and closed nt
jx nT'-'iiH.OO. ' The range In lard und ribs was
I'Ntlmuted re elptK for Saturday : "Wheat ,
firtars , corn , 200 cars ; outs , 150 curs ; hogs ,
CO XK ) head.
Leading futures ranged us follows"
Upell. lllch. Low.
May I17H I1HK
July. fiOH USJI"
July. ,34146611. , : UH
sent I SSwh , Hfi
May. JB ) ,
July J4 L'l I
May. 1112 so. , non
July ' .I 31) ) u ID i'j 11.15
M-iv rns r , H7 CJ12H r. 321 , E 37
Juh r. rn , r > W 5 45 5-174 a : , 'J'i
Si-.t | r > mi Slid 5UU f > H5
Mty 47(1 ( 4 7---H 107H 4 r,7H 472H
.Inly I H'Jli , I xr , 4 HO 4 HI ) 4 h. >
M-pt . .i 4 11.1 4 07H 4 tl'-'H 4 WJH
No 2.
( .ih nuotntlon were as follows :
FKOPH Dull and weaker ; winter piitents.
(3GV (1.5 ; ; straights , t,33'i-lj : ; ( : ! ; clears , W.15
< u" ' " > . spring specials , JJ.OUltl.lO ; patent * .
J3W-t.7u ; straights , .90io.20 ( ; bakers. J.2j
u'lilCAT-Xo. 2 spring , C.-M'SC7'ic ! ' ; No. C
ppi ing. rKfj6Sc ; ; No. red , C7fC9c. ( )
' .No. 2 , 3 : < { jUVic ; No. 2 yellow , 3VAG
OATS No. 2 , 2ficNo. ; . 2 white ,
Js' " : t white , 2VT(21lc. (
10 K-No. 2. 49Vn\
UAUhKY No. 2. 3TO4SC.
SKKHS No. 1 MuNseed. $1.17' , * ; northwest ,
tl 2' . prime timothy , $2.35.
I'HOVISIONS-Oless pork , per bbl. , JS.SB
< & > -i ! l ird. per 100 His. . jri.Si 'ffri.'Jj. Short
rllis sides ( loose ) , , $4.40'54.70. 'Dry salted
Hi , Mil'L-rs ' ( buxed ) it.T.'dl.S1Short clour
Bid 9 ( boxed ) , $4.MVij4. ! > j.
AHlh'lx V DlHllllers1 llnlshed goods , per
5 = 1'i : A US Cut loaf. $ j.R3 : granulated. 1.33.
fl.OVBR Contract grade.
l . 'Jvlng are the lecelpts and shipments :
v' ' ' " " . Hccclnft Shlpm'ts
I'lmir bbls 11,000 .
"Win it. bu S'l.OOO 41,0'IC '
f , rn. bu IKj.iiV ( ) 211,00- :
Onibu 190,000
llvr bu 2.000 11,00 ,
Barli-y. bu I3l > )0 )
mi th Produce exchange today the lint ,
tpr nrirket was stvndv : crenmerlea. 14f ?
I1 ! * . ' . ilnlrles , ll' ffil'i'PCH ] , steady ; frej h ,
I2' ' p. Chpese , ftpndy ; crpiimnrlea , 10'.4012c.
( luiiliilloiiH fur tin * liny on Ccnernl
' . 'OlllllMMl 1 1 If'H.
N'H\V YOIIK. March 17. FI.OUR-nc-
celptl , 2GSfiO bbls. ; exports , 2GS2 : > bills. ; dull
Wi'.ik and KJ/lCc / lower ; winter patents , $3.70
winter strulghts. $ : i.uOfrU.CO ; Allnnesota put.
cntK. $3.)0fi ! ) < l-30 ; winter extras , $2.50'Qa.Su
Jllniie-iotii bakers. $3.101(3.23 ( ; winter patents
I Kusler ; yellow western ,
Sli Ity. N4'uSSe.
HYK Weak : No. 2 western , C3c , f. o. b ,
OlI'Mt '
U MKAT Hei-e'.pts , 53.000 bn. ; exports
541. Tii ; bn. ; spot weak ; No. 2 rJd , 7Sa c , f. o
Ji .illnal , tu arrive. Options opened weal. .
lieraiixe of bearish cables and renewed llqnl
datlon. They rallied nt noon on covering
( nit developed u secmid b ( ivy break In tin
I.IHI liuiir , tlirongh weak Antwerp cables
iifiirlnh Modern .Miller report and u raid bj
junipers. CloH-d weak at ' 'jfiilVKC ' net de
rlitu' , In face of a fair export trad- . March
77Vu7S7c. closed 77' c ; May. 71 9-lG5/72'.c
< l.iHi-il. 71HcInly : , 707-lG5)7114e. ) i-lofcd 70'fc
HeplMinbrr. i TiiiiilU'se. closed CS ? e
CHUN Heeelpts. 215. 175- exports , SO 1. 632
Bp t , easy ; N'o. 2 , I0iii42'i > c. ' f. o. b. , utloat
jiew and -old. Options opened ivisy will
whi tt and Hiibs'quently recovered on nhor
( lvin.ind , only to break near the close ngali
Wltti wheat. C'losed weak ur 'Ifi'fcp net de
t-11 i. .May. .U iiSIHr. closed SS'ic ; July , 3
ft1 7-lli , ' , Closed 3'Jc.
OATH Hcc Ints. 172.SOO bn. ; exports. 6.53
tmpot wmk : No. 2 , itl'/ic ; track , white
81'ix. ! . ; No. 2 white. 31e ; track , mixed , weal
ern. : tl'sfi33c ; options qnlet.
Hi il'S On' ' < t. Mia to , rommnn to choice
iwii i r , p. T'lfc ; isu" crop. HJfl3c ; 1SOS crop
ITtilvI'ne'.lle eo.tst , 1SM ! ) i-rop , 10fllei { 1S
cri. , | Il1il2c ; ISOS i-rop , ISidPc.
II I ] > KH Steady ; ( lalvfton , 15 pounds , 1
Ci'i : . TI-MIH dry. ltf(12o ( ; California. 21 ti
K i"iundH , IS'sc.
\ \ i iiilijulet but ilrmj doincstlo fleece
IT'ii : . - , . -
I Altn Ktiiiyi western Htcam , $3.56
M ii $ Ti52'v. nominal , llenneil steady.
ICiMS Qnlot ; western fresh. 13lic ; south
' .
V Klrm : city. 4 4o ; country.
OHQnlet. .
IH'TTHH llecelpts. 3,150 pkcs. ; marke
ti-adv ; west rn creanuiry. ISflSOc ; Klglns
( V factory , 12iill'i.e.
. 1,508 pkgs. ; murke
n'p.idy : large white , jjc : pmall white. 12Ue
colored , ISe ; small c Vored , 12'.uT12 i'
MKTA1.K l'g ! Iron warrants , llrm , 'u
$1060 nominal ; lake conper , tlrm. will
fillers HI $17.41) ; tin , steady , with $23 SO bit
nd $23 W ) iixked ; lend. unc4mng d. with $1.4
I'.ld and JI 50 anked : upelter , unehangod
With JC35 bid ar.d 40 asked. Til 3 brokers
prices for oopper. J17.504/1S.OO. /
HnltliiHirc llnrki'i ,
liAl.TIMOHK. March 17.-KIXlWliil )
nnd winy ; western wuiierlln" . Ji.uOt.lO
wivBtern extra. } 24MiSOO. uextern family
$33 ,13 tiO ; receipts , 7 , > 1 bbls. ; exports. 16 ,
7W bids
WH'JIAT Ui-nu'i-iliz . spot and month
T1llj71ltt' Ai/rll 71s , i7i' Mi > 72sltd
steamer. No , 2 r 'i i" ! i 7i4c , receipts. 4 ' 7
Im. : oxporln. 40,000 bu. ; southern , hy jmmpl * .
G77r ; outhern , on Krnde. G7'4' ' ? 7l'Vc.
coHN Dull nd lower ; "pot und month.
Waf/-Wa / c ; April. aOT-4 fJ7c ; Mny , Si i SSe ;
steamer mixed , 35 36he ; reeeljits , 151,9V > bu. ;
102 , < S7 bu , ; southern White , 373 c ;
vel'ow. 37 T37'tc.
nsler ; No. 2 white. StMnrxs : Ko.
3 mlxpd , 32 038o ; Wcelpls , 321,010 bu. ; experts -
ports , non" .
nYIJ-Dull ; Jecolpts , 1,30 ? 1)11 , j exports ,
HfTTKU-Slondy , unchanged.
Knos Firm.
CIIKKS15 Active , henvy , nrmm , -
OMAHA < SIMH : M , MAiiKivr.
Cundll Inn of Trnili * mill Onntiitlmift on
Mnjili- and rniirjProduce. .
KOGS U eelpt ? , moderate ; market
steady , it lie.
HUTTKll-rommon to fair. 1 1 ( ff2c ! ; choice ,
14ijlSe ; Repnrutor , 20c ; gathered creamery ,
17i Iv.
Pon.TIlY - Chickens , live , MJSUc ;
ilrriwed. Ofill ( < - : old nnd stagRV roosters ,
live , 47/flc ; dre"el. ! rfi7c : duiks nnd geese ,
live , 7 < iiSc | ; dre-scd , OTildc ; 1ii : < eys , live ,
Milne ; ( iri-SRoil , light wight , 12m13c ; hcnvy
weight , llfilSr.
JTfMioNS MVK , per doz. , 75800C.
VIJAICholre. . & 5i9r.
OVSTEUS-Htilk Standard , per gal. , $1.10 ;
medlumi. per can , IGc ; Standard , per can ,
20e' ; Kxtra Select , per can , 2oc ; New York
Count * . rr ran. SOc.
rilKSH WATUll FISII-WhIte fish , Oc :
lake trout , 9c ; small trout , green , lie ; yellow
pike. Sc ; pickerel , winter caught , Gc ; silver
herring , Ic ; IH rrn. sealed and dressed. Ge ;
perch , sklntuil und drrMscd , 7c ; northern
crntiple , lOc ; bullheads , drcHScd , lOc ; black
bins , very cearee , Inc.
SKA KISIl Flounders. Sc ; haddock , ic ;
Columbia river salmon , lie ; halibut , lie ;
No. 1 Htnells , lOc ; bine ilsh , lOc ; Spanish
mackerel , lOc ; red snapper , lOc ; extra largo
mackerel , 30c each.
APl M5S-Bcn Davis , per lib ) . , $ < .75.35.00 ;
Ocnltons , $1 : New York Ualdwlns , Green
ings and others , choice , per bbl. , $5.00 ®
0.2. > ; western boxed , $ l.S5 < i72.00.
CllANHHllIUlCS Jer y ; $ G.OHrfi.25 ( ; large ,
$6.6036.75 ; per cr.Uo , $2.25.
TOMATOiS-l'er crate , $ l.00ffl.25.
Sl'INACH--None In market.
I.I3TTUCL5 Home ariwn. per doz.
bunches , 4ic.
CI3M311.Y California , peed stock , 25c ;
choice , 35o ; fancy , 5Uo , extra large , 73c ;
Michigan , choice * took , gi2.
ONIONS Homo grown , per doz. bunches ,
30c.VATEnCHKSS lG-rt. , cases , $1.CO.
CAIlHAOK-Crated. per lb. , 3c.
CAUI-lFLO\VCH-l'er ! i-rat . $2.75.
ONKNS-rer bn. . 90eIl.uO.
IlKANS Ilain'-plcked , navy , per bu. , $1.50
pi. GO.
1'OTATOKS Choleo , n\ckrd , 70c ; poorer
stock , COe ; Jllnnesota. nnrbanks , 90e ;
Colorado , $1.00 ; liurly Ohio seed potatoes ,
$1. .
S\VKKT POTATOKS-Por bbl. , $2.00If2.23.
I.KMONS-Cnllfornln. fanes. J3.75H-4.00 ;
choice , } 3.5i Si3.757 ; Messina , fancy , Sl.OOiTI.25.
UKAXClKS-Nuvcls , fancy. $3.i5ft3.W : ;
choice , $3.15'Jt3.2o ; seedlings , $2.3.iQ2.DO.
HA NANAS Choice , crated , largo stock ,
per bunch , $2.00&2.23 ; medium sized bunches ,
I.7.W 2.IKJ.
DATKS-Hallowee. GO to 70b. . boxes , 6c ;
Sulr , B'/se ; Fard , D-lb. boxes , lOc.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , 17c ; Drnzlls , per
lb. . 'iJdOc ; Kngllsh walnuts * , per lb. , funcy
soft shel' , Ilijl2c ; standards. lOc ; filberts ,
per lb. , lie ; pecans , polished , "JJSc ; cocoanuts -
nuts , per 100. $ t ; peanuts , rttw , GHQGc ;
ronstod , GVjfi7c.
CIDHU-1'er half bbl. , $3.
SAUKUKHATIT Per half bbl. , $2.
llONKY-Cliolce white , 12ffl2 < c.
MAPLK SYIiri'-Flve-Rtil. cnnf. each ,
$2.50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal.
cans , $ ii.2 , " > ; quart cans , $3.50.
MAPLI' } SL'OAH-Cholce. In boxes , DfTlOc.
I'1C1S ' imported , none ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , $ l.lOil.50.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Vic ; No. 2
green hide ? , ( j'ie ; Nn. 1 saltcil hides , Slc ;
No. 2 salted hides , 7 0 ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to
12 lb10i" No. 2 calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
1 , 3'i.c ; tallow. No. 2. 3c ; rough ta'.low. IVfcc ;
whlto grease , 2'-j'Q3c ; yellow and brown
gi-'use , lU02l,4i : .
FURS-MInk , 10'i75c ; bear ( black or
brown ) . $5.001(20.00 ; otter , $1.50tiS.OO ; beuvcr ,
$1.11(0.00 ( ; skunk , 13fr70c ; muskrat , SJjlOc ;
raccoon , lo'iiGOc ; red fox , 23cSi.2j ; gray fox.
25'ii50c : welt ( timber ) , 23c'ii2.50 ' ; wolf
( prairie ) , coyote. lOfroOc ; wildcat , 10Q2Gc ;
badger , 51i40c ; silver fox. $ jO.OOfi75.00.
S11MBP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15 ®
73c ; green salted sheiiringf ) ( short woo'.ed
early skins ) , each , i3c ; dry shearings ( .short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. 5c ; dry
Hint , Kansas ami Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , rcr lb. , actual weight , 4t5c ; dry Hint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. , iictnu : weight , SITlc ; dry Hint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 45ac | ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain
wool Belts , per lb. . actual weight. Sijlc.
SI. l.oulN .Market.
ST. LOUIS , March 17. FLOUR Easier ;
patents , $3.40473.60 ; tttrulghts , J3.103.25 ;
clear , $2.75 3.00.
WHEAT Weak nnd lower for spot and
option5' ' ; No. 2 nd cash , elevator , G9c ; track ,
70'd71c ; .March. B9c ; May , "OThc ; July , Gi > % 0
CS o asked ; No. 2 hard. tatiWc.
CORN Options fractlrinaKy lower ; spot
unsettled , easier ; No. 2 eanh , 33c ; track , 34c ;
March , li iu ; May. 32Uli34c bid ; July , 33c
OATS About steady ; No. 1 cosh , 27c ;
track , 28c ; March , 27c ; May , 2GIs'Q2G4c ! ' bid.
RYE Held at 5Sc.
SICEDS Kl.njc.ieed , lower , $1.12. Prime
timothy. $2.30.
HRAN Dull , lower ; Hacked , east track ,
fiSe.HAY Dull , . weak ; timothy , $9.50310.50 ;
prairie , $ i.EO. ;
HL'TTISIl Dull ; creamery , ! SS22c ; dairy ,
EGGS Lower. lOc.
WHISKY Steady , $1.2fi.
POULTRY .Market tlrm ; chickens , 9c ;
turkeys. OfilOe ; geese. 5'i'SCc : ducks , 8'.4Q9c.
METALS 1-end , llrm. $4.30. ' Spelter ,
stronir. Gbc bid.
PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard
meFs , jobbing , $9.12' . Lard , easy ; prime
steam. $5.05 ; choice , $ "i.l2'4. ' Dry . > -alt meats ,
boxed shoii'iUrs. $1.25 ; extra shorts , $4.73 ;
ribs , $1.S7'shorts ; , $3. Hacon. boxeil
fihoiilders > . } 5 ; extra short , $5.23 ; ribs , $5.37' , ,
RECEIPTS Flour , 10,000 bbls , ; wheat , 17-
000 bu ; curn. 40,000 bu. ; oats. 43.000 bu.
HIIII'MENTS Klour , 0.000 bbls. : wheat ,
30,000 tin. ; corn , 20.000 bu. ; oats , 32,000 bu.
I.lvi-riiool < ; rnli > ll nil 1'rovlNloiiH.
Steady , I'd'uK-fed lower ; March , 5s atkd ; May
5s 3d ; July. 5s : id.
CORN Steady , > , ifi1d lower ; March , 3i
84d ; May. I'.sS'Jd ; July , 3s 3'/jd.
llecelpts of wheat during the last Hirer
duyi2 % , < > 00 centals. Including .SoSO'D ' Anirrl-
ran. Receipts of American corn during tin
last tbr e days , 205,900 centals ,
I'KAS Canadian ,
Cl I EESE American llncst white and col
ored , 5ls Gd.
PROVISKVNS-Hams. shor : cut. dull n
R5s ; bacon , short clear nacKs. steady nt I7s
clear belllcB , steady nt 3' > s lifi.
HOPS At London ( Paclllc coast ) , Him
XI 1H ( nnd JU4 lid.
KMIIHIIN Cll.v Urn In anil I'riivlKliiiiH.
lower ; No. 2 Intnl. 6lffG2Vi > c ; No , 3. 5S7Glc
No. 2 red , 72c ; No 3 , GSSi70c ; No. 2 spring
59iifilc : No. U , 57f59c. ( |
CORN > , se lower : No. 2 mixed , 32V . < S33c
No. 2 white , 3IHe : No. 3 , 3le.
OATS 'tc lower ; No. 2 white , 23Q23V4C.
11YK Iiw-r ; No. 2 , E4fl53c.
HAY Steady and unchanged.
Ht'TTUR Steady ; creamery , UtTlDc
dairy. IGe.
EGOS-Sleady ; fresh. KHMTHc.
nioi-Eiriti Wh-at. 2Ss5o bu. ; corn , 20.
250 bu. ; oats. 10.000 bn.
Sll'lPMENTH-Whcat , CO.IOO bu. ; corn , < S
bn. ; exits , S.OOO bu.
I'ilicliilllll I Mnrlicl ,
deniiind : No. 2 red. 70o.
C'ORN-Steady : No. 2 mixed , aTiiSiUr.
O'ATS Ea y , lower : No. 2 mixed. SSc. \ .
RYE-EuHy : No. 2. GOe.
PROVISlONS-Uird. fiulet. lower , $ : > .07'i
Hulk meats , llrm. $1.75 , Uucon , steady
WHISKY-Actlvc , $ J.2G.
EGQS-Easy , lie ,
Toledo tlurUct.
TOLEDO. O. , March 17. WHEAT-Lowe
nnd weak : No. 2 cash , GOVJe ; Mny , C3c i.
CORN Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 32Vsc
OATS Dull and l > wcr : No. 2 mlx-d , 27c.
RYE Dull and easy ; No. 2 ca , Ji , 50c.
CLOVEHSEED-Activo nnd higher : prim
cash , old , $3.25 ; new cash , .March and April
$3.13. _
i Mil" iinl.i'iIrnlii .Mnrliet.
1 iMILWAUKEE , aiurch 17. - WHEAT -
Lower ; No. 1 northern , GJc ; No. 2 north
ern. R5Uc.
RYE- Lower ; No. 2. 470474c ; sample , 33i
IJARLEY Lower ; No. 2 , 47 c ; sample
1'eiirln M
PEORIA. March 17. CORN Lower ; NeO
O TS-I-ower ; No. 2 white. 28iligSSHc.
WHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.2G fo
finished goods.
lllniii-iiiMillii Wheat Market.
Kuuy. March , CCc , May , 5i- . July , U ) ' 'u6Bc
on track , N.1 hard. GSjr ; No. 1 northern ,
G < * 4c ; No. 2 nort'.iern. fi2 e.
FLOfll-loy lower ; nrst patents , $3.fWiJ3.SO ;
s rend patents , $ : i.Ii > i3.oO ; llrst clear , $2.40
( B2.60.
I'lillndi'lTililit I'rnilnrc Itnrket.
Fancy creamery , 20c.
KGOS Wenk uml ' 4c lower ; fresh west
ern , 12HTil3c.
CllEESE-FIrm nnd higher.
Cm I it lli > cilptat I'rliiclpnl MnrkelN ,
ST. LOIM3 , March 17.-Recelpls : Wheat ,
25 cars ,
CHlcAOO , March 17. Uatlmntod cars for
tomorrow : \Vhrat , 50 ; corn. 2W ; oats , 150.
DnliilliVltent Mni-ket.
DtTLTrril. March li.-WUKAT-No , 1
hard cash , fiS < ic ; Slaroh. Gfi'si' ; ' .May , GSHfB
nsijo ; July , CS-jc , ; No. 1 northern , cash , GlVfcc ;
No. 2 northern , Clc.
SenrcN < Ailvnni'c for the liny
of Five I'olnlM.
N13W YORK. March 17.-Thp rnllwnyB.
after a display of strength In symiutthy
with the buoyancy In sugar , sagged In an
ticipation of February returns not meeting
expectations , and the tvsult was marked
declines In these properties.
A number of the active specialties moved
upward , but some ot the "green" Indus
trials were exceptions , Including Fodcrnl
Steel , American Steel and Wire , Con-
tlnentnl , Tobacco nnd International Pnper.
These properties Buffered because of the. .
diversion of Interest from them In Sugar.
Surur , which at one time was within 2'i
points of Its record llgure , yesterday Hcored
u net advance of f > po'ints. ' Glucos- ? was up
sympathetically. The aggregate of dealIngs -
Ings , while below those of yesterday , ex-
ccd TGO.OOO shares , of which 130,000 were
The fact that the banks have lout over
$ ! ) .000,000 to thoHUbtrcusury since Friday led
traders to expect an unfavorable bank
statement tomorrow , and on this theory
they sold flocks. Among the stocks showIng -
Ing strength were People's Lias , T.-nnessce
Coal nnd Iron , Colorado Fuel and Iron ,
Metropolitan Street Railway , Brooklyn
Transit and Manhattan.
Call money ratet ) ranged from ! t to 5 per
cent , with the bulk of the business near the
high llgnre. After most brokers had made
their arrangements for lottns , which carry
over until Monday , rates receded , with the
closing at 3fi3'2 per cent ,
London was a seller on the advance here ,
putt Ing out twice as much stock as It had
taken In In the Initial trading.
There was some liquidation among the ac
tive bond Issues today , while strength pre
vailed In nil other quarter * * . Total fules ,
$2.T30oi)0. ) I'nlted States new 4s. coupon , ad
vanced V. United States new 4s , registered ,
\ ' \ , and the old 4s , registered , and the S V4
In the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London cablegram says : The markets here
were s Ightly more active than during the
rest of the week , l ondon bought Amer
icans slightly and New York followed.
Then came a sharp relapse that was ac
centuated In the street. The market lujre
thlnkB th > < Sugar lluctuatlons frightened the
public out of rivals. Coppers were dull.
The fortnightly statistics show the supply
Increased l,5t > 7 tons and stock 757 tons. Tln-
tos , iPJ : i ; Utahs. sa < u BoHtons , 2One
hundred thous.ind pounds gold WUM tiiken
for the Cape. The prucu was rather wink ,
77s 9-V1. An African parcel of 318,000 will
bo deat : with on Monday. Silver closed
27 . The Bank ot France is Inviting mint
tenders and there are also good trade
orders. .Money was stiff and is likely to re
main HO till the end of the quarter. Loans
dt the bank were renewed , und there was
seine fresh borrowing.
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the New \ork
exchange today :
* " ox-illvlilend. " * Ot-
Ex-llvllend. "RlBhts - -
fered. Second assl. paid.
The Hnli-s of jftoi-ks * today were 702,400
8hnr"i. liifludlnK the following : Atchlson ,
3.100 : Atchlson proft'rri'il , 2' ' < ,9')5 ' ; HiirHiiKton ,
KI.r.27 ; IxiulHvlllc & NiiMlivlllo. 3,215 ; Munhat-
tan. 9,225 : Metropolitan StrPft Hallway.
7.110 ; Heading 1st prcferrcil. 0,920 ; MlMsoiirl
Paclllc , 9,775 : Missouri. KnunaH it TPXIIH pro.
f rrpil , 5,490 ; Now York C'entra' . 4.704 ;
Northern Psicini' . 12.405 ; Hoi-k Ifiliind , 1.000 ;
T'nlon Paclilc , 11575 ; 1'nlon Paclllc preferred -
ferred , B.G61 ; St. Paul , 10i9'J ; ; Southern Pa-
citlf , S.070 ; American StPPl .t Win' . 3S.57S ;
A.merlcan Steel it Wire prpfi rred. 7,315 ;
Paper , 4fill ; Federal Steol. 11,050 ; Federal
Steel prefprred , 7,955 ; People's ClnB. G2515 ;
llrnoklyn Transit , 59,570 ; Colnrado Fuel and
Iron , S.720 : fciiigar , 134.7U ; TeniH"-.see Coal
and Iron , G0.305 ; Leather preferreil. 2.7GO.
\o v York MiMip
CA1J/ Market llrm at 4'-s per cent.
tier cent.
STEKUNC. EXCIIANOE-Markot steady ,
with actual business In banker.- * ' bills at
$ I.S51l4 S5Vj for demand and at $ l < ! 3fil.S3H
for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.811(1,81' ( . ;
conimerplal bills. $ I.S2U.
MEXICAN DOIl.AltS-17.c. ! (
CiOVEUNMENT UONDS Market strong ;
3s , 107'- ; new 4n , rcu. . 12Si-i ; coupon , 12S % ;
4s. Ill's ; coupon , 112 i ; 3s , SWS ; 5s , res. ,
112 : coupon , 112.
Closing quotations on bonds were :
I'urpliiii I'Miiiinclal.
LONDON. March 17. The market for
American securities advanced at the openIng -
Ing and remained steady all day on New
York buying. The closing tone wan steudy
nnd the demand Rt'iierally light , liold at
lltienus Ayrcs. 11S.60.
1'AIllS.March 17. HeallzattoiiH caused a
decline of prices on the bourse today. In
ternational securities were dull , particu
larly Spanish 4s. Illo Ttntoa declined on
th * Increase of the visible supply of cj-mor
S ooka commenced better on cun'radlctKn )
of the rumor that negotiations between tie
Transvaal government und the Chamber
mines were broken off : later they wercr
PH'ier , but after the tloxp of the bnurw
Knllrs ! recovered. S | nl ! li 4 , B 75.
UKUK1X , Mnrch 17. ItitiTiiational necuri-
Hs were dull on-the benr reports and Span
ish 4s weie rnnslderably easier on realiza
tions. Amorlcnn securities reeovered.
t'nnndlnti 1'acllle trotiR and IOCH ! Fhnred
were steady. Iron shares were tronc on
reports from New York regarding steel
MADIUD , March 17.-Spanish 4s closed to
day ut 73.10. Clold wns quoted nt 26,90.
MoMoti Slni'U ( tuitliillittii ,
11OSTON. March 17 Call loans , SiJS'A ' jwr
cent ; tlmo lonns , 3\tfiH per cent , CIOSIHR
Iirlees for stocks , bonds and mining
chares :
A. . T. .t st. r SO IM. KIcc. Tel 1C. !
Amor. Httear ici Atrlilson pM ( K )
< lo pfd 117 do 45 UO
Hell Tel sis AllciiiK Mlnine Co. . D
Postrm & Albnny. . ! I5 Atlantic Si
tkmton .t Maine..170 lloaton , -Mont r 3 fl
llo pffl
MrxlennVntnil . . yultiry ICO
old ivnony 01 Tntnnrnrk IK
llublier 4314 \VolvcHno 4BH
rnliii I'n-inc 404 Pnrrott 4fi
\ \ > t Rnd M Aitvontura 13H
. 0" pfJ JU Hnniholdt 2 >
\Ve ilngh. Elec 45 Wlnnna IKVt
do pfO ( ji
Sun I'l-nnelKiMi
RAN I'-UANCISCO. March 17.-Tlic olllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were ns follows :
Silver bars , f.s'fcc ; Mexican dollars , 47' ' < , lf
4Sc. Drafts , sight , 15c ; telegraph , 17&C.
XtMr Yiirlc .Mlnlni ; < | nntnHunt.
NEW YORK. March 17. The following arc
the closing jirlces for mining shares : : n Ontario 5" o
I'ninn 1-olnt 50 Oplilr 103
Con. Cnl anil Vn..lW 1'lymouth 10
Doiulwooil , fo Quicksilver 17ii
( mild & Currle w ilo pfil Go
Hnlc & iN'orcross . . . JO Plcrrii NcvaiH i ;
Hntncstuke &MO Slimitaril 123
Iron Silver . . ll'nlnn ( . "on S3
Mnxlcnn 70 I Yellow .tntfket 26
Ijoiulon Slock ( liioliidoiiM.
LONDON , Jlnrch 17.-4 p. m.-Closlngi
" "
"BAR SILVER Steady270-1Cd.
MONEY 2U per cent.
Discount In open market for short and for
three months' bllK 2'4ti25i ! per cent.
I'Miiiini'lnl .Niilc-i.
NEW YORIC , March 17.-Clearlngs , J201-
1S0.170 ; balances. J1,53SOSS.
DOSTON. March 17.-ClcarIngs , J19,7S9,7SO ;
balances. jl.7SO.S72.
PHILADELPHIA , March 17.-Clearlngs.
$17.02liIJ20 ; balances , J2.116.711.
RALTI110RE , March 17.-Clearlngs , J3-
9IS..S77 ; balances , S523.3S3.
ST. LOUIS. March 17. Clearings , jr.,030.-
030 ; balances , $ ! > M.703 ; money , 4JT7 per cent ;
Isow Yoik exchange , 15c discount bid , pur
CINCINNATI. March 17. Money , 2'/fe5/G
per cent ; New York exchange , oOc discount ;
dealings , J2,127.r > 00.
WASHINGTON , March 17. Today's state
ment of the condition ot the treasury snow-
Available cash balance , $279,432,797 ; gold re
serve. $2H.ii4G&S. ;
CHICAUO , March 17. ClonrliiRf" , f20SH-
Sli ; balances , $1,392,8S : ! ; New York oxchniiKe.
40c dlFcounl ; Sterling exchange , pos'.ed ,
Jl.S4' l.Sfiii : actual , mnUi4.S.Vi ; sIxTv
days. $1.52114. . 14. Stocks active ; Alley L ,
. ; ; btrnwboard , 32 ; West Chicago. JMi ;
> .prth Chicago , 225 ; Diamond Match , 137
coml"011' Ws' Ulscult preferred ,
YORK , .March 17.-Cotton futures
opened steady at the decline ; JInrch $ i > OS'
April , JG.07 ; Mny. JC.ll ; June. $6.11 ; July
Jfi.15 ; August , jr.14 ; September , KM ; October -
tober , $ GOS ; November , $0.03 ; December
$ t.ftV ! January , fil 10 '
ST. LOUIS. Mnrch'l7.-COTTON-Dull nnd
unchanged ; no sales reported ; middling , Ge ;
receipts. 2.219 bales ; Bhlpments , 2,127 bulea ;
slock. 71.S7D bales.
. - - _ ordinary ,
good ordlnarj' . 4 1-lCc ; low mldcUing.
fi'/te ; middling. 513-lCc : good middling ,
G7-lCc : middling fair , G13-lGc ; receipts. G,4G
bbl . ; stock , 3G2.G12 bbls.
\e - YorU Orjr CooilH
Oeneral demand for cotton goods without
material change ; tnno tlrm throughout. Ad
vances conllned chiefly to COUIHO colored
cottons , several ninken of denims , plaids
and hickory stripes Iwlng reported > ic
higher. lirown sheetings and drills flrmiy
held , but huyers less pressing. Kino yarn
gray goods also llrm , but demand quiet.
Bleached cottons lirm , demand moderate.
No change In wide sheetings , cotton llan-
nels nnd blankets. Men's wear woolens
quiet ; plain worsted drcis goods firm ; llks
ColTi'o MlirKol.
NEW YORK , March 17. COKFEE Op
tions opened steady nt uncmiiK"d ) prlciv ,
ruled moderntely active ; Hpoculatlon very
slack , European and llrazlllan iiccoimts be
ing unsatisfactory nnd henvy visible supply
causing procrastination on the part of con
sumers. Closed quiet , unchanged to ! >
points higher. Sales , 12.MJO IHIR ; . Ineludlim :
May , $3.10 : June , $ ,1.15 ; Ju'y. Jfl.2.V'/5.89 :
August. $3.3.1 ; Seiitember , $ .1.45 : Octolis-r ,
S3.ri3 ; November , $5.00 ; Deccmbfr , $ .1.70i57f
Spot. Kio dull , about steady : No. 7 Invoice ,
llS-lCc ; Jobbing , ( ! 11-lCc. Mild , quiet but
steady ; Cordova , SfjMc.
\Vn ] MiirUrl.
LONDON. March 17. There was a fill' at
tendance at the wool auction sales today
Olfe.-inpK , 13,692 bales , Including clu.iiv lots
of Geelong greasy merlno.i nnd grensy
crossbreds , which were prlnpp | lly tukeii
liy the homo trade. Kales : B > 'w South
Walrs , 4,100 bnlc-s ; scoured. Is'-jd ; greasy ,
4ifillVid. fjuoenshind , 1.700 balescourvd ; ,
IB IdJilHlliAd ; gre-isy , 7' MOiJ.d. Victoria ,
2..W ) bales ; scoured. IH liH/lsfid ; greany , M
ffils,1d. New Xealand , II 900 ba'es ; scoured ,
Ci'idfjls Gd ; greasy , fjifiinil. Ciipcof Good
Hope and Natal , 1,400 bales ; scoured , 9df/
Is ; greasy , GU > ? ? 9d.
March. 9slOUi.
N1CW YORK' , March 17.-SUOAU llnw ,
easy , lower to sell ; fair rellnlng , STfcc ; cen
trifugal , 9tj tei't , I5e. ( Mo'aFS sugar. 3tc.
Rellned sugar , easier ; No. G , 4 7-lCc ; N'o. 7.
4'nc ; No. S , 45-lGc ; No. 9 , 4',4c : No. 10 , 4"4c ;
No. 11. 43-lCc : No. 12 , No. 13 , No. 14 , 4 3-lGc.
Mould A. [ > 3-lGc ; standard A. f > c ; contVc-
floners' A , fte ; cut loaf and crushed , Gc ;
granulated , 5V > , o ; cubes and powdered , fi'/ic. '
California Dried I'rnIlM ,
OH .Mnrl.i't.
OIL CITY. March 17.-Crcdlt balances ,
$1.15 ; certlllcutos , $1.12 bid for April ; fihlp.
ments , G4,4 0 bids. ; dn'lly average BhipmenlB ,
S2.000 : bbls. ; runs , S3.77S bbla. ; dally uvcrago
runs , 7Soj ( Itl.l 9
Illtt SlilniiK'iil of Silver.
NB\V YORK. March 17. Steamship
Ktruria , falling for Kurope tomorrow , \\lfl
taku out S5l,0iio ounces of silver.
Mmii'lii' i < 'r Ti'xllli' Jlnrlcot.
JtANCIIKSTKH , March 17.-Cloths nnd
yarns tiulet nnd hard to sell , unless nt con
Cdiiforriu'c of HIP i'oiikiilN ,
WASHINGTON. .March 17. Admiral
Kautz has cabled the secretary of the navy
from 'Apia , Samoa , via Auckland , X. / . ,
that ho has arranged for a meeting of 'the
three consuls , those of Great Drltnln , the
United States and Hermans' , at an early
date to have a full and free discussion of
Samoan affairs. The dispatch la dated a
week ago , so that tliU meeting undoubtedly
already has taken place and the admiral's
next report may be expected to tell the
results of the conference.
Doforo the discover ; nf One Minute Ccnsh
Cure , ministers were greatly disturbed by
coughing congregations. No excuse for It
lair Supply of Oornfed Steers is Plncecl
on Sale.
Unit * Slnrt In S Irmly anil
but KIINP OH n l.ltlli'
Ai'count t of Ad * lee *
SOUTH OMAHA , March 17.
, , . . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Receipts today \.taa B , IO o.isa
lillx-iiii Alotinny i.inf 2,411 $ 6,41X1
IV.V'1.1.1"111 ' ! S. wi 0,3Mi 9t'G2
O I claMVednesday ! , * 4,479 , 1,141
Ulllclnl Thursdav 1.781 3.910 6,223
Jflvo ilnys tills Week 8. MS 23,803 31,451
bamo days lust Week S,7tii 31,43 ! ) 29 , SS
Same days week befiirei.n.ans 3U6S 333i2 |
Hume three weeks ago. . . 7,021 25,737 30,338
Average price paid for hoga lor the last
several days with comparisons :
I1S90. ; 159S.1S37.I1S3G.I1S35.I1S94.IIS93. _ |
. . .
March 7. . , 3 IM , 3 S2 | * i 3 SO ) 4 W 4 l | ' l
Marrh . . . 3 Ii3 | 3 76 ! 3 C7 | * 1 4 CM 4 7l | 7 i 46
- 1) ) . . . . 3 Wf , 3 7li 3 bO. 3 SI I (13 ( 1 Till 7 19 li ) . . , 3 C3 , 3 80 , 3 5 3 811 i 4 G9l 7 59
. . , | 3 59 . 3 | uOU1iUI . | . . . , . . i . . I 10 .i1 | | 7 . 6i
* M * A A I id i * l J.
Ainivh 12. . . 3 74 3 70 , 3 in , I 4 01
March 1J. . . -t (12 ( , . 3 75 3 , , 1 ift ) , 4 50 , 7 33
March 14. . . 3 03 * " ' ' -
| „ va 8 C9 | | 3 82 I 2S 1 O T | I Ol
March I 15. . . | 86 ! ) | 3 CSI | | 4 38 | 4 3S 7 2U
March I IB..I 3 ( M , 3 70 | 3 S7 | 3 77. . 1 2i , 4 lii 7 2j
-March i i . . .i ; i to , a 7ijj9i , ! 3 s3t i -i MI 7 so
Indicates Sunday.
I ho olllclal number of cnrs ot stock
brought In today by each road was :
- . , , , . ' -'I1'6. ' HORM. Sll'p. H'sCi * .
nu S- . , M. IK P u. . 1' . Hy , . . . 2 3 . . . .
O. & St. 1 , . Hy n
Missouri 1'nclilc Hv. . . 4 3 l
rnlon Paolilcysttin. . . r. 12 14 j
L. it iW. . Hy 2 2
" " 31 : :
Vi'V--9 2
s > ' . :
' : :
Si'lVWifcl 4 -5
& sWl : : : : : : : : : ; - -
C. , 11. I. .1- 1Hy. . , 13. . " "
U. , H. 1. & 1- . Hy.V. . . . ,
Total receipts 53 09 23 " 1
1 he disposition of tln > day's receipts wns
IIM follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
„ , , , , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 4S 671) ) IBS
1"li.GHammiind ; . Co. . 1SS 1,137 343
bwlft and Company 2u8 ] ,53ij ] ,7ijj
The Cildnhy I'.irklnt ; Co. . 2Di > 1,43' ' ) 21G
I' . 1) . Armour , Chicago. . . 27ii l.bBU 1,919
Lobmuii .t Hothschllds. . . 50
Hothschlld ao "
llenton & Underwood 1
IIiiMnft ki Co 2
" " " "
Hammond , K. C 3 $
Ijlvingaton \
Huso ' a ; | . |
McVlcker . y " "
Cuduhy 1Co. . . K. C 52
Other buyers ly . . . . "IB
Left over ; > 00
Tota'ls , 1,377 G.571 5,161
CATTMC Thp offerings of cornfed sHers
were larger than usual of late , the receipts
nil being on sale with the exception of
three cars direct to a packer. Thrre was
use a nollconblL' Improvement In the quality
ut the cattle , that Is , there were more eood
i-uttlu. nnd 'fome that wer > far better than
iinythlng .seen here In a number of days.
J he general market on beef steers was
strong and uctlv- and on tlio more tUslrablc
( Inds It would be safe to call It a little
higher. The buyers appeared to want the
cattle , and they were out early und thu
alferlngs chang-d hands early In the fore
noon. The best beef slc rs here brought
Fj.2oJT' > .40.
CDWH and heifers were In good demand
at llrm prices , and the offering * were soon
JlsposHl of. Buyers complained that the
[ | i-allty of the butchers' stock wns not very
ooit on an average. Bulls , stags and rough
atock generally sold well as compared with
rtcent days. Veal calves brought steady
Stockeifo nnd feeders were In very light
supply , and the market was without change
af any Importance , The few loads here met
with quite ready sale. Representative sales :
ffo. Ay. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
1. . ! > . > 0 ! 50 2. . 370 $4 30 11. .1039 JI IB
17JO 350 SG..131S 4 X" > S..12iT > 470
1. . (110 ( 3 SO 2. . HBij 4 10 13..1033 4 70
2..101S 37:1 : 17. . 826 440 15..110J 470
1. . MO 4 ( ft 21. .1112 4 10 30..12.JS 4 70
1..HCO 101) ) 21. .1117 4 15 37. .1230 4 7.1
12. . S10 4 0' , OS. . ! I7,1 4 15 40..1285 4 M
43..1211) ) 4 2i ) G..KH.S 4 SO 20..13. > 7 4 1)1) )
i3-.10b.-t 42,1 20..1310 4 ofi 21..1412 4 0
S..1081 42.1 10..1021 4 CO 11..14CS. . 515
19. . ? 9G 430 3.12.1 ( ! ) 465 1..1370 525
i. . 1010 430 20..13U1 4 65 17..IMG 035
2. . ! II5 4 XI 2S..llbl ! 4 tr > 19. .1515 040
S. . S33 3 75 4..103 4 20
I. . SSO 223 1. . 810 300 1..1200 SCO
1. . 870 22.1 1..1010 3(5 18..1041 3 6i
1. . 850 230 2..1130 32.1 H..870 370
2. . 9)0 ! 270 4..1122 32ft 1..1440 370
G. . ! ,70 270 1..1120 3 2r. 2..1UU5 370
1. . 8SO 275 2..10J5 325 1..1310 375
4. . 757 280 5..1WIJ 335 1..1130 375
3. . 600 280 1..1020 335 2. . 940 375
1. . S70 2 So 1..1170 340 1..10-10 375
4. . SS7 285 1..1200 340 1..1310 375
1..1040 285 K..1115 345 10..11S2 375
2..1045 2 1KI 1..1150 350 1..1210 3 S5
1. . 8TO 300 2..10K5 350 L.H'-O 3 ! )0 )
1..1100 31)0 ) 2..1145 3 BO 1..HOO 390
1. . 750 3011 1..1170 3 50 : . .H20 4 ( Xi
1..1030 3 CO 4..111) ) . ! 3 ; iO 2..1195 410
1..10SO 300 1..1250 350 3..117G 415
1..1070 300 3..1l)2i ( 350 2..1225 425
G..102S 3 (10 3. . 950 3 00
4. . 912 3 CO
1. . GW SCO 4..1050 400 4. . 652 410
1. . CIO SCO 1. . 870 4dO 2..1050 415
1..777 3 G5 1..1030 I W 2. . 975 425
1. . POO 3 70
C. . S53 2 KT > 1. . 7(50 ( 305 1..GIO 400
1. . CM 3 50 3. . 700 3 75 1. . G30 4 00
111 I.IS
1. . 790 225 1..20IW 330 1..1170 350
1. . G < 0 300 1..1IIH ) 3 35 1..1370 350
1. . 930 S 10 1..1CHO 340 1. . 050 355
1. . 500 325 1..1250 345 1..1800 SCO
( JAi VI-.H.
1. . 220 3 C.1 1. . KO GOO 1..120 G 50
3. . 230 150 ] . . 100 C IM 1. . 140 050
1. . 170 C W 2. . 85 G t
S'l A 1S :
1..13IO 350 3..13IU 350 1..1310 375
I7..119S 1 10
tSi'icicKHs ' AND i-'Bisnisrip.
1. . 590 I ! W ) 12. . 358 3 90 40. . 791 I 40
2. . ir7f > 3 M 35. . 845 t 10 1. . Sf.O 4 45
1. . G5I It f.O 6. . 8 ! ) ' ) 4 2"i 7. . ( JI7 ( GO
1. . 102(1 ( 8 M 3. : CW I 35
IlOCiS Tim markit opened steady lo
st route this morning and about ha'f or a
little more than half of th > . lings Hold on
thai IIIIM | $ . Then came inlvicpn from Chicago
cage Indicating a wenk cimo | at that point ,
with HIJIIIP hogs left iiiiHiild , and the tuido
here eacpd off and closed slow and a shade
The early Bales w re at } 3Xfj3.75. ( ) but
prlneMlly ! | at $ 't.i2' ( ' j'n I.U7'/4 ' , the name IIB
yesterday. ( ! oed heavy hog lotiPlud $3.75
today , the sume as yesterday , with n sort
ill $3.W ) . It will be noted from the tab'o
nf average prlee at head of column that
th . liogti sold today JUKI about lOc higher
than one week ugo. It will a IPO be notrd
that with the exception nf yesterday the
hogs Hold today ut the high point of the
From the table of receipts It will bo
noted that thu arrivals lodny wer ? tin-
largest of the wei-U so far. The advance
In the market has evidently made shippers
uixlouH to yet to the market and the rnud <
In thu country have Improve ] semi < what
1 lire the storm , HO thai they are abbto
L-i't the hog-s to the shipping stations. Hep-
R7 312 SCO 3 96 53 351 SCO 3 tfij
47 tV , 1 3 K 08 4 3 fi7 s
17 2S > 4 . . . 8 flfi PO US . . . 3 72'j
71 2RS 120 3 88 58 SSfl . . . 372' *
72 221 . . . S ( W St J S . . . 37o
59 JOS 40 S W 9 Z7B . . . 370
G3 21 ! IJO 3 flfi S 2 . . . 870
7.1 SW 130 365 C7 216 . . . 375
87 273 120 S
1 150 . . . 1 75 6 S&0 . . . 3fiO
2 ! S5 . . . 310 0 263 . . . S 60
1 2SO . . . 22.1 1 IM . . . 3 TO
S 1 ! > 7 . . . 3 RO G MO . . . 3 t *
C 221 . . . 360 2 275 . . . 3 . ' .
I' Thp receipts showed tip pretty
on paper this inoMilnp. sohio twenty-
liltip pars l > ItiK reporleil ll ) . Of that num
ber , however , six cnrs were eotislsned
through and four ears were * sold to arrl\e ,
> o that there wore re lly less thnn twenty
ears of sheep nnd lamb * on sal ; .
The inarltet wm In very fnlr colHlltlon ns
reenrds the selling interpsts. Huyero sepnu-il
to wnnt supplies of both sheep nnd lnmli. ,
nnd deslfalile stuff van nctlv ? at strciiK
prices. Heavy inmlis did not appear to sell
nulle as lively as th y might have done.
As nil example of the way stuff snld Mexi
can lambs briuiijht $5.10. wpsterns $500. Some
Mexican y arllncs sold at M so , the fame is
brought $1.70 ypMiTdny , JI.W ) the day before
nnd Inst wePk $1.30 and $1.40. Some western
yi'nrllncs soM nt $4.30. as against $1.15 ln l
week for the same kind.
Quotations are : Hood to choice fed wsl-
prn wether$4 Wi > l.4l > ; fair to good , $ l.2ivf ?
} 4.Sfl ; good to cliulre. Mexican yeanlngs , JI 70
61.Sn ; i holce light weight western
HliKS , $ I.35' ' < | 4.50 ; peed lienvy welirlit western
yearling. " , $1,2 > ' ( | 4.S5 ; good to cholp > western
ewes. $ .1 ! ) ( K/i4 ] 0 ; fair to giiod western PXM" .
$3.75iil3.X ! ) ; good to chulpe. native lambs. $ .YOrt
( iin.15 ; good to choice wit tern lambs , $5.tkWi $
$ . > .15 ; fair to good western lambs. Jl.fO * ? ; 10 ;
Korl r > lllns .Mexican lambs , ROOII to cholc , ' , : fnlr In good l irt Collins Mt'xl : in
lambs , $ " .00ri'5,15 ( ; feed r wethers. $4 IVViM 25 ;
feeder lambs , Jl.OO'K 1.10 ; eull sheep. KMKWi
3.00 ; pull Inmbs , $3.0003.60. Ilepre entatl\e
sales :
N'o. Av. Pr.
127 western yearlings S7 JI 30
127 western yearlings 87 I an
217 west rn wpthert ! 10S 1 35
2lfl western wethers 105 I : t5
222 western yearlings 117 4 55
R4 Mexican yearlings S2 4 vi
< iSfl western lambs RS 4 S5
M Port Collins lambs 05 Bin )
737 Mcxlc/in Inmba 05 5 10
l > CUl. OWOH 72 1 fifl
34 cull CWCM si 1 "iO
1 buck ] (0 ( 1 .vi
48 ewes S ! ) 2 7" >
13H ewes SS 3 25
301 WfHtern ewes . . ' 105 I 15
2t feedur lamhs 07 4 2Ti
210 mixed westerns \ < n I 40
11)3 ) yearlings 103 4 r.o
223 yearling * 103 450
Prlui'M ( if CallliItulc Sti-iuly I
Tiiui'li \ MV Itccoril.
OHICAOO , March 17.-Wlth nil unusually
peed demand for cattle today from export
ers prices i tiled steady. Fancy grades
brought J5.SOyo.Oi ) ; choice steers , JO.355iG.75 ;
medium steers , J4.EO'i5.)5 | ! ) ; beef steers , Ji.M )
5/4.05 ; stoekera and feeder * , $3.50 4.75 ; bulls ,
$3.GO1.12Vj ( | ; western ifed steers. J4.25iii5.00 ,
T-xas steers , $4.25tl3.GO ; Texts steers , J3. 0i (
4.So ; i-alves , f3.0u'n0.85.
Clood local and shipping demand for IIORS
JIIIXUU , J.lUltO.Ult ; illUIClH
J3.GOiI3.yO ; pigs. $3.33(1 S.vV , .
I-amlis made a new record today ; prime
Col.itado Hock ! , and light weights selling at
$5.Cii ) . a furtlier aclvnnci1 of lOc. This was .1
greit week for sellers and lambs are now
about 33c higher than a waok ago. The
poorest lots sell at $1.2.1 and sales are
largely nbove $5.00. Shu.p were marked up
155) ) 25c nnd sold at $3.0Off4.SO , largely at JIM
nnd upward , with very few sales be-low $ .1 75.
HKCKIl'TS Cattle , 2,500 head ; hogs , 23.WO
head ; sheep , 12,000 head.
KIIIINIIN City Ilve Nloclt.
Haeelpts , 2,720 head natives , 330 head Tex-
wns. l.lght supply ; all grades slaughtering
cattle In good demand at steady prices. The
demand for stock and fouitlng cattle excep
tionally active , the be-t bunches se'ling
shade higher , while less desirable lots were
fully steady. lUavy nntlvu .steers , ( o.l5tf
5.40 ; medium steers. J4.7fijr > .lS ; lightwelfrhtj.
f4.35t/4.90 ; stockers and feeders. $18iria.-0 ( ,
butcher COWH and hclfei-s , J3.00f(4.10 ( ; i-an-
ners , $2.30 3.15 ; butcher bulls , tt.lSirl.oi ,
western steers , S3.15 < i ] .20 ; Texans , ? 3.9 ; > 'ij )
lions lUoelpts , 8,750 bend ; good early
demand nd sales were shade Rtronger ;
prices weakened materially and at the clov
were bur ; y steady ; heavy. $3.65113.Ml ;
mixed , $3.535(3.05 ( ; lights , $3.455f3.G5 ; pig ; * .
$ J.15'(3.40. (
SUKKP Receipts , 1.300 head ; very light
supply ; good general demand. I/ainbH sold
strong to 5c higher , with muttons * active at
steady prices ; lamb- ? , 54.00fin.15 ; muttons ,
S3 S.VJr'1.45 ; peed feeding lambs , $3.73ii4.2o ;
feed'mg ' sheep. V > .lo'ii < i.W ; owes , "
mockers , $2. : > 5&3.0i ) .
SI. I.onln I.lvc Slock.
ST. LOUIS , March 17. CATTLE Re
ceipts , SOO bend , Including 125 Texans ; mar
ket about steady ; fair to fancy native ship
ping and pxport steers. J4.Gfri5.M ( ) , bulk of
sales , $4.C5fi5. & ) ; dressed bef : and butcher
pteers , J3. 7511 5.50 , bulk or sales. J1.15'i/5.15 ,
itoers under l.OOt ) pounds , J3 l.Vufi.CO , bulk nf
sales , $ : ! .4iKi4.25 : stockers and feeders , S'j.tK" ' !
SCO , bulk of sales. $3.20T4.00 | ; cows .uul
heifers , J2.00ti4.75. bulk of cows , $2.50 (305 ,
bulk of helf = rs. J3.0i(4.15 ( : Texans and In
dian steers , J3.30tt5.10 , bulk of said' . $2.10' !
4.CO ; cows and heifers , J2.GOfi3.SO. '
HOfiS Receipts. 4,500 head ; market strong
nnd 6c higher : pigs and lights. J3.75173.S5 ;
p.iekers. $ .1.73fi3.9il ; butchers. J3.Mfil.nO.
SIIUKP Heeelpts. f > 0' ) head : market
iitfiidy ; natlv > muttons , 5l.OOQI.55 ; hnnbs ,
Jl.00tf5.00 ,
\ < MV YorU I.lvo Sdnrlc.
XK\V YORK , March 17. BKI3VKS Re-
celpts , 2.135 head ; demand fair ; medium to
prime , SI. 75775.35 ; fat oxen nnd stags. $1.051 ;
4.75 : bulls , $3.25fi ( 1.00 ; medium to fair cows ,
J2. 7573 43. Cables quote live cattle and i-heep
steady ; refrigerator beef higher , at ! % ; MI
exports today. Calves , receipts , 21li head :
mnrltPt steady ; common to prlmo veals , J5.00
( &G.7r > : no foil palves.
SHKIOP AND LAMHS Receipts. 2,339
liend ; sheep , llrm1 ; lambs , ] 0715e. hlghi-r ;
medium to good sh ep , $1.00574.54 ; goud to
pr'ni" lamhs , J'l.i'nTiO O.
lions Receipts. 2.3S7 head ; market higher
Cliicitiniilt I.lvc Slopk.
CINCINNATI , March 17. HOGS Active.
llrm. J3.3Vit4.00. (
CATTI E-Ste-idy , $2.10575.00.
SHIORP AND LAMP.S Shi > ep. strong.
J2'J55jl.M ; lambs , tictlvthlffher , $ l.005JO.GO.
Sliicli In SiulH.
Pollnwlmr are Hie reci'li'ts at ( lie four
prlnelpnl western markets for Mareh 17 :
Cattle. II IKS. SiH'i'ii
Dmalia 1,2 ! ' , , ( 'u ' i ' 'I '
1'hlPiigo 2.00 23'i- ' > 12'mi '
Kansas City 80V ) K.7.1i ) l.'l" >
St. Louis W ) 4.511-1 > " "
Totals 7,013 , .12SiiO Sl.ii'ii
.SlBiinl I'iM'tmP 'IH u KuriroiiinlMr
for 'I'l'li' rapli Iilni'x In
Wl'Nl IllllICN.
WASIIINnTON , March 17. fienernl Oreely
nf the signal corps lu Just now trying to
noire the problem of how to innntiso the
telegraph system of Cuba and I'orto Hlco ,
whlDh Is In the hands of 500 volunteers ,
with 300 regulars who do not know anything
lb ut telegraphing and little about the man-
igpinent of telegraph lines. The general has
been trying , nnd with seine sucooi's , to havj
the volunteer opcrntorB enlist In the regular ,
nnny nnd bo detailed to the slRnal corps j
for the purpose of working the telegraph
llnea and managing ihn ditferotit stations
ind olllcca. The Nineteenth signal corps
jomnany has recently been organized at Ma
nila nnd Is composed of sixty men , who
liavo been nerving us volunteers in thu
'Mllpplnes. This corps insures a good workIng -
Ing force fur thu signal corp.1 In the fur
Is a prcp.uation of the Drug by which Hi
njiincua effects are lemnved , nlnle the Vfl-
jable mcUlciual projJtTtlea are retained. It
iQgscsees all the sedative , unoilync a ml aml-
ipaamcidtc powers of Opium , but produces
10 slckuesz of thu stomach , bo vomiting , no
ostlveutEB , no ucacluche. in acute nervous
Ueordera It Is on Invaluable remedy , anil 'j
11 onuntiidf. ) bx Hit bent physicians.
U7I'furl hi.i Acir
stay where you are lmt
If you're going to move It
will be to your Interest lo
Inspect the remaining
In Omaha's palntlnl office
JuilldliiK. Hint. llKht nml
Janitor senIco are furnished
In the
Thete remain only
. ' ! Hiintns on ground floor.
2 Itontns mi first llnor.
1 Kooni on second lloor.
1 Itrotn on third Hour.
I Honm on ( mirth lloor.
Among these are some of 1 ( > o very
In-fit In the building.
9 d , G , Peters & Go ,
6 Ground Floor ,
DR. E , C. WEST.
ilei're. Nerviiiisiii-nu , , ' nsltuile. nil Drains , Youth *
ful Krrom. ur K-U'I'HH ' I'm' ot Tou.ieco. Opium.
orLlunor which 1 , .IOH to Ml r.v. C'oiisinnptlon ,
IIIH inlty and Ue.tlli At nlorti or tiy niHll. * 1 a box :
six for * 'i : with written ( Uiarnntou to
euro orrofuntl nionoy. Snmplo par'1
OKO , cunt.iluliiK tlxe days , ' treatment , Wltll
full instructions , V5 conts. one Kiunplo only aold i
to eapb person At store or by ninll.
Keil Label Spc-
J Kxtni Strencth.
71 .ir . Impotency , I est off
' l'o\ver , I.oit Manhood ,
Sturllnr or lliirienev * , ,
JI a box : six for 13. wltlif
Iwrltton gunrontoop
to curi ! in 30 diivs. All
11' ' * * or ln'
r-vwC1 ' .
tali .riLrt
. > | } -CT , Dillon Driiu Co. , Sole Au m ( ,
Kith und Kuriiniii , Oiunbn. Nb. .
Searles & Searles
" \Vo Hlluemnf utl y tri-nt ull 7VKIIVOUS ,
CHHOMC AM ) l'ItlATI : .llHcnm-u
of nii-ii und i\ din en.
SEXUAIJjY. cured for llfo.
Nleht nmlailonp , Lost Manhood. Hy-
arocele. Vericocele , Gonorrhm , Glaot , Syph
ilis , Stricture , Piles , Fistula nnd Hbctal
Ulcers. Diabetes , Drleht'B Disease cured.
and H apafl | ' "Vfci"
W3K ] Cl at homo
by new method without pain or cuttlnc.
Call on or address with stamp. Treatment
by mall.
Hoxb.m , I. T. , Ort 21. 1SJ7Dr. . Hudwny
i& Co , NiW Vork : Ot nth-nicn I iieiid In-
closed M 0. for which you will pleusa
gend mi- one dozen Halways , Ki-mly Ite-
llef and on dozen H.-idway's I'lllH. Your
Heady Hollef Is conslih reif heic. > boiit to
be north Its weight In gold. This U v.-ljv
1 am .nduced to handlu It. I bavihnndlnV
nil for nome tlnnv but I consider the
H. U. H fnr superior to thin. . .s It il\vi
better satlafnctlon. J. M. Alexander.
i j
? ]
. Hendy Relief cures the worst
pains hi flum on to twt-nty inliiiiteg , l''or '
llc-adiiiho ( whcllir-r : il ; or nervoiiK ) ,
roulhiichf. NriiialKln. Hlu uimitlKin , Luin >
jngo , puliiH and \vuikncsH In thu bai k ,
iplne of klitneyu , puin > > nruund thu llvor ,
ileurlay. swcllliiE of the Joints und pulns
if nil klmlN. ih nppllcnl un of Itiulway'H
Ituady Hi-lliif will iifford imnu'illatu antu ,
uul IIH ntlnued IIM- for a few duyH elfuci
i pcri'.n. ' nt i lire S , ld lidriiK ' : vl.i.
IMS htlli : TO ( JUT 11A IUV AY'S.
Fullstrenntn. nralth , tone
nnil devt'lojiniunt to o frj
] irU'in of Inn Ixxly. EHrcU
ol ili-i'iui' , overwork , worry ,
tiic lolliib > ( yuuth nnil < * x-
cpa-i-s ol miuiliood quickly
cured. Applluncp und itui-
cdlns ( i-nt on trial. / > 'o
mnnftt ( wlt'nncc. Bcalcd
pnrilrulnrH free. Corns-
Sexine Pills
imlinc iiira with inure I mlily and mental
viiior' b.iiusli uTiiUnn , ! ! . i in'- nervous d hll-
ity lark of runiiiltnrc , viuntxelc , iiiboiniila
and mind waiuIeiniB. They hrlp you main
tain sell rntitrol mid enable joil to think
rltarlv AllolTprts of fae' ' niiM krremoved
nnd drams and Inssi-s POW1VIR ! rhrrkril.
Ji/ / i in-r bux , fi linvps ( iMiaranlrril ) 5S < " .
II , , "kf ! < - .
Iviihn & ' 'n . or New KcoiKJinlcal DrtiB
'u. . ( jiii.iha , Ni'lira-lia
liri > yd
/-G " .v Urltlnnluuil < lnl > Griiulnr. A
r'// ' | > .TV 0 It t.ujjri . 1,11.1 : . ItuiCk > k fi\
' ) S VV H l > ' | l.t ' . " iTt.'lHItirl ! . , . , „ H1V , \
sis uwa" J 'u " - 1 in iti o " ! ' -1 1J wti iu vify
K rvv.rtu , , . , , , w . . „ , , . , rui..vit'
rl i Cy nfoilii-r. iff'ttt du i7 r ui uitiru. v
) flft. W i > J imiui n * AI J'iuii"i.ricBd4a.
w tty lu iun | a li.r i rii iiUri , uillKfeUli kBJ
T n "Itfiu-r lor l.mln , "inl.ii . .t , . r tBr. .
\ L" DlHll. I It.OOU T. iljnml li AMI < I'titr.
x > ' .
r , , ,
( ) ; ! . Omaha , Neb
] jlrertviriM ; < iu . \vr York.
< 'ori ii iii'ji ' nu Jutn \Varr > ! . s , Cn.
rest I5 3
epCM4 HY LIFE BU > a BPAMCH 103651
OMAMA nta. Uhtoui ntu